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Términos Del Fletamiento

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CHRS / CHARTERERS: Fletador, parte contratante del flete, eventualmente dueo de

la carga.

OWNERS / HEAD OWNERS: Armador, dueo del barco

DISPONENT OWNER: Armador Disponente, NO es el dueo. Tiene el buque
subcontratado para su explotacin comercial (operacin de transporte).

BROKER: Corredor de fletamento martimo. Persona conocedora del negocio de

fletamento de barcos, que asesora tanto al armador, como al fletador para lograr un
cierre justo y conveniente entre ambas partes. Y es quien redacta los contratos.

LAYTIME/LAYDAYS: Tiempo de plancha, es el tiempo total que el buque estuvo

trabajando en puerto y se utiliza para calcular las demoras o los premios a que de lugar.

DAY: Da, perodo constante de 24 horas consecutivas, generalmente tomadas desde las
00:00 horas a las 24:00 horas del mismo da, salvo indicacin expresa en el contrato de

WORKING DAY: Da laborable. Da o parte del mismo donde se desarrollan

normalmente operaciones de carga y descarga, y no es considerado como da feriado.

RUNNING / CONSECUTIVE DAYS: Das consecutivos. Significa das que se siguen

uno inmediatamente despus del otro.

WEATHER WORKING DAY: Se considera da de tiempo climtico el da o parte del

mismo en el cual es posible operar la carga o descarga del buque sin interferencias /
interrupciones debidas al clima. En caso de sufrirse inclemencias o amenazas de
inclemencias, todo el tiempo perdido por tal motivo deber ser descontado del tiempo
de plancha.
de tiempo climtico de 24 horas durante el cul el buque hubiese podido efectuar
operaciones sin interferencias de ndole climtica.

WEATHER PERMITTING: Tiempo permitiendo. Significa que si el clima evitara la

operacin del buque, dicho periodo deber descontarse del tiempo de plancha. Tambin
se usa como reserva por parte de los armadores cuando hay que posicionar un buque
(LAYCAN) dentro de una franja de tiempo acordada.

UNLESS SOONER COMMENCED: A menos que comience antes. Significa que si el

tiempo de plancha no hubiere comenzado a contar pero la carga o descarga si, todo el
tiempo realmente usado se contar como tiempo de plancha.

FRIDAYS 5 PM TO MONDAY 8 AM NOT TO COUNT: Significa que desde las

17.00 horas del da Viernes hasta las 08.00 horas del da Lunes siguiente el tiempo no
contar como tiempo de plancha. Esta clusula suele ser complementada con la de
even if used o unless used para determinar si el tiempo cuenta o no en ocasin de
que el fletador desee habilitar la operacin del buque durante dichos das.

TO AVERAGE LAYTIME: Tiempo de plancha promedio. Significa que los clculos a

la carga y descarga del buque debern ser realizados en forma separada y que todo
tiempo ganado en una operacin deber ser descontado del exceso que se hubiere
producido en la otra.

REVERSIBLE LAYTIME: Tiempo de plancha reversible. Es la oportunidad que le da

el Armador al Fletador para sumar el tiempo permitido a la carga y a la descarga. De
esta forma todo tiempo ganado a la carga pasar a incrementar el tiempo permitido a la
descarga, retrasando la entrada en demora de la nave.

TURNTIME: Se denomina as al tiempo que el Armador le concede al Fletador (en

carga secas suele ser entre 6 a 12 horas desde el momento en que la Notice of readiness
fue presentada al Fletador) para que este prepare la mercadera y ultime los detalles
necesarios para el inicio de las operaciones. Este tiempo no ser considerado como
tiempo de plancha a menos que exista la clusula UNLESS SOONER

por espera de muelle disponible a ser contado como tiempo de plancha: Significa que
habindose presentado la respectiva carla de alistamiento, todo tiempo perdido
provocado por la falta de disponibilidad de muelle designado, deber ser considerado
como tiempo de plancha.


