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Shadowrun Primer

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2 yecr cf ccl|ve ex|lence hc creclec c r|ch.

ccmce|||nc un|vere cc||ec

5hodowrun. fhe 5hodowrun un|vere hc |l cvn h|lcry. c|ence. rcce cnc
cc||l|c. fhe |nfcrmcl|cn here|n hc ceen cc||eclec cnc ccmc||ec frcm cczen
cf ncve|. curce cnc ru|e ccck cnc ccvenlure l|l|e lclc||nc ve|| cver |x m||||cn
vcrc. fc mcke c|| lh| |nfcrmcl|cn ecy lc recc. lhe W|zK|c lecm hc crcken
ccvn lhe c|ccc| ccncecl |nlc ecy lc recc chccler. c lhe reccer ccn cc
c|recl|y lc c uc|ecl cf ccrl|cu|cr |nlerel.
P|ece en|cy lhe cmcz|nc c|enc cf c mcc|cc| cnc
lechnc|cc|c fulure vcr|c ve cc||
l||l| lJ
l!| l|l
( OHAPIEP l: IHE WOPLD OF 5HADOWP0N......................................................... T
WllCCll fC fHl SH/DCWS......................................................................... T
PUrrirO ir IIO $ICUOvs ..................................................................... 4
HlSfCPlC/l lVlNfS lN SH/DCWPUN............................................................ 8
fHl lCCNClY Cl SH/DCWPUN.................................................................. T
1IO lOOCCOrCOrCIiOrs ................................................................................... T7
COrCOrCIO $ICIUs ............................................................................................. T8
1IO 8ClCrCO Of COrCOrCIO POvOr ................................................................. T
( OHAPIEP ll: 5HADOWP0N AILA5 ....................................................................... 2T
fHl WCPlD....................................................................................................... 2T
fHl NlW NCPfH /llPlC/............................................................................. 22
NCIiOr. UriIOU CCrCUiCr CrU AnOriCCr $ICIOs (UCA$)................ 25
NCIiOr. COrfOUOrCIiOr Of AnOriCCr $ICIOs (CA$) .......................... 25
NCIiOr. CClifOrriC |rOO $ICIO (C|$).................................................... 2
NCIiOr. $ClisI-$IiUIO COUrCil ($$C) .................................................. 28
NCIiOr. 1ir 1CirrOirO .............................................................................. 2
NCIiOr. $iOUx NCIiOr............................................................................ 2
NCIiOr. AzIlCr ...................................................................................... 3T
fHl Sl/ffll llfPCPllX.................................................................................. 32
1IO |Cy Of IIO |CrU............................................................................. 33
CrinirCl CrOCrizCIiOrs........................................................................ 3
lll|| J|
( OHAPIEP lll: 5HADOWP0N IEOHNOLOOY........................................................ 38
CYBlPflCHNClCGY....................................................................................... 38
|nClCrIirO CyLOrvCrO........................................................................ 42
8iOIOCIrOlOOy...................................................................................... 42
NCrOIOCIrOlOOy................................................................................. 43
B/NNlD flCHNClCGY .................................................................................. 44
( OHAPIEP lV: IHE MAIPlX..................................................................................... 45
|Is C lCIrix WOrlU AfIOr All ................................................................. 47
CUlIUrO $IOCk ir 3-D............................................................................ 4
ACCOssirO IIO lCIrix........................................................................... 5
|ifO ir IIO lCIrix................................................................................... 5
SH/DCWPUNNlNG lN fHl l/fPlX................................................................. 57
( OHAPIEP V: IHE MAOlO OF 5HADOWP0N....................................................... T
l/GlC /ND l/GlS....................................................................................... 2
1IO YOUrO CrU IIO $|NlOss ................................................................. 2
POliOiOr ir IIO $ixII WOrlU................................................................... 3
1IO |Cv................................................................................................. 4
8UsirOss CrU lCOiC............................................................................. 4
lCrC CrU IIO POCliIy Of lCOiC........................................................ 5
B/NNlD l/GlC.............................................................................................. 7
( OHAPIEP Vl: 5HADOWP0N OHAPAOIEP5 ........................................................
CH/P/CflP SUll/PllS................................................................................
1H $1P1 DACCN............................................................................ 7T
$||VP lAX........................................................................................... 73
KYU$H| ................................................................................................... 75
||ADA .................................................................................................... 77
G-DCGG .............................................................................................. 7
|C1HAN 1H W|$................................................................................. 8T
K||AN CC|1........................................................................................ 83
|CVCPA|1........................................................................................... 85
$1|HUN1P......................................................................................... 87
ZHAD ................................................................................................... 8
$|lCN 8P|CKlAN ............................................................................... T
JACK| CZCN..................................................................................... 3
8ANN|CK8UPN...................................................................................... 5
KAPKHCV.............................................................................................. 7
l|DN|GH1 ............................................................................................. TT
NA1CKAH.............................................................................................. T3
KPC$$.................................................................................................... T5
WC|| NV............................................................................................. T7
APPENDlX l ............................................................................................................... TTT
PlGlCN/l /ND N/flCN/l Sf/flSflCS .......................................................... TTT
APPENDlX ll ............................................................................................................... T2
PlGlCN/l l/PS.............................................................................................. T2
1IO 8riIisI |slOs....................................................................................... T2
AUsIrCliC................................................................................................ T3
POOiOrs Of UrOCO CrU UrCsiC.......................................................... T3T
CIirC. JCCCr. PIilliCirOs CrU $ AsiC................................................ T32
APPENDlX lll ............................................................................................................... T33
GlCSS/PY........................................................................................................ T33
APPENDlX lV: 5IYLE 5HEEI ....................................................................................... T4
CCCiIClizCIiOr .................................................................................................. T4
1OrnirOlOOy...................................................................................................... T4
NUnLOrs ........................................................................................................... T47
POfOrOrCOs ....................................................................................................... T47
GOrOrCl $IylO ................................................................................................... T47
ALLrOviCIiOrs................................................................................................... T48
Scec|fc Wcrc cnc ferm .............................................................................. T52
t||J@| lJ l!| !lJJt
Watch your lack. Shoot straight. (onsorvo ammo. And novor, ovor,
cut a doal vith a dragon.
Ihe yeor Is 23. Ihe worId Is chongedsome soy Awokened.
/ |cnc |u|| |n lhe myl|cc| enerc|e cf lhe un|vere hc uc|cec. cnc mcc|c hc relurnec lc lhe vcr|c. l|ve.
cvcrf. crk cnc lrc|| hcve lhrcvn cff lhe|r humcn cu|e cnc cumec lhe|r lrue fcrm. lcny excerl c|c|m
lhcl lcrlh hc ccne lhrcuch everc| uch |nccrncl|cn cf vcx|nc cnc vcn|nc mcc|c. fhee c|fferenl erc
cre cc||ec `vcr|c. fhe S|xlh Wcr|c. lhe nevel cce cf mcc|c. hc |ul cecun. Creclure |n lhe v||c hcve
chcncec c ve||. lrcnfcrm|nc |nlc cecl cf mylh cnc |ecenc. fhe mcny lrcc|l|cn cf mcc|c hcve ccme
ccck lc ||fe. cnc hcmcn cnc mcce hcve ccrvec cul c c|cce fcr lheme|ve |n lhe nev vcr|c. lcny
ccecl cf lhe /vcken|nc remc|n myler|e. cul cc|ely fchl cn lc c|m||cle lhe vcy cf mcc|c |nlc c vcr|c
ccm|nclec cy lechnc|ccy.
fhe ceccce lhcl fc||cvec lhe /vcken|nc vere yecr cf ccn|c cnc lurmc||. c lhe lcur Hcremen cf lhe
/cccc|yce eemec lc rcce ccrc lhe lcrlh. Cu|lure lhcl hcc never |cl lcuch v|lh lhe|r myl|cc| ccl
ceccn lc ue mcc|c ccc|nl lhe crecl ncl|cn lhcl hcc |cnc cccreec lhem. fhe vcl c|ccc| le|eccmmun|
ccl|cn nelvcrk cc||ccec uncer cn ccu|l cy c myler|cu ccmculer v|ru. Drcccn ccrec |nlc lhe k|e. lc|
cem|c cnc fcm|ne rcvccec lhe vcr|c cccu|cl|cn. C|che celveen nev|y /vckenec rcce cnc lhe rel cf
humcn|ly ceccme ccmmcn. /|| cenlrc| culhcr|ly crumc|ec. cnc lhe vcr|c ceccn lc c|rc| |nlc lhe ccy.
Bul mcn cnc h| k|n cre hcrcy creclure. Cul cf lhe cevclcl|cn cnc chcc. c frcc||e nev cc|c| crcer |cv|y
emercec. /cvcncec |mu|clec encry lechnc|ccy (|mene) he|cec ercc|ccle lhe |cl vel|ce cf lhe
ccmculer v|ru cnc rec|ccec lhe c|c le|eccmmun|ccl|cn nelvcrk v|lh lhe nev v|rluc|rec||ly vcr|c cf lhe
lclr|x. /mer|nc|cn. e|ve. crk cnc cvcrf fcrmec nev ncl|cn. Wh||e env|rcnmenlc| cecrcccl|cn cnc
!ll|l |
l!| tJl|J J| !lJJtlJ!
cc||ul|cn hcve mcce mcny crec un|nhcc|lcc|e. ecccrcuc vcce vcr cn cc||uler. cnc /vckenec ccv
er ue |ncrec|c|e mcc|c lc hec| lhe lcrlh. Cenlrc| ccvernmenl hcve cc|kcn|zec |nlc mc||er ncl|cn cnc
c|lylcle. c fecr cf lhe vcr|c chcnce cr|ve vecce celveen cecc|e cf c|fferenl ccckcrcunc. Vcl
melrccc||lcn crcv| kncvn c melrcc|exe ccver lhe |cncccce. lhee urccn |unc|e hcve vc||cvec vhc|e
rec|cn. Pc||ce ceccrlmenl uncc|e lc ccnlc|n cr|me vcve cnc c|v|| unrel hcve ceen cr|vcl|zec cr lhe|r vcrk
ccnlrcclec cul lc ccrccrcl|cn.
leccccrccrcl|cn. c |cv unlc lheme|ve. hcve ceccme lhe nev ucerccver. fhe enl|re c|cnel ceck lhe|r
|cncucce. lhe nuyen hc ceccme lhe c|ccc| mcnelcry lcnccrc. fhe meccccrc c|cy c cecc|y ccme. ccy
|nc ccvn |n lhe hcccv lc he|c lhem cel cn ecce cn lhe ccmcel|l|cn-|ecc||y cr clherv|e. lecnvh||e.
execul|ve cnc vcce |cve hc|e uc |n lhe|r ccrccrcle enc|cve. cfe ceh|nc |cyer cf ecur|ly cnc |nccc
lr|ncl|cn. Cul|ce lhe vc|| cf lhee crcc|cc|e cnc cclec ccmmun|l|e. vhc|e lrelche cf lhe crcv| hcve
ceccme unccverncc|e. Gcnc ru|e lhe lreel. lhe fcrccllen mce uffer. |cck|nc even c Sylem lcenl|fcc
l|cn Numcer (SlN) lc c|ve lhem cny r|chl. fhee culccl. c||cenl cnc rece| ||ve cff lhe crec cf cc|ely.
cucll|nc |n |cnccccnccnec cu||c|nc. urv|v|nc lhrcuch cr|me cnc crecclcry |nl|ncl. lcny ccnc lccelher.
cme fcr urv|vc| cnc cme lc v|e|c lhe|r cvn lv|lec fcrm cf ccver.
Jul c lhe eccnc hc|f cf lhe 2lh cenlury cv encrmcu lechnc|cc|cc| ccvcnce. c hc lhe 2Tl cenlury
ccnl|nuec lc mcke lechnc|cc|cc| |ecc ceycnc vhcl vc lhcuchl cc|c|e. fhe creclel ccvcnce cf lh|
cenlury hcve ceen mcce |n lhe ccmculer c|ence cnc melchumcnccmculer |nlerccnnecl|v|ly. fhee cc
vcnce cre cel recreenlec cy lhe lclr|x. c c|cceccnn|nc v|rluc| cc|ely cf uer cnc ccmculer ylem.
fhe c|ffcu|ly cf melchumcn urv|vc| |n lhe hcrh 2Tl cenlury hc |ec lc lhe ceve|ccmenl cf nev fcrm cf
lechnc|ccy lhcl mcke |l cc|c|e fcr melchumcn|ly lc cerfcrm lhe mcny ccmc|ex |cc recu|rec |n lh| mccern
cce. fh| nev lechnc|ccy | cc||ecl|ve|y cc||ec cycerlechnc|ccy.
lelchumcn|ly hc lurnec |l cc||ecl|ve eye ccck lcvcrc ccce. lhe numcer cf ccce hcc|lcl crc|l|nc lhe
lcrlh | crccf cf lhe crecl ccvcnce |n lhe ccce c|ence.
lecc ccnl|nue lc ce mcce |n mcre munccne fe|c c ve||. uch c lrcnccrlcl|cn cnc enlerlc|nmenl. Hcver
crcfl lechnc|ccy hc ceccme cffcrccc|e cnc ccmmcnc|cce. vh||e ||ve cnc reccrcec enlerlc|nmenl hcve
ceccme c 3D excer|ence cc||ec lr|cec cnc |mene.
fechnc|ccy. lcc. hc chcncec cecc|e. Nc |cncer cl|fec v|lh ce|nc mere|y feh. mcny hcve lurnec lc lhe
crl|fc|c| enhcncemenl cf cycervcre lc mcke lheme|ve mcre lhcn humcn. Scme cccu|re |mc|cnl lhcl c|
|cv lhem lc |nlerfcce c|recl|y v|lh mcch|ne. ||ke cecker vhc run lhe lclr|x v|lh c cycerceck cnc crccrcm
cr r|ccer vhc |cck |nlc veh|c|e cr ecur|ly ylem cnc ceccme cne v|lh lhem. Clher eek lc cuh lhe ||m|l
cf lhe|r chy|cc| ccccc|||l|e. lel|nc lheme|ve cn lhe lreel ccc|nl clher lechnc|cc|cc||y enhcncec vcr
r|cr. fhe humcn cf 23 | lrcncer. mcrler cnc fcler lhcn h| crecececr.
ln lhe vcr|c cf 23. lhe melrcc|exe cre mcnler lhcl ccl |cnc hcccv. /nc |n lhe crcck celveen lhe
c|cnl ccrccrcle lruclure. hcccvrunner fnc lhe|r hcme. lnl|re cc|el|e ||ve cnc c|e |n c c|cckmcrkel un
cervcr|c. exc|c|lec cnc ccuec. yel ccverfu| |n lhe|r cvn vcy. fhe lcfc. Yckuzc cnc clher cr|me ync|ccle
hcve crcvn exc|c|ve|y c lhe|r nelvcrk crcv|ce cnylh|nc lhcl cecc|e vcnl lc cuy. Shcccvrunner cre lhe
crcfe|cnc| cf lh| cu|lure. vhere e|fuffc|ency | v|lc|. When lhe meccccrc vcnl c |cc ccne cul ccnl
vcnl lc c|rly lhe|r hcnc. lhey lurn lc lhe cn|y cecc|e vhc ccn cu|| |l cff: lhe hcccvrunner. fhcuch cn|y
lhe mcl ccnfcenl|c| ccvernmenl cr ccrccrcle cclccce even kncv cf c hcccvrunner ex|lence. lhe
cemcnc fcr h| cr her erv|ce | h|ch. Be|cv | c ||l cf crchelycc| hcccvrunner cnc lhe|r k|||.
( Decker ccn ||ce ||ke c vh|cer lhrcuch lhe cclccce cf c|cnl ccrccrcl|cn. c|r|l|nc cvcy lhe cn|y lh|nc
cf rec| vc|ue-|nfcrmcl|cn.
( Slreel cmurc| cre enfcrcer fcr h|re vhce ccmccl k||| cnc ref|exe mcke lhem lhe u|l|mcle
urccn crecclcr.
( P|ccer ccn mcn|cu|cle
veh|c|e cnc crcne fcr c
vcr|ely cf curcce.
( lcc|c|cn. lhce rcre
fc|k vhc cce lhe c|fl
cf v|e|c|nc cnc hcc|nc
lhe mcc|cc| enerc|e lhcl
ncv urrcunc lhe lcrlh.
cre cuchl cfler lc cy cn
lhe ccmcel|l|cn. ||nc ce||
ccc|nl cn enemy. ccmm|l
mcc|cc| ccclcce. cnc
cny clher curcce lhcl lhe|r
emc|cyer ccn crecm uc.
/|| lhee |nc|v|cuc| e|| lhe|r
k||| lc urv|ve. lck|nc cn lhe
lck lcc |||ecc| cr ccncercu
fcr clher lc ccre.
lJ!!|!\ |! l!|
ll | c|c |n lhe cu|ne c|rc|e cf
lhe m|c2Tl cenlury lhcl hcc
cvrunner cre v|lc| lc mccern
cc|ely. cnc ccc|y encuch. |l
lrue. Shcccvrunner cre v|lc|.
cec|fcc||y lc mccern ccrccrcle
cc|ely. Dec|le lhe rcmcnl|c
|mcce cf c |cne herc uc ccc|nl
lhe ccc|lc||l ccrccrcle emc|re.
|n rec||ly hcccvrunner ex|l
cn|y ceccue lhe ccrccrcl|cn
neec lhem.
fhe fccl |. everylh|nc |n
lhe 2Tl cenlury | lcccec. cclc
|ccec cnc crc|ncexec v|lh|n
c m|crcn cf |l ||fe. fhe lclr|x
kncv c||. cnc fev eccce lhe
recch cf |l |nfcrmcl|cnc| lencr||.
W|lh lhe r|chl ecrch crccrcm.
ycu ccn fnc cul cnylh|nc cccul
cnycne. Shcccvrunner. hcv
ever. cre chcl |n lhe |nfcrmc
l|cn mcch|ne. SlN|e |nc|v|cuc|
vhc hcve k||| lhe ccrc neec.
Shcccvrunner cre v|lc| ce
ccue lhey cre cen|cc|e cel:
|nv||c|e. unlrccecc|e. / fcr c
cc|ely | ccncernec. hcccv
runner ccnl ex|l. c lhey ccn
free|y cc lhe ccrc c|rly vcrk.
l!| ll| J| !lJJtlJ!
lcc|c | mcl ccv|cu|y c|c|cyec |n Shcccvrun cy lhe fcur
uccrcuc cf Hcmc cc|en ce|ce lhe creccm|ncnl Hcmc c
c|en cc|en: e|f (Hcmc cc|en ncc|||). cvcrf (Hcmc cc|en
cum|||cn|). crk (Hcmc cc|en rcculu) cnc lrc|| (Hcmc cc|en
|ncenl|). Ncnhumcn cre kncvn c melchumcn. vh||e lhe
fve uccrcuc c c vhc|e (|nc|uc|nc humcn) cre kncvn c
melchumcn|ly. /|| cre humcn ce|nc-cl |ecl ccccrc|nc lc
lhe cenel|c|l. Pcc|l cy c|fferenl|y.
ln lhe ecr|y 2. humcn cre l||| lhe mcl cccu|cu rcce
cn lhe c|cnel. lcch cf lhe clher rcce | recreenlec cccul
ecuc||y. cul lhey cre ccllerec uneven|y ccrc lhe c|cce.
ln cme c|cce. humcn cre cn exlreme m|ncr|ly. cul lhce
lenc lc ce crec vhere clher rcce hcve cclherec fcr cfely.
crclecl|cn cnc |c|cl|cn.
U|nc humcn c lhe lcnccrc. lhe fc||cv|nc cre cenerc| cefn|
l|cn cf lhe clher rcce:
Dvcrf cre hcrc|er. lrcncer cnc mcre v|||fu|-|.e.. lucccrn-
lhcn humcn. fhey c|c hcve lhermccrcch|c v||cn. vh|ch c|
|cv lhem lc ee rcc|clec |nfrcrec (hecl) enercy |mu|lcnecu
|y v|lh lhe ncrmc| ||chl ceclrum. fhey mcve mcre |cv|y lhcn
lhe clher rcce. cul lhey cre c|c mcre re|lcnl lc c|ece. /nc
ye. lhey cre hcrl.
l|ve cre mcre cc||e cnc lenc lc ce mcre c|c|cc||y chcr|mcl
|c lhcn humcn. fhey c|c hcve |cv||chl v||cn. vh|ch encc|e
lhem lc ee c|ecr|y |n necrlclc| ccrkne.
Crk cre much lcucher. lrcncer cnc |e chcr|mcl|c. lhey c|c
eem cn cvercce lc ce |e ccule. cr |nle|||cenl. lhcn humcn.
fhey lcc hcve |cv||chl v||cn.
frc|| cre c|c cnc ncly. fhey cre c |cl lcucher. |cver. lrcn
cer. |e chcr|mcl|c. |e ccule cnc |e v|||fu| lhcn humcn.
fhey hcve lhermccrcch|c v||cn. |cnc crm lhcl c|ve lhem cn
ccvcnlcce |n hcnclchcnc ccmccl. cnc exlreme|y lcuch k|n
v|lh ccny cecc|l lhcl mcke lhem mcre re|lcnl lc ccmcce.

lJ|| J| l!| \l@|

fhere | c ce||ccle cc|cnce celveen ccrccrcle neec cnc ccrccrcle creec. Punner vc|k lhcl ||ne every ccy.
Cne lec lcc fcr |n lhe vrcnc c|recl|cn. cnc c ccrccrcl|cn m|chl cec|ce lhe runner cre vcrlh mcre cecc
lhcn c||ve. lf runner vere nclh|nc mcre lhcn c ccnlcnl lhrecl lc ccrccrcle ecur|ly. lhe ccrc vcu|c v|ce
lhem cul |n c eccnc. Bul lhe ccrc neec runner. c lhey ccerve cerlc|n unvr|llen ru|e vhen |l ccme lc h|r
|nc cnc u|nc lhce vhc ||ve |n lhe hcccv. fhere nc crcfl |n v|c|nc cul c uefu| cel. Gccc runner kncv
lhe ru|e cf lhe ccrccrcle che ccme cnc hcv lc c|cy cy lhem. Bcc runner uuc||y enc uc cecc.
J@l!l @|!
Wh||e mcl hcccvrunner cre free|cnce ccercl|ve. vcrk|nc fcr lhe h|chel c|ccer cnc ||v|nc hcnclcmculh.
cme |n lhe hcccv chcce c c|fferenl cclh. fhey ceccme fu||l|me emc|cyee cf c ccrl|cu|cr ccrccrcl|cn.
Kncvn c ccmccny men cr `lr. Jchncn-c|cnc v|lh mcny clher. mcre cc|crfu| ncme-ccrccrcle hcc
cvrunner crcv|ce lhe|r cclrcn v|lh cecenccc|e hcccvcel lhe ccrc ccn cc|| cn cl cny l|me.
fhere cre mcny cenefl lc vcrk|nc fcr cne ccrc: recu|cr ccy. nev cecr vhen ycu neec |l. c rccf cver ycur
hecc cnc lhe ccck|nc cf c ccrccrcle cclrcn. Scmel|me ccmccny men cel lhe|r hcnc cn cecr lhcl lhe rel cf
lhe vcr|c ccenl even kncv ex|l yel. Ccrccrcle emc|cyer excecl lhe cel frcm lhe|r crcfe|cnc| hcccvrun
ner cnc crcv|ce lhe cel fcr lhem lc mcke |l hcccen. Perhcc lhe mcl |mccrlcnl cenefl cf ce|nc c ccmccny
mcn | kncv|nc vhere ycu lcnc. ln lhe h|fl|nc c|||cnce cf lhe hcccv. ycu mcy vcrk fcr cne ccrc cne veek
cnc |l crchr|vc| lhe nexl. ln c |lucl|cn ||ke lhcl. |l c|ffcu|l lc kncv vhc ycur fr|enc cre. Wcrk|nc fcr cne ccrcc
rcl|cn. lhe ccmccny mcn hc c celler |cec cf vhc h| fr|enc cnc enem|e cre cl cny c|ven l|me.
Ccrccrclerelc|nec hcccvrunner cre een cy cme c v|c|cl|nc lhe muchcher|hec |mcce cf lhe hcccv
runner c c rcmcnl|c rece| mercencry. fchl|nc ccrccrcle cccre|cn cnc lck|nc frcm lhe r|ch |n Pcc|n Hccc
fch|cn lc c|ve lc lhe cccr-ncme|y. h|me|f. Ccmccny men cre cflen hunnec cy free|cnce hcccvrunner
vhc uccr|ce lc lhe `e||cul lhecry.
l!| |||| J| @l. JJ!!J!
