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Vocabulario Inglés Relaciones

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si las relaciones en el trabajo son auténticas o

superficiales, si es posible una verdadera amistad entre personas de diferente
sexo, relaciones sociales entre familiares y sus conflictos, si los hombres y las
mujeres conciben la amistad de manera diferente, etc..

best friend mejor amigo How you can lose a friend?

close friends amigos cercanos keep secrets guardando secretos
pals / mates compañero being dishonest Siendo deshonesto
colleagues colegas de trabajo telling lies Diciendo mentiras
compañero de
class mates clase being betray ser traicionado
acquaintances conocidos money Por dinero
neighbours vecinos partners parejas
partner pareja being unfaithful siendo infiel
siendo demasiado
flatmate compañero de piso being too honest honesto
archienemy archienemigo

don`t see eye to
hit it off llevarse bien eye No poder verse
patch up
differences limar diferencias don't get on No llevarse bien
bury the hatched enterrar el hacha to hate his guts Odiar a muerte
I can't stand
turn the page pasar página (her/him) No puedo soportarle
forgive it! olvídalo to fall out pelearse
make up reconciliarse break up romper relaciones
mantener el
keep in touch contacto loose touch perder contacto

lets meet up vamos a quedar

you have to treasure your friends
tienes que cuidar (con mimo) a tus

to break up: romper una relación

to drift apart: separarse poco a poco (una relación de amistad)

to enjoy someone’s company: disfrutar de la compañía de alguien

to fall for (sbdy): Enamorarse de alguien

to fall head over heels in love: Enamorarse perdidamente de alguien

to fall out with: Tener una disputa y dejar de ser amigos

to get on like a house on fire: to like someone’s company very much indeed
to get on well with: llevarse bien con

to get to know: empezar a conocer a alguien

to go back years: Conocer a alguien desde hace mucho tiempo

to have a lot in common: tener mucho en común

to have ups and downs: tener buenos y malos momentos

a healthy relationship: una relación sana

to hit it off: Convertirse en amigos rápidamente

to be in a relationship: Tener una relación

to be just good friends: ser sólo buenos amigos

love at first sight: amor a primera vista

to pop the question: preguntar a alguien que se case contigo

to see eye to eye: estar de acuerdo en un tema

to settle down: dejar la vida de soltero y empezar una familia

to strike up a relationship: empezar una relación de amistad

to tie the knot: casarse (Literalmente: atar el nudo)

to be well matched: Tener gustos similares

to work at a relationship: Trabajar la relación para que siga adelante.

Do you see your friends very often?

Yes … we meet up most weekends … we all get on really well and have a lot in
common so we’re always happy doing the same things and going to the same places.

What do you like about your close friends?

I think we enjoy each other’s company … we see eye-to-eye on most things so we
rarely fall out with each other.

Have you known each other long?

Most of them yes … although my closest friend Carrie … we struck up a
relationship at college and got on like a house on fire … but yes … my other
friendships go back years to when we were at school.

Do you think marriage is still as important as ever?

Yes … it certainly is in my country … I think the problem for some people is a lack of
commitment … all relationships have their ups and downs …. but some people prefer
to break uprather than working at the relationship.

What do you think is the ideal time to get married?

Personally … I think you should wait until you’ve found yourself first … decided if you
want a career … perhaps do some travelling … you should do this before tying the
knot … although if you fall head over heels in love plans like these can easily be

Is it important to keep in contact with our friends when we’re in a relationship?

Absolutely … it’s so easy to drift apart from your friends when you fall in love … but I
think both partners should try not to lose touch with their friends … that’s the best
way to have a healthy relationship with your partner.

Describe a person you are very close to.

I’d like to talk about my boyfriend … Jose … we got to know each other at University
almost 4 years ago … we were in the same department … initially we were just good
friends and used to go out in a group with our other friends … when Jose went back to
Spain for the holidays we would keep in touch with each other … then one year he
invited me to come to Spain with him … and that’s when we fell for each other I think
… so you couldn’t really say it was love at first sight as it had been over a year since
we’d met … but we really hit it off and by the time we got back to university in
September we were able to tell all our friends that we were in a relationship… what
do I like about Jose … well he’s very kind … very funny … and very supportive … and
we’re really well matched in our interests … he hasn’t popped the question yet
though… we’ve talked about getting married and I think we’re both ready to settle
down and have children … we’ll just have to wait and see …

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