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El Sabor Del Cielo

Alexis Harrington

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El Sabor Del Cielo

Alexis Harrington

El Sabor Del Cielo Alexis Harrington

Libby Ross escapó de la traición y el desengaño en Chicago cuando vino a Montana esperando un nuevo
comienzo, niños, y un buen lugar para criarlos. En cambio, descubrió que había sido embaucada de nuevo
por el vaquero que la convirtió en su novia por correspondencia. Él murió, dejándola sin dinero, sin un lugar
a donde ir, y sin más recursos que su propio ingenio. Entonces supo acerca del Rancho La Estrella Polar y su
dueño, Tyler Hollins.

Aparte de toda una vida de recuerdos dolorosos, Tyler tenía las manos llenas de sus problemas más
inmediatos. La mitad de su ganado se había perdido durante el peor invierno jamás registrado y sus vaqueros
estaban a punto de abandonarlo todo si no era capaz de encontrar un cocinero decente. Libby Ross cumplía
los requisitos. Ella nunca había visto un hombre tan atractivo con un temperamento tan agrio. Pero percibió
el deseo escondido detrás de la pared que Ty había construido para mantener a todos alejados…un anhelo tan
intenso que casi rompió el corazón de la joven.

Chocaron desde el principio, pero podían luchar entre sí, o luchar juntos para ver sus sueños hechos

El Sabor Del Cielo Details

Date : Published March 5th 2013 (first published 1996)

Author : Alexis Harrington
Format : Kindle Edition 287 pages
Romance, Historical Romance, Westerns, Historical, Western Romance, Western Historical
Genre :

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From Reader Review El Sabor Del Cielo for online ebook

Pamela(AllHoney) says

Libby hasn't had an easy life and it doesn't look like it's going to get any easier. Her husband is dead and no
one to turn to, she makes the decision to return to Chicago but doesn't have the funds. Working at the local
brothel isn't something she wants to consider. When the opportunity to work as a cook at a local ranch comes
up she takes it. Nice little romance between Libby and the ranch owner, Tyler. Both Libby and Tyler have a
few issues they must deal with. There are a few heart-wrenching moments included.

Mo says

3.5 stars

Libby Ross fled betrayal and heartbreak in Chicago when she headed to Montana expecting
a new start, children, and a good place to raise them. Instead she learned that she has been
duped again by the cowboy who made her his mail-order bride. He died, leaving her with no
money, nowhere to go, and no resources but her own ingenuity. Then she learned about the
Lodestar Ranch and its owner, Tyler Hollins.

I enjoyed this one. Libby has had a hard life. After a betrayal in Chicago she left for Montana to start a new
life. But it did not turn out as planned.

She ends up as a cook on a ranch owned by Tyler Hollins, a gruff, surly cowboy.

He said "city-bred" in a way that made it sound as though she wouldn't even have the
wits to come in from a rainstorm

They clashed. His life was fine and dandy just the way it was. He didn't need any woman on his ranch ... or
so he thought.

He needed every man's mind on the business in hand, not on this woman with honey-
colored hair and big gray eyes.

"It's a wild prairie rose ...

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We got to see life on the ranch and on the cattle run. Time's were not always easy. Over time Tyler started to
thaw and saw Libby as the beautiful, strong, brave young woman that she was.

After a moment he reached out and gripped the knob. It was cool and metallic beneath
his touch. He wished he had the right to open her door and go to her, to leave the burdens
of his heart out here. But he had no right at all ...

He felt like a man who'd been allowed a taste of heaven

Kristen says

I loved all 747 pages of this book.

The book starts with Libby describing how grueling burying her husband is at the end of the worst blizzard
in Montana history (1887). From that scene on the book kept me engaged.
Both Libby and Tyler have secrets from their pasts that are keeping them from opening their hearts to
someone. Great love story!
I own this book on my Nook.

Denise says

The book starts out strong but sort of fizzles. I would give this 3 1/2 stars if possible. It was an entertaining
read, the romance was good, characters well defined, good steamy scenes... but there was just something
missing in the middle of the book that fell flat for me.