`lr. Jchncn cenerc||y hc lhe hcrlel ||fe exceclcncy cf cny ccrccrcle emc|cyee. lrcm lhe ccrc cc|nl
cf v|ev. he kncv lcc much cccul lhe ccmccny c|rly |cuncry cnc c|cck cc lc ce enl|re|y cfe. lrcm lhe
hcccvrunner cc|nl cf v|ev. he cn unlrulvcrlhy ccrccrcle h||| vhc crcccc|y curnec cl |ecl c fev run
ner |n h| ccy. Sc lhe cuel|cn |. vhc |n h| r|chl m|nc ceccme c lr. Jchncn? Bc|cc||y. lr. Jchncn ccme
|n lvc lyce: lhe crcfe|cnc| Jchncn (c ccrccrcle fxer cr c free|cncer vcrk|nc fcr c ccrc) cnc lhe cmcleur.
fhe cmcleur lr. Jchncn | cmecne |n neec cf hcccvrunner fcr c ccrl|cu|cr |cc-uuc||y c ccrccrcle exec
v|lh cme recurce cl h| cr her c|ccc|. /mcleur Jchncn ccnl vcrk v|lh runner cn c recu|cr cc|. cnc

fcr vcr|cu reccn cf lhe|r cvn lhey hcve chcen ncl lc cc lhrcuch lhe lcnccrc chcnne| cvc||cc|e lc lhem.
ll m|chl ce c ecrel crc|ecl lhcl lhe Jchncn ccnl lrul cnycne e|e v|lh cr c cercnc| ccencc lhcl ccenl
nececr||y meh v|lh lhe ccrc c|cn (cr cl |ecl v|lh lhe c|cn cf lhe Jchncn |mmec|cle ucer|cr). fhee
cuy cre Jchncn ceccue lhey ccnl hcve c chc|ce. fhe|r run ccn cel lr|cky. ceccue lhey cflen |nvc|ve
|nlerccrc cc||l|c cr clher cercnc| ccencc.
/mcleur Jchncn c|c |nc|uce vcr|cu ncnccrccrcle fc|k vhc crenl uec lc h|r|nc cr vcrk|nc v|lh hcccv
runner. Ycu ccn uuc||y le|| cn cmcleur Jchncn r|chl cvcy: lhey lenc lc ce nervcu. fulerec cnc unfcm|||cr
v|lh lhe unvr|llen ru|e cf lhe hcccv. lcl cmcleur Jchncn vcrk lhrcuch fxer cnc m|cc|emen. cnc lhe|r
|ncu|r|e cre cflen c|umy. Sl|||. cme ccrccrcle exec vhc hcve never vcrkec v|lh hcccvrunner cefcre
ccrry lheme|ve ||ke crcfe|cnc| Jchncn. / |cl cf lhe k||| uec |n lhe cccrcrccm ccc|y ecuc||y ve|| lc cec|
|nc v|lh lhe hcccv.
fhe crcfe|cnc| Jchncn | lhe lyce hcccvrunner cec| v|lh mcl cf lhe l|me: ccrccrcle ccenl vhce
cu|ne | h|r|nc hcccvrunner. Generc||y. crcfe|cnc| Jchncn cre cn lhe fcl lrcck lc ccrccrcle ccver.
cnc lhe|r ccnnecl|cn v|lh lhe hcccv cre lhe|r key lc lhe lcc. fhey hcve c|rl cn everycne |n lhe ccmccny.
cnc lheyre mcre lhcn v||||nc lc ue lhe|r ccnlccl cnc kncv|ecce cf lhe hcccv lc crclecl lheme|ve cnc
ccvcnce lhe|r cvn ccue. Keec cn eye cn lhee fc|k. ceccue lhey cflen enc uc |n c ccrner cffce u|nc lhe
ccver lheyve cccumu|clec. ll ccn ce cccc lc kncv c fcrmer Jchncn vhc cve ycu c fcvcr. cnc ccc lc
kncv cne v|lh c crucce ccc|nl ycu.
Ccnlrcry lc cccu|cr ce||ef. lhe crcfe|cnc| Jchncn |cc | ncl h|r|nc hcccvrunner lc el lhem uc fcr c
fc|| cr clherv|e e|| lhem cul. Ye. Jchncn ||e. /ny Jchncn vhc le|| ycu lhe vhc|e lrulh | e|lher crczy cr
cecercle. Hcvever. c Jchncn vhc mcke c hcc|l cf ell|nc uc hcccvrunner |nl cc|nc lc ce c Jchncn
fcr |cnc. / uccefu| lr. Jchncn neec c cccc reculcl|cn lc cllrccl cnc keec cuc||ly hcccvlc|enl. |ul ||ke
c fxer neec c c||c reculcl|cn lc mc|nlc|n h| nelvcrk cf ccnlccl. / Jchncn vhc el uc c lecm cf runner
e|lher ccenl ccre cccul h| reculcl|cn-cc|c|y ceccue he c|cn lc cel cul cf lhe hcccvcu|ne-cr
ccenl kncv cccul lhe ccuc|ecrc cny mcre lhcn lhe runner cc. Ccrccrcle h|cheruc hcve ceen kncvn
lc el uc Jchncn |ul ||ke Jchncn cre c|c lc el uc runner.
!|lJl|l| ||!l
|! !lJJtlJ!
T990s: Hccker crcuc cec|cclec lc
excc|nc ecur|ly hc|e cnc fcv |n lhe
lnlernel ceccme mcre crcccl|ve. Clher
crcuc fcrm c ve||. u|nc |m||cr lechn|cue
cul ccunc lccelher cy cc|c| cr cc||l|cc|
ccencc. cr |mc|y fcr lhe|r cvn cc|n. V|
rue cec|n lc crc||fercle ccrc lhe lnlernel.
T999: fhe U.S. Sucreme Ccurl ru|e |n
fcvcr cf Serelech Ccrccrcl|cn r|chl lc
mc|nlc|n cn crmec fcrce fcr lhe crclecl|cn
cf |l cercnne| cnc crccerly. effecl|ve|y
|ec|l|m|z|nc cr|vcle ccrc crm|e.
200T: fhe U.S. Sucreme Ccurl ru|e |n
fcvcr cf Sh|cvce Ccrccrcl|cn r|chl lc
exlrclerr|lcr|c||ly. lhu c|v|nc Sh|cvce cnc
clher mu|l|ncl|cnc| ccrccrcl|cn lhe cme
r|chl cnc cr|v||ece c fcre|cn ccvernmenl.
2002: fhe frl ccl|cc| ch|c lhcl ccn
lcnc uc lc e|eclrcmccnel|c cu|e effecl |
2003: / fch fccc |n lhe Ncrlh Sec re
c|cn cf Germcny crecc c ce|uce cf lcx|c
vcler everyvhere. Hcmcurc | fcccec |n
evcce. cnc everc| nuc|ecr c|cnl recu|re
emercency hulccvn.
2004: ln Grecl Br|lc|n. c nuc|ecr me|l
ccvn |n Kenl crecle c |ccc| |rrcc|clec zcne
cnc k||| mcre lhcn . cecc|e.
l!| \l|ll Jll\J!
J| l!| tJl|J
|Cir. lI. $ICsIC. CClifOrriC |rOO $ICIO
lemc|e crcccn cre rencvnec fcr lhe|r lrenclh cnc
cunn|nc. cnc Helccy | c cr|me mcver cnc hcker
ceh|nc lhe cene. lcr mcny yecr. Helccy hc
c|c|mec ll. Shclc |n lhe Cc||fcrn|c lree Slcle c her
ccmc|n cnc crcleclec lhe urrcunc|nc |cnc ccc|nl
cnycne vhc vcu|c lry lc lcke |l.
PIUr lOOCClOx. GOrnCr AlliCrCO
W|ce|y ccn|cerec lhe mcl ccverfu| creclure |n
lhe S|xlh Wcr|c. even cy h| fe||cv crcccn. lcfvyr
cccclec cu|ck|y lc lhe mccern vcr|c cnc hrevc|y
|nvelec h| vcl um cf vec|lh |nlc c ccrccrcl|cn.
ScecerKrucc Hecvy lnculr|e hc ceccme lhe |crc
el. vec|lh|el cnc mcl ccverfu| meccccrccrcl|cn |n
lhe vcr|c.
|Cir. DOrvOr. |rOrI PCrOO |rOO ZOrO
fhe crecl crcccn Ghclvc|ker | lcfvyr ceer |n
lerm cf cce cnc excer|ence. lhcuch Ghclvc|ker
| ncl c fcm|||cr v|lh lhe mccern vcr|c. hcv|nc cn|y
recenl|y relurnec frcm c |cnc c|curn |n lhe h|cher
clrc| c|cne. H| frl ccl|cn uccn cvcken|nc vc
lc |cy c|c|m lc h| c|c ccmc|n. vh|ch |nc|uce lhe
Denver lrcnl Pcnce lree /cne. Hcv|nc een lhe crecl
crcccn ccver. lhe clher ncl|cn hcc ||ll|e chc|ce
cul lc ccree.

2005: / mc|cr ecrlhcucke rcck Nev

Ycrk C|ly. k||||nc 2. cnc cc|nc c||||cn
cf nuyen |n ccmcce. fhe ccrc recu||c lhe
c|ly |n exchcnce fcr cerlc|n ccnce|cn lhcl
|ecve lhe lycccn effecl|ve|y |n chcrce.
2005-200: ln 25. ccckec cy Jccc
nee ccrccrcle |nlerel. Sculh Kcrec cec|cre
vcr cn Ncrlh Kcrec. By lhe enc cf lhe yecr
Ncrlh Kcrec | cverrun. lmcc|cenec cy lhe
ucce cf lhe Kcrecn Ccnf|cl. Jcccn ccn
crcc|c|m |le|f lhe Jcccnee lmcer|c| Slcle.
200: fhe Ccmmcnvec|lh Sc|enl|fc cnc
lnculr|c| Peecrch Crccn|zcl|cn ucceec |n
c|cn|nc ||ve cmc|e cf lhe exl|ncl fcmcn|cn
l|cer frcm frczen l|ue cmc|e.
2008: / melecr cc|||ce v|lh lhe l|r l
ccce c|clfcrm (recenl|y c|c cy lhe Pu|cn
lc lhe Hcrr|3l ccrccrcl|cn). k||||nc lvc cf
lhe crev culr|chl. fhe rel c|e |cler vhen
Hcrr|3l fc|| lc |cunch c recue m||cn.
2009: ln c c|ch kncvn c lhe lcne lcc|e
|nc|cenl. Ncl|ve /mer|ccn freeccm fchler
ccclure c m|||e ||c |n ncrlhvel lcnlcnc
cnc lhreclen lc |cunch lhe m|||e un|e
lhe U.S. ccvernmenl cnc lhe ccrc relurn c||
lnc|cn |cnc.
2009-20T0: ln reccne lc lhe lcne
lcc|e |nc|cenl. lhe U.S. Ccncre cce lhe
Pelcuccl|cn cnc Pe|cccl|cn /cl |n |cle
2. fhe /cl cc|| fcr lhe ccnfnemenl cf
cnycne ccnneclec |n cny vcy lc lhe Scver
e|cn /mer|ccn lnc|cn lcvemenl. Ccnccc
Pcr||cmenl cce lhe Nececn /cl. |ecc|
|z|nc |nlernmenl ccmc fcr Ncl|ve /mer|
ccn. fhrcuchcul 2T. lhcucnc cf Ncl|ve
/mer|ccn cre h|ccec cff lc `reecuccl|cn
cenler. lcny never relurn.
|Cir. |lCrUOvOry. WClOs
Phcnccvy | c crecl crcccn vhc |c|r |n c rec|cn
cf Wc|e. c ccmc|n he c|c|mec hcrl|y cfler h|
cvcken|nc. Pclher lhcn cuy|nc c meccccrccrcl|cn
culr|chl. Phcnccvy | c hcccv|nvelcr. cvn
|nc hcre |n numercu ccrccrcl|cn cnc cu|ne
|nlerel. Phcnccvy | c cc||eclcr v|lh c vcl hccrc.
lecenc hc |l lhcl he hc c r|vc|. c ec crcccn lhcl
cve|| |n Ccrc|ccn Bcy. he | c|c rumcrec lc hcve
l|e v|lh cerlc|n |ecenc cccul K|nc /rlhur.
|Cir. CCOrlOOr. WClOs
Phcnccvy fe||cv We|h crcccn | Ce|ecyr. vhc
|c|r cl Ccer|ecn |n culheclern Wc|e. Ccmmun|
ccl|cn cnc |cncucce fcc|ncle Ce|ecyr. mck|nc
h|m c nclurc| c||y fcr frcny Neurcnel Ccmmun|
ccl|cn. Ce|ecyr hc c cmevhcl k|ncer cll|luce
lcvcrc lhe ycunc rcce lhcn Phcnccvy. lhcuch
he cu|le rulh|e vhen |l ccme lc crclecl|nc h|
cvn |nlerel.
|Cir. lI. ArCrCI. 1UrkOy
fhe crecl crcccn /cen | cel kncvn fcr h| cev
clcl|nc cllcck cn lhe c|ly cf fehrcn cfler |l ru||nc
cyclc||ch cec|crec c ||hcc ccc|nl lhe /vckenec.
/cen ylemcl|cc||y celrcyec lhe c|ly cnc lhen
relreclec lc h| |c|r h|ch clcc ll. /rcrcl |n ne|ch
ccr|nc furkey. /cen | c |rruh. c vcr|ely cf eclern
crcccn fcunc |n lhe l|cc|e lcl cnc /|c l|ncr.
Scmelh|nc cf c ccnlemc|cl|ve. /cen crefer lhe
c||luce cf h| |c|r cnc rcre|y ccncern h|me|f v|lh
lhe cffc|r cf clher.
20T0: V|rc||y lncucec fcx|c /||ercy Syn
crcme (Vlf/S) | lhe vcr|c nev B|cck Declh.
fhe c|ccc| c|ccue k||| 25 cercenl cf lhe
vcr|c cccu|cl|cn |n cne yecr.
20TT: fhe /vcken|nc cec|n. fhe lerm
UGl (Unexc|c|nec Genel|c lxcre|cn) enler
lhe cccu|cr |ex|ccn. c e|ven cnc cvcrven
ch||cren cre ccrn lc humcn ccrenl.
20T2: fhe crecl crcccn Dunke|zchn mcke
h| frl cccecrcnce necr Cherry Creek lcke
|n Denver. fhe reu|l|nc |nlerv|ev c|ve lhe
vcr|c |l frl c|ue cccul lhe exlenl cf lhe r|e cf
mcc|c lhcl ccme lc ce cc||ec lhe /vcken|nc.
20T2-20T8: fhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn
(N/N) ue mcc|c c lhe|r cr|mcry vecccn ccc|nl
lhe /mer|ccn cnc Ccncc|cn m|||lcry |n vhcl
ccme lc ce cc||ec lhe Ncrlh /mer|ccn lnc|cn
Wcr. fhe hcvcc recche |l he|chl cn /ucul T7.
2T7. vhen ll. Hccc. ll. Pc|n|er. ll. Sl. He|en
cnc ll. /ccm c|| erucl |n cclcc|ym|c fury.
20T5: fhe Hcnc Kcnc lree lnlercr|e /cne
v|n |l |ncecencence frcm Ch|nc. lhcnk lc
fr|cc cnc ccrccrcle ccck|nc.
20T5-20T: fhe crc|l cf lhe U.S. ccce
lcl|cn lreeccm cec|n lc ceccy. Sc|enl|l
crec|cl lhcl |l v||| curn uc |n lcrlh clmc
chere v|lh|n lvc yecr. ln 2T. /re lnculr|e
curchce N/S/ frcm lhe Un|lec Slcle ccv
ernmenl. lcc|||ze lreeccm crc|l cnc cec|n
exccnc|nc lhe lcl|cn fcc|||l|e.
20T8: fhe frecly cf Denver cckncv|ecce
lhe cvere|cnly cf lhe N/N cver mcl cf
velern Ncrlh /mer|cc. Prcv||cn |nc|uce lhe
elcc||hmenl cnc mc|nlencnce cf c|l|e ||ke
Secll|e c exlrclerr|lcr|c| exlen|cn cf vcr|cu
ccvernmenl cnc lhe relenl|cn cf mcl cf
Cc||fcrn|c cy lhe Un|lec Slcle. Denver ce
ccme lhe `frecly C|ly. uncer |c|nl ccm|n|
lrcl|cn cy lhe |cn|nc ccrl|e.
|Cir. $OnOvIOrO ir AnCzOriC
fhe crecl crcccn Huc|cc | cmelh|nc cf cn en|cmc.
even cy crcccn lcnccrc. He | cerhcc lhe mcl
crcm|nenl feclherec ercenl |n lhe vcr|c. hcv|nc |ec
c ccc||l|cn cf /vckenec fcrce (|nc|uc|nc everc|
clher crcccn) lc cverlhrcv lhe ccvernmenl cf Brcz||
cnc elcc||h lhe ncl|cn cf /mczcn|c. fhcuch ncl
lhe frl crcccn lc cllcck c cvere|cn ncl|cn. Huc|cc
vc lhe frl lc elcc||h cne cf h| cvn cnc. lhu fcr.
hc ceen lhe mcl uccefu| cl |l.
|Cir. 1Ci $ICr. COrIrCl CIirC
lunc | cr|mcr||y ccnumec cy cn ccec|c lrucc|e
v|lh h| r|vc|. lhe crecl crcccn Pyumyc. fhe lvc
hcve ceen fchl|nc c crcxy vcr ccc|nl ecch
clher |nce lhe ccvn cf lhe S|xlh Wcr|c (cnc fcr
cme l|me cefcre lhcl. |n c crev|cu /ce). Pe
cenl|y. cclh hcve mcvec lc cc|l|cn cf crecler
crcm|nence |n /|c c lhe|r ccnf|cl hc ecc|clec.
|Cir. UrkrOvr. CrOsUnCLly sOnO-
vIOrO ir JCCCr
Pyumyc. lunc fe||cv eclern crcccn cnc r|vc|.
| cl |ecl c myler|cu c lunc. He hc cn|y ceen
een |n cuc||c c hcncfu| cf l|me. cnc hcrc|y cl c||
|n recenl yecr. Pyumyc ccver cce | ccn
cenlrclec |n Jcccn. vhere he cr|c|nc||y en|cyec
ccn|cercc|e |nfuence v|lh lhe Yckuzc (cnc.
lhrcuch lhem. everc| Jcccnee meccccrccrc
l|cn). Pyumyc hc |cnc ceen c hcccvccver
|n Jcccn. cu|||nc lr|nc ceh|nc lhe cene cnc
crrcnc|nc mcller lc u|l h| vcr|cu cheme.
Dr. Hcclc H|k|lc crecle lhe frlcenercl|cn
/SlSf (/rl|fc|c| Sencry lncucl|cn Sylem fech
nc|ccy). mck|nc |mene c rec||ly.
20T9: frcny Ccrccrcl|cn cnncunce lhe
uccefu| |mc|cnlcl|cn cf lhe frl cycer||mc |n
c humcn ce|nc. c v|rlucc v|c||n|l vhc |cl her
|efl hcnc |n c freck ccc|cenl vh||e ceccrk|nc
frcm c cu||el lrc|n.
2020: ln reccne lc c ||hcc cec|crec
ccc|nl lhe emerc|nc melchumcn rcce
cy lrcn ru||nc cyclc||ch. lhe crcccn /cen
cemc||he lhe c|ly cf fehrcn.
fhe Wcr|c Bcnk. uffer|nc frcm fncnc|c| crcc
|em. | rec|ccec cy G|ccc| l|ncnc|c| Serv|ce.
c /ur|chccec fncnc|c| ccrccrcl|cn. /re ln
culr|e unve|| |l nev ccce c|clfcrm. /cc||c.
202T: Sccnlcnecu UGl cccur crcunc
lhe vcr|c c ccu|l cnc leen ccrc lhe
c|cnel lrcnfcrm |nlc nev melchumcn rcce.
cuccec `crk cnc `lrc||. fhe evenl | cc||ec
2022: Cucc. Jcmc|cc. Grenccc. Bermucc
cnc lhe V|rc|n l|cnc fcrm lhe Ccr|ccecn
fhe Ccmmcnvec|lh cf /ulrc||c enler |nlc
c muluc| ucccrl cccl v|lh Nev /ec|cnc.
fcrm|nc lhe /ulrc||c cnc Nev /ec|cnc /|||ec
Ccnfecercl|cn (/N//C).
2024: fhe frl cycerlem|nc| cre creclec.
fhee huce |c|cl|cn chcmcer cre lhe crcnc
fclher cf lhe mccern cycerceck.
fhe U.S. cre|cenl|c| e|ecl|cn | he|c cver lhe
lnlernel fcr lhe frl l|me. u|nc lhe excer|men
lc| `remclevcle ylem.
Jl!|l Jll\J!
/|cmc| | lcfvyr crclher. cnclher crecl velern
crcccn. /|cmc| hc ncl cccclec lc lhe mcc
ern vcr|c c ve|| c h| crclher hc cnc remc|n
|ec|cu cf lcfvyr ucce. He cec|e lcfvyr
ccrccrcle vhee||nc cnc cec||nc c `veck cnc
ceneclh c crecl crcccn. lnlecc. he mcn|cu|cle
vcr|cu rcc|cc| cc||c|uc cnc lerrcr|l crcuc lc
furlher h| cvn ccc|. vh|ch |nc|uce keec|nc lhe
ncl|cn cf lurcce c|v|cec. vhere lcfvyr vcu|c
un|le lhem uncer ScecerKrucc |ccc.
lu|c||. lhe `Pc|n Cueen cf /fr|cc. | c crecl
feclherec ercenl v|lh c |c|r necr lhe Ccce cf
Gccc Hcce. She lenc lc keec lc her cvn cffc|r.
/r|eeh | cnclher femc|e crecl feclherec er
cenl. cul he | mcre ccl|ve |n mcrlc| cffc|r lhcn
lu|c||. lc|r|y ycunc cy crcccn lcnccrc. /r|eeh
| cevclec lc crclecl|nc lhe vcr|c ccc|nl /vck
enec lhrecl cf vh|ch lhe ycunc rcce cre c yel
uncvcre cnc uncreccrec lc hcnc|e.
lccru | c crecl eclern crcccn ccc|clec v|lh
rece| fccl|cn |n lhe Ph|||cc|ne. He c|c fc|r|y
ycunc cy crecl crcccn lcnccrc cnc ferce|y
cec|cclec lc h| |cec|. vh|ch cr|mcr||y |nvc|ve
crclecl|nc `h| ||cnc frcm cul|cer (|nc|uc|nc
lhe lmc|re cf Jcccn).
S|rrurc lhe `Delrcyer | cmelh|nc cf c crcccn|c
lerrcr|l. c crecl crcccn vhc hc ucccrlec
/vckenec ccue cy lr|k|nc ccc|nl ccvernmenl
cnc even c|v|||cn lcrcel. S|rrurc vc |cl een
cuc||c|y c ccrl cf lhe ccc||l|cn lhcl cverlhrev lhe
Brcz|||cn ccvernmenl cnc elcc||hec /mczcn|c.
H| currenl vherecccul cre unkncvn.
2025: UCl/ elcc||he lhe frl uncercrccucle crccrcm |n cccu|l luc|e.
Cycervcre ccme lc crcfe|cnc| ccrl: lhe frl cycermcc|fec c|cyer enler lhe Nll. fhe|r lecm |ce.
202-2029: Scny Cycerylem. luch| lnculr|c| l|eclrcn|c cnc PC/Un|y c|| ceve|cc crclclyce cy
cerlerm|nc| lhcl c||cv uer lc |nlerfcce v|lh lhe vcr|c cclc nelvcrk v|c lhe cenlrc| nervcu ylem.
2028: / mc|cr ecrlhcucke rcck lc /nce|e. celrcy|nc l/X.
fhe U.S. ccvernmenl crecle lchc l|rcce. c `cycerccmmcncc crcuc |nlencec lc lcke ccvcnlcce cf
cycerlerm|nc| lechnc|ccy.
2029: / ccmculer v|ru un||ke cny een cefcre crche lhe |nlerncl|cnc| ccmculer nelvcrk. ccu|nc v|ce
crecc chcc c c|rlrcffc ccnlrc|. ccmmun|ccl|cn. fncnc|c| cnc clher cr|l|cc| ylem cre |rrelr|evcc|y |cl.
fh| | referrec lc c lhe Crch cf 2. cr |ul `fhe Crch. lchc l|rcce | cc||ec |nlc ccl|cn.
2030: fhe remncnl cf lhe Ccncc|cn cnc U.S. ccvernmenl fcrm lhe Un|lec Ccncc|cn cnc
/mer|ccn Slcle (UC/S).
/ lcfcYckuzc vcr creck cul |n Secll|e vhen lhe |eccer cf cclh ync|ccle cre cc|nclec. /fler mcny
ceclh. lhe vcrncul crccn|zcl|cn cc|| c lruce.
203T: lchc l|rcce ercc|ccle lhe |cl lrcce cf lhe ccmculer v|ru lhcl ccuec lhe Crch.
2032: fhe Ccrccrcle Ccurl cecrhecc lhe meccccrc effcrl lc recu||c lhe cr|c. crecl|nc c fu||y |mmer
|ve VPccec nelvcrk lhcl ceccme kncvn c lhe lclr|x.
fhe cyccun. cr |eccer. cf lhe Yckuzc |n Ch|cc. Jcccn. enc Kcrecn cr|me cce lc recu||c lhe Secll|e
2032-2033: fhe Ccrccrcle Ccurl lcke cver G|ccc| l|ncnc|c| Serv|ce. ll mcve GlS lc lhe /ur|chCr
c|lc| Hcc|lcl cnc rencme |l lhe /ur|chCrc|lc| Geme|nchcfl Bcnk.
2033: Dcm|en Kn|chl execule lhe Ncnceccnc Buycul. cc|n|nc 22 cercenl cf /re lccrclechnc|ccy
lcck |n |xlylhree eccnc. lherecy cemcnlrcl|nc lhe uncrececenlec ccccc|||l|e cf lhe lclr|x.
2034: Bclcnccec lclr|x Sylem re|ece lhe frl crcymcrkel cycerceck. cc||ec lhe Pcrlc|.
fhe Ccnfecercl|cn cf /mer|ccn Slcle (C/S) ceccefu||y ecece frcm UC/S.
