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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03




KKS - Handbook

Date / Mr. Mattersdorfer Date / Mr. Harbort

All rights reserved. No part of these documents may be reproduced, copied, distributed, adapted or recorded in any form or by any means
(by photocopying, microfilming or by any other technique) without the written permission of the ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH. Furthermore,
manufacturing and copying of the represented products, plants, systems and technical procedures are prohibited.

Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil dieser Unterlagen darf in irgendeiner Form (durch Photokopie, Mikrofilm oder ein anderes Verfahren)
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Copyright 2001 ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)
erstellt am / created 2001-10-17 Dokumentenart / Document Type: DE-DOC
gendert am / modified 2010-06-11 geprft von/am / checked by/on: Mattersdorfer / 2010-06-11
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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

Date of issue Revision Revised pages Type of revision
17.10.2001 00 First issue First issue

14.02.2003 REV01 41, 102 Designation letter YP und YR added.

27.11.2006 REV02 all Formats, insert VGB guidelines

11.06.2010 REV03 all Change to ANDRITZ HYDRO, various designations

Contents list

Part I: KKS: Structure and application 3

Part II: KKS Master list 65

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

Part I:KKS: Structure and application


1 INTRODUCTION___________________________________________________________________________ 4

2 STRUCTURE OF KKS ______________________________________________________________________ 5

2.1 BREAKDOWN LEVELS _____________________________________________________________________ 5
2.2 BREAKDOWN LEVEL 0 TOTAL PLANT ______________________________________________________ 6
2.3 BREAKDOWN LEVEL 1 FUNCTION KEY ____________________________________________________ 7
2.4 BREAKDOWN LEVEL 2 EQUIPMENT UNIT KEY______________________________________________ 7
2.5 BREAKDOWN LEVEL 3 COMPONENT KEY __________________________________________________ 8
2.6 NOTATION OF BREAKDOWN LEVELS __________________________________________________________ 8
2.7 NAMING OF THE BREAKDOWN LEVELS ________________________________________________________ 9
2.8 PREFIXES ______________________________________________________________________________ 10
2.9 ANDRITZ HYDRO STANDARD DESIGN______________________________________________________ 10
3 APPLICATION OF KKS____________________________________________________________________ 11
3.1 PROCESS-RELATED IDENTIFICATION _________________________________________________________ 11
3.2 POINT OF INSTALLATION-IDENTIFICATION ____________________________________________________ 11
3.3 LOCATION IDENTIFICATION ________________________________________________________________ 12
3.4 IDENTIFICATION OF CONNECTIONS __________________________________________________________ 12
3.5 IDENTIFICATION OF SIGNALS _______________________________________________________________ 12
3.6 IDENTIFICATION OF CABLES _______________________________________________________________ 13
3.7 IDENTIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS ___________________________________________________________ 15
3.8 EXAMPLE OF KKS APPLICATION ____________________________________________________________ 15
3.9 REGISTRATION IN GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS ______________________________________________________ 28
3.10 LOOPS WITH MULTIPLE PROBES AT ONE LOCATION ______________________________________________ 30
3.11 LOGICAL COMBINATION OF LOOPS __________________________________________________________ 31
3.12 IDENTIFICATION OF LOOPS ________________________________________________________________ 32
3.12.1 Identification of direct loops__________________________________________________________ 32
3.12.2 Identification of indirect loops ________________________________________________________ 34
4 EXTENDED KKS KEY (STANDARD)_______________________________________________________ 38

5 IDENTIFICATION OF C&I COMPONENTS__________________________________________________ 40

5.1 SIGNAL IDENTIFICATION __________________________________________________________________ 40
5.1.1 General Signal Identification ___________________________________________________________ 40
5.1.2 Designation letter for the signal range/application (Standard / Overview)________________________ 41
5.2.1 Designation letter (signal range) ________________________________________________________ 42
5.2.2 Signal numbers for binary process signals (contacts) ________________________________________ 42
5.2.3 Signal numbers for limit values derived from analog process signals ___________________________ 42
6 EXPLANATIONS FOR HYDRO POWER PLANTS FROM VGB-D1 ______________________________ 44
6.1 IDENTIFICATION OF BREAKDOWN LEVEL 1 ________________________________________________________ 44
6.1.1 Identification mechanical ________________________________________________________________ 44
6.1.2 Identification electrical __________________________________________________________________ 56
6.2 IDENTIFICATION OF BREAKDOWN LEVEL 2 ________________________________________________________ 60
6.3 IDENTIFICATION OF BREAKDOWN LEVEL 3 ________________________________________________________ 63

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

erstellt am / created 2001-10-17 Dokumentenart / Document Type: DE-DOC
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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


The design of complex technical plants involves an enormous number of data to be exchanged
between the parties concerned. The identification of plant systems, sections and individual
components therefore has to be centralised for the whole plant.

The identification system provides a common language for the design and documentation of the
scope of work and services. Due to their complexity, modern power stations, where civil works,
mechanical- and electrical sections as well as electronic systems are related to each other,
require an identification system to avoid disagreement between the parties and unforeseeable
costs and time delays during construction.

The identification system KKS (Kraftwerks-Kennzeichen-System) represents a technological and

logical classification for modern power stations. All plant sections and components will be
identified on a system-related basis in order to satisfy the requirements of the manufacturer, plant
owner and operators as well as experts in view of design, erection, operation and maintenance.

KKS includes:

- Design and construction

- Verification
- Assembly
- Manufacturing
- Erection
- Acceptance
- Documentation
- Operation
- Maintenance
- Recruiting and replacement administration
- Outage statistics
- Plant accounting
- Industrial economics

The KKS identification system for power stations was developed by the KKS-workout involving
designers, plant operators and power authority members and was published in two sections by
the VGB-Verlag 1989:

- KKS-Guidelines
- KKS-Key

The 5th edition containing complements to the KKS-Key was published in 2003 by the
VGB-Verlag publishing house.
The indicated breakdown levels 1, 2, 3 in this document are those dated 2004.

The Explanations for Hydro Power Plants VGB-B 106 D1 from July 2004 are included
(see chapter 6).

The KKS in its characteristics will be based on IEC 81346, DIN EN 81346 and
DIN ISO/TS 16952-10.

The following information represents a general overview regarding the structure and use of KKS.
The KKS-Key given in part two will form a basic platform for KKS utilization for the sole internal
use of ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH for plants designed and executed by ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH.

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

erstellt am / created 2001-10-17 Dokumentenart / Document Type: DE-DOC
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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


2.1 Breakdown Levels

An individual identification code consists of a maximum of 4 breakdown levels:

Breakdown level 0: Total Plant

Breakdown level 1: Function Key
Breakdown level 2: Equipment Unit Key
Breakdown level 3: Component


Serial no. of 0 1 2 3
breakdown level
Example Block System Drive

The data characters are selected in accordance to the alphanumeric characters in the table

A Alphabetic characters (roman letters except I and O, and special symbols)

N Numerical characters (Arabic numerals)
() The use of these data characters will be fixed project specific by ANDRITZ HYDRO.

Breakdown level 0 1 2 3
Designation of G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN FN A1 A2 AN AN AN A3 B1 B2 BN BN
data character
Type of (A) (N) A A A N N A A N N N (A) A A N N
data character (N)

The data characters A have a bearing on classification. They are fixed in the KKS-Key.
Permitted changes or additions to the KKS-Key must be agreed by the parties concerned
and approved by ANDRITZ HYDRO-HYDRO.

The data characters N are used for counting. They are dependent on the project and will be

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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- Numbering starts new when one of the preceding code elements changes.

- Leading zeros must be written:

correct wrong

PAB10AA010 PAB10AA10

2.2 Breakdown level 0 TOTAL PLANT

0 1 2 3

(N) A A A N N A A N N N (A) A A N N

Describes the identification of all items of the power plant. Differentiation by A or N:

- Power station units

- Extensions or
- Non-unit-specific plants

This code is subject to agreement between the parties concerned with respect to:

- Type of data character

- Contents


Block Block Block Block

A B C free

Non-unit-specific plant N K

Breakdown level 0 may be omitted if the code remains unique throughout the plant.

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

2.3 Breakdown Level 1 FUNCTION KEY

0 1 2 3

(N) A A A N N A A N N N (A) A A N N

F0-(N) Prefix number

F0 numbering of similar units and plants in view of the entire plant e.g.
- several generator in a block
- general component

F1-A Main group

F2-A Group
F3-A Subgroup

F1-3 Classification fixed as per KKS-Key for:

- systems and plants
- points of installation, e.g. switchboards
- structures

FN-N Counting numbers:

- leading zeros must be written
- consecutive numbering or by groups
- numbering starts new if F1-3 changes

2.4 Breakdown Level 2 EQUIPMENT UNIT KEY

0 1 2 3

(N) A A A N N A A N N N (A) A A N N

A1-A Main group

A2-A Subgroup

A1-2 Classification fixed as per KKS-Key for:

- equipment units, apparatus
- electrical and instrumentation equipment
- measuring circuits and measuring conditioning
- points of installation, coordinates
- rooms, sections of structures

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

erstellt am / created 2001-10-17 Dokumentenart / Document Type: DE-DOC
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AN-N Counting numbers:

- leading zeros must be written
- consecutive numbering or by groups
- numbering starts anew if A1-2 changes

AN-A Additional character, additional to the counting number, used for:

- pilot valves
- multiple measuring circuits
- alternative identification for external limit switches
- multiple supplies for electric loads

2.5 Breakdown Level 3 COMPONENT KEY

0 1 2 3

(N) A A A N N A A N N N (A) A A N N

B1-A Main group

B2-A Subgroup

B1-2 Classification fixed for components:

- mechanical- or control components as per KKS-Key
- electrical components as per KKS-Key for B2; B1 is a hyphen (-)
- signal identification
- identification of documents, drawing identification for electrical and control

BN-N Counting numbers:

- leading zeros must be written
- specified at signal numbers
- specified at drawing identification

2.6 Notation of Breakdown Levels

The details of the application of the code will be fixed by ANDRITZ HYDRO. Their use for a
project must be observed exactly for each scope (in order to be electronically readable).

Caution: Some CAD programs are not able to process blank characters or line breaks.

- without spacing (ANDRITZ HYDRO standard):

0 1 2 3

- small spacing (special case):

0 1 2 3

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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- large spacing (special case):

0 1 2 3

- multiple-row notation (special case):

0 1
Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

2.7 Naming of the Breakdown Levels

The breakdown levels have up to 3 different names and each will be according to the

Breakdown level 0 1 2 3
Process-related Total Function Equipment Component
identification plant key key key
Point of installation Total Installation Installation
identification plant unit key space key
Location Total Structure Room key
identification plant key
Designation of G
F0 F1 F2 F3 FN FN A1 A2 AN AN AN A3 B1 B2 BN BN
data character
Type of (A)
(N) A A A N N A A N N N (A) A A N N
data character (N)

Process-related identification for:

- Sections of plant and devices, process-related
- Functions in electrical and control and instrumentation
- Functions in mechanical and civil

Point of installation identification for:

- Devices at units (switchboard, panel)
- Point at installation in rack (frame)

Location identification for:

- Structures (buildings, floors, levels)
- Rooms, fire zones

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

erstellt am / created 2001-10-17 Dokumentenart / Document Type: DE-DOC
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2.8 Prefixes
The naming and breakdown levels are distinguished by means of:

- Prefix symbols
- Breakdown symbols

Prefix symbols:

= Plant, mode of process

+ Location

- Electrical component

: Connection

The prefix symbols may be omitted if the information content remains unambiguous.

Breakdown symbols:

. Location

Location-identification before breakdown level 2 (point of installation).

2.9 ANDRITZ HYDRO Standard design

The spelling of the equipment designation will be with 3-rows according to standard,
whereby the second row is filled out only for cabinet designations.

Row 1: = Process-related identification with breakdown levels 0-2

Row 2: + Location with breakdown level 1, can be also with breakdown symbol
Row 3: Component key, process-related identification with breakdown level 3

The component keys are always counted up within a cubicle or a group of cubicles in
contrast to the standard.
The counting will not be restarted from 1 after a change of row 1.

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


3.1 Process-Related Identification

Breakdown level 0 1 2 3
Title of Total Function Equipment Component
Breakdown level plant key unit key key
Designation of
G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN FN A1 A2 AN AN AN A3 B1 B2 BN BN
data character
Type of (A)
(N) A A A N N A A N N N (A) A A N N
data character (N)
Electrical control
Equipment unit,
and engineering Apparatus,
Instrumentation Device,
and control Part of Manufacturing,
plant Installation
Mechanical plant Equipment unit
Engineering Component

Civil engineering Building

This type of naming is used in most applications, because the plant components and
electrical or control equipment will be addressed in a process- and system-related way.
This identification classifies the equipment and devices according to their task in the total

This block will use the prefix symbol "=".

3.2 Point of Installation-Identification

Breakdown level 0 1 2
Title of Total Installation unit Installation space
breakdown level plant key key
Designation of
G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN FN A1 A2 AN AN AN A3
data character
Type of data (A)
character + (N)
(N) A A A N N . A A N N N (A)
Electrical control
Switchboard Coordinate,
and engineering Total
Field Row,
Instrumentation and plant
Control desk Floor
control equipment

Between breakdown level 1 and 2 the prefix symbol "." (period) will be written.
The whole block will use the prefix symbol "+" (location).
Combination with breakdown level 3 (component) is possible.

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

erstellt am / created 2001-10-17 Dokumentenart / Document Type: DE-DOC
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3.3 Location Identification

Breakdown level 0 1 2
Title of Total Building Room
breakdown level plant code code
Designation of
G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN FN A1 A2 AN AN AN A3
data character
Type of data (A)
+ (N) A A A N N A A N N N (A)
character (N)
Total Building Room
Civil engineering
plant Floor, flat Section

This block will use the prefix symbol "+" (location).

3.4 Identification of Connections

This identification is with the prefix symbol ":" (colon).

There are 3 possibilities:

1. Identification after breakdown level 1:

Connection to cubicles or switchgears without declaration of point of installation
2. Identification after breakdown level 2:
Connection to cubicles with declaration of point of installation
3. Identification after breakdown level 3:
Connection to component

Breakdown level 0 1 2 3
Type of data character (N) A A A N N A A N N N (A) A A N N :N/A
Electrical control and
Equipment unit Device : Connect.
Instrumentation and Total
Plant, Cubicle, Field Coordinate, Floor : Connect.
control equipment plant

Mechanical engineering : Connect.

3.5 Identification of Signals

The process signals for electrical and control and instrumentation will be clearly defined in
breakdown level 3 as "signal key".
Using this, the exchange of signals between different parts of the plant will be facilitated
and the connections within circuit (signal) diagrams will be unambiguously tagged.

Breakdown level 0 1 2 3
Title of Total System Equipment Component
breakdown level plant key unit key key
Designation of
G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN FN A1 A2 AN AN AN A3 B1 B2 BN BN
data character
Type of (A)
(N) A A A N N A A N N N (A) A A N N
data character (N)
Equipment unit
Signal- Total Part of
C&I-range, Signal
code plant plant

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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Identification of signals in breakdown level 3:

Prefix in position B1 :
X ....... Signal origins - according to origins of defined signal application
Y ....... Signal application - according to application hierarchy defined
Z ....... according to origins and defined like X, logical combined or calculated.

Signal type in position B2 :

These data characters are generally fixed by ANDRITZ HYDRO.
Standard see chapter 5.1.

Counting number in positions BN :

Continuously number from 01 to 99.
For various signal types the running number shall be fixed.
Standard see chapter 5.1.

3.6 Identification of Cables

Identification: according KKS and VGB guidelines
The cable numbering is according to the combination of characters defined below.

Breakdown level 0 1 2
Title of Total Equipment unit Count number
breakdown level plant identification
Designation of
data character
Type of (A)
A A A N N - N N N N
data character (N)
Plant area of the
Cable identification cable of associated Count number
Example 1 C V A 0 1 - 4 0 0 1

Cable of the first strapping connector of the first machine with an operating voltage < 60V

The classifying part of the cable identification is defined by the both termination points at
the switchboards, whereby the function identification which is leading in alphabetical order
will prevail. From sub distributors to components, identification according to sub distribution
identification is possible.

The first position of the counting number of the resource indication serves the voltage level
for the classification

0001 - 0999 Power cables >1kV

1001 - 1999 Power cables <1kV
2001 - 2999 Control cables, Controlling >60V
3001 - 3999 Cables for measurement >60V
4001 - 9999 Cables for control and measurement <60V

Details of application 4001-9999 are subject to agreement between the parties to the

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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Example for cable number designation:

PLC Distribution Board 1CVA01




Counter 6kV Switchgear 400V MCC
1CFA02 0BBA01 0BJA02

C&I Junction box








Temperature sensor Drainage Cooling water Governor oil

pump pump pump
1MKA20CP902 0GMA10AP010 1PCB10AP010 1MEX10AP010

Identification: according KKS and VGB-guidelines

Assignment of cable identification is using breakdown level 2 (equipment key)

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3.7 Identification of Documents

Documents that will be supplied and are necessary for operation of the plant are:

- general technical documents

- electrical and control and instrumentation documents
- mechanical documents
- civil documents

For these documents, a separate identification will be provided.

This identification of documents serves to address a document and to define its location in
the whole documentation - regardless of the drawing numbers of the different

The documentation identification consists of 3 parts:

- Equipment identification: KKS-breakdown level 0-2

- Type of document key: classified by a combination of characters
- Counting number

3.8 Example of KKS application

The previous examples of KKS use give a general overview of the structure and main uses
of KKS.