Laura V. says

Me están gustando mucho las historias de esta autora. Logra decir mucho en su forma de narrar las cosas.
En esta oportunidad tenemos a Tyler y a Libby. Ambos no son lo que el otro esperaba, pero se llenan de una
forma que ninguna otra persona hubiera podido haber hecho.
Tyler al principio, se resiste tanto a tener a Libby cerca que resulta fácil ver el cambio que se da luego en él.
Su mente está llena de recuerdos y remordimientos del pasado y no quiere a ninguna mujer que le haga
pensar en ello. Es muy poco lo que sabemos de él, ni siquiera el porqué se comporta de esa forma o qué tanto
es lo que le remuerde la consciencia. Esos importantes datos se revelan a cada paso que da la novela hasta el
Libby, es una chica que se tuvo que formar a sí misma, y lo hace con gran valentía y esperanza. Se encuentra
sola y perdida, pero deposita su corazón en este nuevo trabajo que se le oferta. Aunque la amenaza de

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despido pende sobre su cabeza continuamente, no deja de mantenerse fuerte y no se deja amedrentar por las
piedras que encuentra continuamente en su camino.
Ellos hacen una pareja muy entrañable. Libby saca a relucir al Tyler que llevaba mucho tiempo escondido en
su interior y Tyler hace de Libby una persona mucho más feliz y libre. Se complementan de una manera
(view spoiler)
Una de las cosas más bonitas es el ver el desarrollo de este romance que empieza con mal pie pero a medida
que pasa el tiempo encuentran formas para estar cerca el uno del otro a pesar de que no es eso lo que querían
(view spoiler)
Pero en fin, es una linda historia, con un ritmo muy tranquilo, con romance que empieza a formarse de a

Naty Levin says

Muy linda historia, del estilo de Lorraine Heath y Lavyrle Spencer. Recomendable para quienes quieran leer
una historia dulce con un leve toque sexy. Tyler y Libbie son personajes con historias tristes pero que logran
salir adelante gracias al amor y la amistad.

JennyG says

[ Hero has been visiting the local brothel once a week to get his

Jenn says

This is a story about forgiveness, acceptance, second chances at love and building a family and a happy life.

What I loved about this story:

1. Good pacing.
2. Dual POV.
3. There was more story after the couple became a couple.
4. A little humor.
5. I loved the whole cast of characters.
6. Libby. She had a backbone and wasn't a wimpy, weak heroine. She had a good balance about her and was
very likable.
7. Tyler. He was broody and standoffish for a bit but I really liked how he was written too.
8. This book sucked me in. I only put it down because I passed out in the wee hours of the early morning
from staying up too late to read it.
9. I loved this story so much that the cast felt real and I didn't want to stop reading about them.
10. Mostly clean story with a little bit of steam thrown in later in the book.
11. Joe. He's Tyler's good friend and works for him. I liked him a lot and wouldn't mind having a story all
about him.

I've been on a kick of western romances lately. However, finding one that sucks me in hasn't been easy. This

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story sure did it's job. I will gladly pick up another story by this author.

Joanna says

This book could have been so much better, but it read as a very amateurish venture. It's like the author was
just trying to hit all the elements someone told her to, but didn't think about how those elements worked in
her plot.

Libby is an orphaned cook from Chicago who made the mistake of thinking the young master of the house
loved her. She got caught while he was in the process of sexually assaulting her and was kicked out of the
house. So she answers a fraudulent mail-order bride ad from a 70-year-old man who says he's 30 and looking
for a wife. Once she arrives in Montana, she has no way to return to Chicago upon discovering the fraud
because neither she nor her new husband have the money for the return fare. A harsh winter hits the area and
old man dies.

Libby has $10 to her name and tries to leave Montana, only to find that she can't.

Tyler Hollins grew up on his ranch, left for the city to become a doctor, then returned home upon his dying
father's wish. There, he met and fell in lust with his wife Jenna, who hated the ranching life and died in
childbirth. Although Tyler is a trained doctor, he couldn't save his wife so now he has issues.

Out of necessity, Tyler is forced to keep Libby on as a cook and the two grow closer as they work together
on a cattle trail.

The book could have been good, only it kept pausing and restarting. There was no continuous forward
movement through each character's secrets, past, and issues. Rather, they would move forward one step, then
two steps back, forward one, two steps back, repeat. After a while, it got really old. By the time the ending
came, it didn't make sense why the two characters were suddenly able to "see the light." This made for an
unsatisfying ending overall.

