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Campana sobre campana – Villancico............................

Índice de contenido Canción del Mariachi, Desperado - Antonio Banderas. . .41
★ Gracias a La Vida – Violeta Parra...............................11 ♡ Carolina – M-Clan.......................................................42
★ La Puerta Violeta – Rozalén.......................................12 Chan Chan – Compay Segundo.....................................43
★ Quiero Abrazarte Tanto – Víctor Manuel.....................13 Ciega, Sordomuda – Shakira..........................................44
♡ 20 de abril – Celtas Cortos.........................................14 Cien gaviotas – Duncan Dhu..........................................45
25 de diciembre – Villancico...........................................15 Clandestino – Manu Chao..............................................46
A fuego lento – Rosana...................................................16 ♡ Clavado en un bar – Maná.........................................47
Agárrate a mi María – Los Secretos...............................17 Colores en el viento – Pocahontas.................................48
Aire – Mecano.................................................................18 Color Esperanza – Diego Torres.....................................49
Algo contigo – Vicentico..................................................19 Como Camarón – Estopa...............................................50
Algo Nuevo – La Bella y la Bestia...................................20 ♡ Cómo hablar – Amaral................................................51
Amante Bandido – Miguel Bosé......................................21 ♡ Como lo tienes tú – Pereza........................................52
Amigos para siempre – Los Manolos..............................22 Cómo quisiera – Maná....................................................53
Amor, amor de mis amores – Natalia Lafourcade...........23 ♡ Cómo te atreves – Morat............................................54
Amores de barra – Ella baila sola...................................24 Como un burro amarrado – El último de la fila................55
Andar conmigo – Julieta Venegas..................................25 Contamíname – Ana Belén y Víctor Manuel...................56
Antes de que cuente diez – Fito & Fitipaldis...................26 Contigo – Joaquín Sabina...............................................57
Antes que ver el sol – Coti..............................................27 Contigo aprendí – Armando Manzanero.........................58
Años 80 – Los Piratas.....................................................28 Corazón Partío – Alejandro Sanz....................................59
A quién le importa - Alaska y Dinarama..........................29 ♡ Cruz de navajas – Mecano.........................................61
Arre borriquito – Villancico..............................................30 Cuando brille el sol – La Guardia....................................62
Aunque tú no lo sepas – Los Secretos...........................31 Cuando suba la marea – Amaral....................................63
Ay del chiquirritín – Villancico.........................................32 Cuéntame al oído – La Oreja de Van Gogh....................64
Ay Jalisco no te rajes – Jorge Negrete...........................33 Cuéntame un cuento – Celtas Cortos.............................65
Baila morena – Zuchero..................................................34 Cuídate – La Oreja de Van Gogh....................................67
Bajo el mar – La Sirenita.................................................35 Cumpleaños feliz – Parchís............................................68
Barco a Venus – Mecano................................................36 ♡ Chiquilla – Seguridad Social.......................................69
Burbujas de amor – Juan Luis Guerra............................37 ♡ Daría – La Quinta Estación.........................................70
♡ Busca lo más vital – El libro de la selva......................38 ♡ Déjame – Los Secretos..............................................71
Cadillac Solitario – Loquillo y los Trogloditas..................39 Déjà vu – Prince Royce y Shakira..................................72
Delgadito – La Rabia del Milenio....................................73 En el muelle de San Blas – Maná.................................106
Deseos de cosas imposibles – La Oreja De Van Gogh. .74 Enamorado de la moda juvenil - Radio Futura..............107
♡ Despacito – Luis Fonsi...............................................75 En Navidad – Rosana...................................................108
♡ Devuélveme a mi chica – Hombres G........................77 ♡ Entre dos tierras – Héroes del Silencio.....................109
♡ Días de verano – Amaral............................................78 Entre mis recuerdos – Luz Casal..................................110
Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Mierkuleles edition..................79 Eres tú – Mocedades....................................................111
Dragones y mazmorras – Dibujos animados..................80 Escapar – Moby............................................................112
Échame La Culpa – Luis Fonsi & Demi Lobato..............81 Esos ojos negros – Duncan Dhu...................................113
Echo de menos – Kiko Veneno.......................................82 Es muy fácil – Los Mitos...............................................114
El 28 – La Oreja de Van Gogh........................................83 ♡ Es por ti – Cómplices................................................115
El ciclo vital – El Rey León..............................................84 Esta madrugada – Amaral.............................................116
El Gato que está triste y azul – Roberto Carlos..............85 ♡ Estrella Polar – Pereza.............................................117
El hombre del piano – Billy Joel......................................86 Fiesta pagana – Mägo de Oz........................................118
El límite – La frontera......................................................88 ♡ Flaca – Andrés Calamaro.........................................119
El mejor regalo eres tú – Mariah Carey..........................89 Gitanitos y morenos – Gato Pérez................................120
El mundo – Efecto Mariposa...........................................90 Gloria – Umberto Tozzi.................................................121
El Mundo Tras El Cristal – La Guardia............................91 Grita – Jarabe de palo..................................................122
♡ Eloise – Tino Casal.....................................................92 ♡ Hace calor - Los Rodríguez......................................123
El probe Miguel – Triana pura.........................................93 Hakuna Matata – El Rey León......................................125
El rey – Vicente Fernández.............................................94 ♡ Hay un amigo en mi – Toy Story...............................126
El ritmo del mar – Celtas Cortos.....................................95 Help, ayúdame – Tony Ronald......................................127
El roce de tu cuerpo – Platero y tú..................................96 ♡ Hijo de la Luna – Mecano.........................................128
El roce de tu piel – Revólver...........................................97 Hoy – Rosana...............................................................129
♡ El rock de la cárcel – Miguel Ríos..............................98 Hoy no me puedo levantar – Mecano...........................130
El rompeolas – Loquillo y los Trogloditas........................99 ♡ Ilargia - Ken Zazpi....................................................131
El sitio de mi recreo – Antonio Vega.............................100 ♡ Inevitable – Shakira..................................................132
El sol no regresa – La Quinta Estación.........................101 ♡ Insurrección – Manolo García y Miguel Ríos............133
El tamborilero – Villancico.............................................102 La Bamba – Tradicional................................................134
♡ El universo sobre mi – Amaral..................................103 ♡ La camisa negra – Juanes........................................135
♡ El vals del obrero – Ska-P........................................104 ♡ La casa por el tejado – Fito & Fitipaldis....................136
En Algún Lugar – Duncan Dhu.....................................105 La chica de ayer - Nacha pop.......................................137
La chica Yeyé – Concha Velasco..................................138 ♡ Me voy – Julieta Venegas.........................................169
La edad del porvenir – Javier Álvarez...........................139 Me voy pa'l pueblo – Los Panchos...............................170
♡ Lady Madrid – Pereza...............................................140 Mi burrito sabanero – Villancico....................................171
♡ La fuerza del destino – Mecano................................141 Miedo – M-Clan............................................................172
La llamada – Leiva........................................................142 ♡ Mi gran noche – Raphael..........................................173
La Lola - Café Quijano..................................................143 Mil calles llevan hacia ti – La Guardia...........................174
♡ La playa – La Oreja de Van Gogh.............................144 ♡ Mil campanas – Alaska y Dinarama..........................175
La Puerta de Alcalá – Ana Belén y Víctor Manuel.........145 ☠ Mi música es tu voz – Operación Triunfo..................176
♡ La senda del tiempo – Celtas Cortos........................146 Morena mía – Miguel Bosé...........................................177
♡ Laura no está – Nek.................................................147 ♡ Moriría por vos – Amaral...........................................178
Lau teilatu – Itoiz...........................................................148 Moving – Macaco..........................................................179
La vida es un carnaval – Celia Cruz.............................149 Mujer contra mujer – Mecano.......................................180
La vida es bella – Noa..................................................150 ♡ Nada fue un error – Coti...........................................181
♡ Libre – Nino Bravo....................................................151 Navidad – Antonio Machín............................................182
♡ Limón y sal – Julieta Venegas..................................152 ♡ Ni una sola palabra – Paulina Rubio........................183
♡ Llamando a la Tierra – M-Clan.................................153 Noche de Paz – Villancico............................................184
Lobo Hombre en París – La Unión...............................154 Noche de Paz (Rearmoniz.) – Villancico.......................185
Los amantes – Mecano.................................................155 ♡ Noches de Bohemia – Navajita Plateá.....................186
Los peces en el río – Villancico.....................................156 No dudaría – Antonio Flores.........................................187
♡ Maggie Despierta – M-Clan......................................157 No hay tregua – Barricada............................................188
Maldita dulzura – Vetusta Morla....................................158 No me crees – Efecto mariposa....................................189
Maldito Duende – Héroes del Silencio..........................159 ♡ No puedo vivir sin ti – Los Ronaldos.........................191
Malo – Bebe..................................................................160 Nunca volverá – El sueño de Morfeo............................192
Maneras de vivir – Leño................................................161 Ojos de gata – Los Secretos.........................................193
Maquillaje – Mecano.....................................................162 Olentzero – Villancico...................................................194
♡ Maradona – Andrés Calamaro..................................163 Oye cómo va – Tito Puente...........................................195
María – La oreja de Van Gogh......................................164 Pájaros de Barro – Manolo García...............................196
♡ Me colé en una fiesta – Mecano...............................165 Peces de ciudad – Ana Belén.......................................197
Me cuesta tanto olvidarte – Mecano.............................166 ☠ Pedro Navaja – Rubén Blades.................................199
Mediterráneo – Joan Manuel Serrat.............................167 ♡ Pero a tu lado – Los Secretos..................................201
♡ Me gustas tú – Manu Chao.......................................168 ♡ Pienso en aquella tarde – Pereza.............................202
Pongamos que hablo de Madrid – Joaquín Sabina......203 Si tú me dices ven – Los Panchos................................233
Por el Boulevard de los Sueños Rotos – Joaquín Sabina Solamente tú – Pablo Alborán......................................234
......................................................................................204 ♡ Soldadito Marinero – Fito & Fitipaldis.......................235
♡ Por la boca vive el pez - Fito & Fitipaldis..................205 Sólo le pido a Dios – León Gieco..................................236
Porque te vas – Jeanette..............................................206 Sólo pienso en ti – Víctor Manuel.................................237
Princesa – Joaquín Sabina...........................................207 Somos de colores - Tontxu...........................................238
♡ Princesas – Pereza...................................................208 Son Sueños – El canto del loco....................................239
Puede ser – El canto del loco.......................................209 ♡ So Payaso – Extremoduro........................................240
Que te den – Amparanoia.............................................210 Soy un truhán soy un señor – Julio Iglesias..................241
♡ Qué te pasa – Manolo Tena......................................211 Supercalifragilisticoespialidoso – Mary Poppins...........242
Que te quería - La Quinta Estación..............................212 Te amaré – Miguel Bosé...............................................243
Qué triste es el primer adiós – La Onda Vaselina.........213 ♡ Te dejo Madrid – Shakira..........................................244
Quiero beber hasta perder el control – Los Secretos. . .214 Te necesito – Amaral.....................................................245
♡ Quiero ser como tú – El libro de la selva..................215 Tenía tanto que darte – Nena Daconte.........................246
♡ Quiero tener tu presencia - Seguridad Social...........216 Te quiero igual – Andrés Calamaro...............................247
Quiero un camino – Melón Diesel.................................217 ♡ Terriblemente cruel – Leiva.......................................248
Recuérdame – Coco.....................................................218 Tocaré – Tahúres Zurdos..............................................249
Resistiré – Dúo Dinámico.............................................219 ♡ Toda la noche en la calle – Amaral...........................250
Rock And Roll en la plaza del pueblo – Tequila............220 ♡ Todos los días sale el sol – Bongo Batrako..............251
Romero el madero – Ska-P..........................................221 ♡ Tu peor error – La Quinta Estación...........................252
Sabor a mi – Los Panchos............................................222 Txoria Txori – Mikel Laboa............................................253
Salomé – Chayanne.....................................................223 Una noche de amor – Tahúres Zurdos..........................254
♡ Salta – Tequila..........................................................224 Un año más – Mecano..................................................255
♡ Santa Lucía – Miguel Ríos........................................225 ♡ Un beso y una flor – Nino Bravo...............................256
Sarri Sarri – Kortatu......................................................226 Un poco loco – Coco.....................................................257
Se fue – Laura Pausini..................................................227 Un rayo de sol – Los diablos.........................................258
Se me olvidó otra vez – Maná......................................228 Un velero llamado Libertad – José Luis Perales...........259
Si bastasen un par de canciones – Eros Ramazzotti....229 Ven a Fraggle Rock – Fraggle Rock.............................260
♡ Siete vidas – Antonio Flores.....................................230 Veneno en la piel – Radio Futura..................................261
Sin documentos – Los Rodríguez.................................231 Vivir Así Es Morir De Amor – Camilo Sesto..................262
Sin Pijama – Becky G...................................................232 Vivo por ella – Andrea Bocelli & Marta Sánchez...........263
Volando voy – Camarón de la Isla................................265 Barbie Girl – Aqua.........................................................296
Volverá – El canto del loco............................................266 ♡ Basket Case – Green Day........................................297
Volverte a ver – Juanes................................................267 Beautiful – Christina Aguilera........................................298
Voy a pasármelo bien – Hombres G.............................268 Beautiful Day – U2........................................................299
Vuela – Bombai.............................................................269 Beyond the Sea – Bobby Darin.....................................300
Waka Waka (esto es África) – Shakira..........................271 Billie Jean – Michael Jackson.......................................301
Whisky barato – Fito & Fitipaldis...................................272 ☠ Blackbird – The Beatles............................................303
Yo Contigo, Tú Conmigo – Morat & Álvaro Soler..........273 Blame It On The Boogie – The Jackson 5....................304
Yolanda – Pablo Milanés..............................................274 ♡ Blowing In The Wind – Bob Dylan............................305
Yo no te pido – Pablo Milanés.......................................275 Bohemian Like You – The Dandy Warhols....................306
Yo voy a ser Rey León – El Rey León..........................276 ♡☠ Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen..............................307
Across the Universe – The Beatles...............................277 Boig per tu – Sau..........................................................309
Adeste Fideles – Villancico...........................................278 Born To Be Wild – Steppenwolf.....................................310
♡ A Hard Day's Night – The Beatles.............................279 Boulevard Of Broken Dreams – Green day...................311
Ain't No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye & Tammi Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon & Garfunkel.......312
Terrell............................................................................280 California Dreamin – Mamas & The Papas...................313
A Kind of Magic – Queen..............................................281 Candle In The Wind – Elton John.................................314
♡ All My Loving – The Beatles.....................................282 ♡ Can't Buy Me Love – The Beatles............................315
All Shook Up – Elvis Presley.........................................283 ♡ Can't Get You Out Of My Head – Kylie Minogue......316
♡ All You Need is Love – The Beatles..........................284 ♡ Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley.................317
♡ Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life – Monty ♡ Can't take my eyes off you - Gloria Gaynor..............318
Python...........................................................................285 Can you feel the love tonight? – El Rey León...............319
All Star – Smash Mouth................................................286 Carrie – Europe............................................................320
All That She Wants – Ace of Base................................287 C'est si bon – Louis Armstrong.....................................321
Always on my mind – Elvis Presley..............................288 Chandelier – Sia...........................................................322
Angels – Robbie Williams.............................................289 Cheek to Cheek – Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong. . .323
Another Day of Sun – La La Land.................................290 Chiquitita – ABBA.........................................................324
Baby can I hold you – Tracy Chapman.........................292 ☠ Chop Suey – System of a Down...............................325
Bad Bad Leroy Brown – Jim Croce...............................293 ♡ City of stars – La La Land.........................................326
Bad Romance – Lady Gaga..........................................294 ♡ Clocks – Coldplay.....................................................327
Banana Boat Song – Harry Belafonte...........................295 ☠ Complicated – Avril Lavigne.....................................328
♡ Crazy Little Thing Called Love – Queen...................329 Fisherman's Blues – Waterboys....................................359
♡ Creep – Radiohead...................................................330 Fix You – Coldplay........................................................360
Crocodile Rock – Elton John.........................................331 Fly Me To The Moon – Frank Sinatra............................361
Dancing Queen – ABBA................................................332 Forever Young – Alphaville...........................................362
♡ Dani California – Red Hot Chili Peppers...................333 Friday I'm In Love – The Cure.......................................363
Devil came to me – Dover.............................................334 ♡ Friends theme – The Rembrandts............................364
Diamonds – Rihanna....................................................335 Friends Will Be Friends – Queen..................................365
♡ Dirty Old Town – The Pogues...................................336 ♡ From Me To You – The Beatles.................................366
Don't Answer Me – Alan Parsons Project......................337 Garota de Ipanema – Tom Jobim..................................367
Don't Go Breaking My Heart – Elton John & Kiki Dee...338 ♡ Get Lucky – Daft Punk..............................................368
♡ Don’t Look Back In Anger – Oasis............................339 ♡ Gimme hope Johanna – Eddy Grant........................369
Don't Speak – No Doubt...............................................340 ☠ Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne............................................370
♡ Don't Stop Me Now – Queen....................................341 Girls Just Want To Have Fun – Cyndi Lauper...............372
Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Bobby McFerrin....................342 Go West – Pet Shop Boys............................................373
Downtown – Petula Clarck............................................343 ♡ Grace Kelly – Mika....................................................375
Dream A Little Dream of Me – The Mamas & The Papas Hallelujah – Cohen, Buckley, Beirut (abridged).............376
......................................................................................344 Halo – Beyoncé............................................................377
Dreams – The Cranberries...........................................345 ♡ Hand In My Pocket – Alanis Morissette....................378
Dust in the Wind – Kansas............................................346 Happy – Pharrell Williams.............................................379
♡ Eight Days A Week – The Beatles............................347 ♡ Happy Xmas (War Is Over) – John Lennon..............380
Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles........................................348 Happy Together – The Turtles.......................................381
♡ Englishman In New York – Sting...............................349 Havana – Camila Cabello.............................................382
Enjoy The Silence – Depeche Mode.............................350 Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas – Ella Fitzgerald
Everlong – Foo Fighters................................................351 ......................................................................................383
Everybody's Changing – Keane....................................352 Hello, Goodbye – The Beatles......................................384
Everybody Needs Somebody – Blues Brothers............353 ♡ Help – The Beatles...................................................385
♡ Every Breath You Take – The Police.........................354 Here Comes The Sun – The Beatles............................386
Everywhere – Fleetwood Mac.......................................355 ♡ Hero – Family of the Year.........................................387
Feel – Robbie Williams.................................................356 Heroes – David Bowie..................................................388
Feliz Navidad – José Feliciano.....................................357 ♡ Hey Jude – The Beatles...........................................389
♡ Fields of Gold – Sting...............................................358 Hey Soul Sister – Train.................................................390
Hey Ya! – OutKast........................................................391 It Must Have Been Love – Roxette...............................423
Highway to Hell – ACDC...............................................392 ♡ It's A Heartache – Bonnie Tyler.................................424
♡ Hit Me Baby One More Time – Britney Spears.........393 ♡ It's My Life - Bon Jovi................................................425
♡ Ho Hey - The Lumineers...........................................394 ☠ I've Got A Woman - Ray Charles..............................426
Home Sweet Home – Mötley Crüe...............................395 I Want It All – Queen.....................................................427
Honey Honey – ABBA...................................................396 ♡ I Want to Break Free – Queen..................................428
Hooked on a Feeling – Blue Swede..............................397 ♡ I Want to Hold Your Hand – The Beatles..................429
Hotel California – The Eagles.......................................398 I Was Born To Love You – Queen.................................430
Hot n Cold – Katy Perry................................................400 I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor.......................................431
♡ Human – The Killers.................................................401 ♡ Je veux – Zaz...........................................................432
I Am Man of Constant Sorrow – Soggy Bottom Boys....402 Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry..................................433
I Do It For You – Bryan Adams......................................403 Just A Gigolo – Louis Prima..........................................434
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith......................404 ♡ Just My Imagination – The Cranberries....................435
♡ I Feel Fine – The Beatles..........................................405 Just the way you are – Bruno Mars..............................436
If You Leave Me Now – Chicago...................................406 Karma Chameleon – Culture Club................................437
I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues – Elton John Killing Me Softly – Roberta Flack/The Fugees..............438
......................................................................................407 ♡ King George – Dover................................................439
I Have a Dream – ABBA...............................................408 King of the Road - Roger Miller.....................................440
I Kissed A Girl – Katy Perry...........................................409 Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door – Bob Dylan......................441
Imagine – John Lennon................................................410 ♡ Lady Madonna – The Beatles...................................442
I'm a Believer – The Monkees.......................................411 ☠ Last Christmas – Wham!..........................................443
♡ I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) – The Proclaimers...........412 Lava – Pixar..................................................................444
Imitation Of Life – R.E.M...............................................414 La Vie en Rose – Edith Piaf..........................................446
I'm So Excited – The Pointer Sisters.............................415 ♡ Lemon Tree – Fool's Garden....................................447
I'm Yours – Jason Mraz.................................................416 Let her go – Passenger.................................................448
♡ In My Life – The Beatles...........................................417 ♡ Let it Be – The Beatles.............................................449
In My Place – Coldplay.................................................418 Let it go – Frozen..........................................................450
I Only Want To Be With You – Dusty Springfield...........419 ☠ Like a Virgin – Madonna...........................................451
Ironic – Alanis Morissette..............................................420 Like a Rolling Stone – Bob Dylan.................................452
I Say a Little Prayer - Aretha Franklin...........................421 ♡ Little Talks – Of Monsters and Men...........................454
Is This Love – Bob Marley............................................422 ♡ Live is Life – Opus....................................................455
♡ Livin' on a Prayer – Bon Jovi....................................456 My Way – Nina Simone................................................489
Locked Out Of Heaven – Bruno Mars...........................457 Never Ending Story – Limahl........................................490
Loli Jackson – Dover.....................................................458 Norwegian Wood – The Beatles...................................491
Lollipop – Mika..............................................................459 ♡ Nothing Else Matters – Metallica..............................492
♡ Losing my Religion – R.E.M.....................................460 No surprises – Radiohead............................................493
♡ L-O-V-E – Nat King Cole...........................................461 No Woman, No Cry – Bob Marley & The Wailers..........494
Love Is In The Air – John Paul Young...........................462 Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da – The Beatles...............................495
♡ Love Me Do – The Beatles.......................................463 ♡ Oh, Susannah – Tradicional.....................................496
♡ Love Me Tender – Elvis Presley................................464 Old Town – The Corrs...................................................497
Love of my Life - Queen................................................465 One – U2......................................................................498
Lullaby Of Birdland – Sarah Vaughan...........................466 One Love – Bob Marley................................................499
Mad World – Tears For Fears.......................................467 Only You – The Platters................................................500
Malibu – Miley Cyrus.....................................................468 Over My Shoulder – Mike & the Mechanics..................501
Mambo No. 5 – Lou Bega.............................................470 Penny Lane – The Beatles............................................502
♡ Mamma Mia – ABBA.................................................471 Perfect – Ed Sheeran....................................................503
Man on the moon – R.E.M............................................472 Perfect Day – Lou Reed................................................504
♡ Marry You – Bruno Mars...........................................473 Please Please Me – The Beatles..................................505
Material Girl – Madonna................................................474 Pretty Woman – Roy Orbison.......................................506
Megamix – Grease........................................................475 Price Tag – Jessie J......................................................507
Mele Kalikimaka – Villancico.........................................477 Purple Rain – Prince.....................................................508
Message In A Bottle – The Police.................................478 Radio Ga Ga – Queen..................................................509
♡ Michelle – The Beatles.............................................479 Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head – B.J. Thomas.....510
Moi Lolita – Alizee.........................................................480 Rasputin – Boney M......................................................511
♡ Moonlight Shadow – Mike Oldfield...........................481 ♡ Redemption Song – Bob Marley...............................513
Moon River – Audrey Hepburn......................................482 Red Red Wine – UB40..................................................514
♡ More Than Words – Extreme....................................483 Rehab – Amy Winehouse.............................................515
Mr. Sandman – The Chordettes....................................484 ♡ Riptide – Vance Joy..................................................516
Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel..............................485 Rise – Eddie Vedder.....................................................517
My Girl - The Temptations.............................................486 Rock! megamix – Varios...............................................518
My Name Is Luka – Suzane Vega.................................487 Runaway – The Corrs...................................................522
My Little Grass Shack – Harrison / Cogswell / Noble....488 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town – Tradicional..............523
Save Me – Queen.........................................................524 ☠ Summercat – Billie the Vision & the Dancers...........556
Save Tonight – Eagle Eye Cherry.................................525 Super Trouper – ABBA..................................................557
Serenade – Dover.........................................................526 ♡ Surfin' USA – The Beach Boys.................................558
♡ Shake It Off – Taylor Swift.........................................527 Sweat (a la la long) – Inner Circle.................................559
♡Shallow – A star is born.............................................528 ♡ Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond................................560
Shape of You – Ed Sheeran..........................................529 Sweet Child o' Mine – Guns N' Roses..........................561
♡ She Loves You – The Beatles...................................530 Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Eurythmics..........562
Shiny Happy People – R.E.M.......................................531 ♡Take Me Home, Country Roads – John Denver........563
Simply the best – Tina Turner.......................................532 Take on Me – Aha.........................................................564
Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne..............................................534 ♡ Tears In Heaven – Eric Clapton................................565
Sleeping In My Car – Roxette.......................................535 The Final Countdown – Europe....................................566
Smells Like Teen Spirit – Nirvana.................................536 The Lazy Song – Bruno Mars.......................................567
Solid As A Rock – Ella Fitzgerald..................................537 The Lion Sleeps Tonight – The Tokens.........................568
So Lonely – The Police.................................................538 The Locomotion – Kylie Minogue..................................569
Somebody That I Used To Know – Gotye.....................539 The Logical Song – Supertramp...................................570
Somebody To Love – Queen........................................540 The Long and Winding Road – The Beatles.................571
Someone in the Crowd – La La Land............................541 The Man Who Sold The World – David Bowie..............572
♡ Someone Like You – Adele.......................................542 The Moon Song – Her...................................................573
♡ Something – The Beatles.........................................543 ♡ The Scientist – Coldplay...........................................574
♡ Something Stupid – Frank & Nancy Sinatra.............544 The Shoop Shoop Song – Cher....................................575
Somewhere Only We Know – Keane............................545 The Show Must Go On – Queen...................................576
Somewhere Over the Rainbow / Wonderful World – Israel The Tide Is High – Blondie............................................577
Kamakawiwo’ole...........................................................546 The Unforgiven – Metallica...........................................578
SOS – ABBA.................................................................548 ♡ The Winner Takes It All – ABBA................................579
Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel..........................549 These Boots Are Made for Walkin' – Nancy Sinatra......580
Space Oddity – David Bowie........................................550 This Is The Last Time – Keane.....................................581
Stand by Me – Ben E King............................................551 This Is The Life – Amy MacDonald...............................582
♡ Stand By Me – Oasis................................................552 ☠ Thunderstruck – ACDC.............................................583
Starman – David Bowie................................................553 ♡ Ticket To Ride – The Beatles....................................584
Still Loving You – The Scorpions...................................554 Three Little Birds – Bob Marley.....................................585
Sultans of Swing – Dire Straits.....................................555 Time After Time – Cyndi Lauper....................................586
Times Like These – Foo Fighters..................................587 ♡ Wild Rover – Tradicional...........................................620
Titanium – David Guetta & Sia......................................588 ☠ Wild World – Cat Stevens.........................................621
Too Much Love Will Kill You – Queen...........................589 Wind of Change – The Scorpions.................................622
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia.................................................590 ♡ With a Little Help from My Friends – The Beatles.....623
Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler......................591 Wonderful World – Sam Cooke.....................................624
Tutti Frutti – Little Richard.............................................592 ♡ Wonderwall – Oasis..................................................625
Twist and Shout – The Beatles.....................................593 Wrecking Ball – Miley Cyrus.........................................626
☠ Under Pressure – Queen & David Bowie..................594 ♡ Yellow – Coldplay.....................................................627
Under the Bridge – Red Hot Chili Peppers...................595 ♡ Yellow Submarine – The Beatles..............................628
Umbrella – Rihanna......................................................596 ♡ Yesterday – The Beatles...........................................629
♡ Video Killed The Radio Star – The Buggles..............598 YMCA – The Village People..........................................630
Viva la Vida – Coldplay.................................................599 You Got It – Roy Orbison..............................................631
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go – Wham!....................600 You Never Can Tell – Chuck Berry................................632
Walk Like an Egyptian – The Bangles...........................601 ♡ You're Beautiful - James Blunt..................................633
♡ Walking On Sunshine – Katrina And The Waves......602 ♡ You’re the One that I Want – Grease........................634
Wannabe – Spice Girls.................................................603 ♡ Your Song – Elton John............................................635
Waterloo – ABBA..........................................................605 You've Got a Friend – Carole King................................636
♡ We Are The Champions – Queen.............................606 ♡ Zombie – The Cranberries........................................637
We Can Work It Out – The Beatles...............................607 Índice por autores / intérpretes.....................................638
What a Feeling – Flashdance.......................................608
What Can I Do – The Corrs..........................................609 Actualizado el 10 de marzo de 2020
♡ What is Love – Haddaway........................................610
♡ What's Up - 4 Non Blondes.......................................611
When I Was Your Man – Bruno Mars............................612
When September Ends – Green Day............................613
When You're Gone - Brian Adams................................614
When You're Smiling – Frank Sinatra...........................615
Where Everybody Knows Your Name – Cheers...........616
While My Guitar Gently Weeps – The Beatles..............617
White Christmas – Bing Crosby....................................618
Why Don't You Get a Job – The Offspring....................619
★ Gracias a La Vida – Violeta Parra Cuando miro el (E7)bueno tan lejos del (Am)malo
Cuando miro el (E7)fondo de tus ojos (Am)claros
(Am)Gracias a la (E7)vida que me ha dado (Am)tanto
Me dio dos lu(G7)ceros que cuando los (C)abro (Am)Gracias a la (E7)vida que me ha dado (Am)tanto
Perfecto dis(C7)tingo lo negro del (F)blanco Me ha dado la (G7)risa y me ha dado el (C)llanto
Y en el alto (E7)cielo su fondo estre(Am)llado Así yo dis(C7)tingo dicha de que(F)branto
Y en las multi(E7)tudes el hombre que yo (Am)amo. Los dos mate(E7)riales que forman mi (Am)canto
Y el canto de (E7)ustedes que es el mismo (Am)canto
(Am)Gracias a la (E7)vida que me ha dado (Am)tanto Y el canto de (E7)todos que es mi propio (Am)canto
Me ha dado el (G7)oído que en todo su (C)ancho
Graba noche y (C7)día grillos y ca(F)narios (Am)Gracias a la (E7)vida que me ha dado (Am)tanto
Martillos, tur(E7)binas, ladrillos, chu(Am)bascos
Y la voz tan (E7)tierna de mi bien a(Am)mado.

(Am)Gracias a la (E7)vida que me ha dado (Am)tanto

Me ha dado el so(G7)nido y el abece(C)dario
Con el las pa(C7)labras que pienso y de(F)claro
Madre, amigo, her(E7)mano y luz alum(Am)brando
La ruta del (E7)alma del que estoy a(Am)mando

(Am)Gracias a la (E7)vida que me ha dado (Am)tanto

Me ha dado la (G7)marcha de mis pies can(C)sados
Con ellos an(C7)duve ciudades y (F)charcos
Playas y de(E7)siertos, montañas y (Am)llanos
Y la casa (E7)tuya, tu calle y tu (Am)patio

(Am)Gracias a la (E7)vida que me ha dado (Am)tanto

Me dio el corazón(G7) que agita su (C)marco
Cuando miro el (C7)fruto del cerebro hu(F)mano
★ La Puerta Violeta – Rozalén
(A)Una flor que se marchita, un árbol
(A)Una niña triste en el espejo que no crece porque no es su lugar.
me mira prudente y no quiere hablar. (Bm)Un castigo que se me impone,
(Bm)Hay un monstruo gris en la cocina un verso que me tacha y me anu(A)la.(Asus4)(A)
que lo rompe todo,
que no para de gri(A)tar.(Asus4)(A) (A)Tengo todo el cuerpo encadenado,
las manos agrietadas, mil arrugas en la (Bm)piel.
(A)Tengo una mano en el cuello Las fantasmas hablan en la nuca,
que con sutileza me impide respi(Bm)rar. se reabre la herida y me san(A)gra. (Asus4)(A)
Una venda me tapa los ojos,
puedo oler el miedo y se acer(A)ca. (Asus4)(A) (Asus4)Hay un jilguero en mi garganta
que vuela con (E)fuerza.
(Asus4)Tengo un nudo en las cuerdas (Asus4)Tengo la necesidad de girar
que ensucian mi (E)voz al cantar. la llave y no mirar a(A)trás.
(Asus4)Tengo una culpa que me aprieta,
se posa en mis hombros y me cuesta an(A)dar. [Silencio]
Así que... [Estribillo] x2
[Silencio] Pero...
dibu(Asus4)jé una puerta violeta en la pa(E)red
y al entrar me libe(Bm)ré
como se despliega la vela de un (A)barco.
Desper(Asus4)té en un prado verde
muy lejos de a(E)quí;
corrí, grité, re(Bm)í,
sé lo que no quiero
ahora estoy a (A)salvo. (Asus4)(A)
★ Quiero Abrazarte Tanto – Víctor (C)Siento tu mano tibia
que palmo a (C7)palmo besa mi (F)piel
y tus brazos se enredan hoy como a(G7)yer
en este nuevo día vuelvo a cre(C)er.
(C)Siento tu mano fría
correr des(C7)pacio sobre mi (F)piel
(C)Vente conmigo al puerto
y tu pecho en mi pecho, tu desnu(G7)dez
que hay una (C7)barca en el male(F)cón
y olvido reproches que imagi(C)né.
con tu nombre pintado secando al (G7)sol
con tu mano grabada junto al ti(C)món.
(C)Vente conmigo al huerto
que están las (C7)rosas queriendo (F)ver
[Silencio] Sabes que te que(D7)ría
la promesa que has roto para vol(G7)ver
y así creer lo que les con(C)té.
[Silencio] Dije que te que(D7)ría
(C)Quiero abrazarte tanto
con mis sen(C7)tidos con tanto a(F)mor
que no haya más sonido que nuestra (G7)voz
como a (G7)nada en el (C)mundo (C7) y mi cuerpo en el tuyo a continua(C)ción.
que seguía tus (F)pasos tu cami(G)nar
como un lobo en (C)celo desde mi ho(Am)gar (C)Y andaré la tierra
con la puerta a(Dm)bierta de par en (G7)par, de par como un ro(C7)mero buscando a (F)Dios
en (C)par (C7) y tendrá tu regazo mi compren(G7)sión
Y que tenía en pe(F)numbra nuestro rin(G)cón en y una casa pequeña para los (C)dos.
aquel sa(C)lón
con dos cu(Am)biertos y tu can(Dm)ción [Silencio] Tu sabes que te (D7)quiero
y con tus (G)flores en el ja(F)rrón. (C)
♡ 20 de abril – Celtas Cortos (Dm) Pero bueno(Bb), ¿tú qué (C)tal? Di. (F) Lo
mismo hasta(C) tienes (Dm)críos.
[Intro] (Dm) (Dm) ¿Qué tal te (Bb)va con el tío(F) ese? (Bb)Espero
sea(C) diverti(Dm)do.
(Dm) 20 de a(Bb)bril del no(C)venta. (F) Hola, (Dm) Yo, la verdad(Bb), como (C)siempre,(F) sigo
chata(C), ¿cómo es(Dm)tás? currando(C) en lo mis(Dm)mo.
(Dm) ¿Te sorprende(Bb) que te es(F)criba? (Bb)Tanto (Dm) La música(Bb) no me (F)cansa, (Bb)pero me
tiempo(C) es nor(Dm)mal. en(C)cuentro vací(Dm)o.
(Dm) Pues es que esta(Bb)ba aquí (C)solo, (F) me
había puesto(C) a recor(Dm)dar, [Estribillo]
(Dm) me entró la (Bb)melanco(F)lía (Bb)y te te(C)nía
que ha(Dm)blar. [Instrumental]: (Dm) (C) (Dm) (F) (C) (Dm) (C) (Bb) (F)
(C) [x2]
(Dm) Bueno, pues (Bb) ya me des(C)pido, (F) si te
(Dm)-(C) (F) ¿Recuerdas aquella (C)noche en la mola (C)me contes(Dm)tas.
cabaña del (Dm)Turmo, (Dm) Espero que (Bb) mis pa(F)labras
(Dm)-(C) (F) las risas que nos hací(C)amos antes (Bb)desordenen(C) tu concien(Dm)cia.
todos (Dm)juntos? (Dm) Pues nada, (Bb)chica, lo di(C)cho, (F) hasta
Hoy no (F)queda (C)casi (Bb)nadie (C)de los pronto(C) si nos ve(Dm)mos.
de(Bb) antes, (Dm) Yo sigo con(Bb) mis can(F)ciones (Bb)y tú
y los que(F) hay, han cambi(C)ado, han sigues(C) con tus sue(Dm)ños.
cambi(Bb)ado, sí.
[Instrumental]: (Dm) (C) (Dm) (F) (C) (Dm) (C) (Bb) (F)
(C) [x2] [Instrumental]: (Dm) (C) (Dm) (F) (C) (Dm) (C) (Bb) (F)
(C) [x2]
25 de diciembre – Villancico a la (C)tierra (G)ruti(C)lante
(G)que re(C)lumbra (G)con su (C)luz
(Am)25 de Di(E7)ciembre, y a la (Dm)voz del firma(E7)mento
(Am)fun, (E7)fun, (Am)fun cele(F)brando el naci(E7)miento
(Am)25 de Di(E7)ciembre, (Am)de (E7)Je(Am)sús
(Am)fun, (E7)fun, (Am)fun

un ni(C)ñito (G)muy bo(C)nito

(G)ha na(C)cido en (G)un por(C)tal
con su (Dm)carita de (E7)rosa
pare(F)ce una flor her(E7)mosa
(Am)fun, (E7)fun, (Am)fun

(Am)Venid venid pastor(E7)cillos

(Am)fun, (E7)fun, (Am)fun
(Am)Venid venid pastor(E7)cillos
(Am)fun, (E7)fun, (Am)fun

venid (C)con las (G)pande(C)retas

(G)casta(C)ñuelas (G)a to(C)car
a a(Dm)dorar al rey del (E7)cielo
que ha apa(F)recido en el (E/)suelo
(Am)fun, (E7)fun, (Am)fun

(Am)Desde el cielo esta mi(E7)rando,

(Am)fun, (E7)fun, (Am)fun
(Am)Desde el cielo esta mi(E7)rando,
(Am)fun, (E7)fun, (Am)fun
A fuego lento – Rosana y el sabor del poco a (Bb)poco
(Bb)Sigo el camino del cor(Eb)tejo,
A fuego lento tu mi(Eb)rada, (F)a fuego lento fuego a(Bb)ñejo,
(F)a fuego lento tú o (Bb)nada, (Gm)sigo avivando nuestra (Cm)llama
(Gm)vamos fraguando esta lo(Cm)cura tantos dias como (F)sueños,
con la fuerza de los (F)vientos tantos sueños que no (Bb)acaban
y el calor de la ter(Bb)nura [Pausa]
Sigue el camino del cor(Eb)tejo,
(F)a fuego lento a fuego (Bb)viejo [N/C] A fuego lento (Eb)
(Gm)sigue anidando en nuestra (Cm)llama [Single Strum]
con todo lo que te (F)quiero (F) a fuego lento
y lo mucho que me (Bb)amas (Bb7)
[Normal Strum]
A fuego lento me haces (Eb)agua, (Bb)Ay ay ay ay ay
con(F)tigo tengo el alma enamo(Bb)rada, (Gm)a fuego lento, (Cm)a fuego lento, a fuego lento,
me (Gm)llenas, me vacías me de(Cm)sarmas, (F)a fuego lento
Ay (F)ay ay amor cuando me (Bb)amas;
(Bb7)a fuego lento revol(Eb)tosas, [Estribillo]
ca(F)ricias que parecen mari(Bb)posas,
se (Gm)cuelan por debajo de la (Cm)ropa
y van dejando el senti(F)miento
amor forjado a fuego (Bb)lento [Pausa]

A fuego lento mi cin(Eb)tura,

(F)a fuego lento y comi(Bb)sura,
(Gm)vamos tramando este albo(Cm)roto
con la danza de los (F)mares
Agárrate a mi María – Los Secretos
A(C)gárrate fuerte a mí, María
Es(G)toy metido en un lío A(G)gárrate fuerte a mí
Y no sé como voy a sa(D)lir Que (D)esta noche es la más fría
Me buscan unos amigos Y (G)no consigo dormir (G7)
Por algo que no cum(G)plí
Te ju(G)ré que había cambiado A(C)gárrate fuerte a mí, María
Y otra vez te men(D)tí A(G)gárrate (D)fuerte a (Em)mí
Estoy como antes colgado Que (G)tengo miedo
Y por eso vine a (G)tí Y (D)no tengo donde (G)ir

A(C)gárrate fuerte a mí, María [Instrumental como estrofa]

A(G)gárrate fuerte a mí (G)(D)(D)(G) (G)(D)(D)(G)
Que (D)esta noche es la más fría
Y (G)no consigo dormir (G7) [Single strum]
A(C)gárrate fuerte a mí, María
A(C)gárrate fuerte a mí, María Y (G)no llores más por mí
A(G)gárrate (D)fuerte a (Em)mí Volve(D)ré a por ti algún día
Que (G)tengo miedo Y escapa(G)remos de a(G7)quí
Y (D)no tengo donde (G)ir
A(C)gárrate fuerte a mí, María
Ma(G)ñana cuando despiertes A(G)gárrate (D)fuerte a (Em)mí
Estaré lejos sin (D)ti Que (G)tengo miedo
No creo que pase nada Y (D)no tengo donde (G)ir
De otras peores sa(G)lí Que (G)tengo miedo
Si a(G)caso no vuelvo a verte Y (D)no tengo donde (G)ir
Olvida que te hice su(D)frir
No quiero si desaparezco
Que nadie recuerde quien (G)fui
Aire – Mecano con mi (F)nueva dimensión
y pro(Fm)bé a ser respirado,
Una (Cm)noche de resaca por la (Cm)que duerme a mi lado,
al (Eb+)tratar de despertar (D)sin entrar en pormenores,
noté (Eb)que por el ombligo (G7)yo sé hacer cosas mejores
me empe(F)zaba a desinflar
que mi (Fm)cuerpo se arrugaba Como (Cm)no me satisfizo
como un (Cm)papel vegetal la expe(Eb+)riencia sexual,
e (D)iba pasando, que curioso, se me in(Eb)flaron los vapores,
(G7)al estado gaseoso me con(F)vertí en huracán
di unas (Fm)tres o cuatro vueltas
y tras (Cm)la metamorfosis y a la (Cm)quinta me cansé
me sen(Eb+)tí mucho mejor (D)este cuarto es muy pequeño
era un (Eb)aire gris oscuro (Gm)para las co(D)sas que sueño
y con bas(F)tante polución
se no(Fm)taba en cualquier caso (Gm)Aire...
que era (Cm)aire de ciudad
(D)que si bien no es el más sano, Y lo (Cm)siento por mi novia
(Gm)lo prefiere el (D)ser humano y el (Eb+)cristal que me cargué
me esca(Eb)pé por la ventana
(Gm)Aire, so(Eb)ñé por un momento que era y en pi(F)cado me lancé
(Gm)aire, o(Eb)xígeno, nitrógeno y ar(Dm)gón, pero (Fm)tuve mala suerte
sin (F)forma defi(Gm)nida, (F)ni color y cuando (Cm)iba a remontar
fuí (Gm)aire, (F)volador (Ab) (D)me volví otra vez humano
(Gm)no faltéis al (D)funeral
Como (Cm)yo soy muy consciente
hasta en (Eb+)esta situación, (Gm)Aire…
deci(Eb)dí ser consecuente (Gm)
Algo contigo – Vicentico de lo (Bm)mucho que me (E7)cuesta
ser tu a(Am)migo
Hace (G)falta que te diga Ya no (Cm)puedo acercarme a tu (F)boca
que me (F#m)muero por te(B7)ner algo con(Em)tigo sin de(G)seártela de una manera (E7)loca
(G7)Es que (C)no te has dado cuenta Nece(Am)sito niña controlar tu (D)vida,
de lo (Bm)mucho que me (E7)cuesta saber quién te (Bm)besa y quién te a(E7)briga
ser tu a(Am)migo Ya me (Am)quedan muy pocos (Cm)caminos
Ya no (Cm)puedo acercarme a tu (F)boca y aunque (G)pueda parecerte un desa(E7)tino
sin de(G)seártela de una manera (E7)loca No qui(Am)siera yo morirme sin te(D)ner
Nece(Am)sito controlar tu (A7)vida, algo con(G)tigo
saber quién te besa y quién te a(D)briga Ya me (Am)quedan muy pocos (Cm)caminos
y aunque (G)pueda parecerte un desa(E7)tino
Hace (G)falta que te diga No qui(Am)siera yo morirme sin te(D)ner
que me (F#m)muero por te(B7)ner algo con(Em)tigo algo con(G)tigo
(G7)Es que (C)no te has dado cuenta (Am)(D)algo con(G)tigo
de lo (Bm)mucho que me (E7)cuesta (Am)(D)algo con(G)tigo
ser tu a(Am)migo
Ya no (Cm)puedo continuar espi(F)ando,
día y (G)noche tu llegar adivi(E7)nando
Ya no (Am)sé con que inocente
ex(D)cusa pasar por tu (Bm)casa (E7)
Ya me (Am)quedan tan pocos ca(Cm)minos
y aunque (G)pueda parecerte un desa(E7)tino
No qui(Am)siera yo morirme sin te(D)ner
algo con(G)tigo

Hace (G)falta que te diga

que me (F#m)muero por te(B7)ner algo con(Em)tigo
(G7)Es que (C)no te has dado cuenta
Algo Nuevo – La Bella y la Bestia ¿qué pasa (A)allí?
Los dos por fin
(D)(A)(D)(D) un par fe(D)liz,
¡que sí, que sí!
Hay algo en (A)él, va a comen(A)zar
que no es (D)igual la primavera en el jar(D)dín (D7)
pues era un (A)bruto, Hay que aguar(G)dar, (G7)
desgarbado y un pa(D)tán (D7) y hay que insis(D)tir (B7)
y ahora es un (G)sol, porque el mi(Em)lagro
(Gm)no sé por (D)qué, (B7) que espe(A7)ramos va a ocu(D)rrir...
no descu(Em)brí porque el mi(A)lagro
todo lo (A7)bueno que hay en (D)él que esperamos va a ocu(D)rrir...
porque el mi(A)lagro
(A)(D)(D) que esperamos va a ocu(D)rrir

Me mira a (A)mi, no hay nadie (D)más

y me ha ro(A)zado la pezuña sin tem(D)blar (D7)
no puede (G)ser, (Gm)mira hacia (D)aquí (B7)
y jura(Em)ría que la he (A)visto sonre(D)ír

(G)Es (D)(Em)una (A7)magia ex(F#m)traña

(B7)yo jamás pen(Em)sé que (A7)iba a ocu(D)rrir(D7)
(G)no es(D)(Em) el que (A7)yo so(F#m)ñaba
(B7)pero hay algo (Em)nuevo
que le em(G)piezo a descu(A)brir
Amante Bandido – Miguel Bosé (G)Sin misterio...(A)
Sin misterio...
(F)Yo se(F#m)ré el (G)viento que (A)va Sin misterio...
(F)Navega(F#m)ré por (G)tu oscuri(A)dad
(Bm)Tú ro(F#m)cío Seré tu amante ban(D)dido, ban(A)dido
(G)Beso (D)frío Cora(G)zón corazón malherido(A)
(G)Que me quemará(A) Seré tu amante cau(D)tivo, cau(A)tivo
Seré (G)ahum!(A)
(F)Yo se(F#m)ré tor(G)mento y a(A)mor Pasión privada do(D)rado ene(A)migo
(F)Tú la ma(F#m)rea que a(G)rrastra a los (A)dos Hura(G)cán huracán abatido(A)
(Bm)Yo y (F#m)tú Me perderé en un mo(D)mento con(A)tigo
(G)Tú y (D)yo (G)Por siempre
(G)No dirás que no (A) (A)Seré tu héroe de a(F)mor (F#m)(G)
No dirás que no... (A)Seré tu héroe de a(F)mor (F#m)(G)
No dirás que no... (A)Seré tu héroe de a(F)mor (F#m)(G)
(A)Seré el amante que (D)muere ren(A)dido
Seré tu amante ban(D)dido, ban(A)dido Cora(G)zón corazón malherido(A)
Cora(G)zón corazón malherido(A) Seré tu amante ban(D)dido, ban(A)dido
Seré tu amante cau(D)tivo, cau(A)tivo Seré (G)ahum!(A)
Seré (G)ahum!(A) Y en un oasis prohi(D)bido prohi(A)bido
Pasión privada do(D)rado ene(A)migo Por a(G)mor por amor concebido(A)
Hura(G)cán huracán abatido(A) Me perderé en un mo(D)mento con(A)tigo
Me perderé en un mo(D)mento con(A)tigo (G)Por siempre
(G)Por siempre(A) (A)Seré tu héroe de a(D)mor (A)(G)
(A)Seré tu héroe de a(D)mor (A)(G)
(F)Yo se(F#m)ré un (G)hombre por (A)ti (A)Seré tu héroe de a(D)mor (A)(G)
(F)Renuncia(F#m)ré a (G)ser lo que (A)fui (A)Seré tu héroe (D)(A)(G)(A)(D)
(Bm)Yo y (F#m)tú
(G)Tú y (D)yo
Amigos para siempre – Los Manolos pero también sé que ja(Am)más olvidarás
(D)la amistad que nos ha u(G)nido.
(G)Yo, no necesito conversar
porque adivino que ya (Am)sabes como soy [Estribillo]
(D)tu me has conocido (G)siempre.
(G)Tú, cuando me miras puedes ver (A)Ven, nos queda tanto por vivir,
dentro de mi lo que ni (Am)yo puedo entender buenos momentos que po(Bm)damos compartir
(D)yo te he conocido (G)siempre. ya (E7)sólo se vivir con(A)tigo.
(A)Sé que como un día partirás
Amigos para (C)siempre pero también se que ja(Bm)más olvidarás
Means you´ll always be my (D)friend (E7)la amistad que nos ha u(A)nido.
Amis per (G)sempre
Means a love that will never (Em)end Amigos para (D)siempre
Friends for (Am)life Means you´ll always be my (E7)friend
Not just a summer or a (D)spring Amis per (A)sempre
Amigos para (G)siempre (G7) Means a love that will never (F#m)end
I feel you (C)near me Friends for (Bm)life
Even when we are a(D)part Not just a summer or a (E7)spring
Just knowing (G)you are in this world Amigos para (A)siempre (A7)
Can warm my (Em)heart I feel you (D)near me
Friends for (Am)life Even when we are a(E7)part
Not just a summer or a (D)spring Just knowing (A)you are in this world
Amigos para (G)siempre Can warm my (F#m)heart
Friends for (Bm)life
(G)Ven, nos queda tanto por vivir, Not just a summer or a (E7)spring
buenos momentos que po(Am)demos compartir Amigos para (A)siempre
ya (D)solo se vivir con(G)tigo. [Mismos acordes]
(G)Sé que como un día partirás No naino naino naino naino naino na...
Amor, amor de mis amores – Natalia Que respiro el (D)aire que respiras (E7)tú
No tienes re(Em)medio, (A)no tienes re(D)medio(Bm)
No tienes re(Em)medio, eres mi (A)gran a(D)mor
Acorde (D+) = 3 2 2 5 [Cejilla en el 2]
(D)Amor de mis a(D)mores
(D)Sangre de mi (Em)alma
Poniendo la (Em)mano (A)sobre el cora(D)zón
Vo(A)lar con las (A)flores (A)de la espe(D)ranza
Quisiera de(Em)cirte (A)al compás de un (D)son
Per(Gm)mite, que (D)pare, para de(Em)cirte,
Que tu eres mi (Em)vida (A)(D)
que (A)tú eres el amor de mis a(D)mores
que no quiero a (Em)nadie (A)más que (D)ti
Para de(Em)cirte,
que (A)tú eres el amor de mis a(D)mores (D)
Poniendo la (Em)mano (A)sobre en el cora(D)zón
Quiera can(Em)tarte en (A)todo una can(D)ción
Que tu eres mi (Em)cielo(A)(D)
Las aves que (Em)retan (A)su po(D)der
A(D)mor de mis a(Dsus4)mores
Que respiro el (Bm)aire
(D)Tú eres mi (Dsus4)cielo
Que respiro el (D+)aire
A(D)mor de mis a(Dsus4)mores
Que respiro el (D)aire que respiras (E7)tú
(D)Tú eres mi (Dsus4)cielo
No tienes re(Em)medio, (A)no tienes re(D)medio(Bm)
A(D)mor de mis a(Em)mores
No tienes re(Em)medio, eres mi (A)gran a(D)mor
(F#m)Tú eres mi (G)cielo
A(D)mor de mis a(Em)mores
Poniendo la (Em)mano (A)sobre en el cora(D)zón
(F#m)Tú eres mi (G)cielo
Quiera can(Em)tarte en (A)todo una can(D)ción
Que tu eres mi (Em)cielo(A)(D)
Todos mis con(Em)suelos(A)(D)

Que respiro el (Bm)aire

Que respiro el (D+)aire
Amores de barra – Ella baila sola (G)chao cariño esta (D)noche lo he pasado bien..

(G)Te has lle(C)vado (G) Na na na na na na na

(G)solo lo que (D)yo quería (C) Na na (D) na na na na na
(G)me has de(C)jado (G) Na na na na na na na
bai(G)lando bajo la (D)luz del día (C) Na na (D) na na na na na (G)
(G)solo ha (C)sido la his(G)toria
que se a(D)caba (C)cuando (G)sale el sol [estribillo]
y (D)así es mejor... y vuelvo a tu (G)lado... (C)(D)
Amores de (G)barra, y
un lápiz de (C)labios mal puesto en el (D)baño (G) Na na na na na na na
colirio en los (G)ojos, pegote de (C)rimel, la copa en (C) Na na (D) na na na na na
la (D)mano (G) Na na na na na na na
y vuelvo a tu (G)lado... (C)(D) (C) Na na (D) na na na na na (G)

(G)Calcu(C)lando (G)no acercarme (D)demasiado

(G)plane(C)ando la ma(G)nera de mane(D)jar tus
(G)te com(C)paro con el (G)resto del ga(D)nado (C)y
de(G)cido dar
(D)un paso mas...


(C)Son las dos y hasta las cinco te utilizaré

(G)no hace falta que ma(D)ñana te vuelva a ver
(C)sólo un coche necesito para volver
Andar conmigo – Julieta Venegas
Hay (C)tanto que quiero con(F)tarte
hay (G)tanto que quiero saber de (C)ti (C)Si quisieras an(F)dar conmigo (G) [x4]
ya pode(F)mos empezar poco a po(G)co
cuénta(F)me que te trae por a(G)quí.

No te asus(C)tes de decirme la ver(F)dad

eso (G)nunca puede estar así tan (C)mal
yo tam(F)bién tengo secretos para (G)darte
y que se(F)pas que ya no (G) me sirven (C)más

Hay (E)tantos caminos por an(F)dar… [Silencio]
Dime (G)si, tu quisieras an(C)dar conmigo(F)ooo(G)o
Cuénta(G)me, si quisieras an(C)dar conmigo(F)o(G)o
Dime (G)si, tu quisieras an(C)dar conmigo(F)ooo(G)o
Cuénta(G)me, si quisieras an(C)dar conmigo(F)o(G)o

Es(C)toy ansiosa por soltarlo (F)todo

desde el prin(G)cipio hasta llegar al día de (C)hoy
una histo(F)ria tengo en mi para entre(G)garte
una histo(F)ria todavía sin fi(G)nal

Po(C)dríamos decirnos cualquier (F)cosa

incluso (G)darnos para siempre, un siempre (C)no
pero aho(F)ra frente a frente aquí sen(G)tados
festeje(F)mos que la vi(G)da nos cru(C)zó
Antes de que cuente diez – Fito & No ves que (G)siempre vas detrás
cuando (F)persigues al destino.
Siempre es la (Am)mano y no el puñal
[1 strum]
nunca es lo (C)que pudo haber sido
Puedo (Am)escribir y no disimular
no es porque (G)digas la verdad
es la (G)ventaja de irse haciendo viejo
es porque (F)nunca me has mentido.
no tengo (Dm)nada para impresionar
ni por (C)fuera ni por (G)dentro.
No voy a (C)sentirme mal
si algo no me (G)sale bien
La noche en (Am)vela va cruzando el mar
he aprendido a (Am)derrapar
porque los (G)sueños viajan con el viento
y a chocar con la (F)pared
y en mi (Dm)ventana sopla en el cristal
que la vida (C)se nos va
mira a (C)ver si estoy (G)despierto.
como el humo (G)de ese tren
como un beso en (Am)un portal
antes de que (F)cuente 10.
Me perdí en un (Am)cruce de palabras
me anotaron (C)mal la dirección
Y no volve(C)ré a sentirme extraño
ya grabé mi (G)nombre en una bala
aunque no me (G)llegue a conocer
ya probé la (Dm)carne de cañón
y no volve(Am)ré a quererte tanto
ya lo tengo (Am)todo controlado
y no volveré a (F)dejarte de querer
y alguien dijo (C)no, no, no, no, no
dejé de (C)volar me hundí en el barro
que ahora viene el (G)viento de otro lado
y entre tanto (G)barro me encontré
déjame el (Dm)timón
algo de (Am)calor sin tus abrazos
y (G)alguien dijo no, no, no
ahora sé que (F)nunca volveré.
Lo que no (Am)llegará al final
serán mis (C)pasos, no el camino.
Antes que ver el sol – Coti Ay (G)cuando mi vida (D)cuando
Va a ser el (Em)día que tu (C)pared
(G)Si te vas Desaparezca
(D)Se me a hacer muy (Em)tarde(C)
(G)Y además (G)Fabriqué...(D)un millón de ilu(Em)siones(C)
(D)Solo intento (Em)cuidarte(C) (G)Prisioneras... (D)que se hicieron (Em)canciones(C)

Ay (G)cuando mi vida (D)cuando Ay (G)cuando mi vida (D)cuando vas a (Em)cerrar

Va a ser el (Em)día que tu (C)pared Tus ojos con(C)migo
Desaparezca (C)Oh, oh (D)oh oh (Em)oh (C)
(C)Antes que ver el (D)sol
(G)Fabriqué...(D)un millón de ilu(Em)siones(C) Pre(G)fiero escuchar tu (C)voz
(G)Prisioneras... (D)que se hicieron (Em)canciones(C)
(C)Oh, oh (D)oh oh (Em)oh (C)
Ay (G)cuando mi vida (D)cuando vas a (Em)cerrar (C)Antes que ver el (D)sol
Tus ojos con(C)migo Pre(G)fiero escuchar tu (C)voz (G)
(C)Oh, oh (D)oh oh (Em)oh (C)
(C)Antes que ver el (D)sol
Pre(G)fiero escuchar tu (C)voz

(C)Oh, oh (D)oh oh (Em)oh (C)

(C)Antes que ver el (D)sol
Pre(G)fiero escuchar tu (C)voz (G)

(G)Si te vas
(D)Para que regre(Em)saste(C)
Y (G)además
(D)Solo quise be(Em)sarte(C)
Años 80 – Los Piratas (D)por la confesión brutal
de tu re(C)lato...
(D)Cuando me hiciste llamar
no sospe(C)chaba (Bm)Y yo no quiero vol(Em)ver
(D)plastilina con color (Bm)no me repitas ja(Em)más
ropa inte(C)rior que no sabes qué hora (Bm)es
recuerdos de allí afuera las 7 y (F#m)27 o no?
(D)cómics de ciencia ficción (G)ya terminé...
vida inte(C)rior
(D)No te echaré de menos (Em)en septiembre
(Bm)Y yo no quiero vol(Em)ver (G)verano (F#m)muerto veré a las (Em)chicas pasar
(Bm)no me repitas ja(Em)más
que no sabes qué hora (Bm)es Se(G)rá
las 7 y (F#m)27 o no? como a(F#m)quella can(Em)ción
(G)ya terminé... de los años 80
(D)No te echaré de menos (Em)en septiembre como el (F#m)tipo que algún día (Em)fui
(G)verano (F#m)muerto veré a las (Em)chicas pasar
Se(G)rá como a(F#m)quella can(Em)ción
como a(F#m)quella can(Em)ción de los años 80
de los años 80 se(G)ré
se(G)ré como el (F#m)tipo que algún día (Em)fui
como el (F#m)tipo que algún día (Em)fui ¡Ya termi(D)né!

(D)Bloody marys en el bar

un déjà (C)vu
matrix está cambiando
A quién le importa - Alaska y Dinarama
(Dm)Mi des(G)tino es el que (Em)yo de(Am)cido
el que (Dm)yo e(G)lijo para (E7)mi (silencio)
La gente me se(Am/C)ñala
me apuntan con el (C+)dedo A quién le (Am)importa lo que yo (F)haga?
susurra a mis es(C)paldas A quién le (G)importa lo que yo (C)diga?
y a mi me importa un (Dm)bledo. yo soy (F)así, y así (B)seguiré, nunca (E7)cambiaré
qué mas me (G)da
si soy distinta a (C)ellos A quién le (Am)importa lo que yo (F)haga?
no soy de (B)nadie, A quién le (G)importa lo que yo (C)diga?
no tengo (E7)dueño. yo soy (F)así, y así (B)seguiré, nunca (E7)cambiaré

Yo sé que me (Am/C)critican Quizá la culpa es (Am/C)mía

me consta que me (C+)odian por no seguir la (C+)norma,
la envidia les (C)corroe ya es demasiado (C)tarde
mi vida les (Dm)agobia. para cambiar (Dm)ahora.
Por qué (G)será? Me (G)mantendré
yo no tengo la (C)culpa firme en mis (C)convicciones,
mi (B)circunstancia les (E7)insulta. (B)reportaré mis (E7)posiciones.

Arre borriquito – Villancico
Hacia el (C)portal de Belén
Tengo (C)puesto un nacimiento se di(G)rige un pastor(C)cito
en un (G)rincón de mi (C)casa Cantan(C)do de esta manera
Con pas(C)tores y pastoras para a(G)legrar el ca(C)mino
y un pa(G)lacio en la mon(C)taña. Ha na(F)cido el Niño (C)Dios
Allí (F)vive el Rey He(C)rodes, en un (G)portal mise(C)rable
allí (G)viven sus sol(C)dados, Para en(F)señar a los (C)hombres
Todos (F)están espe(C)rando la humil(G)dad de su li(C)naje.
que lle(G)guen los reyes (C)magos.
(F)Arre borriquito, arre burro arre
(F)Arre borriquito, arre burro arre (Bb)Anda más de(C)prisa que llegamos (F)tarde.
(Bb)Anda más de(C)prisa que llegamos (F)tarde. (F)Arre borriquito vamos a Belén
(F)Arre borriquito vamos a Belén (Bb)Que mañana es (C)fiesta y al otro tam(F)bién.
(Bb)Que mañana es (C)fiesta y al otro tam(F)bién.

En el (C)cielo hay una estrella

que a los (G)reyes magos (C)guía
Hacia (C)Belén para ver
a Dios, (G)hijo de Ma(C)ría;
Cuando (F)pasan los mo(C)narcas
Sale (G)la gente al ca(C)mino
Y ale(F)gres se van con (C)ellos
para (G)ver al tierno (C)Niño.

(F)Arre borriquito, arre burro arre

(Bb)Anda más de(C)prisa que llegamos (F)tarde.
(F)Arre borriquito vamos a Belén
(Bb)Que mañana es (C)fiesta y al otro tam(F)bién.
Aunque tú no lo sepas – Los Secretos

(G)Aunque tú no lo (Em)sepas
(C)me he inventado tu (D)nombre,
(G)me drogué con pro(Em)mesas
(C)y he dormido en los co(D)ches.
(C)Aunque tú no lo en(D)tiendas
nunca es(G)cribo el re(D)mite en el (Em)sobre
(C)por no dejar mis (D)huellas. (C)(D)

(G)Aunque tú no lo (Em)sepas
(C)me he acostado a tu es(D)palda
(G)y mi cama se (Em)queja
(C)fría cuando te (D)marchas.
(C)He blindado mi (D)puerta
y al llegar la ma(G)ñana
(D)no me di ni (Em)cuenta
(C)(D)de que ya nunca es(C)tabas. (D)(C)(D)

(G)Aunque tú no lo (Em)sepas
(C)nos decíamos (D)tanto,
(G)con las manos tan (Em)llenas,
(C)cada día más (D)flacos.
(C)Inventamos ma(D)reas,
tripulábamos (G)barcos
y (D)encendía con (Em)besos
(C)(D)el mar de tus (C)labios.(D)(C)(D)(G)
Ay del chiquirritín – Villancico
(D)Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
(D)Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín metidito entre (A)pajas
metidito entre (A)pajas Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín queridín, queridito del (D)alma.
queridín, queridito del (D)alma.

(D)Entre un (G)buey y una (D)mula

(D)Dios ha na(A)cido
(A)y en un pobre pesebre lo han reco(D)gido.

(D)Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín

metidito entre (A)pajas
Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
queridín, queridito del (D)alma.

(D)Por de(G)bajo del (D)arco

(D)del porta(A)lico
(A)se descubre a María, José y al (D)Niño.

(D)Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín

metidito entre (A)pajas
Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
queridín, queridito del (D)alma.

(D)No me (G)mires ai(D)rado,

(D)hijito (A)mío
(A)mírame con los ojos que yo te mi(D)ro.
Ay Jalisco no te rajes – Jorge Negrete
En ja(C)lisco se (G7)quiere a la (C)buena
[Intro] por(G7)que es peli(C)groso querer a la (G7)mala
(F) (C) (G7) (C) por una morena echar mucha bala
y bajo la luna cantar en cha(C)pala.
Ay!, ja(C)lisco, ja(G7)lisco, ja(C)lisco
tu (G7)tienes tu (C)novia que es guadala(G7)jara [Estribillo] [X2]
muchacha bonita, la perla mas rara
de todo jalisco es mi guadala(C)jara. (F) (C) (G7) (C)

y me (C)gusta escu(G7)char los ma(C)riachis

can(G7)tar con el (C)alma sus lindas can(G7)ciones
oir como suenan esos guitarrones
y echarme un tequila con los valen(C)tones.

[Estribillo] [x2]
(F)Ay!, jalisco (G7)no te (C)rajes
me sale del (G7)alma gritar con ca(C)lor
abrir todo el (F)pecho pa' echar este (C)grito
que lindo es ja(G7)lisco, palabra de ho(C)nor.

(F) (C) (G7) (C)

Pa' mu(C)jeres ja(G7)lisco pri(C)mero

lo (G7)mismo en los (C)altos que alla en la
mujeres muy lindas rechulas de cara
asi son las hembras en guadala(C)jara.
Baila morena – Zuchero Es(D)cándalo en lo oscuro, what you say?

(Gm)Creo en los milagros desde que te vi (Gm)Baila (Eb)baila more(Bb)na

(Gm)En esta noche de tequila boom boom (F)Bajo esta luna (Gm)llena
(Gm)Eres tan sexy eres sexy thing (Eb)Under the (Bb)moonlight(F)
(Gm)Mis ojos te persiguen solo a ti (Gm)Baila (Eb)under the(Bb)moonlight
(Gm)(C)(Gm)(C) (F)Bajo esta luna (Gm)llena
(Eb)Baila more(Bb)na(F)
(Gm)Y debe haber un caos dentro de ti
(Gm)Para que brote así una estrella que baila Yeah yeah yeah!!(Gm)(C)(Gm)(C)
(Gm)Infierno y paraíso dentro de ti
(Gm)La luna es un sol, mira como brilla (Gm)Baila (Eb)baila more(Bb)na
(F)Bajo esta luna (Gm)llena
(Cm)Baby (F)the night is on (Gm)fire (Bb) (Eb)Under the (Bb)moonlight(F)
Seamos (F)fuego en el cielo (Gm)Baila (Eb)under the(Bb)moonlight
(D)Llamas en lo oscuro, what you say? (F)Bajo esta luna (Gm)llena
(Eb)Baila more(Bb)na
(Gm)Baila (Eb)baila more(Bb)na (F)Bajo esta luna (Gm)llena
(F)Bajo esta luna (Gm)llena (C)Bajo esta luna (Gm)llena
(Eb)Under the (Bb)moonlight (C)Bajo esta luna (Gm)llena
(F)Under the (Gm)moonlight(C)(Gm)(C) (C)Under the (Gm)moonlight (F)(C)

(Gm)Ven chica ven loca dame tu boca

(Gm)Que en esta noche cualquier cosa te toca
(Gm)Mi corazón de oro es el causante
(Gm)Dámelo todo, me lo merezco tanto

(Cm)Baby (F)the night is on (Gm)fire(Bb)

Seamos (F)fuego en el cielo
Bajo el mar – La Sirenita en la sar(C)tén.(C7)
Si no te (F)quieres arriesgar(G7)
Tú (C)piensas que en (G7)otros la(C)gos y los pro(Am)blemas evitar(D7)
las (C)algas más (G7)verdes son(C) entre bur(F)bujas debes que(G)darte bajo del (C)mar.
y (C)sueñas con (G7)ir arri(C)ba,
¡qué (C)gran equi(G7)vocación!(C) Bajo el (F)mar, (C) bajo el (G)mar (C),
(F)¿No ves que tu pro(C)pio mundo hay siempre (F)ritmo
no (G7)tiene comparación(C)? y lo sen(G)timos al natu(C)ral.(C7)
(F)¿Qué puede haber a(C)llá fuera La manta(F)rraya a tocar(G7),
que (G7)cause tal emoción.(C)? el estu(Am)rión va a acompañar,(D7)
tú sólo es(F)cucha
Bajo el (F)mar, (C) bajo el (G)mar (C), aquí está la (G)marcha bajo el (C)mar.
vive se(F)rena, siendo si(G)rena eres fe(C)liz (C7)
ellos tra(F)bajan sin parar (G7)
y bajo el (Am)sol para variar(D7)
Mientras no(F)sotros siempre flo(G)tamos
bajo el (C)mar.

Los (C)peces son (G7)muy feli(C)ces,

a(C)quí tienen (G7)libertad.(C)
Los (C)peces allí (G7)están tris(C)tes,
sus (C)casas son (G7)de cristal.(C)
(F)La vida de aque(C)llos peces
muy (G7)larga no suele ser(C)
(F)Si al dueño le a(C)petece,
a (G7)mí me van a comer.(C)

Bajo el (F)mar, (C) bajo el (G)mar (C),

nadie nos (F)fríe ni nos co(G)cina
Barco a Venus – Mecano y que (A7)crece día a (Dm)día.
La (Am)mafia te per(Dm)sigue
(Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7) y te co(Am)ge la poli(Am)cía
(Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7) te en(G)cierran y te (C)sueltan
y to(A7)dos te dicen
(Dm)Dices que (Am)siempre estás via(Dm)jando
pero (Am)me estás enga(Am)ñando [Estribillo]
yo (G)sé que tú estás (C)solo
y que no (A7)sales de tu (Dm)cuarto (Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7)
Las (Am)luces de la (Dm)calle (Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7)
te hacen (Am)daño cuando (Am)sales
por(G)que tu mundo es (C)otro (Bb)Déjalo (F)ya
mucho (A7)más oscuro sabes que (Gm)nunca has ido
a (F)Venus en un...
(Bb)Déjalo (F)ya (Bb)Déjalo (F)ya
sabes que (Gm)nunca has ido sabes que (Gm)nunca has ido
a (F)Venus en un (C)barco… (C7)(Am)(C) a (F)Venus en un (C)barco…(C7)(Am)(C)
(Bb)Quieres flo(F)tar Eee(C)he (C7)(Am) eh, eh, (C) eh, eh!
pero lo (Gm)único que (F)haces
es hun(C)dirte… (C7)(Am)(C) (Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7)
Eee(C)he (C7)(Am) eh, eh, (C) eh, eh! (Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7)

(Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7) [Nananás]

(Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7) (Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7)
(Dm)(Am)(Dm)(Am) (Am)(G)(C)(A7)
(Dm)Sabes que (Am)pasas por la (Dm)vida (Dm)
sin sa(Am)lir de tu men(Am)tira
que (G)muchos ali(C)mentan
Burbujas de amor – Juan Luis Guerra
(C)Y ese corazón se desnuda
(C)Tengo un corazón de impa(G)ciencia ante tu voz,
Mutilado de espe(G)ranza y de razón (Dm)Pobre corazón
(Dm)Tengo un corazón (F)que madruga donde (F)Que no atrapa su (G)cordura
(G)quiera (F)¡ayayay(G)ayay!
(C)Y ese corazón se desnuda [Estribillo]
de impa(G)ciencia ante tu voz,
(Dm)Pobre corazón (Ab) Una (Bb7)noche para u(Gm)nirnos
(F)Que no atrapa su (G)cordura Hasta el (Cm)fin (Bb) (Ab)
Cara a (Bb7)cara, beso a (Gm)beso
(F)Qui(G)siera ser un (C)pez Y vi(Cm)vir (Gm) (Fm)
Para tocar mi nariz en tu pe(G)cera Por (Bb7)siempre mojado en (C)ti
Y hacer burbujas de amor por donde(Dm)quiera
Ooohh (F)Pasar la noche en (G)vela (C) (G) (Dm) (F) (G) (F)(G)
Mo(F)jado en (G)ti
(C)Un pez
Para bordar de corales tu cin(G)tura (Ab) (Bb) (C)
Y hacer burbujas de amor bajo la (Dm)luna
Oooohh (F)Saciar esta lo(G)cura
Mo(F)jado en (G)ti

(C)Canta corazón
Con un ancla imprescin(G)dible de ilusión
(Dm)Sueña corazón
(F)No te nubles de amar(G)gura
♡ Busca lo más vital – El libro de la sin (F)nada más am(Fm)bicionar
ma(C)má na(A7)tura(D7)leza (G7)te lo (C)da
Cuando tomas un (G7)fruto
Acorde (Fm) = 1 0 1 3
Con espinas por (C)fuera
Busca lo (C)más vi(C7)tal, no más y te pinchas la (G7)mano
lo (F)que es necesi(Fm)dad, no más te pinchas en (C)vano(C7)
ol(C)vídate de (A7)la preocupa(D7)ción(G)
Tan sólo (C)lo muy (C7)esencial tomar (F)espinas con la mano es (Fm)malo
pa(F)ra vivir sin (Fm)batallar en vez de la (C)mano se usa siempre un (D7)palo
y (C)la na(A7)tura(D7)leza (G)te lo (C)da más fíjate bien usarás la mano
cuando (G7)tomes la fruta del banano
Doquiera que (G7)vaya
doquiera que es(C)toy Lo más (Dm)vital para exis(G7)tir
soy oso di(G7)choso te llega(C)rá -¿me llegará?-
oso fe(C)liz(C7) (G7)nos llega(C)rá

La abeja (F)zumba siempre (Fm)así Busca lo (C)más vi(C7)tal, no más

porque hace (C)miel sólo para (D7)mí lo (F)que has de preci(Fm)sar, no más
y (D7)las hormigas encuentro bien (C)nunca del tra(A7)bajo has de (D7)abusar(G7)
y (G)saboreo por lo menos cien Si buscas (C)lo más (C7)esencial
sin (F)nada más am(Fm)bicionar
Lo más (Dm)vital en esta (G7)vida lo ten(C)drás ma(C)má na(A7)tura(D7)leza (G7)te lo (C)da
(G7)te llega(C)rá ma(C)má na(A7)tura(D7)leza (G7)te lo (C)da

Busca lo (C)más vi(C7)tal, no más

lo (F)que has de preci(Fm)sar, no más
(C)nunca del tra(A7)bajo has de (D7)abusar(G)
Si buscas (C)lo más (C7)esencial
Cadillac Solitario – Loquillo y los [Más rápido]
(Bm)Y al irse la (G)rubia me he sentido ex(Bm)traño,
me he quedado (G)solo, fumando un ci(D)garro,
quizás he pen(A)sado, nostalgia de (Bm)ti (G)
(Bm)y desde esta (G)curva donde estoy pa(Bm)rado
(D)Siempre quise (A)ir a L.(Bm)A.
me he sorpren(G)dido mirando a tu (D)barrio,
dejar un (G)día esta ciu(D)dad.
y me han atra(A)pado luces de ciu(Bm)dad (G)
Cruzar el (A)mar en tu compa(Bm)ñía. (G)
(D)Pero ya hace (A)tiempo que me has de(Bm)jado,
(D)El amane(A)cer me sorprende(Bm)rá
y probable(G)mente me habrás olvi(D)dado.
dormido, bo(G)rracho en el Cadi(D)llac,
No sé que aven(A)turas correré sin (Bm)ti. (G)
junto a las pal(A)meras luce soli(Bm)tario (G)
(D)y dice la (A)gente que ahora eres for(Bm)mal
[Más rápido]
y yo aquí bo(G)rracho en el Cadi(D)llac
(Bm)Y ahora es(G)toy aquí sen(Bm)tado
bajo las pal(A)meras luce soli(Bm)tario.
en un viejo (G)Cadillac de segunda (D)mano
Y no estás (G)tú, ¡¡nena!!
junto al Merve(A)llé, a mis pies mi ciu(Bm)dad (G)
(Bm)y hace un mo(G)mento que me ha de(Bm)jado,
[Más rápido]
aquí en la la(G)dera del Tibi(D)dabo,
(D)El amane(A)cer me sorprende(Bm)rá
la última (A)rubia que vino a pro(Bm)bar
dormido, bo(G)rracho en el Cadi(D)llac,
el asiento de (G)atrás.
junto a las pal(A)meras luce soli(Bm)tario (G)
(D)y dice la (A)gente que ahora eres for(Bm)mal
y yo aquí bo(G)rracho en el Cadi(D)llac
(D)Quizás el "mar(A)tini" me ha hecho recor(Bm)dar
bajo las pal(A)meras luce soli(Bm)tario.
nena, por (G)qué no volviste a lla(D)mar?
Y no estás (G)tú,
Creí que po(A)día olvidarte sin (Bm)más
¡¡¡nenaaaa!!! (D)(A)(Bm)(G)
y aún a ratos, ya (G)ves.
¡¡¡nenaaaa!!! (D)(A)(Bm)(G) (D)
Campana sobre campana – Villancico (F)Caminando a media noche
¿dónde (G)cami(C)nas pas(F)tor?
(F)Campana sobre cam(C)pana, (F)Le llevo al niño que nace
y sobre campana (F)una, Como a (G)Dios mi (C)Cora(F)zón
(F)asómate a la ven(C)tana,
verás al Niño en la (F)cuna. (F)Belén, cam(Bb)panas de Be(F)lén,
que (Bb)los ángeles (F)tocan
(F)Belén, cam(Bb)panas de Be(F)lén, ¿qué (C)nueva me tra(F)éis?
que (Bb)los ángeles (F)tocan
¿qué (C)nueva me tra(F)éis?

(F)Recogido tu rebaño
¿a dón(G)de vas (C)pastor(F)cillo?
(F)Voy a llevar al portal
reque(G)són, man(C)teca y (F)vino.

(F)Belén, cam(Bb)panas de Be(F)lén,

que (Bb)los ángeles (F)tocan
¿qué (C)nueva me tra(F)éis?

(F)Campana sobre cam(C)pana,

y sobre campana (F)dos,
(F)asómate a esa ven(C)tana,
porque está naciendo (F)Dios.

(F)Belén, cam(Bb)panas de Be(F)lén,

que (Bb)los ángeles (F)tocan
¿qué (C)nueva me tra(F)éis?
Canción del Mariachi, Desperado -
Me gus(Em)ta tocar guitarra,
Antonio Banderas
me gusta cantar el (B)son,
mariachi me acompaña,
Soy un (Em)hombre muy honrado,
cuando canto mi can(Em)ción.
q me gusta lo me(B)jor,
las mujeres no me faltan ni el dinero ni el a(Em)mor.
Me gusta tomar mis copas,
Jineteando en mi caballo,
aguardiente es lo me(B)jor,
por la sierra yo me (B)voy,
tambien el tequila blanco con su sal le da sa(Em)bor.
las estrellas y la luna ellas me dicen donde (Em)voy.
(Am)Ay ay ay (Em)ay,
(Am)Ay ay ay (Em)ay,
(B)ay ay mi a(Em)mor,
(B)ay ay mi a(Em)mor,
(Am)ay mi mo(Em)rena
(Am)ay mi mo(Em)rena
de (B)mi cora(Em)zón.
de (B)mi cora(Em)zón.
(Am)Ay ay ay (Em)ay,
Me gus(Em)ta tocar guitarra,
(B)ay ay mi a(Em)mor,
me gusta cantar el (B)son,
(Am)ay mi mo(Em)rena
mariachi me acompaña,
de (B)mi cora(Em)zón.
cuando canto mi can(Em)ción.

Me gusta tomar mis copas,

aguardiente es lo me(B)jor,
tambien el tequila blanco con su sal le da sa(Em)bor.

(Am)Ay ay ay (Em)ay,
(B)ay ay mi a(Em)mor,
(Am)ay mi mo(Em)rena
de (B)mi cora(Em)zón.
♡ Carolina – M-Clan (C)vinagre para (G)las heridas,
(D)dulce azúcar al final.
(C)La dulce niña (G)Carolina
(D)no tiene edad para ha(Am)cer el amor. (Am)El diablo es(D)tá en mi vida.
(C)su madre la esta(G)rá buscando (Am)pequeña (D)Carolina
eso es (D)lo que creo yo. (C)vete (G)por fa(D)vor!

(C)No puedo echarla (G)de mi casa, (Em)Caro(C)lina (G)trátame (D)bien,

(D)me dice que no tiene (Am)dónde dormir. no te (Em)rías de (C)mi, no me a(G)rranques la
(C)después se mete (G)en mi cama; (D)piel.
eso es (D)mucho para mi. (Em)Caro(C)lina (G)trátame (D)bien,
o al fi(Bb)nal te ten(C)dré que co(G)mer.
(Am)Esa va a (D)ser mi ruina.
(Am)pequeña (D)Carolina, (Em)Caro(C)lina (G)trátame (D)bien,
(C)vete (G)por fa(D)vor! no te (Em)rías de (C)mi, no me a(G)rranques la
(Em)Caro(C)lina (G)trátame (D)bien, (Em)Caro(C)lina (G)trátame (D)bien,
no te (Em)rías de (C)mi, no me a(G)rranques la o al fi(Bb)nal te ten(C)dré que co(G)mer.
(Em)Caro(C)lina (G)trátame (D)bien,
o al fi(Bb)nal te ten(C)dré que co(G)mer.

(C)No queda en la ciu(G)dad esquina

(D)trás la que yo me (Am)pueda esconder.
(C)siempre aparece (G)Carolina
con al(D)gún tipo de interés.

(C)La reina de las (G)medicinas

(D)que no se venden en far(Am)macia legal.
Chan Chan – Compay Segundo (Gm)Que yo me quie(A)ro sentar
(Dm)En aquel tron(F)co que veo
(Dm)De Alto Cedro (F)voy para Macané (Gm)Y así no pue(A)do llegar
(Gm)Llego a Cueto voy (A)para Mayarí
(Dm)(F)(Gm)(A) (Dm)(F)(Gm)(A)
(Dm)De Alto Cedro (F)voy para Macané (Dm)(F)(Gm)(A)
(Gm)Llego a Cueto voy (A)para Mayarí
(Dm)(F)(Gm)(A) (Dm)De Alto Cedro (F)voy para Macané
(Dm)De Alto Cedro (F)voy para Macané (Gm)Llego a Cueto voy (A)para Mayarí
(Gm)Llego a Cueto voy (A)para Mayarí (Dm)(F)(Gm)(A)
(Dm)(F)(Gm)(A) (Dm)De Alto Cedro (F)voy para Macané
(Gm)Llego a Cueto voy (A)para Mayarí
(Dm)El cariño (F)que te tengo (Dm)(F)(Gm)(A)
(Gm)Yo no lo pue(A)do negar (Dm)De Alto Cedro (F)voy para Macané
(Dm)Se me sale (F)la babita (Gm)Llego a Cueto voy (A)para Mayarí
(Gm)Yo no lo pue(A)do evitar (Dm)(F)(Gm)(A)
(Dm)De Alto Cedro (F)voy para Macané
(Dm)(F)(Gm)(A) (Gm)Llego a Cueto voy (A)para Mayarí
(Dm)(F)(Gm)(A) (Dm)

(Dm)Cuando Juani(F)ca y Chan Chan

(Gm)En el mar cer(A)nían arena
(Dm)Como sacu(F)día el 'jibe'
(Gm)A Chan Chan le (A)daba pena


(Dm)Limpia el cami(F)no de pajas

Ciega, Sordomuda – Shakira
Cuántas veces he inten(F)tado
(C)Se me acaba el argu(F)mento enterrarte en mi me(C)moria
y la metodolo(C)gía y aunque diga ya no (F)más
cada vez que se apa(F)rece frente es otra (G)vez la misma his(C)toria
a (G)mí tu anato(C)mía por que este amor siempre (F)sabe
hacerme respirar pro(C)fundo
Por que este amor ya no en(F)tiende ya me trae por la iz(F)quierda
de consejos, ni ra(C)zones y de pe(G)lea con el mun(Dm)do
se alimenta de pre(F)textos
y le (G)faltan pantalo(Dm)nes Si pudiera exorci(F)zarme de tu (C)voz
este amor no me per(F)mite si pudiera escaparme de tu nombre(Dm)
estar en (C)pie si pudiera arran(F)carme el cora(G)zón
por que ya hasta me ha quebrado y esconderme para no sentirme
los talo(Dm)nes nuevamente
aunque me levante (F)volveré a caer(G)
si te acercas nada es útil [Estribillo]
para esta inútil
(F)Ojerosa, flaca, fea desgreñada,
(F)Bruta, ciega, sordomuda, torpe, tonta, lenta, necia, desquiciada,
torpe, traste y testaruda, (C)completamente descontrolada
(C)es todo lo que he sido tú te das cuenta y no me dices nada
por ti me he convertido (F)se me ha vuelto la cabeza un nido
(F)en una cosa que no hace donde solamente tu tienes asilo
otra cosa mas que amarte (C)y no me escuchas lo que te digo
(C)pienso en ti día y noche mira bien lo que vas a hacer conmigo
y no sé como olvidarte
(F)Ayayayayayaaa(C) [Estribillo]
Cien gaviotas – Duncan Dhu el (A)ron y la cer(Em)veza harán que a(C)cabes mal
(A)nena ven con(Em)migo, déja(C)te llevar
(A)Hoy el viento (Em)sopla más de (C)lo normal (A)hoy te enseña(Em)ré dónde ter(C)mina el mar
las (A)olas inten(Em)tando salir(C)se del mar y cien gaviotas dónde i(G)rán. (C)
el (A)cielo es gris y (Em)tú no lo po(C)drás cambiar Dónde i(G)rán (C)
(A)mira hacia lo (Em)lejos busca o(C)tro lugar (D)(Dsus4)(D)
y cien gaviotas dónde i(G)rán. (C)
Dónde i(G)rán (C) (G)Hoy podrás be(D)ber y lamentar
que (Em)ya no volverán
(A)Hoy no has visto a (Em)nadie sus (C7)alas a volar
con quien (C)derrumbar cien gaviotas dónde
los (A)muros que go(Em)biernan (G)Hoy podrás be(D)ber y lamentar
en es(C)ta ciudad que (Em)ya no volverán
(A)hoy no has visto a (Em)nadie sus (C7)alas a volar
con quien (C)disfrutar cien gaviotas dónde
pla(A)ceres que tan (Em)sólo tú ima(C)ginarás (G)Hoy podrás be(D)ber y lamentar
y tus miradas dónde i(G)rán. (C) que (Em)ya no volverán
Dónde i(G)rán (C) sus (C7)alas a volar
(D)(Dsus4)(D) (Am)cien gaviotas (D)dónde i(G)rán.

(G)Hoy podrás be(D)ber y lamentar

que (Em)ya no volverán
sus (C7)alas a volar
cien gaviotas dónde i(G)rán.(C)
Dónde i(G)rán (C)
Dónde i(G)rán (C)
Dónde i(G)rán (C)

(A)Hoy el (Em)día ya no es (C)como los demás

Clandestino – Manu Chao Peru(D)ano clandes(Gm)tino
Afri(D)cano clandes(Gm)tino
Só(Gm)lo voy con mi pena Mari(D)huana ile(Gm)gal
Sola va mi con(Cm)dena
Correr es mi des(D)tino Só(Gm)lo voy con mi pena
Para burlar la (Gm)ley Sola va mi con(Cm)dena
Perdido en el cora(Gm)zón Correr es mi des(D)tino
De la grande Baby(Cm)lon Para burlar la (Gm)ley
Me dicen el clandes(D)tino Perdido en el cora(Gm)zón
Por no llevar pa(Gm)pel De la grande Baby(Cm)lon
Pa' una ciudad del (Gm)norte Me dicen el clandes(D)tino
Yo me fui a traba(Cm)jar Por no llevar pa(Gm)pel
Mi vida la de(D)jé
Entre Ceuta y Gibral(Gm)tar Arge(D)lino clandes(Gm)tino
Soy una raya en el (Gm)mar Nige(D)riano clandes(Gm)tino
Fantasma en la ciu(Cm)dad Boli(D)viano clandes(Gm)tino
Mi (D)vida va prohibida Mano (D)negra ile(Gm)gal
Dice la autori(Gm)dad

Só(Gm)lo voy con mi pena

Sola va mi con(Cm)dena
Correr es mi des(D)tino
Para burlar la (Gm)ley
Perdido en el cora(Gm)zón
De la grande Baby(Cm)lon
Me dicen el clandes(D)tino
Yo soy el quiebra (Gm)ley

Mano (D)Negra clandes(Gm)tina

♡ Clavado en un bar – Maná Nunca ja(F)más

(C)Aquí me tiene bien cla(G)vado (F)Dónde es(G)tás mal(Am)dita

Soltando las penas en un (Am)bar (C)Dónde te (F)has me(G)tido
Brindando por su a(F)mor (Em)Abre un poco el (F)corazón
(C)Aquí me tiene abando(G)nado (Em)Deja amarte (F)corazón
Bebiendo tequila pa'olvi(Am)dar (Em)Ven y sáca(F)me de este (G)bar
Y sacudirme a(F)sí el dolor.
(F)Estoy cla(C)vado, estoy he(Em)rido
(F)Dónde es(G)tás ben(Am)dita (Am)Estoy ahogado en un (F)bar
(C)Dónde te (F)has me(G)tido Desespe(C)rado en el ol(Em)vido amor
(Em)Abre un poco el (F)corazón (Am)Estoy ahogado en un (F)bar
(Em)Deja amarte (F)corazón
(Em)Ven y sáca(F)me de este (G)bar (C)---(F)---(C)---(F)---(G)-(G)-
(F)Estoy cla(C)vado, estoy he(Em)rido
(Am)Estoy ahogado en un (F)bar
Desespe(C)rado en el ol(Em)vido amor
(Am)Estoy ahogado en un (F)bar


(C)Se que te buscan dema(G)siados

Que te pretenden canti(Am)dad
Pero eso no es fe(F)licidad
Y mi a(C)mor nunca se raja
Y mi a(G)mor nunca
Jamas te va a fa(Am)llar
Colores en el viento – Pocahontas sin pen(A)sar, ni un instante en su va(Bm)lor
los (D)ríos y la lluvia mis her(Bm)manos
Me (Dm)ves ignorante y sal(C)vaje a(D)migos somos todos ya lo (F#m)ves
y co(Dm)noces mil lugares es(Bm)tamos entre todos muy u(G)nidos
qui(C)zás tengas razón en un (Em)ciclo sin fi(A)nal que eterno (D)es
por(Bb)que si es a(Am)sí soy sal(Bb)vaje para (Am)ti
no (Dm)puedes abrir (F)más tu cora(Am)zón… (F#m)Cuan (G)alto el (D)árbol crecerá?
cora(D)zón(Bm)(D)(Bm) si lo (C)cortas hoy
nunca (G)lo sa(A)brás.
Te (D)crees es tuyo todo lo que (Bm)pisas
te a(D)dueñas de la tierra que tu (F#m)ves Y no oi(Bm)rás al lobo aullarle a la (F#m)luna a(G)zul
mas (Bm)cada árbol,roca y cria(G)tura no (Bm)importa el color de nuestra (F#m)piel
tiene (A)vida tiene alma es un (Bm)ser. y u(G)niremos nuestra (A)voz con las mon(D)tañas
(Bm)y co(Em)lores en el viento descu(A)brir
Pa(D)rece que no existen más per(Bm)sonas
que a(D)quellas que son igual que (F#m)tu Si no en(Em)tiendes que hay (A)aquí
si (Bm)sigues las pisadas de un ex(G)traño solo es (F#m)tierra para (G)ti
verás (A)cosas que jamás soñaste (D)ver. y (Bm)colores en el (G)viento (A)descu(D)brir
Has o(Bm)ído al lobo aullarle a la (F#m)luna a(G)zul?
O, has (Bm)visto a un lince son(F#m)reir?
has can(G)tado con la (A)voz de las mon(D)tañas
(Bm) y co(Em)lores en el viento descu(A)brir
y co(Em)lores en el (A)viento descu(D)brir

Co(D)rramos por las sendas de los (Bm)bosques

ro(D)bemos de los frutos su sa(F#m)bor
des(Bm)cubre la riqueza a tu al(G)cance
Color Esperanza – Diego Torres qui(E7)tarse los (Am)miedos sa(Am7)carlos a(D)fuera
pintarse la (G)cara co(B7)lor espe(Em)ranza
(G)Sé qué hay en tus (D)ojos con (B7)sólo mi(Em)rar tentar al fu(C)turo con el cora(D)zón
que estás can(Dm)sado de an(G)dar y de an(C)dar
y cami(G)nar girando (Am)siempre en un lu(D)gar Saber que se (G)puede que(D)rer que se (Em)pueda
qui(E7)tarse los (Am)miedos sa(Am7)carlos a(D)fuera
(G)Sé que las ven(D)tanas se (B7)pueden a(Em)brir pintarse la (G)cara co(B7)lor espe(Em)ranza
cambiar el (Dm)aire de(G)pende de (C)ti tentar al fu(C)turo con el cora(D)zón
te ayuda(G)rá vale la (Am)pena una vez (D)más
Vale (Em)más po(Gaug)der bri(G)llar
Saber que se (G)puede que(D)rer que se (Em)pueda que solo bus(Am)car ver el (D)sol
qui(E7)tarse los (Am)miedos sa(Am7)carlos a(D)fuera
pintarse la (G)cara co(B7)lor espe(Em)ranza (Bb)(F) (Gm)(Gm) (Eb)(Eb) (F)pin(F)tarse la
tentar al fu(C)turo con el cora(D)zón (Bb)cara co(D)lor espe(Gm)ranza
(G) tentar al fu(Eb)turo con el cora(F)zón

(G)Es mejor per(D)derse Saber que se (Bb)pueee(D)eee(Gm)deee

que (B7)nunca embar(Em)car (G)querer que se (Cm)pueeeeee(F)daaa
mejor ten(Dm)tarse a de(G)jar de inten(C)tar pintarse la(Bb)cara co(D)lor espe(Gm)ranza
aunque ya (G)ves que no es tan (Am)fácil empe(D)zar tentar al fu(Eb)turo con el cora(F)zón

(G)Sé que lo impo(D)sible se (B7)puede lo(Em)grar Saber que se (Bb)puede que(F)rer que se (Gm)pueda
que la tris(Dm)teza algún (G)día se i(C)rá qui(G)tarse los (Cm)miedos sacarlos a(F)fuera
y así se(G)rá la vida (Am)cambia y cambia(D)rá pintarse la(Bb)cara co(D)lor espe(Gm)ranza
tentar al fu(Eb)turo con el cora(F)zón
Senti(C)rás que el alma (G)vuela (Bb)
por (Am)cantar una vez (D)más

Saber que se (G)puede que(D)rer que se (Em)pueda

Como Camarón – Estopa llevo diez horas dur(F)miendo
y mi almohada está empa(G)pada.
[Single Strum] Todo había sido un (F)sueño
Superior a (Am)mi.... muy real y muy pro(G)fundo
es la fuerza que me (Am)lleva tus ojos no tienen (Em)dueño
en el pulso que man(Am)tengo porque no son de este (F)mundo.
con la oscuridad que (Am)tiñen [Single Strum]
de oscuro tus ojos (G)negros. (G)Que no te quiero mi(Am)rar
(Em)Y que me cuentas del (F)tiempo Pero es que cierro los (Am)ojos
que pasa en tu pesta(F)ñeo y hasta te veo por (Am)dentro
que me trae por esta (F)calle te veo en un lado y en (Am)otro,
de amargura y de la(E)mento. en cada foto, en cada es(G)pejo.
(Em)Y en las paradas del (F)metro
[Estribillo][Normal] y en los ojos de la (F)gente
Que yo sé que la son(F)risa hasta en las sopas mas ca(F)lientes
que se dibuja en mi (G)cara loco yo me estoy vol(E)viendo.
tiene que ver con la (Em)brisa
que abanica tu mi(Am)rada. [Estribillo][Normal]
Tan despacio y tan de(F)prisa,
tan normal y tan ex(G)traña A veces me confun(F)do y pico a tu ve(G)cina
yo me parto la ca(Em)misa esa del segun(Em)do que vende cosa (Am)fina
como Ca(F)marón. (G) A veces te es(F)pero en el bar de la esqui(G)na
Tu me rompes las en(Am)trañas, con la mi(Em)rada fija en tu porterí(Am)a
me trepas como una a(Em)raña A veces me co(F)mo de un bocao el mun(G)do
bebes del sudor que em(F)paña A veces te sien(Em)to y a veces te tum(F)bo
el cristal de mi habita(G)ción A veces te le(F)o como un beso en los la(G)bios
y después por la ma(Am)ñana como yo no me atre(Em)vo me corto y me (F)abro
despierto y no tengo (Em)alas
[Estribillo] (G) (Am)
♡ Cómo hablar – Amaral un (G)trozo de hielo des(D)hecho en los labios,
la radio si(C)gue sonando, (G)la guerra ha
Si vol(D)viera a nacer, si empe(C)zara de nuevo,
(Bm)pero las ho(C)gueras no se han apa(D)gado aún.
volve(G)ría a buscarte en mi (D)nave del tiempo.
Es el destino quien nos (C)lleva y nos guía,
Como ha(G)blar, si cada (D)parte de mi mente es
nos se(G)para y nos une a tra(D)vés de la vida.
y si no en(C)cuentro la palabra ex(G)acta, como
(C) (G) (D)
Como de(G)cirte que me has ga(D)nado poquito a
Nos di(D)jimos adiós y pa(C)saron los años,
vol(G)vimos a vernos una (D)noche de sábado,
tu que lle(C)gaste por casuali(G)dad, como ha(B)blar.
otro país, otra ciu(C)dad, otra vida,
(G)pero la misma mi(D)rada felina.
(C) (G) (D)
A veces te(C) mataría, (G)y otras en cambio te
A veces te(C) mataría, (G)y otras en cambio te
(D)quiero comer,
(D)quiero comer,
ojillos de (C)agua marina.
me estas qui(C)tando la vida…
Como ha(G)blar, si cada (D)parte de mi mente es
Como ha(G)blar, si cada (D)parte de mi mente es
y si no en(C)cuentro la palabra ex(G)acta, como
y si no en(C)cuentro la palabra ex(G)acta, como
Como de(G)cirte que me has ga(D)nado poquito a
Como de(G)cirte que me has ga(D)nado poquito a
tu que lle(C)gaste por casuali(G)dad, como ha(B)blar.
tu que lle(C)gaste por casuali(G)dad, como
Como un (D)pájaro de fuego que se (C)muere en tus
♡ Como lo tienes tú – Pereza (G)Es una deuda que nunca pago,
soy (D)vago vago.
(G)Soy como tú estás, soy como te sientas,
(C)soy Satanás, soy la Cenicienta. (G)Soy un torbellino, nada me puede parar,
(G)Soy una bala, soy un tirano, (C)soy un fugitivo, todos me quieren cazar,
(D)soy malo malo (Am)soy fácil y lo admito,
soy (D)igual, pero distinto
(G)Soy un aprensivo, me sigue la enfermedad,
(C)soy un tío vivo, soy un tipo de verdad. (C)y hasta el final (Em)
(Am)Soy caro cuando hay vicio, es lo que tengo, es (Bm)lo que hay, (C)
(D)soy igual desde el principio tengo una paja (C)mental, (Em)
que ya no sé de qué (D)va.
(C)y hasta el final (Em)
es lo que tengo, es (Bm)lo que hay, (C) Un día (G)quiero dejar el mundo entero por ti,
tengo una paja (C)mental, (Em) la misma (C)noche me aburro y no eres para mí,
que ya no sé de qué (D)va. como (G)quisiera tenerlo tan claro
como lo (D)tienes tú.
Un día (G)quiero dejar el mundo entero por ti,
la misma (C)noche me aburro y no eres para mí, Un día (G)quiero dejar el mundo entero por ti,
como (G)quisiera tenerlo tan claro la misma (C)noche me aburro y no eres para mí,
como lo (D)tienes tú. como (G)quisiera tenerlo tan claro
como lo (D)tienes tú
Un día (G)quiero dejar el mundo entero por ti, como lo (G)tienes tú.
la misma (C)noche me aburro y no eres para mí,
como (G)quisiera tenerlo tan claro
como lo (D)tienes tú.

(G)Soy el capitán de mis cosas, vivo

(C)siempre a tu lado sin estar contigo.
Cómo quisiera – Maná (C)Un (D)ave volar sin (G)alas
(G)Cómo pudie(Bm)ra
(G)Cómo quisie(Bm)ra
(C)La (D)flor crecer sin (G)tierra
(C)Po(D)der vivir sin (G)aire
(G)Cómo quisie(Bm)ra
(G)Cómo quisie(Bm)ra
(C)Po(D)der vivir sin (G)ti
(C)Po(D)der vivir sin (G)agua
(G)Me encanta(Bm)ría
(C)Pero no (D)puedo
(C)Que(D)rerte un poco (G)menos
(Em)Siento que (C)muero
(G)Me estoy ahogando sin tu a(D)mor
(G)Cómo quisie(Bm)ra
(C)Po(D)der vivir sin (G)ti
(Em)Cómo quisiera po(C)der vivir sin (G)aire
(Em)Cómo quisiera cal(C)mar mi afli(D)cción
(Em)Cómo quisiera po(C)der vivir sin (G)agua
(C)Pero no (D)puedo
(Em)Me encantaria ro(C)bar tu cora(D)zón
(Em)Siento que (C)muero
(G)Me estoy ahogando sin tu a(D)mor
(Em)Cómo quisiera lan(C)zarte al ol(G)vido
(Em)Cómo quisiera guar(C)darte en un ca(D)jón
(Em)Cómo quisiera po(C)der vivir sin (G)aire
(Em)Cómo quisiera bo(C)rrarte de un so(G)plido
(Em)Cómo quisiera cal(C)mar mi afli(D)cción
(Em)Me encantaria ma(C)tar esta can(D)ción
(Em)Cómo quisiera po(C)der vivir sin (G)agua
(Em)Me encantaria ro(C)bar tu cora(D)zón

(G)Cómo pudie(Bm)ra
(C)Un (D)pez nadar sin (G)agua
(G)Cómo pudie(Bm)ra
♡ Cómo te atreves – Morat (Dm)Ohhh (Bb) (F) (C)
(Dm)Ohhh (Bb) (F) (C)
Hoy me pregunto que se(F)rá de ti
Te tuve cerca y ahora es(Bb)tás tan lejos Por qué volviste si te (F)vas a ir
Pero prohibirme recor(Dm)dar lo nuestro Tantas mentiras que al fi(Bb)nal no veo
es (C)imposible, es (F)imposible Nunca fui bueno para (Dm)distinguir,
No me perdono se que (F)te perdí al fin y al (C)cabo siempre me las (F)creo
Pero expiraron los re(Bb)mordimientos Cuatro vidas me ju(Bb)raste
Fui dictador y el no (Dm)dejarte ir Tres te odio y un te (F)quiero
debió haber (C)sido mi primer de(F)creto Dos consejos para (Dm)darte
Cuatro años sin mi(Bb)rarte Prefiero ser un co(Bb)barde
Tres postales y un bo(F)lero que olvidarme de pri(C)mero
Dos meses y me olvi(Dm)daste
Ni siquiera me pen(Bb)saste un 29 de fe(C)brero [Estribillo]
[Single strum]
Andan diciendo por la (Bb)calle Cómo te atreves a (F)volver
Que solo le eres fiel al (F)viento Me hiciste daño pero (Bb)sigo vivo
El mismo que nunca hizo [Single strum] (Dm)falta Contigo yo me acostum(Dm)bré a perder
Para levantar tu (Bb)falda cada día de por (C)medio Mi cora(C)zón funciona sin la(F)tidos
[Normal strum] Cómo te atreves a vol(F)ver
A darle vida a lo que es(Bb)taba muerto Cómo te atreves a vol(Dm)ver
La soledad me había tra(Dm)tado bien Y a tus cenizas conver(Bb)tir en fuego
Y no eres (C)quien para exigir de(F)rechos Hoy mis mentiras veo (F)caer
Cómo te atreves a vol(Dm)ver Que no es verdad que te olvi(C)dé
Y a tus cenizas conver(Bb)tir en fuego Cómo te atreves a vol(F)ver
Hoy mis mentiras veo (F)caer
Que no es verdad que te olvi(C)dé (Dm)Ohhh (Bb) (F) (C)
Cómo te atreves a vol(F)ver (Dm)Ohhh (Bb) (F)
Como un burro amarrado – El último de ahora (Am)necesito amor,
la fila es mi (G)única ambición;
como (Am)yo no sé bailar,
Me (Am)dices "good bye" en tu nota tan rica(G)mente, a ga(G)leras a remar.
y (Am)no me hago a la idea de no volver a (G)verte.
si lo (Am)llego a saber, mimosa, Baila (C)conmigo, amor, que soy muy cari(D)ñoso,
no te bajo el (G)puente, guapa,
me ti(Am)ré de cabeza y me arrastró la co(G)rriente. que aunque (C)muy chico y muy feo, piloto de
aero(D)plano soy.
Este es (C)mi destino, al cabo de la (D)calle estoy; Llévame al (C)cine, amor, y a comer un arro(D)cito a
me siento (C)como aquel ladrón castelló.
que busca (D)su fortuna si to(C)tal son cuatro días, "pa" qué vas a
en un (C)callejón por donde nunca (D)pasa nadie. expri(D)mirte el limón.
como un (C)burro amarrado en la puerta del (D)baile.
(Am)"escolta", piquer, dame (G)aire con tu abanico,
Mi (Am)primo, que tiene un bar, "que (Am)soc de Barcelona i em (G)moro de calor".
desde siempre me ha (G)dicho,
y me (Am)consta que [Estribillo]
todo lo dice de muy buena (G)fe: Y si (Am)sólo tengo love,
tanto (Am)tienes, tanto vales, ¿qué (G)es lo que valgo yo?
no se (G)puede remediar. si tengo (Am)ganas de bailar,
si (Am)eres de los que no tienen, ¿para (G)qué voy a esperar?
a (G)galeras a remar. ahora (Am)necesito amor,
porque mi(G)novia me dejó
Y si (Am)sólo tengo amor, como (Am)yo no sé bailar,
¿qué (G)es lo que valgo yo? a ga(G)leras a remar
si tengo (Am)ganas de bailar, [Single strum]
¿para (G)qué voy a esperar? ahora (Am)necesito amor...
Contamíname – Ana Belén y Víctor (Am)del barrio an(G)tiguo y del barrio (E7)nuevo
(Am)Cuéntame el cuento
(Am)Cuéntame el cuento de (G)los que nunca
del (G)árbol dátil de (E7)los desiertos
se (E7)descubrieron
(Am)de las mez(G)quitas de tus a(E7)buelos
(Am)del río (G)verde y de los bo(E7)leros
(Am)dame los ritmos
(Am)dame los ritmos de (G)los bouzoukis
de las (G)darbukas y (E7)los secretos
los (E7)ojos negros
(Am)que hay en los (G)libros que yo no (E7)leo
(Am)la danza in(G)quieta del hechi(E7)cero
Conta(C)míname pero (G)no con el humo [Estribillo]
que (F)asfixia el aire (C)conta(G)míname (Dm)mézclate con(G)migo
(C)ven, pero (G)sí con tus ojos y (F)con tus bailes que (Dm)bajo mi (Em)rama ten(F)drás a(G)brigo
(C)ven, pero (G)no con la rabia y (F)los malos sueños (C)conta(G)míname (Dm)mézclate con(G)migo
(C)ven, pero (G)sí con los labios que (Dm)bajo mi (Em)rama ten(F)drás a(G)brigo
que a(F)nuncian besos (Am)
(C)conta(G)míname (Dm)mézclate con(G)migo
que (Dm)bajo mi (Em)rama ten(F)drás a(G)brigo
(C)conta(G)míname (Dm)mézclate con(G)migo
que (Dm)bajo mi (Em)rama ten(F)drás a(G)brigo

(Am)Cuéntame el cuento
de (G)las cadenas que (E7)te trajeron
(Am)de los tra(G)tados y los via(E7)jeros
(Am)dame los ritmos de (G)los tambores
y (E7)los voceros
Contigo – Joaquín Sabina
Yo no (C)quiero juntar para ma(F)ñana,
Yo no (C)quiero un amor civili(F)zado, No me (Am)pidas lle(E7)gar a fin de (F)mes;
Con re(Am)cibos y es(E7)cena del so(F)fá; Yo no (C)quiero comerme una man(C7maj)zana
Yo no (C)quiero que viajes al pa(C7maj)sado Dos veces por se(C7)mana
Y vuelvas del mer(C7)cado Sin ganas de co(F)mer.
Con ganas de llo(F)rar.
Yo no (G)quiero calor de inverna(Am)dero;
Yo no (G)quiero vecinas con pu(Am)cheros; Yo no (F)quiero besar tu cica(C)triz;
Yo no (F)quiero sembrar ni compar(C)tir; Yo no (F)quiero París con agua(D)cero
Yo no (F)quiero catorce de fe(D)brero Ni Ve(G)necia sin tí.
Ni cum(G)pleaños feliz.
No me es(Ab)peres a las doce en el juz(G)gado;
Yo no (C)quiero cargar con tus ma(F)letas; No me (Ab)digas volvamos a empe(Eb)zar;
Yo no (Am)quiero que e(E7)lijas mi cham(F)pú; Yo no (C)quiero ni libre ni ocu(G)pado,
Yo no (C)quiero mudarme de pla(C7maj)neta, Ni carne ni pe(C7)cado,
Cortarme la co(C7)leta, Ni orgullo ni (F)piedad.
Brindar a tu sa(F)lud.
Yo no (G)quiero saber por qué lo hi(Am)ciste;
Yo no (G)quiero domingos por la (Am)tarde; Yo no (F)quiero contigo ni sin (C)ti;
Yo no (F)quiero columpio en el jar(C)dín; Lo que yo (F)quiero, muchacha de ojos (D)tristes,
Lo que yo (F)quiero, corazón co(D)barde, Es que (G)mueras por mí.
Es que (G)mueras por mí.
[Estribillo] x2
Y mo(F)rirme contigo si te (C)matas
Y ma(E7)tarme contigo si te (F)mueres
Porque el a(G)mor cuando no muere (Am)mata
Porque a(D)mores que matan nunca (G)mueren.
Contigo aprendí – Armando Manzanero
Con(Bb)tigo aprendí
Que existen nuevas y mejores emo(D7)ciones
Contigo apren(Gm)dí
A conocer un mundo lleno de ilu(Bb7)siones

Que la se(F7)mana tiene más de siete (Dm)días
A hacer ma(G7)yores mis contadas ale(Cm)grías
Y a ser di(C7)choso yo contigo lo apren(F7)dí

Contigo apren(Bb)dí
A ver la luz del otro lado de la (D7)luna
Con(Gm)tigo aprendí
Que tu presencia no la cambio por nin(Bb7)guna

Que puede un (F7)beso ser más dulce
Y más pro(Dm)fundo
Que puedo (G7)irme mañana mismo
de este (Cm)mundo
Las cosas (F7)buenas ya contigo las vi(Fm)ví (G7)

Y contigo apren(Cm)dí
Que yo na(F7)cí el día en que te cono(Bb)cí
Corazón Partío – Alejandro Sanz (Am)que es vivir?

Acorde (F+) = 2 1 1 0 Para (Gm)qué me curaste cuando es(C)taba herido

Acorde (Bb7maj) = 2 2 1 1 (Bb)Si hoy me (Am)dejas de (Eb)nuevo
el cora(D)zón partío?
Ti(F)ritas pa este corazón par(Gm)tío
Ti(C)ritas pa este corazón par(F)tío -pa este corazón- ¿Quién me va a entre(Gm)gar sus emociones?
¿Quién me va a pe(C)dir que nunca le abandone?
(F)Ya lo ves, que no hay (F+)dos sin tres ¿Quién me tapa(Am)rá esta noche si hace frío?
Que la (Dm)vida va y viene y que (Bb7maj)no se ¿Quién me va a cu(D)rar el corazón partío?
detiene ¿Quién llenará de (Gm)primaveras este enero
Y (Am)qué sé yo Y bajará la (C)luna para que juguemos?
Pero (Gm)miénteme aunque sea Dime, si tú te (Am)vas, dime cariño mío
(C)dime que algo queda ¿Quién me va a cu(D)rar el corazón partío?
Entre no(F)sotros dos, que en tu ha(F+)bitación
Nunca (Dm)sale el sol, (Gm) (Am) (D) (Gm) (C)
no (Bb7maj)existe el tiempo (Am)ni el dolor
Ti(F)ritas pa este corazón par(Gm)tío
(Gm)Llévame si quieres (C)a perder (Bb) Ti(C)ritas pa este corazón par(F)tío -pa este corazón-
a nin(Am)gún desti(Eb)no
Sin nin(D)gún por qué (Gm) (C) (F)Dar solamente aquello (F+)que te sobra
Nunca (FDm)fue compartir, sino
(F)Ya lo sé, que cora(F+)zón que no ve (Bb7maj)dar limosna, a(Am)mor
Es cora(Dm)zón que no siente Si no lo sabes (Gm)tú, te lo digo (C)yo
El cora(Bb7maj)zón que te miente a(Am)mor Des(F)pués de la tormenta siempre (F+)llega la calma
Pero (Gm)sabes que en lo más Pero (Dm)sé que después de ti
pro(C)fundo de mi alma sigue (Bb7maj)Después de ti no hay (Am)nada
a(F)quel dolor por cre(F+)er en ti
¿Qué fue de (Dm)la ilusión y (Bb7maj)de lo bello [Continúa]
[Continuación] ¿Quién me tapa(Bm)rá esta noche si hace frío?
¿Quién me va a cu(E7)rar el corazón partío?
Para (Gm)qué me curaste cuando es(C)taba herido ¿Quién llenará de (Am)primaveras este enero
(Bb)Si hoy me (Am)dejas de (Eb)nuevo Y bajará la (D)luna para que juguemos?
el cora(D)zón partío? Dime, si tú te (Bm)vas, dime cariño mío
¿Quién me va a cu(E7)rar el corazón partío?
¿Quién me va a entre(Gm)gar sus emociones?
¿Quién me va a pe(C)dir que nunca le abandone?
¿Quién me tapa(Am)rá esta noche si hace frío?
¿Quién me va a cu(D)rar el corazón partío?
¿Quién llenará de (Gm)primaveras este enero
Y bajará la (C)luna para que juguemos?
Dime, si tú te (Am)vas, dime cariño mío
¿Quién me va a cu(D)rar el corazón partío?

(G) (F) (E)


¿Quién me va a entre(Am)gar sus emociones?

¿Quién me va a pe(D)dir que nunca le abandone?
¿Quién me tapa(Bm)rá esta noche si hace frío?
¿Quién me va a cu(E7)rar el corazón partío?
¿Quién llenará de (Am)primaveras este enero
Y bajará la (D)luna para que juguemos?
Dime, si tú te (Bm)vas, dime cariño mío
¿Quién me va a cu(E7)rar el corazón partío?

¿Quién me va a entre(Am)gar sus emociones?

¿Quién me va a pe(D)dir que nunca le abandone?
♡ Cruz de navajas – Mecano (Dm)Pero hoy como ha ha(G)bido redada en
(C)el 33(Am)(G)(Dm)Mario vuelve a las (G)cinco
(Dm)A las cinco se (G)cierra la barra (C)del 33 menos (C)diez (Am)(G)
(Am)(G)(Dm)pero Mario no (G)sale (Dm)por su calle va(G)cía a lo lejos (C)sólo se (Am)ve
hasta las (C)seis(Am)(G) (G)(Dm)a unos novios co(G)miéndose a besos
(Dm)y si encima le (G)toca hacer caja (Am)y el pobre (Em)Mario (F)se quie(G)re mo(C)rir
(C)despídete(Am)(G) (Am)cuando se a(Em)cerca (F)para (G)descu(C)brir
(Dm)casi siempre se le (G)hace de día (Dm)que es María con (G)compañía
(Am)mientras Ma(Em)ría [Estribillo]
(F)ya se ha (G)puesto en (C)pié [Instrumental]
(Am)ha hecho la (Em)casa (Dm) (G) (C) (Am)(G) | (Dm) (G) (C) (Am)(G)
(F)ha hecho (G)hasta el ca(C)fé (Dm) (G) (C) (Am)(G)
(Dm)y le espera medio (G)desnuda (Dm)sobre Mario de (G)bruces tres cruces
(Am)una en la (Em)frente (F)la que (G)más do(C)lió
(Dm)Mario llega can(G)sado y saluda (Am)otra en el (Em)pecho (F)la que (G)le ma(C)tó
(C)sin mucho afán (Am)(G)(Dm)quiere cama (Dm)y otra miente en el (G)noticiero
pero (G)otra varie(C)dad (Am)(G)
(Dm)y María se (G)moja las ganas (C)en el café (C)dos droga(G)dictos en (F)plena ansie(G)dad
(Am)(G)(Dm)magdalenas del (G)sexo convexo (C)roban y (G)matan a (F)Mario Pos(G)tigo
(Am)luego al tra(Em)bajo en (F)un gran (C)mientras su es(G)posa es tes(F)tigo
(G)alma(C)cén. (Am)Cuando re(Em)gresa (G)desde el por(C)tal (G)(F)(G)en vez de
(F)no hay más que (G)un so(C)mier (C)Cruz de na(G)vajas por (F)una mu(G)jer
(Dm)taciturno que (G)usar por turnos (C)brillos mor(G)tales des(F)puntan al (G)alba
(C)sangres que (G)tiñen de (F)malva
(C)Cruz de na(G)vajas por (F)una mu(G)jer el (G)amane(C)cer (G)(F)Ohh(G)ohh
(C)brillos mor(G)tales des(F)puntan al (G)alba (C)Ohh(G)(F)Ohh(G)ohh
(C)sangres que (G)tiñen de (F)malva (C)ohh(G)(F)Ohh(G)ohh
el (G)amane(F)cer (Em)(Dm)(G)... (C)ohh(G)(F)Ohh(G)ohh(F)(Em)(Dm)(G)(C)
Cuando brille el sol – La Guardia (Am)no quiero ro(D)barte el cora(G)zón
(G)yo no quiero que llores por mí
(G)Yo no quiero que me des tu amor (D)cuando no esté junto a ti
(D)ni una seria relación (Am)y ahora (D)préstame aten(Em)ción
(Am)no quiero ro(D)barte el cora(G)zón tan (C)sólo (D)quiero tu ca(G)lor
(G)yo no quiero que llores por mí
(D)cuando no esté junto a ti (G)Cuando brille el (D)sol
(Am)y ahora (D)préstame aten(Em)ción te recordaré si no estás (G)aquí
tan (C)sólo (D)quiero tu ca(G)lor (Em)cuando brille el (C)sol
ol(D)vídate de (G)mí
(G)Nena déjate arrastrar (G)Cuando brille el (D)sol
(D)esta noche nunca acabará te recordaré si no estás (G)aquí
(Am)no tengas (D)miedo a desper(G)tar (Em)cuando brille el (C)sol
(G)no me busques en el viejo bar ol(D)vídate de (G)mí
(D)ni me sigas al andar
(Am)mis huellas el (D)viento las bo(Em)rró
tan (C)sólo (D)quiero tu ca(G)lor

(G)Cuando brille el (D)sol

te recordaré si no estás (G)aquí
(Em)cuando brille el (C)sol
ol(D)vídate de (G)mí
(G)Cuando brille el (D)sol
te recordaré si no estás (G)aquí
(Em)cuando brille el (C)sol
ol(D)vídate de (G)mí

(G)Yo no quiero que me des tu amor

(D)ni una seria relación
Cuando suba la marea – Amaral Y ahora (Bm)sé que (G)nunca he sido tu prin(C)cesa
Que no (D)es a(C)zul la sangre de mis (G)venas
(G)Estaríamos (D)juntos todo el (G)tiempo Y aho(D)ra (Em)sé (D)que el (G)día que
(G)Hasta que(C)darnos sin a(D)liento yo me (C)muera
(C)Y comernos el (D)mundo, vaya i(G)lusos Me (G)tumbaré sobre la a(D)rena
(G)(D)(Em) Y (Em)que me lleve lejos cuando (C)suba,
(D)Y volver a casa en año (G)nuevo (D)la ma(G)rea

(G)Pero todo aca(D)bó y lo de (G)menos (Em)(D)(G)--

(G)Es buscar una (C)forma de enten(D)derlo (Em)(D)(G)--
(C)Yo solía pen(D)sar que la vida es un (G)juego (Em)(D)(G)--
(G)(D)(Em) (Em)(D)(G)--
(D)Y la pura verdad es que aún lo (G)creo
Y aho(D)ra (Em)sé (D)que el (G)día que
Y ahora (Bm)sé que (G)nunca he sido tu prin(C)cesa yo me (C)muera
Que no (D)es a(C)zul la sangre de mis (G)venas Me (G)tumbaré sobre la a(D)rena
Y aho(D)ra (Em)sé (D)que el (G)día que Y (Em)que me lleve lejos cuando (C)suba,
yo me (C)muera Y (Em)que me lleve lejos cuando (C)suba,
Me (G)tumbaré sobre la a(D)rena [Pausa] (D)la ma(G)rea
Y (Em)que me lleve lejos cuando (C)suba, (D)(G)
[Pausa] (D)la ma(G)rea

(G)Por encima del (D)mar de los de(G)seos

(G)Han venido a bus(C)carme hoy los re(D)cuerdos
(C)De los días sal(D)vajes, apu(G)rando
(D)El futuro en la palma de nuestras (G)manos
Cuéntame al oído – La Oreja de Van si aún (C)guardas sus caricias
en la (E7)caja del recuerdo.
Cuénta(F)me, cuénta(G)me.
(Am)Cuéntame al oído,
[Estribillo] x2
muy (F)despacio y muy bajito,
porque (C)tiene tanta luz
(Am)Cuéntame al oído
este (E7)día tan sombrío.

(Am)Cuéntame al oído,
si es (F)sincero eso que ha dicho
o son (C)frases disfrazadas
espe(E7)rando sólo un guiño.
Cuénta(F)me, cuénta(G)me.

(C)El (F)cielo acosta(G)do detuvo el tiempo en el

y ese (F)beso a mí en el (G)tiempo.
(C)El (F)cielo acosta(G)do detuvo el tiempo en el
y ese (F)beso a mí en el (G)tiempo.

(Am)Cuéntame al oído,
a qué (F)sabe ese momento
donde (C)esperan hoy los días en que (E7)aquello era
un sueño.

(Am)Cuéntame el oído,
donde (F)quedan hoy tus miedos,
Cuéntame un cuento – Celtas Cortos Y en I(Em)talia se per(A)dieron
Y lle(Bm)garon a jamaica,
(D)Cuéntame un (G)cuento Se pu(Em)sieron hasta el (A)culo
Y ve(A)rás qué con(Bm)tento De (Bm)bailar reggae en la playa.
Me (D)voy a la (G)cama
Y ten(A)go lindos (Bm)sueños. [Instrumental]
(D)Cuéntame un (G)cuento (D)(G)(A)(Bm) [x2]
Y ve(A)rás qué con(Bm)tento [Estribillo]
Me (D)voy a la (G)cama
Y ten(A)go lindos (Bm)sueños. Bailan(Em)do en la playa es(A)taban
Cuando a(Bm)pareció su padre,
Pues re(Em)sulta que era un (A)rey Con la (Em)vara de ave(A)llano
Que te(Bm)nía tres hijas, En la (Bm)mano amenazando,
Las me(Em)tió en tres bo(A)tijas Fue tras (Em)ellas como (A)pudo
Y las (Bm)tapó con pez, Y trope(Bm)zó con la botella,
Y las (Em)pobres prince(A)sitas Que te(Em)nía genio (A)dentro,
Llora(Bm)ban desconsoladas, Que te(Bm)nía genio fuera.
Y su (Em)padre les gri(A)taba
Que por (Bm)favor se callaran. [Instrumental]
(D)(G)(A)(Bm) [x2]
[Instrumental] [Estribillo]
(D)(G)(A)(Bm) [x2]
Las prin(Em)cesas se esca(A)paron
Por un (Bm)hueco que existía,
Que las (Em)llevó hasta la (A)vía
Del tren (Bm)que va para italia,
[...Continuación] Que la (A)noche está que (Bm)arde.

Les con(Em)cedió tres de(A)seos [Instrumental]

Y ahora (Bm)felices estamos, (D)(G)(A)(Bm) [x4]
Y co(Em)lorín, colo(A)rado
Este (Bm)cuento se ha acabado,
Y re(Em)sulta que este (A)rey
Que te(Bm)nía tres hijas,
Las (Em)metió en tres bo(A)tijas
Y las (Bm)tapó con pez.

(D)Cuéntame un (G)cuento,
La ena(A)nita junta (Bm)globos,
La que (D)vuela por los (G)aires,
La que (A)nos seduce a (Bm)todos.

(D)Cuéntame un (G)cuento,
El del (A)ratoncito (Bm)Pérez,
Que te (D)deja cinco (G)duros
Cuando (A)se te cae un (Bm)diente.

(D)Cuéntame un (G)cuento,
Que ya (A)creo que estoy so(Bm)ñando,
(D)Cuéntame un (G)cuento,
Con mú(A)sica voy via(Bm)jando.

(D)Cuéntame un (G)cuento,
Que to(A)davía no es (Bm)tarde,
(D)Cuéntame un (G)cuento,
Cuídate – La Oreja de Van Gogh
(G) Sin ti ya no regresaré
(G) Detrás del tiempo me instalé (D) Al lugar donde te conocí
(D) Ya ves, ni me quejo ni me quejaré (Am) Lo sé, prohibido recordar
(Am) Mi ser, mis recuerdos y alguna canción (C) Muy bien, seré sincera
(C) Son hoy mi premio de consolación
(G) Y tú, ¿qué has hecho para olvidar? (Em) Cubrí mis o(B)jos con mis ma(Em)nos
(D) ¿Qué fue de aquella chica del bar? Y (C)luego imaginé(G)
(Am) Lo sé, prohibido preguntar Que es(D)tabas ahí de pié(C) disimulan(G)do
(C) Muy bien, seré sincera Por (D)mí

(Em) Cubrí mis o(B)jos con mis ma(Em)nos [Estribillo]

Y (C)luego imaginé(G)
Que es(D)tabas ahí de pié(C) disimulan(G)do (C) Tú cuídate(G), a(B)quí yo estaré bien(Em)
Por (D)mí (C) Olvídame(G), yo te re(D)cordaré

[Estribillo] [Estribillo] x2
(G)Cierra la puerta, ven y (C)siéntate cerca
Que tus (Em)ojos me cuentan
que te han (D)visto llorar
(G)Llena dos copas de re(C)cuerdos de historias
Que tus (Em)manos aún tiemblan
si me es(D)cuchan hablar

(G) [silencio] Sin ti, ya no podré escuchar

(D) [Normal] A La Buena Vida más
(Am) Volver a reírme de aquel final
(C) En el que el bueno acaba mal
Cumpleaños feliz – Parchís Todos (Bb)te dese(C)amos cumple(F)años feliz

Cumple(F)años fe(C)liz (F)Venimos para alegrarte

Cumpleaños fe(F)liz Para hacerte muy fe(Am)liz
Te deseamos (Bb)todos (Dm)Unidos a tanta (Am)dicha
Cumple(F)años (C)fe(F)liz. Y fe(Bb)licitarte a (C)ti
(F)//// (C)//// (Bb)// (C)// (F)////
(F)Después con mucha alegría
(F)Desde el día que naciste Vamos juntos a ju(Am)gar
Has sido siempre y se(Am)rás (Dm)Y cuando soples tus (Am)velas
(Dm)Una dicha para (Am)todos (Bb)Todos vamos a (C)cantar
De in(Bb)mensa felici(C)dad
Cumple(F)años feliz
(F)Tu fiesta de cumpleaños Cumple(C)años feliz
la vamos a cele(Am)brar Te de(Bb)sean tus a(C)migos de Par(F)chís
(Dm)Unidos a tu fa(Am)milia Cumple(F)años feliz
(Bb)Todos vamos a can(C)tar Cumple(C)años feliz
Te de(Bb)sean tus a(C)migos de Par(F)chís
Cumple(F)años feliz Cumple(F)años feliz
Cumple(C)años feliz Cumple(C)años feliz
Te de(Bb)sean tus a(C)migos de Par(F)chís Te de(Bb)sean tus a(C)migos de Par(F)chís
Cumple(F)años feliz Cumple(F)años feliz
Cumple(C)años feliz Cumple(C)años feliz
Te de(Bb)sean tus a(C)migos de Par(F)chís Todos (Bb)te dese(C)amos cumple(F)años feliz
Cumple(F)años feliz
Cumple(C)años feliz Cumple(F)años fe(C)liz
Te de(Bb)sean tus a(C)migos de Par(F)chís Cumpleaños fe(F)liz
Cumple(F)años feliz Te deseamos (Bb)todos
Cumple(C)años feliz Cumple(F)años (C)fe(F)liz.
♡ Chiquilla – Seguridad Social (A)(Bb)(C)(Bb)(A) [x2]
Ese (A)silencio que me desvive
Chiquilla! me dice (Bb)cosas que son tan claras,
(A)(Bb)(C)(Bb)(A) [x2] que yo no (C)puedo, no puedo, no (Bb)puedo
dejar de (A)mirarla.
Por la (A)mañana yo me levanto
y voy (Bb)corriendo desde mi cama, Y yo le (A)tengo que decir pronto
para (C)poder ver a esa chi(Bb)quilla que estoy (Bb)loquito de amor por ella.
por mi (A)ventana. Y que sus (C)ojos llevan el (Bb)fuego
de alguna (A)estrella.
Porque yo (A)llevo to´ el día sufriendo,
ya que la (Bb)quiero con toda el alma. Que las (A)palabras se quedan cortas
Y la per(C)sigo en mis pensa(Bb)mientos para de(Bb)cir todo lo que siento,
de madru(A)gada. pues mi chi(C)quilla es lo más bo(Bb)nito
del firma(A)mento.
Tengo una (A)cosa que me arde dentro,
que no me (Bb)deja pensar en nada [Estribillo]
ay! que no (C)sea de esa chi(Bb)quilla Y (D)yo la quiero...
y de su mi(A)rada. Como el sol a la ma(A)ñana...

Y (D)yo la miro... Como (Bb)los rayos de luz

Y ella no me dice (A)nada... a mi ven(A)tana yo la quiero.
Como (Bb)los rayos de luz
Pero (Bb)sus dos ojos negros a mi ven(A)tana, ay chiquilla!
se me (A)clavan como espadas.
Pero (Bb)sus dos ojos negros (A)(Bb)(C)(Bb)(A) [x2]
se me (A)clavan como espadas.
Ay chiquilla!
♡ Daría – La Quinta Estación (Bb)Tantas cosas da(F)ría,
(C)por no ver tus ma(Dm)nías
(F)Daría lo que (Dm)fuera por tener (C)Por quedarme col(Bb)gada
(F)Tan solo unos se(Dm)gundos una vez (Gm)más de tu son(C)risa (Bb)(Bb)(Bb)
para desapare(Gm)cer
Pero (Bb)sigo tan visible como a(F)yer Y ya (Gm)ves,
no me (Bb)quedan tantas (C)cosas por per(F)der
(F)Daría lo que (Dm)fuera por saber (Bb)(Bb)(Bb)
(F)Que el suelo sigue a(Dm)quí bajo mis pies
Pero (Gm)no, sigo (Bb)siendo tan volátil Y da(F)ría, (C)tantas cosas da(Dm)ría
como a(C)yer (Bb)(Bb)(Bb) (C)Solo porque este (Bb)mundo
no gi(Gm)rara tan de(C)prisa
Y da(F)ría, (C)tantas cosas da(Dm)ría (Bb)Tantas cosas da(F)ría,
(C)Solo porque este (Bb)mundo (C)por no ver tus ma(Dm)nías
no gi(Gm)rara tan de(C)prisa (C)Por quedarme col(Bb)gada
(Bb)Tantas cosas da(F)ría, una vez (Gm)más de tu son(C)risa (Bb)(Bb)(Bb)(F)
(C)por no ver tus ma(Dm)nías
(C)Por quedarme col(Bb)gada
una vez (Gm)más de tu son(C)risa (Bb)(Bb)(Bb)

(F)Daría lo que (Dm)fuera por saber

(F)Qué piensas cuando (Dm)dices que todo va bien
Tal (Gm)vez, ten(Bb)dría una razón para co(C)rrer

Y da(F)ría, (C)tantas cosas da(Dm)ría

(C)Solo porque este (Bb)mundo
no gi(Gm)rara tan de(C)prisa
♡ Déjame – Los Secretos (Dm)que yo el (G)mío segui(C)ré, (Am)
(Dm)por eso (G)ahora déja(C)me. (C)
(C) (Am) (F) (G)
(Dm)tuviste una (G)oportuni(C)dad,(Am)
(C)Déja(Am)me, (F)no juegues (G)más conmigo, (F)y la de(G)jaste esca(C)par...
(C)esta (Am)vez, (F)en serio (G)te lo digo (Am) (F) (G) (C)
(Dm)tuviste una (G)oportuni(C)dad,(Am)
(Dm)y la de(Bb)jaste esca(G)par.

(C)Déja(Am)me, (F)no vuelvas (G)a mi lado,

(C)una (Am)vez, (F)estuve e(G)quivocado,
(Dm)pero ahora (G)todo eso pa(C)só,(Am)
(Dm)no queda (G)nada de ese (C)amor. (C7)

(F)No hay nada (G)que ahora ya, (F)puedas ha(G)cer

(C)porque a tu (Am)lado yo, (F)no volve(Bb)ré,
no volve(G)ré.

(C)Déja(Am)me, (F)ya no tiene (G)sentido,

(C)es me(Am)jor (F)que sigas (G)tu camino,
(Dm)que yo el (G)mío segui(C)ré, (Am)
(Dm)por eso (G)ahora déja(C)me.(C7)

(F)No hay nada (G)que ahora ya, (F)puedas ha(G)cer

(C)porque a tu (Am)lado yo, (F)no volve(Bb)ré,
no volve(G)ré.

