6° Plan de Clases 2018
6° Plan de Clases 2018
6° Plan de Clases 2018
Aprobada por la Secretaria de Educación Distrital y Cultural, mediante Resolución N° 0773 de Mayo 10 de 2002 NIT
806.012.497-2 - DANE N°113001001816 ICFES N° 096511
Teléfono / Fax 6581347 E-mail: iejosedelavega@hotmail.com
I understand and follow punctual instructions when they are presented in a simple form and with a known vocabulary.
I understand questions and oral expressions related to me, my family, my friends and environment.
Participates in a short conversation where he/she provides his/her Give and request personal information.
name, age and basic information to teachers, friends and Present self and others.
acquaintances. Understand and use the language in the classroom.
Present simple tense; personal pronouns; Useful expression in class; classroom objects; formal and informal use of greetings;
expressions to say hello…
Exploración de saberes previos:
Uso de material
Preguntas X X Consultas X Comprensión de textos
Interpretación de Otros
Lluvia de ideas X Actividades lúdicas X
EJECUCION (Estrategia y actividades a desarrollar)
I apply a placement test to classify the students level for aiming the work with them, as soon as I got the
required information we will start using some copies and word walls with the topics’ vocabulary, then they will
solve the following task: to draft short descriptive text about family; to write a descriptive text about a daily
routine; to prepare some dialogues to obtain information; to draw a genealogical tree; to play lottery board
game with the term vocabulary.
Valoración: Recursos 6. BIBLIOGRAFIA
Rubricas Pruebas Tareas en clase TALLER MEN: Basic learning Rights:
X X English 6°- 11°. Bogotá, CAN,
Portafolios Prácticas de Consultas GUIA 2016
laboratorio MEN: Suggested Curriculum
Structure: English 6°-11°.
Mapas Entrevistas Cuestionarios LIBRO DE TEXTO
X Bogotá, CAN, 2016
conceptuales MEN
MEN: Estándares Básicos de
Proyecto Guías de Resolución de LIBROS GUIAS Competencias en Lenguas
trabajo problemas Extranjeras: Inglés. Bogotá,
Pruebas Preguntas Exposiciones RECURSO VIRTUAL Imprenta Nacional, 2006
Objetivas Judy Garton-Sprenger, Philip
Ensayo Registro Ejercicios Material Prowse: American
X X Inspiration for teens student
anecdótico fotocopiable
Revisión de Participación Otro Otro book1. Brasil,
cuadernos X en clase X Task based X Video beam X
learning Sistema de sonido
_____________________________ _____________________________
Firma del docente VoBo Coordinación
I give simple oral instructions about the school and family situations from a close environment.
I write a short text related to me, my family, my friends, my environment or about facts which are interesting for me.
Understands and uses familiar words and short phrases Identifies words and expressions on personal information,
about routines, daily activities and preferences. For moods and personal feelings.
example, the student understands or can produce a Make a list of short and simple sentences about daily
text. activities.
Requests and provides clarification on how names and Respect physical, cultural, ideological differences, among
unknown words are spelled. others, of his classmates.
4. TEMA :
Present simple tense; Yes/no questions; Routines; Numbers; Expressions to describe interest; Adjectives; singular and plural nouns;
Respect for differences
Exploración de saberes previos:
Uso de material
Preguntas X X Consultas X Comprensión de textos X
Interpretación de Otros
X Lluvia de ideas Actividades lúdicas X
EJECUCION I will aim the lessons to promote communicative skills with real practices on real contexts creating word walls for each
classroom with the topics’ vocabulary, further students to use what they have learnt in class in everyday situations, then they will solve
these tasks: to draft short descriptive text about family; to write a descriptive text about a daily routine; to prepare some dialogues to
obtain information; to draw a genealogical tree; to play lottery board game with the term vocabulary.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Firma del docente VoBo Coordinación
I write a short text related to me, my family, my friends, my environment or about facts which are interesting for me.
I give simple oral instructions about the school and family situations from a close environment.
Exploración de saberes previos:
Uso de material
Preguntas X X Consultas X Comprensión de textos X
Interpretación de Otros
Lluvia de ideas X Actividades lúdicas X
EJECUCION (Estrategia y actividades a desarrollar)
I will give students tips to use properly the affirmative; negative and interrogative form in present tense, promoting communicative
skills in real contexts, I will also motivate students to keep using word walls to learn better the vocabularies; further them to solve the
tasks (to draft short descriptive text about family; to write a descriptive text about a daily routine; to prepare some dialogues to obtain
information; to draw a genealogical tree; to play lottery board game with the term vocabulary), as well to participate in short roll plays
related with routines and introduction yourself.
Valoración: (Evaluación) Recursos 6. BIBLIOGRAFIA
Rubricas Pruebas Tareas en clase TALLER MEN: Basic learning Rights:
X X English 6°- 11°. Bogotá, CAN,
Portafolios Prácticas de Consultas GUIA
MEN: Suggested Curriculum
laboratorio Structure: English 6°-11°.