WIPON, WIBON, WIFPON, WICCON: En Puerto o no, en muelle o no, en libre
prctica o no, autorizado por autoridades aduaneras o no, significa que en caso de no
encontrarse disponible el Puerto o muelle al momento del arribo del buque a dicho lugar
o a su zona de influencia o bien le sea impedida la navegacin por parte de las
autoridades martimas (Por ejemplo Prefectura Naval Argentina) a los efectos de evitar
congestionamientos, el buque estar en condiciones de extender la carta de alistamiento
aun cuando se halle en el puerto, muelle, con libre practicaje, con autorizacin aduanera
o no.

DEMURRAGE: DEMORAS: Es el extra tiempo gastado (utilizado) por el barco en el

puerto, que ser cobrado al FLETADOR a una rata por da pro-rata

DESPATCH: PREMIOS: En caso de que el buque gaste (emplee) menos tiempo del
contratado, el armador, pagara un premio equivalente a la mitad de la demora por da o
pro-rata del tiempo ahorrado. Generalmente la tasa de despacho es el 50 % del monto
pactado por cada da de demora. En la carga de aceites no hay despacho. Hay veces que
en carga seca se pacta free despatch (sin despacho) o half dispatch HD. El 95% se paga
al finalizar la carga y el 5% lo dejan al final de los clculos (cargo y/o descarga) Es muy

ALL TIME SAVED: Significa todo tiempo ahorrado por el buque desde el momento
que esta completa la carga / descarga hasta la expiracin del tiempo de plancha
permitido por el contrato de fletamento, incluyendo perodos exceptuados del tiempo de
plancha permitido.

ALL WORKING TIME SAVED: Todo tiempo laborable ahorrado. Significa todo
tiempo ahorrado por el buque desde el momento del completado de la carga / descarga
hasta la expiracin del tiempo de plancha permitido por el contrato de fletamento,
excluyendo perodos exceptuados del tiempo de plancha permitido.
ONCE IN DEMURRAGE, ALWAYS IN DEMURRAGE: Una vez en demora, siempre
en demora. Significa que una vez que el buque haya entrado en demora, todas las
excepciones al tiempo de plancha mencionadas en el contrato de fletamento sern
consideradas como tiempo de plancha (Por ejemplo, se contarn los das de lluvia aun
cuando el contrato de fletamento indicara Weather working days como los das aptos
para efectuar operaciones de carga / descarga. Pasados 15 das o segn clusula pasa a
DETENTION a pedido del Armador.

SHINC: Sunday Holiday Included: significa que dentro del tiempo de plancha se
incluye Domingo y feriado

SHEX:Sunday Holiday Excluded: significa que dentro del tiempo de plancha no se

incluye Domingos y Feriados.

SHEX UU: Unless Used. A menos de que use el tiempo en das Domingos y Festivos
este ser incluido.

SHEX EIU: Even If Used. As se usen Domingos y Festivos, el tiempo no ser incluido.

SATPMSHEX: Saturday PM Sunday and Holiday Excluded: Igual que SHEX, en este
caso tambin se excluye el tiempo a partir del da sbado al medio da.

ATUTC: All time used to Count: Todo el tiempo usado contar. A veces se usa SHEX

FRT IS DNRVAOCLONL: Freight is Deemed Not Returnable Vessel and or Cargo

Lost or Not Lost Flete se gana y no es returnable.


pueda recibir / entregar: no existe un ritmo preestablecido de trabajo en el contrato de
fletamento, el cual estar sujeto al ritmo mximo al cual el barco en condiciones
normales de trabajo pueda recibir o entregar carga.

CQD: Custom Quick Dispatch: Trmino empleado cuando no se conocen claramente

los ritmos de cargue y/o descargue en los puertos y los das feriados o no laborables, de
tal manera que el buque debe trabajar y acomodarse a la costumbre del puerto. Es
benfico para los fletadores, ya que les evita demoras. Ahora si por falta de camiones o
de asistencia del fletador/recibidor o shipper no se puede realizar la carga y/o la
descarga, el armador podr cobrar una detencin que lo cubra por el tiempo perdido por
este concepto.

