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Question Formation

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1. Hacemos preguntas con verbos modales y con tiempos donde hay un verbo auxiliar
(be, have,) invirtiendo el sujeto y el modal/verbo auxiliar. Con el presente y el
pasado simple, aadimos el verbo do/does o did antes del sujeto.
Should we buy her a present?
How long have you been waiting?
How many children does your sister have?

2. Con frecuencia usamos preguntas negativas para mostrar sorpresa o cuando

estamos esperamos que alguien este de acuerdo con nosotros.
Why didnt you like the film?
Isnt this a beatiful place?

3. Si un verbo es seguido por una preposicin, la preposicin va al final de la pregunta,

no al comienzo. NOT: About what are you talking?
What are they talking about?
Who does this bag belong to?

Con frecuencia utilizamos question word y la preposicin:

Im thinking. What about?

4. Cuando who/what/which, es el sujeto de la pregunta, nosotros no usamos do/did.

Who wrote this? NOT Who did write this?
Who lives in that house?
How many people follow you on Twitter?

Utilizamos preguntas indirectas cuando queremos preguntar una pregunta de una forma
ms educada, y comienza con Can/Could you tell me? o cuando introducimos una
pregunta con Do you know? Do you remember?

Direct question: What time does the shop next door open?
Indirect question: Could you tell me what time the shop next door opens?

1. En la pregunta indirecta el orden es sujeto + verbo.

Can you tell me where it is?
Can you tell me where is it?

2. No utilizamos do/did en la segunda parte de la pregunta.

Do you know where he lives?
Do you know where does he live?

3. Podemos usa if or whether en preguntas sin una question word (what, how many,...)
y despues Can you tell me, Do you know,...

El orden de las palabras de las preguntas indirectas es usado despus de:
I wonder why the didnt come.
Im not sure what time it starts.

I want to kow what time youre coming home.
Do you have any idea if james is on holiday this week?
Utilizamos verbos auxiliares (do, have,...) o verbos modales (can, must,...):

1. Para evitar repetir el verbo principal / sintagma verbal.

I like cats but muy husband doesnt like cats.
Sallys coming tonight, but Angela isnt.

2. With so and neither, para decir que algo o alguien es lo mismo. Usamos
so+auxiliar+sujeto con un verbo positivo. Y neither (or nor)+ auxiliar+sujeto con un
verbo negativo.
A) I loved his latest novel. B) So did I. (Yo tambin)
A)I havent finished yet. B) Neithe/Nor have I (Yo tampoco)

3. Para decir que alguien o algo es diferente.

A) I dont like shopping online. B) I do. I buy a lot of my clothes online.

4. Para hacer preguntas de respuesta, para mostrar inters o sorpresa:

A) I went to a psychic yesterday. B) Did you?
A) Ill make the dinner. B) Will you? Thats great.

5. Para mostrar nfasis en una frase positiva, a menudo cuando tu quieres contradecir
lo que alguien dice. Con el presente/pasado simple, nosotros aadimos do/does/did
antes del verbo principal. Con otros auxiliares, (be, have, will,) el verbo auxiliar se
destaca y no se contrae.
A) You didnt lock the door! B) I did locked it, I know I did.
A) Silvia isnt coming. B) She is coming. Ive just spoken to her.

6. Para hacer questin tags, normalmente para contrastar informacin. Usamos un

auxiliar positivo con un verbo negativo y un auxiliar negativo con un verbo positivo:
You wont forget, will you?
She can speak italian, cant she?

Question tags son con frecuencia usadas simplemente para preguntar a otra
persona si esta de acuerdo contigo. En este caso se dice con entonacin
Its a nice day. Isnt it?

Question tags tambien pueden ser usada pra comprobar si algo que tu piensas es
cierto. En este caso se dice con entonacin ascendente.
Shes a painter, isnt she?

have/has + past participle

Usamos el presente perfecto simple:

1. Para hablar sobre experiencias pasadas cuando tu no dices cuando algo sucedi.
Have you ever written a blog?

2. Con just, yet y already. STILL/YET

Weve just landed but we havent got off the plane Ambos significan an o
yet. (Acabamos de aterrizar pero no hemos bajado todava pero still se
del avin todava). coloca antes del verbo y
yet al final de la frase.
Ive already told you three times. (Ya te lo he dicho tres

3. Con superlativos y the first, the second, las time,....

Its the best book. Ive ever read.