(C)Déja(Am)me, (F)ya no tiene (G)sentido,

(C)es me(Am)jor (F)que sigas (G)tu camino,
Déjà vu – Prince Royce y Shakira Quiere jugar con mi (A)mente
Pa' vol(E)verme a engatu(F#m)sar
(Bm)Tú me abriste las he(E)ridas (Bm)Una historia repe(E)tida
Que ya daba por cu(A)radas Solamente un déjà (A)vu
Con li(E)món, tequila y (F#m)sal. Que nunca (E)llega a su fi(F#m)nal
(Bm)Una historia repe(E)tida
Solamente un déjà (A)vu Me(D)jor me quedo (E)solo
Que nunca (E)llega a su fi(F#m)nal Y me ol(A)vido de tus (E)cosas
De tus (F#m)ojos
Me(D)jor me quedo (E)solo Me(D)jor esquivo el (E)polvo
Y me ol(A)vido de tus (E)cosas No quie(A)ro caer de (E)nuevo
De tus (F#m)ojos en esa (F#m)foto de lo(D)cura
Me(D)jor esquivo el (E)polvo De hipocre(E)sía total
No quie(A)ro caer de (E)nuevo
en esa (F#m)foto de lo(D)cura (A)¿Quién puede (E)hablar del a(F#m)mor?
De hipocre(E)sía total ¿Y defen(D)derlo?
Que le(E)vante la mano, por fa(A)vor
(A)¿Quién puede (E)hablar del a(F#m)mor? ¿Quién puede ha(E)blar del do(F#m)lor?
¿Y defen(D)derlo? Pagar la (D)fianza
Que le(E)vante la mano, por fa(A)vor Pa' que (E)salga de mi cora(C#m)zón
¿Quién puede ha(E)blar del do(F#m)lor? Si alguien va a hablar del a(D)mor
Pagar la (D)fianza Te lo ase(E)guro
Pa' que (E)salga de mi cora(C#m)zón Esa no voy a ser (A)yo
Si alguien va a hablar del a(D)mor [x2]
Te lo ase(E)guro
Esa no voy a ser (A)yo (E)(F#m)Esa no voy a ser (D)yo (A)
(E)(F#m)Esa no voy a ser (D)yo (E)

(Bm)Esta idea recu(E)rrente

Delgadito – La Rabia del Milenio tam(C)bién se fue la niña que lo (B7)mantenía
porque (D)él no trabajaba
(G)(B7)Delga(Em)dito, ellas (C)no quieren (C)no, no
tus (G)besos (B7)si no les (Em)das
todo el (C)amor que hay en [Estribillo] x2
tus (G)huesos (B7)Delga(Em)dito, ellas (C)no
(G)ellas (B7)no (Em)quieren tus (C)besos (G)Se fue, no está la que (D)fuma marihuana
(G)se fue, no está la que mor(D)día la banana
[x2] (C)se fue, no está la que te(B7)nía pelo pana
ella (D)también se (C)fue
(G)Se fue, no está la que (D)mordía oh
(G)toda su ropa cuando (D)él quería
(G)también se fue la que so(D)plaba [Estribillo] x2
detrás (G)de su orejita he(D)lada (G)

Se (C)fue, no está la niña que su(B7)fría

porque el no la mi(D)maba
(C)oh, no, no


(G)Se fue, no está la que (D)dormía

(G)pensando que será de (D)mi mañana
(G)también se fue la que so(D)ñaba
con él (G)a un ladito en la (D)cama

Se (G)fue, no está la (D)que le sacaba

de (G)la comisaría cada (D)madrugada
Deseos de cosas imposibles – La Oreja decora un des(C)pacho elegante, (Csus4)(C)
pro(E7)meto llamarle amor mío al pri(Am)mero que no
De Van Gogh
me haga daño
(G)y (F)reir será un lujo que ol(G)vide cuando te haya
olvi(C)dado. (Csus4)
(C)Igual que el mosquito más (G)tonto de la
Pero i(C)gual que se espera como es(G)peran en la
ma(Am)nada. (G)Yo (F)sigo tu luz aun(G)que me lleve
Plaza de (Am)Mayo
a mo(C)rir, (Csus4)(C)
pro(F)curo encender en se(G)creto una vela no
te (E7)sigo como les siguen los puntos fi(Am)nales
(C)sea que por si acaso, un (Em)golpe de suerte
(G)a (F)todas las frases sui(G)cidas
algún día quiera (Am)que te vuelva a ver
que buscan su (C)fin. (Csus4)
redu(F)ciendo estas pa(C)labras a un trozo (G)de
(C)Igual que el poeta que de(G)cide trabajar en un
(Am)banco. (G)se(F)ría posible que (G)yo
Me (F)callo porque es más (G)cómodo enga(C)ñarse.
en el peor de los (C)casos
Me (F)callo porque ha ga(G)nado la ra(Em)zón al
le hi(E7)ciera una llave de judo a mi (Am)pobre
corazón. Ha(F)ciendo que firme llo(C)rando
Pero (Dm)pase lo que (G)pase,
esta de(G)claración:
y aunque (Dm)otro me acom(G)pañe,
en si(F)lencio te que(G)rré tan sólo...
Me (F)callo porque es más (G)cómodo enga(C)ñarse.
Me (F)callo porque es más (G)cómodo enga(C)ñarse.
Me (F)callo porque ha ga(G)nado la ra(Em)zón al
Me (F)callo porque ha ga(G)nado la ra(Em)zón al
Pero (Dm)pase lo que (G)pase,
Pero (Dm)pase lo que (G)pase,
y aunque (Dm)otro me acom(G)pañe,
y aunque (Dm)otro me acom(G)pañe,
en si(F)lencio te que(G)rré tan sólo a (C)ti.
en si(F)lencio te que(G)rré, en si(F)lencio te ama(G)ré
en si(F)lencio pensa(G)ré tan solo en (C)tí.
(C)Igual que el mendigo cree que el (G)cine es un
escapa(Am)rate, (F)igual que una flor resig(G)nada
♡ Despacito – Luis Fonsi Hasta provocar tus (D)gritos
Y que olvides tu ape(A)llido
(Bm)Sí, sabes que ya llevo un rato mi(G)rándote Si te pido un beso ven (Bm)dámelo
(D)Tengo que bailar contigo (A)hoy Yo sé que estás pensándolo
(Bm)Vi que tu mirada ya estaba lla(G)mándome Llevo tiempo inten(G)tándolo
(D)Muéstrame el camino que yo (A)voy Mami esto es dando y dándolo
(Bm)Tú, tú eres el imán y yo soy el me(G)tal Sabes que tu (D)corazón conmigo te hace bom bom
Me voy acercando y voy armando el (D)plan Sabes que esa (A)beba está buscando de mi bom
Solo con pensarlo se acelera el (A)pulso bom
(Bm)Ya, ya me está gustando más de lo nor(G)mal Ven prueba de mi (Bm)boca para ver como te sabe
Todos mis sentidos van pidiendo (D)más quiero quiero quiero (G)ver cuanto amor a ti te cabe
Esto hay que tomarlo sin ningún a(A)puro Yo no tengo (D)prisa yo me quiero dar el viaje
Empecemos (A)lento, después salvaje
Despa(Bm)cito Pasito a (Bm)pasito, suave suavecito
Quiero respirar tu cuello despa(G)cito Nos vamos (G)pegando, poquito a poquito
Deja que te diga cosas al o(D)ído cuando tú me (D)besas con esa destreza
Para que te acuerdes si no estás con(A)migo Veo que eres (A)malicia con delicadeza
Despa(Bm)cito Pasito a (Bm)pasito, suave suavecito
Quiero desnudarte a besos despa(G)cito Nos vamos (G)pegando, poquito a poquito
Firmo en las paredes de tu labe(D)rinto Y es que esa be(D)lleza es un rompecabezas
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un ma(A)nuscrito Pero pa mon(A)tarlo aquí tengo la pieza,

(Bm)Quiero ver bailar tu pelo [Continúa...]

Quiero ser tu (G)ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi (D)boca
Tus lugares favo(A)ritos
(Bm)Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de pe(G)ligro
[...Continuación] Pasito a pa(Bm)sito, suave suavecito
Nos vamos pe(G)gando, poquito a poquito
Despa(Bm)cito Hasta provocar tus (D)gritos
Quiero respirar tu cuello despa(G)cito Y que olvides tu ape(A)llido
Deja que te diga cosas al o(D)ído
Para que te acuerdes si no estás con(A)migo Despa(Bm)cito
Quiero desnudarte a besos despa(G)cito
Firmo en las paredes de tu labe(D)rinto
Y hacer de tu cuerpo todo un ma(A)nuscrito

(Bm)Quiero ver bailar tu pelo

Quiero ser tu (G)ritmo
Que le enseñes a mi (D)boca
Tus lugares favo(A)ritos
(Bm)Déjame sobrepasar tus zonas de pe(G)ligro
Hasta provocar tus (D)gritos
Y que olvides tu ape(A)llido

Vamos a hacerlo en una playa en Puerto (G)Rico
hasta que las olas griten “Ay (D)Bendito”
Para que mi sello se quede con(A)tigo

Pasito a pa(Bm)sito, suave suavecito

Nos vamos (G)pegando, poquito a poquito
Que le enseñes a mi (D)boca
Tus lugares favo(A)ritos
♡ Devuélveme a mi chica – Hombres G (Dm)No te reirás nunca mas de (Am)mi
(Dm)Lo siento nene vas a mo(Am)rir
(Dm)Estoy llorando en mi habita(Am)ción (Gm)Tu me quitaste lo que mas que(Dm)ría
(Dm)Todo se nubla a mi alrede(Am)dor (Gm)y volverá conmigo
(Gm)Ella se fue con un niño (Dm)rico (A7)Volverá algún día
(Gm)En un Ford-fiesta blanco
(A7)Y un jersey amarillo (Bb)Sufre ma(F)món
(Dm)Por el parque les veo pa(Am)sar De(Bb)vuélveme a mi (F)chica
(Dm)Cuando se besan la paso (Am)fatal O (Bb)te retorce(F)rás
(Gm)Voy a vengarme de ese ma(Dm)rica Entre (Gm)polvos pica-(C)pica
(Gm)Voy a llenarle el cuello
(A7)De polvos pica-pica (Bb)Sufre ma(F)món
De(Bb)vuélveme a mi (F)chica
(Bb)Sufre ma(F)món O (Bb)te retorce(F)rás
De(Bb)vuélveme a mi (F)chica Entre (Gm)polvos pica-(C)pica
O (Bb)te retorce(F)rás
Entre (Gm)polvos pica-(C)pica (Bb)Sufre ma(F)món
De(Bb)vuélveme a mi (F)chica
(Bb)Sufre ma(F)món O (Bb)te retorce(F)rás
De(Bb)vuélveme a mi (F)chica Entre (Gm)polvos pica-(C)pica
O (Bb)te retorce(F)rás
Entre (Gm)polvos pica-(C)pica (Bb)Sufre ma(F)món
De(Bb)vuélveme a mi (F)chica
(Dm)Le he quemado su jer(Am)sey O (Bb)te retorce(F)rás
(Dm)Se ha comprado cinco o (Am)seis Entre (Gm)polvos pica-(C)pica(A7)(Dm)
(Gm)Voy a destrozarle el (Dm)coche
(Gm)Lo tengo preparado
(A7)Voy esta noche
♡ Días de verano – Amaral de esa mirada (Em)tuya(F)
(G)esa mirada (Em)tuyaaaa...(E7)
(F)No quedan (G)días de ve(C)rano
(Dm)para pedirte per(E7)dón [single strum]
(F)para bo(G)rrar del pa(C)sado (F)Desde esos días de ve(C)rano
(Dm)el daño que te hice (E7)yo (E7)vivo en el reino de (F) la sole(C)dad (E7)

(F)Sin besos (G)de despe(C)dida (F)nunca vas a sa(G)ber como me (Am)siento(Em)

(Dm)y sin palabras bo(E7)nitas (F)nadie va a adivi(G)nar como te (Em)recuerdo(E7)
(F)porque te (G)miro a los (C)ojos
(Dm)y no me sale la (G)voo(F)oo(E7)oz Si (F)pienso en ti siento
(G)que esta vida no es (Am)justa(E7)
Si (F)pienso en ti siento si (F)pienso en tiiiii...(G) [Silencio]
(G)que esta vida no es (Am)justa(E7) y esa mirada (Em)tuya(F)
Si (F)pienso en ti y en la (G)luz (G)esa mirada (Em)tuyaaaa...(E7)
de esa mirada (Em)tuya(E7)
(Am)(F)No quedan días de ve(C)rano(E7)
(F)No quedan (G)días de ve(C)rano (Am)(F)No quedan días de ve(C)rano(E7)
(Dm)el viento se los lle(E7)vó (Am)(F)No quedan días de ve(C)rano(E7)
(F)un cielo (G)de nubes (C)negras (Am)(F)No quedan días de ve(C)rano(E7)(Am)
(F)cubría el último (G)adiós
(F)fue sentir de re(E7)pente tu ausencia
(Dm)como un eclipse de (E7)sol
(F)¿por qué no vas a mi (G)vera?

Si (F)pienso en ti siento
(G)que esta vida no es (Am)justa(E7)
Si (F)pienso en ti y en la (G)luz
Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Mierkuleles [chorus]
(C) No sólo es la crisis existencial
(Dm) Has pillado una gripe intestinal
(C) Mira qué canción que he escrito Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
(Dm) Canta mientras tomas un zurito (C) Has engordado varios kilos?
Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy (Dm) Mientras la silla aguante, tú tranquilo!
(C) Si tu vida está algo desordenada Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
(Dm) no te preocupes, no sirve de nada
Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy [chorus]

[chorus] (C) Tu mujer tiene furor uterino

(Dm) No dais abasto ni tú ni el vecino
(C) El banco no quiere hacer un trato Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
(Dm) Te ha desahuciado Rodrigo Rato (C) Has tomado demasiado alcohol
Don't (F)worry…be (C)happy (Dm) Te están buscando los de la Interpol
(C) No has pagado y debes un pastizal Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
(Dm) Vas a tener un problema legal
Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy [chorus]

[chorus] (C) Te han acusado de un asesinato?

(Dm) Te aguardan años de celibato
(C) No tienes pasta, ni buena presencia? Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
(Dm) Las chicas te muestran su indiferencia? (C) No dominas el ukelele?
Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy (Dm) Mejor no pruebes con el clarinete
(C) No te preocupes ni frunzas el ceño Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
(Dm) Nos gustas mucho más risueño
Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy [chorus]
Dragones y mazmorras – Dibujos (Am)(G)(G)(D)
(Am)El arco de fuego es (G)mágico,
la maza sensacio(Am)nal,
la (F)pérti(G)ga insal(Am)vable,
los (F)magos (G)son memo(Am)rables,
(Am)Llegamos a un mundo fan(G)tástico,
(F)y el escudo es (G)algo muy serio
lleno de seres ex(Am)traños,
(C)todos unidos a(Dm)sí vence(E7)remos.
el (F)amo (G)del cala(Am)bozo,
nos (F)dio po(G)deres a (Am)todos,
Dra(Am)gones y maz(C)morras,
(F)tú el bárbaro, (G)tú el arquero,
un (D)mundo infer(Am)nal
a(C)cróbata, mago y (Dm)el ca(E7)ballero.
se o(Am)culta entre las (C)sombras
(D)la fuerza del (Am)mal.
Dra(Am)gones y maz(C)morras,
un (D)mundo infer(Am)nal
(Dm)Es un mago (E7)lleno de per(Am)versidad
se o(Am)culta entre las (C)sombras
peli(Dm)groso (E7)y fa(Am)tal
(D)la fuerza del (Am)mal.
te(Dm)nemos que lu(E7)char contra (Am)su maldad
(Dm)o nos destrui(E7)rá.
(Dm)Es un mago (E7)lleno de per(Am)versidad
peli(Dm)groso (E7)y fa(Am)tal
Dra(Am)gones y maz(C)morras,
te(Dm)nemos que lu(E7)char contra (Am)su maldad
un (D)mundo infer(Am)nal
(Dm)o nos destrui(E7)rá.
se o(Am)culta entre las (C)sombras
(D)la fuerza del (Am)mal.
Dra(Am)gones y maz(C)morras,
un (D)mundo infer(Am)nal
se o(Am)culta entre las (C)sombras
(D)la fuerza del (Am)mal.
Échame La Culpa – Luis Fonsi & Demi
[Estribillo] [x2]
(F) (C) (G) (Am)
(Am) Solamente te falta un beso
Tengo en esta historia algo que confe(F)sar (F) Solamente te falta un beso
Ya entendí muy bien qué fue lo que pa(C)só (C) Ese beso que siempre te prome(G)tí
Y aunque duela tanto, tengo que acep(G)tar Échame la culpa [x2]
Que tú no eres la mala, que el malo soy (Am)yo.
[Silencio] (Am) OK

No me conociste nunca de ver(F)dad I don't really, really wanna (F)fight anymore

Ya se fue la magia que te enamo(C)ró I don't really, really wanna (C)fake it no more
Y es que no quisiera estar en tu lu(G)gar Play me like The Beatles, baby, (G)just let it be
Porque tu error solo fue conocerme (Am) [Silencio] So come and put the blame on (Am)me, yeah [x2]

[Estribillo] [x2] [Estribillo] [x2]

No eres tú, no eres tú, no eres tú, soy (F)yo - soy yo -
No te quiero hacer su(C)frir (Am) Solamente te falta un beso
Es mejor olvidar y dejarlo a(G)sí - así - (F) Solamente te falta un beso
Échame la culpa (Am) (C) Ese beso que siempre te prome(G)tí
Échame la culpa [x2]
(Am) OK!
I don't really, really wanna (F)fight anymore
I don't really, really wanna (C)fake it no more
Play me like The Beatles, baby, (G)just let it be
So come and put the blame on (Am)me, yeah [x2]
Echo de menos – Kiko Veneno El mundo es (G)una tonte(C)ría
Si vas de(F)jando que se es(Dm)cape
Echo de (Am)menos Lo que (E7)más que(Am)ría
La cama re(Dm)vuelta
Ese zumo de na(E7)ranjas Echo de (Am)menos
Y las revistas a(Am)biertas El crujir de tus tos(Dm)tadas
En el es(Am)pejo Sentir por el pa(E7)sillo
Yo encuentro tu mi(Dm)rada Tu gato que a(Am)raña
No hay besos en la (E7)ducha En mi ca(Am)misa
Ni pelos, ni (Am)nada Llevo tu aroma (Dm)preso
Entre no(Am)sotros Y el rojo de tus (E7)labios
Un muro de metacri(Dm)lato Por el cuello(Am)
No nos deja o(E7)lernos Entre no(Am)sotros
Ni manose(Am)arnos Un muro de metacri(Dm)lato
Y por las (Am)noches No nos deja o(E7)lernos
Todo es cambio de pos(Dm)turas Ni manose(Am)arnos
Encuentro tela(E7)rañas Y por las (Am)noches
Por las cos(Am)turas Todo es cambio de pos(Dm)turas
Encuentro tela(E7)rañas
(F) lo mismo te echo de menos, lo Por las cos(Am)turas
(B7)que antes te echaba de (E7)más (F) lo mismo te echo de menos, lo
Si (A)tú no te das cuenta de lo que (Dm)vale (B7)que antes te echaba de (E7)más
El mundo es (G)una tonte(C)ría
Si vas de(F)jando que se es(Dm)cape [Estribillo] x2
Lo que (E7)más que(Am)ría
Si (A)tú no te das cuenta de lo que (Dm)vale
El 28 – La Oreja de Van Gogh (G)Revi(C)vo a(G)quella (D)noche en que
olvi(G)damos (C)lo de(Em)más,(D)
(G)(C)(G)(D) (G)el (C)cielo se (G)volvió (D)rojo al sol
(G)(C)(G)(D) (G)vimos(C) boste(Em)zar.(D)

(G)Llega (C)tarde el (G)28(D) y (F)uh, uh, uh, (C)uh, uh, uh

ner(G)viosa (C)miro el re(G)loj, (D)
(G)la llu(C)via (G)conmigo empie(D)za (G)se ha per(C)dido en(G)tre la (D)gente,
un día(G) de (C)pleno (G)sol. (D) me he per(G)dido (C)yo tam(Em)bién,(D)
(G)ya se ha i(C)do el (G)28(D)
(F)uh, uh, uh, (C)uh, uh, uh la me(G)moria (C)de un (Em)ayer.(D)

(G)A lo (C)lejos (G)apare(D)ce el (F)Empecé a recor(C)dar.

re(G)cuerdo (C)de un a(G)mor, (D)
(G)no me ve (C) ca(G)mina ausen(D)te, [Estribillo]
(G)hace mu(C)cho (G) que pasó. (D)
(C)Si quiero sa(G)ber, si (D)tú también,(C)
(F)Empecé a recor(C)dar. recuerdas al(G)go de a(D)quel café(C)
espero a ve(G)ces sin (D)entender,(C)
[Estribillo] por (G)qué.(D)
Y pasé (G)(C)(Em) por mi men(D)te
y encon(G)tré, (C)a(Em)quel rincón(D) [Estribillo]
que te de(G)jé, (C)(Em)donde (D)guardo los
mo(G)mentos que(C) no (Em)olvidé.(D) (G)

(G)- (C)(D)
El ciclo vital – El Rey León Y aunque estemos (F)solos debemos bus(G)car
Y así encon(C)trar (A7)nuestro gran le(Dm)gado
(N/C) (Ab)En el (C)ciclo, (G)el ciclo sin (F)fin (C)
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba (F)(G)
(C)Ingonyama nengw' enamabala…
(C)Ingonyama nengw' enamabala…
(Dm)Ingonyama nengw' enamabala…
(G)Ingonyama nengw' enama...

Desde el (C)día que al mundo lle(Dm)gamos

Y nos (G)ciega el brillo del (C)sol
Hay (Am)más que mirar donde (F)otros solo ven
Más que alcan(Bb)zar en lugar de so(G)ñar

Son (C)muchos más los te(Dm)soros

De los que (G)se podrán descu(C)brir
Y bajo el (Am)sol protector con su (F)luz y calor
Apren(Bb)der todos a convi(G)vir

En un ciclo sin (C)fin que lo envuelve (Bb)todo

Y aunque estemos (F)solos debemos bus(G)car
Y así encon(C)trar (A7)nuestro gran le(Dm)gado
(Ab)En el (C)ciclo, (G)el ciclo sin (F)fin (C)


Es un ciclo sin (C)fin que lo envuelve (Bb)todo

El Gato que está triste y azul – Roberto Reflejo de (Em)luna que re(D)ía
Si amar es e(D7)rrado culpa (G)mía
Te (Gm)amé. En el (D)fondo
qué es la (A)vida no lo (D)sé
Acorde (Eb7) = 3 3 3 4
El gato que es(F#m)tá en nuestro (D7)cielo
Cuando era un chi(D)quillo que ale(A)gría
No (B7)va a volver a casa si no (Em)estás
Jugando a la (Em)guerra noche y (D)día
No sabes mi (Gaug)amor qué noche (G)bella
Saltando una (D7)verja verte a (G)tí
Pre(A)siento que tu estás en esa es(D)trella
Y (Gm)así en tus (D)ojos algo (A)nuevo
El gato que es(F#m)tá triste y a(Bm)zul
Nunca se ol(G)vida (A)que fuiste (D)mía
Las rosas de(D)cían que eras (Em)mía (A)
Más siempre se(F#m)rás en mi mi(Bm)rar
Y un gato me ha(Em)cía compa(D)ñía
lágrimas (G)claras (A)de prima(D)vera
Desde que me de(D7)jaste yo no (G)sé
Por (Gm)qué la (D)ventana
El gato que es(F#m)tá en la oscuri(Bm)dad
es más (A)grande sin tu (D)amor
Sabe que en mi (G)alma
(A)Una lágrima (D)hay
El gato que es(F#m)tá en nuestro (D7)cielo
No (B7)va a volver a casa si no (Em)estás
El gato que es(F#m)tá triste y a(Bm)zul
No sabes mi (Gaug)amor qué noche (G)bella
Nunca se ol(G)vida (A)que fuiste (D)mía
Pre(A)siento que tu estás en esa es(D)trella
Más siempre se(F#m)rás en mi mi(Bm)rar
lágrimas (G)claras (A)de prima(D)vera
El gato que es(F#m)tá triste y a(Bm)zul
Nunca se ol(G)vida (A)que fuiste (D)mía
El gato que es(F#m)tá triste y a(Bm)zul
Más siempre sa(F#m)brá de mi su(Bm)frir
Nunca se ol(G)vida (A)que fuiste (D)mía
Porque en mis (G)ojos (A)una lágrima (D)hay
Más siempre se(F#m)rás en mi mi(Bm)rar
lágrimas (G)claras (A)de prima(D)vera
Querída que(D)rida, vida (A)mía
El hombre del piano – Billy Joel Cada (C)vez que el (G)espejo de la (Am)pared(G)
le (F)devuelve más (C)joven la (D)piel(G)
se le (C)encienden los (G)ojos y (Am)su niñez(G)
Acorde (Csus4) = 0 0 1 3 (F)viene a (G)tocar junto a (C)él

(C)Esta es la his(G)toria de un (Am)sábado(G) (C)(C)(Csus4)(Csus4)

(F)de no im(C)porta que (D)mes(G) Pero (C)siempre hay (G)borrachos con (Am)babas(G)
Y de un (C)hombre sen(G)tado al (Am)piano(G) (F)que le (C)recuerdan quién (D)fue(G)
de no (F)importa que (G)viejo ca(C)fé. el más (C)joven (G)maestro al (Am)piano(G)
ven(F)cido por (G)una mu(C)jer
(Am)La (G)la lala(D)lalaaa (F)
Toma el (C)vaso y le (G)tiemblan las (Am)manos(G) (Am)lala(G)laaa lala(D)laaaa (D)laaa
apes(F)tando entre (C)humo y (D)sudor(G) (G)lalaaaa (F)(C)(G)
y se (C)agarra a su (G)tabla de (Am)náufrago(G)
vol(F)viendo a su (G)eterna (C)canción Ella (C)siempre (G)temió echar (Am)raíces(G)
que pu(F)dieran sus (C)alas cor(D)tar(G)
(Am)La (G)la lala(D)lalaaa (F) y en la (C)jaula me(G)tida, la (Am)vida se le (G)iba
(Am)lala(G)laaa lala(D)laaaa (D)laaa y (F)quiso sus (G)fuerzas (C)probar
(G)lalaaaa (F)(C)(G)
(C)Toca otra (G)vez viejo (Am)perdedor(G)
(C)No lamenta que (G)dé malos (Am)pasos(G)
(F)haces que me (C)sienta (D)bien(G)
aunque (F)nunca (C)desea su (D)mal (G)
es tan (C)triste la (G)noche que (Am)tu canción(G)
Pero a (C)ratos con (G)furia (Am)golpea el (G)piano
(F)sabe a de(G)rrota y a (C)miel
y hay al(F)gunos que le han (G)visto llo(C)rar
[Continuación] (Am)La (G)la lala(D)lalaaa (F)
(Am)lala(G)laaa lala(D)laaaa (D)laaa
(Am)La (G)la lala(D)lalaaa (F) (G)lalaaaa (F)(C)(G)
(Am)lala(G)laaa lala(D)laaaa (D)laaa
(G)lalaaaa (F)(C)(G) (C)Toca otra (G)vez viejo (Am)perdedor(G)
(F)haces que me (C)sienta (D)bien(G)
(C)Toca otra (G)vez viejo (Am)perdedor(G) es tan (C)triste la (G)noche que (Am)tu canción(G)
(F)haces que me (C)sienta (D)bien(G) (F)sabe a de(G)rrota y a (C)miel
es tan (C)triste la (G)noche que (Am)tu canción(G)
(F)sabe a de(G)rrota y a (C)miel
(C)(C)(Csus4)(Csus4) [Ritardando]
El (C)micrófono (G)huele a (Am)cerveza (G)
y el (F)calor se po(C)dría cor(D)tar(G) (C)---(F)---(G)---(F)(C)(G)(C)
soli(C)tarios os(G)curos bus(Am)cando pa(G)reja
apu(F)rándose un (G)sábado (C)más


Hay un (C)hombre afe(G)rrado a un (Am)piano (G)

la (F)emoción empa(C)pada en (D)alcohol(G)
y una (C)voz que le (G)dice: "pa(Am)reces
y (F)aún no ha sa(G)lido ni el (C)Sol
El límite – La frontera en el límite del (Em)mal, el límite del (G)mal
(Am)Te esperaré (D)en el límite del (C)bien y del mal.
(Em)Escucha bien, mi viejo amigo En el límite del (Em)bien, el límite del (G)bien
(Bm)no sé si recordarás en el límite del (Em)mal, el límite del (G)mal
(Am)aquellos tiempos ahora perdidos, (Am)Te esperaré (D)en el límite del (C)bien y del mal.
(C)por las calles de esta ciudad.
[Single strum]
(Em)Leímos juntos libros prohibidos,
(Bm)creímos que nada nos haría cambiar, (Em)No es difícil encontrar
(Am)vivimos siempre esperando una (C)señal. (Bm)el paraíso en la oscuridad,
(Am)la fortuna viene en un barco
En el límite del (Em)bien, el límite del (G)bien (C)sin rumbo y sin capitán.
en el límite del (Em)mal, el límite del (G)mal
(Am)Te esperaré (D)en el límite del (C)bien y del mal. (Em)Escucha bien, mi viejo amigo
En el límite del (Em)bien, el límite del (G)bien (Bm)que si algún día nos volvemos a ver,
en el límite del (Em)mal, el límite del (G)mal (Am)sólo espero que todo sea como (C)ayer.
(Am)Te esperaré (D)en el límite del (C)bien y del mal.
En el límite del (Em)bien, el límite del (G)bien
(Em)Es duro estar tan abatido en el límite del (Em)mal, el límite del (G)mal
(Bm)cuando no siente el dolor (Am)Te esperaré (D)en el límite del (C)bien y del mal.
(Am)es como clavar un cuchillo En el límite del (Em)bien, el límite del (G)bien
(C)en lo más hondo del corazón. en el límite del (Em)mal, el límite del (G)mal
(Am)Te esperaré (D)en el límite del (C)bien y del mal.
(Em)Escucha bien mi viejo amigo, (Em)
(Bm)nunca olvidé nuestra amistad.
(Am)La vida es sólo un juego en el que hay que
apos(C)tar, si quieres ganar.

En el límite del (Em)bien, el límite del (G)bien

El mejor regalo eres tú – Mariah Carey (Em)(Am)uuhhh (D)baby.

Acorde (Gaug) = 0 3 3 2 (G)Qué me importa si no nieva

Si no como mazapán
[Single strum] (C)Si el trineo me marea
(G)Yo no sueño con regalos (Cm)Si no brindo con Champagne.
(G)Cuando llega Navidad (G)No me cantes villancicos
(C)Cuando llega el año nuevo Porque me pondré a llorar
(Cm)No le pido nada más. (C)Una sola cosa pido
(G)Solo quiero que me a(B7)braces (Cm)Para la felicidad.
(Em)Y brindar por tu sa(Gaug)lud
(G)Esta navi(E7)dad... [Estribillo]
(Am)El mejor re(D)galo eres
(B7)Todo el mundo canta can(Em)ciones de amistad
(G)tú...(Em)(Am)(D) (B7)Todo es alegría (Em)y felicidad
(G)Yo no sueño con regalos (Gaug)Las ciudades brillan
Cuando llega Navidad (G)Todo se ilu(E7)mina.
(C)Cuando llega el año nuevo (Am)Este es mi regalo y mi deseo para ti
(Cm)No le pido nada más Que te (D)sientas por siempre feliz.
(G)No me importan los trineos
Si ellos no te traen a ti (G)No me cantes villancicos
(C)Ni zapatos ni juguetes Porque me pondré a llorar
(Cm)Si tu amor no tengo aquí. (C)Una sola cosa pido
(Cm)Para la felicidad.
(G)Solo quiero que me a(B7)braces
(Em)Y brindar por tu sa(Gaug)lud [Estribillo]
(G)Esta navi(E7)dad...
(Am)El mejor re(D)galo eres (G)tú
El mundo – Efecto Mariposa (G)Gira el mundo, gira en el
es(Em)pacio infinito con
Versión de “Il mondo” de Jimmy Fontana (C)amores que comienzan con
amores que se han ido
(G)No, esta noche amor no he pensado en (Em)ti con las (D)penas y alegrías
abrí los ojos para ver entorno a (C)mi de la gente como yo
y entorno a mi giraba el mundo como (D)siempre
El (G)mundo
(G)Gira el mundo, gira en el Llorando ahora yo te (Em)busco
es(Em)pacio infinito con En el silencio yo me (C)pierdo
(C)amores que comienzan con Y no soy nada al verte a (D)ti
amores que se han ido El (G)mundo
con las (D)penas y alegrías No se ha parado ni un mo(Em)mento
de la gente como yo Su noche muere
Llega el (C)día y
El (G)mundo Ese (D)día ven(Eb)draaá!!
Llorando ahora yo te (Em)busco
En el silencio yo me (C)pierdo El (G)mundo
Y no soy nada al verte a (D)ti Llorando ahora yo te (Em)busco
El (G)mundo En el silencio yo me (C)pierdo
No se ha parado ni un mo(Em)mento Y no soy nada al verte a (D)ti
Su noche muere El (G)mundo
Llega el (C)día y No se ha parado ni un mo(Em)mento
Ese (D)día ven(G)draaá!! [Silencio] Su noche muere
Llega el (C)día y
(G)Yo que aún pensaba que eras algo espe(Em)cial Ese (D)día ven(G)draaá!!
después la vida me ha enseñado mucho (C)más
que en torno a ti no gira todo como (D)simpre
El Mundo Tras El Cristal – La Guardia de tus noches sin dor(D)mir, (G)de tu ca(C)lor
lláma(G)me y a tu lado yo esta(Am)ré
(C)Cartas en el cajón y ninguna es de a(G)mor no me preguntes quién (D)soy (G)pues no lo (C)sé
(F)nunca un príncipe a(G)zul por tu vida pa(C)só
(C)ves las horas marchar frente al televi(G)sor Hábla(G)me de tu oscura habita(Am)ción
(F)el teléfono es(G)tá dormido en algún rin(C)cón de tus noches sin dor(D)mir, (G)de tu ca(C)lor
lláma(G)me y a tu lado yo esta(Am)ré
(C)ese disco que da vueltas sin descan(G)sar no me preguntes quién (D)soy (G)pues no lo (C)sé
(F)esa música (G)que no podrás olvi(Am)dar...
(Am)(G)(F)no po(G)drás olvi(C)dar

Hábla(G)me de tu oscura habita(Am)ción

de tus noches sin dor(D)mir, (G)de tu ca(C)lor
lláma(G)me y a tu lado yo esta(Am)ré
no me preguntes quién (D)soy (G)pues no lo (C)sé

(C)sabes que algo va mal y no quieres ha(G)blar

(F)te conformas con (G)ver el mundo tras el cris(C)tal
(C)y ese disco que da vueltas sin descan(G)sar
(F)esa música (G)que no podrás olvi(Am)dar...
(Am)(G)(F)no po(G)drás olvi(C)dar

Hábla(G)me de tu oscura habita(Am)ción

de tus noches sin dor(D)mir, (G)de tu ca(C)lor
lláma(G)me y a tu lado yo esta(Am)ré
no me preguntes quién (D)soy (G)pues no lo (F)sé
[Pausa] (G)pues no lo (C)sé

Hábla(G)me de tu oscura habita(Am)ción

♡ Eloise – Tino Casal [Estribillo]

(F)Es un huracán profesional (F)La fiebre y el placer, qué puedo hacer,

que (D)viene y va bus(Gm)cando acción,(D) se (D)convirtió en sucio (Gm)polvo gris,(D)
vendiendo (Gm)solo amor. (D) quién me lo (Gm)iba a decir.(D)
(F)Aniquilar, pisar por encima (F)Con tanta actividad
del (D)bien y el mal (Gm)es natural, me mortifica (D)sin piedad,
(D)en ella es (Gm)natural. (D) y ya (Gm)no puedo más, (D)
(G)En tiempo de relax tímida (Gm)luz de gas. (D)
em(G7)polva su na(E7)riz, (G)Sus pechos goma dos
y (G7)nitroglice(E7)rina
Eloi(A)iiiise. Eloi(Dm)iiiise
(D)(G)(D) Eloi(A)iiiise.
dolor en (A)tus caricias (D)Tantas noches (G)como te de(D)seé
(D)(G)(D) dolor en (A)tus caricias
y cuentos (A)chinos, (D)Tantas veces(G) te maldeci(D)ré
(F)yo seguiré siendo tu perro (A)fiel. y cuentos (A)chinos,
(F)yo fui atrapado en mi propia (A)red.
(F)Mas Eloise es rápida como la (D)pólvora, (F)como una araña en cautivi(D)dad
serpiente (Gm)en el Edén, (D) Ya no po(D7)dré escapar (Bb)(A)
(Gm)siempre va a cien.(D)
(F)Donde quiera que va Mi Elo(D)isa
la bomba de Hiro(D)shima está sin ti mi (D7)vida está
a punto (Gm)de estallar, (D) vacía y (Bb)nada más. (A)
peligro (Gm)no tocar.(D)
(G)Sus pechos goma dos Mi Elo(D)isa
y (G7)nitroglice(E7)rina, sin ti mi (D7)vida está
vacía y (Bb)nada más. (A)(D)
El probe Miguel – Triana pura
Cuando (C)voy caminando por la (Dm)plaza
Me pre(G)guntan si he visto a Miguel Ca(C)nales (C)Me dicen, me dicen que Migue(Dm)lito
(Ab)(G)(C) En su mon(G)taña se encuentra muy fe(C)liz
Cuando (C)voy caminando por la (Dm)plaza (C)Me dicen, me dicen que Migue(Dm)lito
Me pre(G)guntan si he visto a Miguel Ca(C)nales En su mon(G)taña se encuentra muy fe(C)liz
Él dice que es fe(A7)liz en la mon(Dm)taña Él dice que es fe(A7)liz en la mon(Dm)taña
Que hace mucho (G)tiempo que no (C)sale Que de allí ya (G)no quiere ni sa(C)lir
Él dice que es fe(A7)liz en la mon(Dm)taña El dice que es fe(A7)liz en su mon(Dm)taña
Que hace mucho (G)tiempo que no (C)sale Que de allí ya (G)no quiere más sa(C)lir.

Ay que le estará pasando al (A7)"probe" Mi(Dm)guel [Estribillo]

Que hace mucho (G)tiempo que no (C)sale
Que le estará pa(A7)sando al "probe" Mi(Dm)guel (C)Me dicen, me dicen que Migue(Dm)lito
Que hace mucho (G)tiempo que no (C)sale De la mon(G)taña que no quiere sa(C)lir
(C)Tra laralará(Dm)la. (G)Tra larala(C)rá (C)Me dicen, me dicen que Migue(Dm)lito
(C)Tra laralará(Dm)la. (G)Tra larala(C)rá. De la mon(G)taña que no quiere sa(C)lir
(Ab)(G)(C) Él dice que se (A7)hace su cafe(Dm)lito
Allí se toma (G)él hasta su vi(C)nito.
(C)Me dicen, me dicen que Migue(Dm)lito
Entre no(G)sotros se encuentra muy ex(C)traño [Estribillo]
(C)Me dicen, me dicen que Migue(Dm)lito
Entre no(G)sotros se encuentra muy ex(C)traño
Él dice que es fe(A7)liz en la mon(Dm)taña
Que se está convir(G)tiendo en ermi(C)taño
Él dice que es fe(A7)liz en la mon(Dm)taña
Que se está convir(G)tiendo en ermi(C)taño
El rey – Vicente Fernández
Yo sé (D) bien que estoy afuera
Pero el día que yo me muera
Sé que tendrás que llo(A7)rar
Llorar y llorar, llorar y llorar
Dirás que no me quisiste
Pero vas a estar muy triste
Y así te me vas a que(D)dar

[Estribillo][Ritmo ternario]
Con di(G)nero y sin dinero
Yo hago siempre lo que quiero
Y mi palabra es la (A7)ley
No tengo trono ni reina
Ni nadie que me comprenda
Pero sigo siendo el (D) rey

Una piedra en el ca(D)mino

Me enseñó que mi destino
Era rodar y ro(A7)dar
Rodar y rodar, rodar y rodar
También me dijo un arriero
Que no hay que llegar primero
Pero hay que saber lle(D)gar

[Estribillo][Ritmo ternario]
El ritmo del mar – Celtas Cortos la (C)magia que te falta, y a vo(D)lar

[Instrumental] Pero (C)cuídate el rostro, cha(D)val

(D)//// //// //// //// //// //// si quie(C)res seguir gozando, tu ve(D)rás
(D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (D)// (A)// si con(C)trolas, si sabes cor(D)tar
(D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (A)// (D)// o ve(C)remos si tus huesos pueden (D)más

Y (C)si corremos juntos por los (D)ríos Es el (G)agua del (F)rit(C)mo del (G)mar
a (C)nadie ya daremos de que ha(D)blar que a (G)todos los e(F)nanos (C)da la (G)sal
Los (C)vientos se acompañan de pa(D)labras ca(G)balga en tu (F)pe(C)lo al sem(G)brar
y (C)tú con tu mirada puedes (D)más las co(G)rrientes subma(F)rinas (C)de la (G)mar. (A)

Pues (C)si las flores gritan con las (D)hojas [Instrumental]

tus (C)manos más gritan al golpe(D)ar (D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (D)// (A)//
las (C)sendas que los tiempos han cam(D)biado (D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (A)// (D)//
y (C)que nadie ya puede endere(D)zar.
Es el (G)agua del (F)rit(C)mo del (G)mar
Es el (G)agua del (F)rit(C)mo del (G)mar que a (G)todos los e(F)nanos (C)da la (G)sal
que a (G)todos los e(F)nanos (C)da la (G)sal ca(G)balga en tu (F)pe(C)lo al sem(G)brar
ca(G)balga en tu (F)pe(C)lo al sem(G)brar las co(G)rrientes subma(F)rinas (C)de la (G)mar. (A)
las co(G)rrientes subma(F)rinas (C)de la (G)mar. (A)
[Instrumental] (D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (D)// (A)//
(D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (D)// (A)// (D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (A)// (D)//
(D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (A)// (D)//
(D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (D)// (A)//
Si te (C)dejas, muchacha, lle(D)var (D)// (G)// (D)// (G)// (A)// (D)
ve(C)rás cosas que nunca soña(D)rás
con la (C)música en vena ten(D)drás
El roce de tu cuerpo – Platero y tú (G)Y creo (D)que muero
(Em)si no siento el (C)roce de tu cuerpo junto a (G)mí.
(G)Te pilla la (D)tarde en tu cuarto otra (Em)vez, Recuerdo (D)tus labios
(G)no suena el (D)teléfono y tú sabes (Em)porqué; (Em)y esos ojos que al mi(C)rar casi hacen daño.
(G)cervezas va(D)cías en tu habita(Em)ción, (G)Y creo (D)que muero
(G)el cenicero (D)lleno humea en un rin(Em)cón. (Em)si no siento el (C)roce de tu cuerpo junto a (G)mí.
Recuerdo (D)tus labios
(C)Seguro que (D)sola está ella tam(G)bién (Em)y esos ojos que al mi(C)rar casi hacen daño.
(C)tirada en la (D)cama sin saber qué ha(G)cer. (G)
(C)No sé cómo (D)comenzó la discu(G)sión
(Bm)ni a quién le toca (C)ahora pedir per(D)dón.

(G)Y creo (D)que muero

(Em)si no siento el (C)roce de tu cuerpo junto a (G)mí.
Recuerdo (D)tus labios
(Em)y esos ojos que al mi(C)rar casi hacen daño.
(G)(D)(Em)(C) (G)(D)(Em)(C)

(G)Mientras la ra(D)dio aburre con una can(Em)ción

(G)miro aquella (D)foto y me siento (Em)peor, (C)(D)
(G)y yo ya no (D)sé lo que ha podido pa(Em)sar,
(G)lo que estaba (D)bien, ahora está (Em)fatal.

(C)Seguro que (D)sola está ella tam(G)bién

(C)tirada en la (D)cama sin saber qué ha(G)cer.
(C)No sé cómo (D)comenzó la discu(G)sión
(Bm)ni a quién le toca (C)ahora pedir per(D)dón.
El roce de tu piel – Revólver Nu(G)estros corazones laten a la vez,
quién(Em) soy yo sin tí, quién eres tú quien.
[Intro] (G) (C) (Em) (D) (C) (Em) (Am) x2 El (Am)ritmo de la noche viste mi canción, mejor
(C)cojo mis cosas nena, (D)mejor me (C)voy.
Un (G)vaso de whisky, un hotel diferente,
es más (Em)que suficiente, para pensar en tí. [Estribillo]
Una (Am)noche de mayo, con el mar a mi lado,
es ya (C)tarde y tus ojos (D)siguen allí. (G) (C) (G) (G) (D)
Es que (G)son ideales para perderse en ellos,
y es que (Em)uno no aprende ni vivo ni muerto. (Em) Hoy lucho y pierdo el sen(C)tido
Son las (Am)seis de la tarde, toco enfrente del puerto, por dor(G)mir esta (D)noche en tus (Em)brazos.
no con(C)sigo sacarte de (D)mí, ni olvidarme de (C)tí. Hoy se perdió el equi(C)librio y la ba(Am)lanza cayó
de tu (C)lado mi amor (D)
Y es que no hay (G)droga más dura, (D)que el amor
sin me(Am)dida. (C) (D) [Estribillo]
Y es que no hay (G)droga más dura, (D)que el roce
de tu piel.(C) (D) (G) (C) (Em) (D) (C) (Em) (Am) (G)
Y es que no hay (Em)nada mejor
que tener (D)tu sabor, co(G)rriendo por mis (C)venas.
Y es que no hay (Am)nada mejor,
(D)que el roce de tu piel.

(G) (C) (Em) (D) (C) (Em) (Am)

Y me (G)siento desnudo enfrente del espejo,

espe(Em)rando que tú me digas el precio.
No (Am)tengo muy claro si lo puedo pagar,
reco(C)jo mis cosas nena, (D)vuelvo a mi hogar.
♡ El rock de la cárcel – Miguel Ríos (B)(C)Un amargado no quiso bailar
(B)(C)se fue a un rincón y se puso a llorar
Versión de “Jailhouse Rock” de Elvis Presley (B)(C)llegó el carcelero y le dijo así
(B)(C)el rock de la cárcel el para bailar, el (F)rock
(B)(C)Un día hubo una fiesta aqui en la prision todo el mundo a bai(C)lar,
(B)(C)la orquesta de los presos empezó a tocar todo el (G7)mundo en la pri(F)sión
(B)(C)tocaron rockanroll y todo se animó co(C)rrieron a bailar el rock.
(B)(C)y un cuate se paró y empezó a bailar el (F)rock
todo el mundo a bai(C)lar, (B)(C)El tronco dijo al bolo es mi oportunidad
todo el (G7)mundo en la pri(F)sión (B)(C)no hay quién me vea y me voy a largar
co(C)rrieron a bailar el rock. (B)(C)tú haz lo que quieras pero yo no voy
(B)(C)yo no quiero dejar de bailar el (F)rock,
(B)(C)El 47 dijo al 23 todo el mundo a bai(C)lar,
(B)(C)párate mi cuate vamos a bailar todo el (G7)mundo en la pri(F)sión
(B)(C)ven aquí volando a rocanrolear co(C)rrieron a bailar el rock.
(B)(C)que el rock de la carcel va a comenzar,
el (F)rock
todo el mundo a bai(C)lar,
todo el (G7)mundo en la pri(F)sión
co(C)rrieron a bailar el rock.

(B)(C)El Gato sabía dar al saxofón

(B)(C)y el Hércules sonaba duro al trombón
(B)(C)Mary batería se decide a tocar
(B)(C)y toda la cárcel se puso a bailar el (F)rock
todo el mundo a bai(C)lar,
todo el (G7)mundo en la pri(F)sión
co(C)rrieron a bailar el rock.
El rompeolas – Loquillo y los
(G)Tú chica puedes vi(D)vir
(F)una vida de ho(C)gar,
(G)búscate un ma(D)rido (F)con miedo a vo(C)lar.
(G)(D)(C)(C) [x4]
(G)Lunes, Martes, (D)Miércoles,
(G)No hables de fu(D)turo,
mirando hacia el (C)mar.
es una ilu(F)sión
(G)Es un buen lu(D)gar para irse a olvi(C)dar,
cuando el rocan(C)rol conquistó mi cora(G)zón.
(G)coches poli(D)cía detrás la ciu(C)dad.
(G)No hables de fu(D)turo,
(G)Ojalá aquella (D)rubia me mire al pa(C)sar.
es una ilu(F)sión
cuando el rocan(C)rol conquistó mi cora(G)zón.
(G)Tú chica puedes vi(D)vir
(F)una vida de ho(C)gar,
(G)búscate un ma(D)rido (F)con miedo a vo(C)lar.
(G)No hables de fu(D)turo,
es una ilu(F)sión
cuando el rocan(C)rol conquistó mi cora(G)zón.
(G)No hables de fu(D)turo,
es una ilu(F)sión
cuando el rocan(C)rol conquistó mi cora(G)zón.

(G)Jueves, Viernes, (D)Sábado,

sentado junto al (C)mar.
(G)Es un buen lu(D)gar para irse a olvi(C)dar.
(G)Dejé a mi fa(D)milia junto al televi(C)sor.
(G)En el rompe(D)olas aún se huele el (C)sol.
El sitio de mi recreo – Antonio Vega
Si(C)lencio, brisa y cor(G)dura
(G)(Em)(C)(Am)(D)(G) (Am)Dan aliento a (D)mi locura
Hay (C)nieve, huracán, hay de(G)seos
(G)Donde nos llevó la imaginación (Am)Allí donde me re(D)creo
(Em)Donde con los ojos cerrados
(Am)Se divisan infinitos (D)campos (G)(Em)(C)(G)(Am)(D)(G)

(G)Donde se creó la primera luz

(Em)Junto a la semilla del cielo azul
(Am)Volveré ese lugar (D)donde nací

De (C)sol, espiga y de(G)seo

(Am)Canto y risa, (D)voz del miedo


(G)Viento que en su murmullo parece hablar

(Em)Mueve el aire con gracia lo ves bailar
(Am)Y con él el escenario (D)de mi hogar

(G)Mar bandeja de plata, mar infernal

(Em)Es un temperamento natural
(Am)Poco o nada cuesta (D)ser uno más

(C)De sol, espiga y de(G)seo

(Am)Son sus manos (D)en mi pelo
(C)De nieve huracán y a(G)bismos
El (Am)sitio de mi (D)recreo
El sol no regresa – La Quinta Estación ruedan por el (F)colchón
de mi cama ya (Bb)desierta
Hace días (F)perdí es la mejor (C)solución
en alguna (Bb)cantina para el (Bb)dolor de (F)cabeza.
la mitad de mi (C)alma
mas el (Bb)quince de (F)propina. Hoy te intento (Bb)contar
que todo va (C)bien
No es que sea el (F)alcohol aunque no te lo (Dm)creas
la mejor (Bb)medicina aunque a estas (Bb)alturas
pero ayuda a (C)olvidar un ultimo (C)esfuerzo
cuando (Bb)no ves la (F)salida. no valga la (F)pena.

Hoy te intento (Bb)contar Hoy los buenos (Bb)recuerdos

que todo va (C)bien se (C)caen por las (Dm)escaleras
aunque no te lo (Dm)creas y tras varios (Bb)tequilas
aunque a estas (Bb)alturas las nubes se (C)van
un ultimo (C)esfuerzo pero el sol no (F)regresa.
no valga la (F)pena.
y tras varios (Bb)tequilas
Hoy los buenos (Bb)recuerdos las nubes se (C)van
se (C)caen por las (Dm)escaleras pero el sol no (F)regresa.
y tras varios (Bb)tequilas
las nubes se (C)van
pero el sol no (F)regresa.

Sueños de (F)habitación
frente a un hotel de carre(Bb)tera
y unas gotas de (C)lluvia
que (Bb)guardo en esta (F)maleta
El tamborilero – Villancico
(G)El camino que (C)lleva a Be(G)lén
Baja hasta el valle que la (C)nieve cu(G)brió
(D)Los pastorcillos quieren ver a su rey,
Le traen re(G)galos en su humilde zu(C)rrón
Ropopon(G)pón ropopon(D)pón
(G)Ha nacido en un por(C)tal de Be(G)lén (D)el niño

(G)Yo quisiera po(C)ner a tus (G)pies,

Algún presente que te a(C)grade, se(G)ñor.
(D)Más, tú ya sabes que soy pobre también,
Y no po(G)seo más que un viejo tam(C)bor,
Ropopon(G)pón ropopon(D)pón
(G)En tu honor frente al por(C)tal toca(G)ré,
(D)Con mi tam(G)bor.

(G)El camino que (C)lleva a be(G)lén,

Yo voy marcando con mi (C)viejo tam(G)bor.
(D)Nada mejor hay que yo pueda ofrecer,
Su ronco a(G)cento es un canto de a(C)mor,
Ropopon(G)pón ropopon(D)pón
(G)Cuando dios me vio to(C)cando ante (G)él,
(D)Me son(G)rió.
♡ El universo sobre mi – Amaral Quiero co(G)rrer en liber(D)tad,
quiero llo(A)rar de felici(Bm)dad
(D)Sólo queda una vela Quiero vi(G)vir, quiero sen(D)tir
(C)encendida en medio de la (Bm)tarta el uni(A)verso sobre (Bm)mí
y se quiere consu(A)mir Como un (G)naufrago en el (D)mar,
(D)Ya se van los invitados, quiero encon(A)trar mi sitio
(C)tú y yo nos mi(Bm)ramos Sólo encontrar mi sitio
sin saber bien qué de(A)cir (Bm)(G)(D)(A)
(G)Nada que descubra lo que (Bm)siento, (Bm)(G)(D)(A)
que este día fue per(D)fecto y parezco tan (A)feliz (Bm)(G)(D)(A)(A)(A)
(Em)Nada como que hace mucho
(Bm)tiempo que me cuesta sonre(A)ír [Single strum]
(D)Todos los juguetes rotos
Quiero vi(Bm)vir, quiero gri(G)tar, (C)todos los amantes locos,
quiero sen(D)tir el uni(A)verso sobre (Bm)mí (Bm)todos los zapatos de cha(A)rol
Quiero co(G)rrer en liber(D)tad,
quiero encon(A)trar mi sitio (Em)Todas las casitas de mu(Bm)ñecas
donde celebraba (D)fiestas,
(D)Una broma del destino, donde solo estaba (A)yo
(C)una melodía acele(Bm)rada (Em)Vuelve el espíritu olvi(Bm)dado
en una canción que (A)nunca acaba del verano del (A)amor
(D)Ya he tenido suficiente,
(C)necesito alguien que com(Bm)prenda [Estribillo]
que estoy sola en medio (A)de un montón de gente
(D)Qué puedo hacer(G)(A) (D)Solo queda una vela
(C)encendida en medio de la (Bm)tarta
Quiero vi(Bm)vir, quiero gri(G)tar, Y se quiere consu(D)mir
quiero sen(D)tir el uni(A)verso sobre (Bm)mí
♡ El vals del obrero – Ska-P pero sigo cotizando a tu (F)estado del bienes(C)tar.
[Ritmo de vals]
Orgulloso de es(F)tar -orgulloso de estar- (Bb)(F)(C) (C)¡Re (C)sis (F)ten (F)cia! [x3]
Entre el proleta(C)riado -entre el proletariado-
es di(Bb)fícil llegar a fin de (F)mes [Ritmo de vals]
y tener que su(C)dar y sudar (F) Baila hermano el vals del obrero (C) (F)
"pa" ganar nuestro (F)pan. (C) [silencio] [Ritmo de ranchera]
Este es mi (F)sitio...
[Ritmo de ranchera] [Ritmo de ska]
Este es mi (F)sitio, ésta es mi gente En (F)esta democracia hay mucho listo que se
somos obreros, la clase prefe(C)rente lucra expri(C)miendo a nuestra clase social.
por eso, her(Bb)mano proletario, con or(F)gullo les im(Bb)porta cuatro huevos si tienes catorce
yo te canto esta can(C)ción, somos la revolu(F)ción. hijos y la (F)abuela no se puede (C)operar.
¡si señor!, la (C)revolución,
¡si se(Bb)ñor!,¡si señor!, somos la (F)revolución, (F)Somos los obreros, la base de este juego
tu ene(C)migo es el patrón, en el que (C)siempre pierde el mismo "pringao",
¡si se(Bb)ñor!, ¡si señor!, somos (F)la revolución, un (Bb)juego bien pensado, en el que nos tienen
viva (C)la revolución. callados y te (F)joden si no quieres (C)jugar.

[Ritmo de ska] (Bb)(F)(C) (C)¡Re (C)sis (F)ten (F)cia! [x3]

Es(F)t'y hasta los cojones de aguantar a (C)¡Re (C)sis (F)ten (F)cia! [x3]
sanguijuelas, los que (C)me roban mi dignidad.
mi (Bb)vida se consume soportando esta rutina ¡¡Insistimos!!
que me (F)ahoga cada día (C)mas. (Bb)(F)(C) (C)¡Re (C)sis (F)ten (F)cia! [x3]
(C)¡Re (C)sis (F)ten (F)cia! [x2]
Fe(F)liz el empresario, mas callos en mis manos
mis ri(C)ñones van a reventar. (C)¡De (Bb)so (F)be (C)dien (F)ciaaa!!!
No (Bb)tengo un puto duro,
En Algún Lugar – Duncan Dhu (G)(D)(Em)y al na(G)cer no haya (D)que mo(Em)rir…

(Em)(G)(D) (Em)(G)(D) (Em)un sil(Bm)bido (C)cruza el pueblo

(Em)(Bm)(C) (G)(D)(Em)(Bm)(C) (G)y (D)se (Em)ve, un ji(Bm)nete
(G)(D)(Am)(C) (G)(D)(Am)(C) (C)que se marcha con el viento
mientras grita
(Em)En al(G)gún lu(D)gar de un (Em)gran país que no va a vol(G)ver
(G)(D)(Em)olvi(G)daron (D)constru(Em)ir (G)(D)
(Em)un ho(G)gar don(D)de no (Em)queme el sol Y la tierra a(D)quí
(G)(D)(Em)y al na(G)cer no haya (D)que mo(Em)rir… es de o(Am)tro color
el (C)polvo lo debe sa(G)ber
(G)(D)(Em)Y en las (Bm)sombras los hombres ya (D)no
(C)mueren genios (G)sin (D)sa(Em)ber saben (Am)si lo son
de su (Bm)magia (C)pero lo quieren cre(G)er
(C)concedida, sin pedirlo las madres que (D)ya
mucho tiempo antes de no sa(Am)ben llorar
na(G)cer(D)(Am)(C) (G)(D)(Am)(C) (C)ven a sus hijos par(G)tir
la tristeza a(D)quí
(G)No hay camino (D)que no tie(Am)ne lugar
llegue (Am)hasta aquí (C)cuando lo triste es vivir.
y (C)luego pretenda sa(G)lir.
Con el fuego (D)de (G)Nanana...(D)(Am)(C) (G)(D)(Am)(C)
el a(Am)tardecer (C)arde la hierba (G)(D)(Am)(C) (G)(D)(Am)(C)
(Em)(G)(D) (Em)(G)(D)

(Em)En al(G)gún lu(D)gar de un (Em)gran país

(G)(D)(Em)olvi(G)daron (D)constru(Em)ir (G)(D)
(Em)un ho(G)gar don(D)de no (Em)queme el sol
En el muelle de San Blas – Maná Pero ningún (D)barco a su amor le devol(G)vía
(Em)Y en el pueblo le de(A)cían
(Em)Ella despidió a su a(A)mor Le decían la (D)loca del muelle de San (G)Blas
Él partió en un (D)barco en el muelle de San (G)Blas (Em)Y una tarde de a(A)bril
(Em)Él juró que volve(A)ría La intentaron (D)trasladar al ma(G)nicomio
Y empapada en (D)llanto ella juró que espera(G)ría (Em)Nadie la pudo arran(A)car
(Em)Miles de lunas pa(A)saron Y del mar nun(D)ca, jamás la se(G)pararon
Y siempre ella es(D)taba en el muelle (G)esperando
(Em)Muchas tardes se ani(A)daron Sola, (D)sola en el ol(A)vido
Se anidaron (D)en su pelo y en (G)sus labios Sola, (Bm)sola con su es(A)píritu
(Em)(A)(D)(G) (Em)(A)(D)(G) Sola, (D)sola con su a(A)mor en mar
So(G)la (A)en el muelle de San (Bm)Blas(G)(Bm)(A)
(Em)Llevaba el mismo ves(A)tido
Y por si él vol(D)viera no se fuera a equivo(G)car Sola, (D)sola en el ol(A)vido
(Em)Los cangrejos le mor(A)dían Sola, (Bm)sola con su es(A)píritu
Su ro(D)paje, su tristeza y su ilu(G)sión Sola, (D)sola con el (A)sol y en mar
(Em)Y el tiempo se escu(A)rrió Sola (G)(A)
Y sus ojos se (D)le llenaron de a(G)maneceres Sola, (D)sola en el ol(A)vido
(Em)Y del mar se enamo(A)ró Sola, (Bm)sola con su es(A)píritu
Y su cuerpo se (D)enraizó Sola, (D)sola con su a(A)mor en mar
(G)En el muelle So(G)la (A)en el muelle de San (D)Blas

Sola, (D)sola en el ol(A)vido

Sola, (Bm)sola con su es(A)píritu
Sola, (D)sola con su a(A)mor en mar
So(G)la (A)en el muelle de San (D)Blas

(Em)Su cabello se blan(A)queó
Enamorado de la moda juvenil - Radio Y yo ca(F)í enamorado de la moda juve(Dm)nil
de los precios y rebajas que yo (Bb)vi
enamorado de (C)ti.
Si (F)tú
Sí, yo ca(F)í enamorado de la moda juve(Dm)nil
me quisieras escu(Dm)char
de los chicos, de las chicas, de los (Bb)maniquís
me prestaras aten(Bb)ción
enamorado de (C)ti.
te diría lo que ocu(C)rrió
al pa(F)sar por la Puerta del (C)Sol.
Y yo ca(F)í enamorado de la moda juve(Dm)nil
de los precios y rebajas que yo (Bb)vi
Yo (F)vi
enamorado de (C)ti.
a la gente joven an(Dm)dar
corta el aire de seguri(Bb)dad
Sí, yo ca(F)í enamorado de la moda juve(Dm)nil
en un momento compren(C)dí
de los chicos, de las chicas, de los (Bb)maniquís
que el fu(F)turo ya está a(C)quí.
enamorado de (C)ti. (F)
Y yo ca(F)í enamorado de la moda juve(Dm)nil
de los precios y rebajas que yo (Bb)vi
enamorado de (C)ti.

Sí, yo ca(F)í enamorado de la moda juve(Dm)nil

de los chicos, de las chicas, de los (Bb)maniquís
enamorado de (C)ti.

Zapatos (F)nuevos, son de ocasión

oh, que corbata, que panta(C)lón
vamos, quítate el cintu(Gm)rón
y la tarde es de los (C)dos.
En Navidad – Rosana (C)Para que (F)siembres (G)cosechas de ilu(F)sión
(C)Para que (F)todo sea un (G)solo cora(F)zón
(C)Para que (F)todos los (G)días sean Navi(F)dad (C)Para que el (F)frío se (G)llene de ca(F)lor
(C)Para que (F)cada deseo (G)se haga re(F)alidad (C)Parar que (F)no me (G)equivoque de can(F)ción
(C)Para que el (F)mundo (G)sonría al desper(F)tar
(C)Para que se (F)abra la (G)puerta y no se (F)cierre Dime (C)niño (F)de quien (G)eres (F)
más. todo (C)vestidi(F)to de (G)blanco (F)
Dime (C)niño (F)de quien (G)eres (F)
(C)Para que el (F)cielo se (G)vista de co(F)lor todo (C)vestidi(F)to de (G)blanco (F)
(C)Para que (F)llueva (G)semillas del a(F)mor
(C)Para que (F)alfombres los (G)campos con tu (C)Para que (F)llenes de (G)luz la oscuri(F)dad
a(F)mor (C)Para que (F)nunca te (G)canses de vo(F)lar
(C)Para que (F)cantes con (G)más de una can(F)ción (C)Para que el (F)día te (G)enseñe la ver(F)dad
(C)Para que se (F)abra la (G)puerta y no se (F)cierre
(C)Arre burri(F)quito, (G)arre burro (F)arre más
(C)Arre borri(F)quito que (G)llegamos (F)tarde.
(C)Arre borri(F)quito (G)vamos a Be(F)lén (C)Navidad, (F)Navidad (G)dulce Navi(F)dad
(C)que mañana es (F)fiesta y al (G)otro tam(F)bién. (C)La alegría de (F)este día (G)hay que cele(F)brar.
(C)Navidad, (F)Navidad (G)dulce Navi(F)dad
(C)Para que (F)llenes de (G)luz la oscuri(F)dad (C)La alegría de (F)este día (G)hay que cele(F)brar.
(C)Para que (F)nunca te (G)canses de vo(F)lar
(C)Para que el (F)día te (G)enseñe la ver(F)dad (C)Navidad, (F)Navidad (G)dulce Navi(F)dad
(C)Para que el (F)viento te (G)silbe el cami(F)nar (C)La alegría de (F)este día (G)hay que cele(F)brar.
(C)Navidad, (F)Navidad (G)dulce Navi(F)dad
(C)Campana (F)sobre cam(G)paaaaaa(F)na, (C)La alegría de (F)este día (G)hay que cele(C)brar
(C)y sobre (F)campana (G)uuuuuuu(F)na
(C)Asóma(F)te a la ven(G)taaaaaa(F)na,
(C)verás al (F)niño en la (G)cuuuuu(F)na
♡ Entre dos tierras – Héroes del y no dejas (Cm)aire que res(Gm)pirar
(Fm)entre dos (Cm)tierras (Gm)estás
y no dejas (Cm)aire que res(Gm)pirar
(Bm)Te puedes ven(F#m)der,
(A)cualquier o(G)ferta es buena
(Bm)Déjalo (F#m)ya, (A)no seas mem(G)brillo
si (Bm)quieres (F#m)poder...(A)(G)
y per(Bm)mite pa(F#m)sar, (A) (G)y si no piensas
(Bm)qué fácil (F#m)es (A)abrir tan(G)to la boca
(Bm)echar a(F#m)trás (A)tienes mucho (G)barro
(Bm)para opi(F#m)nar, (A)(G) y si te piensas
que tra(Bm)gar (F#m) (A) (G)
e(Bm)char atrás(F#m) (A)tienes muchas (G)huellas
que bo(Bm)rrar.(F#m)(A)(G)
Déja(Bm)me, que (D)yo no tengo
la (G)culpa de verte (Bm)caer,
Déja(Bm)me, que (D)yo no tengo
si (D)yo no tengo la (G)culpa de ver que
la (G)culpa de verte (Bm)caer,
(Fm)Entre dos (Cm)tierras (Gm)estás
si (D)yo no tengo la (G)culpa de verte ca(Bm)er.
y no dejas (Cm)aire que res(Gm)pirar
(Fm)entre dos (Cm)tierras (Gm)estás
(Bm) (G) (Bm) (A)
y no dejas (Cm)aire que res(Gm)pirar
(Gm) Oooohhhh
(Bm)Pierdes la (F#m)fe,
(A)cualquier espe(G)ranza es vana
Déja(Bm)me, que (D)yo no tengo
y no (Bm)sé qué cre(F#m)er; (A)(G) pepepepepe
la (G)culpa de verte (Bm)caer,
pero ol(Bm)vídame(F#m),
si (D)yo no tengo la (G)culpa de ver que
(A)que nadie (G)te ha llamado
(Fm)Entre dos (Cm)tierras (Gm)estás
ya es(Bm)tás otra (F#m)vez (A)(G)
y no dejas (Cm)aire que res(Gm)pirar
(Fm)entre dos (Cm)tierras (Gm)estás
Déja(Bm)me, que (D)yo no tengo
y no dejas (Cm)aire que res(Gm)pirar
la (G)culpa de verte (Bm)caer,
(Gm) Oooohhhh (Bm)
si (D)yo no tengo la (G)culpa de ver que
(Fm)Entre dos (Cm)tierras (Gm)estás
Entre mis recuerdos – Luz Casal (F#m)Y si las lágrimas (Bm)vuelven
(F#m)ellas me harán más (E)fuertee (F)
(A)Cuando la pena (D)cae sobre mí
(F#m)el mundo deja (E)ya de existir, [Instrumental]
(D)miro hacia a(E)trás y (F)busco (Bb) (Eb) (Gm) (F)
entre (G)mis re(A)cuerdos (Eb) (F) (Gb) (Ab) (Bb)
(A)Para encontrar la (D)niña que fui
(F#m)y algo de todo (E)lo que perdí Yo qui(Gm)siera volver a encontrar la (Cm)pureza
(D)miro hacia a(E)trás y (F)busco nostalgia de tanta ino(Cm)cencia
entre (G)mis re(A)cuerdos que tan poco (Bb)tiempo du(F)ró.

(F#m)Sueño con noches brillantes al (Bm)borde (Bb)Cuando la pena (Eb)cae sobre mí

de un mar de aguas claras y (Bm)puras (Gm)Quiero encontrar (F)aquello que fui
y un aire cu(A)bierto de a(E)zahar. (Eb)miro hacia a(F)trás y (Gb)busco
entre (Ab)mis re(Bb)cuerdos
(A)Cada momento (D)era especial
(F#m)días sin prisas, (E)tardes de paz, [Single strum]
(D)miro hacia (E)atrás y (F)busco (Eb)vuelvo hacia a(F)trás y (Gb)busco
entre (G)mis re(A)cuerdos. entre (Ab)mis re(Bb)cuerdos

Yo qui(F#m)siera volver a encontrar la (Bm)pureza

nostalgia de tanta ino(Bm)cencia
que tan poco (A)tiempo du(E)ró.

(A)Con el veneno (D)sobre mi piel

(F#m)frente a las sombras (E)de la pared
(D)miro hacia (E)atrás y (F)busco
entre (G)mis re(A)cuerdos,
Eres tú – Mocedades como el (Ab)fuego (F)de mi ho(Bb)guera,
(Bb)e(Bb7)res (Eb)tú (Ab)
(D)Como una pro(A)mesa eres (G)tú, eres (D)tú, el fuego (Eb)de(Bb) mi ho(Eb)gar.
(D)como una ma(A)ñana de ve(G)ra(A)no,
(D)como una son(A)risa eres (G)tú, eres (F#m)tú,
a(D)sí, a(A)sí eres (D)tú. (C)(G)

(D)Toda mi espe(A)ranza eres (G)tú, eres (D)tú,

(D)como lluvia (A)fresca en mis (G)ma(A)nos,
(D)como fuerte (A)brisa eres (G)tú, eres (F#m)tú,
a(D)sí, a(A)sí eres (D)tú. (A)

(D)E(A)res (Bm)tú (A)

como el (G)agua (E7)de mi (A)fuente,
(A)e(A7)res (D)tú (G)el fuego (D)de(A) mi ho(D)gar,
(D)e(A)res (Bm)tú (A)
como el (G)fuego (E7)de mi ho(A)guera,
(A)E(A7)res (D)tú (G)el trigo (D)de(A) mi (D)pan.

(D)Como mi po(A)ema eres (G)tú, eres (D)tú,

(D)como una gui(A)tarra en la (G)no(A)che,
(D)toda mi espe(A)ranza eres (G)tú, eres (F#m)tú,
a(D)sí, a(A)sí eres (D)tú. (Em)(F#m)(G)(A)(Bb)

(Eb)E(Bb)res (Cm)tú (Bb)

como el (Ab)agua (F)de mi (Bb)fuente,
(Bb)e(Bb7)res (Eb)tú (Ab)
el fuego (Eb)de(Bb) mi ho(Eb)gar, (Bb)
(Eb)e(Bb)res (Cm)tú(Bb)
Escapar – Moby (Bm)Sientes por dentro que todos se (D)van,
sientes por dentro que todos se (G)van,
(Bm)Es el princi(A)pio y el (G)fin, sientes muy dentro que todos se van.
(Bm)así me siento (A)yo, (G)hoy… sientes por dentro que todos se van.
(D)Abre las puertas de la percep(A)ción,
usa el poder de tu imagina(Em)ción, [1 strum]
aunque no puedas mirar hacia el sol, (D)Sientes por dentro que todos se (A)van.
sabes que sigue brillando. sientes por dentro que todos se (Em)van.
sientes muy dentro que todos se (Em)van.
(D)Piensa en las cosas que te hacen sen(A)tir, sientes tu alma queriendo esca(Em)par.
cada segundo vivir y esca(Em)par,
este momento y la gente pasar,
sientes por dentro que todos se van.

(Bm)Desde el prin(A)cipio, al (G)fin,

(Bm)sólo qui(A)simos vi(G)vir.
(Bm)Por qué es tan di(A)fícil, cre(G)er?
(Bm)Que no habrá un ma(A)ñana ja(G)más.


(C) (Em)Hacia el (C)sol…

(Em)Hacia el (C)sol… (Em)(Em)

Esos ojos negros – Duncan Dhu La (C)lluvia los (D)devolve(G)rá.

[Intro]: (G) [Instrumental]: (G) (G7) (C) (Am) (D) (C) (D) (C) (D)
(C) (G) (D)
(G) Esos ojos negros
(G7) Esos ojos negros no los (C)quiero ver llorar [Parte intermedia]
Tan só(Am)lo quiero escuchar, dime (D)
lo que quiero oír (C), dime (D) (G) Esos ojos negros
que vas a reír(C), dime (D), (G7) Esos ojos negros no los (C)quiero ver llorar
dime ahora que (C)duerme la ciudad (G) (D) Tan só(Am)lo quiero escuchar, dime (D)
lo que quiero oír (C), dime (D)
(G) Hace ya algún tiempo que vas a reír (C), dime (D),
(G7) Hace ya algún tiempo que tu (C)voz parece ser dime ahora que (C)duerme la ciudad (G)
Una plu(Am)ma y un papel que cuentan (D) (D) dime ahora que (C)duerme la ciudad (G)
Que vas a volar(C) en sueños (D) (D) dime ahora que (C)duerme la ciudad (G)
Que serán tus ojos(C) negros (D)
Los que me ilu(C)minen al andar. (G) (D)

[Parte intermedia]

(G) La lluvia cae sobre el suelo gris

(Bm) El tiempo pasa y no puedo reír.
(G) La noche es larga, mi voz amarga
(Bm) Hoy he visto despertar el sol
(D) Y tus pupilas brillarán
Pero es(C)pera, des(D)cuida, que (G)ya ve(Em)rás
Los bue(C)nos tiem(D)pos (G)volve(G7)rán
Pero es(C)pera, des(D)cuida, que (G)ya
Es muy fácil – Los Mitos
es muy (B)fácil, si lo (C#m)piensas
(B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi es muy (B)fácil, si lo in(C#m)tentas.
(C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
(B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi (B)Canta, sonríe a la (C#)gente,
(C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi es muy (E)fácil, es mucho (B)mejor,
(B)Es mejor ver la (C#m)vida como venga (B)sueña y olvida las (C#)penas,
(B)y el amor hay que (C#m)darlo a quien convenga que muy (E)pronto se encuentra el a(B)mor.
es muy (B)fácil, si lo (C#m)piensas
es muy (B)fácil, si lo in(C#m)tentas. (B)Canta, sonríe a la (C#)gente,
es muy (E)fácil, es mucho (B)mejor,
(B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi (B)sueña y olvida las (C#)penas,
(C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi que muy (E)pronto se encuentra el a(B)mor.
(B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
(C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi (B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
(B)¿qué mas da en la (C#m)vida algún fracaso? (C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
(B)si al final no le ha(C#m)cemos ningún caso, (B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
es muy (B)fácil, si lo (C#m)piensas (C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
es muy (B)fácil, si lo in(C#m)tentas. (B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
(C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
(B)Canta, sonríe a la (C#)gente, (B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
es muy (E)fácil, es mucho (B)mejor, (C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
(B)sueña y olvida las (C#)penas, (B)
que muy (E)pronto se encuentra el a(B)mor.

(B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi

(C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
(B)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
(C#m)pi, pi, pi, pi, pi, pi
♡ Es por ti – Cómplices (Dm)tus besos la (C)tinta de mis ver(F)sos,
(G)que siempre te (C)cuentan.
(Dm)(Am)(G)(F) [x2]
(Dm)Oh, oh, oh...(Am)(G)(F)
(Dm)Es por ti que veo (Am)ríos (Dm)Oh, oh, oh...(Am)(G)(F)
donde (G)sólo hay as(F)falto
(Dm)Es por ti que hay o(Am)céanos (Dm)Es por ti que veo (Am)ríos
donde (G)sólo había (F)charcos. donde (G)sólo hay as(F)falto
Es por (C)ti que soy un (Dm)duende (Dm)Es por ti que hay o(Am)céanos
cómpli(C)ce del vien(F)to donde (G)sólo había (F)charcos.
(Am)que se es(G)capa de (F)madrugada Es por (C)ti que soy un (Dm)duende
(E7)para colarse por tu ven(Dm)tana. cómpli(C)ce del vien(F)to
(Am)(G)(F) (Dm)(Am)(G)(F) (Am)que se es(G)capa de (F)madrugada
(Am)que se es(G)capa de (F)madrugada
(Dm)Es por ti que no hay ca(Am)denas (Am)que se es(G)capa de (F)madrugada
si sigo el (G)ritmo de tus ca(F)deras. (E7)para colarse por tu ven(Dm)tana.
(Dm)Es por ti que rozo (Am)la locura (Am)Y de(A7)cirte...
cuando na(G)vego por tu cin(F)tura. (Dm)Tus labios (C)son de seda,
Es por (C)ti que soy un (Dm)duende tus (F)dientes del color de la (G)luna llena,
cómpli(C)ce del vien(F)to (Dm)tu risa la (C)sangre que (F)corre por mis
(Am)que se es(G)capa de (F)madrugada ve(G)nas,
(Am)que se es(G)capa de (F)madrugada (Dm)tus besos la (C)tinta de mis ver(F)sos,
(Am)que se es(G)capa de (F)madrugada (G)que siempre te (C)cuentan.
(E7)para colarse por tu ven(Dm)tana.
(Am)Y de(A7)cirte... (Dm)Oh, oh, oh...(Am)(G)(F) [x3]
(Dm)Tus labios (C)son de seda, (Dm)Oh, oh, oh...(Am)(G)
tus (F)dientes del color de la (G)luna llena, (E7)Que siempre te (Am)cuentan.
(Dm)tu risa la (C)sangre que (F)corre por mis
Esta madrugada – Amaral y dejar pa(F)sar esta mala (Gm)hora(F)

[Single strum] (Eb)Esta madru(F)gada

(Gm)Ha pasado el (Eb)tiempo (Bb)que parece (F)nunca acaba
no he de(F)jado ni un mo(Bb)mento (Eb)esta noche (F)de angustiosa (Gm)calma
(F)de pen(Gm)sar en los viejos (Eb)sueños (Eb)Quédate con(F)migo
en las (F)noches de con(Bb)ciertos (F)en un (Gm)bar (Bb)hasta que la (F)luz se haga
(Eb)esta madru(F)gada(Gm)(Eb)(F)(F)
(Gm)Ha pasado el (Eb)tiempo (Gm)(Eb)(F)(F)
y no (F)sé por qué te (Bb)cuento (F)esto
(Gm)será que se ha (Eb)ido [Single strum]
la ino(F)cencia que lle(Bb)vo con(F)migo (Gm)quiero desper(C)tar
(Gm)si será el do(C)lor, este amane(Eb)cer porque no puede (Eb)ser verdad
que me ha he(Bb)lado el (F)alma (F)esta mala (Gm)hora (F)
(Gm)quiero desper(C)tar
porque no puede (Eb)ser verdad (Eb)Esta madru(F)gada
(F)esta mala (Gm)hora (F) (Bb)que parece (F)nunca acaba
(Eb)esta noche (F)de angustiosa (Gm)calma
(Eb)Esta madru(F)gada (Eb)Quédate con(F)migo
(Bb)que parece (F)nunca acaba (Bb)hasta que la (F)luz se haga
(Eb)esta noche (F)de angustiosa (Gm)calma (Eb)esta noche os(F)cura de mi (Gm)alma
(Eb)Esta madru(F)gada
(Gm)Va pasando el (Eb)tiempo (Bb)que parece (F)nunca nunca aca(Eb)bar
bajo el (F)cielo sin es(Bb)trellas (F)de Ma(Gm)drid (F)Ohhh(Gm)hhh
pero hoy no en(Eb)cuentro (Eb)Quédate con(F)migo
la ilu(F)sión que me que(Bb)maba (F)dentro (Bb)hasta que la (F)luz se haga
(Gm)Nada más lle(C)gar a esta ciu(Eb)dad (Eb)esta madru(F)gada(Gm)(Eb)(F)(F)
que nos de(Bb)vora(F) (Gm)(Eb)(F)(F) (Gm)(Eb)(F)(F) (Gm)
(Gm)dime dónde es(C)tás que te quiero (Eb)ver
♡ Estrella Polar – Pereza Pero las (C)ganas y la (F)complicidad
(C)ardieron (G)en el (C)infierno (F)(C)(G)
(C)(F)(C)(G) (C)(F)(C)(G) una (C)cogida en la (F)plaza (C)central
te conven(G)cía de a(C)quello (F)(C)(G)
(C)A la Avenida de la (F)Estrella (C)Polar
llega (G)primero el (C)invierno (F)(C)(G) (Dm)Con los pies (G)fríos no se (F)pien(G)sa (C)bien
sobre las (C)hojas muertas (F)cae el (C)sol (Dm)algún deli(Em)rio nos ha(G)rá volver
que no (G)calienta los (C)huesos (F)(C)(G)
(C)Hoy (G)cielo, (F)vienes (G)a por (C)mí
Te quedan (C)balas para (F)disparar pero (G)por (F)dios
(C)pero (G)preguntas (C)primero (F)(C)(G) (F)no (G)dejo de (C)pensar que (F)aquí
antes de (C)asesinar (F)esta (C)ciudad (Dm)no hay sitio para los (G)dos
fui yo, (G)fueron (C)ellos (F)(C)(G)
(C)Hoy (G)cielo, (F)vienes (G)a por (C)mí
(Dm)Con los pies (G)fríos no se (F)pien(G)sa (C)bien pero (G)por (F)dios
(Dm)si es un (Em)castigo, yo me (G)lo busqué (F)no (G)dejo de (C)pensar que (F)aquí
(G)no hay sitio para los
(C)Hoy (G)cielo, (F)vienes (G)a por (C)mí (G)no hay sitio para los
pero (G)por (F)dios (G)no hay sitio para los
(F)no (G)dejo de (C)pensar que (F)aquí (C) dos (F)(C)(G) (C)(F)(C)
(G)no hay sitio para los dos

(C)(F)(C)(G) (C)(F)(C)(G)

(C)En la Avenida de la (F)Estrella (C)Polar

eran (G)preciosos los (C)besos (F)(C)(G)
desde la (C)cama una (F)estrella (C)fugaz
yo me (G)ponía tan (C)tierno (F)(C)(G)
Fiesta pagana – Mägo de Oz de la (Am)misma condición
no es el (G)pueblo ni un señor,
(Am)Cuando despier(C)tes un día (F)ellos tienen el clero
y (G)sientas que no (Am)puedas más, y noso(Em)tros nuestro su(Am)dor
que en el nombre (C)del de arriba
tu (Dm)vida van a mane(Em)jar (Am)La la la… (Dm)(G)(Am)
Si (C)sientes que el miedo se (G)pega a tu piel (Am)(Dm)(G)(Am)
por (Dm)ser comunero y jus(Am)ticia querer (Am)La la la… (Dm)(G)(Am)
si te rindes (Dm)hermano, por ti (F)nunca (Am)(Dm)(G)(Am)
(G)pensa(Am)rás (G)

(Am)La la la… (Dm)(G)(Am) (Am)Si no hay pan pa(C)ra los tuyos

(Am)(Dm)(G)(Am) (G)y ves muy gor(Am)do al abad,
(G) si su virgen (C)viste de oro,
(Am)Cuando vayan a (C)pedirte Cómo (C)van a silen(G)ciar
(G)los diezmos a (Am)fin de mes al jil(Dm)guero o al ca(Am)nario
y la santa in(C)quisición si no hay cárcel ni (Dm)tumba
te (Dm)"invite" a confe(Em)sar para el (F)canto (G)liber(Am)tario
Por (C)eso amigo tú (G)alza la voz,
(Dm)di que nunca pe(Am)diste opinión [Estribillo]
y si es verdad que (Dm)existe un dios
que tra(F)baje (G)de sol a (Am)sol (Am)La la la…
(Am)Ponte en pie (Am)
alza el (G)puño y ven (G)(C)
a (F)la fiesta pagana [single strum]
en la (Em)hoguera hay de beber (Am) (Am) (Bb)… (Am)
♡ Flaca – Andrés Calamaro no me digas la ver(C)dad
no te quedes ca(G)llada
[Intro kazoo] no levantes la (D)voz
(G)(B7)(Em)(C)(G)(D)(G)(D) ni me pidas per(G)dón (D)

(G)Flaca, no me (B7)claves Aunque (G)casi te confieso

tus pu(Em)ñales que tam(B7)bién he sido un perro compa(Em)ñero
por la es(C)palda un perro ide(C)al que aprendió a la(G)drar
tan pro(G)fundo y a volver al ho(D)gar
no me (D)duelen para poder co(G)mer (D)
no me hacen (G)mal (D)
(G)Lejos, en el (B7)centro (G)Flaca, no me (B7)claves
de la (Em)tierra tus pu(Em)ñales
las raí(C)ces por la es(C)palda
del a(G)mor tan pro(G)fundo
donde es(D)taban no me (D)duelen
queda(G)rán (D) no me hacen (G)mal (D)
(G)Lejos, en el (B7)centro
(G)Entre el no me olvides de la (Em)tierra
me de(B7)jé nuestros abriles olvi(Em)dados las raí(C)ces
en el fondo del pla(C)card del a(G)mor
del cuarto de invi(G)tados donde es(D)taban
eran tiempos do(D)rados queda(G)rán (D)
de un pasado me(G)jor (D)
[Final kazoo]
Aunque (G)casi me equivoco (G)(B7)(Em)(C)(G)(D)(G)
y te (B7)digo poco a poco
no me (Em)mientas
Gitanitos y morenos – Gato Pérez Ahora vengo (D)yo a cantar dis(Em)tinto,
con mi estilo espe(A)cial de palabras y (D)ritmo.
Gitanitos y (D)morenos
son los ases del com(Em)pás Es un hijo de la (D)calle,
y en la sangre de sus (A)venas de los libros y el hu(Em)mor
late un pulso ances(D)tral. que descubre su ca(A)mino
Ahora viene este (D)cantante, a golpes de contradi(D)cción.
forastero del sa(Em)bor, El repertorio no es ge(D)nuino
que se mira en el es(A)pejo según la pura tradi(Em)ción,
del sentir multico(D)lor [Pausa] pero respeta a su ma(A)nera
las verdades del tam(D)bor.[Pausa]
Ahora vengo (D)yo a cantar se(Em)reno,
ahora vengo (A)yo con sabor Ahora vengo (D)yo a cantar se(Em)reno,
aunque no sea mo(D)reno. ahora vengo (A)yo con sabor
Ahora vengo (D)yo a cantar dis(Em)tinto, aunque no sea mo(D)reno.
con mi estilo espe(A)cial de palabras y (D)ritmo. Ahora vengo (D)yo a cantar dis(Em)tinto,
con mi estilo espe(A)cial de palabras y (D)ritmo.
Pintor que pintas con a(D)mor,
¿por qué desprecias (Em)mi color? Ahora vengo (D)yo a cantar se(Em)reno,
si tú sabes que en el (A)fondo ahora vengo (A)yo con sabor
yo también tengo sa(D)bor. aunque no sea mo(D)reno.
Puede ser que te equi(D)voques Ahora vengo (D)yo a cantar dis(Em)tinto,
con tu pincel extran(Em)jero, con mi estilo espe(A)cial de palabras y (D)ritmo.
pues también sienten el (A)ritmo
todos los blanquitos (D)buenos.[Pausa]

Ahora vengo (D)yo a cantar se(Em)reno,

ahora vengo (A)yo con sabor
aunque no sea mo(D)reno.
Gloria – Umberto Tozzi con la memoria in(F)venta
aroma entre los (C)árboles
(C)Gloria, faltas en el (F)aire en una tierra (F)mágica
falta tu pre(C)sencia, cálida ino(F)cencia por quien respira (C)niebla
faltas en mi (C)boca que sin querer te (F)nombra por quien respira (F)rabia
y escribiré mi his(C)toria con la palabra (F)Gloria Por mí que sin sus (Dm)besos
Porque aquí a tu (Dm)lado (G)te desnudas provo(C)cando
(G)la mañana se ilu(C)mina (F)y hago sombras en el (Bb)techo
(F)la verdad y la men(Bb)tira (C)pensando en Glori(F)a
(C)se llaman Glori(F)a
(C)Gloria, faltas en el (F)aire
(C)Gloria, faltas en el (F)aire faltas en el (C)cielo
faltas en el (C)cielo quémame en tu (F)fuego
quémame en tu (F)fuego fúndeme en la (C)nieve
fúndeme en la (C)nieve (Eb)que congela mi (Bb)pecho
(Eb)que congela mi (Bb)pecho (C)te espero, Glori(F)a
(C)te espero, Glori(F)a
(C)Gloria campo de son(F)risas
campo de son(F)risas agua en el de(C)sierto
agua en el de(C)sierto corazón a(F)bierto
corazón a(F)bierto Aventura de mi (Dm)mente
Aventura de mi (Dm)mente (G)de mi mesa y de mi (C)lecho
(G)de mi mesa y de mi (C)lecho (F)del jardín de mi pre(Bb)sente
(F)del jardín de mi pre(Bb)sente (C)te espero, Glori(F)a
(C)te espero, Glori(F)a

(C)Gloria, por quien espera el (F)día,

y mientras todos (C)duermen
Grita – Jarabe de palo (Em)y si no te escucho, (Am)grita!
(C)te tiendo la mano (D)tú agarra todo el brazo,
Acorde (B7) = 2 3 2 2 (Em)y si quieres más pues, (Am)grita!

(C)(D)(Em)(Am) (G)(B7)(Em)(C)
(C)(D)(Em)(Am) (G)(B7)(Em)(D)

(G)Hace días que te observo (G)Hace tiempo alguien me dijo

(B7)y he contado con los dedos (B7)cual era el mejor remedio
(Em)cuántas veces te has reído (Em)cuando sin motivo alguno
(C)una mano me ha valido. (C)se te iba el mundo al suelo
(G)Hace días que me fijo (G)Y si quieres yo te explico
(B7)no sé que guardas ahí dentro (B7)en que consiste el misterio
(Em)a juzgar por lo que veo (Em)que no hay cielo, mar ni tierra
(D)nada bueno, nada bueno. (D)que la vida es un sueño

(C)(D)(Em)(Am) (C)si salgo corriendo, (D)tú me agarras por el cuello

(C)(D)(Em)(Am) (Em)y si no te escucho, (Am)grita!
(C)te tiendo la mano (D)tú agarra todo el brazo,
(G)De qué tienes miedo (Em)y si quieres más pues,
(B7)a reír y a llorar luego (Am)gritaaaa(C)aaaaaaa! (D)
(Em)a romper el hielo gri(Em)taaaaaaaaaaa! (Am)
(C)que recubre tu silencio gritaaaa(C)aaaaaaa! (D)
(G)Suéltate ya y cuéntame gri(Em)taaaaaaaaaaa! (Am)
(B7)que aquí estamos para eso (C)si salgo corriendo, (D)tú me agarras por el cuello
(Em)pa' lo bueno y pa' lo malo (Em)y si no te escucho, (Am)grita!
(D)llora ahora y ríe luego (C)te tiendo la mano (D)tú agarra todo el brazo,
(Em)y si quieres más pues, (Am)grita! (G)
(C)si salgo corriendo, (D)tú me agarras por el cuello
♡ Hace calor - Los Rodríguez
(G)Dubi dubi du
(G)Dubi dubi du Dubi dubi du
Dubi dubi du Dubi dubi du
Dubi dubi du Dubi dubi du
Dubi dubi du (C)ah ah ah
(C)ah ah ah (D)ah ah ah ah
(D)ah ah ah ah (G)dubi dubi dubi duah
(G)dubi dubi dubi duah
(G)Hace calor, hace calor
(G)Hace calor, hace calor yo es(F)taba esperando que cantes mi canción
yo es(F)taba esperando que cantes mi canción y que a(C)bras esa botella
y que a(C)bras esa botella y brindemos por ella
y brindemos por ella y ha(D)gamos el amor en el balcón(G)(D)
y ha(D)gamos el amor en el balcón(G)(D)
(G)Mi corazón, mi corazón
(G)Mi corazón, mi corazón es un (F)músculo sano
es un (F)músculo sano pero necesita acción
pero necesita acción dame (C)paz y dame guerra
dame (C)paz y dame guerra y un dulce colocón
y un dulce colocón y (D)yo te entregare lo me(G)jor (D)
y (D)yo te entregare lo mejor(G)(D)
(G)Ah ah ah ah ah ah
Tan (F)dulce como el vino
salada como el mar
prin(C)cesa y vagabunda
garganta profunda
(D)sálvame de esta sole(G)dad (D)
[Continuación] I(C)remos a un hotel, iremos a cenar
pero (D)nunca iremos juntos al al(G)tar (D)
(G)Ah ah ah ah ah ah
Tan (F)dulce como el vino (G)Dubi dubi du
salada como el mar Dubi dubi du
prin(C)cesa y vagabunda Dubi dubi du
garganta profunda Dubi dubi du
(D)salvame de esta sole(G)dad (D) (C)ah ah ah
(D)ah ah ah ah
(G)Dubi dubi du (G)dubi dubi dubi duah
Dubi dubi du
Dubi dubi du (G)Dubi dubi du
Dubi dubi du Dubi dubi du
(C)ah ah ah Dubi dubi du
(D)ah ah ah ah Dubi dubi du
(G)dubi dubi dubi duah (C)ah ah ah
(D)ah ah ah ah
(G)Hace calor, hace calor (G)dubi dubi dubi duah
ella (F)tiene la receta para estar mucho mejor
sin (C)trucos, sin prisa, me entrega su sonrisa
como u(D)na sacerdotisa del a(G)mor (D)

(G)Luna de miel, luna de papel

luna (F)llena, piel canela dame noches de placer
a (C)veces estoy mal a veces estoy bien
te da(D)ré mi corazón para que juegues con (G)él

(G)Ah ah ah ah ah ah
po(F)drían acusarme ella es menor de edad
Hakuna Matata – El Rey León [Silencio]

[Single strum] - Cada vez que...

Hakuna ma(F)tata, vive y deja vi(C)vir - ¡¡Pumba, que hay niños delante!!
Hakuna ma(F)tata, (D)vive y sé fe(G)liz - Ah, ¡lo siento!

[Normal strum] Hakuna ma(F)tata, qué bonito es vi(C)vir

Nin(E7)gún pro(Am)blema Hakuna ma(F)tata, (D)vive y sé fe(G)liz
(G)debe ha(F)certe su(D)frir Nin(E7)gún pro(Am)blema
Lo más (C)fácil es sa(G)ber decir [silencio] (G)debe ha(F)certe su(D)frir
Hakuna ma(C)tata... Lo más (C)fácil es sa(G)ber decir...

[Single strum] Hakuna ma(F)tata, qué bonito es vi(C)vir

Cuan(Bb)do era muy (F)peque(C)ñín Hakuna ma(F)tata, (D)vive y sé fe(G)liz
Cuan(Bb)do era muy (F)peque(C)ñín Nin(E7)gún pro(Am)blema
[Pausa] (G)debe ha(F)certe su(D)frir
Lo más (C)fácil es sa(G)ber decir
[Normal strum] Hakuna ma(C)tata
No(Bb)tó que su aliento no le o(F)lía muy bien
Los de(C)más deseaban ale(G)jarse de él
[Single strum]
Hay un (Bb)alma sensible
(F)en mi gruesa (C)piel
Me do(Bb)lió no tener (F)un amigo (G)fiel

Qué gran do(C)lor -Qué mal olor-
Y un gran des(G)honor -¿Qué más da el olor?-
Y me depri(Bb)mía -Vaya que sí-
♡ Hay un amigo en mi – Toy Story (F)lo nuestro (B7)no mori(C)rá(C7)
(F)Lo vas a (C)ver, es me(E7)jor sa(Am)ber [pausa]
Acorde (Fm) = 1 0 1 3
Acorde (B7) = 2 3 2 2 Que (D7)hay un a(G7)migo en (C)mí(A7)
(D7)hay un a(G7)migo en (C)mí(A7)
[Kazoo] (D7)hay un a(G7)migo en (C)mí
(C)Hay un a(G7)migo en (C)mí, (C7) (E7)(Am)(Fm)(C)(G7)(C)
(F)hay un a(B7)migo en (C)mí(C7)
(F)Cuando (C)eches a (E7)vo(Am)lar
y tal (F)vez a(C)ñores tu (E7)dulce ho(Am)gar
(F)Lo que te (C)digo debes (E7)recor(Am)dar
Porque (D7)hay un a(G7)migo en (C)mí (A7)
(D7)Sí, hay un a(G7)migo en (C)mí(G7)

(C)Hay un a(G7)migo en (C)mí, (C7)

(F)hay un a(B7)migo en (C)mí(C7)
Y (F)cuando (C)sufras a(E7)quí me ten(Am)drás
(F)No deja(C)ré de estar con(E7)tigo, (Am)ya verás
(F)No nece(C)sitas a (E7)nadie (Am)más
Porque (D7)hay un a(G7)migo en (C)mí (A7)
(D7)Sí, hay un a(G7)migo en (C)mí(C7)

(F)Otros habrá tal vez (B7)mucho más listos que yo

(C)Eso (B7)puede (C)ser, tal vez
(B7)Mas nunca habrá quien pueda ser
Un a(Em)migo (A7)fiel y (Dm)tú lo (G7)sabes
(C)El tiempo (G7)pasa(C)rá(C7),
Help, ayúdame – Tony Ronald (Bb)Rey de este mundo me (Am)quiero sentir
(F)He de olvidarme de (G)aquel fracaso,
(C)Solo en mi cuarto, (G)en un rincón, (G)De aquel fracaso.
Apu(Dm)rando un vaso (Am)y una ilusión,
Cuantas (C)horas me paso (G)sin nada más (C)Help,ayúdame,
(Bb)Que recordando su (Am)forma de amar. En tu amistad he puesto (G)toda mi fe,
(C)Somos amigos (G)desde niñez (Dm)Help, ayúdame,
Y por (Dm)eso te pido: (Am)ayúdame Y tiénde(G)me la mano de un hermano
Esta (C)noche contigo (G)voy a salir, (C)Help,ayúdame,
(Bb)Rey de este mundo me (Am)quiero sentir En tu amistad he puesto (G)toda mi fe,
(F)He de olvidarme de (G)aquel fracaso, (Dm)Help, ayúdame,
(G)De aquel fracaso. Y tiénde(G)me la mano de un hermano

(C)Help,ayúdame, (C)Help,ayúdame,
En tu amistad he puesto (G)toda mi fe, En tu amistad he puesto (G)toda mi fe,
(Dm)Help, ayúdame, (Dm)Help, ayúdame,
Y tiénde(G)me la mano de un hermano Y tiénde(G)me la mano de un hermano
(C)Help,ayúdame, (C)Help,ayúdame,
En tu amistad he puesto (G)toda mi fe, En tu amistad he puesto (G)toda mi fe,
(Dm)Help, ayúdame, (Dm)Help, ayúdame,
Y tiénde(G)me la mano de un hermano Y tiénde(G)me la mano de un hermano
(C)Supo reírse (G)de mi amor
Yo que (Dm)tanto la quise (Am)y se burló
Y pa(C)sé días tristes, (G)ahora cambié
(Bb)Su compañía me ha(Am)rá un gran bien
(C)Somos amigos (G)desde niñez
Y por (Dm)eso te pido: (Am)ayúdame
Esta (C)noche contigo (G)voy a salir,
♡ Hijo de la Luna – Mecano (Bb)Hijo de la lu(C)na
(Dm)(Am)(Bb)(Am) [x2]
(Dm)(Am)(Bb)(Am) [x2]
(Dm)Tonto el que no en(Gm)tienda, (Dm)(A) (Dm)De padre ca(Gm)nela (Dm)nació un (A)niño
(Dm)cuenta una le(Gm)yenda (Dm)(A) (Dm)Blanco como el (Gm)lomo (Dm)de un ar(A)miño
(F)Que una hembra gi(A)tana (F)Y los ojos (A)grises (Dm)en vez de acei(C)tuna
(Dm)Conjuró a la (C)luna (Bb)Niño al(C)bino de (Dm)luna (Am)
(Bb)hasta el (C)amane(Dm)cer (Am) (F)Maldita su es(A)tampa,
(F)Llorando pe(A)día (Dm)al llegar el (C)día (Dm)este hijo es de un (C)payo
(Bb)despo(C)sar un ca(Dm)lé (Am)(Bb)(Am) (Bb)Y yo (C)no me lo (Dm)cayo (Am) (Dm) (E7)
(Dm)"Tendrás a tu (Gm)hombre, [Estribillo]
(Dm)piel mo(A)rena," (Dm)Gitano al cre(Gm)erse (Dm)deshon(A)rado
(Dm)Desde el cielo ha(Gm)bló la (Dm)luna (A)llena (Dm)Se fue a su mu(Gm)jer, cu(Dm)chillo en (A)mano
(F)Pero a cambio (A)quiero (Dm)el hijo pri(C)mero (F)¿De quién es el (A)hijo?
(Bb)Que le en(C)gendres a (Dm)él (Am) (Dm)Me has engañao (C)fijo
(F)Que quien su hijo in(A)mola (Bb)Y de (C)muerte la (Dm)hirió (Am)
(Dm)para no estar (C)sola (F)Luego se hizo al (A)monte
(Bb)Poco (C)le iba a (Dm)querer (Am) (Dm) (E7) (Dm)con el niño en (C)brazos
(Bb)Y allí (C)le abando(Dm)nó (Am) (Dm) (E7)
(Am)Luna, (G)quieres ser (F)ma(E7)dre
(Am)Y no en(G)cuentras que(F)rer [Estribillo]
que te (E7)haga mu(Am)jer (Dm)Y las noches que (Gm)haya (Dm)luna (A)llena
Dime, (G)luna de (F)pla(E7)ta, (Dm)Será porque el (Gm)niño es(Dm)té de (A)buenas
(Am)¿qué pre(G)tendes ha(F)cer (F)Y si el niño (A)llora (Dm)menguará la (C)luna
Con un (E7)niño de (Am)piel? (Bb)Para ha(C)cerle una (Dm)cuna (Am)
(Dm)Ahh(Am)hhh (Dm)Ahh(E7)hhh (F)Y si el niño (A)llora (Dm)menguará la (C)luna
[Single strum] (Bb)Para ha(C)cerle una (Dm)cuna (Am)(Bb)(Am)
(Dm)(Am)(Bb)(Am) (Dm)
Hoy – Rosana jugando a darte el (C)mundo
y a hacerte sonre(D)ír
Déjame es(G)tar de frente a la ma(Em)ñana
que no se cansa (C)nunca Ayayay(Bm)ay lerelelele(Em)leee
de vernos desper(D)tar tengo el (C)corazón del mundo
Déjame an(G)dar al centro del mi(Em)lagro cuando (D)tú me das la vida
y ver que a cada (C)rato (Bm)Ayay lerelele le(Em)relelele
te quiero un poco (D)más y (C)hoy no me levanto
por (D)más que me lo pidan porque
Ayayay(Bm)ay lerelelele(Em)leee
tengo el (C)corazón del mundo (C)Hoy no tengo ganas de (D)cambiar el rumbo
cuando (D)tú me das la vida (G)hoy no tengo fuerzas pa´su(E7)birme al mundo
(Bm)Ayay lerelele le(Em)relelele (Am)hoy me (D)quedo entre tu (G)piel
y (C)hoy no me levanto (C)Hoy no tengo ganas de (D)cambiar el rumbo
por (D)más que me lo pidan porque (G)no tengo fuerzas pa´su(E7)birme al mundo
(Am)hoy me (D)quedo donde es(G)tés
(C)Hoy no tengo ganas de (D)cambiar el rumbo
(G)hoy no tengo fuerzas pa´su(E7)birme al mundo (C)Hoy no tengo ganas de (D)cambiar el rumbo
(Am)hoy me (D)quedo entre tu (G)piel (G)hoy no tengo fuerzas pa´su(E7)birme al mundo
(C)Hoy no tengo ganas de (D)cambiar el rumbo (Am)hoy me (D)quedo entre tu (G)piel
(G)no tengo fuerzas pa´su(E7)birme al mundo (C)Hoy no tengo ganas de (D)cambiar el rumbo
(Am)hoy me (D)quedo donde es(Bm)tés (G)no tengo fuerzas pa´su(E7)birme al mundo
te(E7)jiéndonos la (Am)piel (Am)hoy me (D)quedo donde es(G)tés
con (D)cosas del (G)querer (D)[pausa]

Quédate a(G)hí en medio de las pri(Em)sas

envuélveme en (C)caricias
los besos que te (D)di
Y déja(G)me perder el equi(Em)librio
Hoy no me puedo levantar – Mecano (Em)be(D)biendo, fu(C)mando
y sin parar de re(G)ír(D)
(Em)Hoy (D)no me (C)puedo levantar (Em)(D)(C)
(Em)el (D)fin de se(C)mana me dejo fa(G)tal (D) (Em)Hoy (D)no me (C)puedo levantaaar...
(Em)to(D)da la (C)noche sin dormir (Em)(D)(C) (G)Hoy no me (D)puedo levantar
(Em)be(D)biendo, fu(C)mando (Em)Hoy (D)no me (C)puedo levantaaar...
y sin parar de re(G)ír(D) (G)Hoy no me (D)puedo levantar
(Em)Hoy (D)no me (C)puedo levantaaar...
(D)Hoy no me puedo levantar (G)Hoy no me (D)puedo levantar
(D)nada me puede hacer andar (Em)Hoy (D)no me (C)puedo levantaaar...
(D)no sé que es lo que voy a hacer (G)Hoy no me (D)puedo levantar (Em)
(D)me duelen las piernas, me duelen los brazos
(D)me duelen los ojos, me duelen las manos

(Em)Hoy (D)no me (C)puedo concentrar (Em)(D)(C)

(Em)ten(D)go la ca(C)beza para reven(G)tar (D)
(Em)es (D)la re(C)saca del champán (Em)(D)(C)
(Em)bur(D)bujas que (C)suben
y después se (G)van(D)

(D)Hoy no me levanto estoy que no ando

(D)hoy me quedo en casa guardando la cama
(D)hay que ir al trabajo, no me da la gana
(D)Me duelen las piernas, me duelen los brazos
(D)me duelen los ojos, me duelen las manos

(Em)Hoy (D)no me (C)puedo levantar (Em)(D)(C)

(Em)el (D)fin de se(C)mana me dejo fa(G)tal (D)
(Em)to(D)da la (C)noche sin dormir (Em)(D)(C)
♡ Ilargia - Ken Zazpi
[Intro] (Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G)
(Am) (F) (C) (G) (Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G)
(Am) (F) (C) (G)
(Am)Esan (F)sentitzen du(C)dana ez (G)dela egia,
(Am)Esai(F)ozu euri(C)ari be(G)rriz ez jauzteko, (Am)Une (F)baten sines(C)teko ez (G)garen guztia.
(Am)Esan (F)bakardade(C)ari gaur (G)ez etortzeko.
(Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G)
(Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G) (Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G)
(Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G)
(Am)Eusten (F)nauen soka (C)zara eta i(G)totzen
nauena, (Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G)
(Am)Ametsak (F)sortu zizki(C)dana, gal(G)tzen (Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G)
dituena. (Am)

(Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G)

(Am) Na na (F)na na (C)na na na na(G)

(Am)Zuretzat i(G)largia la(F)purtuko nuke gau(C)ero,

(Am)Eta zu i(G)tsu zaude be(Fm)re argia ikusteko,
(Am)Irribarrez, ge(G)ro minez, e(F)ragin didazu
(Am)Nire sua i(G)tzali da,
Ez (Fm)zara gaueko izar ba(C)karra, ez (G)zara!!

♡ Inevitable – Shakira seguir amán(G)doteee(C)e (D)es... inevitable (G)

(G)Si es cuestión de confe(C)sar (G)Siempre supe que es me(C)jor

no sé preparar ca(Am)fé cuando hay que hablar de (Am)dos
y no entiendo de fút(D)bol empezar por uno (D)mismo
(G)creo que alguna vez fuí (C)infiel (G)ya sabrás la situa(C)ción
juego mal hasta el (Am)parqués aquí todo está (Am)peor
y jamás uso re(D)loj pero al menos aún res(D)piro
no tienes que de(G)cirlo
Y para ser más (G)franca (D)nadie (D)no vas a vol(Em)ver
piensa en (Em)ti (D)como lo hago (C)yo (D)te conozco (C)bien
aunque te dé lo mismo (G)
El (D)cielo está cansado ya de (G)ver
(G)Si es cuestión de confe(C)sar (D)la lluvia (C)caer
nunca duermo antes de (Am)diez y (D)cada día que pasa es uno (G)más
ni me baño los do(D)mingos (D)parecido a (C)ayer
(G)la verdad es que tam(C)bién no (D)encuentro forma a al(Bm)guna de
lloro una vez al (Am)mes olvi(C)darte por(D)que
sobre todo cuando hay (D)frío seguir amán(G)doteee(C)e (D)es... inevitable (G)
conmigo nada es (G)fácil
(D)ya debes sa(Em)ber [Single strum]
(D)me conoces (C)bien... (G)Siempre supe que es me(C)jor
cuando hay que hablar de (Am)dos
El (D)cielo está cansado ya de (G)ver empezar por uno (D)mismo...
(D)la lluvia (C)caer
y (D)cada día que pasa es uno (G)más
(D)parecido a (C)ayer
no (D)encuentro forma a al(Bm)guna de
olvi(C)darte por(D)que
♡ Insurrección – Manolo García y (A)Si lloré ante tu (D)puerta,
de nada sir(C#m)vió. (E)
Miguel Ríos
Barras de (A)bar,
verte(D)deros de a(A)mor (D)
Acorde C#m = 6 4 4 4
Os ense(A)ñé mi tro(D)cito (C#m)peor. (E)
(G)Donde estabas en(C)tonces,
Retales de mi (A)vida, (D)
(G)cuando tanto te necesi(C)té.
fotos a contra (A)luz. (D)
(G)Nadie es mejor que (C)nadie,
pero (G)tú creiste ven(C)cer.
(E)Me siento (D)hoy como un hal(E)cón
herido (D)por las flechas de la incerti(A)dumbre. (D)
(G)Si lloré ante tu (C)puerta,
de nada sir(Bm)vió. (D)
(A)Me corto el (D)pelo una y (A)otra (D)vez.
Barras de (G)bar,
verte(C)deros de a(G)mor (C)
Me quiero defen(C#m)der. (E)
Os ense(G)ñé mi tro(C)cito (Bm)peor. (D)
Dame mi (A)alma y (D)déjame en (A)paz (D)
Retales de mi (G)vida, (C)
quiero inten(A)tar no vol(D)ver a (C#m)caer (E)
fotos a contra (G)luz. (C)
Pequeñas (A)tretas, (D)
(D)Me siento (C)hoy como un hal(D)cón
para continu(A)ar en la (D)brecha.
herido (C)por las flechas de la incerti(G)dumbre. (C)
(E)Me siento (D)hoy como un hal(E)cón
Llamado (D)a las filas de la in(A)surrección (D)
(A)Donde estabas en(D)tonces,
(A)Me siento (D)hoy como un hal(A)cón
(A)cuando tanto te necesi(D)té.
Llamado (D)a las filas de la in(A)surrección
(A)Nadie es mejor que (D)nadie,
pero (A)tú creiste ven(D)cer.
La Bamba – Tradicional Por (F)ti se(G)ré (F)

Para bailar la (C)bamba (F)(G) (C)Bam(F)ba (G)bamba (F)

Para bai(F)lar la (C)bamba (C)Bam(F)ba (G)bamba (F)
Se (F)nece(G)sita una (F)poca de (C)gracia (F)(G) (C)Bam(F)ba (G)bamba (F)
Una (F)poca de (C)gracia pa (F)mi pa (G)ti (C)(F)(G)

A(F)rriba y a(C)rriba (F)(G)

Y a(F)rriba y a(C)rriba, por (C)ti se(G)ré
Por (F)ti se(C)ré
Por (F)ti se(G)ré [Pausa]

Yo no soy mari(C)nero (F)(G)

Yo no (F)soy mari(C)nero, soy (F)capi(G)tán
Soy (F)capi(C)tán
Soy (F)capi(G)tán (F)

(C)Bam(F)ba (G)bamba (F)

(C)Bam(F)ba (G)bamba (F)
(C)Bam(F)ba (G)bamba (F)

Para bailar la (C)bamba (F)(G)

Para bai(F)lar la (C)bamba
Se (F)nece(G)sita una (F)poca de (C)gracia (F)(G)
Una (F)poca de (C)gracia pa (F)mi pa (G)ti

Y a(F)rriba y a(C)rriba, por (C)ti se(G)ré

Por (F)ti se(C)ré
♡ La camisa negra – Juanes
(Dm)tengo, tengo la camisa (A)negra
Acorde (Gm) = 0 2 3 1 porque negra tengo el (Dm)alma
Acorde (F#m) = 2 1 2 0 yo por ti perdí la (Gm)calma
y casi (A)pierdo hasta mi (Dm)cama
(Dm)Tengo la camisa (A)negra
hoy mi amor esta de (Dm)luto come on come on come on (A)baby
Hoy tengo en el alma una (Gm)pena te digo con disi(Dm)mulo
y es por (A)culpa de tu em(Dm)brujo que tengo la camisa (Gm)negra
y deba(A)jo tengo el di(Dm)funto
Hoy sé que tú ya no me (A)quieres
y eso es lo que más me (Dm)hiere (A)(Dm)(Gm)(A)(Dm)
que tengo la camisa (Gm)negra
y una (A)pena que me (Dm)duele (Dm)tengo la camisa (A)negra
ya tu amor no me inte(Dm)resa
mal parece que solo me (A)quedé lo que ayer me supo a (Gm)gloria
y fue pura todita tu men(Dm)tira hoy me (A)sabe a pura
que maldita mala suerte la (Gm)mía (Dm)miércoles por la tarde y tú que no (A)llegas
que aquel (A)día te encon(D)tré ni siquiera muestras (Dm)señas
y yo con la camisa (Gm)negra
por be(Em)ber del ve(F#m)neno y tus ma(A)letas en la (Dm)puerta
ma(G)levo de tu a(D)mor
yo que(Em)dé mori(F#m)bundo [Estribillo]
y (G)lleno de do(D)lor
respi(Em)ré de ese (F#m)humo
a(G)margo de tu (D)adiós
y desde (Em)que tú te (F#m)fuiste
yo (G)solo…
♡ La casa por el tejado – Fito &
Ahora (Am)si,
pa(G)rece que ya (F)empiezo a enten(Am)der
(Am)Ruinas (G)¿no ves que por (F)dentro
Las (G)cosas impor(F)tantes a(Am)quí
estoy en (Am)ruinas?
Son (G)las que están de(F)trás de la (Am)piel
(G)Mi cigarro (F)va quemando el (Am)tiempo,
tiempo (G)que se (F)convirtió en ce(Am)nizas (G)(F)
(G)(F)Y todo lo de(Am)más....
em(G)pieza donde a(F)caban mis (Am)pies
(Am)Raro!! no (G)digo dife(F)rente digo (Am)raro!!
des(G)pués de mucho (F)tiempo a(Am)prendí
(G)ya no sé si el (F)mundo está al (Am)revés
que hay (G)cosas que me(F)jor no (Am)aprender.
o soy (G)yo el que (F)está cabeza (Am)abajo (G)(F)
(G)(F)(Dm)El colegio (C)poco me (G)enseñó
(Dm)El colegio (C)poco me (G)enseñó
si es por (F)esos libros (C)nunca aprendo (G)(E7)
si es por (F)el maestro (C)nunca aprendo (G)(E7)
(Am)A coger (G)el cielo (F)con las manos [Estribillo] [silencio]
(Am)A reír (G)y a llorar lo (F)que te canto
(Am)A coser (G)mi alma (F)rota (Am) es(G)taaaaás (F)a mi (Am)lado
(Am)A perder el miedo a que(G)dar como un (F)idiota (Am) es(G)taaaaás (F)a mi (Am)lado
y a empe(Am)zar (Am) es(G)taaaaás (F)a mi (Am)lado
la (F)casa por (C)el te(G)jado (Am) es(G)taaaaás (F)a mi (Am)lado
a poder dor(Am)mir
(F)cuando tú no es(C)tás a mi (G)lado
menos mal que (Am)fui
(F)un (C)poco (G)granuja
todo lo que (Am)sé
(F)me lo (C)enseñó una (G)bruja
La chica de ayer - Nacha pop
[Intro] (Bm) (Am) (D) (C)

(Bm) Un día cualquie(Am)ra no sabes qué hora (G)

(Am)te acuestas a mi (D) lado sin saber por (C) qué.
(Bm) Las calles moja(Am)das te han visto cre(G)cer
(Am) y con tu cora(D)zón estás llorando otra (C) vez.

(G) Me asomo a la venta(D)na, eres la chica de

(G) jugando con las (D) flores de mi jar(C)dín.
(D) Demasiado (C) tarde para compren(G)der,
(D) chica, vete (C)a tu casa, no podemos ju(G)gar.

(Bm) La luz de la maña(Am)na entra en la

(Am) tus cabellos do(D)rados parecen el (C)sol.
(Bm) Luego por la no(Am)che al “Penta” a
(Am) canciones que con(D)siguen que te pueda

(G) Me asomo a la venta(D)na, eres la chica de

(D) Demasiado (C) tarde para compren(G)der,
(D) Mi cabeza da (C)vueltas persiguién(G)dote. [x3]
La chica Yeyé – Concha Velasco que (Cm)sea tu (F)chica, tu (Bb)chica yeyé (Gm)
que (Cm)sea tu (F)chica ye(Bb)yé
(Bb)No te quieres enterar
que te quiero de (Gm)verdad [Instrumental]
No te quieres ente(Cm)rar (Cm)(C7)(F) (Bb)Ye (Bb)ye (Gm) Ye, ye, ye(Gm)ye
(Eb)(F) (Bb)(Db)(Bb)
No te quieres ente(Bb)rar, ye ye
que te quiero de ver(Gm)dad, ye, ye, ye, ye (Eb)Búscate una chica, una chica yeyé
y ten(Eb)drás que pedirme de ro(F)dillas que (F)tenga mucho ritmo,
un po(Db)quito de a(F)mor y que cante en inglés,
pero no te lo da(Bb)ré, ye, ye el (Bb)pelo alboro(Gm)tado,
porque no te quiero (Gm)ver, ye, ye, ye, ye y las (Bb)medias de co(Gm)lor
porque (Eb)tú no haces caso una (C)chica yeyé, una chica yeyé
ni te a(F)piadas, de mi (Bb)pobre (Db)cora(Bb)zón. que te com(F)prenda como yo

(Eb)Búscate una chica, una chica yeyé No te quieres ente(Bb)rar, ye ye

que (F)tenga mucho ritmo, que te quiero de ver(Gm)dad, ye, ye, ye, ye
y que cante en inglés, y ven(Cm)drás a pedirme y a ro(F)garme,
el (Bb)pelo alboro(Gm)tado, y ven(Dm)drás como siempre a supli(G)carme,
y las (Bb)medias de co(Gm)lor que (Cm)sea tu (F)chica, tu (Bb)chica yeyé (Gm)
una (C)chica yeyé, una chica yeyé que (Cm)sea tu (F)chica ye(Bb)yé (Gm)
que te com(F)prenda como yo que (Cm)sea tu (F)chica, tu (Bb)chica yeyé (Gm)
que (Cm)sea tu chica (F) [Pausa]
No te quieres ente(Bb)rar, ye ye ye(Bb)yéeeeee
que te quiero de ver(Gm)dad, ye, ye, ye, ye No te quieres ente(Gm)rar…
y ven(Cm)drás a pedirme y a ro(F)garme, No te quieres ente(Bb)rar…
y ven(Dm)drás como siempre a supli(G)carme, No te quieres ente(Gm)rar…
que (Cm)sea tu (F)chica, tu (Bb)chica yeyé (Gm) No te quieres ente(Bb)rar...
que (Cm)sea tu (F)chica ye(Bb)yé (Gm)
La edad del porvenir – Javier Álvarez (G)nos salen (D)granos
(G)en una e(D)dad de (C)no enten(G)der
[Single strum] (G)Nos dictan (D)normas
(G)Nos dictan (D)siempre (G)que sin que(D)rer hay (C)que cum(G)plir
(G)somos la (D)edad del (C)porve(G)nir (G)nos dictan (D)todo
(G)nos van dic(D)tando (G)porque hay que (D)saber (C)ele(Em)gir
(G)cómo na(D)cer, có(C)mo vi(G)vir
(G)Nos dictan (D)normas (Em)nos llevan raudos
(G)que sin que(D)rer hay (C)que cum(G)plir (C)hacia un mañana
(G)nos dictan (D)todo (Em)que se nos borra
(G)porque hay que (D)saber (C)ele(G)gir (D)que se me empaña
(C)y nos han dicho
(G)nos dictan (D)flores (D)que lo que somos está (G)ahí... (D)
(G)y no nos (D)dan con (C)qué cre(G)cer (G) (D)(C)
(G)nos dictan (D)frases
(G)sin ense(D)ñarnos (C)a apren(G)der [N/C]
(G)Nos dictan (D)godos Nos dictan normas
(G)para estu(D)diárnos(C)los con (G)fe que sin querer hay que cumplir
(G)nos dictan (D)cambios nos dictan todo
(G)con que ama(D)rrarnos (C)a una (Em)red porque hay que saber ele(G)gir
(G)Nos dictan (D)normas
(Em)Nos han contado (C)que los hermanos (G)que sin que(D)rer hay (C)que cum(G)plir
(Em)son los que dictan (D)sin dar la mano (G)nos dictan (D)todo
(C)y nos han dicho (D)que lo que oímos es (G)Somos la (D)edad del (C)porve(G)nir (D)
(G)así...(D) (G)Somos la (D)edad del (C)porve(G)nir (D)
(G) (D)(C) (G)Somos la (D)edad del (C)porve(G)nir (D)
(G)Somos la (D)edad del (C)porve(G)nir
(G)Tiramos (D)dados
(G)y cuentan (D)poco en (C)el sa(G)ber
♡ Lady Madrid – Pereza La (C)estrella de los (G)tejados,
lo mas (Am)rock&roll de por (F)aquí
los (C)gatos andábamos col(G)gados,
(C)Más bonita que nin(G)guna, (F)Lady Ma(C)drid... (G)
(F)ponía a la peña de (C)pie,
(G)con más noches que la (Am)luna, Pi(C)tillos ajus(G)tados,
(F)estaba todo (G)bien. era The (Am)Burning, Ronaldos y Lou (F)Reed,
y (C)nunca hablaron los di(G)arios
(C)Probaste for(G)tuna en (F)19(C)96, de (F)Lady (C)Madrid...
(G)de Málaga hasta La (Am)Coruña, (F)Lady Ma(C)drid...
(F)durmiendo en la estación de (G)tren (F)Lady Ma(C)drid... (F) (C)

La (C)estrella de los (G)tejados,

lo mas (Am)rock&roll de por (F)aquí
los (C)gatos andábamos col(G)gados,
(F)Lady Ma(C)drid... (G)

(C)Más viciosa que nin(G)guna,

pero (F)tan difícil de co(C)ger,
(G)tuvo un piso en las al(Am)turas,
(F)"handle with (G)care",

(C)Probaste for(G)tuna
con (F)héroes de barrio
y (C)conmigo también,
(G)algunos todavía (Am)dudan,
(F)si vas a vol(G)veeer
♡ La fuerza del destino – Mecano (Bb)o el cuerpecillo de gi(Gm)tana
(Bb)mujer a medio termi(Gm)nar.
(F)Nos vimos tres o cuatro (G)veces (Dm)Tu corazón fue (Am)lo que me
(Em)por toda la ciu(Am)dad. aca(Em)bó de enamo(G)rar.
(F)una noche en el bar del (G)oro
(Em)me decidí a ata(Am)car. (F)(G)(Em)(Am)
(F)Tú me dijiste dieci(G)nueve (F)(G)(Em)(Am)
(Em)no quise descon(Am)fiar
(F)pero es que ni mucho ni (G)poco (Bb)Y nos metimos en el (Gm)coche
(Em)no vi de dónde aga(Am)rrar. (Bb)mi amigo, tu amiga tú y (Gm)yo
(Bb)te dije nena dame un (Gm)beso
(Bb)Y nos metimos en el (Gm)coche (Bb)tú contestaste que (Gm)no.
(Bb)mi amigo, tu amiga tú y (Gm)yo (Dm)Empezamos mal y (Am)yo que creía
(Bb)te dije nena dame un (Gm)beso que (Em)esto era un buen (G)plan.
(Bb)tú contestaste que (Gm)no.
(Dm)Empezamos mal y (Am)yo que creía (F)Y desde entonces hasta a(G)hora
que (Em)esto era un buen (G)plan. (Em)el juego del a(Am)mor
(F)nos tuvo tres años ju(G)gando
(F)Aquella noche fue un de(G)sastre (Em)luego nos sepa(Am)ró.
(Em)no me comí un co(Am)lín (F)Pero la fuerza del des(G)tino
(F)éstas son sólo un par de es(G)trechas (Em)nos hizo repe(Am)tir
(Em)nos fuimos a dor(Am)mir. (F)que si el invierno viene (G)frío
(F)Pero la fuerza del des(G)tino (Em)quiero estar junto a (Am)ti.
(Em)nos hizo repe(Am)tir
(F)dos cines y un par de con(G)ciertos Ooo(F)oh ooo(G)oh (Em)Quiero estar junto a (Am)ti
(Em)y empezamos a sa(Am)lir. Ooo(F)oh ooo(G)oh (Em)Quiero estar junto a (Am)ti
Ooo(F)oh ooo(G)oh (Em)Quiero estar junto a (Am)ti
(Bb)No sé si esa cara tan (Gm)rara Ooo(F)oh ooo(G)oh (Em)Quiero estar junto a (Am)ti
un (Bb)ojo aquí y un diente a(Gm)llá
La llamada – Leiva
Cuando (D)no encontramos la ve(F#m)locidad Cuando (D)no temamos a lo (F#m)que vendrá
Y las (G)piernas se cla(D)van Y ba(G)jemos la espa(D)da
Cuando (A)no dices (Bm)nada Cuando (A)tiemblas por na(Bm)da
En(G)tonces empiezo a escu(A)char En(G)tonces echamos a an(A)dar

Cuando (D)no has tenido la opor(F#m)tunidad (G)Sueño con estar por en(D)cima de todo
Y las (G)gafas se empa(D)ñan [Single strum]
Cuando (A)vamos de ca(Bm)ra Por de(Bm)bajo de (A)tu fal(E7)da
En(G)tonces echamos a an(A)dar Con la (Em)noche llena de (G)luz
Y Tu voz pau(A)sada
(G)Sueño con estar por en(D)cima de todo (F#)Y tu voz pau(Bm)sada
[Single strum]
Por de(Bm)bajo de (A)tu fal(E7)da Hoy he sen(Bm)tido (G)la llama(D)da (A)
Con la (Em)noche llena de (G)luz Con (Bm)toda la (G)fuerza (D)(A)
Y Tu voz pau(A)sada Las (Bm)luces (G)apagadas (D)(A)
(F#)Y tu voz pau(Bm)sada Y las (G)piernas a(A)bier(D)tas

Hoy he sen(Bm)tido (G)la llama(D)da (A) [Instrumental]

Con (Bm)toda la (G)fuerza (D)(A) (G)//// //// (A)//// //// (Em)//// //// (Bm)//// ////
Las (Bm)luces (G)apagadas (D)(A) (Am7)//// (C7maj)// (B7)// (Em)//// //// (Bm)//// ////
Y las (G)piernas a(A)bier(D)tas (Am7)//// (C7maj)// (B7)// [pausa]

(D) (Em)// (C)// (G)// (D)// (Em)// (C)// (G)// (D)//

Cuando (D)nos pasamos la elec(F#m)tricidad (Em)// (C)// (G)// (D)// (C)// (D)/ (G)/ ////
De tú (G)dedo a mi espal(D)da (C)// (D)/ (G)
Cuando es(A)tás devora(Bm)da
No hay (G)miedo a la oscuri(A)dad
La Lola - Café Quijano Oyeme mi Lola, mi tierna (C)Lola,
tu triste (E7)vida es tu triste his(Am)toria.
(N/C) (Ritmo) (Am) (C) (E7) (Am) x2
Se llama Lola y tiene historia,
aunque más que historia sea un poema. Fue mujer serena hasta en el ins(E7)tante
su vida entera pasó buscando de entregarse (Dm)presta (E7)a sus a(Am)mantes
noches de gloria como alma en pena. es tiempo de (Am)llanto, es tiempo de (E7)duda,
de nos(Dm)talgia (E7)y de su lo(Am)cura.
Detrás de su manto de fría (E7)dama Tienes el con(Am)suelo de saberte (C)llena
tenía es(Dm)condidas (E7)tremendas (Am)armas, de cariño (E7)limpio y amor sin(Am)cero,
para las batallas del cara a (E7)cara porque nadie (Am)supo robar de tus (C)besos
que con (Dm)ventaja (E7)muy bien li(Am)braba. eso que hoy te (E7)sobra y que nadie a(Am)ñora

le fue muy (Am)mal de mano en (C)mano, Óyeme mi Lola, mi tierna (C)Lola,

de boca en (E7)boca, de cama en (Am)cama, tu triste (E7)vida es tu triste his(Am)toria.
como una muñeca que se des(C)gasta, Pero que manera de cami(C)nar,
se queda (E7)vieja y la pena a(Am)rrastra. mira que so(F)berbia (E7)en su mi(Am)rar.

Óyeme mi Lola, mi tierna (C)Lola, Óyeme mi Lola, mi tierna (C)Lola,

tu triste (E7)vida es tu triste his(Am)toria. tu triste (E7)vida es tu triste his(Am)toria.
Pero que manera de cami(C)nar, Pero que manera de cami(C)nar,
mira que so(F)berbia (E7)en su mi(Am)rar. mira que so(F)berbia (E7)en su mi(Am)rar.

Óyeme mi Lola, mi tierna (C)Lola,

tu triste (E7)vida es tu triste his(Am)toria.
Pero que manera de cami(C)nar,
mira que so(F)berbia (E7)en su mi(Am)rar.
♡ La playa – La Oreja de Van Gogh (C)El día de la (G)despedida (E7)
(Am)de esta playa de mi (F)vida
(C)No sé si aún me (G)recuerdas,(E7) te hice una (C)promesa:
(Am)nos conocimos al (F)tiempo (G)volverte a ver así.
tú, el mar y el (C)cielo
y quién me (G)trajo a ti. (C)Más de cincuenta (G)veranos (E7)
(Am)hace hoy que no nos (F)vemos
(C)Abrazaste mis (G)abrazos (E7) ni tú, ni el mar ni el (C)cielo
(Am)vigilando aquel (F)momento, ni quien me (G)trajo a ti.
aunque fuera el (C)primero,
y lo (G)guardara para mí. [Estribillo]

(F)Si (C)pudiera (E7)volver a (Am)nacer (F)Te voy a escribir

(F)te (G)vería cada (C)día (E7)amanecer la canción más bonita del (C)mundo,
(F)sonri(Fm)endo como (C)cada (G)vez, voy a (E7)capturar
(F)como (G)aquella (C)vez(C7) nuestra historia en tan solo un (Am)segundo.
y un (F)día verás
(F)Te voy a escribir que este (C)loco de a poco se (G)olvida,
la canción más bonita del (C)mundo, por (F)mucho que pasen los (C)años
voy a (E7)capturar por (G)mucho que pasen los años
nuestra historia en tan solo un (Am)segundo. de largo en su (F)vida (C)...
y un (F)día verás su (G)vida... su (F)vida (C)(G)
que este (C)loco de a poco se (G)olvida,
por (F)mucho que pasen (Bb) (G) (C)
los (C)años de largo en su (G)vida.
La Puerta de Alcalá – Ana Belén y Víctor mi(G)licias que resisten bajo el “no pasarán”
y el (C)sueño eterno, como viene se vá.
Y ahí es(G)tá, ahí es(C)tá, la Puerta de Alca(G)lá.
A(F)hí está, ahí está vien(C)do pasar el tiempo
[Single strum]
Acom(Am)paño a mi sombra por la avenida
la Puerta de Alca(G)lá. (C)(F)(C) (G)(C)(F)(G)
mis (Dm)pasos se pierden entre tanta gente
busco una (Am)Puerta, una salida
(C)Todos los tiranos se abrazan como hermanos
donde con(Dm)vivan pasado y presente.
exhi(F)biendo a las gentes sus calvas indecentes
ma(C)nadas de mangantes, doscientos estudiantes
De (Am)pronto me paro, alguien me observa
i(F)nician la revuelta, son los años 60.
le(Dm)vanto la vista y me encuentro con ella.
Y ahí (C)está, ahí es(F)tá, la Puerta de Alca(C)lá.
(Am)Ah! y ahí es(Dm)tá, y ahí es(Am)tá
A(Bb)hí está, ahí está vien(F)do pasar el tiempo
A(Bb)hí está, ahí está
[Pausa] la Puerta de Alca(C)lá. (C)
vien(F)do pasar el tiempo [Pausa]
Un traves(C)tí perdido, un guardia penden(F)ciero
la Puerta de Alca(C)lá.(F)(Bb)(F) (C)(F)(Bb)(F)
pelos colorados, chichetas en los (C)cueros
rockeros, insurgentes modernos, compla(F)cientes
(G)Una mañana fría llegó
poetas y colgados. Aires de liber(C)tad
(C)Carlos III con aire insigne
Y ahí es(F)tá, la Puerta de Alca(C)lá.
y se qui(G)tó el sombrero muy lentamente
(Bb)Ahí está, ahí está vien(F)do pasar el tiempo
ba(C)jó de su caballo
[Pausa] la Puerta de Alca(C)lá. (F)(Bb)(F)
con voz profunda le (G)dijo a su lacayo:
[Single strum]
ahí es(C)tá, la Puerta de Alca(G)lá.
(C)Miro de frente y me pierden sus ojos
A(F)hí está, ahí está
sus (F)arcos me vigilan, su sombra me acompaña
vien(C)do pasar el tiempo [Pausa]
no in(C)tento esconderme, nadie la engaña
la Puerta de Alca(G)lá. (C)(F)(C) (G)(C)(F)(C)
(F)toda la vida pasa por su mirada… [Pausa]
Lan(G)ceros con casaca, monarcas de otras tierras
Míra(C)la, mírala, mírala, míra(Bb)la, míra(F)la
fanfa(C)rrones que llegan inventando la guerra
la Puerta de Alca(C)lá. [x4]
♡ La senda del tiempo – Celtas Cortos que espe(Bm)jismos de ilu(G)sión
he habla(D)do con las mon(A)tañas
A (D)veces llega un mo(A)mento en que de la (Bm)desespera(G)ción
te haces (Bm)viejo de re(G)pente y su (D)respuesta era (A)solo
sin a(D)rrugas en la (A)frente el eco (G)sordo (A)de mi (D)voz
pero con (Bm)ganas de mo(G)rir
pase(D)ando por las (A)calles [Intrsumental]
todo (Bm)tiene igual co(G)lor (D)(A)(Bm)(G)
siento que (D)algo hecho en (A)falta (D)(A)(Bm)(G)
no se (G)si se(A)rá el a(D)mor (D)(A)(Bm)(G)
Me des(D)pierto por la (A)noches
entre u(Bm)na gran confu(G)sión
esta (D)gran melanco(A)lía
está a(Bm)cabando con(G)migo
siento (D)que me vuelvo (A)loco
y me su(Bm)merjo en el al(G)cohol
las es(D)trellas por la (A)noche
han per(G)dido (A)su esplen(D)dor


He (D)buscado en los de(A)siertos

de la (Bm)tierra del do(G)lor
y no he ha(D)llado más res(A)puesta
♡ Laura no está – Nek Laura se (Am)fue, no dijo a(F)diós
dejando (G)rota mi pa(Em)sión,
Laura no es(Am)tá Laura qui(Am)zá ya me olvi(F)dó
Laura se (F)fue y otro ro(G)zó su cora(Em)zón
Laura se es(G)capa de mi (Em)vida y yo (F)sólo sé de(G)cir su nombre
y tú que si es(Am)tás, no re(Am)cuerdo ni siquiera el (Em)mío
preguntas por(F)qué quién me (F)abrigará este (G)frío
la amo a pe(G)sar de las he(Em)ridas
lo o(F)cupa todo (G)su recuerdo [Estribillo]
no con(Am)sigo olvi(Em)dar
el (F)peso de su (G)cuerpo (Dm)puede (G)ser di(C)fícil para (F)ti
(Dm)pero (G)no puedo olvi(Am)darla(Em)
Laura no es(Am)tá (Dm)creo (E7)que es (Am)lógi(G)co,
eso lo (F)sé por (F)más que yo intente escaparme
y no la en(G)contraré ella (E7)está… (Am)(F)(G)(Em)
en tu (Em)piel unas (F)horas juga(G)ré a quererte
es enfer(Am)mizo, pero (Am)cuando vuelva a amane(Em)cer
sabes que no qui(F)siera me perde(F)rás para (G)siempre [Silencio]
besarte a (G)ti pensando en (Em)ella
esta (F)noche inventa(G)ré una tregua y si te como a (Am)besos (G)sa(C)brás
ya no (Am)quiero pensar (Em)más lo mucho que me (Dm)duele es(C)te do(F)lor
contigo ol(F)vidaré su au(G)sencia [Silencio] no encontraré en tu a(Am)brazo el (G)sa(C)bor
y si te como a (Am)besos, de los sueños que (Dm)Laura (C)me (F)robó
(G)tal (C)vez la noche sea más (Dm)corta, si me enredo en tu (Am)cuerpo (G)sa(C)brás
(C)no lo (F)sé yo solo no me (Am)basto, que sólo Laura es (Dm)dueña (C)de mi a(F)mor
qué(G)da(C)te y lléname su es(Dm)pacio, no encontraré en tu a(Am)brazo el (G)sa(C)bor
(C)quéda(F)te, (G)quédate(Am) de los besos que (Dm)Laura (C)me (F)robó
(G)(C)------ (D) (F) (G)me robó. (Am)
Lau teilatu – Itoiz
(D)-- (A)-- (Em)(G) (D)-- [x2] (Bm)-- (G)-- (D)-- (A)-- (Em)-- (G)(D)
(Bm)-- (G)--
(D)Hemen gaude (A)ta poztutzen naiz
(Em)ta ziur (G)zure aita ere (D)bai (D)Felix Felix biak (A)berriz egongo gara
(D)ta zer ondo (A)zelan dijua (Em)txanpain (G)apur bate(D)kin
(Em)zure bu(G)fanda txuri(D)a (D)diru gabe baina i(A)zarrak gurekin daude
(Em)piano (G)baten soinu(D)az
Lau tei(Bm)latu gainian ilar(G)gia erdian [Estribillo] [x2]
eta (D)zu goruntz begi(A)ra
zure (Em)keia eskuetan putza(G)ra batekin (D)putz (Em)(G)(D)
(Bm)Neregana etorriko (G)da
ta berriz (D)izango gara (A)zoriontsu [Retardando]
(Em)edozein he(G)rriko jaixe(D)tan (Em)(G)(D)

(Bm)-- (G)-- (D)-- (A)-- (Em)-- (G)(D)
(Bm)-- (G)--

(D)Goxo goxo (A)kanta egin nazu

(Em)Benito(G)ren Maria (D)Solt
(D)Negarrik ez txu(A)ri zaude ta malkoak
(Em)zure ko(G)lorea kentzen du(D)te

La vida es un carnaval – Celia Cruz cambiar
Tiene que saber que (Ab)no es así
(Cm)(Ab)(Cm)(Ab) Que al mal tiempo buena (G)cara y todo cambia

(Cm)Todo aquél que piense que la vida es desigual [Estribillo]

Tiene que saber que (Ab)no es así
Que la vida es una hermo(G)sura, hay que vivirla (Cm)Carnaval, (G)es para reír
(Cm)Todo aquel que piense que está solo No hay que llorar, (Cm)para gozar
y que está mal, tiene que saber que (Ab)no es así (Cm)Carnaval, (G)para disfrutar
Que en la vida no hay nadie (G)solo, siempre hay Hay que vivir cantan(Cm)do
alguien (Cm)Carnaval, (G)la vida es un carnaval
No hay que llorar, (Cm)todos podemos cantar
(Cm)Ay, no hay que llorar, que la vida es un Carnaval, (G)ay señores
(Ab)carnaval, y es más bello vi(G)vir cantando Hay que vivir can(Cm)tando
Oh oh oh (Cm)ay no hay que llorar, que la vida es un (Cm)Carnaval, (G)todo aquel que piense
(Ab)carnaval, y las penas se (G)van cantando (Cm)Que la vida es cruel
Oh oh oh (Cm)ay no hay que llorar, que la vida es un Carnaval, (G)nunca estará solo
(Ab)carnaval, y es más bello vi(G)vir cantando Hay que vivir can(Cm)tando, dios está con él
Oh oh oh (Cm)ay no hay que llorar, que la vida es un (Cm)(G)(G)(Cm)
(Ab)carnaval, y las penas se (G)van cantando [Mismos acordes, recitando]
Para aquellos que se quejan tanto
(Cm)(Ab)(Cm)(Ab)(Cm)[Pausa] Para aquellos que solo critican
Para aquellos que usan las armas
(Cm)Todo aquel que piense que la vida siempre es Para aquellos que nos contaminan
cruel Para aquellos que hacen la guerra
Tiene que saber que (Ab)no es así Para aquellos que viven pecando
Que tan solo hay momentos (G)malos y todo pasa Para aquellos que nos maltratan
(Cm)Todo aquel que piense que esto nunca va a Para aquellos que nos contagian
La vida es bella – Noa no, (C+)nunca pares de so(F)ñar,
(F)(A7)(Dm)que (Gm)una noche la tris(Dm)teza
Acorde (G#dim7) = 1 2 1 2 (Gm)se irá sin avi(Bb7)sar
y al (A7)fin sa(G#dim7)brás
(F)Yo, al verte sonre(C)ír lo (A7)bello que es vi(Dm)vir. (C)
soy (C+)la niña que ayer (F)fui.
(F)(A7)(Dm)Si (Gm)yo velo por tus (Dm)sueños (F)Laralala...(C)
(Gm)el miedo no ven(Bb7)drá (C)(C+)Laralala...(F)
y a(A7)sí sa(G#dim7)brás (F)(A7)(Dm)que (Gm)una noche la tris(Dm)teza
lo (A7)bello que es vi(Dm)vir. (C) (Gm)se irá sin avi(Bb7)sar
y al (A7)fin sa(G#dim7)brás
(F)Caen mil lágrimas al (C)mar lo (A7)bello que es vi(Dm)vir.
tú (C+)no me verás llo(F)rar, (Gm)(Dm)
(F)(A7)(Dm)y es (Gm)que sólo tu ale(Dm)gría (Gm)se irá sin avi(Bb7)sar
(Gm)amansa mi do(Bb7)lor y al (A7)fin sa(G#dim7)brás
y a(A7)sí yo (G#dim7)sé lo (A7)bello que es vi(Dm)vir.
lo (A7)bello que es vi(Dm)vir. (C)


(F)(A7)(Dm)Sí, (Gm)mi corazón siempre esta(F)rá

(Gm)donde esté tu cora(Bb7)zón,
si tú no (A7)dejas de lu(Dm)char.
(Dm)Y (Gm)nunca pierdes la ilu(F)sión,
(Gm)nunca olvides que al fi(G#dim7)nal
habrá un lugar para el a(C)mor.