Part A General KKS application commentaries

Part B Engineering discipline-specific application commentaries

B1 Mechanical engineering
B2 Civil engineering
B3 Electrical engineering and control and instrumentation
B4 Coding of process control and instrumentation

D1 Explanations for Hydro Power Plants see chapter 6

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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Example 3.8/1
Process related identification of power current and control and instrumentation

Grid and Distribution

A system
Power transmission and
B auxiliary power supply
Instrumentation and
C control equipment
Instrumentation and
D control equipment
Conventional fuel supply
E and residues disposal
Handling of nuclear
F equipment

G Water supply and disposal

Conventional heat
H generation

J Nuclear heat generation

K Reactor auxiliary system

Steam-, water-, gas-,
L cycles

M Main machine sets

Process energy supply for
N external users

P Cooling water supply

Q Auxiliary systems
Gas generation and
R treatment

S Ancillary systems

T Blocked

U Structures

V Blocked

W Renewable energy plants

X Heavy machinery

Y Blocked
Workshop and office
Z equipment

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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Example 3.8/2
Process related identification of control and instrumentation

Grid and Distribution

A system
Power transmission and
B auxiliary power supply
Instrumentation and
C control equipment
Instrumentation and
D control equipment
Conventional fuel supply
E and residues disposal
Handling of nuclear
F equipment

G Water supply and disposal

Conventional heat
H generation

J Nuclear heat generation

K Reactor auxiliary system

Steam-, water-, gas-,
L cycles

M Main machine sets

Process energy supply for
N external users

P Cooling water supply

Q Auxiliary systems
Gas generation and
R treatment

S Ancillary systems

T Blocked

U Structures

V Blocked

W Renewable energy plants

X Heavy machinery

Y Blocked
Workshop and office
Z equipment

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Example 3.8/3
Process related identification of control and instrumentation

Grid and Distribution

A system
Power transmission and
B auxiliary power supply
Instrumentation and
C control equipment
Instrumentation and
D control equipment
Conventional fuel supply
E and residues disposal
Handling of nuclear
F equipment

G Water supply and disposal

Conventional heat
H generation

J Nuclear heat generation

K Reactor auxiliary system

Steam-, water-, gas-,
L cycles

M Main machine sets

Process energy supply for
N external users

P Cooling water supply

Q Auxiliary systems
Gas generation and
R treatment

S Ancillary systems

T Blocked
V Blocked

W Renewable energy plants

X Heavy machinery

Y Blocked
Workshop and office
Z equipment

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Example 3.8/4
Process related identification of control and instrumentation

Grid and Distribution

A system
Power transmission and
B auxiliary power supply
Instrumentation and
C control equipment
Instrumentation and
D control equipment
Conventional fuel supply
E and residues disposal
Handling of nuclear
F equipment

G Water supply and disposal

Conventional heat
H generation

J Nuclear heat generation

K Reactor auxiliary system

Steam-, water-, gas-,
L cycles

M Main machine sets

Process energy supply for
N external users

P Cooling water supply

Q Auxiliary systems
Gas generation and
R treatment

S Ancillary systems

T Blocked

U Structures

V Blocked

W Renewable energy plants

X Heavy machinery

Y Blocked
Workshop and office
Z equipment

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Example 3.8/5
Identification of rooms

Grid and Distribution

A system
Power transmission and
B auxiliary power supply
Instrumentation and
C control equipment
Instrumentation and
D control equipment
Conventional fuel supply
E and residues disposal
Handling of nuclear
F equipment

G Water supply and disposal

Conventional heat
H generation

J Nuclear heat generation

K Reactor auxiliary system

Steam-, water-, gas-,
L cycles

M Main machine sets

Process energy supply for
N external users

P Cooling water supply

Q Auxiliary systems
Gas generation and
R treatment

S Ancillary systems

T Blocked

U Structures

V Blocked

W Renewable energy plants

Heavy machinery
Y Blocked
Workshop and office
Z equipment

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Example 3.8/6
Identification of piping systems

Counting of ropes and sections with 10-steps in FN.

31 32
10 30 30 50


Breakdown level 0 is assigned per unit.
It is the more flexible system, and our guideline.

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This example represents an exception, because breakdown level 0 is assigned plant

specific numbering (for example an existing plant)

Attention: be careful with identification numbers, dont forget to allow for spares!

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Example 3.8/7
Identification of control loops

Single control loop

Pressure control

CP001 PAB01

Control loop with combined control values

CP001 PCA10
General cooling Pressure control Secondary cooling
water PYA01DP001 water

For equipment comprising of more than one system, defined in F2 and F3, then Y will be
used in the relevant character designation.

Example: PAB PA..


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Example 3.8/8
Identification of measuring circuits

Example: Flow measurement MEX10CF001

Identification in breakdown level 3

Power house
UME17GZ001 Junction box
Valve block
MEX10CF001 KA01

Measuring transducer
drain lines

cote +17m

Main steam flow measurement in boiler house on level +17m

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Example: Temperature measurement MEX10CT001

Identification in breakdown level 3

Governor oil temperature measurement


pipe MEX10BR001

protective well MEX10CT001 QT01

thermocouple MEX10CT001 -B01

head mounted
MEX10CT001 -U01

cable MEX10-4001

ideal definition for instrument list

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Example 3.8/9
Identification with signal processing

Example: Identification of specific equipment

Control equipment: oil vapour exhaust = MEX11AN001

Equipment specific signal processing

Oil vapour exhaust 1

Control Automatic
equipment Interlock

& 1
o o o



MEX11AN001 M

If control and instrumentation equipment applies only for one unit (measuring, controlling,
safety interlocking), the processed signal will be designated with the identification of the

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Example 3.8/10 Identification at grid and auxiliary service supply systems

Example: Water power plant, conceptual flow diagram; Identification in breakdown level 1

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3.9 Registration in graphical symbols

Representation of C&I tasks according to DIN 19227

Output and operation-location:

Local Central Control Room Local Control Panel


MSR ..... C&I Function Code letter

KKS ...... KKS-number breakdown level 0, 1 and 2

MSR-code letter according to DIN 19227 and ISO 3511:


Character Additional character Supplementary character
Feedback signal to 1 (processing)

D Density D Difference A Alarm, Limit value

E Electrical value F Ratio C Closed loop control
F Flow Q Sum, Quantity E Sample, sensor function
G Position, Spacing, Length I Analog indicator
H Hand operation O Indication, binary, Yes/No
K Time R Recording
L Level S Interlock, Open loop control
M Humidity T Transmitter function
P Pressure V Positioner function
Q Quality (Analysis) Y Computing function
R Radiation Z Protection, Emergency stop
S Velocity, Frequency H High/Upper limit (or +)
T Temperature L Lower limit (or -)
U Combined Value / Middle value
V Viscosity
W Weight, Mass

The characters in position 3 must be written in the following order:


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Registration in graphical symbols

Remote sensing, temp. measurement
(Signal 4 20 mA to CCR; alarm
derived internal)

PI Local measurement
1MKV10CP501 Pressure gauge

QR Remote sensing, analysis

1MKV20CQ001 (Signal 4 20 mA to CCR, recorded)

PSAL Pressure switch

1MMH10CP301 (Binary signal to CCR)

1MMH10CP301 Pressure gauge with contact
PSAL (Local indication; binary signal to CCR)

1MKD20CL301 Local level indication with contact
LSAH (Local indication; signal to CCR)

Remote sensing, pressure transmitter

(Signal 4 20 mA to CCR for control
and recording)

Identification of instruments, tanks, pumps, etc. in flowcharts:

............... ..... KKS breakdown level 0 and 1

............... ..... KKS breakdown level 2
1MEX20 1MEX20 1MEX20
AA001 AP001 BB001

Governor oil- Governor oil- Governor oil-

Control valve pump tank

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3.10 Loops with multiple probes at one location

Multiple loops with one measurement location (transmitter) will be distinguished from each
other in the aggregate breakdown level by means of the supplementary character A3. This
applies to temperature measurements with dual thermocouples, flow measurements with
multiple probes as well as double secondary current transformers or voltage transformers
connected to loops.

Example: temperature measurement with dual thermocouples

Loop A

MEX10BR001 MEX10CT001

Loop B

Should a dual thermometer be used as a sensor, whereby only one connection is used
(second connection as spare), then only one loop number will be assigned and the
supplementary character A3 will not be used.

Example: loop with multiple probes





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3.11 Logical combination of loops

The general rule for logical combined signals is that the code of the signal to be processed,
and thus the physical measurement, will be retained as far as possible. Logical combination
of measurements of the same type (i.e. both pressure, multiple temperatures, etc.) will be
distinguished by a certain character, e.g. 9, in the position AN and keep the designation of
the physical measurement in the position A2 .

Example: Calculation of a temperature difference

CT011 CT012



When signals are used to limit or suppress a measurement value, the output signal of the
signal processing keeps the character designation of the original measurement and only the
first character of the component key will be changed from *X* to *Z*.

Example: Suppressed alarm

..... CP303 XG01 ..... AP001XB01

Pressure after Pump is ON
pump < min

10 0


..... CP303 ZG01

Alarm: Pressure after pump < min

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3.12 Identification of Loops

3.12.1 Identification of direct loops

Direct loops will be designated with *C* in the data character A1 in breakdown level
2. The position A2 corresponds to the measured physical value (e.g. pressure,
temperature) in accordance with DIN 19227.

In breakdown level 1, the loops are assigned the identification of the system of
which the loop is a part. In other words, the loop will be named after the system
where its measurement probe is located.

Example 3.12.1/1

System 1 System 2

CT001 CT002 M CF001 CP001


Medium-direction of flow

Example 3.12.1/2

Medium-direction of flow


MEX10CP001 MEX10CP002

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The measured physical value, and not the measuring principle, determines the data
character of position A2.

Loops for the same physical value within a given system (FN) should be assigned
increasing numbers according to material and energy flow. Should new loops be
added or loops deleted, the other existing loops should not be re-numbered.

Seeing that loops normally have a specifically assigned designation in the

equipment unit key (breakdown level 2), measurements on a given piece of
equipment will not be named after the equipment but after the loop. These include
level measurements on tanks, analog position measurements of valves, frequency
measurements, motor core temperatures, etc.

Example 3.12.1/3


CL012 M M

AA003 AP003

In this example there are loops for the individual components of the system. The
level measurement on the tank will not be named after the tank, but will be assigned
an individual loop designation. Similarly, the frequency and temperature
measurements on the pump motor are individual loops. The same applies to the
valve analog position measurement. By means of careful number assignment for
position AN, it is possible to retain the relationship to the equipment (e.g. valve
AA003 with positioning loop CG003).

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3.12.2 Identification of indirect loops

As on the contrary to direct loops, indirect loops are not used for the direct
measurement of a physical value, but used, in combination with other loops, for the
calculating and compensation of measurement values. The signal is not generated
directly from a process measurement using probes, but by mathematical calculation.
The resulting new signals represent new or different information.
In order to clearly differentiate these signals and their associated equipment from
the related direct process signals, the data character in position A1 will be assigned
*F* (indirect loop) instead of *C*. The data character 2 will be assigned a letter
according to its physical value (DIN 19227), as for the direct loops.

Example 3.12.2/1:
Pressure and temperature compensated flow measurement using the original
measured value

CP011 CF009 CT015


CF009 FF009

Example 3.12.2/2:
Temperature compensated flow measurement using multiple measurements in a 2
out of 3 configuration

CT002 2v3

Korrektur FF...

CF002 2v3

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Measured value processing of signals of different physical values will be assigned

*U* (logical combination of differing physical values) to data character A2.

Example 3.12.2/3:
Calculation of a value from 2 different physical values
e.g. enthalpy.


Example 3.12.2/4:
Calculation of a value from changing physical values
e.g. limiting curve

CP001 FP001


Example 3.12.2/5:
Calculation of a value from 2 different physical values, whereby one is a calculated
value and the other a direct measurement.
e.g. flow with mass compensation


CF001 FF001
f( x Q)

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Example 3.12.2/6:
Calculation of 2 output signals using a maximum selection from 2 groups of 3
measured values, which are obtained from a selection gate
e.g. dual line HP-steam system

... ...
2 out
of 3
MAX ... 00CP901A
2 out
of 3
... ...

2 out
of 3

MAX ... 00CP901B

2 out
of 3

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Example 3.12.2/7:
Calculation of an output signal using a selection, where a sum of signals takes
place beforehand. Each system contains a flow measurement with 3 transmitters
at one measurement point, with separate compensations, for the protection criteria
for the HP-steam flow of a dual line steam system.

MEX 10CT001

Compen- MEX10FF001A
sation MEX00FF001A


Compen- MEX10FF001B

MEX 10CT003

Compen- MEX10FF001C

MEX00FF001B 2 MEX00FF901
MEX20CT001 of 3

Compen- MEX20FF001A


Compen- MEX20FF001B

Compen- MEX20FF001C


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Example: Control element with limit switch for intermediate position

1. Identification for regulating actuator signals:

in breakdown level 2 (equipment unit key), numbering according to list, signal number
(not indicated on P&I-diagram)

2. Identification for external signals:

a) in breakdown level 2, numbering as for the valve, with supplementary data char. (A3):

A open (100%)
B closed (0%)
C 1. Intermediate position (e.g. 30%)
D 2. Intermediate position (etc.)
(The advantage here is, that the external limit switches can be easier referred to the valve,
and if there are more valves in the same system, no problems with numbering will occur.

b) or with individual KKS-identification, as below mentioned (standard solution):

1MEA10AA101 Feedback signals & 1st actuator control

-M01 commands (actuator internal signals)

Limit switch 100% 1MEA10AA101 XB01

Limit switch 0% 1MEA10AA101 XB02
Matic-type actuator, Torque switch open 1MEA10AA101 XB27
inching controlled M~ Torque switch close 1MEA10AA101 XB28
Remote/Local 1MEA10AA101 XB22/23
Common fault 1MEA10AA101 XB07
Command open 1MEA10AA101 YB01
Command close 1MEA10AA101 YB02

2nd external signal

(ext. field instruments)

G analog 0100% 1MEA10CG001 XQ01

G Limit switch 100% 1MEA10CG301 XG01

(or 1MEA10CG101A)
G Limit switch 30% 1MEA10CG303 XG03
(or 1MEA10CG101C)
G Limit switch 0% 1MEA10CG302 XG02
(or 1MEA10CG101B)


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Loop Numbering Assignment for Electrical Equipment:

Example: Generator leads

BAA10CE211A voltage L1 core 1

BAA10CE212A voltage L2 core 1
BAA10CE213A voltage L3 core 1

BAA10CE214B voltage L1/L2 core 2

BAA10CE215B voltage L2/L3 core 2
BAA10CE216B voltage L3/L1 core 2

BAA10CE111A current L1 core 1

2 A/B BAA10CE113A current L3 core 1

BAA10CE111B current L1 core 2

BAA10CE112B current L2 core 2
BAA10CE113B current L3 core 2

BAB10CE111A current L1 core 1

2 A/B BAB10CE112A current L2 core 1
BAB10CE113A current L3 core 1

BAB10CE111B current L1 core 2

BAB10CE112B current L2 core 2
BAB10CE113B current L3 core 2

BAB10CE210 voltage star point

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5.1 Signal identification

5.1.1 General Signal Identification

The component key is used to differentiate the various signals that are part of a
given system or piece of equipment.

Breakdown level 0 1 2 3
Title of breakdown level Total Plant Function Equipment Component
Designation of data characters B1 B2 BN
Type of data characters A A NN

Prefix X, Y or Z

Signal range


The letters X, Y and Z have the following meaning:

X Signal origins
Y Application signals
Z Gated signals

The signal ranges and applications are designated in the 2nd alphabetical data
character. The individual signal types and applications are designated in the
following 2 numerical data characters.
Seeing that the required guidelines for the signal designations of the equipment and
the application data characters are also dependent on the related documentation
technology, the following examples do not show signal designations that are valid
generally for all projects, but can be used basically or shall be used if there is no
other standard available. The manufacturer-specific guidelines must be referred to,
and implemented for each project individually.

The signal designation of the individual derived process values and C&I signals are
fixed by the ANDRITZ HYDRO Standard. Exceptions allowed only by permission of

The following examples illustrate the ANDRITZ HYDRO Standard guidelines.

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5.1.2 Designation letter for the signal range/application (Standard / Overview)

Signal binary
Definition X Y Z
B1+B2 analog
XA/YA Functional group control and/or subloop control binary XA YA
XB/YB Open-loop control for drive & breaker interfaces binary XB YB
XC/YC Closed loop control, controller feedback (no field) signals binary XC YC
XD Free for use by ANDRITZ HYDRO
XE Free for use by ANDRITZ HYDRO
XF Free for use by ANDRITZ HYDRO
XG/YG Binary process signals (incl. conditioning if necessary) binary XG YG
XH Binary limit signals derived from analog process signals binary XH
XJ/YJ Black-Box signals or signals from non-standard areas anlg/bin XJ YJ
XK Equipment unit & component protection binary XK
XL/YL Control room & operator desk signals (e.g. push-button) binary XL YL
XM Static individual & group process alarm signals binary XM
XN Criteria computer system signals (please do not use) anlg/bin XN
XP/YP Process computer system signals (joint control) anlg/bin XP YP
XQ/YQ Analog process signals (XQ from field, YQ to field) analog XQ YQ
XR/YR Closed loop control, controller signals (no field signals) analog XR YR
XS Sequence steps (no field signals) binary XS
XT/YT Special signals from turbine control binary XT YT
XU Dynamic individual & group alarm signals binary XU
XV/YV/ZV Gated signals for protective logic & alarm logic binary XV YV ZV
XW/YW Hardwired alarm annunciation system (please do not use) binary XW YW
_X Blocked
_Y Blocked
_Z Free for use by ANDRITZ HYDRO binary XZ YZ ZZ

Blocked = for future uniform guidelines

Caution: Manufacturer hardware-related deviations are permitted

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5.2 Binary signals (contacts) and limit values from signal conditioning

5.2.1 Designation letter (signal range)

G = contact (binary process signal incl. conditioning for contacts)
H = limit value (derived from analog measurement signals)

5.2.2 Signal numbers for binary process signals (contacts)

Most of the binary process signals (contacts) are signals from field instruments as
-limit switches
-pressure switches
-temperature switches
-level switches
with only one contact. Each instrument will have an individual KKS-Number.
The contact/signal from each field instrument will get therefore the same signal
XG01 for normally open-contact, and
XG51 for normally close-contact.

For field instruments with tandem (or triple) switches with same limit value, we
XG01/51 for the first switch
XG11/61 for the second switch
XG21/71 for the third switch

For field instruments with two (or more) switches with individual limit value, we
odd-numbers for high-limit values, even-numbers for low-limit values:
XG01/51 for the high-limit value
XG02/52 for the low-limit value
XG03/53 for the high/high-limit value
XG04/54 for the low/low-limit value
XG05/55 for the high/high/high-limit value
XG06/56 for the low/low/low-limit value

5.2.3 Signal numbers for limit values derived from analog process signals
The analog process signal will have normally the signal code XQ01 for standard
The derived binary limit values will be produced internal in the DCS/PLC, standard
as follows:
odd-numbers for high-limit values, even-numbers for low-limit values:
XH01/51 for the high-limit value
XH02/52 for the low-limit value
XH03/53 for the high/high-limit value
XH04/54 for the low/low-limit value
XH05/55 for the high/high/high-limit value
XH06/56 for the low/low/low-limit value

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Example 5.1.1/1:
Signal designation for a ultrasonic level sensor with signal converter

LA2H XG03 >10m >high/high

XG53 <10m <high/high

LSH XG01 >8m >high

XG51 <8m <high

normal NO/NC
input signal code limit value
level contacts

LSL XG02 <3m <low

XG52 >3m >low

LSA2L XG04 <1m <low/low

XG54 >1m >low/low


Example 5.1.1/2:
Level signals derived from an analog level transmitter signal:

XH03 >10m
XH53 <10m

XH01 >8m
XH51 <8m
L XQ01

I <low
XH02 <3m
XH52 >3m

XH04 <1m
XH54 >1m

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In this section in the special hydro-electric power plants are processed.

It is dealt with the different machine types and their demarcations, as well as on their auxiliaries.
These suggestions can deviate however from the ANDRITZ HYDRO standard slightly.