MOLCHOPT: More or less Charterers option

MOLOO: More or less Owners option

BBB: Before Breaking Bulk antes de iniciar la descarga pero con buque en puerto.

BENDS: Both ends Ambos puertos para la carga y la descarga.

CP: Charter Party: Contrato de fletamento martimo que firma las partes principales:

AGW-WP-UCE: All Going Well Weather Permitting Unless Captains Error

GENCON CP (General Contract Charter Party): Es el contrato ms usual para todo tipo
de cargas. Algunos armadores y fletadores recomendaran contratos ms especializados
dependiendo del tipo de carga a transportar y se usan entonces contratos como: SUGAR
CP, COAL CP, etc.

PUERTO SEGURO: El concepto de puerto seguro se inspira en el caso The Evia (No.2)
resuelto por la Cmara de los Lores del Reino Unido Lloyds Law Rep. Op. Cit..
Cuando el fletador debe designar el puerto, tiene la obligacin de designar un puerto
seguro. Si bien el puerto debe ser seguro en el momento en que tenga que ser utilizado,
el fletador cumple su obligacin si al momento en que lo designa y da la orden con ese
propsito, se prev que el puerto ser seguro para que el buque ingrese, permanezca el
tiempo que sea necesario y zarpe. Sin embargo, esto no significa que en el momento de
la designacin el puerto deba ser seguro, ya que puede suceder que a pesar que en ese
instante el puerto designado no cumpla con las condiciones de seguridad requeridas, no
exista la menor duda que al arribo del buque el puerto ser seguro. Por ejemplo, si el
puerto est clausurado por un obstculo que est en vas de ser removido. Ahora bien, si
a pesar de la previsin que tom el fletador, con posterioridad a la designacin ocurren
situaciones inesperadas y anormales que hacen que el puerto de que se trate se convierta
en inseguro, de tal manera que el buque sufra demora, se dae o se pierda como
consecuencia de las nuevas condiciones del puerto, el fletador no ser responsable de
los perjuicios que sufra el armador. Lo contrario importara convertir al fletador en
asegurador del armador ya que estara asumiendo riesgos que deben ser cubiertos por el
seguro. El compromiso que asume el fletador, no constituye pues una obligacin
absoluta en el sentido de garantizar que durante el perodo en que el buque est a su
servicio, se encontrar siempre en puertos seguros. Sin embargo, si con posterioridad a
la designacin y mientras el buque se dirige al puerto, las circunstancias cambian y ste
deviene inseguro, el fletador si se trata de un fletamento por tiempo, tendr la obligacin
de cancelar la orden y variarla a fin de que el buque se dirija a otro puerto que rena las
condiciones de seguridad, ya que por la naturaleza de este contrato el fletador est en
condiciones de variar oportunamente sus rdenes. En el caso del fletamento por viaje la
situacin es menos clara, y habra que ver si en las circunstancias del caso el fletador
estaba en condiciones de modificar su designacin. Si el puerto deviene inseguro
cuando el buque se encuentra en l, la actitud que debe observar el fletador para dar
cumplimiento a esta obligacin depender de las circunstancias, ya que si el buque est
en condiciones de zarpar para evitar el peligro, deber ordenar que as lo haga, pero si
por la naturaleza del peligro que ha convertido el puerto en un lugar inseguro, no es
posible que el buque zarpe, el fletador no tendr responsabilidad alguna por cuanto no
se le puede exigir que d una orden que sea imposible cumplir.
Chartering: abbreviations and meanings
Abbreviation Meaning

AA Always Afloat

AAAA Always Accessible Always Afloat

AAOSA Always Afloat or Safe Aground. Condition for a vessel whilst in port

AARA Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area

ABAFT Toward the rear (stern) of the ship. Behind.

