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Ionnet Sistema de Recuperación de Metales Preciosos y Pesados - IonnetX ™ PDF

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5/11/2020 Sistema de recuperación de metales preciosos y pesados IonnetX ™

Consultores de procesamiento de metales

preciosos, Inc.
IonnetX ™
Para obtener más información, consulte nuestro Catálogo
IonnetX ™ completo.pdf
Imagina. Recupere 20 kg de níquel al día o 100 kg de plata o 40 kg
de oro.

Esto ya no es una quimera. 20 años de pruebas de campo del Ionnet original hacen que
estas afirmaciones para IonnetX, la última versión del sistema de electroobtención más
eficiente hasta ahora ideado, sean una realidad.

Los cambios de diseño de “orden de

magnitud” han hecho que el sistema
IonnetX sea extraordinariamente fácil de
usar y no requiera mantenimiento. El
desempeño de IonnetX en un taller de
enchapado del “mundo real” ha
asombrado a la gerencia de una de las
operaciones de níquel-cromo más
grandes del mundo.

La enorme turbulencia combinada con

densidades de corriente ultrabajas ha
logrado niveles de níquel de ppm bajos
sin precedentes. De hecho, 1900 litros
con una concentración de 26.000 ppm de níquel se redujeron a menos de 20 ppm en
aproximadamente 18 horas. En el caso del oro, la plata, el paladio y el platino, el punto
final es siempre una fracción de ppm y, a veces, es indetectable.

La curva que se muestra a continuación es una representación empírica de la concentración

de cobre que disminuye diariamente en función del tiempo. Esto se ha repetido todos los
días de la semana durante seis meses, con una ligera variación. 1/11
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Para aquellos de ustedes que Cuatro sistemas en funcionamiento paralelo para la

están familiarizados con nuestro recuperación de níquel.
Gold Bug® de treinta años , ¡un
IonnetX ™ es el equivalente a
emplear 65 sistemas Gold

El IonnetX ™ es modular y se
puede configurar en
funcionamiento paralelo para
duplicar, triplicar, etc., la tasa de
Independientemente de sus
necesidades de recuperación de metales pesados o preciosos, podemos diseñar el sistema
para usted.

Para comprender cómo funciona IonnetX ™, consulte la sección sobre nuestro sistema
Ionnet . El concepto es el mismo, pero la ejecución es mejor y más amplia.

El problema
Eliminar el contenido metálico de grandes volúmenes de soluciones que contienen
metales pesados o preciosos disueltos en su interior.
Recuperar estos metales de forma fácil y económica para su reutilización o venta.

La solución
El sistema lonnetX ™. Fue diseñado después de 15 años de observación del rendimiento
de nuestro sistema lonnet ™ anterior. Las lecciones aprendidas de esa experiencia en el
campo fueron las fuerzas impulsoras para rediseñar lo que pensamos que se podía hacer
mejor. Y lonnetX ™ es el resultado de todos esos cambios.

¿Como funciona?
A medida que la corriente que contiene metal ingresa a la celda lonnetX ™, se canaliza en
un camino serpenteante a través de una serie de cámaras electrolíticas, cada una de las
cuales contiene dos ánodos intercalados en un cátodo. La turbulencia creada en la interfaz
del cátodo asegura una alta eficiencia de enchapado, lo que se traduce en una rápida
aplicación de la placa a concentraciones muy bajas. El metal se deposita sobre y dentro del
cátodo. Los sólidos no adherentes que tienden a acumularse durante el proceso de
electrodeposición se barren hacia el fondo de la celda y se contienen para un drenaje
conveniente (los electrodos se elevan 3 ”por encima del piso de la celda para eliminar la
posibilidad de que los sólidos causen un cortocircuito). Cada cátodo lonnetX ™ puede
contener hasta treinta y cinco libras. de metal (dependiendo de varios parámetros), 350 lbs.
para toda la celda. El sistema está diseñado para un fácil acceso a todos los electrodos.

¿Qué distingue al IonnetX ™ de otros sistemas de

electrodeposición? 2/11
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Muchas cosas: los cátodos de área de superficie

expandida, el diseño de flujo de solución único
que crea turbulencia, el sistema de contacto
mejorado con contactos fáciles de usar de
desconexión rápida, el sistema de fusión de
celda individual de corriente continua, las barras
colectoras revestidas de plastisol, por nombrar

¿Cuáles son algunas de las

aplicaciones de lonnetX ™?
El lonnetX se puede utilizar para eliminar y
reciclar metales de las siguientes formas:

Por lotes de un baño de galvanoplastia

usado u otra solución que contenga metal
De forma continua a partir de un enjuague
de arrastre primario para evitar la
necesidad de precipitación o intercambio
Por lotes para reciclar el regenerante de intercambio iónico