6.1 Identification of breakdown level 1

6.1.1 Identification mechanical

Identification of machine sets (M _ _ )

Water turbine plants (ME_)

o Kaplan turbine (ME_)

MEA10 Spiral case, draft tube including stay vanes

MEA20 Wicket gate including all operating mechanisms
MEA30 Runner including all operating mechanisms
MEA40 Shaft
MEA50 Turbine brake system
MED10 Turbine thrust bearing or combined thrust guide bearing
MED20 Turbine guide bearing
MKA10 Generator

If there is a common oil supply system for generator and turbine bearings must it with
MV_ be designated.
The shaft can be assigned to the turbine or the generator, whereby the coupling makes a
demarcation possible. In addition, it is to be taken on the structural condition

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Identification of non-electric control and protection equipment (MEX)

A separate scheme for this system is established in the number sequence since a
Kaplan turbine with runner and wicket gate requires many identification details.

MEX10 Pressure oil supply system for runner and wicket gate control
MEX20 Wicket gate control
MEX30 Runner blade control
MEX50 Brake control
MEX60 Pressure oil generation and control of upper water stop valve
MEX70 Safety equipment for the turbine and emergency shutdown equipment

The connecting flanges to the servomotor constitute the interfaces between the control
and governor system MEX and the turbine MEA or the upper water stop valve MEB.

Identification of electric control and protection equipment (MEY)

Also is here the identification in the number sequence.

MEY10 Turbine governor

MEY20 Automatic start and stop sequence
MEY40 Separate speed detection and evaluation
MEY70 Turbine protection (such as emergency shutdown sequence)

Identification as C _ _ can also be selected where an overall control task is concerned

which contains a number of individual tasks.

The electric connection to the servo valve constitutes the interface between the control
and protection equipment MEY and the turbine MEA or its hydraulic governor system
MEX. The identification of the coil is therefore MEX.

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o Francis turbine (ME_)

Because the constructional structure differs to the Kaplan turbine strongly, its own
number structuring is specified.

MEA10 Turbine inlet and outlet, spiral case including drainage system (Where a
distinction is to be made between the inlet end and outlet end, MEA11 is
used for the inlet and MEA15 for the draft tube selection).
MEA20 Wicket gate
MEA30 Runner
MEA40 Turbine shaft
MEA50 Turbine brake system
MEB10 Main inlet valve in turbine inlet including bypass
MEB20 Shutoff valve in turbine outlet
MED10 Turbine thrust bearing or combined thrust guide bearing
MED20 Turbine guide bearing
MKA40 Generator shaft

Identification of non-electric control and protection equipment (MEX)

A identification scheme for the control and governor equipment for Francis turbines is
analogous to that of Kaplan turbines.

MEX10 Pressure oil supply system for wicket gate control

MEX20 Wicket gate control
MEX50 Brake control
MEX60 Pressure oil generation and control of upper water stop valve
MEX70 Safety equipment for the turbine and emergency shutdown equipment

The connecting flanges to the servomotor constitute the interfaces between the control
and governor system MEX and the turbine MEA or the upper water stop valve MEB.

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o Pelton turbine (ME_)

Also for the Pelton turbine its own number structuring is specified.

MEA10 Turbine inlet manifold and housing (Where a distinction is to be made

between the inlet end and outlet end, MEA11 is used for the inlet and
MEA15 for the outlet).
MEA20 Injectors and deflectors
MEA30 Runner
MEA40 Turbine shaft
MEA50 Turbine brake system
MEB10 Main inlet valve (spherical valve) including bypass
MED10 Turbine thrust bearing

Identification of non-electric control and protection equipment (MEX)

A identification scheme for the control and governor equipment for Pelton turbines is
analogous to that of Kaplan turbines.

MEX10 Pressure oil supply system for injector and deflector control
MEX20 Injector control
MEX30 Deflector control
MEX50 Brake control
MEX60 Pressure oil generation and control of upper water stop valve
MEX70 Safety equipment for the turbine and emergency shutdown equipment

The connecting flanges to the servomotor constitute the interfaces between the control
and governor system MEX and the turbine MEA or the upper water stop valve MEB.

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o Pump turbine plants (MF_)

In pump turbine plants one runner combines the functions of pump and turbine.

MFA10 Turbine inlet and outlet, spiral case including drainage system (Where a
distinction is to be made between the inlet end and outlet end, MFA11 is
used for the inlet and MFA15 for the draft tube selection).
MFA20 Wicket gate
MFA30 Runner
MFA40 Turbine shaft
MFA50 Turbine brake system
MFB10 Main inlet valve (spherical valve) inlet including bypass
MFD10 Turbine thrust bearing or combined thrust guide bearing
MFD20 Turbine guide bearing
MFM10 Starting device (starting turbine or electric starting device)

Identification of non-electric control and protection equipment (MFX)

A identification scheme for the control and governor equipment for Pump turbines is
analogous to that of Francis turbines.
MFX10 Pressure oil supply system for wicket gate control
MFX20 Wicket gate control
MFX50 Brake control
MFX60 Pressure oil generation and control of upper water stop valve
MFX70 Safety equipment for the turbine and emergency shutdown equipment
The connecting flanges to the servomotor constitute the interfaces between the control
and governor system MFX and the turbine MFA or the upper water stop valve MFB.

Identification of electric control and protection equipment (MFY)

Also is here the identification in the number sequence.
MFY10 Pump turbine governor
MFY20 Automatic start and stop sequence
MFY40 Speed detection mounted on the shaft
MFY70 Turbine protection (such as emergency shutdown sequence)
Identification as C _ _ can also be selected where an overall control task is concerned
which contains a number of individual tasks.
The electric connection to the servo valve constitutes the interface between the control
and protection equipment MFY and the turbine MFA or its hydraulic governor system
MFX. The identification of the coil is therefore MFX.
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o Storage pump plant (MG_)

Storage pumps in storage pump plants serve to pump the water from the lower reservoir
of the plant back to the upper reservoir or to the water impounding system.

Pumping stations and admixture equipment are classified as LNF

MGA10 Pump inlet, housing and pump outlet (Where a distinction is to be made
between the inlet end and outlet end, MGA11 is used for the inlet and
MGA15 for the draft tube selection).
MGA20 Wicket gate
MGA30 Runner
MGA40 Shaft
MGA50 Mechanical brake system for the pump
MGB10 Main inlet valve in upperwater system
MGB20 Main inlet valve in underwater system (draft tube valve)
MGD10 Thrust bearing or combined thrust guide bearing
MGD20 Guide bearing
MGK10 Hydraulic converter
MGM10 Starting device (starting turbine or electric starting device)

The numbering of MGK and MGM shall have the same systematic of identification as for
the associated main machine set.

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Identification of non-electric control and protection equipment (MGX)

A identification scheme for the control and governor equipment for Storage pump is
analogous to that of Francis turbines.

MGX10 Pressure oil supply system for wicket gate control

MGX20 Wicket gate control
MGX50 Brake control
MGX60 Pressure oil generation and control of upper water stop valve and draft
tube valve
MGX70 Safety equipment for the turbine and emergency shutdown equipment
MGX80 Converter control

The connecting flanges to the servomotor constitute the interfaces between the control
system MGX and the pump MGA or the upper water stop valve MGB.

Identification of electric control and protection equipment (MGY)

Also is here the identification in the number sequence.

MGY10 Storage pump control

MGY20 Automatic start and stop sequence
MGY40 Speed detection mounted on the shaft
MGY70 Storage pump protection (such as emergency shutdown sequence)

Identification as C _ _ can also be selected where an overall control task is concerned

which contains a number of individual tasks.

The electric connection to the servo valve constitutes the interface between the control
and protection equipment MGY and the pump MGA or its hydraulic control system MGX.
The identification of the coil is therefore MFX.

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Generator system (MK_)

The generator is identified as a functionally independent entity. The interface between

generator and turbine cannot be established unequivocally since it is in turn governed by the
physical configuration of the machine set.

The ANDRITZ HYDRO standard deviates here from the VGB Guideline.

The reason is a standardisation of many years in the generator division.

The VGB Guideline identify as follows:

MKA10 Generator frame with stator MKB10 Electrical brake system
MKA20 Generator rotor MKC10 Excitation system
MKA30 All integral air cooling equipment MKD10 Generator thrust bearing or combined thrust guide bearing
MKA40 Shaft MKD20 Generator guide bearing
MKA50 Mechanical brake system MKF10 Generator cooling system water
MKA60 Brush dust removal system MKG10 Generator cooling system gas

The ANDRITZ HYDRO standard identify as follows:

MKA10 Generator rotor
MKA20 Stator winding
MKA30 Stator core
MKA40 Shaft
MKA60 Brush dust removal system
MKA80 Stator Cooling
MKA81 Stator Hot Air
MKA82 Stator Cold Air
MKA90 Brake / Lifting system
MKA91 Braking
MKA92 Lifting
MKC10 Excitation system
MKD20 Upper bearing
MKD30 Lower bearing
MKF10 Generator cooling system - Water
MKF20 Cooling water Upper Bearing
MKF30 Cooling water Lower Bearing

Motor generator system (ML_)

For identification of motor generators the same identification scheme is used as for the
generator, only the letter _K_ is changed to _L_.

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Identification of hydraulic main systems (L _ _ )

Water impounding works (LN_)

The following equipment and systems that serve to collect and store water are part of the
water impound works.
These cover:
Water intake, small water inflows, ponds, reservoirs, associated trash/fish barriers, pump
systems, dams with spillway and drainage systems, weir systems including auxiliary systems
and fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment.

Intake and headwater system (LP_)

All equipment and systems for shutting off and conducting the headwater from including the
intake rake to excluding the main inlet valve of the main machine set.
These cover:
Trash rack and rack cleaning system, gates, shut off valves and butterfly valves, piping and
penstock system systems including auxiliary systems and fluid supply systems for control
and protection equipment.

Tail race and tail water system (LQ_)

All equipment and systems for shutting off and conducting the tailwater from including the
tube valves of the machine set or including the outlet from the turbine to excluding the
underwater impound works or subsequent barrage.
These cover:
Sluice gate flaps, cleaning systems for pump operation, culvert systems and surge tanks
including auxiliary systems and fluid supply systems for control and protection equipment.

Combined systems (LS_)

In addition belongs to the Penstock drain system and the machine drain system.
Remark: The leakage water collection and drainage system is identified as GM_

LNA Headrace system

LNC Dam, weir system
LPA Rake and rake cleaning system
LPB Isolating equipment
LPC Piping and penstock system
LQA Tailwater piping system
LQC Isolating equipment
MEA Water turbine
MKA Generator plant
SHA Upstream canal
SHB Lock chamber
SHC Upper lock chamber gate
SHE Lower lock chamber gate
SHF Downstream canal

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Identification of cooling water systems (P _ _ )

Main cooling system (PA_)

For the entire cooling water system of a hydroelectric power plant the designation scheme is
used according the type of cooling water supply.

The individual systems are differentiated again in the number sequence, whereby a
partitioning in the last character of the number sequence can be done.

PAA10 Extraction, supply and cleaning

PAB00 Piping system to excl. branch off other systems
PAB10 Individual system transformer
PAB20 Individual system generator
PAB30 Individual system turbine/pump-turbine
PAB40 Individual system storage pump
PAC10 Pump system

The limit is the inlet / outlet of the cooler of the respective cooling system. Thus the cooler is
assigned to the transformer for example.

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Identification of auxiliary systems (Q _ _ )

The air production divides into the group of compressed air and control air.
Compressed air serves the out blowing of the turbine and draft tube for the condenser
operation and control air for control of various components.

Compressed Air (QE_)

Control Air (QF_)

Where only one air compressor system is used for more than one task in a power plant, it is
identified as QE_.

Where a common compressor generates the control air and stationary compressed air (SC_)
it is identified as QF_

The compressed air system encompasses the connection to the user or his fitting.

The compressors for air replenishment of air-oil pressure tanks in governor oil systems are
identified as MEX, MFX and MGX according to the originator principle.

QEA10 Central water depression (blow down) air generation

QEB00 Central water depression (blow down) air distribution
QEB10 Individual system 1
QEB20 Individual system 2
QFA10 Central air generation
QFA00 Central air distribution
QFB10 Individual system 1
QFB20 Individual system 2
SCA10 Stationary compressed air generation (tool)
SCB00 Stationary compressed air distribution (tool)
SCB10 Individual system 1
SCB20 Individual system 2
MEG10 Turbine stabilized air system from incl. air compressor to incl. outlet to turbine
MEL10 Turbine water depression (blow down) air supply system from incl. air
compressor to incl. outlet to turbine
MFG10 Pump turbine stabilized air system from incl. air compressor to incl. outlet to
MFL10 Pump turbine water depression (blow down) air supply system from incl. air
compressor to incl. outlet to turbine
MGG10 Storage pump stabilized air system from incl. air compressor to incl. outlet to
MGL10 Storage pump water depression (blow down) air supply system from incl. air
compressor to incl. outlet to turbine

The compressed air systems are in the power plants very differently developed however
should this numbering system be kept.

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Identification of water supply and disposal systems (G _ _ )

Raw water supply (GA_)

Drinking water supply (GK_)
Process drainage system (GM_)
Process drains treatment system (GN_)

Here will given by the VGB the only following marking, all other ranges are project-
specifically after the KKS key to be specified.

GML10 Dam seepage (leakage) water system

GMM10 Turbine building seepage (leakage) water system
GNB10 Filtering and cleaning system

The drainage systems for headrace tunnel (penstock) and machine set are identified
as LSL and LSM respectively.

Identification of ancillary systems (S _ _ )

Ancillary systems are not direct service to the process in hydro power plants and by the VGB are
not continued to give. They are sufficiently defined in the KKS key.

Heating, ventilation air conditioning system (SA_)

Stationary air supply (SC_)
Fire protection systems (SG_)
Waterway facilities (SH_)
Cranes (SM_)
Elevators (SN_)
Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and staff amenities (ST_)

Identification of heavy machinery(X _ _ )

Emergency diesel engine plant (XJ_)

Emergency generator plant (XK_)

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6.1.2 Identification electrical

Identification of grid and distribution systems (A _ _ )

Grid and distribution systems are switchyards which transmit the electric power supplied by the
power plant to the grid. They start from the high voltage side of the machine transformer and
contain circuit breakers, disconnectors, earthing switches, surge voltage protectors, installation
units as well as transformers and inductors including the auxiliary systems such as compressed
air supply, protection and control systems.
The following rules and recommendations have to observed for this purpose.
The process related sections of high voltage switchgear are identical to the switchgear
Bus couplers and busbar metering panels should be identified in the numbering section
as 00.
If distinctions necessarily for busbar systems (double busbar) are like that should these
done in the number block.

1ADA10 230kV system section machine 1

2ADA10 230kV system section machine 2
0ADA21 230kV system section line 1
0ADA22 230kV system section line 2
0ADA00 230kV system busbar coupling
0ADA01 230kV system busbar system 1
0ADA02 230kV system busbar system 2
0ADA30 230kV system section 66kV supply
0AFA31 66kV system section line 3
0AFA32 66kV system section station service
1BAT10 Main transformer unit 1
2BAT10 Main transformer unit 2
0BCT30 Start up transformer
0BFT32 Main auxiliary transformer

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Identification of power transmission (BA _ )

All installations from excluding the generator terminal to excluding the high voltage side of the
generator transformer are part of the power transmission.
These cover:
Generator leads including neutral, earthing switch, brake disconnector, surge voltage
protector, measuring transducer, earth fault reactors and auxiliary cabinets.
Generator circuit breaker including auxiliary systems and cabinets.
Generator transformer including cooling unit and cabinets

The ANDRITZ HYDRO standard deviates here from the VGB Guideline.

The reason is a standardisation of many years in the generator division.

The VGB Guideline identify as follows:

The generator leads should be subdivided into subsystems and a decadic numbering in ascending order
should be used from excluding the neutral in direction of the generator transformer.
With single pole leads the outer contactor may be identified in the units place.
The interfaces between subsystems should be established according to the devices installed in the leads.

The ANDRITZ HYDRO standard identify as follows:

1BAA10 Generator busduct

1BAB10 Generator neutral
1BAC10 Generator switchgear
1BAT10 Generator transformer
1MKA10 Generator
1MKC10 Excitation

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Identification of low voltage distributions (BF_ till BR_ )

These function levels are not described in the VGB 106 D1.
The KKS standard key is to be used as already shown in the example 3.8/10.

Identification of battery systems (BT_ )

The VGB does without this function level. This is explained in the next paragraph. ANDRITZ
HYDRO uses however these, because it does not follow the recommendation of the VGB but
follows the KKS key (see example 3.8/10).

Identification of DC systems (BU_, BV_ )

The ANDRITZ HYDRO standard deviates here from the VGB Guideline.
The VGB Guideline identify as follows:
A separate function level BT_ for batteries and battery chargers is not included. An interdisciplinary code
BU_ for the 220VDC system and BV_ for the 24VDC system is recommended so that the functional
correlation of the components of a grid system becomes apparent in the identifier, too.

Due to use of many years of standard KKS key with ANDRITZ HYDRO extensions for further
voltage levels (110VDC and 48VDC) is not converted this recommendation. (see example 3.8/10)

Identification of protection equipment

The individual protective functions are generally assigned to the unit which can be protected.
Where a higher level protection equipment, which encompasses various units, is to be identified,
the classification may be selected from key part C_ _.
CH_ generally identifies cubicles for protection equipment.

MKY, MLY Generator protection (e.g. over current, over voltage, impedance, earth fault)
MKC, MLC Excitation protection (e.g. over excitation, under excitation)
B_T Transformer protection (e.g. differential protection, Buchholz protector)
A_ _ Busbar differential protection
MY_, CHA Unit differential protection
U_ _ Security services (e.g. burglary)
CYE Fire alarm system
SG_ Stationary fire protection system

Identification of phase switches

The phase switch is classified as BAC in the same manner as the generator circuit breaker.

BAC10 Generator circuit breaker

BAC20 Phase switch

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Identification control and engineering equipment (C_ _ )

Only super-ordinate systems or several systems are grouped in the function level of "C _ _". If it
is a single function control than it is denominated according to their function.

Typical are:
MEY10DG100 Opening control
MEY10DE100 Load control
MEY10DS100 Speed control
LNY10DF100 Discharge control
MYB10EY100 Protective functions (turbine and generator on mechanical failures)
BYA10 Open loop control for auxiliary power supply and emergency power supply
CBP10 Synchronization
LNA10DL100 Level control

The control is usually realized over programmable systems, which contain more than one
function. Further belong to also diagnostic and monitoring systems as well as operating and
monitoring functions.

It is to differentiate whether the control is cabinet-oriented or bus-oriented denominated. The

ANDRITZ HYDRO used so far the cabinet-oriented denominating. In the VGB D1 guideline now
also the bus-oriented denominating is recommended ("CR_"). This function level is at the
moment not in the ANDRITZ HYDRO KKS key available and if necessary to be inquired. This
denomination is often not clearly to be classified due to the multiple functions.

The function levels are documented in the ANDRITZ HYDRO KKS sufficiently.

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6.2 Identification of breakdown level 2

The technical equipment e.g. aggregates are classified and numbered here.