ABOARD On or within the ship

ABOVE DECK On the deck (not over it - see ALOFT)

ABT About

ADCOM Address Commission

ADDENDUM Additional chartering terms at the end of a charter party

AFSPS Arrival First Sea Pilot Station (Norway)

AFFREIGHTMENT The hiring of a ship in whole or part

AFT At or towards the stern or rear of a ship

AGROUND Touching or fast to the bottom

AGW All Going Well

AHL Australian Hold Ladders

AIDS TO Artificial objects to supplement natural landmarks indicating safe and

NAVIGATION unsafe waters

ALOFT Above the deck of the ship

AMIDSHIPS In or toward the centre of the ship

Arrival Notice - an import document send to the notify party and/or

A/N importer's broker containing all necessary arrival info for Customs
clearance; normally with freight charges.
ANCHORAGE A place suitable for anchorage in relation to the wind, seas and bottom

ANTHAM Antwerp-Hamburg Range

APS Arrival Pilot Station

ARAG Amsterdam-Rotterdam--Antwerp-Gent Range

Method of settling disputes which is usually binding on parties. A clause

usually in a charter party

A/S Alongside

ASBA American Shipbrokers Association

ASN Advance Shipment Notice

ASPW Any Safe Port in the World

ASTERN In the back of the ship, opposite of ahead

ATA Actual time of arrival

ATD Actual time of departure

ATDNSHINC Any Time Day/Night Sundays and Holidays Included


ATHWARTSHIPS At right angles to the centreline of the ship

ATUTC Actual Times Used to Count

AWB Air waybill

Where a seller/shipper issues a 'letter of indemnity' in favour of the

carrier in exchange for a clean bill of lading

Bunker Adjustment Factor. A Fuel Surcharge expressed as a percentage

BAF added or subtracted from the freight amount, reflecting the movement
in the market place price for bunkers.

Cubic capacity of a vessels holds to carry packaged dry cargo such as


BALLAST Heavy weight, often sea water, necessary for the stability and safety of a
ship which is not carrying cargo

BALLAST BONUS Compensation for relatively long ballast voyage

Bareboat Charter - Owners lease a specific ship and control its technical
management and commercial operations only. Charterers take over all
responsibility for the operation of the vessel and expenses for the

Before Breaking Bulk. Refers to freight payments that must be received

before discharge of a vessel commences

BDI Both Dates Inclusive

BEAM The maximum breadth or the greatest width of a ship

BELOW Beneath the deck

BENDS Both Ends (Load & Discharge Ports)

BI Both Inclusive

BIMCO The Baltic and International Maritime Council

BL Bale

(Bill of Lading) A document signed by the carrier which acts as a Contract

of Affreightment, a receipt and evidence of title to the cargo.

BM Beam

BN Booking Note

BOB Bunker on Board

BOFFER Best Offer

BOW The forward part of a ship

BROB Bunkers Remaining on Board

Percentage of freight payable to broker (by owners in c/p's) or applicable

to sale or purchase

BSS Basis
BSS 1/1 Basis 1 Port to 1 Port

BT Berth Terms

BULKHEAD A vertical partition separating compartments

This is the assembly of pieces of cargo, secured into one manageable

unit. This is relevant to items such as Structural Steel, Handrails,
Stairways etc. Whilst this is a very flexible description, a rule of thumb is
to present cargo at a size easily handled by a large (20 tonne) fork lift.

Name given for vessels Fuel and Diesel Oil supplies (Originates from coal

An anchored float used for marking a position on the water or a hazard

or a shoal and for mooring

BWAD Brackish Water Arrival Draft

Currency Adjustment Factor. A fee applied to the shipping costs to

compensate for exchange rate fluctuations.

CBM Cubic Metres

CBFT (or CFT) Cubic Feet

CFR (or C&F) Cost and Freight

CHART A map used by navigators

CHOPT Charterers Option

CHTRS Charterers

Cost, Insurance & Freight. Seller pays all these costs to a nominated port
or place of discharge.

CKD Completely knocked down

Contract of Affreightment - Owners agree to accept a cost per revenue

tonne for cargo carried on a specific number of voyages.

CIP Carriage and Insurance paid to...