Lyuda says

I had three reasons to pick this book: many positive reviews, I was on my little "western historical romance
binge", and I read and liked couple of other books by the author. Well, it turned out to be very predictable,
run of the mill, sugary-sweet story. We have our destitute mail-order bride coming from Chicago to the
Montana frontier with one variation. Turned out, her husband was a very old man, who lived on the small
isolated ranch 15 miles from a nearest town and needed a nurse more than a wife. Our heroine, Libby,
diligently nursed him but after a short time he died. Libby was done with a wilderness and wanted to go back
to Chicago but needed money, so she became a cook for a rancher. Tyler, the rancher and our hero, is a
handsome, troubled, moody alpha-man who has respect of his crew and, of course, secrets buried in his past.
Both characters are reluctantly attracted to each other but resisted acting on it due to her perceiving him as a
boor and him swearing not to have a woman too close due to ..(you guessed it) a secret past. Our Libby
turned out to be a little angel who was just nauseatingly perfect and was loved by all male population of the
ranch. She is beautiful in a fragile sort of way but has a strength to cook three big meals for a crew of hungry

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cowboys in a primitive kitchen, has time to dream, to observe, to participate in the cowboys' conversations,
to go to town and still have these meals ready on time in the primitive kitchen. We led to believe that she
could do it because of her experience as a cook for a wealthy Chicago family of four. Well, at least she was
not cleaning a house or doing a laundry at the same time. (who did this was never mentioned). Curiously
though, nobody on the ranch nor in the small town had any problem accepting our characters' living
arrangements- sleeping in rooms next to each other in the house where they were the only inhabitants. Not
being married and still no question about her respectability in the late 19th-century America. Oh, well , add it
to another suspend believe moment among plenty in the story.

Suzanne Barrett says

Liberty Ross has just buried her husband on the desolate Montana plains. She’d traveled out from Chicago as
a mail-order bride, and a mere four months later, her husband has succumbed to pneumonia. Now she must
drive the rickety wagon to the nearest town to catch a train back to Chicago. But when she arrives, she
discovers she hasn’t enough money to buy a ticket.

Her dilemma is solved when two ranch hands overhear the situation and ask her to come back to the ranch.
Seems their cook was fired and they can’t find another. As fate would have it, Libby worked as a cook for an
upscale household in Chicago, so she decides to go with them until she can earn enough to buy her ticket.

One problem: ranch owner Tyler Hollins doesn’t want a woman on the ranch, never mind whether she can
cook or not.

However, Tyler is in a real bind, and after a meal or two, the ranch hands think Libby is a bit of heaven

Libby is unaccustomed to the rigors of the west, but she proves her mettle in various ways and begins to earn
Tyler’s grudging respect. However, Tyler has a history of pain and loss that consumes him and which keeps
his heart locked up with no key.

Tyler and the hands drive the herd of cattle to Billings and Libby drives the chuck wagon, enduring
hardships without complaint, even saving her hard-headed boss’ life. As the days lengthen, she finds herself
falling in love with Tyler, and in turn, he is finding Libby a huge distraction. Her plan is to board a train in
Billings and return to Chicago, however, plans go awry and she returns to the ranch thinking just maybe
there’s a chance for happiness with Tyler.

This is a well-crafted story of two damaged people who must move beyond their pasts to achieve a happily
ever after. This is easier for Libby than Tyler who blames himself for his wife’s death.

Ms. Harrington has told a story of life on a late nineteenth-century Montana ranch with all the ruggedness
one would expect. Her secondary characters are superb, and Libby is a gem. I liked Tyler but wanted to kick
him when he kept throwing up the same obstacle to his future happiness. Also, I found myself growing a
little weary of the lengthy love scenes and wanted to get back to the plot. However, this is a fine read and
well worth the price. Ms. Harrington does an excellent job on research and has presented believable ranch
life. Very well done.