Identification of subassemblies of the machinery (H_ )

The wicket gates are subassemblies of the turbine casing and are identified as HA
The runner blades are assigned to the runner and therefore they are classified as HB

MEA20HA010 MEA20HA180 Guide vanes

MEA20AS010 MEA20AS020 Servomotor
MEA20AS100 Operating ring

The runner is identified in the same manner as the wicket gate.

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

Identification of valves (AA) and pipings (BR)

There are different starting points possible.

The ANDRITZ HYDRO standard committed itself to the equipment structure and have these very
exactly standardized. The VGB guideline however classify it on a functional structure. Thus this
structure cannot be converted.
The ANDRITZ HYDRO standard deviates here from the VGB Guideline.
The VGB Guideline identify as follows:
AA 001199 Valves in pipings
AA 301399 Valves in measuring circuits (if an identification is required)
AA 401499 Valves in drainage, discharge and flushing pipings
AA 501599 Valves in vent pipings
AA 601699 Valves in sampling pipes
AA 701799 Safety valves
BR 001199 Pipings in general
BR 301399 Measuring pipings (if an identification is required)
BR 401499 Drainage, discharge and flushing pipings
BR 501599 Vent pipings
BR 601699 Sampling pipes
BR 701799 Safety valve pipings

The ANDRITZ HYDRO numberings are shown in the breakdown level 2.

Main piping including the associated valves are numbered in decade steps.
Decade steps take places if the functional group is changed. See example 3.8/6

Secondary piping are numbered sequentially to the main devices (decade). If subordinated
devices are present such as pilot valves, these can be denominated also after the main
aggregate with an additional letter such as AA011A.

Identification of electrical equipment (G_ )

Switchgear assemblies

The denomination is here aligned to the function of the switchgears.

The ANDRITZ HYDRO standard partly deviates here from the VGB Guideline.

ANDRITZ HYDRO uses for a group only the third digit during the VGB all three digits use.

The VGB Guideline identify as follows:

GS 0 0 0
0 Low voltage switching device 1 Busbar 1 Number of poles
1 Circuit breaker 2 Busbar 2
2 Disconnector 3 Busbar 3
3 Load switch 4 Busbar 4
6 Earthing switch 6 Bypass busbar
8 Converter switch 7 Auxiliary busbar
9 Line

The ANDRITZ HYDRO numberings are shown in the breakdown level 2.

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The single line shall once again clarify the ANDRITZ HYDRO standard.

Transformation equipment (transformer winding)

The following numbering system is only important if the transformer windings are to be
differentiated. The transformer is according to standard with GT 100 to denominate.

If differentiated between higher and lower voltage side the higher voltage side with 100 and the
lower voltage side with 200 are to be denominated.

Is it however a multi-winding transformer with same voltage level by 210 and 220, with different
by 200 and 300 are to be denominated.

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Identification of not electrical measuring circuits (C_ )

Here is also a difference to the VGB guideline


001 ff analog 001099 analog
301 ff binary 101199 binary
401 ff testing
501 ff local 301399 local
901 ff virtual 901999 virtual

See also in breakdown level 2

Multiple tapping points of measuring circuits is shown in example 3.10

Identification of electrical measuring circuits (CE)

The numbering system is alike up to the frequency measuring (VGB 401-499).

001099 Combined measuring

101199 Current measuring
201299 Voltage measuring
301399 Power, resistance, impedance, etc.
501599 Frequency measuring
601699 Earth fault, phase failure
900999 combined calculated measurements

See also in breakdown level 2

6.3 Identification of breakdown level 3

Component code

The identification divides between electrical and non electric components. Electrical components
have a minus in the first digit.
Normally two digits for the numbering are used. If necessary it can extended however by one
The remaining defaults are sufficiently described in the breakdown level 3.

Signal code

The structure of the signal code is in chapter 3.5, the exact explanation and the ANDRITZ
HYDRO standard is represented with examples in chapter 5.

The letter combinations (chapter 5.1.2) of the ANDRITZ HYDRO standard deviate not from the
VGB guideline, but are only partly more detailed. Likewise the number block in chapter 5.2
respectively in the breakdown level 3.

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General Electrics, a partner of ANDRITZ HYDRO, uses ANSI (American National Standard
Institute) as identification system for power plant components. ANSI is a common used
identification system in the United States. To define control and instrumentation interfaces
between GE scope of supply and ANDRITZ HYDRO the GE-identification code is integrated.
Consumer and signal codes are integrated as follows:


Breakdown level 0 1
Type of (A) (N) _ (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
data character (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N)

Here breakdown level 0 and breakdown level 1 with the numbering of units, main group and
group are indicated. The GE-ANSI code (maximum 10 characters), which is split by an
underscore, is added to the KKS.


WT1 Governor oil pump


Breakdown level 0 1
Type of 1 1 _ 8 8 H Q - 1
data character

Signal code
WT1 Governor oil pump running


Breakdown level 0 1
Type of 1 1 _ 8 8 H Q - 1
data character

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Part II: KKS Master List

Function Key (Breakdown level 1) 66
Main Groups:
A Grid and distribution systems
B Power transmission and auxiliary power supply
C Instrumentation and control equipment
G Water supply and disposal
L Steam, water, gas cycles
M Main machine sets
P Cooling water systems
Q Auxiliary systems
S Ancillary systems
U Structures
X Heavy machinery (not main machine sets)
Z Workshop and office equipment

Equipment Unit Key (Breakdown level 2) 100

Main Groups:
A Mechanical equipment
B Mechanical equipment
C Direct measuring circuits
D Closed loop control circuits
E Analog and binary signal conditioning
F Indirect measuring circuits
G Electrical, Instruments and Control equipment
H Subassemblies of main and heavy machinery

Component Key (Breakdown level 3) 112

Main Groups:
- Electrical components
K Mechanical components
M Mechanical components
Q Instrumentation and control components
X Signal origins
Y Signal applications
Z Gated signals

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Function Key (Breakdown level 1)

Text Remark
AB > 420 kV-Systems > 420 kV-Systems
ABA > 420 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
ABB > 420 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
AC 380 (-420) kV-Systems 380 (-420) kV-Systems
ACA 380 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
420 kV-System
ACB 380 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
420 kV-System
AD 220 (-245) kV-Systems 220 (-245) kV-Systems
ADA 220 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
245 kV-System
ADB 220 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
245 kV-System
AE 110 (-150) kV-Systems 110 (-150) kV-Systems
AEA 110 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
150 kV-System
AEB 110 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
150 kV-System
AF 60 (-72) kV-Systems 60 (-72) kV-Systems
AFA 60 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
72 kV-System
AFB 60 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
72 kV-System
AG 45 (-50) kV-Systems 45 (-50) kV-Systems
AGA 45 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
50 kV-System
AGB 45 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
50 kV-System
AH 30 (-35) kV-Systems 30 (-35) kV-Systems
AHA 30 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
35 kV-System
AHB 30 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
35 kV-System
AJ 20 (-25) kV-Systems 20 (-25) kV-Systems
AJA 20 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
25 kV-System
AJB 20 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
25 kV-System
AK 10 (-15) kV-Systems 10 (-15) kV-Systems
AKA 10 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
15 kV-System
AKB 10 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
15 kV-System
AL 6 (5) kV-Systems 6 (5) kV-Systems
ALA 5 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
6 kV-System
ALB 5 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
6 kV-System

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AM 1-(3) kV-Systems 1-(3) kV-Systems

AMA 1 kV-System Unit 1, busbar 1
3 kV-System
AMB 1 kV-System Unit 2, busbar 2
3 kV-System
AN < 1 kV-Systems < 1 kV-Systems
ANA 500V Three-phase-system Low voltage switchgear 500-1000V, Three-phase
660V Three-phase-system alternating current
ANB 400V Three-phase-system Low voltage switchgear <500V, Three-phase
380V Three-phase-system alternating current
ANE 220V Alternative voltage switchgear Low voltage switchgear 220V, single phase
alternating current
ANF 110V Alternative voltage switchgear Low voltage switchgear 110V, single phase
alternating current
ANK 220V Direct voltage switchgear Direct voltage switchgear 220V
ANM 110V Direct voltage switchgear Direct voltage switchgear 110 / or 125V
125V Direct voltage switchgear
ANQ 60V Direct voltage switchgear Direct voltage switchgear 60 / or 48V
48V Direct voltage switchgear
ANU 24V Direct voltage switchgear Direct voltage switchgear 24 / or 12V
12V Direct voltage switchgear
AP Desk Desks
APA Desk Desk 1
Control desk
Main control desk
APB Desk Desk 2
Control desk
Main control desk
AQ Measuring and metering equipment Measuring and metering equipment
AQA Measuring equipment Equipment for measuring, metering 1
Metering equipment
AQB Measuring equipment Equipment for measuring, metering 2
Metering equipment
AR Protection equipment Protection equipment
ARA Protection equipment Protection equipment (free for use)
ARB Protection equipment Protection equipment (free for use)
AS Board Board and cabinets de-distributed
ASA Circuit breaker control board Circuit breaker appurtenances
ASC Transducer appurtenances Transducer appurtenances
ASD Control board for compressed air Compressed air, hydraulics
Control board for hydraulics
ASJ Automatic board Automatic, control
Control board
ASM Cabinet for measuring Measuring
ASN Auxiliary power supply Auxiliary power supply
ASP Recording board Recording
ASQ Metering board Metering
ASR Cabinet for protection Protection
ASS Cabinet for synchronization Synchronization
AST Transformation Transformation
ASU Auxiliary cubicle Panels and cabinets for auxiliary equipment
ASW Indication, manual operation, monitoring Indication, manual operation, monitoring
ASX Alarm annunciation Alarm annunciation
AV Marshalling racks Marshalling racks

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AVA Marshalling rack Marshalling racks (free for use)

AVB Marshalling rack Marshalling racks (free for use)
AY Communication equipment Communication equipment
AYA Telephone system Telephone system (PABX)
AYB Control console telephone system Control console telephone system
AYC Alarm system Alarm system (acoustic) (Separate systems in
nuclear power plants as stipulated by KTA
(Nuclear Safety Standards Committee))
AYD Alarm system Alarm system (optical) (Separate systems in
nuclear power plants as stipulated by KTA
(Nuclear Safety Standards Committee))
AYE Fire alarm system Fire alarm system
AYF Clock system Clock system
AYG Remote control system Remote control system
AYH Telemetry system Telemetry system
AYJ Remote metering system Remote metering system
AYK HF carrier telephone system HF carrier telephone system
AYP Optical monitoring system Optical monitoring system
AYQ General gas alarm system (if not assigned to General gas alarm system (if not assigned to
specific system) specific system)
AYS Radiotelephone system Radiotelephone system

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BA Power transmission Power transmission
BAA Generator leads Generator leads
from excl. generator bushings,
incl. current- and voltage transformers, cooling
and ventilation systems
to excl. generator transformer low side bushings or
to excl. auxiliary power transformer high side
bushings test
BAB Generator star point Foundation cabinets
BAC Generator circuit breaker Generator circuit breaker, also commutating pole
circuit breaker, incl. cooling system
BAT Generator transformer Generator transformers, including cooling system
BAU Earthing and lightning protection equipment Earthing and lightning protection equipment
BAX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BAY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
BB Medium-voltage distribution Medium-voltage distribution boards and
transformers, normal system
BBA .kV Medium voltage distribution Medium voltage distribution 1 normal system
BBB .kV Medium voltage distribution Medium voltage distribution 2 normal system
BBC .kV Medium voltage distribution Medium voltage distribution 3 normal system
BBD .kV Medium voltage distribution Medium voltage distribution 4 normal system
BBT Unit transformer (or Auxiliary power Medium voltage auxiliary power transformers
BBX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BBY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
BC Medium voltage distribution boards and Medium voltage distribution boards and
transformers, general-purpose transformers, general-purpose
BCA Start-up distribution Medium voltage start-up, offsite, general-purpose
BCT Start-up transformer Start-up, offsite, general-purpose transformers
BCX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BCY Protection Protection
BF Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution boards and
transformers, normal system
BFA 0, .kV Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution 1, normal system
BFB 0, .kV Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution 2, normal system
BFC 0, .kV Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution 3, normal system
BFD 0, .kV Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution 4, normal system
BFT 0, .kV Auxiliary transformer Low voltage auxiliary power transformers
BFX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BFY Protection Protection

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BH Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution boards and
transformers, general-purpose
BHA 0, .kV Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution 1 general purpose
BHB 0, .kV Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution 2 general purpose
BHC 0, .kV Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution 3 general purpose
BHD 0, .kV Low voltage main distribution Low voltage main distribution 4 general purpose
BHT Low voltage auxiliary power transformers Low voltage auxiliary power transformers
BHX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BHY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
BJ Low voltage subdistribution Low voltage subdistribution boards and
transformers, normal system
BJA 0, .kV Low voltage subdistribution Low voltage subdistribution 1 normal system
Water turbine
BJB 0, .kV Low voltage subdistribution Low voltage subdistribution 2 normal system
BJC 0, .kV Low voltage subdistribution Low voltage subdistribution 3 normal system
BJD 0, .kV Low voltage subdistribution Low voltage subdistribution 4 normal system
BJT Low voltage auxiliary power transformers Low voltage auxiliary power transformers
BJX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BJY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
BL Low voltage subdistribution Low voltage subdistribution boards and
transformers, general-purpose
BLA 0, .kV Low voltage subdistribution Low voltage subdistribution 1 general purpose
BLB 0, .kV Low voltage subdistribution Low voltage subdistribution 2 general purpose
BLC 0, .kV Low voltage subdistribution Low voltage subdistribution 3 general purpose
BLH 0,. kV subdistribution boards Low voltage subdistribution boards, general-
purpose (free for use)
BLT Low voltage auxiliary power transformers Low voltage auxiliary power transformers
BLX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BLY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
BM Low voltage distribution (diesel) emergency Low voltage distribution boards and
power system transformers, (diesel) emergency power
system 1
BMA Low voltage emergency distribution board Low voltage emergency distribution boards
(emergency diesel)
BMH Low voltage emergency distribution board Emergency lightning and emergency distribution
BMT Low voltage emergency power transformers Low voltage emergency power transformers
BMX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BMY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment

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BP Power installations for electrical variable- Power installations for variable-speed drives
speed drives (e.g. for feed water pump, excitation
equipment, not power adjusters in switchgear)
BPA Frequency converter Power installations for variable-speed drives (free
for use)
BPT Excitation transformer Power installations for variable-speed drives (free
for use)
BPX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BPY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
BR Low voltage distribution, uninterruptible Low voltage distribution boards,
power supply uninterruptible (converter) power supply
BRA 230V UPS-Emergency current distribution 1 Low voltage distribution boards, uninterruptible
230V AC Safe busbar (converter) power supply
BRB 230V UPS-Emergency current distribution 2 Low voltage distribution boards, uninterruptible
230V AC Safe busbar (converter) power supply
BRC 120V UPS-Emergency current distribution Low voltage distribution boards, uninterruptible
120V AC Safe busbar (converter) power supply
BRU AC-Converter Converter (static), inverter
BRX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BRY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
BT Battery system Battery system
BTA 220V Battery 1 Batteries (free for use according to voltage level)
BTB 220V Battery 2 Batteries (free for use according to voltage level)
BTC 110/125V Battery 1 Batteries (free for use according to voltage level)
BTD 110/125V Battery 2 Batteries (free for use according to voltage level)
BTE 24/48V Battery 1 Batteries (free for use according to voltage level)
BTF 24/48V Battery 2 Batteries (free for use according to voltage level)
BTL 220V Battery charger 1 Rectifiers, battery chargers (free for use according
to voltage level)
BTM 220V Battery charger 2 Rectifiers, battery chargers (free for use according
to voltage level)
BTN 110/125V Battery charger 1 Rectifiers, battery chargers (free for use according
to voltage level)
BTP 110/125V Battery charger 2 Rectifiers, battery chargers (free for use according
to voltage level)
BTQ 24/48V Battery charger Rectifiers, battery chargers (free for use according
to voltage level)
BTR 24/48V Battery charger Rectifiers, battery chargers (free for use according
to voltage level)

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BU Direct voltage distribution, normal system Direct voltage distribution boards, normal
BUA 220V Direct current distribution board 1 Direct voltage distribution boards, normal system
BUB 220V Direct current distribution board 2 Direct voltage distribution boards, normal system
BUC 110/125V Direct current distribution board, 110V Direct current distribution board, common
common part part
BUD 110/125V Direct current distribution board, 110V Direct current distribution board, common
common part, fail safe part, fail safe
BUE 24/48V Direct current distribution board 1 24V Direct current distribution board 1
BUF 24/48V Direct current distribution board 2 24V Direct current distribution board 2
BUH 24/48V Direct current distribution board, 24V Direct current distribution board, common part
common part
BUX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
BUY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT (Identification on a priority basis
according to main instrumentation and control
function also acceptable in composite
structure hardware packaging systems.)
CA Protective interlock Protective interlock
CAA Cabinet for protective interlock Cabinets for protective interlocks (free for use)
CAB Cabinet for protective interlock Cabinets for protective interlocks (free for use)
CAC Cabinet for protective interlock Cabinets for protective interlocks (free for use)
CAD Cabinet for protective interlock Cabinets for protective interlocks (free for use)
CAE Cabinet for protective interlock Cabinets for protective interlocks (free for use)
CB Functional group control, Subloop control Functional group control, Subloop control
CBA Turbine control cabinet Cabinets for functional group control (free for use)
CBB Generator control cabinet Cabinets for functional group control (free for use)
CBC Auxiliary control cabinet Cabinets for functional group control (free for use)
CBD Control cabinet 4 Cabinets for functional group control (free for use)
CBE Control cabinet 5 Cabinets for functional group control (free for use)
CBF Control cabinet 6 Cabinets for functional group control (free for use)
CBP Cabinet for synchronization Cabinets for synchronization
CBQ Cabinet for auxiliary power changeover Cabinets for auxiliary power changeover
CE Annunciation Annunciation
CEJ Fault recording Fault recording, recorder
CF Measurement, recording Measurement, recording
CFA Cabinet 1 for measurement Cabinets for measurement (free for use)
CFB Cabinet 2 for measurement Cabinets for measurement (free for use)
CFC Cabinet 3 for measurement Cabinets for measurement (free for use)
CFD Cabinet 4 for measurement Cabinets for measurement (free for use)
CFQ Cabinet for metering Cabinets for recording (meters, pen recorders)
CG Closed-loop control Closed-loop control (excl. power section)
CGA Closed-loop control cabinet Cabinets for closed-loop control (free for use)
CGB Closed-loop control cabinet Cabinets for closed-loop control (free for use)
CH Protection Protection (excl. reactor protection)
CHA Cabinets for protection system 1 Cabinets for generator and transformer protection
(free for use)
CHB Cabinets for protection system 2 Cabinets for generator and transformer protection
(free for use)
CHC Cabinets for protection system 3 Cabinets for generator and transformer protection
(free for use)
CHD Cabinets for protection system 4 Cabinets for generator and transformer protection
(free for use)
CHY Protection Protection, emergency stop cabinet