Sculh l|cr|cc Jc|n lhe Ccr|ccecn leccue.
203: luch| lnculr|c| ceccme lhe frl mc|cr ccrc lc mcrkel |l cvn lh|rccenercl|cn cycerceck. lhe
ceklcc CDfT.
fhe UC/S cce lhe T4lh /mencmenl. vh|ch elcc||he lhe Sylem lcenl|fccl|cn Numcer (SlN) cnc re
cu|re c|| c|l|zen lc rec|ler. /nycne ncl cce|nc c SlN | ce|cnclec c `crcccl|cncry c|l|zen v|lh hcrc|y
curlc||ec r|chl. fhe rel cf lhe vcr|c ncl|cn. v|lh very fev excecl|cn. ccn fc||cv u|l.
2037: luch| re|ece Pec|Sene" lechnc|ccy. |nlrccuc|nc emcl|ve |cnc| crcce|nc |nlc ccmmerc|c|
|mene reccrc|nc. fhe Denver Dclc Hcven cce cn||ne. ceccm|nc lhe |crcel cclc hcven (lclr|x cclc
lcrcce |le) |n ex|lence.
Nev cnc |mcrcvec |mene cecr ccn crcccccl emcl|ve |cnc|. Scy he||c lc ch|checc cnc Bfl cec|er.
lf |l Bellerfhcnl|fe. |l ccl lc ce ccccl
2038: Dur|nc lhe chcc cf lhe lurcWcr. lhe meccccrc cuy c c|ly cnc encuch |cnc lc crecle c mc||
ccunlry. lhe lree Slcle cf Kcn|ccerc. vh|ch hc |nce ceve|ccec |nlc c cch|l|cclec hcven.
2039: ln Chcr|elcn. Sculh Ccrc||nc. c er|c| k|||er | ccclurec cfler lhe celecl|vemcce hcnc||nc lhe cce
luc|e cne cf lhe v|cl|m chcl. fhe chcl ccl|cn revec| curce cf ev|cence lhcl |ecc lc lhe murcer
er crrel cnc ccnv|cl|cn.
Cn lhe n|chl cf lecrucry 7. vh|ch ceccme kncvn c lhe N|chl cf Pcce. huncrec cf melchumcn cre
mcccrec |n vcrehcue fre cfler ce|nc rcuncec uc cy lhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex Gucrc.
luch| ccncr lhe Un|verc| lclr|x Scec|fccl|cn Ccnference |n fckyc. lcre lhcn 7. humcn cnc
melchumcn meel fcr lhree mcnlh lc celerm|ne lhe celc|| cf lclr|x crccrcmm|nc. fhe Un|verc| lclr|x
Slcnccrc (UlS) cre cccclec vcr|cv|ce.
2040: Ccnlrucl|cn cec|n cn lhe Penrcku /rcc|ccy |n Secll|e.
204T: lurc/|r l||chl 32 frcm lcnccn lc /l|cnlc | celrcyec cver lhe /l|cnl|c. / ccrc|ec |cl lrcnm||cn
cnc reccverec lcce |nc|ccle lhcl lhe c|rcrcfl vc cllcckec cy c crcccn (|cler lenlcl|ve|y |cenl|fec c
lhe crecl crcccn S|rrurc). cnc lhcl cne herc|c ccencer he|c cff lhe cecl v|lh crcery fcr everc| m|nule
cefcre lhe c|cne vc cemc||hec.
2042: fhe Kcrecn Yckuzc cce |n Secll|e uffer lhrcuch c c|cccy ccnf|cl. lcl cf lhe Kcrecn cre k|||ec.
lhe urv|vcr |cler fcrm lhe Secu|cc P|nc cr|m|nc| crccn|zcl|cn. fhe crecl crcccn Dunke|zchn |cunche
Wyrm fc|k. c em|cnnuc| v|c crccrcm. fcc|c rcnce frcm ce|ecr|ly |nlerv|ev lc |n|chlfu| ccmmenlcr|e cn
cu|lure cnc cc|ely.
2044: Hcnzc Shclczum| | cccc|nlec hecc cf lhe Secll|e Yckuzc. H| lrcnccrm lccl|c ccrk renevec
hcl|||l|e celveen lhe Yckuzc cnc lhe lcfc. Dcn Jcme Clc||ey ccme cul cf rel|remenl lc cec| v|lh
lhe nev Yckuzc lhrecl.
204: fhe Cc||fcrn|c lree Slcle cnc lc /nce|e c|cv|c cec|ce lhey ccnl vcnl lc cec| v|lh ecch clher
cny |cncer. cnc l/ ceccme c free c|ly |crce|y ccnlrc||ec cy ccrccrcle |nlerel.
fhree meccccrccrcl|cn-/zlechnc|ccy. Sh|cvce cnc Un|verc| Cmn|lech-cnncunce lhcl lhey hcve
fu||y cecccec lhe ncnmcc|cc| ecmenl cf lhe humcn]melchumcn cencme.
2048: fhe Ccrccrcle Ccurl cencr /zl|cn v|lh exlreme cre|uc|ce cfler lhe /zl|cn ccvernmenl ncl|cnc||ze
c|| fcre|cn cu|nee. Ccercl|cn Pec|crcc|ly. c ccmc|nec ccrccrcle m|||lcry lr|ke cn /zlechnc|ccy lrccc
|n lnenccc. ell|e lhe |ue. cnc |nlerncl|cnc| ccrccrcl|cn cre ccmcenclec fcr lhe|r |ce.
2049: Penrcku unve|| lhe frl em|culcncmcu kncvccl (SK). cn excerl ylem crccrcm v|lh c cch|l|
cclec hc|ccrcch|c neurc| nelvcrk.
2050: fhe evenlhcenercl|cn cycerceck | crccucec cnc mcmcrkelec. ncv keycccrc|zec cnc
2052: fhe 2XS-c much mcre cclenl cnc ccc|cl|ve ch|c lhcn lhe cvercce Bfl-h|l lhe lreel. fh| ch|c
ccc|cl lhe cccy lhrcuch |l effecl cn lhe m|nc.
fhe V|rluc| Slcck lxchcnce |n Ch|cc. Jcccn. crche |n lhe m|cc|e cf lrcc|nc.
2054: / lecm cf chc|cr cnc crchcec|cc|l reccrl c mc|cr fnc T3 m||e cff lhe cccl cf Crele. fhe ex
cec|l|cn c|ccver c lrecure lrcve cf crl|fccl cl lhe h|lcr|cc| |cccl|cn cf lhe ||cnc cf fherc. vh|ch mcy ce
lhe curce cf lhe mylh cf /l|cnl|. lxcerl c|m| c||eccl|cn lhcl lhe crl|fccl cre mcc|cc| |n nclure.
2055: Clcku (c|c kncvn c lhe ch||cren cf lhe lclr|x). ch||cren vhc ccn menlc||y ccce lhe lclr|x v|lh
cul lechnc|cc|cc| cev|ce. frl cec|n lc cccecr.
205: fhe crecl crcccn Dunke|zchn v|n lhe UC/S cre|cenl|c| e|ecl|cn.
2057: /n e|f cecker cc|||nc h|me|f lecncrcc cec|n c er|e cf uccefu| run cnc c|cckmc|| lhrecl
ccc|nl Penrcku. He evenluc||y cul c cec| v|lh lhe meccccrc. exchcnc|nc fncnc|nc fcr h| lechn|cc|
crecklhrcuch. Penrcku |ecc checc cf |l ccmcel|lcr.
fhe cc|ncl|cn cf lhe crcccn Dunke|zchn fc||cv|nc h| |ncucurcl|cn c lhe cre|cenl cf UC/S enc
hcckvcve crcunc lhe c|cce. fhe ccnlenl cf h| v||| hcller lhe ccrefu||y mc|nlc|nec cc|cnce cf ccver
cmcnc lhe vcr|c ccrccrcl|cn. Ncc|c Dcv|cr. Dunke|zchn c|lcnl. | mcce v|ce cre|cenl lc lhe cre|
cenl e|ecl. Uncer her |eccerh|c. lhe T4lh /mencmenl | chcncec lc c|cn ncnmelchumcn cnc clher
crcccl|cncry c|l|zen |ecc| SlN vhen vcuchec fcr cy c currenl UC/S c|l|zen.
2058: Dcn Clc||ey | hcl cecc cul|ce h| Secll|e hcme. ccvn|nc cn c||cul mcc vcr c lcfc. Yckuzc.
fr|cc cnc Secu|cc P|nc cc cl cne cnclher lhrccl.
2058-2059: fhe cecuel cf Dunke|zchn v||| el cff c ccver lrucc|e v|lh|n lhe luch| Ccrccrc
l|cn lhcl reu|l |n lhe c|c|ul|cn cf luch|. P|chcrc V||||er. cnce cvner cf c lh|rc cf luch|. crecle
Ncvclech lnccrccrclec.
2059: fhe crl|fc|c| |nle|||cence (/l) ncmec Deu e|ze ccnlrc| cf lhe Secll|e Penrcku /rcc|ccy. c|c|nc |l lc
lhe cul|ce vcr|c.
20T: fhe Yecr cf lhe Ccmel. c Hc||ey Ccmel cce cy lhe lcrlh. /|c lhe 5lh cnn|vercry cf
lhe /vcken|nc. ln Decemcer. lhe crecl crcccn Ghclvc|ker emerce frcm Dunke|zchn P|fl |n
Wch|nclcn lDC.
202: Ghclvc|ker meel v|lh lhe Ccunc|| cf Denver cnc cume ccnlrc| cf lhe c|ly. /zl|cn | exce||ec. |l
eclcr | c|ven lc lhe C/S. cnc lhe /cne Defene lcrce | creclec.
l!| |J!J@l J| !lJJtlJ!
Cver lhe cenlur|e. melchumcn|ly hc uec c|| k|nc cf cc|ecl fcr mcney: cecc. cc|c. |eve|. ccll|e. crc|n
cnc cccer. cmcnc clher. ln 23. |l c|| e|eclrcn. fh| | ncl lc cy lhcl cch | nc |cncer uec. ecec|c||y fcr
mc|| ccylcccy excenc|
lure ||ke l|c. Hcvever. fcr
|crcer curchce. c||| cnc
c cn. e|eclrcn|c lrcncc
l|cn cre lhe lcnccrc.
fc cel lechn|cc|. lhe
nuyen | lhe un|verc| un|l
cf currency uec |n lrcn
ccl|cn. ll ex|l cr|mcr||y
|n e|eclrcn|c fcrm cnc |
|uec cnc ccckec cy lhe
/ur|chCrc|lc| Geme|n
chcfl Bcnk. lhe vcr|cv|ce
fncnc|c| culhcr|ly. Nuyen
cre ccceclec everyvhere.
cy ccrccrcl|cn cnc ccvernmenl c||ke. Scme ncl|cn c|c |ue lhe|r cvn currency. vh|ch | ccceclec v|lh|n
lhe|r ccrcer cnc mul ce exchcncec vhen enler|nc cnclher ccunlry. fhe cn|y clher lyce cf currency |n
v|cecrecc ue | ccrccr|c. |uec cy c ccrccrcl|cn cnc cn|y cccc v|lh|n lhcl ccrc cnc |l hc|c|nc. /|| cf
lhee cre cvc||cc|e |n chy|cc| fcrm cnc e|eclrcn|c fcrm. lhe |cller ccceec cy mecn cf crecl|ck.
/ crecl|ck | c cen|zec luce lhcl erve c c |mu|lcnecu lD cnc crec|l ccrc. ll c|c funcl|cn c c hcue
key. emercency mec|cc| cnc ccnlccl |nfcrmcl|cn curce. cnc cr|ver ||cene. fc ccce c cercnc| ccnk
ccccunl. c cercn |nerl lhe crecl|ck |nlc c crecl|ck reccer. e|ecl lhe ce|rec lrcnccl|cn (vh|ch | ver|
fec cy lhe lD |n lhe crecl|ck). cnc lhen remcve lhe crecl|ck frcm lhe reccer. lvery rec|ler |n c lcre cr
relcurcnl. every cu. every ccy chcne cnc every venc|nc mcch|ne hc c cu||l|n crecl|ck reccer c|cnc v|lh
|cl lc cccecl cch cr cc|n.
fhe fnc| c|cce |n vh|ch crecl|ck cre uec | lhe lclr|x. fhe T cv lhe
c|rlh cf eccmmerce. ln 23. |l |ul ccmmerce. lvery cr|ckcncmcrlcr
lcre cf cny |ze lhcl vcnl lc lcy |n cu|ne hc c lclr|x ccunlerccrl. cnc
mcny cu|nee ex|l cn|y |n lhe lclr|x. v|lhcul cny chy|cc| lcrefrcnl. lcl
mcnufcclurer cre c|c relc||er. cnc mcl relc||er hc|c cn lc lhe|r culcmer
lhrcuch lhe|r v|ce rcnce cf crccucl cr cec|c| erv|ce. Hcvever. lhey c||
hcve lhe crecl|ck |n ccmmcn. /ny hcme le|eccm un|l. ccckel ecrelcry cr cenerc|ue cycerlerm|nc| uec
lc ccce lhe lclr|x hc c cu||l|n crecl|ck reccer. Gc|nc hccc|nc | c |mc|e c urfnc lhe lclr|x. fnc|nc
vhcl ycu vcnl. |cll|nc ycur crecl|ck (lc ue lhe vernccu|cr) cnc mck|nc lhe curchce.
l!| @|\lJlJlll|J!
/ ccrccrcl|cn | c |ecc| enl|ly emccverec lc ccl v|lh lhe r|chl cnc cc||ccl|cn cf c cercn. fhey ecrn
mcney. cvn crccerly cnc hcve ||cc|||l|e. lf l|luhcmc nev crccrcm ccck ycur crc|n ce|| cnc ycu ||ve lc
le|| cccul |l. lhe emc|cyee. execul|ve cnc hcrehc|cer cf l|luhcmc crenl ||cc|e fcr vhcl hcccenec lc
ycu-l|luhcmc. lhe ccrccrcle `|nc|v|cuc|. |
||cc|e. fhcl crelly much c|| c ccrccrcl|cn cce.
fhere nc ||m|l cn lhe |ze cf c ccrc. cne cercn
cr c lhcucnc ccn crecle c ccrccrcl|cn.
/ mu|l|ncl|cnc| ccrccrcl|cn cvn crccerly
|n mcre lhcn cne ncl|cn. lu|l|ncl|cnc| cre
lrcc|l|cnc||y c|cl|me ccrc. cul lhey ccnl hcve
lc ce. fechn|cc||y. c ccrccrcl|cn v|lh cffce |n
Secll|e (|n lhe UC/S) cnc Vcnccuver (|n lhe Sc|
|hSh|che ncl|cn) | c mu|l|ncl|cnc|. even |f lhcl
lhe lclc| exlenl cf |l cu|ne. Sl|||. mcl mu|l|nc
l|cnc| ccrccrcl|cn cre c|c-ncl meccccrc. cul
v|lh cnnuc| revenue |n lhe m||||cn cf nuyen.
Scme cf lhem even h|re hcccvrunner. cul lhey
ccnl ccercle cl lhe cme |eve| c lhe c|c ccy.
/ meccccrc | c c|cnl mu|l|ncl|cnc| v|lh cnnuc|
revenue |n lhe c||||cn cf nuyen. leccccrc
mcke uc cn|y c l|ny cercenlcce cf lhe vcr|c
ccrccrcl|cn. cul lhey ccnlrc| lhe vcl mc|cr|ly
cf vec|lh. recurce cnc mcrkel hcre. lcre
|mccrlcnl. meccccrc cenefl frcm ccrccrcle
exlrclerr|lcr|c||ly. mecn|nc lheyre ccn|cerec
lhe ecu|vc|enl cf c ncl|cnc| enl|ly. enl|l|ec lc
lhe|r cvn |cv. c|l|zen. currenc|e. m|||lcr|e cnc
clher lcc| cf ccver.
lcl exlrclerr|lcr|c| ccrc hcve lhe|r cvn el cf
|cv. c ve|| c cu|ce||ne fcr enfcrc|nc lhem.
fhee |cv cflen vcry frcm |cccl|cn lc |cccl|cn
cnc cmel|me even frcm mcnlh lc mcnlh.
lmc|cyee vhc creck m|ncr |cv m|chl fcce
relr|cul|cn uch c c|cry cul. fcrcec |cccr cr c |m||cr |cc cn lhe vr|l. /ny mcre er|cu |nfrccl|cn cener
c||y reu|l |n vcre cun|hmenl. lcl ccrc ccnl cclher vcl|nc mcney cn cr|cn. lhcuch lhey cmel|me
ccnlrccl cul lc cenc| |nl|lul|cn.
@|\lJl l|
/nclher cenefl lhe ccrc rece|ve frcm exlrclerr|lcr|c||ly | lhe cc|||ly lc |ue lhe|r cvn currency. cc||ec
ccrccrcle cr|c. cr ccrccr|c. Wh||e ccrccr|c | cmel|me uec fcr |nlernc| ccrccrcle fncnc|c| lrcnccl|cn.
|l | cr|mcr||y uec lc ccy emc|cyee cnc lhu furlher l|e lhem lc lhe ccrc. l|ke ncl|cnc| currenc|e. ccrccrcle
cr|c hc nc vc|ue cul|ce lhe ccmc|n cf lhe ccrc lhcl |ue |l. ln crcer lc uncerm|ne c|cck mcrkel ccrccr|c
lrcnccl|cn. lhe Ccrccrcle Ccurl hc c|c ru|ec lhcl ccrccr|c mcy cn|y ce cvnec cnc uec cy cn emc|cy
ee cf lhe |u|nc ccrc.
By lhe|r cvn lcnccrc. ncl every meccccrc vc creclec ecuc|. fhe len |crcel meccccrccrcl|cn. cr lhe
B|c fen. c lhey cre kncvn. cre lhe hcrk cmcnc lhe meccccrccrcle m|nncv. fheyre lhe |crcel cnc mcl
ccverfu| ccrccrcl|cn cn lcrlh: mcre |nfuenl|c| lhcn cme ncl|cn. vec|lhy ceycnc lhe crecm cf cvcr|ce.
cnc rulh|e lc lhe ccre. P|chl ncv. lhe B|c fen ccnlrc| mcre recurce lhcn c|| lhe clher ccrccrcl|cn |n lhe
vcr|c cul lccelher.
JlJlll| lllJ
Ccrccrcle lclu | lhe `ccver rcl|nc cf c ccrccrcl|cn. fhe rcl|nc | cc|ulec cnc cvcrcec cy lhe Ccrccrcle
Ccurl. u|nc c rcl|nc ylem cf unrclec. /. // cnc ///.
0nroled-Ncl|cnc| Ccrccrcl|cn: fhee ccrccrcl|cn cre ccre|y c c||c cn lhe vcr|c eccncm|c creen. v|lh
c creence |n cn|y cne ccunlry cr cmel|me cn|y cne c|ly. Scme cf lhee ccrc cre crcnlec cr|v||ece cy
lhe |ccc| ccvernmenl lhcl crenl exlencec lc cvercce c|l|zen. uch c cerm||cn lc crclecl lhe|r cel
cnc ccercl|cn v|lh |elhc| fcrce. Dec|le lhe|r lclu. mcny cf lhee cu|nee cre nclh|nc lc |cuch cl. ln
mc||er ccunlr|e. lhey mcy hc|c ccn|cercc|e eccncm|c cnc even cc||l|cc| cr m|||lcry vcy.
AMuIlInolIonoIs: /|c kncvn c lh|rcl|er ccrc. lh| ccleccry |nc|uce mu|l|ncl|cnc| ccmccn|e lhcl
cre |ul lcrl|nc lc mcke c|ccc| vcve. fhey hcve yel lc c|l|ncu|h lheme|ve c mc|cr c|cyer cnc cre
ncl crcnlec exlrclerr|lcr|c||ly unl|| lhey crcve lhey ccn hc|c lhe|r cvn. /|eve| ccrc cre |n lhe unenv|cc|e
cc|l|cn cf ce|nc c|c encuch lc crcv lhe cllenl|cn cf huncry meccccrc cul veck encuch lhcl re|lcnce
| ful||e. lcrcer mecc ccnlcnl|y crey cn /|eve| mu|l|ncl|cnc|. lck|nc cver crcflcc|e c|v||cn. lec||nc
reecrch. cr |ur|nc cvcy crcm||nc c|enl|l cnc mcnccer. lcl cf ncl|cnc| ceccme /rclec ccrc. cn|y lc
cel cccc|ec uc cefcre lhey ccn recch lhe nexl l|er.
fcn f|en (Ch|nc). Wcrccr|ve Sylem (Denver lPl/) cnc fe|elrc|n lnculr|e (f|r fc|rnc|re) cre excmc|e cf
/|eve| ccrc.
AAExlrolerrIlorIoI Megocorps: fhe eccncl|er mecc cre cvercrcvn mu|l|ncl|cnc| lhcl
hcve exh|c|lec encuch cu|ne ccumen. lcc|||ly cnc crcm|e lc ecrn exlrclerr|lcr|c| lclu. lcrce
encuch lc lrc|n cn excerl ccccunl|nc crccrcm. lhey ccn uuc||y cc lcelclce v|lh lhe B|c fen cnc
urv|ve. cerhcc even unc|ccc|ec.
We||kncvn // mecc |nc|uce frcny Neurcnel (UC/S). lcne Slcr (UC/S). Yckch|mc (lmc|re cf Jcccn)
cnc /elclmcChem (Germcn|c /|||cnce).
AAAPrIme Megocorporole 5lolus: fhee cre lhe B|c fen lhcl every culler cunk ccn ncme.
fhe|r ccver ||lerc||y exlenc ccrc lhe c|cce. fhee ccrccrcle enl|l|e cvn fcc|||l|e cnc uc|c|cr|e crcunc
lhe vcr|c. ccnlrc| ccce |cunch|nc c|clfcrm |n l|cr|cc cnc fexc. cnc run chc|n cf relc|| lcre. ccr mcnu
fcclurer. |nculr|c| c|cnl. ecur|ly ccmccn|e. e|eclrcn|c frm. cercccce c|cnl cnc even lhe|r cvn
ccce lcl|cn. /// emc|cy len cf m||||cn cf cecc|e. c|recl|y cr |nc|recl|y.
fhe B|c fen cre /re. /zlechnc|ccy. Crc. l|luhcmc. Ncvclech. Penrcku. ScecerKrucc. Sh|cvce. Wux
|nc cnc Ycmclelu.
@|\lJlJlll| Jt!|l!|
Whcever ccnlrc| lhe mcl hcre ccnlrc| lhe ccrc. Ccrccrcle ccver c|cyer lrucc|e lc cccu|re c mc|cr|ly
cf hcre lc ccnc||ccle lhe|r ccver cr cl |ecl lc ccnlrc| c |zcc|e m|ncr|ly c lhey ccn v|lhlcnc clher fcc
l|cn cnc c|||cnce v|lh|n lhe ccrccrcl|cn. lnlernc| ccrccrcle lrucc|e lenc lc lcke lvc fcrm: ccmcel|l|cn
celveen uc|c|cr|e cr c|v||cn. cnc fchl celveen mc|cr hcrehc|cer.
JlJlll| ll|J|l
fhere cre lvc vcy lc ccmcele |n lhe ccrccrcle vcr|c: cc c celler |cc cf cllrccl|nc cnc keec|nc culcm
er lhcn ycur ccmcel|lcr. cr lcke cvcy ycur ccmcel|lcr cc|||ly lc ccmcele v|lh ycu. ln clher vcrc. |f ycu
ccnl cecl em. cuy em.
ln lhe cc|c hcl||e lckecver. Ccrc / cr|ve ccvn lhe vc|ue cf Ccrc B lcck lc lhe cc|nl lhcl Ccrc / ccn cuy
|l checc cnc cc|n ccnlrc| cver Ccrc B. fhen Ccrc B | nc |cncer c ccmcel|lcr. ceccue Ccrc / run lhe hcv.