¿Cuáles son algunos de los distintos tipos de

soluciones para aplicaciones típicas?
Cualquier vertido de ácido cobre-sulfúrico, que incluye:

Baño de cobre plateado o enjuagues de arrastre

Vertidos de micrograbado y ácido sulfúrico
Vertederos de limpiadores ácidos
Regeneraciones de intercambio iónico
Enjuagues y vertidos de plata, oro y paladio
Soluciones decapantes de cianuro de plata, oro y paladio
Vertederos de Entek
Rescates de cobre sin electricidad
Enjuagues y vertidos de arrastre de niquelado
Soluciones de recubrimiento de cadmio con cianuro, enjuagues 3/11
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Soluciones de chapado de cadmio ácido, enjuagues

Soluciones de recubrimiento de zinc con cianuro
Soluciones de recubrimiento de cobre con cianuro, enjuagues

¿Dónde están mis ahorros de costos usando el

sistema lonnetX ™?
Cuando elimina sus metales directamente de su tanque de arrastre por electrólisis, se
despide de la compra de soda cáustica para precipitar sus metales como lodos de hidróxido
de metal en lotes. Se despide del trabajo y la energía necesarios para sacar ese lodo de la
solución, deshidratarlo y empaquetarlo. Dile adiós al envío de estos contenedores de
residuos. Ya no tiene responsabilidad por vertederos. Lo que obtienes en cambio es
chatarra vendible. En muchos casos, la chatarra paga con creces los costos operativos del
sistema lonnetX ™.

¿Qué tan bajo puedes llegar y qué tan rápido?

The lonnetX system is designed to afford the best possible conditions to allow a plating rate
as close to the theoretical limit as possible at various concentration levels. This theoretical
limit is based on the “electrochemical equivalence” of a particular element. The point is that
this system is in a class by itself in terms of speed and limits. At high amperage we are able
to get full efficiency at concentrations above 1 gram/liter and at low concentrations, our
efficiency while not full, is maintained so that we typically bring solution metal concentration
to levels close to and often lower than 1 milligram/liter. In many cases, this is below current
environmental limits of discharge.

Wherever possible, the first
line of attack should be
electrowinning. Even if
electrowinning cannot
completely solve the
problem, any reduction of
sludge attained through 4/11
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electrowinning will mean a large cost savings. The lonnetX™ system is, by far, the least
expensive alternative to attain this goal.

For more information please take a look at our full IonnetX™ Catalogue.pdf

Why Electrowinning?
Electrowinning, also called electroextraction, is the recovery of metals from solutions through
the use of electrolysis. All over the planet metals are being dissolved in solutions for
processes ranging from plating to anodizing to refining and more. AND THAT CREATES

Here’s why, in general, electrowinning should be done:

In one step, It enables the recovery of metal in recyclable and saleable form
In some cases it can completely obviate the need for sludging or ion-exchange recovery
and the requisite regeneration
In many cases there is less than a one year payback
It simplifies compliance with discharge limits
Low initial costs
Low operating costs
Simple to operate and maintain

Here are some of the applications:

Any copper-sulfuric acid dumps, including:
Copper plating bath or drag-out rinses
Micro-etch and sulfuric acid dumps
Acid cleaner dumps
Ion-exchange regenerations
Silver, gold, palladium rinses and dumps
Silver, gold, palladium cyanide stripper solutions
Entek dumps
Electroless copper bailouts
Nickel plating drag-out rinses and dumps
Cyanide cadmium plating
Acid cadmium plating
Cyanide zinc plating
Cyanide copper plating

But what is so special about the IonnetX™ Electrowinning System?

The lonnetX™ system was designed after 15 years of observation of our earlier lonnet™
system’s performance. The lessons learned from that experience in the field were the 5/11
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driving forces to redesign what we felt could be done better. And the lonnetX™ system is
the result of all the changes.
For the first time, a high capacity system, has the ability to bring metal concentrations to
compliance levels. This system will take copper, cadmium, silver, gold, and palladium
down to a fraction of a part per million. This is documented.
Because of the design using expanded surface area cathodes, the foot print is minimal.
Our rugged design and durable components assure many years of trouble-free service.

Plug and Play System

Treating the solution without ever leaving the tote 6/11
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Letters From A Few Of Our Customers…

Randy Epner
Precious Metals Processing Consultants, Inc.
430 Bergen Blvd.
Palisades Park, NJ 08750

Dear Randy:

Central Metal Finishing, Inc. is an AS9100 and Nadcap approved metal finishing
facility. We operate in a very fast paced buisness enviroment and can’t afford to
have down time that can impact delivery to our customers. We have been using
your Ionnet system on our cadmium barrel line for approximatley 8 months now to
reduce levels of cadmium drag-outs to sub ppm levels. Our cyanide level is
reduced nearly as low.