Certificate of Origin - a signed statement from a semiofficial organization

certifying the origin of an export item, required by certain nations.
COACP Contract of Affreightment Charter Party

COB Closing of Business

COBLDN Closing of Business London

COD Cash On Delivery

COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act

CONGESTION Port/berth delays

CONS Consumption

CNEE CONSIGNEE. Name of agent, company or person receiving consignment

COP Custom Of Port

CP (or C/P) Charter Party

CPD Charterers Pay Dues

CPT Carriage Paid To

CQD Customary Quick Despatch

CR Current Rate

CROB Cargo Remaining on Board

CRN Crane

Cargo Retention Clauses, introduced by charterers based on shortage of

delivered cargo because of increased oil prices

CST Centistoke

CTR Container Fitted

DA Disbursement Account

DAF Deliver At Frontier

DAPS Days all Purposes (Total days for loading & discharging)

DAMFORDET Damages for Detention. Penalty if cargo is not ready when ship arrives
for working (1st day of Laycan). This is not detention which is charged for
ships time on delay. If the cargo is ready there is no DAMFORDET.

DDU Delivered Duty unpaid.

DDP Delivered Duty Paid.

DECK A permanent covering over a compartment, hull or any part thereof

Demurrage (Quay Rent). Money paid by the shipper for the occupying
port space beyond a specified "Free Time" period.

DEQ Delivered Ex Quay

DES Delivered Ex Ship

DESP Despatch. Time saved, reward for quick turnaround- in dry cargo only

DET Detention (See DAMFORDET)

DEV Deviation. Vessel departure from specified voyage course

Deadfreight. Space booked by shipper or charterer on a vessel but not


DHDATSBE Despatch Half Demurrage on All Time Saved Both Ends

DHDWTSBE Despatch Half Demurrage on Working Time Saved Both Ends

DISCH Discharge

DK Deck

DLOSP Dropping Last Outwards Sea Pilot (Norway)

DO Diesel Oil

DOLSP Dropping Off Last Sea Pilot (Norway)

DOP Dropping Outward Pilot

DOT Department of Transport

DNRCAOSLONL Discountless and Non-Returnable Cargo and/or Ship Lost or Not Lost

DRAUGHT (or Depth to which a ship is immersed in water. The depth varies according
DRAFT) to the design of the ship and will be greater or lesser depending not only
on the weight of the ship and everything on board, but also on the
density of the water in which the ship is lying.

DRK Derrick

Materials of various types, often timber or matting, placed among the

cargo for separation, and hence protection from damage, for ventilation
and, in the case of certain cargoes, to provide space in which the tynes of
a fork lift truck may be inserted.

Deadweight. Weight of cargo, stores and water, i.e. the difference

between lightship and loaded displacement.

EBB A receeding current

EC East Coast

EIU Even If Used

ELVENT Electric Ventilation

Estimated Time of Arrival - the projected date and time a shipment is

scheduled to arrive at its destination.

ETC Estimated Time of Completion

Estimated Time of Departure - the projected date and time a shipment is

scheduled to depart from the port/airport of origin.

ETS Estimated Time of Sailing

EXW Ex Works

FAC Fast as can

Free Alongside Ship. Seller delivers goods to appropriate dock or terminal

at port of embarkation and buyer covers costs and risks of loading

Free to Carrier. A modern equivalent of FAS used in intermodal transport

FCA where goods are transferred at a nominated forwarders premises, depot
or terminal but not actually on board vessel.

Full Container Load - a container that is fully loaded by cargo, occupying

FCL all space, or loaded to the maximum permissable weight. It can contain
cargo from multiple shippers, but normally is consigned to the same
consignee. The shipment is expected to be delivered to the consignee
with the shipper's seal intact.

FD (FDIS) Free Discharge

FDD Freight Demurrage Deadfreight

FDESP Free Despatch

Freight Deemed Earned, Discountless And Non-Returnable (Refundable)

Ship And Or Cargo Lost Or Not Lost

A cushion, placed between ships, or between a ship and a pier, to

prevent damage

Standard 40" Container, forty-foot equivalent unit, a standard size

intermodal container.

FHEX Fridays/Holidays Excluded

FHINC Fridays/Holidays Included

Free In/Liner Out. Seafreight with which the shipper pays load costs and
the carrier pays for discharge costs.

