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Sesion de Aprendizaje Nº1

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1.1. CEBA: 3084 “Enrique Guzmán y Valle”
1.2. Área: Inglés
1.3. Grado: 1 ero
1.4. Semana: 11 de marzo
1.5. Nombre de la sesión: “My classroom and me"
1.6. Docente: Lucy Tania Lozano Mollo


Competencias de Desempeño (precisado) evidencias Instrumentos
área / capacidades de evaluación
Utiliza recursos no  Emplea estratégicamente - Participa en diálogos - Lista de
verbales y gestos, movimientos sobre diversas cotejo/Rubric
paraverbales de corporales y contacto visual situaciones
forma estratégica. para enfatizar lo que dice en comunicativas,
diferentes contextos, empleando gestos y
ajustando algunos elementos movimientos tomando en
suprasegmentales. cuenta su rol como
 Adapta el texto oral a una oyente y hablante
Adecua, organiza y Interact with each
situación comunicativa (acerca -
desarrolla las ideas other saying name,
de sí mismo) haciendo uso
de forma coherente y expressions for greeting
adecuado de la pronunciación y
entonación con vocabulario one another during the
sencillo y estructuras class.
gramaticales básicas.

Enfoque transversal Actitudes observables

 Enfoque de igualdad de - Reconocen el valor inherente de cada estudiante por encima de
género cualquier diferencia de género.
- No hacen distinciones discriminatorias entre varones y mujeres
 Enfoque intercultural. al asumir responsabilidades en el cuidado de los espacios y
materiales educativos.
INICIO My classmates
1. Arrange chairs in a circle.
2. Start the class by greeting students with the following phrases: “Hello” “Hi, good evening” “How are you today?”
“Nice to meet you!” (cognitive conflict)
3. Ask to the students HOW DO YOU SAY………in English?
4. Write on the board: “Hello, my name is___________ “
5. Read the phrase on the board and introduce yourself. “Hello, my name is ________”.
6. Use a small ball and toss it to random students.
7. Each student that catches the ball has to introduce him or herself. 7. Point to the example on the board: “Hello, my
name is __________.”
8. The student completes the sentence and tosses the ball to another student.
9. Do this activity until all students have introduced themselves.
10. Next, pass the ball to your right and say the student in that seat’s name, (for example, “Hello, María.”)
11. That student then has to pass the ball to his or her right and say the next student’s name, etc. until the ball arrives
back to the teacher.
12. Now pass the ball to your left and say the student in that seat’s name, (for example, “Hello, Pedro.”)
13. That student passes the ball to his or her left and says the next student’s name, etc. until the ball once again arrives
back to the teacher.

DESARROLLO Pass out the dialogue.

Model the dialogue [or play the audio recording].
Read each line and ask students to repeat, copying your pronunciation or intonation [or use the audio recording]. Do this
Ask half of the class to play the role of person A and half of the class to play the role of person B and read the dialogue in
Change roles and practice in unison again.
Say, “Stand up!”
Walk around among the students and tell them to choose a card.
Students who choose an A, must find a student who chooses a B.
It is important that students work with other students that they don’t already know.
Students should remain standing and practice the dialogue 2 times.
Walk around the classroom to make sure students are practicing, and to help with pronunciation and intonation.
After they have practiced 2 times, ask them to change pairs, “Ok, change!” In new pairs ask the
students to practice the dialogue 2 more times.
After they have practiced 2 times, ask them to change pairs, “Ok, change!”
In new pairs ask the students to practice the dialogue 2 more times.* When most pairs are
finished, say “Stop!”
*In classes with fewer students, the teacher can practice the dialogue with the students.

1. Ask, “Can you do it without the paper?” and gesture turning the paper over or putting it aside.
2. Call pairs who think they can perform the dialogue without the paper to the front of the class.
3. Ask them to perform the dialogue. If they get to a point where they can’t remember, ask the rest of the class to help
4. Give applause at the end of the performance. Encourage other pairs to try, but don’t force anyone who is not ready.
Tell students to save the dialogue in their notebooks.
CIERRE 1. Say in English and then in Spanish: “Do you know the names of all the people in this class?”
2. Say in English and then in Spanish: “Can you introduce yourself in English?”
3. Say in English and then in Spanish: “If a friend says hello to you, what can you respond?”

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