(F)Tú no dejes de ju(C)gar,

♡ Libre – Nino Bravo (Am)y tendido en el (E7)suelo se (Am)quedó
(G)sonriendo y sin (C)hablar,
(Am)Tiene casi veinte (E7)años y ya (Am)está (F)sobre su pecho (E7)flores (Am)carmesí,
can(G)sado de so(C)ñar, bro(Dm)taban sin (E7)cesar... (G)
(F)pero tras la (E7)frontera está su (Am)hogar,
su (B)mundo, su (E7)ciudad. (C)Libre,
(Am)Piensa que la alam(E7)brada sólo (Am)es (G)como el (Am)sol cuando ama(F)nece,
un (G)trozo de me(C)tal, yo soy (C)libre (G)como el (C)mar...(A)
(F)algo que nunca (E7)puede dete(Am)ner (Dm) Libre, (A)como el (Dm)ave que escapó de su
sus (Dm)ansias de (E7)volar.(G) pri(G)sión
y puede, al fin, vo(C)lar...(G)
(C)Libre, (C) Libre, (G)como el (Am)viento que re(F)coge mi
(G)como el (Am)sol cuando ama(F)nece, la(C)mento
yo soy (C)libre (G)como el (C)mar...(A) y (E7)mi pe(Am)sar,
(Dm) Libre, (A)como el (Dm)ave que escapó de su (G)camino sin ce(F)sar
pri(G)sión de(D)trás de la ver(C)dad
y puede, al fin, vo(C)lar...(G) y sabré lo que es al (G)fin, la liber(C)tad.
(C) Libre, (G)como el (Am)viento que re(F)coge mi
y (E7)mi pe(Am)sar,
(G)camino sin ce(F)sar
de(D)trás de la ver(C)dad
y sabré lo que es al (G)fin, la liber(C)tad. (E7)

(Am)Con su amor por ban(E7)dera se mar(Am)chó

(G)cantando una (C)canción,
(F)marchaba tan (E7)feliz que escu(Am)chó
la (B)voz que le (E7)llamó,
♡ Limón y sal – Julieta Venegas con tus (G)ojos me dan algo (C)más,
(F)solo te(G)nerte (Am)cerca,
(C)Tengo que (G)confesar que a (F)veces, (G)siento que vuelvo a empe(C)zar. (G)
no me (G)gusta tu forma de (C)ser,
(C)luego te (G)me desapa(F)reces (C)Yo te quiero (G)con limón y (Am)sal,
y no (G)entiendo muy bien por (C)qué? (G) yo te quiero (Em)tal y como (F)estás
No (C)dices (G)nada ro(F)mántico no hace falta cambiarte (G)nada.
cuando (G)llega el atarde(C)cer, (C)Yo te quiero si (G)vienes o si (Am)vas,
te (C)pones de (G)un humor ex(F)traño si subes y (Em)bajas si no (F)estás
con (G)cada luna llena al (C)mes. seguro de lo que (G)sientes.

(F)Pero todo (G)lo de(Am)más (F)Uuuh (G)Uuuh (Am)Uuuh

le (G)gana lo bueno que me (C)das, (G)Uuuh (C)Uuuh (D) Uuuh
(F)solo te(G)nerte (Am)cerca,
(G)siento que vuelvo a empe(C)zar. (G) (F)solo te(G)nerte (Am)cerca,
(G)siento que vuelvo a empe(C)zar.
(C)Yo te quiero (G)con limón y (Am)sal,
yo te quiero (Em)tal y como (F)estás
no hace falta cambiarte (G)nada.
(C)Yo te quiero si (G)vienes o si (Am)vas,
si subes y (Em)bajas si no (F)estás
seguro de lo que (G)sientes.

(C)Tengo que (G)confesarte (F)ahora,

nunca (G)creí en la felici(C)dad,(G)
a (C)veces algo (G)se le pa(F)rece
pero (G)es pura casuali(C)dad.

(F)Luego me (G)vengo a encon(Am)trar,

♡ Llamando a la Tierra – M-Clan
Versión de “Serenade” de Steve Miller Band (G)(G7maj)(Am)
Acorde (G7maj) = 0 2 2 2 Aaahhh...(Am)(F)(Dm)(Am)

(Am)(F)(G)(Am) (Am)Quisiera vol(F)ver

(Am)He visto la (F)luz no ter(G)mina nunca es(Am)ta misión
hace (G)tiempo Venus (Am)se apagó (Am)Me acuerdo de (F)ti
(Am)he visto mo(F)rir una es(G)trella como un (G)cuento de ciencia-fic(Am)ción
en el cielo de (Am)Orión (Am)no estoy tan (F)mal
(Am)No hay se(F)ñal, juego al (G)póker con mi or(Am)denador
no hay se(G)ñal de vida hu(Am)mana y yo (Am)se pasan los (F)días
(Am)perdido en el (F)tiempo no hay no(G)ticias desde la esta(Am)ción.
per(G)dido en otra dimen(Am)sión.
Oohhh...(G)(G7maj)(Am) (G)(G7maj)(Am)
(G)(G7maj)(Am) (F)(G)(Am)
(F)(G)(Am) Aaahhh...(Am)(F)(Dm)(Am)

(Am)Soy el capi(F)tán
de la (G)nave tengo (Am)el control
(Am)llamando a la (F)Tierra
espe(G)rando contesta(Am)ción
(Am)Soy un cow(F)boy
del es(G)pacio azul e(Am)léctrico
(Am)a dos mil mi(F)llones
de años (G)luz de mi casa es(Am)toy.
Lobo Hombre en París – La Unión (A)El hombre-lobo es(C#m)tá en París
(A)Su nombre De(C#m)nnis
(A)Cae la noche y amanece en (C#m)París,
(A)En el día en que (C#m)todo ocurrió. (A)La luna llena (C#m)sobre París
(A)Como un sueño de (C#m)loco sin fin (A)ha transformado en (C#m)hombre a Dennis.
(A)La fortuna se ha re(C#m)ído de ti,
(Bm)Mientras está cenando
a(Bm)ha, sorprendido espiando (C#m)junto a él se ha sentado
(C#m)el lobo escapa aullando (Bm)una joven (F)con la que (E7)va a contemplar!
(Bm)y es mordido, (F)por el (E7)mago del Si(A)am.
(A)La luna llena (C#m)sobre París
La luna llena (C#m)sobre París (A)ha transformado en (C#m)hombre a Dennis.
(A)ha transformado en (C#m)hombre a Dennis. (A)(C#m)
(A)(C#m) Lobo hombre en Pa(A)rís
(A)Rueda por los bares (C#m)del bulevar
(A)se ha alojado en un (C#m)sucio hostal

a(Bm)ha, mientras esta cenando

(C#m)junto a él se ha sentado
(Bm)una joven, (F)con la que i(E7)rá a contem(A)plar.

La luna llena (C#m)sobre París

(A)algunos francos (C#m)cobra Dennis.
(A)Auuuh lobo-hombre en Pa(C#m)rís
(A)Auuuh su nombre es De(C#m)nnis.

Los amantes – Mecano (G)con un millón de (Am)flores. (F)(G)

(C)Yo soy uno de esos amantes (F)Y siempre estoy

tan elegantes como los de antes rompiéndome la (G)voz
(G)que siempre llevan (Am)guantes. (F)(G) (F)cantando coplas
(C)Entre semana soy deportivo (G)bajo (Am)tu ventana,
pero el domingo me pongo muy fino a(F)mor, (C)sal (F)ya (C)que (F)este trova(G)dor
(G)con mi chaqué de (Am)lino. (F)(G) (F)se está asando (C)de (F)ca(G)lor.

(C)Y voy buscando por los balcones (C)Yo soy uno de esos amantes...
bellas Julietas para mis canciones (C)yo soy uno de esos amantes…
(G)y hacerles los ho(Am)nores. (F)(G)
(F)Y siempre estoy
(F)Y siempre estoy rompiéndome la (G)voz
rompiéndome la (G)voz (F)cantando coplas
(F)cantando coplas (G)bajo (Am)tu ventana,
(G)bajo (Am)tu ventana, a(F)mor, (C)sal (F)ya (C)que (F)este trova(G)dor
a(F)mor, (C)sal (F)ya (C)que (F)este trova(G)dor (F)se está asando (C)de (F)ca(G)lor.
(F)se está asando (C)de (F)ca(G)lor.
(C)Yo soy uno de esos amantes.
(C)Soy educado caballero
bello, cortes y amable compañero
(G)un codiciado sol(Am)tero. (F)(G)
(C)Y como no tengo complejos
me miro siempre en todos los espejos
(G)antes de echar los (Am)tejos. (F)(G)

(C)Si alguna vez cometo errores

para que no llores pido mil perdones
Los peces en el río – Villancico (Gm)Beben y beben y vuelven a be(D)ber
Los peces en el río por ver al dios na(Gm)cer
(Gm)La virgen se está pei(D)nando
(Cm)entre cortina y (Gm)cortina
(Gm)Los cabellos son de (D)oro,
(Cm)el peine de plata (Gm)fina

Pero (Gm)mira como beben los peces en el (D)río

Pero mira como beben por ver al dios na(Gm)cido
(Gm)Beben y beben y vuelven a be(D)ber
Los peces en el río por ver al dios na(Gm)cer

(Gm)La virgen está la(D)vando

(Cm)y tendiendo en el ro(Gm)mero
(Gm)Los angelitos can(D)tando
(Cm)y el romero flore(Gm)ciendo

Pero (Gm)mira como beben los peces en el (D)río

Pero mira como beben por ver al dios na(Gm)cido
(Gm)Beben y beben y vuelven a be(D)ber
Los peces en el río por ver al dios na(Gm)cer

(Gm)La virgen está la(D)vando

(Cm)con un poquito ja(Gm)bón
(Gm)Se le pintaron las (D)manos,
(Cm)manos de mi cora(Gm)zón

Pero (Gm)mira como beben los peces en el (D)río

Pero mira como beben por ver al dios na(Gm)cido
♡ Maggie Despierta – M-Clan es(Dm)toy cansado pero (G)aún
te quiero (C)igual
Versión de “Maggie May” de Rod Stewart
(G)Creo que volve(F)ré a clase (C)otra vez
(G)Vamos Maggie, des(F)pierta o vivi(G)ré tomando el (F)sol
tengo algo (C)que decir con la herencia (C)de papá
(G)Llegó septiembre y creo(F) O forma(F)ré una banda de (C)rock
que me (C)tengo que ir (F)eso es lo que hago (G)mejor

El (F)curso ha empezado (C)ya Oh, (Dm)Maggie sé que no es (Em)buen fi(Dm)nal(G)

y mis (F)libros no sé donde (G)están (Dm)Sé que te repon(G)drás
y que a (Dm)mi me costará mucho (G)más
Oh, (Dm)Maggie no es el me(Em)jor fi(Dm)nal (G) Me (Dm)hiciste polvo pero (G)yo
pero (Dm)sé que te repon(G)drás te quiero (C)igual
y que a (Dm)mi me costará mucho (G)más
Me has (Dm)destrozado pero (G)yo [Violín]
te quiero (C)igual (C)(Dm)(F)(C)

Si el (G)sol te da en la (F)cara (C)Maggie des(Dm)pierta

deja ver tu verda(C)dera edad (F)tengo que irme (C)ya
pero (G)esto nunca me ha (F)importado
esa es (C)la verdad [Violín]
(F)Rompiste mi cama en (C)dos (C)me hiciste polvo, (Dm)Maggie
y ahora (F)tengo que decirte (G)adiós pero (F)yo te quiero (C)igual
oh, (Dm)Maggie libéra(Em)me
por (Dm)favor(G) [Violín]
(Dm)Sé que te repon(G)drás (C)(Dm)(F)(C)
y que a (Dm)mi me costará mucho (G)más
Maldita dulzura – Vetusta Morla Me (C)culpas de las al(Em)turas
Que ves (B7)desde tus za(Em)patos
Acorde (Edim) = 0 4 3 1 No (C)quieres hablar del (G)tiempo
Aunque es(B7)té de nuestro (Em)lado
Ha(Em)blemos de ruina y espina (Bm)
Ha(Em)blemos de polvo y herida (Bm) [Single strum]
De (C)mi miedo a las al(Em)turas Y (Em)hablas (B7)para no o(Em)írme
Lo que (B7)quieras pero ha(Em)blemos Y (Em)bebes (B7)para no (Em)verme
De (C)todo menos del (G)tiempo [Normal strum]
Que se es(B7)curre entre los (Em)dedos (C)Yo callo y río y (G)bebo
No doy (B7)tregua ni con(Em)suelo
Ha(Em)blemos para no oírnos (Bm) Y (C)no es por maldad lo (G)juro
Be(Em)bamos para no vernos (Bm) Es que (B7)me divierte el (Em)juego
Ha(C)blando pasan los (Em)días
Que nos (B7)quedan para (Em)irnos [Single strum]
(C)Yo al bucle de tu ol(G)vido Mal(Em)dita dul(B7)zura la (Em)mía
Tú al re(B7)dil de mis ins(Em)tintos Mal(Em)dita dul(B7)zura la (Em)mía

[Single strum] [Normal strum]

Mal(Em)dita dul(B7)zura la (Em)tuya Mal(B7)dita dulzura la (Em)nuestra
Mal(Em)dita dul(B7)zura la (Em)tuya (Em)(Bm)(Em)(Bm)
[Normal strum]
Mal(B7)dita dulzura la (Em)tuya

Me (Em)hablas de ruina y espina (Bm)

Te (Em)clavas el polvo en la herida (Bm)
Maldito Duende – Héroes del Silencio
Ama(Em)nece tan pronto y (G)yo estoy tan solo
He o(Em)ído que la noche (C)es toda magia Y (D)no me arrepiento de lo de a(Bm)yer
(D)Y que un duende te invita a so(Bm)ñar Sí, las es(Em)trellas te iluminan y te (G)sirven de guía
Y sé que (Em)últimamente a(C)penas he parado Te (D)sientes tan fuerte que piensas(Bm)
Y (D)tengo la impresión de diva(Bm)gar Que nadie te puede (Em)tocar [Pausa]
Ama(Em)nece tan pronto y (G)yo estoy tan solo
Y (D)no me arrepiento de lo de a(Bm)yer
Sí, las es(Em)trellas te iluminan y te (G)sirven de guía
Te (D)sientes tan fuerte que piensas(Bm)
Que nadie te puede to(Em)car(D)(C)(D)

Las dis(Em)tancias se hacen cortas

Pasan (C)rápidas las horas
Y (D)este cuarto no para de men(Bm)guar
Y tantas (Em)cosas por decir
Tanta (C)charla por aquí
Si (D)fuera posible escapar de este lu(Bm)gar

Ama(Em)nece tan pronto y (G)yo estoy tan solo

Y (D)no me arrepiento de lo de a(Bm)yer
Sí, las es(Em)trellas te iluminan y te (G)sirven de guía
Te (D)sientes tan fuerte que piensas(Bm)
Que nadie te puede (Em)tocar(D)(C)(D)
Malo – Bebe (Cm)malo, malo, malo eres,
no se (Ab)daña a quien se (G)quiere, no;
(Cm)Apareciste una noche fría (Cm)tonto, tonto, tonto eres,
con olor a tabaco sucio y a (G)ginebra, no te (Ab)pienses mejor que (G)las mujeres.
el miedo ya me recorría mientras cruzaba
los deditos tras la (Cm)puerta. [Pausa]
tu carita de niño guapo se la ha ido (Cm)El día es gris cuando tú estás
comiendo el tiempo por tus (G)venas y el sol vuelve a salir cuando te vas,(G)
y tu inseguridad machista se refleja y la penita de mi corazón
cada día en mis lagri(Cm)mitas.(C) yo me la tengo que tragar con el (Cm)fogón.
mi carita de niña linda
(Fm)Una vez más no, por favor, que estoy se ha ido envejeciendo en el si(G)lencio,
(Cm)cansada y no puedo con el corazón, cada vez que me dices puta
una vez (Fm)más no, mi amor, por (G)favor, se hace tu cerebro más (Cm)pequeño.(C)
no grites, que los niños duermen.(Cm)(C)
una vez (Fm)más no, por favor, que estoy [Estribillo]
(Cm)cansada y no puedo con el corazón, (Cm)malo, malo, malo eres,
una vez (Fm)más no, mi amor, por (G)favor, malo (Ab)eres porque (G)quieres;
no grites, que los niños duermen.(Cm)(C) (Cm)malo, malo, malo eres,
(Fm)Voy a volverme como el fuego, no me (Ab)chilles, que me (G)duele.
(Cm)voy a quemar tu puño de acero, Eres (Cm)débil y eres malo
(Fm)y del morao de mi mejilla (G)saldrá el valor y no te (Ab)pienses mejor que (G)yo ni que
pa cobrarme las heridas (Cm)nadie,
y (Ab)ahora yo me fumo un cigarrito
(Cm)Malo, malo, malo eres, y te echo el humo en el corazoncito porque..
no se (Ab)daña a quien se (G)quiere, no; (Ab)Malo, (G)malo, (Cm)malo eres, tú,
(Cm)tonto, tonto, tonto eres, (Ab)malo, (G)malo, (Cm)malo eres, sí,
no te (Ab)pienses mejor que (G)las mujeres. (Ab)malo, (G)malo, (Cm)malo eres, siempre,
(Ab)malo, (G)malo (Cm)malo eres.
Maneras de vivir – Leño (D)Voy cru(A)zando el (C)calen(G)dario
(D)Con (A)igual ve(C)loci(G)dad
(D)No pienses (C)que estoy muy (G)triste (D)Subra(A)yando en (C)mi di(G)ario
Si (D)no me (C)ves son(G)reír (A)Muchas páginas.
(D)Es simple(C)mente des(G)piste
Ma(A)neras de vi(D)vir. (D)No sé si es(C)toy en lo (G)cierto
Lo (D)cierto es (C)que estoy a(G)quí
(D)Me sor(C)prendo del bu(G)llicio (D)Otros por (C)menos se han (G)muerto
Y (D)ya no (C)sé qué de(G)cir (A)Maneras de (D)vivir.
(D)Cambio las (C)cosas de (G)sitio
Ma(A)neras de vi(D)vir. (D)Descuélga(C)te del es(G)tante
Ma(A)neras de vi(D)vir. Y (D)si te (C)quieres ve(G)nir
(D)Tengo una (C)plaza va(G)cante
(D)Voy cru(A)zando el (C)calen(G)dario (A)Maneras de (D)vivir.
(D)Con (A)igual ve(C)loci(G)dad (A)Maneras de (D)vivir.
(D)Subra(A)yando en (C)mi di(G)ario (A)Maneras de (D)vivir.
(A)Muchas páginas. (A)Maneras de (D)vivir.

(D)Te busco y (C)estás au(G)sente

Te (D)quiero y (C)no es para (G)ti
(D)A lo me(C)jor no es de(G)cente
Ma(A)neras de vi(D)vir.

(D)Voy apren(C)diendo el o(G)ficio

(D)Olvidando el (C)porve(G)nir
(D)Me quejo (C)sólo de (G)vicio
Ma(A)neras de vi(D)vir.
Ma(A)neras de vi(D)vir.
Maquillaje – Mecano no me no me no me mires
(Bm)no me mires no me mires déjalo ya
(Bm)No me mires, no me mires, no he dormido nada esta (Em)noche che che che
no me no me no me mires (C)y tengo una cara que no puedes mirar
(Bm)no me mires no me mires déjalo ya porque te vas a horrori(Bm)zar
que hoy no me he puesto maqui(Em)llaje je je
(C)y mi aspecto externo es demasiado vulgar (Bm)Mira ahora mira ahora
para que te pueda gus(Bm)tar. mira mira mira ahora
(Bm)mira ahora mira ahora puedes mirar
(Bm)No me mires, no me mires, que ya me he puesto maqui(Em)llaje je je
no me no me no me mires (C)y si ves mi imagen te vas a alucinar
(Bm)no me mires no me mires déjalo ya y me vas a querer be(Bm)saaar
que hoy no me he peinado a la (Em)mo da da da Uh uh (A)uh
(C)y tengo una imagen demasiado normal
para que te pueda (Bm)gustaaaar (D)Sombra aquí (Bm)sombra allá
Uh uh (A)uh ma(Em)quíllate ma(C)quílllate
(D)un espejo (Bm)de cristal
(D)Sombra aquí (Bm)sombra allá y (Em)mírate y (C)mírate
ma(Em)quíllate ma(C)quílllate (D)Sombra aquí (Bm)sombra allá
(D)un espejo (Bm)de cristal ma(Em)quíllate ma(C)quílllate
y (Em)mírate y (C)mírate (D)un espejo (Bm)de cristal
(D)Sombra aquí (Bm)sombra allá y (Em)mírate y (C)mírate
ma(Em)quíllate ma(C)quílllate
(D)un espejo (Bm)de cristal (D)Sombra aquíiii(Bm)iiiiii, (Em)sombra alláa(C)aaa
y (Em)mírate y (C)mírate (D)Sombra aquíiii(Bm)iiiiii, (Em)sombra alláa(C)aaa
(C)mírate y mírate (D)Sombra aquíiii(Bm)iiiiii, (Em)sombra alláa(C)aaa
(C)mírate y mírate (D)Sombra aquíiii(Bm)iiiiii, (Em)sombra alláa(C)aaa
(C)mírate y míratee(Bm)eeeh (Bm)
(Bm)No me mires, no me mires,
♡ Maradona – Andrés Calamaro
Mara(C)dona no es una (E7)persona cualquiera
(F) (Fm) (C) (Am) (D) (G) (C) (G) es un (F)hombre pegado a una (C)pelota de cuero
tiene el (F)don celes(Fm)tial
Mara(C)dona no es una (E7)persona cualquiera de (C)tratar muy (Am)bien al (D)balón
es un (F)hombre pegado a una (C)pelota de cuero (G)es un (C)guerrero
tiene el (F)don celes(Fm)tial tiene el (A7)don de (D)tratar muy (G)bien al (C)balón
de (C)tratar muy (Am)bien al (D)balón tiene el (A7)don de (D)tratar muy (G)bien al (C)balón
es un (G)guerrero
(F) (Fm) (C) (Am) (D) (G) (C)
Es un (C)ángel y se le ven las (E7)alas heridas
es la (F)biblia junto al (C)calefón
tiene un (F)guante (Fm)blanco (C)calzado en el pié
del (D)lado del (G)corazón

No me (C)importa en que lío se (E7)meta

Maradona es mi (F)amigo
y es una gran (C)persona (el diez)
en el (F)alma guar(Fm)do
la cami(C)seta de (Am)boca
que (D)me regaló alguna (G)vez

Diego (C)Armando
estamos espe(E7)rando que vuelvas
(F)siempre te vamos a (E7)querer
(F)por las ale(Fm)grías que le (C)das al (Am)pueblo
y (D)por tu (G)arte (C)también.

(F) (Fm) (C) (Am) (D) (G) (C) (G)

María – La oreja de Van Gogh
Y Ma(C)ría le (G)dice que (F)sí,
(C)Llega tarde a casa con la (Am)bruma del mar Dice sonrojada que (Am)sí,
(F)Llega con la rabia enros(C)cada Y se es(C)conde en sus (G)brazos.
(C)Entra muy despacio para (Am)no secuestrar Y él con(C)testa que (G)todo irá (Am)bien
El (F)sueño más bonito que (G)hay. Que las flores volverán a cre(Am)cer
Donde (C)ahora llo(G)ramos.
(C)Sale de la niebla de un bos(Am)tezo lunar
Des(F)calzada y despei(C)nada, corre (Em)(F)(C)(G) (Em)(F)(Dm)(G)
(C)Corre hasta sus brazos como (Am)nadie lo hará
Ja(F)más, jamás, ja(G)más. Y el in(C)vierno lle(G)gó y él se (F)fue
Y cuentan que María sin (Am)él
Y Ma(C)ría le (G)dice que (F)sí, No se (C)mira en los (G)charcos
Dice sonrojada que (Am)sí, Cada (C)trece de (G)marzo a las (F)diez
Y se es(C)conde en sus (G)brazos. Ella espera verle otra (Am)vez
Y él con(C)testa que (G)todo irá (Am)bien Pero (C)él se ha mar(G)chado.
Que las flores volverán a cre(Am)cer
Donde (C)ahora llo(G)ramos. (C)Llega tarde a casa con la (G)bruma del mar
(F)Llega con la rabia enroscada
(C)Cae la madrugada mientras (Am)ella de pie (Am)Entra muy despacio para (C)no secuestrar
(F)Mira con la chispa ade(C)cuada El (G)sueño más bonito que hay.
(C)Cara de emboscada
Cielo a(Am)bierto a la vez (C)Sale de la niebla de un bos(G)tezo lunar
El (F)piensa que bonita (G)es. Des(F)calzada y despeinada
(Am)Corre hasta sus brazos como (C)nadie lo hará
(C)Juntos y olvidados por el (Am)sueño se van Ja(G)más, jamás, jamás.
Con(F)tando adivi(C)nanzas (F)//// //// //// //// (C)
(C)Hasta que la flor se va ce(Am)rrando con él
Se va (F)cerrando con (G)él.
♡ Me colé en una fiesta – Mecano Coca-(Em)Cola para todos (G)y algo de comer
(C)Mucha niña mona pe(Am)ro ninguna sola
No (Am)me invitó pe(F)ro yo fui (Em)Luces de colores, (G)lo pasaré bien
(Em)Tras la esquina espero el momento
(F)En que no me miren (G)y meterme dentro (Dm)Yo me preguntaba
(Am)Era mi opor(F)tunidad (F)-¿Quién me la puede presen(Am)tar?-
(Em)Unos entran, otros van saliendo (Dm)Yo me preguntaba
(F)Y entre el barullo (G)yo me cuelo dentro (F)-¿Qué es lo que le voy a (Am)contar?-

[Single strum] [Single strum]

(C)Allí me colé y en tu (Am)fiesta me planté (C)Allí me colé y en tu (Am)fiesta me planté
Coca-(Em)Cola para todos (G)y algo de comer Coca-(Em)Cola para todos (G)y algo de comer
(C)Mucha niña mona pe(Am)ro ninguna sola (C)Mucha niña mona pe(Am)ro ninguna sola
(Em)Luces de colores, (G)lo pasaré bien (Em)Luces de colores, (G)lo pasaré bien

(Dm)Yo me preguntaba (Dm)Yo me preguntaba

(F)-¿Quién me la puede presen(Am)tar?- (F)-¿Quién me la puede presen(Am)tar?-
(Dm)Yo me preguntaba (Dm)Yo me preguntaba
(F)-¿Qué es lo que le voy a (Am)contar?- (F)-¿Qué es lo que le voy a (Am)contar?-

La (Am)vi pasar y (F)me escondí [Single strum]

(Em)Con su traje transparente (C)Allí me colé y en tu (Am)fiesta me planté
(F)Iba provo(G)cando a la gente Coca-(Em)Cola para todos (G)y algo de comer
(Am)Ella me vió y (F)se acercó (C)Mucha niña mona pe(Am)ro ninguna sola
(Em)El flechazo fue instantáneo (Em)Luces de colores, (G)lo pasaré bien
(F)Y cayó en(G)tre mis brazos (C)

[Single strum]
(C)Allí me colé y en tu (Am)fiesta me planté
Me cuesta tanto olvidarte – Mecano (C)(G)(F)(Em)(F)(G)(C)

(C)Entre el cielo y (G)suelo hay algo (F)y aunque fui (E7)yo

(F)con tendencia a que(Em)darse calvo quien deci(Am)dió que ya no más(G)
(F)de (G)tanto recor(C)dar(G) (F)y no me (Em)canse de ju(Am)rarte
(C)y ese algo que (G)soy yo mismo que no ha(G)brá segunda (F)parte
(F)es un cuadro de (Em)bifrontismo (F)que me cues(Em)ta tanto olvi(Am)darte (G)
(G)solo da una (C)faz (F)me cuesta (Em)tanto olvi(Am)darte (G)
(F)me cuesta (Em)tanto … (Am)
(F)la cara (E7)vista es un a(Am)nuncio de Signal(G)
(F)la cara o(E7)culta es la re(Am)sulta
de mi i(G)dea genial de e(F)charte
me cues(Em)ta tanto olvi(Am)darte (G)
(F)me cuesta (Em)tanto

(C)Olvidarte me (G)cuesta tanto

(F)olvidar quince (Em)mil encantos
(F)es (G)mucha sensa(C)tez(G)
(C)y no sé si se(G)ré sensato
(F)lo que sé es que me (Em)cuesta un rato
ha(F)cer (G)cosas sin que(C)rer

(F)y aunque fui (E7)yo

quien deci(Am)dió que ya no más(G)
(F)y no me (Em)canse de ju(Am)rarte
que no ha(G)brá segunda (F)parte
me cues(Em)ta tanto olvi(Am)darte (G)
(F)me cuesta (Em)tanto olvi(Am)darte (G)
(F)me cuesta (Em)tanto …
Mediterráneo – Joan Manuel Serrat
(Am)Y te acercas, (D)y te (Am)vas
(Am)(D)(Am)(D) después de (D)besar mi al(D)dea (E7)
(Am)Quizá porque (D)mi ni(Am)ñez (Am)Jugando con la (G)ma(C)rea
sigue jugan(D)do en tu (D)playa (E7) te vas, pen(E7)sando en vol(Am)ver, eres como
(Am)Y escondido (G)tras las (C)cañas (G)una mu(F)jer perfuma(G)dita de (C)brea
duerme mi pri(E7)mer a(Am)mor (Dm)Que se añora y (E7)que se (Am)quiere, (G)
Llevo tu (G)luz y tu o(F)lor (F)que se conoce y (E7)se teme, ay...
por donde (G)quiera que (C)vaya (Am)si un día pa(D)ra mi (Am)mal
(Dm)Y amontona(E7)do en tu (Am)arena (G) viene a buscar(D)me la (D)parca (E7)
(F)guardo amor, juegos y (E7)penas, yo (Am)Empujad al (G)mar mi (C)barca
(Am)que en la piel ten(D)go el sa(Am)bor amargo con un levan(E7)te oto(Am)ñal
del (D)llanto e(D)terno (E7) Y dejad que el (G)tempo(F)ral
(Am)Que han vertido en (G)ti cien (C)pueblos, desguace sus (G)alas (C)blancas
de Algeciras (E7)a Estam(Am)bul (Dm)Y a mí enterrad(E7)me sin (Am)duelo (G)
Para que pin(G)tes de (F)azul (F)entre la pla(E7)ya y el (Am)cielo
sus largas (G)noches de in(C)vierno
(Dm)A fuerza de (E7)desven(Am)turas (G) (Dm)En la lade(G)ra de un (C)monte,
(F)tu alma es pro(E7)funda y os(Am)cura más alto que el (Dm)hori(E7)zonte
Quiero tener (E7)buena (Am)vista
(Dm)A tus atarde(G)ceres (C)rojos (Dm)Mi cuerpo se(G)rá ca(C)mino
se acostumbra(Dm)ron mis (E7)ojos Le daré ver(Dm)de a los (E7)pinos
Como el reco(E7)do al ca(Am)mino y amarillo a la ge(Am)nista(D)(Am)(D)
(Dm)Soy cantor, soy (G)embus(C)tero
Me gusta el (Dm)juego y el (E7)vino, (Dm)Cerca del (E7)mar, porque (Am)yo
tengo alma de (E7)mari(Am)nero (D)(Am)(D) (Dm)Nací en el Me(E7)dite(Am)rráneo
(Dm)¿Qué le voy a ha(E7)cer si (Am)yo (Dm)Nací en el Me(E7)dite(Am)rráneo
(Dm) nací en el Me(E7)dite(Am)rráneo? (Dm)Nací en el Me(E7)dite(Am)rrá(D)ne(Am)o(D)
(Dm)Nací en el Me(E7)dite(Am)rráneo (D)(Am)(D) (Am)Lairarara(D)rara (Am)Lairarara(D)rara (Am)
♡ Me gustas tú – Manu Chao (Am) (G) (Dm) x2

Me (Am)gustan los aviones, me (G)gustas tu. Me (Am)gusta la cena, me (G)gustas tu.

Me (Dm)gusta viajar, me gustas tu. Me (Dm)gusta la vecina, me gustas tu.
Me (Am)gusta la mañana, me (G)gustas tu. Me (Am)gusta su cocina, me (G)gustas tu.
Me (Dm)gusta el viento, me gustas tu. Me (Dm)gusta camelar, me gustas tu.
Me (Am)gusta soñar, me (G)gustas tu. Me (Am)gusta la guitarra, me (G)gustas tu.
Me (Dm)gusta la mar, me gustas tu. Me (Dm)gusta el regaee, me gustas tu.

(Am)Que voy a ha(G)cer, je ne sais (Dm)pas. (Am)Que voy a ha(G)cer, je ne sais (Dm)pas.
Que voy a hacer, je ne sais plus. Que voy a hacer, je ne sais plus.
(Am)Que voy a ha(G)cer, je suis per(Dm)du. (Am)Que voy a ha(G)cer, je suis per(Dm)du.
Que horas son, mi corazón. Que horas son, mi corazón.

Me (Am)gusta la moto, me (G)gustas tu. Me (N/C)gusta la canela, me gustas tu.

Me (Dm)gusta correr, me gustas tu. Me (Am)gusta el fuego, me (G)gustas tu.
Me (Am)gusta la lluvia, me (G)gustas tu. Me (Dm)gusta menear, me gustas tu.
Me (Dm)gusta volver, me gustas tu. Me (Am)gusta la Coruña, me (G)gustas tu.
Me (Am)gusta marijuana, me (G)gustas tu. Me (Dm)gusta Malasaña, me gustas tu.
Me (Dm)gusta colombiana, me gustas tu. Me (Am)gusta la castaña, me (G)gustas tu.
Me (Am)gusta la montaña, me (G)gustas tu. Me (Dm)gusta Guatemala...
Me (Dm)gusta la noche...
(Am)Que voy a ha(G)cer, je ne sais (Dm)pas.
(Am)Que voy a ha(G)cer, je ne sais (Dm)pas. Que voy a hacer, je ne sais plus.
Que voy a hacer, je ne sais plus. (Am)Que voy a ha(G)cer, je suis per(Dm)du.
(Am)Que voy a ha(G)cer, je suis per(Dm)du. Que horas son, mi corazón.
Que horas son, mi corazón.
(Am) (G) (Dm) (Am) (G) (Dm) (Am)
♡ Me voy – Julieta Venegas Hoy enten(A)dí que no hay sufi(G)ciente para los dos.

Porque (D)no supiste (G)No voy a (A)llorar y decir

enten(A)der a mi cora(Bm)zón Que (D)no merezco (G)esto,
Lo que ha(G)bía en el, porque (D)no Porque
Tuviste el va(A)lor de ver quién (G)soy. (A) (G)Es pro(A)bable que lo me(D)rezco
Porque (D)no escuchas Pero no lo (G)quiero por eso me (D)voy.
lo (A)que está tan cerca de (Bm)ti
Solo el (G)ruido de afuera y (D)yo, Que (A)lástima pero a(Bm)diós,
Estoy a un (A)lado, desapa(G)rezco para ti. Me des(G)pido de ti y me (D)voy,
Que (A)lástima pero a(Bm)diós,
(G)No voy a (A)llorar y decir Me des(G)pido de ti y me (D)voy,
Que (D)no merezco (G)esto,
Porque [Single strum]
(G)Es pro(A)bable que lo me(D)rezco Que (A)lástima pero a(Bm)diós,
Pero no lo (G)quiero por eso me (D)voy. Me des(G)pido de ti y me (D)voy,
Que (A)lástima pero a(Bm)diós,
Que (A)lástima pero a(Bm)diós, Me des(G)pido de ti……. y me (D)voy.
Me des(G)pido de ti y me (D)voy,
Que (A)lástima pero (Bm)adiós,
Me des(G)pido de ti.....

Porque (D)sé que me es(A)pera algo mejor(Bm)

Alguien que (G)sepa darme a(D)mor
De ese que en(A)dulza la sal y ha(G)ce que
Salga el sol.(A)
Yo que pen(D)sé
Nunca me í(A)ria de ti que es a(Bm)mor
Del bueno de (G)toda la vida pe(D)ro,
Me voy pa'l pueblo – Los Panchos Hoy es mi (A)día
Voy a ale(Bm)grar toda el (E7)alma (A)mía
(Bm)(E7)(A)(F#m) (Bm)(E7)(A)(F#m)
Me voy pa'l (Bm)pueblo
Hoy es mi (A)día (Bm)Desde el día que nos ca(E7)samos
Voy a ale(B7)grar toda el alma (E7)mía Hasta la (A)fecha trabajando es(F#m)toy
Me voy pa'l (E7)pueblo Quiero que (Bm)sepas que no estoy dis(E7)puesto
Hoy es mi (A)día A ente(A)rrar mi vida en un rin(F#m)cón
Voy a ale(Bm)grar toda el (E7)alma (A)mía
Es lindo el (Bm)campo muy bien ya lo (E7)sé
(Bm)(E7)(A)(F#m) Pero p'al (A)pueblo voy echando un (F#m)pie
(Bm)(E7)(A)(F#m) Si tu no (Bm)vienes mejor es a(E7)sí
Pues yo no (A)sé lo que será de (F#m)mi
(Bm)Tanto como yo tra(E7)bajo
Y nunca (A)puedo irme al (F#m)basilón Me voy pa'l (Bm)pueblo
No (Bm)sé lo que le pasa a esta gua(E7)jira Hoy es mi (A)día
Que no le (A)gusta el guateque y el (F#m)ron. Voy a ale(B7)grar toda el alma (E7)mía
Me voy pa'l (E7)pueblo
Ahora (Bm)mismo la voy a de(E7)jar Hoy es mi (A)día
En su bo(A)hío asando ma(F#m)íz Voy a ale(Bm)grar toda el (E7)alma (A)mía
Me voy pa'l (Bm)pueblo a tomarme un ga(E7)lón
Y cuando (A)vuelva se acabó el car(F#m)bón. Lalalalá..(Bm)(E7)(A)(F#m)
Me voy pa'l (Bm)pueblo
Hoy es mi (A)día
Voy a ale(B7)grar toda el alma (E7)mía
Me voy pa'l (E7)pueblo
Mi burrito sabanero – Villancico Si me (C)ven, si me (G)ven
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén
(G)Con mi burrito saba(C)nero
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén (B7)Tuqui Tuqui Tuqui(Em)tuqui
(G)Con mi burrito saba(C)nero (B7)Tuquituqui Tu qui (Em)Ta
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén Apú(A)rate mi bu(D)rrito
que ya (A)vamos a lle(D)gar
Si me (C)ven, si me (G)ven
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén (B7)Tuqui Tuqui Tuqui(Em)tuqui
Si me (C)ven, si me (G)ven (B7)Tuquituqui Tu qui (Em)Ta
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén a(C)púrate mi bu(G)rrito
vamos (D)a ver a Je(G)sús
(G)Con mi cuatrico voy can(C)tando
y mi bu(D)rrito va tro(G)tando (G)Con mi burrito saba(C)nero
(G)Con mi cuatrico voy can(C)tando voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén
y mi bu(D)rrito va tro(G)tando (G)Con mi burrito saba(C)nero
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén
Si me (C)ven, si me (G)ven
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén Si me (C)ven, si me (G)ven
Si me (C)ven, si me (G)ven voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén Si me (C)ven, si me (G)ven
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén
(G)El lucerito maña(C)nero,
ilu(D)mina mi sen(G)dero.
(G)El lucerito maña(C)nero,
ilu(D)mina mi sen(G)dero.

Si me (C)ven, si me (G)ven
voy ca(D)mino de Be(G)lén
Miedo – M-Clan y aun(Cm)que no estás (G)aquí
en esta os(Em)curidad
(G)Para empe(Em)zar la (A7)claridad eres (C)tú.(Cm)
di(Cm)ré que es el fi(G)nal
(G)no es un fi(Em)nal feliz (Am)Miedo
tan (Cm)sólo es un fi(G)nal de vol(D)ver a los in(G)fiernos
pero pa(Em)rece ser miedo a (Em)que me tengas (Am)miedo
que (A7)ya no hay vuelta a(C)trás.(Cm) a te(D)nerte que olvi(G)dar.(F)

(G)Sólo te (Em)di (Am)Miedo

dia(Cm)mantes de car(G)bón de que(D)rerte sin que(Bm)rerlo
(G)rompí tu (Em)mundo en dos de encon(Em)trarte de re(Am)pente
rom(Cm)pí tu cora(G)zón de no (D)verte (B7)nunca (Em)más.(G)
y ahora tu (Em)mundo esta (A7)Ya se que es el final
bur(A7)lándose de (C)mi.(Cm) (C)no habrá segunda (Em)parte. (G)
(A7)Y no se cómo hacer (C)para borrarte.
(Am)Miedo (Em)(G)(A7)(C) (Em)(G)(A7)(C)
de vol(D)ver a los in(G)fiernos (Em)(G)(A7)(C) (Em)(G)(A7)(C)(Cm)
miedo a (Em)que me tengas (Am)miedo
a te(D)nerte que olvi(G)dar.(F) (G)Para empe(Em)zar
(Am)Miedo di(Cm)ré que es el fi(G)nal
de que(D)rerte sin que(Bm)rerlo
de encon(Em)trarte de re(Am)pente (Am)Miedo… →
de no (Cm)verte nunca (G)más. (F)(C)de no (Cm)verte nunca (G)más [x3]
(G)Oigo tu (Em)voz
siempre (Cm)antes de dor(G)mir (G)y a(F)quí en el in(C)fierno(Cm)
(G)me acuesto (Em)junto a ti (G)(F)oigo tu (C)voz(Cm) [x2] ...(G)
♡ Mi gran noche – Raphael
¿Qué pasa(G)rá, qué misterio habrá?,
Hoy para (Am)mí, es un día especial, Puede ser mi gran (Am)noche (Am)(D)(D)(Am)
Hoy saldré por la (E7)noche, Y al desper(G)tar, ya mi vida sabrá,
Podré vivir, lo que el mundo nos da, Algo que no (Am)conoce. (Am)(D)(D)(Am)
Cuando el sol ya se (Am)esconde, Yay, yay, yay, (G)yay,
Podré (G)cantar, una dulce (F)canción, Yaylalalaralalay, yalalalara(Am)layla. (Am)(D)(D)(Am)
A la luz de la (Am)luna Yay, yay, yay, (G)yay,
Y acari(E7)ciar y besar a mi amor, Yaylalalaralalay, yalalalara(Am)layla. (Am)(D)(D)(Am)
Como no lo hice (Am)nunca. [silencio] [silencio]

¿Qué pasa(G)rá, qué misterio habrá?, Será, se(Am)rá, esta noche ideal,
Puede ser mi gran (Am)noche (Am)(D)(D)(Am) Que ya nunca se ol(E7)vida,
Y al desper(G)tar, ya mi vida sabrá, Podré reír y soñar y bailar,
Algo que no (Am)conoce. (Am)(D)(D)(Am) Disfrutando la (Am)vida,
Yay, yay, yay, (G)yay, Olvida(G)ré, la tristeza y el (F)mal
Yaylalalaralalay, yalalalara(Am)layla. (Am)(D)(D)(Am) Y las penas del (Am)mundo
Yay, yay, yay, (G)yay, Y escucha(E7)ré, los violines cantar,
Yaylalalaralalay, yalalalara(Am)layla. (Am)(D)(D)(Am) En la noche sin (Am)rumbo. [Silencio]
¿Qué pasa(G)rá, qué misterio habrá?,
Camina(Am)ré, abrazado a mí amor, Puede ser mi gran (Am)noche (Am)(D)(D)(Am)
Por las calles sin (E7)rumbo, Y al desper(G)tar, ya mi vida sabrá,
Descubriré, que el amor es mejor, Algo que no (Am)conoce. (Am)(D)(D)(Am)
Cuando todo está os(Am)curo ¿Qué pasa(G)rá, qué misterio habrá?,
Y sin (G)hablar, nuestros pasos se (F)irán, Puede ser mi gran (Am)noche (Am)(D)(D)(Am)
A buscar otra (Am)puerta, ¿Qué pasa(G)rá, qué misterio habrá?,
Que se abri(E7)rá, como mi corazón, Puede ser mi gran (Am)noche (Am)(D)(D)(Am)
Cuando ella se a(Am)cerca. [silencio]
Mil calles llevan hacia ti – La Guardia (E)puedo perderme en el al(A)cohol
(E)y dibujar un cora(A)zón,
(A)Mil calles llevan hacia (D)ti (C#)fingir que existe alguien (D)más
(E)y no sé cuál he de se(A)guir que ahora o(E)cupa tu lu(A)gar
(F#m)no tengo tiempo que per(Bm)der
(E)y ya se va el último (A)tren(D)(E)(A) (E)mil calles llevan hacia (A)ti
(E)y sé que tengo que ele(A)gir
(A)quizás mostrándote una (D)flor, (C#)mil calles llevan hacia (D)ti
(E)o hacer que pierdas el ti(A)món, di qué ca(E)mino he de se(A)guir
(F#m)poner tu nombre en la pa(Bm)red
(E)o amarte en cada atarde(A)cer (D)(E)(A)(F#m)(Bm)(E)(A)

(E)puedo perderme en el al(A)cohol (E)puedo perderme en el al(A)cohol

(E)y dibujar un cora(A)zón, (E)y dibujar un cora(A)zón,
(C#)fingir que existe alguien (D)más (C#)fingir que existe alguien (D)más
que ahora o(E)cupa tu lu(A)gar que ahora o(E)cupa tu lu(A)gar
(D)//// (A)//// (D)//// (Bm)// (E)//
(E)mil calles llevan hacia (A)ti
(A)si quieres hoy puedes ve(D)nir, (E)y sé que tengo que ele(A)gir
(E)hay una fiesta para (A)ti (C#)mil calles llevan hacia (D)ti
(F#m)a tu ventana trepa(Bm)ré di qué ca(E)mino he de se(A)guir
(E)si no la cierras esta (A)vez(D)(E)(A)

(A)ese perfume de mu(D)jer

(E)me llevará hasta donde es(A)tés,
(F#m)en una oscura habita(Bm)ción
(E)o a la guarida del le(A)ón
♡ Mil campanas – Alaska y Dinarama
(G)Haces muy mal (Bm)en elevar mi tensión(Em)
(Dm)en aplastar mi ambi(C)ción
tu sigue así(Am) y ya verás(D)

(G)miro el reloj y es (Bm)mucho mas tarde que

(Dm)te esperaría otra vez(C)
y no lo haré(Am), no lo haré(D)

(G)Dónde esta nuestro (Bm)error sin solución(Em)

fuiste tu el cul(Dm)pable o lo fui (C)yo
ni tu ni (Am)nadie nadie (D)puede cambiarme

(G)Mil campanas (Bm)suenan en mi cora(Em)zón

que difícil (Dm)es pedir perdón(C)
ni tu ni (Am)nadie nadie (D)puede cambiarme

(G)Vete de aquí (Bm)no me supiste entender(Em)

(Dm)yo solo pienso en tu (C)bien
no es nece(Am)sario men(D)tir

(G)Qué fácil es, (Bm)atormentarse después(Em)

(Dm)pero sobreviviré(C)
Sé que podré(Am), sobreviviré(D)

[Estribillo] x2 (G)
☠ Mi música es tu voz – Operación (C#7)Y aunque somos dife(F#m)rentes
(E)nos une una obse(A)sión
(C#7)cantar es nuestra (F#m)vida
(D) y mi (A)música es tu (E)voz.(F)
(Ab) Si no te conociera,(Cm) si no estuviera aqui
(C#) no habría encontrado (E)la alegría de vivir.
A tu la(Bb)do me siento segu(Dm)ro,
(Ab) Enciendes melodías (Cm)que brotan en tu voz
a tu lado no du(Eb)do,
(C#) que calman y apaciguan (E)mi lucha interior.(Ab)
a tu lado yo pue(Bb)do volar(F).
A tu la(Bb)do hoy brilla mi estre(Dm)lla,
(C7) Y aunque somos dife(Fm)rentes
a tu lado mis sue(Eb)ños
(Eb) nos une una obse(Ab)sión
se harán por fin(Bb) realidad. (F) (G)
(C7) cantar es nuestra (Fm)vida
(C#) y mi (Ab)música es tu (Eb)voz.
[Silencio] Aaa tuuu la(C)do me siento segu(Em)ro,
a tu lado no du(F)do,
(Ab) Cuenta con mi vida (Cm)que hoy la doy por tí.
a tu lado yo pue(C)do volar(G)
(C#)Mi pa(Ab)sión la (C#)quiero com(Ab)par(Eb)tir(E)
A tu la(C)do hoy brilla mi estre(Em)lla,
a tu lado mis sue(F)ños
A tu la(A)do me siento segu(C#m)ro,
se harán por fin(C) realidad (G)
a tu lado no du(D)do,
a tu lado yo pue(A)do volar(E)
(C#) A tu lado mi música es tu voz.
A tu la(A)do hoy brilla mi estre(C#m)lla,
(F#) A tu lado mi música es tu voz.
a tu lado mis sue(D)ños
(C#) A tu lado mi música es tu voz.
se harán por fin(A) realidad(E)
(F#) A tu lado mi música es tu voz.
(C#) A tu lado mi música es tu voz.
A tu la(F#)doooo (Bbm) (B) (D) (E)
(F#) A tu lado mi música es tu voz.
(C#) A tu lado mi música,
(A)Estamos hoy unidos (C#m)cantando esta canción,
mi (F#)música (Ab)es tu (C#)voz
(D) mañana separados pero (F)vivo está en el
Morena mía – Miguel Bosé Pero cuando tu (F)boca, me toca,
me (G)pone, me provoca, me (Am)muerde
Morena (Dm)mía, (Em)Voy a contarte hasta (Am)diez y me destroza, toda siempre es poca y muévete
Uno es el sol que te a(Dm)lumbra, (F)bien, bien, bien, que (G)nadie como tú
Dos tus piernas que (Em)mandan me sabe ha(Am)cer....uff café.
Somos tres en tu (Am)cama, tres (Dm)(Em)(Am)(Dm)(Em)(Am)
Morena (Dm)mía, (Em)El cuarto viene des(Am)pués Morena (Dm)mía, (Em)Si esto no es felici(Am)dad
Cinco tus conti(Dm)nentes Que baje dios y lo (Dm)vea
Seis las medias fa(Em)enas Y aunque no se lo (Em)crea, esto es (Am)gloria...
De mis medios ca(Am)lientes. Sigo contando ahorita Y por mi (F)parte pongo el (G)arte,
(Dm)(Em)(Am)Bien, bien, bien, bien, bien lo que me (Am)das, Dámelo y dalo bien
(Dm)(Em)(Am) (F)Un poco a(G)sí y un poco ¿a (Am)quién?
Morena (Dm)mía, Pero cuando tu (F)boca, me toca,
(Em)Siete son los pe(Am)cados cometidos me (G)pone, me provoca, me (Am)muerde
Suman ocho con(Dm)migo y me destroza, toda siempre es poca y muévete
Nueve los que te (Em)cobro (F)bien, bien, bien, que (G)nadie como tú
Más de diez he sen(Am)tido... me sabe ha(Am)cer café.
Morena (F)gata, y me mata, me (G)mata y me remata
Y por mi (F)parte sobra el (G)arte (Am)Vamos pal infierno, pon que no sea eterno
Lo que me (Am)das, dámelo, dámelo bien (F)Suave y bien, bien, que (G)nadie como tú
(F)Un poco aquí (G)y un poco ¿a (Am)quién? me sabe ha(Am)cer café
Cuando tu (F)boca, me toca, me (G)pone Y es que cuando tu (F)boca, me toca,
y me provoca, me (Am)muerde y me destroza me (G)pone, me provoca, me (Am)muerde
Toda siempre es poca y (F)muévete bien y me destroza, toda siempre es poca y muévete
Que (G)nadie como tú me sabe ha(Am)cer café. (F)bien, bien, bien, que (G)nadie como tú
Morena (F)gata, y me mata, me (G)mata y me remata me sabe ha(Am)cer....uff café.
(Am)Vamos pal infierno, pon que no sea eterno
(F)Suave y bien, bien, que (G)nadie como tú (Dm)(Em)(Am)Bien, bien, bien, bien, bien
me sabe ha(Am)cer café (Dm)(Em)(Am)Café
♡ Moriría por vos – Amaral
(F)Será tu voz, (G)será el licor,
(C)Como (F)Nicolas Cage en (Am)Living las (G)Vegas (C)Serán las (G)luces de esta habita(F)ción
(C)Veo ca(F)er la (Am)nieve en la (G)hierba, Será que (G)suena Marquee (C)Moon
(Am)Un Robin(F)son en (C)una (G)isla Pero esta (G)noche moriría por (F)vos
de(C)sierta (F)(Am)(G) Será el cham(G)pagne,
(C)Como (F)Nicolas Cage en (Am)Living las (G)Vegas será el co(C)lor de tus ojos
(C)Soy el in(F)vierno contra (Am)tu prima(G)vera, (G)verdes de ciencia fic(F)ción,
(Am)Un Dorian (F)Gray La última (G)cena para los (C)dos
sin (C)pasado ni (G)patria ni Pero esta (G)nocheeee…
(C)bandera (F)(Am)(G) [silencio] moriría por
(C)vos (F)(Am)(G) (C)(F)(Am)(G)
(F)Será tu voz, (G)será el licor,
(C)Serán las (G)luces de esta habita(F)ción (F)Será tu voz, (G)será el licor,
Será el po(G)der de una can(C)ción, (C)Serán las (G)luces de esta habita(F)ción
Pero esta (G)noche moriría por Será el po(G)der de una can(C)ción,
(C)vos (F)(Am)(G) Pero esta (G)noche moriría por (F)vos
(C)(F)(Am)(G) Será el cham(G)pagne,
será el co(C)lor de tus ojos
(C)Como (F)Nicolas Cage en (Am)Living las (G)Vegas (G)verdes de ciencia fic(F)ción,
(C)No tengo (F)planes más (Am)allá de esta (G)cena, La última (G)cena para los (C)dos
(Am)Es un mis(F)terio hacia Pero esta (G)nocheeee…
(C)dónde la (G)noche nos [silencio] moriría por
(C)lleva (F)(Am)(G) (C)vos (F)(Am)(G)
(C)Como (F)Nicolas Cage en (Am)Living las (G)Vegas (C)(F)(Am)(G)(C)
(C)Vamos, mi (F)niño, a per(Am)der la ca(G)beza
(Am)Como si (F)fuera nuestro
(C)último (G)día en la (C)Tierra
Moving – Macaco
(G)Moving, all the people (D)moving,
(G)Moving, all the people (D)moving, one (F)move for just one (Am)dream
one (F)move for just one (Am)dream We see (G)moving, all the people (D)moving,
We see (G)moving, all the people (D)moving, one (F)move for just one (E7)dream
one (F)move for just one (E7)dream
(Em)Tiempos de pequeños movimientos, This is the Life fest under your feet
movimientos en reacción This is the Life fest under your feet
Una (Am)gota junto a otra hace oleajes, This is the…
luego mares... océanos
Nunca una (Em)ley fue tan simple y clara: (G)Moving, all the people (D)moving,
acción, reacción... repercusión one (F)move for just one (Am)dream
Mur(Am)mullos se unen forman gritos, We see (G)moving, all the people (D)moving,
juntos somos evolución one (F)move for just one (E7)dream

(G)Moving, all the people (D)moving,

one (F)move for just one (Am)dream
We see (G)moving, all the people (D)moving,
one (F)move for just one (E7)dream

Es(Em)cucha la llamada de Mama Tierra,

cuna de la creación
Su pa(Am)labra es nuestra palabra,
su quejío nuestra voz
Si en lo pe(Em)queño está la fuerza,
si hacia lo simple anda la destreza
Vol(Am)ver al origen no es retroceder,
quizás sea andar hacia el saber
Mujer contra mujer – Mecano
(F)No estoy yo por la la(Bb)bor (C)(Bb)
Acorde (F+) = 2 1 1 0 (F)de ti(Am)rarles la pri(Gm)mera piedra, (C)(Bb)
(F)si equivoco la oca(Bb)sión (C)(Bb)
(F)Nada tienen de espe(Bb)cial (C)(Bb) (F)y las (Am)hallo labio a (Gm)labio en el sa(A7)lón.
(F)dos mu(Am)jeres que se (Gm)dan la mano (C)(Bb)
(F)el matiz viene des(Bb)pués (C)(Bb) Ni si(Dm)quiera me a(Am)trevería a to(Bb)ser,
(F)cuando lo (Am)hacen si no (Dm)gusto, ya (Am)sé lo que hay que ha(Bb)cer
por de(Gm)bajo del man(A7)tel (F)Que con mis piedras
hacen (Gm)ellas su pa(A7)red
Luego a (Dm)solas,
sin (Am)nada que per(Bb)der Quien detie(Dm)ne pa(F+)lomas al vue(F)lo
tras las (Dm)manos vo(G7)lando al ras del sue(Bb)lo,
va el (Am)resto de la (Bb)piel mu(Bbm)jer contra mu(F)jer

(F)Un amor por ocul(Bb)tar, (C)(Bb) (F)(F)(Bb)(C) (F)(F)(Bb)(C)

(F)aunque en (Am)cueros (F)(F)(Bb)(C) (F)(F)(G)(A7)
no hay don(Gm)de esconderlo (C)(Bb)
(F)lo disfrazan de amis(Bb)tad (C)(Bb) Una o(Dm)pina que a(Am)quello no está (Bb)bien
(F)cuando (Am)sale a pase(Gm)ar por la ciu(A7)dad la otra o(Dm)pina que (Am)qué se le va a ha(Bb)cer?
(F)Y lo que opinen los de(Gm)más está de (A7)más
Una o(Dm)pina que a(Am)quello no está (Bb)bien
la otra o(Dm)pina que (Am)qué se le va a ha(Bb)cer? Quien detie(Dm)ne pa(F+)lomas al vue(F)lo
(F)Y lo que opinen los de(Gm)más está de (A7)más vo(G7)lando al ras del sue(Bb)lo,
mu(Bbm)jer contra mu(F)jer, ohhhhh(A7)
Quien detie(Dm)ne pa(F+)lomas al vue(F)lo Quien detie(Dm)ne pa(F+)lomas al vue(F)lo
vo(G7)lando al ras del sue(Bb)lo, vo(G7)lando al ras del sue(Bb)lo,
mu(Bbm)jer contra mu(F)jer mu(Bbm)jer contra mu(F)jer
(G)(Bb) (G)(Bb)(F)
♡ Nada fue un error – Coti [Solo Uke]
(F)---------- (G)----------
(G)Tengo una mala noticia (F)---------- (D)----------
no (D)fue de casualidad
yo que(C)ría que nos pasara... y tú, y tú (D) (G)Tengo una mala noticia
lo dejaste pasar no (D)fue de casualidad
No (G)quiero que me perdones yo que(C)ría que nos pasara... y tú, y tú (D)
y (D)no me pidas perdón lo dejaste pasar
no me (C)niegues que me buscaste No (G)quiero que me perdones
nada nada de (D)esto y (D)no me pidas perdón
no me (C)niegues que me buscaste
Nada de esto fue un (G)error nada nada de (D)esto
nada (C)fue un error [Estribillo]
nada de (D)esto fue un (G)error
Uoohh(D) Los (G)errores no se eligen
nada (C)fue un error(D) para (D)bien o para mal
no (C)fallé cuando viniste... y tú, y tú (D)
Los (G)errores no se eligen no quisiste fallar
para (D)bien o para mal Apren(G)dí la diferencia entre el (D)juego y el azar
no (C)fallé cuando viniste... y tú, y tú (D) quien te (C)mira y quien se entrega
no quisiste fallar nada nada de (D)esto
Apren(G)dí la diferencia entre el (D)juego y el azar
quien te (C)mira y quien se entrega [Estribillo]
nada nada de (D)esto
[Solo Uke]
[Estribillo] (F)---------- (G)
Navidad – Antonio Machín (F)(C7) y aquella viejita que tanto ado(F)ré
(F)(C7) mi madre del alma que no olvidaré.(F)
(Abdim) = [4 2 4 2]
Navi(F)dad que con (C)dulce can(F)tar
(F) (C7) (F) (C7) (F) te celebran las (D7)almas que saben a(Gm)mar
o que triste es (Abdim)andar en la (Am)vida
Campa(F)nitas que (C7)vais repi(F)cando por (D7)senda per(Gm)dida le(C7)jos del ho(F)gar
Navi(F)dad vais a(C7)legre can(F)tando sin o(Bb)ir una (Abdim)voz cari(F)ñosa
y a mi (Bb)llegan los dulces recuerdos que (D7)diga amo(Gm)rosa lle(C7)gó navi(F)dad.
del hogar ben(C7)dito donde me cri(F)é

(F)(C7) y aquella viejita que tanto ado(F)ré Campa(F)nitas que (C7)vais repi(F)cando
(F)(C7) mi madre del alma que no olvidaré.(F) Navi(F)dad vais a(C7)legre can(F)tando
y a mi (Bb)llegan los dulces recuerdos
del hogar ben(C7)dito donde me cri(F)é
Navi(F)dad que con (C)dulce can(F)tar
te celebran las (D7)almas que saben a(Gm)mar (F) (C7) Navi(F)dad
o que triste es (Abdim)andar en la (Am)vida (F) (C7) Navi(F)dad
por (D7)senda per(Gm)dida le(C7)jos del ho(F)gar
sin o(Bb)ir una (Abdim)voz cari(F)ñosa
que (D7)diga amo(Gm)rosa lle(C7)gó navi(F)dad.

(F) (C7) (F) (C7) (F)

Campa(F)nitas que (C7)vais repi(F)cando

Navi(F)dad vais a(C7)legre can(F)tando
y a mi (Bb)llegan los dulces recuerdos
del hogar ben(C7)dito donde me cri(F)é
♡ Ni una sola palabra – Paulina Rubio
(Am)Como un juguete que choca contra un muro
(Am)Está gritando, ya sé que no se entera salgo a encontrarte y me pierdo
¡eh corazón!, escucha a tu cabeza en cuanto busco
pero ¿a(F)dónde vas? una opor(F)tunidad, un milagro, un hechizo
¿me estás escuchando? volverme guapa y tú guapo conmigo.
¿qué hay de tu orgullo?
¿en que habíamos quedado? (Dm)Frente a los ojos que un día me miraron
pongo mi espalada y algunos cuantos pasos
(Am)La noche empieza y con ella mi camino (E7)y me apunto otra de(Am)rrota
te busco a solas con mi mejor vestido mien(F)tras mi (C)boca dice: "Nunca (E7)más".
pero (F)¿dónde estás?
¿qué es lo que ha pasado? [Estribillo]
¿qué es lo que queda después de tantos años?
No puede (F)ser
(Dm)Miro sus ojos que un día me miraron no soy (C)yo
busco tu boca, tus manos, tus abrazos me pesa (F)tanto el cora(C)zón
(E7)pero tú no sientes (Am)nada por no ser de (Dm)hielo
y (F)te dis(C)frazas de cordiali(E7)dad. cuando el cielo me pide pa(E7)ciencia.

(Am)Ni una sola palabra [Single strum] (Am)Ni una sola palabra
ni gestos ni mi(F)radas apasionadas ni gestos ni mi(F)radas apasionadas
ni rastro de los (C)besos que antes me dabas ni rastro de los (C)besos que antes me dabas
hasta el amane(G)cer. hasta el amane(G)cer.
(Dm)Ni una de las sonrisas [Normal] (Dm)Ni una de las sonrisas
por las que cada (F)noche y todos los días por las que cada (F)noche y todos los días
sollozan estos (Am)ojos sollozan estos (Am)ojos
en (Em)los que ahora te (G)ves. en (Em)los que ahora te (G)ves (Am) Palabras...
Noche de Paz – Villancico

(C)Noche de paz, noche de amor,

(G)Todo (G7)duerme al(C)rededor
(F)entre los astros que es(C)parcen su luz
(F)viene anunciando al ni(C)ñito Jesús
(G)Brilla la estrella de (C)paz
(C)Brilla la es(G7)trella de (C)paz.

(C)Noche de paz, noche de amor,

(G)Todo (G7)duerme al(C)rededor,
(F)Sólo velan en (C)la oscuridad
(F)Los pastores que en (C)el campo están
(G)Y la estrella de Be(C)lén
(C)Y la estre(G7)lla de Be(C)lén.
Noche de Paz (Rearmoniz.) – Villancico

(Fmaj7) = [5 5 0 0]
(G7b9) = [0 5 4 2]
(C9) = [3 2 0 3]

(C)Noche de (Cmaj7)paz, (Am7)noche de a(C7)mor,

(G)Todo (E7)duerme al(Am7)rede(C9)dor
(Fmaj7)entre los (Ab)astros que es(Cmaj7)parcen su
(Fmaj7)viene (B7)anunciando al ni(Em7)ñito
(Dm)Brilla la es(E7)trella de (Am7)paz (D7) [Pausa]
(Dm)Bri(Em)lla (F)la es(G7)trella (G7b9)de (C)paz.

(C)Noche de (Cmaj7)paz, (Am7)noche de a(C7)mor,

(G)Todo (E7)duerme al(Am7)rede(C9)do
(Fmaj7)Sólo (Ab)velan en (Cmaj7)la oscuri(Bb7)dad
(Fmaj7)Los pas(B7)tores que en (Em7)el campo
(Dm)Y la estre(E7)lla de Be(Am7)lén (D7) [Pausa]
(Dm)Y (Em)la es(F)tre(G7)lla de (G7b9)Be(C)lén.
♡ Noches de Bohemia – Navajita Plateá (Am)Que tú no sabes lo que (G)siento
Que (C7)me has hecho una he(F)rida
(C)Noches de bohemia y de ilusión(Em) (B7)en mi senti(E7)miento
Yo no me doy a la razón(F)
Tú cómo (G)te olvidaste (C)de eso (C)Noches de bohemia y de ilusión(Em)
(C)Busco y no encuentro una explicación(Em) Yo no me doy a la razón(F)
Sólo la desilusión(F) Tú cómo (G)te olvidaste (C)de eso
De qué fal(G)sos fueron tus (C)besos (C)Busco y no encuentro una explicación(Em)
Sólo la desilusión(F)
(Am)Ya no se cómo olvi(G)darte De qué fal(G)sos fueron tus (C)besos
(Am)Cómo arrancarte de mis a(G)dentros
Des(C7)de que te mar(F)chaste, (C)Noches de bohemia y de ilusión(Em)
mi (B7)vida es un tor(E7)mento Yo no me doy a la razón(F)
Tú cómo (G)te olvidaste (C)de eso
(Am)Yo ya no quiero recor(G)darte (C)Busco y no encuentro una explicación(Em)
(Am)Ni siquiera ni un mo(G)mento Sólo la desilusión(F)
Pe(C7)ro llevo tu i(F)magen De qué fal(G)sos fueron tus (C)besos
cla(B7)vá en mi pensa(E7)miento

(C)Noches de bohemia y de ilusión(Em)

Yo no me doy a la razón(F)
Tú cómo (G)te olvidaste (C)de eso

(Am)Yo quiero vivir dis(G)tante

(Am)De todo aquello que era (G)nuestro
(C7)Pero el aire me (F)trae
a(B7)romas de re(E7)cuerdo

(Am)No me pidas que me (G)calle

No dudaría – Antonio Flores Para (G)chururu chururu(C)ru

Si pu(C)diera olvidar Si pu(C)diera sembrar

Todo aquello que fui Los campos que arrasé
Si pu(G)diera borrar Si pu(G)diera devolver
Todo lo que yo vi La paz que quité
No duda(F)ría No duda(F)ría
No duda(G)ría en volver a re(C)ír No duda(G)ría en volver a re(C)ír

Si pu(C)diera explicar Si pu(C)diera olvidar

Las vidas que quité Aquel llanto que oí
Si pu(G)diera quemar Si pu(G)diera lograr
Las armas que use Apartarlo de mí
No duda(F)ría No duda(F)ría
No duda(G)ría en volver a re(C)ír No duda(G)ría en volver a re(C)ír

Prometo (F)ver la ale(G)gría → Prometo (F)ver la ale(G)gría…

Escarmen(C)tar de (G)la expe(Am)riencia
Pero (F)nunca, nunca (G)más
Usar la vio(C)lencia
Prometo (F)ver la ale(G)gría
Escarmen(C)tar de (G)la expe(Am)riencia
Pero (F)nunca, nunca (G)más
Usar la vio(C)lencia

Para chururu(F)churu
Para (G)chururu chururu(C)ru
Para chururu(F)churu
No hay tregua – Barricada
(C)Es el (D)juego del (Bm)gato y el ratón
(C)tus mejores (D)años (Bm)clandestinidad
(C)no es muy (D)difícil (Bm)claudicar
(C)esto em(D)pieza a ser (Bm)un labe(Em)rinto
(C)¿Donde (D)está la salida?

(G)Estas asus(D)tado, (G)tu vida va en (C)ello

(G)pero alguien (D)debe tirar de (C)gatillo.

(G)Tu infan(D)til sueño de (C)loco

(G)no es res(D)puesta demen(C)cial
(G)este (D)juego ha termi(C)nado
(G)mucho (D)antes de empe(C)zar.

(G)(C)(G)(C)(G)(C)(G)(C)* Anónimo

(D) (Bm)luchador
(C)nunca ten(D)drán las (Bm)armas la razón
(C)pero cuando se a(D)prende (Bm)a llorar por algo
(C)también se a(D)prende (Bm)a defenderlo.

(G)Estas asus(D)tado, (G)tu vida va en (C)ello

(G)pero alguien (D)debe tirar de (C)gatillo.
(G)Estas asus(D)tado, (G)tu vida va en (C)ello
(G)pero alguien (D)debe tirar de (C)gatillo.
(G)pero alguien (D)debe tirar de (C)ga... (C)(C)(C)(C)
No me crees – Efecto mariposa
(D)No sé soñar si no es (A)contigo,
(D)No sé pensar si no te (A)veo, (Bm)yo sólo quiero volverte a (G)ver
(Bm)no puedo oír si no es tu (G)voz, y decirte al (D)oído todo lo que te he (A)escrito en
en mi sole(D)dad este (D)papel,
yo te escribo y te (A)entrego entiénde(F#)me.
en cada (Bm)beso el cora(G)zón. Ohh
(G)En todas las palabras, mil caricias y miradas,
(D)Se apaga el sol en mi (A)ventana tú me dabas lo que nadie me (D)dio en mi vida.
(Bm)y hace tiempo que ya no sé de (G)ti, Tu (G)recuerdo me consuela, me desvela ,
dime cómo te ha (D)ido, me envenena tanto cada día.
si también estás (A)sola ¿Qué (Em)harías si te (D)pierde este (A)pobre
y si piensas en (D)mí, corazón?
sigo (F#)aquí. Y no me (D)crees cuando te digo que la (A)distancia
es el olvido,
(G)En todas las palabras, mil caricias y miradas, no me (Bm)crees cuando te digo
tú me dabas lo que nadie me (D)dio en mi vida. que en el olvido estoy (A)contigo aunque no (G)estés,
Tu (G)recuerdo me consuela, me desvela , y cada día, cada (E7)hora, cada instante pienso en
me envenena tanto cada día. (A)ti y no lo ves,
¿Qué (Em)harías si te (D)pierde este (A)pobre
corazón? Y no me (D)crees cuando te digo que no habrá
(A)nadie que te quiera como (Bm)yo,
Y no me (D)crees cuando te digo que la (A)distancia cuando te pido que en el olvido no me (A)dejes sin
es el olvido, (G)razón,
no me (Bm)crees cuando te digo entretenerme en el (E7)recuerdo es el remedio que
que en el olvido estoy (A)contigo aunque no (G)estés, me (A)queda de tu amor.
y cada día, cada (E7)hora, cada instante pienso en
(A)ti y no lo ves, [Continúa]
no me (D)crees.

(G)Y si me entrego a ti (D)sincero

y te hablo al cora(Bm)zón
espero que no me de(A)vuelvas un adiós.

Y no me (D)crees cuando te digo que la (A)distancia

es el olvido,
no me (Bm)crees cuando te digo
que en el olvido estoy (A)contigo aunque no (G)estés,
y cada día, cada (E7)hora, cada instante pienso en
(A)ti y no lo ves,

Y no me (D)crees cuando te digo que no habrá

(A)nadie que te quiera como (Bm)yo,
cuando te pido que en el olvido no me (A)dejes sin
entretenerme en el (E7)recuerdo es el remedio que
me (A)queda de tu amor.
no me (D)crees.
♡ No puedo vivir sin ti – Los Ronaldos
[Normal strum]
Llevas (C)años enredada en mis manos, Yo me (C)quedo para siempre con mi reina,
en mi pelo, (E7)en mi cabeza y su bandera. (E7)Ya no hay fronteras
Y no (F)puedo más, no (E7)puedo (G)más. me deja(F)ré llevar, a nin(E7)gún lu(G)gar

Debe(C)ría estar cansado de tus manos, No puedo vi(C)vir sin ti, no hay ma(E7)nera,
de tu pelo, (E7)de tus rarezas. no puedo es(F)tar sin ti, no hay ma(E7)nera (G)
Pero (F)quiero más, yo (E7)quiero (G)más. (C)

No puedo vi(C)vir sin ti, no hay ma(E7)nera,

no puedo es(F)tar sin ti, no hay ma(E7)nera (G)

Me di(C)jiste que te irías, pero llevas en mi casa

(E7)toda la vida.
Sé que (F)no te irás, tú (E7)no te i(G)rás...

Has cam(C)biado tu bandera,

traspasado la frontera, (E7)eres la reina.
Siempre (F)reinarás, siempre (E7)reina(G)rás

No puedo vi(C)vir sin ti, no hay ma(E7)nera,

no puedo es(F)tar sin ti, no hay ma(E7)nera (G)

[Single strum]
Y ahora es(C)toy aquí esperando,
a que vengan a buscarme, (E7)tú no te muevas.
No me en(F)contrarán, no me en(E7)contra(G)rán
Nunca volverá – El sueño de Morfeo [Instrumental]
(F) (C) (Dm) (Bb)
(Dm)La encontraron días después (Am) (F) (C) (Dm) (Bb)
Con las manos blancas de (Bb)pintar
(Dm)Su nombre en la pared (Am) Que nunca volve(F)rá
Y el tuyo junto a (Bb)él borrado de pensar Que nunca ha estado (C)allí
Que todas las pro(Dm)mesas que hizo
Que nunca volve(F)rá no eran de ver(Bb)dad
Que nunca ha estado (C)allí Que nunca volve(F)rá
Que todas las pro(Dm)mesas que hizo Que nunca ha estado (C)allí
no eran de ver(Bb)dad Que todas las pro(Dm)mesas que hizo
Que nunca volve(F)rá no eran de ver(Bb)dad
Que nunca ha estado (C)allí
Que todas las pro(Dm)mesas que hizo Que nunca volve(F)rá
no eran de ver(Bb)dad Que nunca ha estado (C)allí
Que todas las pro(Dm)mesas que hizo
(Dm)Y al verte quiso gritar (Am) no eran de ver(Bb)dad
Y no pudo más que su(Bb)surrar Que nunca volve(F)rá
(Dm)Palabras sin razón (Am) Que nunca ha estado (C)allí
Rompió su cora(Bb)zón lamentando pensar Que todas las pro(Dm)mesas que hizo
no eran de ver(Bb)dad
Que nunca volve(F)rá
Que nunca ha estado (C)allí (F)
Que todas las pro(Dm)mesas que hizo
no eran de ver(Bb)dad
Que nunca volve(F)rá
Que nunca ha estado (C)allí
Que todas las pro(Dm)mesas que hizo
no eran de ver(Bb)dad
Ojos de gata – Los Secretos Comen(D)tó por ahí
que yo (D7)era un chaval ordi(G)nario (A)
Fue en un (D)pueblo con mar pero (G)cómo explicar
una (D)noche después de un con(A)cierto que me (A)vuelvo vulgar
tú reinabas detrás al ba(G)jarme de (A)cada esce(D)nario.
de la barra del único bar que vimos a(D)bierto.
pero (G)cómo explicar
Cánta(D)me una canción al (D7)oído que me (A)vuelvo vulgar
te sirvo y no (G)pagas (A) al ba(G)jarme de (A)cada esce(D)nario.
sólo (G)canto si tú me de(A)muestras
que es verde la (G)luz de tus (A)ojos de (D)gata.

Loco (D)porque me diera

la llave de su dormi(A)torio
esa noche canté
al piano del amanecer todo mi reper(D)torio.

Con el (D)"Quiero beber"

el al(D7)cohol me acunó entre sus (G)mantas (A)
y so(G)ñé con sus ojos de (A)gata
pero no recor(G)dé que de (A)mí algo espe(D)raba.

Desper(D)té con resaca y busqué

pero allí ya no es(A)taba
me dijeron que se mosqueó
porque me emborraché y la usé como al(D)mohada.
Olentzero – Villancico e(G)serita da(A)go.
(A)Kapoiak ere baitu
(D)Olentzero joan zaigu a(D)rrautzatxoekin
(A)mendira lanera bi(G)har merienda(D)tzeko
(D)intentzioarekin bo(A)tila ardoe(D)kin.
(A)ikatz egite(D)ra.
(D)Olentzero buru handia
(A)Aditu duenean entedimentuz jan(A)tzia,
(E7)Jesus jaio de(A)la bart arratsean
(D)lasterka etorrida edan omen du
(A)berri emate(D)ra. hamar arruko zaha(D)gia.
Ai urde tripa handia!
(D)Horra, horra Larala(A)lala larala(D)lala
gure Olentzero. Ai urde tripa handia!
Pipa hortzetan duela Larala(A)lala larala(D)lala
e(G)serita da(A)go.
(A)Kapoiak ere baitu (D)Horra, horra
a(D)rrautzatxoekin gure Olentzero.
bi(G)har merienda(D)tzeko Pipa hortzetan duela
bo(A)tila ardoe(D)kin. e(G)serita da(A)go.
(A)Kapoiak ere baitu
(A)Aditu duenean a(D)rrautzatxoekin
(E7)Jesus jaio de(A)la bi(G)har merienda(D)tzeko
(D)lasterka etorrida bo(A)tila ardoe(D)kin.
(A)berri emate(D)ra.

(D)Horra, horra
gure Olentzero.
Pipa hortzetan duela
Oye cómo va – Tito Puente (D)
(Am) (Am) (Am)(Am) (D) (D)(D)

(Am) (Am)(Am) (Am)(Am)(Am) (Am)(Am)(Am) (D)

(Am) (Am) (Am)(Am) (D) (D)(D)

(Am)Oye como va (D)mi ritmo

(Am)Bueno pa' gozar, (D)mulata
(Am)Oye como va (D)mi ritmo
(Am)Bueno pa' gozar (D)mulata

(Am) (Am)(Am) (Am)(Am)(Am) (Am)(Am)(Am) (D)



(Am) (Am)(Am) (Am)(Am)(Am) (Am)(Am)(Am) (D)


(Am)Oye como va (D)mi ritmo

(Am)Bueno pa' gozar, (D)mulata
(Am)Oye como va (D)mi ritmo
(Am)Bueno pa' gozar (D)mulata


(Am) (Am)(Am) (Am)(Am)(Am) (Am)(Am)(Am) (D)

Pájaros de Barro – Manolo García
(Em) Por si el tiempo me arras(D)tra (Em) Ya no subo la cues(D)ta
a playas desier(Am7)tas, que me lleva a tu ca(Am7)sa,
(Em) hoy cierro yo el li(D)bro (Em) Ya no duerme mi pe(D)rro
de las horas muer(Am7)tas. junto a tu can(Am7)dela.

(G) Hago pá(D)jaros de ba(Am7)rro, (G) En los vér(D)tices del tiem(Am7)po

(G) hago pá(D)jaros de ba(Am7)rro y los hecho a anidan los senti(G)mientos.
vo(Em)lar. Hoy son pá(D)jaros de ba(Am7)rro que quieren
(Em) Por si el tiempo me arras(D)tra
a playas desier(Am7)tas (G) En los va(Bm7)lles me pierdo,
(Em) hoy rechazo la baje(D)za en las ca(C)rreteras duer(G)mo.
del abandono y la pe(Am7)na. (Em) Ahora sopla el vien(Bm7)to,
cuando el (C)mar quedó le(G)jos ha(D)ce
(G) Ni una pá(D)gina en blan(Am7)co más. tiem(Em)po.
(G) Siento el aso(D)mbro de un transe(Am7)únte
solita(Em)rio. Cuando no tengo (Am7)barca,
remos, ni guita(Em)rra.
(G) En los ma(Bm7)pas me pierdo, Cuando ya no can(D)ta
por sus ho(C)jas nave(G)go. el ruise(Am7)ñor de la ma(Em)ñana.
(Em) Ahora sopla el vien(Bm7)to,
cuando el (C)mar quedó le(G)jos ha(D)ce (G) Ahora so(Bm7)pla el viento,
tiem(Em)po. cuando el mar(C) quedó le(G)jos hace tiem(Em)po.
(G) En los valles me pier(Bm7)do,
(C) en las ca(G)rrete(D)ras duer(Em)mo.
Peces de ciudad – Ana Belén
Se lla(F)maba Alain Delon
El via(Dm)jero que quiso ense(Bb)ñarme a besar Desa(C)fiando el oleaje
En la (F)Gare d'Austerlitz. Sin ti(Bb)món ni timonel,
Prima(Dm)vera de un amor, Por mis (Am)sueños va ligero de equi(Gm)paje
Ama(Bb)rillo y fugaz como el (Gm)sol Sobre un cascarón de (F)nuez
Del veranillo de (C)San Martín. Mi corazón de (C)viaje,
Luciendo los ta(Dm)tuajes
Hay quien (Bb)dice que fui yo De un pasado buca(Bb)nero
La pri(Am)mera en olvidar, De un velero al abor(F)daje de
Cuando en (Gm)un si bemol de Jacques (Bb)Brel (Eb)de un no (Bb)te quiero que(F)rer.
Me perdí "dans le (C)port d'Amsterdam."
y cómo (C)huir
En la (F)fatua Nueva York Cuando no quedan islas (Bb)para naufragar
Da más (Dm)sombra que los limo(Bb)neros Al pa(Am)ís donde los sabios
La estatua de (F)la Libertad. Se re(Gm)tiran del agravio
Pero en (Dm)Desolation Row, De bus(F)car labios
Las si(Bb)renas de los petro(Gm)leros, Que sacan de (C)quicio.
No dejan re(C)ír ni volar. Mentiras que ganan (Dm)juicios tan sumarios
Que envi(Bb)lecen el cristal de los a(F)cuarios
y en el (Bb)coro de Babel, De los (Eb)peces de ciu(F)dad,
Desa(Am)fina un español. (Eb)Que perdieron las a(F)gallas
No hay más (Eb)ley que la ley del te(Bb)soro
En las minas del (F)rey Salomón. (Cm)En un banco de mo(Bb)rralla.
Que nadan por no (F)llorar.

El Do(F)rado era un champú, Mentiras que ganan (Dm)juicios tan sumarios
La vir(Dm)tud unos brazos en (Bb)cruz, Que envi(Bb)lecen el cristal de los a(F)cuarios
El pecado una (F)página web. De los (Eb)peces de ciu(F)dad,
En Ma(Dm)condo comprendí (Eb)Que perdieron las a(F)gallas
Que al lu(Bb)gar donde has sido fe(Gm)liz
No debieras tra(C)tar de volver. (Cm)En un banco de mo(Bb)rralla.
En una playa sin (F)mar
Cuando en (Bb)vuelo regular,
Surqué el (Am)cielo de Madrid,
Me espe(Eb)raban dos pies en el (Bb)suelo
Que no se acor(F)daban de mí.

Desa(C)fiando el oleaje
Sin ti(Bb)món ni timonel,
Por mis (Am)sueños va ligero de equi(Gm)paje
Sobre un cascarón de (F)nuez
Mi corazón de (C)viaje,
Luciendo los ta(Dm)tuajes
De un pasado buca(Bb)nero
De un velero al abor(F)daje de
(Eb)de un no (Bb)te quiero que(F)rer.

y cómo (C)huir
Cuando no quedan islas (Bb)para naufragar
Al pa(Am)ís donde los sabios
Se re(Gm)tiran del agravio
De bus(F)car labios
Que sacan de (C)quicio.
☠ Pedro Navaja – Rubén Blades Un carro (C#)pasa muy despa(Bb)cito
por la ave(D#m)nida (Ab)
(C)Por la esquina del viejo (A7)barrio no tiene (D#m)marcas pero tos (Ab)saben
lo vi pa(Dm)sar(G) que es poli(C#)cía.
con el (Dm)tumbao que tienen los (G)guapos Pedro Na(C#)vaja las manos (Bb)siempre
al cami(C)nar; dentro'el ga(D#m)bán (Ab)
las manos (C)siempre en los bol(A7)sillos mira y son(D#m)ríe y el diente (Ab)de oro
de su ga(Dm)bán (G) vuelve a bri(C#)llar.
pa que no (Dm)sepan
en cual de (G)ellas lleva el (C)puñal. Mientras (C#)camina pasa la (Bb)vista
de esquina a es(D#m)quina (Ab)
(C)Usa un sombrero de ala (A7)ancha no se ve un (D#m)alma está de(Ab)sierta
de medio (Dm)lao (G) toa la ave(C#)nida;
y zapa(Dm)tillas cuando de (C#)pronto esa mu(Bb)jer
por si hay pro(G)blemas salir vo(C)lao, sale del za(D#m)guán (Ab)
lentes os(C)curos pa que no (A7)sepan y Pedro Na(D#m)vaja aprieta un (Ab)puño
que esta mi(Dm)rando (G) dentro el ga(C#)bán. (A)
y un diente (Dm)de oro que cuando (G)ríe
se ve bri(C)llando. Mira pa un (D)lado, mira pal (B7)otro
y no ve a (Em)nadie (A)
Como a tres (C)cuadras y a la ca(Em)rrera pero sin (A)ruido cruza la (D)calle.
de esa es(A7)quina una mu(Dm)jer (G) Y mientas (D)tanto en la otra a(B7)cera
va reco(Dm)rriendo la acera en(G)tera va esa mu(Em)jer (A)
por quinta (C)vez, refunfu(Em)ñando pues no hizo (A)pesos
y en un (C)zaguán entra y se da un (A7)trago con que co(D)mer.
para olvi(Dm)dar (G)
que el día está (Dm)flojo y no hay (G)clientes [Continua...]
pa traba(C)jar. (Ab)
[...Continuación] nadie sa(F#m)lió, (B)
no hubo (F#m)curiosos, no hubo pre(B)guntas,
Mientras (D)camina, del viejo (B7)abrigo nadie (E)lloró.
saca un re(Em)volver esa mujer, (A) Sólo un (E)borracho con los dos (C#)muertos
iba a guar(Em)darlo en su car(A)tera se trope(F#m)zó, (B)
pa que no es(D)torbe; cogió el (F#m)revolver, el puñal, los (B)pesos
un (D)38 Smith and (B7)Weston del espe(Em)cial(A) y se mar(E)chó.
que carga en(Em)cima
pa que la (A)libre de todo (D)mal. (Bb) Y trope(A)zando, se fue can(Am)tando desafi(E)nao
el (C#)coro que aquí les (F#m)traje y da el
Y Pedro Na(Eb)vaja puñal en (C)mano men(B)saje de mi can(E)ción:
le fue pa en(Fm)cima, (Bb)
el diente (Fm)de oro iba alum(Bb)brando La (C#)vida te da sor(F#m)presas,
toa la ave(Eb)nida -¡La hizo fácil!- sor(B)presas te da la (E)vida ¡ay Dios!
mientras (Eb)reía, el puñal le hun(C)día La (C#)vida te da sor(F#m)presas,
sin compa(Fm)sión, (Bb) sor(B)presas te da la (E)vida ¡ay Dios!
cuando de (Fm)pronto sonó un dis(Bb)paro
como un ca(Eb)ñón. (B7) Pedro Na(C#)vaja matón de es(F#m)quina
quien a hierro (B)mata a (E)hierro termina
Y Pedro Na(E)vaja cayó en la a(C#)cera
mientras ve(F#m)ía a esa mujer(B) La (C#)vida te da sor(F#m)presas,
de revolver en (F#m)mano y de muerte he(B)rida sor(B)presas te da la (E)vida ¡ay Dios!
a él le de(E)cía,
yo que pen(E)saba hoy no es mi (C#)día Maleante pesca(C#)dor
estoy sa(F#m)lá (B) pal an(F#m)zuelo que tiraste,
pero Pedro Na(F#m)vaja tú estás pe(B)or en (B)vez de una sardina un tibu(E)rón
no estás en (E)ná. enganchaste.

Y créanme (E)gente que aunque hubo (C#)ruido

♡ Pero a tu lado – Los Secretos (C)Ayúda(D)me y te habré (G)ayudado,
que hoy he (Em)soñado en otra (C)vida,
(G)He muerto y (D)he resuci(Em)tado. en otro (Am)mundooooo, (D)pero a tu (G)lado. (G7)
(C)Con mis (D)cenizas un (G)árbol he plantado,
su fruto ha (Em)dado y desde (C)hoy (D)algo ha (C)Ayúda(D)me y te habré (G)ayudado,
(G)empezado. que hoy he (Em)soñado en otra (C)vida,
en otro (Am)mundooooo, (D)pero a tu (G)lado.
(G)He roto (D)todos mis (Em)poemas, (D) (Em) (D) (C) (D) (G)
(C)los de (D)tristezas y de (G)penas,
y lo he (Em)pensado y hoy sin (C)dudar (D)vuelvo a
tu (G)lado.

(C)Ayúda(D)me y te habré (G)ayudado,

que hoy he (Em)soñado en otra (C)vida,
en otro (Am)mundooooo, (D)pero a tu (G)lado.
(D) (Em) (D) (C) (D) (G)

(G)Ya no (D)persigo sueños (Em)rotos,

(C)los he (D)cosido con el (G)hilo de tus ojos,
y te he (Em)cantado al son de (C)acordes (D)aún no
♡ Pienso en aquella tarde – Pereza (G)Todo se a(C)caba dijiste mi(Em)rándome
que ya no es(D)tábamos juntoo(C)os.(D)
(G)Yo que soy un ani(C)mal, que no
entiendo de (Em)nada, que todo me Yo (G)pienso en aquella (C)tarde
(D)saaa(C)leee (G)mal. Te tuve 100 (C)días, dentro cuando (Em)me arrepentí de (D)todo.
de mi (Em)cama, no te supe (D)apro(C)ve(G)char. Da(G)ría, todo lo da(C)ría por estar
con(Em)tigo y no sentirme (D)sólo.
Ando per(C)dido pensando que es(Em)tás
sola y pude haber (D)sido tu abrigo Yo (G)pienso en aquella (C)tarde
(G)cuelgo de un (C)hilo, rebaño las (Em)sobras cuando (Em)me arrepentí de (D)todo.
que aún quedan (D)de tu cariño. Da(G)ría, todo lo da(C)ría por estar
con(Em)tigo y no sentirme (D)sólo. (G)
(Bm)Yo que me quiero ali(Em)viar escribiéndote
un (C)tema diciéndote (G)la (D)ver(Em)dad
cumplo con(Bm)dena por ese mal
(C)día haberte (D)dejaaao marchar.

Yo (G)pienso en aquella (C)tarde

cuando (Em)me arrepentí de (D)todo.
Da(G)ría, todo lo da(C)ría por estar
con(Em)tigo y no sentirme (D)sólo.

(G)A ti que te supo tan (C)mal que yo

me encari(Em)ñara con esa fa(D)ci(C)li(G)dad
y me emborra(C)chara los días
que (Em)tú no tenías que (D)tra(C)ba(G)jar.

Era un do(C)mingo llegaba des(Em)pués

de tres días co(D)miéndome el mundo.
Pongamos que hablo de Madrid – (D)El sol es una es(Dsus4)tufa de bu(D)tano,
(Dsus4)(D)la vida un metro a (Dsus4)punto de
Joaquín Sabina
(G)hay una jerin(F#m)guilla en el la(Em)vabo,
(D)Allá donde se (Dsus4)cruzan los ca(D)minos,
pongamos (A)que hablo de (G)Madrid.
(Dsus4)(D)donde el mar
no (Dsus4)se puede conce(Em)bir,
(D)Cuando la muerte (Dsus4)venga a visi(D)tarme,
(G)donde regresa (F#m)siempre el fugi(Em)tivo,
(Dsus4)(D)que me lleven
pongamos (A)que hablo de (G)Madrid.
(Dsus4)al sur donde na(Em)cí,
(G)aquí no queda (F#m)sitio para (Em)nadie,
(D)Donde el deseo (Dsus4)viaja en ascen(D)sores,
pongamos (A)que hablo de (G)Madrid.
(Dsus4)(D)un agujero (Dsus4)queda para (Em)mí,
de (D)Madrid (G)
(G)que me dejo la (F#m)vida en sus rin(Em)cones,
de (D)Madrid (G)
pongamos (A)que hablo de (G)Madrid.
de (D)Madrid
(D)Las niñas ya no (Dsus4)quieren ser prin(D)cesas,
(Dsus4)(D)y a los niños
(Dsus4)les da por perse(Em)guir
(G)el mar dentro de un (F#m)vaso de gi(Em)nebra,
pongamos (A)que hablo de (G)Madrid.

(D)Los pájaros vi(Dsus4)sitan al psi(D)quiatra,

(Dsus4)(D)las estrellas
(Dsus4)se olvidan de sa(Em)lir,
(G)la muerte pasa en
(F#m)ambulancias (Em)blancas,
pongamos (A)que hablo de (G)Madrid.
Por el Boulevard de los Sueños Rotos – Rezan tus (Dm)fieles por las can(C)tinas,
Paloma negra de los ex(F)cesos. (F7)
Joaquín Sabina
(Bb)Por el bulevar de los sueños (F)rotos
(F)En el boule(C)var de los sueños (Bb)rotos
Moja una (A7)lágrima antiguas (Bb)fotos
Vive una dama de (C)poncho (F)rojo,
Y una can(G)ción se burla del (C)miedo.
Pelo de (C)plata y carne mo(Bb)rena.
Las amar(Bb)guras no son a(F)margas
Mestiza ardiente de (C)lengua (F)libre,
Cuando las (Dm)canta Chavela (C)Vargas
Gata va(Dm)liente de piel de (C)tigre
Y las escribe un tal José Al(F)fredo.
Con voz de (Bb)rayo de luna (F)llena.
(F)Por el boule(C)var de los sueños (Bb)rotos
Pasan de largo los (C)terre(F)motos
Y hay un (C)tequila por cada (Bb)duda.
(F)---- (C)---- (Bb)----
Cuando agustín se (C)sienta al (F)piano
(Bb)-- (C)-- (F)----
Diego Ri(Dm)vera, lápiz en (C)mano,
(C)---- (Bb)---- (Bb)----
Dibuja a Frida Kahlo des(F)nuda.
Las amar(Bb)guras no son a(F)margas
Cuando las (Dm)canta Chavela (C)Vargas
(Cm)Se escapó de (Bb)cárcel de amor, Y las escribe un tal José Al(F)fredo.
De un (F)delirio de alcohol,
De mil (C)noches en vela. [Estribillo]
(Bb)Se dejó el cora(F)zón en Madrid
¡quien su(C)piera reír Por el boule(C)var de los sueños (F)rotos...
Como llora Cha(F)vela!

(F)Por el bule(C)var de los sueños (Bb)rotos

Desconsolados van (C)los de(F)votos
De San An(C)tonio pidiendo (Bb)besos
Ponme la mano a(C)quí maco(F)rina
♡ Por la boca vive el pez - Fito & te lo (E)estoy diciendo otra (Am)vez. (silencio)
Dime porque pre(F)guntas
(G)cuanto te he echao de (Am)menos,
Algo lo que me in(F)vade,
si en cada can(F)ción que escribo cora(G)zón
(G)todo viene de (Am)dentro
eres tú el a(Am)cento.
Nunca lo que me (F)sacie,
No quiero estrella erran(F)te,
siempre (G)quiero, lobo ham(Am)briento. (silencio)
(G)no quiero ver la au(Am)rora
quiero mirar tus (F)ojos del co(G)lor de la
Todo me queda gran(F)de
(G)para no estar con(Am)tigo.
Sabes, quisiera dar(F)te
siempre un poco (G)más de lo que te pi(Am)do.
No estas con(Dm)migo siempre que te canto,
Sabes que soñaré(G),
yo hago can(Am)ciones para estar contigo,
si no estás(F) que me despierto con(Am)tigo.
porque es(E)cribo igual que sangro,
Sabes que quiero más(G),
porque (Am)sangro todo lo que escribo.
no se vi(F)vir solo con 5 sen(Am)tidos.
Este (F)mar cada (G)vez guarda mas barcos
Me he dado (Dm)cuenta cada vez que canto
que si no (Am)canto no se lo que digo.
(Am) (F) (G) (Am)
La pena es(E)tá bailando con el llanto
y cuando (Am)quiera bailará conmigo.
Tu eres aire(F), yo papel,
donde vayas(Am) yo me iré,
La vida a(Dm)penas solo dura un rato
si me quedo a os(F)curas
y es lo que (Am)tengo para estar contigo
luz de la lo(E)cura ven y alumbra(Am)me.
para de(E)cirte lo que nunca canto,
Alguien dijo al(F)guna vez
para can(Am)tarte lo que nunca digo.
por la boca (Am)vive el pez
y yo lo (F)estoy diciendo,
(Am) (F) (G) (Am) x2
Porque te vas – Jeanette Me olvida(Bb)rás, me olvida(D)rás
(Eb)Junto a la estación yo lloraré
(Gm)Hoy en mi ventana brilla el (Cm)sol igual que un (Gm)niño
Y un cora(Gm)zón se pone (Cm)triste Porque te (Bb)vas, (D)porque te (Gm)vas,
Contemplando la ciu(Gm)dad (D)porque te (Gm)vas, (D)porque te (Gm)vas
(D)Porque te (Gm)vas
(Eb)Todas las promesas de mi amor
(Gm)Como en cada noche desper(Cm)té se irán con(Gm)tigo
Pensando en (Gm)ti Me olvida(Bb)rás, me olvida(D)rás
Y en mi re(Cm)loj todas las horas vi pa(Gm)sar (Eb)Junto a la estación yo lloraré
(D)Porque te (Gm)vas igual que un (Gm)niño
Porque te (Bb)vas, (D)porque te (Gm)vas
(Eb)Todas las promesas de mi amor se Irán (D)porque te (Gm)vas, (D)porque te (Gm)vas
Me olvida(Bb)rás, me olvidarás
(Eb)Junto a la estación yo lloraré
igual que un (Gm)niño
Porque te (Bb)vas, (D)porque te (Gm)vas,
(D)porque te (Gm)vas, (D)porque te (Gm)vas

(Gm)Bajo la penumbra de un fa(Cm)rol

se dormi(Gm)rán todas las (Cm)cosas
que quedaron por de(Gm)cir, (D)se dormi(Gm)rán
(Gm)Junto a las manillas de un re(Cm)loj
espera(Gm)rán todas las (Cm)horas
que quedaron por vi(D)vir, espera(Gm)rán

(Eb)Todas las promesas de mi amor

se irán con(Gm)tigo
Princesa – Joaquín Sabina dado la vida en(Bm)tera
Porque tú me pi(F)dieras
Entre la ci(D)rrosis Llevarte el equi(D)paje.
Y la sobre(C)dosis
Andas siempre, mu(G)ñeca. (G)Ahora es dema(C)siado tarde, prin(D)cesa.
Con tu sucia (D)camisa Búsca(G)te otro perro (C)que te ladre, prin(D)cesa.
Y, en lugar de son(C)risa,
Una especie de (G)mueca. (G)Tú que sembraste en (D)todas
(C)¿cómo no imagi(G)narte, Las islas de la (C)moda
Cómo no recor(Bm)darte Las flores de tu (G)gracia,
Hace apenas dos (Am)años?(G)(C) ¿cómo no ibas a (D)verte
Cuando eras la prin(G)cesa Envuelta en una (C)muerte
De la boca de (Bm)fresa, Con asalto a far(G)macia?
Cuando tenías aún (F)esa forma (C)¿con qué ley conde(G)narte
De hacerme (D)daño. Si somos juez y (Bm)parte
Todos de tus an(Am)danzas? (G)(C)
(G)Ahora es dema(C)siado tarde, prin(D)cesa. Sigue con tus mo(G)vidas,
Búsca(G)te otro perro (C)que te ladre, prin(D)cesa. Pero no (Bm)pidas
Que me pase la (F)vida
(G)Maldito sea el gu(D)rú Pagándote fi(D)anzas.
Que levantó entre (C)tú
Y yo un silencio os(G)curo, (G)Ahora es dema(C)siado tarde, prin(D)cesa.
Del que ya sólo (D)sales Búsca(G)te otro perro (C)que te ladre, prin(D)cesa.
Para decirme, (C)vale, (G)Ahora es dema(C)siado tarde, prin(D)cesa.
Déjame veinte (G)duros. Búsca(G)te otro perro (C)que te ladre, prin(D)cesa.
(C)Ya no te tengo (G)miedo (G)
Nena, pero no (Bm)puedo
Seguirte en tu vi(Am)aje.(G)(C)
Cúantas veces hu(G)biera
♡ Princesas – Pereza me tomo algo, sonrío y me lo vuelvo a tomar,(D)
escucho (Em)música (C)y me pongo a bailar.(G)
Sigo (G)buscando una sonrisa de repente en un bar,
una calada de algo que me pueda colocar, (D) (G)Sigo flipando cuando veo mi cara en el As,
una (Em)película que consiga hacer(C)me llorar, últimamente las cosas cambian cada vez (D)más,
ahá... (G) a veces (Em)pienso
que (C)algo malo viene de(G)trás.
(G)Cambiar un “no me creo nada”
por “te quiero, chaval”, Me siento como una (C)colilla
cualquier excusa, una chorrada, en(D)tre unos (Em)labios al fumar,
es buena para brindar (D) Me (C)cuelgo de cualquiera (D)
soltar en (Em)una carcajada que le (Em)guste trasnochar,
todo el (C)aire y después respi(G)rar. qué inopor(D)tuno fue decirte
“me tengo que largar”,
Sentirme como una (C)colilla pero qué (C)bien estoy ahora, [silencio]
en(D)tre unos (Em)labios al fumar, no quiero volver a hablar
col(C)garme de cualquiera (D)
que le (Em)guste trasnochar, [Estribillo]
qué inopor(D)tuno fue decirte “me tengo que largar”,
pero qué (C)bien estoy ahora, [silencio] Sigo (G)buscando una sonrisa
no quiero volver a hablar de repente en un bar,
una calada de algo
(G) de prin(C)cesas (D)que bus(G)can que me pueda colocar, (D)
tipos (Am)que co(C)leccio(G)nar una (Em)película
a los (C)pies (D)de su (Em)cama, que consiga hacer(C)me llorar
eres (F)algo (C)que he olvi(F)dado (C)ya (G)
[Estribillo] x2
(G)Ando silbando me paro con la gente a charlar,
Puede ser – El canto del loco (C)naces y (G)vives solo
(Am)naces y (G)vives solo
(C)No sé si (G)quedan a(Am)migos (F)naces y vives solo (G)hoy
y si (G)existe el (F)amor,
si puedo contar con(G)tigo (Dm)Algo puede mejo(E7)rar,
para hablar de do(C)lor, algo que pueda encon(Am/C)trar
si existe (G)alguien que es(Am)cuche algo que me de ese a(C+)liento
cuando (G)alzo la (F)voz que me ayude a imagi(C)nar
y no sentirme (G)sola. y yo lo quiero (D)lograr,
ya no quiero recor(F)dar,
Puede (C)ser que la (G)vida y darle tiempo a este mo(E7)mento
me (Am)guíe hasta el sol(G) que me ayude a supe(F)rar
puede ser (F)que el (E7)mal do(F)mine tus (G)horas que me de tu senti(G)miento.
o que (C)toda tu (G)risa le (Am)gane
ese (G)pulso al do(F)lor, Puede (C)ser que la (G)vida
puede (E7)ser que el (F)ma(C)lo (G)sea (C)hoy. me (Am)guíe hasta el sol(G)
puede ser (F)que el (E7)mal do(F)mine tus (G)horas
(C)naces y (G)vives solo o que (C)toda tu (G)risa le (Am)gane
(Am)naces y (G)vives solo ese (G)pulso al do(F)lor,
(F)naces y vives solo (G)hoy puede (E7)ser que el (F)malo sea (G)hoy.
Puede (C)ser que la (G)vida
(C)Voy ha(G)ciendo mis (Am)planes me (Am)guíe hasta el sol(G)
voy sa(G)biendo quien soy (F), puede ser (F)que el (E7)mal do(F)mine tus (G)horas
voy buscando mi (G)parte o que (C)toda tu (G)risa le (Am)gane
voy logrando el con(C)trol, ese (G)pulso al do(F)lor,
van ju(G)gando con(Am)tigo puede (E7)ser que el (F)ma(C)lo (G)sea (C)hoy.
van rom(G)piendo tu amor,(F)
van dejándote (G)solo
Que te den – Amparanoia que te den, que te den por (F)ahí
que (C)no me supiste dar
(F)El día que me dijiste ni un (Bb)poquito lo que te di a (F)ti
adiós muy buenas, me voy de (C)aquí,
dejaste mi alma en pena, (Bb)Adiós mi corazón
por los rincones que te den, que te den por (F)ahí
llorándote a (F)ti que (C)no me supiste dar
ni un (Bb)poquito lo que te di a (F)ti
Ahora que ha pasado que te den! que te den! que te den!
más de un año y ya te he olvi(C)dado,
me deseo buena suerte, no volver a verte
y que me vaya (F)bien

(Bb)Adiós mi corazón
que te den, que te den por (F)ahí
que (C)no me supiste dar
ni un (Bb)poquito lo que te di a (F)ti
[Silencio] que te den...

Y (F)si pasas por mi puerta

veras 7 u 8, ay, (C)esperándome
para bailar, ir a la discoteca, tomar cerveza
o tomar el (F)té
Y yo sonrío coqueta; hoy tengo
jaqueca, no voy a sa(C)lir.
Mañana volvemos preciosa
con cuatro rosas todas para (F)ti.

(Bb)Adiós mi corazón
♡ Qué te pasa – Manolo Tena Todos se piensan que estoy (C)triste
desde que tú te (Am)fuiste de (Em)casa
Tengo una moto estrope(G)ada (C)y me preguntan "qué te (D)pasa?"
(C)y tengo un coche que no (G)anda, (C)y yo no sé qué contes(G)tar,
(C)tengo un pez que no (D)sabe nadar (F)y yo no sé qué contes(D)tar. [silencio]
(C)y tengo un perro que no (G)sabe ladrar. [silencio]
Tengo una casa sin ven(G)tanas
Tengo una radio estrope(G)ada (C)y una tristeza enamo(G)rada,
(C)y tengo un loro que no (G)habla, (C)tengo un disfraz pero (D)no es carnaval
(C)tengo un mono que no (D)sabe imitar (C)y esta locura que no (G)puedo parar.
(C)y una mosca que no (G)me deja en paz. (Am)Todos me dicen "qué te (D)pasa?"
(Am)Todos me dicen "qué te (D)pasa?" (C)y yo no sé qué contes(G)tar.
(C)y yo no sé qué contes(G)tar.
Todos se piensan que estoy (C)triste
Todos se piensan que estoy (C)triste porque hoy tampoco vol(Am)viste a (Em)casa
desde que tú te (Am)fuiste de (Em)casa (C)y me preguntan qué me (D)falta
(C)y me preguntan "qué te (D)pasa?" (C)y yo no sé qué contes(G)tar
(C)y yo no sé qué contes(G)tar, (F)y yo no sé qué contes(D)tar. (G)
(F)y yo no sé qué contes(D)tar. [silencio]

Tengo el blues de la ma(G)ñana

(C)y tres relojes que se a(G)trasan,
(C)tengo un amigo que no (D)sabe soñar
(C)y una guitarra que no (G)puedo afinar.
(Am)Todos me dicen "qué te (D)pasa?"
(C)y yo no sé que contes(G)tar.
Que te quería - La Quinta Estación que me (G)llevan a encontrarte.

La llama (C)se apagó, Que hoy te (F)veo

(G)(Am)No (F)sé, Y aunque lo in(G)tente no se me ol(Am)vida
Matamos (C)la ilusión, Que eras (F)tú
(G)(Am)Tal (F)vez, el que no cre(G)ía en las despe(Am)didas
Y dónde (Am)quedo yo Que sigo (F)siendo la misma (G)loca
En este (Dm)mundo sin color que entre tus (C)sábanas (G)se per(Am)día,
Sin (F)historias que contarte Y a fin de (Dm)cuentas no soy dis(G)tinta
Sin sa(G)ber cómo explicarte. de aquella i(F)diota (G) [silencio]
que te que(Dm)ría.
Que hoy te (F)veo
Y aunque lo in(G)tente no se me ol(Am)vida Que todavía espera (G)verte sonreir
Que eras (F)tú (Dm)Que todavía espera (F)verse junto a (G)ti.
el que no cre(G)ía en las despe(Am)didas
Que sigo (F)siendo la misma (G)loca Que hoy te (F)veo
que entre tus (C)sábanas (G)se per(Am)día, Y aunque lo in(G)tente no se me ol(Am)vida
Y a fin de (Dm)cuentas no soy dis(G)tinta Que eras (F)tú
de aquella i(F)diota (G) [silencio] el que no cre(G)ía en las despe(Am)didas
que te que(C)ría. Que sigo (F)siendo la misma (G)loca
que entre tus (C)sábanas (G)se per(Am)día,
No importa (C)como fue Y a fin de (Dm)cuentas no soy dis(G)tinta
(G)(Am)Ni (F)quién de aquella i(F)diota (G) [silencio]
Quería(C)mos beber que te que(C)ría.
(G)(Am)Sin (F)sed
Y donde (Am)quedo yo
En este (Dm)mundo sin tu voz,
Igno(F)rando las señales
Qué triste es el primer adiós – La Onda (D)Ya no re(Bm)cuerdas qué bo(Em)nito (A)fue
(F#)pero si es lindo el pri(Bm)mer amor
qué (E7)triste es el pri(A)mer a(D)diós.
(D)Dan dubi(Bm)du dan (Em)dan (A)subi dubi
Versión de “Breakin' Up Is Hard To Do” de Neil
(D)Dan dubi(Bm)du dan (Em)dan (A)subi dubi
(D)Dan dubi(Bm)du dan (Em)dan (A)subi dubi
(D)Dan dubi(Bm)du dan (Em)dan (A)subi dubi
(D)Dan dubi(Bm)du dan (Em)dan (A)subi dubi
(D)Dan dubi(Bm)du dan (Em)dan (A)subi dubi
(D)Dan dubi(Bm)du dan (Em)dan (A)subi dubi
(D)Dan dubi(Bm)du dan (Em)
(D)Dan dubi(Bm)du dan (Em)
(A)triste es el pri(D)mer (G)aaa(D)diós
(A)triste es el pri(D)mer (G)aaa(D)diós
Qué va a pa(D)sar (Bm)no (Em)sé qué ha(A)cer
Decían (D)que (Bm)lle(Em)gue a la e(A)dad
(D)Ya no re(Bm)cuerdas qué bo(Em)nito (A)fue
(D)en la que (Bm)pronto me iba a e(Em)namo(A)rar
(F#)pero si es lindo el pri(Bm)mer amor
(F#)pero si es lindo el pri(Bm)mer amor
qué (E7)triste es el pri(A)mer a(D)diós.
que (E7)triste es el pri(A)mer a(D)diós.
Por qué no nos po(Dm)ne(G)mos (Dm)a plati(G)car
No sé por (D)qué (Bm)se (Em)termi(A)nó
(C)y tal (C7maj)vez se (C7)pueda arreglar
(D)era ge(Bm)nial era de (Em)lo me(A)jor
(Cm)fue (F)solo un (Cm)pleito de (F)más
(F#)qué pudo ser lo (Bm)que pasó
(Bb)en vez de terminar
qué (E7)triste es el pri(A)mer a(D)diós.
quisiera (A)que volviera a comenzar.
Ahora dicen (Dm)que (G)pronto (Dm)olvida(D)ré
No sé por (D)qué (Bm)se (Em)termi(A)nó
(C)nuestros pa(C7maj)seos al (C7)atardecer
(D)era ge(Bm)nial era de (Em)lo me(A)jor
(Cm)me (F)diste a(Cm)quel primer (F)beso
(F#)pero si es lindo el pri(Bm)mer amor
y (Bb)luego me dijiste
qué (E7)triste es el pri(A)mer a(D)diós (Bm)
sé mi (A)novia yo te quiero.
qué (Em)triste es el pri(A)mer a(D)diós (Bm)
qué (Em)triste es el pri(A)mer a(D)diós (Bm)
Qué va a pa(D)sar (Bm)no (Em)sé qué ha(A)cer
qué (Em)triste es el pri(A)mer a(D)diós (G)(D)
Quiero beber hasta perder el control – (C)Y mientras en la (D)calle está llo(Em)viendo,
(G)Una tormenta hay en mi cora(D)zón.
Los Secretos
(C)Dame otro vaso, (D)aún estoy se(G)reno,
(G)Quiero beber has(D)ta perder el con(G)trol.
(G)Nunca he sentido igual una de(D)rrota
(G)Quiero beber has(D)ta perder el con(C)trol.
Que cuando ella me dijo: se aca(G)bó.
(G)Nunca creí tener mi vida (D)rota,
(C)Ahora estoy sólo y a(D)rrastro mi do(G)lor.

(C)Y mientras en la (D)calle está llo(G)viendo,

(G)Una tormenta hay en mi cora(D)zón.
(C)Dame otro vaso, (D)aún estoy se(G)reno,
(G)Quiero beber has(D)ta perder el con(G)trol.

(G)Cuántas noches soñé que regre(D)sabas

Y en mis brazos llorabas por tu e(G)rror,
(G)Luego un ruido del bar me desper(D)taba
(C)Y el que lloraba en(D)tonces era (G)yo.

(C)Y mientras ella es(D)tá con otro (G)tipo

(G)Mis lágrimas se mezclan con al(D)cohol,
(C)Ella se fue por(D)qué no me lo (G)dijo,
(G)Y siento que mi (D)vida fraca(G)só.
♡ Quiero ser como tú – El libro de la (Am) A mi no me engañas Mougli
un trato hicimos yo y (E7) tú
y dame luego luego del hombre
el fuego para ser como (Am) tú
[Intro] (Am)
(Am) Y dame el secreto cachorro
dime como debo ha(E7)cer
(Am) Yo soy el rey del jazz a gogó
dominar quiero el rojo fuego
el más mono rey del (E7) swing
para tener po(Am)der, (G7) Oh
más alto ya no he de subir
y esto me hace su(Am)frir
(C) dubi du
(Am) Yo quiero ser hombre como tú
quiero ser como (A7) tú - dubi dubi du ba -
y en la ciudad go(E7)zar
quiero an(D7)dar como tú
como hombre yo quiero vivir
(G7) hablar como (C) tú - dubi dubi du ba du -
ser tan mono me va a abu(Am)rrir, (G7) Oh
(G7) a tu sa(C)lud
dímelo a (A7)mí - dubi dubi du ba -
(C) dubi du
si el fuego a(D7)quí
quiero ser como (A7) tú - dubi dubi du ba -
(G7) me lo traerías (C) tú (A7)
quiero an(D7)dar como tú
(G7) hablar como (C) tú - dubi dubi du ba du -
si el fuego a(D7)quí
(G7) a tu sa(C)lud
(G7) me lo traerías (C) tú (A7)
dímelo a (A7)mí - dubi dubi du ba -
si el fuego a(D7)quí
si el fuego a(D7)quí
(G7) me lo traerías (C) tú.
(G7) me lo traerías (C) tú (G) (C)
♡ Quiero tener tu presencia - Seguridad del es(C)clavo.
(C) (F) (G) (C) x2
No quiero hablar pero (F)hablo y empiezo a es(G)tar
ya can(C)sado
(C) (F) (G) (C) x2
de muy buenas inten(F)ciones sin entre(G)gar nada a
(C)Quiero tener tu pre(F)sencia, quiero que es(G)tés a
(C) (F) (G) (C)
mi (C)lado
no quiero hablar del fu(F)turo, no quiero ha(G)blar del
(C) (F) (G) (C) x2
No quiero hablar de esos (F)niños que están tan
No quiero hablar de la (F)guerra, no quiero ha(G)blar
del pa(C)rado
(C) (F) (G) (C)

Quiero tener tu pre(F)senciaaa(G)aaa(C), quiero
que estés a mi la(F)doooo(E7)ooo(Am)
no quiero hablar de la (F)lucha si no esta(G)mos
no quiero hablar de la (F)lucha si no esta(G)mos
(C) (F) (G) (C) x2

...Quiero buscar un ca(F)mino que no se en(G)cuentre

No quiero hablar del men(F)digo, no quiero ha(G)blar
Quiero un camino – Melón Diesel Siempre atento a tu mirada
(F)Quiero escuchar (C)hoy tu (G)voz
(F)Juntando (E7)sueños (Am)Pendiente de tus (G)palabras
empe(Am)zamos a sen(D)tir (F)Quiero un ca(C)mino entre los (G)dos
(F)Con calma y (E7)tiempo Siempre atento a tu mi(Am)rada
la (Am)esperanza dijo (D)sí
No (F)sé.
Nuestra (C)historia suena (F)así: (C)cuanto podré (G)esperar
ilu(C)sión por conse(F)guir eres (Am)tú la (F)que
Sa(C)cando (G)cora(Am)zón a un (G)día (F)gris me (G)da (E7)fuerza para (Am)hablar
(G)a un día gris no (F)sé.
(C)cuanto podré (G)aguantar
(F)Quiero escuchar (C)hoy tu (G)voz eres (Am)tú la (F)que
(Am)Pendiente de tus (G)palabras me (G)da (E7)fuerza para (F)cantar
(F)Quiero un ca(C)mino entre los (G)dos
(E7)Siempre atento a ti (F)Quiero escuchar (C)hoy tu (G)voz
(Am)Pendiente de tus (G)palabras
(F)El aura (E7)rompe, (F)Quiero un ca(C)mino entre los (G)dos
el sol (Am)prende su can(D)dil Siempre atento a tu mirada
(F)Se escuchan (E7)pasos, (F)Quiero escuchar (C)hoy tu (G)voz
sombras (Am)vienen hacia (D)aquí (Am)Pendiente de tus (G)palabras
Tenta(C)ciones que per(F)dí (F)Quiero un ca(C)mino entre los (G)dos
Siempre (C)igual, yo siempre (F)así Siempre atento a tu mi(F)rada (C)(G)
Mi (C)al(G)ma (Am)fiel an(G)clada a (F)ti
(G)anclada a ti

(F)Quiero escuchar (C)hoy tu (G)voz

(Am)Pendiente de tus (G)palabras
(F)Quiero un ca(C)mino entre los (G)dos
Recuérdame – Coco
hoy me (Fm)tengo que ir mi amor
no (Bb)llores por fa(E7)vor.

Te (Am)llevo en mi corazón
y (Gm)cerca me ten(C7)drás.
A (F)solas yo te cantaré,
so(Ab)ñando en regre(G)sar.

aunque (Fm)tenga que emigrar
si mi gui(Gm)tarra oyes llo(C7)rar.

(F)Ella con su triste canto

(E7)te acompaña(Am)rá
(Ab)Hasta que en mis brazos es(G)tés.

Resistiré – Dúo Dinámico (Em) (D) (Em) (D)

[Intro] (Em) Cuando el mundo pierda toda (Am)magia

(Em) (D) (Em) (D) (D7) cuando mi enemigo sea (Em)yo (B7)
(Em) cuando me apuñale la nos(Am)talgia
(Em) Cuando pierda todas las par(Am)tidas (B7) y no reconozca ni mi (Em)voz.
(D7) Cuando duerma con la sole(Em)dad (B7)
(Em) Cuando se me cierren las sa(Am)lidas (Em) Cuando me amenace la lo(Am)cura
(B7) Y la noche no me deje en (Em)paz. (D7) cuando en mi moneda salga (Em)cruz (B7)
(Em) cuando el diablo pase la fac(Am)tura
(Em) Cuando sienta miedo del si(Am)lencio (B7) o si alguna vez me faltas(Em) tú.
(D7) Cuando cueste mantenerse en (G)pie (B7)
(Em) Cuando se rebelen los re(Am)cuerdos [Estribillo] X 2
(B7) Y me pongan contra la pa(Em)red.

Resisti(E7)ré, erguido frente a (Am)todo

Me volve(D7)ré de hierro para en(G)durecer la piel
Y aunque los (Em)vientos de la vida soplen
Soy como el (B7)junco que se dobla
pero (Em)siempre sigue en pie.

Resisti(E7)ré para seguir vi(Am)viendo

Soporta(D7)ré los golpes y ja(G)más me rendiré
Y aunque los (Em)sueños se me rompan en
Resisti (B7)ré, Resistiré!!
Rock And Roll en la plaza del pueblo – Si el (D)*rock esta en tu cuerpo,
(C)*salgamos a bai(G)lar.
(G)Vamos a tocar un rock and roll
(G)Vamos a tocar un rock and roll
a la plaza del pueblo,
a la plaza del pueblo,
(C7)vamos a tocar un rock and roll
(C7)vamos a tocar un rock and roll
y nadie nos va a pa(G)rar,
y nadie nos va a pa(G)rar,
la (D)gente se aproxima por la (C)calle princi(G)pal.
la (D)gente se aproxima por la (C)calle princi(G)pal.

(G)Vamos a tocar un rock and roll

a la plaza del pueblo,
(C7)vamos a tocar un rock and roll
a la plaza ma(G)yor,
la (D)gente alucinada (C)espera
que comience el (G)show.

Un (G)*poco mas de rollo

(C7)*no vendría (G)mal,
un (C7)*poco mas de rollo, (C7)*nene,
no vendría (G)mal:
si (D)*no estoy colocado, (C)*no puedo to(G)car.

(G)*El rock está en mi cuerpo,

(C7)*y a mí me hace vi(G)brar,
sal(C7)*tar y desma(C7)*drarme, me puedo libe(G)rar.
Romero el madero – Ska-P Equilicuá!!

(D)Con cara de perro y (G)vestido de azul (D)La la ra la (G)la la la......

con (D)su camisita y su (A)canesú (D)La la ra la (A)la la la......
se (D)siente orgulloso de (G)colaborar (D)La la ra la (G)la la
con (A)ésta socie(D)dad. (A)La la ra la (D)la [x2]

(D)Desde pequeño empe(G)zó a alucinar Al (D)tío romero le (G)gusta sentir

(D)soñaba con ser como (A)starky o hutch su (D)porra estrellada con(A)tra una nariz
los (D)polis de peli le (G)hacían flipar si (D)corre la sangre se (G)siente muy bien,
(A)una barbari(D)dad. (A)cumple con su (D)deber.

(D)(G)(D)(A) (D)(G)(A)(D) (D)No le importó y nunca (G)quiso saber

por (D)qué protestaba la (A)mani de ayer.
(D)Romero el madero ha que(G)dado en el bar su (D)pobre cerebro no (G)puede pensar,
con (D)toda la pasma de (A)la ciudad (A)es un profesio(D)nal.
(D)bebiendo y fumando no (G)paran de hablar
de (A)su virili(D)dad. (C)Romero el (G)madero se queda fli(D)pao
(C)cuando en una (G)mani se siente atra(D)pao
(D)Hablan de orden, jus(G)ticia y ley, (C)de pronto, una (G)dura bota mili(D)tar
de (D)negros, de jonkies, de (A)putas, de gays, (C)golpea su (G)rostro con brutali(A)dad.
de (D)cómo maltratan a (G)la sociedad
(A)robando liber(D)tad. (D)La la ra la (G)la la la......
(D)La la ra la (A)la la la......
(C)A romero el ma(G)dero le hace ilu(D)sión (D)La la ra la (G)la la
(C)mañana le (G)toca manifesta(D)ción (A)La la ra la (D)la [x2]
(C)saca su (G)porra y comienza a (D)cargar
(C)y luego, (G)riendo, lo cuenta en el (A)baaaar. 2ª vez: (A)donde se toman las (D)dan
Sabor a mi – Los Panchos (G7)Yo no sé si tenga a(Eb)mor, la eternidad
(D7)Pero allá tal como a(Fm)quí,
Acorde (Abm) = 4 3 4 2, como F#m en 2º traste En la boca lleva(Bb)rás, sabor a (Eb)mí. (Abm)(Eb)

Tanto tiempo disfru(Fm)tamos de este amor

(G7)Nuestras almas se acer(Eb)caron tanto así
(D7)Que yo guardo tu sa(Fm)bor
Pero tú llevas tam(Bb)bién, sabor a (Eb)mí.
Si negaras mi pre(Fm)sencia en tu vivir
(G7)Bastaría con abra(Eb)zarte y conversar
(D7)Tanta vida yo te (Fm)di
Que por fuerza tienes (Bb)ya, sabor a (Eb) mí.

No pre(Db)tendo, ser tu (Eb)dueño,

No soy (Ab)nada yo no tengo vanidad
De mi (F7)vida, doy lo bueno,
Soy tan (Bb)pobre, qué otra (Ab)cosa puedo (Bb)dar.

Pasarán más de mil (Fm)años, muchos más

(G7)Yo no sé si tenga a(Eb)mor, la eternidad
(D7)Pero allá tal como a(Fm)quí,
En la boca lleva(Bb)rás, sabor a (Eb)mí.

No pre(Db)tendo, ser tu (Eb)dueño,

No soy (Ab)nada yo no tengo vanidad
De mi (F7)vida, doy lo bueno,
Soy tan (Bb)pobre, qué otra (Ab)cosa puedo (Bb)dar.

Pasarán más de mil (Fm)años, muchos más

Salomé – Chayanne
Tanta adrena(Am)lina tu bajaste desde el (E)cielo
sube a mi ca(E)beza ay,ay,ay,
miro como bailas y me echaste al cande(Am)lero
y sale el fuego de tus ca(Am)deras ay,ay,ay,
y con un tambor tú y yo tu bajaste desde el (E)cielo
vamos acer(E)cándonos ay,ay,ay,
es la sensacion que mira niña si te (Am)quiero
me vuelve loco
y me deses(Am)pera Pero ven y (Am)baila
Síguete acer(E)cando
y es que tu cin(E)tura que con tu sabor que es caribe y son
de sutil lo(Am)cura Seguimos go(Am)zando
me vas atra(G)pando Tu ritmo se va mi amor
me vas ele(C)vando Cuando cae (E)tu sudor
y es que con tu (E)cuerpo nena y tus movimientos parecen mas
se respira (Am)vida nena que un gato sa(Am)grado
y es que tienes (E)todo
en esta vida pa go(Am)zar Y es que tu cin(E)tura,
de silueta (Am)luna
[Estribillo] Que me va atra(G)pando,
Baila que ritmo te (Am)sobra me va aluci(C)nando
baila que baila(E)me Y es que está en tu (E)cuerpo nena
acércate un poquito salo(Am)mé Eres vida, (Am)vida nena,
baila que ritmo te (Am)sobra y es que tienes (E)todo
baila que báila(E)me en esta vida pa' go(Am)zar
regalame tu hechizo de mu(Am)jer
[Estribillo] x2
♡ Salta – Tequila
Yo digo (Dm)salta,
(Am)Salí de casa con (C)la sonrisa puesta, (C)salta conmigo,
(Am)hoy me he levantado conten(C)to de verdad, digo (Dm)salta,
el (Am)sol de la mañana (C)brilla en mi cara, (C)salta conmigo,
(Am)una brisa fresca me ayu(C)da a despertar. (Dm)salta,
(C)salta conmigo…
Yo digo...(Am)(C)(Am)(C) (G)Sasasa(F)sasasa(G)¡Salta!

(Am)La cuidad pa(C)rece mi amiga, (Dm)Salta,

(Am)hoy es mi día y nadie (C)me lo va a arruinar, (C)salta conmigo,
las (Am)chicas de la esquina rí(C)en con picardía, digo (Dm)salta,
(Am)yo sé que es lo que quieren y se (C)lo voy a dar. (C)salta conmigo,
Yo digo (Dm)salta, (C)salta conmigo…
(C)salta conmigo, (G)Sasasa(F)sasasa(G)¡Salta! (Am)
digo (Dm)salta,
(C)salta conmigo,
(C)salta conmigo… (G)(F)(G)


(Am)Voy por mi camino (C)sin preocupación,

(Am)pasa la gente y me (C)miran mal,
(Am)pero no me importa, a (C)mí me da lo mismo,
(Am)hoy estoy alegre y tengo (C)ganas de saltar.
♡ Santa Lucía – Miguel Ríos como dos (Dm)ciegos,
Santa (G)Lucía,
Acorde (Gaug) = 0 3 3 2 Santa (Fm)Lucía,
Acorde (Fm) = 1 0 1 3 Santa Lucía.(G)

(C)A menudo me (F)recuerdas a (G)alguien, (C)A menudo me (F)recuerdas a (C)mí.

(C)tu sonrisa la (F)imagino sin (G)miedo. la primera vez (F)pensé se ha (G)equivocado,
(F)invadido por la ausencia (C)la segunda vez no (F)supe qué (G)decir,
(Em)me devora la (A)impaciencia, (F)las demás me dabas miedo,
(Dm)me pregunto si algún día (D)te (G)veré.(Gaug) (Em)tanto loco que anda (A)suelto
(Dm)y ahora sé que no podría (D)vivir sin (G)ti.
(C)Ya sé todo de tu (F)vida y sin (G)embargo (Gaug)por favor...
(C)no conozco ni un (F)detalle de (G)ti.
(F)el teléfono es muy frío, [Estribillo]
(Em)tus llamadas son muy (A)pocas.
(Dm)yo sí quiero conocerte (D)y tú no a (G)mí. [1 strum]
por (Gaug)favor. (C)A menudo me (F)recuerdas a (C)mí.

Dame una (C)cita

vamos al parque,
entra en mi (Dm)vida,
sin anun(G)ciarte.
Abre las (C)puertas,
cierra los ojos,
vamos a (Dm)vernos,
poquito a (G)poco.
Dame tus (C)manos,
siente las mías,
Sarri Sarri – Kortatu (G)Zaila dugu sortzea
doi(C)nu gogozagorik
(C) (G) (Am) (C) (G) (Am) Sarri dio (D)herriak
(C) (G) (Am) (D)... txanpainaz ospatu(G)rik
I(G)ruñeko entzierroa
Ez (G)dakit zer pasatzen den de(C)sentzierroa hemen
az(C)ken aldi hontan zapi go(D)rriak
jendea ha(D)si dela dantzatzen sarri(G)tan zerua du estal(G)tzen.
zerbait ikustekoa du
bi (C)falta direlakoz Ez (G)dakit zer pasatzen den
«Recuento (D)generale(G)an». az(C)ken aldi hontan
jendea ha(D)si dela dantzatzen sarri(G)tan
(G)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, zerbait ikustekoa du
(D)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri askatu, bi (C)falta direlakoz
(C)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, bi ba(G)tu. «Recuento (D)generale(G)an».