Free In/Out. Freight booked FIO includes the seafreight, but no

FIO loading/discharging costs, i.e. the charterer pays for cost of
loading/discharging cargo.

FIOS Free In/Out Stowed. As per FIO, but excludes stowage costs.

Free In/Out and Trimmed. Charterer pays for cost of loading/discharging

cargo, including stowage and trimming.

Free In/Out and Trimmed. As per FIOS but includes trimming, e.g. the
FIOT levelling of bulk cargoes. FIOS includes seafreight, but excludes
loading/discharging and stowage costs.

FIT Free In Trimmed

FIW Free In Wagon

FIXING Chartering a Vessel

FIXTURE Conclusion of shipbrokers negotiations to charter a ship - an agreement

FLATPACKING Cargo to be presented stacked and secured as an integral unit.

FLT Full Liner Terms

FMC Federal Maritime Commission

FME Force Majeure Excepted

FMS Fathoms

FO For Orders

FO (IFO) Fuel Oil/Intermediate FO

FO Free Out

Free on Board. Seller sees the goods "over the ship's rail" on to the ship
which is arranged and paid for by the buyer

FOFFER Firm Offer

FOG For Our Guidance

FOQ Free On Quay

FOR Free On Rail

Clause limiting responsibilities of the charterers, shippers and receivers

of cargo.

FORE-AND-AFT In a line parallel to the keel

FORWARD Toward the bow of the ship

FOT Free On Truck

FOW First Open Water

FOW Free On Wharf

FP Free Pratique. Clearance by the Health Authorities

FR First Refusal. First attempt at best offer that can be matched

The minimum vertical distance from the surface of the water to the

FRT Freight. Money payable on delivery of cargo in a mercantile condition

If loading/discharging achieved sooner than agreed, there will be no
freight money returned.

FREE EXINS Free of any Extra Insurance (Owners)

FREE OUT Free of discharge costs to owners. Includes seafreight only.

Charterers when cancelling agreement sometimes quote 'doctrine of

frustration' i.e. vessel is lost, extensive delays.

FWAD Fresh Water Arrival Draft

FWDD Fresh Water Departure Draft

FYG For Your Guidance

FYI For Your Information

GA General Average

GEAR A general term for ropes, blocks, tackle and other equipment

GLS (GLESS) Gearless


GN (or GR) Grain (Capacity)

GO Gas Oil

GP Grain Capacity. Cubic capacity in 'grain'

GR Geographical Rotation. Ports in order of calling

GRD Geared

General Rate Increase. Used to describe an across-the-board tariff rate

GRI increase implemented by conference members and applied to base

GRT Gross Registered Tonnage

GSB Good, Safe Berth

GSP Good, Safe Port

GTEE Guarantee

GUNWALE The upper edge of a ship's sides

2H Second Half

HA Hatch

Code of minimum conditions for the carriage of cargo under a Bill of


HATCH An opening in a ship's deck fitted with a watertight cover

HBF Harmless Bulk Fertilizer

HDLTSBENDS Half Despatch Lay Time Saved Both Ends

HDWTS Half Despatch Working (or Weather) Time Saved

HHDW Handy Heavy d.w. (Scrap)

HIRE T/C Remuneration

HMS Heavy Metal Scraps

HO Hold

A compartment below deck in a large vessel, used solely for carrying


HULL The main body of a ship

HW High Water

Intercoastal Waterway : bays, rivers, and canals along the coasts (such as
ICW the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts), connected so that vessels may
travel without going into the sea

IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

IMO International Maritime Organisation

IN &/OR OVER Goods carried below and/or on deck

INCOTERMS (Refer to comments in covering statement on front page A-F)

IND Indication

Carriage of a commodity by different modes of transport, i.e. sea, road,

rail and air within a single journey

International Transport Workers Federation (Trade Unions). Complies on


ISPS International Ships and Port Security System

ITINERARY Route.Schedule

IU If Used

IUHTAUTC If Used, Half Time Actually To Count

IWL Institute Warranty Limits

KEEL The centreline of a ship running fore and aft; the backbone of a vessel

KNOT A measurement of speed equal to one nautical mile (6,076 feet) per hour

A method of measuring the space capacity of Ro/Ro ships whereby each

LANE METER unit of space (Linear Meter) is represented by an area of deck 1.0 meter
in length x 2.0 meters in width.