4. Para acciones terminadas (cuando el tiempo no est especificado) el cual tiene

resultados presentes.
My computers scrashed! Look, its started snowing.

5. Con non-actions verbs (= verbos no usados normalmente de la forma continua: be,

have, know, like,) para decir que algo empez en el pasado y an es cierto.

Ive known Miriam since I was a child.

My sister has had flu for ten days now.

Este uso es comn con expresiones de tiempo como How long?, for r since, all
day /evening,
No usamos el presente simple o continuo en la siguiente situacin: I know Miriam
since I was a child.

6. Cuando decimos o preguntamos con cunto nosotros hemos hecho o con que
frecuencia hemos hecho algo hasta ahora.
How many Agatha Christie novels have you read?
Theyve seen each other twice this week.

have/has + been + -ing

Usamos el presente perfecto continuo:

1. Con action verbs, para decir que una accin ha empezado en el pasado y an est
How long have you been feeling ill?
Hes been chatting online all evening.

Este uso es comn con expresiones como How long? for or since, all

2. Para acciones repetidas, especialmente con una expresin de tiempo: all day,
I havent been sleeping well.
Its been raining all day.

3. Para acciones continuas las cuales acaban de terminar (pero tienen resultados
Ive been shoping all morning. Im exhausted.
A) Takes your shoes off. Theyre filthy. B)Yes, I know. Ive been working in
the garden.


1. Para hablar sobre una accin inacabada, normalmente usamos el presente perfecto
continuo con action verbs y el presente simple con non-action verbs.
Ive been learning French for the last three years.
Hes liked classical music since he was a teenager.

2. Algunos verbos pueden ser action or non-action dependiendo de su significado. Ej:

have piano lessons= action; have a car= non-action.
Shes been having piano lessons since she was a child.
Theyve had that car for at least ten years.

3. El presente perfecto simple enfatiza la terminacin de una accin (=the kitchen has
been painted). El presente perfecto contnuo enfatiza la duracin de una accin, la
cual puede esar o no finalizada. (=the painting of the kitchen may not be finished
Ive painted the kitchen.
Ive been painting the kitchen.

4. Con los verbos live o work puedes usar con frecuencia el presente perfecto simple
o continuo. Sin embargo, usamos normalmente el presente perfecto continuo para
acortar, acciones ms temporales.
Weve lived in this town since 1980.
Weve been living in a rented flat for the last two months.

You can use the + some adjectives para hablar sobre grupos de personas, ej:

1. Nacionalidades que terminan en ch, -sh, -ese y ss. Ej: the French, the Spanish,
the British, the Japanese, the Irish, the Swiss,... (but the Czechs).
Muchas otras nacionlidades son nombres y se usan en plural: the Brasilians, the
Poles, the Turks, the Hungarians, the Argentinians,...
The English are famous for drinking tea.
The Chinese invented paper.
The Dutch make wonderful cheeses.

2. Grupos especficos de la sociedad. Ej: the young, the old (or the elderly), the sick
(=people who are ill), the blind, the deaf, the homeless, the dead. (el jven, el enfermo,
el ciego, el sordo, el sin techo, el muerto).
The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer.
The government needs to create more jobs for the unemployed.

Para hablar sobre una persona usamos, ej: a Japanese woman, a Rich man, NOT: a
Japanese, a Rich. Tambin puedes usar adjetivo + people para hablar sobre un grupo de
gente. Ej: poor peoble, homeless people, old people, French people.

1. Podemos poner ms de un adjetivo antes de un nombre (con frecuencia dos y
ocasionalmente tres) estos adjetivos van en un orden particular. NOT: an old lovely

2. Adjetivos de opinion como beautiful, nice, lovely, siempre van antes de adjetivos
descriptivos como big, old, round.

3. Si hay ms de un adjetivo descriptivo, ellos van en este orden:

1. OPININ: expensive, beautiful

2. TAMAO: little
3. EDAD: brand new
4. FORMA: long
5. COLOR: red
6. PATRN: striped (a rayas).
7. ORIGEN, LUGAR: French, Italian
8. MATERIAL: silk (seda)
9. NOMBRE: car, scarf

Weve got a lovely old cottage jus outside Bath.

She has long fair hair.
I bought a beautiful Italian leather belt. (precioso cinturn de cuero italiano)

Los tiempos narrativos son pasado simple, pasado continuo, pasado perfecto y pasado
perfecto continuo.