I(G)rratikoak han ziren (G)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri,

emi(C)titzen zuzenean (D)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri askatu,
paella (D)jango zute(G)la (C)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, bi ba(G)tu.
eta Piti eta Sarri be(C)re muturretan (G)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, bi badoaz,
saltzan zeu(D)dela konturatu gabe(G)ak. (D)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, hanka kalera
(C)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, bafleetatik...
(G)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, (G)kriston martxa dabil!
(D)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri askatu,
(C)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri (C) (G) (Am) (C) (G) (Am)
(C) (G) (Am) (D) (G)
(C) (G) (Am) (C) (G) (Am)
(C) (G) (Am) (D)...
Se fue – Laura Pausini (A)esos sueños que construi(Bm)mos, a(A)yer.

(D)Ya no responde ni al teléfono, (A) Se (D)fue, se fue, me quedó solo su veneno,

(Bm)Pende de un hilo la esperanza mía, (A) (A)Se fue, y mi amor se cubrió de hielo,
(G)Yo no creí jamás po(A)der (G)Se fue, y la (Em)vida con él se me (A)fue,
perder así la cabe(Bm)za, por (A)él. Se fue, y la razón no la sé
(D)Si existe dios, debe acordarse de mi,
(D)Por qué de pronto ya no me quería. (A) Aunque (A)sé, que entre él y yo,
(Bm)Por qué mi vida se quedo vacía,(A) El cielo tiene solo nubes negras,
(G)Nadie contesta mis pre(A)guntas, (G)Le rogaré, le busca(Em)ré, lo juro,
porque nada me (Bm)queda, sin (A)él. le encontra(A)ré, aunque tuviera
que buscar en un millón de estrellas.
Se (D)fue, se fue, el perfume de sus cabellos, (D)En esta vida oscura, absurda sin él,
(A)Se fue, el murmullo de su silencio, Siento (A)que, se ha convertido en centro y fin
(G)Se fue, su (Em)sonrisa de fábula, de todo mi universo.
(A)Se fue, la dulce miel que probé en sus labios. (G)Si tiene límite, el (Em)amor, lo pasaría por él.
(D)Se fue, me quedó solo su veneno, (A)Y en el vacío inmenso de mis noches, yo le siento,
(A)Se fue, y mi amor se cubrió de hielo, (D) le amaré, como le (A)pude amar
(G)Se fue, y la (Em)vida con él se me (A)fue, la (Bm)vez primera, que un beso (A)suyo
se fue, y desde entonces ya sólo tengo (D)lágrimas. era una (G)vida entera,
(A)sintiendo cómo me (Bm)pierdo,
Encade(A)nada a noches (Bm)de locura, por (A)él.
Hasta a la (A)cárcel yo i(G)ría con él,
(A)Toda una vida no (Bm)basta, sin (A)él. [Estribillo]
se fue, y la razón no la sé (D)
(D)En mi verano ya no sale el sol,(A)
(Bm)Con su tormenta, todo destruyó,(A)
(G)Rompiendo en mil pedazos
Se me olvidó otra vez – Maná
Se me olvidó otra (E7)vez
[N/C] Probablemente ya de mí te has olvidado que (D)sólo yo te (A)quise
y sin embargo yo te seguiré esperando se (D)me olvidó otra (E7)vez...(D)(A)
no me he querido ir para ver si algún día
que tú quieras volver me encuentres todavía Se (D)me olvidó otra (E7)vez
que (D)sólo yo te (A)quise
Por eso aún (A)estoy en el lugar de (E7)siempre se (D)me olvidó otra (E7)vez...(D)(A)
en la misma ciudad y con la misma (A)gente
para que tú al volver no encuentres nada (E7)extraño Se (D)me olvidó otra (E7)vez
y sea como ayer y nunca más (A)dejarnos que (D)sólo yo te (A)quise
se (D)me olvidó otra (E7)vez...(D)(A)
Probablemente es(D)toy pi(E7)diendo dema(A)siado
se me olvidaba (D)que ya ha(E7)bíamos termi(A)nado Se (D)me olvidó otra (E7)vez
que nunca volve(D)rá que (E7)nunca me qui(A)siste que (D)sólo yo te (A)quise
se me olvidó otra (E7)vez [Pausa] se (D)me olvidó otra (E7)vez...(D)(A)
que sólo yo te (A)quise
que nunca volve(D)rá que (E7)nunca me qui(A)siste
Por eso aún (A)estoy en el lugar de (E7)siempre se (D)me olvidaba (E7)que ya ha(D)bíamos
en la misma ciudad y con la misma (A)gente termi(A)nado
para que tú al volver no encuentres nada (E7)extraño que nunca volve(D)rá que (E7)nunca me qui(A)siste
y sea como ayer y nunca más (A)dejarnos se me olvi(D)dó otra (E7)vez [Pausa]
que sólo yo te (A)quise
Probablemente es(D)toy pi(E7)diendo dema(A)siado
se me olvidaba (D)que ya ha(E7)bíamos termi(A)nado
que nunca volve(D)rá que (E7)nunca me qui(A)siste
se me olvidó otra (E7)vez [Pausa]
que sólo yo te (A)quise (D)(E7)(D)
Si bastasen un par de canciones – Eros Sin (Cm)un pasado
Sin un pre(F)sente
(Bb)Dedicadas para los que es(F)tán
Si bas(G)tasen un par de canciones (Am)Para que
(Bb)Dedicadas para los que es(F)tán
desde el (D)cielo nos llo(G)vieran antiguos amores
su(Eb)midos en un sueño muy profundo
(Am)Que una noche se (D)fueron
Más (Cm)fuera que dentro de este mundo (F)ooh (Bb)
Puede (C)pasar, (D)Puede (Em)pasar
Hasta el de(C)sierto se puede lle(D)nar
Si bas(C)tasen dos grandes canciones (Dm)para
Con el agua del (G)mar
hacer bien las (G)cosas. Si tra(C)jeran las mil
ilusiones (Dm)de los sueños en (G)rosa
Si bas(A)tasen dos simples canciones
y un cora(F)zón, (G)y un cora(Am)zón
(Bm)Para unirnos a (E)todos yo po(A)dría cantarlas
(Em)Que nos trans(F)mita al latir el ca(G)lor
tan fuerte (Bm)que me oyeran los (E)sordos
y la fuerza del (C)sol
Puede ocu(D)rrir, (E)Puede ocu(F#m)rrir
(C#m)Hasta los (D)muros que nunca pen(E)samos
(C)Dedicadas para los que es(G)tán
Se pueden a(A)brir (F)
(C)Dedicadas para los que es(G)tán con (F)un futuro
Si bas(Bb)tasen dos buenas canciones
(Cm)Para echar una (F)mano se po(Bb)drían hallar
(Dm)Sin un pasado
mil razones (Cm)para ser más hu(F)manos
Sin un pre(G)sente oh
Puede pa(Eb)sar, (F)Puede pa(Gm)sar
(C)Dedicadas para los que es(G)tán
(Dm)Para de(Eb)jar de acudir
al re(F)medio de la cari(Bb)dad
(C)Dedicadas para los que es(G)tán su(F)midos en un
sueño muy profundo(C)
(Bb)Dedicadas para los que es(F)tán
Más (Dm)fuera que dentro de este (G)mundo ooh
(C)(G)(Am)A-ban–do-(F)na–dos [Pausa]
(Bb)Dedicadas para los que es(F)tán
Qué está pa(C)sando que un par de can(G)ciones no
con (Eb)un futuro indiferente
nos basta(C)rán(G)(Am)(F)(C)
♡ Siete vidas – Antonio Flores (C)No puedo (G)olvidar su cuerpo (Am)desnudo
(C)Y me revienta (G)pensar quien puede (Am)estar
Encima suyo
(C)Cuatro años de (G)felicidad (Am)intercalada (F)Cuando pienso que (C)alguien (Dm)te puede
(C)Cuatro años de (G)desconfiadas (Am)miradas probar
(F)Y una historia de (C)amor (Dm)interrumpida (F)Te lo (C)juro, el (Dm)corazón se me hace un
(F)Maldita (C)sea,(Dm) maldita sea mi (G)vida. (G)nudo.

(C)Y una rosa ha (G)nacido entre mis (Am)manos (C)Tranquila mi (G)vida

(C)Y sus púas mi (G)sangre han (Am)derramado He (F)roto con el pasado
(F)Sangre que (C)brota del (Dm)fondo del corazón (G)Mil caricias pa decirte
(F)Maldita (C)sea, que (Dm)pasó con mi (G)razón. Que (Am)siete vidas tiene un gato
Seis (F)vidas ya he quemado
(C)Tranquila mi (G)vida Y esta (G)última la quiero vivir a tu (C)lado,
He (F)roto con el pasado (G)Oh,(Am) oh (G)Oh,(F) oh (C)
(G)Mil caricias pa decirte
Que (Am)siete vidas tiene un gato
Seis (F)vidas ya he quemado
Y esta (G)última la quiero vivir a tu (C)lado,
(G)Oh,(Am) oh (G)Oh,(F) oh (F)

(C)Y ahora me (G)encuentro en medio de (Am)este

(C)Con los pelos de (G)punta (Am)recuerdos del
(F)Con la frente (C)arrugada (Dm)mirando la
(F)Pensando en (C)ella que me (Dm)dio todo por
Sin documentos – Los Rodríguez (Gm)Déjame atravesar el viento (D)sin documentos
que lo (Eb)haré por el tiempo que tuvimos(D)
(Gm)Déjame atravesar el viento (D)sin documentos (Gm)porque no queda salida
que lo (Eb)haré por el tiempo que tuvimos(D) porque pa(D)reces dormida
(Gm)porque no queda salida (Eb)porque buscando tu sonrisa
porque pa(D)reces dormida esta(D)ría toda mi vida
(Eb)porque buscando tu sonrisa
esta(D)ría toda mi vida (Eb)Quiero ser el único que te (D)muerda la boca
(Eb)quiero saber que la vida contigo no (D)va a
(Eb)Quiero ser el único que te (D)muerda la boca terminar
(Eb)quiero saber que la vida contigo no (D)va a Por que (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí
terminar porque en esta (D)vida no quiero pasar
más de un día en(Eb)tero sin tí (D)
(Gm)Déjame que te cierre esta noche los (D)ojos por que (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí
y ma(Eb)ñana vendré con un cigarro a la (D)cama porque mientras te (D)espero por ti me muero
(Gm)porque no tengo más intenciones y no quiero se(Eb)guir así (D)
que (D)seguir bebiendo de esta (Eb)copa
que no está tan (D)rota (Eb)Quiero ser el único que te (D)muerda la boca
(Eb)quiero saber que la vida contigo no (D)va a
(Eb)Quiero ser el único que te (D)muerda la boca terminar
(Eb)quiero saber que la vida contigo Por que (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí
no (D)va a terminar porque en esta (D)vida no quiero pasar
Por que (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí más de un día en(Eb)tero sin tí (D)
porque en esta (D)vida no quiero pasar por que (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí
más de un día en(Eb)tero sin tí (D) porque mientras te (D)espero por ti me muero
por que (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí, porque (Gm)sí y no quiero se(Eb)guir así (D)
porque mientras te (D)espero por ti me muero (Gm)
y no quiero se(Eb)guir así (D)
Sin Pijama – Becky G Si tú me (Bm)llama'
No' vamo' pa' tu (G)casa
(Bm)Solo, sólito en la habitación No' quedamo' en la (A)cama
Busca, que busca de mi calor, uoh-(A)oh, no-(Bm)no Sin pijama, sin pi(Bm)jama [x2]
(Bm)Quiere' remedio pa' tu dolor
Nadie te lo hace mejor que yo, uoh-(A)oh, no-(Bm)no Si no hay teatro deja el (Bm)drama
Enciéndeme la llama
Que (Bm)no se te apague la situación Como yo vine al (G)mundo, ese es mi mejor pijama
Tú sabes (G)que yo no te dejo plantao Hoy hay toque de (A)queda
Cal(A)mao, que yo voy en camino, amor Seré tuya has(Bm)ta la mañana
Cal(Bm)mao, que yo quiero contigo La pasamos ro(Bm)mantic
Sin piloto automatic
Si tú me (Bm)llama' Botamos el ma(G)nual, 'tamos viajando en cannabis
No' vamo' pa' tu (G)casa Siempre he sido una (A)dama
No' quedamo' en la (A)cama Pero soy una (Bm)perra en la cama
Sin pijama, sin pi(Bm)jama [x2]
Así que dale (Bm)pom-pom-pom-pom-pom
Voy pa' con(Bm)tarle mis secretos a tu almohada Ponle carne a mi sa(G)zón-zón-zón-zón-zón
Mientras (G)tanto hagamos videollamada Choca to' eso con mi (A)bon-bon-bon-bon-bon
Me manda (A)foto, fotico Perdemo' el con(Bm)trol pa' ganar los do'
Mostrando todo, todito
Cuando (Bm)llegue desbaratamo' la cama Así que dale (Bm)pom-pom-pom-pom-pom
Ponle fuego a mi sa(G)zón-zón-zón-zón-zón
Baby, (Bm)hoy no vamo' a dormir no Choca to' eso con mi (A)bon-bon-bon-bon-bon
Baby, (G)hoy no vamo' a dormir Espero tu (Bm)call, vente dame el gol
Que (A)no traje pijama
Porque no me dio la gana → Si tú me llama'
Baby, (Bm)hoy no vamo' a dormir [x2] → Baby, hoy no vamo' a dormir
Si tú me dices ven – Los Panchos Si tú me dices (E7)ven, (A7)lo dejo (Dm)todo

(Dm)//// (Gm)//// (C)//// (F)//// (Dm)//// (Gm)//// (C)//// (F)////

(Bb)//// (A7)//// (Dm)// (A7)// (Dm)// (Bb)//// (A7)//// (Dm)// (A7)// (Dm)//

Si tú me dices (Dm)ven, lo dejo (Gm)todo (Dm)No detengas el momento

Si tú me dices (C)ven, será todo para (F)ti por las indeci(Gm)siones
Mis momentos más o(Bb)cultos (Gm)Para unir alma con (C)alma,
También te los (Am)daré corazón con cora(F)zón
Mis secretos que son (Bb)pocos Reír con(D7)tigo ante cualquier do(Gm)lor
Serán tuyos tam(Am)bién Llorar con(Dm)tigo, llorar con(E7)tigo
Se(A7)rá mi salva(Dm)ción
Si tú me dices (Gm)ven, (C)todo cambia(F)rá
Si tú me dices (Gm)ven, ha(A7)brá felici(Dm)dad Pero si tú me dices (Dm)ven, lo dejo (Gm)todo
Si tú me dices (Gm)ven, si (A7)tú me dices (Dm)ven Que no se te haga (C)tarde
Y te encuentres en la calle
(Dm)No detengas el momento Per(F)dida, [Pausa]
por las indeci(Gm)siones sin (D7)rum(Gm)bo y en el (A7)lo(Dm)do [Pausa]
(Gm)Para unir alma con (C)alma, Si tú me dices (E7)ven, (A7)lo dejo (Dm)todo
corazón con cora(F)zón
Reír con(D7)tigo ante cualquier do(Gm)lor
Llorar con(Dm)tigo, llorar con(E7)tigo
Se(A7)rá mi salva(Dm)ción

Pero si tú me dices (Dm)ven, lo dejo (Gm)todo

Que no se te haga (C)tarde
Y te encuentres en la calle
Per(F)dida, [Pausa]
sin (D7)rum(Gm)bo y en el (A7)lo(Dm)do [Pausa]
Solamente tú – Pablo Alborán Que tu voz guarda un se(E)creto

Acorde (A#dim7) = 0 1 0 1 No (Bm)menciones tu nombre que en el firmamento

Se (C#m)mueren de celos
(D) (E) (D) (E) Tus (D)ojos son destellos
Tu garganta es un mis(E)terio.
Regálame tu (F#m)risa
Enséñame a so(E)ñar [Estribillo]
Con solo una ca(F#m)ricia
me pierdo en este (E)mar Y (A)tú, y tú, y tú, y solamente (A#dim7)túuuuu
Haces que mi (Bm)alma se despierte con tu luz
[N/C] Regálame tu es(Bm)trella (E)Tú, y tú, y tú
La que ilumina esta (C#m)noche
Llena de paz y de armo(D)nía (F#m) (C#m) (Bm)
Y te entregaré mi (E)vida (A) (A#dim7) (Bm) (E)

[Estribillo] No (Bm)menciones tu nombre que en el firmamento

Haces que mi (F#m)cielo Vuelva a tener ese azul Se (C#m)mueren de celos
Pintas de co(C#m)lores mis mañanas solo tú Tus (D)ojos son destellos
Na(Bm)vego entre las olas de tu (E)voz Tu garganta es un mis(E)terio

Y (A)tú, y tú, y tú, y solamente (A#dim7)túuuu [Estribillo]

Haces que mi (Bm)alma se despierte con tu luz
(E)Tú, y tú, y tú Y (A)tú, y tú, y tú, y solamente (A#dim7)túuuuu
Haces que mi (Bm)alma se despierte con tu luz
Enseña tus he(F#m)ridas (E)Tú, y tú, y tú
y así la cura(E)rá
Que sepa el mundo en(F#m)tero (A)
♡ Soldadito Marinero – Fito & Fitipaldis (F)Soldadito marinero
conociste a una (C)sirena
(G)Él camina despacito (Am)De esas que dicen te quiero
(F)que las prisas no son (C)buenas, (Am)si ven la cartera (G)llena.
(C)en su brazo dobladita (F)Escogiste a la mas guapa
(C)con cuidado la (G)chaqueta. (F)y a la menos (C)buena,
(F)Luego pasa por la calle (C)Sin saber como ha venido
(F)donde los chavales (C)juegan, (G)te ha cogido la (C)tormenta
(C)él también quiso ser niño
(G)pero le pilló la (C)guerra. (F)Después de un invierno (C)malo,
(C)una mala (G)primavera,
(F)Soldadito marinero dime porqué estas (Am)buscando
conociste a una (C)sirena una lágrima en la (F)arena.
(Am)De esas que dicen te quiero [x3]
(Am)si ven la cartera (G)llena.
(F)Escogiste a la mas guapa (F)Después de un invierno (C)malo.
(F)y a la menos (C)buena,
(C)Sin saber como ha venido
(G)te ha cogido la (C)tormenta

(G)Él quería cruzar los mares

(F)y olvidar a su (C)sirena,
(C)la verdad no fue difícil
(C)cuando conoció a (G)Mariela,
(F)que tenia los ojos verdes
(F)y el negocio entre las (C)piernas.
(C)¡Ay que ver que puntería
(G)no te arrimas a una (C)buena!
Sólo le pido a Dios – León Gieco (G)Sólo le (D)pido a (G)dios
(C)Que el futuro no me (Bm)sea indiferen(Am)te,
(G)Sólo le (D)pido a (G)dios (Bm)Desahuciado está el que
(C)Que el dolor no me (Bm)sea indiferen(Am)te, (Em)tiene que mar(D)char
(Bm)Que la reseca (Em)muerte no me en(D)cuentre A vi(C)vir una cul(Bm)tura dife(Em)rente.
Vacío y (C)solo sin haber
(Bm)hecho lo sufi(Em)ciente. (G)Sólo le (D)pido a (G)dios
(C)Que la guerra no me (Bm)sea indife(Am)rente,
(G)Sólo le (D)pido a (G)dios (Bm)Es un monstruo (Em)grande y pisa (D)fuerte
(C)Que lo injusto no me (Bm)sea indiferen(Am)te, Toda (C)la pobre ino(Bm)cencia de la (Em)gente.
(Bm)Que no me abofe(Em)teen la otra me(D)jilla (Bm)Es un monstruo (Em)grande y pisa (D)fuerte
Después (C)que una garra Toda (C)la pobre ino(Bm)cencia de la (Em)gente.
(Bm)me arañó esta (Em)suerte.

(G)Sólo le (D)pido a (G)dios

(C)Que la guerra no me (Bm)sea indife(Am)rente,
(Bm)Es un monstruo (Em)grande y pisa (D)fuerte
Toda (C)la pobre ino(Bm)cencia de la (Em)gente.
(Bm)Es un monstruo (Em)grande y pisa (D)fuerte
Toda (C)la pobre ino(Bm)cencia de la (Em)gente.

(G)Sólo le (D)pido a (G)dios

(C)Que el engaño no me (Bm)sea indife(Am)rente
(Bm)Si un traidor puede
(Em)más que unos (D)cuantos,
Que esos (C)cuantos no lo ol(Bm)viden
Sólo pienso en ti – Víctor Manuel (G)Hey, (D)sólo pienso en (G)ti
(Am)juntos de la (D)mano, se les (G)ve por el
(G)Ella fue a na(D)cer (Em)jardíi(D)iii(C)in
en una (C)fría (D)sala de hospi(Em)tal (Am)no puede haber (D)nadie en este (G)mundo
(C)(D) (D)tan (Em)feliz
(G)cuando vio la (D)luz (C)Hey, (D)sólo pienso en (G)ti (C)(D)
su (C)frente se que(A)bró como el cris(D)tal
(C)porque entre sus (D)dedos a su (G)padre (G)En el come(D)dor
como un (Em)pez se le escu(A)rrió les (C)sientan sepa(D)rados a co(Em)mer(C)(D)
(G)hace un mes cum(D)plió los veinti(C)séis (G)si se miran (D)bien
(D)solo pienso en (G)ti (C)(D) les (C)corren mil (A)hormigas por los (D)pies
(C)ella le re(D)gala alguna (G)flor
(G)Hey, (D)sólo pienso en (G)ti y él le di(Em)buja en un pa(A)pel
(Am)juntos de la (D)mano, se les (G)ve por el (G)algo pare(D)cido a un cora(C)zón
(Em)jardíi(D)iii(C)in (D)sólo pienso en (G)ti (C)(D)
(Am)no puede haber (D)nadie en este (G)mundo
(D)tan (Em)feliz (G)Hey, (D)sólo pienso en (G)ti
(C)Hey, (D)sólo pienso en (G)ti (C)(D) (Am)juntos de la (D)mano, se les (G)ve por el
(G)Él nació de (D)pie (Am)no puede haber (D)nadie en este (G)mundo
le (C)fueron a (D)parir entre (Em)algodón(C)(D) (D)tan (Em)feliz
(G)su padre (D)pensó (C)Hey, (D)sólo pienso en (G)ti.
que (C)aquello era un (A)castigo del (D)señor
(C)le buscó un (D)lugar para (G)olvidarlo
y siendo (Em)niño le (A)internó
(G)pronto cumpli(D)rá los treinta y (C)tres
(D)sólo pienso en (G)ti (C)(D)
Somos de colores - Tontxu (Am)llamame y nos vamos
(Dm)Yo tengo algo suelto,
(Am)Íbamos a Cuba, me llamas (Am)y nos vamos.
ibamos contentos,
(Dm)íbamos saltando (Am)por el aeropuerto, Estribillo
(Dm)íbamos saltando (Am)por el aeropuerto,
de pronto (Dm)Los mejores viajes
(Am)Fucking overbooking (Am)se hacen sin dinero
Fucking overbooking (Dm)vuela con la mente
(Dm)Se quedan en tierra (Am)13 pasajeros (Am)vente de paseo
(Dm)Se quedan en tierra señores, (Am)13 pasajeros. (B)los que van con prisa
(E7)nunca ven el cielo.
(Am)Somos de colores,
no tenemos ni nombre, Estribillo
(Dm)pero tenemos algo
que por la (Am)noche se esconde,
es un gran sol,
un sol dorado,
que por la (Dm)noche se esconde,
que por la (E7)noche se esconde.

(Am)Yo aquí no me quedo,

quiero darme un baño,
(Dm)vámonos por lo menos (Am)al Mediterráneo
(Dm)vámonos por lo menos (Am)al Mediterráneo
(Am) Jokin tiene el coche,
Justo tiene un cuarto,
(Dm)Yo tengo algo suelto,
Son Sueños – El canto del loco (Am)Por eso te (D)tengo que inven(C)tar (Cm)
(Am)Te sigo espe(D)rando tanto
(C)(D)(Em)Son sueños (Bm)Tú en mi nunca (E7)te has fijado
(C)(D)(G)Que son de ver(C)dad (Am)Por eso te (D)tengo que encon(C)trar (Cm)
(D)(Em)Me gusta(Am)ría que fuera re(D)al
(C)(D)(Em)Son sueños [Instrumental]
(C)(D)(G)Quiero lle(C)gar has(D)ta el fi(Em)nal (C)// (D)// (Em)////
Y nada (Am)sirve si no es(D)tás (C)// (D)// (G)////
(C)// (D)// (Em)//// (Am)//// (D)////
(G)En silencio, (G7maj)te busco (Am)//// (D)////
(G7)Y sueño (C)con poderte a(Am)mar
Y te sigo bus(D)cando tanto (G)En silencio, (G7maj)te busco
(Bm)Tú en mi nunca (E7)te has fijado (G7)Y sueño (C)con poderte a(Am)mar
(Am)Por eso te (D)tengo que inven(C)tar (Cm) Y te sigo bus(D)cando tanto
(Am)Te sigo espe(D)rando tanto (Bm)Tú en mi nunca (E7)te has fijado
(Bm)Tú en mi nunca (E7)te has fijado (Am)Por eso te (D)tengo que inven(C)tar (Cm)
(Am)Por eso te (D)tengo que encon(C)trar (Cm) (Am)Te sigo espe(D)rando tanto
(Bm)Tú en mi nunca (E7)te has fijado
(C)(D)(Em)Son gestos (Am)Por eso te (D)tengo que encon(C)trar (Cm)
(C)(D)(G)Que quiero mirar (Am)Te sigo bus(D)cando tanto
(C)(D)(Em)Me gusta(Am)ría poderte to(D)car (Am)Te sigo espe(D)rando tanto
(C)(D)(Em)Son sueños (Am)Por eso te (D)tengo que inven(C)tar (Cm)
(C)(D)(G)Quiero que e(C)xistas (D)nada (Em)mas (G)
Sigo bus(Am)cando ¿donde es(D)tás?

(G)En silencio, (G7maj)te busco

(G7)Y sueño (C)con poderte a(Am)mar
Y te sigo bus(D)cando tanto
(Bm)Tú en mi nunca (E7)te has fijado
♡ So Payaso – Extremoduro (Bm)¡a ver qué me dice des(C)pués! [Cresc.]

(Em)(Bm)Puede que me deje lle(Em)var (Em)(Bm)hago casas de car(Em)tón,

(Bm)puede que levante la (Em)voz (Bm)ayer bebí hasta ju(Em)rar
y (Bm)puede que me arranque sin (Em)más, (Bm)pero hoy no me levanta ni (Em)dios,
(Bm)¡a ver qué me dice des(C)pués!
(Bm)¡a ver qué me dices des(C)pués!
(Em)(Bm)quiero ser tu perro (Em)fiel, so pa(Em)yaso,
(Bm)tu esclavo sin rechis(Em)tar me tiemblan los (C)pies a su (Em)lado
(Bm)que luego me desato y verás, (Em) me dice que es(C)toy descolorío,(Em)
la empiezo a be(A)sar...
(Bm)¡a ver qué me dices des(C)pués! ¡a ver qué me dice des(C)pués!
so pa(Em)yaso, so cre(Em)tino,
me tiemblan los (C)pies a su (Em)lado me tiemblan los (C)pies a su (Em)lado
me dice que es(C)toy descolorío,(Em) me dice que es(C)toy desconocío,(Em)
la empiezo a be(A)sar... me empiezo a pen(A)sar...
¡a ver qué me dice des(C)pués!
so cre(Em)tino, ¡a ver qué me dice después! (C)
me tiemblan los (C)pies a su (Em)lado so pa(Em)yaso,
me dice que es(C)toy desconocío,(Em) me tiemblan los (C)pies a su (Em)lado
me empiezo a pen(A)sar… [Pausa] me dice que es(C)toy descolorío,(Em)
¡a ver qué me dice después! la empiezo a be(A)sar...
¡a ver qué me dice des(C)pués!
[Instrumental] so cre(Em)tino,
(Em) (Bm) (Em) (Bm) (C) (Em) (A) me tiemblan los (C)pies a su (Em)lado
me dice que es(C)toy desconocío,(Em)
(Em)(Bm) Acércate y ve(Em)rás me empiezo a pen(A)sar...
que (Bm)no sé como hacerlo pe(Em)or, ¡a ver qué me dice después! (Em)
(Bm)despacito pero mu (Em)mal,
Soy un truhán soy un señor – Julio algo bo(G)hemio y soña(C)dor.
(C)Y es (C+)que (Dm)yo
Acorde (D#dim) = 2 3 2 0 amo la (G)vida y amo el (C)amor.
Soy un tru(D#dim)hán, soy un se(Dm)ñor,
La la (Fm)la la la ra(Bb)lá y casi (Fm)fiel en el a(G)mor.
La la (Eb)la la la ralá
La la (G)la la la ra(C)lá laralalala (Cm)Confieso que a veces soy cuerdo
La la (Fm)la la la ra(Bb)lá y a veces (G)loco,
La la (Eb)la la la ralá y amo así la vida y tomo de todo un (Cm)poco.
La la (G)la la la ralá (Cm) Me (Fm)gustan las mu(Bb)jeres,
me gusta el (Eb)vino,
(Cm)Confieso que a veces soy cuerdo y si (Fm)tengo que olvi(D)darlas, bebo y ol(G)vido.
y a veces (G)loco,
y amo así la vida y tomo de todo un (Cm)poco. (Cm)Laralaralara… (G)
Me (Fm)gustan las mu(Bb)jeres, (G)Laralaralara… (Cm)
me gusta el (Eb)vino, Me (Fm)gustan las mu(Bb)jeres,
y si (Fm)tengo que olvi(D)darlas, bebo y ol(G)vido. me gusta el (Eb)vino,
y si (Fm)tengo que olvi(D)darlas, bebo y ol(G)vido.
(Cm)Mujeres en mi vida hubo que me qui(G)sieron,
pero he de confesar [Estribillo] x2
que otras también me hi(Cm)rieron.
(Fm)Pero de cada mo(Bb)mento que yo he vi(Eb)vido
sa(Fm)qué sin perjudi(D)car el mejor par(G)tido.

(C)Y es (C+)que (Dm)yo

amo la (G)vida y amo el (C)amor.
Soy un tru(D#dim)hán, soy un se(Dm)ñor,
Supercalifragilisticoespialidoso – Mary ayer mi frase al (Dm)escuchar,
me (D)honraron con un (G)té.
Es... (C)Supercalifragilisticoespi(A7)ali(Dm)doso,
aunque suene ex(G)travagante, (C) [Hablado]
(Dm)¡raro y (G)espan(C)toso! - ¿por qué no lo pruebas a decirla al revés?:
(C)Si lo dice (C7maj)con soltura Sodolipiaescotilisgifralicapersu
(C7)sonará harmo(F)nioso, Es un poquito mas difícil no crees?-
(F)super(G)cali(C)fragilisti(G)coespiali(C)doso! - ¿¿sólo un poquito??
(C)Dan dilidili (G)dan diliday, [x4]
Si (C)se ha tragado el gato hoy tu lengua
De (C)niño yo me acostumbré a (A7)es i(Dm)gual,
tarta(A7)mude(Dm)ar, (Dm)siempre hay una (G)frase
mi (Dm)padre mi (G)nariz torció que sin (Dm)lengua (G)sona(C)rá.
pa(Dm)ra ense(G)ñarme a ha(C)blar. Mas (C)dila con cui(C7maj)dado,
Más (C)cierto día (C7maj)yo escuché, o pu(C7)diera hacerte (F)mal… [Silencio]
cuan(C7)do era ya ma(F)yor,
la (F)frase con más (Dm)letras, - ¿Sabe una cosa?-
la palabra (D)más a(G)troz. - ¿Qué?-
- Una vez le dije esa frase a una chica y
[Estribillo] hoy esa chica es mi mujer...-
-¡Ouh! Pero es una mujercita encantadora jejeje...-
El (C)mundo ha recorrido él
y dónde (A7)fue una (Dm)vez (C)Supercalifragilisticoespi(A7)ali(Dm)doso,
su (Dm)extraña frase (G)les soltó (Dm)supercali(G)fragilisti(Dm)coespi(G)ali(C)doso
y (Dm)supo (G)conven(C)cer. (C)supercali(C7maj)fragilisti(C7)coespiali(F)doso
(C)Un duque y un (C7maj)marajá ¡¡¡(F)super(G)cali(C)fragilisti(G)coespiali(C)dosoooo!!!
a (C7)quienes suelo (F)ver,
Te amaré – Miguel Bosé Con tu (G)mala ortografía
Y tu (C)no saber per(F)der
(Am)// (G)// (F)//// (C)//// //// Con (C)defectos y ma(G)nías, te ama(C)ré
(Am)//// (F)//// (C)//// ////
Con la (Am)paz de las mon(F)tañas, te ama(C)ré Te ama(Em)ré te ama(Am)ré
Con lo(Am)cura y equi(F)librio, te ama(C)ré Porque (F)fuiste algo impor(G)tante
Con la (G)rabia de mis años Te ama(Em)ré, te ama(Am)ré
Como (C)me enseñaste (F)ser Cuando (F)ya no estés pre(G)sente
Con un (C)grito en carne (G)viva, te ama(Am)ré (E7)uhhh(Am) (G)uhhhh (C)
(G)// (F)//// (C)//// //// Segui(F)rás siendo costumbre…
(Am)//// (F)//// (C)//// //// (G)y te ama(Am)re(G)// (F)//// (C)//// ////
(Am)//// (F)//// (C)//// ////
En si(Am)lencio y en se(F)creto, te ama(C)ré
Arries(Am)gando en lo prohi(F)bido, te ama(C)ré [Single strum]
En lo (G)falso y en lo cierto Al ca(Am)er de cada (F)noche espera(C)ré
Con el (C)corazón a(F)bierto A que (Am)seas luna (F)llena, y te ama(C)ré
Por ser (C)algo no per(G)fecto, te ama(C)ré Y aunque (G)queden pocos (G7)restos
En se(C)ñal de lo que (F)fue
Te ama(Em)ré, te ama(Am)ré Segui(C)rás cerca y muy (G)dentro, te ama(C)ré
Como (F)no esta permi(G)tido
Te ama(Em)ré, te ama(Am)ré Te ama(Em)ré, te ama(Am)ré
Como (F)nunca se ha sa(G)bido A (F)golpe de re(G)cuerdo
(E7)uhhh(Am) (G)uhhhh (C) Te ama(Em)ré, te ama(Am)ré
Porque a(F)sí lo he decidido... Hasta el (F)último mo(G)mento
(G) te ama(Am)ré(G)// (F)//// (C)//// //// (E7)uhhh(Am) (G)uhhhh (C)
(Am)//// (F)//// (C)//// //// (F)Apesar de todo siempre…
(G)te ama(Am)ré(G)// (F)//// (C)//// ////
Por po(Am)nerte algún e(F)jemplo te di(C)ré (Am)//// (F)//// (C)//// ////
Que aunque (Am)tengas manos (F)frías, te ama(C)ré
♡ Te dejo Madrid – Shakira (C)Sobre el man(G)tel
Yo nunca supe (Em)actuar
(G)(F)(C)(G) Y mis labios se (Bm)ven
(G)(F)(C) [silencio] (C)Muertos de sed

(G)Si ya es hora de (Em)esconder (G)No (C)quiero (D)dejarlo todo al (G)azar

Del mundo el (Bm)dolor En(C)tiendo
(C)Bajo la (G)piel (D)Que he comenzado a estor(G)bar
Más se que estaré (Em)bien Pron(C)to esta(D)ré de ti
Los gatos como (Bm)yo (C)caen de (G)pie Muy muy lejos
No (C)quiero
(D)Jugar mi suerte por (G)ti (G)Ay me (F)voy otra (C)vez
No (C)puedo Ahí te dejo Madrid
(D)Con “B” pequeña (G)vivir (G)Tus (F)rutinas de (C)piel
Pronto (C)estaré (D)de aquí Y tus ganas de huir
Muy muy lejos (G)Yo no (F)quiero (C)cobardes
Que me hagan sufrir
(G)Ay me (F)voy otra (C)vez (G)Mejor (F)le digo (C)adiós
Ahí te dejo Madrid A tu boca de (G)anís (F)(C)(G)
(G)Tus (F)rutinas de (C)piel (G)(F)(C)(G)
Y tus ganas de huir
(G)Yo no (F)quiero (C)cobardes
Que me hagan sufrir
(G)Mejor (F)le digo (C)adiós
A tu boca de (G)anís (F)(C)(G)
(G)(F)(C) [silencio]

(G)Si ya es hora de (Em)limpiar

Las manchas de (Bm)miel
Te necesito – Amaral así es (D)como yo te (G)quiero

(B7)Oh, ohhhhh...(C) (C)Te (D)nece(Em)sito

cómo (D)quieres que me a(G)clare (C)como a la (D)luz del (Em)sol
si aun soy (B7)demasiado (C)joven (C)en este in(D)vierno (Em)frio
para (D)entender lo que (G)siento (G)'pa' darme tu ca(D)lor
pero (B7)no para ju(C)rarle (C)Te (D)nece(Em)sito
al mis(D)mísimo ángel (G)negro (C)como a la (D)luz del (Em)sol
que si (B7)rompe la dis(C)tancia (C)tus ojos (D)el a(G)bismo
que ahora (D)mismo nos se(G)para donde (D)muere mi ra(B7)zón
volve(B7)ré para ado(C)rarle
le da(D)ría hasta mi (G)alma (B7)Oh, ohhhhh...(C)
si tra(B7)jera tu pre(C)sencia cómo (D)quieres que me a(G)clare
a esta (D)noche que no (G)acaba (B7)Oh, ohhhhh...(C)
cómo (D)quieres que te ol(B7)vide
(C)Te (D)nece(Em)sito
(C)como a la (D)luz del (Em)sol [Estribillo]
(C)en este in(D)vierno (Em)frio
(G)'pa' darme tu ca(D)lor (B7)Oh, ohhhhh...(C)
(C)te (D)nece(Em)sito (C)(D)(Em)
(B7)Oh, ohhhhh...(C) (C)te (D)nece(Em)sito (C)(D)(Em)
cómo (D)quieres que te ol(G)vide (C)te (D)nece(Em)sito (C)(D)(Em)
si tu (B7)nombre esta en el (C)aire (C)te (D)nece(Em)sito (C)(D)(Em)
y (D)sopla entre mis re(G)cuerdos
si ya (B7)sé que no eres (C)libre
si ya (D)sé que yo no (G)debo
rete(B7)nerte en mi me(C)moria
así es (D)cómo yo con(G)templo
mi tor(B7)menta de tor(C)mento
Tenía tanto que darte – Nena Daconte Tenía (Dm)tanto amor,
guar(F)dado para ti…
[N/C] Prometo guardarte en el fondo
de mi cora(G)zón Tenía (C)tanto que darte
Pro(Am)meto acordarme siempre Tantas (Am)cosas que contarte
de aquel raro di(G)ciembre Tenía (Dm)tanto amor,
Pro(C)meto encender en tu día especial una (G)vela guar(F)dado para ti...
y soplarla por (F)ti...
Prometo no olvidarlo (G)nunca Tenia (Dm)tanto que a veces maldigo mi suerte (Am)
A veces la mal(F)digo...
Tenía (C)tanto que darte Por (G)no seguir contigo...
Tantas (Am)cosas que contarte
Tenía (Dm)tanto amor, Tenía (C)tanto que darte
guar(F)dado para ti… Tantas (Am)cosas que contarte
Tenía (Dm)tanto amor,
Tenía (C)tanto que darte guar(F)dado para ti…
Tantas (Am)cosas que contarte
Tenía (Dm)tanto amor, Tenía (C)tanto que darte
guar(F)dado para ti... Tantas (Am)cosas que contarte
Tenía (Dm)tanto amor,
Ca(C)mino despacio pensando volver hacia a(G)trás, guar(F)dado para ti…
No (Am)puedo en la vida (C)
las cosas suceden no (G)más...
Aún pre(C)gunto que parte de tu destino
se que(G)dó conmigo,
Pre(F)gunto que parte se quedo por el ca(G)mino

Tenía (C)tanto que darte

Tantas (Am)cosas que contarte
Te quiero igual – Andrés Calamaro o (C)tengo los (G)ojos a(D)biertos

Te (G)quiero pero (D)te llevaste la (Em)flor Te (G)quiero, no (D)sé si estoy des(Em)pierto

y me de(C)jaste el florero o tengo los (C)ojos abiertos
te (G)quiero me (D)dejaste la ceniza(Em) (G)sé que te (D)quiero y que me es(Em)peran
y te lle(C)vaste el cenicero (C)más aeropuertos
te (G)quiero pero (D)te llevaste marzo (Em) te (G)quiero te lle(D)vaste la vela
y te ren(C)diste en febrero (Em)y me de(C)jaste el entierro
pri(G)mero te (D)quiero i(C)gual -(G)-(Am)-(D) pri(G)mero te (D)quiero i(C)gual -(G)-(Am)-(D)

Te (G)quiero, te lle(D)vaste la cabeza (Em) (C)no (G)sé (C)si estoy des(G)pierto

y me de(C)jaste el sombrero o (C)tengo los (G)ojos a(D)biertos
te (G)quiero pero (D)te olvidaste abril (Em) (C)no (G)sé (C)si estoy des(G)pierto
en el ro(C)pero pero igual o (C)tengo los (G)ojos a(D)biertos
te (G)quiero no me (D)gusta esperar (Em)
pero (C)igual te espero Te (G)quiero pero (D)te llevaste la (Em)flor
pri(G)mero te (D)quiero i(C)gual -(G)-(D) y me de(C)jaste el florero
te (G)quiero me (D)dejaste la ceniza(Em)
Te (G)quiero me de(D)jaste el florero (Em) y te lle(C)vaste el cenicero
y te llevaste la (C)flor , pero igual te (G)quiero pero (D)te llevaste marzo (Em)
te (G)quiero me de(D)jaste el vestido (Em) y te ren(C)diste en febrero
y te lle(C)vaste el amor pri(G)mero te (D)quiero i(C)gual -(G)-(D)-(G)
te (G)quiero pero (D)te olvidaste abril (Em)
en el ro(C)pero
pri(G)mero te (D)quiero i(C)gual -(G)-(Am)-(D)

(C)no (G)sé (C)si estoy des(G)pierto

o (C)tengo los (G)ojos a(D)biertos
(C)no (G)sé (C)si estoy des(G)pierto
♡ Terriblemente cruel – Leiva
Sabes que yo puedo (F)ser terriblemente (C)cruel
Tuuu(Am) uuu (E7) uuu (F) uuu (C) uuu (G) Para que no (Em)pierda la (Am)tensión
Tal (F)vez la historia se me (C)fue de las (G)manos
(Am)Si me está fallando la meditación
A (F)menudo estallo y tengo vértigos Voy a (F)ser terriblemente (C)fiel
Y lo (C)intento y tú nunca recibes la (Em)señal Cuando se te (Em)pase la (Am)emoción
Ya (F)sé, te puede (C)parecer (G)complicado
Voy (Am)guardando bajo mi reputación
Me (F)salió muy caro perdonártelo Tuuu(Am) uuu (E7) uuu (F) uuu (C) uuu (G)
(C)Mentiré porque tú me lo pides (Em)de verdad
Aunque te (Dm)sepa mal(G) Sabes que yo puedo (F)ser terriblemente (C)cruel
Cuando se te (Em)pase la (Am)emoción
Sabes que yo puedo (F)ser terriblemente (C)cruel Ya (F)sé, te puede (C)parecer (G)demasiado
Para que no (Em)pierda la (Am)tensión (G)complicado (Am)
Tal (F)vez la historia se me (C)fue de las (G)manos

Voy a (F)ser terriblemente (C)fiel

Cuando se te (Em)pase la (Am)emoción
Ya (F)sé, te puede (C)parecer (G)demasiado

Se me (Am)está secando la imaginación

Me (F)pasé de largo, puse el corazón
(C)Seguiré mientras tú te decides a (Em)arrancar

En las (Am)horas muertas contra el paredón

Me (F)rozó un disparo de insatisfacción
Al (C)final te lo hiciste de cine
Pero (Em)duele igual... eso es (Dm)universal(G)
Tocaré – Tahúres Zurdos
(C)y toca(G)ré y toca(Am)ré
(C)(G)(Dm)(F) (C)(G)(Dm)(F) hasta que mis (F)dedos sangren,
(C)(G)(Dm)(F) (C)(G)(Dm)(F) (C)aquellas (G)notas
que escul(Am)pías para (F)mi.
(C)Es de (G)fuego, (Am)es de (F)fuego, (C)Y no me (G)perderé,
(C)el con(G)tacto de tus (Am)cuerdas y mis (F)dedos. y (Am)no me perde(F)ré
(C)Fue di(G)fícil, (Am)pasó el (F)tiempo (C)en las pa(G)labras
(C)metal, ma(G)dera, corrom(Am)pidas por el (F)uso.
se en(Am)sartan en mi (F)cuerpo
(C)Oh (G)músi(Am)ca, tu siempre me (F)fuiste fiel.
(C)y toca(G)ré y toca(Am)ré (C)Oh (G)músi(Am)ca(F), (C)oh (G)músi(F)ca.
hasta que mis (F)dedos sangren,
(C)aquellas (G)notas (C)Y no me (G)perderé,
que escul(Am)pías para (F)mi. y (Am)no me perde(F)ré
(C)Y no me (G)perderé, (C)en las pa(G)labras
y (Am)no me perde(F)ré corrom(Am)pidas por el (F)uso.
(C)en las pa(G)labras (C)y toca(G)ré y toca(Am)ré
corrom(Am)pidas por el (F)uso. hasta que mis (F)dedos sangren,
(C)aquellas (G)notas
(C)(G)(Am)(F) (C)(G)(F) [Pausa] que escul(Am)pías para (F)mi.
(C)(G)(Dm)(F) (C)(G)(Dm)(F) (C)Y no me (G)perderé,
(C)(G)(Dm)(F) (C)(G)(F)(F) y (Am)no me perde(F)ré
(C)en las pa(G)labras
(C)Esas (G)cuerdas corrom(Am)pidas por el (F)uso.
gri(Am)taron mi (F)nombre (C)y toca(G)ré y toca(Am)ré
(C)atrave(G)saban ta(Am)biques invi(F)sibles hasta que mis (F)dedos sangren,
(C)Son mis (G)venas, (Am)son mis (F)venas (C)aquellas (G)notas
(C)y la (G)música (Am)fluye bien por (F)ellas que escul(Am)pías para (F)mi. (C)
♡ Toda la noche en la calle – Amaral
(D)Toda la no(A)che en la calle
Acorde (F#m) = 2 1 2 0 (D)Toda la no(A)che en la calle
(G)cuando llegue el (A)nuevo día
Porque este mundo no lo (D)entiendo(G) (G)dormiremos (A)a la orilla del (D)mar (A)
porque hay verano y hay (D)invierno(G) (G)cuando llegue el (A)nuevo día
hay alegría y (D)dolor(G) (G)dormiremos (A)a la orilla del (D)mar
hay una cara y su (A)cruz(G)
(F#m)Éste es el mundo de los (G)dos
Nos conocimos en (D)enero(G) (D)sin sentido, pero (A)tuyo y mío
y me olvidaste en (D)febrero(G) (F#m)éste es el mundo de los (G)dos
ahora que es quince de (D)abril(G)
dices que me echas de (A)menos(G) (A)qué le voy a hacer, si (G)mañana nadie sabe
y yo me quiero (D)reír (A)qué voy a hacer, si el (G)futuro está en el aire

(A)qué le voy ha hacer, si el (G)pasado nunca vuelve (D)Toda la no(A)che en la calle

(D)Toda la no(A)che en la calle
(D)Toda la no(A)che en la calle (G)cuando llegue el (A)nuevo día
(D)Toda la no(A)che en la calle (G)dormiremos (A)a la orilla del (D)mar (A)
(G)cuando llegue el (A)nuevo día (G)cuando llegue el (A)nuevo día
(G)dormiremos (A)a la orilla del (D)mar (A) (G)dormiremos (A)a la orilla del (D)mar (A)

No sé si quiero que me (D)quieran(G) Por que este mundo no lo (D)entiendo(A)

o si me vale que me (D)entiendan(G) Por que este mundo no lo (D)entiendo(A)
no se qué pinto yo (D)aquí(G) Por que este mundo no lo (D)entiendo(G)
dijo un torito en la (A)arena(G) Por que este mundo no lo (D)entiendo(A)oooo(D)
si sólo quiero vivir(D)

(A)qué le voy a hacer, si (G)mañana nadie sabe

♡ Todos los días sale el sol – Bongo
Qué (Bm)ganas de verte y co(G)merte la vida
no (D)importan las horas, de (A)noche y de día
qué (Bm)ganas de verte y (G)comerte la vida
(Bm)Subiendo pa' abajo, bajando pa' arriba
so(D)ñando en tus bragas, per(A)diendo la vida
(G)perdiendo imperdible que tú no querías
(D)qué a gusto en tu colchón bañado en (A)sudor
Su(Bm)biendo pa' abajo, bajando pa' arriba
no (G)importan las horas, de noche y de día
(Bm)Me encuentro a la luna, que estaba dormida
so(D)ñando en tus bragas, perdiendo la vida
(G)éstas no son horas, pregúntale al día
por (A)verte en mi cama, y comerte enteri...
(D)qué vamos a hacer hoy pa' darle (A)color, color!
(Bm)Ey chipirón,
(Bm)Ey chipirón,
todos los días sale el (G)sol chipirón
todos los días sale el (G)sol chipirón
todos los días sale el (D)sol chipirón
todos los días sale el (D)sol chipirón
todos los días sale el (A)sol
todos los días sale el (A)sol

(Bm)Soñando en tus bragas, perdiendo la vida

(G)cruzando fronteras que no eran prohibidas
(D)hagamos el amor, flu(A)yamos tu y yo

(Bm)Qué noche mas corta que nunca termina

(G)que ganas de verte y comerte la vida
(D)y ya ha llegado el sol, (A)chispilla y calor, calor!

(Bm)Ey chipirón,
todos los días sale el (G)sol chipirón
todos los días sale el (D)sol chipirón
todos los días sale el (A)sol
♡ Tu peor error – La Quinta Estación [normal strum]
(D)Sólo quedan los
Acorde (Dsus4) = 2 2 3 0 re(Dsus4)cuerdos de este invierno
(D)que pasamos ente(Dsus4)rrando sentimientos
(D)Hace tiempo que (Bm)y aunque no me creas (A)creo que aun te creo
co(Dsus4)mento con la almohada (G)y aunque no me quieras creo que aun te quiero
(D)que tal vez soy para (A)ti solo una carga
(Bm)hace tiempo que ya (A)no me creo nada [Estribillo]
(G)y he notado tu sonrisa algo cansada
y no he sido (Bm)yo lo amargo de tu (A)voz
(D)con los días se amon(Dsus4)tonan los momentos la mala entre no(G)sotros dos
(D)que perdimos por tra(A)tar de ser sinceros y no pasa (D)nada
(Bm)y aunque no me creas (A)creo que aun te creo
(G)y aunque no me quieras creo que aun te quiero si (A)apago la (Bm)luz y busco y no estás (A)tú
si el tiempo no nos (G)dijo adiós
(D)Yo per(G)dido entre la confu(D)sión y todo se (A)acaba
de (A)no saber si sí o si (Bm)no
voy (A)esquivando tus mi(G)radas [Estribillo] (D)

(D)Yo que he (G)sido tu peor e(D)rror

me (A)quedo con la sensa(Bm)ción
de (A)no tener las cosas (G)claras

(D)He tocado con la (Dsus4)punta de los dedos

(D)ese cielo que pro(A)metes con tus besos
(Bm)como un niño me cre(A)í todos tus cuentos
[single strum]
(G)y aunque tu me entiendas yo ya no te entiendo
Txoria Txori – Mikel Laboa Eta (Em)nik, eta nik txo(B7)ria nuen mai(Em)te,
eta (G)nik, eta nik txo(B7)ria nuen mai(Em)te.
He(Em)goak ebaki ba(D)nizki(Em)o,
ne(D)ria izango (Em)zen, La(Em)rala, larala, la(G)rala, larala
ez (D)zuen aldegin(Em)go. La(D)rala, larala, la(Em)rala, larala

He(Em)goak ebaki ba(D)nizki(Em)o, La(Em)rala, larala, la(G)rala, larala

ne(D)ria izango (Em)zen, La(B7)rala, larala, la(Em).
ez (D)zuen aldegin(Em)go

(G)Bainan, honela,
ez (Em)zen gehiago txo(G)ria izan(D)go
(G)Bainan, honela,
ez (Em)zen gehiago txo(G)ria izan(D)go

Eta (Em)nik, eta nik txo(B7)ria nuen mai(Em)te,

eta (G)nik, eta nik txo(B7)ria nuen mai(Em)te.

He(Em)goak ebaki ba(D)nizki(Em)o,

ne(D)ria izango (Em)zen,
ez (D)zuen aldegin(Em)go

(G)Bainan, honela,
ez (Em)zen gehiago txo(G)ria izan(D)go
(G)Bainan, honela,
ez (Em)zen gehiago txo(G)ria izan(D)go
Una noche de amor – Tahúres Zurdos (Am)te hará sen(G)tirte me(C)jor
yo ya qui(G)siera
(C)(G)(F)(G) (C)(G)(F)(G) su(Bb)bamos la escale(F)ra
pasemos ya del al(G)cohol
(C)Con la mirada (G)muy (F)fría(G) (G)////
(C)y los nudi(G)llos san(F)grando(G) (Am)Una no(G)che de a(C)mor(G)
(C)tienes el la(G)bio par(F)tido (G) (Am)te hará sen(G)tirte me(C)jor
(C)y un vaso ro(G)to en la (F)mano(G) yo ya quisie(G)ra
su(Bb)bamos la escale(F)ra
(Am)Una no(G)che de a(C)mor (G) vamos a hacer el a(G)mor
(Am)te hará sen(G)tirte me(C)jor (G)////
yo ya qui(G)siera (Am)Una no(G)che de a(C)mor (G)
su(Bb)bamos la escale(F)ra (Am)te hará sen(G)tirte me(C)jor
pasemos ya del al(G)cohol yo ya qui(G)siera
(G)//// su(Bb)bamos la escale(F)ra
(Am)Una no(G)che de a(C)mor(G) pasemos ya del al(G)cohol
(Am)te hará sen(G)tirte me(C)jor (G)////
yo ya quisie(G)ra (Am)Una no(G)che de a(C)mor(G)
su(Bb)bamos la escale(F)ra (Am)te hará sen(G)tirte me(C)jor
vamos a hacer el a(G)mor yo ya quisie(G)ra
su(Bb)bamos la escale(F)ra
(C)(G)(F)(G) (C)(G)(F)(G) vamos a hacer el a(G)mor
(C)Siempre cambian(G)do de (F)sitio (G)
(C)el Chino ya (G)no es tu (F)casa (G)
(C)te mueves en(G)tre la (F)gente (G)
(C)pero ya no (G)pillas (F)nada (G)

(Am)Una no(G)che de a(C)mor (G)

Un año más – Mecano (C)cinco minutos (F)antes de la cuenta (C)atrás.

(C)En la puerta del sol (Dm)Y aunque para las (Bb)uvas hay algunos
como el (G)año que fue (C)nuevos
otra (Am)vez el champagne y las (G)uvas (Bb)a los que ya no es(C)tán le echaremos de
y el alqui(F)trán, de al(C)fombra es(Dm)tán.(G) (Dm)menos
Los pe(C)tardos que borran so(G)nidos de ayer (Dm)y a ver si espabi(Bb)lamos los que estamos
y aca(Am)loran el ánimo (C)vivos
(G)para aceptar que (F)ya, pa(C)só uno (Dm)más.(G) y (Bb)en el año que (C)viene nos reímos más

(E7)Y en el reloj de an(Am)taño 1, (D)2, 3 y 4 y em(A)pieza otra vez

como de (F)año en (G)año que la (Bm)quinta es la una
(C)cinco minutos (F)más para la cuenta (C)atrás. y la (A)sexta es la dos y a(G)sí el (D)siete es
(E7)hacemos el ba(Am)lance de lo (F)bueno y (Em)tres. (A)
(G)malo Y de(D)cimos adiós y pe(A)dimos a Dios
(C)cinco minutos (F)antes de la cuenta (C)atrás. que en el (Bm)año que viene,
a (A)ver si en vez de un mi(G)llón
(C)Marineros, soldados, sol(G)teros, casados, pue(D)den ser (Em)dos. (A)
(Am)amantes, andantes y al(G)guno que otro
(F)cura (C)despis(Dm)tao.(G) [1 strum]
entre (C)gritos y pitos los (G)españolitos (D)En la puerta del sol
e(Am)normes, bajitos ha(G)cemos por una (F)vez, como el (A)año que fue
al(C)go a la (Dm)vez. (G) otra (Bm)vez el champagne y las (A)uvas
y el alqui(G)trán, de al(D)fombra (Em)están.
(E7)Y en el reloj de an(Am)taño
como de (F)año en (G)año
(C)cinco minutos (F)más para la cuenta (C)atrás.
(E7)hacemos el ba(Am)lance de lo (F)bueno y
♡ Un beso y una flor – Nino Bravo (F)Buscaré un hogar para ti
donde el cielo se une (C)con el (Dm)mar
(F)Dejaré mi tierra por ti, dejaré mis campos lejos de aquí
(C)y me (Dm)iré lejos de aquí (F)con mis manos y con tu amor
(F)cruzaré llorando el jardín y con tus recuerdos lograré encontrar o(C)tra ilu(Dm)sión
(C)parti(Dm)ré lejos de aquí lejos de aquí

De (Bb)día viviré De (Bb)día viviré

pen(Am)sando en tus son(Dm)risas pen(Am)sando en tus son(Dm)risas
de (Bb)noche las estrellas de (Bb)noche las estrellas
me acom(Am)paña(Dm)rán me acom(Am)paña(Dm)rán
se(Bb)rás como un luz se(Bb)rás como un luz
que a(Am)lumbre en mi ca(Dm)mino que a(Am)lumbre mi ca(Dm)mino
me (Bb)voy pero te juro que ma(C)ñana volveré me (Bb)voy pero te juro que ma(C)ñana volveré

(F)Al par(A7)tir un (Dm)beso y una flor [Estribillo] x2

un te (F)quiero una ca(Bb)ricia y un a(F)diós(C)(Dm)
es li(Bb)gero equi(Am)paje
pa(Bb)ra tan largo (C)viaje
las (F)penas pesan (Bb)en el cora(C)zón
(F)mas a(A7)llá del (Dm)mar habrá un lugar
donde el (F)sol
cada ma(Bb)ñana brille (F)más(C)(Dm)
forja(Bb)rán mi des(Am)tino
las (Bb)piedras del ca(C)mino
lo (F)que nos es que(Bb)rido
siempre (C)queda a(F)trás
Un poco loco – Coco
Chi(A)flado tu me (D)vuelves
[Rasgueo] (G) eso es(E7)tá un poco (A)loco
tu mente que des(D)pega
Que el (D)cielo no es a(G)zul tu (E7)siempre con i(A)deas
ay mi a(D)mor ay mi a(G)mor con mi cabeza (E7)juegas
que es (D)rojo dices (G)tu todo (D)es (E7)un poco (A)loco
ay mi a(D)mor ay mi a(G)mor
ves (D)todo al re(G)vés un (D)poquititititi (E7)tititititititito (A)loco.
ay mi a(D)mor ay mi a(G)mor
creo que (D)piensas con los (G)pies
ay mi a(D)mor ay mi a(G)mor [Rasgueo][Silencio]

Me traes un poco (C)loco

un (D)poquititito (G)loco
estoy adivi(C)nando
qué (D)quieres y pa´ (G)cuando
y así estoy celeb(D)rando
que me he (C)vuelto (D)un poco (G)loco

(D) (G) (D) (G) (D) (G) (D) (G)

[Rasgueo] (E7) [Silencio]

Un rayo de sol – Los diablos sha la la la (G)la, oh, oh, oh,
La (C)la la la la la la (Em)la
Sha la la la (D)la, oh, oh, oh, La (C)la la la la la la (Em)la, la (D)la, la (G)la
sha la la la (G)la, oh, oh, oh, [Pausa]
sha la la la (D)la, oh, oh, oh,
sha la la la (G)la, oh, oh, oh, Y quiero (Am)ser parte tuya,
La (C)la la la la la la (Em)la (Em)dentro de ti siempre estar,
La (C)la la la la la la (Em)la, la (D)la, la (G)la (Am)ser quien construya
[Pausa] tu ale(D)gría y felicidad.

Un rayo de (D)sol, oh, oh, oh, Seré quien (Am)vele tus sueños
me trajo tu a(G)mor, oh, oh, oh. (Em)y daré gracias al sol,
Un rayo de (D)sol, oh, oh, oh, (Am)que me hizo dueño,
a mi cora(G)zón, oh, oh, oh. me hizo (D)dueño de tu amor.
Lle(C)gó y me dio tu que(Em)rer,
que (C)tanto y tanto bus(Em)qué Sha la la la (D)la, oh, oh, oh,
y al (D)fin ten(G)dré. sha la la la (G)la, oh, oh, oh,
[Pausa] sha la la la (D)la, oh, oh, oh,
sha la la la (G)la, oh, oh, oh,
Y quiero (Am)ser parte tuya, La (C)la la la la la la (Em)la
(Em)dentro de ti siempre estar, La (C)la la la la la la (Em)la, la (D)la, la (G)la
(Am)ser quien construya [Pausa]
tu ale(D)gría y felicidad.

Sha la la la (D)la, oh, oh, oh,

sha la la la (G)la, oh, oh, oh,
sha la la la (D)la, oh, oh, oh,
Un velero llamado Libertad – José Luis
Su cora(F)zón,
busco una forma dife(Dm)rente de vi(F)vir,
pero las (C)olas le gritaron vete
(Bb)con los de(F)más, laira(Bb)la
(Bb) (C) (F) (C)(Dm) (Bb) (C) (F)
(C) con los de(F)más.
Ayer se (F)fue,
Y se dur(Am)mió,
tomó sus cosas y se (Dm)puso a nave(F)gar,
y la (Bb)noche le grito, ¿donde (F)vas?
una ca(C)misa un pantalón vaquero
Y en sus (C)sueños dibujo gavi(F)o(C)o(Dm)tas,
(Bb)y una can(F)ción, ¿donde i(Bb)rás?
y pen(Bb)só: ¡hoy (C)debo regre(F)sar!
(C) ¿donde i(F)rás?

Se despi(F)dió,
Y regre(Am)só
y decidió batirse en (Dm)duelo con el (F)mar,
y una (Bb)voz le pregunto ¿Cómo es(F)tás?
y reco(C)rrer el mundo en su velero,
Y al mi(C)rarla descubrió, unos (F)o(C)(Dm)jos
(Bb)y nave(F)gar, laira(Bb)la
laira(Bb)la, a(C)zules como el (F)mar.
(C) nave(F)gar.
(Bb) (C) (F) (C)(Dm) (Bb) (C) (F)
[Estribillo] [X2]
Y se mar(Am)chó Y regre(Am)só
y a su (Bb)barco le llamo liber(F)tad, y una (Bb)voz le pregunto ¿Cómo es(F)tás?
y en el (C)cielo descubrió gavi(F)o(C)o(Dm)tas, Y al mi(C)rarla descubrió, unos (F)o(C)(Dm)jos
y pin(Bb)tó, es(C)telas en el (F)mar. laira(Bb)la, a(C)zules como el (F)mar.

(Bb) (C) (F) (C)(Dm) (Bb) (C) (F)
Ven a Fraggle Rock – Fraggle Rock

(C)Vamos a ju(F)gar
(G)tus problemas (C)déjalos
(C)Para disfru(F)tar,
(G)ven a (F)Fraggle (C)Rock

(C)Hay que traba(F)jar

(G)no podemos (C)descansar
(C)vamos a can(F)tar
con (G)Gobo, (F)Muzzy, (C)Dudo, Bombo, Rossi...


(C)Vamos a ju(F)gar
(G)tus problemas (C)déjalos
(C)Para disfru(F)tar,
(G)ven a (F)Fraggle (C)Rock
(G)ven a (F)Fraggle (C)Rock
[Silencio] ¡ven a Fraggle Rock! (C)
Veneno en la piel – Radio Futura Y lo que pasa es que es(A7)tás intoxicada (Dm)
Y eso que dices que (A7)ya no tomas nada (Dm)
(A7)(Dm)(A7)(Dm) Pero me dicen por (A7)ahí: "Que sí, que (Dm)sí
(A7)Dicen que tienes ve(Dm)neno en la piel Que sí, que (A7)sí", y dicen, (Dm)dicen
(A7)Y es que estás hecha de (Dm)plástico fino
(A7)Dicen que tienes un (Dm)tacto divino (A7)Dicen que tienes ve(Dm)neno en la piel
(A7)Y quien te toca se (Dm)queda con él (A7)Y es que estás hecha de (Dm)plástico fino
(A7)Dicen que tienes un (Dm)tacto divino
(A7)Y si esta noche quieres (Dm)ir a bailar (A7)Y quien te toca se (Dm)queda con él
(A7)Vete poniendo el dis(Dm)fraz de pecadora
(A7)Pero tendrás que estar (Dm)lista en media hora (A7)Dices que yo no soy tu (Dm)hombre ideal
(A7)Por que si no yo no te (Dm)paso a buscar (A7)Mientras hojeas con sol(Dm)tura una revista
(A7)Y me pregunto si ten(Dm)drás alguna pista
(A7)Pero primero quieres (Dm)ir a cenar (A7)O alguna foto de tu (Dm)tal para cual
(A7)Y me sugieres que te (Dm)lleve a un sitio caro
(A7)A ver si aceptan la car(Dm)tilla del paro Te crees que eres una (A7)bruja consumada (Dm)
(A7)Porque sino lo ten(Dm)nemos que robar Y lo que pasa es que es(A7)tás intoxicada (Dm)
Y eso que dices que (A7)ya no tomas nada (Dm)
(A7)Yo voy haciéndome la (Dm)cuenta de cabeza Pero me dicen por (A7)ahí: "Que sí, que (Dm)sí
(A7)Y tu prodigas tu son(Dm)risa con esmero Que sí, que (A7)sí", y dicen, (Dm)dicen
(A7)Y te dedicas a insul(Dm)tar al camarero
(A7)Y me salpicas con es(Dm)puma de cerveza (A7)Dicen que tienes ve(Dm)neno en la piel
(A7)Y es que estás hecha de (Dm)plástico fino
(A7)Y aquí te espero en la (Dm)barra del bar (A7)Dicen que tienes un (Dm)tacto divino
(A7)Mientras que tú vas ha(Dm)ciendo discoteca (A7)Y quien te toca se (Dm)queda con él
(A7)Como te pases, te lo ad(Dm)vierto, muñeca
(A7)Que yo esta vez no te (Dm)voy a rescatar

Te crees que eres una (A7)bruja consumada (Dm)

Vivir Así Es Morir De Amor – Camilo Melanco(G)lía. (E7)
[Single strum]
(Am)Siempre se apodera de mi ser
[Single strum]
Mi serenidad se vuelve lo(Dm)cura,
(Am)Siempre me traiciona la razón
Y me llena de amar(C)gura. (E7)
Y me domina el cora(Dm)zón,
No sé luchar contra el a(C)mor. (E7)
(Am)Siempre me voy a enamorar
De quien de mi no se ena(Dm)mora
(Am)Siempre me voy a enamorar
(G)Y es por eso que mi alma (C)llora.
De quien de mi no se ena(Dm)mora,
(G)Y es por eso que mi alma (C)llora.
Y (F)ya no puedo (Am)más,
Y (F)ya no puedo (Am)más,
Y (F)ya no puedo (Am)más,
(F)Siempre se repite la misma his(G)toria
Y (F)ya no puedo (Am)más,
Y (F)ya no puedo (Am)más,
(F)Siempre se repite la misma his(G)toria
Y (F)ya no puedo (Am)más,
Y (F)ya no puedo (Am)más,
Estoy (F)harto de ro(Dm)dar como una (G)noria.
Y (F)ya no puedo (Am)más,
Estoy (F)harto de ro(Dm)dar como una (G)noria.
(C)Vivir así es mo(Em)rir de amor,
(Gm)Por amor tengo el alma he(C)rida,
(C)Vivir así es mo(Em)rir de amor,
(Gm)Por amor, (Fm)no quiero
(Gm)Por amor tengo el alma he(C)rida,
más vida que su (C)vida,
(Gm)Por amor, (Fm)no quiero
más vida que su (C)vida,
(C)Vivir así es mo(Em)rir de amor,
(Gm)Soy mendigo de sus (C)besos,
(C)Vivir así es mo(Em)rir de amor,
(Gm)Soy su amigo
(Gm)Soy mendigo de sus (C)besos,
(Fm)Y quiero ser algo mas que (C)eso,
(Gm)Soy su amigo
Melanco(G)lía. (C)
(Fm)Y quiero ser algo mas que (C)eso,
Vivo por ella – Andrea Bocelli & Marta (A) A veces pega de verdad
(F#m)pero es un puño que (D)no (A)duele.
(Bm) Vivo por ella que me da
(F#m)fuerza Valor y rea(A)lidad
(D) para sentirme un po(E)co vivo
(G)Vivo por ella sin saber
(C#)Cómo duele cuando (F#m)falta
(Em)si la encontré o me ha (C) encontrado
Vivo por ella en (A) un hotel
(G)Ya no recuerdo como fue,
(D)Cómo bri(E)lla fuerte y (A)alta
(Em)pero al final me ha con(C)quis(G)tado
Vivo por ella en propia piel
(Am)Vivo por ella que me da
(Em)toda mi fuerza de (G) verdad
(C#)Y ella canta en mi gar(F#m)ganta mis (A)penas
(C)Vivo por ella y no (D) me pesa.
mas (D)negras es(F)panto
(G)Vivo por ella yo también
(Gm)Vivo por ella y nadie más
(Em)No te me pongas tan (C) celoso
(Dm)Puede vivir den(F)tro de mi
(G)Ella entre todas es la más
(Bb)Ella me da la vi(C)da, la vivo
(Em)dulce y caliente co(C)mo un (G)beso
(A)Si está junto a (Dm)mí (F) (Bb)
(Am)Ella a mi lado siempre está
si es(C)tá junto a (F)mí
(Em)Para apagar mi so(G)ledad
(C)Más que por mi por e(D)lla yo vivo (G)también.
(D) Desde un palco o contra un (Gm)muro
Vivo por ella al (Bb)límite
(B)Es la musa que te in(Em)vita (G)
(Eb)En el (F)trance mas os(Bb)curo
(C) A tocar(D)la suave(G)cita
Vivo por ella íntegra
(B)En mi piano a veces (Em)triste
La (D)muerte no e(C)xiste si (Am)ella está a(D)quí.
(D)Cada día una con(Gm)quista la
(Bb)protago(Eb)nista es (Cm)ella tam(F)bién
(A)Vivo por ella que me da
(F#m)todo el afecto que (D)le sale

(Bb)Vivo por ella por que va

(Gm)dándome siempre la (Eb) salida
(Bb)Porque la música es así
(Gm)Fiel y sincera (Eb)de por (Bb)vida
(Cm)Vivo por ella que me da
(Gm)noches de amor y (Bb)libertad
(Eb)Si hubiese otra (F)vida, la vivo
(D)Por ella tam(Gm)bién
ella se llama mú(Bb)sica (Eb)
(F)Yo vivo tam(Bb)bién,
vivo por ella créeme
(D)Por ella también (Gm) (Bb) (Eb)

Io (Cm)vivo per (F)lei,

io vivo per (Eb)lei (Bb)
Volando voy – Camarón de la Isla Enamo(Bm)rao de la vida aunque a veces (A)duela
Enamo(Bm)rao de la vida aunque a veces (A)duela
Volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo Yo no (Bm)sé quien soy, ni lo preten(A)diera
Volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo Yo no (Bm)sé quien soy, ni lo preten(A)diera
Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo
Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo Vola, volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo
(Bm)(A)(Bm)(A) Volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo
Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo
Enamo(Bm)rao de la vida aunque a veces (A)duela Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo
Enamo(Bm)rao de la vida aunque a veces (A)duela (Bm)(A)(Bm)(A)
Si tengo (Bm)frío, busco can(A)dela
Si tengo (Bm)frío, busco can(A)dela (Bm)Porque a mí me va mucho la (A)marcha tropical
(Bm)Porque a mí me va mucho la (A)marcha tropical
Vola, volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo Y los ca(Bm)riños, en la (A)frontera me van
Volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo Y los ca(Bm)riños, en la (A)frontera me van
Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo
Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo Vola, volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo
(Bm)(A)(Bm)(A) Volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo
Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo
Señoras (Bm)y señores, sepan us(A)tedes Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo
Señoras (Bm)y señores, sepan us(A)tedes
Que es la (Bm)flor de la noche, pa quien la me(A)rece
Que es la (Bm)flor de la noche, pa quien la me(A)rece

Vola, volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo

Volando (Bm)voy, volando (A)vengo
Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo
Por el ca(Bm)mino yo me entre(A)tengo
Volverá – El canto del loco
Me (F)acuerdo y pienso te buscaba en mis (F)sueños y ahogándo(Gm)me
en el tiempo que llevábamos sin (Bb)vernos, (F)volve(Bb)rá se(C)guro que volverá(F)aaa
dos niños pequeños que lo sentían (Dm)todo, y (Dm)sigo sintiendo (Gm)te echo de menos
yo lo sigo sin(C)tiendo hoy por (F)ti, que acabe mi sole(C)dad
(F)recuerdos que tengo, (F)volve(Bb)rá, te (C)juro que volverá(F)aaa
no entiendo que dejáramos de (Bb)vernos ese (Dm)amor verdadero
buscando mil besos que no son nuestros (Dm)besos, de cuando (Gm)era pequeño
deseo estar con(C)tigo hasta mo(F)rir. seguro que volve(C)rá, volve(F)rá.(Bb)(F)

te buscaba en mis (F)sueños y ahogándo(Gm)me
(F)volve(Bb)rá se(C)guro que volverá(F)aaa
y (Dm)sigo sintiendo (Gm)te echo de menos
que acabe mi sole(C)dad
(F)volve(Bb)rá, te (C)juro que volverá(F)aaa
ese (Dm)amor verdadero
de cuando (Gm)era pequeño
seguro que volve(C)rá, volve(F)rá.

Te (F)miro en el tiempo
y siento que tu eres lo que (Bb)quiero
mi niña mi sueño todo eso que no (Dm)tengo
y que sigo sin(C)tiendo hoy por (F)ti.
(F)Incluso en mis sueños me invento
y creo que te (Bb)tengo te toco,
tu cuerpo y sé que eso no es (Dm)cierto
y que estoy acojo(C)nándome sin (F)ti.
Volverte a ver – Juanes para po(C)derme repo(D)ner

(G)Daría lo que (D)fuera por vol(Em)verte a ver Porque sin (Em)ti

(D)daría hasta mi (C)vida y mi fu(G)sil, mi vida (C)yo no soy fe(D)liz
mis (Am)botas y mi (D)fe porque sin (Em)ti
mi vida (C)no tiene ra(D)íz
(G)Por eso en la (D)trinchera de mi (Em)soledad ni una razón para vi(G)vir
(D)tus ojos son mi (C)luz y tu esplen(G)dor
mi (Am)corazón (D) (G)Lo único (D)que quiero es poder (Em)regresar
(D)Poder todas las (C)balas esqui(G)var
Y si no (G)fuera por (D)ti y (Am)sobrevivir (D)
(Em)yo no podría vi(D)vir (G)tu amor es mi (D)esperanza y tú mi (Em)munición
en el va(C)cío de estos (G)días de no (Am)saber(D) (D)por eso (C)regresar a (G)ti
es mi (Am)única mi(D)sión
Y si no (G)fuera por (D)ti,
yo no se(Em)ría fe(D)liz [Estribillo]
Como lo (C)soy cuando con
tus (G)besos me veo (Am)partir (D) Volverte a (G)ver es
todo (C)lo que quiero (D)hacer
[Single strum] volverte a (G)ver
Y es que (Em)solo con sa(D)ber para po(C)derme repo(D)ner
que al regre(C)sar
tu espera(G)rás por mí Porque sin (Em)ti
au(Am)mentan los latidos de mi (D)corazón mi vida (C)yo no soy fe(D)liz
porque sin (Em)ti
Volverte a (G)ver es mi vida (C)no tiene ra(D)íz
todo (C)lo que quiero (D)hacer ni una razón para vi(G)vir
volverte a (G)ver
Voy a pasármelo bien – Hombres G Me he quitado el pijama sin usar las manos
(C7)Dando volteretas he llegado al baño
(G7)Hoy me he levantado dando un salto mortal (G7)Le he dado buenos días a mis padres y
He echado un par de huevos a mi sartén hermanos
(C7)Dando volteretas he llegado al baño Porque (Em)hoy... Hoy no se por(C)qué,
(G7)Me he duchado y he despilfarrado el gel pero (F)voy a pa(C)sármelo (G)bien
Porque (Em)hoy... Algo me (C)dice (F)voy a pa(C)sármelo (G)bien
que (F)voy a pa(C)sármelo (G)bien (F)voy a pa(C)sármelo… [pausa] muy (G)bien
Muy (C7)bien, muy (G7)bien
(G7)Sé que tengo algunos enemigos Y (C7)voy a pasármelo bien
Pero esta noche no podrán contar conmigo Muy (G7)bien, muy (C7)bien, muy (G7)bien
(C7)Porque voy a convertirme en hombre-lobo
(G7)Me he jurado a mi mismo que no dormiré solo Y (C7)voy a pasar, voy a pasármelo (G7)bien
Porque (Em)hoy... De hoy no (C)pasa Hey, (C7)hey, muy (G7)bien
y (F)voy a pa(C)sármelo (G)bien (C7)Voy a pasármelo (F)bien(C)... Hey, (G7)hey
Hey, (C7)hey, muy (G7)bien
(G7)Voy a cogerme un pedo de los que hacen afición Y (C7)voy a pasármelo (Eb)bien (F)(G7)
Me ir arrastrando a casa con la sonrisa puesta Hey, (C7)hey, muy (G7)bien
(C7)Mañana ya si puedo dormir a la siesta (C7)
Pero (G7)esta noche no (esta noche no) [Single strum]
Esta (Em)noche, algo me (C)dice... (Eb)(F)Muy (G)Bien!
Que (F)voy a pa(C)sármelo (G)bien

(C)Bueno, vamos a ver que encontramos

En esta agendilla de (G)teléfonos, nunca se sabe
(C)Marta, María del Mar, (D)Ana, Elena estará? no sé
Pero (F)voy a pa(C)sármelo (G)bien

(G7)Hoy me he levantado dando un salto mortal

Vuela – Bombai (F) En una (C)puesta de sol
(Dm)Oh oh (Bb)oh oh (F)oh
(Dm) (C) (Gm) (Gm) En una (C)puesta de sol
(Dm)Oh oh (Bb)oh oh (F)oh (C) [silencio]
(Dm)Fuiste la ola que faltaba sobre este mar
(C)Eres la calma que me hacía falta encontrar
(Gm)Vuela Conmigo vuela (Dm)Sube esta nube que rodea la libertad
(C)Coge mi mano y dale vueltas al carnaval
(Dm)Tengo una isla y esta sombra pa' cobijar (Gm)Vuela Conmigo vuela
(C)Rayos, centellas y este flow para regalar
(Gm)Vuela Conmigo vuela (Dm)Sigue este ritmo como si no fuera acabar
(C)Vente a mi hotel y si te asomas, verás el mar
(Dm)Somos cometas en el (C)cielo (Gm)Vuela Conmigo vuela
Volando al son del (Gm)viento
Derrumbando las murallas (Dm)Quiero que si vienes con(C)migo
Si es que sabes lo que (Dm)quiero Me enseñes el ca(Gm)mino
Que si vienes con(C)migo Y amanecerás cantando esta canción
Que me enseñes el ca(Gm)mino
Y amanecerás cantando esta canción [Estribillo]

[Estribillo] (Dm)Este es el ritmo que se lleva la jugada

Y es que yo (Dm)quiero tenerte Que te (C)anima, volverás a recordarme
(Bb)Quiero sentirte (F)siempre cerca de (C)mí Oh oh Que ya no hay (Gm)fiesta que resista una palabra,
(Dm)Quiero tu sombra y (Bb)a todas horas una desdicha
(F)Sigo volando por (C)ti Ya no im(A7)porta si en Manila
(Dm)Ser el eco de tu (Bb)voz Conquis(Dm)té a la que fue la soberana juez, la risa
(F)No tengo más condi(C)ción Fue mi (C)cuerpo confidente en este baile
Y es que yo (Dm)quiero tenerte, (Bb)quiero sentirte Resis(Gm)tente, dime si te vienes con(A7)migo
A volar
[Single Strum]
Y es que yo (Dm)quiero tenerte
(Bb)Quiero sentirte (F)siempre cerca de (C)mí Oh oh
(Dm)Quiero tu sombra y (Bb)a todas horas
(F)Sigo volando por (C)ti
(Dm)Ser el eco de tu (Bb)voz
(F)No tengo más condi(C)ción
Y es que yo (Dm)quiero tenerte, (Bb)quiero sentirte

Y es que yo (Dm)quiero tenerte
(Bb)Quiero sentirte (F)siempre cerca de (C)mí Oh oh
(Dm)Quiero tu sombra y (Bb)a todas horas
(F)Sigo volando por (C)ti
(Dm)Ser el eco de tu (Bb)voz
(F)No tengo más condi(C)ción
Y es que yo (Dm)quiero tenerte, (Bb)quiero sentirte
(F) En una (C)puesta de sol
(Dm)Oh oh (Bb)oh oh (F)oh
En una (C)puesta de sol
(Dm)Oh oh (Bb)oh oh (F)oh (C) [silencio]

(Dm)Fuiste la ola que faltaba sobre este mar

(C)Eres la calma que me hacía falta encontrar
(Gm)Vuela Conmigo vuela
Waka Waka (esto es África) – Shakira
(D)Tsamina mina, eh eh, (A)waka waka, eh eh
(Bm)Tsamina mina, zangaléwa, (G)anawa ah ah
(D)Llegó el momento, (A)caen las murallas (D)Tsamina mina, eh eh, (A)waka waka, eh eh
(Bm)Va a comenzar la única (G)justa de las batallas (Bm)Tsamina mina, zangaléwa, (G)porque esto es
(D)No duele el golpe, (A)no existe el miedo África
(Bm)Quítate el polvo, ponte de (G)pie y vuelves al
ruedo (D)Tsamina mina, eh eh, (A)waka waka, eh eh
(Bm)Tsamina mina, zangaléwa, (G)anawa ah ah
(D)Y la presión (A)se siente, (D)Tsamina mina, eh eh, (A)waka waka, eh eh
(Bm)espera en ti (G)tu gente (Bm)Tsamina mina, zangaléwa, (G)porque esto es
(D)Ahora vamos por todo y (A)te compaña la suerte África
(Bm)Tsamina mina zangaléwa, (G)porque esto es
África (D)Django eh eh, (A)django eh eh
(Bm)Tsamina mina, zangaléwa, (G)anawa ah ah
(D)Tsamina mina, eh eh, (A)waka waka, eh eh (D)Django eh eh, (A)django eh eh
(Bm)Tsamina mina, zangaléwa, (G)porque esto es (Bm)Tsamina mina, zangaléwa, (G)anawa ah ah
(D)(A)Porque esto es África,
(D)Oye a tu dios y (A)no estarás solo (Bm)(G)porque esto es África (D)
(Bm)Llegas aquí para bri(G)llar, lo tienes todo
(D)La hora se acerca, (A)es el momento
(Bm)Vas a ganar cada ba(G)talla, ya lo presiento

(D)Hay que empezar (A)de cero

(Bm)para tocar (G)el cielo
(D)Ahora vamos por todo y (A)todos vamos por ello
(Bm)Tsamina mina, zangaléwa, (G)porque esto es
Whisky barato – Fito & Fitipaldis que estoy cantando(G)

Cuando ya no (G)sirven las palabras (C)Ya no queda nada entre tu y yo

Cuando se ha rajado la ilusión(D) (G)ya no queda nada entre los dos (D) (G)
me emborracho con whisky barato (C)Ya no queda nada entre tu y yo
a ver si me escuece el corazón(G) (G)ya no queda nada entre los dos (D) (G)


Quiero ser tan (G)duro como el hierro

pero me derrito con tu olor.(D)
Quise hacer un cielo en el infierno
a ver si acertaba por error(G)

(C)Ya no queda nada entre tu y yo

(G)ya no queda nada entre los dos (D) (G)
(C)Ya no queda nada entre tu y yo
(G)ya no queda nada entre los dos (D) (G)


Cada cual que (G)siga su camino,

cada cual que baile su canción.(D)
Tú destino dices ya está escrito,
el mío tengo que escribirlo yo(G)

(G)Y de tu cariño, de tu amor, de tu alegría

de tu calor de vida mía, de te quiero tanto,(D)
al final, de todo lo que me quedó es la canción
Yo Contigo, Tú Conmigo – Morat & (Am)¿Por qué, por qué, por (G)qué?
Te escucho cuando (Am)hablo y aunque no es(G)tés
Álvaro Soler
Eres (F)parte de (G)mi y no (F)quiero
verme sin (G)ti [Silencio]
(Am)¿Por qué, Por qué, Por (G)qué?
Te veo en el es(Am)pejo aunque no es(G)tés
(Am)Siento, siento, sien(G)to
Reco(F)nozco tu (G)voz, sé que hay (F)algo aquí
Que te conozco de (Am)antes de hace tiem(G)po
entre los (G)dos [Silencio]
Que el des(F)tino cumpli(G)ó su misi(Am)ón
(Am)Siento, siento, sien(G)to [silencio] Y aunque quieran quitarme la (F)voz
Que te conozco de (Am)antes de hace tiem(G)po
Que el des(F)tino cumpli(G)ó su misi(Am)ón [Estribillo]
[Silencio] Y aunque quieran quitarme la (F)voz
Contra el (Dm)viento (F)oh! (C)(G)
Nuestro mo(Dm)mento, (F)oh! sé que ya lle(C)go y lo
Yo pegaré un (C)grito al cielo(G) Contra el (Dm)mundo, los (F)mares, no ha(C)brá
Soy más fuerte (C)si esta(G)mos los (F)dos quien nos se(G)pare
Va a rendirse el (C)mundo entero (G) Contra el (Dm)viento, el (F)viento (E7)oh
Yo contigo, tú conmigo
(F)Le daré la (C)vuelta al cuento (G) [Single strum]
y aunque muera en (E)el int(Am)ento (F)Yo pegaré un (C)grito al cielo(G)
(F)Vamos a escri(C)bir lo mejor(G) Soy más fuerte (C)si esta(G)mos los (F)dos
Yo contigo, tú conmigo Va a rendirse el (C)mundo entero (G) [silencio]
(Am)Gon gon goro gon (G)gon
Que va ser mi Yo contigo, tú conmigo (F)
(Em)Gon gon goro gon (F)gon [Normal Strum]
(Am)Gon gon goro gon (G)gon [Estribillo]
Que va ser mi
(Em)Gon gon goro gon (F)gon
Yolanda – Pablo Milanés (G)Rezando el credo que me has (C)enseñado
(D)Miro tu cara y digo en la ven(G)tana
(G)Esto no puede ser no más que u(C)na canción (G)Yolanda
(D)Quisiera fuera una declara(G)ción de amor (C)Yolanda
(G)Romántica sin repa(C)rar en formas tales (D)Eternamente Yo(G)landa(C)(D)
(D)Que pongan freno a lo que siento Yo(G)landa
aho(G)ra a raudales (C)Eterna(D)mente Yo(G)landa
(G)Te amo (C)Eterna(D)mente Yo(G)landa
(C)Te amo
(D)Eternamente te (G)amo(C)(D)(G)

(G)Si me faltaras no voy (C)a morirme

(D)Si he de morir quiero que sea con(G)tigo
(G)Mi soledad se siente a(C)compañada
(D)Por eso a veces sé que nece(G)sito
(G)Tu mano
(C)Tu mano
(D)Eternamente tu (G)mano(C)(D)(G)

(G)Cuando te vi sabía que (C)era cierto

(D)Este temor de hallarme descu(G)bierto
(G)Tú me desnudas con sie(C)te razones
(D)Me abres el pecho siempre que me (G)colmas
(G)De amores
(C)De amores
(D)Eternamente de a(G)mores(C)(D)(G)

(G)Si alguna vez me siento (C)derrotado

(D)Renuncio a ver el sol cada ma(G)ñana
Yo no te pido – Pablo Milanés (C)Yo no te pido (E7)que me bajes
(Am)una estrella a(G)zul,
[Intro instrumental] (D)sólo te pido (G)que mi espacio
(C)(E7)(Am)(G)(F)(E7)(Am)(G) (C)llenes con tu (D)luz. (Eb)
(Ab)Yo no te pido (C)que me bajes
(C)Yo no te pido (E7)que me bajes (Fm)una estrella a(Eb)zul,
(Am)una estrella a(G)zul, (Bb)sólo te pido (Eb)que mi espacio
(D)sólo te pido (G)que mi espacio (Ab)llenes con tu (Bb)luz.
(C)llenes con tu (D)luz.
(C)Yo no te pido (E7)que me firmes (Ab)Yo no te pido (C)que me bajes
(Am)diez papeles (G)grises para amar, (Fm)una estrella a(Eb)zul,
(D)sólo te pido (G)que tú quieras (Bb)sólo te pido (Eb)que mi espacio
(C)las palomas (D)que suelo mirar. (Ab)llenes con tu (Bb)luz.

(E7)De lo pasado no (A7)lo voy a ne(D7)gar, (Ab)Yo no te pido (C)que me bajes

el futuro algún (G7)día llega(C)rá (Fm)una estrella a(Eb)zul,
y del pre(G)sente, qué me importa la (Am)gente (Bb)sólo te pido (Eb)que mi espacio
si es que (G)siempre van a ha(D)blar. (Ab)llenes con tu (Bb)luz.
[Intro instrumental]

(C)Sigue llenando (E7)este minuto

(Am)de razones (G)para respirar;
(D)no me complazcas, (G)no te niegues,
(C)no hables por ha(D)blar.
Yo voy a ser Rey León – El Rey León mires donde (D)mires
siempre estoy al (G)mando
- (G)Yo voy a ser el rey león, - ¡aún no!
y tú lo vas a ver
- pues sin (C)pelo en ese cabezón, Pre(C)gonen sus canciones sin du(D)dar
un rey no puedes ser. En (C)bosques, en sabanas, en el (D)mar
- no ha (G)habido nadie como yo, De(C)diquen al Rey Simba su can(D)ción
tan fuerte y tan veloz,
se(C)ré el felino más voraz y así será mi voz. - Oh, (C)yo voy a (D)ser rey (G)león,
- (Am)pues un gato suena mas fe(D)roz (C)yo voy a (D)ser rey (G)león,
(C)yo voy a (D)seeeeeeeeeeeer rey (G)león
- Oh, (C)yo voy a (D)ser rey (G)león,
nadie que me (C)diga...
lo que debo (D)hacer..
nadie que me (D)diga...
cómo debo (G)ser!!!
(C)libre para hacer mi (D)ley
(C)libre para (D)ser el (G)rey

- es (G)hora de que tú y yo,

hablemos de verdad
- (C)no quiero escuchar a un pajarraco tan vulgar
- si a (G)eso llamas monarquía no hay por qué seguir,
yo me (C)largo lejos de África, dimito y a vivir,
to(Am)tal tampoco tengo voca(D)ción.

- Oh, (C)yo voy a (D)ser rey (G)león,

mira como (C)bailo,
mira como (D)ando
Across the Universe – The Beatles (G)Nothing's gonna change my (D)world

(D)Words are flowing (Bm)out (D)Sounds of laughter, (Bm)shades of love are

like endless (F#m)rain into a paper cup (F#m)ringing through my opened ears
They (Em)slither while they pass they slip In(Em)citing and in(Gm)viting me
a(A7)way across the universe (D)Limitless un(Bm)dying love,
(D)Pools of sorrow, (Bm)waves of joy which (F#m)shines around me like
are (F#m)drifting through my opened mind a million (Em)suns
Po(Em)ssessing and ca(Gm)ressing me And calls me on and on a(A)cross the universe

(D)Jai guru deva, (A)Om (D)Jai guru deva, (A)Om

(A)Nothing's gonna change my world (A)Nothing's gonna change my world
(G)Nothing's gonna change my (D)world (G)Nothing's gonna change my (D)world
(A)Nothing's gonna change my world (A)Nothing's gonna change my world
(G)Nothing's gonna change my (D)world (G)Nothing's gonna change my (D)world

(D)Images of (Bm)broken light (D)Jai guru deva

which (F#m)dance before me like a (D)Jai guru deva
million (Em)eyes they call me on and on (D)Jai guru deva
a(A)cross the universe (D)Jai guru deva
(D)Thoughts meander (Bm)like a restless
(F#m)wind inside a letter box
They (Em)tumble blindly
As they make their (A)way across the universe

(D)Jai guru deva, (A)Om

(A)Nothing's gonna change my world
(G)Nothing's gonna change my (D)world
(A)Nothing's gonna change my world
Adeste Fideles – Villancico
A(G)deste fi(D)deles
(G)laeti (C)trium(G)phan(D)tes
Ve(Em)nite, ve(D)nite in Beth(A7)le(D)hem
(G)Natum vi(D)de(G)te,
(Em)Regem (A7)ange(D)lorum
Ve(G)nite (D)ado(G)remus,
Ve(G)nite (C)ado(G)re(D)mus
Ve(C)nite ado(D)remu(C)us

En (G)grege re(D)licto
(G)Humi(C)les ad (G)cu(D)nas,
Vo(Em)cati pas(D)tores adpro(A7)ope(D)rant,
(G)Et nos o(D)van(G)ti,
(Em)Gradu (A7)festi(D)nemus.
Ve(G)nite (D)ado(G)remus,
Ve(G)nite (C)ado(G)re(D)mus
Ve(C)nite ado(D)remu(C)us
♡ A Hard Day's Night – The Beatles
Yeah, it's been a (G)hard (C)day's (G)night
And I've been (F)working like a (G)dog
It's been a (G)hard (C)day's (G)night
(G7sus) = 0 2 1 3
I should be (F)sleeping like a (G)log
But when I (C)get home to you
It's been a (G)hard (C)day's (G)night
I find the (D)things that you do
And I've been (F)working like a (G)dog
Will make (G)me feel (C7)all (G)right, Oh!
It's been a (G)hard (C)day's (G)night
I should be (F)sleeping like a (G)log
(G)(C7)(G) (F) (G)
(G)(C7)(G) (F) (G)
But when I (C)get home to you
I find the (D)things that you do
Will make (G)me feel (C7)all (G)right
It's been a (G)hard (C)day's (G)night
You know (G)I work (C)all (G)day
And I've been (F)working like a (G)dog
To get you (F)money to buy you (G)things
It's been a (G)hard (C)day's (G)night
And it's (G)worth it just to (C)hear you (G)say
I should be (F)sleeping like a (G)log
You're gonna (F)give me every(G)thing
But when I (C)get home to you
So why I (C)love to come home I find the (D)things that you do
'cause when I (D)get you alone Will make (G)me feel (C7)all (G)right
You know I (G)feel (C7)o(G)kay You know I (G)feel (C7)all (G)right
You know I (G)feel all (F)right
When I'm (Bm)home
(Em)everything seems to be all (Bm)right
when I'm (G)home
(Em)feeling you holding me (C)tight, (D)tight
Ain't No Mountain High Enough – (G)Ain't no valley (F#m)low e(Bm)nough
(G)Ain't no river (F#m)wide e(Bm)nough
Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
To (E7)keep me from getting to (G)you babe
(A)Oh no darling, No wind, no rain
(Bm7)(E7)(G)(D)(Em)Listen baby,
(Bm7)ain't no mountain (E7)high
Or (F#)winters cold (Bm)can stop me (G)baby, na na
Ain't no valley (G)low,
ain't no (D)river (Em)wide enough baby
'Cause you are my (A)goal
(Bm7)If you need me (E7)call me
If you're ever in trouble
no matter where you (G)are
I'll be there on the double
No (D)matter (Em)how far don't worry (Bm7)baby
Just (Bb)send for me, oh baby, ha
Just call my (E7)name I'll be there in a (G)hurry
You (D)don't have to (Em)worry
(Cm7)My love is a(F7)live
Way down in my (Ab)heart
'Cause (D)baby there
Al(Eb)though we are (Fm)miles apart
(G)ain't no mountain (F#m)high e(Bm)nough
If you ever (Cm7)need a helping (F7)hand
(G)Ain't no valley (F#m)low e(Bm)nough
I'll be there on the (Ab)double
(G)Ain't no river (F#m)wide e(Bm)nough
Just as (Eb)fast as I (Fm)can
To (E7)keep me from getting to (G)you babe
Don't you (Eb)know that there
Remember the (Bm7)day I set you (E7)free
(Ab)ain't no mountain (Gm)high e(Cm)nough
I told you you could (G)always
(Ab)Ain't no valley (Gm)low e(Cm)nough
(D)count on me (Em)darling
(Ab)Ain't no river (Gm)wide e(Cm)nough
From that day (Bm7)on, I made a (E7)vow
To (F7)keep me from getting to (Ab)you babe [x2]
I'll be there when you (G)want me
Some (D)way, some (Em)how

'Cause (Bm)baby there

(G)ain't no mountain (F#m)high e(Bm)nough
A Kind of Magic – Queen [Instrumental]
[Single strum]
(A)One dream, one soul, one (B7)prize, one goal This (E)rage that (G)lasts a (D)thousand years
One (D)golden glance Will soon be, will soon be, will soon be (E)done
This (D)is a kind of (A)magic
of (A)what should be There (D)can be only (A)one
-It's a kind of magic-
One (A)shaft of light that (B7)shows the way This (E)rage that (G)lasts a (D)thousand years
No (D)mortal man can (A)win this day Will soon be (E)done -done-
-It's a kind of magic-
The (A)bell that rings in(B7)side your mind (D)
Is (D)challenging the (A)doors of time (A)Magic - it's a kind of magic
-It's a kind of magic- (D)
The (F#m)waiting seems (D)eternity (A)It's a kind of magic
The (F#m)day will dawn of (E)sanity [N/C]
Is (D)this a kind of (A)magic Magic magic magic magic
-It's a kind of magic- (D)
There (D)can be only (A)one (A)It's a kind of magic...
This (E)rage that (G)lasts a (D)thousand years (D)
Will soon be (E)done (A)

This (A)flame that burns (B7)inside of me

I'm (D)hearing secret (A)harmonies
-It's a kind of magic-
The (A)bell that rings (B7)inside your mind
Is (D)challenging the (A)doors of time
♡ All My Loving – The Beatles And then (Dm)while I'm a(G7)way
I'll write (C)home ev'ry (Am)day
And I'll (F)send all my (G7)loving to (C)you
[intro – first three lines]
All my (Am/C)loving... (C+)I will send to (C)you
Close your (Dm)eyes and I'll (G7)kiss you
(C) All my (Am/C)loving... (C+)darling I'll be (C)true
To(C)morrow I'll (Am)miss you
Re(F)member I'll (Dm)always be (Bb)true (G7)
All my (Am/C)loving... a-a-all my (C)loving ooh
All my (Am/C)loving... I will send to (C)you
And then (Dm)while I'm a(G7)way
I'll write (C)home ev'ry (Am)day
And I'll (F)send all my (G7)loving to (C)you

I'll pre(Dm)tend that I'm (G7)kissing

The (C)lips I am (Am)missing
And (F)hope that my (Dm)dreams will come (Bb)true

And then (Dm)while I'm a(G7)way

I'll write (C)home ev'ry (Am)day
And I'll (F)send all my (G7)loving to (C)you

All my (Am/C)loving... (C+)I will send to (C)you

(C) All my (Am/C)loving... (C+)darling I'll be (C)true

Close your (Dm)eyes and I'll (G7)kiss you

To(C)morrow I'll (Am)miss you
Re(F)member I'll (Dm)always be (Bb)true (G7)
All Shook Up – Elvis Presley I'm all shook up
Mm mm (Eb)mm, (F)mm, (Bb)yay, yay, yay
Acorde (Eb) = 0 3 3 1
My (Eb)tongue gets tied when I try to speak
(Bb)A well'a bless my soul My (Bb)insides shake like a leaf on a tree
What'sa wrong with me? There's (Eb)only one cure for this body of mine
I'm itchin' like a man in a fuzzy tree That's to (F)have that girl that I love so fine!
My friends say I'm actin' wild as a bug
I'm in love She (Bb)touched my hand what a chill I got
I'm all shook up Her lips are like a volcano that's hot
Mm mm (Eb)mm, (F)mm, (Bb)yay, yay, yay I'm proud to say that she's my buttercup
I'm in love
(Bb)Well, my hands are shaky I'm all shook up
and my knees are weak Mm mm (Eb)mm, (F)mm, (Bb)yay, yay, yay
I can't seem to stand on my own two feet Mm mm (Eb)mm, (F)mm, (Bb)yay, yay
Who do you think of when you have such luck? I'm all shook up
I'm in love
I'm all shook up
Mm mm (Eb)mm, (F)mm, (Bb)yay, yay, yay

Well,(Eb) please don't ask me what'sa on my mind

I'm a (Bb)little mixed up, but I'm feelin' fine
(Eb)When I'm near that girl that I love best
My (F)heart beats so it scares me to death!

Well she (Bb)touched my hand what a chill I got

Her lips are like a volcano when it's hot
I'm proud to say that she's my buttercup
I'm in love
♡ All You Need is Love – The Beatles (Am)love, (G)love, (D)love (Am)
(G)Love, (D)love, (Em)love
(D)(G)love, (D)love, (Em)love (G)All you (A)need is (D)love
(D)(Am)love, (G)love, (D)love (Am) (G)all you (A)need is (D)love,
(D)(C)(Bm)(D) (G)All you (B)need is (Em)love, (D)love.
(C)Love is (D)all you need.(G)
(G)There's nothing
you can (D)do that can't be (Em)done. (G)There's nothing you can (D)know
(G)Nothing you can that isn't (Em)known.
(D)sing that can't be (Em)sung. (G)Nothing you can (D)see that isn't (Em)shown.
(Am)Nothing you can (G)say, but you can (D)learn (Am)There's nowhere you can (G)be that isn't
How to play the (Am)game (D)where you're meant to (Am)be
It's (D)easy. (C) (Bm) (D) It's (D)easy. (C) (Bm) (D)
(G)Nothing you can (D)make
that can't be (Em)made. (G)All you (A)need is (D)love
(G)No one you can (D)save (G)all you (A)need is (D)love,
that can't be (Em)saved. (G)All you (B)need is (Em)love, (D)love.
(Am)Nothing you can (G)do, but you can (D)learn (C)Love is (D)all you need.(G)
How to be you in (Am)time
It's (D)easy. (C) (Bm) (D) (G)All you (A)need is (D)love
(G)all you (A)need is (D)love,
(G)All you (A)need is (D)love (G)All you (B)need is (Em)love, (D)love.
(G)all you (A)need is (D)love, (C)Love is (D)all you need.(G)
(G)All you (B)need is (Em)love, (D)love.
(C)Love is (D)all you need.(G)

(G)Love, (D)love, (Em)love

(G)love, (D)love, (Em)love
♡ Always Look On The Bright Side Of You must (Am)always face the (D)curtain
with a (G)bow
Life – Monty Python
For(Am)get about your (D)sin
Give the (G)audience a (E7)grin
(G)Always (Em)look on the
En(Am)joy it - it's your last chance
(Am)bright (D)side of (G)life...
[Silbido] (Em)(Am)(D)
(G)Always (Em)look on the
(G)Always (Em)look on the
(Am)light (D)side of (G)life...
(Am)bright (D)side of (G)death...
[Silbido] (Em)(Am)(D)
[Silbido] (Em)(Am)(D)
(G)Just be(Em)fore you
If (Am)life seems jolly (D)rotten
(Am)draw your (D)terminal (G)breath
There's (G)something you've (Em)forgotten
[Silbido] (Em)(Am)(D)
And (Am)that's to laugh and (D)smile
and dance and (G)sing
(Am)Life's a piece of (D)shit,
When you're (Am)feeling in the (D)dumps
(G)when you look at (Em)it
(G)Don't be silly (E7)chumps
(Am)Life's a laugh and (D)death's a joke, it's (G)true
Just (Am)purse your lips and whistle
You'll (Am)see its all a (D)show,
- that's the (D)thing.
keep 'em (G)laughin as you (E7)go
Just (Am)remember that the last laugh is on (D)you
(G)Always (Em)look on the
(Am)bright (D)side of (G)life...
(G)Always (Em)look on the
[Silbido] (Em)(Am)(D)
(Am)bright (D)side of (G)life...
(G)Always (Em)look on the
[Silbido] (Em)(Am)(D)
(Am)right (D)side of (G)life...
(G)Always (Em)look on the
[Silbido] (Em)(Am)(D)
(Am)light (D)side of (G)life...
[Silbido] (Em)(Am)(D)
For (Am)life is quite ab(D)surd
And (G)death's the final (Em)word
All Star – Smash Mouth It's a (G)cool place and they (D)say it gets colder
You're (Am)bundled up now wait (C)'til you get older
Some(G)body once (D)told me But the (G)meteor men beg to (D)differ
the (Am)world is gonna (C)roll me Judging by the (Am)hole in the satellite (C)picture
I (G)ain't the sharpest (D)tool in the (Am)shed (C)
She was (G)looking kind of (D)dumb The ice we (G)skate is getting pretty (D)thin
with her (Am)finger and her (C)thumb The water's getting (Am)warm so you might as well
In the (G)shape of an (D)"L" on her (Am)forehead(C) (C)swim
My world's on (G)fire. How about (D)yours?
Well, the (G)years start coming That's the way I (Am)like it and I'll never get (C)bored.
and they (D)don't stop coming
(Am)Fed to the rules and I (C)hit the ground running [Estribillo]
(G)Didn't make sense not to (D)live for fun (G)(C)(A)(C) x4
Your (Am)brain gets smart but your (C)head gets [Estribillo]
Some(G)body once (D)asked could I (Am)spare some
(G)So much to do, so (D)much to see change for (C)gas
So what's (Am)wrong with taking the (C)back streets? I need to (G)get myself a(D)way
You'll (G)never know if you don't (D)go from this (Am)place(C)
You'll (Am)never shine if you don't (C)glow I said (G)yep, what a con(D)cept
I could (Am)use a little fuel my(C)self
(G)Hey, now, you're an (C)All Star, And we could (G)all use a (D)little (Am)change...
get your (A)game on, (C)go play
(G)Hey, now, you're a (C)Rock Star, → Well, the (G)years start coming...
get the (A)show on, (C)get paid
And (G)all that (C)glitters is (A)gold [Estribillo]
(C)Only shooting (G)stars (F)break the (C)mold
All That She Wants – Ace of Base She's a (C)hunter you're the (G)fox
The (D)gentle voice that talks to you
(Dm)She leads a lonely life(C)(Gm) (A)Won't talk forever
(Dm)She leads a lonely life(C)(Gm) (Dm)It's a night for passion
(Dm)(C)(Gm) (Dm)(C)(Gm) But the (Gm)morning means good(Bb)bye
Be(Dm)ware of what is (Am)flashing in her (Gm)eyes
When she (D)woke up late in the morning She's going to get you
Light and the (C)day had just be(G)gun
She (D)opened up her eyes and thought (Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby
(A)O' what a morning She's (Gm)gone tomorrow boy
(D)It's not a day for work (Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby (Gm)ehh...
It's a (G)day for catching (Gm)tan (Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby
Just (D)laying on the (A)beach and having (G)fun She's (Gm)gone tomorrow boy
She's going to get you (Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby (Gm)ehh...

(Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby (Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby
She's (Gm)gone tomorrow boy She's (Gm)gone tomorrow boy
(Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby (Gm)ehh... (Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby (Gm)ehh...
(Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby (Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby
She's (Gm)gone tomorrow boy She's (Gm)gone tomorrow boy
(Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby (Gm)ehh... (Dm)All that she wants is another (C)baby (Gm)ehh...

(Dm)(C)(Gm) [Susurrado] All that she wants
(Dm)(C)(Gm) [Susurrado] all that she wants

So if you (D)are in sight and the day is right

Always on my mind – Elvis Presley (C)I just (G)never took the (Am)time (G)
(D)You were always on my (G)mind
(G)Maybe I didn't (D)treat you (C)you were always on my (D)mind
(Em)quite as (D)good as I (C)should have (C)(D)
(G)maybe I didn't (D)love you (G)(D)(Em)(D)(C)(G) (Am)(D) [Pausa]
(Em)quite as (D)often as I (A)could have ...You were allways on my (G)mind
(C)little things I should have (G)said and done
(C)I just (G)never took the (Am)time (G) (G)Maybe I didn't (D)treat you
(D)You were always on my (G)mind (Em)quite as (D)good as I (C)should have (C)(D)
(C)you were (D)always on my (G)mind (C)(D) (G)maybe I didn't (D)love you
(Em)quite as (D)often as I (C)could have (C)(D)
(G)Maybe I didn't (D)hold you (G)Maybe I didn't (D)hold you
(Em)all those (D)lonely, lonely (C)times (C)(D) (Em)all those (D)lonely, lonely (C)times (C)(D)
(G)and I guess I never (D)told you (G)and I guess I never (D)told you
(Em)I'm so (D)happy that you're (A)mine (Em)I'm so (D)happy that you're (C)mine (C)(D)
(C)if I make you feel (G)second best (G)
(C)girl, I'm (G)sorry I was (Am)blind (G)
(D)You were always on my (G)mind
(C)you were (D)always on my (G)mind (C)(D)

(G)Tell (D)(Em)me,(D)
(C)tell me that your (G)sweet love hasn't (Am)died (D)
(G)give (D)(Em)me, (D)
give me (C)one more chance
to (G)keep you satis(Am)fied, (D)satis(G)fied


(C)Little things I should have (G)said and done

Angels – Robbie Williams a one-(F)way street (G)
I look a(C)bove… and I know I’ll always be (F)blessed
[intro] (C) (C) with love (G)
And (Bb)as the feeling grows… she breathes (F)flesh
I sit and (C)wait… does an angel… contempl(F)ate my to my bones
fate (G) And (C)when love is dead…
And do they (C)know… the places where we go… [single strums] (Bb) I’m loving (F) angels ins(C)tead
when we’re grey and
(F)old (G) [Estribillo] x2
(G) Cos I have been (Dm)told… that sal(F)vation…
lets their
(Am)wings unfold (F)
So when I’m (Bb)lyin’ in my bed… thoughts (F)runnin’
through my head
And I (C)feel that love is dead…
[single strums] (Bb) I’m loving (F) angels ins(C)tead

And through it (G)all… she offers me pro(Am)tection

A lot of love and aff(F)ection… whether I’m right or
And down the water(G)fall… wherever it may
(Am)take me
I know that life won’t (F)break me… when I come to
call (C)
She won’t for(Dm)sake me…
[single strums] (Bb) I’m loving (F) angels ins(C)tead

(C) When I’m feeling weak… and my pain walks down

Another Day of Sun – La La Land he (G)used to know me

(Fm)Ba-ba-da-ba da-ba-da-ba… (Ab)Climb these hills

(Bb)(Cm)(Gm) I'm (Bb)reaching for the (Eb)heights
(Fm)(Bb)(Eb)(Gm) And (Fm)chasing all the (Bb)lights that (Eb)shine
And (Cm)when they let you (Bb)down
I (Fm)think about that day You'll (Cm)get up off the (Bb)ground
I (Bb)left him at a Greyhound station 'Cause (Cm)morning rolls (Bb)around
(Eb)West of Santa Fé And it's another day of (Eb)sun (G)
(C)We were seventeen,
but he was (Fm)sweet and it was true I (Fm)hear 'em ev'ry day
Still (Bb)I did what I had to (Eb)do The (Bb)rhythms in the canyons
'Cause (Cm)I just (C)knew That'll (Eb)never fade away
(Fm)Summer Sunday nights The (C)ballads in the barrooms
We'd (Bb)sink into our seats Left by (Fm)those who came before
Right as they (Eb)dimmed out all the lights They (Bb)say "you gotta want it (Eb)more"
A (C)Technicolor world made out of So I (Cm)bang on ev'ry (C)door
(Fm)music and machine
It (Bb)called me to be on that (Eb)screen And (Fm)even when the answer's "no"
And (Cm)live inside each (C)scene Or (Bb)when my money's running low
The (Cm)dusty mic and neon glow
With(Fm)out a nickel to my name (Ab)Are all I (G)need
(Bb)Hopped a bus, here I came And (Fm)someday as I sing my song
(Cm)Could be brave or just insane A (Bb)small-town kid'll come along
(Ab)We'll have to (G)see (Eb)That'll be the thing to push him (G)on and go go

'Cause (Fm)maybe in that sleepy town [Estribillo]

He'll (Bb)sit one day, the lights are down
He'll (Eb)see my face and think of how [Continúa...]



[Single strum]
And (Cm)when they let you (Bb)down
The (Cm)morning rolls a(Bb)round

[Normal strum]
It's another day of (A)sun
(B)It's another day of (C#m)sun
(B)It's another day of (A)sun
(B)It's another day of (C#m)sun
(B)Just another day of (A)sun
(B)It's another day of (C#m)sun
(B)Another day has just (A)begun
(B)It's another day of (A)sun

(A)--- (B)--- (C#m)---- (A)--(B)--
(A)--- (B)--- (C#m)---- (Ab)----
It's another day of sun (E)
Baby can I hold you – Tracy Chapman But you can say (G)baby
(Am)Baby can I (C)hold you (G)tonight
(G) (D) (G) (D) (Am)Maybe if I (C)told you the (Em)right words
At the (D)right time you'd be (G)mine
Is (D)all that you can't (Am)say (Am)Baby can I (C)hold you (G)tonight
(C)Years gone by and (G)still (Am)Maybe if I (C)told you the (Em)right words
(D)Words don't come (Am)easily At the (D)right time you'd be (G)mine
Like (C)sorry like (D)sorry

(G)Forgive me
Is (D)all that you can't (Am)say
(C)Years gone by and (G)still
(D)Words don't come (Am)easily
Like (C)forgive me (D)forgive me

But you can say (G)baby

(Am)Baby can I (C)hold you (G)tonight
(Am)Maybe if I (C)told you the (Em)right words
At the (D)right time you'd be (G)mine(D)

(G)I love you

Is (D)all that you can't (Am)say
(C)Years gone by and (G)still
(D)Words don't come (Am)easily
Like I (C)love you I (D)love you
Bad Bad Leroy Brown – Jim Croce He got a (B7)thirty two gun in his (C)pocket for fun
He got a (D)razor in his shoe(G)(D)
(G)--------- (D7)
Well the (G)South side of Chicago [Estribillo]
Is the (A7)baddest part of town
And if you (B7)go down there Now (G)Friday 'bout a week ago
You better (C)just beware (A7)Leroy shootin' dice
Of a (D)man named Leroy Brown (G)(D) And at the (B7)edge of the bar
Sat a (C)girl named Doris
Now (G)Leroy more than trouble And (D)ooh that girl looked nice (G)(D)
You see he (A7)stand 'bout six foot four
All the (B7)downtown ladies call him (C)"Treetop Well he (G)cast his eyes upon her
Lover" And the (A7)trouble soon began
All the (D)men just call him "Sir" (G)(D) And (B7)Leroy Brown learned a (C)lesson
'Bout messin' with the (D)wife of a jealous man (G)(D)
And it's (G)bad, bad Leroy Brown [Estribillo]
The (A7)baddest man in the whole damned town
(B7)Badder than old King (C)Kong Well the (G)two men took to fighting
And (D)meaner than a (C)junkyard dog (G)(D) And when they (A7)pulled them off the floor
(B7)Leroy looked like a (C)jigsaw puzzle
Now (G)Leroy he a gambler With a (D)couple of pieces gone(G)(D)
And he (A7)like his fancy clothes
And he (B7)like to wave his (C)diamond rings [Estribillo] x2
In front(D) of everybody's nose (G)(D)
(B7)Badder than old King (C)Kong
He got a (G)custom Continental And (D)meaner than a (C)junkyard dog (G)
He got an (A7)Eldorado too
Bad Romance – Lady Gaga I (G)want your revenge
You and (Am)me could write a bad ro(C)mance
Oh-oh-oh-oh-(F)oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh-(G)oh-oh! (Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh!)
(Am)Caught in a bad ro(C)mance (F)I want your love and
Oh-oh-oh-oh-(F)oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh-(G)oh-oh! All your (G)lovers revenge
(E7)Caught in a bad ro(Am)mance You and (E7)me could write a bad ro(Am)mance
Oh-oh-oh-oh-(F)oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh-(G)oh-oh!
(Am)Rah rah ah-ah-ah! (Am)Caught in a bad ro(C)mance
Ro mah ro-mah-mah Oh-oh-oh-oh-(F)oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh-(G)oh-oh!
Gaga oh-la-la! (E7)Caught in a bad ro(Am)mance
Want your bad romance [x2]
(Am)Rah rah ah-ah-ah! ….
(Am)I want your ugly, I (C)want your disease(F)
(Am)I want your everything as (C)long as it's free(F) (Am)I want your horror, I (C)want your de(F)sign
I want your love(Am) (C)Love-love-(F)love (Am)'Cause you're a criminal
I want your (Am)love (C)(F)(Am) As (C)long as your (F)mine
I want your love(Am) (C)Love-love-(F)love
(Am)I want your drama, The (C)touch of your hand(F) I want your (Am)love (C)(F)(Am)
(Am)I want your leather studded (C)kiss in the sand(F)
I want your (Am)love, (C)Love-love-(F)love, (Am)I want your psycho, your (C)vertigo shtick(F)
I want your (Am)love (C)(F)(Am) (Am)Want you in my rear window
(C)Baby you're (F)sick,
(N/C)You know that I want you I want your love(Am) (C)Love-love-(F)love
And you know that I need you I want your (Am)love (C)(F)(Am)
I want it bad
Your bad romance [Estribillo]

(F)I want your love and (Am)Rah rah ah-ah-ah! ….

Banana Boat Song – Harry Belafonte (F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
(F)Hide the deadly black tarantula
[N/C] Day-o, day-o (F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Day, me say day, me say day, me say day (F)Lift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
Me say day, me say day-o (F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
Daylight come and me wan' go home (F)Six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
Work all night on a drink of rum
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home (F)Day, me say day-o
(F)Stack banana till de mornin' come (F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home (F)Day, me say day, me say day, me say day...
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
(F)Come, Mister tally man, (C)tally me banana
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home (F)Come, Mister tally man, (C)tally me banana
(F)Come, Mister tally man, (C)tally me banana (F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home (F)Come, Mister tally man, (C)tally me banana
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
(F)Lift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home [Single strum]
(F)Six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch (F)Day-o, day-o
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home (F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
(F)Day, me say day, me say day, me say day
(F)Day, me say day-o Me say day, me say day-o
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home (F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home
(F)Day, me say day, me say day, me say day...
(F)Daylight come and me (C)wan' go (F)home

(F)A beautiful bunch o' ripe banana

Barbie Girl – Aqua (Bb)Come on Barbie, (C)let´s go party!
(Am)Ah, Ah, (Dm)Ah, yeah
(Dm)I´m a barbie (Gm)girl, (C)in a barbie (F)world (Bb)Come on Barbie, (C)let´s go party!
(Dm)Life in (Gm)plastic, (C)it´s fantastic. (Am)Oohooh (Dm) Oohooh
(Dm)you can brush my (Gm)hair, [Pausa]
un(C)dress me every(F)where.
(Dm)Imagi(Gm)nation, (C)that is your creation. Make me (Dm)walk, make me talk,
do wha(Gm)tever you please,
[Silencio] I can (C)act like a star, I can (Dm)beg on my knees.
Come on Barbie, let´s go party! Come jump (Dm)in, be my friend,
let us (Gm)do it again,
[Estribillo] hit the (C)town, fool around, let´s go (Dm)party

I´m a (Dm)blond bimbo girl, in a (Gm)fantasy world, You can (Dm)touch, (Gm)you can (C)play,
Dress me (C)up, make it tight, I´m your (Dm)darling. (Dm)if you say "I´m (Gm)always (C)yours"
You are my (Dm)doll, rock´n´roll, You can (Dm)touch, (Gm)you can (C)play,
feel the (Gm)glamouring thing, (Dm)if you say "I´m (Gm)always (C)yours"
kiss me (C)here, touch me there, hanky (Dm)panky.
You can (Dm)touch, (Gm)you can (C)play, (Bb)Come on Barbie, (C)let´s go party!...
(Dm)if you say "I´m (Gm)always (C)yours"
uu-oohuh.. [Estribillo] x2

[Estribillo] (Bb)Come on Barbie, (C)let´s go party!...

(Bb)Come on Barbie, (C)let´s go party!
(Am)Ah, Ah, (Dm)Ah, yeah
(Bb)Come on Barbie, (C)let´s go party!
(Am)Oohooh (Dm) Oohooh
♡ Basket Case – Green Day (F)Sometimes my (G)mind plays tricks (C)on me
It (F)all keeps adding (G)up
(C)Do you have the (G)time I (C)think I'm (Bb)cracking (Am)up
To (Am)listen to me (Em)whine Am (F)I just para(G)noid?
A(F)bout nothing and (C)everything Uh, yuh, yuh (C)ya (G)(Am)(G)
All at (G)once (C)(G)(Am)(G)
(C)I am one of (G)those (C)(G)(Am)(G)
Me(Am)lodramatic (Em)fools (C)(G)(Am)(G)
Neu(F)rotic to the (C)bone
No doubt about (G)it (F)Grasping to con(G)trol [silencio]
So I better hold (C)on(G)(Am)(Em) (F)(C)(G)
(F)Sometimes I (G)give myself (C)the creeps
(F)Sometimes my (G)mind plays tricks (C)on me (F)Sometimes I (G)give myself (C)the creeps
It (F)all keeps adding (G)up (F)Sometimes my (G)mind plays tricks (C)on me
I (C)think I'm (Bb)cracking (Am)up It (F)all keeps adding (G)up
Am (F)I just para(G)noid? I (C)think I'm (Bb)cracking (Am)up
Am I just (C)stoned? (G)(Am)(G) Am (F)I just para(G)noid?
(C)(G)(Am)(G) Am I just (C)stoned? (Am)----(F)(C)(G)----
I (C)went to a (G)shrink (C)----(Am)----(F)(C)(G)-----
To (Am)analyze my (Em)dreams
She (F)says it's lack of (C)sex
That's bringing me (G)down
I (C)went to a (G)whore
He (Am)said my life's a (Em)bore
So (F)quit my whining (C)cause
It's bringing her (G)down

(F)Sometimes I (G)give myself (C)the creeps

Beautiful – Christina Aguilera Full of beautiful mistakes(D)

(D)Every day is so (C)wonderful (D)And everywhere we (C)go

Then sudden(Bm)ly it's hard to (Bb)breathe. The sun will always (Bm)shine
(D)Now and then I get (C)insecure And tomorrow we might (Bb)wake on the other side
From all the (Bm)pain, I'm so (Bb)ashamed.
(G)We are beautiful no (Em)matter what they say
(G)I am beautiful no (Em)matter what they say. Yes, (D)words won't (C)bring us (Bm)down, no, no
(D)Words can't (C)bring me (Bm)down. (G)We are beautiful in (Em)every single way
(G)I am beautiful in (Em)every single way. Yes, (D)words can't (C)bring us (Bm)down, oh, no
Yes, (D)words can't (C)bring me (Bm)down... Oh no. (Em)So don't you bring me down (D)today
(Em)So don't you bring me down (D)today. (C)(Bm)(Bb)don't you bring me down (D)today

(D)To all your friends you're de(C)lirious,

So con(Bm)sumed in all your (Bb)doom.
(D)Trying hard to fill the (C)emptiness.
The pieces (Bm)gone, left the puzzle un(Bb)done.
is that the way it is?

(G)You are beautiful (Em)no matter what they say

(D)Words can't (C)bring you (Bm)down....oh no
(G)You are beautiful in (Em)every single way
Yes, (D)words can't (C)bring you (Bm)down, oh, no
(Em)So don't you bring me down (D)today...

No matter what we (C)do

No matter what we (Bm)say
We're the song inside the (Bb)tune
Beautiful Day – U2
It's a beautiful (A)day, (Bm)(G)
(A)(Bm)(G)(D)(A) [x2] Don't (D)let it get a(A)way
The heart is a (A)bloom, (Bm) (G) It's a beautiful (A)day, (Bm)(G)
shoots (D)up through the stony (A)ground Ohhh (D)ohhh (A)
There's no (A)room, (Bm)(G) (F#m)Touch me(G), (D)take me to that (A)other place
no (D)space to rent in this (A)town (F#m)Teach me(G), I (D)know I'm not a (A)hopeless
You're out of (A)luck (Bm)(G) case
and the (D)reason that you had to (A)care, (A)(Bm)(G)(D)(A)
The traffic is (A)stuck (Bm)(G) (Em)See the world in (G)green and blue
and you're (D)not moving any(A)where. (D)See China right in front of you
You thought you'd (A)found a friend (Bm)(G) (Em)See the canyons (G)broken by cloud
to take you (D)out of this (A)place (D)See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
Someone (A)you could (Bm)lend a (G)hand (Em)See the Bedouin (G)fires at night
in re(D)turn for (A)grace (D)See the oil fields at first light
(Em)See the bird with a (G)leaf in her mouth
It's a beautiful (A)day, (Bm)(G) After the (D)flood all the (A)colours came out...
(D)sky falls(A) you feel like (A)(Bm)(G)(D)(A)ñ
it's a beautiful (A)day (Bm)(G) It's a beautiful (A)day, (Bm)(G)
Don't (D)let it get a(A)way Don't (D)let it get a(A)way
It's a beautiful (A)day, (Bm)(G) (D)(A)
You're on the (A)road (Bm)(G) (F#m)Touch me(G), (D)take me to that (A)other place
but you've (D)got no desti(A)nation (F#m)Teach me(G), I (D)know I'm not a (A)hopeless
You're in the (A)mud, (Bm)(G) case
in the (D)maze of her imagi(A)nation What you (A)don't have you don't (Bm)need it (G)now
You love this (A)town (Bm)(G) What you (D)don't know you can (A)feel it somehow
(D)even if it (A)doesn't ring true What you (A)don't have you don't (Bm)need it (G)now
You've (A)been all (Bm)over (G) You don't (D)need it now, (A)
and it's (D)been all over (A)you It's a beautiful (A)day, (Bm)(G) (D) (A)
Beyond the Sea – Bobby Darin (Dm)We'll (Gm)kiss (C)just as be(F)fore
(A7)(Dm)(C)Happy we'll (F)be beyond the (Bb)sea
Some(F)where (Dm)(Gm)(C)beyond the (F)sea (D)(Gm)And (C)never (F)again
(Dm)Some(Gm)where (C)waitin' for (F)me (Dm)I'll go (Gm)saii(C)iii(F)lin'.
(A7)(Dm)(C)My lover (F)stands
on golden (Bb)sands (D)(Gm) (Dm)(Gm)(C)No more (F)sailin' …
And (C)watches the (F)ships (Dm)(Gm)(C)So long (F)sailin' …
(Dm)that go (Gm)saiiiii(C)lin'. (Dm)(Gm)(C)Bye, bye (F)sailin'...

Some(F)where (Dm)(Gm)(C)beyond the (F)sea

(Dm)She's (Gm)there (C)watchin' for (F)me
(A7)(Dm)(C)If I could (F)fly like birds on (Bb)high
(D)(Gm)Then (C)straight to her (F)arms
(Dm)I'd go (Gm)saii(C)iii(F)lin'.

(E7)It's (A)far (F#m)(Bm)(E7)beyond the (A)stars

(F#m)It's (Bm)near (E7)beyond the (A)moon
(G)(C)I know (Am)(Dm)(G)beyond a (C)doubt
(Am)My (Dm)heart (G)will (C)lead me there soon.(C7)

We'll (F)meet (Dm)(Gm)(C)beyond the (F)shore

(Dm)We'll (Gm)kiss (C)just as be(F)fore
(A7)(Dm)(C)Happy we'll (F)be beyond the (Bb)sea
(D)(Gm)And (C)never (F)again
(Dm)I'll go (Gm)saii(C)iii(F)lin'.