LASH To hold goods in position by use of Ropes, Wires, Chains or Straps etc.

Latitude. The distance north or south of the equator measured and

expressed in degrees.

LAYCAN Laycan (Layday Cancelling Date)

LAYTIME Time at Charterers disposal for purpose of loading/discharging

L/C Letter of Credit

Less than Container Load - a shipment that takes up only a portion of a

LCL consolidated container. LCL shpts are to be picked up at a CFS only,
whereas FCL are to be picked up at a container yard/terminal.

LCR Lowest Current Rate

LEE The side sheltered from the wind

LEEWARD The direction away from the wind. Opposite of windward

LEEWAY The sideways movement of the ship caused by either wind or current

Load Factor. Percentage of cargo or passengers carries e.g. 4,000 tons

carried on a vessel of 10,000 capacity has a load factor of 40%%

LIEN Retention of property until outstanding debt is paid

LNG Liquefied Natural Gas

LOA Length Overall of the vessel


LOF Lloyds Open Form

LOG A record of courses or operation. Also, a device to measure speed

LOI Letter of Indemnity

The distance in degrees east or west of the meridian at Greenwich,


LOW Last Open Water

Lumpsum Freight. Money paid to Shipper for a charter of a ship (or

portion) up to stated limit irrespective of quantity of cargo

LSD Lashed Secured Dunnaged

LT Liner Terms

LT Long Ton = 1,016.05 kilogram (2,240 lbs)

LTHH Liner Terms Hook/Hook

LW Low Water

LYCN Laycan (Layday Cancelling Date)

MANIFEST Inventory of cargo on board

MB Merchant Broker

MDO (DO) Marine Diesel Oil

MIDSHIP Approximately in the location equally distant from the bow and stern
MIN/MAX Minimum/Maximum (cargo quantity)

MOA Memorandum of Agreement

MOLCHOPT More or Less Charterers Option

MOLOO More or Less Owners Option

MOORING An arrangement for securing a ship to a mooring buoy or pier

MT Mertic Tonne (i.e. 1,000 kilos)

M/V Motor Vessel \ Merchant Vessel

NAABSA Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground

Nautical Mile. One minute of latitude; approximately 6,076 feet - about

1/8 longer than the statute mile of 5,280 feet

NAVIGATION The art and science of conducting a ship safely from one point to another

NCB National Cargo Bureau

Implies that cargo is presented stacked in the contour of similarly shaped

NESTING cargo, it may be likened to a stack of plates. This is particularly relevant
in the presentation of tankage strakes for transport

(Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected, then saved days

will not be added to discharge time allowed.

NOR Notice of Readiness

NRT Net Restricted Tonnage

NYPE New York Produce Exchange

OO Owners Option

OBO Ore/Bulk/Oil Vessel

OSH Open Shelter Deck

OVERBOARD Over the side or out of the ship

OWS Owners
P&I Protection and Indemnity Insurance


PC Period of Charter

PCGO Part Cargo

PCT Percent

PDPR Per Day Pro Rata

PERDIEM By the Day

PER SE By Itself

PHPD Per Hatch Per Day

PLIMSOLL MARK An internationally recognised line painted on the side of merchant ships.
alt. When a ship is loaded, the water level is not supposed to go above the
PLIMSOLL LINE line. Water can reach different parts of the line as its temperature and
alt. saltiness varies with the season and location. From where Plimsoll
LOAD LINE Shipping derived its name.

PORT The left side of a ship looking forward. A harbour.

PRATIQUE Licence or permission to use a port

PREAMBLE Introduction to a charter party

PROFORMA Estimated Account

PUS Plus Us

PWWD Per Weather Working Day

RCVR Receiver

RECAP Recapitulation of the terms and conditions agreed

(Detention). If loading completed sooner than expected at load port,

then days saved can be added to discharge operations.