As a result our labor costs and down time for changing rinses has signifigantly
reduced. Waste treatment costs have also dropped substantially and we are using
less water. We are also using your “Gold Bug” technology as part of our silver
reclaim process with equally satisfactory results and plan to purchase additional
Gold Bugs. Both systems are low on maintenance and highly reliable. 7/11
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Dear Randy,

I only wish that we had tried your Ionnet System for cadmium waster solutions
years ago. When our local sewer authority informed us that our limit on cadmium
would be going down, I knew we had to do something. That was when we
purchased your Ionnet System. It is remarkable what it has done for us. The sewer
authority regulates us on final effluent so that is where we measure the camium
concentration. As a result of using the Ionnet System the final effluent cadmium
concentration in our 30,000 gallon per day waste water flow has dropped from a
previous range of .4 to .5 ppm to a present level of .1 to .15 ppm. This has allowed
us to be in a very acceptable position with the new discharge limits. When the
authorities asked how we did it we proudly provided them with a working
demonstration and explaination of how the Ionnet System worked.

The other “side benefit” of the Ionnet System is that it reduced the cyanide level in
our discharge to almost nil. This has alway been a difficult polutant to control due
to the fact that it readily complexes with other metals making it difficult to destroy.
The Ionnet System significantly reduces the cyanide concentration at the source
(the drag out tank) before it can mix with other waste and complex.

In all, we are very pleased with the results. This system has saved us money, labor
and headaches. I would certainly recommend it to any company looking to cut their
disposal costs. 8/11
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Precious Metals Processing Consultants, Inc.

430 Bergen Blvd.
Palisades Park, NJ 07650
Attn: Randy Epner

Dear Randy:

At American Electro Products, Inc., we do a very significant volume of silver

plating. As a result, we need to change our silver dragouts frequently. Because
they contain a relatively low concentration of silver for which we had no effective
process to recover, we were unable to recover all of the silver. When we heard
about your Ionnet system, we were uncertain if it would be cost effective. But since
you offered to let us try it with no obligations, we did.

We’re glad we did! The Ionnet unit works very quickly and efficiently. We batch
treat 300 gallons of silver dragout at a time containing about 1000ppm. It takes
about 8 hours to reduce the concentration to <10ppm. We are recovering far more
silver than we expected and the unit paid for itself within several months. Because
the expanded surface area cathodes you provide melt easily, our refiner is able to
easily recover the silver.

As a bonus, it takes very little labor. We pump in the solution, turn the unit on, and
we’re done. When we come back, the silver is removed. The Ionnet unit has
definitely been a product well worth our investment.

Best regards,

Armand J. Daigle
Process Engineer 9/11
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Randy Epner
Precious Metals Processing Consultants Inc.
430 Bergen Blvd.
Palisades Park, NJ 07650
Phone 201-944-8053 * Fax 201-944-8003

Dear Randy,

In the spring of 2006 we were looking for a better way to recover our silver from
our spent plating baths. The current practice was to send the baths out for
reclamation. There were exorbitant costs associated with both the processing and
the transportation of this practice.

After viewing several units we made the decision to try the Ionnet system made by
Precious Metals Processing Consultants, Inc. Once the unit was set up and
running in a production environment it literally paid for itself within a few weeks.
We started toying with the idea of purchasing multiple units but then we came to
the realization that this one unit was capable of handling all our needs. Thanks
Randy for inventing a product that far exceeded our expectations.

Dear Randy,

I know, I know! It took me 3 years to finally try your Ionnet System on our electro-
less copper bailout, after using it for years on our silver rinses, and of course, your
Gold bugs, everywhere.

Yeah…I should have done it 20 years ago, but even you did not know how well it
would work back then. So let me tell you just how well it works:

In the past, we had been treating this constant waste by standard means, with all
the concomitant labor, chemicals, and other costs. Now, we put 400 gallons of the
deep dark blue bail-out solution in a tank, just turn a switch, and within 24 hours
the solution appears to be crystal clear, and the concentration of copper is down
below .3 ppm! If we wanted, we could bring it down to .1 ppm or even lower. With
just the formaldehyde left we could easily oxidize this, pH adjust the solution, and
dispose directly to the sewer…if we had a sewer! That is how well this system
works. It’s so straightforward and simple, and of course maintenance free. 10/11
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This has changed everything! Kudos to you.

Stephen Candiloro

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