(G)I (C)know (Am)(Dm)(G)beyond a (C)doubt

(Am)My (Dm)heart (G)will (C)lead me there soon.(C7)
We'll (F)meet (Dm)(Gm)(C)beyond the (F)shore
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson 'cause the (E7)lie becomes the truth"

(Am)(Bm7)(C)(Bm7) (Am)(Bm7)(C)(Bm7) (Am)Billie (Bm7)Jean is (C)not my (Bm7)lover

(Am)She's just a (Bm7)girl who (C)claims
(Am)She was (Bm7)more like a (C)beauty queen that (Bm7)I am the (Dm)one
(Bm7)from a movie scene But the kid is not my (Am)son (Bm7)
(Am)I said don't (Bm7)mind, but what do (C)you mean (C)She says (Bm7)I am the (Dm)one,
(Bm7)I am the (Dm)one but the kid is not my (Am)son (Bm7) (C) (Bm7)
Who will dance on the floor
in the (Am)round (Bm7) (Am)For forty (Bm7)days and for(C)ty nights
(C)She said (Bm7)I am the (Dm)one The (Bm7)law was on her side
who will dance on the floor (Am)But who can (Bm7)stand when she's
in the (Am)round (Bm7)(C)(Bm7) (C)in demand, (Bm7)her schemes and (Dm)plans
'Cause we danced on the floor
(Am)She told me (Bm7)her name was Billie (C)Jean in the (Am)round (Bm7)
As she (Bm7)caused a scene (C)So take (Bm7)my strong ad(Dm)vice
(Am)Then every (Bm7)head turned with (C)eyes Just remember to always think (Am)twice (Bm7)(C)
that dreamed of being the (Dm)one (Bm7)
Who will dance on the floor
in the (Am)round (Bm7)(C)(Bm7) (Am)She told (Bm7)"my baby, (C)that's a threat"
(Bm7)As she looked at me
(F)People always told me (Am)Then showed (Bm7)a photo of a (C)baby crying
"be (Am)careful of what you do" (Bm7)Eyes were like (Dm)mine
"And don't (F)go around Go on dance on the floor
breaking young girls' (Am)hearts" in the (Am)round, (Bm7)baby (C)(Bm7)

And (F)mother always told me [Continúa]

"be (Am)careful of who you love
And be (F)careful of what you do,

(F)People always told me

be (Am)careful of what you do
And don't (F)go around breaking young girls'
She (F)came and stood right by me
Then the (Am)smell of sweet perfume
This (F)happened much too soon
(E7)She called me to her room

(Am)Billie (Bm7)Jean is (C)not my (Bm7)lover

(Am)She's just a (Bm7)girl who (C)claims
that (Bm7)I am the (Dm)one
but the kid is not my (Am)son (Bm7) (C) (Bm7)

(Am)Billie (Bm7)Jean is (C)not my (Bm7)lover

(Am)She's just a (Bm7)girl who (C)claims
that (Bm7)I am the (Dm)one
But the kid is not my (Am)son (Bm7)
(C)She says (Bm7)I am the (Dm)one,
but the kid is not my (Am)son (Bm7) (C) (Bm7)
☠ Blackbird – The Beatles (G)All your life (A9)(Cm)
(G)You were only (A9)waiting
Acorde (Gaug) = 0 3 3 2 for this (Gsus4)moment to a(G)rise
Acorde (A9) = 0 1 0 2
Acorde (Gsus4) = 0 2 3 3 (F)Bla(C)ck(Dm)bird(C) (Bb)fly(C)
(F)Bla(C)ck(Dm)bird(C) (Bb)fly(A)
(G)Blackbird singing in the dead of night Into the (Gsus4)light of the dark black (G)night
(C)Take these (A9)broken (D)wings
and (B7)learn to (Em)fly (Gaug) (G)Blackbird singing in the dead of night
(G)All your life (A9)(Cm) (C)Take these (A9)broken (D)wings
(G)You were only (A9)waiting and (B7)learn to (Em)fly (Gaug)
for this (Gsus4)moment to a(G)rise (G)All your life (A9)(Cm)
(G)You were only (A9)waiting
(C)(G)(A)(Gsus4) for this (Gsus4)moment to a(G)rise
(G)You were only (A9)waiting
(G)Blackbird singing in the dead of night for this (Gsus4)moment to a(G)rise
(C)Take these (A9)sunken (D)eyes (G)You were only (A9)waiting
and (B7)learn to (Em)see (Gaug) for this (Gsus4)moment to a(G)rise
(G)All your life (A9)(Cm)
(G)You were only (A9)waiting
for this (Gsus4)moment to be (G)free

(F)Bla(C)ck(Dm)bird(C) (Bb)fly(C)
(F)Bla(C)ck(Dm)bird(C) (Bb)fly(A)
Into the (Gsus4)light of the dark black (G)night

(G)Blackbird singing in the dead of night

(C)Take these (A9)broken (D)wings
and (B7)learn to (Em)fly (Gaug)
Blame It On The Boogie – The Jackson 5 (G)I just can't
(Em)I just can't
(Em)My baby's always dancin' (A)I just can't con(D)trol my feet [x4]
And (G)it wouldn't be a bad thing
But (Em)I don't get no loving [Estribillo]
And (C)that's no (G)lie
This (Em)magic music grooves me
We (Em)spent the night in Frisco That (G)dirty rhythm moves me
At (G)every kind of disco The (Em)devil's gotten to me
(C)From that night I kissed (C)Through this (G)dance
Our love (D)goodbye
I'm (Em)full of funky fever
Don't blame it on (G)sunshine And (G)fire burns inside me
Don't blame it on (Bb)moonlight (C)Boogie's got me in a
Don't blame it on (C)good times Super (D)trance
Blame it on the (G)boogie [x2]
(Em)The nasty boogie bugs me
But (G)somehow it has drugged me
(Em)Spellbound rhythm gets me
(C)On my (G)feet

I've (Em)changed my life completely

I've (G)seen the lightning leave me
My (C)baby just can't take
Her eyes off (D)me

♡ Blowing In The Wind – Bob Dylan is (D)blowing in the (Bm)wind
The (G)answer is (A)blowing in the (Bm)wind
(D)How many (G)roads must a (D)man walk down
Be(D)fore they (G)call him a (D)man The (G)answer, my (A)friend,
(D)How many (G)seas must a (D)white dove sail, is (D)blowing in the (Bm)wind
be(D)fore she (G)sleeps in the (A)sand The (G)answer is (A)blowing in the (D)wind
(D)How many (G)times must the (D)cannonballs fly,
be(D)fore they are (G)forever (A)banned
The (G)answer, my (A)friend,
is (D)blowing in the (Bm)wind
The (G)answer is (A)blowing in the (D)wind

(D)How many (G)years must a (D)mountain exist,

be(D)fore it is (G)washed to the (D)sea
(D)how many (G)years can some (D)people exist,
be(D)fore they're (G)allowed to be (A)free
(D)how many (G)times can a (D)man turn his head,
and pre(D)tend that he (G)just doesn't (A)see
The (G)answer, my (A)friend,
is (D)blowing in the (Bm)wind
The (G)answer is (A)blowing in the (D)wind

(D)How many (G)times must a (D)man look up,

be(D)fore he (G)really sees the (D)sky
(D)How many (G)years must (D)one man have,
be(D)fore he can (G)hear people (A)cry
(D)how many (G)deaths will it (D)take till he knows,
that (D)too many (G)people have (A)died
The (G)answer, my (A)friend,
Bohemian Like You – The Dandy And I (D)feel whoa ho woo
Warhols (A)(C)Ooh ooh (G)ooh(D)
Ooh ooh (A)ooh(C)Ooh ooh (G)ooh(D)
(A)(C)(G)(D) Ooh ooh (A)ooh
(A)(C)(G)(D) (A)Wait [Pausa]
You got a great (A)car Whose that (A)guy
Yeah, what's (C)wrong with it today? Just (C)hanging at your pad
I (G)used to have one too, He's (G)looking kinda bummed
Maybe I'll (D)come and have a look. Yeah, you (D)broke up, thats too bad.
I really (A)love I guess it's (A)fair if he (C)always pays the rent
your (C)hairdo, yeah And he (G)doesn't get bent
I'm (G)glad you like mine too, about (D)sleeping on the couch when I'm (A)there.
See what (D)looking pretty cool will get (A)ya?
(A) [Estribillo]
So, what do you (A)do?
Oh yeah, (C)I wait tables too. (A)I'm getting wise and
No, I (G)haven't heard your band, I'm (C)feeling so bohemian (G)like you
'Cause you (D)guys are pretty new. It's (D)you that I want, so (A)please
But if you (A)dig on (C)vegan food Just a (C)casual, casual (G)easy thing
Well come (G)over to my work (D)Is it? it is for me
I'll have them (D)cook you (A)And I (C)like you yeah I (G)like you
Something that you'll really (A)love. and I (D)like you I like you I (A)like you
I like you I (C)like you I like you
'cause I (C)like you I (G)like you and I (D)feel Whoa ho woo!
yeah I (G)like you (A)(C)Ooh ooh (G)ooh(D)
and I'm (D)feeling so bohemian (A)like you Ooh ooh (A)ooh(C)Ooh ooh (G)ooh(D)
Yeah I (C)like you yeah I (G)like you. Ooh ooh (A)ooh
♡☠ Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen Carry (C)on, carry (Dm)on
as if (Db7)nothing really (C)matters [Pausa]
(C)Too late, my (Am)time has come,
(Am7)Is this the real life? Sends (Dm)shivers down my spine,
(D7)Is this just fantasy? body's aching all the (G7)time
(G7)Caught in a landside, (C)Goodbye, everybody, I've (Am)got to go,
(C)No escape from reality Gotta (Dm)leave you all behind
(Am)Open your eyes, and face the (G7)truth(C7)
Look (C7)up to the skies and (F)see, (F)Mama, (C)ooo(Dm)ooh -anyway the wind blows-
(Dm)I'm just a poor boy, (G7)I need no sympathy, (Gm)I don't want to die,
Because I'm (C#)easy (C)come, (B)easy (C)go, (C)I sometimes wish I'd never been born
(C#)Little (C)high, (B)little (C)low, at (F)all
(F)Any way the (C)wind blows
(Ebdim)doesn't really (G7)matter to [Instrumental]
me….[pausa], to (C)me (C)(Dm) (Gm) (C7)
(F)(C)(Dm) (Gm) (Eb)
♡ [Balada]
☠ [Ópera]
Just (Am)killed a man, (B7)(B7)(B7)(B7)...
Put a (Dm)gun against his head, pulled my trigger, (C7)I (B7)see a (A#7)little (B7)silho(C7)uetto
now he's (G7)dead (B7)of a (A#7)man,
(C)Mamaaa, life had (Am)just begun, Scara(B7)mouch, Scara(B7)mouch,
But (Dm)now I've gone will you (B7)do the (B7)Fan(B7)dan(B7)go!
and (Dm7)thrown it all a(G7)way (C7) (Eb)Thunderbolts and (Bb)lightning, (D)very, very
(F)Mama, (C)ooo(Dm)ooh, (F#)frightening (B)me
Didn't (Gm)mean to make you cry,
If (C)I'm not back again this time to(F)morrow,
[N/C]Galileo, Galileo ♡ [Rock]
Galileo, Galileo
Galileo Figaro (F)(F)(F)(G)
Magnifi(F)cooooo (C)So you think you can stop me
and (F)spit in my (C)eye (Eb)
(F)I'm just a poor boy (F)nobody loves me (C)So you think you can love me
(Bb)He's (F)just a poor boy (Bb)from a (F)poor family, and (F)leave me to (Bb)die
(Bb)Spare him his (F)life from this (G)monstrosi(C)ty (Gm)Oh, (C)baby, (Gm)can't do this to me, (C)baby,
[Pausa] (Gm)Just gotta get (C)out, (Gm)just gotta get (C)right
(C)Easy come, easy go, (C)will you let me go outta (F)here (F)(F)(G)
(C)Bis(F)mi(C)llah! (F)No, (Ab)(Bb)(Db) (Bb) (C)
(C)we will not let you go
[N/C]Let him go! (C)Bis(F)mi(C)llah! [Coda]
[N/C]We will not let you go
[N/C]Let him go! (C)Bis(F)mi(C)llah! (F)(C)(Dm)
[N/C]We will not let you go (A7)Ooh (Dm)yeah, (A7)ooh (Dm)yeah
[N/C]Let him go! (C)Never let you go (C)(F)(E7)(Am)(Bb)(F)
[N/C]Let him go! (C)Never let you go (Dm)Nothing really (Am)matters,
[N/C]Let him go! (C)Never never never (Dm)Anyone can (Am)see,
Let me (Ab)go (Dm)Nothing really (Bbm)matters,
[N/C]No, no, no, no, no, no, no (F)Nothing really (Bb)matters (C)to (F)me
Oh mama mia, mama mia, (F)mama mia, let me (C)go
Be(F)elze(Bb)bub (F)(Bb)(F)(Bb)(C)
has a (E7)devil put a(A)side (Cm)(D7)(Cm)(D7)
for (C7)me, for me,
for meee (G)(C)Any (G)way the (Gdim)wind (Am7)blows...(G)
Boig per tu – Sau
(C) Em quedaré (F)atrapat
(C) (F) [x4] (C) ebri d'a(F)questa llum,
(Dm) servil i aca(F)bat,
(C) En la terra hu(F)mida escric boig per (C)tu. (Csus4) (C) (Csus4)
(C) nena estic (F)boig per tu.
(Dm) Em passo els (F)dies [Estribillo]
espe(Bb)rant (F)la (G)nit. (Gsus4) (G)
(C) Com et puc (F)estimar (C) (F) (C) (F) (Dm) (F) (Bb) (F) (G) (Gsus4) (G)
(C) si de mi es(F)tàs tan lluny? (C) (F) (C) (F) (Dm) (F) (C) (Csus4) (C) (CSus4)
(Dm) Servil i aca(F)bat
boig per (C)tu (Csus4) (C) (Csus4) [Estribillo]

[Estribillo] (Dm) servil i aca(F)bat, [Silencio]

(G) Sé molt bé que des (Am)d'aquest bar boig per (C)tu.
jo no (F)puc arribar on ets (C)tu (Csus4)
(G) però dins la meva (Am)copa veig
refle(F)xada la teva (C)llum.
Me (G)la beu(Am)ré,
(Dm) servil i aca(F)bat,
boig per (C)tu. (Csus4) (C) (Csus4)

(C) Quan no siguis (F)al matí

(C) les llàgrimes (F)es perdran
(Dm) entre la (F)pluja
que cau(Bb)rà (F)a(G)vui. (Gsus4) (G)
Born To Be Wild – Steppenwolf
[Single strum]
(D)Get your motor runnin' (D)Born to be (C)wild (D)(C)
Head out on the highway (D)Born to be (C)wild (D)(C)
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way (D)Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
(F)Yeah, (G)darlin' Looking for adventure
Gonna (D)make it happen In whatever comes our way
(F)Take the (G)world in a (D)love embrace
(F)Fire (G)all of your (D)guns at once (F)Yeah, (G)darlin'
And (F)ex(G)plode into (D)space Gonna (D)make it happen
(F)Take the (G)world in a (D)love embrace
(D)I like smoke and lightnin' (F)Fire (G)all of your (D)guns at once
Heavy metal thunder And (F)ex(G)plode into (D)space
Racing in the wind
And the feeling that I'm under Like a (D)true nature's child
We were (F)born
(F)Yeah, (G)darlin' Born to be wild
Gonna (D)make it happen We can (G)climb so high
(F)Take the (G)world in a (D)love embrace (F)I never wanna (D)die
(F)Fire (G)all of your (D)guns at once
And (F)ex(G)plode into (D)space [Single strum]
(D)Born to be (C)wild (D)(C)
Like a (D)true nature's child (D)Born to be (C)wild (D)(C) (D)
We were (F)born
Born to be wild
We can (G)climb so high
(F)I never wanna (D)die
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams – Green (Am)I'm walking (C)down the line
(G)that divides me (Dm)somewhere in my (Am)mind
on the (C)border line (G)of the edge
and (Dm)where i walk (Am)alone
(Am)I walk a (C)lonely road
the (G)only one that (Dm)i have ever known
(Am)don't know (C)were it goes
(G)but it's home to (Dm)me and i walk alone
(Am)Read bet(C)ween the lines (G)what's
fucked up and (Dm)everything's all (Am)right
check my (C)vital signs to (G)know i'm still (Dm)alive
and i walk (Am)alone
(Am)I walk this (C)empty street
(C)(G)I walk (Dm)alone, i walk (Am)alone
(G)on the boule(Dm)vard of broken (Am)dreams
(C)(G)i walk (Dm)alone an' i walk a
where the (C)city sleeps
and (G)i'm the only (Dm)one and i walk (Am)alone
(C)(G)I walk (Dm)alone, i walk (Am)alone
(C)(G)i walk (Dm)alone an' i walk a
(Am)Ah-ah (C)ah-ah (G)ah-ah (Dm)ahhh
(Am)ah-ah (C)ah-ah (G)ah-ah (Dm)
(F)My (C)shadow's the (G)only one that (Am)walks
beside me (Am)I walk this (C)empty street
(F)my (C)shallow (G)hearts the only (Am)thing that's (G)on the boule(Dm)vard of broken (Am)dreams
beating where the (C)city sleeps
(F)sometimes (C)i wish (G)someone out (Am)there and (G)i'm the only (Dm)one and i walk a
will find me
(F)til (C)then i (E7)walk alone [Estribillo] (Am)
(Am)Ah-ah (C)ah-ah (G)ah-ah (Dm)ahhh
(Am)ah-ah (C)ah-ah (G)ah-ah (Dm)
Bridge Over Troubled Water – Simon & (G)Your (C)time (G)has (D)come to (G)shine
All your (D)dreams are on their (G)way(D)
See how they (A)shine
If you need a (D)friend (A)(D7)
When you're (D)weary, (G)feeling s(D)mall,
I'm sailing (G)right (E7)be(A)hind
(G)When (C)tears (G)are (D)in your (G)eyes
(D)Like (A)a (G)bridge (C#)over (D)troubled (B7)water
I will (D)dry them all(G)(D)
(G)I will (F#)ease your (Bm)mind
I'm on your (A)side
(D)Like (A)a (G)bridge (C#)over (D)troubled (B7)water
When times get (D)rough (A)(D7)
(G)I will (F#)ease your (Bm)mind (E7)
And friends just (G)can't (E7)be (A)found
(D)Like (A)a (G)bridge (C#)over (D)troubled (B7)water
(G)I will (F#)lay me (Bm)down
(D)Like (A)a (G)bridge (C#)over (D)troubled (B7)water
(G)I will (F#)lay me (D)down (G)(D)

When you're (D)down and out(G)

When you're on the (D)street (G)
(G)When (C)eve(G)ning (D)falls so (G)hard
I will (D)comfort you (G) (D)
I'll take your (A)part
When darkness (D)comes (A)(D7)
And pain is (G)all (E7)a(A)round
(D)Like (A)a (G)bridge (C#)over (D)troubled (B7)water
(G)I will (F#)lay me (Bm)down
(D)Like (A)a (G)bridge (C#)over (D)troubled (B7)water
(G)I will (F#)lay me (Bm)down (E7) (D) (G)

Sail on, (D)silvergirl (G)

Sail on (D)by(G)
California Dreamin – Mamas & The All the leaves are (Dm)brown (C)(Bb)
and the (C)sky is (A)gray.
(Bb)I've been for a (F)walk (C)(Dm)
on a (Bb)winter's (A)day.
All the leaves are (Dm)brown (C)(Bb)
If I didn't (Dm)tell her (C)(Bb)
and the (C)sky is (A)gray.
I could (C)leave (A)today;
(Bb)I've been for a (F)walk (C)(Dm)
California (Dm)dreamin'(C)(Bb)
on a (Bb)winter's (A)day.
on (C)such a winter's (Dm)day.
I'd be safe and (Dm)warm (C)(Bb)
Cali(C)fornia (Bb)dreamin'
if I (C)was in L.(A)A.;
on (C)such a winter's (Dm)day.
(Bb)California (F)dreamin' (C)(Dm)
Cali(C)fornia (Bb)dreamin'
on (Bb)such a winter's (A)day.
on (C)such a winter's (A)day.
Stopped in to a (Dm)church (C)(Bb)
I passed (C)along the (A)way.
(Bb)Well I got down on my (F)knees (C)(Dm)
and I (Bb)pretend to (A)pray.
You know the preacher liked the (Dm)cold;(C)(Bb)
He knows (C)I'm gonna (A)stay.
(Bb)California (F)dreamin' (C)(Dm)
on (Bb)such a winter's (A)day.

(Dm) (Bb) (Dm) (Bb)
(F) (A) (Dm) (Bb) (A)
(Dm) (C) (Bb) (C) (A)
(Dm) (C) (Bb) (C) (A)
Candle In The Wind – Elton John All the papers (D)had to say
Was that Marilyn was found (G)in the nude
(D)Goodbye Norma Jean
Though I never (G)knew you at all [Estribillo]
You had the grace to (D)hold yourself
While those around you (G)crawled (D)Goodbye Norma Jean
They crawled out of the (D)woodwork Though I never (G)knew you at all
And they whispered (G)into your brain You had the grace to (D)hold yourself
They set you on the (D)treadmill While those around you (G)crawled
And they made you change your (G)name (D)Goodbye Norma Jean
From the young man in the (G)22nd row
And it (A)seems to me you lived your life Who sees you as something (D)more than sexual
Like a (D)candle in the (G)wind More than just our Mari(G)lyn Monroe
Never (D)knowing who to cling to
When the (A)rain set in And it (A)seems to me you lived your life
And I (G)would have liked to have known you Like a (D)candle in the (G)wind
But I was (Bm)just a kid Never (D)knowing who to cling to
Your candle burned out (A)long before When the (A)rain set in
Your (G)legend ever did And I (G)would have liked to have known you
(G)(D)(A)(D) (A) But I was (Bm)just a kid
(G)(D)(A)(D)(A) Your candle burned out (A)long before
Your (G)legend ever did
(D)Loneliness was tough (G)(D)(A)(D)
The toughest role (G)you ever played Your candle burned out (A)long before
Hollywood created a (D)superstar Your (G)legend ever did
And pain was the price you (G)paid (G)(D)(A)(D)
Even when you (D)died
Oh the (G)press still hounded you
♡ Can't Buy Me Love – The Beatles (C)money just can't buy
(G)I don't care too (F) [silencio]
Can't buy me (Em)looo(Am)ve, (Em)looo(Am)ve much for money,
Can't buy me (Dm)looo(G)ve (F)money can't buy me (C)love

I'll (C)buy you a diamond ring my friend Can't buy me (Em)looo(Am)ve,

if it makes you feel alright (C)everybody (G)tells me (C)so
I'll (F7)get you anything my friend Can't buy me (Em)looo(Am)ve, (Dm)no no no, (G)no
if it (C)makes you feel alright
'cause (G)i don't care too (F) [silencio] (C)Say you don't need no diamond ring
much for money, and i'll be satisfied
(F)money can't buy me (C)love (F7)Tell me that you want the kind of thing that
(C)money just can't buy
I'll (C)give you all i got to give (G)I don't care too (F) [silencio]
if you say you love me too much for money,
I (F7)may not have a lot to give, but what i (F)money can't buy me (C)love
(C)got i'll give to you
(G)I don't care too (F) [silencio] Can't buy me (Em)looo(Am)ve, (Em)looo(Am)ve
much for money, Can't buy me (Dm)looo(G)ve (C)
(F)money can't buy me (C)love

Can't buy me (Em)looo(Am)ve,

(C)everybody (G)tells me (C)so
Can't buy me (Em)looo(Am)ve, (Dm)no no no, (G)no

(C)Say you don't need no diamond ring

and i'll be satisfied
(F7)Tell me that you want the kind of thing that
♡ Can't Get You Out Of My Head – Kylie (Dm)La la la la la la la la
(Am)La la la la la la la la
(Dm)La la la la la la la la
(Am)La la la la la la la la
(Dm)La la la la la la la la
(Am)La la la la la la la la
I just (Dm)can’t get you out of my head
(Dm)La la la la la la la la
Boy your (Am)lovin’ is all I think about
(Am)La la la la la la la la
I just (Dm)can’t get you out of my head
Boy it’s more (Am)than I dare to think about
I just (Dm)can’t get you out of my head
Boy your (Am)lovin’ is all I think about
(Bb)There’s a (A)dark (E7)secret in (A)me
I just (Dm)can’t get you out of my head
(Gm)Don’t leave me locked in your (A)heart
Boy it’s more (Am)than I dare to think about
Set me (Dm)freeeeee(Am)
Feel the (Dm)neeeeed in (Am)me
(Dm)La la la la la la la la
Set me (Dm)freeeeee(Am)
(Am)La la la la la la la la
Stay fo(Bb)rever
And ever and ever and ever
I just (Dm)can’t get you out of my head
Boy your (Am)lovin’ is all I think about
(Dm)La la la la la la la la
I just (Dm)can’t get you out of my head
(Am)La la la la la la la la
Boy it’s (Am)more than I dare to think about
(Dm)La la la la la la la la
(Am)La la la la la la la la
(Bb)Every (A)night, (E7)every (A)day
(Gm)Just to be there in your (A)arms [Silencio]
Won’t you (Dm)staaaaay(Am)
Won’t you (Dm)theeeeen(Am) stay fo(Bb)rever
And ever and ever and ever
♡ Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis (G)falling in (D)love (A)with (D)you
For (G)I (A)can't (Bm)help
(G)falling in (D)love (A)with (D)you
(D)Wise (F#m)men (Bm)say
Only (G)fools (D)rush (A)in
But (G)I (A)can't (Bm)help
(G)falling in (D)love (A)with (D)you
(D)Shall (F#m)I (Bm)stay?
Would it (G)be (D)a (A)sin
If (G)I (A)can't (Bm)help
(G)falling in (D)love (A)with (D)you?

(F#m)Like a river (C#)flows

(F#m)Surely to the (C#)sea
(F#m)Darling, so it (C#)goes
(F#m)Some things (B7)are meant to (Em)be (A)
(D)Take (F#m)my (Bm)hand,
Take my (G)whole (D)life, (A)too
For (G)I (A)can't (Bm)help
(G)falling in (D)love (A)with (D)you

(F#m)Like a river (C#)flows

(F#m)Surely to the (C#)sea
(F#m)Darling, so it (C#)goes
(F#m)Some things (B7)are meant to (Em)be (A)
(D)Take (F#m)my (Bm)hand,
Take my (G)whole (D)life, (A)too
For (G)I (A)can't (Bm)help
♡ Can't take my eyes off you - Gloria Oh pretty (F#m)baby, now that
I've (Bm)found you stay
And let me (Em)love you baby, let me (C7)love you
You're just too (D)good to be true
You're just too (F)good to be true
Can't take my (F#m)eyes off of you
Can't take my (Am)eyes off of you
You'd be like (D7)heaven to touch
You'd be like (F7)heaven to touch
I wanna (G)hold you so much
I wanna (Bb)hold you so much
At long last (Gm)love has arrived
At long last (Bbm)love has arrived
And I thank (D)God I'm alive
And I thank (F)God I'm alive
You're just too (E)good to be true
You're just too (G)good to be true
(Em)Can't take my (D)eyes off of you
(Gm)Can't take my (F)eyes off of you
Pardon the (D)way that I stare
There's nothing (F#m)else to compare
The sight of (D7)you leaves me weak
I love you (Em)baby and if it's (A)quite all right
There are no (G)words left to speak
I need you (F#m)baby to warm the (Bm)lonely nights
But if you (Gm)feel like I feel
I love you (Em)baby, (A)trust in me when I (D)say
Please let me (D)know that it's real
(B7)Oh pretty (Em)baby, don't bring me
You're just too (E7)good to be true
(A)down I pray
(Em)Can't take my (D)eyes off of you
Oh pretty (F#m)baby, now that
I've (Bm)found you stay
And let me (Em)love you baby, let me (A)love you
I love you (Em)baby and if it's (A)quite all right
I need you (F#m)baby to warm the (Bm)lonely nights
I love you (Em)baby, (A)trust in me when I (D)say
(B7)Oh pretty (Em)baby, don't bring me
(A)down I pray
Can you feel the love tonight? – El Rey
(F)There's a time for (C)everyone
(F)if the only learn(C)
(F)that the twisting ka(C)leidoscope
(C) (G) (F) (C) (F) (C) (G) (C) (Dm) (C)
(Dm)moves us all in turn(G)
(F)There's a calm surren(C)der
(F)There's a rhyme and (C)reason
(F)to the rush of day(C)
(F)to the wild outdoors(C)
(F)when the heat of the (C)rolling world
(F)when the heart of this (Am)star-crossed voyager
(Dm)can be turned away(G)
(Bb)beats in time with yours(G)
(F)An enchanted mo(C)ment
(F)and it sees me through(C)
(F)it's enough for this (Am)restless warrior
(F)It's enough (C)
(Bb)just to be with you(G)
to make (Am7)kings and (F)vagabonds
(Dm)believe (C)the (F)ve(Gsus4)ry best(F) (C)
And (C)can you feel(G) the love(Am) tonight?(F)
(C) it is where(F) (D7)we are(G)
(F)It's enough (C)
for this (Am7)wide eyed (F)wanderer
(Dm)that (C)we (F)got (D7)this far(G)
And (C)can you feel(G) the love(Am) tonight?(F)
(C) how it's laid(F) (D7)to rest(G)
(F)It's enough (C)
to make (Am7)kings and (F)vagabonds
(Dm)believe (C)the (F)ve(Gsus4)ry best(F) (C)

(C) (G) (F) (C) (F) (C) (G) (C) (Dm) (C)
Carrie – Europe (G)Caaa(D)aaarrie(Em), Caaa(D)aaarrie(C)
(D)(Em)Things they (D)change my friend, oh, oh
(G)When (D)lights go (Em)down, (G)Caaa(D)aaarrie(Em), Caaa(D)aaarrie(C)
I see no (G)rea(C)son (D)(Em)Maybe we'll (D)meet again
For (G)you to (Am)cry
(G)We've been through (C)this be(D)fore [Instrumental]
In every (Em)time, in every (G)sea(C)son, (Em)(Em)(Em)(Em)
God (G)knows I've (Am)tried (Em)(Em)(G)(G)
(G)so please don't (C)ask for (D)more (C)(C)(Em)(Em)
Can't you (C)see it in my (D)eyes (Em)(Em)(Em)(Em)
(C)This might be our (Am)last good(D)bye (Em)(Em)(G)(G)
(C)(D) (C)(C)(Em)(Em)
(G)Caaa(D)aaarrie(Em), Caaa(D)aaarrie(C) (D)(D)(D)(D)
(D)(Em)Things they (D)change my friend, oh, oh
(G)Caaa(D)aaarrie(Em), Caaa(D)aaarrie(C) Can't you (C)see it in my (D)eyes
(D)(Em)Maybe we'll (D)meet (C)This might be our (Am)last good(D)bye
a(Am)gain (G)some(C)where (D)a(G)gain (C)(D)
(G)Caaa(D)aaarrie(Em), Caaa(D)aaarrie(C)
I (D)read your (Em)mind, with no in(G)ten(C)tions (D)(Em)Things they (D)change Carrie, Carrie, Carrie
Of (G)being un(Am)kind, (G)Caaa(D)aaarrie(Em), Caaa(D)aaarrie(C)
(G)I wish I (C)could ex(D)plain (D)(Em)Maybe we'll (D)meet
It all takes (Em)time, a whole lot of (G)pa(C)tience (D)meet
If (G)it's a (Am)crime, a(Am)gain (G)some(C)where (D)a(G)gain
(G)how come I (C)feel no (D)pain
...When lights go (Em)down (D)(G)(G)
Can't you (C)see it in my (D)eyes
(C)This might be our (Am)last good(D)bye
C'est si bon – Louis Armstrong C'est si (Am)bon
(D)Lovers say that in (G)France
Acorde (Eb) = 0 3 3 1 When they thrill to (Am)romance
Acorde (Ab) = 5 3 4 3 (D)It means that it's so (G)good

C'est si (Am)bon C'est si (Am)Bon

(D)Lovers say that in (G)France (D)So I say to (G)you
When they thrill to (Am)romance Like the French people (Am)do
(D)It means that it's so (G)good (D)Because it's oh so (G)good.

C'est si (Am)Bon Every (Eb)word, every (Ab)sigh, every (Eb)kiss, dear,

(D)So I say to (G)you Leads to (G)only one (A7)thought
Like the French people (Am)do And the (D)thought is this, dear!
(D)Because it's oh so (G)good.
C'est Si (Am)Bon
Every (Eb)word, every (Ab)sigh, every (Eb)kiss, dear, (D)Nothing else can re(G)place
Leads to (G)only one (A7)thought Just your slyest em(Am)brace
And the (D)thought is this, dear! (D)And if you only (G)would(E7)

C'est Si (Am)Bon Be my (Am)own

(D)Nothing else can re(G)place (Cm)for the rest of my (G)days(E7)
Just your slyest em(Am)brace I will whisper this (Am)phrase
(D)And if you only (G)would(E7) (D)My darling, C'est si (G)bon!

Be my (Am)own
(Cm)for the rest of my (G)days(E7)
I will whisper this (Am)phrase
(D)My darling, C'est si (G)bon!
Chandelier – Sia Won’t look down, won't (G)open my eyes
Keep my glass full un(Em)til morning light
(Am)Party girls don’t get hurt ‘Cause I’m just holding (F)on for tonight
Can’t (F)feel anything, when will I learn? On for tonight
I (G)push it down, push it (Em)down
(Am)Sun is up, I’m a mess
(Am)I'm the one for a good time call Gotta (F)get out now
Phone’s (Dm)blowing up, ringing my doorbell Gotta run from this
(G)I feel the love, feel the (Em)love Here (G)comes the shame
Here comes the (Em)shame
(F)One, two, three, one, two, three, drink
(Am)One, two, three, one, two, three, drink (F)One, two, three, one, two, three, drink… →
(G)One, two, three, one, two, three, drink On for tonight
Throw ‘em back till I lose count
‘Cause I’m just holding (G)on for tonight
(F)I’m gonna (G)swing from the (C)chandelier Oh, I’m just (Em)holding on for tonight
From the (F)chandelier On for tonight
(F)I’m gonna (G)live like tomorrow (C)doesn’t exist (F)On for tonight
Like it (F)doesn’t exist
(F)I’m gonna (G)fly like a (C)bird through the night ‘Cause I’m just holding (F)on for tonight
Feel my (F)tears as they dry ‘Cause I’m just holding (G)on for tonight
(F)I’m gonna (G)swing from the (C)chandelier Oh, I’m just holding (Em)on for tonight
From the (F)chandelier On for tonight
(F)On for tonight
But I’m holding (F)on for dear life
Won’t look down, won’t (G)open my eyes
Keep my glass full un(Em)til morning light
‘Cause I’m just holding (F)on for tonight
Help me, I’m holding (F)on for dear life
Cheek to Cheek – Ella Fitzgerald & Louis In a (Am)river (D)or a (G)creek (Em)
But I (Am)don't en(D)joy it (G)half as (Em)much
As (Am)dancing (D)cheek to (G)cheek
Acorde (Eb7) = 3 3 3 4
Come on and (Eb)dance with me
I want my (Eb7)arms about you
(G)Heaven, (Am)
Those (D7)charms about you
(D)I'm in (G)heaven (Am)
Will (G)carry me through...(Am)
(D)And my (G)heart beats (Gaug)so that
(G)To Heaven, (Am)
(Em)I can (Dm)hardly (E7)speak(A7)
(D)I'm in (G)heaven (Am)
And (D)I seem to (C)find
(D)And my (G)heart beats (Gaug)so that
the (D)happi(D7)ness I (B7)seek(E7)
(Em)I can (Dm)hardly s(E7)peak (A7)
When we're (Am)out together
And (D)I seem to (C)find
(D)dancing cheek to (G)cheek(Am)(D)
the (D)happi(D7)ness I (B7)seek(E7)
When we're (Am)out together
(G)Heaven, (Am)
(D)dancing cheek to (G)cheek
(D)I'm in (G)heaven (Am)
(D)And the (G)cares that (Gaug)hung
(Eb)Dance with me
a(Em)round me (Dm)through the (E7)week (A7)
I want my (Eb7)arms about you
Seem to (D)vanish (C)like
Those (D7)charms about you
a (D)gambler's (D7)lucky s(B7)treak(E7)
Will (G)carry me through...(Am)
When we're (Am)out together
(G)To Heaven, (Am)
(D)dancing cheek to (G)cheek
(D)I'm in (G)heaven (Am)
(D)And my (G)heart beats (Gaug)so that
Oh I (Am)love to (D)climb a (G)mountain (Em)
(Em)I can (Dm)hardly s(E7)peak (A7)
And to (Am)reach the (D)highest (G)peak (Em)
And (D)I seem to (C)find
But it (Am)doesn't (D)thrill me (G)half as (Em)much
the (D)happi(D7)ness I (B7)seek(E7)
As (Am)dancing (D)cheek to (G)cheek (Em)
When we're (Am)out together
Oh I (Am)love to (D)go out (G)fishing (Em)
(D)dancing cheek to (G)cheek
Chiquitita – ABBA But the sun is still in the sky and
(G)shining above you (Gsus)(G)
(G)Chiqui(Gsus)tita, tell me what's (G)wrong Let me hear you sing once (D)more
(Gsus)(G)You're en(Gsus)chained by like you (C)did be(D)fore
(D)your own sorrow(Dsus)(D)(Dsus) Sing a (D7)new song, (G)Chiquitita (Gsus)(G)
(D)In (C)your (D)eyes [Pausa]
there is (D7)no hope (G)for tomorrow (Gsus)(G) Try once (D)more like you (C)did be(D)fore
How I (Gsus)hate to see you like (G)this (Gsus) Sing a (D7)new song, (G)Chiquitita (Gsus)(G)
(G)There is (Gsus)no way (Bm)you can deny it
(D)I (C)can (D)see So the (Gsus)walls came tumbling (G)down (Gsus)
that you're (D7)oh so (G)sad, so quiet (Gsus)(G) (G)And your (Gsus)love's a
(D)blown out candle (Dsus) (D)(Dsus)
Chiqui(Gsus)tita, tell me the (G)truth (Gsus) (D)All (C)is (D)gone
(G)I'm a (Gsus)shoulder (D)you can cry on (Dsus)(D) and it (D7)seems too (G)hard to handle (Gsus)(G)
(Dsus)(D)Your (C)best (D)friend, Chiqui(Gsus)tita, tell me the (G)truth (Gsus)
I'm the (D7)one you (G)must rely on (Gsus)(G) (G)There is (Gsus)no way (Bm)you can deny it
You were (Gsus)always sure of your(G)self (Gsus)(G) (D)I (C)can (D)see
Now I (Gsus)see you've (Bm)broken a feather that you're (D7)oh so (G)sad, so quiet (Gsus)(G)
(D)I (C)(D)hope
we can (D7)patch it (G)up together(Gsus)(G) [Estribillo]

Chiquitita, you and I (C)know [Single strum]

How the heartaches come and they go and the Try once (D)more like you (C)did be(D)fore
(G)scars they're leaving Sing a (D7)new song, (G)Chiquitita (Gsus)(G)
You'll be dancing once a(D)gain
and the (C)pain will (D)end
You will have no (G)time for grieving (Gsus)(G)
Chiquitita, you and I (C)cry
☠ Chop Suey – System of a Down You wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little (D)makeup
(Gm)(Cm)(F)(Cm) [x4] You wanted to
(Gm)(D)(F)(Cm) [x4] Hide the scars to fade away the (Gm)shakeup
You wanted to
(Gm)Wake up Why'd you leave the keys upon the (D)table?
Grab a brush and put a (D)little makeup You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the (Gm)shakeup
Why'd you leave the keys upon the (D)table? I don't think you (Gm)trust
Here you go create another (Gm)fable (Cm)In, (F)my, (Cm)self righteous sui(Gm)cide
You wanted to (Cm)I, (F)cry, when (Cm)angels deserve to
Grab a brush and put a little (D)makeup (Gm)die (Cm)In, (F)my,
You wanted to (Cm)self righteous sui(Gm)cide
Hide the scars to fade away the (Gm)shakeup (Cm)I, (F)cry, when (Cm)angels deserve to (Eb)die
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the (D)table? (Gm)(D)(F)(Cm) [x2]
You wanted to (Gm)Father, (D)father, (F)father, (Cm)father
(Gm)Father, (D)father, (F)father, (Cm)father
I don't think you (Gm)trust (Gm)Father in(D)to your hands,
(Cm)In, (F)my, (Cm)self righteous sui(Gm)cide (F)I com(Cm)mend my spirit
(Cm)I, (F)cry, when (Cm)angels deserve to (Gm)Father in(D)to your hands (F)why have (Cm)you
(Gm)DIE (D)(F)(Cm) for(Gm)saken me (Cm)In your eyes (Bb)forsaken me
(Gm)(D)(F)(Cm) (Eb)In your thoughts for(Gm)saken me
(Cm)In your heart for(Bb)saken, (Eb)me oh
(Gm)Wake up (Gm)Trust (Cm)in (Bb)my (Eb)self righteous
Grab a brush and put a (D)little makeup sui(Gm)cide (Cm)I, (Bb)cry, when (Eb)angels deserve
Hide the scars to fade away the (Gm)shakeup to (Gm)die (Cm)In (Bb)my (Eb)self righteous
Why'd you leave the keys upon the (D)table? sui(Gm)cide (Cm)I, (Bb)cry, when (Eb)angels deserve
Here you go create another (Gm)fable to (Gm)die
♡ City of stars – La La Land A (Bb)look in somebody's (C)eyes
To light up the (A7)skies
(Gm) To open the (Dm)world and send it reeling
(Gm)City of stars A (Bb)voice that says, I'll be (C)here
(C)Are you shining just for (Dm)me? And you'll be (Dm)alright
(Gm)City of stars
(C)There's so much that I can't (F)see (Bb)I don't care if I (C)know
Who (Gm)knows? Just where I will (A7)go
(C)I felt it from the first em(F)brace 'Cause all that I (Dm)need is this crazy feeling
I (C)shared with (F7)you A (Bb)rat-tat-tat on my (A7)heart [Pausa]

That (Gm)now our (A7)dreams Think I want it to (Dm)stay (F)

They've finally come (Dm)true (F)
(Gm)City of stars
(Gm)City of stars (C)Are you shining just for (F)me?
(C)Just one thing everybody (Dm)wants (Gm)City of stars
(Gm)There in the bars (A7)You never shined so bright(Dm)ly
(C)And through the smokescreen of the (F)crowded
It's (Gm)love
(C)Yes, all we're looking for is (F)love from
(C)someone (F7)else

A (Gm)rush
A glance
A (A7)touch
A dance
♡ Clocks – Coldplay (F)Oh no nothing else (C)compares (G)
(F)And nothing else (C)compares (G)
(D) (Am) (Am) (Em) [x4] (F) (F) (F) (F)

(D)Lights go out and I (Am)can't be saved [Single strum]

(Am)Tides that I tried to (Em)swim against (D) (Am) (Am) (Em) [x2]
You've (D)put me down u(Am)pon my knees [Normal strum]
(Am)Oh I beg, I (Em)beg and plead, singing (D) (Am) (Am) (Em) [x2]
(D)Come out of (Am)things unsaid,
(Am)shoot an apple (Em)of my head and a (D)Home, (Am)home, where I (Am)wanted to (Em)go
(D)Trouble that (Am)can't be named, (D)Home, (Am)home, where I (Am)wanted to (Em)go
(Am)tigers waiting (Em)to be tamed, singing (D)Home, (Am)home, where I (Am)wanted to (Em)go
(D)Home, (Am)home, where I (Am)wanted to (Em)go
(D)You… (Am) (Am) (Em)are… [x2]
(D) (Am) (Am) (Em) [x2] [Single strum]
(D) (Am) (Am) (Em) [x2]
(D)Confusion (Am)never stops,
(Am)closing walls and (Em)ticking clocks gonna
(D)Come back and (Am)take you home,
(Am)I could not stop,
that (Em)you now know, singing
(D)Come out u(Am)pon my seas,
(Am)curse missed oppor(Em)tunities, am I
(D)A part (Am)of the cure,
or (Am)am I part of (Em)the disease, singing

(D)You… (Am) (Am) (Em)are… [x4]

(F)And nothing else (C)compares (G)

☠ Complicated – Avril Lavigne (F) You come… over unannounced
(Dm) Dressed up… like you’re something else
[intro] (F) (Bb) Where you… are and where it’s (C)at you see
you’re (C7)makin me
(F) Chill out… what you yellin’ for (F) Laugh out… when you strike a pose
(Dm) Lay back… it's all been done before (Dm) Take off… all your preppy clothes
(Bb) And if… you could only (C)let it be… (C7)you will (Bb) You know… you’re not foolin (C)anyone when
see (C7)you become
(F) I like… you the way you are
(Dm) When we're… drivin’ in your car (Bb)Somebody else… round everyone else
(Bb) And you're… talkin’ to me (C)one-on-one… but You´re (Dm)watchin’ your back… like you can't relax
(C7)you become You’re (Bb)tryin’ to be cool… you look like a fool to
(Bb)Somebody else… round everyone else (C)me… tell me
You’re (Dm)watchin’ your back… like you can't relax
You’re (Bb)tryin’ to be cool… you look like a fool to (Dm)Why'd you have to go and make
(C)me… tell me (Bb)Things so compli(C)cated ?
I (C7)see the way you're
(Dm)Why'd you have to go and make (Dm)Actin’ like you're somebody (Bb)else
(Bb)Things so compli(C)cated ? Gets me frust(C)rated… (C7)life's like this, you
I (C7)see the way you're (Dm) You fall and you (Bb)crawl and you break and
(Dm)Actin’ like you're somebody (Bb)else You (F)take what you get and (C)you turn it into
Gets me frust(C)rated… (C7)life's like this, you (Dm)Honestly, you promised me, I'm never gonna find
(Dm) You fall and you (Bb)crawl and you break and you (Bb)fake it
You (F)take what you get and (C)you turn it into No no (F – single strum)no
(Dm)Honestly, you promised me, I'm never gonna find
you (Bb)fake it
No no (F)no

[straight in]
♡ Crazy Little Thing Called Love – take a (D)back seat, hitch-hike
and (G)take a long ride on my (C)motor (G)bike
until i'm (D)ready
(Bb)crazy little (C)thing called (D)love
This (D)thing called love,
i (G)just can't (C)handle (G)it
There goes my (G)baby
this (D)thing called love,
she (C)knows how to rock and (G)roll
i (G)must get (C)'round to (G)it
she drives me (Bb)crazy
i ain't (D)ready
she gives me (E7)hot and cold (A)fever
(Bb)crazy little (C)thing called (D)love
then she (F)leaves me in a cool, cool sweat
[Punteo: re-do#-do la-sol#-sol]
This (D)thing called love,
it (G)cries in a (C)cradle all (G)night
it (D)swings, it jives
it (G)shakes all over like a (C)jelly (G)fish
I gotta be cool relax
i kinda (D)like it
get hip and get on my tracks
(Bb)crazy little (C)thing called (D)love
take a back seat, hitch-hike
and take a long ride on my motor bike
until i'm ready (ready freddie)
There goes my (G)baby
(Bb)crazy little (C)thing called (D)love
she (C)knows how to rock and (G)roll
she drives me (Bb)crazy
This (D)thing called love,
she gives me (E7)hot and cold (A)fever
i (G)just can't (C)handle (G)it
then she (F)leaves me in a cool, cool sweat
this (D)thing called love,
[Punteo: re-do#-do la-sol#-sol]
i (G)must get (C)'round to (G)it
i ain't (D)ready
(Bb)crazy little (C)thing called (D)love
I gotta be (D)cool, relax
(Bb)crazy little (C)thing called (D)love
get (G)hip, get (C)on my (G)tracks
(Bb)crazy little (C)thing called (D)love
♡ Creep – Radiohead What the hell am I doing (C)here?
I don’t be(Cm)long here
[intro] (G) (B) (C) (Cm)
When you were here be(G)fore (G)Running out the (B)doo-oo-oor
Couldn’t look you in the (B)eye (C)She’s
You’re just like an an(C)gel (C)Running out
Your skin makes me cry (Cm) She (Cm)run, run, run, ru-u-u-u-u-
You float like a fea(G)ther (G)-u-u-u-u-un
In a beautiful world (B) (B)
I wish I was spe(C)cial (C)Ru-u-u-u-u-un
You’re so fucking spe(Cm)cial (Cm – single strum) x2

But I’m a creep (G) (N/C) Whatever makes you hap(G)py

I’m a weir(B)do Whatever you want (B)
What the hell am I doing (C)here? You’re so fucking spe(C)cial
I don’t be(Cm)long here [stop] I wish I was spe(Cm)cial

(N/C) I don’t care if it (G)hurts But I’m a creep (G)

I want to have con(B)trol I’m a weir(B)do
I want a perfect bo(C)dy What the hell am I doing here? (C)
I want a perfect (Cm)soul I don’t be(Cm)long here
I want you to no(G)tice I don’t be(G – single strum)long here
When I’m not a(B)round
You’re so fucking spe(C)cial
I wish I was spe(Cm)cial

But I’m a creep (G)

I’m a weir(B)do
Crocodile Rock – Elton John burning (Bm)up to the Crocodile Rock
Learning (C)fast as the weeks went past
(G)I remember when rock was young we really (D)thought the Crocodile Rock would last
Me and (Bm)Suzie had so much fun
holding (C)hands and skimming stones [Estribillo]
Had an (D)old gold Chevy and a place of my own
But the (G)biggest kick I ever got [1ª Estrofa]
was doing a (Bm)thing called the Crocodile Rock
While the (C)other kids were Rocking Round the Clock [Estribillo]
we were (D)hopping and bopping to the Crocodile
Rock (G)Laaa lalalala (Em) laaa lalalala
(C) laaa lalalala (D) Laaa (G)
Well (Em)Crocodile Rocking is something shocking
when your (A)feet just can't keep still
(D)I never knew me a better time and I (G)guess I
never will
(E7)Oh Lawdy mama those Friday nights
when (A7)Suzie wore her dresses tight
and (D)the Crocodile Rocking was out of (C)sight

(G)Laaa lalalala (Em) laaa lalalala

(C) laaa lalalala (D) Laaa

But the (G)years went by and the rock just died

(Bm)Suzie went and left us for some foreign guy
(C)Long nights crying by the record machine
(D)dreaming of my Chevy and my old blue jeans
But they'll (G)never kill the thrills we've got
Dancing Queen – ABBA (G)---(C)(C) (G)---(C)(C)

[Kazoo] (G)You're a teaser, you turn 'em on (C)

(G)(C)(G)(C) (G)(C)(G)(Em) (G)Leave them burning and then you're gone (Em)
(D)You can dance, (B7)you can jive, (D)Looking out for another, anyone will do
(Em)having the time of your (A)life You're in the (D)mood for a (Em)dance (D)(Em)
(C)See that girl, (Am)watch that scene, And when you (Am)get the chance...(D)
(D)digging the (G)Dancing Queen(C)---
(G)---(C)(C) (G)---(C)(C) You are the (G)Dancing Queen,
(C)young and sweet, only (G)seventeen (C)
(G)Friday night and the lights are low(C) (G)Dancing Queen, (C)feel the beat
(G)Looking out for the place to go(Em) from the (G)tambourine, oh (Em)yeah
(D)Where they play the right music, (D)You can dance, (B7)you can jive,
getting in the swing (Em)having the time of your (A)life
You come to (D)look (Em)for king (D)(Em) (C)See that girl, (Am)watch that scene,
(G)Anybody could be that guy(C) (D)digging the (G)Dancing Queen (C)(G)(C)
(G)Night is young and the music's (Em)high digging the (G)Dancing Queen (C)(G)(C)
(D)With a bit of rock music, everything is fine digging the (G)Dancing Queen.
You're in the (D)mood (Em)for a dance (D)(Em)
And when you (Am)get the chance...(D)

You are the (G)Dancing Queen,

(C)young and sweet, only (G)seventeen (C)
(G)Dancing Queen, (C)feel the beat
from the (G)tambourine, oh (Em)yeah
(D)You can dance, (B7)you can jive,
(Em)having the time of your (A)life
(C)See that girl, (Am)watch that scene,
(D)digging the (G)Dancing Queen(C)---
♡ Dani California – Red Hot Chili (Am)She's a lover (G)baby and a fighter
(Dm)Should of seen her coming when it (Am)got a
little brighter
(Am)With a name like (G)Dani California
(Am)Gettin' born in the (G)state of Mississippi
(Dm)Day was gonna come when (Am)I was gonna
(Dm)Papa was a copper and (Am)mama was a hippie
mourn ya
(Am)In Alabama (G)she would swing a hammer
(Am)A little (G)lotus, she was (Dm)stealin'
(Dm)Price you gotta pay when you (Am)pick the
a(Am)nother breath
(Am)I love my (G)baby to (Dm)death
(Am)She never (G)knew that there was (Dm)anything
more (Am)than poor
(Am)What in the (G)world? What does your
(Dm)confidant take (Am)me for?
(Bm)Who knew the (G)other (D)side of you?
(Bm)Who knew that (G)all this (D)time to prove?
(Am)Black bandana, (G)sweet Louisiana
(Bm)Too true to (G)say good (D)bye to you
(Dm)Robbin' on a bank in the (Am)state of Indiana
(Bm)Too true too sad sad sad...
(Am)She's a runner, (G)rebel and a stunner
(Dm)Hunt em everywhere sayin (Am)baby whatcha
(Am)First to fade her (G)gifted animator
(Dm)One for the now and (Am)eleven for the later
(Am)Lookin' down the (G)barrel of a (Dm)hot metal
(Am)Never made it (G)up to Minnesota
forty(Am) five
(Dm)North Dakota man was a (Am)gunnin' for the
(Am)Just another (G)way to (Dm)survive
Cali(F)fornia rest (C)in peace(Dm) (Am)Down in the (G)badlands she was (Dm)savin' the
Simul(F)tane(C)ous release(Dm) (Am)best for last
Cali(F)fornia show (C)your teeth(Dm) (Am)It only (G)hurts when I (Dm)laugh
She's my (F)priestess, I'm (C)your (Dm)priest, yeah, Gone too (E7)fast..
[Estribillo x2]
Devil came to me – Dover (Bb)moon was (F)red and the (C)night be(Dm)came
(Gm)my (A)friend
(Dm)Devil came to me But the (Bb)stars were (F)evil
(Bb)And he said: (F)I Know what you (C)need And (C)they said: (Dm)hey, like you (Bb)were
(Dm)Devil came to me This (F)is just the (C)end
(Bb)And he said (F)you just follow (C)me (Dm)You will burn in (Bb)hell
(Dm)This is the (Bb)end but I'm (F)not sur(C)prised tell us if (F)you're s(C)cared
(Dm)You will burn in (Bb)hell
Do you (F)know, know (C)why? (A) (Dm)
(Dm)Devil came to me
(Dm)(Bb)(F)(C) [x2] (Bb)And he said: (F)I Know what you (C)need
(Dm)Devil came to me
(Dm)Devil came to me (Bb)And he said (F)what you need is (C)me
(Bb)And he said: (F)I Know what you (C)need (Dm)This is the (Bb)end but I'm (F)not sur(C)prised
(Dm)Devil came to me (Dm)You will burn in (Bb)hell
(Bb)And he said: (F)you belong to (C)me Do you (F)know, know (C)why?(A)
(Dm)This is the (Bb)end but I'm (F)not sur(C)prised
(Dm)You will burn in (Bb)hell [Estribillo]
Do you (F)know, know (C)why?(A)
(Bb)I lied for (F)you(C), I lied for (Dm)you(Bb) (A)Everybody say now (Dm)I will take the lessons
I lied for (F)you(C), I lied for (Dm)you(Bb) That (A)I forgot to learn at (Dm)school
And they go like:
(Dm)The (Bb)moon was (F)red and the (C)night (A)everybody say you de(Dm)serve what you get
be(Dm)came (Gm)my (A)friend But oh! (A)No, I didn't mean to (Dm)hurt
But the (Bb)stars were (F)evil [Estribillo]
And (C)they said: (Dm)like (A)you (Dm)were (Dm)(Bb)(F)Hey!(C)Heeeey! [x4] (Dm)
Diamonds – Rihanna We’re beautiful like (F#m)diamonds in the (G)sky

(G)Shine bright like a diamond(Bm) Shine bright like a diamond

(A)Shine bright like a diamond (F#m) (Bm)Shine bright like a diamond
(A)Shine bright like a diamond
(G)Find light in the beautiful (Bm)sea We’re beautiful like (F#m)diamonds in the (G)sky
I choose to be happy
(A)You and I, you and I Palms rise to the universe
We’re like (F#m)diamonds in the (G)sky (Bm)As we moonshine and mo(A)lly
Feel the warmth, we’ll never die
You’re a shooting star I (Bm)see We’re like (F#m)diamonds in the (G)sky
A vision of ecstasy
(A)When you hold me, I’m alive You’re a shooting star I (Bm)see
We’re like (F#m)diamonds in the (G)sky A vision of ecstasy
(A)When you hold me, I’m alive
I knew that (Bm)we’d become one (A)right away We’re like (F#m)diamonds in the (G)sky
Oh, right away(F#m)
(G)At first sight (Bm)I felt the energy of (A)sun rays At first sight (Bm)I felt the energy of (A)sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes I saw the life in(F#m)side your (G)eyes

So shine (G)bright to(Bm)night, you and (A)I [Estribillo]

We’re beautiful like (F#m)diamonds in the (G)sky
Eye to (Bm)eye, so a(A)live (G)*Shine bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like (F#m)diamonds in the (G)sky (Bm)*Shine bright like a diamond
(A)*Shine bright like a diamond
(G)Shine bright like a diamond
(Bm)Shine bright like a diamond [Estribillo]
(A)Shine bright like a diamond
♡ Dirty Old Town – The Pogues Dirty old (D)town
Dirty old (Em)town
[Armónica / Kazoo]
(D)(D)(G)(D)(A)(Bm) I met my (G)love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a (C)dream by the old ca(G)nal
I met my (G)love by the gas works wall I Kissed a (G)girl by the factory wall
Dreamed a (C)dream by the old ca(G)nal Dirty old (Am)town
I Kissed a girl by the factory wall Dirty old (Em)town
Dirty old (D)town Dirty old (D)town
Dirty old (Em)town Dirty old (Em)town

Clouds a (G)drifting across the moon

Cats are (C)prowling on their (G)beat
Spring's a girl in the street at night
Dirty old (D)town
Dirty old (Em)town

[Armónica / Kazoo]

Heard a (G)siren from the docks

Saw a (C)train set the night on (G)fire
Smelled the spring on the smoky wind
Dirty old (D)town
Dirty old (Em)town

I'm going to (G)make me a good sharp axe

Shining (C)steel tempered in the (G)fire
Will chop you down like an old dead tree
Don't Answer Me – Alan Parsons Project Dont (C)answer me, dont break the silence
(Em)Dont let me win
If you (C)believe in the power magic, Dont (C)answer me, stay on your island
(Am)I can change your mind (F)Dont let me in
And if you (Dm)need to believe in someone,
(G)Turn and look behind (Fm)Run away and hide from every(C)one
When we were (C)living in a dream world, (Fm)Can you change the things we've said and
(Am)Clouds got in the way (C)done?
We gave it (Dm)up in a moment of madness
And (G)threw it all away Dont (C)answer me, dont break the silence
(Em)Dont let me win
Dont (C)answer me, dont break the silence Dont (C)answer me, stay on your island
(Em)Dont let me win (F)Dont let me in
Dont (C)answer me, stay on your island
(F)Dont let me in (Fm)Run away and hide from every(C)one
(Fm)Can you change the things we've said and
(Fm)Run away and hide from every(C)one (C)done?
(Fm)Can you change the things weve said and

If you (C)believe in the power of magic,

Its (Am)all a fantasy
So if you (Dm)need to believe in someone,
(G)Just pretend its me
It aint e(C)nough that we meet as strangers
(Am)I can't set you free
So will you (Dm)turn your back forever
on (G)what you mean to me?
Don't Go Breaking My Heart – Elton (F)(Bb)(F)(Bb)(C)
John & Kiki Dee
(F)So don't go breaking my (Dm)heart
Acorde (Ab) = 5 3 4 3 (Bb)I won't go (C)breaking your (F)heart
Acorde (Cm) = 0 3 3 3 (Dm)(Bb)Don't go (C)breaking my
[1 strum] (F)heart
(F)Don't go breaking my heart (Bb) (Bb)... (F)... (Bb)...
(F)I couldn't (Am)if I (Bb)tried
(F)(A)Honey if (Bb)I get (G)restless (F)And nobody (Bb)told us
(F)Baby (C)you're not that (Bb)kind (F)`Cause (Am)nobody (Bb)showed us
(F)(Bb)(F)(Bb)(C) (F)And (A)now it's (Bb)up to (G)us babe
(F)Oh I (C)think we can (Bb)make it
(F)Don't go breaking my (Bb)heart (F)(Bb)(F)(Bb)(C)
(F)You take the (Am)weight off (Bb)me
(F)(A)Honey when you (Bb)knock on my (G)door (F)So don't misunder(Bb)stand me
(F)I (C)gave you my (Bb)key (F)You put the (Am)light in my (Bb)life
(F)(Bb)(F)(Bb)(C) (F)You (A)put the (Bb)sparks to the (G)flame
(F)I've got your (C)heart in my (Bb)sights
(Am)Ohh ohh (F)(Bb)(F)(Bb)(C)
Nobody (Cm)knows it
(Bb)When I was (F)down [Estribillo]
(C)I was your (G)clown
(Am)Ohh ohh (F)So don't go breaking my (Dm)heart
Nobody (Cm)knows it (Nobody knows it) (Bb)I won't go (C)breaking your (F)heart
(Bb)Right from the (F)start Don't go breaking my (Dm) Don't go breaking my
(C)I gave you my (G)heart (Bb)I won't go (C)breaking your (F)heart
(Ab)Ohh (C)ohh Don't go breaking my (Dm) Don't go breaking my
I gave you my (Bb)heart (Bb)I won't go (C)breaking your (F)heart
♡ Don’t Look Back In Anger – Oasis (G) (Am) (E7) (F) (G) (C) (Am)(G)

Acorde (Fm) = 1 0 1 3 (C)Take me to the (G)place where you (Am)go

Where (E7)nobody (F)knows(G) if it’s night or day (C)
(C) (F) (C) (F) (Am)(G)
(C)Slip inside the (G)eye of your (Am)mind (C)Please don’t put your (G)life in the (Am)hands
Don't you (E7)know you might (F)find Of a (E7)rock and roll (F)band(G) who’ll throw it all
(G) A better place to play(C) (Am)(G) away (C) (Am)(G)
(C)You said that (G)you'd never (Am)been
But all the (E7)things that you've (F)seen [Estribillo] (Am)(G)
(G) Slowly fade away(C) (Am)(G)
(C)So (G)Sally can (Am)wait she (E7)knows it’s too
(F) So I start a (Fm)revolution from my (C)bed (F)late
‘Cause you (F)said the brains I (Fm)had went to my As we’re (G)walking on (C)by (Am)(G)
(C)head Her (C)soul (G)slides
(F)Step outside the (Fm)summertime’s in (C)bloom [single strum] a(Am)way...
(G)Stand up beside the fireplace
(E7)take that look from off your face Don’t look (F)back in anger
’Cause (Am)you ain’t ever (G)gonna burn my Don’t look (Fm)back in anger
(F)heart out(G)... I (G)heard you (C)say [normal strum]
(G) (Am) (E7) (F) (G) at least not (C) today
(C)So (G)Sally can (Am)wait she (E7)knows it’s too
As we’re (G)walking on (C)by (Am)(G)
Her (C)soul (G)slides a(Am)way... (E7)but don’t look
(F)back in anger
I (G)heard you (C)say
Don't Speak – No Doubt
Acorde (Gm) = 0 2 3 1 Our (Dm)memories
Acorde (Cm) = 0 3 3 3 (Am)They can be in(Gm)viting
Acorde (Eb) = 0 3 3 1 But some are (C)altogether
Acorde (Db) = 1 1 1 4 (Am)Mighty (Gm)brightening (C)
Acorde (Ab) = 5 3 4 3
(Dm)As we (Am)die, (Gm)both you and (C)I
(Dm)You and me (F)With my head in my (C)hands
We (Am)used to be to(Gm)gether I sit and (D)cry
(C)Every day to(Am)gether (Gm)always (C)
I (Dm)really feel(Am) [Estribillo]
That I'm (Gm)losing my (C)best friend
I (Am)can't believe (Eb)It's all (Bb)ending
This (Dm)could be (Gm)the end (C) I gotta (Db)stop pre(Ab)tending who we (B)are… (Bb)
It (Dm)looks as (Am)though
(Gm)you're letting (C)go [Kazoo]
And (F)if it's real, (Dm) (Am) (Gm) (C) (Dm) (Am) (Gm) (C)
Well (C)I don't want to (D)know (Dm) (Am) (Gm) (C) (Am) (Dm) (Gm)

(Gm)Don't speak (Dm)You and me (Am)

I (Cm)know just what you're (F)saying (Gm)I can see us (C)dying... (Gm)are we? (C)
(D)So please stop ex(Cm)planing
Don't (D)tell me 'cause it (Gm)hurts (Cm)(D) [Estribillo] x 2
(Gm)Don't speak (Cm)(D)(Gm)
(Cm)I know what you're (F)thinking
I (D)don't need your (Cm)reasons
don't (D)tell me 'cause it (Gm)hurts
♡ Don't Stop Me Now – Queen I'm (C)having a ball
(F)don't stop me (Dm)now
To(F)night I'm gonna have my(Am)self If you wanna have a (Gm)good time
a real (Dm)good time just (D)give me a call
I feel a(Gm)liiiiii(C)ve and the (F)world (Gm)don't (F)stop (C)me
(F7)turning inside (Bb)out Yeah! 'Cause I'm (Gm)having a good time
And (Gm)floating around in (D)ecstasy (Gm)don't (F)stop (C)me
So (Gm)don't (F)stop (C)me (Gm)now Yes I'm (Gm)having a good time
(Gm)don't (F)stop (C)me I (C)don't want to stop at (Db)all
'Cause I'm (Gm)having a good time
(C)having a good time I'm a (F)rocket ship on my way to (Am)Mars
On a co(Dm)llision course
I'm a (F)shooting star leaping through the (Am)sky I am a (Gm)satellite I'm (C)out of control
Like a (Dm)tiger defying the (Gm)laws of gravi(C)ty I am a (F)sex machine ready to re(Am)load
I'm a (F)racing car passing (Am)by Like an (Dm)atom bomb about to
like Lady Go(Dm)diva (Gm)Oh oh oh (C)oh oh ex(F)plode
I'm gonna (Gm)go go go
(C)There's no stopping (F)me I'm (F7)burning through the (Bb)sky Yeah!
Two (Gm)hundred degrees
I'm (F7)burning through the (Bb)sky Yeah! That's why they (D)call me Mister Fahren(Gm)heit
Two (Gm)hundred degrees I'm (D)trav'ling at the speed of (Gm)light
That's why they (D)call me Mister Fahren(Gm)heit I wanna make a
I'm (D)trav'ling at the speed of (Gm)light (Gm)super(F)sonic (Bb)woman (G)of (C)you
I wanna make a
(Gm)super(F)sonic (Bb)man out (G)of (C)you [Estribillo]
(F)Lalalala(Am) laaa… lala
(F)Don't stop me (Dm)now (Dm)lala..lalala
I'm having such a (Gm)good time (Gm)lalala(C)lalala(F)laaa...
Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Bobby have to
Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
(C) (Dm) (F) (C)
(C)Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style… (Dm)ain't got
[chorus] no gal
(C)La… (Dm)La… (F)La… (C) don’t worry… be to make you smile
happy Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
(C)La… (Dm)La… (F)La… (C) don’t worry… be Cause (C)when you worry your face will frown…
happy (Dm)and that
will bring everybody down
(C) Here's a little song I wrote… you (Dm)might want Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
to sing
it note for note [chorus]
Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy
(C) In every life we have some trouble… (Dm) when
worry you'll make it double
Don't (F)worry… be (C)happy


(C)Ain't got no place to lay your head… (Dm)

somebody came
and took your bed
Don't (F)worry…be (C)happy
The (C)landlord say your rent is late… (Dm) he may
Downtown – Petula Clarck a (Dm)gentle bossa nova
(F)You'll be dancing with 'em too
(F)When you're alone be(Dm)fore the night is over
and life is (Bb)making you (C)lonely (Am)Happy again
You can (F)always go (Bb)down(C)town (Bb)The lights are much brighter there
(F)When you've got worries, You can for(G)get all your troubles,
all the (Bb)noise and the (C)hurry forget all your cares
Seems to (F)help, I know, (Bb)down(C)town
So go (F)downtown
Just (F)listen to the music of the (Dm)traffic in the city (Bb)Where all the (C)lights are bright, (F)downtown
(F)Linger on the sidewalk (Bb)Waiting for (C)you tonight, (F)downtown
where the (Dm)neon signs are pretty (Bb)You're gonna (C)be alright (F)now
(Am)How can you lose?
(Bb)The lights are much brighter there (F)//// (Bb)// (C)// (F)//// (Bb)// (C)//
You can for(G)get all your troubles, And (F)you may find somebody kind
forget all your cares to (Dm)help and understand you
(F)Someone who is just like you
So go (F)downtown and (Dm)needs a gentle hand to
(Bb)Things will be (C)great when you're (F)downtown (Am)Guide them along
(Bb)No finer (C)place for sure, (F)downtown (Bb)So maybe I'll see you there
(Bb)Everything's (C)waiting for (F)you We can for(G)get all our troubles, forget all our cares

(F)Don't hang around So go (F)downtown

and let your (Bb)problems su(C)rround you (Bb)Things will be (C)great when you're (F)downtown
There are (F)movie shows (Bb)down(C)town (Bb)Don't wait a (C)minute more, (F)downtown
(F)Maybe you know some little (Bb)places to (C)go to (Bb)Everything is (C)waiting for (F)you...
Where they (F)never close (Bb)down(C)town

Just (F)listen to the rhythm of

Dream A Little Dream of Me – The (A)I'm (F#m)longing to (Bm)linger till (E7)dawn, dear,
(A)Just (F#m)saying (Ab)this… (G)
Mamas & The Papas
(C)Sweet (B7)dreams till sunbeams (Fm)find (G)you -
(C)Stars (B7)shining bright (Fm)above (G)you;
(C)Sweet (B7)dreams that (C7)leave all
(C)Night (B7)breezes (C7)seem
(A7)worries behind you.
to (A7)whisper 'I love you'.
(F)But in your dreams, what(Fm)ever they be,
(F)Birds singing in the (Fm)sycamore tree.
(C)Dream a little (Fm)dream (G)of (C)me.
(C)Dream a little (Fm)dream of (G)me.

(C)Say (B7)nighty-night and (Fm)kiss (G)me;

(C)Just (B7)hold me (C7)tight
and (A7)tell me you'll miss me.
(F)While I'm alone, (Fm)blue as can be,
(C)Dream a little (Fm)dream (G)of (C)me. (E7)

(A)Stars (F#m)fading but (Bm)I linger (E7)on, dear -

(A)Still (F#m)craving your (Bm)kiss. (E7)
(A)I'm (F#m)longing to (Bm)linger till (E7)dawn, dear,
(A)Just (F#m)saying (Ab)this… (G)

(C)Sweet (B7)dreams till sunbeams (Fm)find (G)you -

(C)Sweet (B7)dreams that (C7)leave all
(A7)worries behind you.
(F)But in your dreams, what(Fm)ever they be,
(C)Dream a little (Fm)dream (G)of (C)me. (E7)

(A)Stars (F#m)fading but (Bm)I linger (E7)on, dear -

(A)Still (F#m)craving your (Bm)kiss. (E7)
Dreams – The Cranberries You're what I couldn't (D)find.
(D)A totally amazing (G)mind,
(D)(G)(A)(D) so understanding and so (A)kind;
You're everything to (D)me.
(D)Oh, my (G)life
is changing every(A)day, (D)Oh, my (G)life
In every possible (D)way. is changing every(A)day,
(D)And oh, my (G)dreams, In every possible (D)way.
it's never quite as it (A)seems, (D)And oh, my (G)dreams,
Never quite as it (D)seems. it's never quite as it (A)seems,
'Cause you're a dream to (D)me,
(D)I know I've felt like this be(G)fore, Dream to me.
but now I'm feeling it even (A)more,
Because it came from (D)you. [Instrumental]
(D)And then I open up and (G)see (D)(G)(A)(D)
the person falling here is (A)me,
A different way to (D)be. (D)Ah, da, (G)da da da, (A)da, la...(D)
(D)Ah, da, (G)da da da, (A)da, la...(D)
(F)Ah, la da (Bb)ah… (D)Ah, da, (G)da da da, (A)da, la...(D)
la da (F)ah
la da (Bb)ah ah (D)ah

(D)I want (G)more impossible to ig(A)nore,

Impossible to ig(D)nore.
(D)And they'll come (G)true, impossible not to (A)do,
Impossible not to (D)do.

(D)And now I tell you open(G)ly,

you have my heart so don't hurt (A)me.
Dust in the Wind – Kansas It (C)slips (G)a(Am)way
(G)And all your money (Dm)won't
I (C)close (G)my (Am)eyes another (Am)minute buy
(G)Only for a (Dm)moment
And the (Am)moment's gone (D)Dust (G)in the (Am)wind (G)
(C)All (G)my (Am)dreams (D)All we are is (G)dust in the (Am)wind
(G)Pass before my (Dm)eyes, in curi(Am)osity
(D)Dust (G)in the (Am)wind
(D)Dust (G)in the (Am)wind (G) (D)Everything is (G)dust in the (Am)wind
(D)All we are is (G)dust in the (Am)wind (G)

(C)Same (G)old (Am)song

(G)Just a drop of (Dm)water in an (Am)endless sea
(C)All (G)we (Am)do
(G)Crumbles to the (Dm)ground though we
(Am)refuse to see

(D)Dust (G)in the (Am)wind (G)

(D)All we are is (G)dust in the (Am)wind


Now, (C)don't (G)hang (Am)on

(G)Nothing lasts (Dm)forever,
but the (Am)earth and sky
♡ Eight Days A Week – The Beatles (G)Eight days a (D)week

(D)Ooh I need your (E7)love babe (A)Eight days a week

(G)Guess you know it's (D)true I (Bm)loooove you
(D)Hope you need my (E7)love babe (E7)Eight days a week
(G)Just like I need (D)you Is (G)not enough to (A)show I care
(Bm)Hold me, (G)love me, (Bm)hold me, (E7)love me
(D)Ain't got nothing but (E7)love babe (D)Love you every (E7)day girl
(G)Eight days a (D)week (G)Always on my (D)mind
(D)One thing I can (E7)say girl
(D)Love you every (E7)day girl (G)Love you all the (D)time
(G)Always on my (D)mind (Bm)Hold me, (G)love me, (Bm)hold me, (E7)love me
(D)One thing I can (E7)say girl (D)Ain't got nothing but (E7)love babe
(G)Love you all the (D)time (G)Eight days a (D)week
(Bm)Hold me, (G)love me, (Bm)hold me, (E7)love me (G)Eight days a (D)week
(D)Ain't got nothing but (E7)love babe (G)Eight days a (D)week
(G)Eight days a (D)week (E7)(G)(D)

(A)Eight days a week

I (Bm)loooove you
(E7)Eight days a week
Is (G)not enough to (A)show I care

(D)Ooh I need your (E7)love babe

(G)Guess you know it's (D)true
(D)Hope you need my (E7)love babe
(G)Just like I need (D)you
(Bm)Hold me, (G)love me, (Bm)hold me, (E7)love me
(D)Ain't got nothing but (E7)love babe
Eleanor Rigby – The Beatles (Em7)All the lonely (Em6+)people
Where (C)do they all come (Em)from?
Acordes: (Em7)All the lonely (Em6+)people
Em7 = 0 4 3 5 Where (C)do they all (Em)belong?
Em6+ = 0 4 3 4
(C)Ah, look at all the lonely (Em)people
(C)Ah, look at all the lonely (Em)people (C)Ah, look at all the lonely (Em)people
(C)Ah, look at all the lonely (Em)people
(Em)Eleanor Rigby died in the church
(Em)Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice And was buried along with her (C)name
In the church where a wedding has (C)been Nobody (Em)came
Lives in a (Em)dream (Em)Father McKenzie wiping the dirt
(Em)Waits at the window, wearing the face From his hands as he (D)walks from the (C)grave
That she keeps in a (D)jar by the (C)door No one was (Em)saved
Who is it (Em)for?
(Em7)All the lonely (Em6+)people
(Em7)All the lonely (Em6+)people Where (C)do they all come (Em)from?
Where (C)do they all come (Em)from? (Em7)All the lonely (Em6+)people
(Em7)All the lonely (Em6+)people Where (C)do they all (Em)belong?
Where (C)do they all (Em)belong?

(Em)Father McKenzie writing the words

Of a sermon that no one will (C)hear
No one comes (Em)near
(Em)Look at him working, darning his socks
In the night when there's nobody (C)there
What does he (Em)care?
♡ Englishman In New York – Sting
(D)Modesty, propriety can (A)lead to notoriety
(Em)I don't drink (A)coffee I take (Bm)tea my dear (Bm)You could end up as the only (F#)one
(Em)I like my (A)toast done on one (Bm)side (G)Gentleness, sobriety are (A)rare in this society
(Em)And you can (A)hear it in my At (F#)night a candle's brighter than the (Bm)sun
(Bm)accent when I talk
I'm an (Em)Englishman (A)in New (Bm)York (Em)Takes more than (A)combat gear to
(Bm)make a man
(Em)See me (A)walking down Fifth (Bm)Avenue (Em)Takes more than a (A)license for a (Bm)gun
(Em)A walking (A)cane here at my (Bm)side (Em)Confront your (A)enemies,
(Em)I take it (A)everywhere I (Bm)walk a(Bm)void them when you can
I'm an (Em)Englishman (A)in New (Bm)York (Em)A gentleman will (A)walk but never (Bm)run

(Em)I'm an (A)alien, (Bm)I'm a legal alien (Em)If "Manners (A)maketh man" as

I'm an (Em)Englishman (A)in New (Bm)York (Bm)someone said
(Em)I'm an (A)alien, (Bm)I'm a legal alien Then (Em)he's the (A)hero of the (Bm)day
I'm an (Em)Englishman (A)in New (Bm)York (Em)It takes a (A)man to suffer
(Bm)ignorance and smile
(Em)If "Manners (A)maketh man" as Be your(Em)self no (A)matter what they (Bm)say
(Bm)someone said Be your(Em)self no (A)matter what they (Bm)say
Then (Em)he's the (A)hero of the (Bm)day Be your(Em)self no (A)matter what they (Bm)say
(Em)It takes a (A)man to suffer
(Bm)ignorance and smile (Em)I'm an (A)alien, (Bm)I'm a legal alien
Be your(Em)self no (A)matter what they (Bm)say I'm an (Em)Englishman (A)in New (Bm)York
(Em)I'm an (A)alien, (Bm)I'm a legal alien
(Em)I'm an (A)alien, (Bm)I'm a legal alien I'm an (Em)Englishman (A)in New (Bm)York
I'm an (Em)Englishman (A)in New (Bm)York
(Em)I'm an (A)alien, (Bm)I'm a legal alien
I'm an (Em)Englishman (A)in New (Bm)York
Enjoy The Silence – Depeche Mode (Em)All I ever wanted
(G)All I ever needed
(Bm)Words like violence Is (Bm)here in (A)my arms
(Dm)Break the silence (Em)Words are very (G)unnecessary
(G)Come crashing in (Bm)They can only do (Bb)harm
Into my little world
(Bm)Painful to me [Instrumental]
(Dm)Pierce right through me (Em)(G)(D)(Bm)
(G)Can't you understand (Em)(G)(D)(Bm)
Oh my little girl (Bm)(D)(Bm)(D)(Bm)(D)(Bm)(D)

(Em)All I ever wanted (Em)All I ever wanted

(G)All I ever needed (G)All I ever needed
Is (Bm)here in (A)my arms Is (Bm)here in (A)my arms
(Em)Words are very (G)unnecessary (Em)Words are very (G)unnecessary
(Bm)They can only do (Bb)harm (Bm)They can only do (Bb)harm

[Instrumental] (Em)All I ever wanted

(Bm)(D)(Bm)(D)(Bm)(D)(Bm)(D) (G)All I ever needed
Is (Bm)here in (A)my arms
(Bm)Vows are spoken (Em)Words are very (G)unnecessary
(Dm)To be broken (Bm)They can only do (Bb)harm
(G)Feelings are intense
Words are trivial [Instrumental]
(Bm)Pleasures remain (Em)(G)(D)(Bm)Enjoy the silence
(Dm)So does the pain (Em)(G)(D)(Bm)Enjoy the silence
(G)Words are meaningless
And forgettable
Everlong – Foo Fighters (D)You gotta promise not to (A)stop when I (G)say
when she sang
(D)(Bm)(G)(Bm) (D)(Bm)(G)(Bm)
I've (Bm)waited here for you (D)Breathe out
(G)E(Bm)verlong So (Bm)I can breathe you in
(D)Tonight (G)Hold (Bm)you in
I (Bm)throw myself into (D)And now
(G)And out of the (Bm)red I (Bm)know you've always been
Out of her head she sang (G)Out of your (Bm)head
Out of my head I sang
(D)Come down [Estribillo]
And (Bm)waste away with me (D)(D)(D)(D)(D)(D)(D)(D)
(G)Down (Bm)with me (Bm)If everything could ever
(D)Slow how (G)feel this real for(D)ever
You (Bm)wanted it to be (Bm)If anything could ever
(G)I'm over my (Bm)head (G)be this good a(D)gain
Out of her head she sang (Bm)The only thing I'll ever (G)ask of you
(D)You gotta promise not to (A)stop when I (G)say
(D)(A)And when she sang (D)
(D)I wonder(A)
When I sing a(D)long with you
(Bm)If everything could ever
(G)feel this real for(D)ever
(Bm)If anything could ever
(G)be this good a(D)gain
(Bm)The only thing I'll ever (G)ask of you
Everybody's Changing – Keane (F)So little (G)time
(Csus4)Try to unders(C)tand that (F)I'm
[Intro] (Dm)Trying to make a move just
(C)(C)(F)(F)(Dm)(G)(C)(C) to (G)stay in the game
I (Em)try to stay awake and re(A)member my name
(C)You say you wander your (F)own land But (Dm)everybody's changing
But (Dm)when I think about it and (G)I don't feel the (C)same
I (G)don't see how you can (C)
You're (C)aching, you're breaking [Instrumental]
And (F)I can see the pain in your eyes (C)(C)(F)(F)(Dm)(G)(Am)(Am)
Says (Dm)everybody's changing
and (G)I don't know why (Am) (F)So little (G)time
(Csus4)Try to unders(C)tand that (F)I'm
(F)So little (G)time (Dm)Trying to make a move just
(Csus4)Try to unders(C)tand that (F)I'm to (G)stay in the game
(Dm)Trying to make a move just I (Em)try to stay awake and re(A)member my name
to (G)stay in the game But (Dm)everybody's changing
I (Em)try to stay awake and re(A)member my name and (G)I don't feel the (Am)same
But (Dm)everybody's changing Oh (Dm)everybody's changing
and (G)I don't feel the (C)same and (G)I don't feel the (C)same


You're (C)gone from here, soon you will disappear

(F)Fading into beautiful light
Cos (Dm)everybody's changing
and (G)I don't feel right (Am)
Everybody Needs Somebody – Blues (D)you, (G)you, (C)you (G)I need
(D)E(G)very(C)bo(G)dy (D)needs (G)some(C)bo(G)dy
(D)E(G)very(C)bo(G)dy (D)needs (G)some(C)bo(G)dy
(D)E(G)very(C)bo(G)dy (D)needs (G)some(C)bo(G)dy
to (D)love (G)(C)(G)Someone to love
(D)E(G)very(C)bo(G)dy (D)needs (G)some(C)bo(G)dy
(D)(G)(C)(G)Sweetheart to miss
to (D)love (G)(C)(G)Someone to love
(D)(G)(C)(G)Sugar to kiss
(D)(G)(C)(G)Sweetheart to miss
(D)(G)(C)(G)I need
(D)(G)(C)(G)Sugar to kiss
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you (G)I need
(D)(G)(C)(G)I need
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you (G)I need
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you (G)I need
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you, In the (G)morning!
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you (G)I need
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you, when my (G)soul's on fire!
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you, In the (G)morning!
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you, when my (G)soul's on fire! (D)

(Bm)Sometimes I feel, (G)I feel a little sad inside

(Bm)When my baby mistreats me,
(A)I never never have a place to hide,
I need (D)you! (G) (D)(G) (D)(G) (D)(G)
(D)(G) (D)(G) (D)(G) (D)(G)

(Bm)Sometimes I feel, (G)I feel a little sad inside

(Bm)When my baby mistreats me,
(A)I never never have a place to hide,
I need
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you (G)I need
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you (G)I need
(D)you, (G)you, (C)you (G)I need
♡ Every Breath You Take – The Police I feel so cold, and I long for your em(Eb)brace.
I keep crying baby, baby, (G)please...(Em)(C)(D)(G)
(G)Every breath you take
Every move you (Em)make Oh can't you (C)see
Every bond you (C)break (Bb)You belong to (G)me?
Every step you (D)take How my poor heart (A)aches
I'll be watching you(Em). with every step you (D)take.

Every single (G)day Every move you (G)make

Every word you (Em)say Every vow you (Em)break
Every game you (C)play Every smile you (C)fake
Every night you (D)stay Every claim you (D)stake
I'll be watching you (G) I'll be watching you (Em)

Oh can't you (C)see Every move you (C)make

(Bb)You belong to (G)me? Every step you (D)take
How my poor heart (A)aches I'll be watching you… (G)
with every step you (D)take.

Every move you (G)make

Every vow you (Em)break
Every smile you (C)fake
Every claim you (D)stake
I'll be watching you (Em)

(Eb)Since you've gone I've been lost

without a (F)trace.
I dream at night, I can only see your (Eb)face.
I look around but it's you I can't (F)replace.
Everywhere – Fleetwood Mac (F)Can you hear me (C)calling
(F)Out your (C)name?
(F)Can you hear me (C)calling (F)You know that I'm (C)falling
(F)Out your (C)name? And I (Dm)don't know what to (Bb)say(C)
(F)You know that I'm (C)falling (F)Come along (C)baby
And I (Dm)don't know what to (Bb)say(C) We (F)better make a (C)start
(F)I'll speak a little (C)louder (F)You better make it (C)soon
(F)I'll even (C)shout Before you (Dm)break my (Bb)heart(C)
(F)You know that I'm (C)proud
And I can't (Dm)get the words (Bb)out(C) Oh I...(C)...(Dm)...(Bb)...(C)
(Dm)I want to (C)be with you (Bb)everywhere(C)
Oh I...(C)...(Dm)...(Bb)...(C) Oh I...(C)...(Dm)...(Bb)...(C)
(Dm)I want to (C)be with you (Bb)everywhere(C) (Dm)I want to (C)be with you (Bb)everywhere(C)
Oh I...(C)...(Dm)...(Bb)...(C)
(Dm)I want to (C)be with you (Bb)everywhere(C) Oh I...(C)...(Dm)...(Bb)...(C)
(Dm)I want to (C)be with you (Bb)everywhere(C)
(F)Something's (C)happening Oh I...(C)...(Dm)...(Bb)...(C)
(F)Happening to (C)me (Dm)I want to (C)be with you (Bb)everywhere(C)
(F)My friends (C)say I'm acting pe(Dm)culiarly(Bb)(C)
(F)C'mon (C)baby
We (F)better make a (C)start
(F)You better make it (C)soon
Before you (Dm)break my (Bb)heart(C)

Oh I...(C)...(Dm)...(Bb)...(C)
(Dm)I want to (C)be with you (Bb)everywhere(C)
Oh I...(C)...(Dm)...(Bb)...(C)
(Dm)I want to (C)be with you (Bb)everywhere(C)
Feel – Robbie Williams Cos I got too much (Bb)life
Running through my (F)veins
Come and hold my (Dm)hand Going to (C)waste
(F)I wanna contact the (A)living And I need to (Bb)feel
Not sure I (Gm)understand Real (F)love and the love ever (C)after
(Dm)This role I've been (A)given I can not get (Dm)enough
I sit and talk to (Dm)God
(F)And he just laughs at my (A)plans (Dm)(Dm)(Dm)(Dm)(Dm)
My head speaks a (Gm)language (F)(F)(F) (G)(G)
(F)I don't under(A)stand (Dm)(Dm)(Dm)(Dm)(Dm)
(F)(F)(F) (F)(F)
I just wanna (Bb)feel
Real (F)love feel the home that I (C)live in I just wanna (Bb)feel
Cos I got too much (Bb)life Real (F)love feel the home that I (C)live in
Running through my (F)veins Cos I got too much (Bb)love
Going to (C)waste Running through my (F)veins
To go to (C)waste
I don't wanna (Dm)die I just wanna (Bb)feel
(F)But I ain't keen on living (A)either Real (F)love and the love ever (C)after
Before I fall in (Gm)love There's a hole in my (Bb)soul
(Dm)I'm preparing to (A)leave her You can see it in my (F)face
It's a real big (C)place
Scare myself to (Dm)death
(F)That's why I keep on (A)running Come and hold my (Dm)hand
Before I've (Gm)arrived (F)I wanna con(G)tact the li(Dm)ving
(F)I can see myself (A)coming (F)Not sure I unders(G)tand(Dm)
(F)This role I've been (G)gi(Dm)ven
I just wanna (Bb)feel [1 strum] (F)Not sure I unders(G)tand(Dm)
Real (F)love feel the home that I (C)live in
Feliz Navidad – José Feliciano Feliz Navi(G)dad
Prospero (A)Año y Felici(D)dad
Feliz Navi(G)dad
(A)Feliz Navi(D)dad I wanna wish you a (G)Merry Christmas
Feliz Navi(G)dad (A)I wanna wish you a (D)Merry Christmas
Prospero (A)Año y Felici(D)dad I wanna wish you a (G)Merry Christmas
From the (A)bottom of my (D)heart
Feliz Navi(G)dad
(A)Feliz Navi(D)dad We wanna wish you a (G)Merry Christmas
Feliz Navi(G)dad (A)We wanna wish you a (D)Merry Christmas
Prospero (A)Año y Felici(D)dad We wanna wish you a (G)Merry Christmas
From the (A)bottom of our (D)heart
I wanna wish you a (G)Merry Christmas
(A)I wanna wish you a (D)Merry Christmas
I wanna wish you a (G)Merry Christmas
From the (A)bottom of my (D)heart

We wanna wish you a (G)Merry Christmas

(A)We wanna wish you a (D)Merry Christmas
We wanna wish you a (G)Merry Christmas
From the (A)bottom of our (D)heart

Feliz Navi(G)dad
(A)Feliz Navi(D)dad
Feliz Navi(G)dad
Prospero (A)Año y Felici(D)dad

Feliz Navi(G)dad
(A)Feliz Navi(D)dad
♡ Fields of Gold – Sting Feel her (Am)body rise
when you (F)kiss her (C)mouth
(Am) (F)Among the (G)fields of (C)gold
You'll (Am)remember me
when the (F)west wind moves (F)I never made (C)promises lightly
Upon the fields of (C)barley (F)And there have been (C)some that I've broken
You'll (Am)forget the sun (F)But I swear in the (C)days still left
in his (F)jealous (C)sky We'll (F)walk in (G)fields of (C)gold
As we (F)walk in (G)fields of (Am)gold We'll (F)walk in (G)fields of (C)gold
So she (Am)took her love (Am) (F) (C) (Am) (F) (C) (F) (G) (C)
For to (F)gaze awhile
Upon the fields of (C)barley Many (Am)years have passed
In his (Am)arms she fell since those (F)summer days
as her (F)hair came (C)down Among the fields of (C)barley
(F)Among the (G)fields of (C)gold See the (Am)children run
as the (F)sun goes (C)down
Will you (Am)stay with me, (F)Among the (G)fields of (C)gold
will you (F)be my love You'll (Am)remember me
Among the fields of (C)barley when the (F)west wind moves
We'll (Am)forget the sun Upon the fields of (C)barley
in his (F)jealous (C)sky You can (Am)tell the sun
As we (F)lie in (G)fields of (Am)gold in his (F)jealous (C)sky
(Am)(F)(C) When we (F)walked in (G)fields of (C)gold
When we (F)walked in (G)fields of (C)gold
See the (Am)west wind move When we (F)walked in (G)fields of (C)gold
like a (F)lover so
Upon the fields of (C)barley
Fisherman's Blues – Waterboys
(G)(F)(Am)(C) (G)(F)(Am)(C)

I (G)wish I was a fisherman To(G)morrow I will be loosened

(F)Tumblin' on the seas From (F)bonds that hold me fast
(Am)Far away from dry land That the (Am)chains all hung around me
And its (C)bitter memories (C)Will fall away at last
(G)Casting out my sweet line And on that (G)fine and fateful day
With a(F)bandonment and love I will (F)take thee in my hands
(Am)No ceiling bearin' down on me I will (Am)ride on the train
Save the s(C)tarry sky above I will (C)be the fisherman
With light in my (G)head With light in my (G)head
You in my (F)arms You in my (F)arms
(Am)Woo! (Am)Woo!

(G)(F)(Am)(C) (G)(F)(Am)(C)
I (G)wish I was the brakeman
On a (F)hurtlin' fevered train
(Am)Crashing a-headlong into the heartland
Like a (C)cannon in the rain
With the (G)beating of the sleepers
And the (F)burnin' of the coal
(Am)Counting the towns flashing by
In a (C)night that's full of soul
With light in my (G)head
You in my (F)arms
Fix You – Coldplay (Ab)Lights will (Bb)guide you home
(Ab)And ig(Bb)nite your bones
When you (Eb)try your best, (Ab)And I will (Bb)try, to fix (Eb)you
but you (Gm)don't succe(Cm)ed (Bb) (Ab)(Eb)(Bb)
When you (Eb)get what you want, (Cm)(Ab)(Eb)(Bb)
but (Gm)not what you ne(Cm)ed(Bb)
When you (Eb)feel so tired, (Eb)Tears stream (Ab)down your face
but you (Gm)can't sle(Cm)ep (Bb) (Eb)When you lose something (Bb)you cannot replace
Stuck in re(Eb)ve(Gm)e(Cm)erse (Bb) (Cm)Tears stream (Ab)down your face
And (Eb)I… (Bb)
And the (Eb)tears come streaming
(Gm)down your face(Cm)(Bb) (Eb)Tears stream (Ab)down your face
When you (Eb)lose something (Eb)I promise you I will (Gm)learn from my mistakes
you (Gm)can't repla(Cm)ce(Bb) (Cm)Tears stream (Ab)down your face
When you (Eb)love someone, And (Eb)I... (Bb)
but it (Gm)goes to wa(Cm)ste (Bb)
Could it be (Eb)wor(Gm)se?(Cm)(Bb) (Ab)Lights will (Bb)guide you home
(Ab)And ig(Bb)nite your bones
(Ab)Lights will (Bb)guide to home (Ab)And I will (Bb)try to fix (Eb)you
(Ab)And ig(Bb)nite your bones
(Ab)And I will (Bb)try, to fix (Eb)you

And (Eb)high up above or (Gm)down below(Cm)(Bb)

When you're (Eb)too in love to (Gm)let it go(Cm)(Bb)
But if you (Eb)never try,
you'll (Gm)never know(Cm)(Bb)
Just what you're (Eb)worth(Gm)(Cm)(Bb)
Fly Me To The Moon – Frank Sinatra (Am)Fill my heart with (Dm)song
And let me (G7)sing for ever (C7maj)more
(Am)Fly me to the (Dm)moon (F)You are all I (Dm)long for
Let me (G7)play among the (C7maj)stars All I (E7)worship and a(Am)dore
(F)Let me see what (Dm)spring is like In (Dm)other words, (G7)please be (C7maj)true
On a, (E7)Jupiter and (Am)Mars (A7)In (Dm)other words, (G7)I love (C)you
In (Dm)other words, (G7)hold my (C7maj)hand
(A7)In (Dm)other words, (G7)baby, (C7maj)kiss me

(Am)Fill my heart with (Dm)song

And let me (G7)sing for ever (C7maj)more
(F)You are all I (Dm)long for
All I (E7)worship and a(Am)dore
In (Dm)other words, (G7)please be (C7maj)true
(A7)In (Dm)other words, (G7)I love (C7maj)you

Forever Young – Alphaville some are like the (Am)heat
some are a (F)melody and some are the (G)beat
(C)Let's start in s(G)tyle, let's dance for a (Am)while sooner or (Dm)later they all will be (F)gone
heaven can (F)wait we're only watching the (G)skies why don't they stay (Am)young? (G)
hoping for the (Dm)best, but expecting the (F)worst
are you gonna drop the (Am)bomb or not? (G) (C)It's so hard to get (G)old without a (Am)cause
i don't want to (F)perish like a fading (G)horse
(C)Let us stay (G)young or let us live fo(Am)rever years like (Dm)diamonds in the sun (F)
we don't have the (F)power, and diamonds are (Am)forever (G)
but we never say (G)never
sitting in the (Dm)sandpit, life is a (F)short trip (C)So many ad(G)vantages given up to(Am)day
the music's for the (Am)sadman (G) so many (F)songs we forgot to (G)play
so many (Dm)dreams swinging out of the (F)blue
(C)Can you i(G)magine when this race is (Am)won oh let it come (Am)true (G)
turn out all the (F)faces into the sun(G)
praising our (Dm)leaders, we're getting in (F)tune [Estribillo]
the music's played by the (Am)madman (G)
(C)Forever (G)young (C)(G)(Am)(F)
i want to (Am)be forever (F)young (G)(Dm)(F)(Am)
(G)do you really want to (Dm)live forever?
(F)forever, (G)you'll never [Estribillo]
(C)forever (G)young,
I want to (Am)be forever (F)young
(G)do you really want to (Dm)live forever?
(F) (G)forever (C)young.

(C)Some are like (G)water,

Friday I'm In Love – The Cure
(G)Saturday, (A)wait,
(D)I don't care if (G)Monday's blue, And (Bm)Sunday always (G)comes too late,
(D)Tuesday's grey and (A)Wednesday too. But (D)Friday never (A)hesitate...
(Bm)Thursday, I don't (G)care about you.
It's (D)Friday, I'm in (A)love. (Bm)Dressed up to the (C)eyes,
(D)Monday, you can (G)fall apart. It's a wonderful (D)surprise
(D)Tuesday, Wednesday, (A)break my heart. To see your (A)shoes and your spirits (Bm)rise,
(Bm)Thursday doesn't (G)even start. Throwing out your (C)frown,
It's (D)Friday, I'm in (A)love. And just smiling at the (D)sound,
And as sleek as a (A)shriek,
(G)Saturday, (A)wait, Spinning round and (Bm)round.
And (Bm)Sunday always (G)comes too late, Always take a big (C)bite,
But (D)Friday never (A)hesitate... It's such a gorgeous (D)sight
To see you (A)eat in the middle of the (Bm)night.
(D)I don't care if (G)Monday's black, You can never get (C)enough,
(D)Tuesday, Wednesday, (A)heart attack. Enough of this (D)stuff.
(Bm)Thursday, never (G)looking back. It's Friday,
It's (D)Friday, I'm in (A)love. (A)I'm in love

(D)(G)(D)(A)(Bm)(G)(D)(A) (D)I don't care if (G)Monday's blue,

(D)Tuesday's grey and (A)Wednesday too.
(D)Monday, you can (G)hold your head. (Bm)Thursday, I don't (G)care about you.
(D)Tuesday, Wednesday, (A)stay in bed. It's (D)Friday, I'm in (A)love.
Or (Bm)Thursday, watch the (G)walls instead. (D)Monday, you can (G)fall apart.
It's (D)Friday, I'm in (A)love. (D)Tuesday, Wednesday, (A)break my heart.
(Bm)Thursday doesn't (G)even start.
It's (D)Friday, I'm in (A)love. (D)
♡ Friends theme – The Rembrandts
(C)So no one told you life was going to be this
(C)Your job's a joke, you're broke, you're love life's
(Bb)It's like you're (F)always stuck in (C)second gear,
Well, it (Bb)hasn't been your (F)day, your week, your
(G)month, or even your year.

(C)But, I'll be (F)there for (G)you, when the rain starts

to pour.
(C)I'll be (F)there for (G)you, like I've been there
(C)I'll be (F)there for (G)you, cause you're there for me
too.(Bb) (C)
Friends Will Be Friends – Queen [Instrumental]
(G)(B7)(Em)(G7)(C)(Am) (F)(C)
Acorde Gaug: 0 3 3 2
Acorde C#dim: 0 1 0 4 (G)Now it’s a beautiful (D)day
The (Em)postman delivered
[Instrumental] a (G7)letter from your lover
(G)(B7)(Em)(G7)(C) (F)(C) (C)Only a phone call a(Am)way
You tried to (D)track him down
(G)Another red letter (D)day but somebody stole his number
So the (Em)pound has dropped (G)As a matter of (B7)fact
and the (G7)children are creating You’re getting used to (Em)life
(C)The other half ran (Am)away without him in your (G7)way
Taking (D)all the cash and leaving you with the lumber It’s so (Am)easy now,
(G)Got a pain in the (B7)chest ‘cause you got (D)friends you can trust
Doctors on (Em)strike what you need is a (G7)rest
It’s not (Am)easy love, [Estribillo]
but you’ve got (D)friends you can trust
(C)Friends will be (A7)friends (G)(F)(C)(Bb) (G)(F)(C)(Bb)
When you’re in (G)need of love (G)(D)(Em)(G7)
they give you (Em)care and attention (C)(Am)(D)(D)
(D)Friends will be (B7)friends (G)(B7)(Em)(G7)
When you’re (Em)through with life
and all (Gaug)hope is lost It’s so (Am)easy now,
Hold (G)out your hand ‘cause you got (D)friends you can trust
‘cause (C#dim)friends will be (C)friends
(D)Right till the (G)end [Estribillo] x2
♡ From Me To You – The Beatles Da da (C)da da da dum dum (Am)da, From me
Da da (C)da da da dum dum (G)da, to you
(Gaug) = 0 3 3 2 Just (F7)call on me and I'll (Am)send it along
With (C)love from (G)me to (C)you
Da da (C)da da da dum dum (Am)da
Da da (C)da da da dum dum (Am)da I got (Gm)arms that long to (C)hold you
And (F)keep you by my side
If there's (C)anything that you (Am)want I got (D)lips that long to kiss you
If there's (C)anything I can (G)do And (G)keep you satis(Gaug)fied, oooh
Just (F7)call on me and I'll (Am)send it along
With (C)love from (G)me to (C)you If there's (C)anything that you (Am)want
If there's (C)anything I can (G)do
I've got (C)everything that you (Am)want Just (F7)call on me and I'll (Am)send it along
Like a (C)heart that's oh so (G)true With (C)love from (G)me to (C)you
Just (F7)call on me and I'll (Am)send it along To (Am)you, to (Fm)you, to (C)you
With (C)love from (G)me to (C)you da da dum dum (Am)da

I got (Gm)arms that long to (C)hold you

And (F)keep you by my side
I got (D)lips that long to kiss you
And (G)keep you satis(Gaug)fied, oooh

If there's (C)anything that you (Am)want

If there's (C)anything I can (G)do
Just (F7)call on me and I'll (Am)send it along
With (C)love from (G)me to (C)you
Garota de Ipanema – Tom Jobim Por causa do a(Cmaj7)mor

Acorde (Cmaj7) = 0 0 0 2 [Repetir desde el principio]

Acorde (Dbmaj7) = 1 1 1 3
Acorde (Gb7) = 3 4 2 1 Por causa do a(Cmaj7)mor
Acorde (Emaj7) = 1 3 0 2 Por causa do a(Cmaj7)mor
Por causa do a(Cmaj7)mor
(Cmaj7)Olha que coisa mais linda
Mais cheia de (D7)graça
É ela, menina
Que vem e que (Dm7)passa
Num doce ba(G7)lanço
A caminho do (Cmaj7)mar

(Cmaj7)Moça do corpo dourado

Do sol de Ipa(D7)nema
O seu balançado é mais que um po(Dm7)ema
É a coisa mais (G7)linda que eu já vi pa(Cmaj7)ssar

(Dbmaj7)Ah, por que estou tão so(Gb7)zinho?

(Emaj7)Ah, por que tudo é tão (A7)triste?
(Am7)Ah, a beleza que e(Fm)xiste
A be(Em)leza que não é só (A7)minha
(Dm7)Que também passa so(G7)zinha

(Cmaj7)Ah, se ela soubesse

Que quando ela (D7)passa
O mundo inteirinho se enche de (Dm7)graça
E fica mais (G7)lindo
♡ Get Lucky – Daft Punk The present has no (Dm)ribbon
(F)Your gift keeps on (Am)giving (G)
(Dm)(F)(Am)(G) What is this I'm (Dm)feeling?
Like the legend of the (Dm)phoenix (F)If you want to leave, I'm (Am)ready
(F)All ends with be(Am)ginnings (G) Ah, (G)ah
What keeps the planet (Dm)spinning
(F)The force from the be(Am)ginning (G) [Estribillo x2]

(Dm)We've come too (F)far

To give (Am)up who we (G)are
So (Dm)let's raise the (F)bar
And our (Am)cups to the (G)stars
(Dm)She's up all night 'til the sun
(F)I'm up all night to get some
(Am)She's up all night for good fun
(G)I'm up all night to get lucky
(Dm)We're up all night 'til the sun
(F)We're up all night to get some
(Am)We're up all night for good fun
(G)We're up all night to get lucky

(Dm)We're up all night to get lucky

(F)We're up all night to get lucky
(Am)We're up all night to get lucky
(G)We're up all night to get lucky

♡ Gimme hope Johanna – Eddy Grant
Well (C)Jo'anna she runs a (F)country
She runs in (C)Durban and the Trans(G)vaal She's got (C)supporters in high up (F)places
She makes a (C)few of her people (F)happy, oh Who turn their (C)heads to the city (G)sun
She don't (C)care about the (G)rest at (C)all Jo'anna (C)give them the fancy (F)money
She's got a (C)system they call a(F)partheid (Fm)Oh to (C)tempt any(G)one who'd (C)come
It keeps a (C)brother in a subjec(G)tion She even (C)knows how to swing o(F)pinion
But maybe (C)pressure can make Jo'(F)anna (Fm)see In every (C)magazine and the jour(G)nals
How every(C)body could a (G)live as (C)one For every (C)bad move that this Jo'(F)anna
Gimme (C)hope, Jo'anna They got a (C)good expla(G)nati(C)on
(F)Hope, Jo'anna
Gimme (C)hope, Jo'anna [Estribillo]
'Fore the (G)morning come
Gimme (C)hope, Jo'anna Even the (C)preacher who works for (F)Jesus
(F)Hope, Jo'anna The Arch(C)bishop who's a peaceful (G)man
(C)Hope before the (G)morning (C)come Together (C)say that the freedom (F)fighters(Fm)
Will over(C)come the (G)very (C)strong
I hear she (C)make all the golden (F)money I wanna (C)know if you're (F)blind Jo'anna
To buy new (C)weapons, any shape of (G)guns If you (C)wanna hear the sound of (G)drums
While every (C)mother in black So(F)weto (Fm)fears Can't you (C)see that the tide is (F)turning (Fm)
The (C)killing of a(G)nother (C)son Oh don't make me (C)wait till the (G)morning (C)come
Sneakin' a(C)cross all the neighbours' (F)borders
Now and a(C)gain having little (G)fun [Estribillo] x2
She doesn't (C)care if the fun and (F)games she
Is (C)dang'rous to (G)ev'ry(C)one
☠ Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne I'm damn precious
(A)And, hell yeah
[Single strum] I'm the motherfuckin' (Bm)princess
(D)Hey, hey, You, you I can tell you like me too
I don't like your girlfriend And you know I'm (G)right
(D)No way, no way
I think you need a new one (Bm)She's like so, whatever
(D)Hey, hey, You, you (F#m)You could do so much better
I could be your girlfriend (A)I think we should get together (G)now
[Normal strum] And that's what (A)everyone's talkin' about
(D) (F#m) (G)
[Single strum] (D)Hey, hey, (A)You, you
(D)Hey, hey, You, you (Bm)I don't like your (G)girlfriend
I know that you like me (D)No way, (A)no way
(D)No way, no way (Bm)I think you need a (G)new one
No, it's not a secret (D)Hey, hey, (A)You, you
(D)Hey, hey, You, you (Bm)I could be your (G)girlfriend
I want to be your girlfriend (D) (F#m) (G)
[Normal strum] (D)Hey, hey, (A)You, you
(D) (F#m) (G) (Bm)I know that you (G)like me
(D)No way, (A)no way
(D)You're so fine, I want you mine (Bm)No, it's not a (G)secret
You're so delicious (D)Hey, hey, (A)You, you
(A)I think about you all the time (Bm)I want to be your (G)girlfriend
You're so addictive (D) (F#m) (G)
(Bm)Don't you know what I can do
To make you feel all (G)right?
(D)I can see the way
(D)Don't pretend, I think you know I see the way you look at me
(A)And even when you look away (D) (F#m) (G)
I know you think of me
(Bm)I know you talk about me all the time [Palmas]
Again and a(G)gain In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
Cause I can, 'cause I can do it better
(D)So come over here There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in?
And tell me what I wanna hear She's so stupid
(A)Better yet, make your girlfriend disappear What the hell were you thinkin'? [x2]
(Bm)I don't wanna hear you say her name ever
(G)again and again and again [Estribillo] (D)

(Bm)Cause she's like so, whatever

(F#m)You could do so much better
(A)I think we should get together (G)now
And that's what (A)everyone's talkin' about

(D)Hey, hey, (A)You, you

(Bm)I don't like your (G)girlfriend
(D)No way, (A)no way
(Bm)I think you need a (G)new one
(D)Hey, hey, (A)You, you
(Bm)I could be your (G)girlfriend
(D) (F#m) (G)
(D)Hey, hey, (A)You, you
(Bm)I know that you (G)like me
(D)No way, (A)no way
(Bm)No, it's not a (G)secret
(D)Hey, hey, (A)You, you
(Bm)I want to be your (G)girlfriend
Girls Just Want To Have Fun – Cyndi (F)//// //// (Dm)//// // (Bb)/ (C)/
(F)//// //// (Dm)//// // (Bb)/ (C)/
(F)Some boys take a beautiful girl
(F)//// //// (Dm)//// // (Bb)/ (C)/
And (Dm)hide her away from the rest of the world
(F)//// //// (Dm)//// // (Bb)/ (C)/
(Bb)I want to be the one to walk in the sun
Oh (Dm)girls they (C)wanna have (Bb)fun
(F)I come home in the morning light
Oh (Dm)girls just (C)wanna have
My (Dm)mother says
when you gonna live your life right
(F)That's all they really waaaant
(Bb)Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones
(Dm)Some fuuuun
And (Dm)girls they (C)wanna have (Bb)fun
(F)When the working day is done
Oh (Dm)girls just (C)want to have (F)fun
Oh (Dm)girls, they (C)wanna have (Bb)fun
Oh (Dm)girls just (C)wanna have (F)fun
(F)//// //// (Dm)//// // (Bb)/ (C)/
-girls and boys wanna have (Dm)fun,
girls wanna (C)have-
(F)The phone rings in the middle of the night
(F)They just wanna, they just wanna
My (Dm)father yells what you gonna do with your life
(Dm)They just wanna
(Bb)Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one
Oh (Dm)girls, they (C)wanna have (F)fun
But (Dm)girls they (C)wanna have (Bb)fun
Oh (Dm)girls just (C)want to have

(F)That's all they really waaaaant

(Dm)Some fuuuuun
(F)When the working day is done
Oh (Dm)girls, they (C)wanna have (Bb)fun
Oh (Dm)girls just (C)wanna have (F)fun
-girls and boys wanna have (Dm)fun,
girls wanna (C)have-
Go West – Pet Shop Boys -Go (F)West- Baby (C)you and me
-Go (Dm)West- This is our (G)destiny
Versión de “Go West” de “Village People” -Go (C)West- Sun in (G)wintertime
-Go (Am)West- We will (Em)do just fine
-To(C)gether- We will (G)go our way -Go (F)West- Where the (C)skies are blue
-To(Am)gether- We will (Em)leave someday -Go (Dm)West, this is what we're (G)gonna do-
-To(F)gether- Your hand (C)in my hand
-To(Dm)gether- We will (G)make our plans (Em)There where the (Am)air is free
-To(C)gether- We will (G)fly so high we'll (F)be what we (C)want to be
-To(Am)gether- Tell all our (Em)friends good-bye (Em)Now if we (Am)make a stand
-To(F)gether- We will (C)start life new we'll (F)find our (G)promised land
-To(Dm)gether- This is (G)what we'll do
[Single strum]
-Go (C)West- Life is (G)peaceful there -I (C)know that- There are (G)many ways
-Go (Am)West- In the (Em)open air -To (Am)live there- In the (Em)sun or shade
-Go (F)West- Where the (C)skies are blue -To(F)gether- We will (C)find a place
-Go (Dm)West- This is what we're (G)gonna do -To (Dm)settle- Where there's (G)so much space

-To(C)gether- We will (G)love the beach -With(C)out rush- And the (G)pace back East
-To(Am)gether- We will (Em)learn and teach -The (Am)hustling- Rustling (Em)just to feed
-To(F)gether- Change our (C)pace of life -I (F)know I'm- Ready (C)to leave too
-To(Dm)gether- We will (G)work and strive -So (Dm)that's what- We are (G)gonna do
-I (C)love you- I know (G)you love me
-I (Am)want you- How could I (Em)disagree? -Go (D)West- Life is (A)peaceful there
-So (F)that's why- I make (C)no protest -Go (Bm)West- There in the (F#m)open air
-When (Dm)you say- You will (G)do the rest -Go (G)West- Where the (D)skies are blue
-Go (Em)West- This is what we're (A)gonna do
-Go (C)West- Life is (G)peaceful there (D)-Life is (A)peaceful there- Go (Bm)West
-Go (Am)West- In the (Em)open air -In the (F#m)open air- Go (G)West
-Baby, (D)you and me- Go (Em)West
-This is our (A)destiny-

-Go (D)West- Sun in (A)wintertime

-Go (Bm)West- We will (F#m)feel just fine
-Go (G)West- Where the (D)skies are blue
-Go (Em)West- This is what we're (A)gonna do…

-Go (D)West-
♡ Grace Kelly – Mika
(G)How can I help it, How can I help it
(G)Do I attract you? Do I repulse you How can I help what you (C)think?
with my (D)queasy (G)smile? Hello my baby, Hello my (D)baby
Am I too dirty? Am I too flirty? Putting my life on the (G)brink
Do I (D)like what you (G)like? Why dont yo like me, Why dont you like me
Why dont you like your(C)self?
I could be wholesome, I could be loathsome Should I bend over? Should I look (D)older
I guess Im a (D)little bit (G)shy just to be put on the (G)shelf?
Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me
without (D)making me (G)try? [Estribillo – (C)]

I try to be like Grace (Dm)Kelly (C)(Cm)Say what you want

(Am)But all her looks were too (D)sad to (G)satisfy yourself
(G)So I try a little (Dm)Freddie (C)But (Cm)you only want
(Am)Ive gone identity (D)mad! what (G)every(D)body (Em)else
says (D)you should (A)want (C)(Cm)
(G)I could be brown, I could be blue
I could be violet (C)sky [piano]
I could be hurtful, I could be (D)purple [(G)I could be brown...]
I could be anything you (G)like
Gotta be green, Gotta be mean [forte]
Gotta be everything (C)more [(G)I could be brown...]
Why dont you like me? (Em)(D)(C)(G)(Am)(G)(F)
Why dont you (D)like me?
Why dont you walk out the (G)*door!
*[2ª vez (C)]
*[4ª vez (Em)]
Hallelujah – Cohen, Buckley, Beirut (Am) (C) (Am)
(C)Baby I've been (Am)here before
I've (C)seen this room and I've (Am)walked this floor
[intro] (C) (Am) (C) (Am)
I (F)used to live a(G)lone before I (C)knew you (G)
I've (C)seen your flag on the (F)marble (G)arch
I (C)heard there was a (Am)secret chord
But (Am)love is not a victory (F)march
That (C)David played and it (Am)pleased the lord
It's a (G)cold and it's a (E7)broken halle(Am)lujah
But (F)you don't really (G)care for music (C)do you?
Halle(F)lujah, halle(Am)lujah, halle(F)lujah, halle(C)lu-
Well it (C)goes like this the (F)fourth the (G)fifth
The (Am)minor fall, the (F)major lift
(Am) (C) (Am)
The (G)baffled king (E7)composing halle(Am)lujah
Well, (C)maybe there's a (Am)god above
Halle(F)lujah, halle(Am)lujah, halle(F)lujah, halle(C)lu-
But (C)all I've ever (Am)learned from love
Was (F)how to shoot some(G)body who out(C)drew
(Am) (C) (Am)
you (G)
It's (C)not a cry that you (F)hear at (G)night
Well your (C)faith was strong but you (Am)needed
It's (Am)not somebody who's (F)seen the light
It's a (G)cold and it's a (E7)broken halle(Am)lujah
You (C)saw her bathing (Am)on the roof
Her (F)beauty and the (G)moonlight over(C)threw you
Halle(F)lujah, halle(Am)lujah, halle(F)lujah, halle(C)lu-
She (C)tied you to her (F)kitchen (G)chair
(Am) (C) (Am) (C – single strum)
She (Am)broke your throne and she (F)cut your hair
And (G)from your lips she (E7)drew the halle(Am)lujah

Halle(F)lujah, halle(Am)lujah, halle(F)lujah, halle(C)lu-

Halo – Beyoncé I can see your (Bm)halo halo halo
I can feel your (F#m)halo halo halo
(A)Remember those walls I (Bm)built I can see your (D)halo halo halo
Well Baby they're tumbling (F#m)down
And they didn't even put up a (D)fight [Single strum]
They didn't even make a (A)sound (A)Hit me like a ray of (Bm)sun
Burning through my darkest (F#m)night
I found a way to let you (Bm)in [Normal strum]
But I never really had a (F#m)doubt You're the only one that I (D)want
Standing in the light of your (D)halo, oh oh 'Think I'm addicted to your (A)light
I've got my angel (A)now
I swore I'd never fall (Bm)again
It's like I've been awakened (Bm) But this don't even feel like (F#m)falling
Every rule I had you breaking (F#m) Gravity can't be(D)gin
It's the risk that I'm taking (D) To pull me back to the (A)ground again
I ain't never gonna shut you (A)out
Everywhere I'm looking (Bm)now
I'm surrounded by your em(F#m)brace I can feel your (A)halo halo halo
Baby I can see your (D)halo I can see your (Bm)halo halo halo
You know you're my saving (A)grace I can feel your (F#m)halo halo halo
I can see your (D)halo halo halo
You're everything I need and (Bm)more (A)
It's written all over your (F#m)face
Baby I can feel your (D)halo
Pray it won't fade a(A)way

I can feel your (A)halo halo halo

♡ Hand In My Pocket – Alanis all(Gsus)right (G) (Gsus)
Cause I got (F)one hand in my pocket
And the (C)other is (D)flickin’ a cigarette (G) (Gsus)
(G) (Gsus)
[intro] (G) (Gsus) (G) (Gsus)
I’m (G)free but I’m (Gsus)focused,
I’m (G)broke but I’m (Gsus)happy,
I’m (G)green but I’m (Gsus)wise
I’m (G)poor but I’m (Gsus)kind
I’m (G)hard but I’m (Gsus)friendly, baby (G) (Gsus)
I’m (G)short but I’m (Gsus)healthy, yeah (G) (Gsus)
I’m (G)sad but I’m (Gsus)laughin’
I’m (G)high but I’m (Gsus)grounded
I’m (G)brave but I’m (Gsus)chicken-shit
I’m (G)sane but I’m (Gsus)overwhelmed
I’m (G)sick but I’m (Gsus)pretty baby (G)
I’m (G)lost but I’m (Gsus)hopeful (G)baby
And (G)what it all boils (F)down to (C)
And (G)what it all comes (F)down to…
Is that no one’s got it really figured (G)out just
(C) Is that everything’s gonna be (G)fine, fine
(Gsus)yet (G) (Gsus)
(Gsus)fine (G) (Gsus)
Cause I got (F)one hand in my pocket
Cause I got (F)one hand in my pocket
And the (C)other is (D)playing a piano (G) (Gsus) (G)
And the (C)other one is (D)givin’ a high-five (G)
(Gsus) (G) (Gsus)
And (G)what it all comes (F)down to (C)
Is that everything’ is just (G)fine, fine (Gsus)fine (G)
I feel (G)drunk but I’m (Gsus)sober
I’m (G)young and I’m (Gsus)underpaid
Cause I got (F)one hand in my pocket
I’m (G)tired but I’m (Gsus)working, yeah (G) (Gsus)
And the (C)other is (D)hailing a taxi cab (G) (Gsus)
I (G)care but I’m (Gsus)restless
(G) (Gsus) (G)
I’m (G)here but I’m (Gsus)really gone
I’m (G)wrong and I’m (Gsus)sorry (G)baby

And (G)what it all comes (F)down to

(C) Is that everything’s gonna be (G)quite
Happy – Pharrell Williams [N/C] Here come bad news talking this and that
(F7) (Bb) (C) (Bb) (F7)
(F7)(F7)(F7)(F7)(F7) [N/C] Well, give me all you got, and don't hold it back,
(F7) (Bb) (C) (Bb) (F7)
[N/C] It might seem crazy what I'm about to say [N/C] Well, I should probably warn you I'll be just fine,
(F7) (Bb) (C) (Bb) (F7) (F7) (Bb) (C) (Bb) (F7)
[N/C] Sunshine she's here, you can take a break [N/C] No offense to you, don't waste your time
(F7) (Bb) (C) (Bb) (F7) (F7) (Bb) (C) (Bb)
[N/C] I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space
(F7) (Bb) (C) (Bb) (F7) [Estribillo]
[N/C] With the air, like I don't care, baby, by the way
(F7) (Bb) (C) (Bb) [Palmas]
Bring me down, can't nothing
Because I'm (Db)happy Bring me down, my level's too high
Clap along (Cm)if you feel Bring me down, can't nothing
like a (Eb)room without a (F)roof Bring me down, I said, let me tell you now
Because I'm (Db)happy Bring me down, can't nothing
Clap along (Cm)if you feel like Bring me down, my level's too high
(Eb)happiness is the (F)truth Bring me down, can't nothing
Because I'm (Db)happy Bring me down, I said
Clap along (Cm)if you know
what (Eb)happiness is to (F)you [Estribillo] x2
Because I'm (Db)happy
Clap along (Cm)if you feel like
(Eb)that's what you wanna (F)do
♡ Happy Xmas (War Is Over) – John A very Merry (G)Xmas
And a happy New (A)Year
Let's hope it's a (Em)good one (G)
Without any (D)fear (E7)
So this is (A)Xmas
And what have you (Bm)done
And so this is (A)Xmas -war is over-
Another year (E7)over
And what have we (Bm)done -if you want it-
And a new one just be(A)gun
Another year (E7)over -war is over-
A new one just (A)begun -if you want it-
And so this is (D)Xmas
I hope you have (Em)fun
And so happy (D)Xmas -war is over-
The near and the (A)dear one
We hope you have (Em)fun -if you want it-
The old and the (D)young
The near and the (A)dear one -war is over-
The old and the (D)young -now-
A very Merry (G)Xmas
And a happy New (A)Year
A very Merry (G)Xmas
Let's hope it's a (Em)good one (G)
And a happy New (A)Year
Without any (D)fear (E7)
Let's hope it's a (Em)good one (G)
Without any (D)fear (E7)
And so this is (A)Xmas -war is over-
For weak and for (Bm)strong -if you want it-
(A)War is over, (Bm)if you want it
For rich and the (E7)poor ones -war is over-
(E7)War is over (A)noooow
The world is so (A)wrong -if you want it-
Happy Xmas!
And so happy (D)Xmas -war is over-
For black and for (Em)white -if you want it-
For yellow and (A)red ones -war is over-
Let's stop all the (D)fight -now-
Happy Together – The Turtles For all my (C)life

Imagine (Dm)me and you… I do (Dm)Me and you… and you and me
I think about you (C)day and night… it's only right No matter how they (C)toss the dice… it has to be
To think about the (Bb)girl you love… and hold her The only one for (Bb)me is you… and you for me
tight So happy to(A7)gether
So happy to(A7)gether
(D) Ba-ba-ba-ba (C) ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-(D) ba ba-ba-
If I should (Dm)call you up… invest a dime ba-(C) ba
And you say you be(C)long to me… and ease my (D) Ba-ba-ba-ba (C) ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-(D) ba ba-ba-
mind ba-(C) ba
Imagine how the (Bb)world could be… so very fine
So happy to(A7)gether (Dm)Me and you… and you and me
No matter how they (C)toss the dice… it has to be
(D)I can't see me (C)lovin’ nobody but (D)you The only one for (Bb)me is you… and you for me
For all my (C)life So happy to(A7)gether
(D)When you're with me (C)baby the skies'll be
(D)blue (Dm) So happy to(A7)gether
For all my (C)life (Dm) How is the (A7) weather
(Dm) So happy to(A7)gether (Dm – single strum)
(Dm)Me and you… and you and me
No matter how they (C)toss the dice… it has to be
The only one for (Bb)me is you… and you for me
So happy to(A7)gether

(D)I can't see me (C)lovin’ nobody but (D)you

For all my (C)life
(D)When you're with me (C)baby the skies'll be
Havana – Camila Cabello my (Eb)heart is in Ha(D)vana
Havana, ooh na-(Gm)na
Ha(Gm)vana, ooh na-(Eb)na (D)
Half of my heart is in Ha(Gm)vana, ooh-na-(Eb)na (D) ☠ (Gm)Je(Eb)ffery, just gradu(D)ated,
He took me back to East At(Gm)lanta, nana(Eb)na(D) fresh on campus, mmm
Oh, but my heart is in Ha(Gm)vana (Gm)(Eb)Fresh out East At(D)lanta
There's (Eb)somethin' 'bout his (D)manners with no manners, damn
Havana, ooh na-(Gm)na (Gm)Fresh out East At(Eb)lanta
(D)Bump on her bumper like a traffic jam -jam-
He (Gm)didn't walk up (Gm)Hey, (Eb)I was quick
with that (Eb)"how you do(D)in'?" to (D)pay that girl like Uncle Sam
-When he came in the (Gm)room- -here you (Gm)go, ay-
He (Gm)said there's a lot of girls (Eb)I can do (D)with Back it on (Eb)me, shawty (D)cravin' on me
-But I can't without (Gm)you- Get to eating' on me -on me-
I (Gm)knew him forever (Eb)in a mi(D)nute (Gm)She waited on (Eb)me -then what?-
-That summer night in (Gm)June- Shawty (D)cakin' on me,
And papa says he got (Eb)malo in (D)him got the bacon on me -wait up-
He got me feelin' like (Gm)This is history
in the (Eb)makin' on me -on (D)me-
(Gm)Ooh...(Eb)(D) I knew it when I (Gm)met him Point blank, close range, that B
I (Eb)loved him when I (D)left him (Gm)If it cost a milli(Eb)on, that's me -that's (D)me-
Got me feelin' like I was gettin' mula, pretty baby ☠
(Gm)Ooh... (Eb)(D)and then I had to (Gm)tell him
I (Eb)had to (D)go,[Pausa] oh na-na-na-na-na Ha(Gm)vana, ooh na-(Eb)na (D)
Half of my heart is in Ha(Gm)vana, ooh-na-(Eb)na (D)
Ha(Gm)vana, ooh na-(Eb)na (D) He took me back to East At(Gm)lanta, nana(Eb)na(D)
Half of my heart is in Ha(Gm)vana, ooh-na-(Eb)na (D) Oh, but my heart is in Ha(Gm)vana
He took me back to East At(Gm)lanta, nana(Eb)na(D) my (Eb)heart is in Ha(D)vana
Oh, but my heart is in Ha(Gm)vana Havana, ooh na-(Gm)na
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas – (G)Someday (Em7)soon,
we (Am7)all will be to(D7)gether
Ella Fitzgerald
(G)If the (Em7)Fates a(Am7)llow (D7)
(G)Until (Em7)then we'll (Am7)have to muddle
(Cm6) = [2 3 3 3]
(D7)through some(B7)how (E7)(A7)(D7)
So (C)have yourself
a (Am7)merry little (D7)Christmas (G)now.
(G) (Em7) (Am7) (D7) [x2]
(Cmaj7)Once a(Cm6)gain as in (Bm)olden days
(G)Have your(Em7)self
Happy (Am)golden days (D7)of (Gmaj7)yore
a (Am7)merry little (D7)Christmas
(Em)Faithful (F#)friends who are (Bm)dear to us
(G)Let your (Em7)heart be (Am7)light (D7)
Will be (A7)near to us once (D7)more
(G)Next year (Em7)all our (Am7)troubles will be
(D7)Out of (B7)sight(E7)(A7)(D7)
(G)Someday (Em7)soon,
we (Am7)all will be to(D7)gether
(G)Have your(Em7)self
(G)If the (Em7)Fates a(Am7)llow (D7)
a (Am7)merry little (D7)Christmas
(G)Until (Em7)then we'll (Am7)have to muddle
(G)Make the (Em7)yule-tide (Am7)gay (D7)
(D7)through some(B7)how (E7)(A7)(D7)
(G)Next year (Em7)all our (Am7)troubles will be
So (C)have yourself
(D7)Miles a(G)way.
a (Am7)merry little (D7)Christmas (G)now.
(Cmaj7)Once a(Cm6)gain as in (Bm)olden days
Happy (Am)golden days (D7)of (Gmaj7)yore
(Em)Faithful (F#)friends who are (Bm)dear to us
Will be (A7)near to us once (D7)more
Hello, Goodbye – The Beatles (G)You say good(F)bye and (F)I say (C)hello
(G)Hello, hello (Am)
(Dm)You say yes, (C)I say no (Em)I don't know (F)why you say (Ab)goodbye
(G)You say stop and (Am)I say go, go, I say (C)hello
(G)go… (Am) Oh, no (G) (G)Hello, hello (Am)
(G)You say good(F)bye and (F)I say (C)hello (Em)I don't know (F)why you say (Ab)goodbye
(G)Hello, hello (Am) I say (C)hello
(Em)I don't know (F)why you say (Ab)goodbye
I say (C)hello (Dm)You say yes, (C)I say no
(G)Hello, hello (Am) (G)You say stop and (Am)I say go, go,
(Em)I don't know (F)why you say (Ab)goodbye (G)go… (Am) Oh, no (G)
I say (C)hello (G)You say good(F)bye and (F)I say (C)hello
(G)Hello, hello (Am)
(Dm)I say high, (C)you say low (Em)I don't know (F)why you say (Ab)goodbye
(G)You say why, and (Am)I say I say (C)hello
I don't (G)know (G)Hello, hello (Am)
(Am) Oh, no (G) (Em)I don't know (F)why you say (Ab)goodbye
(G)You say good(F)bye and (F)I say (C)hello I say (C)hello
(G)Hello, hello (Am) (G)Hello, hello (Am)
(Em)I don't know (F)why you say (Ab)goodbye (Em)I don't know (F)why you say (Ab)goodbye
I say (C)hello I say (Ab)hellooo (Cm) oooh (D7) oooh (Fm) oooh
(G)Hello, hello (Am) He(C)llo. [Pausa]
(Em)I don't know (F)why you say (Ab)goodbye
I say (C)hello (C)Hela, heba helloa
(C)Hela, heba helloa
(Dm) (C) Why, why, why, (G)why, why, why (C)Hela, heba helloa
Do you (Am)say good bye (C)Hela, heba helloa (C)
Good(G)bye, bye, bye, bye, bye
(Am) Oh, no (G)
♡ Help – The Beatles (Am)Help me if you can, i'm feeling down
And i (F)do appreciate you being 'round
[single strum] (D)Help me get my feet back on the ground
(Am)Help! I need somebody Won't you [1 strum](G)please, please help me?
(F)Help! not just anybody
(D)Help! you know i need someone (G)When i was younger,
(G)Help! so much (Bm)younger than today
(Em)I never needed anybody's
(G)When i was younger, (C)help in (F)any (G)way
so much (Bm)younger than today (G)But now these days are gone
(Em)I never needed anybody's i'm (Bm)not so self assured
(C)help in (F)any (G)way (Em)Now I find I've changed my mind,
(G)But now these days are gone (C)I've opened (F)up the (G)doors
i'm (Bm)not so self assured
(Em)Now I find I've changed my mind, (Am)Help me if you can, i'm feeling down
(C)I've opened (F)up the (G)doors And i (F)do appreciate you being 'round
(D)Help me get my feet back on the ground
(Am)Help me if you can, i'm feeling down Won't you [1 strum](G)please, please help me?
And i (F)do appreciate you being 'round (Em)Help me. help [1 strum](G)me, oooh!!!
(D)Help me get my feet back on the ground
Won't you [1 strum](G)please, please help me?

(G)And now my life has changed in

(Bm)oh so many ways
(Em)My independence seems to
(C)vanish (F)in the (G)haze
(G)But every now and then I (Bm)feel so insecure
(Em)I know that I just need you like
I've (C)never (F)done (G)before
Here Comes The Sun – The Beatles (C)(G)(D)(D)(A)(E7)
(C)Sun, (G)sun, (D)sun, (D)here it (A)comes (E7)
(A)(A)(D)(E7) (C)Sun, (G)sun, (D)sun, (D)here it (A)comes (E7)
(A)(A)(D)(E7) (C)Sun, (G)sun, (D)sun, (D)here it (A)comes (E7)
(A)Here comes the sun (C)Sun, (G)sun, (D)sun, (D)here it (A)comes (E7)
(D)Here comes the (B7)sun, (C)Sun, (G)sun, (D)sun, (D)here it (A)comes (E7)
and I say, (A)It's all right (E7)
(A)Little darling
(A)Little darling I feel that (D)ice is slowly (E7)melting
It's been a (D)long, cold lonely (E7)winter (A)Little darling
(A)Little darling It seems like (D)years since it's been (E7)clear
It feels like (D)years since it's been (E7)here
(A)Here comes the sun
(A)Here comes the sun (D)Here comes the (B7)sun,
(D)Here comes the (B7)sun, and I say, (A)It's all right
and I say, (A)It's all right (D)(A)(Bm)(Bm)(E7)
(A)Here comes the sun
(A)Little darling (D)Here comes the (B7)sun,
The smiles re(D)turning to the (E7)faces (A)It's all right
(A)Little darling (D)(A)(Bm)(Bm)(E7)
It seems like (D)years since it's been (E7)here (A)It's all right
(A)Here comes the sun (C)(G)(D)(D)(A)
(D)Here comes the (B7)sun,
and I say, (A)It's all right
(D)(A)(Bm)(Bm)(E7) (A)(E7)
♡ Hero – Family of the Year [Instrumental]
(F) (Dm) (Am) (Bb) (F) (C)
(F)Let me go
I don't wanna be your (Dm)hero(Am) So (F)let me go
I don't wanna be a (Bb)big man I don't wanna be your (Dm)hero (Am)
Just wanna (F)fight like everyone (C)else I don't wanna be a (Bb)big man
I just wanna (F)fight like everyone (C)else
Your (F)masquerade
I don't wanna be a (Dm)part of your pa(Am)rade Your (F)masquerade
Everyone deserves a (Bb)chance to I don't wanna be a (Dm)part of your pa(Am)rade
(F)Walk with everyone (C)else Everyone deserves a (Bb)chance to
(F)Walk with everyone (C)else (F)
While (F)holding down
A job to keep my (Dm)girl around(Am)
And maybe buy me some (Bb)new strings
And her (F)and I out on the (C)weekend

And we can (F)whisper things

Secrets from my A(Dm)merican (Am)dreams
Baby needs some pro(Bb)tection
But I'm a (F)kid like everyone (C)else

So (F)let me go
I don't wanna be your (Dm)hero (Am)
I don't wanna be a (Bb)big man
I just wanna (F)fight like everyone (C)else
Heroes – David Bowie (D) I
I can re(G)member
(D)(G)(D)(G) S(D)tanding
By the (G)wall
(D) I And the (D)guns
I wish you could (G)swim Shot a(G)bove our heads
Like the (D)dolphins And we (D)kissed
Like dolphins can (G)swim As though nothing could (G)fall
Though (C)nothing And the (C)shame
Will keep us to(D)gether Was on the other (D)side
We can (Am)beat them Oh we can (Am)beat them
(Em)For ever and (D)ever (Em)For ever and (D)ever
Oh we can be (C)Heroes Then we can be (C)Heroes
(G)Just for one (D)day (G)Just for one (D)day

(D)(G)(D)(G) (D) We can be (G)Heroes

(D) We can be (G)Heroes
(D) I (D) We can be (G)Heroes
I will be (G)king Just for one day (D)
And (D)you
You will be (G)queen
Though (C)nothing
Will drive them (D)away
We can be (Am)Heroes
(Em)Just for one (D)day
We can (C)be us
(G)Just for one (D)day
♡ Hey Jude – The Beatles hey Ju-(G)-ude, begi-(Am)-in
You’re (Em)waiting for (D7)someone
Hey (G)Jude… don’t make it (D)bad to perfo-(G)-orm with
Take a (D7)sad song… and make it (G)better (G7) And don’t you know that it’s just (C)you
Re(C)member… to let her into your (G)heart Hey Ju-(G)-ude you’ll do-(Am)-o
Then you can sta-(D7)-art… to make it (G)better The mo-(Em)-ovement you (D7)need
[pause] is on your shou-(G)-oulder
Da da da (G7)daa daa (D)daa da (D7)da daa [pause]
Hey (G)Jude… don’t be a(D)fraid
You were (D7)made to… go out and (G)get her Hey (G)Jude don’t make it (D)bad
The (C)minute… you let her under your (G)skin Take a (D7)sad song and make it (G) better
Then you be(D7)gin… to make it (G)better Re(C)member to let her
under your (G)skin then you’ll be(D7)gin
(G7) And any time you feel the To make it (G)better better better better better better
(C)pain… hey Ju-(G)-ude refra(Am)in ohhh!
Don’t (Em)carry the (D7)world
upon your shou-(G)-oulders (G)Na na na (F)na na na na
(G7) For well you know that it’s a (C)Na na na na (G)Hey Jude
foo-(C)-ool who pla-(G)-ays it coo-(Am)-ool [x8]
By (Em)making his (D7)world a little co-(G)-older
Da da da (G7)daa daa (D)daa da (D7)da daa Mmmm

Hey (G)Jude don’t let me (D)down

You have (D7)found her now go and (G)get her
Re(C)member to let her into your (G)heart
Then you can sta-(D7)-art, to make it be-(G)-etter

(G7) So let it out and let it (C)in…

Hey Soul Sister – Train (C)I'm so glad you have a
(Dm)one track mind le (Bb)me
(F)Heeey (C)heeeey (Dm)heeeeey(Bb) You gave my life (F)direction
A game show love (C)connection,
Your (F)lipstick stains we can't de(Dm)ny(Bb)(C)
(C)on the front lobe of my
(Dm)left side brains I'm (F)so obsessed
(Bb)I knew I wouldn't for(F)get you (C)My heart is bound to beat right
And so I went and (Dm)out my untrimmed chest(Bb) I believe in
(C)let you blow my (Dm)mind (Bb) (C) (F)you, like a virgin, you're Ma(C)donna
And I'm always gonna
Your (F)sweet moving (Dm)wanna blow your (Bb)mind(C)
(C)The smell of you in every
(Dm)single dream I (Bb)dream [Estribillo sólo un strum]
I knew when we (F)collided [Estribillo ]
you're the one I have (C)decided
Who's one of my (Dm)kind (Bb) (C) (F)Heeey (C)heeeey (Dm)heeeeey(Bb)(C) tonight
(F)Heeey (C)heeeey (Dm)heeeeey(Bb)(C) tonight (F)
(Bb)Hey soul sister, (C)ain't that mister (F)mister
(C)on the (Bb)radio, stereo
The (C)way you move ain't (F)fair you (C)know
(Bb)Hey soul sister, (C)I don't wanna (F)miss a
(C)single (Bb)thing you do (C) [Silencio]
tonight (F)

Heeey (C)heeeey (Dm)heeeeey(Bb)

(F)Just in time,
Hey Ya! – OutKast (D)feelings in(E)volved
(G)If what they say is (C)"Nothing is forever"
One, two, three, uh! Then what makes, then what makes, then
(D)what makes Then (E)what makes, then what
(G)My baby don't (C)mess around makes, love the exception
Because she loves me so (G)So why you, why you
And this I (D)know for (E)sure. (C)Why you, why you, why you
(G)Uh, but does she (C)really wanna are we so in denial
But can't stand to see me When we (D)know we're not [Silencio]happy here...
Walk (D)out the (E)door.
(G)Don't try to (C)fight the feelin' [Estribillo]
'Cause the thought alone is killing
(D)me right (E)now..
(G)Uh, thank god for (C)mom and dad
For sticking two together
'Cause we (D)don't know (E)how...
Come on!

(G)Hey... (C)ya.
(D)Hey (Em)ya. [x4]

(G)You think you've got it

(C)Oh, you think you've got it
But got it just don't get it
'Til there's (D)nothing at (E)all
(G)We get together
(C)Oh, we get together
But separate's always better when there's
Highway to Hell – ACDC
I'm on the (G)highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
(G)--- (C)--(F) (C)--(F) (C)--(F) (C) (G)-- (G)Highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
(G)--- (C)--(F) (C)--(F) (C)--(F) (C) (G)-- I'm on the (G)highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
(G)Highway to (C)hell
(G)Living easy, (C)(F)livin' free
(C)(F)(C)Season (F)ticket, (C)on a (G)one way ride (C)(F)(C)Don't stop me!
(G)Asking nothing, (C)(F)leave me be (C)(F)(C)
(C)(F)(C)Taking (F)every(C)thing (G)in my stride
I'm on the (G)highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
(G)Don't need reason, (C)(F)don't need rhyme I'm on the (G)highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
(C)(F)(C)Ain't (F)nothin' (C)that I’d (G)rather do I'm on the (G)highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
(G)Going down, (C)(F)party time On the (G)highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
(C)(F)(C)My (F)friends (C)are gonna (D)be there too (G)Highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
I'm on the (G)highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
I'm on the (G)highway to (C)hell (F)(C) (G)Highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
On the (G)highway to (C)hell (F)(C) (G)Highway to (C)hell (F)(C)
(G)Highway to (C)hell (F)(C) (G)Highway to (C)hell
I'm on the (G)highway to (C)hell
[N/C] Yeah I'm going down anyway
(G)No stop signs, (C)(F)speed limit I'm on the highway to hell (G)
(C)(F)(C)No(F)body's (C)gonna (G)slow me down
(G)Like a wheel, (C)(F)gonna spin it
(C)(F)(C)No(F)body's (C)gonna (G)mess me 'round

(G)Hey, satan! (C)(F)Paid my dues

(C)(F)(C)(F)Playin' (C)in a (G)rockin' band
(G)Hey mama! (C)(F)Look at me
(C)(F)(C)I'm on (F)my way (C)to the (D)promised land
♡ Hit Me Baby One More Time – Britney That’s (Dm)not the way I (E7)planned it
(Am)Show me, how you want it (E7)to be
Tell me, (C)baby, cos I need to (Dm)know now (E7)oh
(G-G-G) (Am) Oh baby, baby x2
(G-G-G) (Am) Oh baby, baby, how (E7)was I
(G)(Am) Oh baby, baby
supposed to (C)know
(G) (Am) Oh baby, baby, eh-eh yeah
That (Dm)something wasn't (E7)right here?
(G)(Am) Oh baby, baby, how (E7)was I supposed to
(Am)Oh baby, baby, I (E7)shouldn't have let you (C)go
And (Dm)now you're out of (E7)sight, yeah
(Dm-Dm- Dm-Dm) (E7-E7- E7-E7)
(Am)Show me, how you want it (E7)to be
(F) Oh pretty baby, I (G)shouldn't have let you (Dm)go
Tell me, (C)baby cos I need to (Dm)know now
(E7)Oh because
I must con(Am)fess… that my loneli(E7)ness… is
killing me (C)now
[chorus] Don’t you (Dm)know I (E7)still believe (F)
(Am)My loneliness is (E7)killing me… and I That you will be (G)here
(C)I must confess I (Dm)still believe… (E7)still And give me a (F)sign
bel(Am)ieve (Dm)Hit me, baby, (E7)one more time
(Am)When I'm not with you, I (E7)lose my mind
Give me a (C)si-i-i-ign (Am)My loneliness is (E7)killing me… and I
(Dm)Hit me, baby, (E7)one more time (C)I must confess I (Dm)still believe… (E7)still
(Am)Oh baby, baby, the (E7)reason I breathe is (Am)When I'm not with you, I (E7)lose my mind
(C)you Give me a (C)si-i-i-ign
(Dm)Boy you got me (E7)blinded (Dm)Hit me, baby, (E7)one more time (Am – single
(Am)Oh pretty baby, there’s (E7)nothing that I wouldn’t strum)
♡ Ho Hey - The Lumineers (F)(C)Ho! I don't think you're right for him.
(F)(C)Hey! Look at what it might have been if you
(F)(C)Ho! (F)(C)Hey! (F)(C)Ho! took a bus to China Town.
(F)(C)Ho! (F)(C)Hey! (F)(C)Hey! I'd be standing on Canal
(Am)Ho! and Bowery.
(F)(C)Ho! I've been trying to do it right (G)(C)Hey!
(F)(C)Hey! I've been living a lonely life (Am)Ho! And she'd be standing next to me.
(F)(C)Ho! I've been sleeping here instead (G)(C)Hey!
(F)(C)Hey! I've been sleeping in my bed,
(Am)Ho! Sleeping in my bed I belong with (Am)you, you belong with (G)me, you're
(G)(C)Hey! my (C)sweetheart
I belong with (Am)you, you belong with (G)me, you're
(F)(C)Ho! my (C)sweetheart

(F)(C)Ho! So show me family (F)Loooove (C)we (G)need it (C)now

(F)(C)Hey! All the blood that I would bleed Let's (F)hoooope for (G)some
(F)(C)Ho! I don't know where I belong Cause (F)oh, (C)we're (G)bleeding (C)out
(F)(C)Hey! I don't know where I went wrong
(Am)Ho! But I can write a song I belong with (Am)you, you belong with (G)me, you're
(G)(C)Hey! my (C)sweetheart
I belong with (Am)you, you belong with (G)me, you're
I belong with (Am)you, you belong with (G)me, you're my sweet (C)
my (C)sweetheart
I belong with (Am)you, you belong with (G)me, you're (F)(C)Ho! (F)(C)Hey!
my sweet (C) (F)(C)Ho! (F)(C)Hey!