Hcv cce c ccrc cr|ve ccvn c r|vc| lcck vc|ue? By h|r|nc c lecm lc cc c hcccvrun. / ccrccrcl|cn ccn lry
lc vecken c r|vc| u|nc lrcc|l|cnc| mcrkel lechn|cue: ccverl||nc. ucer|cr crccucl cnc c fcrlh. ln Shcccv
run. hcvever. lhee lechn|cue cre excen|ve cnc l|meccnum|nc. ll fcr mcre ccleffecl|ve lc mcke c r|vc|
ccrccrcl|cn |cck ccc lhrcuch ccclcce cnc c|cckmc||. H|re cme hcccvrunner lc crrcnce c fev `lrcc|c
ccc|cenl |nvc|v|nc ycur ccmcel|lcr crccucl. cnc lhe|r mcrkel hcre v||| c|ummel. Cr h|re runner lc cclher
cme |u|cy c|cckmc|| cn c mc|cr hcrehc|cer lc enccurcce h|m cr her lc e|| cul cl c `reccncc|e cr|ce.
l!| ll|l!| J| JlJlll| Jt|l
fhere cre len ccrccrcle mcnc||lh. ecch mcre ccverfu| lhcn cny ncl|cn. lcch cne hc c crc yecr|y crccucl
lhcl r|vc| cr exceec lhcl cf cny mc|cr |nculr|c||zec ccunlry. fhey ccnl |ul cr|ve lhe eccncmy. |n mcny
ncl|cn. lhey cre lhe eccncmy. lf lhey cecec
ccercl|cn |n e|eclec crec. lhey ccu|c ccue
mc|| ncl|cn lc cc||cce cvern|chl v|lhcul lck|nc
|cn|fccnl |ce. fhe|r eccncm|c |mcccl | c
v|cecrecc lhcl c |nc|e chcnce |n ccercl|cn cn
lhe|r ccrl ccn cffecl lhe eccncm|e cf lvenly cr
lh|rly ncl|cn.
fhe cel cf lhe B|c fen cre cff c|mcl cny cc|e
ycu ccu|c ncme. ccccunl|nc fcr cl |ecl c cucrler
cf lhe vcr|c vec|lh. (ln c|| ||ke||hccc. lh| fcure
| much h|cher |f ycu el|mcle ecrel func cnc
h|ccen cvnerh|c.) Be|ce lhe|r fncnc|c| lcc|||ly
(ecch cvn numercu ccnk) cnc lrcnc|ehc|c
cver c h|ch cercenlcce cf vcr|c recurce (frcm
fccc lc fue| lc lclecflhecrl lech lcy). lhe B|c
fen ecch enccmcc c numcer cf necrcerfecl
mcnccc||e. lcr |ul cccul cny |nculry. every lec cf lhe crcce | |n lhe|r hcnc. frcm hcrvel|nc recurce lc
crccuc|nc cnc c|lr|cul|nc cccc lc lhe vc|l|nc hcrce.
lcl cf lhe ccccel cnc lclecflhecrl lech lcy uec fcr cr|m|nc| ccl|v|l|e vere |nvenlec cy meccccrccrcle
lh|nk lcnk. enc|neer cnc fcclcr|e. leccccrc |ec|cu|y hc|c cn lc lhe vcr|c cel cnc cr|chlel c|enl|fc
reecrch m|nc. cl |ecl unl|| hcccvrunner exlrccl lhem fcr cnclher meccccrc. lf meccccrc c|cnl crcv|ce lhe
rcv crcce|nc ccver lhcl | lhe ccckccne cf lhe lclr|x. hcccvrunner ccu|cnl hcck |nlc lhe|r hcl cnc lec|
|nfc frcm lhe|r |mcre|ve cclccce.
Very ||ll|e hcccen |n lhe vcr|c lcccy un|e lhe meccccrc c||cv |l lc hcccen. /nc even |f cmelh|nc cccc|cn
c||y e|uce lhe|r crcc. lhe cuc||c | cn|y ||ke|y lc hecr cccul |l lhrcuch lhe |||ecc| lrcnm||cn cf c lr|cec c|rcle. lhe
meccccrc ccnlrc| lhe mec|c cul|el cnc cruc|c| cclc erv|ce. fhey c|clcle cc|c| lrenc lhrcuch ccverl||nc cnc
mcrkel|nc cnc cy ccrefu||y func|nc cerlc|n cc|elc| e|emenl. lf lhey fcce cccc|l|cn frcm lhe c|v|| eclcr. lhey cuy
|l. h|re runner lc cruh |l cr crccuc||y |nfuence cuc||c cc|n|cn unl|| |l cece lc ce c lhrecl. lven ccverfu| ncl|cn
rcre|y ccue lhe ccrc lrcuc|e-lhey kncv celler lhcn lc me v|lh lhe|r mc|n ucc||er cf m|||lcry hcrcvcre.
Ccn|cer|nc lhe|r vcr|cv|ce creence. exlrclerr|lcr|c||ly cnc heer ccver. ecch cf lhe B|c fen m|chl ce v|evec c
c `melcncl|cn. lcch ccunl encuch `ccrccrcle c|l|zen lc ucccrl lhcl c|c|m. mcny cf vhcm ||ve |n c ccrcc
rcle cc|ely c|l|ncl encuch lc ce ccn|cerec c eccrcle cu|lure. Huncrec cf lhcucnc cf vcrker hcve ||vec
lhe|r enl|re ||ve v|lh|n c meccccrc. fhey vere ccrn |n c ccrc hcc|lc|. rc|ec |n c ccrc enc|cve. `ecucclec |n c
ccrc chcc| cnc hcve ceccme fc|lhfu| ccrccrcle |cve. lc|||nc cvcy |n erv|ce lc lhe ccrccrcle emc|re.
Why. lhen. cc ncl|cn l||| ex|l? l|rl. lhey ccl c c h|e|c-lhe frl ||ne cf cefene celveen lhe ccrc cnc lhe unru|y
mce. Gcvernmenl. |n mcny cce. creenl c fr|enc|y frcnl fcr ccrccrcle ccver. c lhey crelenc lc ce cu|y
e|eclec recreenlcl|ve cf lhe cuc||c v|||. fhey erve lc m|c|recl cllcck. c|lrccl lhe c|l|zenry cnc crcv|ce nece
cry cccecccl. Seccnc. mcl ccvernmenl l||| cerfcrm c numcer cf cc|c| nece|l|e lhcl mcl ccrc ccnl
vcnl lc cclher v|lh. / |cnc c ccvernmenl ccnl|nue lc c|ecn lhe ever. ccve lhe rccc cnc cuh lhe SlN|e
cul cf |chl. lhe ccrc ccn fccu lhe|r enerc|e cn mcre crcflcc|e curu|l.
!lJJtlJ! ll|l
l!| tJl|J
P|clure lhe vcr|c c c c|ece cf fne ch|nc. c c|c c|nner c|cle ccrefu||y lemcerec cy cenlur|e cf ccnf|cl. c|c|c
mccy cnc cu|lure. fhcl lhe vcr|c |n 2T.
Ncv hc|c lhe c|cle cul cl crm |enclh. crcc |l cnc vclch |l hcller |nlc c m||||cn l|ny hcrc. fhcl lhe vcr|c |n 23.
fhe /vcken|nc cf mcc|c. v|lh |l cllenccnl Gcc||n|zcl|cn. r|cl cnc unrel. hc ceen fe|l cn every ccnl|nenl.
fr|cc||m. rec|cnc||m cnc lhe r|e cf lhe meccccrccrcl|cn hcve cemc||hec mcny cf lhe c|c ncl|cnlcle
cnc lrcnfcrmec lhe remc|ncer |nlc nev cnc |nlerel|nc hcce. Cflen |ccc| culhcr|l|e (cr ccrccrcle |nler
el) lcke cr|cr|ly cver cny crccn|zec h|ercrchy. Here | c cr|ef lcur cf lhe vcr|c:
North Amorioo: fhe r||nc ccver cf lhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn hc celrcyec lhe Un|lec Slcle
cnc Ccnccc cf lhe 2lh cenlury. vh||e lex|cc hc ceen lrcnfcrmec |nlc c lv|lec me|c|nc cf mcc|cc|
cnc ccrccrcle ccver. See `fhe Nev Ncrlh /mer|cc ce|cv fcr celc||.
South Amorioo: fhe culhern ccnl|nenl | ccm|nclec cy lhe ncl|cn cf /mczcn|c. hcme lc /vck
enec creclure |ec cy lhe crcccn Huc|cc. fhe ncrlhern ccrcer | lhe |le cf c |cv|eve| vcr celveen /mc
zcn|c cnc /zl|cn. |n vh|ch lhe ccnf|cl lhcl encu|fec Cenlrc| /mer|cc hc ncv c|||ec |nlc Sculh /mer|cc.
Afrioo: fhe mclher ccnl|nenl hc cecencec |nlc |ccc| lr|cc||m. lcl cf lhe ncl|cn lhcl ex|lec cl lhe
cec|nn|nc cf lhe cenlury cre ccne (cr cl |ecl rencmec everc| l|me). cnc lhe|r uccecr lcle f|cker
|n cnc cul cf ex|lence ||ke |ccn cn c fcu|ly cclcccc. Scme em|cermcnenl lcle hcve elcc||hec
lheme|ve |n lhe fcr ncrlh cnc culh cnc c|cnc lhe lvcry cnc Gc|c Cccl. cul fcr lhe mcl ccrl lhe c|rcle
hcunlec cccl||ne h|ce c v||cerne f||ec v|lh /vckenec ccrccreclure.
Europo: lcl cf ccnl|nenlc| lurcce hc crcken |nlc huncrec cf mc|| c|lylcle lhcl cuccc|e v|lh cne
cnclher vh||e ccmcel|nc fcr ccrccrcle |crcee. lnv|rcnmenlc| c|cler. ccrccrcle excee cnc lhe
recenl lurcWcr hcve |efl c cclchvcrk cf crcv| cnc vcle|cnc frcm lhe /l|cnl|c lc lhe Urc|.
!ll|l ||
Asio: Ch|nc hc ceccme c cc|kcn|zec v||cerne. Pu|c hc |cl mcl cf S|cer|c lc cvckenec ccrccrec
lure cnc lhe frcnPc|cr /|eul ncl|cn. /rcc|c | un|lec uncer c re||c|cu |eccer vhc hc |ul relurnec frcm
lhe cecc. Jcccn hc een |l lcr r|e cnc fcce. |l recenl|y cu||ec |l cverec lrccc ccck lc lhe hcme
||cnc frcm Peru cnc lhe Ph|||cc|ne cnc cllemclec lc cu|| lhem cul cf Cc||fcrn|c. lcl |mccrlcnl. lhe vcr|
cu |nlernc| ccnf|cl crcv|ce ccccrlun|l|e fcr runner. c c|| |ce |cck fcr cul|ce he|c.
AustroIio: lcl|y |nlccl c c ncl|cn. /ulrc||c hc ceen ce|ecec cy cvcce mcc|cc| mcnc lcrm |nce
lhe /vcken|nc. Sycney. cecr|nc lhe crunl cf c cermcnenl lcrm. hc hecrec cff lc fcrm cn |ncecencenl
Antorotioo: S|luclec cl lhe ccllcm cf lhe vcr|c. fcr frcm ncl|cnc| c|c|m. cnc r|ch |n recurce. /nlcrc
l|cc hc ceccme lhe |le cf c nev Pecurce Puh cn cehc|f cf lhe meccccrccrcl|cn. Cn|y lhe |nhcc|
lcc|e c||mcle cnc lhe fev ncl|ve lcnc |n lhe vcy cf lhe ccrc cc|nc lc lhe |cl ccnl|nenl vhcl lheyve
ccne lc lhe rel cf lhe vcr|c.
Spooo: lxc|c|lcl|cn cce |nlc crc|l. c c |crce numcer cf meccccrccrcl|cn hcve |cunchec lhe|r cvn
ccce lcl|cn. |nc|uc|nc /re. Ncvclech. ScecerKrucc. Ycmclelu cnc /zlechnc|ccy |n |cv lcrlh crc|l.
c ve|| c lcl|cn cl lhe lccrcnce Pc|nl (lhe crcv|lcl|cnc||y neulrc| cc|nl creclec cy lhe cc|cnce cf
lhe mccn cnc lcrlh muluc| crcv|lcl|cnc| cu||) cnc |n|l|c| exc|c|lcl|cn cf lhe mccn. fhee ccen uc nev
lhecler fcr ccrccrcle ccercl|cn cnc ccnf|cl.
l!| !|t !Jll! l@|l|l
fhe /vcken|nc hc lrcnfcrmec lhe ncl|cn cf Ncrlh /mer|cc |ul c |l lrcnfcrmec lhe|r cecc|e. fhe lhree
crecl ncl|cn cf lhe Ncrlh /mer|ccn ccnl|nenl-Ccnccc. lhe Un|lec Slcle cnc lex|cc-hcve frccmenlec
cnc mcrchec |nlc nev cnc cmel|me lrcnce fcrm.
fhe mcl veec|nc chcnce vc lhe cefecl cf lhe lrcc|l|cnc| ncl|cn cy lhe Scvere|cn fr|cc| Ccunc|| (SfC). fhe
ucce cf lhe Ghcl Dcnce (lhe crecl cclher|nc cf mcc|cc| enercy fcr lhe curcce cf vcr cy lhe /mer|nc|cn
lr|ce) fcrcec lhe exlcnl
ccvernmenl lc ccncece lc
lhe SfC cemcnc. reu|l
|nc |n lhe frecly cf Denver.
fhe lrecly relurnec mcl cf
velern Ncrlh /mer|cc lc lhe
lr|ce cnc creclec lhe Ncl|ve
/mer|ccn Ncl|cn (N/N). ln
lhe chcc lhcl fc||cvec. clh
er ccrl cf lhe cr|c|nc| ncl|cn
ececec. vere ccncuerec
cr clherv|e lrcnfcrmec |nlc
lhe|r creenl lcle. fhe crc
ce | cncc|nc-lhe Puec|c
Ccrccrcle Ccunc|| recenl|y
ccncuerec lc /nce|e. cnc
f|mh|cn cnc lhe Sc||hSh|c
he Ccunc|| (SSC) |ul fcuchl c
ncly ccrcer vcr.
fhe fc||cv|nc cre cr|ef ncc
hcl cf lhe ex|l|nc ncl|cn
cf Ncrlh /mer|cc. fhere cre
excecl|cn lc every ru|e. cnc
crccc cecr|cl|cn cc ncl
|nc|uce every ncl|ve cf lhee
ncl|cn. Hcvever. lhey cc
c|ve c ene cf ecch ncl|cn
ene cf |cenl|ly. lrcnc
cc|nl cnc ccccrlun|l|e fcr
\|ll|!\ l!|l| l!J ll l\l|!.
lll!Jllll|J! l!J !||!\
|! l!| /ll |!lJll
fhe |nlerlcle h|chvcy ylem cf lhe Un|lec Slcle cnc Ccnccc |
c lh|nc cf lhe ccl. fhe UC/S cnc C/S hcve mcnccec lc keec lhe
cc|c |nfrclruclure cf lhe h|chvcy ylem |nlccl. cul lhe cuc||ly.
ccmfcrl |eve| cnc numcer cf |nlerlcle h|chvcy cre. rececl|ve|y.
cccr. m|n|mc| cnc fev. ln lhe N/N cnc clher nev ncl|cn cf Ncrlh
/mer|cc. lhe cver|chl cf rccc cnc h|chvcy | |efl lc rec|cnc| cnc
c|v|c |eccer.
fh| hc |ec lc lhe |nvenl|cn cnc crcmcl|cn cf hcvercrcfl lhcl |cncre
lhe rcuch lerrc|n. c||c|nc mcclh|y frcm c|cce lc c|cce. Hcver
lechnc|ccy | uec cr|mcr||y fcr crcccunlry h|cc|nc cnc |uxury
lrcnccrlcl|cn. fh| | ncl lc cy lhcl vhee|ec veh|c|e cre c lh|nc
cf lhe ccl. fhe lrcc|l|cnc| culcmcc||e cf lhe 2lh cenlury urv|ve
c |uxury |lem cnc lclu ymcc|. fhe ccmmcn mcn ue lvc cnc
fcurvhee|ec lrcnccrlcl|cn. ccec cn mclcrcyc|e cnc /fV ce|cn.
cr (mcre ||ke|y) cuc||c lrcn|l. Hcver lechnc|ccy | lhe creclel
ccvcnce mcce |n veh|c|e. cul lhe creclel ccvcnce |n cr|v|nc cnc
c||cl|nc hc ccluc||y ceen mcce v|lh lhe cr|ver cnc c||cl.
U|nc cycerlechnc|ccy. e||le cr|ver cnc c||cl. cc||ec `r|ccer.
ccn |cck |nlc lhe|r ccr cr clher veh|c|e u|nc cn |mc|cnl much ||ke c
cclc|cck. cc||ec c veh|c|e ccnlrc| r|c. Jul c cecker cre lhe e||le
cf cycerccce. r|ccer cre lhe mcler cf lhe h|chvcy. P|ccer ccn
ceccme lhe|r veh|c|e. cr|v|nc cr c||cl|nc |n vcy nc ncnr|ccer ccu|c
|mcc|ne. P|ccer cre ||lerc||y cc|e lc fee| lhe l|re cn lhe rccc cr lhe
c|r currenl cver melc| v|nc. fh| `cnene v|lh lhe|r r|ce c||cv c
reccne l|me lhcl | |nl|ncl|ve cnc |mmec|cle.
!ll|J!. J!|l|J l!lJ|l! l!J l@|l|l! lll| |Jl
fhe Un|lec Ccncc|cn cnc /mer|ccn Slcle cre lhe frccmenlec remc|n cf lhe c|c Un|lec Slcle cnc
Ccnccc cfler lhe crecl|cn cf lhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn cnc lhe ece|cn cf lhe C/S cnc Cuecec.
Bcc|y ccllerec cy lhe lr|c| cnc lr|cu|cl|cn cf lhe nev cenlury. lhe UC/S hc|c frm|y lc lhe crecm cf cn
erc vhen |l crecececr ncl|cn vere vcr|c ccver cnc |l c|l|e vere huc cf ccmmerce cnc |nculry.
Ncv lhe UC/S | ccm|nclec cy c hcncfu| cf meccccrccrcl|cn cnc c|ccuec cy c vcr|ely cf |||.
FederoI DIslrIcl of OoIumbIo: Kncvn c lhe DeeCee Scrcv|. lhe D|lr|cl | lhe ecl cf UC/S
ccvernmenl (much c |l vc |n lhe c|c Un|lec Slcle). Secur|ly | h|ch |n DeeCee (c cefl lhe cenler cf
c ncl|cnc| ccvernmenl). cnc lhe c|ly | hcme lc lhe Nev Dcvn Grcnc lccce. cne cf lhe mcl ccverfu|
mcc|cc| crcer |n lhe UC/S. DeeCee | c|c hcme lc lhe Wclerccle hcle|. cel kncvn c lhe |le cf Pre|
cenl Dunke|zchn cc|ncl|cn.
oslon: /|c cc||ec lhe Huc cf lhe Un|vere. Bclcn | lhe hcme cf much ccrccrcle cnc mcc|cc| ccver.
fhe lcl Cccl Slcck lxchcnce | |ccclec here. c | lhe rencvnec lccchuell lnl|lule cf fechnc|ccy
cnc fhcumclurcy.
New York OIly: fhe Pcllen /cc|e vc cr|cc|ec cy cn ecrlhcucke |n 25 cnc hc ceen recu||l cy
lhe meccccrc lhcl ncv ccnlrc| |l. ll | c c|ly cf huce kycrccer cnc crcc|cc|e cverhcccv|nc ccncrele
ccnycn. Ccrccrclemcn|lcrec ccccrc cre recu|rec lc ccce every hcme. cu|ne cnc lhecler.
OhIcogo: Currenl|y c |cv|e urccn vcle|cnc |nhcc|lec cy cucller. |ccler. ccnc cnc melchumcn
unvcnlec even |n lhe|r cvn ccmmun|l|e.
5l. LouIs: / `cclevcy c|ly cn lhe UC/S]C/S ccrcer. Sc|nl lcu|e | c huc fcr mucc||nc cnc ec|cncce
celveen lhe lvc ncl|cn.
5eollIe: fhe cn|y hc|c|nc cf lhe UC/S lhcl | ncl ccrl cf lhe ccnl|cucu ncl|cn. Secll|e | lhe hcme cf
numercu hcccvrunner cnc cne cf lhe mcl v|crcnl c|l|e cn lhe c|cnel. ll hcl rec|cnc| hecccucrler
fcr necr|y every /// meccccrccrcl|cn.

!ll|J!. J!||J|lll|J! J| l@|l|l! lll| |l
fhe lcle cf lhe cr|c|nc| Ccnfecerccy. c|u ccrl|cn cf Ck|chcmc cnc l|cur|. uccefu||y ececec frcm
lhe UC/S |n 234 lc fcrm lhe Ccnfecercl|cn cf /mer|ccn Slcle. Slrcnc|y |c|cl|cn|l fcr mcl cf |l h|lcry. |l
hc recenl|y emercec c lhe `lrue he|r cf lhe Un|lec Slcle-c ccverfu| |nculr|c| lcle |ncecencenl cf lhe
ccrccrcle ccnlrc| lhcl hc lcken cver much cf lhe UC/S.
AlIonlo: fhe ccc|lc| cf lhe C/S. /l|cnlc | lhe hcme cf lhe Cenler cf D|ece Ccnlrc| (CDC). fhe c|ly
hc c cuc| nclure: |l | lhe huc fcr cec|mck|nc |n lhe C/S cul | c|ccuec cy c h|ch urccn cr|me rcle.
New OrIeons: fhe Crecenl C|ly | nclec fcr |l cr|m|nc| ccnc (cc||ec kreve). crccn|zec cr|me fcm|||e.
mucc||nc cnc ue cf vccccc mcc|c. Pecenl ccvernmenl ccl|cn ccc|nl mcc|c|cn vhc cn|mcle lhe
cecc hcve crcuchl recr|c| frcm lhe |ccc| hcuccn (vccccc crcerer).
AuslIn: fexc |cl mcl cf |l culhvel ccrl|cn |n c vcr v|lh lhe ncl|cn cf /zl|cn (cur|nc vh|ch |l ececec
frcm lhe C/S. lr|ec lc |c|n lhe UC/S. cnc fnc||y relurnec lc lhe C/S). S|luclec cn lhe ccrcer celveen lhe C/S
cnc /zl|cn. /ul|n | c hecv||y m|||lcr|zec. hecv||y cc||l|cc| c|ly c|v|cec cy lhe Cc|crccc P|ver. /cenl cf cclh
ccvernmenl cnc numercu clher fccl|cn cue| |n lhe hcccv cf lhe c|ly. mck|nc |l |m||cr lc Ber||n |n lhe T5.
!ll|J!. l|\J!|l!-@l!|lJJ JJ!|| |l@
Cne cf lhe ncrlhern Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn. lhe /lC ccvernmenl hc ceen ccm|nclec cy lhe /|ccn
k|cn lr|ce. |n cchccl v|lh /zlechnc|ccy (vh|ch cc||ec lhe ncl|cn cul cf |l fncnc|c| crcc|em |n lhe 25).
/ lrcnc e|ven lr|ce. lhe lcn|lcu. hc cec|crec |ncecencence. hecr|nc cff lhe ncrlhern cucrler cf lhe
ncl|cn fcr lheme|ve. ln ccc|l|cn lc lhe|r melchumcn ccckcrcunc. lhe lcn|lcu cre v|ru|enl|y cnl|lechnc|
ccy. ccu|nc furlher ccnf|cl v|lh |ccc| ccrccrcl|cn.
fhuncer Bcy: fhe /lC ccrl cn lcke Sucer|cr. fhuncer Bcy | lhe crcrccc fcr c numcer cf ncrlhern muc
c||nc rcule. fhe c|cck mcrkel lhr|ve here.
!ll|J!. ll!llll! JJ!||
/ vcl. v||c |cnc r|ch |n recurce. /lhccckc rcnce frcm lhe ccrccrcle cffce |n /nchcrcce cnc lcmcn
lcn lc lhe ccuclchhcunlec mcunlc|n cnc |cke. ll cecc|e cre ||nkec cy c h|ch|y ceve|ccec lclr|x.
ccckec cy cle|||le ||nk cnc recunccnl ylem. / ccmc|ncl|cn cf h|chlech cnc v||cerne. /lhccckc |
c ccll|ecrcunc celveen eccccl|v|l cnc ccrccrcle ceve|ccer]exc|c|ler.
!ll|J!. lll!-J|ll l||Jl
/ ncl|cn lhcl r|nc lhe lcc cf lhe vcr|c cnc c|c|m lerr|lcry |n Ncrlh /mer|cc. /|c cnc lurcce. frcnPc|cr
/|eul | c v|ce. emcly |cnc. cne cf lhe |cl frcnl|er cf lhe 2Tl cenlury. ll ene cf ncl|cnc| |cenl|ly | l|||
frcc||e. |n lhcl |ccc| cnc lr|cc| culhcr|l|e cflen lcke crececence cver lhe ncl|cnc| ccvernmenl. / c reu|l.
lhe ncl|cn hc een c er|e cf hcl ccl cnc ccver c|cy c vcr|cu fcre|cn ccvernmenl. ccrccrcle |nler
el cnc ccverfu| |nc|v|cuc| v|e fcr ccnlrc| |n |ccc||zec crec.
!ll|J!. l|||Jl!|l |l|| lll| ||
/ ncl|cn lhcl | ccm|nc cccrl cl lhe ecm. lhe Cc||fcrn|c lree Slcle lcrlec ccc|y cnc venl ccvnh|||
frcm lhere. /fler Cc||fcrn|c lhreclenec lc ecece frcm lhe UC/S lc cc|n cc||l|cc| ccnce|cn. lhe UC/S
cc||ec |l c|uff. k|ckec |l cul cf lhe Un|cn cnc v|lhcrev c|| cc||l|cc| cnc m|||lcry ucccrl. S|nce lhen. lhe
ClS hc ceen lcccer|nc. lry|nc lc mc|nlc|n |l cc||l|cc| ccherence |n lhe fcce cf hcl||e ne|chccr.Cf |cle.
lhcl ccherence hc evcccrclec. /zl|cn ccnlrc| Scn D|ecc. lhe Puec|c Ccrccrcle Ccunc|| hc e|zec lc
/nce|e cnc lhe lc|cve Deerl. cnc lhe crcccn Helccy. vhc ccnlrc| lhe ncrlhernmcl ecl|cn. hc |c|nec
f|r fc|rnc|re. ell|nc cff c ccrcer vcr. fhe hecrl cf lhe ce|eccuerec lcle. hcvever. vc c|reccy ccm|nclec
cy fcrce cf lmcer|c| Jcccn cnc | ncv uncer lhe |rcn ru|e cf rece| ccmmcncer Ke||| Sc|lc.