1. Usamos el pasado simple para hablar sobre una accin consecutiva o situaciones
en el pasado, por ejemplo, para el principal evento de una historia.
We arrived at the airport and checked in.

2. Usamos el pasado contnuo (was/were+-ing) para describir una accin pasada que
contina o una situacin en la cual estaba en progreso cuando otra accin ha
ocurrido. Tambin para describir una accin o situacin que no estaba
completamente en el pasado.
We were having dinner when the plane hit some turbulence.
At 9.00 most people on the plane were reading or were trying to sleep.

3. Usamos el pasado perfecto (had + past participle) para hablar sobre el pasado
anterior, ej, cosas que pasaron antes del principal evento.
When we arrived at the airport, we suddenly realized that we had left one of
the suitcases in the taxi.

4. Usamos el pasado perfecto contnuo (had + been + -ing) con action verbs para
hablar sobre acciones continuadas o situaciones que empezaron antes del principal
evento que ocurri y ha continuado hasta este punto. Non-action verbs no son
usados normalmente en el pasado continuo o el pasado perfecto contnuo.
Wed been flying for about two hours when suddenly the captain told us
fasten our seat belts because we were flying into some very bad weather.


El pasado perfecto continuo enfatiza la continuacin de una actividad. El pasado perfecto

simple enfatiza la finalizacin de la actividad.
Lina was crying because shed been reading a very sad book.
Lina didnt want to see the film, because shed already read the book

Los adverbios pueden describir una accin (he walks slowly) o pueden modificar adjetivos
u otros adverbios (its incredibly expensive, he works very hard). Pueden ser o bien una
palabra (often) o una frase (once a week).

1. Los adverbios de modo describen como alguien hace cosas. Normalmente van
despus del verbo, sin embargo, con la voz pasiva normalmente van en la mitad
(antes del principal verbo pero despus del auxiliar).
He walks very slowly.
I speak five languages fluently.
The driver was seriously injured in the accident.

2. Los adverbios de frecuencia van antes del verbo principal pero despus del verbo
to be. Algunas veces puede ser puesto al principio de la frase para dar nfasis. Si
hay dos verbos principales el adverbio va despus del primero de ellos.
I hardly ever have time for breakfast
Liams always late for work
I would never have thought you were 40.

3. Los adverbios de tiempo y lugar van al final de la frase. Los de lugar normalmente
van antes de los de tiempo NOT:My parents will be in half an hour here.
My parents will be here in half an hour.
It rained all day yesterday.

4. Los adverbios de grado describen cunto algo es hecho o modifical un adjetivo.

Extremely, incredibly, very, son usados con adjetivos y adverbios y van
antes de ellos
A lot y much son usados con frecuencia con verbos y van despus del verbo.
A little/a bit (of) pueden ser usado con adjetivos o verbos: Im a bit/a little
tired. We rested a bito f /a little after the flight

Ive nearly finished

Were incredibly tired
My husband works a lot but he doesnt earn much.

5. Los adverbios comentario (los cuales dan la opinin) normalmente van al principio
de la frase. Los ms comunes son: luckily, basically, clearly, obviusly, apparently,
Unfortunately, the parcel never arrived.
Ideally, we should have her at 10.00.

will + have + past participle

Usamos el futuro perfecto para decir algo que terminar antes de un tiempo concreto.

Este tiempo es frecuentemente usado con expresiones de tiempo by

Saturday/March/2030 or in two weeks, months,
The decorators will have finished painting by Tuesday, so we can more back
into the flat then.
The football club say that theyll have built the new stadium in six months.

By + a time expresion = a ms tardar. Whith in, you can say in six months or in six
months time.

Hacemos la negativa con wont have + past participle y hacemos pregunta por inversin del
sujeto por will/wont.
Laura wont have arrived befote dinner so Ill leave some food in the oven for
When will they have learnt enough English to be able to communicate

will + be + -ing

Usamos el futuro contnuo para decir que una accin estar en progreso en un tiempo
concreto en el futuro, comparamos:
Well have dinner at 8.00 (=we will start dinner at 8.00)
Well be having dinner at 8.00 (=at 8.00 we will already have started having dinner)

Usamos a veces el futuro continuo, como el presente continuo, para hablar sobre cosas
que estn planeadas o decididas.
Good luck with your test tomorrow. I will be thinking of you.
This time tomorrow Ill be sitting at a cafe drinking a beer.
Dont phone between 7.00 and 8.00 as well be having dinner then.