(F)(C)Ho! (F)(C)Hey!
(F)(C)Ho! (F)(C)Hey!
Home Sweet Home – Mötley Crüe Broken (D7)lights falling off the
(G)silver screen
(D) (F#m) (D7) (G)
My heart's like an (D)open book
You know I'm a (D)dreamer For the whole (F#m)world to read
But my (F#m)heart's of gold Sometimes (D7)nothing, keeps me together
I had to (D7)run away high (G)At the seams
So I (G)wouldn't come home low
I'm on my (Bb)way
Just when (D)things went right I'm on my (C)way
It doesn't mean they're (F#m)always wrong Home sweet (D)home -Tonight! Tonight!-
Just take this (D7)song and you'll never I'm on my (Bb)way
Feel (G)left all alone Just set me (C)free
Home sweet (D)home
Take me to your (D)heart
Feel me in your (F#m)bones (C) Home sweet (Bb)home
Just one more (D7)night, (C) Home sweet (D)home
And I'm coming off this (C) Home sweet (Bb)home (C)
(G)Long and winding road [Silencio]
I'm on my (Bb)way
I'm on my (Bb)way I'm on my (C)way
I'm on my (C)way Home sweet (D)home -Yeah!-
Home sweet (D)home -Tonight! Tonight!-
I'm on my (Bb)way I'm on my (Bb)way
I'm on my (C)way Just set me (C)free
Home sweet (D)home Home sweet (D)home

You know that I (D)seem (D) (F#m) (D7) (G)

To make ro(F#m)mantic dreams
Honey Honey – ABBA (F)Honey honey, touch me, baby,
ah-(Bb)hah, honey honey
(F)Honey honey, how you thrill me, (F)Honey honey, hold me, baby,
ah-(Bb)hah, honey honey ah-(Bb)hah, honey honey
(F)Honey honey, nearly kill me, You (F)look like a movie star(Dm)
ah-(Bb)hah, honey honey But (F)I know just who you are(Dm)
I'd (F)heard about you before (Dm) And, (F)honey, to say the least, (Dm)
I (F)wanted to know some more (Dm) you're a dog-gone (Bb)beast (Csus4)(C)
And (F)now I know what they mean(Dm),
you're a love ma(Bb)chine (Cm)(F)(Bb)(Gm)
(Bb)Oh, you make me diz(C)zy So (Cm)stay on the ground, girl,
(F)Honey honey, let me feel it, you (F)better not get too (Bb)high
ah-(Bb)hah, honey honey (Ab)(Bb)(Eb)(Ab)
(F)Honey honey, don't conceal it, There's (Ab)no other place in this (Db)world where I
ah-(Bb)hah, honey honey rather would (Csus4)be(C)
The (F)way that you kiss good(Dm)night
The (F)way that you hold me (Dm)tight (F)Honey honey, how you thrill me,
I (F)feel like I wanna sing (Dm) ah-(Bb)hah, honey honey
when you do your (Bb)thing (Csus4)(C) (F)Honey honey, nearly kill me,
ah-(Bb)hah, honey honey
I (Cm)don't wanna hurt you, (F)baby, I'd (F)heard about you before (Dm)
I (Bb)don't wanna (F)see you (Gm)cry I (F)wanted to know some more (Dm)
So (Cm)stay on the ground, girl, And (F)now I know what they mean(Dm),
you (F)better not get too (Bb)high you're a love ma(Bb)chine
But (Ab)I'm gonna stick to (Bb)you, (C)(F)
boy, you'll (Eb)never get (Bb)rid of (Ab)me
There's (Ab)no other place in this (Db)world where I
rather would (Csus4)be(C)
Hooked on a Feeling – Blue Swede All the (G)good love when we're (Gaug)all alone
Keep it (Em)up girl
[N/C] Yeah, you (G7)turn me on
Ooga-chaka Ooga-Ooga
Ooga-chaka Ooga-Ooga (C)I'm (D)hooked on a (G)feeling
Ooga-chaka Ooga-Ooga (D)I'm high on be(C)lieving
Ooga-chaka Ooga-Ooga (D)That you're in (G)love with (D)me(C)(D)

(G)I can't stop this (D)feeling [Instrumental]

(G7)Deep inside of (C)me (G)//// (D)////
(Cm)Girl, you just don't (G)realize (G7)//// (C)////
What you (Am)do to me (D) (Cm)//// [Pausa]
When you (G)hold me
In your (Gaug)arms so tight All the (G)good love when we're (Gaug)all alone
You let (Em)me know Keep it (Em)up girl
Every(G7)thing's all right Yeah, you (G7)turn me on
(C)I'm (D)hooked on a (G)feeling
(C)I'm (D)hooked on a (G)feeling (D)I'm high on be(C)lieving
(D)I'm high on be(C)lieving (D)That you're in (G)love with (D)me(C)(D)
(D)That you're in (G)love with (D)me(C)(D) I'm hooked on a (G)feeling
(D)I'm high on be(C)lieving
(G)Lips are sweet as (D)candy (D)That you're in (G)love with (D)me(C)
It's (G7)taste stays on my (C)mind I said I'm (D)hooked on a (G)feeling
(Cm)Girl, you got me (G)thirsty (D)I'm high on be(C)lieving
For a(D)nother cup of wine (D)That you're in (G)love with (D)me(C)(D)
(G)Got a bug from (D)you, girl (G)
But (G7)I don't need no (C)cure
(Cm)I just stay a(G)ffecting
If I (D)can for sure
Hotel California – The Eagles (E7)She's got her Mercedes Benz
(G)She's got a lotta pretty, pretty boys
(Am)On a dark desert highway (D)she calls friends
(E7)Cool wind in my hair (F)How they dance in the courtyard
(G)Warm smell of colitas (C)Sweet summer sweat
(D)Rising up through the air (Dm)Some dance to remember
(F)Up ahead in the distance (E7)Some dance to forget
(C)I saw a shimmering light
(Dm)My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim (Am)So I called up the captain
(E7)I had to stop for the night (E7)Please bring me my wine
(G)He said we haven't had that spirit here since
(Am)There she stood in the doorway (D)nineteen sixty nine
(E7)I heard the mission bell (F)And still those voices they're calling from
(G)And I was thinking to myself (C)far away
(D)This could be heaven or this could be hell (Dm)Wake you up in the middle of the night
(F)Then she lit up a candle (E7)Just to hear them say
(C)And she showed me the way
(Dm)There were voices down the corridor (F)Welcome to the Hotel Cali(C)fornia
(E7)I thought I heard them say Such a (E7)lovely place -Such a lovely place-,
such a (Am)lovely face
(F)Welcome to the Hotel Cali(C)fornia They're (F)livin' it up at the Hotel Cali(C)fornia
Such a (E7)lovely place -Such a lovely place-, What a (Dm)nice surprise, bring your (E7)alibis
such a (Am)lovely face
There's (F)plenty of room at the Hotel Cali(C)fornia (Am)
Any (Dm)time of year -Any time of year-,
You can (E7)find it here [Continúa...]

(Am)Her mind is Tiffany-twisted

(Am)Mirrors on the ceilling,
(E7)the pink champaign on ice, and she said
(G)we are all just prisoners here
(D)of our own device
(F)And inn the masters chambers
they're (C)gathered for the feast
(Dm)They stab it with their steely knifes
but they (E7)just can't kill the beast

(Am)Last thing I remember, I was

(E7)runnin' for the door
(G)I had to find the passage back
to the (D)place I was before
(F)good night said the night man
we are (C)programmed to receive
(Dm)You can check-out anytime you like,
(E7)but you can never leave

(F)Welcome to the Hotel Cali(C)fornia

Such a (E7)lovely place -Such a lovely place-,
such a (Am)lovely face
There's (F)plenty of room at the Hotel Cali(C)fornia
Any (Dm)time of year -Any time of year-,
You can (E7)find it here
Hot n Cold – Katy Perry (G)We… used to (D)be… just like (Am)twins… so in
[intro] (G) The (G)same… energ(D)y… now's a (Am)dead…
(G)You… change your (D)mind… like a (Am)girl… Used to (G)laugh… bout noth(D)ing, now you're
changes (C)clothes (Am)plain bor(C)ing
Yeah (G)you… PM(D)S… like a (Am)bitch… I would I should (G)know… that (D)you're not gonna
(C)know (Am)change(C)
And (G)you… over (D)think… always (Am)speak…
cryptic(C)ly [chorus]
I should (G)know… that (D)you're no good for
(Am)me(C) (Em) (C) (G) (D)
(Em) (C) (G) (D)
Cause you're (G)hot then you're cold (Em) Someone… (C)call the doctor… (G)got a case of
You're (D)yes then you're no a (D)love bi-polar
You're (Am)in then you're out (Em) Stuck on a… (C)roller coaster and (G)can't get
You're (C)up then you're down off this (D)ride
You're (G)wrong when it's right
It's (D)black and it's white (G)You… change your (D)mind… like a (Am)girl…
We (Am)fight, we break up changes (C)clothes
We (C)kiss, we make up
(G) (You) you don't really want to (D)stay… no [chorus] then (G – single strum)
(Am) (But you) but you don't really want to (C)go-oh
You're (G)hot then you're cold
You're (D)yes then you're no
You're (Am)in then you're out
You're (C)up then you're down
♡ Human – The Killers Wave (F)goodbye, wish me well
(G) …...You've gotta let me (C)go
I (C)did my best to (Em)notice
When the (F)call came down the (C)line Are we (Em)human (F)or are we (C)densers?
Up to the (G)platform of su(Am)rrender (G)My sign is (Am)vital, (F)my hands are (G)cold
I was (F)brought but I was (G)kind And I'm (C)on my (Em)knees looking
for (Am)the answer
And (C)sometimes I get (Em)nervous Are we (Dm)human (F)or are we (C)densers? (Em)
When I (F)see an open (Am)door
Close your (F)eyes, clear your heart Will your (F)system be al(G)right
(G) …...Cut the (C)cord When you (E7)dream of home to(Am)night
(F)There is no message we're receiving
Are we (Em)human (F)or are we (C)densers? (G)Let me know, is your heart still beating?
(G)My sign is (Am)vital, (F)my hands are (G)cold
And I'm (C)on my (Em)knees looking (F)Are we (G)human (Am)or are we dancers?
for (Am)the answer (F)My sign is (G)vital, (Em)my hands are (F)cold
Are we (Dm)human (F)or are we (C)densers? And I'm (C)on my (Em)knees looking for the
[Silencio] (Am)answer
(C)(Em)(F)(C)(G)(Am)(F)(G) You've gotta let me (C)know

Pay my res(C)pects to grace and (Em)virtue Are we (Em)human (F)or are we (C)densers?
Send my con(F)dolences to (C)good (G)My sign is (Am)vital, (F)my hands are (G)cold
Hear my re(G)gards to soul and (Am)romance And I'm (C)on my (Em)knees looking
They always (F)did the best they (G)could for (Am)the answer
Are we (Dm)human (F)or are we (C)densers?
And (C)so long to de(Em)votion
It taught me (F)everything I (Am)know
I Am Man of Constant Sorrow – Soggy While I am (C)sleeping (Bb)in my (F)grave
While he is (C)sleeping (Bb)in his (F)grave
Bottom Boys
(F)Maybe your friends think I'm just a (Bb)stranger
My face, you'll (C)never see (Bb) no (F)more
(F)But there is one promise that is (Bb)given
In (Bb)Constant (C)sorrow (Bb)through his (F)days.
I'll meet you (C)on God's (Bb)golden (F)shore
He'll meet you (C)on God's (Bb)golden (F)shore.
(F)I am a man of constant (Bb)sorrow,
I've seen (C)trouble all (Bb) my (F)day
(F)I bid farewell to old Ken(Bb)tucky,
The place where (C)I was (Bb)born and (F)raised
The place where (C)he was (Bb) born and (F)raised

(F)For six long years I've been in (Bb)trouble,

No pleasures (C)here on (Bb)earth I (F)found
(F)For in this world I'm bound to (Bb) ramble,
I have no (C)friends to (Bb)help me (F)now
He has no (C)friends to (Bb)help him (F)now

(F)It's fare thee well my old (Bb)lover

I never ex(C)pect to see (Bb)you a(F)gain
(F)For I'm bound to ride that northern (Bb)railroad,
Perhaps I'll (C)die upon (Bb) this (F)train
Perhaps he'll (C)die upon (Bb)this (F)train

(F)You can bury me in some deep (Bb)valley,

For many (C)years where I (Bb) may (F)lay
(F)Then you may learn to love a(Bb)nother,
I Do It For You – Bryan Adams Oh, you can’t (Dm)tell me it’s not worth trying (G)for
I can’t (Dm)help it, there’s nothing i want (G)more
Yeah, i would (C)fight for you
(C)Look into my eyes, (G)you will see
I’d (G)lie for you, walk the (F)wire for you
(F)What you mean to (G)me
Yeah, i’d (Fm)die for you [Pausa]
Search your (C)heart, search your (G)soul
And when you (F)find me there
[Single strum]
You’ll (C)search no (G)more
You know it’s (C)true
Everything i (G)do, (F)i do it (C)for you
Don’t (Dm)tell me it’s not worth trying (G)for
You can’t (Dm)tell me it’s not worth dying (G)for
You know it’s (C)true
Everything i (G)do, i do it for (C)you

(C)Look into your heart

(G)You will find, there’s (F)nothing there to (G)hide
Take me as I (C)am, take my (G)life
I would (F)give it up, i would (C)sacri(G)fice
Don’t (Dm)tell me it’s not worth fighting (G)for
I can’t (Dm)help it, there’s nothing i want (G)more
You know it’s (C)true
Everything i (G)do , i do it for (C)you

There’s no (Bb)love, like your (Eb)love

And no (Bb)other could give (F)more love
There’s (C)nowhere unless (G)you’re there
All the (D)time, all the (G)way
I Don't Want to Miss a Thing - Aerosmith
(D)I don't want to (A)close my eyes,
I could (D)stay awake (Em)I don't want to fall asleep,
(A)just to hear you (Bm)breathing, Cause I (G)miss you baby,
Watch you (G)smile while you are (D)sleeping, and I don't want to (A)miss a thing, (D)
While you're (Em)far away and dreaming, (D)Cause even when I (A)dream of you,
I could (D)spend my life (Em)the sweetest dream will never do,
(A)in this sweet su(Bm)rrender, I still (G)miss you baby and
I could (G)stay lost in this (D)moment fo(Em)rever, I don't want to (A)miss a thing (D)
Where a moment (F#m)spent with (G)you
is a moment I (A)treasure And I don't want to (C)miss one smile,
I don't want to (G)miss one kiss,
(D)I don't want to (A)close my eyes, I just want to (Bb)be with you right here with you,
(Em)I don't want to fall asleep, (F)Just like this,
Cause I (G)miss you baby, I just want to (C)hold you close,
and I don't want to (A)miss a thing, (D) I feel your heart so (G)close to mine
(D)Cause even when I (A)dream of you, And just (Bb)stay here in this moment,
(Em)the sweetest dream will never do, For all of the (A)rest of time
I still (G)miss you baby and
I don't want to (A)miss a thing (D)(A)(Em)[Pausa] (D)I don't want to (A)close my eyes,
(Em)I don't want to fall asleep,
Lying (D)close to you Cause I (G)miss you baby,
(A)feeling your heart (Bm)beating, and I don't want to (A)miss a thing, (D)
And I (G)wondering what you are (D)dreaming, (D)Cause even when I (A)dream of you,
Wondering (Em)if it's me you are seeing, (Em)the sweetest dream will never do,
Then I (D)kiss your eyes and I still (G)miss you baby and
(A)thank god we're to(Bm)gether, I don't want to (A)miss a thing (D)
I just want to (F#m)stay with (G)you in this moment
fo(A)rever forever and ever
♡ I Feel Fine – The Beatles
(G)I'm so (Bm)glad that (C)she's my little (D)girl
(D)(C)(G)(G) (G)She's so (Bm)glad, she's (C)telling all the (D)world

(G)Baby's good to me, you know (G)That her baby buys her things, you know
She's happy as can be, you know He buys her diamond rings, you know
She (D)said so She (D)said so
I'm in love with (C)her and I feel (G)fine She's in love with (C)me and I feel (G)fine
(D)She's in love with (C)me and I feel (G)fine, mmm
(G)Baby says she's mine, you know
She tells me all the time, you know
She (D)said so
I'm in love with (C)her and I feel (G)fine

(G)I'm so (Bm)glad that (C)she's my little (D)girl

(G)She's so (Bm)glad, she's (C)telling all the (D)world

That her (G)baby buys her things, you know

He buys her diamond rings, you know
She (D)said so
She's in love with (C)me and I feel (G)fine, mmm

(G) (D)

(G)Baby says she's mine, you know

She tells me all the time, you know
She (D)said so
I'm in love with (C)her and I feel (G)fine
If You Leave Me Now – Chicago We've (Cm)come too far to (Bbm)leave it all be(F)hind
(C)how could we (F)end it (G)all this (C)way
If you (C7maj)leave me now
you'll (Am)take away the biggest (Em)part of me When to(Em)morrow comes and we (Am)both regret
oo(Am)oh (D)no, baby (G)please don't (C)go the (Dm)things we said to(Fm)day

And If you (C7maj)leave me now If you (C7maj)leave me now

You'll (Am)take away the very (Em)heart of me you'll (Am)take away the biggest (Em)part of me
oo(Am)oh (D)no, baby (G)please don't (C)go oo(Am)oh (D)no, baby (G)please don't (C)go
oo(Am)oh (D)girl, I just (G)want you to (C)stay
(Am)// (D)// (G)// (C)//// ////
A (Cm)love like ours is (Bbm)love that's hard to oo(Am)oh (D)doll, just (G)got to have you
(F)find (C)by my side
(C)how could we (F)let it (G)slip a(C)way
(Dm)(E7) (Am)// (D)// (G)// (C)//// ////
We've (Cm)come too far to (Bbm)leave it all be(F)hind oo(Am)oh (D)no, baby (G)please don't (C)go
(C)how could we (F)end it (G)all this (C)way
(Am)// (D)// (G)// (C)//// ////
When to(Em)morrow comes and we (Am)both regret oo(Am)oh my (D)my, just (G)got to have your (C)lovin
the (Dm)things we said to(Fm)day
(Am)// (D)// (G)// (C)//// ////
(C7maj)//// (Am)//// (Em)//// ////
(Am)// (D)// (G)// (C)////
(Am)// (D)// (G)// (C)//// ////

A (Cm)love like ours is (Bbm)love that's hard to

(C)how could we (F)let it (G)slip a(C)way
I Guess That's Why They Call It The Wait on me (G)girl
Blues – Elton John (B7)Cry in the night if it (Em)helps
(Dm)But more than (C)ever I simply love (G)you
(C)(Em)(F)(F) More than I (Am)love (F)life it(G)self
And I (C)guess that's why they (G)call it the (F)blues
(G)Don't wish it away Time on my (C)hands could be (G)time spent with
Don't (Em)look at it like (F)it's for(C)ever (F)you
Between you and (G)me I could honestly (Bm)say (C)Laughing like (G)children, living like (Am)lovers
That (F)things can only get (C)better (C)Rolling like (F)thunder under the (D)covers
And while I'm (G)away And I (F)guess that's why they (G)call it the
(B7)Dust out the demons in(Em)side (C)blues (Em)(F)(F)
(Dm)And it won't be (C)long before you and me (G)run
To the place in our (Am)hearts (F)where we (G)hide [Melódica]
And I (C)guess that's why they (G)call it the (F)blues (G)(G)(Bm)(F)(C)(C)(C)(C)
Time on my (C)hands could be (G)time spent with
(F)you → Wait on me (G)girl… [Estribillo]
(C)Laughing like (G)children, living like (Am)lovers
(C)Rolling like (F)thunder under the (D)covers And I (F)guess that's why they (G)call it the
And I (F)guess that's why they (G)call it the (C)blues (G)(Am)(Em)
(C)blues (Em)(F)(F) And I (F)guess that's why they (G)call it the
(C)blues (G)(Am)(Em)
(G)Just stare into space And I (F)guess that's why they (G)call it the
(Em)Picture my (F)face in your (C)hands (C)blues (G)(Am)(Em)
Live for each (G)second without hesi(Bm)tation And I (F)guess that's why they (G)call it the
And (F)never forget I'm your (C)man (C)blues
I Have a Dream – ABBA (Eb)Everything I (Bb)see
I believe in (F)angels
I have a (F)dream When I know the (Eb)time
A song to (Bb)sing Is right for (Bb)me
To help me (F)cope I'll cross the (F)stream
With any(Bb)thing I have a (Bb)dream
If you see the (F)wonder I'll cross the (F)stream
Of a fairy (Bb)tale I have a (Bb)dream
You can take the (F)future
Even if you (Bb)fail I have a (F)dream
I believe in (F)angels A song to (Bb)sing
Something good in To help me (F)cope
(Eb)Everything I (Bb)see With any(Bb)thing
I believe in (F)angels If you see the (F)wonder
When I know the (Eb)time Of a fairy (Bb)tale
Is right for (Bb)me You can take the (F)future
I'll cross the (F)stream Even if you (Bb)fail
I have a (Bb)dream I believe in (F)angels
Something good in
I have a (F)dream (Eb)Everything I (Bb)see
A fanta(Bb)sy I believe in (F)angels
To help me (F)through When I know the (Eb)time
Reali(Bb)ty Is right for (Bb)me
And my desti(F)nation I'll cross the (F)stream
Makes it worth the (Bb)while I have a (Bb)dream
Pushing through the (F)darkness I'll cross the (F)stream
Still another (Bb)mile I have a (Bb)dream
I believe in (F)angels
Something good in
I Kissed A Girl – Katy Perry My head gets (C)so confused (Dm)
Hard (F)to o(Em)bey
(Am)This was ne(C)ver the way I (Dm)planned
Not (F)my in(Em)tention [Estribillo]
(Am)I got so (C)brave, drink in (Dm)hand
Lost (F)my dis(Em)cretion (F)Us girls we (Em)are so magi(Am)cal
(Am)It's not what, (C)I'm used to (Dm) Soft skin, red (G)lips, so kissa(F)ble
Just (F)wanna (Em)try you (Am)on Hard to re(Em)sist so toucha(Am)ble
I'm curious (C)for you Too good to (G)deny it
(Dm)Caught (F)my a(Em)ttention (Dm)Ain't no big deal, it's innoceeeent

(Am)I kissed a (C)girl and I liked it [Estribillo] (Am)

(Dm)The taste of her (F)cherry (Em)chap stick
(Am)I kissed a (C)girl just to try it
(Dm)I hope my boy(F)friend don't (Em)mind it
(Am)It felt so (C)wrong
It felt so (Dm)right
Don't mean I'm (F)in love (Em)tonight
(Am)I kissed a (C)girl and I liked it (Dm)
(F)I (Em)liked it
(Am) [Silencio]

(Am)No, I don't (C)even know your (Dm)name

It (F)doesn't (Em)matter
(Am)You're my ex(C)perimental (Dm)game
Just (F)human (Em)nature
(Am)It's not what, (C)good girls do
(Dm)Not (F)how they (Em)should be(Am)have
Imagine – John Lennon
(F/C) Imagine (Am/C)all the peo(Dm)ple (F)
[intro] (C) (F) (G)Sharing all the wo(G7)rld... (you-oo-ooh)

(C) Imagine there's no (F)heaven (F) You may (G7)say I'm a (C)dreamer (E7)
(C) It's easy if you (F)try (F) But I'm (G7)not the only one (C) (E7)
(C) No hell be(F)low us (F) I hope some (G7)day you'll (C)join us (E7)
(C) Above us only (F)sky (F) And the (G7)world will (C)live as one

(F/C) Imagine (Am/C)all the peo(Dm)ple (F)

(G)Living for to(G7)day... (a-ahh-ahh)

(C) Imagine there's no (F)countries

(C) It isn't hard to (F)do
(C) Nothing to kill or (F)die for
(C) And no religion (F)too

(F/C) Imagine (Am/C)all the peo(Dm)ple (F)

(G)Living life in pe(G7)ace... (you-oo-ooh)

(F) You may (G7)say I'm a (C)dreamer (E7)

(F) But I'm (G7)not the only one (C) (E7)
(F) I hope some (G7)day you'll (C)join us (E7)
(F) And the (G7)world will (C)be as one

(C) Imagine no po(F)ssessions

(C) I wonder if you (F)can
(C) No need for greed or (F)hunger
(C) A brotherhood of (F)man
I'm a Believer – The Monkees (C)I'm a be(G)liever!
I couldn't (F)leave her if I (D)tried.
(G)I thought love was (D)only true in (G)fairy tales
(G)Meant for someone (D)else but not for (G)me. (G)(D)(G)
(C)Love was out to (G)get me (G)(D)(G)
(C)That's the way it (G)seemed. (C)Love was out to (G)get me
(C)Disappointment (G)haunted all my (D)dreams. (C)That's the way it (G)seemed.
[Silencio] (C)Disappointment (G)haunted all my (D)dreams.
Then I saw her (G7)face, (C)(G)
now (C)I'm a be(G7)liever (C)(G) Then I saw her (G7)face, (C)(G)
(C)Not a (G7)trace (C)(G) now (C)I'm a be(G7)liever (C)(G)
of (C)doubt in my (G7)mind. (C)(G) (C)Not a (G7)trace (C)(G)
(C)I'm in (G)love [Single strum] of (C)doubt in my (G7)mind. (C)(G)
(C)I'm a be(G)liever! (C)I'm in (G)love [Single strum]
I couldn't (F)leave her if I (D)tried. (C)I'm a be(G)liever!
I couldn't (F)leave her if I (D)tried.
(G)I thought love was (D)more or less
a (G)given thing, (G7)(G7)(C)(C)(G)
(G)Seems the more I (D)gave the less I (G)got.
(C)What's the use in (G)tryin'?
(C)All you get is (G)pain.
(C)When I needed (G)sunshine I got (D)rain.

Then I saw her (G7)face, (C)(G)

now (C)I'm a be(G7)liever (C)(G)
(C)Not a (G7)trace (C)(G)
of (C)doubt in my (G7)mind. (C)(G)
(C)I'm in (G)love [Single strum]
♡ I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) – The When I (D)come home
oh, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be
the man who (A)comes back home to (D)you
And if I (D)grow old,
When I (D)wake up,
well, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be
well, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be
the man who's (A)growing old with (D)you
the man who (A)wakes up next to (D)you
When I (D)go out,
yeah, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be But (D)I would walk five hundred miles
the man who (A)goes along with (D)you And (G)I would walk five (A)hundred more
If I (D)get drunk, Just to (D)be the man who walked a thousand
well, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be (G)miles to fall down (A)at your door
the man who (A)gets drunk next to (D)you
And if I (D)haver, Da lat (D)da (Da lat da), da lat da (Da lat da)
hey, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be Da-da-(G)da dun-diddle un-diddle
the man who's (A)havering to (D)you (A)un-diddle uh da-(D)da
Da lat (D)da (Da lat da), da lat da (Da lat da)
But (D)I would walk five hundred miles Da-da-(G)da dun-diddle un-diddle
And (G)I would walk five (A)hundred more (A)un-diddle uh da-(D)da
Just to (D)be the man who walked a thousand
(G)miles to fall down (A)at your door [Continúa]

When I'm (D)working,

yes, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be
the man who's (A)working hard for (D)you
And when the (D)money
comes in for the work I do I'll pass (G)almost
every (A)penny on to (D)you
When I'm (D)lonely, Da lat (D)da (Da lat da), da lat da (Da lat da)
well, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be Da-da-(G)da dun-diddle un-diddle
the man who's (A)lonely without (D)you (A)un-diddle uh da-(D)da
And when I'm (D)dreaming,
well, I know I'm gonna dream I'm gonna (G)dream Da lat (D)da (Da lat da), da lat da (Da lat da)
about the (A)time when I'm with you Da-da-(G)da dun-diddle un-diddle
When I (D)go out (A)un-diddle uh da-(D)da
well, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be the man
who (A)goes along with (D)you But (D)I would walk five hundred miles
And When I (D)come home And (G)I would walk five (A)hundred more
yes, I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna (G)be Just to (D)be the man who walked a thousand
the man who (A)comes back home to (G)miles to fall down (A)at your door
[single strum] (Bm)you...
I'm gonna (G)be the man who's (A)coming home with

But (D)I would walk five hundred miles

And (G)I would walk five (A)hundred more
Just to (D)be the man who walked a thousand
(G)miles to fall down (A)at your door

Da lat (D)da (Da lat da), da lat da (Da lat da)

Da-da-(G)da dun-diddle un-diddle
(A)un-diddle uh da-(D)da

Da lat (D)da (Da lat da), da lat da (Da lat da)

Da-da-(G)da dun-diddle un-diddle
(A)un-diddle uh da-(D)da
Imitation Of Life – R.E.M. No (Em)one can see you (Am)try (C)(D)

(Em)Charades pop (Am)skill That (G)sugar cane that (Em)tasted good

Water (G)hyacinth That (Am)freezing rain, that's (C)what you (D)could
(D)Named by a (Em)poet Come on, (G)come on
Imi(Am)tation of (G)life (D)(C) No (Em)one can see you (Am)cry (C)(D)

(Em)Like a (Am)koi in a (G)frozen pond [1 strum]

(D)Like a goldfish (Em)in a bowl (G)This sugar cane, this (Em)lemonade
(Am)I don't want to (G)hear you cry(D)(C) This (Am)hurricane, I'm (C)not (D)afraid
Come on, (G)come on
That (G)sugar cane that (Em)tasted good No (Em)one can see me (Am)cry (C)(D)
That (Am)cinnamon, that's (C)Holly(D)wood
Come on, (G)come on This (G)lightning storm, this (Em)tidal wave
No (Em)one can see you (Am)try (C)(D) This (Am)avalanche, I'm (C)not (D)afraid
Come on, (G)come on
(Em)You want the (Am)greatest thing No (Em)one can see me (Am)cry (C)(D)
The (G)greatest thing since (D)bread came sliced
(Em)You've got it (Am)all That (G)sugar cane that (Em)tasted good
You've got it (G)sized (D)(C) That's (Am)who you are, that's (C)what you (D)could
Come on, (G)come on
(Em)Like a (Am)Friday fashion (G)show No (Em)one can see you (Am) cry (C)(D)
Teenager (D)cruising in the (Em)corner
(Am)Trying to look like (G)you don't try(D)(C) That (G)sugar cane that (Em)tasted good
That's (Am)who you are, that's (C)what you (D)could
That (G)sugar cane that (Em)tasted good Come on, (G)come on
That (Am)cinnamon, that's (C)Holly(D)wood No (Em)one can see you (Am) cry (C)(D) (G)
Come on, (G)come on
I'm So Excited – The Pointer Sisters And if (F)we're still playing around boy that's just
To(Gm)night's the night
we're gonna make it (Cm)happen, Let's get (Gm)excited,
To(Eb)night we'll put all other things (Bb)aside. And we just can't (Eb)hide it,
Give (Gm)in this time I'm about to lose con(F)trol and I think I (Gm)like it.
and show me some a(Cm)ffection, I'm so (Gm)excited,
We're (Eb)going for those pleasures in the (Bb)night. And I just can't (Eb)hide it,
And I know, I know, I (F)know, I know
I want to (Am)love you, feel you, I know I (Gm)want you, want you
(Gm)Wrap myself (Dm)around you.
I want to (Am)squeeze you, please you, I want to (Am)love you, feel you,
I (Gm)just can't get enough, (Gm)Wrap myself (Dm)around you.
And if you (Eb)move real (Bb)slow, I want to (Am)squeeze you, please you,
I'll let it (F)go. I (Gm)just can't get enough,
And if you (Eb)move real (Bb)slow,
I'm so (Gm)excited, I'll let it (F)go.
And I just can't (Eb)hide it,
I'm about to lose (F)control I'm so (Gm)excited,
And I think I (Gm)like it. And I just can't (Eb)hide it,
I'm so (Gm)excited, I'm about to lose (F)control
And I just can't (Eb)hide it, And I think I (Gm)like it.
And I know, I know, I (F)know, I know I'm so (Gm)excited,
I know I (Gm)want you And I just can't (Eb)hide it,
And I know, I know, I (F)know, I know
We (Gm)shouldn't even think about to(Cm)morrow, I know I (Gm)want you
Sweet (Eb)memories will last a long long (Bb)time.
We'll (Gm)have a good time
baby don't you (Cm)worry,
I'm Yours – Jason Mraz our time is (Am)short
This is our (F)fate, I’m yours
(C)(G)(Am)(F) I've been (C)spending' way too long
Well, you (C)done done me and you bet I felt it checking' my tongue in the mirror
I (G)tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted And (G)bending' over backwards
I (Am)fell right through the cracks, just to try to see it clearer
and I’m (F)trying to get back (Am)My breath fogged up the glass
Before the (C)cool done run out And so I (F)drew a new face and laughed
I’ll be giving it my best test I (C)guess what I'm a saying’s there
And (G)nothing’s gonna stop me isn’t no better reason
but divine intervention To (G)rid yourself of vanity
I (Am)reckon it's again my turn and just go with the seasons
to (F)win some or learn some It’s (Am)what we aim to do our (F)name is our virtue
But (C)I won't hesi(G)tate no more,
No (Am)more, it cannot (F)wait I’m yours [Single strum]
(C)(G)(Am)(F) But I (C)won't hesi(G)tate no more,
(C)Well open up your mind and see like (G)me No (Am)more, it cannot (F)wait I’m yours
Open up your plans and damn you're (Am)free
Look into your heart and (C)Well open up your mind and see like (G)me
you'll find (F)love love love love Open up your plans and damn you're (Am)free
(C)Listen to the music Look into your heart and you'll find,
of the moment people dance and (G)sing that (F)the sky is yours
We are just one big fami(Am)ly
It’s your god forsaken right So (C)please don’t, please don’t please don’t
to be (F)loved, loved, loved, (D)loved There’s no (G)need to complicated
So, (C)I won't hesi(G)tate no more, Cause our (Am)time is short
No (Am)more, it cannot (F)wait I’m sure This is, this is, this is our (F)fate
There’s no (C)need to compli(G)cate I’m (D)yours
♡ In My Life – The Beatles (G) (D) (Em) (G7)
(C) (Cm) (G)
There are (G)places (D)I re(Em)member(G7)
All my (C)life(Cm), though (G)some have changed Though I (Em)know I'll never lose a(A)ffection
Some (G)forever (D)not for (Em)better(G7) For (C)people and (Cm)things that (G)went before
Some have (C)gone(Cm) and (G)some remain I (Em)know I'll often stop and think a(A)bout them
In (Cm)my life I (G)love you more
All these (Em)places had their (A)moments
With (Cm)lovers and friends (G)(D)
I (G)still can recall In (Cm)my life… I (G)love you more
Some are (Em)dead and some are (A)living (G)(D)(G)
In (Cm)my life I've (G)loved them all


But of (G)all these (D)friends and (Em)lovers(G7)

There is (C)no (Cm)one com(G)pares with you
And these (G)memories (D)lose
their (Em)meaning(G7)
When I (C)think of (Cm)love as (G)something new

Though I (Em)know I'll never lose a(A)ffection

For (Cm)people and things that (G)went before
I (Em)know I'll often stop and think a(A)bout them
In (Cm)my life I (G)love you more

(G) (D) (Em) (G7)
(C) (Cm) (G)
In My Place – Coldplay Yeah how (G)long must you (D)wait for (C)it?
Oh for (D)it
(G)(Em)(Bm)(D) [x4] [Instrumental]
(G)(Em)(Bm)(D) [x4]
(G)In my (Em)place, in my (Bm)place
Were (D)lines that I couldn't (G)change Sing it, (G)please, (Em)please, please(Bm)
I was (Em)lost, oh (Bm)yeah (D) Come (D)back and sing to (G)me,
(G)I was (Em)lost, I was (Bm)lost to (Em)me, (Bm)me
Crossed (D)lines I shouldn't have (G)crossed Come (D)on and sing it (G)out, (Em)now, (Bm)now
I was (Em)lost, oh (Bm)yeah (D) Come (D)on and sing it (G)out, to (Em)me, (Bm)me
Come (D)back and sing it
(C)Yeah how (G)long must you (D)wait for (C)it?
Yeah how (G)long must you (D)pay for (C)it? [Single strum]
Yeah how (G)long must you (D)wait for (C)it? (G)In my (Em)place, in my (Bm)place
Oh for (D)it Were (D)lines that I couldn't (G)change
And I was (Em)lost, oh (Bm)yeah, (D)oh (G)yeah
(G)(Em)(Bm)(D) [x2]

(G)I was s(Em)cared, I was s(Bm)cared

(D)Tired and under pre(G)pared
But I (Em)wait for (Bm)it (D)
(G)If you (Em)go, if you (Bm)go
(D)Leave me down here on my (G)own
Then I'll (Em)wait for (Bm)you (D)yeah

(C)Yeah how (G)long must you (D)wait for (C)it?

Yeah how (G)long must you (D)pay for (C)it?
I Only Want To Be With You – Dusty As (G)long as we're together, honey, (Em)I don't care
Springfield 'Cause (C)you've started (D)something
Oh, (C)can't you (D)see?
I (G)don't know what it is That (G)ever since we met
that makes me (Em)love you so You've had a (Em)hold on me
I (G)only know I never want to (Em)let you go No (Am)matter what you (D)do
'Cause (C)you've started (D)something I (Am)only want to (D)be with (G)you
Oh, (C)can't you (D)see?
That (G)ever since we met (D)
You've had a (Em)hold on me [Instrumental]
It (Am)happens to be (D)true (G)(Em)(G)(Em)(C)(D)(C)(D)
I (Am)only want to (D)be with (G)you (D) (G)(Em)(Am)(D)(Am)(D)(G)

It (G)doesn't matter where you go or (Em)what you do → (Eb)You stopped and smiled at me...
I (G)want to spend each moment
of the (Em)day with you No (Am)matter what you (D)do
Oh, (C)look what has (D)happened I (Am)only want to (D)be with (G)you
with (C)just one (D)kiss
I (G)never knew that I could be in (Em)love like this
It's (Am)crazy but it's (D)true
I (Am)only want to (D)be with (G)you

(Eb)You stopped and smiled at me

And (G)asked if I'd (C)care to (G)dance
(D)I fell into your open arms
And (Em)I didn't (A7)stand a (D)chance
Now listen honey
(G)I just want to be beside you (Em)everywhere
Ironic – Alanis Morissette Well, (F)life has a funny way of
sneaking up (G)on you
[Single strum] When you think everything's okay
An (G)old (C)man (G)turned ninety-(Am)eight and (F)everything's going right(G)
He (G)won the lotte(C)ry And (F)life has a funny way of
and (G)died the next (Am)day helping you (G)out when
It's a (G)black (C)fly in (G)your Chardon(Am)nay You think everything's gone wrong
It's a (G)death row (C)pardon and (F)everything blows up in your (G)face
two (G)minutes too (Am)late
Isn't it i(G)ronic(C), don't you (G)think(Am) [Single strum]
A (G)traffic (C)jam when you're (G)already late (Am)
It's like ra(G)in(C) on your (G)wedding (Am)day A no-(G)smoking (C)sign on your (G)cigarette
It's a free (G)ride (C)when you've (G)already (Am)break
(Am)paid It's like (G)ten thousand (C)spoons
It's the good ad(G)vice (C) when all you (G)need is a (Am)knife
that you (G)just didn't (Am)take It's (G)meeting the man of my (C)dreams
(Bb)Who would've (F)thought, it (G)figures And then (G)meeting his beautiful (Am)wife
And isn't it i(G)ronic(C), don't you (G)think (Am)
Mr. (G)Play It Safe (C)was a(G)fraid to fly (Am) A little too i(G)ronic, (C)and yeah
He packed his (G)suit(C)case I (G)really do (Am)think
and kissed his (G)kids good-bye (Am)
He waited his (G)whole damn (C)life It's like ra(G)in(C) on your (G)wedding (Am)day
to (G)take that (Am)flight It's a free (G)ride (C)when you've (G)already (Am)paid
And as the (G)plane crashed (C)down It's the good ad(G)vice (C)
he thought: "Well, (G)isn't this (Am)nice." that you (G)just didn't (Am)take
And Isn't it i(G)ronic(C), don't you (G)think(Am) (Bb)Who would've (F)thought, it (G)figures
Well, (F)life has a funny way of sneaking up on (G)you
[Estribillo] And (F)life has a funny way (G)of helping you (F)out
helping you (F)out
I Say a Little Prayer - Aretha Franklin (Em)My darling be(Am)lieve me,
for me there is (D)no one
(Em)The moment i (Am)wake up but (G)you
before i put (D)on my (G)makeup (Am)please love me (G)too
I (C)say a little prayer for (B7)you (Am)I'm in love with (G)you
(Am)Answer my (G)prayer babe
(Em)and while combing my (Am)hair, now, (Am)Say you love me (G)too
and wondering what (D)dress to (G)wear, now, (Am)Answer my prayer (G)babe
i (C)say a little prayer for (B7)you
Fo(C)rever, fo(D)rever, you'll (Bm)stay in my
(Em)heart and i will love you (Em)My darling be(Am)lieve me,
fo(C)rever, fo(D)rever, we (Bm)never will (Em)part for me there is (D)no one
oh, how i'll love you but (G)you
to(C)gether, to(D)gether, that's (Bm)how it must (Am)please love me (G)too
(Em)be to live without you (Am)Answer my (G)prayer
would (C)only be heartbreak for (B7)me. (Am)Answer my (G)prayer now, babe
(Am)Answer my (G)prayer
I (Em)run for the (Am)bus, dear, (Am)Answer my (G)prayer now, babe
while riding i (D)think of (G)us, dear,
i (C)say a little prayer for (B7)you.

(Em)at work i just (Am)take time

and all through my (D)coffee (G)break-time,
i (C)say a little prayer for (B7)you.

Is This Love – Bob Marley every (F)day and every (C)night
we'll (G)be to(Am)gether
I wanna (Am)love you with a (F)roof right over our (C)heads
(F) and treat you (C)right we'll (G)share the (Am)shelter
(G)i wanna (Am)love you (F)of my single (C)bed;
every (F)day and every (C)night we'll (G)share the (Am)same room, yeah!
we'll (G)be to(Am)gether for (F)jah provide the (C)bread.
with a (F)roof right over our (C)heads
we'll (G)share the (Am)shelter is this (Em)love - is this love - is this love -
(F)of my single (C)bed; is this love that i'm (Dm)feelin'?
we'll (G)share the (Am)same room, yeah! is this (Em)love - is this love - is this love -
for (F)jah provide the (C)bread. is this love that i'm (Dm)feelin'?

is this (Em)love - is this love - is this love - (Dm)-- (Em)-- (F)- (G)--- (Em)---
is this love that i'm (Dm)feelin'? (Em)i wanna know - wanna know - wanna know now!
is this (Em)love - is this love - is this love - (Dm)-- (Em)-- (F)- (G)--- (Em)---
is this love that i'm (Dm)feelin'? (Em)i got to know - got to know - got to know now!
(Em)i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i - i'm willing and (Dm)able,
(Dm)-- (Em)-- (F)- (G)--- (Em)--- so (Am)i throw my cards on your (G)table!
(Em)i wanna know - wanna know - wanna know now!
(Dm)-- (Em)-- (F)- (G)--- (Em)--- (F) (Em) (Dm) (Am)
(Em)i got to know - got to know - got to know now!
(Em)i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i - i'm willing and (Dm)able,
so (Am)i throw my cards on your (G)table!
(F) (Em) (Dm)

I wanna (Am)love you

(F) and treat you (C)right
(G)i wanna (Am)love you
It Must Have Been Love – Roxette It's where the (C)water flows
It's where the (Bb)wind blows
(C)(F) It (C)must have been love but it's (F)over now
Lay a (C)whisper on my pillow (F)(C)(Bb)(Dm)
Leave the (F)winter on the (G)ground
I wake up (C)lonely, there's air of (F)silence It (C)must have been (F)love but it's over (Bb)now
In the (Dm)bedroom and (G)all around It must have been (Gm)good but I lost it (C)somehow
It must have been (F)love but it's over (Bb)now
Touch me (Am)now, I close my (C)eyes From the moment we (Gm)touched
And dream a(F)way (G) 'til the time had run (C)out

It must have been (C)love but it's over (F)now Yeah! it must have been (F)love but it's over (Bb)now
It must have been (Dm)good but I lost it some(G)how It was all that I (Gm)wanted, now I'm living (C)without
It must have been (C)love but it's over (F)now It must have been (F)love but it's over (Cm)now
From the moment we (Dm)touched It's where the (F)water flows
'til the time had run (G)out It's where the (Eb)wind blows

Make-be(C)lieving we're together Ohh!

That I'm (F)sheltered by your (G)heart It must have been (F)love but it's over (Bb)now
But in and (C)outside I've turned to (F)water (Gm) Noooow...(C)
Like a (Dm)teardrop in your (G)palm It must have been (F)love but it's over (Bb)now
(Gm) Noooow...(C)
And it's a (Am)hard winter's (C)day (F)
I dream (F)away (G)

It must have been (C)love but it's over (F)now

It was all that I (Dm)wanted, now I'm living with(G)out
It must have been (C)love but it's over (Gm)now
♡ It's A Heartache – Bonnie Tyler Its a (C)fool's game
Nothing but a (Em)fool's game
It's a (C)heartache Standing in the (F)cold rain
Nothing but a (Em)heartache Feeling like a (C)clown (G)
Hits you when it's (F)too late
Hits you when you're (C)down (G) It ain't (F)right with love to (G)share
When you (Em)find he doesn't (Am)care,
It's a (C)fool's game for (G)you (F) (Em) (G)
Nothing but a (Em)fool's game It ain't (F)wise to need some(G)one
Standing in the (F)cold rain As much as (Em)I depended (Am)on,
Feeling like a (C)clown (G) (G)you (F) (Em)

It's a (C)heartache (G)It's a (C)heartache

Nothing but a (Em)heartache Nothing but a (Em)heartache
Love him till your (F)arms break Love him till your (F)arms break
Then he let's you (C)down (G) Then he let's you (C)down (G)

It ain't (F)right with love to (G)share Its a (C)fool's game

When you (Em)find he doesn't (Am)care, Nothing but a (Em)fool's game
for (G)you (F) (Em) (G) Standing in the (F)cold rain
It ain't (F)wise to need some(G)one Feeling like a (C)clown (G) (C)
As much as (Em)I depended (Am)on,
(G)you (F) (Em)

(G)It's a (C)heartache
Nothing but a (Em)heartache
Hits you when it's (F)too late
Hits you when you're (C)down (G)
♡ It's My Life - Bon Jovi For (Am)Tommy and Gina, who never backed down
(Am)(F)(E7) (Am)Tomorrow's getting harder make no mistake
(Am)(F)(E7) (D)Luck ain't even lucky
Got to make your own breaks [Silencio]
(Am)This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
(Am)(F)(E7) [Estribillo]
(Am)No silent prayer for the faith-departed
(Am)(F)(E7) (Am)(F)(E7)
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd (Am)(F)(E7)
You're gonna (D)hear my voice
When I shout it out loud [Silencio] [Single strum]
(Am)Better stand tall when they're calling you out
It's my (Am)life Don't (D)bend, don't break, baby, don't back down
It's (F)now or never
(C)I ain't gonna (G)live forever [Pausa]
(Am)I just want to (F)live while I'm (G)alive
It's my (Am)life [Estribillo]
My heart is like an (F)open highway (C)
Like Frankie said “I (G)did it my way”
(Am)I just wanna (F)live while I'm (G)alive
(G)It's (E7)my (Am)life


(Am)This is for the ones who stood their ground

☠ I've Got A Woman - Ray Charles Sólo dos strums al final
She's there to love me (A)
Well... i got a (A)woman, way over (E7)town both day and night(A)
she's good to (A)me, (D)oh (A)yeah never grumbles or fusses(A)
said i got a (D)woman, way over town always treats me right(A)
she's good to (E7)me, oh yeah never runnin' in the streets(A)
she gives me (A)money when i'm in need leavin' me alone(A)
yeah, she's a (D)kind of friend indeed she knows a woman's place(A)
i got a (A)woman, way over (E7)town is right there, now, in the home
she's good to (A)me, (D)oh (A)yeah(E7)
She saves her (A)lovin', early in the (E7)mornin' I got a (A)woman, way over (E7)town
just for (A)me, (D)oh (A)yeah she's good to (A)me, (D)oh (A)yeah
she saves her (D)lovin', early in the mornin' said i got a (D)woman, way over town
just for (E7)me, oh yeah she's good to (E7)me, oh yeah
she saves her (A7)lovin', just for me well, she's my (A)baby, don't you understand
always loves (D)me, so tenderly yeah, (D)i'm her lovin' man, now
i got a (A)woman, way over (E7)town i got a (A)woman, way over (E7)town
she's good to (A)me, (Dm)oh (A)yeah she's good to (A)me, (D)oh (A)yeah

Solo Desvaneciendo
(A) (A) (A) (E7) (A)well, don't you know she's all right
(A) (D) (A) (E7) (A) (A)well, don't you know she's all right
(A)she's all right, she's all right
I Want It All – Queen
I want it (Am)all, I want it (F)all,
[Single strum] I want it (G)all, and I want it (Am)now,(G)
I want it (Am)all, I want it (F)all, I want it (Am)all, I want it (F)all,
I want it (G)all, and I want it (Am)now,(G) I want it (G)all, and I want it (A)now, (D)(E7)

Adventure (Am)seeker, on an empty (F)street, [Single strum]

Just an alley (G)creeper, light on his (Am)feet(G) (A)I’m a man with a one track mind,
A young fighter (Am)screaming, (D)So much to do in (E7)one life time
with no time for (F)doubt (A)Not a man for compromise and
With the pain and (G)anger, can’t see a way (Am)out, (D)where’s and why’s (E7)living lies
So I’m (F)living it all, (yes I’m living it all)
(G)It ain’t much I’m (C)asking, (F)I heard him (G)say, And I’m (G)giving it all, (and I’m giving it all), oohhhh...
(F)Gotta find me a (G)future, move out of my (F)way,
(G)It ain’t much I’m (C)asking,
I want it (Am)all, I want it (F)all, if you (F)want the (G)truth
I want it (G)all, and I want it (Am)now,(G) (F)Here’s to the (G)future, hear the cry of (F)youth,
I want it (Am)all, I want it (F)all,
I want it (G)all, and I want it (Am)now,(G) I want it (Am)all, I want it (F)all,
I want it (G)all, and I want it (Am)now,(G)
Listen all you (Am)people, come gather (F)round I want it (Am)all, I want it (F)all,
I gotta get me a (G)game plan, I want it (G)all, and I want it (A)now.
gonna shake (Am)you to the ground(G)
Just (Am)give me - what I know is (F)mine,
People do you (G)hear me, just (Am)give me the sign,

(G)It ain’t much I’m (C)asking,

if you (F)want the (G)truth
(F)Here’s to the (G)future, for the dreams of (F)youth,
♡ I Want to Break Free – Queen (C)… (F) (C) (G) (F) (C) [pause]

[intro] But life still goes (C)on

(C) (C) (C) (C) I can't get used to living without… living without
(C) (C) (C) [pause] Living without you… by my (F)side
I don't want to live a(C)lo-o-o-one
I want to break (C)free God (G)knows
I want to break free (F) Got to make it on (C)my own
I want to break free from your lies
You're so… self-satisfied I don't (F)need you So baby can't you (G)see
I've got to break (C)free (F) I've got to bre-(C)-eak free
God (G)knows… (F)God knows I want to break I've got to break free
(C)free I want to bre-e-eak free yeah
I want… I want… I want… I want to break free
(N/C) I've fallen in (C)love (C – cha-cha-cha)
I've fallen in love for the first time
And this time I know it's for (F)real
I've fallen in (C)love, yeah
God (G)knows... (F)God knows I've fallen in (C)love

It's (G)strange, but it's (F)true

(G) I can't get over the way you (F)love me like you do
But I (Am)have to be sure
When I (Dsus4)walk out that (D)door
(F) Oh how I (G)want to be (Am)free baby
(F) Oh how I (G)want to be (Am)free
(F) Oh how I (G)want to bre-(C)-eak free

[instrumental – same timing as verse]

♡ I Want to Hold Your Hand – The When (G)I say that (D)something
(Em)I wanna hold your (B)hand
(C)I wanna (D)hold your (G)hand(Em)
(C)I wanna (D)hold your (B)hand
(C)(D)--- (C)(D)---
(C)I wanna (D)hold your (G)hand
(C)(D)--- (D7)---
(Dm)And when I (G)touch you I feel (C)happy
Oh, yeah, (G)I'll tell you (D)something
(Em)I think you'll (Bm)understand
(Dm)It's such a (G)feeling that my (C)love
When (G)I say that (D)something
(C)I can't (D)hide, (C)I can't (D)hide,
(Em)I wanna hold your (B)hand
(C)I can't (D)hiiiide (D7)
(C)I wanna (D)hold your (G)hand(Em)
(C)I wanna (D)hold your (G)hand
Yeah, (G)you've got that (D)something
(Em)I think you'll (Bm)understand
Oh, (G)please, say to (D)me
When (G)I say that (D)something
(Em)You'll let me be your (Bm)man
(Em)I wanna hold your (B)hand
And, (G)please, say to (D)me
(C)I wanna (D)hold your (G)hand(Em)
(Em)You'll let me hold your (B)hand
(C)I wanna (D)hold your (B)hand
(C)Now let me (D)hold your (G)hand(Em)
(C)I wanna (D)hold your (C)hand(G)
(C)I wanna (D)hold your (G)hand

(Dm)And when I (G)touch you I feel (C)happy

(Dm)It's such a (G)feeling that my (C)love
(C)I can't (D)hide, (C)I can't (D)hide,
(C)I can't (D)hiiiide (D7)

Yeah, (G)you've got that (D)something

(Em)I think you'll (Bm)understand
I Was Born To Love You – Queen yes, (G)I was (Bm)born to take (C)care of you
(Am)every single (D)day of my (G)life
(G)I was (Bm)born to (C)love you
with (Am)every single beat of my (D)heart I wanna (C)love you
yes, (G)I was (Bm)born to take (C)care of you i love (G)every little thing a(D)bout (G)you
(Am)every single (D)day… (G) i wanna (C)love you, love you, (A7)love you
(G)born - to love you
(G)I was (Bm)born to (C)love you (D)born - to love you
with (Am)every single beat of my (D)heart (Em)yes i was born to love you
yes, (G)I was (Bm)born to take (C)care of you (A)born - to love you
(Am)every single (D)day of my (G)life (A7)born - to love you
(D)every single day - of my life
(G)You are the one for me
i am the man for you (G)(Bm)(C)(C)
you were (Bm)made for me (Am)(Am)(D)(D)
you're my ecstasy (Bm)(Bm)(Em)(Em)
if i was (C)give every opportunity An (A)amazing feeling
i'd kill for your (Am)love (D7)comin' through
So take a (D)chance with me
let me romance with you (G)I was (Bm)born to (C)love you
i'm (Bm)caught in a dream with (Am)every single beat of my (D)heart
and my dream's come true yes, (G)I was (Bm)born to take (C)care of you
it's so (Em)hard to believe (Am)every single (D)day of my (G)life
this is happening to me Yes (Am)i was (D)born to (G)love you
an (A)amazing feeling (Am)every (D)single day [Pausa]
(D7)comin' through - of my (G)life

(G)I was (Bm)born to (C)love you

with (Am)every single beat of my (D)heart
I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor I (C)know I'll stay alive!
I've got (F)all my life to live.
At (Am)first, I was afraid, I was (Dm)petrified. I've got (Dm)all my love to give.
Kept thinkin' (G)I could never live And I'll sur(E7)vive! I will survive!
Without you (C)by my side, Hey, Hey!
But then I (F)spent so many nights
Thinkin' (Dm)how you did me wrong. [Instrumental]
And I grew (E7)strong (Am)(Dm)(G)(C)(F)(Dm)(E7)
And I learned (E7)how to get along.
It took (Am)all the strength I had
And so you're (Am)back from outer (Dm)space. Not to (Dm)fall apart
I just walked (G)in to find you here And trying (G)hard to mend the pieces
With that sad (C)look upon your face. Of my (C)broken heart.
I should've (F)changed that stupid lock, And I spent, (F)oh, so many nights
I should've (Dm)made you leave your key, Just feeling (Dm)sorry for myself.
If I had (E7)known, for just one second, I used to (E7)cry,
You'd be back to bother me. But now I hold my head up high!

Well, now (Am)go! Walk out the (Dm)door! And you'll see (Am)me, somebody (Dm)new,
Just turn a(G)round now, I'm not that (G)chained up little person
'Cause you're not (C)welcome anymore! Still in (C)love with you.
(F)Weren't you the one And so you (F)felt like droppin' in
Who tried to (Dm)hurt me with goodbye? And just (Dm)expect me to be free,
Did you think I'd (E7)crumble? But now I'm (E7)savin' all my lovin'
Did you think I'd lay down and die? For someone who's lovin' me!

Oh no, not (Am)I! I will sur(Dm)vive! [Estribillo] x2

Oh, as (G)long as I know how to love, La...rala la laaa laralalala...
(Am)(Dm)(G)(C)(F)(Dm)(E7) [Repetir...]
♡ Je veux – Zaz
(Dm)J'en ai marre d'vos bonnes manières
[Solo Kazoo] C'est trop pour (C)moi
(Dm)…...(Bb)(C) Moi je mange avec les mains
(Dm)…...(Bb)(C) Et j'suis comme (Bb)ça
(Dm)…...(Bb)(C) J'parle fort et je suis franche
(Dm)…...(Bb)(C) Excusez (Gm)moi (A)
(Dm)Fini l'hypocrisie moi,
(Dm)Donnez moi une suite au Ritz, J'me casse de (C)là
je n'en veux (C)pas J'en ai marre des langues de bois
Des bijoux de chez Chanel, je n'en veux (Bb)pas Regardez (Bb)moi
Donnez moi une limousine, j'en ferais (Gm)quoi? Toute manière j'vous en veux pas
Papa ra(A)pa papa Et j'suis comme (Gm)ça (A)
(Dm)Offrez moi du personnel, j'en ferais (C)quoi? (Bb)J'suis comme ça (C)
Un manoir a Neuchâtel, c'est pas pour (Bb)moi
Offrez moi la tour Eiffel, j'en ferais (Gm)quoi? [Estribillo]
Papa ra(A)pa papa
[Solo Kazoo]
(Bb) (C) (Dm)…...(Bb)(C)
(Dm)Je veux d'l'amour, d'la (Bb)joie, (Dm)…...(Bb)(C)
de la bonne hu(C)meur (Dm)…...(Bb)(C)
Ce n'est pas votre ar(Am)gent
qui f'ra mon bon(Bb)heur [Estribillo] (Dm)
Moi j'veux (Gm)crever la main sur le (A)cœur
(Dm)Allons ensemble dé(Bb)couvrir ma liber(C)té
Oubliez (Am)donc, tous vos cli(Bb)chés
Bienvenue dans (Gm)ma réali(A)té
Johnny B. Goode – Chuck Berry (Bb)Go go
Go Johnny go
Deep (Bb)down in Louisiana close to New Orleans Go
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens Go Johnny go
There (Eb)stood a log cabin made of earth and wood (Eb)Go
Where (Bb)lived a country boy named Johnny B. Go Johnny go
Goode (Bb)Go
Who (F7)never ever learned to read or write so well Go Johnny go
But he could (Bb)play the guitar just like a ringin' a bell (F7)Go
Johnny B. (Bb)Goode
(Bb)Go go
Go Johnny go His (Bb)mother told him "Someday you will be a man,
Go And you will be the leader of a big old band.
Go Johnny go (Eb)Many people comin' from miles around
(Eb)Go To (Bb)hear you play your music when the sun go
Go Johnny go down
(Bb)Go (F7)Maybe someday your name will be in lights
Go Johnny go Saying (Bb)Johnny B. Goode tonight."
Johnny B. (Bb)Goode (Bb)Go go
Go Johnny go
He used to (Bb)carry his guitar in a gunny sack Go go go Johnny go
Go sit beneath the tree by the railroad track (Eb)Go go go Johnny go
Oh, the (Eb)engineers would see him sittin' in the (Bb)Go go go Johnny go
shade (F7)Go
(Bb)Strummin' with the rhythm that the drivers made Johnny B. (Bb)Goode
The (F7)people passin' by they would stop and say
Oh (Bb)my but that little country boy could play
Just A Gigolo – Louis Prima (A7)Won't some sweet mama come and take a
chance with (D)me?
I'm (G)just a gigolo and everywhere I go 'Cause I ain't so bad
People know the (Em)part I'm (Am)playing (D)
(D)Paid for every dance, selling each romance I'm (G)just a gigolo and everywhere I go
Ooh, and they're (G)sayin' People know the (Em)part I'm (Am)playing (D)
There will (G7)come a day (D)Paid for every dance, selling each romance
when (F)youth will pass away Ooh, and they're (G)sayin'
(E7)What will they say a(Am)bout me? There will (G7)come a day
When the (C)end comes, I (Cm)know when (F)youth will pass away
They was (G)just the gi(E7)golos (E7)What will they say a(Am)bout me?
(Am)Life goes (D)on with(G)out me When the (C)end comes, I (Cm)know
They was (G)just the gi(E7)golos
I'm (G)just a gigolo and everywhere I go (Am)Life goes (D)on with(G)out me, 'cause
People know the (Em)part I'm (Am)playing (D)
(D)Paid for every dance, selling each romance (G7)I ain't got no(E7)body
Ooh, and they're (G)sayin' (Am)Nobody (D)cares for me
There will (G7)come a day (G)Nobody cares for me
when (F)youth will pass away (G7)I'm so sad and (E7)lonely
(E7)What will they say a(Am)bout me? Sad and lonely, sad and lonely
When the (C)end comes, I (Cm)know (A7)Won't some sweet mama come and take a
They was (G)just the gi(E7)golos chance with (D)me?
(Am)Life goes (D)on with(G)out me, 'cause 'Cause I ain't so bad
(G7)I ain't got no(E7)body
(Am)Nobody (D)cares for me
(G)Nobody cares for me
(G7)I'm so sad and (E7)lonely
Sad and lonely, sad and lonely
♡ Just My Imagination – The I like to (Dm)hit the town on friday night
And (F)stay in bed (G)until sunday
(C)We'll always be this (G)free
We will be (Dm)living for the love we have
(C)There was a game we used to (G)play
(F)Living not for (G)reality
We would (Dm)hit the town on friday night
(F)And stay in bed un(G)til sunday
(C)It's not my imagination, (G)it's not my imagination,
(C)We used to be so (G)free
(Dm)it's not my imagination, (F)it (G)was
We were (Dm)living for the love we had
(C)Not my imagination, (G)not my imagination,
(F)Living not for (G)reality
(Dm)not my imagination, (F)it (G)was
(C)Just my imagination, (G)just my imagination,
(C)Not my, not my, not my,
(Dm)just my imagination, (F)it (G)was
(G)not my, not my, not my,
(C)Just my imagination, (G)just my imagination,
(Dm)not my, not my
(Dm)just my imagination, (F)it (G)was
(C)That was a time i use to (G)pray
I have (Dm)always kept my faith in love
it's the (F)greatest thing from the (G)man above
(C)The game i used to (G)play
I've always (Dm)stood my cards upon the table
(F)Never be said that (G)i'd be unstable

(C)Just my imagination, (G)just my imagination,

(Dm)just my imagination, (F)it (G)was
(C)Just my imagination, (G)just my imagination,
(Dm)just my imagination, (F)it (G)was

(C)There is a game i like to (G)play

Just the way you are – Bruno Mars She hates but I think it's so sexy
(Bb)She's so beautiful
Oh, (F)her eyes, her eyes And I tell her every(F)day,
Make the stars look like they're not shinin'
(Dm)Her hair, her hair Oh you (F)know, you know, you know
Falls perfectly without her trying I'd never ask you to change
(Bb)She's so beautiful If (Dm)perfect's what you're searching for
And I tell her every(F)day Then just stay the same
(Bb)So don't even bother asking if you look okay
(F)I know, I know You know I'll (F)say,
When I compliment her she won't believe me
(Dm)And it's so, it's so [Estribillo]
Sad to think that she don't see what I see
(Bb)But every time she asks me, "Do I look okay?" The way you (F)are
I (F)say, The way you (Dm)are
Girl, you're a(Bb)mazing
When I see your (F)face Just the way you (F)are
There's not a (Dm)thing that I would change
'Cause you're a(Bb)mazing [Single Strum]
Just the way you (F)are When I see your (F)face
And when you (F)smile There's not a (Dm)thing that I would change
The whole world (Dm)stops and stares for a while 'Cause you're a(Bb)mazing
'Cause, girl, you're a(Bb)mazing Just the way you (F)are
Just the way you (F)are [Normal Strum]
And when you (F)smile
(F)Her lips, her lips The whole world (Dm)stops and stares for a while
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me 'Cause, girl, you're a(Bb)mazing
(Dm)Her laugh, her laugh Just the way you (F)are
Karma Chameleon – Culture Club my (Gm)dreams:
Red gold and (Eb)green, red gold and (Bb)green(F)
There's a (Bb)loving in your (F)eyes all the (Bb)way.
If I (Bb)listen to your (F)lies, would you (Bb)say (Eb)Ev'ry day is like sur(Dm)vival.
I'm a (Eb)man without (F)conviction, (Cm)You're my lover, not my (Gm)rival.
I'm a (Eb)man who doesn't (F)know
How to (Eb)sell a contra(F)diction? (Eb)Ev'ry day is like sur(Dm)vival.
You come and (Cm)go, you come and (Gm)go.(F) (Cm)You're my lover, not my (Bb)ri(F)val.

(Bb)Karma, karma, karma, karma, I'm a (Eb)man without (F)conviction,

(F)karma, chamele(Gm)on, I'm a (Eb)man who doesn't (F)know
You come and (Eb)go, you come and (Bb)go.(F) How to (Eb)sell a contra(F)diction?
(Bb)Loving would be easy if your (F)colours were like You come and (Cm)go, you come and (Gm)go.(F)
my (Gm)dreams:
Red gold and (Eb)green, red gold and (Bb)green(F) (Bb)Karma, karma, karma, karma,
(F)karma, chamele(Gm)on,
Didn't you (Bb)hear your wicked (F)words ever'y You come and (Eb)go, you come and (Bb)go.(F)
(Bb)day (Bb)Loving would be easy if your (F)colours were like
And you (Bb)used to be so (F)sweet. my (Gm)dreams:
I heard you (Bb)say Red gold and (Eb)green, red gold and (Bb)green(F)
that my (Eb)love was an a(F)ddiction.
When we (Eb)cling, our love is (F)strong. (Bb)Karma, karma, karma, karma,
When you (Eb)go, you're gone for(F)ever. (F)karma, chamele(Gm)on,
You string (Cm)along, you string (Bb)along.(F) You come and (Eb)go, you come and (Bb)go.(F)
(Bb)Loving would be easy if your (F)colours were like
(Bb)Karma, karma, karma, karma, my (Gm)dreams:
(F)karma, chamele(Gm)on, Red gold and (Eb)green, red gold and (Bb)green(F)
You come and (Eb)go, you come and (Bb)go.(F)
(Bb)Loving would be easy if your (F)colours were like
Killing Me Softly – Roberta Flack/The [chorus]
(Dm) He sang as (G)if he knew me
(C) In all my (F)dark despair
[chorus] (Dm) And then he (G)looked right through me as
(Am)Strumming my pain with his (F)fingers (Am)if I
(G)Singing my life with his (C)words wasn’t there
(Am)Killing me softly with (D)his song (Dm) And he just (G)kept on singing
Killing me (G)softly with (F)his song (C) Singing (E)clear and strong…
Telling my (C)whole life with (F)his words
Killing me (Bb)softly… with his (A)song [chorus] x2
(Dm) I heard he (G)sang a good song
(C) I heard he (F)had a style
(Dm) And so I (G)came to see him and (Am)listen for a
(Dm) And there he (G)was this young boy
(C) A stranger (E)to my eyes...


(Dm) I felt all (G)flushed with fever

(C) Embarrassed (F)by the crowd
(Dm) I felt he (G)found my letters and (Am)read each
out loud
(Dm) I prayed that (G)he would finish
(C) But he just (E)kept right on...
♡ King George – Dover never (Am)felt (F)so (C)close to you (G)before (C)

(C)Get down (C)Don't you...

(G)i'll sleep it (Am)off(F) (G)don't get it (Am)wrong(F)
you don't (C)have to (F)believe no (G)more i'll have (C)someone (F)to get it (G)done
only (Am)got four (E7)hours only got (Am)four (E7)hours
(F)to learn your (C)manners (F)to learn your (C)manners
never (Am)felt (F)so (C)close to you (G)before (C) never (Am)felt (F)so (C)close to you (G)before(C)

(C)Don't you... (Dm)Long (Am)shot

(G)don't get it (Am)wrong(F) in the (C)name of (G)god
i'll have (C)someone (F)to get it (G)done (Dm)need a (C)McCartney (F)song
only got (Am)four (E7)hours all i (C)want you to (G)know
(F)to learn your (C)manners is that (Am)i won't be here for (F)long
never (Am)felt (F)so (C)close to you (G)before(C) and my (C)heart...
oh! my (G)heart is getting (C)sore
(Dm)Long (Am)shot
in the (C)name of (G)god all i (C)want you to (G)know
(Dm)need a (C)McCartney (F)song is that (Am)i won't be here for (F)long
all i (C)want you to (G)know and my (C)heart...
is that (Am)i won't be here for (F)long oh! my (G)heart is getting (C)sore
and my (C)heart...
oh! my (G)heart is getting (C)sore (G) and my (C)heart...
oh! my (G)heart is getting (C)sore
(C)Get down
(G)i'll sleep it (Am)off(F)
you don't (C)have to (F)believe no (G)more
only (Am)got four (E7)hours
(F)to learn your (C)manners
King of the Road - Roger Miller (F#)[Silencio]I ain't got no cigarettes
Ah, but, (B)two hours of (E)pushin' broom
(Bb)Trailer for (Eb)sale or rent, Buys an (F#)eight by twelve (B)four-bit room
(F)rooms to let, (Bb)fifty cents. I'm a (B)man of (E)means by no means,
(Bb)No phone, no (Eb)pool, no pets, (F#)king of the (B)road.
(F)[Silencio]I ain't got no cigarettes
Ah, but, (Bb)two hours of (Eb)pushin' broom
Buys an (F)eight by twelve (Bb)four-bit room
I'm a (Bb)man of (Eb)means by no means,
(F)[Silencio]king of the road.

(Bb)Third boxcar, (Eb)midnight train,

(F)destination, (Bb)Bangor, Maine.
(Bb)Old worn out (Eb)suits and shoes,
(F)[Silencio]I don't pay no union dues,
I (Bb)smoke old stogies (Eb)I have found
(F)short, but not (Bb)too big around
I'm a (Bb)man of (Eb)means by no means,
(F)[Silencio]king of the road.

I know (B)every engineer on (E)every train

(F#)All of their children, and (B)all of their names
And (B)every handout in (E)every town
And (F#)[Silencio]every lock that ain't locked, when
no one's around.

I sing, (B)trailers for (E)sale or rent,

(F#)rooms to let, (B)fifty cents
(B)No phone, no (E)pool, no pets,
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door – Bob Dylan (G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's
[intro] (G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's
(G) (D) (C) (C) (C)door
(G) (D) (C) (C)
(G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's
(G) Mamma (D)take this badge off of (Am)me (Am)door
(G) I can't (D)use it anymo(C)re (G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's
(G) It's getting (D)dark, too dark to (Am)see (C)door
(G) Feels like I'm (D)knocking on heaven's (C)door (G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's
(G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's (G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's
(Am)door (C)door
(G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's
(G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's
(G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's

(G) Mama, (D)put my guns in the (Am)ground

(G) I can't (D)shoot them anymo(C)re
(G) That cold black (D)cloud is coming (Am)down
(G) Feels like I'm (D)knocking on heaven's (C)door

(G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's

(G) Knock knock (D)knocking on heaven's
♡ Lady Madonna – The Beatles (Dm) Ba-ba-ba bah ba ba-ba (G) bah ba-bah ba-bah
(C)See (D)how they (E7)run
(A) (D) (A) (D) (A)Lady Ma(D)donna, (A)lying on the (D)bed
(A) (D) (F-G-A) (A)Listen to the (D)music playing (F)in (G)your
(A)Lady Ma(D)donna, (A)children at your (D)feet,
(A)Wonder how you (D)manage [interlude]
to (F)make (G)ends (A)meet? (A) (D) (A) (D)
(A)Who finds the (D)money (A) (D) (F-G-A)
(A)when you pay the (D)rent
(A)Did you think that (D)money was (Dm)Tuesday afternoon is never (G)ending
(F)hea(G)ven (A)sent (C)Wednesday morning papers didn’t (Am)come
(Dm)Thursday night your stockings needed
(Dm)Friday night arrives without a (G)suitcase (G7)mending
(C)Sunday morning creeps in like a (Am)nun (C)See (D)how they (E7)run
(Dm)Monday’s child has learned to tie his
(G7)bootlace (A)Lady Ma(D)donna, (A)children at your (D)feet,
(C)See (D)how they (E7)run (A)Wonder how you (D)manage to (F)make (G)ends
(A)Lady Ma(D)donna, (A)baby at your (D)breast
(A)Wonder how you (D)manage to (F)feed (G)the [outro]
(A)rest (A) (D) (A) (D)
(A) (D) (F-G-A)
(A) (D) (A) (D)
(A) (D) (F-G-A)
(Dm) Ba-ba-ba bah ba ba-ba (G) bah ba-bah ba-bah
(C) Ba-ba-ba bah ba ba-ba (Am)baa ba bah ba -bah
☠ Last Christmas – Wham! [Estribillo] x2

[Instrumental] (C) (Am) (Dm) (G7)

[Instrumental] (C) (Am) (Dm) (G7)
(C)A crowded room, friends with tired eyes,
(Am)I‟m hiding from you, and your soul of ice,
(C)Last Christmas I gave you my heart, (F)My god, I thought you were someone to rely on,
But the (Am)very next day you gave it away, (G7)Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on.
(Dm)This year to save me from tears,
I'll (G7)give it to someone special. (C)A face on a lover with a fire in his heart,
(Am)A man under cover but you tore me apart,
(C)Last Christmas I gave you my heart, (Dm)Oh, oh
But the (Am)very next day you gave it away, Now I've (G7)found a real love you'll never fool me
(Dm)This year to save me from tears, again.
I'll (G7)give it to someone special.
[Estribillo] x2
[Instrumental] (C) (Am) (Dm) (G7)

(C)Once bitten and twice shy,

(Am)I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye,
(F)Tell me baby, do you recognize me?
(G7)Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me.

(C)-Happy Christmas- I wrapped it up and sent it,

(Am)With a note saying, "I love you" , I meant it,
(Dm)Now I know what a fool I've been,
But if you (G7)kissed me now, I know you'd fool me
Lava – Pixar [Normal]
(C)Years of singing all alone,
[Intro] (G7)turned his lava into stone,
(C) (G7) (F) (C)(G7) (F)until he was on the
(C)brink of extinc(G7)tion.
(C)A long long time ago,
(G7)there was a volcano. (C)But little did he know that
(F)Living all alone, (G7)living in the sea below
in the(C)middle of the (G7)sea. (F)another volcano was
(C)listening to his (G7)song.
(C)He sat high above his bay,
(G7)watching all the couples play, (C)Every day she heard his tune,
(F)and wishing that, (G7)her lava grew and grew
(C)he had someone (G7)too. be(F)cause she believed
his (C)song was meant for (G7)her.
(C)And from his lava came,
this (G7)song of hope that he sang out (C)Now she was so ready
(F)loud everyday, to (G7)meet him above the sea
(C)for years and (G7)years. as he (F)sang his song of hope
(C)for the last (G7)time.
(F)I have a dream, I (C)hope will come true, [Estribillo]
that (G7)you're here with me and (C)I’m here with you
I (F)wish that the earth, sea, the (C)sky up above [Silencio][Erupción de Volcán] (C)
will (F)send me (G7)someone to (C)la-va
(F) (G7) (C)
(C)Rising from the sea below and (F)when you visit them,
(G7)stood a lovely volcano (C)this is what they (G7)sing
(F)looking all around but
(C)she could not see (G7)him. (F)I have a dream, I (C)hope will come true,
That (G7)you'll grow old with me,
(C)He tried to sing to let her know and (C)I'll grow old with you
that (G7)she was not there alone, (F)We thank the earth, sea, and
but (F)with no lava the (C)sky we thank too.
his (C)song was all (G7)gone.
(F)I (G7)Lava (C)you
He (C)filled the sea with his tears (F)I (G7)Lava (C)you
and (G7)watched his dreams disappear as
(F)she remembered what [retardando]
his (C)song meant to (G7)her. (F)I (G7)Lava (C)you

(F)I have a dream, I (C)hope will come true,

that (G7)you're here with me and (C)I’m here with you
I (F)wish that the earth, sea, the (C)sky up above
will (F)send me (G7)someone to (C)la-va

[Silencio][Erupción de Volcán] (C)

(C)Oh they were so happy to

(G7)finally meet above the sea
(F)all together now their
(C)lava grew and (G7)grew.

No (C)longer were they alone

with A(G7)loha as their new home
La Vie en Rose – Edith Piaf Heureux, (E7)heureux à (Am)en mou(D)rir

(G)Des yeux qui font baisser les miens (G)Quand il me prend dans ses (G7maj)bras
Un (E7)rire qui (Am)se perd sur sa bouche Il me parle tout (Em)bas
(G)Voilà le portrait sans re(F)touche Je vois la vie en (Am)ro(D)se
De (E7)l'homme auquel (Am)j'appar(D)tiens
(Am)Il me dit des mots (D)d'amour
(G)Quand il me prend dans ses (G7maj)bras Des mots de tous les (Am)jours
Il me parle tout (Em)bas Et (D7)ça me fait quelque (G)cho(D7)se
Je vois la vie en (Am)ro(D)se
(G)Il est entré dans mon (G7maj)cœur
(Am)Il me dit des mots (D)d'amour Une part de bon(Em)heur
Des mots de tous les (Am)jours Dont je connais la (C)cause
Et (D7)ça me fait quelque (G)cho(D7)se
(Cm)C'est toi pour moi, moi pour (G)toi dans la vie
(G)Il est entré dans mon (G7maj)cœur (Am)Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la (D7)vie
Une part de bon(Em)heur
Dont je connais la (C)cause (G)Et dès que je l'aper(G7maj)çois
Alors je sens en (Am)moi
(Cm)C'est lui pour moi, moi pour (G)lui dans la vie (D)Mon (Am)cœur (D)qui (G)bat
(Am)Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la (D7)vie

(G)Et dès que je l'aper(G7maj)çois

Alors je sens en (Am)moi
(D)Mon (Am)cœur (D)qui (G)bat

(G)Des nuits d'amour à ne plus en finir

Un (E7)grand bon(Am)heur qui prend sa place
(G)Des ennuis, des chagrins, s'e(F)ffacent
♡ Lemon Tree – Fool's Garden (Dm)dee da da (Em) da da dee (Am)da [silencio]

(Am)I'm sitting here in a (Em)boring room (Am)I'm sitting here, i (Em)miss the power
it's (Am)just another rainy sunday (Em)afternoon i'd (Am)like to go out (Em)taking a shower
i'm (Am)wasting my time, i got (Em)nothing to do but (Am)there's a heavy cloud (Em)inside my head
i'm (Am)hanging around, i'm (Em)waiting for you i (Am)feel so tired, put (Em)myself into bed
but (Dm)nothing ever happens, where (Dm)nothing ever happens,
(Em) and i (Am)wonder [silencio] (Em)and i (Am)wonder [silencio]
(E7)Isolation, (Am)is not good for me
(Am)I'm driving around (Em)in my car (G)isolation, (C)i don't want to (E7)sit on a lemon tree
i'm (Am)driving too fast, i'm (Em)driving too far
i'd (Am)like to change my (Em)point of view (Am)i'm stepping around in a (Em)desert of joy
i (Am)feel so lonely, i'm (Em)waiting for you (Am)baby anyhow i'll get (Em)another toy
but (Dm)nothing ever happens, and (Dm)everything will happen,
(Em)and i (Am)wonder [silencio] (Em)and you'll (Am)wonder

(C)I wonder how, i (G)wonder why (C)I wonder how, i (G)wonder why
(Am)yesterday you told me 'bout the (Am)yesterday you told me 'bout the
(Em)blue blue sky (Em)blue blue sky
and (F)all that i can see (G)is just a yellow and (F)all that i can see (G)is just a yellow
(C)lemon tree (G) (C)lemon tree (G)
(C)i'm turning my head (G)up and down (C)i'm turning my head (G)up and down
i'm (Am)turning, turning, turning, turning, i'm (Am)turning, turning, turning, turning,
(Em)turning around (Em)turning around
and (F)all that i can (D)see is just another and (F)all that i can (G)see,
(G)lemon tree. Sing! and (F)all that i can (G)see,
and (F)all that i can (G)see,
(Am)da, (Em)da da dee da, is just another (C)lemon tree
(Am)dee da da (Em) da da dee da
Let her go – Passenger You (Em)see her when you close your (C)eyes
Maybe (D)one day you'll understand (Bm)why
(C)x4 (Em)x2 (D)x2 Everything you (Em)touch surely (C)dies (D)
(C)x4 (Em)x4
Well you only need the
(C)light when it's burning low (G) (Em)Staring at the ceiling in the (C)dark
Only miss the (D)sun Same old (D)empty feeling in your (Bm)heart
when it starts to (Em)snow 'Cause love comes (Em)slow
Only know you (C)love her and it goes (C)so fast (D)
when you let her go (G) (D)
Well you (Em)see her when you fall (C)asleep
Only know you've been But never to (D)touch and never to (Bm)keep
(C)high when you're feeling low (G) 'Cause you loved her too (Em)much
Only hate the (D)road And you dived (C)too deep (D)
when you’re missin' (Em)home
Only know you (C)love her [Estribillo]
when you let her go (G) (D)
And you let her (Em) go.
And you let her (Em) go
(Em) (C) (D) (Bm)
(Em) (C) (D)

(Em) Staring at the bottom of your (C)glass

Hoping (D)one day you'll make a dream (Bm)last
But dreams come (Em)slow
and they go (C)so fast (D)
♡ Let it Be – The Beatles [Instrumental]
(F) (C) (G)(F)(C)
[intro] (C) (G) (Am) (F) (C) (G) (F) (C) (F) (C) (G)(F)(C)

When I (C)find myself in (G)times of trouble, (C) (G) (Am) (F)

(Am)Mother Mary co(F)mes to me (C) (G) (F) (C)
(C)Speaking words of (G)wisdom, let it (F)be (C)(G) (C) (G) (Am) (F)
(C) (C) (G) (F) (C)
And (C)in my hour of (G)darkness,
She is sta-(Am)-anding right in (F)front of me Let it (Am)be, let it (G)be, let it (F)be, let it (C)be
(C)Speaking words of (G)wisdom, let it (F)be (C)(G) (C)Whisper words of (G)wisdom, let it (F)be (C)(G)(C)
And (C)when the night is (G)cloudy
Let it (Am)be, let it (G)be, let it (F)be, let it (C)be There is (Am)still a light that (F)shines on me
(C)Whisper words of (G)wisdom, let it (F)be (C)(G)(C) (C)Shine until to(G)morrow, let it (F)be (C)(G)(C)
I (C)wake up to the (G)sound of music
And (C)when the broken (G)hearted people (Am)Mother Mary (F)comes to me
(Am)Living in the (F)world agree (C)Speaking words of (G)wisdom, let it (F)be (C)(G)
(C)There will be an (G)answer… let it (F)be (C)(G)(C) (C)
For (C)though they may be par(G)ted
There is (Am)still a chance that (F)they will see Let it (Am)be, let it (G)be, let it (F)be, let it (C)be
(C)There will be an (G)answer, let it (F)be (C)(G)(C) Yeah (C)there will be an (G)answer, let it (F)be (C)(G)
Let it (Am)be, let it (G)be, let it (F)be, let it (C)be Let it (Am)be, let it (G)be, let it (F)be, let it (C)be
Yeah (C)there will be an (G)answer, let it (F)be (C)(G) (C)Whisper words of (G)wisdom, let it (F)be (C)(G)(C)
Let it (Am)be, let it (G)be, let it (F)be, let it (C)be [Instrumental]
(C)Whisper words of (G)wisdom, let it (F)be (C)(G)(C) (F) (C) (G)(F)(C)
Let it go – Frozen No right, no wrong, no rules for (C)me.
I'm free!
The (Em)snow glows white
on the (C)mountain tonight, Let it (G)go, let it (D)go.
not a (D)footprint to be (Am)seen. I am (Em)one with the wind and (C)sky.
A (Em)kingdom of iso(C)lation Let it (G)go, let it (D)go.
and it (D)looks like I'm the (A)queen. You'll (Em)never see me (C)cry.
The (Em)wind is (C)howling (G)Here I'll (D)stand, and (Em)here I'll (C)stay.
like this (D)swirling storm in(Am)side. Let the (Bm)storm rage (Bb)on.
(Em)Couldn't keep it (D)in, Heaven knows I (A)tried.
(D)Don't let them in, don't let them (C)see. (C)My power flurries through the air into the ground.
Be the good girl you always have to (D)be. My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them (C)know. (D)And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
Well, now they know! (Em)I'm never (C)going back; the (D)past is in the
(Am)past! (C)
Let it (G)go, let it (D)go!
Can't (Em)hold it back any (C)more. Let it (G)go, let it (D)go.
Let it (G)go, let it (D)go! And I'll (Em)rise like the break of (C)dawn.
Turn a(Em)way and slam the (C)door. Let it (G)go, let it (D)go
(G)I don't (D)care what they're (Em)going to (C)say. That (Em)perfect girl is (C)gone
Let the (Bm)storm rage (Bb)on. (G)Here I (D)stand, in the (Em)light of (C)day.(Cm)
(C)The cold never bothered me anyway.
(G)(D) Let the (Bm)storm rage (Bb)on!
(Em)It's funny how some (C)distance, (C)The cold never bothered me anyway...
makes (D)everything seem (Am)small.
And the (Em)fears that once con(D)trolled me,
can't (A)get to me at all
(D)It's time to see what I can (C)do,
to test the limits and break (D)through.
☠ Like a Virgin – Madonna
Like a (Em)virgin
I (Em)made it through the wilderness Touched for the very first time
Somehow I (Em)made it through Like a (Am)virgin
(Am)Didn't know how lost I was With your (Em)heartbeat
Until (Em)I found you Next to mine

I was (Em)beat, incomplete (Em)(A)(Em)(A)

I'd been had, I was sad and blue (Em)(A)(Em)(A)
But you (Am)made me feel (Em)
Yeah, you (Am)made me (Em)feel You're so (Em)fine and you're mine
Shiny and (D)new I'll be (Em)yours 'till the end of time
'Cause you (Am)made me feel(Em)
Like a (Em)virgin Yeah, you (Am)made me (Em)feel
Touched for the very first time I've (D)nothing to hide
Like a (Am)virgin
When your (Em)heart beats Like a (Em)virgin
Next to mine Touched for the very first time
Like a (Am)virgin
Gonna give you (Em)all my love, boy With your (Em)heartbeat
My fear is (Em)fading fast (Em)Next to mine
(Am)Been saving it all for you
'Cause only (Em)love can last

You're so (Em)fine and you're mine

Make me (Em)strong, yeah you make me bold
Oh your (Am)love thawed out (Em)
Yeah, your (Am)love thawed out (Em)
What was scared and (D)cold
Like a Rolling Stone – Bob Dylan (F)With the mystery tramp, but now you (G)realize
(F)He's not (Em)selling any (Dm)ali(C)bis
(C)(F)(C)(F)(C)(F)(C)(F) As you (F)stare into the (Em)vacuum (Dm)of his
(C)Once upon a time you (Dm)dressed so fine And (Dm)say do you want to (F)make a (G)deal?
(Em)Threw the bums a dime (F)in your prime,
(G)didn't you? How does it (C)feel(F)(G),
(C)People call (Dm)say 'beware doll, you're how does it (C)feel?(F)(G)
(Em)bound to fall' To be on your (C)own(F)(G),
You (F)thought they were all (G)kidding you with no direction (C)home(F)(G)
(F)You used (G)to laugh about A complete un(C)known(F)(G),
(F)Everybody that was (G)hanging out like a rolling s(C)tone(F)(G)
(F)Now (Em)you don't (Dm)talk so (C)loud
(F)Now you don't (Em)(Dm)seem so (C)proud Ah you (C)never turned around to (Dm)see the frowns
(Dm)About having to be scrounging On the (Em)jugglers and the clowns
(F)your next (G)meal (F)when they all (G)did tricks for you
You (C)never understood that (Dm)it ain't no good
How does it (C)feel(F)(G), how does it (C)feel? (F)(G) (Em)You shouldn't let
To be without a home(C)(F)(G) other (F)people get your (G)kicks for you
Like a complete un(C)known(F)(G), (F)You used to ride on a chrome horse
like a rolling s(C)tone (F)(G) with (G)your diplomat
(F)Who carried on his shoulder a (G)Siamese cat
Ahh (C)you've gone to the finest s(Dm)chools, alright (F)Ain't it hard (Em)when you dis(Dm)covered (C)that
Miss (Em)Lonely (F)He wasn't (Em)really (Dm)where it's (C)at
But you know you only (F)used to get (G)juiced in it (Dm)After he took from you everything
(C)Nobody's ever (Dm)taught you how to live out on he (F)could s(G)teal
the (Em)street
And now you're (F)gonna have to (G)get used to it [Estribillo]
(F)You say you never (G)compromise [Continúa...]
[… Continuación]

Ahh (C)princess on a (Dm)steeple

and all the pretty (Em)people
(F)They're all drinking,
(G)thinking that they've got it made

(C)Exchanging all (Dm)kinds

of precious (Em)gifts
But (F)you better take
your diamond (G)ring, you better pawn it babe
(F)You used to be so a(G)mused
(F)At Napoleon in rags
(G)and the language that he used
(F)Go to him (Em)he calls you, you (Dm)can't
(F)When you ain't got (Em)nothing,
you got (Dm)nothing to (C)lose
You're in(Dm)visible now,
you've got no secrets (F)to con(G)ceal

How does it (C)feel(F)(G),

how does it (C)feel?(F)(G)
To be on your (C)own(F)(G),
with no direction (C)home(F)(G)
A complete un(C)known(F)(G),
like a rolling s(C)tone(F)(G)(C)
♡ Little Talks – Of Monsters and Men (Am)Soon it will be (F)over
and (C)buried with our past
[Kazoo] We (Am)used to play out(F)side when we were
(Am) (F) (C) (G) Hey! [x4] (C)young and full of life and full of love.

[Single strum] [Normal strum]

(Am)I don't like (F)walking around this (Am)Some days (F)I don't know
(C)old and empty house if (C)I am wrong or right
So (Am)hold my hand, Your (Am)mind is playing (F)tricks on you, my (C)dear
I'll (F)walk with you, my (C)dear 'Cause though the (Am)truth may (F)vary this
The (Am)stairs creak (F)as you sleep, (C)ship will (G)carry our (Am)bodies
it's (C)keeping me awake (F)safe to (C)shore [Silencio]
It's the (Am)house telling (F)you
to close your (C)eyes Don't (Am)listen to a (F)word I (C)say (G)Hey!
The (Am)screams all (F)sound the (C)same (G) Hey!
[Normal strum] Though the (Am)truth may (F)vary this
And (Am)some days (F)I can't even (C)dress myself (C)ship will (G)carry our
It's (Am)killing me to (F)see you this (C)way (Am)bodies (F)safe to (C)shore
'Cause though the (Am)truth may (F)vary this
(C)ship will (G)carry our (Am)bodies [Kazoo]
(F)safe to (C)shore [Silencio] (Am) (F) (C) (G) Hey! [x4]

[Kazoo] Don't (Am)listen to a (F)word I (C)say (G)Hey!

(Am) (F) (C) (G) Hey! [x4] The (Am)screams all (F)sound the (C)same (G) Hey!
Though the (Am)truth may (F)vary this
[Single strum] (C)ship will (G)carry our
There's an (Am)old voice (F)in my head that's (Am)bodies (F)safe to (C)shore
(C)holding me back
Well (Am)tell her that I (F)miss our little (C)talks
♡ Live is Life – Opus (Dm)c'mon stand up and (G)dance
live is (C)life
(Am)(Dm)(G) (Am)(Dm)(G) grab the (Dm)feeling of the (G)people
(Am)La (Dm)la la la la (G) live is (C)life
(Am)la (Dm)la la la la (G) (all together now) it's the (Dm)feeling of the (G)best
(Am)la (Dm)la la la la (G)
(Am)la (Dm)la la la la (G) When we (Am)all get the (F)power
(Am)live, la (Dm)la la la la (G) we (Dm)all give the (G)best
live is (Am)life, la (Dm)la la la la (G) every (Am)minute of an (F)hour
Labadab dab dab (Am)life, la (Dm)la la la la (G) don't (Dm)think about the (G)rest
Liiiiiiii(Am)ve, la (Dm)la la la la (G) and you (Am)all get the (F)power
you (Dm)all get the (G)best
When we (Am)all get the (F)power and (Am)everone gives (Dm)everything
we (Dm)all give the (G)best and (F)every song...every(G)body sings
every (Am)minute of an (F)hour
don't (Dm)think about the (G)rest (Am)live, la (Dm)la la la la (G)
and you (Am)all get the (F)power live is (Am)life, la (Dm)la la la la (G)
you (Dm)all get the (G)best live is (Am)life, la (Dm)la la la la (G)
and (Am)everone gives (Dm)everything Labadab dab dab (Am)life, la (Dm)la la la la (G)
and (F)every song..every(G)body sings
And we (Am)know that it's (F)over
(Am)live, la (Dm)la la la la (G) we (Dm)call it the (G)best
live is (Am)life, la (Dm)la la la la (G) every (Am)minute of the (F)future
live is (Am)life, la (Dm)la la la la (G) is the (Dm)memory of the (G)past
Labadab dab dab (Am)life, la (Dm)la la la la (G) cause we (Am)all gave the (F)power
we (Dm)all gave the (G)best
Live is (C)life and (Am)everone gives (Dm)everything
And we (Dm)all feel the (G)power and (F)every song...every(G)body siiiiings
Live is (C)life life is (Am)life!!!
♡ Livin' on a Prayer – Bon Jovi So (C)tough, (D)it's (Em)tough

(Em)Tommy used to work on the docks (Em)Gina dreams of running away

Union's been on strike When she cries in the night
He's down on his luck... Tommy whispers,
It's (C)tough, (D)so (Em)tough "Baby, it's (C)okay, (D)some(Em)day...

(Em)Gina works the diner all day We've gotta (C)hold (D)on
Working for her man, to what we've (Em)got.
She brings home her pay It (C)doesn't make a (D)difference
For (C)love, (D)for (Em)love if we make it or (Em)not.
We've (C)got each (D)other and that's a (Em)lot.
She says, "We've gotta (C)hold (D)on For (C)love we'll (D)give it a shot
to what we've (Em)got.
It (C)doesn't make a (D)difference [Estribillo]
if we make it or (Em)not.
We've (C)got each (D)other and that's a (Em)lot. (C)Livin' on a prayer
For (C)love we'll (D)give it a shot."
(Em)Whoa(C)aaa, we're (D)half way there
(G)Whoa(C)aaa, (D)livin' on a prayer (C)Livin' on a prayer
(Em)Take my (C)hand and (D)we'll make it - I swear
(G)Whoa(C)aaa, (D)livin' on a prayer

(Em)Tommy's got his six string in hock

Now he's holding in
What he used to make it talk
Locked Out Of Heaven – Bruno Mars Oh, (Gm)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, - Ooh!
(Dm)Oh, (Bb)yeah, yeah,
(Dm)Oh, (Bb)yeah, yeah, Oh, (Gm)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, - Ooh!
Oh, (Gm)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, - Ooh!
(Dm)Oh, (Bb)yeah, yeah, (Dm)You bring me to my (Bb)knees,
Oh, (Gm)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, - Ooh! you make me (Gm)testify – Ooh!
(Dm)You can make a (Bb)sinner change
(Dm)Never had much (Bb)faith in love or his (Gm)ways – Ooh!
(Gm)miracles - Ooh! Open (Dm)up your gates 'cause (Bb)I can't wait
(Dm)Never wanna (Bb)put my heart to (Gm)see the light – Ooh!
on the (Gm)line - Ooh! (Dm)And right there is (Bb)where I wanna s(Gm)tay
(Dm)But swimming in your (Bb)water
is something s(Gm)piritual - Ooh! [Estribillo]
(Dm)I'm born again every (Bb)time you spend the
(Gm)night - Ooh! (Bb)Oh, oh, oh, oh, (Gm)yeah, yeah, yeah
Can I just (F)stay here?
'Cause your (Dm)sex takes me to (Bb)paradise Spend the rest of my (C)days here? [x2]
Yeah, your (Gm)sex takes me to paradise
And it (F)shows, (A7)yeah, yeah, yeah 'Cause you make me (Bb)feel like
I've been locked out of (Gm)heaven
'Cause you make me (Bb)feel like For too (F)long, for too (C)long
I've been locked out of (Gm)heaven Yeah, you make me (Bb)feel like
For too (F)long, for too (C)long I've been locked out of (Gm)heaven
Yeah, you make me (Bb)feel like For too (F)long, for too (C)long
I've been locked out of (Gm)heaven
For too (F)long, for too (C)long (Dm) (Bb)
Oh, (Gm)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, - Ooh!
(Dm) (Bb) (Dm)Oh, (Bb)yeah, yeah,
Oh, (Gm)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, - Ooh! (Dm)
Loli Jackson – Dover
(C)You said (G)I'm on fire
(Am)Tell you my (F)love where to (C)hide me a(G)way (Am)well I don't (F)think so and she said (C)fine
(Am)tell you my (F)love where to (C)find me a(G)gain you said (G)no lies
(Am)why (D)cry, leggy (F)smile I never (C)had (Am)well I don't (F)think so and she said (C)fine
(Am)star inner s(D)tyle I'll close my (G)eyes and die
golden (F)dreams that passed me (G)by [Silencio] (Am)(F)(C)(G) (Am)(F)(C)(G)

Tell you my (F)love reckless (C)nights (Am)You rather...! (F)You rather...!

passed a(G)way as I (Am)tried (C)I couldn't watch you be(G)fore
not to (F)hate I won't (C)care what they (G)say now you play every (Am)night [x4]
(Am)why (D)cry, leggy (F)smile I never (C)had
(Am)star inner s(D)tyle (Am)(F)(C)I couldn't watch you be(G)fore
golden (F)dreams that passed me (C)by now you play every (Am)night
(F)that passed me (G)by... (Am)(F)(C)I couldn't watch you be(G)fore
now you play every (F)night(C)
(C)You said (G)I'm on fire
(Am)well I don't (F)think so and she said (C)fine
you said (G)no lies
(Am)well I don't (F)think so and she said (C)fine
I'll close my (G)eyes and die
(Am)(F)(C)(G) (Am)(F)(C)(G) [Silencio]

(Am)Tell you my (F)love where to (C)hide me a(G)way

(Am)tell you my (F)love where to (C)find me a(G)gain
(Am)why (D)cry, leggy (F)smile I never (C)had
(Am)star inner s(D)tyle
golden (F)dreams that passed me (C)by
(F)that passed me (G)by…
Lollipop – Mika [Estribillo]
Mama (C)told me what I should (F)know,
Hey, what's the big idea? Too much (G)candy gonna rot your (C)soul,
If she (C)loves you, let her (F)go,
[Hablado] 'cause (G)love only gets you (C)down.
(C)Sucking too hard on your (F)lollipop, Take a (C)look at the boy like (F)me,
Or (G)love's gonna get you (C)down, Never (G)stood on my own two (C)feet,
(C)Sucking too hard on your (F)lollipop, Now I'm (C)blue, as I can (F)be,
Or (G)love's gonna get you (C)down, Oh (G)love couldn't get me (C)down. Singing!
(C)Sucking too hard on your (F)lollipop, I went (C)walking with my mama one (F)day,
Or (G)love's gonna get you (C)down, When she (G)warn me what people (C)say,
(C)Sucking too hard on your (F)lollipop, Live your (C)life until love is (F)found,
Or (G)love's gonna get you (C)down, Or (G)love's gonna get you (C)down. Singing!
Say (C)love, say (F)love, [Estribillo]
Or (G)love's gonna get you (C)down.
Say (C)love, say (F)love, Mama (C)told me what I should (F)know,
Or (G)love's gonna get you (C)down. Too much (G)candy gonna rot your (C)soul,
If she (C)loves you, let her (F)go,
I went (C)walking in with my mama one (F)day, 'cause (G)love only gets you (C)down.
When she (G)warn me what people (C)say, (C)Whoa-oh, (F)whoa-oh, (G)whoa-oh, (C)lollipop.
Live your (C)life until love is (F)found, (C)Whoa-oh, (F)whoa-oh, (G)whoa-oh, (C)lollipop.
'cause (G)love's gonna get you (C)down. (C)Sucking too hard on your (F)lollipop,
Take a (C)look at the girl next (F)door, Or (G)love's gonna get you (C)down,
She's a (G)player and a down right (C)whore, (C)Sucking too hard on your (F)lollipop,
Jesus (C)loves her, she wants (F)more, Or (G)love's gonna get you... (C)Lollipop!
Oh (G)bad girls get you (C)down. Singing!
♡ Losing my Religion – R.E.M. I set it (G)up

Oh,(Am)Life is bigger Consider (Am)this, consider this

(Em)It's bigger than you The (Em)hint of the century
And you are (Am)not me Consider (Am)this, the slip
The lengths that I will (Em)go to that (Em)brought me to my knees failed
The distance in your (Am)eyes (Am)What if all these fantasies come
(Em)Oh no I've said too (Dm)much (Em)flailing around
I set it (G)up Now I've (Dm)said too (G)much

That's me in the (Am)corner [Estribillo]

That's me in the (Em)spotlight
Losing my (Am)religion (Am)(G)(F)(G)
Trying to (Em)keep up with you But (C)that was just a (Dm)dream
And I (Am)don't know if I can do it (C)That was just a (Dm)dream
Oh (Em)no I've said too (Dm)much
I haven't said (G)enough [2ª Estrofa]
That's me in the (Am)corner...
I thought that I heard you (F)laughing
I thought that I heard you (Am)sing [Estribillo]
I (F)think I thought I (Dm)saw you (Am)try(G)
But (F)that was just a dream
Every (Am)whisper (Am)Try, cry, why try?
Of every waking (Em)hour I'm (F)That was just a dream
Choosing my (Am)confessions Just a (Am)dream, just a (G)dream
Trying to (Em)keep an eye on you Dream (Am)
Like a (Am)hurt lost and blinded fool,fool
(Em)Oh no I've said too (Dm)much
♡ L-O-V-E – Nat King Cole (E7)anyone that you adore can

Acorde (Gm) = 0 2 3 1 (A)Love is all that I can (Bm)give to (E7)you

Acorde (B7) = 2 3 2 2 (Bm)Love is (E7)more than just a (A)game for two
Acorde (F#m) = 2 1 2 0 (A7)Two in love can make it
(D)Take my heart and (B7)please don't break it
(F) “L” is for the way you (Gm)look at (C)me (A)Love (F#m)was (Bm)made for (E7)me and
(Gm) “O” is (C)for the only (F)one I see (A)you(F#m)
(F7) “V” is very, very (Bb)extraordinary (Bm)Love was (E7)made for me and (A)you(F#m)
(G) “E” is even more than (Bm)Love was (E7)made for me and (A)you
(C)anyone that you adore can (A7)(D)(Dm)(A)(E7)(A)

(F)Love is all that I can (Gm)give to (C)you

(Gm)Love is (C)more than just a (F)game for two
(F7)Two in love can make it
(Bb)Take my heart and (G)please don't break it
(F)Love (Dm)was (Gm)made for (C)me and (F)you(D)

(G) (G) (Am) (D)
(Am) (D) (G) (G)
(G7) (G7) (C) (A7)
(G) (Em) (Am) (D)
(G) (E7)

(A) “L” is for the way (Bm)you look at (E7)me

(Bm) “O” is (E7)for the only (A)one I see
(A7) “V” is very, very (D)extraordinary
(B7) “E” is even more than
Love Is In The Air – John Paul Young When the day is nearly (F)done

(C)Love is in the air And I (G)don't know if you're an (F)illusion

Everywhere I look (F)around (G)Don't know if I see it (Am)true
(C)Love is in the air But you're (Fm)something that I must (C)believe in
Every sigh and every (F)sound And you're (A7)there when I reach out for (Dm)you(G)

And I (G)don't know if I'm being (F)foolish (C)Love is in the air

(G)Don't know if I'm being (Am)wise Everywhere I look (F)around
But it's (Fm)something that I must be(C)lieve in (C)Love is in the air
And it's (A7)there when I look in your (Dm)eyes(G) Every sight and every (F)sound

(C)Love is in the air And I (G)don't know if I'm being (F)foolish

In the whisper of the (F)trees (G)Don't know if I'm being (Am)wise
(C)Love is in the air But it's (Fm)something that I must be(C)lieve in
In the thunder of the (F)sea And it's (A7)there when I look in your (Dm)eyes
And I (G)don't know if I'm just (F)dreaming
(G)Don't know if I feel (Am)sane (C)Love is in the air (F)
But it's (Fm)something that I must be(C)lieve in (C)Love is in the air (F)(Em)(Am)(Fm)
And it's (A7)there when you call out my (Dm)name (G)...
(C)Love is in the air (F)
(C)Love is in the air (F) (C)Love is in the air (F)(Em)(Am)(Fm)
(C)Love is in the air (F)(Em)(Am)(Fm)(G) (G)(C)

(C)Love is in the air

In the rising of the (F)sun
(C)Love is in the air
♡ Love Me Do – The Beatles (C)Somebody (G)new
(D)Someone to love
(G)Love, love me (C)do (C)Someone like (G)you
You (G)know I love (C)you
I'll (G)always be (C)true (G)Love, love me (C)do
So please, [silencio] You (G)know I love (C)you
love me (G)do I'll (G)always be (C)true
(C)Whoa, (G)love me do (C) So please, [silencio]
love me (G)do
(G)Love, love me (C)do (C)Whoa, (G)love me do (C)
You (G)know I love (C)you (C)Yeah, (G)love me do (C)
I'll (G)always be (C)true (C)Whoa, (G)love me do.
So please, [silencio]
love me (G)do
(C)Whoa, (G)love me do

(D)Someone to love
(C)Somebody (G)new
(D)Someone to love
(C)Someone like (G)you

(G)Love, love me (C)do

You (G)know I love (C)you
I'll (G)always be (C)true
So please, [silencio]
love me (G)do
(C)Whoa, (G)love me do (C)

(D)Someone to love
♡ Love Me Tender – Elvis Presley (C)For my (A7)darlin', (D)I love you
(G7)And I always (C)will
(C)Love me tender, (D)love me sweet
(G7)Never let me (C)go
(C)You have made my (D)life complete
(G7)And I love you (C)so

(C)Love me (E7)tender, (Am)love me (C7)true

(F)All my (Fm)dreams ful(C)filled
(C)For my (A7)darlin', (D)I love you
(G7)And I always (C)will

(C)Love me tender, (D)love me long

(G7)Take me to your (C)heart
(C)For it's there that (D)I belong
(G7)And we'll never (C)part

(C)Love me (E7)tender, (Am)love me (C7)true

(F)All my (Fm)dreams ful(C)filled
(C)For my (A7)darlin', (D)I love you
(G7)And I always (C)will

(C)Love me tender, (D)love me dear

(G7)Tell me you are (C)mine
(C)I'll be yours through (D)all the years
(G7)Till the end of (C)time

(C)Love me (E7)tender, (Am)love me (C7)true

(F)All my (Fm)dreams ful(C)filled
Love of my Life - Queen (Dm)Back, hurry (Am)back
please (Bb)bring it back (F)home to me
(C)Love of my life you've (Am)hurt me be(Bb)cause (F)you (Dm)don't (Gm)know
you've (Dm)broken my heart (C7)what it means to (F)me
and (G)now you leave me
(C)love of my (C7)life can't you (F)see (Dm)love of my life
bring it (Dm)back bring it (Am)back (Am)love of my life
don't (Bb)take it away (F)from me (Gm)(Bbm)(F)
be(Bb)cause (F)you (Dm)don't (Gm)know
(C7)what it means to (F)me

(Bb)--- (F)--- (G)-------

(C)Love of my life don't (Am)leave me

you've (Dm)taken my love you (G)now desert me
(C)love of my (C7)life can't you (F)see
bring it (Dm)back bring it (Am)back
don't (Bb)take it away (F)from me
be(Bb)cause (F)you (Dm)don't (Gm)know
(C7)what it means to (F)me

(Dm)You will remember

when (Am)this is blown over
and (Bb)everything's all by the (F)way (Bb)(F)(A7)
(Dm)when i grow older
(Am)i will be there at your (D)side to remind you
how (Gm)I still love you (C7)i still love (F)you [Pausa]
Lullaby Of Birdland – Sarah Vaughan (F)Flying high in birdland, (Bb)high in the (Bbm)sky
Up a(F)bove all be(Gm)cause we're in (A)love
Acorde (Dm7) = 5 5 5 5
Acorde (Em7) = 7 7 7 7 (Dm)Have you ever heard two (G)turtle (A)doves?
Acorde (Cm7) = 3 3 3 3 (Dm)Bill and Coo, (Gm)when they (C)love
Acorde (Bbm7) = 1 1 1 1 (F)That's the kind of magic (Bb)music
Acorde (Bbm) = 3 1 1 1 We (Bbm)make with our (F)lips (C)when we (F)kiss

[Dedazo chords] (D7)And there's a weepy old (Gm)willow

(Dm7)(Em7)(Cm7)(Dm7)(Bbm7)(Cm7)(A7) (C7)He really knows how to (F)cry
(D7)That's how I cry in my (Gm)pillow
(Dm)Lullaby of birdland (G)that's what (A)I (C7)If you should tell me fare(F)well and (A7)goodbye
(Dm)Always hear, (Gm)when you (C)sigh
(F)Never in my word land (Dm)Lullaby of birdland (G)whisper (A)low
(Bb)could there be (Bbm)words (Dm)Kiss me sweet (Gm)and we'll (C)go
To re(F)veal in a (Gm)phrase how I (A)feel (F)Flying high in birdland, (Bb)high in the (Bbm)sky
Up a(F)bove all be(Gm)cause we're in (A)love
(Dm)Have you ever heard two (G)turtle (A)doves?
(Dm)Bill and Coo, (Gm)when they (C)love (Dm)Have you ever heard two (G)turtle (A)doves?
(F)That's the kind of magic (Bb)music (Dm)Bill and Coo, (Gm)when they (C)love
We (Bbm)make with our (F)lips (C)when we (F)kiss (F)That's the kind of magic (Bb)music
We (Bbm)make with our (F)lips (C)when we (F)kiss
(D7)And there's a weepy old (Gm)willow
(C7)He really knows how to (F)cry [Dedazo chords]
(D7)That's how I cry in my (Gm)pillow (Dm7)(Em7)(Cm7)(Dm7)(Bbm7)(Cm7)(A7)
(C7)If you should tell me fare(F)well and (A7)goodbye

(Dm)Lullaby of birdland (G)whisper (A)low

(Dm)Kiss me sweet (Gm)and we'll (C)go
Mad World – Tears For Fears
(Em) Went to school and I was (G)very nervous
[intro] (Em) [slow rhythm] (D)No one knew me... (A)no one knew me-e-e
(Em) All around me are fa(G)miliar faces
(D)Worn out places... (A)worn out face-e-es (Em) Hello teacher tell me (G)what's my lesson
(D)Look right through me... (A)look right through me-
(Em) Bright and early for their (G)daily races e-e
(D)Going nowhere... (A)going nowhe-e-ere
(Em) And I find it kinda (A)funny... I find it kinda
(Em) Their tears are filling (G)up their glasses (Em)sad
(D)No expression... (A)no expressio-o-on The dreams in which I'm (A)dying are the best I've
ever (Em)had
(Em) Hide my head I want to (G)drown my sorrow I find it hard to (A)tell you... I find it hard to (Em)take
(D)No tomorrow... (A)no tomorro-o-ow When people run in (A)circles... it's a very very...
(Em) Ma-a-a-ad (A)world
(Em) And I find it kinda (A)funny... I find it kinda (Em) Ma-a-a-ad (A)world
(Em)sad (Em) Enlarge your (A)world
The dreams in which I'm (A)dying are the best I've (Em) Ma-a-a-ad (A)world (Em)
ever (Em)had
I find it hard to (A)tell you... I find it hard to (Em)take
When people run in (A)circles... it's a very very...
(Em) Ma-a-a-ad (A)world
(Em) Ma-a-a-ad (A)world

(Em) Children waiting for the (G)day they feel good

(D)Happy birthday... (A)happy birthda-a-ay

(Em) Made to feel the way that (G)every child should

(D)Sit and listen... (A)sit and liste-e-en
Malibu – Miley Cyrus just (Gsus4)standing here (G)talking
(G)You would explain the current,
(G)I never came to the beach as (Gsus4)I just (G)smile
or (Gsus4)stood by the (G)ocean (Bm)Hoping I just stay the (C)same
(Bm)I never sat by the (C)shore and nothing will (Bm)change
under the (Bm)sun with my feet in the (C)sand And it'll be (C)us, just for a (G)while
But you brought me (G)here Do we (Gsus4)even (G)exist?
and I'm (Gsus4)happy that you (G)did That's when (Gsus4)I make the (G)wish
'Cause (Gsus4)now I'm as (G)free To swim (Gsus4)away with the (G)fish
as birds (Gsus4)catching the (G)wind
(G)Is it supposed to be this hot
(G)I always thought I would sink, (Gsus4)all summer (G)long?
so (Gsus4)I never (G)swam (Bm)I never would've be(C)lieved you
I (Bm)never went boatin', don't (C)get If three years a(Bm)go you told me
how they are floatin' I'd be (C)here writing this (Em)song
And (Bm)sometimes I get so (C)scared
of what I can't under(Em)stand (Am)But here I (G)am
(Bm)Next to (Em)you
(Am)But here I (G)am (Am)The sky is more (G)blue
(Bm)Next to (Em)you (Bm)In Mali(Em)bu
(Am)The sky is more (G)blue (Am)Next to (G)you
(Bm)In Mali(Em)bu (Bm)In Mali(Em)bu
(Am)Next to (G)you (Am)Next to (G)you (Bm)
(Bm)In Mali(Em)bu
(Am)Next to (G)you (Bm) Ahhh (G)//// (Gsus4)//// (G)//// (Gsus4)////
Ahhh (Bm)//// (C)//// (Bm)//// (C)////
(G)We watched the sun go down Ahhh (Em)//// (Am)//// (G)//// (Bm)////
(Gsus4)as we were (G)walking Ahhh (Em)//// (Am)//// (G)//// (Bm)////
(G)I'd spend the rest of my life [Continúa...]

Next to (Em)you
(Am)The sky is more (G)blue
(Bm)In Mali(Em)bu
(Am)Next to (G)you (Bm)

(G)We are just like the waves

that (Gsus4)flow back and (G)forth
(G)Sometimes I feel like I'm (Gsus4)drowning
and you're there to (G)save me
And I wanna (Gsus4)thank you with all of my (G)heart
It's a (Gsus4)brand new (G)start
A (Gsus4)dream come (G)true
In (Gsus4)Mali(G)bu
Mambo No. 5 – Lou Bega the ground
Take (Fm)one step left and one step right
(Fm)One, two, three, four, five (Eb)One to the front and one to the side
every(Eb)body in the car, so come on let's ride (Fm)Clap your hand once and clap your hands twice
to the (Fm)liquor store around the corner And if it (Eb)looks like this then you are doing it right
The boys say they (Eb)want some gin and juice
But I really don't wanna, A little bit of (Fm)Monica in my life,
(Fm)beer bust like I had last week a little bit of (Eb)Erica by my side
I (Eb)must stay deep because talk is cheap A little bit of (Fm)Rita is all I need,
I like (Fm)Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita a little bit of (Eb)Tina is what I see
And (Eb)as I continue you know they are getting A little bit of (Fm)Sandra in the sun,
sweeter a little bit of (Eb)Mary all night long
So (Fm)what can I do I really beg you my Lord A little bit of (Fm)Jessica here I am,
(Eb)To me is flirting it's just like sport, a little bit of (Eb)you makes me your man
(Fm)anything fly, It's all good let me (Fm)(Fm)(Fm)(Fm) (Fm)(Fm)(Fm)(Eb)
(Eb)dump it please set in the trumpet
A little bit of (Fm)Monica in my life,
A little bit of (Fm)Monica in my life, a little bit of (Eb)Erica by my side
a little bit of (Eb)Erica by my side A little bit of (Fm)Rita is all I need,
A little bit of (Fm)Rita is all I need, a little bit of (Eb)Tina is what I see
a little bit of (Eb)Tina is what I see A little bit of (Fm)Sandra in the sun,
A little bit of (Fm)Sandra in the sun, a little bit of (Eb)Mary all night long
a little bit of (Eb)Mary all night long A little bit of (Fm)Jessica here I am,
A little bit of (Fm)Jessica here I am, a little bit of (Eb)you makes me your man
a little bit of (Eb)you makes me your man (Fm)I do all, to (Eb)fall in love with a girl like you
(Fm)(Fm)(Fm)(Fm) (Fm)(Fm)(Fm)(Eb) 'Cause (Fm)you can't run and you can't hide
(Eb)You and me gonna touch the sky
Jump (Fm)up and down and move it all around (Fm)(Fm)(Fm)(Fm) (Fm)(Fm)(Fm)(Eb)
Shake your (Eb)head to the sound, put your hand on
♡ Mamma Mia – ABBA (C) (C+) (C) (C+)

Acorde (C+) = 1 0 0 3 (C)I've been (G)angry and (C)sad

About things that you (F)do
(C)I've been (G)cheated by (C)you (C)I can't (G)count all the (C)times
Since I don't know (F)when That I've told you we're (F)through
(C)So I (G)made up my (C)mind (C)And when you go
It must come to an (F)end (C+)When you slam the door
(C)Look at me now (C)I think you know
(C+)Will I ever learn? (C+)That you won't be a(F)way too long
(C)I don't know how You know that I'm (G)not that strong
(C+)But I suddenly (F)lose control
There's a fire with(G)in my soul → (F)Just (C)one (G)look...

(F)Just (C)one (G)look and I can hear a bell ring (C)Mamma mia, even if I say
(F)One (C)more (G)look and I forget everything (F)Bye, bye, leave me now or never
(C)Mamma mia, it's a game we play
Ohohoh [1 strum] (F)Bye, bye doesn't mean forever
(C)Mamma mia, (C)here I go again
(F)My, my, (F)how can I resist you? (C)Mamma mia, here I go again
(C)Mamma mia, (C)does it show again (F)My, my, how can I resist you?
(F)My, my, (F)just how much I've missed you (C)Mamma mia, does it show again
(F)My, my, just how much I've missed you
(C)Yes, I've been (G)broken-hearted
(Am)Blue since the (Em)day we parted (C)Yes, I've been (G)broken-hearted
(F)Why, (C)why (Dm)did I ever (G)let you go? (Am)Blue since the (Em)day we parted
(C)Mamma mia, (Am)now I really know (F)Why, (C)why (Dm)did I ever (G)let you go?
(F)My, (C)my, (Dm)I could never (G)let you go (C)Mamma mia, (Am)now I really know
(F)My, (C)my, (Dm)I could never (G)let you go (C)
Man on the moon – R.E.M. (C)Egypt was troubled by the (D)horrible asp
(C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(C)Mott the Hoople and the (D)game of Life (C)Mister Charles Darwin had the (D)gall to ask
(C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(C)Andy Kaufman in the (D)wrestling match
(C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Now, (Am)Andy did you hear about (G)this one?
(C)Monopoly, Twenty one, (D)checkers, and chess (Am)Tell me, are you locked in the (G)punch?
(C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Am)Andy are you goofing on (G)Elvis? Hey, (C)baby
(C)Mister Fred Blassie in a (D)breakfast mess (D)Are you having fun?
(C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(C)Let's play Twister, (D)let's play Risk [Estribillo]
(C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'll (C)see you in heaven if you (D)make the list [Instrumental]
(C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Em)(D)(Em)(D)(Em)(D)(D)

Now, (Am)Andy did you hear about (G)this one? (C)Here's a little agit for the (D)never-believer
(Am)Tell me, are you locked in the (G)punch? (C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Am)Andy are you goofing on (G)Elvis? Hey, (C)baby (C)Here's a little ghost for the (D)offering
(D)Are we losing touch? (C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(G)If you be(Am)lieved (C)Here's a truck stop ins(D)tead of Saint Peter's
(C)they put (Bm)a man on (Am)the moon(G) (C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Am)Man on the (D)moon (C)Mister Andy Kaufman's gone (D)wrestling
(G)If you be(Am)lieve (C)there's no(Bm)thing up his (C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Am)sleeve, then nothing is cool
→ Now, (Am)Andy...
(C)Moses went walking with the (D)staff of wood → (G)If you believed... [x4]
(C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
(C)Newton got beaned by the (D)apple good (Em)
(C)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
♡ Marry You – Bruno Mars
(F)I'll go get a ring
It's a (F)beautiful night, let the choir bells sing like (Gm)oooh
We're looking for something (Gm)dumb to do So what you wanna (Bb)do?
Hey (Bb)baby Let's just (F)run girl
I think I want to marry you(F) (F)If we wake up and
you wanna break up that's (Gm)cool
Is it the (F)look in your eyes? No, I won't blame (Bb)you
Or is it these (Gm)dancing juice? It was (F)fun girl
Who (Bb)cares baby
I think I wanna marry you(F) Don't say (F)no, no, no, no-no
Just say (Gm)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah
Well I (F)know this little chapel And we'll (Bb)go, go, go, go-go
on the boulevard If you're (F)ready, like I'm ready
we can (Gm)go
No one will (Bb)know [Estribillo]
Oh come (F)on girl
Who (F)cares if we're trashed Just say I (F)dooo(Gm)
got a pocket full of cash we can (Gm)blow Tell me right (Bb)now baby,
Shots of pa(Bb)tron Tell me right (F)now baby, baby
And it's (F)on girl Just say I (F)dooo(Gm)
Tell me right (Bb)now baby,
Don't say (F)no, no, no, no-no Tell me right (F)now baby, baby
Just say (Gm)yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah
And we'll (Bb)go, go, go, go-go [single strum]
If you're (F)ready, like I'm ready [Estribillo]

Material Girl – Madonna (Dm)Make my (G)rainy (C)day

[Intro] (C) 'Cause we are (F)li(G)ving in a ma(G)terial (Am)world

And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (Am)girl, you know
(C)Some boys kiss me that we are (F)li(G)ving in a material (Am)world
Some boys hug me And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (C)girl
(Bb)I think they're (Am)ok (F)li(G)ving in a ma(G)terial (Am)world
If (C)they don't give me proper credit And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (Am)girl, you know
(Dm)I just (G)walk (C)away that we are (F)li(G)ving in a material (Am)world
(C)They can beg and they can plead And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (C)girl
But (Bb)they can't see the (Am)light -that's right-
(C)'Cause the boy with the cold hard cash [Instrumental] (C)
Is (Dm)always (G)Mister (C)Right
(C)Boys may come and boys may go
'Cause we are (F)li(G)ving in a ma(G)terial (Am)world And (Bb)that's all right you (Am)see
And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (Am)girl, you know Ex(C)perience has made me rich
that we are (F)li(G)ving in a material (Am)world And (Dm)now they're (G)after (C)me
And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (C)girl
'Cause everybody's
[Instrumental] (C) (F)li(G)ving in a ma(G)terial (Am)world
And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (Am)girl, you know
(C)Some boys romance that we are (F)li(G)ving in a material (Am)world
Some boys slow dance And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (C)girl
(Bb)That's all right with (Am)me (F)li(G)ving in a ma(G)terial (Am)world
(C)If they can't raise my interest then I And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (Am)girl, you know
(Dm)Have to (G)let them (C)be that we are (F)li(G)ving in a material (Am)world
(C)Some boys try and some boys lie but And (F)I am a ma(G)terial (C)girl
(Bb)I don't let them (Am)play -no way-
(C)Only boys who save their pennies
Megamix – Grease You (G)know that I ain't braggin',
she's a (F)real pussy wagon-greased (C)lightnin' (G)
I got (Am)chills. They're multiplyin'.
And I'm (F)losin' con(C)trol. (C)Go, greased lightnin', you're burnin'
'Cause the (E7)power you're (Am)supplyin', up the quarter mile
it's electrifyin'! Greased lightnin', go greased lightnin'
(F7)Go, greased lightnin',
You better shape (C)up, 'cause I (G)need a man you're coastin' through the heat lap (C)trials
(Am)and my heart is set on (F)you. Greased lightnin', go greased lightnin'
You better shape (C)up; you better (G)understand You are (G)supreme, the chicks'll (F)cream
(Am)to my heart I must be (F)true. for greased (C)lightnin' (G)
Nothin' left, nothin' left for me to do.
We'll get some (C)purple French tail lights and thirty-
You're the (C)one that I want. inch fins, oh yeah
-you are the one i want-, (C)o,(C7)o, (F)oo, honey. A (F7)palomino dashboard and duel muffler twins, oh
You're the (C)one that I want. (C)yeah
-you are the one i want-, (C)o,(C7)o, (F)oo, honey. With new (G)pistons, plugs, and shocks, I can (F)get
You're the (C)one that I want. off my rocks
-you are the one i want-, (C)o,(C7)o, (F)oo You (G)know that I ain't braggin', she's a (F)real pussy
The one I (G)need. Oh, yes indeed. wagon - greased (C)lightnin (G)

We'll get some (C)overhead lifters, [Palmas]

and some four barrel quads, oh yeah (C)----- (F)(C)------ (C)(F)--------(F)(C)-------(D)------
Keep talkin', whoah keep talkin'
(F7)Fuel injection cut off, [Continúa…]
and chrome plated rods, oh (C)yeah
I'll get the money, I'll kill to get the money
With a (G)four-speed on the floor,
they'll be (F)waitin' at the door
[...Continuación] (A)Well-a well-a well-a huh
(D)Tell me (G)more, tell me (E7)more
(D)(G)(A)(G) Was it (A)love at first (D)sight?
Tell me (G)more, tell me (E7)more
(D)Summer (G)lovin' (A)Had me a (G)blast Did she (A)put up a (D)fight? [Silencio]
(D)Summer (G)lovin' (A)Happened so (G)fast
(D)I met a (G)girl (A)crazy for (B7)me [Single strum]
(E7)Met a (A)boy (E7)cute as can (A)be (A)
(D)It turned (G)colder - (A)that's where it (G)ends
(D)Summer (G)days (A)drifting (B7)away, (D)So I (G)told her (A)we'd still be (G)friends
to (Em)ah-oh those (A)summer (D)nights (D)Then we (G)made (A)our true love (B7)vow
(E7)Wonder (A)what (E7)she's doing (A7)now
(A)Well-a well-a well-a huh
(D)Tell me (G)more, tell me (E7)more (D)Summer (G)dreams (A)ripped at the (B7)seams,
Did you (A)get very (D)far? but (Em)oh [Pausa]
those (A)summer (D)nights(G)(D)(G)(D)
(D)Tell me (G)more, tell me (E7)more
Like does (A)he have a (D)car?
(D)A-ha (G)A-ha (A)A-ha (G)

(D)She swam (G)by me, (A)she got a (G)cramp

(D)He ran (G)by me, (A)got my suit (G)damp
(D)I saved her (G)life, (A)she nearly (B7)drowned
(E7)He showed (A)off, (E7)splashing (A)around

(D)Summer (G)sun, (A)something's be(B7)gun,

but (Em)uh-oh those (A)summer (D)nights
Mele Kalikimaka – Villancico
(C)Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say
on a bright Hawaiian Christmas (G7)Day
That's the island greeting that we send to you
from the land where palm trees (C)sway

(C7)Here we know that Christmas will be

(F)green and bright
The (A7)sun to shine by day and all the
(D7)stars at night(G7)
(C)Mele Kalikimaka is Ha(A7)waii's way
To (Dm)say Merry (G7)Christmas to (C)you


(C7)Here we know that Christmas will be

(F)green and bright
The (A7)sun to shine by day and all the
(D7)stars at night(G7)
(C)Mele Kalikimaka is Ha(A7)waii's way
To (Dm)say Merry (G7)Christmas to (C)you

(C)Mele Kalikimaka is Ha(A7)waii's way

To (Dm)say Merry (G7)Christmas
a (Dm)very merry (G7)Christmas
a (Dm)very very merry merry (G7)Christmas
to (C)you
Message In A Bottle – The Police (Bb)I'll send an (Eb)S.O.(F)S. to the (Bb)world
(Bb)I'll send an (Eb)S.O.(F)S. to the (Gm)world
(Dm)(Bb)Just a (C)casta(Gm)way, I hope that (Eb)someone gets my
an (Dm)island (Bb)lost at (C)sea, (Gm)oh (Gm)I hope that (Eb)someone gets my
(Dm)A(Bb)nother (C)lonely (Gm)day, (Gm)I hope that (Eb)someone gets my
with (Dm)no one (Bb)here but (C)me, (Gm)oh (Dm)Message in a (Bb)bo(Am)ttle, yeah
(Dm)(Bb)More (C)loneli(Gm)ness (Dm)(Bb)(Am)
than (Dm)any (Bb)man could (C)be(Gm)ar (Dm)Message in a (Bb)bo(Am)ttle, yeah (Gm)
(Dm)(Bb)Rescue (C)me be(Gm)fore
I (Dm)fall in(Bb)to des(C)pair, (Gm)oh (Dm)(Bb)Walked out this (C)mor(Gm)ning,
(Dm)don't be(Bb)lieve what I (C)saw(Gm)
(Bb)I'll send an (Eb)S.O.(F)S. to the (Bb)world (Dm)(Bb)Hundred (C)billion (Gm)bottles
(Bb)I'll send an (Eb)S.O.(F)S. to the (Gm)world (Dm)washed up(Bb)on the (C)shore(Gm)
I hope that (Eb)someone gets my (Dm)(Bb)Seems I'm (C)not a(Gm)lone at being
(Gm)I hope that (Eb)someone gets my a(Dm)lone (Bb)(C)(Gm)
(Gm)I hope that (Eb)someone gets my (Dm)Hundred (Bb)billion (C)casta(Gm)ways,
(Dm)Message in a (Bb)bo(Am)ttle, yeah (Dm)looking (Bb)for a (C)home(Gm)
(Dm)Message in a (Bb)bo(Am)ttle, yeah (Gm) (Bb)I'll send an (Eb)S.O.(F)S. to the (Bb)world
(Bb)I'll send an (Eb)S.O.(F)S. to the (Gm)world
(Dm)(Bb)A (C)year has (Gm)passed I hope that (Eb)someone gets my
since I (Dm)wrote my (Bb)note(C)(Gm) (Gm)I hope that (Eb)someone gets my
(Dm)But (Bb)I should have (C)known this (Gm)right (Gm)I hope that (Eb)someone gets my
from the (Dm)start(Bb)(C)(Gm) (Dm)Message in a (Bb)bo(Am)ttle, yeah
(Dm)(Bb)Only (C)hope can (Gm)keep me (Dm)(Bb)(Am)
to(Dm)ge(Bb)ther(C)(Gm) (Dm)Message in a (Bb)bo(Am)ttle, yeah (Gm)
(Dm)(Bb)Love can (C)mend your (Gm)life but (Dm)(Bb)(C)(Gm) (Dm)(Bb)(C)(Gm)
But (Dm)love can (Bb)break your (C)heart(Gm) (Dm)Sending (Bb)out an (C)S.O.(Gm)S. [x8] (Dm)
♡ Michelle – The Beatles
I (Am)want you, I want you, I want you
(F#dim) = 2 0 2 3 (C7)I think you know by (F)now
(E7)I'll get to you some(Am)how
(Am/C)(C+)(C)(F#dim)(F)(E7) Un(Am/C)til I (C+)do I'm (C)telling (F#dim)you
so (F)you'll unders(E7)tand
(A)Michelle (Dm)ma belle
(G)These are words that (F7)go together (E7)well (A)Michelle (Dm)ma belle
(F7)My Mi(E7)chelle (G)Sont les mots qui (F7)vont tràs bien en(E7)semble
(A)Michelle (Dm)ma belle (F7)Très bien en(E7)semble
(G)Sont les mots qui (F7)vont très bien en(E7)semble And I (Am/C)will say the (C+)only (C)words
(F7)Très bien en(E7)semble I (F#dim)know that (F)you'll unders(E7)tand
My (A)Michelle(Dm)(G)(F7)(E7)(F7)(E7)
I (Am)love you, I love you, I love you (A)(Dm)(G)(F7)(E7)(F7)(E7)(Am)
(C7)That's all I want to (F)say
(E7)Until I find a (Am)way
I'll (Am/C)say the (C+)only (C)words I (F#dim)know
that (F)you'll unders(E7)tand

(A)Michelle (Dm)ma belle

(G)Sont les mots qui (F7)vont tràs bien en(E7)semble
(F7)Très bien en(E7)semble

I (Am)need to, I need to, I need to

(C7)I need to make you (F)see
(E7)Oh what you mean to (Am)me
Un(Am/C)til I (C+)do I'm (C)hoping (F#dim)you
will (F)know what I (E7)mean
(A)I love you(Dm)(G)(F7)(E7)(F7)(E7)
Moi Lolita – Alizee (Bm)Coléreuse et (G)pas
Mi-(Em)coton, mi-(A)laine
(Bm)Moi je m'appelle (G)Loli(Em)ta(A) (Bm)Motus et bouche (G)qui n'dis (Em)pas(A)
(Bm)Lo ou bien Lo(G)la (Bm)À maman que (G)je suis (Em)un phéno(A)mène
Du (Em)pareil au (A)même (Bm)Je m'appelle (G)Loli(Em)ta(A)
(Bm)Moi je m'appelle (G)Loli(Em)ta(A) (Bm)Lo de vie, lo (G)aux
(Bm)Quand je rêve aux (G)loups a(Em)mours dilu(A)viennes (F#) [pausa]
C'est (Em)Lola qui (A)saigne
(Bm)Quand fourche ma (G)langue, C'est pas ma (Bm)faute
j'ai (Em)là (A) (G)Et quand je (Em)donne ma langue aux (A)chats
(Bm)un fou rire au(G)ssi fou Je vois les (Bm)autres
(Em)Qu'un phéno(A)mène (G)Tout prêts à (Em)se jeter sur (A)moi
(Bm)Je m'appelle (G)Loli(Em)ta(A) C'est pas ma (Bm)faute à moi
(Bm)Lo de vie, lo (G)aux (G)Si j'entends (Em)tout autour de (A)moi
a(Em)mours dilu(A)viennes (F#) [pausa] L. O. L. I.(Bm) T. A.
(G)Moi Loli(Em)ta (A) (Bm)
C'est pas ma (Bm)faute
(G)Et quand je (Em)donne ma langue aux (A)chats
Je vois les (Bm)autres
(G)Tout prêts à (Em)se jeter sur (A)moi
C'est pas ma (Bm)faute à moi
(G)Si j'entends (Em)tout autour de (A)moi
L. O. L. I.(Bm) T. A.
(G)Moi Loli(Em)ta (A)

(Bm)Moi je m'appelle (G)Loli(Em)ta(A)

(Bm)Collégienne aux (G)bas
Bleus (Em)de méthy(A)lène
(Bm)Moi je m'appelle (G)Loli(Em)ta(A)
♡ Moonlight Shadow – Mike Oldfield (Dm)Four a.m. in the (Bb)morning,
(C)carried away by a (F)moonlight (C)shadow.
The (Dm)last that ever she (Bb)saw him, i (Dm)watched your vision (Bb)forming,
(C)carried away by a (F)moonlight (C)shadow. (C)carried away by a (F)moonlight (C)shadow.
he (Dm)passed on worried and (Bb)warning, (F)stars roll slowly in a (C)silvery night,
(C)carried away by a (F)moonlight (C)shadow. (Dm)far (Bb)away on the (C)other side.
(F)lost in a riddle that (C)saturday night, will you (F)come to terms with (C)me this night,
(Dm)far a(Bb)way on the (C)other side. but she (Dm)couldn't find (Bb)how to push (C)through.
he was (F)caught in the middle
of a (C)desperate fight (C)I stay, (C)i pray
and (Dm)she couldn't find see (F)you in (Bb)heaven (C)far away.
(Bb)how to push (C)through. (C)i stay, (C)i pray
see (F)you in (Bb)heaven (C)one day.
The (Dm)trees that whisper in the (Bb)evening,
(C)carried away by a (F)moonlight (C)shadow. (Dm)/ / /
sing a (Dm)song of sorrow and (Bb)grieving, (Bb) / / /
(C)carried away by a (F)moonlight (C)shadow. (C) / / /
(F)all she saw was a silhou(C)ette of a gun, (F) /
(Dm)far (Bb)away on the (C)other side. (C) /
he was (F)shot six times by a (C)man on the run (Dm)
and she (Dm)couldn't find
(Bb)how to push (C)through.