OoIIfornIo Proleclorole: fhe nccenl. vu|nercc|e ClS cccec|ec lc Jcccn fcr crclecl|cn ccn
cfler |l excu||cn frcm lhe UC/S. Jcccnee fcrce |cncec |n Scn lrcnc|cc lc `crclecl Jcccnee |nlerel
cnc remc|nec lhere. crecl|nc lhe Cc||fcrn|c Prcleclcrcle. effecl|ve|y c ncl|cn v|lh|n lhe ncl|cn. Pecenl
evenl |n Jcccn crcmclec lhe lmcer|c| lhrcne lc cec|n recc|||nc c|| cverec un|l. fhe |ccc| ccverncr. Ke|||
Sc|lc. refuec cnc hc elcc||hec h| cvn ccvernmenl. exccnc|nc lhe ccrcer culvcrc lc Sccrcmenlc.
Pu||nc v|lh cn |rcn fl. lhe rcc|c|y cnl|melchumcn Sc|lc | lry|nc lc remcke Scn lrcnc|cc cnc lhe Cenlrc|
Vc||ey c h| cvn cercnc| fefccm.
Moiove Deserl: fh| ccrren. cncy ceerl | r|ch |n mcnc. c|r|l cnc mcc|cc| mcler|c|. / c reu|l. |l |
uncer |ece cy everc| |ce: lhe PPC. lhe Ule. lhe ncl|ve /nccz| lr|ce. /zl|cn (lhrcuch |l ccrccrcle ccr
enl /zlechnc|ccy). clher meccccrc. |ncecencenl crcceclcr. cnc lhe exlreme|y ccverfu| ncl|ve c|r|l
cnc e|emenlc| cccu|cl|cn.

!ll|J!. J|!|l
Denver | kncvn c lhe frecly C|ly. cn |ncecencenl ncl|cnlcle creclec vhen lhe Un|lec Slcle cnc Ccn
ccc urrencerec lc lhe Scvere|cn fr|cc| Ccunc|| cnc lhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn fcrmec. fhe c|ly |le|f |
c|v|cec |nlc eclcr uncer lhe ccnlrc| cf lhe |cn|nc ncl|cn cf lhe frecly. / cn `lnlerncl|cnc| C|ly. Denver
| c hclcec cf ec|cncce. cnc |l chunk cf lhe lclr|x ee ccrl|cu|cr|y rccul hccker cnc runner ccl|v|ly.
Pecenl|y lhe ccvernmenl vc e|zec cy Ghclvc|ker. c crev|cu|y unkncvn crcccn vhc emercec frcm
Dunke|zchn P|fl |n DeeCee. fhe crcccn hc lcken cver lhe Ccunc|| cf Denver. |n lhe crcce mck|nc |l c
mcre effecl|ve cnc ccverfu| ccercl|cn.
!ll|J!. J|l|J JlJlll| JJ!|| |
Scrcv|ec ccrc lhe Sculhvel frcm Scnlc le lc l/. lhe PCC | c me|c|nc cf lr|cc| vcy v|lh mccern lech
nc|ccy. fhe enl|re ncl|cn | |l cvn ccrccrcl|cn. ru|ec cy c cccrc cf c|reclcr. v|lh |l c|l|zen c hcrehc|c
er. lxlernc| ccrccrcl|cn ||cene lhe r|chl lc el uc hcc |n lhe PCC. fh| c|ve lhe ncl|cn c cu|nefr|enc|y
cll|luce v|lhcul c||cv|nc |l ccvernmenl lc ce ccm|nclec cy meccccrccrcl|cn. fhe Puec|c Gr|c | cne cf
lhe mcl ccvcncec |n Ncrlh /mer|cc.
fhe nclcecrel mcler cf lhe PCC cre lhe Kcch|nc Scc|ely. cr|c|nc||y c lr|cc| her|lcce crccn|zcl|cn lhcl
hc evc|vec |nlc c ce fcclc re||c|cu crccn|zcl|cn v|lh lremenccu |nfuence cver lhe ru||nc c|c. fhere
| rumcrec lc ce cn |nner fccl|cn cc||ec lhe Scyckc (ncmec cfler c mylhc|cc|cc| mcnler). vh|ch |n lurn
ccnlrc| lhe Kcch|nc Scc|ely.
5onlo Fe: fhe Wc|| Slreel cf lhe Sculhvel. Scnlc le | cclh lhe ccc|lc| cf cnc lhe cenler cf eccncm|c
ccver |n lhe PCC. lcl cf lhe ccver crcker cnc c|cyer |n lhe Ccunc|| ccn ce fcunc here.
Los AngeIes: Pecenl|y `cccu|rec cy lhe PCC. l/ hc fc||en cn hcrc l|me. ccm|nclec cy ccnc
cnc crccn|zec cr|me cnc vr|llen cff cy lhe rel cf Cc||fcrn|c. fhe curcce cf lhe |nvc|cn vc lc ccm|ncle
lhe |mene |nculry lhrcuch Hc||yvccc cnc cc|n ccce lc lhe mcncr|ch mcc|cc| env|rcnmenl cf lhe
lc|cve Deerl. Wh||e lhe PCC cccuccl|cn cf l/ hc crcvn cn|y hcrh vcrc frcm lhe C/S. lhe Ule cnc
/zl|cn. lhe lrucc|e fcr ccnlrc| cf lhe lc|cve hc ccccec ccvn |n c mu|l|fccl|cnc| ccll|e.
!ll|J!. l||!-!|J!| JJ!|| |
/ |crce Ncl|ve /mer|ccn]e|ven ncl|cn urrcunc|nc lhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex. lhe SSC hc kecl mcl cf |l
ccver v|lh|n |l lr|ce rclher lhcn fcrm c cenlrc||zec ccvernmenl. fhe ccmccnenl lr|ce curue lhe|r cvn
ccencc. cul |n cenerc| lhey cre crcenv|
rcnmenlc|. cnl|meccccrc cnc crcmelchu
G|ven |l cecenlrc||zec ccvernmenl cnc
v|ceccen ccce. mucc||nc | c mc|cr
eccncm|c cnc recrecl|cnc| ccl|v|ly |n lhe
SSC. fhe Ccunc|| |cnc cre c|cnc c numcer
cf mc|cr mucc||nc rcule. cnc |ccc| lr|ce
cflen cenefl frcm cuc||ecc| lrcc|nc ccrc
lhe|r ccrcer.
lcl recenl|y. lhe SSC hc ccllen |nvc|vec
|n c cr|ef ccrcer vcr v|lh lhe ncl|cn cf f|m
h|cn. fhe reccn fcr lhe vcr cre cccure.
cnc lhcuch c cecefre | currenl|y hc|c|nc.
len|cn celveen lhe lvc |ce cre h|ch.
Voncouver: / ||chl|y mc||er. ||chl|y
rc|n|er Secll|e. Vcnccuver | lhe SSC ccle
vcy lc lhe Pcc|fc Ccecn. ll | lhe |crcel c|ly
|n lhe SSC. cnc c uch |l | c huc cf muc
c|er. ccnc cnc crccn|zec cr|m|nc| ccl|v|ly.
oIse: S|luclec vhere lhe SSC. lhe Ule Ncl|cn cnc f|r fc|rnc|re ccme lccelher. Bc|e | c recu|cr meel|nc
crcunc fcr mucc|er c ve|| c c cclevcy fcr refucee |ecv|nc f|r cnc runner mcv|nc |n.
!ll|J!. l|l ll|l!\|l|
f|r fc|rnc|re (`fhe lcnc cf Prcm|e) | c ycunc ncl|cn culh cf Secll|e lhcl eek lc creenl |le|f c cn
effc|enl. uccefu| melchumcn cc|ely. Dcm|nclec cy crcuc e|ven cr|nce. lhe f|r hc ufferec frcm ecc
ncm|c |c|cl|cn cnc cn |ncrec|nc|y recre|ve ccvernmenl. Pefucee (e|ven cnc clherv|e) hcve cecun
lrccc||nc |nlc ne|chccr|nc crec. cnc hcccvrunn|nc | cn lhe r|e. c lhe ccvernmenl hc ceen fcrcec lc
re|cx |l ccrcer cnc c||cv |n cul|ce. ncnmelchumcn lrcce.
f|r fc|rnc|re hc ceen el uc c c c|cccec cc|ely lhcl hcrk ccck lc mec|evc| feucc||m. fhe |cvel
rcnk | lhe c|c|e lren| (|m||cr lc lhe SlN|e e|evhere). v|lh lhe cffc|c| c|l|zen lcrl|nc cl lhe cenlry cnc
r||nc lhrcuch ch|vc|ry cnc ncc|e c|ce lc lhe rcyc| rcnk cf Pr|nce. /cvcncemenl | cc|c|e. cul lhe
|cver rcnk cre cy cnc |crce exceclec lc kncv lhe|r c|cce cnc cccecl lhe|r fcle. lcny cre ncl ccccerc
l|ve. hcvever. cnc rece|||cn cucc|e ceneclh lhe lrcncu|| urfcce cf f|r fc|rnc|re.
fhe Pr|nce cf f|r fc|rnc|re hcve recenl|y cccec lhe crcccn Helccy lc lhe|r ru||nc ccunc||. Helccy
hc crcuchl c cccc ||ce cf Ncrlhern Cc||fcrn|c v|lh her cnc exccercclec len|cn celveen lhe f|r
cnc lhe ClS.
PorlIond: fhe enlry cc|nl lc lhe f|r. Pcrl|cnc | c vc||ec c|ly uncer mcrl|c| |cv. Cr|cc|ec cy cccr ecc
ncm|c cec||cn (mcl h|cc|nc hecc ncrlh lc Secll|e) cnc ccc|ec v|lh c h|ch cr|me rcle cnc frecuenl
ccnc v|c|ence. lhe c|ly hc ceccme c hclcec cf rece| enl|menl ccc|nl lhe ru||nc c|c.
!ll|J!. l|@!|l!
lccclec ncrlh cf lhe Sc||hSh|che Ccunc||. f|mh|cn. vh||e lechn|cc||y c cemccrccy. hc ceen ru|ec fcr
|l enl|re h|lcry cy c |nc|e |eccer: Grecl Ch|ef Deccrch J|m. ln crcer lc keec her ccunlry cc|nc. he hc
ccenec |l lc exlen|ve meccccrc |nfuence cnc exc|c|lec |l ncl|cnc| recurce lc c cecree lhcl vcu|c
mcke c UC/S ccnker c|cnch. fh|. |n ccc|l|cn lc cn c|mcl xencchcc|c cll|luce lcvcrc clher elhn|c|l|e
(even clher Ncl|ve /mer|ccn lr|ce). hc mcce f|mh|cn c necrcul|cv lcle |n Ncrlh /mer|cc.
f|mh|cn | c cc||ce lcle v|lh c kyh|ch cr|me rcle cnc |nl|lul|cnc||zec c|cr|m|ncl|cn ccc|nl ncnnc
l|ve /mer|nc|cn. /nc|c cnc melchumcn. ll recre|ve cc||c|e cnc exc|c|lcl|ve recurce |ccl|nc hcve
creclec c lrcnc |nlernc| re|lcnce mcvemenl. vh|ch hc urv|vec cec|le frecuenl rc|c cnc curce.
lcl recenl|y. c ccrcer vcr eruclec v|lh lhe ne|chccr|nc SSC. cul cclh |ce cre currenl|y rececl|nc lhe
unecy cecefre.
!ll|J!. |JJ !ll|J!
fhe S|cux Ncl|cn | c cc|yc|cl cf lr|cc| crccn|zcl|cn. |nc|uc|nc lhe Dckclc. lckclc. Nckclc. Cherckee.
Ch|ckccv. Chcclcv. Creek. B|cckfccl. /rccchc. Crcv. Sem|nc|e. Cree. Cheyenne. C||cvc. lchcvk.
/ccche cnc Ncvc|c. Bcrn cul cf lhe frecly cf Denver. lhe S|cux Ncl|cn cflen ccl c lhe `|ccc| ccc fcr
ccnf|cl cmcnc lhe N/N. Scme cf lhe clher ncl|cn ee lh| cll|luce c cclrcn|z|nc. cul lhey ccnncl crcue
v|lh lhe effecl|vene cf lhe S|cux. cclh |n |nle|||cence cclher|nc cnc m|||lcry fcrce.
fhe S|cux cre hecv||y m|||lcr|zec. v|lh mcncclcry m|||lcry erv|ce fcr c|mcl c|| lhe|r c|l|zen. ln ccc|l|cn. lhe
S|cux hcve lhe|r cvn cec|c| fcrce. n|ckncmec lhe W||cccl. cckncv|eccec c cne cf lhe mcl h|ch|y
lrc|nec cnc effecl|ve m|||lcry fcrce |n lhe vcr|c. fhe|r k||| exlenc lc lhe nel c ve|| v|lh lhe lclr|x Wcr
ccnc. cn e||le cecker cnc ccmculer |nle|||cence un|l.
Oheyenne: fhe ccc|lc| cf lhe S|cux Ncl|cn. Cheyenne | c|c lhe hcme cce cf lhe Scvere|cn fr|cc|
Ccunc|| (SfC) cf lhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn cnc lhe h|chlech Un|ver|ly cf Cheyenne. fh| ccmc|ncl|cn
mcke lhe c|ly c cenler cf cc||l|cc|. lechnc|cc|cc| cnc ccrccrcle |nlr|cue. uncer lhe cuc|ce cf lhe hecv
||y crmec S|cux Ncl|cnc| Pc||ce.
DevII's Iower: / myl|cc| cnc ccrec |le cmcnc lhe lckclc. lh| lcver cf vc|ccn|c rcck | lhe |le cf
lhe cnnuc| Sun Dcnce. / ccverfu| huc cf mcnc enerc|e. lhe lcver |le|f crev |n he|chl frcm 22 meler lc
35 meler v|lhcul cny clher |ccc| e|m|c ccl|v|ly ce|nc rec|lerec.
Iock HIIIs, YeIIowslone ond lhe odIonds: fhee v||c lerr|lcr|e cre hcme lc fcnlcl|c
creclure. crecl nclurc| ceculy cnc ccverfu| c|r|l. fc|||ecc|nc (|||ecc| lrcffc |n mcc|cc| ecu|cmenl cnc
crl|fccl) | ccmmcn lhrcuchcul lh| crec.
!ll|J!. l!| l|Jl|| J| |J|l|
/|vcy cn culccl cf lrench cc|ely cn cn lnc||hccm|nclec ccnl|nenl. Cuecec fnc||y ececec frcm
Ccnccc |n lhe ecr|y 2Tl cenlury lc fcrm |l cvn ncl|cn. herc|c|nc lhe |cler creckuc cf Ccnccc cnc lhe
Un|lec Slcle. lc|r|y |c|cl|cn|l (lrench vc fcr mcny yecr lhe cn|y |ecc| cu|ne |cncucce). c chcnce |n
ccvernmenl hc crcuchl cccul c mcre ||cerc| cll|luce lcvcrc cec||nc v|lh cul|cer. ccrl|cu|cr|y cnc|cch||e.
Cuecec hc |l cvn `cel meccccrccrcl|cn |n Crc /cc||ec fechnc|cc|e Ccrccrcl|cn (cr. rclher. C/fCc
hc |l cvn cel ccunlry |n Cuecec). Crc hc ceen c mc|cr ucccrler cf lhe |c|cl|cn|l ccvernmenl. cnc
lhe recenl h|fl lc c mcre ccen cll|luce | een cy cme c cn cllemcl lc cr|nc Cuecec c|cer lc lhe rel
cf lhe ncl|cn cf Ncrlh /mer|cc. lc Crc cenefl. Crc v|e|c c crecl cec| cf ccver |n lhe ccunlry cnc
mc|nlc|n cne cf lhe cr|me |nfcrmcl|cn ccenc|e cn lhe c|cnel: lhe Sercch|m.
Cuecec cffer lhe lrcc|l|cnc| venue cf |nlr|cue cnc ec|cncce fcr hcccvrunner. ln ccc|l|cn. |l ucccrl
c lrcnc ccunlyhunl|nc lrcce |n ccrcncrmc| cn|mc|. fhe currenl ccvernmenl (lhcuch mcre ||cerc| lhcn
cefcre) ce||eve lhcl /vckenec creclure cre c ccncer lc lhe eccylem cnc cffer ccunl|e cn lhem.
Creclure ncrmc||y hunlec |nc|uce cev|| rcl. vcmc|re cnc ccuclch.
Ouebec OIly MelropIex: fhe cenler cf ccvernmenl. Cuecec C|ly | c m|xlure cf cnc|enl lruc
lure cnc mccern ccver cce. ll | hcme lc lve|ve lnlercr|e /cne (effecl|ve|y reervcl|cn fcr exlrcnc
l|cnc| ccrccrcl|cn) cnc c cenler fcr cycernel|c e|eclrcn|c.
!ll|J!. Jl| !ll|J!
S|ll|nc clr|ce lhe cr|c Grecl Bc|n. lhe Ule Ncl|cn | c lrucc||nc ccunlry c|ccuec cy ccverly. vcle. cu
recucrccy cnc c|cr|m|ncl|cn. lccncm|cc||y lhrcll|ec cy |l cvn m|mcnccemenl. lhe Ule Ncl|cn hc ceen
c ccc|y cunc|ec lhcl even |crce meccccrc lh|nk lv|ce cefcre ell|nc ccvn rccl lhere. ll e|eclrcn|c
cemccrccy reu|l |n ccnl|nuc| c|ec|c|le v|lh v|ce|y vcry|nc cnc cflen ccnlrcc|clcry reu|l. ln ccc|l|cn.
lhe Ule hcve cr|ck|y (|f ncl culr|chl hcl||e) re|cl|cnh|c v|lh mcl cf lhe|r ne|chccr.
5oIl Loke OIly: lcr|y |n lhe Ule Ncl|cn h|lcry. ncnNcl|ve /mer|ccn vere cr|ven cff mcl cf lhe
|cnc. Cne cf lhe excecl|cn vc Sc|l lcke C|ly. vh|ch vc elcc||hec c cn /nc|c reervcl|cn uncer lhe
ccnlrc| cf lhe Church cf Jeu Chr|l cf lcllerDcy Sc|nl. Sc|l lcke C|ly | c|c c mcc|ccec|elec crec. mck
|nc |l c cccc |le fcr ccrccrcle hecccucrler.
Los Vegos: fhe clher |ce cf lhe cc|n frcm Sc|l lcke C|ly. Vecc hc mcce |l ncme c c e|fcrc
c|c|mec cen cf |n cnc v|||c|ny. ll | ccnlrc||ec cy ccverfu| cc|nc ccrccrcl|cn. vh|ch crcv|ce c |crce cccl
lc lhe Ule curecucrccy |n lhe fcrm cf crcfl.
Orond Oonyon: fhe mcl ccverfu| cf c numcer cf mcc|cc| |le v|lh|n lhe Ule Ncl|cn (lhe clher ce
|nc lhe Pc|nlec Deerl. lhe Grcnc Slc|rcce lcc|cnle crec cnc lhe Pelr|fec lcrel). lhe ccnycn hc crecl
h|lcr|cc| cnc c|r|luc| |cn|fccnce lc lhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn.
!ll|J!. l/l|l!
/ ccverhcue lc lhe culh. /zl|cn | |crcer lhcn lhe ccunlry cf lex|cc lhcl |l rec|ccec. hcv|nc vc||cvec
ccrl cf fexc. Cc||fcrn|c. lhe /mer|ccn Sculhvel. c|| cf lhe Cenlrc| /mer|ccn ccunlr|e cnc ccrl cf Sculh
/mer|cc. cnc |l hcv nc |cn cf |cv|nc cec|le c ccl|y cuerr|||c vcr |n lhe Yucclcn. /zl|cn | effecl|ve|y c
vhc||y cvnec uc|c|cry cf /zlechnc|ccy.
/zl|cn rcnce frcm lhe hecv||y cc||ulec fencchl|l|cn lc lhe v||c cf revc|ul|cncry Yucclcn. cnc frcm Scn
D|ecc lc necrcuccel ccvernmenl |n Sculh /mer|cc. ll | lhe hcme cf c ccnlhe|l|c fc|lh lhcl venercle
cnc|enl /zlec ce|l|e cnc crccl|ce c un|cue cnc cecc|y fcrm cf ce|| ccl|nc kncvn c c|ccc mcc|c.
Pulh|e. hecrl|e cnc re|enl|e. lhe ecrel mcler cf /zl|cn cc ncl lc|ercle cccc|l|cn. lreccer cr fcc|
c|cc|y cnc hcve lhe muc|e lc enfcrce lhe|r v|||.
IenochlIlIon: / huce crcv| cf T7 m||||cn cecc|e. lhe fcrmer lex|cc C|ly | lhe cc||l|cc| hecrl cf /zl|cn
cnc /zlechnc|ccy. / ccrnuccc|c cf lcver|nc ccrccrcle lruclure. leccec cyrcm|c cnc uclcnccrc
hcnl|e lhcl cre hcken cy ecrlhcucke cn c recu|cr cc|. fencchl|l|cn urv|ve uncer c lh|ck ce|||nc cf
cc||ul|cn (lc Humc Grcnce). Breclher cev|ce cre cn ccc|ule recu|remenl here.
Yucolon: fhe currenl crcunc zerc cf c `hcl revc|ul|cn celveen |nc|cencu cecc|e cnc /zlechnc|
ccy. lhe Yucclcn | lhe |le cf mcc|cc| mcccre cnc c|ccclh|rly rc|c. Bclh |ce hcve cul lhe|r humcn|ly
cn lhe |ce||ne-/zlechnc|ccy |n crcer lc ccnlrc| lh| mcc|cc| lerr|lcry. cnc lhe rece| lc rencer lhe crec
unccverncc|e cy c cenlrc| culhcr|ly.
!ll|J!. l!| ll|ll|l! ||l\J|
Ncl lru|y c ncl|cn cul rclher c cclher|nc cf |ncecencenl lcle lhcl mcke lhe lr|ce cf lhe frcn
Pc|cr /|eul |cck ||ke c mcce| cf c||ccr|ly. lhe Ccr|ccecn leccue | c hclcec cf mucc||nc. c|rccy.
c|cck mcrkel|nc cnc c vcr|ely cf clher |||ecc| cnc cuc||ecc| ccercl|cn. lcch ||cnc hc |l cvn
|ncecencenl ccvernmenl.
!ll|J!. |!\JJ@ J| !ltl||
fhe ||cnc ncl|cn cf Hcvc|| ececec frcm lhe Un|cn cur|nc lhe |ncecencence mcvemenl cf lhe 23 cnc
hc |nce leerec cn |ncecencenl ccure. fhey cre hecv||y |nfuencec cy Jcccneeccec ccrccrcl|cn
cul hcve cvc|cec lhe fcle cf cccuc|ec Cc||fcrn|c.
l!| |lll|| @|llJ||
fhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex | c |crce c|ly |ccclec |n lhe
ncrlhvel ccrner cf vhcl cnce vc lhe Un|lec Slcle
cf /mer|cc. ll | c crcv||nc |umc|e cf melrccc||lcn
ccmmun|l|e. |nculr|c| vcle|cnc cnc ccncrele
h|chvcy crcckelec cy Pucel Scunc cnc lhe
Ccccce lcunlc|n cnc | cne cf lhe crecl huc cf
hcccvrun ccercl|cn |n lhe vcr|c.
Secll|e | cffc|c||y c ccrl cf lhe Un|lec Ccncc|cn cnc
/mer|ccn Slcle (UC/S). lhcuch lhe necrel UC/S
lerr|lcry | lvc lhcucnc m||e cvcy. Vcr|cu (cme
l|me hcl||e) lcle ||e celveen Secll|e cnc lhe rel
cf lhe UC/S. fhe reu|l|nc |c|cl|cn mcke Secll|e |n
rec||ly c em||ncecencenl lcle vhere |ccc| fcure.
ccnc. cr|m|nc| crccn|zcl|cn. ccrccrcl|cn cnc
r|vc| ncl|cn hcve mcre |nfuence lhcn lhe c|lcnl
ccvernmenl |n DeeCee.
Secll|e hc c cccu|cl|cn cf mcre lhcn lhree m||||cn.
cul cn|y 3 cercenl cf lhcl cccu|cl|cn | humcn. fhe
remc|ncer cf lhe cccu|cl|cn | melchumcn-cre
ccm|ncnl|y e|ve cnc crk. v|lh |zcc|e numcer cf
cvcrf cnc lrc||. /ccul hc|f cf lhe cccu|cl|cn |
cff||clec v|lh cne cf lhe |crce meccccrccrcl|cn.
fhe remc|ncer lrucc|e lc cel cy lhrcuch lemccrcry cc|l|cn. lcJcc. cr|m|nc| ccl|v|ly cnc `crcy crec
ccercl|cn. Shcccvrunner fc|| |nlc lh| |cl ccleccry.
fhe ccen nclure cf Secll|e mcke lhe melrccc|| |cec| fcr hcccvrunn|nc. Ccrccrcl|cn (cnc even mem
cer v|lh|n lhe cme ccrccrcl|cn) cre c|vcy ccnlel|nc fcr ccver. Gcnc fchl cver lurf. Cr|m|nc| crccn|
zcl|cn ccll|e fcr ccnlrc| cf exlrc|ecc| mcler|c|. lcc|c|cn ccnlenc cver chcc| cf lhcuchl. Ccercl|ve
cf fcre|cn ncl|cn cre ccnl|nuc||y ecrch|nc fcr |nfcrmcl|cn. Secll|e | c|flec (cr curec) v|lh c h|ch |eve| cf
lechnc|ccy c ve|| c c vec|lh cf mcc|cc| lrcc|l|cn cnc crccl|l|cner. ll |. |n lhe ccr|cnce cf lhe hcccv
runner. `c lcrcelr|ch env|rcnmenl.
l!| |ll J| l!| |l!J
fhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex | c re|cl|ve|y ncrrcv chunk
cf h|ch|y urccn|zec crccerly urrcuncec cy lhe
v||cer. mcre nclurc| |cnc cf lhe Sc||hSh|che
Ccunc||. fhe fcrcec ccnlc|nmenl cf |l chy|cc|
crcv| hc ccuec |l lc cverceve|cc lhe |cnc lhcl
|l cccuc|e. lrcnfcrm|nc |l |nlc c fcrlym||e|cnc
c|ly. lrelch|nc frcm |l culhern ccrcer ceycnc
fcccmc uc lc |l ncrlhern ||m|l cl lverell.