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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CJ Unit coordination level Unit coordination level

CJA Unit control system Unit control system (including cabinets)
CJD Start-up control, set point control Start-up control, set point control (unit)
(incl. cabinet)
CK Process computer system Process computer system
CKA Supervisory and diagnostic computer 1 Online supervisory and diagnostic computer (free
for use)
CKB Supervisory and diagnostic computer 2 Online supervisory and diagnostic computer (free
for use)
CKC Supervisory and diagnostic computer 3 Online supervisory and diagnostic computer (free
for use)
CKF Process computer joint control Process computer joint control
CKM Patrol monitoring system Access control computer (free for use)
CKN Process computer system 1 Process computer system (free for use)
CKP Process computer system 2 Process computer system (free for use)
CKQ Process computer system 3 Process computer system (free for use)
CM Instrumentation and control equipment Instrumentation and control equipment (free
for use for system combination)
Note: control stations has to be defined by the
counting Nos., the marshalling racks shall fit
to these Nos.
e.g. 01CMA01GS001-5 and 01CVA01GS
CMA Instrumentation and control system 1 Instrumentation and control equipment (free for
use for system combination)
CMB Instrumentation and control system 2 Instrumentation and control equipment (free for
use for system combination)
CMC Instrumentation and control system 3 Instrumentation and control equipment (free for
use for system combination)
CMD Instrumentation and control system 4 Instrumentation and control equipment (free for
use for system combination)
CMM Generator monitoring system Generator monitoring system (DIATECH)
CV Marshalling rack Marshalling racks (cabinet);
the marshalling racks shall fit to control
station Nos., e.g. 01CMA01GS001-5 and
CVA Marshalling rack, system 1 Marshalling racks (cabinets)
CVB Marshalling rack, system 2 Marshalling racks (cabinets)
CVC Marshalling rack, system 3 Marshalling racks (cabinets)
CVD Marshalling rack, system 4 Marshalling racks (cabinets)
CVG Marshalling rack Marshalling rack water treatment system
CVM Marshalling rack Marshalling rack heavy machinery, generator
CVP Marshalling rack Marshalling rack cooling water system
CVQ Marshalling rack Marshalling rack auxiliary plant
CW Control room Control rooms
CWA Main control console 1 Main control consoles fits to *CMA* and *CVA*
CWB Main control console 2 Main control console fits to *CMB* and *CVB*
CWC Main control console 3 Main control console fits to *CMC* and *CVC*
CWD Plotter table Main control console for matrix, plotter, hardcopy
CWF Main control panels 1 Main control panels (screens), fits to *CMA/CVA*

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

CX Local control station Local control stations (e.g. for coal handling
plants, ash handling plants, cooling water
systems, diesel units, supervision of generator
cooling, remote shutdown station)
CXA Local control station turbine Local control station, locally, turbine terminal box
CXC Local control station water treatment system Local control station
CXD Local control station diesel engine plant Local control station
CXG Local control station process drainage system Local control station
CXM Local control station generator Local control station, locally
CXP Local control station cooling water system Local control station, locally
CY Communication equipment Communication equipment
CYA Telephone system (PABX) Telephone system (PABX)
CYB Control console telephone system in the unit control room
CYC Alarm system (acoustic) Alarm system (acoustic)
CYD Alarm system (optical) Alarm system (optical)
CYE Fire alarm system Fire alarm system
CYF Clock system Radio-, satellite clock system
CYG Remote control system Remote control system
CYH Telemetry system Telemetry system
CYJ Remote metering system Remote metering system
CYK HF carrier telephone system HF carrier telephone system
CYL Staff paging system Staff paging system
CYP Optical monitoring system for outdoor structures
CYQ Gas detection system Gas detection system
CYR Pneumatic tube conveyor Pneumatic tube conveyor
CYS Radiotelephone system Radiotelephone system
CYT Intrusion detection system Intrusion detection system
CYU Access control system Access control system
CYV Plant and production management system Plant and production management system

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


GA Raw water supply Raw water supply
GAA Extraction, mechanical cleaning Extraction, mechanical cleaning
from incl. intake
to incl. mechanical cleaning system outlet
GAC Piping and channel system Piping and channel system
from excl. intake or
from excl. outlet of other system
to excl. inlet to other system
GAD Storage system Storage system
from incl. storage system inlet
to incl. storage system outlet,
incl. intake and outfall
GAF Pump system Pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
GAV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system
GAX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
GAY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment. Only for
mechanical equipment (pneumatic or hydraulic)
GH Distribution systems (not drinking water) Distribution systems (not drinking water)
GHC Distribution systems after treatment tanks
GHD Distribution systems after treatment (others) Distribution systems after treatment (others)
GK Drinking water supply Drinking water supply
GKA Receiving point Receiving point
GKB Storage, forwarding, distribution system Storage, forwarding, distribution system
GKC Drinking water supply Drinking water supply
GKD Drinking water distribution Drinking water supply (free for use e.g. building-
GKE Drinking water supply Drinking water supply (free for use e.g. building-
GKF Drinking water supply Drinking water supply (free for use e.g. building-
GKG Drinking water supply Drinking water supply (free for use e.g. building-
GKH Drinking water supply Drinking water supply (free for use e.g. building-
GKJ Drinking water supply Drinking water supply (free for use e.g. building-
GKX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
GKY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

GM Process drainage system Process drainage system

GMA Process drainage system Process drainage system (free for use e.g.
GMB Process drainage system Process drainage system (free for use e.g.
GMC Process drainage system Process drainage system (free for use e.g.
GMD Process drainage system Process drainage system (free for use e.g.
GME Process drainage system Process drainage system (free for use e.g.
GMF Process drainage system Process drainage system (free for use e.g.
GMG Process drainage system GT wash water
GMH Process drainage system Boiler house
GML Process drainage system Dam
GMM Process drainage system Power house
GMP Process drainage system Pump house
GMT Process drainage system Sprinkler system
GMX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
GMY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
GN Process drains treatment system Process drains treatment system
GNB Filtering, mechanical cleaning system Filtering, mechanical cleaning system
GNV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system
GNX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
GNY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment. Only for
mechanical equipment (pneumatic or hydraulic)

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


LN Water impounding works for hydroelectric Water impounding works for hydroelectric
power plant power plant
LNA Water level metering Water level metering at the water impounding
LNB Trash rack, trash/fish barrier Trash rack, trash/fish barrier
LNC Dam, weir system Dam, weir system
LND Spillway Spillway
LNE Drainage system Drainage system
LNF Pump system Pump system within the storage system (upper
LNV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system
LNW Sealing water supply system from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
LNX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
LNY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
LP Intake system, upstream water system for Intake system, upstream water system for
hydroelectric power plant hydroelectric power plant
LPA Rake and rake cleaning system Separate out and collect floating matter from
LPB Isolating equipment Isolating equipment
LPC Piping and penstock system from incl. receiving point to incl. discharge into
turbine system, incl., connecting piping for pump
LPE Surge tank Surge tank
LPV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system
LPW Sealing water supply system from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
LPX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
LPY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
LQ Tail race system, downstream water system Tail race system, downstream water system for
for hydroelectric power plant hydroelectric power plant
LQA Underwater piping and culvert system Underwater piping and culvert system
LQB Surge tank Surge tank
LQC Isolating equipment Isolating equipment
LQE Rake and rake cleaning system for pumped- Rake and rake cleaning system for pumped-
storage operation storage operation
LQV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system
LQW Sealing water supply system from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
LQX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
LQY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
LS Common installations for hydroelectric Common installations for hydroelectric power
power plant plant
LSL Drainage system Drainage system

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


ME Hydraulic turbine plant Hydraulic turbine plant
MEA Turbine (casing, shaft, runner etc.) Turbine from excl. turbine inlet or from excl. inlet
valve to incl. turbine outlet or to excl. isolating
valve, incl. draft tube
MEB Isolating valve blocking headwater before turbine MEA and/or
setting headwater for turbine MEA
MED Bearings Bearings
MEG Stabilizing air system Stabilizing air system from incl. air compressor to
incl. outlet to turbine
MEK Gear Transmission gear between prime mover and
driven machine, incl. turning gear, barring gear
MEL Water depression air supply system from incl. air compressor to incl. outlet to turbine
MES Shaft gland cooling water system Shaft gland cooling water system
MEV Lubricant supply system from incl. lubricant tank to excl. user and from
excl. user
MEW Sealing water supply system from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
MEX Hydraulic oil Non-electric control and protection equipment,
incl. fluid supply system
MEY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
MF Pumping turbine plant in pumped-storage Pumping turbine plant in pumped-storage
power plants power plants
MFA Pumping turbine, pump and turbine as integral Pumping turbine, pump and turbine as integral unit
MFB Isolating valve blocking water before turbine MFA and/or setting
water for turbine MFA
MFD Bearings Bearings
MFG Stabilizing air system Stabilizing air system from incl. air compressor to
incl. outlet to turbine
MFK Gear Transmission gear between motor generator set
and pumping turbine
MFL Water depression air supply system from incl. air compressor to incl. outlet to turbine
MFM Start-up unit Start-up unit
MFS Shaft gland cooling water system Shaft gland cooling water system
MFV Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or coon
lubricant and control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off control fluid supply system
to excl. user from excl. user
MFW Sealing fluid system Sealing fluid supply system
MFX Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
MFY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment. Only for
mechanical equipment (pneumatic or hydraulic)

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

MG Pumped-storage plant Pumped-storage plant

MGA Storage pump (casing, shaft, runner etc.) Storage pump (casing, shaft, runner etc.)
MGB Isolating valve blocking water before storage pump MGA and/or
setting water for storage pump MGA
MGD Bearings Bearings
MGG Stabilizing air system Stabilizing air system
MGK Gear Transmission gear between motor generator set
and storage pump
MGL Water depression air supply system from incl. air compressor to incl. outlet to turbine
MGM Start-up unit Start-up unit
MGS Shaft gland cooling water system Shaft gland cooling water system
MGV Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or coon
lubricant and control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off control fluid supply system
to excl. user from excl. user
MGW Sealing fluid system Sealing fluid supply system
MGX Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
MGY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment. Only for
mechanical equipment (pneumatic or hydraulic)

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

MJ Diesel engine plant Diesel engine plant

MJA Engine Engine
from incl. fuel injection nozzle inlet or
from incl. air intake nozzles or
from incl. cooling water inlet nozzles
to incl. exhaust nozzle outlet or
to incl. cooling water nozzle outlet, incl. engine-
internal systems
MJB Turbocharger, blower Turbocharger, blower
from incl. turbocharger or blower inlet
to incl. turbocharger or blower outlet
MJG Liquid cooling system Liquid cooling system
from excl. engine cooling water nozzle outlet or
from incl. turbocharger air cooling system inlet
to excl. engine cooling water nozzle inlet or
to incl. turbocharger air cooler outlet
MJH Air intercooling system Air intercooling system
from incl. intercooler inlet
to incl. intercooler outlet
to excl. outlet to other cooling systems
MJK Gear Transmission gear between prime mover and
driven machine
MJN Fuel system Fuel systems
from incl. temporary (day) tank or
from excl. branch off piping system
to excl. fuel injection nozzle inlet
MJP Start-up unit Start-up unit (incl. flywheel)
MJQ Air intake system Air intake system
from excl. atmosphere
to excl. turbocharger or
to excl. engine air intake nozzles
MJR Exhaust gas system Exhaust gas system
from excl. engine exhaust nozzle outlet
to excl. discharge into atmosphere
MJV Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or coon
lubricant and control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off control fluid supply system
to excl. user from excl. user
MJW Sealing fluid system Sealing fluid supply system
MJX Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
MJY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment. Only for
mechanical equipment (pneumatic or hydraulic)

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

MK Generator plant Generator plant

MKA Generator casing Generator, complete, incl. stator, rotor and all
integral cooling equipment to incl. generator
MKB Excitation Generator exciter set, even with electric generator-
brake (use only if *MKC* is not sufficient for
MKC Excitation Generator exciter set, even with electric generator-
MKD Bearings Bearings
Bearing pedestal Standard application is shown under item 6.6.1
Thrust bearing
MKF Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system (Note: for cooling oil see *MKU*)
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant, from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MKG Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor hydrogen cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant, from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MKH Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor nitrogen / carbon dioxide cooling
system, incl. coolant supply system
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant, from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MKJ Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor air cooling system, incl. coolant supply
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MKQ Exhaust gas system Exhaust gas system (if separate from *MKG* and
MKU Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system (Note: for other liquid cooling see
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MKV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system (if separate system for
MKW Sealing fluid supply Sealing fluid supply system (Sealing oil system,
incl. supply and treatment)
from excl. branch off sealing oil supply system
to excl. stator inlet and
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. inlet to other system or in closed systems
from excl. stator outlet
MKX Control air Fluid supply system for control and protection
Control oil equipment
MKY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

ML Electro-motive plant Motor generator plant

MLA Motor generator, complete, incl. stator, rotor Motor generator, complete, incl. stator, rotor and
and all integral cooling equipment all integral cooling equipment to incl. generator
MLC Excitation Motor generator exciter set, even with electric
MLD Bearings Bearings
Bearing pedestal Standard application is shown under item 6.6.1
Thrust bearing
MLF Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system (Note: for cooling oil see *MLU*)
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant, from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MLG Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor hydrogen cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant, from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MLH Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor nitrogen / carbon dioxide cooling
system, incl. coolant supply system
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant, from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MLJ Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor air cooling system, incl. coolant supply
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MLQ Exhaust gas system Exhaust gas system (if separate from *MLG* and
MLU Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system (Note: for other liquid cooling see
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
MLV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system (if separate system for
MLW Sealing fluid supply Sealing fluid supply system (Sealing oil system,
incl. supply and treatment)
from excl. branch off sealing oil supply system
to excl. stator inlet and
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. inlet to other system or in closed systems
from excl. stator outlet
MLX Control air Fluid supply system for control and protection
Control oil equipment
MLY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

MM Compressor plant Compressor plant

MMA Compressor Compressor incl. internal systems
from incl. air, cooling fluid inlet
to incl. air, cooling fluid outlet
MMC Air intake piping system Air intake piping system
Air intake from excl. atmosphere
Air intake piping to excl. compressor inlet
MMD Bearings Bearings
MME Intercooling system Intercooling system
MMF Recooling system (After cooling) After cooling system
MMG Final cooling system Final cooling system
MMH Discharge piping system Discharge piping system
from excl. compressor outlet
to excl. inlet to other system
MMV Lubricant oil, Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system
MMW Sealing oil, Sealing oil supply Sealing fluid supply system
MMX Control air, Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
MMY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment
MP Common installations for main machine set Common installations for main machine sets
MPA Foundation Foundation
MPB Casing Casing, Cover
MPG Frame, support structure Frame, support structure
MPR Forced cooling system Forced cooling system
MPS Drying and conservation system Drying and conservation system
MV Lubricant oil, Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system
MVA Lubricant oil, Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system (free for use)
MVB Lubricant oil, Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system (free for use)
MVC Lubricant oil, Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system. (free for use)
MX Control air, Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
MXA Control air, Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment (free for use)
MXB Control air, Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment (free for use)
MXC Control air, Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment (free for use)
MY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment
MYA Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment (free for use)
MYB Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment (free for use)
MYC Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment. (free for use)

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


PA Main cooling water system Circulating (main cooling) water system
PAA Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct cooling
cooling from incl. intake system
Raw water intake to incl. mechanical cleaning system outlet
Raw water screening
PAB Main cooling water piping and culvert Circulating (main cooling) water piping and culvert
system system from excl. outlet of circulating (main cooling)
water extraction system (excl. any user)
to incl. Outfall in direct cooling system
or from excl. cooling tower outlet
to excl. cooling tower inlet
PAC Main cooling water pump system Circulating (main cooling) water pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PAD Cooling tower Recirculating cooling system, outfall cooling system
from incl. hot water riser to incl. basin outlet
PAE Cooling tower pumps Cooling tower pump system (if separate)
PAH Condenser cleaning system Condenser cleaning system, incl. all appurtenances
Condenser tube cleaning system
PAR Make-up water piping system Make-up water piping system
from excl. intake to excl. inlet to other system
PAS Make-up water pump system Make-up water pump system
from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PAV Lubricant oil, Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system
PAX Control air, Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
PAY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment
PB Main cooling water treatment system Main cooling water treatment system
PC Secondary cooling water system, Service (secondary cooling) water system,
conventional area conventional area
PCA Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct Extraction, mechanical cleaning for direct cooling
cooling from incl. intake system
to incl. Mechanical cleaning system outlet
PCB Piping and culvert system Piping and culvert system
Canal (Culvert) from excl. outlet of service (secondary cooling)
extraction system or from excl. branch off circulating
water system to excl. inlet to other system, excl.
respective user and
from excl. make-up water treatment and distribution
PCC Pump system Pump system
Secondary cooling water pumps from incl. pump system suction nozzle
to incl. pump system discharge nozzle
PCD CCCW cooler Recirculation cooling system, outfall cooling system
PCM Service (secondary cooling) water system Secondary cooling water system for generator, motor
for generator, motor generator cooling generator cooling from excl. branch off *PCB* to excl.
generator cooler and from excl. generator cooler
to excl. inlet to *PCB* or other systems
PCV Lubricant oil, Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system
PCX Control air, Fluid supply system for control and protection
Control oil equipment
PCY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

PG Closed cooling water system for conventional area

PGA Filter Closed cooling water system for conventional area
Mechanical cleaning (free for use)
PGB Piping Closed cooling water system for conventional area
Distribution system (free for use)
PGC Closed cooling water pumping system Closed cooling water system for conventional area
(free for use)
PGM Cooling water system (CCCW) for generator, Secondary cooling water system for generator,
motor generator cooling motor generator cooling
from excl. branch off *PGB*
to excl. generator cooler and
from excl. generator cooler
to excl. inlet to *PGB* or other systems
If not *PCM*!
PGY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
PU Common equipment for cooling water Common equipment for cooling water systems
PUA Common equipment for cooling water system Common equipment for cooling water systems
(free for use)
PUB Common equipment for cooling water system Common equipment for cooling water systems
(free for use)
PUC Common equipment for cooling water system Common equipment for cooling water systems
(free for use)
PUK Neutralization Neutralization
PUN Proportioning system Proportioning system

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


QC Central chemicals supply Central chemicals supply
QCA Central chemicals supply Central chemicals supply (free for use e.g. building
QCB Central chemicals supply Central chemicals supply (free for use e.g. building
QCD Central chemicals supply Central chemicals supply (free for use e.g. building
QCF Central chemicals supply Central chemicals supply (free for use e.g. building
QE General compressed air and carrier air General compressed air and carrier air supply
QEA Central compressed air and carrier air Central compressed air and carrier air generation
generation system system
QEB Central compressed air and carrier air Central compressed air and carrier air distribution
distribution system system
QEC General compressed air and carrier air supply General compressed air and carrier air supply
(free for use) (free for use)
QED General compressed air and carrier air supply General compressed air and carrier air supply
(free for use) (free for use)
QEV Lube oil, Lube oil supply Lubricant supply system
QEX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
QEY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment
QF General control air supply General control air supply
QFA Central control air generation system Central control air generation system
QFB General control air supply, Compressed air Central control air distribution system
QFC Instrument air General control air supply (free for use)
Receiver, storage
QFD Adsorption Dryer General control air supply (free for use)
QFV Lube oil, Lube oil supply Lubricant supply system
QFX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
QFY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment
QS Central oil supply and disposal system Central oil supply and disposal system
QSA Oil regeneration system Oil regeneration system