(C)I stay, (C)i pray

see (F)you in (Bb)heaven (C)far away.
(C)i stay, (C)i pray
see (F)you in (Bb)heaven (C)one day.
Moon River – Audrey Hepburn (F)(Bb)(F)(Bb) (F)(Dm)(Gm)(C7)(F)

(F)Moon (Dm)river (D)Moon (Bm)river

(Bb)Wider than a (F)mile (G)Wider than a (D)mile
I'm (Bb)crossing you I'm (G)crossing you
In s(F)tyle some (Gm)day (A7) In s(D)tyle some (Em)day (F#)
Oh, (Dm)dream (F7)maker Oh, (Bm)dream (D7)maker
You (Bb)heart (Bbm)breaker You (G)heart (Gm)breaker
Whe(Dm)rever you're (G7)go(E7)in' Whe(Bm)rever you're (E7)go(C#)in'
I'm (Am)go(D7)in' your (Gm)way (C7) I'm (F#m)go(B7)in' your (Em)way (A7)

(F)Two (Dm)drifters (D)Two (Bm)drifters

(Bb)Off to see the (F)world (G)Off to see the (D)world
There's (Bb)such There's (G)such
A lot of (F)world to (Gm)see (A7) A lot of (D)world to (Em)see (F#)
We're (Dm)af(F)ter the (Bb)same We're (Bm)af(D)ter the (G)same
(Bbm)Rainbow's (F)end (Gm)Rainbow's (D)end
(Bb)Waitin' 'round the (F)bend (G)Waitin' 'round the (D)bend
(Bb)My huckleberry (F)friend (G)My huckleberry (D)friend
(Dm)Moon (Gm)river (Bm)Moon (Em)river
(C7)And (F)me (A7)And (D)me (Gm)(D)

(F)(Dm)(Bb)(F) (Bb)(F)(Gm)(A7)
(Dm) (G7)(E7) (Am)(D7) (Gm)(C7)

(F)(Dm)(Bb)(F) (Bb)(F)(Gm)(A7)
♡ More Than Words – Extreme And (C)just reach (D)out your (Em)hands
and (Am)touch me
(G)Saying I (C)love you (D)Hold me close don't (G)ever (D)let me (Em)go
Is (Am)not the words I (C)want to (D)hear from (G)you More than (C)words is (D)all I ever
It's not that I (C)want you (Dm)needed you to (C)show
(Am)Not to say, but (C)if you (D)only (Em)knew Then you (Cm)wouldn't have to (G)say
How (Am)easy (D)it would be to that you love (Em)me
(G)show me (D)how you (Em)feel [Single strum] 'Cause (Am)I'd al(D)rea(Cm)dy
More than (C)words is (D)all you have to [Normal strum] (G)know
(Dm)do to make it (C)real
Then you (Cm)wouldn't have to (G)say What would you (Bm)do
that you (Em)love me if my (Em)heart was torn in (C)two
'Cause (Am)I'd al(D)ready (G)know More than words to show (G)you (Am)feel
That your (D)love for me is (G)real
What would you (Bm)do What would you (Bm)say
if my (Em)heart was torn in (C)two if I (Em)took those (D)words (C)away
More than words to show (G)you (Am)feel Then you couldn't make (G)things (Am)new
That your (D)love for me is (G)real [Single strum]
What would you (Bm)say Just by (D)saying I love (G)you
if I (Em)took those (D)words (C)away
Then you couldn't make (G)things (Am)new
Just by (D)saying I love (G)you

(G)(C)(Am)(C)(D)More than (G)words

(C) [Single strum] (Am)(D)

(G)Now that I've (C)tried to (Am)talk to you and

(C)make you (D)under(G)stand
All you (C)have to do is (Am)close your eyes
Mr. Sandman – The Chordettes (F)sand(Dm)man, (Gm)bring me (C7)
(F)sand(Dm)man, (Gm)bring me (C7) a dream
[Single strum]
(F) bam bam bam bam (Dm) bam bam bam bam (F) bam bam bam bam (Dm) bam bam bam bam
(Gm) bam bam bam bam (C7) bam (Gm) bam bam bam bam (C7) bam
(F) bam bam bam bam (Dm) bam bam bam bam (F) bam bam bam bam (Dm) bam bam bam bam
(Gm) bam bam bam bam (C7) bam (Gm) bam bam bam bam (C7) bam

(Caug7) Mr. (F)sandman, (E7)bring me a dream Mr. (F)Sandman...

(A7)make him the cutest that (D7)i've ever seen
(G7)give him two lips like (C7)roses and clover
(F)then tell him that his (Db7)lonesome nights are

(F)sandman, (E7)i'm so alone

(A7)don't have nobody to (D7)call my own
(Gm)please turn on your magic (Bbm9)beam
mr. (F)sand(Dm)man, (Gm)bring me (C7)a dream.

Mr. (F)sandman, (E7)bring me a dream

(A7)make him the cutest that (D7)i've ever seen
(G7)give him two lips like (C7)roses and clover
(F)then tell him that his (Db7)lonesome nights are

(F)sandman, (E7)i'm so alone

(A7)don't have nobody to (D7)call my own
(Gm)please turn on your magic (Bbm9)beam
mr. (F)sand(Dm)man, (Gm)bring me (C7)
Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel (F#)Hide it in the hiding place
where no one ever goes.
(F#)(B)(E7)(A)(D)(Bm) (B)Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes.
(F#)(E7) (E7)It's a little (A)secret
just the (D)Robinson's a(Bm)ffair.
And here's to (A)you, Mrs. (F#m)Robinson, (F#)Most of all you've got to (E7)hide it from the kids.
(A)Jesus loves you (F#m)more than you will (D)know.
Ohohoh (E7) Koo-koo-ka-(A)choo, Mrs. (F#m)Robinson,
God bless you, (A)please Mrs. (F#m)Robinson. (A)Jesus loves you (F#m)more than you will (D)know.
(A)Heaven holds a (F#m)place for those who (D)pray, Ohohoh (E7)
Hey, hey, (Bm)hey God bless you, (A)please Mrs. (F#m)Robinson.
Hey, hey, (F#)hey (A)Heaven holds a (F#m)place for those who (D)pray,
Hey, hey, (Bm)hey
(F#)We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files Hey, hey, (F#)hey
We'd (B)like to help you learn to help yourself.
(E7)Look around you (A)all you see are (F#)Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon.
(D)sympathetic (Bm)eyes, (B)Going to the candidates' debate.
(F#)Stroll around the grounds (E7)Laugh about it, (A)shout about it
un(E7)til you feel at home. (D)When you've got to (Bm)choose
(F#)Every way you look at this you (E7)lose.
And here's to (A)you, Mrs. (F#m)Robinson,
(A)Jesus loves you (F#m)more than you will (D)know. Where have you (A)gone, Joe Di(F#m)Maggio,
Ohohoh (E7) Our (A)nation turns its (F#m)lonely eyes to (D)you.
God bless you, (A)please Mrs. (F#m)Robinson. ohohoh(E7)
(A)Heaven holds a (F#m)place for those who (D)pray, What's that you (A)say, Mrs. (F#m)Robinson.
Hey, hey, (Bm)hey (A)Jolting Joe has (F#m)left and gone (D)away,
Hey, hey, (F#)hey Hey, hey, (Bm)hey
Hey, hey, (F#)hey
My Girl - The Temptations Well, (D)I (Em)guess (G)you'd (A)say
(D)What can (Em)make me (G)feel this (A)way?
I've got (C)sunshine (F)on a cloudy (C)day. (F) (D)My girl, my girl, my girl
When it's (C)cold outside (F) Talkin' 'bout (Em)my girl (A)my girl.
I've got the (C)month of May. (F) (D)

(C)I (Dm)guess (F)you'd (G)say

(C)What can (Dm)make me (F)feel this (G)way?
(C)My girl, my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout (Dm)my girl (G)my girl.

I've got (C)so much (F)honey

the bees envy (C)me. (F)
I've got a (C)sweeter song (F)
than the birds in the (C)trees. (F)

Well, (C)I (Dm)guess (F)you'd (G)say

(C)What can (Dm)make me (F)feel this (G)way?
(C)My girl, my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout (Dm)my girl (G)my girl.

(C)(F)Hey hey hey

(C)(F)Hey hey hey

I don't (D)need no money, (G)fortune or (D)fame. (G)

I've got (D)all the riches, (G)baby,
one man (D)can claim.(G)
My Name Is Luka – Suzane Vega (Em)I guess I'd (D)like to be alone
(Em)With nothing (D)broken, nothing (C)thrown
(G)My name is (D)Luka
(C)I live on the (D)second floor Just don't (D)ask me how I am
(G)I live ups(D)tairs from you (C)Just don't (D)ask me how I am
(C)Yes I think you've (D)seen me before (C)Just don't (D)ask me how I (G)am

(Em)If you hear (D)something late at night [Single strum]

(Em)Some kind of (D)trouble. some kind of (C)fight (G)My name is (D)Luka
Just don't (D)ask me what it was (C)I live on the (D)second floor
(C)Just don't (D)ask me what it was (G)I live ups(D)tairs from you
(C)Just don't (D)ask me what it (G)was (C)Yes I think you've (D)seen me before
(Em)If you hear (D)something late at night
(G)I think it's (D)'cause I'm clumsy (Em)Some kind of (D)trouble. some kind of (C)fight
(C)I try not to (D)talk too loud
(G)Maybe it's (D)because I'm crazy Just don't (D)ask me what it was
(C)I try not to (D)act too proud (C)Just don't (D)ask me what it was
(C)Just don't (D)ask me what it (Em)was
(Em)They only (D)hit until you cry
(Em)After (D)that you don't ask (C)why (Em)And they only (D)hit until you cry
You just don't (D)argue anymore (Em)After (D)that you don't ask (C)why
(C)You just don't (D)argue anymore You just don't (D)argue anymore
(C)You just don't (D)argue anymore (C)You just don't (D)argue anymore
(C)You just don't (D)argue anymore (G)
(G)Yes I (D)think I'm okay
(C)I walked into the (D)door again
(G)if you (D)ask that's what I'll say
(C)it's not your (D)business anyway
My Little Grass Shack – Harrison / Where the (G7)humu humu nuku nuku apua'a
Go swimming (C)by
Cogswell / Noble
1. [Repetir desde el principio]
(D7)(G7)(C)(A7) (D7)(G7)(C)
2. (D7)(G7)(C)(A7) (D7)(G7)(C)
I want to go (C)back to my little grass shack
In Kealakekua, Ha(D7)waii
I want to (G7)be with all the kanes and wahines
That I used to (C)know

I can (E7)hear the old guitars playing

On the (A7)beach at Honaunau
I can (D7)hear the old Hawaiians saying
Komo (G7)mai no kaua I ka hale welakahao

It won't be (C)long till my ship will be sailing

Back to (D7)Kona
A (G7)grand old place
That's always fair to (E7)see, -you're telling me-

I'm (A7)just a little Hawaiian

A homesick island boy
I (D7)want to go back to my fish and poi

I want to go (C)back to my little grass shack

In Kealakekua, Ha(D7)waii
Where the (G7)humu humu nuku nuku apua'a
Go swimming (C)by
My Way – Nina Simone
(F)Oh, I've laughed and cried, had my fill my share of
And (F)now, the end is (Am)near and so I got to (D)losing
(F7)face The final (D)curtain, girl And (Gm)now, as tears sub(Gm7)side, (C)counted
(Gm)Friends I’ll say (Gm7)clear and state her (C)case also (F)music
of which I'm (F)certain To (F)think like the old (F7)lad And may I (Bb)say not
I've (F)lived a life that's (F7)full I`ve travelled (Bb)each in a (Bbm)sly away,
and every (Bbm)highway Oh, (F)no no no, No not (C)me, I did it (Bb)my way
And (F)more, much more than (C)this, I did it (Bb)my [Riff o F Single Strum)].
way [Riff o F Single Strum].
What is a (F)man, what has he (F7)got
Yeees, (F)regrets, I've had a (Am)few but then If not him(Bb)self, and he has not
(F7)again, to few to (D)mention. to say the (Gm)things
I (Gm)did what I had to (Gm7)do and saw it He truly (C)feels not (A7)words of one for (Dm)use
(C)through without (F)exemption With that (Gm)shows, I took the (C)blows and did it
I (F)planned each other (F7)course, each careful (Bb)my (F)way!
(Bb)footstep along the (Bbm)byway, yeah,
and (F)more, much more (C)than this,
I did (Bb)my way [Riff o F Single Strum].

Yes, there were (F)times, I'm (F7)sure you knew

When I bit (Bb)all much more than I could chew
But through it (Gm)all, when there was (C)doubt, I ate
it (A7)all
And (Dm)sput it out, I faced it (Gm)all
And I stood (C)tall and did it(Bb)my way [Riff o F
Single Strum].
Never Ending Story – Limahl (Eb)story,
(Bb)aaah,(Ab)aaah,(Cm)aaah (Bb)
(C)Turn around,
(G)look at what you (F)see(Am)(G) [Instrumental]
(C)in her face, (G) (Em) (Bm) (Bm)
(G)the mirror of your (F)dreams,(Am)(G) (C) (D) (G) (G)
(Bb) (Gm) (Dm) (Dm)
(Eb)make believe i'm everywhere, (Eb) (F) (Bb) (Bb)
(Cm)given in the (Bb)lines, (G)
(Eb)written on the (Cm)pages,
is the (Ab)answer to a (Bb)neverending (C)story, (C)Show no fear,
(G)aaah,(F)aaah,(Am)aaah (G) (G)for she may fade a(F)way,(Am)(G)
neverending (C)story, (C)in your hands,
(G)aaah,(F)aaah,(Am)aaah (G) (G)the birth of a new (F)day,(Am)(G)

(C)Reach the stars, (Eb)Rhymes that keep their secrets,

(G)fly a fanta(F)syyy(Am)(G) will un(Cm)fold behind the (Bb)clouds,
(C)dream a dream, and (Eb)there upon the (Cm)rainbow,
(G)and what you see will (F)be (Am)(G) is the (Ab)answer to a (Bb) neverending (C)story,
(G)aaah,(F)aaah,(Am)aaah (G)
(Eb)Rhymes that keep their secrets, neverending (C)story,
will un(Cm)fold behind the (Bb)clouds, (G)aaah,(F)aaah,(Am)aaah (G) (C)
and (Eb)there upon the (Cm)rainbow,
is the (Ab)answer to a (Bb) neverending (C)story,
(G)aaah,(F)aaah,(Am)aaah (G)
neverending (C)story,
(G)aaah,(F)aaah,(Am)aaah (G)
Norwegian Wood – The Beatles [Instrumental]

(E)I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me

(E)She showed me her room, isn't it good, norwegian

She (Em)asked me to stay

and she told me to sit any(A)where
So (Em)I looked around
and I noticed there wasn't a (A)chair (B)

(E)I sat on the rug, biding my time, drinking her wine

(E)We talked until two and then she said, "It's time for


She (Em)told me she worked

in the morning and started to (A)laugh
I (Em)told her I didn't
and crawled off to sleep in the (A)bath (B)

(E)And when I awoke I was alone, this bird had flown

(E)So I lit a fire, isn't it good, norwegian wood?
♡ Nothing Else Matters – Metallica [Instrumental]
(Em)x4 (Am)x4 (C)x2 (D)x2 (Em)x4
(Em)So close no matter (D)how far (C)
(Em)Couldn't be much more (D)from the heart(C) (Em)I Never opened my(D)self this (C)way
(Em)Forever trusting (D)who we are (C) (Em)Life is ours, we live it (D)our way(C)
(G)And (B7)nothing else (Em)matters (Em)All these words I don't (D)just say(C)
(G)And (B7)nothing else (Em)matters
(Em)Never opened my(D)self this (C)way
(Em)Life is ours, we live it (D)our way(C) (Em)Trust I seek and I (D)find in you(C)
(Em)All these words I don't (D)just say(C) (Em)Every day for us (D)something new(C)
(G)And (B7)nothing else (Em)matters (Em)Open mind for a (D)different view(C)
(G)And (B7)nothing else (Em)matters
(Em)Trust I seek and I (D)find in you(C)
(Em)Every day for us (D)something new(C) (C)(A)(D)Never cared for what they (C)say
(Em)Open mind for a (D)different view(C) (A)(D)Never cared for games they (C)play
(G)And (B7)nothing else (Em)matters (A)(D)Never cared for what they (C)do
(A)(D)Never cared for what they (C)know
(C)(A)(D)Never cared for what they (C)do (A)(D)And I (Em)know
(A)(D)Never cared for what they (C)know
(A)(D)But I (Em)know [Instrumental]
(Em)(D)(C) (Em)(D)(C)
(Em)So close no matter (D)how far (C) (Em)(D)(C) (G)(B7)(Em)
(Em)Couldn't be much more (D)from the heart(C)
(Em)Forever trusting (D)who we are (C) (Em)So close no matter (D)how far (C)
(G)And (B7)nothing else (Em)matters (Em)Couldn't be much more (D)from the heart(C)
(Em)Forever trusting (D)who we are (C)
(C)(A)(D)Never cared for what they (C)do (G)And (B7)nothing else (Em)matters
(A)(D)Never cared for what they (C)know
(A)(D)But I (Em)know
No surprises – Radiohead (F)Such a pretty house, and (Dm)such a pretty garden

(F)//// (F)// (Bbm)// (F)//// (F)// (Bbm)// (Gm)No alarms (Bb)and (C)no surprises
(Gm)No alarms (Bb)and (C)no surprises
A (F)heart that's full up like a (Dm)landfill (Gm)No alarms (Bb)and (C)no surprises,
A job that slowly (Gm)kills you (F)please (Bbm)
(C)Bruises that won't (F)heal (Bbm) (F)//// (F)// (Bbm)//
(F)You look so tired, unhappy
(Dm)Bring down the government
(Gm)They don't, (C)they don't speak for (F)us

(F)I'll take a quiet life

A (Dm)handshake of carbon monoxide

(Gm)No alarms (Bb)and (C)no surprises

(Gm)No alarms (Bb)and (C)no surprises
(Gm)No alarms (Bb)and (C)no surprises
(F)Silent, (Bbm)
(F)silent (Bbm)

(F)This is my final fit, my (Dm)final bellyache with

(Gm)No alarms (Bb)and (C)no surprises

(Gm)No alarms (Bb)and (C)no surprises
(Gm)No alarms (Bb)and (C)no surprises,
(F)please (Bbm)

(C)//// (Bbm)//// (C)//// (Bbm)//// (Gm)//// (Bbm)////

No Woman, No Cry – Bob Marley & The (C) Said I re(G)member (Am)when we use to (F)sit
(C) In the govern(G)ment yard in (Am)Trenchtown
(C) And then Geor(G)gie would (Am)make the fire
lights (F) I say
(C) (G) (Am) (F) (C) (F) (C) (C)
(C) Log wood a (G)burnin' through the (Am)nights (F)
(C) Then we would (G)cook.. cornmeal (Am)porridge
(C) No (G)woman no cry-(Am)-y (F)
(F), I say
(C) No (F)woman no cry (C)
(C) Of which I'll (G)share with (Am)you (F) (yeah)
(C) No (G)woman no cry-(Am)-y (F)
(C) My fe(G)et is my (Am)only carriage (F), and so
(C) No (F)woman no cry (C)
(C) I've (G)got to push on (Am)through,(F) oh, while
I'm gone
Cos, cos, (C)cos I re(G)member (Am)when we used to
(C) In a govern(G)ment yard in (Am)Trenchtown (F)
[repeat 4 times]
(C) Obba, ob(G)serving the (Am)hypocrites (F)
(C) Everything 's gonna (G)be alright
(C) Mingle with the good (G)people we (Am)meet (F)
(Am) Everything 's gonna (F)be alright
(C) Good friends we (G)have
Oh, (Am)good friends we have (F)lost
(C) A(G)long the (Am)way (F)
No (C)woman no cry (G) (Am) (F)
(C) In this great (G)future,
No no (C)woman… no (F)woman no cry (C)
You (Am)can't forget your (F)past
(C) So dry your (G)tears, I (Am)say (F)
(C) I say little (G)darlin'… (Am)don't shed no tears (F)
(C) No (F)woman no cry (C) (C)
(C) No (G)woman no cry-(Am)-y (F)
(C) No (F)woman no cry (C)
(C) Little (G)darling… (Am)don't shed no (F)tears
(C)No (F)woman no cry (C)
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da – The Beatles (E7)Desmond lets the children lend a (A)hand
Molly stays at (A7)home and does her (D)pretty face
[intro] (A) (A) (A) (A) And in the (A)evening she still (E7)sings it with the
(A)Desmond has a barrow in the (E)market place. (A)band, yeah!
(E7)Molly is the singer in a (A)band.
Desmond says to (A7)Molly, “Girl, I (D)like your face” [chorus]
And Molly (A)says this as she (E7)takes him by the
(A)hand… (D) In a couple of years
(chorus) they have built a home sweet
Ob-la-(A)-di, ob-la-da, life goes (E7)on, (F#m)bra* (A)home (Asus2) (A) (A7)
(A)La la how that (E7)life goes (A)on (D) With a couple of kids
Ob-la-(A)-di, ob-la-da, life goes (E7)on, (F#m)bra running in the yard
(A)La la how that (E7)life goes (A)on Of (A)Desmond and Molly (E7)Jones

(A)Desmond takes a trolley to the (E)jeweller’s store (A)Happy ever after in the (E)market place
(E7)Buys a twenty carat golden (A)ring (ring) (E7)Molly lets the children lend a (A)hand
Takes it back to (A7)Molly waiting (D)at the door, Desmond stays at (A7)home
And as he (A)gives it to her (E7)she begins to (A)sing and does his (D)pretty face
[chorus] And in the (A)evening she’s a (E7)singer with the
(A)band, yeah!
(D) In a couple of years Ob-la-(A)-di, ob-la-da, life goes (E7)on, (F#m)bra
they have built a home sweet (A)La la how that (E7)life goes (A)on
(A)home (Asus2) (A) (A7) Ob-la-(A)-di, ob-la-da, life goes (E7)on, (F#m)bra
(D) With a couple of kids (A)La la how that (E7)life goes (A)on
running in the yard
Of (A)Desmond and Molly (E7)Jones F#m = 2120
Asus2 = 2200
(A)Happy ever after in the (E)market place
♡ Oh, Susannah – Tradicional For I (D)come from Alabama
With a banjo (A)on my (D)knee.
I (D)come from Alabama
With a banjo on my (A)knee The (D)buckwheat cake was in her mouth
I'm (D)going to Louisiana, The tear was in her (A)eye
My true love (A)for to (D)see. Says (D)I, “I'm coming from the south,
Susannah, (A)don't you (D)cry.”
(G)Oh, Susannah,
Oh (D)don't you cry for (A)me (G)Oh, Susannah,
For I (D)come from Alabama Oh (D)don't you cry for (A)me
With a banjo (A)on my (D)knee. For I (D)come from Alabama
With a banjo (A)on my (D)knee.
(D)It rained all night the day I left
The weather it was (A)dry (G)Oh, Susannah,
The (D)sun so hot, I froze to death Oh (D)don't you cry for (A)me
Susannah, (A)don't you (D)cry. For I (D)come from Alabama
With a banjo (A)on my (D)knee.
(G)Oh, Susannah,
Oh (D)don't you cry for (A)me For I (D)come from Alabama
For I (D)come from Alabama With a banjo (A)on my (D)knee.
With a banjo (A)on my (D)knee.

(D)I had a dream the other night

When everything was (A)still
I (D)dreamed I saw Susannah dear
A-coming (A)down the (D)hill.

(G)Oh, Susannah,
Oh (D)don't you cry for (A)me
Old Town – The Corrs [Instrumental]
(G)(Em)(D)(C) (Am)(D)(G)(G)
(G)The girl's a (Em)fool (G)(Em)(D)(C) (Am)(D)(G)(Em)(Am)(B7)(Em)
She broke the (D)rule
She hurt him (C)hard [Estribillo]
(Am)This time (D)you will (G)break down
(G)She's lost his (Em)trust [Single strum]
And so she (D)must I've been s(G)pending my (Em)money
Now all is (C)lost In the (D)old (C)town
(Am)The (D)system has (G)broke down (Em) It's (Am)not the same (D)honey
(Am)Romance (B7)has (Em)broke down With (G)you not around
I've been s(G)pending my (Em)time
(Am)This (D)boy is (G)crackin' up (Em) In the (D)old (C)town
(Am)This (B7)boy has (Em)broken down I (Am)sure miss you (D)honey
(Am)This (D)boy is (G)crackin' up (Em) Now (G)you're not a(Em)round
(Am)This (B7)boy has (Em)broke down (Am)You're not a(B7)round
This (Em)old town [Pausa]
(G)She plays it (Em)hard
She plays it (D)tough (C) [Estribillo] x2
(Am)But thats e(D)nough
The love is (G)over
(G)She's broke his (Em)heart
and that is (D)rough (C)
(Am) But in the (D)end you'll soon re(G)cover (Em)
(Am)The ro(B7)mance is (Em)over

One – U2 (Am)Have you come here for for(D)giveness
(F)Have you come tor raise the (G)dead
(Am)Is it getting (D)better (Am)Have you come here to play (D)Jesus
(F)Or do you feel the (G)same (F)To the lepers in your (G)head
(Am)Will it make it (D)easier on you now
(F)you got someone to (G)blame (C)Did I ask too much, (Am)More than a lot
(F)You gave me nothing, Now it's (C)all I got
You say... (C) One love (Am) One life (C)We're one, but we're (Am)not the same
(F) When it's one need We (F)hurt each other, then we (C)do it again
(C) In the night, It's one love
(Am)We get to share it You say (C) love is a temple (Am)Love a higher law
(F) It leaves you baby if you (C)Love is a temple (Am)Love the higher law
(C) don't care for it (C)You ask me to enter but
(Am)(D)(F)(G) (G)then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding (F)on, to what you got
(Am)Did I disa(D)ppoint you? When all you got is (C)hurt
Or (F)leave a bad taste in your (G)mouth?
(Am)You act like you never (D)had love (C)One love, (Am)One blood, (F)One life
(F)And you want me to go (G)without You got to (C)do what you should

Well it's (C)too late, (Am) tonight (C)One life, (Am) With each other, (F)Sisters
(F) To drag the past out (C)Brothers
(C) Into the light
(C) We're one, but we're (C)One life, But we're (Am)not the same
(Am) not the same, we get to We get to (F)carry each other (C)Carry each other
(F) carry each other
(C) Carry each other (C)Oooone (Am)(F)Oooone (C)
(Am) One (D)(F)(G) (C)Oooone (Am)(F)Oooone (C)
One Love – Bob Marley And I will (G)feel al(C)right
(F)Let's get to(C)gether
(C)One love, (G)one heart And (G)feel al(C)right
(F)Let's get to(C)gether and (G)feel al(C)right One more thing
Hear the children cryin'
(C)-One love- (C)Let's get to(Am)gether to (F)fight
Hear the children (G)cryin' This holy arma(C)giddyon
-One heart- -One love-
Sayin': Give (F)thanks and praise So when the Man (Am)comes
To the (C)Lord and I will (G)feel al(C)right There will (F)be no, no (C)doom
Sayin': (F)Let's get to(C)gether -One song-
And (G)feel al(C)right, wo wo wo wo! Have pity on (Am)those whose
(F)Chances grows (C)thinner
(C)Let them all (Am)pass all their (F)dirty remarks(C) There ain't no hiding (Am)place
-One love- From the (F)father of cre(C)ation
There is one (Am)question
I'd (F)really love to (C)ask -One heart- (C)Sayin': One love
Is there a (Am)place for the (F)hopeless (C)sinner? What about the (G)one heart?
Who has hurt all man(Am)kind just to -One heart-
(F)Save his (C)own beliefs? What about the
(F)Let's get to(C)gether and (G)feel al(C)right
(C)One love! What about the one heart? I'm pleadin' to mankind -One love-
(G)One heart! Oh, Lord (G)-One heart- Wo-ooh!
What about the Give (F)thanks and praise to the (C)Lord
(F)Let's get to(C)gether and (G)feel all (C)right And I will (G)feel al(C)right
As it was in the beginning (C)-One love- (F)Let's get to(C)gether and (G)feel al(C)right
So shall it be in the (G)end -One heart- Give (F)thanks and praise to the (C)Lord
Alright And I will (G)feel al(C)right
Give (F)thanks and praise to the (C)Lord (F)Let's get to(C)gether and (G)feel al(C)right
Only You – The Platters

Only (D)you can make this (F#)world seem right

only (Bm)you can make the (D7)darkness bright
only (G)you and you a(A)lone
can (D)thrill me (F#)like you (Bm)do (B7)
and (E7)fill my heart with love for only (A7)you

Only (D)you can make this (F#)change in me

for it's (Bm)true, you are my (D7)destiny
when you (G)hold my hand I (Gm)understand
the (D)magic (F#)that you (B7)do
you're my (E7)dream come true,
my (A7)one and only (D)you (Gm)(D)

Only (D)you can make this (F#)change in me

for it's (Bm)true, you are my (D7)destiny
when you (G)hold my hand I (Gm)understand
the (D)magic (F#)that you (B7)do
you're my (E7)dream come true,
my (A7)one and only (D)you (Gm)(D)
Over My Shoulder – Mike & the (G)cry
(C) Cos I can (G)feel… you’re (F)slipping through my
(Am)I don’t even know the reason (Bb)why (Bb then
(Em7) (Em7) (A) (D)
[whistling solo – same chords as verses – (Em7) (A)
Looking (Em7)back… (A)over my (D)shoulder
(Em7) I can see… that (A)look in your (D)eyes
(Em7) I never dreamed… (A)it could be (D)over
(C) Every(G)day… (F)it’s a losing (G)battle
(Em7)I never wanted… (A) to say good(D)bye
(C) Just to (G)smile… and (F)hold my head up (G)high
(C) Could it (G)be… (F)we belong to(G)gether
Looking (Em7)back… (A)over my (D)shoulder
(Am)Baby won’t you give me one more (Bb)try? (Bb
(Em7) With an aching (A)deep in my (D)heart
then stop)
(Em7) I wish we… (A)were starting (D)over
(Em7)Oh instead of drifting… (A)so far a(D)part
Looking (Em7)back… (A)over my (D)shoulder
(Em7) I can see… that (A)look in your (D)eyes
(C) Every(G)body… (F)told me you were (G)leaving
(Em7) I never dreamed… (A)it could be (D)over
(C) Funny (G)I… should (F)be the last to (G)know
(Em7)I never wanted… (A) to say good(D)bye
(C) Baby (G)please… (F)tell me that I’m (G)dreaming
(Am)I just never want to let you (Bb)go (Bb then stop)

Looking (Em7)back… (A)over my (D)shoulder

(Em7) I can see… that (A)look in your (D)eyes
(Em7) Turning my heart… (A)over and (D)over
(Em7)I never wanted… (A) to say good(D)bye

(C) I don’t (G)mind… (F)everybody (G)laughing

(C) But it’s e(G)nough… to (F)make a grown man
Penny Lane – The Beatles
Acordes: (G)(Em)(Am)(D)
(Gm6) = 0 4 3 1 (G)(Em)(Gm) (Gm6) (Eb) (D) (C)

Penny (G)Lane there is a Penny (F)Lane is in my (Am)ears and in my (Bb)eyes.

(Em)barber showing (Am)photographs (D) (F)A four of (Am)fish and finger (Bb)pies
Of every (G)head he's had In summer. (D)Meanwhile back
the (Em)pleasure to (Gm)know.
And all the (Gm6)people that come and (Eb)go Behind the (G)shelter
Stop and (D)say "Hello". in the (Em)middle of the (Am)roundabout (D)
The pretty (G)nurse is selling (Em)poppies
On the (G)corner is a (Em)banker from a (Gm)tray.
with a (Am)motorcar, (D) And though she (Gm6)feels as if she's in a (Eb)play,
And little (G)children laugh at (Em)him She is (D)anyway.
behind his (Gm)back.
And the (Gm6)banker never wears a (Eb)mac In Penny (G)Lane the barber (Em)shaves
In the (D)pouring rain, (C)very strange. another (Am)customer, (D)
We see the (G)banker
Penny (F)Lane is in my (Am)ears and in my (Bb)eyes. sitting (Em)waiting for a (Gm)trim,
(F)There beneath the (Am)blue suburban (Bb)skies And then the (Gm6)fireman rushes (Eb)in
I sit, and (D)meanwhile back From the (D)pouring rain - (C)very strange.

In Penny (G)Lane there is a (Em)fireman Penny (F)Lane is in my (Am)ears and in my (Bb)eyes.

with an (Am)hourglass, (D) (F)There beneath the (Am)blue suburban (Bb)skies
And in his (G)pocket I sit, and (D)meanwhile back.
is a (Em)portrait of the (Gm)Queen. Penny (G)Lane is in my (Bm)ears and in my (C)eyes.
He likes to (Gm6)keep his fire engine (Eb)clean, (G)There beneath the (Bm)blue suburban (C)skies
It's a (D)clean machine. Penny Lane! (G)
Perfect – Ed Sheeran To carry (Fm)more than just my secrets
To carry (Db)love, to carry children of our (Eb)own
I found a (Ab)love for (Fm)me We are still kids, but we're (Ab)so in love
Darling, just (Db)dive right in and follow my (Eb)lead Fighting a(Fm)gainst all odds
Well, I found a (Ab)girl, beauti(Fm)ful and sweet I know we'll (Db)be alright this (Ab)time(Eb)
Oh, I never (Db)knew you were the someone waiting Darling, just (Ab)hold my hand
for (Eb)me Be my girl, I'll (Fm)be your man
'Cause we were just kids when we (Ab)fell in love I see my (Db)future in your (Eb)eyes
Not knowing (Fm)what it was
I will not (Db)give you up this (Ab)time(Eb) Baby, (Fm)I'm (Db)dancing in the (Ab)dark
But darling, just (Ab)kiss me slow With (Eb)you between my (Fm)arms
Your heart is (Fm)all I own (Db)Barefoot on the (Ab)grass
And in your (Db)eyes you're holding mine(Eb) (Eb)Listening to our (Fm)favorite song
When I (Db)saw you in that (Ab)dress
Baby, (Fm)I'm (Db)dancing in the (Ab)dark Looking so (Eb)beautiful
With (Eb)you between my (Fm)arms I (Fm)don't (Eb)de(Db)serve this
(Db)Barefoot on the (Ab)grass Darling, (Ab)you look (Eb)perfect to(Ab)night (Eb)
(Eb)Listening to our (Fm)favorite song Baby, (Fm)I'm (Db)dancing in the (Ab)dark
When you (Db)said you looked a (Ab)mess With (Eb)you between my (Fm)arms
I whispered (Eb)underneath my (Fm)breath (Db)Barefoot on the (Ab)grass
But you (Db)heard it (Eb)Listening to our (Fm)favorite song
Darling, (Ab)you look (Eb)perfect to(Ab)night I have (Db)faith in what I (Ab)see
(Eb) / (Fm) / (Eb) / (Db) // (Eb) // Now I know (Eb)I have met an
(Fm)angel in (Db)person
Well, I found a (Ab)woman And (Ab)she looks (Eb)perfect
Stronger than (Fm)anyone I know I (Fm)don't de(Db)serve this
She shares my (Db)dreams (Ab)You look (Eb)perfect to(Ab)night
I hope that someday I'll share her (Eb)home (Eb) / (Fm) / (Eb) / (Db) // (Eb) // (Ab)
I found a (Ab)lover
Perfect Day – Lou Reed (C#m)i'm glad i spent it with (D)you.
(A)oh, such a (E)perfect day,
Acorde (C#m) = 6 4 4 4 you just (F#m)keep me (E)hangin' (D)on,
you just (F#m)keep me (E)hangin' (D)on.
(Am)Just a (D)perfect day;
(G)drink sangria (C)in the park. [Instrumental]
(F)then later (Dm)when it gets dark (F#m)(E)(D)(D)
we'll go (E7)home. (F#m)(E)(D)(D)
(Am)Just a perfect (D)day; (F#m)(E)(D)(D)
(G)feed animals (C)in the zoo. (F#m)(E)(D)(D)
(F)then later (Dm)a movie too,
and then (E7)home. (C#m)You're going to (G)reap just what (D)you sow.
(A)(E)You're going to (G)reap just what (D)you sow.
Oh (A)it's such a (D)perfect day, (A)(E)You're going to (G)reap just what (D)you sow.
(C#m)i'm glad i spent it with (D)you. (A)(E)You're going to (G)reap just what (D)you sow.
(A)oh, such a (E)perfect day, (A)
you just (F#m)keep me (E)hangin' (D)on,
you just (F#m)keep me (E)hangin' (D)on.

(Am)Just a (D)perfect day;

(G)problems all (C)left alone.
(F)weekenders (Dm)on our own
(E7)it's such fun.
(Am)Just a (D)perfect day;
(G)you make me for(C)get myself.
(F)i thought i was (Dm)someone else
(E7)someone good.

Oh (A)it's such a (D)perfect day,

Please Please Me – The Beatles (A)It´s so hard to reason with (D)you
Oh (G)yeah, why (A)do you make me (D)blue?
[Instrumental] (D) (G)(A)
(D)Last night I said these words to (G)my (D)girl
(D)Last night I said these words to (G)my (D)girl (F)(G)(A)
(F)(G)(A) (D)I know you never even (G)try (D)girl
(D)I know you never even (G)try (D)girl
Come (G)on, come on,
Come (G)on, come on, come (Em)on,come on,
come (Em)on,come on, Come (Bm)on, come on,
Come (Bm)on, come on, come (G)on, come on
come (G)on, come on Please, (D)please me oh (G)yeah,
Please, (D)please me oh (G)yeah, like (A)I please (D)you, me oh (G)yeah,
like (A)I please (D)you (G)(A) like (A)I please (D)you, me oh (G)yeah,
like (A)I please (D)you, (F)(Bb)(A)(D)
(D)You don´t need me to show the (G)way (D)love
(D)Why do I always have to (G)say (D)love

Come (G)on, come on,

come (Em)on,come on,
Come (Bm)on, come on,
come (G)on, come on
Please, (D)please me oh (G)yeah,
like (A)I please (D)you

(G)I don´t want to sound complaining

(A)But you know there´s always rain in (D)my heart
(G)I do all the pleasing with you
Pretty Woman – Roy Orbison
Pretty (A)woman, walking (F#m)down the street
Pretty (A)woman, the kind I (F#m)like to meet
Pretty (D)woman
I don't be(E7)lieve you, you're not the truth
No one could look as good as you...

Pretty (A)woman, won't you (F#m)pardon me

Pretty (A)woman, I couldn't (F#m)help but see
Pretty (D)woman
That you look (E7)lovely as can be
Are you lonely just like me...

(Dm)Pretty woman, (G)stop a while

(C)Pretty woman, (Am)talk a while
(Dm)Pretty woman, (G)give your smile to (C)me
(Dm)Pretty woman, (G)yeah yeah yeah
(C)Pretty woman, (Am)look my way
(Dm)Pretty woman, (G)say you'll stay with (C)me (A)
'Cause I (F#m)need you, I'll (Dm)treat you (E7)right
(A)Come to me (F#m)baby, (Dm)be mine to(E7)niiiight

Pretty (A)woman, don't (F#m)walk on by

Pretty (A)woman, don't (F#m)make me cry
Pretty (D)woman, don't (E7)walk away, hey…
Pretty (A)woman
Price Tag – Jessie J When music made us all (Dm)unite
And it wasn't low blows and (Bb)video hoes
(F)Seems like everybody's got a (Am)price Am I the only the one getting (F)tired
I wonder how they sleep at (Dm)night Why is everybody so (Am)obsessed
When the sale comes first Money can't buy us (Dm)happiness
And the (Bb)truth comes second Can we all slow down and (Bb)enjoy right now
Just stop for a minute and (F)smile Guarantee we'll be feeling (F)alright
Why is everybody so (Am)serious
Acting so damn mys(Dm)terious [Estribillo]
Got shades on your eyes
And your (Bb)heels so high that you can't even have a It's not about the (F)money money money
good (F)time We don't need your (Am)money money money
We just wanna make the (Dm)world dance
Everybody look to their (Am)left Forget about the (Bb)price tag
Everybody look to their (Dm)right Ain't about the (F)uh cha-ching cha-ching
Can you feel that, yeah Ain't about the (Am)yeah b-bling b-bling
We're (Bb)paying with love tonight Wanna make the (Dm)world dance
Forget about the (Bb)price tag
It's not about the (F)money money money (F)
We don't need your (Am)money money money
We just wanna make the (Dm)world dance
Forget about the (Bb)price tag
Ain't about the (F)uh cha-ching cha-ching
Ain't about the (Am)yeah b-bling b-bling
Wanna make the (Dm)world dance
Forget about the (Bb)price tag

(F)We need to take it back in (Am)time

Purple Rain – Prince (Gm)(F)
It's time we all reach out for something (Eb)new
(Bb)(Gm)(F)(Eb) That means you too
(Bb)I never meant to cause you any (Gm)sorrow (Bb)You say you want a leader
(F)I never meant to cause you any (Eb)pain (Gm)But you can't seem to make up your mind
(Bb)I only wanted one time to see you (Gm)laughing I think you better (F)close it
(F)I only want to see you laughing And let me guide you to the purple (Bb)rain
in the purple (Bb)rain [Silencio]
Purple rain Purple (Eb)rain
Purple rain Purple (Eb)rain Purple rain Purple (Bb)rain
Purple rain Purple (Bb)rain (Gm)Purple rain Purple (F)rain
(Gm)Purple rain Purple (F)rain
I only want to see you, only want to see you
I only want to see you bathing in the purple (Bb)rain In the purple (Bb)rain

I never wanted to be your weekend (Bb)lover

(Gm)(F)I only wanted to be some kind of (Eb)friend
(Bb)Baby I could never steal you from (Gm)another
(F)It's such a shame our friendship had to (Bb)end

Purple rain Purple (Eb)rain

Purple rain Purple (Bb)rain
(Gm)Purple rain Purple (F)rain

I only want to see you underneath the purple (Bb)rain

Honey I know, I know, I know times are (Bb)changing
Radio Ga Ga – Queen (Dm)radio, (C)someone still loves (F)you!

I'd (F)sit alone and watch your light We (F)watch the shows - we watch the stars
my (Gm)only friend through teenage nights on (Gm)videos for hour and hours
and (Bb)everything i had to know we (Bb)hardly need to use our ears
i (Gm)heard it on my (Bb)ra(F)dio how (Gm)music changes (Bb)through the (F)years.
Let's (F)hope you never leave old friend
You (F)gave them all those old time stars like (Fm)all good things on you we depend
through (Gm)wars of worlds - invaded by mars so (Bb)stick around cos we might miss you
you (Bb)made 'em laugh - you made 'em cry when (G7)we grow tired of all this visual
you (Gm)made us feel like (Bb)we could (F)fly.
You (F)had your time, you had the power
So (F)don't become some background noise you've (Csus4)yet to have your (C)finest hour
a (Fm)backdrop for the girls and boys (Bb)ra(F)dio... (Bb)(F)
who (Bb)just don't know or just don't care
and (G7)just complain when you're not there [Palmas]
All we hear is radio ga ga
You (F)had your time, you had the power radio goo goo
you've (Csus4)yet to have your (C)finest hour radio ga ga
(Bb)ra(F)dio... (Bb)(F) all we hear is radio ga ga
radio goo goo
[Single strum] radio ga ga
(F7)All we hear is (Bb)radio (F)ga ga
(Bb)radio (F)goo goo [Single strum]
(Bb)radio (F)ga ga (F7)all we hear is (Bb)radio (F)ga ga
(F7)all we hear is (Bb)radio (F)ga ga (Bb)radio (F)blah blah
(Bb)radio (F)blah blah (Eb)radio what's (Bb)new? (C)
(Eb)radio what's (Bb)new? (C) (Dm)radio, (C)someone still loves (F)you!
Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head – (D)'Cause, (Gm)I'm never gonna
stop the rain by complaining
B.J. Thomas
(C)Because I'm (F)free
(C)(Bb)Nothing's (C)worrying (F)me
(F)Raindrops are falling on my (F7maj)head
And (F7)just like the guy whose feet
are (Bb)too big for his (Am)bed
(D)Nothing seems to (Am)fit
(Am) It won't be long 'till
(D)Those (Gm)raindrops are falling on my head,
(D)happiness steps (Gm)up to greet me (C)
they keep falling
(F)Raindrops keep falling on my (F7maj)head
(C)So I just (F)did me some talking to the (F7maj)sun
But (F7)that doesn't mean
And (F7)I said I didn't like the (Bb)way
my eyes will (Bb)soon be turning (Am)red
he got things (Am)done
(D)Crying's not for (Am)me
He's (D)sleeping on the (Am)job
(D)'Cause, (Gm)I'm never gonna
(D)Those (Gm)raindrops are falling on my head,
stop the rain by complaining
they keep fallin'
(C)Because I'm (F)free
(C)But there's one (F)thing I (C)know
(C)(Bb)Nothing's (C)worrying.… [Pausa]
The (Bb)blues they send to (C)meet me
Won't de(Am)feat me
It won't be long 'till (D)happiness
steps (Gm)up to greet me (C)

(F)Raindrops keep falling on my (F7maj)head

But (F7)that doesn't mean
my eyes will (Bb)soon be turning (Am)red
(D)Crying's not for (Am)me
Rasputin – Boney M (Bm)//// // (F#m)// (Bm)//// // (F#m)//
(Bm)//// //// (Em)//// (F#)// (Bm)//
(Bm)//// //// (Em)//// (F#)// (Bm)// He (Bm)ruled the Russian land
(Bm)//// //// (Em)//// (F#)// (Bm)// and never mind the Tsar
But the (Em)kazachok
(Bm)//// //// (Em)// (F#)// (Bm)//// he danced. (F#)really wunderbar
Hey! Hey!... (Bm)//// //// (Em)// (F#)// (Bm)//// In (Bm)all affairs of state he was the man to please
Hey! Hey!… (Bm)// (A)// (G)// (F#)// But he (Em)was real great
Hey! Hey!… (Bm)// (A)// (G)// (F#)// when he (F#)had a girl to squeeze
(Bm)For the Queen he was no wheeler dealer
(Bm)//// // (F#m)// (Bm)//// // (F#m)// (Em)Though she'd heard the things he'd (F#)done
(Bm)There lived a certain man, in Russia long ago (Bm)She believed he was a holy healer
He was (Em)big and strong, (Em)Who would (F#)heal her (Bm)son
in his (F#)eyes a flaming (Bm)glow
Most (Bm)people looked at him (B)Ra, ra, (D)Rasputin
with terror and with fear (E7)Lover of the (B)Russian Queen
But to (Em)Moscow chicks (A)There was a (E)cat that (B)really was gone
he was (F#)such a lovely (Bm)dear (B)Ra, ra, (D)Rasputin
(Bm)He could preach the Bible like a preacher (E7)Russia's greatest (B)love machine
(Em)Full of ecstasy and (F#)fire (A)It was a (E)shame how (B)he carried on...
(Bm)But he also was the kind of teacher
(Em)Women (F#)would de(Bm)sire [Continúa...]

(B)Ra, ra, (D)Rasputin

(E7)Lover of the (B)Russian Queen
(A)There was a (E)cat that (B)really was gone
(B)Ra, ra, (D)Rasputin
(E7)Russia's greatest (B)love machine
(A)It was a (E)shame how (B)he carried on
[...Continuación] (A)They didn't (E)quit, they (B)wanted his head

Hey! Hey!… (Bm)//// // (F#m)// (Bm)//// // (F#m)// (B)Ra, ra, (D)Rasputin

Hey! Hey!… (Bm)//// // (F#m)// (Bm)//// // (F#m)// (E7)Russia's greatest (B)love machine
(A)And so they (E)shot him (B)till he was dead
(Bm)//// //// (Em)//// (F#)// (Bm)// (B)
"This (Bm)man's just got to go!" declared his enemies
But the (Em)ladies begged
"Don't you (F#)try to do it, please"
No (Bm)doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms
Though he (Em)was a brute
they just (F#)fell into his (Bm)arms
(Bm)Then one night some men of higher standing
(Em)Set a trap, they're not to (F#)blame
(Bm)"Come to visit us" they kept demanding
(Em)And he (F#)really (Bm)came

(B)Ra, ra, (D)Rasputin

(E7)Lover of the (B)Russian Queen
(A)They put some (E)poison (B)into his wine

(B)Ra, ra, (D)Rasputin

(E7)Russia's greatest (B)love machine
(A)He drank it (E)all and he (B)said "I feel fine"

(B)Ra, ra, (D)Rasputin

(E7)Lover of the (B)Russian Queen
♡ Redemption Song – Bob Marley 'Cause (C)all I (D)ever (Em)have:
(C)Re(D)demption (G)songs;
Old (G)pirates, yes, they rob (Em)I; (C)Re(D)demption (G)songs;
(C)Sold I to the (G)merchant (Am)ships, (C)Re(D)demption (G)songs.
(G)Minutes after they (Em)took I
(C)From the (G)bottomless (Am)pit. (C)(D)(Em)(Em)
But my (G)hand was made (Em)strong (C)(D)(Em)(Em)
(C)By the 'and (G)of the Al(Am)mighty.
We (G)forward in this gene(Em)ration (C)(D)Emanci(G)pate yourselves from mental
(C)Trium(D)phantly. (Em)slavery;
None but our(C)selves can (G)free our (Am)minds.
Won't you help to (G)sing Have no (G)fear for atomic (Em)energy,
(C)These (D)songs of (G)freedom? 'Cause none of (C)them can (G)stop the (Am)time.
'Cause (C)all I (D)ever (Em)have: How (G)long shall they kill our (Em)prophets,
(C)Re(D)demption (G)songs; While we (C)stand a(G)side and (Am)look? Ooh!
(C)Re(D)demption (G)songs. Some (G)say it's just a (Em)part of it:
We've (C)got to ful(G)fill the (Am)book.
(C)(D)Emanci(G)pate yourselves from mental
(Em)slavery; Won't you help to (G)sing
None but our(C)selves can (G)free our (Am)minds. (C)These (D)songs of (G)freedom?
Have no (G)fear for atomic (Em)energy, 'Cause (C)all I (D)ever (Em)have:
'Cause none of (C)them can (G)stop the (Am)time. (C)Re(D)demption (G)songs;
How (G)long shall they kill our (Em)prophets, (C)all I (D)ever (Em)have:
While we (C)stand a(G)side and (Am)look? Ooh! (C)Re(D)demption (Em)songs;
Some (G)say it's just a (Em)part of it: (C)These (D)songs of (G)freedom,
We've (C)got to ful(G)fill the (Am)book. (C)(D)Songs of (G)freedom.
Won't you help to (G)sing
(C)These (D)songs of (G)freedom?
Red Red Wine – UB40 (F)It's tearing (G)apart
(F)My (G)blue, blue (C)heart (F)(G)(F)(C)
Red, red (C)wine(F)(G), (F)goes to my (C)head(F)(G),
(F)Makes me for(C)get that i (F)(G)
(F)Still need you (G)so (F)(G)

Red, red (C)wine(F)(G), (F)it's up to (C)you(F)(G)

(F)All i can (C)do, i've done(F)(G)
(F)memories won't (G)go
(F)memo(G)ries won't (C)go (F)(G)(F)

I'd have (G)thought that with (C)time

(F)Thoughts of you would leave my (C)head
I was (G)wrong, now i (C)find
Just one (F)thing makes me for(G)get

Red, red (C)wine(F)(G), (F)stay close to (C)me(F)(G)

(F)Don't let me (C)be alone(F)(G)
(F)It's tearing (G)apart
(F)My (G)blue, blue (C)heart (F)(G) (C)(F)(G)(F)

I'd have (G)thought that with (C)time

(F)Thoughts of you would leave my (C)head
I was (G)wrong, now i (C)find
Just one (F)thing makes me for(G)get

Red, red (C)wine(F)(G), (F)stay close to (C)me(F)(G)

(F)Don't let me (C)be alone(F)(G)
Rehab – Amy Winehouse
(C)They tried to make me go to (F7)rehab
(C)They tried to make me go to (F7)rehab but I said (C)'no, no, no'
but I said (C)'no, no, no' (C)Yes I've been black but (F7)when
(C)Yes I've been black but (F7)when I come back you'll (C)know know know
I come back you'll (C)know know know
(G7)I ain't got the time (Em)I don't ever wanna drink (Am)again
and if my (F7)daddy thinks I'm fine (F)I just ooh I just (Fm)need a friend
He's (C)tried to make me go to (F7)rehab (Em)I'm not gonna spend (Am)ten weeks
but I won't (C)go go go have (F)everyone think I'm (Fm)on the mend

(Em)I'd rather be at home (Am)with ray (G7)It's not just my pride

(F)I ain't got seventy (Fm)days (F7)It's just 'til these tears have dried
Cause there's (Em)nothing
There's nothing you can (Am)teach me [Estribillo]
That (F)I can't learn from Mr (Fm)Hathaway

(G7)I didn't get a lot in class

But I (F7)know it don't come in a shot glass


(Em)The man said 'why do you think (Am)you here'

(F)I said 'I got no (F7)idea
I'm (Em)gonna, I'm gonna lose my (Am)baby
(F)so I always keep a (F7)bottle near'
(G7)He said 'I just think you're depressed,
(F7)this me, yeah baby, and the rest'
♡ Riptide – Vance Joy (Am)Lady, (G)running down to the (C)riptide
Taken away to the (Am)dark side
(Am)I was scared of (G)dentists and the (C)dark (G)I wanna be your (C)left hand man
(Am)I was scared of (G)pretty girls and (C)starting I (Am)love you
conversations (G)when you're singing that (C)song and
Oh, (Am)all my (G)friends are turning (C)green I got a lump in my (Am)throat 'cause
You're the (Am)magician's a(G)ssistant in their (G)You're gonna sing the (C)words wrong
(Am)I just wanna, I just wanna (G)know
(Am)Oh, (G)oh, (C)oh (C)If you're gonna, if you're gonna (F)stay
(Am)Oh, (G)oh, and they (C)come unstuck (Am)I just gotta, I just gotta (G)know
(C)I can't have it, I can't have it (F)any other way
(Am)Lady, (G)running down to the (C)riptide [Single strum]
Taken away to the (Am)dark side I (Am)swear she's (G)destined for the (C)screen
(G)I wanna be your (C)left hand man (Am)Closest thing to (G)Michelle Pfeiffer (C)that
I (Am)love you you've ever seen, oh
(G)when you're singing that (C)song and
I got a lump in my (Am)throat 'cause (Am)Lady, (G)running down to the (C)riptide
(G)You're gonna sing the (C)words wrong Taken away to the (Am)dark side
(G)I wanna be your (C)left hand man
(Am)There's this movie (G)that I think you'll (C)like I (Am)love you
This (Am)guy decides to (G)quit his job and (C)heads (G)when you're singing that (C)song and
to New York City I got a lump in my (Am)throat 'cause
This (Am)cowboy's (G)running from (C)himself (G)You're gonna sing the (C)words wrong
And (Am)she's been living (G)on the highest (C)shelf

(Am)Oh, (G)oh, (C)oh

(Am)Oh, (G)oh, and they (C)come unstuck
Rise – Eddie Vedder
(G)Such is the way of the world
You can never (C)know
(G)Just where to put all your faith
And how will it (C)grow?

Gonna (D)rise up
(G)Burning black holes in dark (C)memories
Gonna (D)rise up
(G)Turning mistakes into (C)gold...


(G)Such is the passage of time

Too fast to (C)fold
(G)Suddenly swallowed by signs
Lo and be(C)hold

Gonna (D)rise up
(G)Find my direction mag(C)netically
Gonna (D)rise up
(G)Throw down my ace (C)in the hole (C)

Rock! megamix – Varios [Highway to Hell - ACDC]

[No hay tregua - Barricada] I'm on the (A)highway to (D)hell (G)(D)

On the (A)highway to (D)hell (G)(D)
(C)Es el (D)juego del (Bm)gato y el ratón (A)Highway to (D)hell (G)(D)
(C)tus mejores (D)años (Bm)clandestinidad I'm on the (A)highway to (D)hell
(C)no es muy (D)difícil (Bm)claudicar
(C)esto em(D)pieza a ser (Bm)un labe(Em)rinto [Living on a Prayer – Bon Jovi]
(C)¿Donde (D)está la salida?
(Em)Gina works the diner all day
(G)Estas asus(D)tado, (G)tu vida va en (C)ello Working for her man,
(G)pero alguien (D)debe tirar de (C)gatillo. She brings home her pay
For (C)love, (D)for (Em)love
[I Want It All - Queen]
She says, "We've gotta (C)hold (D)on
Adventure (Am)seeker, on an empty (F)street, to what we've (Em)got.
Just an alley (G)creeper, light on his (Am)feet(G) It (C)doesn't make a (D)difference
A young fighter (Am)screaming, if we make it or (Em)not.
with no time for (F)doubt We've (C)got each (D)other and that's a (Em)lot.
With the pain and (G)anger, can’t see a way (Am)out, For (C)love we'll (D)give it a shot."

(G)It ain’t much I’m (C)asking, (F)I heard him (G)say, (Em)Whoa(C)aaa, we're (D)half way there
(F)Gotta find me a (G)future, move out of my (F)way, (G)Whoa(C)aaa, (D)livin' on a prayer
(Em)Take my (C)hand and (D)we'll make it - I swear
I want it (Am)all, I want it (F)all, (G)Whoa(C)aaa, (D)livin' on a prayer
I want it (G)all, and I want it (A)now... (C)livin' on a prayer

[Sweet child of mine - Guns ‘n Roses] Am (F)I just para(G)noid?
Am I just (C)stoned? (G)(Am)(G)
(C)now and then when i see her face (C)(G)(Am)(G)
she (Bb)takes me away to that special place
and if i (F)stared too long [El rompeolas – Loquillo y los trogloditas]
i´d probably break down and (C)cry
(G)No hables de fu(D)turo,
(G)wuooh (Bb)sweet child o´(C)mine es una ilu(F)sión
(G)wuoh oh oh (Bb)oh sweet love of (C)mine cuando el rocan(C)rol conquistó mi cora(G)zón.
(G)No hables de fu(D)turo,
[Devil came to me - Dover] es una ilu(F)sión
cuando el rocan(C)*ol conquistó mi cora...
(Dm)Devil came to me
(Bb)And he said: (F)I Know what you (C)need [Rock & Roll en la plaza del pueblo - Tequila]
(Dm)Devil came to me
(Bb)And he said: (F)you belong to (C)me (G)Vamos a tocar un rock and roll
(Dm)This is the (Bb)end but I'm (F)not sur(C)prised a la plaza del pueblo,
(Dm)You will burn in (Bb)hell (C7)vamos a tocar un rock and roll
Do you (F)know, know (C)why?(A) y nadie nos va a pa(G)rar,
la (D)gente se aproxima por la (C)calle princi(G)pal.
(Bb)I lied for (F)you(C), I lied for (Dm)you(Bb) la (D)gente se aproxima por la (C)calle princi(G)pal.
I lied for (F)you(C), I lied for (Dm)you(Bb)
[Basket Case – Green Day]

(F)Sometimes I (G)give myself (C)the creeps

(F)Sometimes my (G)mind plays tricks (C)on me
It (F)all keeps adding (G)up
I (C)think I'm (Bb)cracking (Am)up
[Nothing Else Matters - Metallica] (Dm)Papa was a copper and (Am)mama was a hippie
(Am)In Alabama (G)she would swing a hammer
(Am)So close no matter (G)how far (F) (Dm)Price you gotta pay when you (Am)pick the
(Am)Couldn't be much more (G)from the heart(F) panorama
(Am)Forever trusting (G)who we are (F) (Am)She never (G)knew that there was (Dm)anything
(C)And (E7)nothing else (Am)matters more (Am)than poor
(Am)Just another (G)way to (Dm)survive
(F)(D)(G)Never cared for what they (F)do
(D)(G)Never cared for what they (F)know Cali(F)fornia rest (C)in peace(Dm)
(D)(G)But I (Am)know Simul(F)tane(C)ous release(Dm)
Cali(F)fornia show (C)your teeth(Dm)
[Zoombie – The Cranberries] She's my (F)priestess, I'm (C)your (Dm)priest, yeah,
(Em) Another (C)head hangs lowly
(G)Child is slowly (D)taken [Sarri Sarri - Kortatu]

But you (Em)see… it's not me… it's not (C)my family Ez (G)dakit zer pasatzen den
In your (G)head… in your head… they are (D)fighting az(C)ken aldi hontan
jendea ha(D)si dela dantzatzen sarri(G)tan
In your (Em)hea-ea-ead… in your (C)hea-ea-ead zerbait ikustekoa du
Zo-om(G)bie… zo-ombie… zo-om(D)bie hey hey bi (C)falta direlakoz
What’s in your (Em)hea-ea-ead… in your (C)hea-ea- «Recuento (D)generale(G)an».
Zo-om(G)bie… zo-ombie… zo-om(D)bie hey hey hey (G)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri,
(Em) (D)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri askatu,
(C)Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, Sarri, bi ba(G)tu.
[Dani California – The Red Hot Chili Peppers]
(Am)Gettin' born in the (G)state of Mississippi
[Maneras de vivir - Leño]

(D)No pienses (C)que estoy muy (G)triste

Si (D)no me (C)ves son(G)reír
(D)Es simple(C)mente des(G)piste
Ma(A)neras de vi(D)vir.
Ma(A)neras de vi(D)vir.

[We're not gonna take it – Twisted Sister]

(N/C)Oh we're not gonna take it

No, we ain't gonna take it
Oh we're not gonna take it any(F)more(C)

(F)We've got the (C)right to choose it

(F)There ain't no (Bb)way we'll lost it
(F)This is our (C)life, this is our (F)song (C)

(F)Oh we're not gonna (C)take it

(F)No, we ain't gonna (Bb)take it
Oh (F)we're not gonna (C)take it any(F)more(C)

(F)Huevos con a(C)ceite

(F)Huevos con a(Bb)ceite
(F)Huevos con a(C)ceite
y ja(F)món
Runaway – The Corrs (F)love (Gm) (Bb) with
(F)you no (Gm)never I (Bb)
(F)Say it's (Gm)true, (Bb)there's nothing like I'm never gonna (Dm)stop
(F)me and (Gm)you (Bb) (Gm)Falling in (Bb)love (C)with
(F)I'm not a(Gm)lone, (Bb)tell me you
(F)feel it (Gm)too (Bb) [Instrumental]
(F)you (Gm) (Bb) (C) With you...
And I would (Dm)run away (F) (Gm) (Bb) (C)
(Bb)I would (Gm)run away, yeah..., (C)yeah
I would (Dm)run away And I would (Dm)runaway
(Bb)I would (Gm)run away with (C)you (Bb) (Bb)I would (Gm)runaway, yeah..., (C)yeah
I would (Dm)runaway, runaway
Cause (F)I (Gm) (Bb)am falling in (Bb)I would (Gm)runaway with (C)you (Bb) [Pausa]
(F)love (Gm) (Bb) with
(F)you no (Gm)never I (Bb) Cause (F)I (Gm) (Bb)am falling in
I'm never gonna (Dm)stop (F)love (Gm) (Bb) with
(Gm)Falling in (Bb)love (C)with (F)you (F)you no (Gm)never I (Bb)
I'm never gonna (Dm)stop
(F)Close the (Gm)door, (Bb)lay down (Gm)Falling in (Bb)love (C)with
u(F)pon the (Gm)floor (Bb)
And (F)by candle(Gm)light, (Bb)make love to me (F)you (G) (Bb)Na ni na, (C)na ni na na…
(F)through the (Gm)night (Bb) (Dm) (G) (Bb) (C)
(F) (G) (Bb) (C)
Cause I have (Dm)run away (Dm) (G) (Bb) (C)
(Bb)I have (Gm)run away, yeah..., (C)yeah (F)
I have (Dm)run away, run away
(Bb)I have (Gm)run away with (C)you (Bb)

Cause (F)I (Gm) (Bb)am falling in

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town – He (A7)knows if you've been (D)bad or good
So be (A7)good for goodness (D)sake!
You (G)better watch (G7)out
You (G)better watch (G7)out
You (C)better not (Cm)cry
You (C)better not (Cm)cry
(G)Better not (G7)pout
(G)Better not (G7)pout
I'm (C)telling you (Cm)why
I'm (C)telling you (Cm)why
(G)Santa (Em)Claus is (Am)coming (D)to (G)town
(G)Santa (Em)Claus is (Am)coming (D)to (G)town

He's (G)making a (G7)list

And (C)checking it (Cm)twice;
He's (G)gonna find (G7)out
Who's (C)naughty or (Cm)nice
(G)Santa (Em)Claus is (Am)coming (D)to (G)town

He (G7)sees you when you're (C)sleeping

He (G7)knows when you're (C)awake
He (A7)knows if you've been (D)bad or good
So be (A7)good for goodness (D)sake!

You (G)better watch (G7)out

You (C)better not (Cm)cry
(G)Better not (G7)pout
I'm (C)telling you (Cm)why
(G)Santa (Em)Claus is (Am)coming (D)to (G)town

He (G7)sees you when you're (C)sleeping

He (G7)knows when you're (C)awake
Save Me – Queen (D)Save me (A)Save me (G)Save (D)me
I (D)can't face this (E7)life a(A)lone(G)
It s(G)tarted off (D)so (Em)well (D)Save me (A)Save me (C)Ohhh(G)(Gm)
(G)They said we (C)made a (G)perfect (Am)pair I'm (D)naked and I'm (C)far (G)from (Am)home
I (C)clothed my(D)self in your (G)glory and your
(C)love [Instrumental]
How I (G)loved you, (G)(G)(D)(D)
How I (D)cried..... (Em)(Em)(G)(G)
The (Am)years of care (G)and (C)loyalty (C)(C)(G)(G)
Were (Am)nothing but a (C)shame (G)it (D)seems (Am)(Am)(Am)(Am)
The (C)years be(D)lie we (G)lived a (C)lie (C)(C)(D)(D)
"I'll (G)love you (C)'til I (G)die" (G)(G)(C)(C)
(D)Save me (A)Save me (G)Save (D)me (D)(D)(D)(D)
I (D)can't face this (E7)life a(A)lone(G)
(D)Save me (A)Save me (C)Save (G)me Each (C)night I (D)cry, I still (G)believe the (C)lie
I'm (D)naked and I'm (C)far (G)from (D)home [Pausa] I'll (G)love you (C)'til I (G)die

The s(G)late will (D)soon be (Em)clean (D)Save me (A)Save me (G)Save (D)me

(G)I'll e(C)rase the (G)memo(Am)ries, I (D)can't face this (E7)life a(A)lone(G)
To (C)start a(D)gain with (G)somebody (C)new (D)Save me (A)Save me (C)Ohhh(G)Save me(Gm)
Was it (G)all wasted Don't (D)let me face my (C)life (G)a(D)lone (G)
All that (D)love? (D)Save me (A)Save me (C)Ohhh(G)(Gm)
I (Am)hang my head (G)and I (C)advertise [Single strum]
A (Am)soul for (C)sale (G)or (D)rent I'm (D)naked and I'm (C)far (G)from (D)home
I (C)have no (D)heart, I'm (G)cold in(C)side
I (G)have no (C)real in(G)tent
Save Tonight – Eagle Eye Cherry (G)And (Am)Lord I wish it (F)wasn't so(C)

Go on and (Am)close (F)the (C)curtains (G)Save to(Am)night

(G)'Cause all we (Am)need (F)is (C)candlelight (F)and (C)fight the break of (G)dawn
(G)You and (Am)me, (F)and a (C)bottle of wine Come (Am)tomorrow
(G)To hold (Am)you tonight (F)oh (C) (F)to(C)morrow I'll be (G)gone
Save (Am)tonight
(G)Well we (Am)know (F)I'm (C)going away (F)and (C)fight the break of (G)dawn
(G)And how I (Am)wish - (F)I wish it (C)weren't so Come (Am)tomorrow
(G)So take this (Am)wine (F)and (C)drink with me (F)to(C)morrow I'll be (G)gone
(G)And (Am)let's delay our (F)misery (C)
[Single strum]
(G)Save to(Am)night (Am)Tomorrow (F)comes to (C)take me (G)away
(F)and (C)fight the break of (G)dawn (Am)I wish that (F)I, that (C)I could (G)stay
Come (Am)tomorrow But (Am)girl you know I've (F)got to go (C)oh (G)
(F)to(C)morrow I'll be (G)gone And (Am)Lord I wish it (F)wasn't so (C)
Save (Am)tonight
(F)and (C)fight the break of (G)dawn (G)Save to(Am)night
Come (Am)tomorrow (F)and (C)fight the break of (G)dawn
(F)to(C)morrow I'll be (G)gone Come (Am)tomorrow
(F)to(C)morrow I'll be (G)gone
There's a (Am)log (F)on the (C)fire Save (Am)tonight
(G)And it (Am)burns (F)like (C)me for you (F)and (C)fight the break of (G)dawn
(G)Tomorrow (Am)comes (F)with one de(C)sire Come (Am)tomorrow
(G)To (Am)take me (F)away (C)ohh it's true (F)to(C)morrow I'll be (G)gone

(G)It ain't (Am)easy (F)to (C)say good-bye

(G)Darlin' (Am)please, (F)don't (C)start to cry
(G)'Cause (Am)girl you know I've (F)got to go (C)oh
Serenade – Dover
(Am)And I relied on my (E7)best friend
(Am)And I relied on my (E7)best friend She would (Am)advice me
She would (Am)advice me She broke her (E7)code out
She broke her (E7)code out And put on her (Am)jacket
And put on her (Am)jacket Now it (Dm)scares because she's really (Am)gone
Now it (Dm)scares because she's really (Am)gone (Dm)ooo(Am)ooohh
(Dm)ooo(Am)ooohh (Dm)ooo(F)oo(G)ohh (F)(G)
(Dm)ooo(F)oo(G)ohh (F)(G)
(Am)And I relied on my (E7)best friend,
do you re(Am)member? And if it's (Am)going to (F)be my (Dm)desti(G)ny
She was so (E7)young and I don't (Am)want to (F)wait till it (Dm)comes to (G)me
now that we're (Am)burning I will (Am)work so (F)hard my (Dm)hands will (G)hurt
They're (Dm)scared because she's really (Am)gone I will (Am)pay my (F)sins, if (Dm)so in (G)hell
(Dm)ooo(F)oo(G)ohh (F)(G) [single strum]
Sere(C)nade, (G)serenade (Am)me
And if it's (Am)going to (F)be my (Dm)desti(G)ny (F)They say I'm (G)dry but I'm just (C)sick(G)
I don't (Am)want to (F)wait till it (Dm)comes to (G)me
I will (Am)work so (F)hard my (Dm)hands will (G)hurt [normal strum]
I will (Am)pay my (F)sins, if (Dm)so in (G)hell Serenade (Am)me
(F)They say I'm (G)cold but I'm just (C)sick
Sere(C)nade, (G)serenade (Am)me (G)Serenade (Am)me(F)(G)(C)(G)
(F)They say I'm (G)dry but I'm just (C)sick serenade (Am)me
(G)Serenade (Am)me (F)They say I'm (G)dry but I'm just (C)sick
(F)They say I'm (G)cold but I'm just (C)sick (G)Serenade (Am)me(F)(G)
(G)Serenade (Am)me(F)(G) (D)(D)(D)(A)
♡ Shake It Off – Taylor Swift That's what they don't see
I'm dancing on my (Am)own
I stay up too (Am)late I make the moves as I (C)go
Got nothing in my (C)brain And that's what they don't (G)know
That's what people (G)say That's what they don't know
That's what people say
I go on too many (Am)dates But I keep (Am)cruising
But I can't make them (C)stay Can't stop, won't stop (C)grooving
At least that's what people (G)say It's like I got this (G)music
That's what people say In my mind, saying it's gonna be alright

But I keep (Am)cruising [Estribillo]

Can't stop, won't stop (C)moving (Am)Shake it off, Shake it off off off
It's like I got this (G)music (C)Shake it off, Shake it off off off
In my mind, saying it's gonna be alright (G)Shake it off, Shake it off off off
Shake it off, Shake it off off off
Cause the (Am)players gonna play, play, play
And the (C)haters gonna hate, hate, hate, baby (Am)Shake it off, Shake it off off off
(G)I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake (C)Shake it off, Shake it off off off
Shake it off (G)Shake it off, Shake it off off off
Heart(Am)breakers gonna break, break, break [Single strum](G)Shake it off, Shake it off [silencio]
And the (C)fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, baby
(G)I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake [Estribillo]
Shake it off, Shake it off
Am)Shake it off, Shake it off off off
I never miss a (Am)beat (C)Shake it off, Shake it off off off
I'm lighting up my (C)feet (G)Shake it off, Shake it off off off
And that's what they don't (G)see Shake it off, Shake it off
♡Shallow – A star is born
[Intro] (Am)I'm off the deep end, (D)watch as I dive in
(Em)(D)(G) (G)I'll never meet(D) the ground(Em)
(C)(G)(D) (Am)Crash through the surface (D)where they can't
(Em)(D)(G) hurt us
We're (G)far from the sha(D)llow now(Em)
(Em)Tell me (D)something, (G)girl
(C)Are you happy in this (G)modern (D)world? (Am)In the sha-ha-(D)sha-ha-low
(Em)Or do you (D)need (G)more? (G)In the sha-ha-sha-la-(D)la-la-low(Em)
(C)Is there something else you're (G)searching (D)for? (Am)In the sha-ha-(D)sha-ha-ha-low
We’re (G)far from the (D)shallow (Em)now.
(Em)I'm (D)fall-in'(G)
(C)In all the good times I (G)find myself(D) longin'
(Em)for (D)change(G) (Bm)Woo(D)aaaah
(C)And in the bad times I (G)fear myself (D) (A)Woaa(Em)aaa(Bm)aaaaa(D)aaaa(A)aahhhhh

(Em)(D)(G) [Estribillo]

(Em)Tell me (D)something, (G)boy

(C)Aren't you tired tryin' (G)to fill that (D)void
(Em)Or do you (D)need (G)more?
(C)Ain't it hard keeping it (G)so hard(D)core?

(Em)I'm (D)fall-in'(G)
(C)In all the good times I (G)find myself(D) longin'
(Em)for (D)change(G)
(C)And in the bad times I (G)fear myself (D)
Shape of You – Ed Sheeran I'm in (C)love with your body
Last (Gm)night you were in my (Bb)room
The (Dm)club isn't the best (Gm)place to find a lover And now my (C)bedsheets smell like (Dm)you
So the (Bb)bar is where I (C)go -mmmm- Every day discove(Gm)ring something brand (Bb)new
(Dm)Me and my friends at the (Gm)table doing shots I'm in (C)love with your body
Drinking (Bb)fast and then we talk (C)slow -mmmm- (Dm)Oh I oh I (Gm)oh I oh I
And you come (Dm)over and start up a (Bb)I'm in (C)love with your body
conver(Gm)sation with just me (Dm)Oh I oh I (Gm)oh I oh I
And (Bb)trust me I'll give it a (C)chance now (Bb)I'm in (C)love with your body
Take my (Dm)hand, stop (Dm)Oh I oh I (Gm)oh I oh I
Put Van The (Gm)Man on the jukebox (Bb)I'm in (C)love with your body
And (Bb)then we start to (C)dance (Dm)Every day discove(Gm)ring
And now I'm singing like something brand (Bb)new
I'm in (C)love with the shape of (Dm)you
(Dm)Girl, you know I (Gm)want your love
Your (Bb)love was handmade One week in we let the s(Gm)tory begin
(C)for somebody like (Dm)me We're going (Bb)out on our first (C)date -mmmm-
Come on now, (Gm)follow my lead You and (Dm)me are thrifty
(Bb)I may be crazy, (C)don't mind me So go (Gm)all you can eat
Say, (Dm)boy, let's not (Gm)talk too much Fill up your (Bb)bag and I fill up a (C)plate
(Bb)Grab on my waist and (C)put that body on We talk for (Dm)hours and hours about the
(Dm)me (Gm)sweet and the sour
Come on now, (Gm)follow my lead And (Bb)how your family is doing o(C)kay -mmmm-
Come, (Bb)come on now, follow my lead -mmmm- And leave and (Dm)get in a taxi, then (Gm)kiss in the
(Dm)I'm in (Gm)love with the shape of (Bb)you Tell the (Bb)driver make the radio (C)play
We push and (C)pull like a magnet (Dm)do And I'm singing like...
Although my (Gm)heart is falling (Bb)too
♡ She Loves You – The Beatles And (G)now it’s up to (Em)you,
I (Bm)think it’s only (D)fair,
She (Em)loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah If (G)I should hurt you, (Em)too,
She (A)loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah A(Bm)pologize to (D)her
She (C)loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, (G)yeah Because she (G)loves you
And you know that can’t be (Em)bad.
You (G)think you lost your (Em)love, Yes, she (Cm)loves you
When I (Bm)saw her yester(D)day. And you know you should be (D)glad. ooh!
It’s (G)you she’s thinking (Em)of
And she (Bm)told me what to (D)say. She (Em)loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She says she (G)loves you She (A)loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
And you know that can’t be (Em)bad. With a (Cm)love like that
Yes, she (Cm)loves you You (D)know you should be (G)glad. (Em)
And you know you should be (D)glad. ooh! With a (Cm)love like that
You (D)know you should be (G)glad. (Em)
She (G)said you were to (Em)know With a (Cm)love like that
That she (Bm)almost lost her (D)mind. [Single strum]
And (G)now she says she (Em)knows You (D)know you should
You’re (Bm)not the hurting (D)kind. [Normal strum]
She says she (G)loves you be (G)glaaaad.
And you know that can’t be (Em)bad. (Em) yeah, yeah, yeah
Yes, she (Cm)loves you (C) yeah, yeah, yeah, (G)yeah
And you know you should be (D)glad. ooh!

She (Em)loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah

She (A)loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
And with a (Cm)love like that
You (D)know you should be (G)glad.
Shiny Happy People – R.E.M. (A)(D)(G) (A)(D)(G)
(A)(D)(G) (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands
(F)(Dm)(Am)(Bb) (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands
(F)(Dm)(Am)(Bb) (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people laughing
(A)(D)(G) (A)(D)(G)
(A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people laughing (A)(D)(G) (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands
(A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands
(Em)Meet me in the crowd, (G)people, (D)people (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people laughing
(Em)Throw your love around, (G)love me, (D)love me
(Em)Take it into town, (G)happy, (D)happy (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands
(Em)Put it in the ground where the (G)flowers (D)grow (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands
(F)Gold and silver (D)shine (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people laughing

(A)(D)(G) (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands (D)

(A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands
(A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people laughing

(Em)Everyone around, (G)love them, (D)love them

(Em)Put it in your hands, (G)take it, (D)take it
(Em)There's no time to cry, (G)happy, (D)happy
(Em)Put it in your heart where to(G)morrow (D)shines
(F)Gold and silver (D)shine

(A)(D)(G) (A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands

(A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people holding hands
(A)Shiny (D)happy (G)people laughing

(F)(Dm)(Am)(Bb) Whoa, here we go
Simply the best – Tina Turner
In your (F)heart I see the (Bb)star
(F)I call you when I (Bb)need you, of every (C)night and every (F)day
my (C)heart's on (F)fire (F)(Bb)(C)(F)
(F)(Bb)(C)(F) In your (F)eyes I get (Bb)lost,
You (F)come to me, (Bb)come to me I get (C)washed a(F)way
(C)wild and (F)wild (F)(Bb)(C)(F)
(F)(Bb)(C)(F) Just as (Dm)long as I'm here in your arms
When you come to (Dm)me I could be in no (Bb)better place(C)
Give me everything (Bb)I need
Give me a (F)lifetime of (Bb)promises
and a (C)world of (F)dreams (Bb)Each time you leave me i start losing control
(F)(Bb)(C)(F) You're (Dm)walking away with my heart and my soul
Speak a (F)language of (Bb)love (Bb)I could feel you even when i'm alone
like you (C)know what it (F)means (C)Oh baby, never (D)go
And it can't be (Dm)wrong You're simply the (G)best,
Take my heart and make it (Bb)strong baby (C) (G)better than all the rest
Better than (Em)anyone,
You're simply the (F)best, anyone I've (D)ever met
(F)better than all the rest I'm stuck on your (G)heart,
Better than (Dm)anyone, and hang on every (G)word you say
anyone I've (C)ever met Tear us (Em)apart,
I'm stuck on your (F)heart, baby I would (D)rather be dead
and hang on every (F)word you say
Tear us (Dm)apart, You're the (G)best
baby I would (C)rather be dead
Singing in the Rain – Gene Kelly

I'm (G)singing in the (Am)rain(D)

Just (G)singin' in the (Am)rain (D)
What a (G)glorious (E7)feeling
I'm (Am)happy a(D)gain
I'm (Am)laughing at (D)clouds
So (Am)dark up a(D)bove
The (Am)sun's in my (D)heart
And I'm (G)ready for (Am)love (D)

Let the (G)stormy clouds (Bm)chase (D)

Every(G)one from the (Bm)place (D)
[Single strum ](G)Come on with the rain
[Normal strum] (E7)I have a (Am)smile on my
I (Am)walk down the (D)lane
With a (Am)happy re(D)frain
Just (Am)Singin', (D)singin' in the (G)rain

(G)Dancing in the (Am)rain(D)

(G)(E7)(Am)I'm happy a(D)gain
I'm (Am)singin' and (D)dancin' in the (G)rain
Sk8er Boi – Avril Lavigne (F)He was a (C)skater boy.
She said, "See ya (Bb)later, boy."
(D)He was a boy (A)She was a (Bm)girl. He wasn't (A)good enough for (F)her.
Can I make it (Bb)anymore obvious? Now he's a (C)superstar
(D)He was a punk (A)She did ba(Bm)llet. Slammin' on (Bb)his guitar
What (C)more can I say? Does your pretty (A)face see what he's (F)worth?
(D)He wanted her (A)She'd never (Bm)tell. [Repetir] ...(Bb)worth?
Secretly (Bb)she wanted him as well.
(D)And all of her (A)friends stuck up their (Bm)nose. (Db)
They had a (C)problem with his baggy (F)clothes. (Dm)Sorry, girl, but you missed (F)out.
Well, tough luck, that boy's mine (C)now.
(F)He was a (C)skater boy. We are more than just good (Bb)friends.
She said, "See ya (Bb)later, boy." This is (A)how the story (Dm)ends.
He wasn't (A)good enough for (F)her. Too bad that you couldn't (F)see...
She had a (C)pretty face See the man that boy could (C)be.
but her head was (Bb)up in space. There is more than meets the (Bb)eye,
She needed to (A)come back down to (Bb)earth. I see the (A)soul that is (D)inside.

(D)Five years from (A)now, she sits at (Bm)home He's just a (A)boy, and I'm just a (Bm)girl.
feeding the (Bb)baby, She's all alone. Can I make it (Bb)anymore obvious?
(D)She turns on TV (A)and guess who she (Bm)sees? (D)We are in love. (A)Haven't you (Bm)heard
Skater boy (C)rockin' up MTV. how we (C)rock each other's world?
(D)She calls up her friends.
(A)They already (Bm)know. (F)I'm with the s(C)kater boy.
And they've all got (Bb)tickets to see his show. I said, "See ya (Bb)later, boy."
(D)She tags along, (A)Stands in the (Bm)crowd, I'll be backs(A)tage after the (F)show.
Looks up at the man that (C)she turned down. I'll be at the s(C)tudio singing the (Bb)song we wrote
About a (A)girl you used to (F)know. [x2]...(Bb)know
Sleeping In My Car – Roxette
Sleeping in my (G)car - I will un(D)dress you
I'll (Gm)tell you what I've done Sleeping in my (Em)car - I will ca(C)ress you
I'll (F)tell you what I'll do Staying in the (G)back seat of my (D)car
Been (Gm)driving all nite (Eb)just to get close to you making (C)love. Oh yeah (D)
(Gm)Baby Babe - I'm moving so (F)fast
You'd better come (C)on.(Eb) Sleeping in my (G)car - I will po(D)ssess you
Sleeping in my (Em)car - certainly (C)bless you
(Gm)The moon is alright Laying in the (G)back seat of my (D)car
The (F)freeway's heading south making (C)up. Oh oh (D)
My (Gm)heart is going Boom!
There's a (Eb)strange taste in my mouth [Single strum]
(Gm)Baby Babe - I'm moving real (F)fast The (G)night is so (D)pretty and so (C)young (G)
So try to hold (C)on The (G)night is so (D)pretty and so (C)young (G)
(Eb)Try to hold (Gm)on! [Silencio] (C)So very (D)young...

Sleeping in my (G)car - I will un(D)dress you Sleeping in my (G)car - I will un(D)dress you
Sleeping in my (Em)car - I will ca(C)ress you Sleeping in my (Em)car - I will ca(C)ress you
Staying in the (G)back seat of my (D)car Staying in the (G)back seat of my (D)car
making (C)up. Oh oh (D) making (C)love to you! (D)

(Gm)(F)(Eb)(F) Sleeping in my (G)car - I will po(D)ssess you

So (Gm)come out tonight Sleeping in my (Em)car - certainly (C)bless you
I'll (F)take you for a ride Laying in the (G)back seat of my (D)car
This (Gm)steamy ol' wagon making (C)up, making up (D)
The (Eb)radio is getting wild
(Gm)Baby Babe - we're moving so (F)fast [Single strum]
I try to hang (C)on The (G)night is so (D)pretty and so (C)young...
(Eb)Try to hang (Gm)on! [Silencio]
Smells Like Teen Spirit – Nirvana (Am)(Bb)(Am)(D)(C)
(Am)Load (D)up on (C)guns and
(F)Bring your (Am)friends (Am)I'm (D)worse at (C)what (F)I do (Am)best
It's (D)fun to (C)lose And (D)for this (C)gift I (F)feel (Am)blessed
And (F)to pre(Am)tend Our (D)little (C)group has (F)always (Am)been
She's (D)over (C)bored And (D)always (C)will un(F)til the (Am)end
And (F)self a(Am)ssured
Oh (D)no, I (C)know [Estribillo]
A (F)dirty (Am)word (F)Yeah!
(Am)Hello, (D)hello, (C)hello, (F)how low? (Am)(Bb)(Am)(D)(C)
(Am)Hello, (D)hello, (C)hello, (F)how low?
(Am)Hello, (D)hello, (C)hello, (F)how low? (Am)And (D)I for(C)get
(Am)Hello, (D)hello, (C)hello, (F) Just (F)why I (Am)taste
Oh (D)yeah, I (C)guess it (F)makes me (Am)smile
With the (Am)lights out (D)it's less (C)dangerous I (D)found it (C)hard
(F)Here we (Am)are now It was (F)hard to (Am)find
(D)Enter(C)tain us Oh (D)well, wha(C)tever, (F)nevermind
(F)I feel (Am)stupid (D)and con(C)tagious
(F)Here we (Am)are now [Estribillo]
(D)Enter(C)tain us
(F)A mu(Am)latto A de(Am)nial, (D)A de(C)nial
(D)An al(C)bino (F)A de(Am)nial, (D)A de(C)nial
(F)A mos(Am)quito (F)A de(Am)nial, (D)A de(C)nial
(D)My Li(C)bido (F)A de(Am)nial, (D)A de(C)nial
(F)A de(Am)nial
Solid As A Rock – Ella Fitzgerald [Repetir desde el principio]

(C)Solid as a (Dm)rock, (G)

Acorde (Am/C) = 2 0 0 3
(C)Solid as a (Dm)rock, (G)
Acorde (C+) = 1 0 0 3
(C)Love (Dm)is as (G)solid as the
(C)Rock (Dm)of Gi(G)braltar
(C)Solid as a (Dm)rock, (G)
So (C)come (Dm)to the (G)altar with me
(C)Solid as a (Dm)rock, (G)
(C)Love (Dm)is as (G)solid as the
So (C)come (Dm)to the (G)altar with me
(C)Rock (Dm)of Gi(G)braltar
So (C)come (Dm)to the (G)altar with me
So (C)come (Dm)to the (G)altar with me
(C)Solid as a (Dm)rock, (G)
(C)Solid as a (Dm)rock, (G)
(C)Love (Dm)is as (G)solid as the
(C)Rock (Dm)of Gi(G)braltar
So (C)come (Dm)to the (G)altar with me

You'll (F)only wonder

(D7)wayward if you (C)ramble
May I (Dm)suggest a (G7)license
and a (C)ring(C7)
When (F)you're in love
it's (D7)really not a (C)gamble
(E7)Cause you're (Am/C)betting
(C+)all to (C)reach your (Dm)things(G)
So Lonely – The Police
So lonely
(C)Well, (G)someone told me (Am)yester(F)day (C)So lonely
(C)That (G)when you throw your (Am)love a(F)way (G)So lonely
(C)You (G)act as if you (Am)just don't care(F) (Am)So lonely
(C)You (G)look as if you're (Am)going some(F)where (F)
(C)But (G)I just can't con(Am)vince my(F)self (C)So lonely
(C)I (G)couldn't live with (Am)no one (F)else (G)So lonelyyy
(C)And (G)I can only (Am)play that (F)part (Am)
(C)And (G)sit and nurse my (Am)broken (F)heart (F)(C)

So lonely
(C)So lonely
(G)So lonely
(Am)So lonely
(C)So lonely
(G)So lonelyyy

(C)No, (G)no one's knocked u(Am)pon my door(F)

(C)(G)For a thousand (Am)years or (F)more
(C)All (G)made up and no(Am)where to (F)go
(C)(G)Welcome to this (Am)one man (F)show
(C)Just (G)take a seat they're (Am)always (F)free
(C)(G)No surprise, no (Am)mystery(F)
(C)In this (G)theatre that I (Am)call my (F)soul
(C)I (G)always play the (Am)starring (F)role
Somebody That I Used To Know – Gotye And (C)I don't even (Bb)need your (C)love
But you (Dm)treat me like a s(C)tranger
(Dm)(C)(Dm)(C) [x4] And that (Bb)feels so (C)rough
(Dm)Now and (C)then I think of (Dm)when (Dm)No you (C)didn't have to (Bb)stoop so (C)low
we (C)were to(Dm)gether(C)(Dm)(C) (Dm)Have your (C)friends collect your (Bb)records
(Dm)Like when you (C)said And then (C)change your num(Dm)ber
you felt so (Dm)happy I (C)guess that I don't (Bb)need that (C)though
(C)you could (Dm)die(C)(Dm)(C) (Dm)Now you're just some(C)body
(Dm)I told my(C)self that that I (Bb)used to (C)know
you were (Dm)right for (C)me (Dm)(C)(Bb)(C)
(Dm)But felt so (C)lonely in your (Dm)compa(C)ny (Dm)Now you're just some(C)body
(Dm)But that was (C)love and that I (Bb)used to (C)know
it's an (Dm)ache I (C)still re(Dm)membern (Dm)(C)(Bb)(C)
(Dm)(C)(Dm)(C) [x4] (Dm)Now you're just some(C)body
(Dm)You can get (C)addicted to that I (Bb)used to (C)know
a (Dm)certain (C)kind of (Dm)sadness(C)(Dm)(C)
(Dm)Like resig(C)nation to the (Dm)end (Dm)(C)(Dm)(C) [x4]
(C)Always the (Dm)end(C)(Dm)(C) (Dm)Now and (C)then I think of (Dm)all the times you
(Dm)So when we (C)found that (C)screwed me (Dm)over(C)(Dm)(C)
we could (Dm)not make (C)sense (Dm)But had me be(C)lieving
(Dm)Well you (C)said that it was (Dm)always
we would (Dm)still be (C)friends something (C)that I'd (Dm)done(C)(Dm)(C)
(Dm)But I'll ad(C)mit that I was (Dm)glad (C)But I don't wanna live that way
that (C)it was (Dm)over (C)(Dm)(C) (C)Reading into every word you say
(C)You said that you could let it go
(Dm)But you (C)didn't have to (Bb)cut me (C)off (C)And I wouldn't catch you hung up on [silencio]
(Dm)Make out (C)like it never (Bb)happened somebody that you used to know
And that (C)we were (Dm)nothing [Estribillo]
Somebody To Love – Queen (D)somebody to (G)love? (G7)

[Single strum] (C)Everyday - i try and i try and i try -

(G)Can (G)a(D)ny(Em)bo(C)dy but (F)everybody wants to put me down
(G)find (D)me they say (Fm)i'm goin' crazy
(C)some(C)bo(G)dy (D)to (G)love? (A)they say i got a lot of water in my brain
got no common sense
(G)(D)(Em)(C)(D) i got nobody left to be(D)lieve
Each (G)morning i (D)get up I (Em)die a little (D7)yeah - yeah yeah yeah
Can (G)barely (A)stand on my (D)feet
Take a (G)look (D)in the (Em)mirror and cry I got no (G)feel, (D)i got no (Em)rhythm
(A)Lord what you're doing to (D)me I (G)just keep (A)losing my (D)beat
I have (G)spent all my (A)years in (D)believing you i'm (G)OK, i'm (D)alright (Em)
But i (D)just can't (A)get no (D)relief, (C)Lord! ain't (A)gonna face (D)no defeat
(G)Somebody, somebody i just (G)gotta get (A)out of this (D)prison cell
can (G)any(D)body (Em)find (C)me some(D)day i'm (A)gonna be (D)free, (C)lord!
(G)Some(D)body to (G)love? [Pausa]
I work (G)hard every (D)day of my (Em)life (G)Find (G)me some(G)body to (G)love [x8]
I (G)work till (A)I ache my (D)bones
At the (G)end, at the (D)end of the (Em)day Can (G)any(D)body (Em)find (C)me (D) [Silencio]
I take home my (A)hard earned pay (D)all on my own [N/C] Somebody tooooo... looooove?
i get (G)down on my (A)knees
and (D)I start to pray (G)(D)Find me (Em)somebody (C)to (D)(G)love
Till the (D)tears run (A)down from my (D)eyes (G)(D)Find me (Em)somebody (C)to (D)(G)love
(C)Lord (G)(D)Find me (Em)somebody (C)to (D)(G)love
(G)somebody, somebody (G)(D)Find me (Em)somebody (C)to (D)(G)love
can (G)any(D)body (Em)find (C)me
Someone in the Crowd – La La Land 'Til they dis(Ab)cover you
And make you (Bb)more than who
[Single strum] You're seeing (Cm)now (G)
(Eb)You got the invitation So with the (Cm)stars aligned
You got the right address I think I'll (Ab)stay behind
You need some medication? You've got to (Bb)go and fiiiind… [pausa]
The answer's always yes [N/C] That someone in the crowd
(Fm)A little chance encounter
(Bm)Could be the one you've waited (Eb)for [Single strum / Lento]
[Normal] (Eb)Just squeeze a bit more Is (Ab)someone in the (Bb)crowd
the only (Eb)thing you really (C)see?
(Eb)Tonight we're on a mission (Ab)Watching while the (Bb)world
Tonight's the casting call keeps spinning (Eb)'round? (C)
If this is the real audition (Ab)Somewhere there's a (Bb)place
Oh, God, help us all where I find (Eb)who I'm gonna (C)be
(Fm)You make the right impression A (Ab)somewhere that's just (Bb)waiting to be
Then ev'rybody knows your (Eb)name (Cm)found
We're in the fast lane
[Normal / Rápido]
(Ab)Someone in the (Bb)crowd (Ab)Someone in the (Bb)crowd
Could be the (Eb)one you need to (C)know could be the (Eb)one you need to (C)know
The (Ab)one to fin'lly (Bb)lift you The (Ab)someone who could (Bb)lift you
off the (Eb)ground (C) off the (Eb)ground (Cm)
(Ab)Someone in the (Bb)crowd could (Ab)Someone in the (Bb)crowd
Take you (Eb)where you wanna (C)go could take you (Eb)where you wanna (C)go
If (Ab)you're the someone (Bb)ready to be (Cm)found (Ab)Someone in the (Bb)crowd could make you
- The someone ready to be found - (Ab)Someone in the (Bb)crowd could take you
(Gm)Flying off the (C)ground
Do what you (Cm)need to do If (Ab)you're the someone (Bb)ready to be (Eb)found
♡ Someone Like You – Adele We were (C)born and raised
In a (G)summer haze
(C)I heard that you're (G)settled down Bound (Am)by the surprise of our (F)glory days
That you (Am)found a girl and you're (F)married now.
(C)I heard that your (G)dreams came true. (G)I hate to turn up out of the (Am)blue uninvited
Guess she (Am)gave you things I didn't (F)give to But I (F)couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
you. I had (G)hoped you'd see my face and (Am)that you'd
(C)Old friend, why are (G)you so shy? be reminded
Ain't like (Am)you to hold back or (F)hide from the That for (F)me it isn't (G)over.(Am)
(G)I hate to turn up out of the (Am)blue uninvited
But I (F)couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it. (G)Nothing compares
I had (G)hoped you'd see my face and (Am)that you'd No worries or cares
be reminded (Am)Regrets and mistakes
That for (F)me it isn't (G)over.(Am) They are memories made.
(F)Who would have known how bitter(Dm)sweet
(C)Never mind, I'll (G)find someone (Am)like you(F) (C)this would (F)taste?(G)
I wish (C)nothing but the (G)best for (Am)you (F)too
Don't for(C)get me, I (G)beg [Estribillo 1 strum]
I'll re(Am)member you (F)said, [Estribillo]
"Sometimes it (C)lasts in love but (G)sometimes it "Sometimes it (C)lasts in love but (G)sometimes it
hurts (Am)instead,(F) hurts (Am)instead,(F)
Sometimes it (C)lasts in love but (G)sometimes it hurts

(C)You know how the (G)time flies

Only (Am)yesterday was the (F)time of our lives
♡ Something – The Beatles (C7)And all I have to do is (F)think of her (C)
(D)Something in the things she (G)shows me
(F) (Eb) (G) I (Am/C)don't want to leave her now (C+)
(C)Something in the way she moves (C7maj) You (C)know I believe and (D)how
(C7)Attracts me like no other (F)lover (C) (F) (Eb) (G) (A)
(D)Something in the way she (G)woos me (F) (Eb) (G) (C)
I (Am/C)don't want to leave her now (C+)
You (C)know I believe and (D)how
(F) (Eb) (G) (C)

(C)Somewhere in her smile she knows (C7maj)

(C7)That I don't need no other (F)lover (C)
(D)Something in her style that (G)shows me
I (Am/C)don't want to leave her now (C+)
You (C)know I believe and (D)how
(F) (Eb) (G) (A)

(A)You're asking me (A7maj) will my love (F#m)grow

(E)I don't (D)know, (G)I (D)don't (A)know
(A)You stick around (A7maj) and it may (F#m)show
(E)I don't (D)know, (G)I (C)don't know

(C) (C7maj) (C7) (F) (C)
(D) (G)
(Am/C) (C+) (C) (D)
(F) (Eb) (G) (C)

(C)Something in the way she knows (C7maj)

♡ Something Stupid – Frank & Nancy The (G7)time is right your perfume fills my head
The stars get red and on the (C)nights so blue (Cm)
And (Am)then I go and (D)spoil it all by (Am)saying
Something (D)stupid like I (G)love you
(G)I know I stand in line until you think
You have the time to spend an (Am)evening with me
(G) x4
And (Am)if we go some(D)place to dance
I (Am)know that there's
(G) x4
a (D)chance you won't be (G)leaving with me
The (G7)time is right your perfume fills my head
And (G7)afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
The stars get red and on the (C)nights so blue (Cm)
And have a (C)drink or two (Cm)
And (Am)then I go and (D)spoil it all by (Am)saying
And (Am)then I go and (D)spoil it all by (Am)saying
Something (D)stupid like
Something (D)stupid like I (G)love you
I (G)love you (Cm)
I (G)love you (Cm)
I can (G7)see it in your eyes that you despise
I (G)love you (Cm)
The same old lines you heard the (C)night before
I (G)love you (G)
And (A)though it's just a line to you for me it's true
And never seemed so (D)right before

I (G)practice everyday to find some clever lines

To say to make the (Am)meaning come (D)true
But (Am)then I think I'll (D)wait
until the (Am)evening gets (D)late
And I'm (G)alone with you
Somewhere Only We Know – Keane (Am)And if you have a (G)minute why don't (D)we go
(Am)Talk about it (G)somewhere only (D)we know?
(G)I walked across (Bm)an empty land (Am)This could be the (G)end of every(D)thing
(Am)I knew the pathway like the (Dsus)back of my (C)So why don't we go
(D)hand (D)Somewhere only (G)we know?
(G)I felt the earth (Bm)beneath my feet [Single strum]
(Am)Sat by the river and it (Dsus)made me (Am)(D)Somewhere only we know?(C)(D)
(Em)Oh simple thing (Bm)where have you gone?
(Em)Oh simple thing (Bm)where have you gone? (Am)I'm getting old and I need (Dsus)something to
(Am)I'm getting old and I need (Dsus)something to re(D)ly on
re(D)ly on (Em)So tell me when (Bm)you're gonna let me in
(Em)So tell me when (Bm)you're gonna let me in (Am)I'm getting tired and I need (Dsus)somewhere to
(Am)I'm getting tired and I need (Dsus)somewhere to be(D)gin
(Am)And if you have a (G)minute why don't (D)we go
(G)I came across (Bm)a fallen tree (Am)Talk about it (G)somewhere only (D)we know?
(Am)I felt the branches of it (Dsus)looking at (D)me (Am)This could be the (G)end of every(D)thing
(G)Is this the place (Bm)we used to love? (C)So why don't we go
(Am)Is this the place that I've been (Dsus)dreaming (C)So why don't (D)we go
(D)of? (Am)Ah (G) ah (D) ah
(Am)Ah (G) ah (D) ah
(Em)Oh simple thing (Bm)where have you gone? (Am)This could be the (G)end of every(D)thing
(Am)I'm getting old and I need (Dsus)something to (C)So why don't we go
re(D)ly on (D)Somewhere only (G)we know?
(Em)So tell me when (Bm)you're gonna let me in [Single strum]
(Am)I'm getting tired and I need (Dsus)somewhere to (Am)(G)Somewhere only (D)we know?
be(D)gin (Am)(G)Somewhere only (D)we know?(G)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow / That’s (Am)where… you’ll (F)fi-ind me, oh
(C)Somewhere… (Em)over the rainbow
Wonderful World – Israel
(F) Bluebirds (C)fly
Kamakawiwo’ole (F)And the (C)dreams that you dare to
Oh (G)why… oh why… can’t (Am)I-I-I
[NB: Mostly there are 4 strums per chord. In the (F)I-I-I
italicised bits there are two]
Well I see (C)trees of (Em)green and… (F)red roses
[intro – two strums] (C)too
(C) (Cmaj7) | (Am) (F) | (C) (G) | (Am) (F) (F)I’ll watch them (C)bloom for… (E7) me and
[humming intro – 4 strums per chord] And I… (F)think to myself… (G) what a wonderful
(C) | (Em) | (F) | (C) | (F) | (E7) | (Am) | (F) (Am)World (F)

(C)Somewhere… (Em)over the rainbow Well I see (C)skies of (Em)blue and I see… (F)clouds
(F) Way… up (C)high of (C)white
(F)And… the… (C)dreams that you dream of And the (F)brightness of (C)day… (E7) I like the
(G)Once in a lulla(Am)by-y-y (Am)dark
(F) Ay-ay-ay, oh And I (F)think to myself… (G) what a wonderful
(C)Somewhere… (Em)over the rainbow Wo(C-F)orld (C)
(F) Bluebirds (C)fly The (G)colours of the rainbow… so (C)pretty in the
(F)And the… (C)dreams that you dreamed of sky
(G)Dreams really do… come (Am)true-ue-ue Are (G)also on the faces… of (C)people passing by
(F) Oo-oo-oo I see (F)friends shaking (C)hands singing… (F) “How
Some (C)day I’ll wish upon a star… (G)wake up where do you (C)do?”
the clouds are far (F) They’re really (C)saying
Be(Am)hind… (F)me-e-e (Dm7)I… I love (G)you
Where (C)trouble melts like lemon drops… (G)high
above the chimney top [Continúa]

I hear (C)babies (Em)crying, I… (F) watch them

(F)They’ll learn much (C)more than… (E7) we’ll
And I (F)think to myself… (G) what a wonderful
(Am)World (F)
Some (C)day I’ll wish upon a star… (G)wake up where
the clouds are far
Be(Am)hind… (F)me-e-e
Where (C)trouble melts like a-lemon drops… (G)high
above the chimney tops
That’s (Am)where… you’ll (F)fi-ind me, oh
(C)Somewhere (Em)over the rainbow
(F) Way up (C)high
(F)And the (C)dream that you dare to
(G)Why, oh why… can’t (Am)I-I-I (F)I-I-I

[humming outro]
(C) (Em) (F) (C) (F) (E7) (Am) (F) (C)
SOS – ABBA (Dm) You made me feel a(A7)live, but something died
I (Dm)fear
[intro] (Dm) (A7) (Dm) (Dm) (F) I really tried to (C)make it out (Gm) I wish I
(Dm) Where are those happy (A7)days? They seem (Dm) What happened to our (A7)love, it used to be so
so hard to (Dm)find (Dm)good?
(Dm) I tried to reach for (A7)you, but you have closed
your (Dm)mind [Chorus] x2
(F) Whatever happened (C)to our love? (Gm) I wish I
(Dm) It used to be so (A7)nice, it used to be so

(F)So when you're (C)near me (Gm)darling can't you
(Bb)hear me (F)SOS
(F) The love you (C)gave me (Gm)nothing else can
(Bb)save me (F)SOS
[slide Bb shape up the fretboard]
When you're (Bb, 1st fret)gone, how can (Db, 4th)I
even (Eb, 6th)try to
go (F, 8th)on?
When you're (Bb, 1st fret)gone, though I (Db, 4th)try
how can (Eb, 6th)I
carry (F, 8th)on?

(Dm) You seemed so far a(A7)way, though you were

standing (Dm)near
Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel Hear my (F)words that I(Bb) might teach (F)you
Take my arms that I (Bb)might reach (F)you"
(Dm)Hello darkness, my old (C)friend But my (Bb)words, like silent raindrops (F)fell (Dm)(F)
I've come to talk with you a(Dm)gain And echoed in the (C)wells of (Dm)silence
Because a (F)vision softly(Bb) cree(F)ping
Left its seeds while I wa(Bb)s slee(F)ping And the people bowed and (C)prayed
And the (Bb)vision that was planted in my (F)brain To the neon god they (Dm)made
Still re(F)mains (Dm)(F) And the (F)sign flashed out (Bb)its war(F)ning
Within the (C)sound of (Dm)silence In the words that it (Bb)was for(F)ming
And the sign said:
In restless dreams I walked a(C)lone "The (Bb)words of the prophets are
Narrow streets of cobbles(Dm)tone Written on the subway (F)walls
'Neath the (F)halo of a (Bb)street (F)lamp And tenement halls(Dm)
I turned my collar to the (Bb)cold and (F)damp And (F)whispered in the (C)sound of (Dm)silence."
When my (Bb)eyes were stabbed by
The flash of a neon (F)light
That split the night (Dm)(F)
And touched the (C)sound of (Dm)silence

And in the naked light I (C)saw

Ten thousand people, maybe (Dm)more
People (F)talking with(Bb)out spea(F)king
People hearing with(Bb)out liste(F)ning
People writing (Bb)songs that voices never (F)share
And no one dared (Dm)(F)
Disturb the (C)sound of (Dm)silence

"Fools", said I, "You do not (C)know

Silence like a cancer (Dm)grows
Space Oddity – David Bowie and there's (G)nothing I can (F)do

(F)(Em)(F)(Em) (C)/// (F)/// (G)//// (A)// (A)////

(C)/// (F)/// (G)//// (A)// (A)////
(C)Ground control to Major (Em)Tom (F) (Em) (A) (C) (D) (E)
(C)Ground control to Major (Em)Tom
(Am)Take your (C)protein pills (C)Though I'm past one hundred thousand (E7)miles
and (D)put your helmet on I'm feeling very (F)still
And I (Fm)think my spaceship (C)knows
(C)Ground control to Major (Em)Tom which way to (F)go
(C)Commencing countdown, engines (Em)on Tell my (Fm)wife I love her (C)very much,
(Am)Check ig(C)nition, she (F)knows
and may (D)God's love be with you
(G)Ground control to (E7)Major Tom
(C)This is ground control to Major (E7)Tom Your (Am)circuit's dead, there's (C)something wrong
You've really made the (F)grade Can you (D)hear me Major Tom?
And the (Fm)papers want to (C)know Can you (C)hear me Major Tom?
whose shirts you (F)wear Can you (G)hear me Major Tom?
Now it's (Fm)time to leave the (C)capsule Can you...
if you (F)dare
(F)Here am I (Em)floating round my tin can
(C)This is Major Tom to ground con(E7)trol (F)Far above the (Em)moon
I'm stepping through the (F)door (Bb)Planet Earth is (Am)blue,
And I'm (Fm)floating in the (C)most peculiar (F)way and there's (G)nothing I can (F)do
And the (Fm)stars look very (C)different to(F)day
(C)/// (F)/// (G)//// (A)// (A)////
For (F)here am I (Em)sitting in a tin can (C)/// (F)/// (G)//// (A)// (A)////
(F)Far above the (Em)world (F) (Em) (A) (C) (D) (E)
(Bb)Planet Earth is (Am)blue,
Stand by Me – Ben E King (G)Sta-a-and… by me, o-oh (Em)stand… by me
Oh (C)stand now… (D7)stand by me… (G)stand by
[intro] (G) me

When the (G)night… has come (Em) and the land is

And the (C)moon… is the (D7)only… light we’ll (G)see
No I won’t… be afraid, no I-I-I-I (Em)won’t… be afraid
Just as (C)long… as you (D7)stand… stand by (G)me

So darling, darling sta-a-and… by me, o-oh

(Em)stand… by me
Oh (C)stand… (D7)stand by me (G)stand by me

If the (G)sky… that we look upon… (Em)should

tumble and fall
Or the (C)mountain… should (D7)crumble… to the
I won’t cry… I won’t cry… No I-I-I (Em)won’t… shed a
Just as (C)long… as you (D7)stand… stand by (G)me

And darling, darling, sta-a-and… by me, o-oh

(Em)stand… by
Oh (C)stand now… (D7)stand by me… (G)stand by

(D7)Whenever you’re in trouble just

♡ Stand By Me – Oasis (D)nobody knows(Am) the way it´s gonna be,
(C)(F)(D)(G)Stand by me,
(G)Made a meal and threw it (B7)up on sunday, (D)nobody knows(Am) yeah nobody (C)knows,
(C)i´ve got a lot of things to (D)learn, (D)the way it´s gonna (G)be.
(G)said i would and i´ll be (B7)leaving one day,
be(C)fore my heart starts to (D)burn. (G)If you´re leaving will you (B7)take me with you,
(C)so what´s the matter with you?(D) (C)i´m tired of talking on my (D)phone,
(G)sing me (D)something (Em)new... (G)there is one thing i could (B7)never give you,
don´t you know my (C)heart would never be your (D)home,
the (A)cold and wind and rain don´t know, (C)so what´s the matter with you?(D)
they (C)only seem to come and go a(D)way. (G)sing me (D)something (Em)new...
don´t you know
(G)Times are hard when things have the (A)cold and wind and rain don´t know,
(B7)got no meaning, they (C)only seem to come and go a(D)way.
(C)i´ve found a key upon the (D)floor,
(G)maybe you and i will (B7)not believe in [Estribillo]
the (C)things we find behind the (D)door.
(C)so what´s the matter with you?(D) (D)the way it´s gonna be (Em)(D)(C)
(G)sing me (D)something (Em)new... the way it´s gonna be (Em)(D)(C)
don´t you know maybe i can see (Em)(D)(C)
the (A)cold and wind and rain don´t know, But don´t you know
they (C)only seem to come and go a(D)way. the (A)cold and wind and rain don´t know,
they (C)only seem to come and go a(D)way.
(G)Stand by me,
(D)nobody knows(Am) the way it´s gonna be, [Estribillo]
(C)(F)(D)(G)Stand by me, (D)the way it´s gonna (G)be.
(D)nobody knows(Am) the way it´s gonna be,
(C)(F)(D)(G)Stand by me,
Starman – David Bowie (F)Hey, that's far out so you heard him too! oh oh
(C)Switch on the tv we may
(Gm)Didn't know what time it was pick him up on channel (F)two (Ab)(Bb)
the lights were low oh oh (Gm)Look out your window I can see his light a ight
(F)I leaned back on my radio oh oh (F)If we can sparkle he may land tonight a ight
(C)Some cat was layin down some (C)Don't tell your poppa or hell get us locked up in
(C7)rock'n roll lotta soul, he (F)said (Ab)(Bb) fright (A)(G)
(Gm)Then the loud sound did seem to fade a ade
(F)Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase ha [Estribillo] x2
(C)That werent no d.j. that was hazy cosmic jive (Bb)Lalalala(F)Lalalala(C)Lalalala(F) La Lala...
(A)(G) (Bb)Lalalala(F)Lalalala(C)Lalalala(F) La Lala…
(Bb)Lalalala(F)Lalalala(C)Lalalala(F) La Lala…
There's a (F)starman (Dm)waiting in the sky (Bb)Lalalala(F)Lalalala(C)Lalalala(F) La Lala...
He'd (Am)like to come and meet us
But he (C)thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a (F)starman (Dm)waiting in the sky
He's (Am)told us not to blow it
Cause he (C)knows it's all worthwhile
He told me:
(Bb)Let the (Bbm)children lose it
(F)Let the (D)children use it
(Gm)Let all the (C7)children boogie

(Gm)I had to phone someone so I picked on you ho

Still Loving You – The Scorpions
(Am)Try, baby try
(Am)Time, it needs time To trust in my love again
To win back your love again I will be (B7)there, I will be (E7)there
I will be (B7)there, I will be (E7)there (Am)Love, our love
(Am)Love, only love Just shouldn't be thrown away
Can bring back your love someday I will be (B7)there, I will be (E7)there
I will be (B7)there, I will be (E7)there
(Am)If we'd (F)go again
(Am)(G)(F)(F)(E7) (C)All the way from the (G)start
(Am)(G)(F)(F)(E7) (Am)I would (F)try to change
The (C)things that killed our (G)love
(Am)I'll fight, babe, I'll fight (Am)Yes i've (Dm)hurt your pride
To win back your love again and I (E7) know
I will be (B7)there, I will be (E7)there what you've been (Am)through
(Am)Love, only love You should (F) give me a chance
Can break down the wall someday This (G)can't be the end
I will be (B7)there, I will be (E7)there I'm still loving (Am)you (F)(C)(G)
I'm still loving (Am)you (F)(C)(G)
(Am)If we'd (F)go again (Am)
(C)All the way from the (G)start
(Am)I would (F)try to change
The (C)things that killed our (G)love
(Am)Your pride has (Dm)built a wall, so (E7)strong
That I can't get (Am)through
Is there (F)really no chance
To (G)start once again
I'm loving (Am)you(G)(F)(F)(E7)
Sultans of Swing – Dire Straits (Dm)And Harry doesn't (C)mind
(Bb)if he doesn't (A)make that fancy scene.
(Dm)You get a shiver in the dark, (Dm)He's got a daytime (C)job,
It's (C)raining in the (Bb)park, but (A)meantime: he's doing (Bb)alright.(A)
(Dm)South of the river, (F)He can play the honky tonk like (C)anything,
you (C)stop and you (Bb)hold (A)everything. (Bb)Savin' it up for Friday (Dm)night.
(F)A band is blowin' Dixie, double-(C)four time. (Bb)(C)With the Sultans,
(Bb)You feel alright when you hear that music (Bb)(C)With the Sultans of (Dm)Swing(Bb)(C)
(Dm)play. (Bb)(C) (Dm)(Bb)(C)

(Dm)You step inside, And a (Dm)crowd of young boys,

but you (C)don't see (Bb)too many (A)faces. they're (C)fooling a(Bb)round in the (A)corner,
(Dm)Comin' in out of the (C)rain to hear (Dm)Drunk and dressed in their best (C)brown
the (Bb)jazz (A)go down. baggies (Bb)and their platform (A)soles.
(F)Competition in other (C)places... (F)The don't give a damn about
(Bb)But the horns, they blowin' that (Dm)sound. any (C)trumpet playing band.
(Bb)(C)Way on down south, (Bb)It ain't what they call rock and (Dm)roll.
(Bb)(C)Way on down south, (Bb)(C)And the Sultans,
(Dm)London-town(Bb)(C) (Bb)(C)Yes the Sultans play (Dm)Creole. (Bb)(C)
(Dm)(Bb)(C) (Dm)(Bb)(C)

Check out (Dm)Guitar George, (Dm)And then the man,

(C)(Bb)he knows (A)all the fancy chords. he (C)steps right (Bb)up to the (A)microphone.
(Dm)But it's strictly rhythm; he doesn't want to And (Dm)says at (C)last,
(C)make it (Bb)cry or (A)sing. just as the (Bb)time bell (A)rings,
(F)If any old guitar is (C)all he can afford, (F)"Goodnight, now it's (C)time to go home."
(Bb)When he gets up under the lights (Bb)And he makes it fast, with one more (Dm)thing:
to (Dm)play his thing. (Bb)(C) (Bb)(C)"We're the Sultans,
(Bb)(C)"We are the Sultans of (Dm)Swing."(Bb)(C)
☠ Summercat – Billie the Vision & the
I (F)wore a T-shirt and my worn out hat.
(F)I kissed you good bye at the airport.
(C)Abandoned as a summer cat.
(C)I held you so close to me.
(Dm)And as I stood there as a broken hearted
I said ’(Dm)So here we are now and
(Bb)I realized you (C)got the car keys still.
(Bb)I can’t stop from (C)crying Lilly’.
(F)So I broke into my own old car.
(F)And you said ’Hey hey hoo, you
I (C)fell asleep on the passenger seat.
(C)know this is the way to go.
I (Dm)dreamed of summer sex with you
You will (Dm)forget about me when I’m on that plane.
(Bb)and you whispered in my (C)ear:
(Bb)Forget about me when I’m (C)on that plane.’
(F)Tonight tonight tonight tonight
(C)I wanna be with you (F)Why can’t you leave me to(C)morrow instead?
Tonight (Dm)tonight tonight tonight (Dm)Why can’t you leave me to(Bb)morrow
(Bb)I wanna be (C)with you tonight ins(C)tead?
(F)(C)(Dm)(Bb)(C) And (F)above the clouds she said to her self
(C)I can’t believe how naive a man can (Dm)be.
(F)The plane took off and my love went with it. That’s why I love you so
(C)The chilly wind whipped my both cheeks hard. (Bb)and that’s why I can’t (C)be with you…’
(Dm)And the man next to me said ’
(Bb)Everything is gonna (C)be alright’. [Estribillo] (F)
I said ’(F)Nothing is gonna be alright,
but (C)thank you anyway’.
And (Dm)then I saw your face in the airplane window.
I (Bb)waved my hands and I (C)shouted to you:
Super Trouper – ABBA (C)//// //// (Am)//// //// (Dm)//// //// (G)//// ////

(C)Super (Csus4)Trouper (C)Facing twenty thousand of your (Em)friends

(C)beams are gonna (G)blind me How can (Dm)anyone be so (G)lonely
(F)But I (C)won't feel (G)blue (C)Part of a success that never (Em)ends
(Dm)Like I always (G)do Still I'm (Dm)thinking about you (G)only
'Cause (G7)somewhere in the crowd there's (C)you (F)There are moments when I (C)think I'm going crazy
(C)//// //// (Am)//// //// (Dm)//// //// (G)//// //// (F)But it's gonna be al(C)right
(F)Everything will be so (C)different when I'm on the
(C)I was sick and tired of every(Em)thing stage to(G)night
When I (Dm)called you last night from (G)Glasgow
(C)All I do is eat and sleep and (Em)sing [Estribillo]
Wishing (Dm)every show was the (G)last show
(F)So imagine I was (C)glad to hear you're coming So I'll be (F)there when you (Am)arrive
(F)Suddenly I feel all (C)right The sight of (Dm)you will prove to (G)me
(F)And it's gonna be so (C)different when I'm on the I'm still a(C)live, and when you (C)take me (G)in your
stage to(G)night (F)arms
And hold me (Dm)tight
Tonight the (C)Super (Csus4)Trouper (A7)I (Dm)know it's gonna mean so much to(G)night
(C)lights are gonna find me
(F)Shining (C)like the (G)sun [Estribillo]
(Dm)Smiling, having (G)fun
(G7)Feeling like a number (C)one
Tonight the (C)Super (Csus4)Trouper
(C)beams are gonna blind me
(F)But I (C)won't feel (G)blue
(Dm)Like I always (G)do
'Cause (G7)somewhere in the crowd there's (C)you
♡ Surfin' USA – The Beach Boys Haggerties and (A)swamies
pacific pali(D)sades
If everybody had an (A)ocean san anofree and (A)sunset
across the (D)u.s.a. Redondo beach (D)L.A.
then everybody'd be (A)surfin' all over la (G)Jolla
like californi-(D)a at Waimia (D)bay
you'd seem 'em wearing their (G)baggies Everybody's gone (A)surfin' (G)
huarachi sandals (D)too surfin' (D)u.s.a.
a bushy bushy blonde (A)hairdo (G)
surfin' (D)u.s.a. Everybody's gone (A)surfin' (G)
surfin' (D)u.s.a.
You'd catch 'em surfin' at (A)del mar Everybody's gone (A)surfin' (G)
ventura county (D)line surfin' (D)u.s.a.
santa cruz and (A)trestle
australia's nara(D)bine
all over man(G)hattan
and down doheny (D)way
Everybody's gone (A)surfin' (G)
surfin' (D)u.s.a.

We'll all be planning that (A)route

we're gonna take real (D)soon
we're waxing down our (A)surfboards
we can't wait for (D)june
we'll all be gone for the (G)summer
we're on surfari to (D)stay
tell the teacher we're (A)surfin' (G)
surfin' (D)u.s.a.
Sweat (a la la long) – Inner Circle (C)Girl I want to (Am)make you sweat
(Dm)Sweat 'til you can't (G)sweat no more.
I've been watching you! (C)And if you (Am)cry out
(C)A La La La La (Am)Long (Dm)I'm gonna push it push it some (G)more.
A La La La La (Dm)Long Long (C)A La La La La (Am)Long
Li Long Long (G)Long. A La La La La (Dm)Long Long
Come On! Li Long Long (G)Long.
(C)A La La La La (Am)Long Come On!
A La La La La (Dm)Long Long (C)A La La La La (Am)Long
Li Long Long (G)Long. A La La La La (Dm)Long Long
Li Long Long (G)Long.
(C)Standing a(Am)cross the room
I (Dm)saw you s(G)mile. (C)So I say (Am)to myself
(C)I said I want to (Am)talk to you if she (Dm)loves me or (G)not
(Dm)for a little (G)while. (C)But the dread are (Am)known
(C)But before I (Am)make my move that (Dm)love is here to (G)get
my (Dm)emotions start running (G)wild. And with a (C)little bit of this and a
(C)My tongue gets (Am)tied (Am)little bit of that
and (Dm)that's no (G)lie. (Dm)The lyrics goes (G)on the attack
I'm looking in your (C)eye (Am)(Dm)(G) [Single strum]
I'm looking in your big brown (C)eye. (C)My tongue gets (Am)tied
Ooh yeah(Am) and (Dm)that's no (G)lie.
(Dm)and I've got this to say to you(G) [Normal strum]
I'm looking in your (C)eye (Am)(Dm)(G)
(C)Girl I want to (Am)make you sweat I'm looking in your big brown (C)eye.
(Dm)Sweat 'til you can't (G)sweat no more. Ooh yeah(Am)
(C)And if you (Am)cry out (Dm)and I've got this to say to you(G)
(Dm)I'm gonna push it some (G)more.
[Estribillo] (C)
♡ Sweet Caroline – Neil Diamond (C)How can I hurt when I'm with (G)you

(C)Where it began (C)Warm, (Am)touching warm

(F)I can't begin to knowing (G)Reaching out
(C)But then I know (F)Touching me
It's growing s(G)trong Touching (G)you

(C)Was in the spring (C)Sweet Caro(F)line

And (F)spring became the summer Good times never seemed so (G)good
(C)Who'd have believed (C)I've been in(F)clined
You'd come a(G)long To believe they never (G)would
(F)Oh (G)no (F)no
(C)Hands, (Am)touching hands
(G)Reaching out (C)Sweet Caro(F)line
(F)Touching me Good times never seemed so (G)good
Touching (G)you (C)I've been in(F)clined
To believe they never (G)would
(C)Sweet Caro(F)line
Good times never seemed so (G)good (G)Sweet (F)Ca(G)ro(C)line
(C)I've been in(F)clined
To believe they never (G)would
(F)But (G)now (F)I

(C)Look at the night

(F)And it don't seem so lonely
(C)We fill it up with only (G)two

(C)And when I hurt

(F)Hurting runs off my shoulders
Sweet Child o' Mine – Guns N' Roses
(G)wuooh (Bb)sweet child o´(C)mine
(C)(Bb)(F)(C) (G)wuoh oh oh (Bb)oh sweet love of (C)mine
(G)wuooh (Bb)sweet child o´(C)mine
(C)She´s got a smile that it seems to me (G)wuoh oh oh (Bb)oh sweet love of (C)mine
re(Bb)minds me of chilhood memories
where (F)everything (Dm)(Bb)(A)(Gm) [x2]
was as fresh as the bright blue (C)sky
(Dm)where do we go
(C)now and then when i see her face (F)where do we go now
she (Bb)takes me away to that special place (Gm)where do we go (Bb)(C) [x3]
and if i (F)stared too long
i´d probably break down and (C)cry (Dm)sweet
(F)child, sweet
(G)wuooh (Bb)sweet child o´(C)mine (Gm)child (Bb)(C) o´(Dm)mine
(G)wuoh oh oh (Bb)oh sweet love of (C)mine


(C)She's got eyes of the bluest skies

as (Bb)id ther thought of rain
i (F)hate to look into those eyes
and (C)see an ounce of pain
her (C)hair reminds me
of a war safe place
where (Bb)as a child i'd hide
and (F)pray for the thunder
and the rain
to (C)quietly pass me by
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - (Dm) Some of them want to a(Bb)buse you (A)
(Dm) Some of them want to (Bb) be a(A)bused
(Bb) / (Bb) (A) / (Dm) / (Gm) / (Bb) / (Bb)(A)
(Dm) Sweet dreams are (Bb)made of (A)this
(Dm) Who am I to (Bb)disa(A)gree?
(Dm) Sweet dreams are (Bb)made of (A)this
(Dm) Travel the world and the (Bb) seven (A)seas
(Dm) Who am I to (Bb)disa(A)gree?
(Dm) Everybody's (Bb) looking for (A) something
(Dm) Travel the world and the (Bb) seven (A)seas
(Dm) Everybody's (Bb) looking for (A) something
(Dm) Some of them want to (Bb) use you (A)
(Dm) Some of them want to get (Bb) used by (A) you
(Dm) Some of them want to a(Bb)buse you (A)
Sweet dreams are made of this
(Dm) Some of them want to (Bb) be a(A)bused
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas
(Bb) / (Bb) (A) / (Dm) / (Gm) / (Bb) / (Bb)(A)
Everybody's looking for something
[Repetir desde el principio]
(Dm) Sweet dreams are (Bb)made of (A)this
(Dm) Who am I to (Bb)disa(A)gree?
(Dm) Hold your head up, movin' on
(Dm) Travel the world and the (Bb) seven (A)seas
(G) Keep your head up, movin' on
(Dm) Everybody's (Bb) looking for (A) something
(Dm) Hold your head up, movin' on
(G) Keep your head up, movin' on
(Dm) Hold your head up, movin' on
(G) Keep your head up, movin' on

(Dm) / (Bb)(A) [x4]

(Dm) Some of them want to (Bb) use you (A)

(Dm) Some of them want to get (Bb) used by (A) you
♡Take Me Home, Country Roads – John (D)Radio re(A)minds me of my (E)home far away
(F#m)Driving down the (G)road I get a (D)feeling
That I (A)should have been home (E)yesterday,
(A)Almost heaven, (F#m)West Virginia,
(E)Blue ridge mountain, (D)Shenandoah (A)river,
Country (A)roads, take me (E)home
(A)Life is old there, (F#m)older than the trees,
To the (F#m)place I be(D)long,
(E)Younger than the mountains, (D)blowing like a
West Vir(A)ginia,
Mountain (E)mamma, take me (D)home
Country (A)roads
Country (A)roads, take me (E)home
To the (F#m)place I be(D)long,
Country (A)roads, take me (E)home
West Vir(A)ginia,
To the (F#m)place I be(D)long,
Mountain (E)mamma, take me (D)home
West Vir(A)ginia,
Country (A)roads
Mountain (E)mamma, take me (D)home
Country (A)roads
(A)All my memories, (F#m)gather round her
(E)Modest lady, (D)stranger to blue (A)water
Take me (E)home, that country (A)road
(A)Dark and dusty, (F#m)painted on the sky
Take me (E)home, that country (A)road
(E)Misty taste of moonshine, (D)teardrop in my (A)eye

Country (A)roads, take me (E)home

To the (F#m)place I be(D)long,
West Vir(A)ginia,
Mountain (E)mamma, take me (D)home
Country (A)roads

(F#m)I hear her (E)voice in the (A)morning hour she

calls me
Take on Me – Aha (G)I'll… (D)be… (Em)gone… (C) in a day or
(G)two (D) (C) (D)
(Am)-- (D)-- (G)-- (C)(G) (Bm)-- (F)-- (Bm)-- (F)--
(Am)-- (D)-- (G)-- (C)(G) (Am)-- (D)--
(Am)-- (D)-- (G)-- (C)(G)
(Am)-- (D)-- (Am)-- (D)-- [Instrumental]
(Am)-- (D)-- (Am)-- (D)--
We're (Am)talking away(D) (Am)-- (D)-- (G)-- (C)(G)
(G)I don't know what… (C) I'm to (G)say (Am)-- (D)-- (G)-- (C)(G)
I'll (Am)say it anyway(D) (Am)-- (D)-- (Am)-- (D)--
To(G)day's another (C)day to (G)find you
(Am) Shying away(D) Oh the (Am)things that you say(D)
(Em) I'll be coming for your (C)love, OK (G)Is it life or… (C) just a play
My (Am)worries away(D)
(G)Take… (D)on… (Em)me… (C) -take on me- You're (G)all the things I've (C)got to remember
(G)Take… (D)me… (Em)on… (C) -take on me- You're (Am)shying away(D)
(G)I'll… (D)be… (Em)gone… (C) in a day or (Em) I'll be coming for (C)you anyway
(G)two (D) (C) (D)
(G)Take… (D)on… (Em)me… (C) -take on me-
So (Am)needless to say(D) (G)Take… (D)me… (Em)on… (C) -take on me-
I'm (G)odds and ends… (C) but I'm me (G)I'll… (D)be… (Em)gone… (C) in a day or
(Am)Stumbling away(D) (G)Take… (D)on… (Em)me… (C) -take on me-
(G)Slowly learning that (C)life is OK (G)Take… (D)me… (Em)on… (C) -take on me-
(Am) Say after me(D) (G)I'll… (D)be… (Em)gone… (C) in a day or
(Em) It's no better to be (C)safe than sorry (G)two (D) (C) (D) (G)

(G)Take… (D)on… (Em)me… (C) -take on me-

(G)Take… (D)me… (Em)on… (C) -take on me-
♡ Tears In Heaven – Eric Clapton [Instrumental]
(G)Would you (D)know my (Em)name(D) (G)(D)(Em)(D)(C)(G)(D)
(C)If I (G)saw you in hea(D)ven?
(G)Would it (D)be the (Em)same(D) (Em)Beyond the (B7)door,
(C)If I (G)saw you in hea(D)ven? (Dm)There's peace I'm (E7)sure,
And I (Am)know there'll be no (D)more
(Em)I must be (B7)strong Tears in (G)heaven.(D)(Em)(D)(C)(G)
(Dm)And carry (E7)on,
'Cause I (Am)know I don't (D)belong (G)Would you (D)know my (Em)name(D)
Here in hea(G)ven. (D)(Em)(D)(C)(D)(G) (C)If I (G)saw you in (D)heaven?
(G)Would it (D)be the (Em)same(D)
(G)Would you (D)hold my (Em)hand(D) (C)If I (G)saw you in (D)heaven?
(C)If I (G)saw you in (D)heaven?
(G)Would you (D)help me (Em)stand (Em)I must be (B7)strong
(C)If I (G)saw you in (D)heaven? (Dm)And carry (E7)on,
'Cause I (Am)know I don't be(D)long
(Em)I'll find my (B7)way Here in (G)heaven.(D)(Em)(D)(C)(D)(G)
(Dm)Through night and (E7)day,
'Cause I (Am)know I just can't (D)stay
Here in hea(G)ven.

(Bb)Time can (F)bring you (Gm)down,

Time can (C)bend your (F)knees.(C)(Dm)(C)
(Bb)Time can (F)break your (Gm)heart,
Have you (C)begging (F)please,
(C)begging (D)please.
The Final Countdown – Europe It’s the final (Em)countdown (C) (Am) (D)
The final (Em)countdown (C) (Am) (D)
[intro] (Em/) (D/) (G/) (C/) (B7///////)
(Em///) (C///) (Am///) (D///)
(Em/) (D/) (G/) (C/) (B7///////) It’s the final (Em)countdown (C) (Am) (D)
The final (Em)countdown (C) (Am) (D)
(Em) We’re leaving together… but still it’s (Em/) (D/) (G/) (C/) (B7///////)
(Em) And maybe we’ll come back… to (D)Earth... who (Em – single strum)
(C) I guess there is (D)no one to blame
(G) We’re (D)leaving (Em)ground (leaving ground)
(C)Will things ever (Bm)be the same (D)again?