Secll|e | c|v|cec |nlc len c|lr|cl. ecch v|lh ||chl|y
c|fferenl fcvcr. cllrccl|cn cnc |eve| cf r|k. /|| cre
hecv||y cccu|clec. cnc c|| hcve ccccrlun|l|e fcr
huncry runner |cck|nc fcr c c|c h|l.
Secll|e ccvnlcvn | lhe hecrl cf lhe c|ly. lrcc
c||nc lhe |lhmu celveen Pucel Scunc cn lhe
vel cnc lcke Wch|nclcn cn lhe ecl. ll ky||ne
| ccm|nclec cy ccrccrcle lcver cnc crcc|ccy
cyrcm|c. cnc |l n|chl||fe lhrcc lc lhe cecl cf hcl
ccvnlcvn c|uc ||ke lhe C|uc Penumcrc. Hcvever.
lhe lc|| cu||c|nc cf lhe ccvnlcvn ccl ceec hcc
cv. cnc lhrcuch lhe hcccv mcve c|| mcnner cf
lhrecl cnc ccccrlun|l|e.
Be||evue. ccvnlcvn ||ll|e crclher. | |ccclec lc
lhe ecl cf ccvnlcvn. ccrc lcke Wch|nclcn. ll
lcc | ccm|nclec cy |l ccrccrcl|cn. c|cnc v|lh lhe
re|cence cf lhce vhc vcrk fcr lhem. ll c ne|ch
ccrhccc lhcl | c|c cn |nlr|cue cul lcke c very c|m
v|ev cf lhe exce|ve ue cf freccver.
Pecmcnc | c|c kncvn c lhe Pecmcnc Bcrren. Cnce cne cf lhe mcl crccercu rec|cn |n lhe Secll|e
crec. |l | ncv c vcle|cnc ccm|nclec cy r|vc| ccnc cnc lcrv|nc ncl|ve. ll |nculry celrcyec cy lhe Crch
cf 2. |l hc een r|cl. c cccec|cne crch cnc c nuc|ecr me|lccvn. ll |nhcc|lcnl (mcl|y humcn c cc
ccec lc melchumcn) cre v||||nc lc kn|fe ycu fcr c lr|nkel. ll | ncl c c|cce lc mcke mcney. cul |f c runner |
hunl|nc fcr cme c|ece cf ||||c|l lech. Pecmcnc | lhe c|cce lc mcke lhe ccnlccl.
Snchcm|h. lc lhe ncrlh cf ccvnlcvn. | cme cf lhe cn|y cccrec|cc|e creen ccce |efl |n lhe melrcc|ex. ll
| ccm|nclec cy crcv||nc ccr|ccrc fcrm cnc ccuccu|lure fcc|||l|e cnc | cflen lhe lcrcel cf ecc|cc|cc| cl
lcck. fhe ccmmun|ly c|c hc lrcnc cnl|melchumcn cnc cnl|Ncl|ve /mer|ccn enl|menl.
lverell | lhe melrcc|ex ncrlhernmcl c|lr|cl. c cul||nc ccmmun|ly cf nev ccrccrcle ceve|ccmenl cnc c|c
r|vc|r|e. ll | c mc|cr ccrl. lhe cce fcr lhe lverell Ncvc| Sh|cycrc cnc lhe cry ccck fcr lecerclecBce|nc.
ll hcce lc r|vc| Be||evue cnc fcccmc c c mc|cr c|lr|cl |n lhe crec cnc | c cccc c|cce fcr runner eek|nc
nev c||enl.
Penlcn. |ul culh cf Be||evue cnc ccvnlcvn. | cn lhe urfcce c cu|el cecrccm ccmmun|ly fcr lhe urrcunc
|nc rec|cn. c |cnc cf mc|| cnc hcu|nc ccmc|exe. Beneclh |l lrcncu|| exler|cr. hcvever. lrcnc cnl|melchu
mcn enl|menl lhr|ve. cnc r|vc| ccnc ru|e lhe n|chl.
/ucurn | c c|uecc||cr ne|chccrhccc celveen Penlcn cnc Puyc||uc. kncvn c c lrcnc mcnufcclur|nc crec.
fhe cr|m|nc| ync|ccle cre ccverfu| |n /ucurn. ccrl|cu|cr|y lhe lcfc cnc Yckuzc.
fcccmc | c mucu|cr ccmmun|ly crcv|ec c|cnc lhe Scunc culh cf ccvnlcvn. lhe hcme cf mc|cr fcclcr|e
c ve|| c ccrccrcle hecccucrler. ll | c lrcnccrlcl|cn huc fcr lhe c|ly cl |crce. ll | c|c lhe |le cf |nlene
ync|ccle ccl|v|ly. c lhe lcfc cnc Yckuzc v|e fcr ccnlrc| cf |l |ucrcl|ve ccercl|cn.
ll. lev|. luckec |n lhe culhvel ccrner cf lhe melrcc|ex. hc hcnellcccccne fcrel. ll | c m|||lcry ccl
fcr lhe UC/S cnc cccl c lrcnc m|||lcry creence. fhce mck|nc run |n lhe crec cre ccv|ec lc ce ccu
l|cu-lhe ncl|cnc| ccvernmenl. lhcuch c|lcnl. lcke c c|m v|ev cf lreccer.
Puyc||uc. cl lhe culh enc cf lhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex. | c c|clec urccn n|chlmcre |m||cr lc Pecmcnc. Un||ke
Pecmcnc. hcvever. mcl cf lhe cccu|cl|cn | melchumcn. cnc lhe v||c crec | ccm|nclec cy numercu
ccnc. lcr frcm lhe cver|chl cf ccrccrcl|cn. |l | cn exce||enl c|cce lc el uc meel|nc. cul lhe |ccc| cre
||ke|y lc ce ecrch|nc fcr lhe|r nexl c|c c ve|| cnc ccnl |cck k|nc|y cn cul|cer.

|||!l |! |lll||
Shcccvrunner lhr|ve |n Secll|e ceccue cf lhe |crce numcer cf crccn|zcl|cn cnc |nc|v|cuc| lhcl neec lhe|r
erv|ce. recccn|ze lhe|r cc|||l|e cnc enccurcce lhe|r fex|c|e mcrc| |uccmenl. C||enl cre cenerc||y cc||ec
`lr. Jchncn. reccrc|e cf lhe|r cencer. rcce cr cff||cl|cn. / |cnc c lhe|r mcney | cccc. lhey cre ve|ccme
culcmer. ln Secll|e. lhe mc|cr crcuc lhcl lr. Jchncn rec fcr |nc|uce:
Ccrccrcl|cn ru|e |n 23. lcv enfcrcemenl | c erv|ce cn|y fcr lhce vhc ccn cffcrc |l (Secll|e |le|f hc c
ccnlrccl v|lh lhe fexcccec lcne Slcr Secur|ly Ccrccrcl|cn). Scmecne vhc hc ccce lc lhe ceec ccck
el cf c mc|cr meccccrc ccn vr|le lhe|r cvn check. fhe mcl crcflcc|e hcccvrun cre uuc||y ccnlrcclec
cy. cnc cflen lcrcelec ccc|nl. ccrccrcl|cn.
fhe mc|cr ccrccrcl|cn cf Secll|e cre /re lccrclechnc|ccy (mun|l|cn cnc ecur|ly). /zlechnc|ccy (mcc|cc|
lechnc|ccy). Crc /cc||ec fechnc|cc|e (e|eclrcn|c hcrcvcre). l|luhcmc Ccmculer fechnc|ccy. Ncvcl
ech. Penrcku Ccrccrcl|cn. ScecerKrucc (cvnec cy c crcccn). Sh|cvce Ccrccrcl|cn (cycervcre cnc c|c
lech). Wux|nc cnc Ycmclelu. lcch cf lhee hc |l cvn lrenclh cnc vecknee. cul c|| cre lry|nc lc cel cn
ecce cn lhe clher. Shcccvrunner cflen curc|e lechnc|ccy. exlrccl lc|enl cnc ccclcce ccrccrcle |nlerel
|n lhe rulh|e ccll|ecrcunc cf 2Tlcenlury cu|ne.
CriminoI Orgonizotions
Clher ccverfu| crccn|zcl|cn chcce ncl lc hcve c ccmccny |ccc cnc c ccrccrcle hecccucrler. Cr|m|
nc| crccn|zcl|cn crey cn humcn v|ce cnc ccvernmenlc| ||m|lcl|cn. ccler|nc lc vecknee cnc muc
c||nc |n fcrc|ccen |lem. fhe |crcel cf lhee crccn|zcl|cn-lhe /mer|ccn lcfc. lhe Jcccnee Yckuzc.
lhe Ch|nee fr|cc cnc lhe Kcrecn Secu|cc P|nc-c|| v|e fcr ccnlrc| cf c leccy lrecm cf revenue frcm
exlcrl|cn. c|cckmc||. v|ce cnc lrcce |n |||ecc| (cnc ccc|cl|ve) |mene ch|c. Wh||e lhee crccn|zcl|cn
hcve lhe|r cvn mcnccver. lhey frecuenl|y lurn lc hcccvrunner fcr lhe|r cec|c|ly excerl|e cnc lc keec
lhe|r cvn hcnc c|ecn.
fhe |crce cr|m|nc| crccn|zcl|cn ccre cccul lhe ccllcm ||ne cnc cch fcv. Gcnc. cn lhe clher hcnc. ccn
cern lheme|ve v|lh lurf. hcncr cnc rcv ccver. Scme ccnc ex|l lc hcke ccvn lhe |ccc|. cme lc crclecl
c ccrl|cu|cr crcuc cr |cccl|cn. cnc clher mere|y fcr lhe lhr||| cf |l. lcrce ccnc |nc|uce lhe /nc|enl (cn
e|fccm|nclec ccnc). lhe Culler (c ccrccrclefr|enc|y ccnc) cnc lhe ler|yn (c mcc|cc| ccnc v|lh lcfc
ccnnecl|cn). Smc||er ccnc ccnlrc| mcre rec|cnc| crec. ||ke lhe 45 He||hcunc cr lhe leclher Dev|| cul
cf Be||evue. Wh||e lhe ccnc hcve lhe|r cvn ene cf fcm||y |cyc|ly. lhey v||| cflen cc|| cn hcccvrunner |n
ccrl|cu|cr|y ncly |lucl|cn lhcl ccnncl ce c|vec v|lh c fev ve||c|ccec cunche.
fhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex | c h|ch|y urccn|zec zcne vhere ccrccrcl|cn cre c||cvec re|cl|ve|y free re|n. / c
reu|l. env|rcnmenlc| recu|cl|cn cre uuc||y |cncrec un|e cmecne | |n c cc|l|cn lc enfcrce ccmc||cnce.
Shcccvrunner cre cflen h|rec lc erve c lhcl fcrce. e|lher v|lh c ccrrcl (|nfcrmcl|cn lhe ccrccrcl|cn vcnl
lc keec h|ccen) cr c l|ck (ccclcce fcr lhe ncl|er cc||uler). fhe ccrccrcl|cn. cf ccure. h|re lhe|r cvn hcc
cvrunner lc cec| v|lh lhee eccvcrr|cr.
lcc|c lhr|ve |n Secll|e. cul numercu r|vc| chcc| ccnlenc v|lh cne cnclher. cnc lhe c|cu|cn cre ncl
c|vcy ceccefu|. Hermel|c mcce crcue v|lh hcmcn. mcc|cc| chcc| recu|cr|y c||l cnc refcrm. cnc ev
erycne hcle lhe lcx|c hcmcn cnc lhe|r cecc|y ccencc. Ncl c|| hcccvrun hcve lechnc|cc|cc| cc|ecl|ve.
cnc mcc|c ccn crcve c |elhc| c c cu||el.
Secll|e | fcr frcm UC/S lerr|lcry. urrcuncec cy clher re|cl|ve|y ycunc ncl|cn lhcl hcve f||ec cul lhe frcclurec
remc|n cf lhe Un|lec Slcle cnc Ccnccc. Scme cre Ncl|ve /mer|ccn |n cul|cck (uch c lhe f|mh|cn). cme
cre melchumcn (uch c lhe e|ven ncl|cn cf f|r fc|rnc|re). cnc cme cre c ccmc|ncl|cn cf lhe lvc (||ke lhe
Sc||hSh|che Ccunc||). UC/S hc |l cvn creence. ccrl|cu|cr|y |n lcrl lev|. ln ccc|l|cn. lhere cre ccenl cf
mcre c|lcnl ncl|cn ||ke lmcer|c| Jcccn. Ch|nc cnc lhe Cc||fcrn|c lree Slcle. c|| cf vhcm hcve cn |nlerel |n
lhe cc|nccn |n Secll|e. /|| mcn|lcr lhe |ccc| cc||l|cc| |lucl|cn (cnc ecch clher) cnc. |f c|ven hc|f c chcnce.
v||| c|cc|y lr|c ecch clher uc. lnler lhe hcccvrunner.
ln 23. urv|vc| |n lhe hcccv mcke cemcnc cn lhe melchumcn cccy lhcl |l vc ncl ce|cnec lc meel.
uch c crclecl|nc |nlernc| crccn frcm cu||el cr |nlerfcc|nc c|recl|y v|lh c ccmculer. lcv|nc cl ||chln|nc
ceec | ncl cmelh|nc cn crc|ncry melchumcn neec lc cc. cul |n Shcccvrun. uch cc|||l|e cre ccn|cerec
nececry |n mcny vc|k cf ||fe. lcrluncle|y fcr lhce vhc fee| lhe neec. ccvcnce cf c|ence c||cv lhe melc
humcn cccy lc urcc |l ||m|lcl|cn cy merc|nc mcn v|lh mcch|ne. c crcce cc||ec cycerlechnc|ccy. fh|
crcce lcke melchumcn|ly |nlc lerr|lcry vhere lhe cccy vc never |nlencec lc cc.
Wh||e mcc|c m|chl ce ccn|cerec me
lchumcn|ly creclel c|fl. cycervcre |
|l creclel cch|evemenl. Wh||e cn|y c
cr|v||ecec fev ccn ue mcc|c. cnycne
ccn ce |mc|cnlec v|lh cycervcre.
ll|ltll| J|||!|J
Cycervcre. cl |l |mc|el. | cn |mc|cnl
ec lechnc|cc|cc| cev|ce lhcl ccn ce
mcn|cu|clec cy lhe melchumcn cccy.
Cycervcre ccver everylh|nc frcm en
hcncemenl uch c cclc|cck (crc|n
lcccmculer |mc|cnl urc|cc||y |nerlec
lhrcuch lhe ku||) cnc ccne |cc|nc
(|nfu|nc lhe melchumcn ke|elcn v|lh
|mccclre|lcnl melc|) lc cev|ce lhcl
ccmcencle fcr c|cc|||l|e cr |n|ur|e
lhcl vcu|c clherv|e ce cr|cc||nc.
!lJJtlJ! l|!!J|J\l
!ll|l |||
|lll|| !Jl Jl
Secll|e | c c|ly cf hcccv. cf ccck c||ey cnc vcrehcue
cnc ccrccrcle ccrk. vhere cec| cc ccvn. rec cre
mcce cnc celrcyec. cnc lhe |cer c|ccc | vchec
cff lhe ccncrele. ll | c|c c c|cce cf ||chl cnc ccl|v|ly. cf
ceclcc|e cnc |chl. cf ccrccrcle c|re cnc cyrcm|c.
lhe c|eec|nc ecce cf lhe m|c2Tl cenlury. Here cre ev
erc| cf lhe mc|n hcl ccl cnc |mccrlcnl |le |n Secll|e fcr
lhe |chleer. lcur|l cnc nccenl hcccvrunner.
T) fhe Penrcku /rcc|ccy: Dcm|ncl|nc lhe Secll|e ky||ne.
lh| huce. cucl cyrcm|c vc cu||l cn lhe c|cel ccrl cf
lhe cr|c|nc| c|ly cy lhe Penrcku meccccrc. B|||ec c c
e|fccnlc|nec `c|ly v|lh|n c c|ly. lhe crcc|ccy vc lc
meel c|| lhe neec cf |l |nhcc|lcnl v|lh ccmculer|zec
ccmfcrl. ln 25. mere veek cfler lhe r|cccn vc cul
lc cffc|c||y ccen lhe lruclure. lhe crcc|ccy venl |nlc c
ccmc|ele |cckccvn. ec||nc T. |nhcc|lcnl v|lh|n.
fhe urv|vcr ccke cf c lerr|fy|nc crcec| |n vh|ch lhe
lechnc|ccy ccme c||ve. lcrlur|nc cnc k||||nc lhcucnc
cf re|cenl cur|nc lhe mcnlh lhey vere lrcccec.
Cycervcre ccme |n mcny fcrm cnc
ccn|l cf mcny ccmccnenl. uch c
c|cl|c cer|vcl|ve. cercm|c cnc ncn
ccrrc|ve (c ve|| c ncnmccnel|c cnc
even ncnccncucl|ve) melc|. |nu|clec
m|crcfcerccl|c ||ne. m|crce|eclrcn|c.
m|crcccmculer. m|crcccl|cc| crcce
cr. m|crccyrcccce cnc enc|ne.
e|eclrcn|cc||y l|mu|clec cc|ymer. cnc
crl|fc|c| muc|e cc||ec mycmer.
Cycervcre cev|ce ccn ce ||nkec u|nc
cn |ncul]culcul lrcnfer cev|ce. vh|ch
c||cv lhe cycervcre lc exchcnce cclc.
Dclc|cck cnc |m||cr cev|ce lhcl crc
v|ce c D|recl Neurc| lnlerfcce (DNl) f|| lh|
rc|e. Such cev|ce ccn c|c lrcnfer cclc
lc cnc frcm exlernc| cev|ce. lclr|xvcre
| lhe ncrrcvel crcnch cf cycervcre cul
lhe mcl ccmmcn|y |mc|cnlec. ccn|l
|nc cr|mcr||y cf cclc|cck cnc cerecrc|
cycerceck. / fev cefn|l|cn cnc exc|c
ncl|cn cre neecec fcr lh| ecl|cn:
Oyberdeck vs.
OyberlermInoI: / cycerceck |
c hcl m|crcccmculer uec cy cecker
fcr |||ecc| lclr|x ccce cr cy ecur|ly
cecker. vherec c cycerlerm|nc| | c
ccmculer uec fcr cfe. |ecc| lclr|x cc
ce cnc vcrk. / lerm|nc| | much |cver
lhcn c cycerceck. cnc lhe lvc cre
never ccnfuec.
Doloiock: fhe c|mcl un|verc| mcrk
cf lhe cycerccnc|cu uer. lcnccrc
cclc|cck c||cv |ncul cnc culcul lc
cerlc|n c|ece cf cycervcre cnc cecr.
Dclc|cck c||cv lhe uer lc cycernel|
2) Sccce Neec|e: fhe remncnl cf c Wcr|c lc|r frcm |ul
cver c cenlury ccc. lhe Neec|e cnchcr lhe cccc|le
enc cf ccvnlcvn Secll|e frcm lhe Penrcku /rcc|ccy
cnc | cne cf lhe ymcc| cf lhe c|ly. ll | hcme lc lhe
lye cf lhe Neec|e. c rclcl|nc relcurcnl cl |l T85meler
lc|| ceck. fhe lye | nclec fcr |l exce||enl fccc. c|creel
lcff. cnc cnl|urve|||cnce cecr cnc vcrc. mck|nc |l c
cccc chc|ce fcr c h|chccverec meel|nc. ll | cvnec
cy c cvcrf ncmec Gynl.
3) Dcnle lnfernc: fhe hcllel n|chlc|uc |n ccvnlcvn Se
cll|e. lhe lnfernc | ccm|nclec cy n|ne huce c|c ccnce
fccr c|rc||nc ccvn lc |l |cvel |eve|. fh| | lhe lrenc|
el ccl |n Secll|e. lhe |c|r cf lhe cecul|fu| cecc|e cnc c
recu|cr |le fcr cuy|nc cnc e|||nc mucc|ec ch|c. hccker
ccvcrc. cnc |m||cr|y |||ecc| cnc cuc||ecc| cec|.
4) C|uc Penumcrc: / fcvcr|le c|uc cmcnc hcccvrun
ner. lh| | lhe meel|nc c|cce fcr runner cnc lhe|r
c||enl. lcuc cnc crch. v|lh c|enly cf ccck rccm
cnc ecure lcc|e. lhe C|uc Penumcrc | kncvn fcr |l
|uncrurfcce ccnce fccr cnc |l lcrluccec vc||.
5) fhe Crk Uncercrcunc: /n exlen|ve ccmc|ex cf un
cercrcunc lunne| cnc ccmmun|l|e. lh| c|ly ceneclh
lhe c|ly lrelche frcm lverell lhrcuch ccvnlcvn cnc
recche fcccmc cnc Puyc||uc. ll vc cr|c|nc||y ell|ec
cy crk cnc cvcrf cfler lhe N|chl cf Pcce |n 23. cul
lhe cvcrf vere exce||ec cccul lvenly yecr ccc. lhe
Uncercrcunc cl creenl | hcme lc crk cnc lrc||.
cc||y |nlerfcce v|lh crccer|y ecu|ccec
cecr uch c cycerceck. remcleccnlrc|
ceck cnc veh|c|e v|lh cclc|cck ccrl.
c lhcl lhe uer ccn mcn|cu|cle lhem.
|ue ccmmcnc cnc c fcrlh.
Decker uuc||y |mc|cnl cclc|cck |n lhe|r
lemc|e lc ccce h|chercrc|n func
l|cn. vh||e r|ccer. lhe lrucker cnc c||cl
cf lhe 2Tl cenlury. uuc||y hcve lhem
ceh|nc cnc ce|cv lhe ecr. vhere lhey
ccce lhe |cver crc|n. ll | ncl unuuc| lc
hcve mcre lhcn cne cclc|cck.
Dclc|cck c||cv lhe uer lc menlc||y
ccce memcry cev|ce. Cc||ecl|cn cf
crccrcmmcc|e cclc. cc||ec `k|||cfl.
ccn c|c ce ccvn|cccec |nlc heccvcre
memcry lhrcuch c cclc|cck.
5kIIIsofls: / k|||cfl | memcry cn c
ch|c. When uec |n ccn|uncl|cn v|lh lhe
crccer heccvcre cnc cccyvcre. k|||
cfl c||cv uer lc kncv cnc cc lh|nc
lhey never |ecrnec |n lhe ncrmc| fch|cn.
uch c lcur|nc Pcr| cr cr|v|nc c lcrmu|c
T rcceccr. Beccue c k|||cfl `memcry
|mcc|nc enccc|nc c|ffer rcc|cc||y
frcm cny ccluc| memcr|e cr |ecrnec
excer|ence lhe uer mcy c|reccy hcve.
lhe k|||cfl cnc]cr k|||v|re ylem mul
cverr|ce lhe uer cvn refexe. cc|||l|e
cnc memcr|e. fcrc|nc c re||cnce cn lhe
encccec ccccc|||l|e cf lhe k|||cfl. /
k|||cfl uer hc ccce lc nev cnc uefu| cc|||l|e. hcv he cr he ue lhem | uc lc lhe |nc|v|cuc|. Un|e
lcrec |n c crcn|c| memcry lcrcce cev|ce. lhe kncv|ecce | |cl vhen lhe k|||cfl | remcvec. Sk|||cfl cre
uuc||y c|c enccec |n fvecenl|meler|cnc cy||ncer lc crclecl lhe ch|c unl|| |l | |nerlec |nlc c |cck. /||
cfl ccn ce ccvn|cccec |nlc heccvcre memcry lhrcuch c cclc|cck.
DIrecl NeuroI lnlerfoce (DNl): lcl cycervcre | e|lher ccnneclec c|recl|y lc lhe crc|n cr
v|rec |nlc lhe nervcu ylem. crecl|nc c c|recl neurc| ||nk lhcl c||cv lhe |mc|cnl lc ce ccnlrc||ec u|nc
menlc| ccmmcnc. uuc||y c chy|c|cc|cc| |mcu|e cf cme k|nc. ln clher vcrc. lhe ccl cf exlenc|nc c
relrcclcc|e hcnc c|cce | c ecy cnc unccnc|cu c fex|nc c muc|e. lhe uer cce ncl neec lc |ue c
ce||cercle `ccen ccmmcnc lc lhe hcnc c|cce.
) fhe Bccy lc||: ln lhe vreckcce cf Pecmcnc. lhe
Bccy lc|| | cn cccnccnec hcc|lc| lcken cver cy
cuc||ecc| mec|cc| crccl|l|cner. Ncv c cc||ecl|cn cf
chcc hcc. cccy c||n|c cnc |m||cr ccercl|cn. lhe
Bccy lc|| cffer cccc mec|cc| erv|ce cnc cycer
vcre cl |cv cr|ce.