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning
SA Room ventilation
(HVAC) systems for conventional area
SAB Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC)
systems for conventional area systems
SAC Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC)
systems for conventional area systems
SAG Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC)
systems for conventional area systems
SAH Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC)
systems for conventional area systems (boiler house)
SAL Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC)
systems for conventional area systems acoustical enclosure (off base enclosure)
intake air, Exhaust air anti icing air
SAM Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC)
systems for conventional area systems (machine hall)
SAP Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC)
systems for conventional area systems (cooling water system)
SB Space heating systems Space heating systems
SBA Space heating system Heating system (heating control room)
SBB Space heating system Space heating systems (free for use e.g. building
SBE Space heating system Space heating systems (internal heating system,
district heating)
SBL Space heating system Space heating systems (internal heating system,
district heating)
SC Stationary compressed air supplies Note: only if separate service air exist to the
SCA Compressed air generation system Note: only if separate service air compressor plant
to the I-air compressor plant exist. If only one
common compressor plant exist, then the KKS for
the I-air is valid.
SCB Compressed air distribution system Starts with branch of air compressor
SCC Vessel for compressed air Vessel for compressed service air
SCD Dryer Dryer for service air
SD Stationary cleaning systems Stationary cleaning systems (see *FK* for
decontamination systems)
SDA Stationary cleaning system Stationary cleaning systems (see *FK* for
decontamination systems)
(Wash water, rotary air preheater)
SDD GT Washwater system Stationary cleaning systems (see *FK* for
GT Washwater skid decontamination systems)
GT Washwater unit (GT Wash water unit)

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

SG Stationary fire protection systems Stationary fire protection systems

SGA Fire water system, conventional area Fire water system, conventional area
SGC Spray deluge systems, conventional area Spray deluge systems, conventional area
SGE Sprinkler systems Sprinkler systems
SGF Foam fire-fighting systems Foam fire-fighting systems e.g. for oil tank
SGG Tank roof, tank shell cooling systems Tank roof, tank shell cooling systems
SGH Nitrogen fire-fighting system Nitrogen fire-fighting systems e.g. for transformer
SGJ CO2 fire-fighting systems CO2 fire-fighting systems e.g. for GT
SGK Halon fire-fighting systems Halon fire-fighting systems (FM 200 also Inergen-
SGL Powder fire-fighting systems Portable fire extinguisher
SGX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
SGY Control and protection equipment Alarm and detection system of stationary fire
protection system
e.g. control panel/cabinet = 01SGY10GH001
SH Waterway facilities Waterway facilities
SHA Intake system Intake system (upper pound) to excl. lock chamber
lock furniture
SHB Lock chamber Lock chamber incl. chamber filling and emptying
SHC Lock chamber gate (upstream) Lock chamber gate (upstream)
SHD Lock chamber gate (intermediate) Lock chamber gate (intermediate)
SHE Lock chamber gate (downstream) Lock chamber gate (downstream)
SHF Discharge system (lower pound) Discharge system (lower pound)
SHJ Anti-icing system Anti-icing system
SHK Ship impact system Ship impact system
SHL Leakage drainage system Leakage drainage system
SHM Rest evacuation system Rest evacuation system
SHS Minimum water system Minimum water system
SHT Fish ladder Fish ladder
SHU Wood raft canal Wood raft canal
SHV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system
SHW Sealing fluid supply system Sealing fluid supply system
SHX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
SHY Control and protection equipment Alarm and detection system of stationary fire
protection system
e.g. control panel/cabinet = 01SHY10GH001

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

SM Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
appliances appliances; e.g. hoist for transformer of
SMA Cranes, stationary hoists, conveying Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
appliances appliances (free for use e.g. building specific)
SMB Cranes, stationary hoists, conveying Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
appliances appliances (free for use e.g. building specific)
SMC Cranes, stationary hoists, conveying Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
appliances appliances (free for use e.g. building specific)
SMD Cranes, stationary hoists, conveying Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
appliances appliances (free for use e.g. building specific)
SMG Cranes, stationary hoists, conveying Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
appliances appliances
Water treatment
SMH Cranes, stationary hoists, conveying Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
appliances appliances
Boiler house
SMM Cranes, stationary hoists, conveying Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
appliances appliances
Machine hall
SMP Cranes, stationary hoists, conveying Cranes, stationary hoists and conveying
appliances appliances
Cooling water
SN Elevators Elevators
SNA Elevators Elevators (free for use e.g. building specific)
SNB Elevators Elevators (free for use e.g. building specific)
SNC Elevators Elevators (free for use e.g. building specific)
SQ Road installations Road installations
SQA Road installation Road installations (free for use)
SQB Road installation Road installations (free for use)
SQC Road installation Road installations (free for use)
SQD Road installation Road installations (free for use)
SQE Road installation Road installations (free for use)
ST Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment Workshop, stores, laboratory equipment and
and staff amenities staff amenities outside controlled area
STA Workshop equipment Workshop equipment outside controlled area
STC Maintenance areas Maintenance areas
STE Stores and filling station equipment Stores and filling station equipment
STG Laboratory equipment Laboratory equipment
STP Staff amenities Staff amenities
STY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

UA Structures for grid and distribution systems Structures for grid and distribution systems
No binding stipulation of F3 subdivision.
Those given herein are simply
UAA Switchyard structure Switchyard structure
UAB Grid systems switchgear building Grid systems switchgear building
UAC Grid systems control building Grid systems control building
UAD Structures for grid and distribution system Structures for grid and distribution systems (free
for use)
UAE Structure for pneumatic control system Structure for pneumatic control system
UAF Structures for grid and distribution system Structures for grid and distribution systems (free
for use)
UAG Structure for transformer Structure for transformers
UAH Structure for supports and equipment Structure for supports and equipment
UB Structures for power transmission and Structures for power transmission and
auxiliary power supply auxiliary power supplyNo binding stipulation
of F3 subdivision. Those given herein are
simply recommendations.
UBA Switchgear building Switchgear building
UBB Structure for power transmission and auxiliary Structure for power transmission and auxiliary
power supply power supply (free for use)
UBC Structure for offsite system transformers Structure for offsite system transformers
UBD Structure for low-voltage auxiliary power Structure for low-voltage auxiliary power
transformers transformers
UBE Structure for medium-voltage auxiliary power Structure for medium-voltage auxiliary power
transformers transformers
UBF Structure for generator transformers Structure for generator transformers
UBG Structure for start-up transformers Structure for start-up transformers
UBH Structure for oil collecting pits Structure for oil collecting pits
UBJ Structure for transformer track Structure for transformer tracks
UBK Transformer assembly building Transformer assembly building
UBL Structure for busbars Structure for busbars
UBM Structure for transformer cooling system Structure for transformer cooling systems
UBN Structure for emergency power generating set Structure for emergency power generating sets
(without central water chiller)
UBP Emergency power generating and central water Emergency power generating and central water
chiller building chiller building
UBQ Structure for emergency power generator fuel Structure for emergency power generator fuel
supply system supply system
UC Structures for instrumentation and control Structures for instrumentation and control No
binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those
given herein are simply recommendations.
UCA Unit control room building Unit control room building
UCB Control station building Control station building
UCC Structure for control and instrumentation Structure for instrumentation and control (free for
UCD Structure for control and instrumentation Structure for instrumentation and control (free for
UCE Structure for control and instrumentation Structure for instrumentation and control (free for
UCF Structure for control and instrumentation Structure for instrumentation and control (free for

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

UG Structures for water supply and disposal Structures for water supply and disposal No
binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those
given herein are simply recommendations.
UGA Structure for raw water supply Structure for raw water supply
UGD Structure for demineralization system Structure for demineralization system
UGE Structure for neutralization system Structure for neutralization system
UGF Structure for fire water supply Structure for fire water supply
UGG Structure for drinking water supply Structure for drinking water supply
UGH Structure for rainwater Structure for rainwater
UGK Flocculant mixing chamber Flocculant mixing chamber
UGL Flocculator structure, flocculator Flocculator structure, flocculator
UGN Treated water basin Treated water basin
UGP Sludge thickener Sludge thickener
UGQ Sludge dewatering building Sludge dewatering building
UGR Sludge storage structure Sludge storage structure
UGU Structure for effluent disposal Structure for effluent disposal
UGV Structure for sewerage plant Structure for sewerage plant
UL Structures for steam-, water-, gas-cycles Structures for steam-, water-, gas-cycles No
binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those
given herein are simply recommendations.
ULN Structure for hydroelectric power plant water Structure for hydroelectric power plant water
impounding works impounding works
ULP Structure for hydroelectric power plant intake Structure for hydroelectric power plant intake
systems systems
ULQ Structure for hydroelectric power plant tail-race Structure for hydroelectric power plant tail-race
systems systems
UM Structures for main machine sets Structures for main machine sets No binding
stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given
herein are simply recommendations.
UME Hydraulic turbine building Hydraulic turbine building
UMG Pumped storage turbine building Pumped storage turbine building
UMJ Diesel engine building Diesel engine building
UMM Compressor system building Compressor system building
UMR Gas engine plant building Gas engine plant building
UP Structures for circulating (cooling) water Structures for circulating (cooling) water
systems systems (e.g. circulating water intake) No
binding stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those
given herein are simply recommendations.
UPA Cooling water intake culvert Cooling water intake culvert
UPB Secondary cooling water intake culvert Secondary cooling water intake culvert
UPC Cooling water intake structure Cooling water intake structure
UPD Secondary cooling water intake structure Secondary cooling water intake structure
UPH Structure for cooling water treatment Cooling water treatment structure
UPJ Structure for secondary cooling water Secondary cooling water treatment structure
UPN Cooling water inlet culvert Cooling water inlet culvert
UPP Secondary cooling water inlet culvert Secondary cooling water inlet culvert
UPQ Biocide treatment building Biocide treatment building
UPS Debris trough Debris trough
UPT Screen wash water cleaning structure Screen wash water cleaning structure

AT-DE/ H. Eder Sprache / Language: Translation to ENG (Original DE)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

UQ Structures for circulating (cooling) water Structures for circulating (cooling) water
systems systems (e.g. circulating water pumps and
outfall) No binding stipulation of F3
subdivision. Those given herein are simply
UQA Cooling water pump building Cooling water pump building
UQB Secondary cooling water pump building Secondary cooling water pump building
UQG Cooling water overflow structure, surge tank Cooling water overflow structure, surge tank
UQH Screen wash water discharge culvert Screen wash water discharge culvert
UQJ Cooling water seal pit Cooling water seal pit, incl. cooling water aeration
UQK Cooling water venting structure Cooling water venting structure
UQL Secondary cooling water surge pond Secondary cooling water surge pond
UQM Secondary cooling water collecting pond Secondary cooling water collecting pond
UQN Cooling water outfall culvert Cooling water outfall culvert
UQP Secondary cooling water outfall culvert Secondary cooling water outfall culvert
UQQ Cooling water outfall structure Cooling water outfall structure
UQR Secondary cooling water outfall structure Secondary cooling water outfall structure
UQS Cooling water discharge culvert Cooling water discharge culvert
UQT Secondary cooling water discharge culvert Secondary cooling water discharge culvert
UQU Cooling water spillway structure Cooling water spillway structure, incl. cooling
water aeration structure
UQV Structure for artificial cooling water aeration Structure for artificial cooling water aeration
UQW Routing structure for cooling water discharge Routing structure for cooling water discharge
UR Structures for circulating (cooling) water Structures for circulating (cooling) water
systems systems (e.g. recirculation cooling) No binding
stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given
herein are simply recommendations.
URA Cooling tower structure Cooling tower structure (main cooling water)
URB Cooling tower structure Cooling tower structure (secondary cooling water)
URC Structure for cooling water system (secondary Structure for cooling water systems (e.g.
cooling water) recirculation cooling) (free for use)
URD Cooling tower pump building Cooling tower pump building (main cooling water)
URE Cooling tower pump building (secondary Cooling tower pump building (secondary cooling
cooling water) water)
URF Structure for cooling water system Structure for cooling water systems (e.g.
recirculation cooling) (free for use)
URG Cooling tower connecting structure Cooling tower connecting structure
URH Cooling tower outlet structure Cooling tower outlet structure
URJ Cooling tower outfall culvert Cooling tower outfall culvert
URK Cooling tower return structure Cooling tower return structure
URL Cooling tower return culvert Cooling tower return culvert
URM Cooling water distribution building Circulating (cooling) water distribution building
URN Cooling tower bypass structure Cooling tower bypass structure
URP Cooling tower blowdown structure Cooling tower blowdown structure
URQ Cooling tower blowdown culvert Cooling tower blowdown culvert

US Structures for ancillary systems Structures for ancillary systems No binding

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given

herein are simply recommendations.
USA Structure for heating, ventilation, air- Structure for heating, ventilation, air-conditioning
conditioning (HVAC) systems (HVAC) systems
USB Structure for space heating systems Structure for space heating systems
USC Structure for stationary compressed air supply Structure for stationary compressed air supply
system system
USG Fire pump house Fire pump house
USH Structure for waterway facilities Structure for waterway facilities
UST Workshop Workshop
USU Storage building Storage building
USV Laboratory building Laboratory building
USX Special structure (plant-specific) Oil/water separators incl. Drainage
UT Structures for auxiliary systems Structures for auxiliary systems No binding
stipulation of F3 subdivision. Those given
herein are simply recommendations.
UTF Compressed air system building Compressed air system building
UY General service structures General service structures (These F3
subdivisions are binding.)
UYA Office and staff amenities building Office and staff amenities building
UYB Staff amenities building Staff amenities building
UYC Administration building Administration building
UYD Canteen Canteen
UYE Gate house Gate house
UYF Security gate house Security gate house
UYG Information centre Information centre
UYH Training facilities Training facilities
UYJ Medical centre Medical centre
UYP Structure for fire station Fire station
UYQ Garage Garage
UYR Automobile workshop Automobile workshop
UYS Filling station Filling station
UZ Structures for transport, traffic, fencing, Structures for transport, traffic, fencing,
gardens and other purposes gardens and other purposes These F3
subdivisions are binding.
UZA Roads Works roadways, paths, incl. associated structures
UZC Yards Yards
UZD Parking areas, incl. associated structures Parking areas, incl. associated structures
UZE Railway structures Railway structures
UZF Lifting gear structures Lifting gear structures
UZJ Fencing and gates Fencing and gates
UZK Gardens, incl. structures Gardens, incl. structures
UZL Noise abatement structures Noise abatement structures
UZM Protective structures against external impact Protective structures against external impact
UZN Structure for flood protection Structure for flood protection
UZP Structure for bank/shoreline stabilization Structure for bank/shoreline stabilization
UZQ Structure for river regulation Structure for river regulation
UZR Jetty, quay Jetty, quay
UZS Breakwaters Breakwaters
UZT Outdoor area, plots of land and land rights Outdoor area, plots of land and land rights
UZU Site security structure Site security structure
UZW Residential buildings, residential area Residential buildings, residential area
UZX Special structure (plant-specific) Special structure (plant-specific)
UZY Bridge structure Bridge structure
UZZ Ducting structure Storm water drainage system
WA Solar systems (free for use for coordinates) Solar systems (free for use for coordinates)
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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03


XE Hydraulic turbine plant Hydraulic turbine plant
XEA Turbine (casing, shaft, runner etc.) Turbine from excl. turbine inlet or from excl. inlet
valve to incl. turbine outlet or to excl. isolating
valve, incl. draft tube
XEB Isolating valve blocking headwater before turbine XEA and/or
setting headwater for turbine XEA
XED Bearings Bearings
XEG Stabilizing air system Stabilizing air system from incl. air compressor to
incl. outlet to turbine
XEK Gear Transmission gear between prime mover and
driven machine, incl. turning gear, barring gear
XEL Water depression air supply system from incl. air compressor to incl. outlet to turbine
XES Shaft gland cooling water system Shaft gland cooling water system
XEV Lubricant supply system from incl. lubricant tank to excl. user and from
excl. user
XEW Sealing water supply system from incl. sealing water supply main isolating valve
to excl. casing nozzle of sealing water user
XEX Hydraulic oil Non-electric control and protection equipment,
incl. fluid supply system
XEY Protection Electrical control and protection equipment
XG Pumped-storage plant Pumped-storage plant
XGA Storage pump (casing, shaft, runner etc.) Storage pump (casing, shaft, runner etc.)
XGB Isolating valve blocking water before storage pump XGA and/or
setting water for storage pump XGA
XGD Bearings Bearings
XGK Gear Transmission gear between motor generator set
and storage pump
XGL Water depression air supply system from incl. air compressor to incl. outlet to pump
XGM Start-up unit Start-up unit
XGS Shaft gland cooling water system Shaft gland cooling water system
XGV Lubricant oil supply Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or coon
lubricant and control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off control fluid supply system
to excl. user from excl. user
XGW Sealing fluid system Sealing fluid supply system
XGX Control oil Fluid supply system for control and protection
XGY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment. Only for
mechanical equipment (pneumatic or hydraulic)

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KKS - MASTERLIST Document No.: AT-DE011017-REV03

XJ Diesel engine plant Diesel engine plant

XJA Engine Engine
from incl. fuel injection nozzle inlet or
from incl. air intake nozzles or
from incl. cooling water inlet nozzles
to incl. exhaust nozzle outlet or
to incl. cooling water nozzle outlet, incl. engine-
internal systems
XJB Turbocharger, blower Turbocharger, blower
from incl. turbocharger or blower inlet
to incl. turbocharger or blower outlet
XJG Liquid cooling system Liquid cooling system
from excl. engine cooling water nozzle outlet or
from incl. turbocharger air cooling system inlet
to excl. engine cooling water nozzle inlet or
to incl. turbocharger air cooler outlet
XJH Air intercooling system Air intercooling system
from incl. intercooler inlet
to incl. intercooler outlet
to excl. outlet to other cooling systems
XJK Gear Transmission gear between prime mover and
driven machine
XJN Fuel system Fuel systems
from incl. temporary (day) tank or
from excl. branch off piping system
to excl. fuel injection nozzle inlet
XJP Start-up unit Start-up unit, (incl. flywheel)
XJQ Air intake system Air intake system
from excl. atmosphere
to excl. turbocharger or
to excl. engine air intake nozzles
XJR Exhaust gas system Exhaust gas system
from excl. engine exhaust nozzle outlet
to excl. discharge to atmosphere
XJV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system
from incl. dedicated lubricant tank or coon
lubricant and control fluid tank or
from excl. branch off control fluid supply system
to excl. user
from excl. user
XJW Sealing fluid supply system Sealing fluid supply system
XJX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
XJY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment

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XK Generator plant Generator plant

XKA Generator, complete, incl. stator, rotor and all Generator, complete, incl. stator, rotor and all
integral cooling equipment integral cooling equipment
to incl. generator bushing
XKB Excitation Generator exciter set (use only if *XKC* is not
sufficient for identification)
XKC Excitation Generator exciter set, even with electric generator
XKD Bearings Bearings
Bearing pedestal Standard application is:
Thrust bearing XKD10 = bearing pedestal driven end (DE)
XKD20 = bearing pedestal excitation end (EE)
XKF Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor liquid cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system (Note: for cooling oil see *XKU*)
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant, from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
XKG Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor hydrogen cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant, from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
XKH Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor nitrogen / carbon dioxide cooling
system, incl. coolant supply system
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant, from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
XKJ Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor air cooling system, incl. coolant supply
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
coolant from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
XKQ Exhaust gas system Exhaust gas system (if separate from *XKG* and
XKU Stator/rotor cooling system Stator/rotor cooling oil cooling system, incl. coolant
supply system (Note: for other liquid cooling see
Task: dissipate heat produced by stator/rotor to
from excl. stator/rotor outlet
to excl. stator/rotor inlet
XKV Lubricant supply system Lubricant supply system (if separate system for
XKW Sealing fluid supply system Sealing fluid supply system (Sealing oil system,
incl. supply and treatment)
from excl. branch off sealing oil supply system
to excl. stator inlet and
from excl. stator outlet
to excl. inlet to other system or in closed systems
from excl. stator outlet
XKX Fluid supply system for control and protection Fluid supply system for control and protection
equipment equipment
XKY Control and protection equipment Control and protection equipment

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XP Common installations for heavy machinery Common installations for heavy machinery
XPA Foundation Foundation
XPB Casing Casing, Cover
XPG Frame, support structure Frame, support structure
XPR Forced cooling system Forced cooling system
XPS Drying and conservation system Drying and conservation system

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ZC Workshop and office equipment (free for Workshop and office equipment (free for use)

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Equipment Unit Key (Breakdown level 2)

A Mechanical equipment (Unit) Mechanical equipment
AA Valve (Fitting) Valves, dampers, etc., incl. actuators, also
Valve manual; rupture disc equipment
Gate valve
Globe valve
Flap (Damper)
Condensate trap
Rupture disc
AA001 Control valve Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 001
Reducing valve The 2nd position of the counting No indicates
Control flap (damper) the kind of actuation:
Bleeder control valve 001 up to 049 with remote actuator
Bypass control valve 051 up to 099 with manual actuator or with
Bypass control flap (damper) process-media
Reducing station
Butterfly control valve
AA101 Shut-off valve Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 101
Shut-off valve Generally all Shut-off valves with remote
Gate valve actuator
Stopcock (Globe valve) Open/Close-Valves with actuators (electr.
Shut-off flap (damper) pneum., hydr.), solenoid valves (even pilot
Shut-off equipment valves).
Bleeder Shut-off valve 151 up to 199 only for vent/drain purpose
Drain valve
AA201 Valve Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 201
Flap (Damper) Valves specially for steam turbine control
AA301 Safety valve Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 301
Safety flap (damper) Generally all safety valves (spring-, weight-, or
Rupture disc aux. media supported)
AA401 Test valve Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 401
Shut-off valve Only for testing or acceptance test (not for
Stopcock operational measurements!)
AA501 Valve Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 501
Flap (Damper) Manually actuated process shut-off valves,
Gate valve even for dosing valves to process branches.
Stopcock (Globe valve)
3-Way cock
3-Way valve
AA601 Drainage valve Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 601
Drainage valve Generally only for manually actuated shut-off
Vent valve valves, valves with remote actuator see
AA701 Check valve Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 701
Non-return valve
AA801 Condensat trap Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 801
Condensate trap
AA901 Isolating valve Counting-No 100-position : 0, starts with 901
Shut-off valve Isolating valves for operational measurements,
Stopcock e.g. for:
pressure-, differential pressure-, level-, flow-,
and even for tapings of analysing
AB Lock (sluice, gate) Isolating elements, air locks

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AC Heat exchangers Heat exchangers, heat transfer surfaces. Only

for media/media (not for electrical heaters, see
AE Turning gear Turning, driving, lifting and slewing gear (also
Driving gear manipulators)
Lifting gear
Slewing gear
AF Feeder Continuous conveyors, feeders (escalators)
Cell wheel Note: mixer/agitators see *AM*
Belt conveyor
AG Generator Generator units
AH Heater Heating, cooling and air conditioning units
Air conditioning unit
AJ Crusher Size reduction equipment, only as part of
Mill process
AK Compacting equipment Compacting and packaging equipment, only as
part of process
AM Agitator Mixers, agitators
Mixer Note: conveyors see *AF*; if both, then *AM*
Worm (Screw)
AN Compressor Compressor units, fans
Compressor unit
AP Pump Pump units
AS Speed adjusting unit Adjusting and tension equipment for non-
electric variables
AT Filter Cleaning, drying, filtering and separating
Soot blower equipment, excl. *BT*
AU Brake Braking, gearbox, coupling equipment, non-
Gearbox electrical converters
AV Burner Combustion equipment
Ignition burner
AX Test and monitoring equipment Test and monitoring equipment for plant

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B Mechanical equipment (Apparatus) Apparatus

BB Tank Storage equipment (tanks)
basin (pit)
BE Shafts Shafts (for erection and maintenance only)
BF Foundation Foundations
BN Jet pump Jet pumps, ejectors, injectors, Nozzles for
Injector distinguishing systems
Ejector (Nozzle)
BP Flow restrictor Flow restrictor, limiters, orifices (not metering
Throttle (Throttle orifice) orifices)
BQ Hangers Hangers, supports, racks, piping penetrations
Piping penetrations
BR Pipeline Piping, ductwork, chutes
BS Silencer Silencers
BT Flue gas catalytic converter module Flue gas catalytic converter modules
BU Insulation, sheathing Insulation, sheathing (please do not use)
Enclosure (off base enclosure)

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C Direct measuring circuits Direct measuring circuits (Data char. A2

following DIN 19227, part 1, Sept. 1973 edit.,
tab.1, init. letter)
Take care of counting system, valid is:
analog =001 ff binary = 301 ff
testing =401 ff local = 501 ff
virtual =901 ff
Deviations as indicated
CB Radiation values in VGB blocked (please do not use, use
instead of *CR* and *CQ* if possible)
CD Density Density measurements
CE Current Electrical variables (e.g. current, voltage,
Voltage power, electr. Frequency)
Power Note different kind of counting to process
Frequency relevant measurement variables!
CE001 Current Counting No. 100-position: 0=electrical analog
Voltage measuring value, only for aggregates
Power e.g. current governor oil-pump motor counting
no.1-position: starts with 001
CE100 Current Measuring Counting No. 100-position: 1=current analog
measuring value
CE111 Current Phase L1 Counting No. 1-position: 1=current phase L1
analog measuring value
CE111A Current L1 transformer core 1 Counting No. 1-position: 1=current phase L1
transformer core 1 analog measuring CH A
CE111B Current L1 transformer core 2 Counting No. 1-position: 1=current phase L1
transformer core 2 analog measuring CH B
CE111C Current L1 transformer core 3 Counting No. 1-position: 1=current phase L1
transformer core 3 analog measuring CH C
CE112 Current Phase L2 Counting No. 1-position: 2=current phase L2
analog measuring value
CE112A Current L2 transformer core 1 Counting No. 1-position: 2=current phase L2
transformer core 1 analog measuring CH A
CE112B Current L2 transformer core 2 Counting No. 1-position: 2=current phase L2
transformer core 2 analog measuring CH B
CE112C Current L2 transformer core 3 Counting No. 1-position: 2=current phase L2
transformer core 3 analog measuring CH C
CE113 Current Phase L3 Counting No. 1-position: 3=current phase L3
analog measuring value
CE113A Current L3 transformer core 1 Counting No. 1-position: 3=current phase L3
transformer core 1 analog measuring CH A
CE113B Current L3 transformer core 2 Counting No. 1-position: 3=current phase L3
transformer core 2 analog measuring CH B
CE113C Current L3 transformer core 3 Counting No. 1-position: 3=current phase L3
transformer core 3 analog measuring CH C

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CE200 Voltage measuring Counting No. 100-position: 2=voltage analog

measuring value
CE210 Voltage star point Counting No. 1-position: 0=voltage starpoint
CE211 Voltage L1 Phase Counting No. 1-position: 1=voltage phase L1
analog measuring value
CE212 Voltage L2 Phase Counting No. 1-position: 2=voltage phase L2
analog measuring value
CE213 Voltage L3 Phase Counting No. 1-position: 3=voltage phase L3
analog measuring value
CE214 Voltage L1-L2 phase to phase Counting No. 1-position: 4=voltage phase L1 to
phase L2 analog measuring value
CE215 Voltage L2-L3 phase to phase Counting No. 1-position: 5=voltage phase L2 to
phase L3 analog measuring value
CE216 Voltage L3-L1 phase to phase Counting No. 1-position: 6=voltage phase L3 to
phase L1 analog measuring value
CE300 Power Counting No. 100-position: 3=power
Resistance analog measuring value
CE500 Frequency Counting No. 100-position: 5=frequency
analog measuring value
CE600 Earth fault (Ground fault) Counting No. 100-position: 6=special
Phase failure measurement e.g. earth fault, phase
CE900 combined, calculated measuring circuits Counting No. 100-position: 9=combined,
calculated measuring circuits
CF Flow Measurement Orifice plate and diff.-pressure transmitter,
inductive mass flow, ultrasonic mass flow, oil
counters, flow switches
CG Position Position transmitter, limit switch (Pls note: for
Distance easier coordination, the counting No. of the
Length position Xter can be identical to the valve
Direction of rotation counting No., take care of deviation to the
existing counting rule for measurements)
CG301 Position opened e.g. limit switch:
valve OPEN
Note: alternative see *CG301A*
CG301A Position opened e.g. Limit switch valve:
Note: alternative to *CG301*, here better
coordination with the valve-No.!
CG301B Position closed e.g. Limit switch valve:
Note: alternative to *CG302*, here better
coordination with the valve-No.!
CG302 Position closed e.g. limit switch:
valve CLOSE
Note: alternative see *CG301B*
CH Hand actuated Manual input as manually operated sensor
Manual (e.g. fire detector, emergency stop wire for belt
conveyors, escape route push button. Skewing
switch for belt conveyors see *CY*)
CK Time Time
e.g. external clock to DCS, PLC etc.

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CL Level Level (also for dividing line)

Dividing line
CM Moisture measurement e.g. air humidity measurement in air cooler
system of generator
CP Pressure measurement Pressure Xter, diff. pressure Xter, pressure
Diff. pressure measurement switch, pressure gauge, pressure gauge with
CQ Analysis Quality variables (analysis, material
Quality variable properties), other than *CD*, *CM*, *CV*
CQ801 Analysis Counting No. 100-position: 8=gas detection
CR Radiation variable Radiation variable
UV-Radiation e.g. flame scanner with UV-sensor (analog or
Infra red radiation binary output)
Flame intensity
CS Revolution (Speed) Velocity, speed, frequency (mechanical),
Frequency acceleration
Speed, Velocity
CT Temperature measuring Thermometer, remote thermometer (RTD, TC)
Diff. temperature measurement with and w/o T-Xter, contact thermometer,
thermostat & temperature switch
CT001A Temperature measuring circuit 1 of 2 first temperature measuring circuit from a
double-element (double TC or RTD)
CT001B Temperature measuring circuit 2 of 2 second temperature measuring circuit from a
double-element (double TC or RTD)
CT601 Metal temperature (white metal) White-metal-temperature
Wall temperature (drum-, superheater-) Wall-temperature (drum-, superheater-)
CT801 Temperature Counting No. 100-position: 8=fire detection
CU Dew point Combined and other variables (ie. Dew point)
Heat quantity
and others variables
CV Viscosity Viscosity
CW Weight Weight, mass; measurement with weighing
Mass device/load cell
e.g. weighing measurement for CO2 bottles
CY Vibration e.g. turbine shaft vibration, shaft expansion
Expansion (relative or absolute), skewing switch for belt

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D Closed loop control circuits Closed loop control circuit (Data char. A2
following DIN 19227, part 1, Sept. 1973 edit.,
tab.1, init. letter)
Only for complete loop in loop diagram; not
for use in P&I-diagrams!
Counting system see (C)
DD Density Density
DE Voltage control Electrical values (e.g. voltage, current, power,
e.g. 01BBA01DE001 voltage control
DF Flow control Flow, mass flow
e.g. 01PAC10DF001 main cooling water flow
DG Position control Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
DK Time control Time
DL Level control Level (also for dividing line)
e.g. 01MEX10DL001 Governor oil level control
DM Moisture, humidity Moisture, humidity
DP Pressure control Pressure
e.g. 01MEX10DP001 governor oil pressure
DQ Conductivity control Quality variables (analysis, material
PH-Control properties), other than *DD*, *DM*, *DV*
DR Radiation Radiation variables
DS Speed (revolution) control Velocity, speed, frequency (mechanical),
DT Temperature control Temperature
e.g. 01MEX10DT001 governor oil temperature
DU Combined and other variables Combined and other variables
DV Viscosity control Viscosity
e.g. 00MEX01DV001 oil viscosity control
DW Weight force control Weight, mass
DY Vibration control Vibration, expansion
Expansion control

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E Analog and binary signal Measurement-, Signal conditioning

conditioning (conditioning e.g. in DCS, hand over to
other systems, e.g. from DCS to steam
turbine control system or reverse)
Note: only for logics conditioned in
systems, do not mistake with *C_* !
EA Basic open loop control Basic open loop control
(basic operation/control from a power plant,
e.g. load control and start-up/stop sequences)
EB Functional-/Group control Functional-/Group control
e.g. start-up/stop sequences of plant sections
EC Sub functional group Sub functional-/group control
e.g. change-over automatic for 2x100% pump
ED Sub functional group Sub functional-/group control like as *EC*
EE Sub loop control Sub loop control
EG Alarms Annunciation logic
EH Alarms Annunciation conventional
EJ Report printer Report printer
EK Logic Combined logic
EM Process computer Special computer (e.g. for personnel access
EN Process computer Criteria computer
EP Process computer Process computer
EQ Process computer Process computer
EU Logic Combined measurement value-, signal
e.g. 2/3-selection or signal average of grid
EW Protection Protection
EX Protection Protection
EX001 Protection release 1 Protection
EX002 Protection release 2 Protection
EY Protection Protection
EZ Protection Protection
EZ041 Auxiliary voltage disturbed/missing Alarm electric
EZ042 Fault MCB Alarm electric
EZ043 Fault fuse Alarm electric
EZ044 Fault distributor Alarm electric
EZ045 Fault breaker Alarm electric
EZ046 Fault rectifier Alarm electric
EZ047 Fault battery Alarm electric
EZ050 Fault common protective relay Alarm electric
EZ051 Fault overcurrent relay Alarm electric
EZ052 Fault overvoltage relay Alarm electric
EZ053 Fault earth leakage relay Alarm electric
EZ054 Fault switchgear Alarm electric
EZ055 Fault auxiliary voltage Alarm electric
EZ056 Fault frequency converter common Alarm electric

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F Indirect measuring circuits Indirect measuring circuits (Data character

A2 following DIN 19227, part 1, Sept. 1993
edit., table 1, initial letter)
Note: these circuits will be calculated from
different physically direct measurements
FD Density Density
FE Electrical variable Electrical variables (e.g. electr. efficiency,
FF Flow, rate Flow, rate
e.g. Flow measurement with P- & T-correction.
01MEX10CF001, 01MEX10CP001,
01MEX10CT001 = 01MEX10FF001 or 901.
Note: counting No. is 901 if calculated in DCS,
respective 001 if calculated local with Corr-
FG Length Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
FK Time Time
FL Level Level (also for dividing line)
e.g. level measurement with P-correction
01MEX10CL001, 01MEX10CP001 =
01MEX10FL001 or 901
FM Moisture, humidity Moisture, humidity
FP Pressure Pressure
FQ Analysis Quality variables (analysis, material
properties), other than *FD*, *FM*, *FV*
FS Revolution Velocity, speed, frequency (mechanical),
FT Temperature Temperature
FU Dewpoint Combined and other variables
FV Viscosity Viscosity
FW Weight Weight, mass; measurement with weighing
Mass device/load cell
e.g. weighing measurement for CO2 bottles
FY Vibration Vibration, expansion

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G Electrical, Instrumentation and Electrical, Instrumentation and Control

Control equipment equipment
Cabinets, Junction boxes, Penetrations
GA Junction boxes/penetrations for binary sensors Junction boxes and cable/bus bar penetrations
for binary sensors (free for use)
GB Junction boxes/penetrations for binary sensors Junction boxes and cable/bus bar penetrations
for binary sensors (free for use)
GC Junction boxes/penetrations for analog sensors Junction boxes and cable/bus bar penetrations
for analog sensors (free for use)
GD Junction boxes/penetrations for power cables Junction boxes and cable/bus bar penetrations
> 1 kV for power cables > 1 kV
GE Junction boxes/penetrations for power cables Junction boxes and cable/bus penetrations < 1
< 1 kV kV
e.g. JB on aggregate from subsupplier,
process relevant/technological identification
01MEX10GE001 = JB electrical heaters GOP1
GF Junction boxes/penetrations for C&I-cables Junction boxes for C&I-equipment
e.g. JB on aggregate from subsupplier,
process relevant/technological identification
01MEX10GF001 = JB bearing temp. GOP1
GG Junction boxes and cable/bus bar penetrations Junction boxes and cable/bus bar penetrations
(free for use)
GH Switch board (Control cabinet) Electrical and instrumentation and control
Switch box (Control box) installation units identified as per process
Panel (Control panel) system (e.g. cubicles, boxes)
Cabinet e.g. local control cabinet for hydraulic system
of coal bunkers
GJ Processing and storage equipment for automatic Processing and storage equipment for
systems automatic systems
GK Information Information display and operator control
Operation equipment for process computers and
automation systems
e.g. monitors, keyboards, printers for the DCS
Note: counting system as follows
GK101 Monitor Counting No. 100-position: 1
GK201 Keyboard Counting No. 100-position: 2
GK301 Mouse Counting No. 100-position: 3
Light pen
GK401 CD-Rom drive Counting No. 100-position: 4
GK501 Streamer Counting No. 100-position: 5
GK701 Printer Counting No. 100-position: 7
Copy machine
GK801 Disc drive, Floppy disc station Counting No. 100-position: 8
GM Subdistribution/junction box for telephone Junction boxes for light-current systems of
national telecommunication services (non-
national see *GY*)
GN Network equipment Network equipment
GP Subdistribution/junction box for lighting Subdistribution/junction boxes for lighting
e.g. 01UMJ00GP100 = distribution board
diesel engine house UMJ
GQ Subdistribution/junction box for Power sockets Subdistribution/junction boxes for sockets
e.g. 01UMJ11GQ051 = first UPS-power socket
board on elevation 11m in diesel engine house