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Jennifer says

1.5 stars. One star for the easy to read writing and half a star for a heroine who makes lemonade out of

This book missed the mark for me. As cliche as it was, the plot had potential. I liked the dual povs and the
easy to read writing. Unfortunately a confluence of elements that I normally don't enjoy killed my
enjoyment. I can't really get into why I disliked this book without spoiling it, so please read on only if you're
looking for spoilers.
What didn't work for me:
1) The secrets are drawn out for too long. The revelation and reaction to said secrets are a little OTT.
2) Someone feels a lot of guilt over a dead spouse. The dead spouse thing generally makes me twitchy.
3) There's a madame, Callie, that the H has been visiting on a regular basis for three years and she's a part of
this story. The H thinks about her and how empty their interactions are. The fact that the author has him
thinking about her often enough bugs me. And he still goes and visits her even after he starts developing
feelings for the h. He doesn't feel deserving of the happiness he knows he could have with the h so he goes to
Callie to try and forget about his loneliness. The fact that he can't be aroused around her any more is
supposed to signify that he's in love with the h and I guess to some it might be oh so romantic, but not to me.
The fact that he still goes to her to scratch an itch, all the while thinking of the h and comparing her to Callie
killed the romance for me.
4) There's eavesdropping and jumping to conclusions.
5) The H is too handsome to be believed so the h constantly thinks about how good looking he is and how it's
not fair for someone so ornery to be so handsome. We get it. He's hot.
6) The push and pull dance happened too often. The H who is a cold jerk is hard to execute well if you still
want the reader to root for him. I could take or leave this H and that's not a good sign of book enjoyment.
7) The h was a little insipid. She was strong in certain areas, but when it came to how she viewed herself, it
was sad how easily she accepted what she perceived as being shoved aside. I suppose that was what part of
this story was about, the change in how she viewed and valued herself, but the telling of it was sort of boring.

Overall, this was an ok historical western. I didn't care for it much, but others might really enjoy it. It really
was easy to read, but fell short of the mark for me.

RedL. says

3 I want my own Tyler stars

I am thinking about how to review this way too long, my reviewing muscles still atrofied.

Western is usually my choice when I need a break, even from my own line of reading, time to sort my
thoughts out for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it works like a charm. In the best occasions it moves me
deeply. There is just something about the vastness of the lands and the extreme life conditions of both
Indians and colonists that pulls something in me behind the visual imaginary I grew up with. A taste of

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heaven doesn't fall in the best category, it is not particularly well written or gripping, though it tries hard to
be. But something is lingering and I fell for the nature it depicts all over.

There are a lot of tropes in the book, a lot: rough but goodhearted cowboys, judgemental and hypocritical
rich city families, leads with painful pasts and broken hearts, bashful but strong heroine, a moody, cold hero
hiding a tender, self-doubting man, marriage of convenience and virginity, range wars, teenager kiddo trying
to be a man, chatty emporium store name it, it probably has it. A lot of it worked but it would
have worked even better without all the editing errors and a quicker, straight-lined pace. The author chose to
disclose the leads' thoughts and past traumas bit by bit, with hints here and there, short remembered images
and facts, never complete flashbacks and all of it, combined with the fact that the timeframe of the whole
story was not linear either and the relationship between the MCs went back and forth all the time, made for a
tiring pacing, sometimes downright dragging. Both Tyler and Libby were skittish characters, for different
reasons, they also kept changing idea over what they wanted and what they felt.

This is meant to be a tale of redemption and healing, fortitude and faith, a man with a massive guilt complex
and a lonely girl with a lot of loss and abuse in her past saving each others, unfortunately I seldom felt the
depth of emotions the author so hard tried to convey. The balance between what irked me and what drew me
kept tipping this way then that. I felt more than once that both characters were stuck in their psychological
development. Libby endured a lot and her perseverance and hard-working attitude were really admirable.
She was built to inspire protection instincts and I am a bit allergic to endearments as 'angel'. I got tired of her
blushing but I was happy that, once they finally got to it, she fully embraced her own desire and Tyler's
without holding back and accepting/asking for her pleasure. The constant reference to her being timid or
inexperienced tired me and it took her a bit too long to let go of her 'superior' city views. I also believe the
eavesdropping expedient, with the inevitable misunderstandings and drama, was used too often.
Tyler was my weakness, his body type (broad shoulders, narrow hips, long lean and strong limbs), his
physicality and aura are really my thing, so I had some kind of drooling pavlovian reaction whenever his
POV was on, even though he's unnecessarily brusque and unapproachable for most of the book, with just the
right amount of glimpses of his warmth here and there. He also had a few stalkerish-peeping moments, that
should have bothered me more than they actually did. He is so much more than a cowboy, he's so very caring
and responsible. He's also a very generous and attentive lover for Libby, even though I had my doubts on his
defloration tecnique. His internal doubts and self-deprecation should have been solved much quicker, after a
while the way he kept pushing and pulling Libby was truly aggravating. Again I don't understand why
communication has to be such a sore point in romances. At least in this case they do apologise and move on,
every time. Some of the drama was really uncalled for. Despite not having problems with couples fighting
and lashing out, these two needed less of it. And even though the final incident that ties all the loose ends and
allows the final reconciliation of Tyler with himself is well set, I was surprised by the way the author made it
sound like emotional manipulation by Libby.