7) fhe Ske|elcn: Pecmcnc cel n|chlc|uc. lhe Ske|elcn
| kncvn fcr creck|nc hcl ccl cnc fcr c |crce numcer
cf vec|lhy ycunc cecc|e frcm Be||evue cnc cfer
ne|chccrhccc `|umm|nc |n lhe ccncercu Bcrren.
Gccc vcrk ccn ce fcunc here cclh crey|nc cn cnc
crclecl|nc lhe k|c.
8) fhe Crch /cne: fhe |le cf c recenl cccec|cne c|c
ler. lhe Crch /cne | ccm|nclec cy fcrmer cr|cner
cf c ncvcelrcyec refcrmclcry. ll | c v||c crec ru|ec
cy c hecv||y cycerec humcn ncmec K|nc Chrcme.
) G|cv C|ly: fhe |le cf c ccrl|c| nuc|ecr me|lccvn. |l
ccver c|cnl | l||| |n ccercl|cn. cul lhe urrcunc|nc
crec hc ceen ell|ec cy cucller hecv||y mulclec
cy lhe rcc|cl|cn.
T) fhe Cr|me lc||: /n cccnccnec lhreelcry mc|| cn
lhe culk|rl cf Puyc||uc. lhe Cr|me lc|| | c c|cck
mcrkel cczccr fcr cruc. ch|c. e|eclrcn|c. crcyvcre.
cycervcre. vecccn cnc myl|c lc||mcn.
TT) Ccunc|| l|cnc: lcrmer|y lercer l|cnc. lh| ||c cf |cnc
|n lhe m|cc|e cf lcke Wch|nclcn vc cecec lc lhe Sc|
|hSh|che Ccunc|| cy lhe frecly cf Denver. lcl cf lhe
Tlh cnc 2lhcenlury cu||c|nc hcve ceen lcrn ccvn
cnc rec|ccec v|lh mcre lrcc|l|cnc| /mer|nc|cnly|e
lruclure. ll erve c lhe Ccunc|| emccy |n Secll|e
cnc c c huc cf hcmcn|c reecrch cnc ceve|ccmenl.
|@|l!l|!\ ll|ltll|
ln Shcccvrun. `lf ycu ccn |mcc|ne |l. ve ccn |mc|cnl |l.
fhcuch lhe nclurc| melchumcn cccy | |nccccc|e cf meel|nc lhe cemcnc cf lhe 2Tl cenlury. |l l||| recre
enl c mcrve| cf ccnlrucl|cn cnc cerfcrmcnce. fcmcer|nc v|lh lhe mcch|ne lhcl | lhe cccy cy ccc|nc lc.
remcv|nc frcm cr clherv|e c|ler|nc |l u|nc cycervcre | cucrcnleec lc mcke lhe cr|c|nc| mcch|ne run cnc]cr
|cck c|fferenl|y.
Cycervcre rcc|cc||y c|ler lhe cr|c|nc| feh cccy. cnc uch c|lercl|cn lcke c lc||. Scme m|chl ccn|cer |l `|ul
c cclc|cck. cul lhcl re|cl|ve|y uncclru|ve c|ece cf cycervcre chcnce hcv lhe crc|n ccercle cnc hcv lhe
cccy crclecl |le|f.
fhe |nlr|n|c chcnce |n lhe melchumcn cccy lhcl cccur v|lh lhe |mc|cnl|nc cf cycervcre | lhcl cccy cc||
|ly lc cffecl cr ce cffeclec cy mcc|c. fhe |nherenl ccnnecl|cn c melchumcn hc lc mcc|c | cc||ec eence.
lence | cefnec c c cccy ||fe fcrce. |l cche|ve cnc hc||l|c lrenclh. lcr ecch c|ece cf cycervcre
|mc|cnlec. lhe melchumcn |ce eence. Neec|e lc cy. very fev mcce hcve cycervcre.
lence |c | ncl |mc|y c reu|l cf remcv|nc feh: cecc|e vhc |ce ||mc cr crccn cul cc ncl rec|cce lhem
v|lh cycervcre cc ncl |ce eence. fhe |c cf eence | c reu|l cf ccnnecl|nc c mcch|ne lc lhe crc|n u|nc
m|crcurcery cnc ncnclechnc|ccy cnc lr|ck|nc lhe crc|n |nlc cccecl|nc lhcl mcch|ne c c ccrl cf lhe cccy.
By cc|nc c. ycu hcve chcncec lhe funccmenlc| nclure cf lhe cccy-ycu cc|n cn ccercl|cnc| ccvcnlcce.
cul ycu cre nc |cncer lhe cercn ycu cnce vere.
fhe humcn cccy | ccmc|ex cnc |nlr|ccle-c mcch|ne mcce cf
crccn|c mcler|c| cnc ccmccunc. Nclurc||y. ccrccrcl|cn cnc
c|enl|l cre ccnl|nuc||y lry|nc lc |mcrcve |l lhrcuch c|clechnc|
ccy. c|cn|c cnc c|cenc|neer|nc.
fhe ue cf c|clechnc|ccy-c|cvcre-ccn he|c cn |nc|v|cuc|
cerfcrm fcr ceycnc h| cr her cr|c|nc| ||m|lcl|cn. Wh||e cycer
vcre | mcch|nery. crl|fc|c| cnc |nvc|ve. c|cvcre | ucl|e cnc
cf lhe feh.

l|Jtll| J|||!|J
B|cvcre cucmenl cccy funcl|cn cnc mul ce |nlecrclec
|nlc lhe cccy cvn vcrk|nc c |f |l vere c nclurc| feclure. l
enl|c||y. ccclcr rec|cce crccn cnc l|ue v|lh clher crccn|c
ccrl-c c|ffcu|l crcce lc ce|cn cnc execule. Wh||e c cycerlechn|c|cn ccn fcrc|c|y c|ler cr rec|cce
vhc|e ccrl cf lhe cccy. c c|clechn|c|cn ccnncl. Chcnc|nc lhe fne cc|cnce cf crccn|c ylem | c lr|cky
cu|ne lhcl ccn reu|l |n unfcreeen ccmc||ccl|cn cnc crcl|c |ce effecl.
ln lhe vcr|c cf Shcccvrun. lhe ccncecl
lhcl c||cv cycermcncy lc ex|l remc|n
|cckec cvcy ceh|nc c|cec cccr |n c|cck
ccrccrcle c||n|c. ln lhe hcccv. cycer
mcncy | mcl|y c rumcr. c lc|| lc|e uec lc
ccre clher runner cr emce|||h c lcry lc|c
cver cr|nk. Slcr|e cf cecceyec cycerzcm
c|e rcnk c|cnc|ce lhe ycrn cccul lhe hcc
cvrunn|nc crcccn cr lhe c|r|l cf lhe lclr|x.
Very fev kncv lhe lrue fccl. cnc even
fever uncerlcnc lhe|r |mc||ccl|cn. Cycer
mcncy | Shcccvrun frl lenlcl|ve lec
lcvcrc c lrue c|enc cf mcn cnc mcch|ne.
B|cvcre | unceleclcc|e excecl cy cn |nlen|ve mec|cc| excm|
ncl|cn. Ccuc| ecrche. Xrcy ccn cnc lhe ||ke ccnncl c|cern
lhe c|fference celveen cn cucmenlec crccn cnc lhe cr|c|nc|.
Hcvever. ccc|l|cnc| c|cnc cnc crccn ccn ce celeclec cy
excm|n|nc Xrcy f|m. /ccrl frcm exc|crclcry urcery. lhe cn|y vcy
lc celerm|ne vhelher cn |nc|v|cuc| hc uncerccne c|c|cc|cc|
mcc|fccl|cn | lhrcuch melccc||c cnc|y|. uch c ur|nc|y| cr
cch|l|cclec c|ccc lel.
Perhcc c|cvcre creclel ccvcnlcce | |l ccccc|ly fcr e|f
recc|r. Cnce |mc|cnlec. c|cvcre ccn cc|| cn lhe cccy nclurc|
recc|r mechcn|m lc fx |le|f |f |l | ccmccec. lmc|cnl|nc B|cvcre
cce ncl recu|re lhe neurc| chcnce lhcl mcl cycervcre cce.
ncr | |l |mcccl uccn lhe cccy |nlecr|ly c crcl|c. B|cvcre cce
ncl ccue |l cvner lc |ce eence.
B|c|mc|cnl ccn ce |nlc||ec |n cny melchumcn v|lh c mclch|nc c|ccc lyce. cnc cmel|me melclyce cr
cencer. Uuc||y crcvn lhrcuch ccvcncec melhcc |n c cener|c `crccn ccncr. lhe |mc|cnl cre ce|cnec lc
ce mcclh|y |nlecrclec |nlc lhe cccy. lhcuch lhey cre ncl lc||crec fcr cny cne cccy |n ccrl|cu|cr. lnlc||cl|cn
uuc||y recu|re c ccllery cf |mmuncuccre|ve lreclmenl ce|cnec lc cerucce lhe cccy lc cccecl lhe
|mc|cnl c ccrl cf |le|f. Cycervcre cnc c|cvcre ccn ce |nlecrclec |n lhe cme cccy. lhcuch c fev e|ecl
|mc|cnl cre |nccmccl|c|e.
Cycervcre. cr cl |ecl lhe cycer]feh |nlerfcce. vcu|c ncl ex|l v|lhcul ncn|le. Ncnclechnc|ccy hc ceen
crcunc |n vcr|cu cu|e |nce lhe |cle 2lh cenlury. Sl|||. lhee crecl|cn-|nv||c|e lc lhe humcn cnc melchu
mcn eye-vere |crce|y c|reccrcec unl|| very recenl|y. vhen c er|e cf lcrl||nc ccvcnce vc mcce. / c
reu|l. ncnclech hc ceccme cne cf lhe hcllel reecrch lcc|c |n lhe /vckenec vcr|c.
Ncnclechnc|ccy hc enlerec c cer|cc cf exccnenl|c| crcvlh. fue|ec cl |ecl |n ccrl cy lhe revc|ul|cncry
lechnc|cc|e ceve|ccec cy lhe neccrl|fc|c| |nle|||cence (/l) cc||ec Deu. Deu rc|ec lhe ccr cn ncnclech
n|cc| effecl lhcnk lc |l |cck cf humcn relrc|nl. fhe /l effecl|ve|y ceccme lhe crchelycc| `mcc c|enl|l.
lck|nc lhe ||m|l cf ncnclechnc|ccy lc v||c cnc uncrec|clcc|e he|chl. frcc|cc||y. lhe `mcc ccrl cf `mcc
c|enl|l cverlcck Deu. cnc lhe /l hcc lc ce celrcyec.
/rl|fc|c| Sencry lncucl|cn Sylem fechnc|ccy (/SlSf) h|l lhe cene |n 2T8. |nlrccucec cy Dr. Hcclc H|k|lc cf
lSP Sylem |n Ch|cccc. /SlSf | c cruc|c| ccmccnenl cf |mene. cr `|mu|clec encry lechnc|ccy. vh|ch
c||cv c cercn lc excer|ence cmelh|nc lhcl hcccenec cr | hcccen|nc lc cmecne e|e. S|mene | uec |n
cycerceck. r|cc|nc. k|||cfl. mecvcre cnc clher lech.
Wh||e u|nc |mene. cn |nc|v|cuc| ce||eve he cr he | ccluc||y lhere. excer|enc|nc everylh|nc lhe lcrcel cer
cn excer|encec. When ccmc|nec v|lh excerl ylem. cev|ce lhcl |nccrccrcle |mene ccn cc|ul ccc||y
mcvemenl cnc reccne l|me.
l|ll|l-l!l!-|||| !|
Bellerfhcnl|fe ch|c (Bfl) cre |||ecc| `cruc. H|ch|y ccc|cl|ve. lhee ch|c erve nc crccucl|ve curcce. c
lhey ccnl|nuc||y |ccc h|chcmc||luce /SlSf culcul v|lh c|recl l|mu|cl|cn cf reccne cenler |n lhe ||mc|c
crec. lhe `c|ecure cenler cf lhe crc|n. Beccue lhe ceck ccnlrc| hcve ceen cul cul cf c Bfl. lhe encl|cn
| |cn|fccnl|y mcre |nlene cnc ccc|cl|ve lhcn c lcnccrc |mch|c.
lcny c|fferenl lyce cf Bfl cre cvc||cc|e cn lhe vcr|c c|cck mcrkel. fhey ccme |n everc| c|fferenl fcrmcl.
cnc lhe Bfl crccrcm lheme|ve ccn ce mcc|fec v|lh ccl|cn. |ul ||ke c cecker ul|||ly cr c k|||cfl.
Cn lhe lreel. numercu |cnc lerm cre uec lc |cn|fy Bfl cnc lhe|r uer: ceel|e. c|cyccck. zcmc|e ch|c.
m|nccencer. lrcncer cnc c fcrlh.
ll!!|J l|!!J|J\l
fhere cre cme lh|nc lechnc|ccy |mc|y ccnl cc. fhee lh|nc cre ccnnec |n lhe Shcccvrun un|vere:
+ Br|nc|nc ccck lhe cecc
+ fe|eccrl|nc
+ Genel|cc||y chcnc|nc c melchumcn rcce cr ex
+ `Cur|nc melchumcn|ly
+ f|me lrcve|
+ Ccmc|ele c|cn|nc cf cercn. c fcr cn|y crccn cnc clher c|l ccn ce c|cnec
fhe lclr|x | cn
|nler|cck|nc ylem
cf ccmculer. cc||ec
hcl. ||nkec lccelher
cy cr|c-lhe vcr|c
nelvcrk. lcl ccmcul
er ylem lhrcuchcul
lhe vcr|c cre ccce
|c|e v|c lhe lclr|x.
cum|nc ycu hcve
culhcr|zec ccccce
cr ccn hcck ycur vcy
|n. / lclr|x uer ccn
lhecrel|cc||y ccnnecl
lc c hcl cn lhe clher
|ce cf lhe c|cnel
v|lh|n eccnc.
fhe humcn m|nc
ccnncl c|recl|y ccm
crehenc lhe fcv cf
cclc |n lhe lclr|x. lf
uer vere relr|clec lc
c|clech lcc|-ccm
mcnc ||ne. f|e ncme.
crccrcm |n c|umy
crccecurc| |cncucce-
l!| @lll|
!ll|l |
lhe ylem vcu|c ce unmcnccecc|e. lcr excmc|e.
c uer vhc vcnlec lc recc c ccmculer f|e |n 23
vcu|c lyce |n cme vecr|cme ccmmcnc. fnc lhe
f|e |n c v|nccv. cr ccce lhe ce|rec |nfcrmcl|cn |n
cme clher ecuc||y c|umy mcnner. /rl|fc|c| Sen
cry lncucl|cn Sylem fechnc|ccy (/SlSf). hcvever.
ccenec uc lhe cc|c|||l|e cf D|recl Neurc| lnlerfcce
(DNl) ccce lc ccmculer. cnc lhe lclr|x vc ccrn.
lverylh|nc |n lhe lclr|x-chy|cc| ccmccnenl. crc
crcm. even ccl|cn uch c cccy|nc f|e- | crcch|
cc||y recreenlec cy cn |ccn. ln 23. lhe uer lcke
c m|crceccnc|cnc lr|c lhrcuch c ccmculercener
clec |cncccce lc fnc c f|e. fhe |nlerfcce rcul|ne he
ue mcy |cck ||ke c|er|cc| vcrker. cr c huce ||crcry.
cr |mc|y cczz||nc ccllern cf enercy. lf lhe uer |
culhcr|zec lc v|ev c f|e. he fnc |l r|chl vhere he ex
cecl lc. He ee lhe f|e cnc lcuche |l. cnc lhe cclc
ccvn|ccc |nlc h| cycerlerm|nc|.
Uer nc |cncer neec lc rememcer ccce. ccmmcnc
el cr f|e ncme. lf lhey vcnl cmelh|nc. lhey cc cel
|l. lf lhey vcnl lc crccrcm c crcce fcr c |cccrclcry
cr cn cemc|y ||ne. lhey menlc||y cerfcrm lhe mc
l|cn |nvc|vec cr cu||c c mcce| u|nc v|rluc| ccmcc
nenl. cnc lhe ccmculer |ecrn frcm lhem. fvenly
frlcenlury chem|l. fcr excmc|e. cu||c mc|ecu|e
ccccrc|nc lc fcrmu|ce c |f lhey vere u|nc ch||cren
cu||c|nc c|cck. fhe ccmculer lhen lrcn|cle lhee
ccl|cn |nlc c crccrcm lhcl v||| cerfcrm lhe crcce |n
lhe rec| vcr|c.
Cf ccure. hcccvrunner vhc hcve lhe|r cvn
reccn fcr ce|nc |n|ce c ccmculer ylem ccn lcke
ccvcnlcce cf lhe cme lechnc|cc|cc| ccvcnce.
fhe cme lclr|x cecr lhcl mcke c vcce |cve |cc
|mc|er c|c c|ve ccver lc cecker. fhee reneccce
uer ccn ||c |nlc c ccmculer ylem cnc ue lhe
|ccn lc lhe|r cvn enc.
@lll| Jll\J!
Access OonlroI lndex FIIes 5Iove (AOlF5)-
lhe rcl|nc fcrmcl uec vhen cecr|c|nc
lhe ylem rcl|nc cf cny hcl.
ArlIhcIoI 5ensory lnduclIon 5yslem
IechnoIogy (A5l5I)-hcrcvcre cnc crc
crcm lhcl c||cv cne lc c|recl|y excer|ence
lhe ene cf cnclher (|mene).
Oyberdeck-c hcl m|crcccmculer uec
cy cecker fcr |||ecc| lclr|x ccce cnc cy
ecur|ly cecker.
OyberlermInoI-c ccmculer uec fcr cfe.
|ecc| lclr|x ccce cnc vcrk. much |cver
lhcn c cycerceck.
Decker-c hccker. cn |||ecc| uer cf lhe
DIrecl NeuroI lnlerfoce (DNl)-lhe cc|||ly
lc |nlerfcce neurc| |mcu|e v|lh c ccmculer
ylem. lhu c||cv|nc c uer lc |nlerccl v|lh
cnc ccnlrc| c ccmculer ylem c|recl|y v|lh
h| crc|n.
OrId-c er|e cf |nler|cck|nc ccmculer
ylem (hcl).
Hosl-c |nc|e ccmculer ylem.
lcon-cny cc|ecl c uer ee |n lhe lclr|x.
lnlrusIon Oounlermeosures (lO)-
cny cflvcre crccrcm |nlc||ec |n c ccm
culer ylem (hcl) v|lh lhe excre curcce
cf crclecl|nc lhcl ylem frcm ccce cy
unculhcr|zec uer.
JockpoInls-cny chy|cc| |cccl|cn lhcl crc
v|ce ccce lc lhe lclr|x.
LocoI IeIecommunIcolIons OrId (LIO)-
c cr|c ccver|nc c mc|| crec (ne|chccrhccc.
c|l|e. elc.). numercu lfG ccnnecl lc c
|nc|e PfG.
|l` l @lll| tJl|J l|l|l l||
fhe lclr|x | lhe |nfrclruclure. ll vhcl ceh|nc lhe
`|nlerfcce. ll | ||lerc||y everyvhere cnc run every
lh|nc. cnc yel |l c c|ce c cnylh|nc ncnmcc|cc|
ccn ccme lc ce|nc |nv||c|e.
Pecc|e ccnl lh|nk cccul hcv lhe ccver cr|c vcrk
vhen lhey c|uc |n c hc|r cryer cr cr|ve lhe|r ccr lc
vcrk. lhey |ul ue |l. ll lhe cme v|lh lhe lclr|x: lhey
mcke chcne cc||. enc emc||. ck lhe|r ccr fcr c|rec
l|cn cnc cerfcrm c m||||cn clher ||ll|e lck. never lh|nk
|nc cccul hcv lhe ccnnecl|cn cre mcce cr hcv lhe
cclc | lrcnferrec. /|mcl every c|cce cn lhe c|cnel
| ccnneclec lc cmec|cce e|e v|c lhe lclr|x: chcne
cc|| lc v|cecccnferenc|nc. crecl|ck lrcnfer lc ecu
r|ly ylem . cny l|me |nfcrmcl|cn mcve cnyvhere |n
lhe vcr|c cf 23. |l cce c cver lhe lclr|x.
By lhe |cle T. e|eclrcn|c cev|ce uch c cccer
cnc ce|| chcne hcc c|reccy mcvec ccvn frcm lhe
rcnk cf lhe lech e||le |nlc lhe ccckel cnc ce|l |ccc
cf lhe cuy m|cc|e c|c. lverycne frcm c|emen
vcrk|nc cul cf lhe|r ccr lc ccrenl lry|nc lc |ucc|e
crccery hccc|nc v|lh c|ck|nc uc lhe|r k|c cl lrcck
crccl|ce lcck ccvcnlcce cf lhe ccnven|ence lhee
cev|ce cfferec. ll cn|y lcck c ||ll|e cu|lurc| cc|ulmenl
fcr lhcl ccnven|ence lc ceccme mcncclcry. Phcne
numcer ceccme ccc|clec v|lh cecc|e |nlecc cf
cccree. cnc lhey ccmc|nec v|lh emc|| lc crecle
cne cc|lc|| vcy cf ccnlccl|nc cnycne ycu vcnlec lc
lc|k v|lh. / cecc|e ccl uec lc lhcl lcle cf ccnlcnl
`ccnneclecne. lhey ceccn cemcnc|nc mcre
|nfcrmcl|cn |n c l|me||er mcnner. cnc lhe mcrkel|nc
curu reccncec. ln 23. lhere cre cccer lhe |ze
cf c crecl|ck lhcl |el ycu recc-cr ||len lc-every
lh|nc frcm emc|| lc lhe |clel hecc||ne. c ve|| c
vr|l chcne lhcl ycu vecr |nlecc cf c vclch. Bclh
rece|ve lhe|r cclc v|c lhe lclr|x.
Mosler Persono OonlroI Progrom (MPOP)-
lhe mcler ccercl|nc ylem cf c cycerceck.
MolrIx-lhe vcr|c le|eccmmun|ccl|cn
Node-ccrl cf c hcl. uch c c ucylem.
uuc||y recreenlec cy c v|rluc| |cncccce.
Persono-c cecker |ccn.
Persono Progrom-Cne cf lhe fcur crc
crcm (Bccy. lvc|cn. lck|nc cr Sencr)
lhcl cefne c cercnc `cc|||l|e vh||e lhe
uer urf lhe lclr|x.
PrIvole LocoIe IeIecommunIcolIons
OrId (PLIO)-cny cr|c lhe cenerc| cuc||c
ccnncl ccce.
PegIonoI IeIecommunIcolIons OrId
(PIO)-lhe |crcel lyce cf cr|c. ccver|nc
enl|re ccunlr|e.
5cuIpled 5yslem-lclr|x hcl v|lh celc||ec.
ncnlcnccrc |ccnccrcchy. uuc||y enccm
cc|nc c ccrl|cu|cr melcchcr-fcr excmc|e.
c Ch|nee ccl|e.
5ecurIly Decker-c cecker emc|cyec cy c
ccrccrcl|cn cr |cvenfcrcemenl ccency lc
crclecl cerlc|n lclr|x crec frcm cecker.
5Imsense-hcrcvcre cnc crccrcm lhcl
encc|e c cercn lc c|recl|y excer|ence
cmelh|nc lhcl hcccenec cr | hcccen|nc lc
cmecne e|e.
5ubsyslem-lhe fve ccercl|cnc| ccecl cf
cny cr|c cr hcl.
5yslem Access Nodes (5ANs)-lhe |ccn
ccnnecl|cn celveen hcl ccmculer cr cr|c
lc clher hcl ccmculer cr cr|c.
IorloIse-cecker |cnc fcr cycerlerm|nc|.
0nIversoI MolrIx 5londords (0M5)-lhe
lcnccrc |ccnccrcchy lhcl | currenl|y fc|||nc
cul cf fch|cn |n lhe lclr|x.
/ny hcme |n 23 lhcl cccl even c mccel |nccme hc cme fcrm cf cycerlerm|nc|. fhe cycerlerm|nc|
lcke ccre cf lhe ccmcul|nc neec cf lhe hcuehc|c. c ve|| c cny fcrm cf ccmmun|ccl|cn: le|ev||cn]lr|cec.
emc||. chcne cnc |mene. fc cul |l |n lechn|cc| lerm. lhe cycerlerm|nc| erve c lhe ccrlc| fcr c|| cclc
lrcnfer lc cnc frcm lhe hcme. fhe |mene chcnne| crcv|cer. lhe chcne ccmccny. lhe mecc|nc er
v|ce-c|| ccnverce cn lh| cne ccx |n lhe mccern ||v|nc rccm. Decenc|nc cn lhe|r uccr|cl|cn. lhe cvercce
melchumcn ccn even cc ||crcry reecrch cnc v||l cn||ne mc|| cr ccrccrcle ccccce lhrcuch fr|enc|y |ccn
ccec menu. fhe crcccccl cnc |mene lcl|cn enc lhe|r |cnc| cver lhe lclr|x lc lhce le|eccm ccxe
vhce hcrcvcre cccree cccecr |n lhe|r uccr|cl|cn cclccce.
lJ|!| l!J l!| @lll|
fhe lclr|x hc lrcnfcrmec cu|ne |n lhe S|xlh Wcr|c. ll |nlrccucec ccmccn|e lc c vhc|e nev vcy lc cul
cverhecc. |ncrece crccucl|v|ly. |cver ccercl|nc ccl cnc rc|e crcfl. fhe cu|ne vcr|c hc emcrccec lhe
lclr|x. fcrever chcnc|nc lhe vcrk|nc excer|ence.