It’s the final (Em)countdown (C) (Am) (D)

The final (Em)countdown (C) (Am) (D)
(Em/) (D/) (G/) (C/) (B7///////)

(Em) We’re heading for Venus… and still we stand

(Em) Cause maybe they’ve seen us… and
(D)welcome us
(C) With so many (D)light years to go
(G) And (D)things to be (Em)found (to be found)
(C) I’m sure we will (Bm)all miss her (D)so
The Lazy Song – Bruno Mars
(C)Today I don't feel (G)like doing (F)anything I (C)might mess around
(C)I just wanna (G)lay in my (F)bed And get my (G)college degree
Don't (C)feel like picking (G)up my phone I (F)bet my old man will be so proud of me.
So (F)leave a message at the tone But, (C)sorry, pops, you'll (G)just have to (F)wait
'Cause (C)today I swear I'm (E7)not doing (F)anything
I'm gonna (C)kick my feet up then (G)stare at the fan Oh, (Dm)yes, I said it
(F)Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants (Em)I said it
(C)Nobody's gon' (G)tell me I (F)can't I (F)said it, 'cause I (G)can
I'll be (C)lounging on a couch, just (G)chilling in my
snuggie [Estribillo]
(F)Click to MTV so they can teach me how to Dougie
'Cause (C)in my castle (G)I'm the freaking (F)man No, I (Dm)ain't gonna comb my (G)hair
'Cause (Am)I ain't going anywhere
Oh, (Dm)yes, I said it (Dm)No, no, no, no, (G)no, no, no, no, (Am)nooo
(Em)I said it
I (F)said it, 'cause I (G)can I'll just (Dm)strut in my birthday (G)suit
And let (Am)everything hang loose
[Estribillo] (Dm)Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, (G)yeah, yeah, yeah,
Nothing at all (C) Uhuu... (G) Uhuu... (F) Uhuu... yeah, yeah, (Am)yeah
Nothing at all (C) Uhuu... (G) Uhuu... (F) Uhuu...
Tomorrow (C)I'll wake up Nothing at all (C) Uhuu... (G) Uhuu... (F) Uhuu…
Do some (G)P90X Nothing at all (C) Uhuu... (G) Uhuu... (F) Uhuu…
Meet a (F)really nice girl Nothing at all (C)
Have some really nice sex
And (C)she's gonna scream (G)out this is (F)great
The Lion Sleeps Tonight – The Tokens [chorus]
[the women sing]
[intro – no chords] Wee-ooo-eee-ooo, we-um-um-a-way
We-de-de-de, de-de-de-de-de, we-um-um-a-way Wee-ooo-eee-ooo, we-um-um-a-way
We-de-de-de, de-de-de-de-de, we-um-um-a-way [while the men sing]
A (F)wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-(Bb)wimoweh, a-
A (F)wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-(Bb)wimoweh, a- wimoweh
wimoweh A (F)wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-(C)wimoweh, a-
A (F)wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-(C)wimoweh, a- wimoweh
wimoweh A (F)wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-(Bb)wimoweh, a-
A (F)wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-(Bb)wimoweh, a- wimoweh
wimoweh A (F)wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-(C)wimoweh, a-
A (F)wimoweh, a-wimoweh, a-(C)wimoweh, a- wimoweh
(F)Near the village, the (Bb)peaceful village
(F)In the jungle, the (Bb)mighty jungle The (F)lion sleeps to(C)night
The (F)lion sleeps to(C)night (F)Near the village, the (Bb)peaceful village
(F)In the jungle, the (Bb)quiet jungle The (F)lion sleeps to(C)night
The (F)lion sleeps to(C)night

(F)Hush my darling, don’t (Bb)fear my darling

The (F)lion sleeps to(C)night
(F)Hush my darling, don’t (Bb)fear my darling
The (F)lion sleeps to(C)night

[fade out]
The Locomotion – Kylie Minogue the loco-motion
So (Eb)come on, come on
(Eb)Everybody's doing a (Cm)brand new dance now the loco-motion
-(Eb)Come on, baby, (Cm)do the loco-motion- So (Bb)come on, come on,
I (Eb)know you'll get to like it
If you (Cm)give it a chance now (Eb)Move around the floor in a (Cm)loco-motion
-(Eb)Come on, baby, (Cm)do the loco-motion- -(Eb)Come on, baby, (Cm)do the loco-motion-
My (Ab)little baby sister can (Fm)do it with ease (Eb)Do it holding hands if (Cm)you got the notion
It's (Ab)easier than learning your (F)a b c's -(Eb)Come on, baby, (Cm)do the loco-motion-
There's (Ab)never been a dance
So (Eb)come on, come on that's so (Fm)easy to do
(Bb)Do the loco-motion with (Eb)me It (Ab)even makes you happy
You gotta swing your hips (Ab)now When you're (F)feeling blue
Come on, baby, (Eb)jump up, jump back
Oh well, I (Bb)think you got the knack So (Eb)come on, come on
(Bb)Do the loco-motion with me
(Eb)Now that you can do it (Eb)come on, come on
(Cm)Let's make a chain now (Bb)Do the loco-motion with me
-(Eb)Come on, baby, (Cm)do the loco-motion- (Eb)come on, come on
(Eb)Chug-a chug-a motion like a (Cm)railway train (Bb)Do the loco-motion with (Eb)me
-(Eb)Come on, baby, (Cm)do the loco-motion-
(Ab)Do it nice and easy now (Fm)don't lose control
A (Ab)little bit of rhythm and a (F)lot of soul

So (Eb)come on, come on

(Bb)Do the loco-motion with (Eb)me
The loco-motion
So (Ab)come on, come on
The Logical Song – Supertramp (Am)acceptable, (C)respecable,
(Bb)presentable, a (G7)vegetable!
(Dm)When I was young, it seemed that
(Bb)life was so (Am)wonderful, At (F)night, when all the world's (Dm)asleep,
a (C)miracle, oh it was (Bb)beautiful, (G7)magical. the questions run so (Bb)deep
And all the (Dm)birds in the trees, well they'd be for such a simple (Eb)man.
(Bb)singing so (Am)happily, Won't you (F)please,
(C)joyfully, (Bb)playfully (G7)watching me. please tell me what we've (Dm)learned
I know it sounds (Bb)absurd
But then they (Dm)send me away to teach me but please tell me who I (Eb)am
(Bb)how to be (Am)sensible, who I (Eb)am
(C)logical, (Bb)responsible, (G7)practical. who I (Eb)am
And they (Dm)showed me a world where I could who I (Eb)am
(Bb)be so de(Am)pendable, (Dm)
(C)clinical, inte(Bb)llectual, (G7)cynical.

There are (F)times when all the world's (Dm)asleep,

the questions run too (Bb)deep
for such a simple (Eb)man.
Won't you (F)please, please tell me
what we've (Dm)learned
I know it sounds (Bb)absurd
but please tell me who I (Eb)am.

Now (Dm)watch what you say

or they'll be (Bb)calling you a (Am)radical,
(C)liberal, (Bb)fanatical, (G7)criminal.
Won't you (Dm)sign up your name,
we'd like to (Bb)feel you're
The Long and Winding Road – The
(D) (Em)
(F#m) (G)(A)
The (Bm)long and winding (G)road
(D) (Em)
That (D)leads (D7)to your (G)door
(F#m) (G)(A)
Will (F#m)never (Bm)disappear
(Em)I've seen that (A)road (D7)before
But (Bm)still they lead me (G)back
(G)It (F#m)always (Bm)leads me here
To the (D)long (D7)winding (G)road
(Em)Lead me (A)to you (D)door
You (F#m)left me (Bm)standing here
(Em)A long long (A)time a(D7)go
The (Bm)wild and windy (G)night
(G)Don't (F#m)keep me (Bm)waiting here
That the (D)rain (D7)washed a(G)way
(Em)Lead me (A)to your (D)door
Has (F#m)left a (Bm)pool of tears
(G)Yeah, yeah, yeah, (D)yeah
(Em)Crying (A)for the (D7)day
(G)Why (F#m)leave me (Bm)standing here
(Em)Let me (A)know the (D)way

(D)Many times I've (Em)been alone

And (F#m)many times I've (G)cried (A)
(D)Any way you'll (Em)never know
The (F#m)many ways I've (G)tried (A)

But (Bm)still they lead me (G)back

To the (D)long (D7)winding (G)road
You (F#m)left me (Bm)standing here
(Em)A long (A)long time a(D7)go
(G)Don't (F#m)leave me (Bm)waiting here
(Em)Lead me (A)to your (D)door
The Man Who Sold The World – David A long long time ago." (C)
"Who (C)knows? Not (F)me,
We (Db)never lost con(F)trol.
You're (C)face to (F)face
With the (Db)man who sold the world."
We passed upon the (A)stair,
We spoke of was and (Dm)when,
Although I wasn't (A)there,
He said I was his (F)friend,
"Who (C)knows? Not (F)me,
Which came as some (C)surprise.
We (Db)never lost con(F)trol.
I spoke into his (A)eyes,
You're (C)face to (F)face
"I thought you died a(Dm)lone
With the (Db)man who sold the world." (A)
A long long time ago." (C)

"Oh (C)no, not (F)me,

I (Db)never lost con(F)trol
You're (C)face to (F)face
With the (Db)man who sold the world."


I laughed and shook his (A)hand

And made my way back (Dm)home,
I searched for form and (A)land,
For years and years I (F)roamed.
I gazed a gazley (C)stare
At all the millions (A)here:
"We must have died a(Dm)lone,
The Moon Song – Her

I'm (Dm)lying (G)on the (C)moon

My (Dm)dear, I'll (G)be there (C)soon
It's a (Dm)quiet and (G)starry (C)place
Time's we're (Dm)swallowed (G)up
In (F)space we're here a (Fm)million miles (C)away

There's (Dm)things I (G)wish I (C)knew

There's no (Dm)thing I'd (G)keep from (C)you
It's a (Dm)dark and (G)shiny (C)place
But with (Dm)you my (G)dear
I'm (F)safe and we're a (Fm)million miles (C)away

We’re (Dm)lying (G)on the (C)moon

It’s a (Dm)perfect (G)after(C)noon
Your shadow (Dm)follows (G)me all (C)day
Making (Dm)sure that (G)I'm
O(F)kay and we’re a (Fm)million miles (C)away
♡ The Scientist – Coldplay Do not speak as loud as my heart

(Dm)Come up to (Bb)meet you, (Dm)Tell me you (Bb)love me,

tell you I'm (F)sorry come back and (F)haunt me
You don't know how lovely you are Oh, and I rush to the start
(Dm)I had to (Bb)find you, (Dm)Running in (Bb)circles,
tell you I (F)need you chasing our (F)tails
Tell you I'll set you apart Coming back as we are

(Dm)Tell me your (Bb)secrets (Bb)Nobody said it was easy

and ask me your (F)questions (F)Oh, It's such a shame for us to part
Oh, let's go back to the start (Bb)Nobody said it was easy
(Dm)Running in (Bb)circles, (F)No one ever said it would be so (C)hard
coming up (F)tails [silencio] I'm going back to the start
Heads on a science apart
(F) (Bb) (F) (F)
(Bb)Nobody said it was easy (Dm) (Bb) (F) (F)
(F)It's such a shame for us to part
(Bb)Nobody said it was easy (Dm) Ooohh (Bb) hhh (F) hhh (F)
(F)No one ever said it would be this (C)hard (Dm) Ooohh (Bb) hhh (F) hhh (F)
[silencio] Oh, take me back to the start. (Dm) Ooohh (Bb) hhh (F) hhh (F)
(F) (Bb) (F) (F) [1 strum]
(Dm) (Bb) (F) (F) (Dm) Ooohh (Bb) hhh (F) hhh (F)

(Dm)I was just (Bb)guessing

at numbers and (F)figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
(Dm)Questions of (Bb)science,
science and (F)progress
The Shoop Shoop Song – Cher How about the (Dm)way he (G)acts
Oh (Dm)no! That's not the (G)way
[Single strum] And (Dm)you're not (G)list'nin' to (Dm)all I (G)say
(G)Does he love me (G)(F)I want to know If you (C)wanna (Am)know if (F)he loves you (G)so
(F)(G)How can I tell (G)if he (G)loves me so It's in his (C)kiss
(F)That's where it (G)is
Is it (Dm)in his (G)eyes? It's in his (C)kiss
Oh (Dm)no! You'll be de(G)ceived (F)That's where it (C)is
Is it (Dm)in his (G)sighs?
Oh (Dm)no! He'll make (G)believe (E7)Hug him and squeeze him tight
If you (C)want to (Am)know if (F)he loves you (G)so (Am)Find out what you want to know
It's in his (C)kiss (D)If it's love, if it really is
(F)That's where it (G)is (G)It's there in his kiss

Is it (Dm)in his (G)face? How about the (Dm)way he (G)acts

Oh (Dm)no! That's just his (G)charms Oh (Dm)no! That's not the (G)way
In his (Dm)warm em(G)brace? And (Dm)you're not (G)list'nin' to (Dm)all I (G)say
Oh (Dm)no! That's just his (G)arms If you (C)wanna (Am)know if (F)he loves you (G)so
If you (C)want to (Am)know if (F)he loves you (G)so It's in his (C)kiss
It's in his (C)kiss (F)That's where it (G)is
(F)That's where it (G)is It's in his (C)kiss
It's in his (C)kiss (F)That's where it (C)is
(F)That's where it (C)is

(E7)Hug him and squeeze him tight

(Am)Find out what you want to know
(D)If it's love, if it really is
(G)It's there in his kiss
The Show Must Go On – Queen
The show must go (Bm)on
(C#m) = 6 4 4 4 the show must go (G)on
(Edim) = 0 4 3 1 in(Em)side my heart is breaking
my (F#)make-up may be flaking
Empty (Bm)spaces - what are we living for but my (Em)smile still (Bm)stays on.
abandoned (G)places - i guess we know the score
(Em)on and on, does (F#)anybody know [Instrumental]
what we are (Em)looking for... (Bm)(Bm)(G)(G)(Em)(F#)(Em)
Another (Bm)hero, another mindless crime
behind the (G)curtain, in the pantomime (F)my soul is (G)painted like
(Em)hold the line, does (F#)anybody want the (Em)wings of butter(Am)flies
to take it any(Em)more (F)fairytales of (G)yesterday
will (Em)grow but never (Am)die
The show must go (Bm)on (G)i can fly - (A)my friends
the show must go (G)on
in(Em)side my heart is breaking The show must go (Bm)on
my (F#)make-up may be flaking the show must go (G)on
but my (Em)smile still (Bm)stays on. i'll (Em)face it with a grin
i'm (F#)never giving in
Whatever (C#m)happens, i'll leave it all to chance on (Em)- with the show -
another (A)heartache, another failed romance [Instrumental]
(F#m)on and on, does (Ab)anybody know (Bm)(G)
what we are (F#m)living for? i'll (Em)top the bill; i'll overkill
I guess i'm (C#m)learning, i must be warmer now (F#)i have to find the will to carry (Em)on
i'll soon be (A)turning, round the corner now on with the -
out(F#m)side the dawn breaking (Edim)on with the (Em)show - [Pausa]
but (Ab)inside in the dark The show must go (Bm)on...
i'm aching (F#m)to be free (Em)
The Tide Is High – Blondie
The (C)tide is high but I'm (F)holding (G)on
(C)(C)(F)(G) (C)(C)(F)(G) (C)I'm gonna be your (F)number (G)one
(F)Number (G)one, (F)Number (G)one
The (C)tide is high but I'm (F)holding (G)on
(C)I'm gonna be your (F)number (G)one [Instrumental]
(C)I'm not the kind of girl (F)who gives up (C)(C)(F)(G) (C)(C)(F)(G)
(G)just like (C)that (C)(C)(F)(G) (C)(C)(F)(G)
Oh, (F)no(G)
(C)Every girl wants you to (F)be her (G)man
It's (C)not the things you do that tease and (F)wound But (C)I'll wait my dear 'til it's (F)my (G)turn
me (G)bad
(C)But it's the way you do the things you (F)do to (C)I'm not the kind of girl (F)who gives up
(G)me (G)just like (C)that
Oh, (F)no (G)
(C)I'm not the kind of girl (F)who gives up
(G)just like (C)that The (C)tide is high but I'm (F)holding (G)on
Oh, (F)no (G) (C)I'm gonna be your (F)number (G)one
(F)Number (G)one, (F)Number (G)one
The (C)tide is high but I'm (F)holding (G)on The (C)tide is high but I'm (F)holding (G)on
(C)I'm gonna be your (F)number (G)one (C)I'm gonna be your (F)number (G)one
(F)Number (G)one The (C)tide is high but I'm (F)holding (G)on
(C)I'm gonna be your (F)number (G)one
(C)Every girl wants you to (F)be her (G)man The (C)tide is high but I'm (F)holding (G)on
But (C)I'll wait my dear 'til it's (F)my (G)turn (C)I'm gonna be your (F)number (G)one
(F)Number (G)one, (F)Number (G)one
(C)I'm not the kind of girl (F)who gives up (C)
(G)just like (C)that
Oh, (F)no (G)
The Unforgiven – Metallica so i (E7)dub thee unfor(Am)given

(Am)New blood (C)joins this (Em)earth They (Am)dedi(C)cate their (Em)lives

and (D)quickly he's sub(Am)dued to (D)running all of (Am)his
through (Am)constant (C)pain (Em)disgrace he (Am)tries to (C)please them (Em)all
the (D)young boy learns their (Am)rules this (D)bitter man he (Am)is

With (Am)time the (C)child draws (Em)in through(Am)out his (C)life the (Em)same
this (D)whipping boy done (Am)wrong he's (D)battled constant(Am)ly
de(Am)prived of (C)all his (Em)thoughts this (Am)fight he (C)cannot (Em)win
the (D)young man struggles (Am)on and on he's a (D)tired man they (Am)see no longer cares
the (C)old man then pre(G)pares
A (C)vow unto his (G)own to (Am)die regretfully
that (Am)never from this day that (C)old man here is (G)me(E7)
his (C)will they'll take (G)away(E7)
(Am)What i've (C)felt
what i've (G)known (Am)(C)(G)(E7)
never (Em)shined through in what i've (Am)shown
never (C)be (Am)never (C)free
never (G)see never (G)me
won't (E7)see what might have (Am)been so i (E7)dub thee unfor(Am)given(C)(G)(E7)
what i've (C)felt
what i've (G)known (Am)You labeled (C)me
never (Em)shined through in what i've (Am)shown i'll label (G)you
never (C)free so i (E7)dub thee unfor(Am)given(C)(G)(E7)(Am)
never (G)me
♡ The Winner Takes It All – ABBA But tell me does she (G)kiss,
Like I used to (D)kiss you?, Does it feel the (Am)same
I don't want to (G)talk When she calls your (D)name?
About the things we've (D)gone through Somewhere deep in(G)side
Though it's hurting (Am)me, Now it's (D)history You must know I (D)miss you
I've played all my (G)cards But what can I (Am)say, Rules must be o(D)beyed
And that's what you've (D)done too
Nothing more to (Am)say, No more ace to (D)play The judges will de(G)cide
The (B7)likes of me a(Em)bide
The winner takes it (G)all Spec(E7)tators of the (Am)show
The (B7)loser standing (Em)small Always staying (D)low, The game is on a(G)gain
Be(E7)side the victo(Am)ry A (B7)lover or a (Em)friend
That's my desti(D)ny A (E7)big thing or a (Am)small
The winner takes it (D)all
I was in your (G)arms, Thinking I be(D)longed there
I figured it made (Am)sense, Building me a (D)fence I don't want to (G)talk, If it makes you (D)feel sad
Building me a (G)home And I unders(Am)tand
Thinking I'd be (D)strong there You've come to shake my (D)hand
But I was a (Am)fool, Playing by the (D)rules I apolo(G)gize
If it makes you (D)feel bad
The gods may throw a (G)dice Seeing me so (Am)tense, No self-confi(D)dence
Their (B7)minds as cold as (Em)ice But you see
And (E7)someone way down (Am)here
Loses someone (D)dear The winner takes it (G)all (B7)(Em)
The winner takes it (G)all The (E7)winner takes it (Am)all (D)
The (B7)loser has to (Em)fall The winner takes it (G)all (B7)(Em)
It's (E7)simple and it's (Am)plain The (E7)winner takes it (Am)all (D)
Why should I com(D)plain. (G)
These Boots Are Made for Walkin' – (F)You keep playing
where you shouldn't be playing
Nancy Sinatra
(F)and you keep thinking
that you'll never get burnt , hah!
(F)You keep saying you got something for me
(Bb)i've just found me
(F)something you call love but confess
a brand new box of matches, yeah
(Bb)you've been a'messin'
and (F)what he knows you ain't had time to learn
where you shouldn't 've been a'messin'
and now (F)someone else is getting all your best
(Ab)These boots are made for (Fm)walking,
and (Ab)that's just what they'll (Fm)do
(Ab)These boots are made for (Fm)walking,
(Ab)one of these days these (Fm)boots [silencio]
and (Ab)that's just what they'll (Fm)do
are gonna walk all over you (Fm)
(Ab)one of these days these (Fm)boots [silencio]
are gonna walk all over you (Fm)

(F)You keep lyin' when you oughta be truthin'
(F)you keep losing when you oughta not bet
(Bb)you keep samin'
when you oughta be a'changin'
now what's (F)right is right
but you ain't been right yet

(Ab)These boots are made for (Fm)walking,

and (Ab)that's just what they'll (Fm)do
(Ab)one of these days these (Fm)boots [silencio]
are gonna walk all over you (Fm)
This Is The Last Time – Keane Tread it into the carpet (Gmaj7)
Or (C)hide it under the (G)stairs
(G)This is the last time (Gmaj7) Say that (G)some things never die (Gmaj7)
That (C)I will say these (G)words Well I tried (C)an (Am)I tried(G)
I remember the first time (Gmaj7)
The (C)first many lies (G) [Estribillo] (G)
Sweep it into the corner (Gmaj7)
Or (C)hide it under the (G)bed
Say these things they go away (Gmaj7)
But they (C)never do (G)

Something (C)I wasn't sure of (Bm)

But I (Em)was in the middle of (A)
Something (C)I forget now (Bm)
But I've (Em)seen to little of (D)

The (G)last (Bm)time

You (Am)fall on me for (D)anything you like
(G)You're on last (Bm)lime
You (Am)fall on me for (D)anything you like
And (Em)years make (Bm)everything alright
You (Am)fall on me for (D)anything you like
And (Em)i, no (Bm)I don't (Am)mind (D)

(G)This is the last time (Gmaj7)

That (C)I will show my (G)face
One last tender lie (Gmaj7)
And (C)then I'm out of this (G)place
This Is The Life – Amy MacDonald
So you're (Dm)heading down the road
Oh the (Dm)wind whistles down in your taxi for four
the (Bb)cold dark street tonight And you're (Bb)waiting outside Jimmy's front door
and the (F)people they were dancing But (F)nobody's in and nobody's home till (Am)four
(Am)to the music vibe So you're (Dm)sitting there with nothing to do
And the (Dm)boys chase the girls Talking (Bb)about Robert Riger and his motley crew.
with the curls in their hair and (F)where you're gonna go
And the (Bb)shy tormented youth sit and where your gonna sleep (Am)tonight
way over there
And the (F)songs they get louder And you're singing the (Dm)songs
each one better than be(Am)fore thinking this is the life
and you wake up in the (Bb)morning
And you're singing the (Dm)songs and your head feels twice the size
thinking this is the life where you gonna go
and you wake up in the (Bb)morning (F)where you gonna go
and your head feels twice the size where you gonna sleep (Am)tonight
where you gonna go and you're singing the (Dm)songs
(F)where you gonna go thinking this is the life
where you gonna sleep (Am)tonight and you wake up in the (Bb)morning
and you're singing the (Dm)songs and your head feels twice the size
thinking this is the life where you gonna go
and you wake up in the (Bb)morning (F)where you gonna go
and your head feels twice the size where you gonna sleep (Am)tonight
where you gonna go where you gonna sleep (Dm)tonight
(F)where you gonna go (Bb)(F)(Am)(Dm)
where you gonna sleep (Am)tonight
where you gonna sleep (Dm)tonight
☠ Thunderstruck – ACDC (A)(B)(A)(E) (N/C)
Could I come again please
(B)Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder (A)(B)(A)(E) (N/C)
I was (B)caught Yeah them ladies were too kind
In the middle of a railroad track -thunder- (A)(B)(A)(E) (N/C)
I looked round You've been
And I knew there was no turning back -thunder- Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)(E)
My mind raced Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)(E)
And I thought what could I do -thunder- Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)(E)
And I knew Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)(E)
There was no help, no help from you -thunder- (B)
Sound of the (B)drums (A) (E) I was shaking at the knees
Beating in my (B)heart (A) (E) Could I come again please
The thunder of (B)guns (A) (E)
Tore me (B)apart (A) (E) Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)(E)
You've been Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)(E)
Thunder(B)struck Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)(E)
Rode down the (B)highway (B)Yeah ,It's al(E)right, (B)we're doin' (E)fine
Broke the limit, we hit the town (B)Yeah ,It's al(E)right, (B)we're doin' (E)fine, fine, fine
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas, Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A) yeah, yeah(E) yeah
and we had some fun Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)(E)
We met some girls Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)baby, baby(E)
Some dancers who gave a good time Thunder(B)struck(A)(D)(A)You've been(E)
Broke all the rules (B)Thunderstruck
Played all the fools
Yeah yeah they, they, they blew our minds
(B)(A)(E) (N/C)
And I was shaking at the knees
♡ Ticket To Ride – The Beatles I (G)think I'm gonna be sad
I think it's today, yeah
I (G)think I'm gonna be sad The girl that's driving me mad
I think it's today, yeah Is going (Am)away (D)
The girl that's driving me mad
Is going (Am)away (D) Oh, (Em)She's got a ticket to (C)ride
(Em)She's got a ticket to (F)ride
(Em)She's got a ticket to (C)ride (Em)She's got a ticket to (D)ride
(Em)She's got a ticket to (F)ride But she don't (G)care
(Em)She's got a ticket to (D)ride
But she don't (G)care I (C7)don't know why she's riding so high
She ought to think twice
She (G)said that living with me She ought to do right by (D)me
Is bringing her down, yeah Be(C7)fore she gets to saying goodbye
For she would never be free She ought to think twice
When I was (Am)around (D) She ought to do right by (D)me [Silencio]

(Em)She's got a ticket to (C)ride She (G)said that living with me

(Em)She's got a ticket to (F)ride Is bringing her down, yeah
(Em)She's got a ticket to (D)ride For she would never be free
But she don't (G)care When I was (Am)around (D)

I (C7)don't know why she's riding so high Ah, (Em)She's got a ticket to (C)ride
She ought to think twice (Em)She's got a ticket to (F)ride
She ought to do right by (D)me (Em)She's got a ticket to (D)ride
Be(C7)fore she gets to saying goodbye But she don't (G)care (Gsus4)(G)
She ought to think twice
She ought to do right by (D)me [Silencio] Mmy (Gsus4)baby don't (G)care (Gsus4)(G) [x4]
Three Little Birds – Bob Marley 'cause (D)every little thing gonna be all right.
singin': (A)don't worry 'bout a thing,
(A)Don't worry about a thing, 'cause (D)every little thing gonna be all (A)right!
'cause (D)every little thing gonna be all (A)right.
singin': (A)don't worry about a thing, Singin': (A)don't worry 'bout a thing,
'cause (D)every little thing gonna be all (A)right! 'cause (D)every little thing gonna be all right.
rise up this (A)mornin', singin': (A)don't worry 'bout a thing,
smiled with the (E)risin' sun, 'cause (D)every little thing gonna be all (A)right!
three little (A)birds
pitch by my (D)doorstep
singin' sweet (A)songs
of melodies (E)pure and true,
sayin', (D)this is my (C#m)message
(Bm)to you-(A)ou-ou

singin': (A)don't worry 'bout a thing,

'cause (D)every little thing gonna be all right.
singin': (A)don't worry 'bout a thing,
'cause (D)every little thing gonna be all (A)right!
rise up this (A)mornin',
smiled with the (E)risin' sun,
three little (A)birds
pitch by my (D)doorstep
singin' sweet (A)songs
of melodies (E)pure and true,
sayin', (D)this is my (C#m)message
(Bm)to you-(A)ou-ou

Singin': (A)don't worry 'bout a thing,

Time After Time – Cyndi Lauper (F)Af(C)ter my (F)picture (C)fades
and (F)dark(C)ness has
(F)Lying (C)in my (F)bed I (C)hear the (F)clock (C)tick, (F)Turned to (C)gray
And (F)think of (C)you (F)Wat(C)ching through (F)win(C)dows
(F)Caught (C)up in (F)cir(C)cles con(F)fu(C)sion you're (F)wonde(C)ring
Is (F)nothing (C)new If (F)I'm (C)OK
(F)Flash(G)back (Em)warm (F)nights (F)Se(G)crets (Em)sto(F)len from (G)deep in(Em)side
Almost (F)left be(Em)hind (F)The (G)drum beats (Em)out of (F)time
(F)Suit(G)cases of (Em)memo(F)ries,
Time (G)after If you're (G)lost you can look and you (Am)will find me
(F)Some(C)times you (F)picture (C)me (F)Time (G)after (C)time
I'm (F)wal(C)king too (F)far a(C)head If you (G)fall I will catch you I'll (Am)be waiting
(F)You're (C)calling (F)to (C)me, I (F)can't (C)hear (F)Time (G)after (C)time
What (F)you've (C)said
Then (F)you (G)say (Em)go (F)slow (F)You (G)said (Em)go (F)slow
I (G)fall be(Em)hind (F)I (G)fall be(Em)hind
(F)The (G)second (Em)hand un(F)winds (F)The (G)second (Em)hand un(F)winds

If you're (G)lost you can look and you (Am)will find me If you're (G)lost you can look and you (Am)will find me
(F)Time (G)after (C)time (F)Time (G)after (C)time
If you (G)fall I will catch you I'll (Am)be waiting If you (G)fall I will catch you I'll (Am)be waiting
(F)Time (G)after (C)time (F)Time (G)after (C)time
If you're (G)lost you can look and you (Am)will find me If you're (G)lost you can look and you (Am)will find me
(F)Time (G)after (C)time (F)Time (G)after (C)time
If you (G)fall I will catch you I'll (Am)be waiting If you (G)fall I will catch you I'll (Am)be waiting
(F)Time (G)after (C)time (F)Time (G)after (C)time
(F)Time (G)after (C)time
(F)(G)(Em)(F) (F)(G)(Em)(F) (F)Time (G)after (C)time...
Times Like These – Foo Fighters (D)(C)(Bm)(D)
(D)(C)(Bm)(D) It's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to live (D)again
(D)I am a one way (Am)motorway it's (C)times like these you (Em)give and give (D)again
I'm the one that (C)drives away it's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to love (D)again
then (Em)follows you back (D)home (D) it's (C)times like these (Em)time and time (D)again

(D)I am a street light (Am)shining It's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to live (D)again
I'm a wild light (C)blinding bright it's (C)times like these you (Em)give and give (D)again
(Em)burning off a(D)lone (D) it's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to love (D)again
it's (C)times like these (Em)time and time (D)again
It's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to live (D)again
it's (C)times like these you (Em)give and give (D)again [Single strum]
it's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to love (D)again It's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to live (D)again
it's (C)times like these (Em)time and time (D)again (D) it's (C)times like these you (Em)give and give (D)again
it's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to love (D)again
(D)I am a new day (Am)rising it's (C)times like these (Em)time and time (D)again
I'm a brand new (C)sky (C)
to hang the (Em)stars upon to(D)night (D)
(D)i am a little di(Am)vided
do I stay or (C)run away
and (Em)leave it all (D)behind? (D)

It's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to live (D)again

it's (C)times like these you (Em)give and give (D)again
it's (C)times like these you (Em)learn to love (D)again
it's (C)times like these (Em)time and time (D)again
Titanium – David Guetta & Sia Fire a(Cm)way, fire a(Ab)way
You shoot me (Bb)down but I won't (Gm)fall
(Eb)You shout it loud (Bb) I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um
But (Cm)I can't hear a word you say You shoot me (Bb)down but I won't (Gm)fall
(Eb)I'm talking loud, (Bb)not saying much (Cm) I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um
(Eb)I'm criticized, (Bb)but (Cm)all your bullets ricochet (Bb)(Gm)I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um
(Eb)You shoot me down, (Bb)but I get (Cm)up (Bb)(Gm)I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um

(Ab)I'm bulletproof, (Bb)nothing to lose [Single strum]

(Gm)Fire a(Cm)way, fire a(Ab)way (Ab)Stone-hard, (Bb)machine gun
Ricochet, (Bb)you take your aim(Gm) (Gm)Firing at the (Cm)ones who run
Fire a(Cm)way, fire a(Ab)way (Ab)Stone-hard, (Bb)that bulletproof (Cm)glass
You shoot me (Bb)down but I won't (Gm)fall
I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um You shoot me (Bb)down but I won't (Gm)fall
You shoot me (Bb)down but I won't (Gm)fall I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um
I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um You shoot me (Bb)down but I won't (Gm)fall
(Bb)(Gm)(Cm) I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um
(Ab)(Bb)(Gm)(Cm) You shoot me (Bb)down but I won't (Gm)fall
I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um
(Eb)Cut me down(Bb) You shoot me (Bb)down but I won't (Gm)fall
But it's (Cm)you who'd have further to fall I am ti(Cm)tani(Ab)um
(Eb)Ghost town, (Bb)haunted love (Cm) (Bb)(Gm)(Cm)
(Eb)Raise your voi(Bb)ce, (Ab)(Bb)(Gm)I am ti(Cm)tanium
(Cm)sticks and stones may break my bones
(Eb)I'm talking loud (Bb)not saying much (Cm)

(Ab)I'm bulletproof, (Bb)nothing to lose

(Gm)Fire a(Cm)way, fire a(Ab)way
Ricochet, (Bb)you take your aim(Gm)
Too Much Love Will Kill You – Queen (Am)Every way I (Em)go
I'm bound to (Dsus4)lose(D)(D7)
I'm just the (G)pieces of the (C)man I used to (G)be
Too many (Em)bitter tears are (D)raining (G)Too much love will (C)kill you
down on (C)me Just as (Em)sure as none at (D)all.
I'm (Am)far away from (Em)home It'll (G)drain the power that's (C)in you
And I've been (Am)facing this a(Em)lone Make you (Em)plead and scream and (D)crawl
For much too (Dsus4)long(D)(D7) And the (G)pain will make you (C)crazy
You're the (G)victim of your (A7)crime
I feel like (G)no one ever (C)told the truth to (G)me (G)Too much love will (D)kill you every (G)time (C)
A(D)bout growing (Em)up
and what a (D)struggle it would (C)be [Instrumental]
In my (Am)tangled state of (Em)mind (G)//// (C)//// (G)//// ////
I've been (Am)looking back to (Em)find (Em)//// (D)//// (C)//// ////
Where I went (Dsus4)wrong(D)(D7) (Am)//// (Em)//// (Am)//// (Em)//// (D)//// //// //// ////

(G)Too much love will (C)kill you (G)Too much love will (C)kill you
If you (Em)can't make up your (D)mind It'll (Em)make your life a (D)lie
(G)Torn between the (C)lover Yes, (G)too much love will (C)kill you
and the (Em)love you leave be(D)hind And you (Em)won't understand (D)why
You're (G)headed for (C)disaster You'd (G)give your life, you'd (C)sell your soul
'cos you (G)never read the (A7)signs But (G)here it comes again(A7)
(G)Too much love will (D)kill you (G)every time (G)Too much love will kill you (Cm)
(C)//// (G)//// (Em)// (D)// (G)In the end...(C)(D)
In the (G)end. (C)(G)
I'm just the (G)shadow of the (C)man I used to (G)be
And it (Em)seems like there's
no (D)way out of this for (C)me
No, (Am)there's no making (Em)sense of it
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia
(F)So I guess the fortune teller's right
(F)(Bb)(F)(Bb) (Am)Should have seen just what was there
(F)I thought I saw a man brought to life And not some (Bb)holy light
(Am)He was warm Which crawled beneath my veins
He came around like he was (Bb)dignified (Dm)And now I don't care
He showed me what it was to cry I had no luck
(C)I don't miss it all that much
(F)Well you couldn't be that man I adored (Am)There's just so many things
(Am)You don't seem to know (C)That I can touch I'm (F)torn
Seem to care what your (Bb)heart is for
But I don't know him anymore [Estribillo]
(Dm)There's nothing where he used to lie (Dm)Torn...
(C)My conversation has run dry
(Am)That's what's going on There's (Dm)nothing where he used to lie
(C)Nothing's fine I'm (F)torn (C)My inspiration has run dry
(Am)That's what's going on
I'm all out of (C)faith (C)Nothing's right I'm torn
This is how I (Dm)feel
I'm cold and I am (Bb)shamed [Estribillo] (F)
Lying naked on the (F)floor
Illusion never (C)changed
Into something (Dm)real
I'm wide awake
And (Bb)I can see
The perfect sky is (F)torn
You're a little (C)late
I'm already (Dm)torn(Bb)
Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler And if you (Em)only hold me (C)tight
We'll be (D)holding on for(G)ever
(Am)Turn around, every now and then I get a And we'll (Em)only be making it (C)right
(G)little bit lonely and you're never coming round 'Cause we'll (D)never be wrong
(Am)Turn around, every now and then I get a To(C)gether we can take it to the (D)end of the line
(G)little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears Your (Em)love is like a shadow on me
(C)Turn around, every now and then I get a (Bb)little (A7)all of the time
bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by I (G)don't know what to do and
(C)Turn around, every now and then I get a (Bb)little I'm (D)always in the dark
bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes We're (Em)living in a powder keg
(Eb)Turn around (Ab)bright eyes, and (A7)giving off sparks
every now and then I fall apart I really need you to(G)night
(Eb)Turn around (Ab)bright eyes, For(Em)ever's gonna (D)start to(C)night
every now and then I fall (Am)apart For(D)ever's gonna start to(G)night

(Am)Turn around, Every now and then I get a (G)Once upon a time I was (Em)falling in love
(G)little bit restless and I dream of something wild But (B7)now I'm only falling a(C)part
(Am)Turn around, Every now and then I get a (G)little There's (Am)nothing I can do
bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms A (D)total eclipse of the (G)heart (Em)(C)(D)
(C)Turn around, every now and then I get a (Bb)little (G)Once upon a time there was (Em)light in my life
bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry But (B7)now there's only love in the (C)dark
(C)Turn around, Every now and then I get a (Bb)little (Am)Nothing I can say
bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes A (D)total eclipse of the (G)heart (Em)(C)(D)(G)
(Eb)Turn around (Ab)bright eyes,
every now and then I fall apart [Instrumental]
(Eb)Turn around (Ab)bright eyes, (Am)(G)(Am)(G) (C)(Bb)(C)(Bb)
every now and then I fall (G)apart → (Eb) Turn around...
And I (Em)need you now to(C)night
And I (D)need you more than (G)ever
Tutti Frutti – Little Richard She (F)almost drive me crazy
She (F)*knows how to love me - (F)*yes, indeed!
Ah whop bop a loom ah whop a lop bam bam (F)*Boy, you don't know what she do to me

Tutti (F)frutti, aw rooty Tutti (F)frutti, aw rooty

Tutti frutti, aw rooty Tutti frutti, aw rooty
Tutti (Bb7)frutti, aw rooty Tutti (Bb7)frutti, aw rooty
Tutti (F)frutti, aw rooty Tutti (F)frutti, aw rooty
Tutti (C)frutti, aw (Bb7)rooty Tutti (C)frutti, aw (Bb7)rooty
Ah (F)*whop bop a loom ah whop a lop bam boom Ah (F)*whop bop a loom ah whop a lop bam boom

I've got a (F)girl named Sue I've got a (F)girl named Daisy
She knows just what to do She almost drive me crazy
I've got a (Bb7)girl named Sue I've got a (Bb7)girl named Daisy
She (F)knows just what to do She (F)almost drive me crazy
She (F)*rocks to the east She (F)*knows how to love me - (F)*yes, indeed!
She (F)*rocks to the west (F)*Boy, you don't know what she do to me
(F)*She's the girl that I love best
Tutti (F)frutti, aw rooty
Tutti (F)frutti, aw rooty Tutti frutti, aw rooty
Tutti frutti, aw rooty Tutti (Bb7)frutti, aw rooty
Tutti (Bb7)frutti, aw rooty Tutti (F)frutti, aw rooty
Tutti (F)frutti, aw rooty Tutti (C)frutti, aw (Bb7)rooty
Tutti (C)frutti, aw (Bb7)rooty Ah (F)*whop bop a loom ah whop a lop bam boom
Ah (F)*whop bop a loom ah whop a lop bam boom

I've got a (F)girl named Daisy

She almost drive me crazy
I've got a (Bb7)girl named Daisy
Twist and Shout – The Beatles Come on and work it on (D)out
(G)Work it on (A)out
(D)(G)(A)(G) You know you twist your little (D)girl
Well, shake it up, (D)baby, now (G)Twist, little (A)girl
(G)Shake it up, (A)baby You know you twist so (D)fine
Twist and (D)shout (G)Twist so (A)fine
(G)Twist and (A)shout Come on and twist a little (D)closer, now
C'mon c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, (D)baby, now (G)Twist a little (A)closer
(G)Come on (A)baby And let me know that you're (D)mine
Come on and work it on (D)out Let me (G)know you're (A)mine
(G)Work it on (A)out
(D)(G)(A)(G) (D)(G)(A)(G)
Well, work it on (D)out, honey (D)(G)(A)(G) (D)(G)(A)(G)
(G)Work it on (A)out (A)Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh….
You know you look so (D)good
(G)Look so (A)good → Well, shake it up, (D)baby, now
You know you got me (D)goin', now
(G)Got me (A)goin' Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, (D)baby, now
Just like I knew you (D)would (G)Shake it up (A)baby
(G)Like I knew you (A)would Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, (D)baby, now
(G)Shake it up (A)baby
Well, shake it up, (D)baby, now Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, (D)baby, now
(G)Shake it up, (A)baby (G)Shake it up (A)baby
Twist and (D)shout
(G)Twist and (A)shout (A)Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh…. (D)
C'mon c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, (D)baby, now
(G)Come on (A)baby
☠ Under Pressure – Queen & David [Estribillo]
Turned (G)away from it all like a (C)blind man
(G)Sat on a fence but it (C)don't work
(D)Pressure pushing (A)down on me
Keep (G)coming up with love but it's so
Pressing (G)down on you, no man ask (A)for
(C)slashed and torn
Under (D)pressure that burns a (A)building down
Why, (Am)why, (F) whyyy(G)yyy(F)yyy(G)yyy?
Splits a (G)family in two
Puts (A)people on streets
(A)Love, love, love...
(A)Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking(G)
Ti(G)rero tirero... (A) That's OK
Can't we (D)give ourselves one more (G)chance?(A)
Why (G)can't we (D)give love
It's the (G)terror of knowing that one more (G)chance?(A)
What this (A)world is about Why (G)can't we (D)give love, give love, (G)give love,
(G)Watching some good friends (A)give love, (D)give love, give love, (A)give love, give
(A)Screaming, "Let me out!" love?..
To(G)morrow gets (A)me higher
Pressure (D)on people - people (G)on (A)streets 'Cause (G)love's such an (A)old-fashioned (D)word
And love (A)dares you to (G)care for
(D)Terere pararapapá OK The (A)people on the (D)edge of the (A)night
And love (G)dares you to (A)change our way of
(G)(D)Chippin' around, (G)Caring a(A)bout ourselves
(A)kick my brains 'round the floor (G)This is our (A)last dance
(G)These are the days - (A)it never rains but it pours (G)This is our (A)last dance
(D)Tirorere (A)Tirarorará (G)Tiroro (A)Tera (D)This is our(G)selves(A)
(D)People on streets – (A) Tirariraré Under (D)pressure
(G)people on streets – (A) Tirarirarirarira... Under pressure(G)(A)
(D)Pressure (G)(A)
Under the Bridge – Red Hot Chili (C)Take me (Gm)all the way
Peppers (F)(C)yeah (Dm)yeah (Am)yeah(Bb) (F)(C)(Dm)(Bb)

(Eb)(G)(Eb)(G)(Eb)(G)(Eb)(G) It's (F)hard to be(C)lieve

(F)Sometimes I (C)feel That there's (Dm)nobody (Am)out (Bb)there
Like I (Dm)don't have a (Am)part(Bb)ner It's (F)hard to be(C)lieve
(F)Sometimes I (C)feel That (Dm)I'm all a(Bb)lone
Like (Dm)my only (Bb)friend At (F)least I have (C)her love
Is the (F)city I (C)live in The (Dm)city she (Am)loves (Bb)me
The (Dm)city of (Am)an(Bb)gels (F)Lonely as (C)I am
(F)Lonely as (C)I am To(Dm)gether we (Bb)cry (F7maj)...
To(Dm)gether we (Bb)cry (F7maj)...
I (F)drive on her (C)streets [Estribillo]
'Cause (Dm)she's my com(Am)pa(Bb)nion (Bb)(Db)yeah (Ab)yeah(Gb)yeah
I (F)walk through her (C)hills (Bb)Oh (Db)no no no (Ab)yeah (Gb)yeah
'Cause she (Dm)knows who I (Bb)am (Bb)Love (Db)me I say (Ab)yeah (Gb)yeah
She (F)sees my good (C)deeds (Gb)(F)
And she (Dm)kisses me (Am)win(Bb)dy (Bb)Under the bridge (Db)downtown
(F)I never (C)worry (Ab)Is were (Gb)I drew some blood
Now (Dm)that is a (Bb)lie (F7maj)... (Bb)Under the bridge (Db)downtown
(Ab)I could not (Gb)get enough
(Gm)I don't ever want to (F)feel (Bb)Under the bridge (Db)downtown
(C)Like I (Gm)did that day (Ab)Forgot a(Gb)bout my love
(Gm)Take me to the place (F)I love (Bb)Under the bridge (Db)downtown
(C)Take me (Gm)all the way (Ab)I gave (Gb)my life away
(Gm)I don't ever want (F)to feel (Bb)(Db)yeah (Ab)yeah(Gb)yeah
(C)Like I (Gm)did that day (Bb)Oh (Db)no no no (Ab)yeah (Gb)yeah
(Gm)Take me to the place (F)I love (Bb)Here (Db)I stay (Ab)yeah (Gb)yeah
(Bb)Here (Db)I stay (Ab)(Gb)(Bb)
Umbrella – Rihanna When the war has (F)took its part
When the world has (C)dealt its cards
You have my (F)heart If the (Em)hand is hard
And we'll never be worlds (C)apart Together we'll (Am)mend your heart
Maybe in (Em)magazines Because
But you'll still be my (Am)star
Baby, ‘cause (F)in the dark (F)When the sun shine, we shine to(C)gether
You can't see (C)shiny cars Told you I'll be here for(G)ever
And that's when you (Em)need me there Said I'll always be your (Am)friend
With you, I'll (Am)always share Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the (F)end
Because Now that it's raining more than (C)ever
Know that we'll still have each (G)other
(F)When the sun shine, we shine to(C)gether You can stand under my um(Am)brella
Told you I'll be here for(G)ever You can stand under my um(F)brella
Said I'll always be your (Am)friend -Ella, ella, eh, (C)eh, eh- Under my um(Em)brella
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the (F)end -Ella, ella, eh, (Am)eh, eh- Under my um(F)brella
Now that it's raining more than (C)ever -Ella, ella, eh, (C)eh, eh- Under my um(Em)brella
Know that we'll still have each (G)other -Ella, ella, eh, (Am)eh, eh-
You can stand under my um(Am)brella
You can stand under my um(F)brella (Bb)You can run into my arms
-Ella, ella, eh, (C)eh, eh- Under my um(Em)brella (F)It's okay; don't be alarmed
-Ella, ella, eh, (Am)eh, eh- Under my um(F)brella Come (C)into me
-Ella, ella, eh, (C)eh, eh- Under my um(Em)brella There's no distance in between our (Bb)love
-Ella, ella, eh, (Am)eh, eh- So go on and let the rain (F)pour
I'll be all you need and (E7)more
These (F)fancy things Because
Will never come (C)in between
You're part of my (Em)entity (F)When the sun shine, we shine to(C)gether
Here for in(Am)finity Told you I'll be here for(Em)ever
Said I'll always be your (Am)friend
Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the (F)end
Now that it's raining more than (C)ever
Know that we'll still have each (Em)other
You can stand under my um(Am)brella
You can stand under my um(F)brella
-Ella, ella, eh, (C)eh, eh- Under my um(G)brella
-Ella, ella, eh, (Am)eh, eh- Under my um(F)brella
-Ella, ella, eh, (C)eh, eh- Under my um(G)brella
-Ella, ella, eh, (A7)eh, eh-

It's (F)rainin', rainin'

Ooh, baby, it's (C)rainin', rainin'
Baby, come (G)here to me
Come (A7)into me
It's (F)rainin', rainin'
Ooh, baby, it's (C)rainin', rainin'
You can always come (G)into me
Come (A7)into me
♡ Video Killed The Radio Star – The (C)We hear the (F)playback and it (G)seems so long
(C)And you re(F)member the (G)jingles used to go
(C)I heard you (F)on the wireless (G)back in fifty two
(C)Oh-a (F)oh
(C)Lying a(F)wake intent at (G)tuning in on you
(G)You were the first one
(C)If I was (F)young it didn't (G)stop you coming
(C)Oh-a (F)oh
(G)You were the last one
(C)Oh-a (F)oh (G)
(C)Video killed the (F)radio star
(C)Video killed the (F)radio star
(C)They took the (F)credit for your (G)second
(C)In my (G)mind and (F)in my car
(C)Rewritten (F)by machine and (G)new technology
We (C)can't re(G)wind we've (F)gone to far
(C)And now I (F)understand the (G)problems you can
(G)Oh-a-aho (Am)oh
(G)Oh-a-aho (Am)oh
(C)Oh-a (F)oh
(G)I met your children
(C)In my (G)mind and (F)in my car
(C)Oh-a (F)oh
We (C)can't re(G)wind we've (F)gone to far
(G)What did you tell them?
(C)Pictures (G)came and (F)broke your heart
(C)Put the (G)blame on (F)VCR
(C)Video killed the (F)radio star
(C)Video killed the (F)radio star
(C)Video killed the (F)radio star
(C)Video killed the (F)radio star
(C)Pictures (G)came and (F)broke your heart
(C)Video killed the (F)radio star
(G)Oh-a-a-a (Am)oh
(C)Video killed the (F)radio star
(C)And now we (F)meet in an (G)abandoned studio
Viva la Vida – Coldplay Never an (F)honest (G)word
But that was (C)when I ruled the (Am)world
(F) (G) (C) (Am)
(F) (G) (C) (Am)
I used to (F)rule the (G)world
Seas would (C)rise when I gave the (Am)word It was the wicked and (F)wild (G)wind
Now in the morning I (F)sleep a(G)lone Blew down the (C)doors to let me AmF)in
Sweep the (C)streets I used to (Am)own Shattered windows and the (F)sound of (G)drums
People (C)couldn't believe what (Am)I'd become
(F) (G) (C) (Am)
Revolutio(F)naries (G)wait
I used to (F)roll the (G)dice For my (C)head on a silver (Am)plate
Feel the (C)fear in my enemy's (Am)eyes Just a puppet on a (F)lonely (G)string
Listen as the (F)crowd would (G)sing Oh (C)who would ever want to be (Am)king?
"Now the (C)old king is dead! Long (Am)live the king!"
One minute I (F)held the (G)key
Next the (C)walls were closed on (Am)me Woahaha(F)hah (G)oh,
And I discovered that my (F)castles (G)stand woahaha(C)hah (Am)oh
Upon (C)pillars of salt and (Am)pillars of sand Woahaha(F)hah (G)oh,
woahaha(C)hah (Am)oh
I (F)hear Jerusalem (G)bells are ringing
(C)Roman Cavalry (Am)choirs are singing [Estribillo] + Woahaha...
(F)Be my mirror, my (G)sword and shield
My (C)missionaries in a (Am)foreign field

(F)For some reason I (G)can't explain

(C)Once you're gone there was (Am)never
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go – Wham! You make the (Dm)sun shine brighter
than (C)Doris Day
(C)Jitter(C)bug [silencio] [x4] Turned a (C)bright spark into a flame
My (Dm)beats per minute never (C)been the same
You put the (C)boom-boom into my heart
You send my (Dm)soul sky high 'Cause (Dm)you're my lady, (Em)I'm your fool
when your (C)lovin' starts It (F)makes me crazy when (Em)you act so cruel
(C)Jitterbug into my brain (Dm)Come on, baby, (Em)let's not fight
Goes a (Dm)bang-bang-bang (F)We'll go dancing, (G)everything will be all right
'til my (C)feet do the same
But (Dm)something's bugging you [Estribillo]
(Em)Something ain't right [Instrumental]
(F)My best friend told me what (Em)you did last night (C)(C)(Dm)(C)Jitterbug
(Dm)Left me sleepin' (Em)in my bed (C)(C)(Dm)(C)Jitterbug
(F)I was dreaming, but
I (G)should have been with you instead. [Single strum]
(Dm)Cuddle up, baby, (Em)move in tight
Wake me (C)up before you go-go (F)We'll go dancing (Em)tomorrow night
Don't leave me (Dm)hanging on like a (C)yo-yo It's (Dm)cold out there, but it's (Em)warm in bed
Wake me (C)up before you go-go (F)They can dance, (G)we'll stay home instead
I don't want to (Dm)miss it when you hit that (C)high
Wake me (C)up before you go-go [Estribillo]
'Cause I'm not (Dm)plannin' on going (C)solo
Wake me (C)up before you go-go
(Em)Take me (Dm)dancing to(C7)night(F)(C)
I wanna hit that (C7)high (F)(C)yeah, yeah

You take the (C)grey skies out of my way

Walk Like an Egyptian – The Bangles [Single strum]
(B)Walk like an egyptian
(B)All the old paintings on the tombs
They do the sand dance don't you know (B)Slide your feet up the street bend your back
If they move too quick -oh whey oh- Shift your arm then you pull it back
They're falling down like a domino Life is hard you know -oh whey oh-
So strike a pose on a cadillac
All the bazaar men by the nile
They got the money on a bet If you want to find all the cops
Gold crocodiles -oh whey oh- They're hanging out in the donut shop
They snap their teeth on your cigarette They sing and dance -oh whey oh-
Spin the clubs cruise down the block
(E7)Foreign types with the hookah pipes say
Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh All the japanese with their yen
[Single strum] The party boys call the kremlin
(B)Walk like an egyptian And the chinese know -oh whey oh-
They walk the line like egyptian
(B)The blonde waitresses take their trays
They spin around and they cross the floor (E7)All the cops in the donut shop say
They've got the moves -oh whey oh- Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
You drop your drink then they bring you more [Single strum]
(B)Walk like an egyptian
All the school kids so sick of books (B)Walk like an egyptian
They like the punk and the metal band (B)
When the buzzer rings -oh whey oh-
They're walking like an egyptian

(E7)All the kids in the marketplace say

Ay oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh
♡ Walking On Sunshine – Katrina And and I (F)want you to (C)stay (F)(G)(F)
The Waves
Oh, yeah, now I'm (F)walking on (Em)sunshine,
(C)(F)(G)(F) [x2]
I'm walking on (Em)sunshine, who(Dm)a
I (C)used to think (F)maybe you (G)loved me,
I'm walking on (Em)sunshine, who(Dm)a
now, (F)baby, I'm (C)sure (F)(G)(F)
And don't it feel good
And (C)I just can't (F)wait till the (G)day
(C)Hey, (F)all (G)right now(F)
when you (F)knock on my (C)door (F)(G)(F)
And don't it feel good
Now (C)every time I (F)go for the (G)mailbox,
(C)Hey, (F)yeah (G)(F)
gotta (F)hold myself (C)down (F)(G)(F)
'Cause (C)I just can't (F)wait till you (G)write me
Now I'm (F)walking on (Em)sunshine, who(Dm)a
you're (F)coming a(C)round (F)(G)
I'm walking on (Em)sunshine, who(Dm)a
I'm walking on (Em)sunshine, who(Dm)a
Now I'm (F)walking on (Em)sunshine, who(Dm)a
And don't it feel good
I'm walking on (Em)sunshine, who(Dm)a
(C)Hey, (F) (G) (F)
I'm walking on (Em)sunshine, who(Dm)a
And don't it feel good
And don't it feel good
(C)Hey, (F) (G) (F)
(C)Hey, (F)all (G)right now(F)
And don't it feel good
And don't it feel good
(C)Hey, (F) (G) (F)
(C)Hey, (F)yeah (G)(F)
And don't it feel good
(C)Hey, (F) (G) (F)
I (C)used to think (F)maybe you (G)loved me,
now (F)I know that it's (C)true (F)(G)(F)
And I (C)don't want to (F)spend my whole (G)life
just a-(F)waiting for (C)you (F)(G)(F)
Now, I (C)don't want you (F)back for the (G)weekend,
not (F)back for a (C)day, (F)no, (G)no, no(F)
I said, (C)baby, I (F)just want you (G)back,
Wannabe – Spice Girls (G)If you wanna be (Am)my lover,
(F)you gotta get with (C)my friends
Yo, (C)I'll say you what I want, (G)Make it last (Am)forever,
(C)what I (Eb)really really want (F)friendship never (C)ends
(Eb)So (F)tell me what you want, (G)If you wanna (Am)be my lover,
(F)what you (Bb)really really want (B) (F)you have got (C)to give
I'll (C)tell you what I want, (G)Taking is (Am)too easy,
(C)what I (Eb)really really want but (F)that's the way it (C)is
So (F)tell me what you want,
(F)what you (Bb)really really want (B) (C)*What do you think about that?
I wanna, (C)I wanna, I wanna, I (C)wanna Now you (F)know how I (C)feel
(Eb)I wanna, I (Eb)wanna (G)Say you can (Am)handle my love,
(F)really really really (F)wanna (Bb)zig-a-zig, ah(B) (F)are you (C)for real?
(G)I won't be (Am)hasty, (F)I'll give you a (C)try
(G)If you want my (Am)future, (F)forget my (C)past (G)If you really (Am)bug me,
(G)If you wanna (Am)get with me, then I'll (F)say good(C)bye
(F)better make it (C)fast
(G)Now don't go (Am)wasting (F)my precious (C)time Yo, (C)I'll say you what I want,
(G)Get your act to(Am)gether, (C)what I (Eb)really really want
we could (F)be just (C)fine (Eb)So (F)tell me what you want,
(F)what you (Bb)really really want (B)
I'll (C)tell you what I want, I wanna, (C)I wanna, I wanna, I (C)wanna
(C)what I (Eb)really really want (Eb)I wanna, I (Eb)wanna
So (F)tell me what you want, (F)really really really (F)wanna (Bb)zig-a-zig, ah(B)
(F)what you (Bb)really really want (B)
I wanna, (C)I wanna, I wanna, I (C)wanna [Continúa]
(Eb)I wanna, I (Eb)wanna
(F)really really really (F)wanna (Bb)zig-a-zig, ah(B)
[Continuación] (G)Taking is (Am)too easy,
but (F)that's the way it (C)is
[Silencio]If you wanna be my lover,
(F)you gotta get with (C)my friends (G)If you wanna be my (Am)lover, you gotta
(G)Make it last (Am)forever, (F)You gotta, you gotta, (C)you gotta
(F)friendship never (C)ends You gotta (G)slam, slam, (Am)slam, slam
(G)If you wanna (Am)be my lover,
(F)you have got (C)to give (F)Slam your body down and (C)wind it all around
(G)Taking is (Am)too easy, (G)Slam your body down and (Am)wind it all around
but (F)that's the way it (C)is (F)(C)
(G)Slam your body down and (Am)wind it all around
So (C)here's a story (C)from (Eb)A to Z (F)Slam your body down and (C)zig-a-zig, ah
You (Eb)wanna (F)get with me,
you (F)gotta (Bb)listen carefully (C) (C)(Eb) (Eb)(F) (F)(Bb) (Bb) (B)
We got (C)Em in the place (C) (C)(Eb) (Eb)(F) (F)(Bb) (Bb) (B)
(C)who (Eb)likes it in your face (C)If you wanna be my lover
(Eb)We got (F)G like MC (F)who (Bb)likes it on an
(B)Easy (C)V doesn't come (C)for (Eb)free
She's a real (Eb)la(F)dy
And as for (F)me, (Bb)ha, you'll see(B)
(C)Slam your body down (C)and (Eb)wind it all around
(Eb)(F)*Slam your body down and wind it all around

(G)If you wanna be (Am)my lover,

(F)you gotta get with (C)my friends
(G)Make it last (Am)forever,
(F)friendship never (C)ends
(G)If you wanna (Am)be my lover,
(F)you have got (C)to give
Waterloo – ABBA And how could I ever refuse
I (E7)feel like I win when I (A)lose (G)(D)(A)
My, (D)my,
At (E7)Waterloo Na(A)poleon (G)did su(A)rrender (D)Waterloo… →
Oh (D)yeah
And (E7)I have met my (A)destiny (G)in So (Bm)how could I ever refuse
(D)quite a (A)similar (Bm)way I (E7)feel like I win when I (A)lose
The history book on the shelf
Is (E7)always repeating it(A)self (G)(D)(A) (D)Waterloo
Couldn't escape if I (G)wanted to
(D)Waterloo (A)Waterloo
I was defeated, you (G)won the war Knowing my fate is to (D)be with you
(A)Waterloo Ow ow ooh
Promise to love you for (D)ever more (A) (A)Waterloo
(D)Waterloo Finally facing my (D)Waterloo
Couldn't escape if I (G)wanted to Oooh
(A)Waterloo (A)Waterloo
Knowing my fate is to (D)be with you Knowing my fate is to (D)be with you
Ow ow ooh Ow ow ooh
(A)Waterloo (A)Waterloo
Finally facing my (D)Waterloo Finally facing my (D)Waterloo
My, (D)my, (A)Waterloo
I (E7)tried to hold you (A)back Knowing my fate is to (D)be with you
but (G)you were s(A)tronger
Oh (D)yeah,
And (E7)now it seems my (A)only (G)chance
is (D)giving (A)up the (Bm)fight
♡ We Are The Champions – Queen (Dm)And my curtain (Gm)calls
(Dm)You've brought me (Gm)fame and fortune
Acorde (Gm) = 0 2 3 1 And every(Dm)thing that goes with it
Acorde (Bb) = 3 2 1 1 I thank you (Gm)all(Dm)
Acorde (Eb) = 0 3 3 1
Acorde (A7) = 0 1 0 0
Acorde (Cm) = 0 3 3 3 But it's been no bed of (Bb)roses
(Eb)No pleasure (Bb)cruise
I've paid my (Gm)dues (Eb)I consider it a (Bb)challenge before the (F)whole
(Dm)Time after (Gm)time human (Gm)race
(Dm)I've done my (Gm)sentence And I (C)ain't going to (F)lose
(Dm)But committed no (Gm)crime OohOohOoh(G)Ooh
(Dm)And bad (Bb)mistakes
(Eb)I've made a (Bb)few (C)We are the (Em)champions, my (Am)friend
(Eb)I've had my (Bb)share (F)(G)And (C)we'll keep on (Em)fighting till the (F)end
of (F)sand kicked in my (Gm)face (A7)(Dm)We are the champions
But (C)I've come (F)through (F)We are the (Fm)champions
OohOohOoh(G)Ooh (C)No time (Dm)for losers
cause (Cm)we are the (F)champions
(C)We are the (Em)champions, my (Am)friend (Gm)[silence]of the...
(F)(G)And (C)we'll keep on (Em)fighting till the (F)end
(A7)(Dm)We are the champions (C)We are the (Em)champions, my (Am)friend
(F)We are the (Fm)champions (F)(G)And (C)we'll keep on (Em)fighting till the (F)end
(C)No time (Dm)for losers (A7)(Dm)We are the champions
cause (Cm)we are the (F)champions (F)We are the (Fm)champions
(Gm) [silence] (C)No time (Dm)for losers
of the (Cm)world(Gm)(Cm)(Gm) cause (Cm)we are the (F)champions
I've taken my (Gm)bows
We Can Work It Out – The Beatles (G)We can work it (D)out,
(G)We can work it (A)out
(D)Try to see it my way,
Do I have to keep on talking (C)till I can't go (D)on? (Bm)Life is very short, and (A)there's no (G)time (F#)
(D)While you see it your way, For fussing and (Bm)fighting, my (A)friend (G) (F#)
Run the risk of knowing that our (Bm)I have always thought that (A)it's a (G)crime (F#),
(C)love may soon be (D)gone So I will (Bm)ask you (A)once (G)again (F#)
(G)We can work it (D)out,
(G)We can work it (A)out (D)Try to see it my way,
Only time will tell if I am (C)right or I am (D)wrong
(D)Think of what you're saying (D)While you see it your way
You can get it wrong and still There's a chance that we may fall a(C)part
you (C)think that it's al(D)right before too (D)long
(D)Think of what I'm saying, (G)We can work it (D)out,
We can work it out (G)We can work it (A)out
and get it (C)straight, or say good (D)night
(G)We can work it (D)out, (D)(Dsus)(D)
(G)We can work it (A)out

(Bm)Life is very short, and (A)there's no (G)time (F#)

For fussing and (Bm)fighting, my (A)friend (G) (F#)
(Bm)I have always thought that (A)it's a (G)crime (F#),
So I will (Bm)ask you (A)once (G)again (F#)

(D)Try to see it my way,

Only time will tell if I am (C)right or I am (D)wrong
(D)While you see it your way
There's a chance that we may fall a(C)part
before too (D)long
What a Feeling – Flashdance
Now (Bb)I hear the (F)music
(Bb)First when there's (F)nothing Close my (Cm)eyes, I am (Gm)rhythm
But a (Cm)slow glowing (Gm)dream In a (Eb)flash
That your (Eb)fear seems to (Bb)hide It takes (Bb)hold of my (Ab)heart (Fsus4)(F)
Deep (Ab)inside your (Eb)mind (F)
All a(Bb)lone I have (F)cried What a (Gm)feeling (F)(Eb)
Silent (Cm)tears full of (Gm)pride (F)Bein's be(Gm)lievin' (F)(Eb)
In a (Eb)world made of (Bb)steel (F)I can (Bb)have it (Cm)all
Made of (Ab)stone (Fsus4) (F) Now I'm (Bb)dancing (Eb)for my (Fsus4)life (F)
Take your (Gm)passion (F)(Eb)
Well, (Bb)I hear the (F)music And (F)make it (Gm)happen (F)(Eb)
Close my (Cm)eyes, feel the (Gm)rhythm (F)Pictures (Bb)come a(Cm)live
Wrap (Eb)around You can (Bb)dance right (Eb)through your (Fsus4)life
Take a (Bb)hold of my (Ab)heart (Eb)(F) (F)

What a (Gm)feeling (F)(Eb) What a (Gm)feeling (F)(Eb)

(F)Bein's be(Gm)lievin' (F)(Eb) (F)Bein's be(Gm)lievin' (F)(Eb)
(F)I can (Bb)have it (Cm)all (F)I can (Bb)have it (Cm)all
Now I'm (Bb)dancing (Eb)for my (Fsus4)life (F) Now I'm (Bb)dancing (Eb)for my (F)life
Take your (Gm)passion (F)(Eb) Take your (Gm)passion (F)(Eb)
And (F)make it (Gm)happen (F)(Eb) And (F)make it (Gm)happen (F)(Eb)
(F)Pictures (Bb)come a(Cm)live (F)Pictures (Bb)come a(Cm)live
You can (Bb)dance right (Eb)through your (Fsus4)life You can (Bb)dance right (Eb)through your (F)life
(F) (Bb)

(Bb)(F)(Cm)(Gm) (Eb)(Bb)(Ab)(F)
What Can I Do – The Corrs (G)And in a (D)funny way I'm (C)calm
(G)Because the (D)power is not (C)mine
(G)I haven't s(D)lept at all in (C)days (G)I'm just (D)going to let it (C)fly
(G)It's been so (D)long since we've (C)talked
(G)And I have (D)been here many (C)times (G)What can I (D)do to make you (C)love me
(G)I just don't (D)know what I'm doing (C)wrong (G)What can I (D)do to make you (Am)care
(G)What can I (D)say to make you (C)feel this
(G)What can I (D)do to make you (C)love me (G)What can I (D)do to get you (Am)there
(G)What can I (D)do to make you (Am)care
(G)What can I (D)say to make you (C)feel this (G)
(G)What can I (D)do to get you (Am)there

(G)There's only (D)so much I can (C)take

(G)And I just (D)got to let it (C)go
(G)And who (D)knows I might feel (C)better, yeah
(G)If I don't (D)try and I don't (C)hope

(G)What can I (D)do to make you (C)love me

(G)What can I (D)do to make you (Am)care
(G)What can I (D)say to make you (C)feel this
(G)What can I (D)do to get you (Am)there

(Em)No more wai(Bm)ting, (Em)no more,

(Em)No more figh(Bm)ting, (Em)no more,
(Bm)trying... (C)(Bm)(Am)(D)

(G)Maybe there's (D)nothing more to (C)say

♡ What is Love – Haddaway (Gm)Oh, I don't (Bb)know, what can I (Dm)do?
What else can I (F)say, it's up to (Gm)you
[Single strum] I know we're (Bb)one
What is (Gm)love? Just me and (Dm)you
Baby, don't (Bb)hurt me I can't go (F)on
Don't (Dm)hurt me no (F)more
... (Gm) ...
Baby, don't (Bb)hurt me (Gm)I want no (Bb)other, no other (Dm)lover
Don't (Dm)hurt me no (F)more This is (F)our life, our (Gm)time
(Gm)(Bb)(Dm)(F)What is love? When we are to(Bb)gether, I need you fo(Dm)rever
(Gm)(Bb)(Dm)(F)Yeah, yeah Is it (F)love?

(Gm)I don't (Bb)know why you're not (Dm)there [Estribillo]

I give you my (F)love, but you don't (Gm)care
So what is (Bb)right? What is (Gm)love?
And what is (Dm)wrong?
Gimme a (F)sign

What is (Gm)love?
Baby, don't (Bb)hurt me
Don't (Dm)hurt me no (F)more
What is (Gm)love?
Baby, don't (Bb)hurt me
Don't (Dm)hurt me no (F)more
(Gm)Whoa, whoa, (Bb)whoa, (Dm)whoa, (F)oh-whoa
(Gm)Whoa, whoa, (Bb)whoa, (Dm)whoa, (F)oh-whoa
♡ What's Up - 4 Non Blondes (C)ooh, (Dm)ooh (F)ooh (C)ohh
and I (C)try, oh my god do I (Dm)try
(C) (Dm) (F) (C) I try all the (F)time, in this insti(C)tution
And I (C)pray, oh my god do I (Dm)pray
(C)Twenty-five years and my life is still I pray every single (F)day
(Dm)Trying to get up that great big hill of (F)hope For a revo(C)lution
For a desti(C)nation
I (C)realized quickly when I knew I should And so I (C)cry sometimes
That the (Dm)world was made up of this brotherhood When I'm lying in bed
of (F)man Just to (Dm)get it all out
For whatever that (C)means What's in my head
And I (F)am feeling a little pe(C)culiar
And so I (C)cry sometimes And so I (C)wake in the morning
When I'm lying in bed And I step outside
Just to (Dm)get it all out And I (Dm)take a deep breath and I get real high
What's in my head And I (F)scream at the top of my lungs
And I (F)am feeling a little pe(C)culiar What's going (C)on?
And so I (C)wake in the morning
And I step outside [Chorus] x 2
And I (Dm)take a deep breath and I get real high
And I (F)scream at the top of my lungs (C)Twenty-five years and my life is still
What's going (C)on? (Dm)Trying to get up that great big hill of (F)hope
For a desti(C)nation
And I say, (C)hey hey (Dm)hey hey
I said (F)hey, what's going (C)on?
And I say, (C)hey hey (Dm)hey hey
I said (F)hey, what's going (C)on?
When I Was Your Man – Bruno Mars (Dm)mess I made, ohh…
(G)And it haunts me every time I close (C)my eyes
(Am)Same bed but it
(C)feels just a little bit (Dm)bigger now [Estribillo]
(G)Our song on the
(G7)radio but it don't (C)sound the same(G) Although it (F)hurts
(Am)When our friends talk I'll be the (G)first to say that I was
(C)about you, all it does is just (Dm)tear me down (C)wroo(G)oo(Am)ng(G)
(G)'Cause my heart breaks a little when I (C)hear your Oh, I (D)know I'm probably much too late
name To try and (F)apologize for my mistakes
But I just (G)want you to know [SIlencio]
It (G)all just sounds like (Am)oooooh…(Em)
(Bb)Mmm, too young, too dumb to rea(C)lize I hope he buys you (F)flowers
That (G)I should've bought you (F)flowers (G)I hope he holds your (C)hand
(G)And held your (C)hand Give you all his (F)hours
Should've gave you all my (F)hours (G)When he has the (C)chance
(G)When I had the (C)chance Take you to every (F)party
Take you to every (F)party 'Cause I (G)remember
'Cause all you (G)wanted to do was (Am)dance how much you (Am)loved to dance
(D)Now my baby's (F)dancing (D)Do all the things I (F)should have done
But she's (Fm)dancing with another (C)man (Fm)When I was your (C)man
(Csus)(C) [Single strum]
(D)Do all the things I (F)should have done
(G)(Am)My pride, my (Fm)When I was your (C)man
(C)ego, my needs, and my (Dm)selfish ways
(G)Caused a good strong (G7)woman like you
to walk (C)out my life(G)
Now I (Am)never, (C)never get to clean up the
When September Ends – Green Day
(G)Summer has (Bm)come and passed (Em)Here comes the (Bm)rain again
The (Em)innocent can ne(Dsus4)ver last (C)Falling from the stars(G) (Gmaj7)
(C)Wake me up (Cm)when September ends(G) (Em)Drenched in my (Bm)pain again
Be(C)coming who we are(D)
(G)Like my fathers (Bm)come to pass
(Em)Seven years has gone(Dsus4) so fast (G)As my memo(Bm)ry rests
(C)Wake me up (Cm)when September ends (G) But (Em)never forget (Dsus4)what I lost
(Gmaj7) (C)Wake me up (Cm)when September ends (G)

(Em)Here comes the (Bm)rain again (Em)(Bm)(C)(G)(Gmaj7)

(C)Falling from the stars(G) (Gmaj7) (Em)(Bm)(C)(Dsus4)(D)(Dsus4)(D)
(Em)Drenched in my (Bm)pain again
Be(C)coming who we are(D) (G)Summer has (Bm)come and passed
The (Em)innocent can ne(Dsus4)ver last
(G)As my memo(Bm)ry rests (C)Wake me up (Cm)when September ends(G)
But (Em)never forget (Dsus4)what I lost
(C)Wake me up (Cm)when September ends (G) (G)Like my fathers (Bm)come to pass
(G)(G)(G)(G) (Em)Seven years has gone(Dsus4) so fast
(C)Wake me up (Cm)when September ends (G)
(G)Summer has (Bm)come and passed (C)Wake me up (Cm)when September ends (G)
The (Em)innocent can ne(Dsus4)ver last (C)Wake me up (Cm)when September ends (G)
(C)Wake me up (Cm)when September ends(G)

(G)Ring out the (Bm)bells again

(Em)Like we did when (Dsus4)spring began
(C)Wake me up (Cm)when september ends(G)
When You're Gone - Brian Adams oh, (Dm)this is torture, (G)this is pain,
it (C)feels like I'm gonna go insane
I (Dm)hope you're coming (Bb)back real soon,
(Dm) (F) (C) (G) 'cause I (G)don't know what to do
I've been (Dm)wandering around
the (G)house all night Baby when you're (Dm)gone, (F)
(C)wondering what the hell to do I realize I'm in (C)love (G)
Yeah, I'm (Dm)trying to concentrate days go on and (Dm)on, (F)
but all (F)I can think of is (C)you and the nights just seem (C)so (G)long
well the (Dm)phone don't ring Even food don't taste that (Dm)good, (F)
'cause my (G)friends ain't home drink ain't doing what it (C)should (G)
I'm (C)tired of being all alone things just feel so (Dm)wrong, (Bb)
Got the (Dm)TV on baby when you're (G)gone
'cause the (Bb)radio's playing things just feel so (Dm)wrong, (Bb)
(G)songs that remind me of you baby when you're (F)gone

Baby when you're (Dm)gone, (F)

I realize I'm in (C)love (G)
days go on and (Dm)on, (F)
and the nights just seem (C)so (G)long
Even food don't taste that (Dm)good, (F)
drink ain't doing what it (C)should (G)
things just feel so (Dm)wrong, (Bb)
baby when you're (G)gone

I've been (Dm)driving up and (G)down these streets

(C)trying to find somewhere to go
Yeah I’m (Dm)looking for a familiar (G)face,
but there's no one (C)I know
When You're Smiling – Frank Sinatra Oh when you're (A)smilin' keep on (Amaj7)smilin'
The (F#)whole world smiles (Bm)with you
Acorde (Gmaj7) = 0 2 2 2 Ah when you're (Bm)laughin' keep on (D6)laughin'
Acorde (Amaj7) = 1 1 0 0 The (E7)sun comes shinin' (A)through
Acorde (F#) = 3 1 2 1
Acorde (D6) = 2 2 2 2 Now when you're (A7)cryin' you (D)bring on the rain
So stop that (B7)sighin' be (E7)happy again
When you're (G)smilin' keep on (Gmaj7)smilin' keep on (A)smilin Cause when you're (F#)smilin'
The (E7)whole world smiles (Am)with you the (Bm)whole world (E7)smiles with (A)you
And when you're (Am)laughin' (C+) the (Bm)whole world (E7)smiles with (A)you
oh when you're (C)laughin' the (Bm)whole world (E7)smiles with (A)you
(D)The sun comes shinin' (G)through

But when you're (G7)cryin' you (C)bring on the rain

So stop your (A7)sighin 'be (D7)happy again
keep on (G)smilin Cause when you're (E7)smilin'
The (Am)whole world (D7)smiles with (G)you

(G) (G) (Gmaj7) (Gmaj7)
(E7) (E7) (Am) (Am)
(Am) (C+) (C) (C)
(D) (D) (G) (G)

(G7) (G7) (C) (C)

(A7) (A7) (D7) (D7)
(G) (G) (E7) (E7)
(Am) (D7) (G) (E7)
Where Everybody Knows Your Name – (C)And your shrink ran (G)off to Europe,
and (C)didn't even (G)write
(Gm)And your husband (A)wants to be a (Dm)girl...
(Gsus4)be glad there's (G)one place in the (C)world
Where every(Bb)body knows your (F)name
(C)Making your way in the (G)world today
(G)(C)And they're (Bb)always glad you (F)came
takes (C)everything you've (G)got
(G)(Em)You wanna go where (F)people know,
(C)Taking a break from (G)all your worries
(Em)people are all the (F)same
(C)sure would help a (G)lot
(Em)You wanna go where
(Gm)Wouldn't you (A)like to get a(Dm)way?
(F)everybody (G)knows (C)your name
(C)All those nights when you've (G)got no lights,
the (C)check is in the (G)mail
(C)And your little (G)angel
hung the (C)cat up by it's (G)tail
(Gm)And your third fi(A)ance didn't (Dm)show
(Gsus4)Some(G)times you wanna (C)go

Where every(Bb)body knows your (F)name

(G)(C)And they're (Bb)always glad you (F)came
(G)(Em)You wanna be where (F)you can see,
all (Em)troubles are all the (F)same
(Em)You wanna go where
(F)everybody (G)knows (C)your name (G)(C)(G)

(C)Roll out of bed, mr. (G)coffee's dead,

the (C)morning's looking (G)bright
While My Guitar Gently Weeps – The (A)I don't know (C#m)how
(F#m) you were in(C#m)verted
(Bm)No one alerted (E7)you
Acorde (C#m) = 6 4 4 4
I (Am)look at you (G)all see the (D)love
I (Am)look at you (G)all see the (D)love there that's (F)sleeping
there that's (F)sleeping (Am)While my gui(G)tar gently (D)weeps (E7)
(Am)While my gui(G)tar gently (D)weeps (E7) I (Am)look at you (G)all ...(D)...(F)
I (Am)look at the (G)floor and I (D)see (Am)Still my gui(G)tar gently (C)weeps (E7)
it needs (F)sweeping (Am)
(Am)Still my gui(G)tar gently (C)weeps (E7)

(A)I don't know (C#m)why

(F#m)nobody (C#m)told you
(Bm)How to unfold your (E7)love
(A)I don't know (C#m)how
(F#m)someone con(C#m)trolled you
(Bm)They bought and sold (E7)you

I (Am)look at the (G)world and

I (D)notice it's (F)turning
(Am)While my gui(G)tar gently (D)weeps (E7)
With (Am)every mis(G)take
we must (D)surely be (F)learning
(Am)Still my gui(G)tar gently (C)weeps (E7)

(A)I don't know (C#m)how

(F#m)you were di(C#m)verted
(Bm)You were perverted (E7)too
White Christmas – Bing Crosby
(A)I'm dreaming of a (Bm)white (E7)Christmas
(D)Just like the (E7)ones I used to (A)know
Where the treetops (A7)glisten,
and (D)children (Dm)listen
To (A)hear (F#m)sleigh bells in the (Bm)snow (E7)

(A)I'm dreaming of a (Bm)white (E7)Christmas

(D)With every (E7)Christmas card I (A)write
May your days be (A7)merry and (D)bright (Dm)
And may (A)all your (B7)Christma(E7)ses be (A)white

(A)I'm dreaming of a (Bm)white (E7)Christmas

(D)Just like the (E7)ones I used to (A)know
Where the treetops (A7)glisten,
and (D)children (Dm)listen
To (A)hear (F#m)sleigh bells in the (Bm)snow (E7)

(A)I'm dreaming of a (Bm)white (E7)Christmas

(D)With every (E7)Christmas card I (A)write
May your days be (A7)merry and (D)bright (Dm)
And may (A)all your (B7)Christma(E7)ses be (A)white
Why Don't You Get a Job – The (F)na-na, Why don't (C)you get a (F)job?
Say no (F)way, say no way ya, no (Bb)way
(F)na-na, why don't (C)you get a (F)job?
[Single strum]
(Bb)Well I guess it ain't easy doing nothing at (F)all
My (F)friend's got a girlfriend
(Bb)But hey man free rides just don't come (G)along
Man he (Bb)hates that bitch
every (C)day
He (F)tells me every (C)day
He (F)says "man I really gotta (Bb)lose my chick
My (F)friend's got a boyfriend,
In the (F)worst (C)kind of (F)way"
man she (Bb)hates that dick
She (F)tells me every (C)day
She (F)sits on her ass
He (F)wants more dinero just to (Bb)stay at home
He works his (Bb)hands to the bone
Well my (F)friend
To (F)give her money every pay(C)day
You (C)gotta (F)say
But she (F)wants more dinero just to (Bb)stay at home
Well my (F)friend
I won't (F)pay, I won't pay ya, no (Bb)way
You (C)gotta (F)say
(F)na-na, Why don't (C)you get a (F)job?
Say no (F)way, say no way ya, no (Bb)way
I won't (F)pay, I won't pay ya, no (Bb)way
(F)na-na, why don't (C)you get a (F)job?
(F)na-na, Why don't (C)you get a (F)job?
Say no (F)way, say no way ya, no (Bb)way
I won't (F)give you no money, I (Bb)always pay
(F)na-na, why don't (C)you get a (F)job?
(F)na-na, Why don't (C)you get a (F)job?
Say no (F)way, say no way ya, no (Bb)way
I (F)guess all his money, well it (Bb)isn't enough
(F)na-na, why don't (C)you get a (F)job?
To (F)keep her bill collectors at (C)bay
I (F)guess all his money, well it (Bb)isn't enough
Cause that (F)girl's got (C)expensive (F)taste

I won't (F)pay, I won't pay ya, no (Bb)way

♡ Wild Rover – Tradicional
And it's (A)No, Nay, never,
(D)I've been a wild rover for many's the (G)year (D)No, nay never no (G)more
I've (D)spent all me (A)money on whiskey and (D)beer Will I (D)play the wild (G)rover,
But now I'm returning with gold in great (G)store No (A)never no (D)more
And I (D)never will (A)play the wild rover no (D)more
I'll go (D)home to my parents, confess what I've
And it's (A)No, Nay, never, (G)done
(D)No, nay never no (G)more And I'll (D)ask them to (A)pardon their prodigal (D)son
Will I (D)play the wild (G)rover, And, (D)when they've caressed me as oft times
No (A)never no (D)more be(G)fore
I (D)never will (A)play the wild rover no (D)more
I (D)went in to an alehouse I used to fre(G)quent
And I (D)told the land(A)lady me money was (D)spent And it's (A)No, Nay, never,
I (D)asked her for credit, she answered me (G)nay (D)No, nay never no (G)more
Such a (D)customer as (A)you I can have any (D)day Will I (D)play the wild (G)rover,
No (A)never no (D)more
And it's (A)No, Nay, never,
(D)No, nay never no (G)more And it's (A)No, Nay, never,
Will I (D)play the wild (G)rover, (D)No, nay never no (G)more
No (A)never no (D)more Will I (D)play the wild (G)rover,
No (A)never no (D)more
I (D)took up from my pocket, ten sovereigns (G)bright
And the (D)landlady's (A)eyes opened wide with
She (D)says "I have whiskeys and wines of the
And the (D)words that you (A)told me were only in
☠ Wild World – Cat Stevens (C) Ooh (G)baby baby it’s a (F)wild world
(G) It’s hard to get (F)by just upon a (C)smile
[intro] same chords as first four lines Ooh (G)baby baby it’s a (F)wild world
(G) I’ll always re(F)member you like a (C)child, girl
(Am7) Now that I’ve (D7)lost everything to (G)you (Dm) (E7)
You say you (Cmaj7)wanna start something (F)new
And it’s (Dm)breaking my heart you’re (E)leaving Baby I love you (Am7)
(E7)Baby I’m grievin’ But if you want to (D7)leave take good (G)care
(Am7) But if you want to (D7)leave take good (G)care Hope you make a (Cmaj7)lot of nice friends out
Hope you have a (Cmaj7)lot of nice things to (F)wear (F)there
But then a (Dm)lot of nice things turn (E)bad out there But just re(Dm)member there’s a lot of bad (E)and
(C) Ooh (G)baby baby it’s a (F)wild world
(G) It’s hard to get (F)by just upon a (C)smile (C) Ooh (G)baby baby it’s a (F)wild world
(C) Ooh (G)baby baby it’s a (F)wild world (G) It’s hard to get (F)by just upon a (C)smile
(G) I’ll always re(F)member you like a (C)child, girl (C)Ooh (G)baby baby it’s a (F)wild world
(Dm) (E7) (G) I’ll always re(F)member you like a (C)child, girl

(Am7) You know I’ve seen a (D7)lot of what the world

can (G)do
And it’s (Cmaj7)breaking my heart in (F)two
Because I (Dm)never want to see you (E)sad girl
(E7)Don’t be a bad girl
(Am7)But if you want to (D7)leave take good (G)care
Hope you make a (Cmaj7)lot of nice friends out
But just (Dm)remember there’s a lot of bad (E)and
Wind of Change – The Scorpions Down to Gorky (C)Park
Listening to the (Dm)wind… of (Am)change (G)
[intro – while whistling] (Am) (F) (Am) (F) (C) (Dm)
(Am-G) [chorus]
(C) Take (G)me… to the (Dm)magic of the (G)moment
(C) I follow the Mosk(Dm)va On a (C)glory (G)night
Down to Gorky (C)Park Where the (Dm)children of to(G)morrow share their
Listening to the (Dm)wind… of (Am)change (G) (Am)dreams
(C) An August summer (Dm)night (F) With you and (G)me (G)
Soldiers passing (C)by
Listening to the (Dm)wind… of (Am)change (G) (C) Take (G)me… to the (Dm)magic of the (G)moment
On a (C)glory (G)night
(C) The world is closing (Dm)in Where the (Dm)children of to(G)morrow dream
Did you ever (C)think a(Am)way
That we could be so (Dm)close… like (Am)bro(G)thers (F) In the wind of (G)change (G)
(C) The future’s in the (Dm)air
I can feel it every(C)where (Am) The wind of change blows (G)straight
Blowing with the (Dm)wind… of (Am)change (G) (G) Into the face of (Am)time
Like a stormwind that will (G)ring
(C) Take (G)me… to the (Dm)magic of the (G)moment The freedom bell… for peace of (C)mind
On a (C)glory (G)night Let your balalaika (Dm)sing
Where the (Dm)children of to(G)morrow dream What my guitar… wants to (E)say (E7)
(F) In the wind of (G)change (G) [chorus] then end on (C)

(C) Walking down the (Dm)street

Distant memor(C)ies
Are buried in the (Dm)past… for(Am)e-e-e(G)ver
(C) I follow the Mosk(Dm)va
♡ With a Little Help from My Friends – some(F)body to (C)love
The Beatles
(G)Would you bel(D)ieve in (Am)love at first sight
Yes I'm certain that it (D)happens all the (G)time
(G)What would you (D)think if I (Am)sang out of tune
What do you (D)see when you (Am)turn out the light
Would you stand up and (D)walk out on (G)me
I can't tell you but I (D)know it’s (G)mine
Lend me your (D)ears and I'll (Am)sing you a song
And I'll try not to (D)sing out of (G)key
Oh I get (F)by with a little (C)help from my (G)friends
Mmm I get (F)high with a little (C)help from my
Oh I get (F)by with a little (C)help from my (G)friends
Mmm I get (F)high with a little (C)help from my
Mmm gonna (F)try with a little (C)help from my
Mmm gonna (F)try with a little (C)help from my
(G)friends (D7)
Do you (Em)neeeeed any(A)body… I (G)need
some(F)body to (C)love
(G)What do I (D)do when my (Am)love is away
Could it (Em)beeeeee any(A)body… I (G)want
Does it worry you to (D)be a(G)lone
some(F)body to (C)love
How do I (D)feel by the (Am)end of the day
Are you sad because you're (D)on your (G)own
Oh I get (F)by with a little (C)help from my (G)friends
Mmm I get (F)high with a little (C)help from my
Oh I get (F)by with a little (C)help from my (G)friends
Mmm I get (F)high with a little (C)help from my
Mmm gonna (F)try with a little help from my (C)friends
with a little help from my (Eb)friends (F) (G)
Mmm gonna (F)try with a little (C)help from my

Do you (Em)neeeeed any(A)body… I (G)need

some(F)body to (C)love
Could it (Em)beeeeee any(A)body… I (G)want
Wonderful World – Sam Cooke What a (G)wonderful world this would (C)be.

(C)Don't know much about (Am)history (C)Latatatatatatata (Am)history

(F)Don't know much bi(G)ology (F)Uhhhhhhh bi(G)ology
(C)Don't know much about a (Am)science book, (C)Uolaatatatatatatata (Am)science book,
(F)Don't know much about the (G)french I took. (F)Uhhhhhhh (G)french I took.
(C)But I do know that (F)I love you, (C)But I do know that (F)I love you,
(C)And I know that if you (F)love me, too, (C)And I know that if you (F)love me, too,
What a (G)wonderful world this would (C)be. What a (G)wonderful world this would (C)be.

(C)Don't know much about (Am)geography,

(F)Don't know much trigo(G)nometry.
(C)Don't know much about (Am)algebra,
(F)Don't know what a slide (G)rule is for.
(C)But I do know one and (F)one is two,
(C)And if this one could (F)be with you,
What a (G)wonderful world this would (C)be.

Now, (G)I don't claim to (C)be an "A" student,

(G)But I'm tryin' to (C)be.
For (D)maybe by being an (C)"A" student, baby,
(D)I can win your (G)love for me.

(C)Don't know much about (Am)history

(F)Don't know much bi(G)ology
(C)Don't know much about a (Am)science book,
(F)Don't know much about the (G)french I took.
(C)But I do know that (F)I love you,
(C)And I know that if you (F)love me, too,
♡ Wonderwall – Oasis You're my (Am)wonder(F)wall (Am) (C) (Am) [pause]

(Am) Today is (C)gonna be the day (Am) Today was (C)gonna be the day
That they're (G)gonna throw it back to (Dm)you That they're (G)gonna throw it back to (Dm)you
(Am) By now you (C)should've somehow (Am) By now you (C)should've somehow
Rea(G)lized what you gotta (Dm)do Rea(G)lized what you gotta (Dm)do
(Am)I don't believe that (C)anybody (Am)I don't believe that (C)anybody
(G)Feels the way I (Dm)do about you (F)now (G) (Dm) (G)Feels the way I (Dm)do about you (Am)now (C)
(G) (Dm)
(Am) Backbeat the (C)word is on the street
That the (G)fire in your heart is (Dm)out And (F)all the roads than (G)lead you there were
(Am) I'm sure you've (C)heard it all before (Am)winding
But you (G)never really had a (Dm)doubt And (F) all the lights that (G) light the way are
(Am)I don't believe that (C)anybody (Am)blinding
(G)Feels the way I (Dm)do about you (Am)now (C) (F)There are many (G)things that I… would
(G) (Dm) (C)Like to (G)say to (Am)you
I don't know (D)how
And (F)all the roads we (G)have to walk along are
(Am)winding I said (F)maybe (Am) (C)
And (F) all the lights that (G)lead us there are You're (Am)gonna be the one who (F)saves me (Am)
(Am)blinding (C)
(F)There are many (G)things that I… would And (Am)after (F)all (Am) (C)
(C)Like to (G)say to (Am)you You're my (Am)wonder(F)wall (Am) (C)
but I don't know (D)how (Am) – single strum, slowly, letting all the strings ring

Because (F)maybe (Am) (C)

You're (Am)gonna be the one who (F)saves me (Am)
And (Am)after (F)all (Am) (C)
Wrecking Ball – Miley Cyrus I came in like a (F)wrecking ball (C)
I never hit so (Dm)hard in love (Bb)
We (Dm)clawed, we chained our (F)hearts in vain All I wanted was to (F)break your walls (C)
We (C)jumped never asking (Gm)why All you ever did (Dm)was wreck (Bb)me
We (Dm)kissed, I fell un(F)der your spell. I came in like a (F)wrecking ball (C)
A (C)love no one could (Gm)deny Yeah, I just closed my (Dm)eyes and swung (Bb)
Left me crashing in a (F)blazing fall (C)
(Bb)Don't you ever say (Dm)I just walked away All you ever did (Dm)was wreck (Bb)me
(F)I will always want (Bb)you Yeah, (Dm)you, you wreck (Bb)me
(Bb)I can't live a lie, (Dm)running for my life
(F)I will always want (Bb)you [silencio] [Single strum]
(Bb)I never meant to start a (Dm)war
I came in like a (F)wrecking ball (C) I just wanted you to let me (F)in
I never hit so (Dm)hard in love (Bb) And instead of using (C)force
All I wanted was to (F)break your walls (C) I guess I should've let you (Bb)win
All you ever did (Dm)was wreck (Bb)me I never meant to start a (Dm)war
Yeah, (Dm)you, you wreck (Bb)me I just wanted you to let me (F)in
I guess I should've let you (Am)win
I (Dm)put you high up (F)in the sky
And (C)now, you're not coming (Gm)down (Bb)Don't you ever say (Dm)I just walked away
It (Dm)slowly turned, you (F)let me burn (F)I will always want (Bb)you
And (C)now, we're ashes on the (Gm)ground
(Bb)Don't you ever say (Dm)I just walked away Yeah, (Dm)you, you wreck (Bb)me
(F)I will always want (Bb)you
(Bb)I can't live a lie, (Dm)running for my life
(F)I will always want (Bb)you [silencio]
♡ Yellow – Coldplay Cause you were all yellow

[intro – two bars of each chord] (G) (D) (C) (G) (G) I drew a line
I drew a line for (D)you
(G) Look at the stars Oh what a thing to do(C)
Look how they shine for (D)you And it was all yellow (G–Gsus4–G)
And everything you do(C)
Yeah they were all yellow (C) Your ski(Em)in
Oh yeah your (D)skin and bones (C)
(G) I came along Turn in(Em) to something (D)beautiful
I wrote a song for (D)you (C) D’you (Em)know for you I (D)bleed myself (C)dry
And all the things you do(C) (C)For you I bleed myself dry(G)
And it was called yellow (G)
(G) (D) (C) (G)
So then I took my (D)turn
Oh what a thing to have done(C) It’s true
And it was all yellow (G–Gsus4–G) Look how they shine for (D)you
Look how they shine for (C)you
(C) Your ski(Em)in Look how they shine for(G)
Oh yeah your (D)skin and bones (C) Look how they shine for (D)you
Turn in(Em) to something (D)beautiful Look how they shine for (C)you
(C) D’you (Em)know you know I (D)love you so (C) Look how they shine (G)
You know I love you so(G) Look at the stars
Look how they shine for (Dm)you
(G) (D) (C) (G) And all the things that you (C)do (G)

(G) I swam across

I jumped across for (Dm)you
Oh all the things you (C)do
♡ Yellow Submarine – The Beatles (C)As we (D)live a (C)life of (G)ease
(Em)Every(Am)one of us has (C)all we (D)need
[Single strum] (C)Sky of (D)blue and (C)sea of (G)green
In the (D)town where (C)I was (G)born (Em)In our (Am)yellow (C)subma(D)rine
(Em)Lived a (Am)man who (C)sailed to (D)sea (Submarine, ha, ha)
(C)And he (D)told us (C)of his (G)life
(Em)In the (Am)land of (C)subma(D)rines (G)We all live in a (D)yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, (G)yellow submarine
(C)So we (D)sailed up (C)to the (G)sun (G)We all live in a (D)yellow submarine
(Em)Till we (Am)found the (C)sea of (D)green Yellow submarine, (G)yellow submarine
(C)And we (D)lived be(C)neath the (G)waves (G)We all live in a (D)yellow submarine
(Em)In our (Am)yellow (C)subma(D)rine Yellow submarine, (G)yellow submarine
(G)We all live in a (D)yellow submarine
(G)We all live in a (D)yellow submarine Yellow submarine, (G)yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, (G)yellow submarine
(G)We all live in a (D)yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, (G)yellow submarine

(C)And our (D)friends are (C)all on (G)board

(Em)Many (Am)more of them (C)live next (D)door
(C)And the (D)band be(C)gins to (G)play

(G)We all live in a (D)yellow submarine

Yellow submarine, (G)yellow submarine
(G)We all live in a (D)yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, (G)yellow submarine
♡ Yesterday – The Beatles (Bb)Now I (C)need a place to (F)hide away
Oh (Dm)I be(G)lieve in (Bb)yester(F)day
(F)Yesterday, Oooo(F)ooo(G)ooo(Bb)ooo(F)oooh...
(E7)All my (A)troubles seemed so (Dm)far away,
(Bb)Now it (C)looks as though they're (F)here to stay
Oh (Dm)I be(G)lieve in (Bb)yester(F)day

(E7)I'm not (A)half the man I (Dm)used to be
(Bb)There's a (C)shadow hanging (F)over me
Oh (Dm)yester(G)day came (Bb)sudden(F)ly

(E7)Why (A)she (Dm)had (C)to (Bb)go

I don't (Gm)know, she (C)wouldn't (F)say
(E7)I (A)said (Dm)some(C)thing (Bb)wrong
now I'm (Gm)long for (C)yester(F)day

(E7)Love was (A)such an easy (Dm)game to play
(Bb)Now I (C)need a place to (F)hide away
Oh (Dm)I be(G)lieve in (Bb)yester(F)day

(E7)Why (A)she (Dm)had (C)to (Bb)go

I don't (Gm)know, she (C)wouldn't (F)say
(E7)I (A)said (Dm)some(C)thing (Bb)wrong
now I'm (Gm)long for (C)yester(F)day

(E7)Love was (A)such an easy (Dm)game to play
YMCA – The Village People (Dm)Young man… you can make real your dreams
But you’ve (G)got… (F)to… (G)know… (F)this…
[no intro] (C)one… (F)thing
(C)No man… does it all by himself, I said
(C)Young man… there’s no need to feel down, I said (Am)Young man… put your pride on the shelf and just
(Am)Young man… pick yourself off the ground, I said (Dm)Go there… to the YMCA
(Dm)Young man… cos you’re in a new town I’m sure (G)they… (F)can… (G)help… (F)you…
There’s no (G)need… (F)to… (G)be… (C)to(F)day
(C)Young man… there’s a place you can go, I said [chorus]
(Am)Young man… when you’re short on your dough,
you can (C)Young man… I was once in your shoes, I said
(Dm)Stay there… and I’m sure you will find (Am)I was… down and out with the blues, I felt
Many (G)ways… (F)to… (G)have… (F)a… (C)good… (Dm)No man… cared if I were alive
(F)time I felt (G)the… (F)whole… (G)world… (F)was…
(C)so… (F)tight
[chorus] (C)That’s when… someone came up to me and said,
It’s fun to stay at the (C)YMCA (Am)Young man… take a walk up the street, there’s a
It’s fun to stay at the (Am)YMCA (Dm)Place there… called the YMCA
They have (Dm)everything for you men to enjoy They can (G)start… (F)you… (G)back… (F)on…
You can (G)hang out with all the boys (C)your… (F)way
It’s fun to stay at the (C)YMCA
It’s fun to stay at the (Am)YMCA [chorus] – then (C – single strum)
You can (Dm)get yourself cleaned, you can have a
good meal
You can (G)do whatever you feel

(C)Young man… are you listening to me, I said

(Am)Young man… what do you want to be, I said
You Got It – Roy Orbison (A)Tu(C#)rurururu (F#m)ru... (D)
(A)Tu(C#)rurururu (F#m)ru... (D)
(A)Every time I look in(G)to your (D)lovely (A)eyes, (A)Tu(C#)rurururu (F#m)ru... You(D) got it
(G)(D) (A)(E7)
(A)I see a love that (G)money (D)just can't (E7)buy
(G) I'm (A)glad to (F#m)give my (C#m)love to (E7)you.
One (A)look from (F#m)you, I (C#m)drift a(E7)way. I (A)know you (F#m)feel the (C#m)way I (E7)do.
I (A)pray that (F#m)you are (C#m)here to (E7)stay.
(A)Any(C#)thing you (F#m)want, you (D)got it.
(A)Any(C#)thing you (F#m)want, you (D)got it. (A)Any(C#)thing you (F#m)need, you (D)got it.
(A)Any(C#)thing you (F#m)need, you (D)got it. (A)Any(C#)thing at (F#m)all, you (D)got it.
(A)Any(C#)thing at (F#m)all, you (D)got it. (A)Ba(E7)by!
(A)Ba(E7)by! (A)Any(C#)thing you (F#m)want, you (D)got it.
(A)Any(C#)thing you (F#m)need, you (D)got it.
(A)Every time I hold you (G)I begin to (A)Any(C#)thing at (F#m)all, you (D)got it.
(D)under(A)stand, (G)(D) (A)Ba(E7)by!
(A)Everything about you (G)tells me (D)I'm your (E7)Anything at all
(E7)man. (G) (E7)Babyyy
I (A)live my (F#m)life to (C#m)be with (E7)you. You (A)got it
No (A)one can (F#m)do the (C#m)things you (E7)do.

(A)Any(C#)thing you (F#m)want, you (D)got it.

(A)Any(C#)thing you (F#m)need, you (D)got it.
(A)Any(C#)thing at (F#m)all, you (D)got it.
(E7)Anything you want
(E7)Anything you need
(E7)Anything at all
You Never Can Tell – Chuck Berry (C)(C)(C)(G7)(G7)(G7)(G7)(C)

It was a (C)teenage wedding, It was a (C)teenage wedding,

and the old folks wished them well and the old folks wished them well
You could see that Pierre You could see that Pierre
did truly love the mademoi(G7)selle did truly love the mademoi(G7)selle
And now the young monsieur And now the young monsieur
and madame have rung the chapel bell, and madame have rung the chapel bell,
"C'est la vie", say the old folks, "C'est la vie", say the old folks,
it goes to show you never can (C)tell it goes to show you never can (C)tell

They furnished (C)off an apartment

with a two room Roebuck sale
The coolerator was crammed
with TV dinners and ginger (G7)ale,
But when Pierre found work,
the little money comin' worked out well
"C'est la vie", say the old folks,
it goes to show you never can (C)tell

They had a (C)hi-fi phono, boy, did they let it blast

Seven hundred little records,
all rock, rhythm and (G7)jazz
But when the sun went down,
the rapid tempo of the music fell
"C'est la vie", say the old folks,
it goes to show you never can (C)tell

♡ You're Beautiful - James Blunt (Bb)You're beauti(C)ful. (F)You're beautiful.
(Bb)You're beauti(C)ful, it's (F)true.
(F)(C)(Dm)(Bb) I (Bb)saw your (C)face in a (F)crow(C)ded (Dm)place,
(F)My life is brilliant. (C)(Dm)(Bb) And (Bb)I don't know (C)what to (Dm)do,
'Cause I'll (Bb)never (C)be with (F)you.
(F)My life is brilliant.
(C)My love is pure. (Bb) Lara (Dm) Lala…
(Dm)I saw an angel. (Bb) Lara (Dm) Lala…
(Bb)Of that I'm sure. (Bb) Lara (Dm) Lala… Laaa (Gm) (C)
She (F)smiled at me on the subway.
She was (C)with another man. (Bb)You're beauti(C)ful. (F)You're beautiful.
But (Dm)I won't lose no sleep on that, (Bb)You're beauti(C)ful, it's (F)true.
'Cause I've got a plan. There (Bb)must be an (C)angel
with a (F)smile on (C)her (Dm)face,
(Bb)You're beauti(C)ful. (F)You're beautiful. When she (Bb)thought up
(Bb)You're beauti(C)ful, it's (F)true. that I should be with (C)you. (F)(C)(Dm)
I (Bb)saw your (C)face in a (F)crow(C)ded (Dm)place, But it's (Bb)time to (C)face the (Dm)truth,
And (Bb)I don't know (C)what to (Dm)do, I will (Bb)never (C)be with (F)you.
'Cause I'll (Bb)never (C)be with (F)you.


Yes, she (F)caught my eye,

As we (C)walked on by.
She could (Dm)see from my face that I was,
(Bb)Fucking high
And (F)I don't think that I'll (C)see her again,
But (Dm)we shared a moment that will last 'til the end.
♡ You’re the One that I Want – Grease I better shape (C)up… if I’m (G)gonna prove
(Am) That my faith is justi(F)fied
[intro] (Am) Are you sure? Yes I’m sure down deep inside

I got (Am)chills… they’re multiplying You’re the (C)one that I want (you are the one I want)
And I’m (F)losing con(C)trol Oo-oo-(F)oo honey
Cos the (E)power… you’re supp(Am)lying The (C)one that I want (you are the one that I want)
It’s electrifying Oo-oo-(F)oo honey
You better shape (C)up… cause I (G)need a man The (C)one that I want (you are the one that I want)
(Am) And my heart is set on (F)you Oo-oo-(F)oo honey
You better shape (C)up… you better (G)understand The one I (G)need… oh yes in(G7)deed
(Am) To my heart I must be (F)true
Nothing left, nothing left for me to do You’re the (C)one that I want (you are the one I want)
Oo-oo-(F)oo honey
You’re the (C)one that I want (you are the one I want) The (C)one that I want (you are the one that I want)
Oo-oo-(F)oo honey Oo-oo-(F)oo honey
The (C)one that I want (you are the one that I want) The (C)one that I want (you are the one that I want)
Oo-oo-(F)oo honey Oo-oo-(F)oo honey
The (C)one that I want (you are the one that I want) The one I (G)need… oh yes in(G7)deed
Oo-oo-(F)oo honey
The one I (G)need… oh yes in(G7)deed

If you’re (Am)filled… with affection
You’re too (F)shy to con(C)vey
Better (E)take… my di(Am)rection
Feel your way
I better shape (C)up… cos you (G)need a man
(Am) Who can keep you satis(F)fied
♡ Your Song – Elton John Well a (Dm)few of the (F)verses
well they've got (G7)me quite (Bb)cross
(F)It's a little bit (Bb)funny (C)this feeling in(Am)side (F)But the sun's been (C)quite kind
(Dm)I'm not one of (F)those who can (A7)While I wrote this (Dm)song
(G7)easily (Bb)hide I (F)It's for people like (Gm)you that
(F)Don't have much (C)money but (A7)boy if I (Dm)did (Bb)Keep it (C)turned on
(F)I'd buy a big (Gm)house where (F)So excuse me for(Bb)getting
(Bb)we both could (C)live (C)But these things (Am)I do
(F)If I was a (Bb)sculptor (C)but then again (Am)no (Dm)You see I've for(F)gotten
Or a (Dm)man who makes (F)potions in a If they're (G7)green or they're (Bb)blue
(G7)traveling (Bb)show (F)Anyway the thing is (C)what I really (A7)mean(Dm)
(F)Oh I know it's not (C)much (F)Yours are the (Gm)sweetest eyes
but it's the (A7)best I can (Dm)do (Bb)I've ever seen (F)(Bb)(F)
(F)My gift is my (Gm)song and
(Bb)this one's for (F)you (Bb)(F) (C)And you can tell (Dm)everybody
(Gm)this is your (Bb)song
(C)And you can tell (Dm)everybody (C)It may be (Dm)quite simple but
(Gm)this is your (Bb)song (Gm)now that it's (Bb)done
(C)It may be (Dm)quite simple but (Dm)I hope you don't mind
(Gm)now that it's (Bb)done (F)I hope you don't mind
(Dm)I hope you don't mind (G7)That I put down in (Bb)words
(F)I hope you don't mind How (F)wonderful (Gm)life is
(G7)That I put down in (Bb)words while (Bb)you're in the (C)world
How (F)wonderful (Gm)life is (Dm)I hope you don't mind
while (Bb)you're in the (C)world (F)I hope you don't mind
(G7)That I put down in (Bb)words
(F)I sat on the (Bb)roof How (F)wonderful (Gm)life is
(C)and kicked off the (Am)moss while (Bb)you're in the (F)world
You've Got a Friend – Carole King (G)Winter, spring, summer, or (Bm)fall,
(C)all you have to do is (Em)call
When you're (Em)down and (B7)troubled (Dm)And I'll (C)be there (G)yes I will(Am)(D)
and you (Em)need some (B7)love and (Em)care,
And (Am)nothing, (D)nothing is going (G)right, Now (F)ain't it good to know
(A)Close your eyes and (B7)think of me that (C)you've got a Friend
and (Em)soon I (B7)will be (Em)there when (G)people can be so (Bm)cold.
To (Am)brighten up (Bm)even They'll (C)hurt you, yes, and (Cm)desert you
your darkest (Dsus4)night.(D) And, (Em)take your soul if you let (A7)them.
Oh, but (C)don't you let them.(D)
You just (G)call out my name,
and you (C)know wherever I am, You just (G)call out my name,
I'll come (Gsus4)ru(G)nning to see you (Dsus4)again. and you (C)know wherever I am,
(G)Winter, spring, summer, or (Bm)fall, I'll come (Gsus4)ru(G)nning to see you (Dsus4)again.
(C)all you have to do is (Em)call (G)Winter, spring, summer, or (Bm)fall,
(Dm)And I'll (C)be there (G)(Am) (C)all you have to do is (Em)call
(D)You've got a (G)friend.(Gsus4)(G)(A)(B7) (Dm)And I'll (C)be there (G)yes I will(Am)
(D)You've got a (G)friend.(Gsus4)
If the (Em)sky a(B7)bove you You've got a (G)friend.(Gsus4)
grows (Em)dark and (B7)full of (Em)clouds, You've got a (G)friend.
And that (Am)old north (D)wind begins to (G)blow,
(A)Keep your head to(B7)gether
and (Em)call my (B7)name out (Em)loud.
(Am)Soon you'll hear me (Bm)knockin' at your

You just (G)call out my name,

and you (C)know wherever I am,
I'll come (Gsus4)ru(G)nning to see you (Dsus4)again.
♡ Zombie – The Cranberries In your (G)head… in your head… they're still
[intro] (Em) (C) (G) (D) With their (Em)tanks… and their bombs
And their (C)bombs… and their guns
(Em) Another (C)head hangs lowly In your (G)head… in your head… they are (D)dying
(G)Child is slowly (D)taken
(Em) And the violence (C)caused such silence In your (Em)hea-ea-ead… in your (C)hea-ea-ead
(G)Who are we mis(D)taken? Zo-om(G)bie… zo-ombie… zo-om(D)bie hey hey
What’s in your (Em)hea-ea-ead… in your (C)hea-ea-
But you (Em)see… it's not me… it's not (C)my family ead
In your (G)head… in your head… they are (D)fighting Zo-om(G)bie… zo-ombie… zo-om(D)bie hey hey hey
With their (Em)tanks… and their bombs (Em)Oh oh oh oh (C)oh oh oh oh
And their (C)bombs… and their guns Ay (G)ohhhh ah ah (D)aaaah
In your (G)head… in your head… they are (D)crying (Em – single strum)

In your (Em)hea-ea-ead… in your (C)hea-ea-ead

Zo-om(G)bie… zo-ombie… zo-om(D)bie hey hey
What’s in your (Em)hea-ea-ead… in your (C)hea-ea-
Zo-om(G)bie… zo-ombie… zo-om(D)bie hey hey hey
(Em)Oh (C) do-do-do
(G) Do-do-do (D) do-do-do

(Em) Another (C)mother's breakin'

(G)Heart is taking (D)over
(Em) When the violence (C)causes silence
(G)We must be mis(D)taken

It's the (Em)same old theme… since (C)1916

Índice por autores / intérpretes Amaral - ♡ El universo sobre mi (103)
Amaral - Esta madrugada (116)
4 Non Blondes - ♡ What's Up (611) Amaral - ♡ Moriría por vos (178)
ABBA - Chiquitita (324) Amaral - Te necesito (245)
ABBA - Dancing Queen (332) Amaral - ♡ Toda la noche en la calle (250)
ABBA - Honey Honey (396) Amparanoia - Que te den (210)
ABBA - I Have a Dream (408) Amy MacDonald - This Is The Life (582)
ABBA - ♡ Mamma Mia (471) Amy Winehouse - Rehab (515)
ABBA - SOS (548) Ana Belén - Peces de ciudad (197)
ABBA - Super Trouper (557) Ana Belén y Víctor Manuel - Contamíname (56)
ABBA - ♡ The Winner Takes It All (579) Ana Belén y Víctor Manuel - La Puerta de Alcalá (145)
ABBA - Waterloo (605) Andrea Bocelli & Marta Sánchez - Vivo por ella (263)
ACDC - Highway to Hell (392) Andrés Calamaro - ♡ Flaca (119)
ACDC - ☠ Thunderstruck (583) Andrés Calamaro - ♡ Maradona (163)
Ace of Base - All That She Wants (287) Andrés Calamaro - Te quiero igual (247)
Adele - ♡ Someone Like You (542) Antonio Banderas - Canción del Mariachi, Desperado
Aerosmith - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (404) (41)
Aha - Take on Me (564) Antonio Flores - No dudaría (187)
Alanis Morissette - ♡ Hand In My Pocket (378) Antonio Flores - ♡ Siete vidas (230)
Alanis Morissette - Ironic (420) Antonio Machín - Navidad (182)
Alan Parsons Project - Don't Answer Me (337) Antonio Vega - El sitio de mi recreo (100)
Alaska y Dinarama - A quién le importa (29) Aqua - Barbie Girl (296)
Alaska y Dinarama - ♡ Mil campanas (175) Aretha Franklin - I Say a Little Prayer (421)
Alejandro Sanz - Corazón Partío (59) Armando Manzanero - Contigo aprendí (58)
Alizee - Moi Lolita (480) A star is born - ♡Shallow (528)
Alphaville - Forever Young (362) Audrey Hepburn - Moon River (482)
Amaral - ♡ Cómo hablar (51) Avril Lavigne - ☠ Complicated (328)
Amaral - Cuando suba la marea (63) Avril Lavigne - ☠ Girlfriend (370)
Amaral - ♡ Días de verano (78) Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi (534)
Barricada - No hay tregua (188) Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart (591)
Bebe - Malo (160) Brian Adams - When You're Gone (614)
Becky G - Sin Pijama (232) Britney Spears - ♡ Hit Me Baby One More Time (393)
Ben E King - Stand by Me (551) Bruno Mars - Just the way you are (436)
Beyoncé - Halo (377) Bruno Mars - Locked Out Of Heaven (457)
Billie the Vision & the Dancers - ☠ Summercat (556) Bruno Mars - ♡ Marry You (473)
Billy Joel - El hombre del piano (86) Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song (567)
Bing Crosby - White Christmas (618) Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man (612)
B.J. Thomas - Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head Bryan Adams - I Do It For You (403)
(510) Café Quijano - La Lola (143)
Blondie - The Tide Is High (577) Camarón de la Isla - Volando voy (265)
Blues Brothers - Everybody Needs Somebody (353) Camila Cabello - Havana (382)
Blue Swede - Hooked on a Feeling (397) Camilo Sesto - Vivir Así Es Morir De Amor (262)
Bobby Darin - Beyond the Sea (300) Carole King - You've Got a Friend (636)
Bobby McFerrin - Don’t Worry, Be Happy (342) Cat Stevens - ☠ Wild World (621)
Bob Dylan - ♡ Blowing In The Wind (305) Celia Cruz - La vida es un carnaval (149)
Bob Dylan - Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door (441) Celtas Cortos - ♡ 20 de abril (14)
Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone (452) Celtas Cortos - Cuéntame un cuento (65)
Bob Marley - Is This Love (422) Celtas Cortos - El ritmo del mar (95)
Bob Marley - One Love (499) Celtas Cortos - ♡ La senda del tiempo (146)
Bob Marley - ♡ Redemption Song (513) Chayanne - Salomé (223)
Bob Marley & The Wailers - No Woman, No Cry (494) Cheers - Where Everybody Knows Your Name (616)
Bob Marley - Three Little Birds (585) Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song (575)
Bombai - Vuela (269) Chicago - If You Leave Me Now (406)
Boney M - Rasputin (511) Christina Aguilera - Beautiful (298)
Bongo Batrako - ♡ Todos los días sale el sol (251) Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode (433)
Bon Jovi - ♡ It's My Life (425) Chuck Berry - You Never Can Tell (632)
Bon Jovi - ♡ Livin' on a Prayer (456) Coco - Recuérdame (218)
Bonnie Tyler - ♡ It's A Heartache (424) Coco - Un poco loco (257)
Cohen, Buckley, Beirut (abridged) - Hallelujah (376) Duncan Dhu - Cien gaviotas (45)
Coldplay - ♡ Clocks (327) Duncan Dhu - En Algún Lugar (105)
Coldplay - Fix You (360) Duncan Dhu - Esos ojos negros (113)
Coldplay - In My Place (418) Dúo Dinámico - Resistiré (219)
Coldplay - ♡ The Scientist (574) Dusty Springfield - I Only Want To Be With You (419)
Coldplay - Viva la Vida (599) Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight (525)
Coldplay - ♡ Yellow (627) Eddie Vedder - Rise (517)
Compay Segundo - Chan Chan (43) Eddy Grant - ♡ Gimme hope Johanna (369)
Cómplices - ♡ Es por ti (115) Edith Piaf - La Vie en Rose (446)
Concha Velasco - La chica Yeyé (138) Ed Sheeran - Perfect (503)
Coti - Antes que ver el sol (27) Ed Sheeran - Shape of You (529)
Coti - ♡ Nada fue un error (181) Efecto Mariposa - El mundo (90)
Culture Club - Karma Chameleon (437) Efecto mariposa - No me crees (189)
Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (372) El canto del loco - Puede ser (209)
Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time (586) El canto del loco - Son Sueños (239)
Daft Punk - ♡ Get Lucky (368) El canto del loco - Volverá (266)
David Bowie - Heroes (388) Ella baila sola - Amores de barra (24)
David Bowie - Space Oddity (550) Ella Fitzgerald - Have Yourself a Merry Little
David Bowie - Starman (553) Christmas (383)
David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World (572) Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong - Cheek to Cheek
David Guetta & Sia - Titanium (588) (323)
Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (350) Ella Fitzgerald - Solid As A Rock (537)
Dibujos animados - Dragones y mazmorras (80) El libro de la selva - ♡ Busca lo más vital (38)
Diego Torres - Color Esperanza (49) El libro de la selva - ♡ Quiero ser como tú (215)
Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing (555) El Rey León - Can you feel the love tonight? (319)
Dover - Devil came to me (334) El Rey León - El ciclo vital (84)
Dover - ♡ King George (439) El Rey León - Hakuna Matata (125)
Dover - Loli Jackson (458) El Rey León - Yo voy a ser Rey León (276)
Dover - Serenade (526) El sueño de Morfeo - Nunca volverá (192)
Elton John - Candle In The Wind (314) Foo Fighters - Everlong (351)
Elton John - Crocodile Rock (331) Foo Fighters - Times Like These (587)
Elton John - I Guess That's Why They Call It The Fool's Garden - ♡ Lemon Tree (447)
Blues (407) Fraggle Rock - Ven a Fraggle Rock (260)
Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart Frank & Nancy Sinatra - ♡ Something Stupid (544)
(338) Frank Sinatra - Fly Me To The Moon (361)
Elton John - ♡ Your Song (635) Frank Sinatra - When You're Smiling (615)
El último de la fila - Como un burro amarrado (55) Frozen - Let it go (450)
Elvis Presley - All Shook Up (283) Gato Pérez - Gitanitos y morenos (120)
Elvis Presley - Always on my mind (288) Gloria Gaynor - ♡ Can't take my eyes off you (318)
Elvis Presley - ♡ Can't Help Falling In Love (317) Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive (431)
Elvis Presley - ♡ Love Me Tender (464) Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (539)
Eric Clapton - ♡ Tears In Heaven (565) Grease - Megamix (475)
Eros Ramazzotti - Si bastasen un par de canciones Grease - ♡ You’re the One that I Want (634)
(229) Green Day - ♡ Basket Case (297)
Estopa - Como Camarón (50) Green day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (311)
Europe - Carrie (320) Green Day - When September Ends (613)
Europe - The Final Countdown (566) Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine (561)
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) (562) Haddaway - ♡ What is Love (610)
Extreme - ♡ More Than Words (483) Harrison / Cogswell / Noble - My Little Grass Shack
Extremoduro - ♡ So Payaso (240) (488)
Family of the Year - ♡ Hero (387) Harry Belafonte - Banana Boat Song (295)
Fito & Fitipaldis - Antes de que cuente diez (26) Héroes del Silencio - ♡ Entre dos tierras (109)
Fito & Fitipaldis - ♡ La casa por el tejado (136) Héroes del Silencio - Maldito Duende (159)
Fito & Fitipaldis - ♡ Por la boca vive el pez (205) Her - The Moon Song (573)
Fito & Fitipaldis - ♡ Soldadito Marinero (235) Hombres G - ♡ Devuélveme a mi chica (77)
Fito & Fitipaldis - Whisky barato (272) Hombres G - Voy a pasármelo bien (268)
Flashdance - What a Feeling (608) Inner Circle - Sweat (a la la long) (559)
Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere (355) Israel Kamakawiwo’ole - Somewhere Over the
Rainbow / Wonderful World (546) Julio Iglesias - Soy un truhán soy un señor (241)
Itoiz - Lau teilatu (148) Kansas - Dust in the Wind (346)
James Blunt - ♡ You're Beautiful (633) Katrina And The Waves - ♡ Walking On Sunshine
Jarabe de palo - Grita (122) (602)
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (416) Katy Perry - Hot n Cold (400)
Javier Álvarez - La edad del porvenir (139) Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl (409)
Jeanette - Porque te vas (206) Keane - Everybody's Changing (352)
Jessie J - Price Tag (507) Keane - Somewhere Only We Know (545)
Jim Croce - Bad Bad Leroy Brown (293) Keane - This Is The Last Time (581)
Joan Manuel Serrat - Mediterráneo (167) Ken Zazpi - ♡ Ilargia (131)
Joaquín Sabina - Contigo (57) Kiko Veneno - Echo de menos (82)
Joaquín Sabina - Pongamos que hablo de Madrid Kortatu - Sarri Sarri (226)
(203) Kylie Minogue - ♡ Can't Get You Out Of My Head
Joaquín Sabina - Por el Boulevard de los Sueños (316)
Rotos (204) Kylie Minogue - The Locomotion (569)
Joaquín Sabina - Princesa (207) La Bella y la Bestia - Algo Nuevo (20)
John Denver - ♡Take Me Home, Country Roads (563) Lady Gaga - Bad Romance (294)
John Lennon - ♡ Happy Xmas (War Is Over) (380) La frontera - El límite (88)
John Lennon - Imagine (410) La Guardia - Cuando brille el sol (62)
John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air (462) La Guardia - El Mundo Tras El Cristal (91)
Jorge Negrete - Ay Jalisco no te rajes (33) La Guardia - Mil calles llevan hacia ti (174)
José Feliciano - Feliz Navidad (357) La La Land - Another Day of Sun (290)
José Luis Perales - Un velero llamado Libertad (259) La La Land - ♡ City of stars (326)
Juanes - ♡ La camisa negra (135) La La Land - Someone in the Crowd (541)
Juanes - Volverte a ver (267) La Onda Vaselina - Qué triste es el primer adiós (213)
Juan Luis Guerra - Burbujas de amor (37) La Oreja de Van Gogh - Cuéntame al oído (64)
Julieta Venegas - Andar conmigo (25) La Oreja de Van Gogh - Cuídate (67)
Julieta Venegas - ♡ Limón y sal (152) La Oreja De Van Gogh - Deseos de cosas imposibles
Julieta Venegas - ♡ Me voy (169) (74)
La Oreja de Van Gogh - El 28 (83) Los Secretos - Agárrate a mi María (17)
La Oreja de Van Gogh - ♡ La playa (144) Los Secretos - Aunque tú no lo sepas (31)
La oreja de Van Gogh - María (164) Los Secretos - ♡ Déjame (71)
La Quinta Estación - ♡ Daría (70) Los Secretos - Ojos de gata (193)
La Quinta Estación - El sol no regresa (101) Los Secretos - ♡ Pero a tu lado (201)
La Quinta Estación - Que te quería (212) Los Secretos - Quiero beber hasta perder el control
La Quinta Estación - ♡ Tu peor error (252) (214)
La Rabia del Milenio - Delgadito (73) Lou Bega - Mambo No. 5 (470)
La Sirenita - Bajo el mar (35) Louis Armstrong - C'est si bon (321)
La Unión - Lobo Hombre en París (154) Louis Prima - Just A Gigolo (434)
Laura Pausini - Se fue (227) Lou Reed - Perfect Day (504)
Leiva - La llamada (142) Luis Fonsi & Demi Lobato - Échame La Culpa (81)
Leiva - ♡ Terriblemente cruel (248) Luis Fonsi - ♡ Despacito (75)
Leño - Maneras de vivir (161) Luz Casal - Entre mis recuerdos (110)
León Gieco - Sólo le pido a Dios (236) Macaco - Moving (179)
Limahl - Never Ending Story (490) Madonna - ☠ Like a Virgin (451)
Little Richard - Tutti Frutti (592) Madonna - Material Girl (474)
Loquillo y los Trogloditas - Cadillac Solitario (39) Mägo de Oz - Fiesta pagana (118)
Loquillo y los Trogloditas - El rompeolas (99) Mamas & The Papas - California Dreamin (313)
Los diablos - Un rayo de sol (258) Maná - ♡ Clavado en un bar (47)
Los Manolos - Amigos para siempre (22) Maná - Cómo quisiera (53)
Los Mitos - Es muy fácil (114) Maná - En el muelle de San Blas (106)
Los Panchos - Me voy pa'l pueblo (170) Maná - Se me olvidó otra vez (228)
Los Panchos - Sabor a mi (222) Manolo García - Pájaros de Barro (196)
Los Panchos - Si tú me dices ven (233) Manolo García y Miguel Ríos - ♡ Insurrección (133)
Los Piratas - Años 80 (28) Manolo Tena - ♡ Qué te pasa (211)
Los Rodríguez - ♡ Hace calor (123) Manu Chao - Clandestino (46)
Los Rodríguez - Sin documentos (231) Manu Chao - ♡ Me gustas tú (168)
Los Ronaldos - ♡ No puedo vivir sin ti (191) Mariah Carey - El mejor regalo eres tú (89)
Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain't No Mountain High Mika - ♡ Grace Kelly (375)
Enough (280) Mika - Lollipop (459)
Mary Poppins - Supercalifragilisticoespialidoso (242) Mikel Laboa - Txoria Txori (253)
M-Clan - ♡ Carolina (42) Mike Oldfield - ♡ Moonlight Shadow (481)
M-Clan - ♡ Llamando a la Tierra (153) Mike & the Mechanics - Over My Shoulder (501)
M-Clan - ♡ Maggie Despierta (157) Miley Cyrus - Malibu (468)
M-Clan - Miedo (172) Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (626)
Mecano - Aire (18) Moby - Escapar (112)
Mecano - Barco a Venus (36) Mocedades - Eres tú (111)
Mecano - ♡ Cruz de navajas (61) Monty Python - ♡ Always Look On The Bright Side Of
Mecano - ♡ Hijo de la Luna (128) Life (285)
Mecano - Hoy no me puedo levantar (130) Morat & Álvaro Soler - Yo Contigo, Tú Conmigo (273)
Mecano - ♡ La fuerza del destino (141) Morat - ♡ Cómo te atreves (54)
Mecano - Los amantes (155) Mötley Crüe - Home Sweet Home (395)
Mecano - Maquillaje (162) Nacha pop - La chica de ayer (137)
Mecano - ♡ Me colé en una fiesta (165) Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin'
Mecano - Me cuesta tanto olvidarte (166) (580)
Mecano - Mujer contra mujer (180) Natalia Lafourcade - Amor, amor de mis amores (23)
Mecano - Un año más (255) Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (590)
Melón Diesel - Quiero un camino (217) Nat King Cole - ♡ L-O-V-E (461)
Metallica - ♡ Nothing Else Matters (492) Navajita Plateá - ♡ Noches de Bohemia (186)
Metallica - The Unforgiven (578) Neil Diamond - ♡ Sweet Caroline (560)
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (301) Nek - ♡ Laura no está (147)
Mierkuleles edition - Don’t Worry, Be Happy (79) Nena Daconte - Tenía tanto que darte (246)
Miguel Bosé - Amante Bandido (21) Nina Simone - My Way (489)
Miguel Bosé - Morena mía (177) Nino Bravo - ♡ Libre (151)
Miguel Bosé - Te amaré (243) Nino Bravo - ♡ Un beso y una flor (256)
Miguel Ríos - ♡ El rock de la cárcel (98) Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (536)
Miguel Ríos - ♡ Santa Lucía (225) Noa - La vida es bella (150)
No Doubt - Don't Speak (340) Queen - ♡ Crazy Little Thing Called Love (329)
Oasis - ♡ Don’t Look Back In Anger (339) Queen & David Bowie - ☠ Under Pressure (594)
Oasis - ♡ Stand By Me (552) Queen - ♡ Don't Stop Me Now (341)
Oasis - ♡ Wonderwall (625) Queen - Friends Will Be Friends (365)
Of Monsters and Men - ♡ Little Talks (454) Queen - I Want It All (427)
Operación Triunfo - ☠ Mi música es tu voz (176) Queen - ♡ I Want to Break Free (428)
Opus - ♡ Live is Life (455) Queen - I Was Born To Love You (430)
OutKast - Hey Ya! (391) Queen - Love of my Life (465)
Pablo Alborán - Solamente tú (234) Queen - Radio Ga Ga (509)
Pablo Milanés - Yolanda (274) Queen - Save Me (524)
Pablo Milanés - Yo no te pido (275) Queen - Somebody To Love (540)
Parchís - Cumpleaños feliz (68) Queen - The Show Must Go On (576)
Passenger - Let her go (448) Queen - Too Much Love Will Kill You (589)
Paulina Rubio - ♡ Ni una sola palabra (183) Queen - ♡ We Are The Champions (606)
Pereza - ♡ Como lo tienes tú (52) Radio Futura - Enamorado de la moda juvenil (107)
Pereza - ♡ Estrella Polar (117) Radio Futura - Veneno en la piel (261)
Pereza - ♡ Lady Madrid (140) Radiohead - ♡ Creep (330)
Pereza - ♡ Pienso en aquella tarde (202) Radiohead - No surprises (493)
Pereza - ♡ Princesas (208) Raphael - ♡ Mi gran noche (173)
Pet Shop Boys - Go West (373) Ray Charles - ☠ I've Got A Woman (426)
Petula Clarck - Downtown (343) Red Hot Chili Peppers - ♡ Dani California (333)
Pharrell Williams - Happy (379) Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge (595)
Pixar - Lava (444) R.E.M. - Imitation Of Life (414)
Platero y tú - El roce de tu cuerpo (96) R.E.M. - ♡ Losing my Religion (460)
Pocahontas - Colores en el viento (48) R.E.M. - Man on the moon (472)
Prince - Purple Rain (508) R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People (531)
Prince Royce y Shakira - Déjà vu (72) Revólver - El roce de tu piel (97)
Queen - A Kind of Magic (281) Rihanna - Diamonds (335)
Queen - ♡☠ Bohemian Rhapsody (307) Rihanna - Umbrella (596)
Robbie Williams - Angels (289) Ska-P - Romero el madero (221)
Robbie Williams - Feel (356) Smash Mouth - All Star (286)
Roberta Flack/The Fugees - Killing Me Softly (438) Soggy Bottom Boys - I Am Man of Constant Sorrow
Roberto Carlos - El Gato que está triste y azul (85) (402)
Roger Miller - King of the Road (440) Spice Girls - Wannabe (603)
Rosana - A fuego lento (16) Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild (310)
Rosana - En Navidad (108) Sting - ♡ Englishman In New York (349)
Rosana - Hoy (129) Sting - ♡ Fields of Gold (358)
Roxette - It Must Have Been Love (423) Supertramp - The Logical Song (570)
Roxette - Sleeping In My Car (535) Suzane Vega - My Name Is Luka (487)
Roy Orbison - Pretty Woman (506) System of a Down - ☠ Chop Suey (325)
Roy Orbison - You Got It (631) Tahúres Zurdos - Tocaré (249)
Rozalén - ★ La Puerta Violeta (12) Tahúres Zurdos - Una noche de amor (254)
Rubén Blades - ☠ Pedro Navaja (199) Taylor Swift - ♡ Shake It Off (527)
Sam Cooke - Wonderful World (624) Tears For Fears - Mad World (467)
Sarah Vaughan - Lullaby Of Birdland (466) Tequila - Rock And Roll en la plaza del pueblo (220)
Sau - Boig per tu (309) Tequila - ♡ Salta (224)
Seguridad Social - ♡ Chiquilla (69) The Bangles - Walk Like an Egyptian (601)
Seguridad Social - ♡ Quiero tener tu presencia (216) The Beach Boys - ♡ Surfin' USA (558)
Shakira - Ciega, Sordomuda (44) The Beatles - Across the Universe (277)
Shakira - ♡ Inevitable (132) The Beatles - ♡ A Hard Day's Night (279)
Shakira - ♡ Te dejo Madrid (244) The Beatles - ♡ All My Loving (282)
Shakira - Waka Waka (esto es África) (271) The Beatles - ♡ All You Need is Love (284)
Sia - Chandelier (322) The Beatles - ☠ Blackbird (303)
Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water The Beatles - ♡ Can't Buy Me Love (315)
(312) The Beatles - ♡ Eight Days A Week (347)
Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson (485) The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (348)
Simon & Garfunkel - Sound of Silence (549) The Beatles - ♡ From Me To You (366)
Ska-P - ♡ El vals del obrero (104) The Beatles - Hello, Goodbye (384)
The Beatles - ♡ Help (385) The Corrs - What Can I Do (609)
The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun (386) The Cranberries - Dreams (345)
The Beatles - ♡ Hey Jude (389) The Cranberries - ♡ Just My Imagination (435)
The Beatles - ♡ I Feel Fine (405) The Cranberries - ♡ Zombie (637)
The Beatles - ♡ In My Life (417) The Cure - Friday I'm In Love (363)
The Beatles - ♡ I Want to Hold Your Hand (429) The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You (306)
The Beatles - ♡ Lady Madonna (442) The Eagles - Hotel California (398)
The Beatles - ♡ Let it Be (449) The Jackson 5 - Blame It On The Boogie (304)
The Beatles - ♡ Love Me Do (463) The Killers - ♡ Human (401)
The Beatles - ♡ Michelle (479) The Lumineers - ♡ Ho Hey (394)
The Beatles - Norwegian Wood (491) The Mamas & The Papas - Dream A Little Dream of
The Beatles - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (495) Me (344)
The Beatles - Penny Lane (502) The Monkees - I'm a Believer (411)
The Beatles - Please Please Me (505) The Offspring - Why Don't You Get a Job (619)
The Beatles - ♡ She Loves You (530) The Platters - Only You (500)
The Beatles - ♡ Something (543) The Pogues - ♡ Dirty Old Town (336)
The Beatles - The Long and Winding Road (571) The Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited (415)
The Beatles - ♡ Ticket To Ride (584) The Police - ♡ Every Breath You Take (354)
The Beatles - Twist and Shout (593) The Police - Message In A Bottle (478)
The Beatles - We Can Work It Out (607) The Police - So Lonely (538)
The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (617) The Proclaimers - ♡ I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) (412)
The Beatles - ♡ With a Little Help from My Friends The Rembrandts - ♡ Friends theme (364)
(623) The Scorpions - Still Loving You (554)
The Beatles - ♡ Yellow Submarine (628) The Scorpions - Wind of Change (622)
The Beatles - ♡ Yesterday (629) The Temptations - My Girl (486)
The Buggles - ♡ Video Killed The Radio Star (598) The Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (568)
The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman (484) The Turtles - Happy Together (381)
The Corrs - Old Town (497) The Village People - YMCA (630)
The Corrs - Runaway (522) Tina Turner - Simply the best (532)
Tino Casal - ♡ Eloise (92) Villancico - El tamborilero (102)
Tito Puente - Oye cómo va (195) Villancico - Los peces en el río (156)
Tom Jobim - Garota de Ipanema (367) Villancico - Mele Kalikimaka (477)
Tontxu - Somos de colores (238) Villancico - Mi burrito sabanero (171)
Tony Ronald - Help, ayúdame (127) Villancico - Noche de Paz (184)
Toy Story - ♡ Hay un amigo en mi (126) Villancico - Noche de Paz (Rearmoniz.) (185)
Tracy Chapman - Baby can I hold you (292) Villancico - Olentzero (194)
Tradicional - La Bamba (134) Violeta Parra - ★ Gracias A La Vida (11)
Tradicional - ♡ Oh, Susannah (496) Waterboys - Fisherman's Blues (359)
Tradicional - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (523) Wham! - ☠ Last Christmas (443)
Tradicional - ♡ Wild Rover (620) Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go (600)
Train - Hey Soul Sister (390) Zaz - ♡ Je veux (432)
Triana pura - El probe Miguel (93) Zuchero - Baila morena (34)
U2 - Beautiful Day (299)
U2 - One (498)
UB40 - Red Red Wine (514)
Umberto Tozzi - Gloria (121)
Vance Joy - ♡ Riptide (516)
Varios - Rock! megamix (518)
Vetusta Morla - Maldita dulzura (158)
Vicente Fernández - El rey (94)
Vicentico - Algo contigo (19)
Víctor Manuel - ★ Quiero Abrazarte Tanto (13)
Víctor Manuel - Sólo pienso en ti (237)
Villancico - 25 de diciembre (15)
Villancico - Adeste Fideles (278)
Villancico - Arre borriquito (30)
Villancico - Ay del chiquirritín (32)
Villancico - Campana sobre campana (40)

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