Formamos la negativa con wont be + -ing y hacemos preguntas invirtiendo el sujeto y

Come at 7.00 because we wont be starting dinner until 8.00
Will you be waiting for me when I get off the train?
if + present simple, present simple

Para hablar de algo que es cierto siempre o siempre ocurro como resultado de algo.
Podemos utilizar el presente continuo o el presente perfecto en cualquiera de las dos

If you want to be fit, you need to do some exercise every day

If people are wearing headphones in the street, they often dont notice other
If you havent been to New York, you havent lived.

if + present tense, will + verb

Para hablar de algo que probablemente ocurrir en el futuro. Podemos utilizar alguna
forma presente en la if- clausula (presente simple, continuo o perfecto) y alguna forma
futura (will, going to, gurure perfect, future continuous) o un imperativo en la segunda.

If the photos are good, Ill send them to you.

If youre not going to jasons party, Im not going to go either.
If I havent come back by 9.00, start dinner without me.
Ill have finished in an hour if you dont disturb me.


Cuando estamos hablando sobre el future, usamos un tiempo presente antes de estas
expresiones; as soon as, when, until, unless, before, after, in case. Esto puede ser alguna
forma presente como presente simple, contnuo o perfecto.
Ill ve ready as soon as Ive had a cup of coffe.
Send me a message when you trains coming into the station
Im not going to buy the new model until the price has gone down a bit.
Im not going to work overtime this weekend unless I get paid for it
Take you umbrella in case its raining when you leave work.

Usamos in case cuando hacemos algo con el fin de estar listo para situaciones futuras.
Comparamos el uso de if y in case:
Ill take an umbrella if it rains = I wont take an umbrella if doent rain.
Ill take an umbrella in case it rains = Ill take an umbrella anyway because it might

if + past simple, would + verb

1. Lo utilizamos para hablar de una situacin imaginaria o hipottica en el presente o

en el futuro y sus consecuencias.
If there was a fire in this hotel, it would be very difficult to escape.
I wouldnt have a car if I didnt live in the country.

2. En la if- clause tambin puedes usar el pasado continuo. En la otra clusula,

podemos usar could or might en lugar de would.
If you werent making so much noise, I could concentrate better.

3. Con el verbo be, podemos usar was or were para I, he, and she en la if- clause, ej: If
Dan was/were here, he would know what to do. Sin embargo, en condicionales que
empiezan por I were you... para dar un consejo, nosotros siempre usamos were.
If I were you, Id make Jimmy wear a Helmut when hes cycling.

if + past perfect, would + have + past participle

1. Lo utilizamos para hablar sobre situaciones pasadas hipotticas y sus

If you had come to class more often, you would have done better in the
I wouldnt have been late if I hadnt overslept.

2. Podemos usar tambin el pasado perfecto continuo en la if- clause. Podemos usar
tambin could have or might have en lugar de would have en la otra clusula.
He would have died if he handt been wearing a helmet.
If the jacket had been a bit cheaper, I might have bought it.


1. If you came to class more often, you would probably pass the exam. = You dont
come to class enough. You need to come more often if you want to pass the exam.
2. If you had come to class more often, you would probably have passed the exam.
=You didnt come to class enough, so you failed.


A veces mezclamos el segundo y tercer condicional si una situacin hipottica en el

pasado tuvo una presente/futura consecuencia.
You wouldnt be so tirad if you had gone to bed earlier last night.
If he really loved you, he would have asked you to marry him.


wish + would / wouldnt

Usamos wish + persona/cosa + would para sobre cosas que queremos que ocurran o
dejen de ocurrir por que nos molestan. No podemos usar wish + would para un deseo
sobre nosotros. NOT: I wish I would
I wish ciclist wouldnt cycle on the pavement.
I wish youd spend a bit more time with the children
I wish the bus would come. Im freezing
I wish you wouldnt leave your shoes there. I almost fell over them.

wish + past simple or past perfect

1. Usamos wish + past simple para hablar sobre cosas que nos gustaran que fuesen
diferentes en el presente o futuro (pero son imposibles o improbables).
I wish I was ten years younger.
I wish I could understand what theyre saying
2. Usamos wish + past perfect para hablar sobre cosas que ocurrieron o no ocurrieron
en el pasado y ahora nos arrepentimos.
I wish I hadnt bought those shoes
I wish youd told me the truth.