ROB Remaining On Board

RT Revenue Tonne (i.e. 1.0 metric tonne or 1.0 cubic meter, whichever
greater). The overall RT is calculated on a line by line basis of the Packing
List using the largest amount. The overall freight liability is calculated on
the total RT amount, multiplied by the freight rate.

SATPM Saturday P.M.

SB Safe Berth

SD (or SID) Single Decker

Costs charged for transporting goods over the sea. This does not cover
haulage or loading/discharging costs but the sea transport only

Statement of condition of the vessel (valid certificates, fully equipped

and manned etc.)

SELFD Self Discharging

SEMI-TRAILERS Are usually 12.0 meter flat bed road trailers

Stowage Factor. Cubic space (measurement tonne) occupied by one

tonne (2,240 lbs/1,000 kgs) of cargo

SHINC Sundays/Holidays Included

SHEX Sundays/Holidays Excluded

Shipper - the party in whose name a contract of carriage of goods has

been concluded with at carrier or any party by whom, in whose name or
on whose behalf the goods are actually delivered to the carrier in
relation to the contract of carriage.

Are bearers (timber or steel) positioned under the cargo to enable

SKIDS forklift handling at port, and for ease of rigging and lashing on board

Satellite Navigation - A form of position finding using radio transmissions

from satellites with sophisticated on-board automatic equipment

SOC Shipper Owned Container

SOF Statement of Facts

SP Safe Port
Is the strengthening of circular tanks for transport, this prevents the
SPIDERING tanks from becoming warped. The tanks are strengthened with steel or
wood crossbeams giving a "spider" appearance

SRBL Signing and Releasing Bill of Lading

SSHEX Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded

Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included

It is paramount that a vessel is stable in all aspects at all times. When

cargo is loaded/discharged, the stability is monitored by a computer,
which takes into account the weight and position of cargo within the

STARBOARD Right side of a ship when facing the front or forward end.

Subject to Enough Merchandise (Availability of cargo). Also, the forward

most part of the bow.

STERN The aformost or after part of a ship

SUB Subject (to). Depending upon as a condition

Person employed by a ship owner, shipping company, charterer of a ship

SUPERCARGO or shipper of goods to supervise cargo handling operations. Often called
a port captain.

SWAD Salt Water Arrival Draft

SWDD Salt Water Departure Draft

THWARTSHIPS At right angles to the centreline of the ship

TIDE The periodic rise and fall of water level in the oceans

TIME BAR Time after which legal claims will not be entered

TBN To Be Named / To Be Nominated

Time Charter - Owners agree to hire a particular ship for a set length of
time and provide technical management, crewing etc.

TCP Time Charter Party

Standard 20' Container, twenty-foot equivalent unit, a standard size
intermodal container.

The sides of a ship between the waterline and the deck; sometimes
referring to onto or above the deck

Transhipment - a shipping arrangement in which a shipment is

discharged of the vessel at an intermediate port enroute and
subsequently reloaded to another vessel for carriage to its final

TRIM Fore and aft balance of a ship

TTL Total

TW Tween Decker

USC Unless Sooner Commenced

UU Unless Used

UUIWCTAUTC Unless Used In Which Case Time Actually Used To Count

VPD Vessel Pays Dues

A line painted on a hull which shows the point to which a ship sinks when
it is properly trimmed

WAY Movement of a ship through water such as headway, sternway or leeway

WCCON Whether Customs Cleared Or Not

WIBON Whether In Berth Or Not

WIFPON Whether In Free Pratique Or Not

WINDWARD Toward the direction from which the wind is coming

WIPON Whether In Port Or Not

WLTOHC Water Line-To-Hatch Coaming

WOG Without Guarantee

Weather Permitting. That time during which weather prevents working

shall not count as laytime
WPD Weather Permitting Day

WWD Weather Working Day

WRIC Wire Rods In Collis

WWR When, Where Ready

WWWW Wibon, Wccon, Wifpon, Wipon

YAR York Antwerp Rules

YAW To swing or steer off course, as when running with a quartering sea


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