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GR DC generating equipment, battery DC generating equipment, batteries if as an

external, stationary equipment
GS Switch Switchgear equipment if not identified under
Switch gear equipment process equipment (see then *GH*)
Switch gear truck
Motor control centre
GS001 Cabinet partition Note: it is possible to give each
Motor control centre (MCC/PDC) partition/cabinet one separate No, or (for
smaller units) the complete unit one No.
GS100 Circuit breaker Counting No. 100-position: 1, first No. 0
Circuit breaker
GS101 Switch gear truck Counting No. 100-position: 1, first No. 1
GS110 Disconnector 1 Counting No. 100-position: 1, second No. 1
Disconnector 1
GS120 Disconnector 2 Counting No. 100-position: 1, second No. 2
Disconnector 2
GS190 Cable disconnector Counting No. 100-position: 1, second No. 9
Cable disconnector
GS191 Earthing disconnector Counting No. 100-position: 1, second No. 9,
first No. 1
Earthing disconnector
GT Transformer Transformer equipment if as an external,
stationary equipment
Note: normally, the internal cabinet equipment
will be identified with *-_*, in that case with *-
GU Converter Converter equipment
e.g. DC/DC-converter and battery power
supply if as an external, stationary equipment
Note: normally, the internal cabinet equipment
will be identified with *-_*, in that case with *-
GV Surge arrestor Structure-related earthing and lightning
protection equipment, surge arrestors
GW Power supply Cabinet power supply equipment if as an
external, stationary equipment
Note: normally, the internal cabinet equipment
will be identified with *-_*, in that case with *-
GX Frequency converter Actuating equipment for electrical variables
e.g. frequency converter if as an external,
stationary equipment
Note: normally, the internal cabinet equipment
will be identified with *-_*, in that case with *-
GY Junction boxes for light-current systems (not of Junction boxes for light-current systems (not of
national telecommunication services) national telecommunication services) e.g.
GZ Transmitter rack Hangers, supports and racks for electrical,
instrumentation and control equipment
e.g. 01UMJ17GZ001 (first rack on elevation
17m in diesel engine house UMJ)

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H Subassemblies of main and heavy Subassemblies of main and heavy

machinery machinery (only to be used in conjunction
with *M* = Main machine sets and *X* =
Heavy machinery)
HA Casing, housing Machine stationary assembly
HB Rotor Machine rotating assembly
HD Bearing Bearing assembly
Bearing pedestal
Axial bearing
Thrust bearing

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Component Key (Breakdown level 3)

- Electro Technical Components Electro Technical Components
-A Subassembly (Module) Assemblies and subassemblies
Subrack (Mounting rack/rail)
Plug-in module/card
Plug-in module/card/rack
Printed circuit board/module
Unit/device combination
-B Strain gage Transducers for non-electrical to electrical
Density probe variable and vice-versa
Speed sensor Note: for electrical to electrical see *-U*
Transmitter (Transducer)
Pressure transmitter
Mass transducer
Flow transmitter
Level transmitter
Temperature sensor
Thermocouple (TC)
Resistance therm. (RTD)
Vibration sensor
-C Capacitor Capacitors
-D Binary element Binary element, delay devices, memory devices
Recorder tape
Recorder tape memory
Memory device
Logic device
Delay device
-E Lighting Special components but also for cabinet
Electrical fence infeedings
Heating Note: a differentiation with the counting-No. is
Trace heating useful, dependent from kind of infeeding, e.g.:
Infeeding 01,02,03 main infeedings
21,22 control voltage DC
51,52 UPS
-F Shutter release, trigger Protective devices
Buchholz protector/relay
Centrifugal switch
Expulsion fuse
Surge arrester
-G Battery Generators, power supplies
Power supply unit
Static converter
Electrical power supply

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-H Drop indicator Signalling device

Annunciation unit
Illuminated indicator
Signal lamp (pilot lamp)
-K Flasher relay Relays, contactors
Main contactor
Contactor relay
Auxiliary relay
Power contactor
-L Inductor Inductor
Choke coil
Wave lock
-M Motor (also actuator) E-Motors
High voltage motor
Low voltage motor
-N Controller Amplifiers, controllers
Master controller
Cascade controller
Master controller
Impedance transformer
-P Video display terminal (VDT) Measuring instruments, testing equipment
Visual display unit (VDU)
Pulse counter
Measuring instrument
Testing equipment
-Q Installation switch Power switchgear
Load disconnector (isolator)
Circuit breaker
Motor protection switch
Disconnecting switch
Disconnector (isolator)
-R Starter Resistors
-S Pushbutton Switches, selectors
Limit switch
Illuminated pushbutton
Acknowledgement switch
Selector switch

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-T Potential transformer Transformers

Current transformer
Isolation transformer
-U Analog-digital converter Modulators, converters from electrical to other
Digital-analog converter electrical variables
Telecontrol unit
Frequency converter
Direct current transducer
Temperature transmitter
Isolating amplifier
-V Nixi-tube Tubes, semiconductors
Tube (cathode-ray)
Zener diode
-W Aerial Transmission path, waveguides, aerials
Optical fibre, Optical waveguide
-X Jack Terminals, plugs, sockets
Terminal strip
Crossbar distributor
Coaxial connector/jack
Solder tag strip
Test jack
-Y Brake Electrical positioners, e.g. Solenoids (not
Brake fan motors)
Clutch, coupling
Magnetic valve
Motor potentiometer
Control drive (solenoid, coil)
-Z Limiter Termination, balancing equipment, filters,
Equalizer limiters, cable terminations, equalizers, hybrid
Filter transformers
Cross over network
Cable termination

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K Mechanical components Mechanical components

KA Gate valve Gate valves, globe valves, dampers, cocks,
Valve (Globe valve) rupture disks, orifices
Flap (Damper) (typical: manifold for dP-Xter)
Bursting disc
Throttle plate
Blank (Figure-eight blank)
KB Gate Gates, doors, dam boards
Dam board
KC Heat exchangers Heat exchangers, coolers
KD Vessel, tank Vessel,basin (pit), surge tank (fluid systems)
Basin (pit)
Surge tank
KE Turning gear Turning, driving, lifting and slewing gear
Driving gear
Lifting gear
Slewing gear
KF Belt conveyor Continuous conveyors, feeders
Screw conveyor
Conveying line
KJ Size reduction machines Size reduction machines
KK Compacting equipment Compacting, packaging machine
Packaging machine
KM Mixers Mixers, agitators
KN Compressor Compressors, blowers, fans
KP Pump Pump
KT Cleaning machine Cleaning machines, dryers, separators, filters
Soot blower
KV Burner Burners, grates
Firing grate
Ash grate
KW Stationary tooling and treatment machines for Stationary tooling and treatment machines for
maintenance maintenance

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M Mechanical components Mechanical components

MB Brake Brakes
MF Foundation Foundations
MG Gearbox Gearboxes
MK Clutch, coupling Clutches, couplings
MM Engine, not electrical Engines, not electrical
MR Pipe Piping components, ductwork components
MS Positioner Positioners, not electrical
MT Turbine Turbines
MU Transmission gear Transmission gear, non electrical, converters
Booster and boosters other than couplings and

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Q Instrumentation and control Instrumentation and control components

components (non electrical)
QB Sensor Sensors if not structurally integrally with *QP*,
metering orifice
QH Signaling device Signaling device
Annunciation device/unit
QN Controller Controller
Flybolt governor Flybolt governor
QP Measuring instrument Measuring instrument
Testing equipment Testing equipment
QR Measurement piping Measurement piping
Instrument piping
QS Expansion tank Condensation chambers (datum reservoir) in
Condensate pot measuring circuits
QT Thermowell Thermowells and pockets for protection of
Protective well sensors
QU -blocked- -blocked-

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X Signal origins Signal origins

Note: these signals are system specific and
has to be fixed individually to the project,
standard as follows
XA Binary signals (from group control) Functional group control
Subloop control
XB Binary signals (from drive control) Open loop drive control
Control interface
XB01 On Feedback drive, solenoid valve, circuit breaker
Opened Feedback position
XB02 Off Feedback drive, solenoid valve, circuit breaker
Closed Feedback position
XB03 Ready Feedback drive, circuit breaker
XB04 Test position Feedback drive, circuit breaker
XB07 Fault Feedback drive, actuator, solenoid valve, circuit
XB08 Service position Feedback switch gear (field locked)
XB09 Earthing switch closed Feedback switch gear
XB10 Earth fault Feedback switch gear
XB11 Under voltage Feedback busbar
XB12 Under voltage Feedback incoming
XB13 Under voltage Feedback battery
XB19 Trip Feedback drive, actuator
Emergency stop
XB22 Status remote Feedback plant, drive, actuator
XB23 Status Local Feedback plant, drive, actuator
XB25 Spring drive charged Feedback MCC, circuit breaker
XB27 Torque switch for open Feedback actuator
XB28 Torque switch for close Feedback actuator
XB38 Motor protection Feedback MCC
Thermistor unit pre-alarm
XB39 Motor protection Feedback MCC
Thermistor unit trip
XB41 Breaker tripping signal Feedback circuit breaker
XB42 Reset Feedback MCC, plant
XB48 Status Automatic Feedback control block
e.g. drive, actuator, solenoid valve
XB49 Status Manual Feedback control block
e.g. drive, actuator, solenoid valve
XB51 Not switched on Feedback drive, solenoid valve, circuit breaker
Not opened Feedback position
XB52 Not switched off Feedback drive, solenoid valve, circuit breaker
Not closed Feedback position
XB57 No faults Feedback drive, actuator, solenoid valve, circuit
XB58 no underload Feedback from switchgear (MCC)
XB72 Not remote Feedback plant, drive, actuator
XB73 Not local Feedback plant, drive, actuator
XB91 Breaker not tripped Feedback MCC, circuit breaker
XB92 Not reseted Feedback plant

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XC Binary signals (feedback from controllers) Closed-loop control signals (binary feedback,
only used internally from system as local tag, not
for signals from/to field).
Rem.: will be not shown normally!
XC01 (free for use) Feedback controller
XC02 (free for use) Feedback controller
XC03 Control automatic Feedback controller
XC04 Control manual Feedback controller
XC07 Control disturbance Feedback controller
XC57 No control disturbance Feedback controller
XG Binary signals (from field/process) Binary process signals (even conditioned by
binary condit. modules)
e.g. all typical field signals (pressure switch, limit
switch )
XG01 Switched on Feedback NO-contact
Limit set point >max 1
XG02 Switched off Feedback NO-contact
Limit set point <min 1
XG03 Limit set point >max 2 Feedback NO-contact
XG04 Limit set point <min 2 Feedback NO-contact
XG05 Limit set point >max 3 Feedback NO-contact
XG06 Limit set point <min 3 Feedback NO-contact
XG07 Limit set point >max 4 Feedback NO-contact
XG08 Limit set point <min 4 Feedback NO-contact
XG09 Limit set point >max 5 Feedback NO-contact
XG10 Limit set point <min 5 Feedback NO-contact
XG51 Limit set point <max 1 Feedback NC-contact
Switched on
XG52 Switched off Feedback NC-contact
Limit set point >min 1
XG53 Limit set point <max 2 Feedback NC-contact
XG54 Limit set point >min 2 Feedback NC-contact
XG55 Limit set point <max 3 Feedback NC-contact
XG56 Limit set point >min 3 Feedback NC-contact
XG57 Limit set point <max 4 Feedback NC-contact
XG58 Limit set point >min 4 Feedback NC-contact
XG59 Limit set point <max 5 Feedback NC-contact
XG60 Limit set point >min 5 Feedback NC-contact

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XH Binary limit signals Binary limit signals derived from analog process
XH01 Limit set point >max 1 Positive logic (log=1)
XH02 Limit set point <min 1 Positive logic (log=1)
XH03 Limit set point >max 2 Positive logic (log=1)
XH04 Limit set point <min 2 Positive logic (log=1)
XH05 Limit set point >max 3 Positive logic (log=1)
XH06 Limit set point <min 3 Positive logic (log=1)
XH07 Limit set point >max 4 Positive logic (log=1)
XH08 Limit set point <min 4 Positive logic (log=1)
XH09 Limit set point >max 5 Positive logic (log=1)
XH10 Limit set point <min 5 Positive logic (log=1)
XH51 Limit set point <max 1 Negative logic (log=0)
XH52 Limit set point >min 1 Negative logic (log=0)
XH53 Limit set point <max 2 Negative logic (log=0)
XH54 Limit set point >min 2 Negative logic (log=0)
XH55 Limit set point <max 3 Negative logic (log=0)
XH56 Limit set point >min 3 Negative logic (log=0)
XH57 Limit set point <max 4 Negative logic (log=0)
XH58 Limit set point >min 4 Negative logic (log=0)
XH59 Limit set point <max 5 Negative logic (log=0)
XH60 Limit set point >min 5 Negative logic (log=0)
XJ Black box signals Signals from non-standard areas (e.g. black
box), (shall be fixed individually), but alarms
shall be defined under *XM*.
XJ01 switched-on Feedback from black-box
in operation
XJ02 switched-off Feedback from black-box
not in operation
XJ03 Ready Feedback from black-box
XJ22 Status remote Feedback from black-box
XJ23 Status local Feedback from black-box
XK Binary signals Equipment unit/component protection
XK01 Protection signal e.g. Generator protection (log=1)
XK51 no protection signal e.g. Generator protection (log=0)
XL Binary signals (from control rooms and PB- Control room and control stations, signals not
stations/panels) assigned to specific control systems (e.g. control
interface tiles, PB-stations will be identified by
the drive-No.)
XL01 Control on Start commands for subloop control
XL02 Control off Stop commands for subloop control
XL04 Acknowledge Acknowledging signal
XL15 Automatic on Start command automatic
XL16 Automatic off Stop command automatic
XL21 Pre selection 1 on Cmd-On pre selection 1
XL22 Pre selection 2 on Cmd-On pre selection 2
XL41 Open Command for the System
XL42 Close Command for the System

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XM Common alarms/faults (binary) Higher-level static individual and group alarm

e.g. common alarms from black boxes
XM01 Fault 1 Fault, alarm
XM02 Fault 2 Fault, alarm
XM03 Fault 3 Fault, alarm
XM04 Fault 4 Fault, alarm
XM05 Fault 5 Fault, alarm
XM06 Fault 6 Fault, alarm
XM07 Fault 7 Fault, alarm
XM08 Fault 8 Fault, alarm
XM09 Fault 9 Fault, alarm
XM10 Fault 10 Fault, alarm
XM11 Disturbance measurement Fault, alarm
XM12 Fault 2 v 3 common Fault, alarm
XM13 Fault 2 v 3 analog Fault, alarm
XM14 Fault 2 v 3 binary Fault, alarm
XM21 Fault plant Fault, alarm
XM22 Breaker tripping signal Fault, alarm
XM23 Non-equivalence Fault, alarm
XM24 Run time error Fault, alarm
XM33 Sensor fault (analog/binary) Fault, alarm
XM41 Message Control system
XM42 Message Control system
XM49 Fault switch-over activated Fault, alarm
XM51 Voltage 0.4kV fault Fault, alarm
XM52 Voltage 220/240V AC fault Fault, alarm
XM53 Voltage 110/220V DC fault Fault, alarm
XM54 Voltage 24/48V AC fault Fault, alarm
XM55 Voltage 24/48V DC fault Fault, alarm
XM56 Signal voltage fault Fault, alarm
XM79 Under voltage (common) Fault, alarm
XM80 Common alarm/fault black box Fault, alarm
XM90 Device fault (common fault) Fault, alarm
XN Binary signals Status-display computer
(please do not use)
XP Binary signals Supervisory computer
(please do not use)
XQ Analog signals (from field/process) Process signal (analog)
XQ01 Analog value 1 Analog input signal (from Transmitter to DCS or
XQ02 Analog value 2 If transmitter has two analog outputs
XQ03 Analog value 3 If transmitter has three analog outputs
XR Analog signals (internal controller signals) Closed loop control (analog signals, only used
internally from system as local tag, not for
signals from/to field).
Rem.: will be not shown normally!
XR01 Control deviation Closed loop control
XR02 Set point 1 Referent input variable 1
XR03 Set point 2 Referent input variable 2
XR07 Disturbance signal Closed loop control
XR11 Adjustment command Closed loop control, from controller to controller
Control command
XS Binary signals Functional group control step signal

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XS01 Start sequence Functional group control step signal

step 1 On
XS02 Start sequence Functional group control step signal
step 2 On
XS03 Start sequence Functional group control step signal
step 3 On
XS04 Start sequence Functional group control step signal
step 4 On
XS05 Start sequence Functional group control step signal
step 5 On
XS51 Stop sequence Functional group control step signal
step 1 On
XS52 Stop sequence Functional group control step signal
step 2 On
XS53 Stop sequence Functional group control step signal
step 3 On
XS54 Stop sequence Functional group control step signal
step 4 On
XS55 Stop sequence Functional group control step signal
step 5 On
XT Binary signals from DCS Turbine-Generator Binary signals from DCS Turbine-Generator
XU Higher-level signals from DCS Higher-level dynamic individual and group alarm
(from DCS)
XU11 Control available Feedback signal
XU12 Control not available Feedback signal
XU13 Control in operation Feedback signal
XU14 Control not in operation Feedback signal
XU15 Control automatic Feedback signal
XU16 Control manual Feedback signal
XU17 Control stop Feedback signal
XU21 Pre selection 1 selected Feedback signal
XU22 Pre selection 2 selected Feedback signal
XV Signal combination protective logics Signal combination (protective logic, alarm logic,
XW Binary signals Hardwired annunciation systems (please do not

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Y Signal applications Identification of type of action by the use of

the control signal (eg. Output signal of
control block to field/MCC)
Note: these signals are system specific and
has to be fixed individually to the project,
standard as follows
YA Binary signals (output signals) Functional group control
Subloop control
YB Binary signals (output signals) Open loop drive control
Control interface
YB01 Switch on Output command
YB02 Switch off Output command
YB03 Hold Output command
YB31 Protection off Trip input command
YB32 Emergency stop Trip command
YB41 Forced open Command
YB42 Forced close Command
YM01 Time synchronisation Sync-signal
YP Binary signals (from control system) Joint control computer
YQ Analog signals (from control system) Set points (output signal)
YQ01 Adjustment command Control signal to actuator
Control command
YR Analog signals internal Controller

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Z Gated signals Subgroups are established as appropriate to

the type of instrumentation and control
system and are therefore subject to
agreement between the parties to the project
ZB01 Binary signals Combined feedback signal
ZB07 Fault Combined feedback signal
drive, actuator, solenoid valve, circuit breaker
ZB08 Underload Feedback from switchgear (MCC)
ZB57 no fault Combined feedback signal
drive, actuator, solenoid valve, circuit breaker
(Note: for new plants please use *XB57*)
ZB58 no underload Feedback from switchgear (MCC)
(Note: for new plants please use *XB58*)
ZV Signal combination protective logics Signal combination protective logics
(shall be fixed individually)

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