If only...

Tiene el mismo significado que I wish (ojal). Podemos usar tambin if only en lugar de I
wish en todas las estructuras anteriores.

If only hed hurry up!

If only I had a bit more money
If only she hadnt told him about the affair!

I wish y if only, se pueden utilizar como en espaol como interjeccin. I wish! If only!


verbs followed by the gerund or the infitive
Cuando a un verbo le sigue otro, el primero determina la forma del segundo.esto puede ser
el gerundio (-ing) o el infitivo (con o sin to).
1. Usamos el gerundio despus de ciertos verbos y expresiones, ej: enjoy, cant help.
Cuando un phrasal verb es seguido por otro verbo, el verbo es el gerundio, ej: carry
on, keep on, give up, look forward to,
I enjoy listening to music.
I couldnt help laughing.

2. Usamos el infitivo con to despus de ciertos verbos y expresiones como want,

I want to speak to you.
They cant afford to buy a new car

3. Usamos infinitvo sin to despus de verbos modales y algunas expresiones como

might, would rather, y despus de algunos verbos como make y let.
I might rain tonight.
Id rather eat in than go out tonight.
En la voz pasiva, make es seguido por el infitivo con to:
My boss makes us work hard
At school we were made to wear a uniform.



Admit Avoid Be worth Cant help Cant stand Carry on
Deny Enjoy Fancy Feel like Finish Give up
Keep (on) Look forward to Imagine Involve Mind Miss
Postpone Practise Recommend Regret Risk Spend
Stop Suggest
I cant imagine living in the country.
*Todos los phrasal verbs seguidos por otro verbo son seguidos por el gerundio.


Afford Agree Appear Arrange Be able Choose
Decide Deserve Expect Happen Help Hesitate
Hope Learn Make Offer Plan Pretend
Promise Refuse Seem Teach Tend Threaten
Want Would like Manage Cant wait
I chose to study abroad for a year.
*Help can puede estar seguido por un infitivo con o sin to
Can May Might Should Must Had metter
Would rather Make Let
I must remember to phone Harry

verbs that can be followed by either gerund or infinitve with to

1. Algunos verbos pueden estar seguidos por el gerundio o un infinitivo sin to, sin
diferencia en el significado los ms comunes son start, begin and continue.

It started to rain
It started raining

2. Otros, sin embargo, cambian su significado:

Remember + infinitive: recuerdas algo primero y entonces haces algo
Remember + gerundio: haces algo y entonces lo recuerdas.
Forget + infinitive: no recordabas como hacer algo
Forget + gerundio: hiciste algo y no lo recordars, es ms comn en negativo.
Try + infinitive: hacer un esfuerzo para hacer algo
Try + gerundio: experimentar para ver si algo funciona
Need + gerundio es una construccin pasiva. EJ: needs cleaning = needs to
be cleaned. NOT: needs to clean


used to / didnt used to + infinitive
1. Usamos used to / didnt use to + infinitivo para hablar sobre hbitos pasados o
acciones o situaciones repetidas/estados que han cambiado. Used to no existe en el
tiempo presente. Para hbitos presentes usamos usually + the present simple. Ej: I
usually walk to work. NOT: I use to walk to work.
I used to sleep for eight hours every night, but now I only sleep for six
I didnt recognize him. He didnt use to have a beard.

2. Podemos usar tambin would para referirnos a acciones repetidas en el pasado. Sin
embargo, no usamos would para non-action verbs (be, have, know, like) NOT: I
didnt recognize him. He wouldnt have a beard.
When I lived in France as a child we used to have croissants for breakfast.
We would buy them every morning from the local baker.

be used to / get used to + gerund

1. Usamos be used to + gerundio para hablar sobre una nueva situacin que ahora es
familiar o poco extraa.
Im not used to sleeping with a Duret. Ive always slept with blankets.
Carlos has lived in London for years. Hes used to driving on the left.

2. Usamos get used to + gerundio para hablar sobre una situcin que se est
convirtiendo en familiar o poco extraa.
A) I cant get used to working at night. I feel tired all the time
B) Dont worry, youll soon get used to it.