There were things that puzzled me. Like Libby sleeping a few doors from her employer in the main house.
She was so concerned with propriety, was that even possible at the time without raising raging gossip? I was
really surprised by Callie, the saloon Madam. Brothel life holds a lot of interest for me and I haven't met a lot
of Madams or even convincing prostitutes so far. She's not a hateful character, but we're subtly pushed to
dislike her anyway, for her insincere, manipulative ways. She's had Tyler for herself every Saturday for a
good three years before Libby shows up. The perfect arrangement for a man unable/unwilling to love
anymore but with no qualms about his needs, including the need to take his mind off everything with
meaningless sex. I don't believe it was only empty sex for her, even if she made him pay every time. While I
really liked the fact that this aspect of male lives (visiting prostitutes) was clearly presented and
aknowledged as normal for the times, and I have nothing with the profession either, I could still taste a
floating judgement, especially when Tyler ends up feeling bad and low for it and keeps comparing tender,
shy Libby to powdered, shameless Callie. Callie was never a romantic competition for Libby as Tyler really
went there for the sex solace alone, but it was an obstacle, a cause of jealousy and heartache. And on this
theme, another surprising thing was the mention of impotence: Tyler might be slow in admitting his own

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feelings, but his body suddenly doesn't get aroused by Callie anymore. Clever trick or not to illustrate his
heart being taken, I'm glad to read about a man who has normal erectile problems when he's really not into it
anymore. It didn't deter from his hotness.

I loved the land and all ranching descriptions, the cooking of Libby (even though she refused to make
rattlesnake stew), the cattle trail trip, Charlie, Rory and John, the UST and the sex scenes towards the end,
despite some purple prose that had me grinding my teeth, HARD, the sense of appreciation, belonging and
contentment the ranch life and people provide to the couple. The HEA is really on every possible aspect, so
I'm sure A taste of heaven will work for a lot of people. I lusted after Tyler, but I didn't really connect.

Shireen Hakani says

Great read!

Luv My Books' Reviews says

I loved A Taste of Heaven. It was a wonderful weekend read. I have had this book in my 'to be read' pile for
awhile now and just needed the escape of an historical western with a great story and that is just what I
found! Alexis Harrington is a new author for me and I loved her writing right away and all the way through!
This was a wonderful, nice and long (over 350 pages) story with a perfect cowboy feel (hearing the sound of
the spurs....loved that). I love the hard working members of the Lodestar ranch and the trail time moving
cattle. The descriptions were powerful and the drama was so good!

Libby (the heroine) was pretty desperate at the opening of the book and I was engaged in her story right
away. She had never had an easy life but she had inner strength and courage that made her very likable for
me. It was a wonderful theme that Tyler, the owner of the Lodestar ranch, admired her strength and tenacity
as well, and yet he developed a sense of wanting to take care of Libby. Even more so when he found out
some of her backstory and how she got so strong. Tyler was an awesome, larger than life cowboy hero. He
had a lot of character with his responsibliites and business with his huge ranch and schooling history. His
heart, though, was buried in his demons and unfortunate circumstances from five years earlier which made
him nothing but abrasive at first.

This was a book that built slowly and gently between these two characters and I loved that so much! I was
perfectly content with Libby and Tyler working their way through situations super slowly to a happily ever
after. I loved the slow sizzle and eventual intimacy & heat! I would have loved this to be a series but I see
another series by this author I am going to check out this year!

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