Mapas Entrevistas Cuestionarios LIBRO DE TEXTO Bogotá, CAN, 2016
conceptuales MEN MEN: Estándares Básicos de
Proyecto Guías de Resolución de LIBROS GUIAS Competencias en Lenguas
X Extranjeras: Inglés. Bogotá,
trabajo problemas Imprenta Nacional, 2006
Pruebas Preguntas Exposiciones RECURSO VIRTUAL Judy Garton-Sprenger, Philip
Objetivas Prowse: American Inspiration
Ensayo Registro Ejercicios Material for teens student book1. Brasil,
X X Macmillan, 2008
anecdótico fotocopiable
Pilar Barrera Wey; Luis Dario
Revisión de Participación Otro Otro Paredes: Way to go 6th grade.
cuadernos X en clase X Task based X Video beam X Bogotá, Richmond, 2016
learning Sistema de sonido
7.OBSERVACIONES: Just part of the tasks planned were done, that’s why many of them will be finished this month
_____________________________ _____________________________
Firma del docente VoBo Coordinación
I understand and follow punctual instructions when they are presented in a simple form and with a known vocabulary.
I describe with simple sentences my daily routine and others people routine.
Exploración de saberes previos:
Uso de material
Preguntas X X Consultas X Comprensión de textos X
Interpretación de Otros
Lluvia de ideas X Actividades lúdicas X
EJECUCION (Estrategia y actividades a desarrollar)
I will continuing giving students strategies to use properly the simple present forms in real contexts, I will use the word walls as
suitable technique to learn better the vocabularies; motivate them to use what they have learnt in class in their daily life, further them
to start thinking about English as a language more than a subject (to write a descriptive text about a daily routine; to draw a
genealogical tree; to play lottery board game with the term vocabulary), as well to sing a song in English which they really like with a
perform within.
Valoración: (Evaluación) Recursos 6. BIBLIOGRAFIA
Rubricas Pruebas Tareas en clase TALLER MEN: Basic learning Rights:
X X X English 6°- 11°. Bogotá, CAN,
Portafolios Prácticas de Consultas GUIA
MEN: Suggested Curriculum
laboratorio Structure: English 6°-11°.
Mapas Entrevistas Cuestionarios LIBRO DE TEXTO Bogotá, CAN, 2016
conceptuales MEN MEN: Estándares Básicos de
Proyecto Guías de Resolución de LIBROS GUIAS Competencias en Lenguas
X Extranjeras: Inglés. Bogotá,
trabajo problemas Imprenta Nacional, 2006
Pruebas Preguntas Exposiciones RECURSO VIRTUAL Judy Garton-Sprenger, Philip
Objetivas Prowse: American Inspiration
Ensayo Registro Ejercicios Material for teens student book1. Brazil,
X X Macmillan, 2008
anecdótico fotocopiable
Pilar Barrera Wey; Luis Dario
Revisión de Participación Otro Otro Paredes: Way to go 6th grade.
cuadernos X en clase X Task based X Video beam X Bogotá, Richmond, 2016
learning Sistema de sonido
_____________________________ _____________________________
Firma del docente VoBo Coordinación
Exploración de saberes previos:
Uso de material
Preguntas X X Consultas X Comprensión de textos X
Interpretación de Otros
Lluvia de ideas X Actividades lúdicas X
EJECUCION (Estrategia y actividades a desarrollar)
In this two weeks students will work about how to get rich their sentences and paragraphs written in English, adding in the
complements new words related with: time expressions, linking words, numbers and family members, also they will appropriate and
perform very well all the questions and answers about introduction yourself (to draw a genealogical tree; to play lottery board game
with the term vocabulary).
Valoración: (Evaluación) Recursos 6. BIBLIOGRAFIA
Rubricas Pruebas Tareas en clase TALLER MEN: Basic learning Rights:
X X X English 6°- 11°. Bogotá, CAN,
Portafolios Prácticas de Consultas GUIA
MEN: Suggested Curriculum
laboratorio Structure: English 6°-11°.
Mapas Entrevistas Cuestionarios LIBRO DE TEXTO Bogotá, CAN, 2016
conceptuales MEN MEN: Estándares Básicos de
Proyecto Guías de Resolución de LIBROS GUIAS Competencias en Lenguas
X X Extranjeras: Inglés. Bogotá,
trabajo problemas Imprenta Nacional, 2006
Pruebas Preguntas Exposiciones RECURSO VIRTUAL Judy Garton-Sprenger, Philip
Objetivas Prowse: American Inspiration
Ensayo Registro Ejercicios Material for teens student book1. Brazil,
X X Macmillan, 2008
anecdótico fotocopiable
Pilar Barrera Wey; Luis Dario
Revisión de Participación Otro Otro Paredes: Way to go 6th grade.
cuadernos X en clase X Task based X Video beam X Bogotá, Richmond, 2016
learning Sistema de sonido
This planning just has two weeks due to we are getting into holidays, next one will be normal (with 4 or 5 weeks)
_____________________________ _____________________________
Firma del docente VoBo Coordinación
Understands instructions related to class, school, and Answer with short phrases the questions on personal care
community activities and expresses them in oral and routines based on vocabulary and expressions studied.
written form to evidence his/her understanding. Values the contributions of classmates in class.