La diferencia entre be used to y get used to es exactamente la misma que la diferencia

entre be and get + adjetivo. El verbo be + adjetivo, es un estado y el verbo get + adjetivo es
una transformacin.

-to get + adjetivo= hacerse, volverse, ponerse

-to be + adjetivo= ser, estar

I am getting fat.I'm fat (Estoy engordando// Estoy gordo)

I am getting old. I'm old (Estoy envejeciendo//Soy viejo)

must / might / may/ cant / couldnt + have + past participle
Lo utilizamos para hacer deducciones o especular sobre acciones pasadas.

1. Usamos must have cuando estamos seguro de que algo es cierto o ha ocurrido. El
opuesto de must have es cant have, no es mustnt have.
I must have left my phone at Annas. I definitely remember having it there.
You must have seen something. You were there when the accident

2. Usamos might /may cuando pensamos que es posible que algo ocurriera o fuese
cierto. Podemos tambin usar could have con este significado: Somebody could
have stolen your wallet when you were getting off the train.
Somebody might have stolen your wallet when you were getting off the train
He still hasnt arrived. I may not have given him the right directions.

3. Usamos cant have cuando estamos seguros de que algo no ocurri o es imposible.
Podemos usar tambin couldnt have cuando la especulacin es sobre el pasado
lejano, ej: You couldnt have seen their faces every clearly or She couldnt have
gone to bed. Its only ten oclock
She cant have gone to bed. Its only ten oclock
You cant have seen their faces every clearly. It was too dark.

should have / ought to have + past participle

Usamos should have + past participle para decir que alguien no hizo una cosa correcta o
para expresar arrepentimiento o crtica. Podemos usar ought to have como una alternativa
a should have.
Weve gone the wrong way. We shouldnt have turned left at the traffic lights
Its my fault. I ought to have told you earlier that my mother was coming.

Usamos la pasiva cuando queremos hablar sobre una accin pero no estamos interesados
en decir quin hace o hizo la accin. Si queremos mencionar la persona o cosa que hizo la
accin, usamos by. Sin embargo, en la mayora de las oraciones pasivas el agente no es

PRESENT SIMPLE: Munderers are usually sentenced to life imprisonment.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS: The trial is being held at the moment.
PRESENT PERFECT: My car has been stolen.
PAST SIMPLE: Jim was arrested last month.
PAST CONTINUOUS: The cinema was being rebuilt when it was set on fire.
PAST PERFECT: We saw that one of the windows had been broken
FUTURE: The prisioner will be released next month.
The veredict is going to be given tomorrow.
INFINITIVE WITH TO: People used to be imprisoned for stealing bread
INFINITIVE WITHOUT TO: you can be fined for parking on a yellow line.
GERUND: He paid a fine to avoid being sent to jail.

it is said that..., he is thought to....

Esta estructura formal es usada especialmente en peridicos y TV con los verbos know,
tell, understand, report, except, say and think. Hace que la informacin suene ms

Podemos utilizar It is said, believed, + that + clause. Podemos usar: Sujeto (He, The
man) + is said, believed, + to +infinitive (to be) /infinitivo perfecto (to have been)

They say that the fire was started deliberately It is said that te fire was started deliberately
People ththat te mayor will resign It is thought that the mayor will resign
People say the man is in his 40s The man is said to be in his 40s
The police believe he has left the country He is believed to have left the country

Para reportar lo que otra persona ha dicho, usamos say o un verbo especfico.
Ej: Ill drive you to the airport.
Jack said he would drive me to the airport
Jack offered to drive me to the airport.

Despus de un verbo especfico, hay tres diferencias gramaticales:

1. Para hacer algo utilizamos: + to + infinitive: agree, refuse, threaten, offer, promise
Jack offered to drive me to the airport
I promised not to tell anybody

2. Una persona que hace algo: + person + to + infinitive: advise, ask, convince,
encourage, invite, persuade, remind, tell, warm
The doctor advised me to have a rest.
I persuaded my sister not to go out with George.

3. Haciendo algo: + -ing form. Apologize (sb) for, insist on, occuse sb of, recommend,
admit, regret, blame sb for, suggest, deny
I apologized for being so late
The police accused Karl of stealing the car

Con los verbos agree, admit, deny, promise, regret, podemos usar tambin that + clause
Leo admitted Sterling the watch
Leo admitted that he had stolen the watch.


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