Answers questions related to “what, who and when” after Identifies Wh-questions structure.
reading or listening to a short simple text whose topic is Answers simple questions with what/who/where with a
connected to familiar events. single word.
Adverbs of frequency; Expressions of personal care; Present simple with third person; Valuation of cultural diversity; Body parts
Exploración de saberes previos:
Uso de material
Preguntas X X Consultas X Comprensión de textos X
Interpretación de Otros
X Lluvia de ideas Actividades lúdicas X
EJECUCION (Estrategia y actividades a desarrollar)
Students will use and apply in their communicative acts, adverbs of frequency through questions which demands to be answered with
expressions like sometimes, often, seldom, never… moreover, they will use some questions words for asking information that makes
them put in practice all what they have learnt until this moment, also we are going to emphasize the use of pronouns she, he, it in most
of their exercises, apart to work some tasks (to make a brochure or poster about paths for personal care; to make a list of actions that
contribute to personal care; to conduct a survey with classmates about the frequency with which they carry out certain activities).
Valoración: (Evaluación) Recursos 6. BIBLIOGRAFIA
Rubricas Pruebas Tareas en clase TALLER MEN: Basic learning Rights:
X X X English 6°- 11°. Bogotá, CAN,
Portafolios Prácticas de Consultas GUIA
MEN: Suggested Curriculum
laboratorio Structure: English 6°-11°.
Mapas Entrevistas Cuestionarios LIBRO DE TEXTO Bogotá, CAN, 2016
conceptuales MEN MEN: Estándares Básicos de
Proyecto Guías de Resolución de LIBROS GUIAS Competencias en Lenguas
X X Extranjeras: Inglés. Bogotá,
trabajo problemas Imprenta Nacional, 2006
Pruebas Preguntas Exposiciones RECURSO VIRTUAL Judy Garton-Sprenger, Philip
Objetivas Prowse: American Inspiration
Ensayo Registro Ejercicios Material for teens student book1. Brazil,
X X Macmillan, 2008
anecdótico fotocopiable
Pilar Barrera Wey; Luis Dario
Revisión de Participación Otro Otro Paredes: Way to go 6th grade.
cuadernos X en clase X Task based X Video beam X Bogotá, Richmond, 2016
learning Sistema de sonido
_____________________________ _____________________________
Firma del docente VoBo Coordinación
Exploración de saberes previos:
Uso de material
Preguntas X X Consultas X Comprensión de textos X
Interpretación de Otros
X Lluvia de ideas Actividades lúdicas X
EJECUCION (Estrategia y actividades a desarrollar)
Students will get into cultural tolerance through readings and solving some activities made by question words which let them the
opportunity to know more about people from other countries and their culture, moreover students will use interrogative and negative
forms in their communicative acts, as well as adverbs of frequency through questions which demands to be answered with expressions
like: sometimes, often, seldom, never… moreover, they will use some questions words for asking information that makes them put in
practice all what they have learnt until this moment. In this term students will work about task as: word wall technique, ludic breaks
Valoración: (Evaluación) Recursos 6. BIBLIOGRAFIA
Rubricas Pruebas Tareas en clase TALLER MEN: Basic learning Rights:
X X X English 6°- 11°. Bogotá, CAN,
Portafolios Prácticas de Consultas GUIA
MEN: Suggested Curriculum
laboratorio Structure: English 6°-11°.
Mapas Entrevistas Cuestionarios LIBRO DE TEXTO Bogotá, CAN, 2016
conceptuales MEN MEN: Estándares Básicos de
Proyecto Guías de Resolución de LIBROS GUIAS Competencias en Lenguas
X X Extranjeras: Inglés. Bogotá,
trabajo problemas Imprenta Nacional, 2006
Pruebas Preguntas Exposiciones RECURSO VIRTUAL Judy Garton-Sprenger, Philip
Objetivas Prowse: American Inspiration
Ensayo Registro Ejercicios Material for teens student book1. Brazil,
X X Macmillan, 2008
anecdótico fotocopiable
Pilar Barrera Wey; Luis Dario
Revisión de Participación Otro Otro Paredes: Way to go 6th grade.
cuadernos X en clase X Task based X Video beam X Bogotá, Richmond, 2016
learning Sistema de sonido
Last term we couldn’t finish to work with adverbs of frequency, that’s why we keep teaching them
_____________________________ _____________________________
Firma del docente VoBo Coordinación