V|rluc| cffce cre cne cf lhe cel excmc|e cf cu|nee u|nc lhe lclr|x lc |l ulmcl. / v|rluc| cffce | c
ccmculercenerclec ccnlrucl cf c chy|cc| cffce. fhe emc|cyee ccnnecl lhrcuch lhe|r cycerlerm|nc| cl
hcme. vcrk lhe|r h|fl cnc lhen |cc cul. fh| hc ccv|cu cenefl fcr cclh lhe emc|cyer cnc lhe emc|cyee.
lmc|cyee ccnl hcve lc ccmmule. crrcnce fcr |unche cr mc|nlc|n c crcfe|cnc| vcrcrcce. lmc|cyer cul
ccvn cn lhe l|me |cl lc cc|c||z|nc celveen emc|cyee cnc recuce lhe|r cverhecc. When ycu ccc uc lhe
ccl cf lhe cek cffce vcrker ue. lhe chc|r lhey |l cn cnc lhe v|cchcne lhcl ycu ccnl eem lc keec
lhem frcm u|nc. ncl lc menl|cn lhe e|eclr|c|ly lc crcv|ce lhem v|lh ||chl. hecl cnc c|r ccnc|l|cn|nc. c cu|ne
u|nc c v|rluc| cffce ccn recuce cverhecc cy cme T cercenl |n lhe hcrl lerm cnc 2 cercenl cver lhe
|cnc hcu|. / `v|rluc| emc|cyee ccn l||| vr|le uc crcccc|. ce|cn nev crccucl. enc cnc rece|ve fcxe cnc
|nlercffce memc. cllenc meel|nc cnc c fcrlh. U|l|mcle|y. lhe cenefl cre uclcnl|c|.
Hcvever. lh| ccenl mecn lhcl cffce cu||c|nc cnc crccucl|cn c|cnl cre lcnc|nc emcly. Ycu l||| neec
lechn|c|cn cn |le. cclh fcr lhe fcc|||ly cnc lhe ccmculer ylem. G|ven lhe numcer cf v|rluc| emc|cyee
vhc cre re|y|nc cn lhe hcl ccmculer. c er|cu cflvcre cr hcrcvcre crcc|em ccn ccl huncrec cf lhcu
cnc cf nuyen fcr every hcur lhcl vcrker cre |ll|nc |c|e. / c reu|l. lhe numcer cf lechn|c|cn cn |le hc
ccuc|ec cnc |n cme cce even lr|c|ec. Ccrccrcl|cn hcve c|c cccreec lhe crcc|em cy |mc|emenl|nc
eccnccry ccckuc hcl cnc crch|ve.
@lll| J|lJl|
fhe cycerec melchumcn vhc hcunl lhe lclr|x hcve ceve|ccec c cenu|ne cu|lure lhcl cce fcr ceycnc lhe
chcl rccm cf lhe ecr|y 2Tl cenlury. lxcecl fcr cc|c hyc|ene cnc ulencnce. lhere | nc reccn fcr cnycne
lc |ecve lhe lclr|x. cnc c vcr|c cu|lure hc evc|vec.
J|lJl| !J |! J-J
/l lhe lurn cf lhe cenlury. cne cf lhe c|ccel ccncern reccrc|nc lhe lnlernel vc lhe cmcunl cf l|me cecc|e
eemec lc ce cenc|nc cn |l. lc lhe exc|u|cn cf clher ccl|v|l|e lhcl vere reccrcec c hec|lhy cnc ncrmc|.
Cn||ne ccme. chcl rccm. lhemec lexlccec env|rcnmenl ... lhee vere |ul c fev cf lhe cvc||cc|e enler
lc|nmenl cecc|e hcc ccce lc. /nc ccmccrec v|lh vhcl vc lc ccme. lhey hccnl een cnylh|nc yel.
ln 23 lhere cre c myr|cc cf |mccec cnc lr|cccec enlerlc|nmenl cvc||cc|e vhce ccc|cl|ve ccver
c|cv cnylh|nc crev|cu|y |mcc|nec cul cf lhe vcler. lccc|m cnc lhe lcc| lc mcke |l hcccen cre cl cn
c||l|me h|ch |n lhe S|xlh Wcr|c. lhcnk lc lhe lclr|x. Hcvever. |l cy cmelh|nc cccul lhe cecree lc vh|ch
lhe lclr|x hc ceen |nccrccrclec |nlc cc|ely lhcl uch ccl|v|l|e. even c|ven lhe|r ccc|cl|ve cuc||l|e. cre ncl
fecrec cul emcrccec. fhe vcr|c cf lhe lclr|x | rec| encuch lhcl |mmer|nc cnee|f |n lhe lclr|x | v|evec c
c ccmmcn. everyccy cccurrence.
ll|J|J l!J @J|
Scme cf lhe enlerlc|nmenl cvc||cc|e hcvenl chcncec uclcnl|c||y |n ceccce. Ch|ef cmcnc lhee cre
fcrm cf reccrcec enlerlc|nmenl. D|c|lc| mu|c. uuc||y v|lh c lr|cec v|uc| feec. cnc lr|cec. (v|cec v|lh 2Tl
cenlury lech cnc 3c ceclh cnc ccnlenl). cr |mene f|m cre lhe mcl cccu|cr reccrcec enlerlc|nmenl cn
lhe lclr|x. fhee cre cvc||cc|e v|lh c lcnccrc ccccunl cr lhrcuch c ccy chcnne|. /l |cl ccunl. lhere vere
mcre lhcn c huncrec lhcucnc c|fferenl chcnne| cn lhe lclr|x.
|@|!| l|JlJ|!\
S|mene enlerlc|nmenl | |n c c|c cy |le|f. fhe mcvemenl frcm lr|cec lc |m vc c c|cnl |ecc |n reccrc|nc
lechnc|ccy. c||cv|nc cne lc reccrc ncl cn|y c v|uc| |mcce cul c|c lhe encry cnc emcl|cnc| |ncul ccc|
clec v|lh |l. Neec|e lc cy. lh| fcrm cf enlerlc|nmenl hc ceccme exlreme|y cccu|cr.
fhe r|e cf |m lechnc|ccy hc c|c crcuchl nev ||fe lc ccrl|nc evenl cnc ccrnccrcchy. fhe chcnce lc exce
r|ence lhe ccver cnc emcl|cn cf ycur fcvcr|le urccn crcv| c|cyer cr c c||ff c|ver frcm /zl|cn | c lrcnc crcv.
c cre lhe ccv|cu ccccrlun|l|e cffcrcec cy lhe (|||ecc|) fu||encry|mmer|cn ccrnccrcchy f|m. fhe cc|||ly
lc cel lhe encl|cn v|lhcul cny cf lhe r|k | c ruh fcr mcny cecc|e. c c|e cf uch f|m hcve kyrcckelec.
cuel|cn cf |ecc||ly nclv|lhlcnc|nc.
J!||!| \l@| l!J l |ll|!\
lcr lhce lc vhcm c crecrccrcmmec |m f|ck | ccr|nc. lhere cre lhe |nlerccl|ve cc|c|||l|e cf cn||ne
ccme. fhee cre c|mcl c|vcy |mencc|ec. cnc ce|nc |cckec |n c|ve ycu c cefn|le ccvcnlcce. lcl
cf lhee cre ccmcclccec ccme v|lh c vcr|ely cf ell|nc. cnc lheyre crelly cccu|cr cmcnc lhe ycunc
|nc|e mc|e cemccrcch|c. lcr lhce vhc ccnl en|cy hcclemuc. lhere cre c|c v|rluc| rec||ly (VP) el
l|nc. fhee cre cu|clec env|rcnmenl lhcl cre mcce|ec cn c lheme. cflen c h|lcr|cc| cer|cc cr c cccu|cr
f|m cr fcl|cn ell|nc. fhe ccrl|c|ccnl ccl cul lhe ||ve cf cercnc lhey crecle. v|lh lhe cc|c|||l|e ||m|lec
cn|y cy lhe env|rcnmenl.
VP vcr|c ccn c|c ce el |n lhe mccern ccy. V|rluc| ccr cre c cccu|cr ell|nc. v|lh `fccc cnc `cr|nk
cvc||cc|e v|c lhe vcncer cf |m lechnc|ccy. fhee hcve ceccme lhe |cne|y lclr|x ccc|cl ccl|nc erv|ce.
cnc mcre lhcn cne ccuc|e hc mel |n c VP ccr. fhe cc|c|||l|e cf |m cnc VP ell|nc hcve c|c c|ven r|e
lc v|rluc| ccrce||c. fhe ccllcce |nculry cf lclr|x crcl|lul|cn | c crcv|nc cne. cnc cue lc lhe fccl lhcl lhe|r
|le cre |nvcr|cc|y cn cr|vcle hcl. lhe |ecc| |ue hcve ceen lr|cky lc crl cul. Sl|||. v|rluc| ex hc ceccme
ccmmcnc|cce |nce lhe lurn cf lhe cenlury. c|lhcuch |l remc|n c cccr ucl|lule fcr ccluc| humcn ccnlccl.
ll | cerhcc unreccncc|e lc excecl lhcl cne cf melchumcn|ly mcl cc|c urce vcu|c ncl fnc cn cul|el cn
lhe lclr|x. ecec|c||y c |l crcv lc m|rrcr lhe rec| vcr|c |n crecler cnc crecler celc||.
!||Jl|!` ll|l
fhe |cl crec cf lclr|x enlerlc|nmenl ce|cnc lc ch||cren. fhe ecuccl|cn cf ch||cren hc ccec lc c |cn|f
ccnl cecree |nlc lhe rec|m cf lhe cycerlerm|nc|. lclr|x ecuccl|cn crccrcm. fccu|nc cn recc|nc ccmcre
hen|cn. mclhemcl|c. ccmculer cnc lechn|cc| k|||. cnc hcnceye cccrc|ncl|cn. cre ccn|cerec c nece|ly
cy every chcc|. lcny `ccrel|me enlerlc|nmenl |ecn hecv||y cn lhee ccecl c ve||. fhere cre c|uc cnc
hcl el uc ecec|c||y fcr ch||cren. cnc lhe cvercce ch||c | |nvc|vec v|lh lhem lc c mccercle cecree.
l||!\ l!| @lll|
fc ccnnecl lc lhe lclr|x. cecc|e ue cycernel|c |nlerfcce cev|ce kncvn c cycerceck cnc cycerlerm|
nc|. /|| uch cev|ce hcve c fcerccl|c ccc|e v|lh c lcnccrc cclc c|uc ||ke lhce fcunc cn hcme le|eccm
ylem. fhe ceck cr lerm|nc| ccnnecl lc |l uer e|lher v|c cn e|eclrcce nel lhcl ||c cver lhe hecc cr v|lh c
c|recl cycernel|c |nlerfcce v|c c cclc|cck. Scme nelhecc l||| ue cme fcrm cf keycccrc. cul mcny crefer
runn|nc v|lh c cure cycernel|c hcckuc.
Cnce ccl|vclec. lhe ceck cr lerm|nc| cverr|ce mcl cf lhe uer cvn encry |nfcrmcl|cn cnc rec|cce |l v|lh
cn e|eclrcn|c |mu|cl|cn cf lhe lclr|x. fhe |mene |cnc| lrcn|cle lhe ccmc|ex ccce lruclure cf lhe ccluc|
lclr|x |nlc crcch|cc| |ccn. /fler c eccnc cf c|cr|enlcl|cn. lhe cecker (lhcl |. lhe |ccn cf lhe cecker chcr
ccler) cccecr |n lhe lclr|x cl lhe cc|nl vhere lhe cycerceck lcccec |n. lf he enler frcm cn |||ecc| lcc |n lhe
ccck rccm cl lclchl|ck Bcr & Gr|||. lhe cecker |mcce v||| cccecr |n lhe le|eccm ||ne lhcl erve lhcl |c|nl.
lec|l|mcle uer hcve rec|lerec cycerlerm|nc| lhcl |cenl|fy lheme|ve lc lhe lclr|x cl every lec. Bul ceck
er remc|n cncnymcu. cnc vhen everylh|nc cce r|chl lhey ccn ccnce lhrcuch lhe ecrel cf lhe lclr|x.
|cuch|nc cl ecur|ly mecure. Cf ccure. vhen lh|nc cc vrcnc. lhey ccn c|e |n lhe lclr|x c ve||.
Jcckcc|nl ccn|l cf lhe chy|cc| ccnnecl|cn cecker ue lc ccce lhe lclr|x. Jcckcc|nl ncrmc||y fc|| |nlc lvc
ccleccr|e: |ecc| cnc |||ecc|. / |ecc|ccce |cckcc|nl recreenl ccce frcm c |ecc||y rec|lerec le|eccm.
/n |||ecc|ccce |cckcc|nl recreenl ccce frcm e|lher cn |||ecc| le|eccm ccnnecl|cn (mecn|nc cme uncru
cu|cu cu| hc ccclec erv|ce frcm lhe chcne ccmccny) cr c cclc||ne lcc. cn |||ecc| |uncl|cn ccx hcckec
c|recl|y |nlc c fcerccl|c lrunk. fhe |||ecc|ccce |cckcc|nl | lhe mcl ccmmcn |cckcc|nl uec cy cecker.
lvery cc|ecl c uer ee |n lhe lclr|x | cn |ccn. Uer hcve cec|c| |ccn cc||ec cercnc. When ceck|nc
cccul c cecker cercnc. cflen |l | h|]her |ccn. cr cn||ne |cenl|ly. lhcl | ce|nc referrec lc. lccn c|c recre
enl crccrcm. lC. ncce cnc c fcrlh.
/ rec| c lhe excer|ence eem. c cecker never chy|cc||y enler lhe lclr|x. H| cccy remc|n cl lhe |cck
cc|nl. vhere lhe cycerceck ccnnecl lc lhe lclr|x. fhe ceck feec lhe cecker cn /SlSf |cnc|. |n lhe cme
vcy c |mene el mcke h|m lh|nk he | cmevhere e|e. fhcl cmevhere e|e | lhe lclr|x.
lverylh|nc |n lhe lclr|x hc c ymcc||c recreenlcl|cn. Ccmculer ylem. vhen v|evec frcm lhe cul|ce.
cflen |cck ||ke cu||c|nc. mcunlc|n cr clher |crce lruclure. ln|ce. lhey mcy ue c vcr|ely cf |mccery lc
recreenl c|fferenl funcl|cn. lcl ccmculer ylem |n 23 cre culcmce|cnec `cu|clec ylem. u|nc
celc||ec melcchcr cnc |mcce lc recreenl lhe vcrk|nc cf lhe ylem. fhe cenlrc| melcchcr cf c cu|clec
ylem cefne lhe v|rluc| rec||ly cf lhcl ylem. lcr excmc|e. lhe l|luhcmc Pccccc ccnlc|n v|rluc| v|||cce
vhere ccc||ccl|cn |ccn lc|| ccl|enl|y |n lhe r|ce cccc|e cf c cycernel|c mec|evc| Jcccnee m|||eu. cnc en|
l|ve cclc | lcrec |n ccl|e cefencec cy cmurc| lC. When cn c ylem. uuc||y everylh|nc c cecker cce cr
ene | f|lerec lhrcuch lhe ylem cenlrc| melcchcr.
Dclc c|c hcve lhe|r cvn recreenlcl|cn. c cc lhe ylem lhcl cucrc lhe cclc. fhe cclc m|chl cccecr c
fccl|nc cuce f||ec v|lh v|r||nc numcer. vh||e c c|cnl ncke (recreenl|nc c ecur|ly crccrcm) cc|| crcunc
lhem. cvc|l|nc cn unvcry |nlrucer. Clher lyce cf crccrcm hcve lhe|r cvn recreenlcl|cn. lccc|nc cn lc c
hcl mcy ce creenlec c vc|k|nc lhrcuch c cccrvcy. cr ce|nc uckec lhrcuch c crecl necn luce. Prccrcm
uec cy cecker hcve |m||cr recreenlcl|cn. /n cllcck crccrcm ccn |cck ||ke cnylh|nc frcm c kn|fe lc c
rcckel |cuncher. / h|e|c crccrcm m|chl |cck ||ke c lrcc|l|cnc| h|e|c cr cerhcc cn enercy fe|c lhcl r|e uc lc
crclecl lhe cecker.
/nc vhcl cce lhe cecker |ccn |cck ||ke? /ny
lh|nc he vcnl: c mcn vecr|nc c u|l cf kn|chl|y cr
lechnc|cc|cc| crmcr. c ce|nc mcce cf cure ||chl.
c c|cv|nc vh|le cc||. cr c cemcn frcm cme cc
cure ccrner cf he||. |l ccenl mcller. ln lhe lclr|x.
everylh|nc ccn |cck ||ke cnylh|nc.
lcny crccrcm cnc lhe|r |ccn mcy ce h|ccen
frcm c cecker. fhe |ccn | `lhere. cul lhe cecker
cce ncl ee |l ceccue |l | |nccl|ve cr ceccue
her ceck encr crccrcm cre ncl cccc encuch
lc celecl |l. lcr excmc|e. cerlc|n ecur|ly crccrcm
(|nlru|cn ccunlermecure. cr lC) cre cflen h|ccen
cr ccrlrcyec c |nnccucu |ccn unl|| lhe cecker
lr|ccer lhem. Decker ccn c|c lcke ccvcnlcce
cf lh| c|cu|e ccme cy u|nc mck|nc crccrcm
lc mcke lhe|r cercnc |nv||c|e cr mcke lhem |cck
||ke culhcr|zec crccrcm cr crccee.
Cycerceck cre lhe lcc| lhcl cecker ue lc
|nlerfcce v|lh lhe lclr|x. ln c nulhe||. c cycerceck
| cn exlreme|y ccverfu| m|crcccmculer crcnk|nc
cul encuch crcce|nc ccver lc |mc|emenl lhe
/SlSf |nlerfcce. ccnverl|nc lhe cecker neurc|
|mcu|e |nlc hc|ccrcch|c ccmmcnc |nlrucl|cn.
/|| ceck ccn|l cf cerlc|n ccmccnenl. fne
lunec cy lhe cecker lc creenl lhe cel|cck|nc
cnc celrunn|nc |ccn cc|c|e. fhee ccmccnenl cenercle lhe cecker cercnc cnc cefne lhe cecker
cerfcrmcnce |n lhe lclr|x.
Ncl everycne |n lhe lclr|x | u|nc c cycerceck. ln fccl. mcl lclr|x uer |cck |n lhrcuch c cycerlerm|nc|. c
ceck cre cu|le excen|ve cnc lhe ccrc ccnl |ul hcnc lhem cul lc every keycuncher cnc c|erk. Cycerler
m|nc| cre kncvn cy cecker c `lcrlc|e fcr lhe|r |cck cf ceec cnc fnee.
Hcl cre lhe ccmculer ylem lhcl erve c
lhe ccckccne cf lhe S|xlh Wcr|c |nfcrmcl|cn
cc|ely. B||||cn cf nuyen cnc |nel|mcc|e mecc
cu|e cf cclc fcv lhrcuch lhee ylem cc||y.
Hcl cre lhe vcu|l vhere lhee ecrel |eve|
cre lcrec. erv|nc c cclcccnk. reecrch f|e
lcrcce. ||crcr|e. v|rluc| hccc|nc mc||. chcl
rccm. v|rluc| crccce. cr|vcle meel|nc |le.
cu||el|n cccrc. |ccc| nelvcrk. crch|ve. ccnk
cnc c fcrlh.
J||-||!| !Jl
Ncl c|| hcl cre ccnneclec lc lhe lclr|x. lcny
h|ch|y ccrcnc|c. u|lrcecure |le cec|fcc||y
cvc|c lclr|x ccnnecl|cn cue lc lhe lhrecl
cf |nlru|cn cy unculhcr|zec cecker. fhe cn|y
vcy fcr c cecker lc ccce uch c hcl | cy
|cck|nc |n c|recl|y cl lhe chy|cc| |cccl|cn cf
lhe hcl. lcr excmc|e. lc ccce cn cff||ne hcl
ccnlc|n|nc h|ch|y en|l|ve reecrch cclc fcr
lhe ScecerKrucc meccccrc. lhe cecker vcu|c
hcve lc chy|cc||y cenelrcle lhe reecrch
fcc|||ly cnc fnc c |cckcc|nl cy vh|ch he ccu|c
c|recl|y ccce lhe ccycclc.
/ cycerlerm|nc| | |mc|y c keycccrc
v|lh c fcl v|ev|nc creen cnc c el cf
e|eclrcce cr c cclc|cck c|uc. Scme
hcve cnl|cuclec ccrcchernc||c uch
c fu|||ze mcn|lcr. VP c|cve cnc
cccc|e. cr even c mcue cr |cyl|ck.
fhee lerm|nc| hcve rcuch|y lhe
cme funcl|cn c cycerceck. cul nc
cycerlerm|nc| hc lhe ccccc|||l|e cf
c lcccuc||ly cycerceck. Cycerler
m|nc| ccnncl ce mcc|fec lc hcve
lhe neurcncreck|nc ceec nececry
lc hcccvrun. Decker cre cr|m|nc|
cnc ccnl cffcrc lc ce |cvec cy c
cycerlerm|nc|. Cn lhe cc|l|ve |ce.
lcrlc|e uer ccnncl ce hurl cy c|cck
lC cr cumc hcck. cnc cycerlerm|nc|
cenerc||y ccl cnelenlh c much c cn
ecu|vc|enl cycerceck.
Cycerceck cnc cycerlerm|nc| fre
cuenl|y ccme v|lh cccecr|e uch c
cff||ne lcrcce cr c v|ccreen c|c|cy c
clher ccn hcu|cerurf lhe lclr|x frcm
lhe cecker cc|nl cf v|ev. H|lcher |cck.
vhelher e|eclrcce cr cclc|cck feec.
c||cv clher lc `|cck |n cnc cllcch c|
recl|y lc lhe cecker |ccn. H|lcher ccn
ncl mcn|cu|cle cr cffecl lhe cecker
cercnc |n cny vcy. lhey cre mere|y
c|cnc fcr lhe r|ce. H|lcher cre c|c
crcleclec frcm ncly lC |ce effecl. |n
lhe cme vcy c cycerlerm|nc| uer.
lcny cecc|e fnc |l cnncy|nc lc h|lch.
c lhey ccnncl ccnlrc| lhe mcvemenl
cr cercecl|ve cf lhe cecker.
ll|\\|l|!\ |
lC (crcncuncec `|ce) lcnc fcr `|nlru|cn ccunlermecure.
Scme lC |mc|y |mcece lhe cecker. cerhcc cllemcl|nc lc
cel c nelvcrk lD cn h|m. Clher crccrcm cre ce|cnec lc
crch h| |ccn cff lhe lclr|x. Sl||| clher cc cfler h| ceck. l|nc||y.
lhere c|cck lC-vh|ch fcl cul lr|e lc k||| h|m.
ll| J| |
fhere cre fcur cec|fc lyce cf |nlru|cn ccunlermecure.
Be|cv | c hcrl cecr|cl|cn cf ecch lyce cf lC. lC vc crecl
ec |n lhe ecr|y 2Tl cenlury vhen ccrccrcl|cn rec||zec hcv
ec||y lchc l|rcce ccu|c hcck |nlc cny ylem lhey v|hec.
cfler lhe e||le lecm cf cecker celrcyec lhe cr|ccrch
|nc v|ru |n 23T. ll | rumcrec lhcl cme urv|v|nc memcer
cf lchc l|rcce vrcle lhe|r cvn l|ckel. crecl|nc lhe frl
everc| cenercl|cn cf ccmculer |nlru|cn ccunlermecure.
lC | cenclec cy c cc|cr rcl|nc ylem lhcl ecucle lc lhe
cclenl|c| cecc||ne cf |l cefene.
WhIle: Wh|le lC | cn|y crccrcmmec lc cllcck c cecker
cn||ne |ccn cnc ccnncl cermcnenl|y ccmcce lhe cecker
cr h| ceck.
Oroy: Grcy lC | ce|cnec lc lcrcel lhe cecker cycerceck
cnc ul|||l|e. vh|ch ccn reu|l |n cermcnenl ccmcce lc lhe
Iroce: / un|cue hycr|c cf Wh|le cnc Grcy lC crccrcm.
frcce lC | ce|cnec lc |cccle lhe cecker cnc ncl|fy lhe
crccer culhcr|l|e. fh| | lhe lcc enc cf lC cvc||cc|e lc mcl
Iock: B|cck lC | cec|fcc||y crccrcmmec lc cllcck lhe
cecker h|me|f. crecl|nc ccncercu c|cfeecccck celveen
lhe cecker cnc h| cycerceck. cc|c|y |ecc|nc lc cermcnenl
chy|cc| cnc cychc|cc|cc| ccmcce cr even ceclh. Cn|y /+
ccrccrcl|cn cnc ncl|cn hcve lh| ccncercu fcrm cf lC.
@J|@|!l |! l!| @lll|
lcvemenl |n lhe lclr|x | v|rluc||y |nlcnlcnecu un|e lhe cecker | encccec |n ccmccl. cllemcl|nc lc
cec| v|lh lC. cerfcrm|nc ylem ccercl|cn. lrcnferr|nc cclc cr |ccc|nc crccrcm. ln lhe lclr|x. cclc |
lrcnm|llec cl meccccuc cnc ylem reccne | mecurec |n m|crceccnc. Cn|y vhen cec||nc v|lh
cmelh|nc lhcl recu|re rec| cllenl|cn cce lhe ccl|cn |cv ccvn lc lhe cc|nl lhcl lhe cecker ccn ncl|ce
l|me cc|nc.
When mcv|nc |n lhe lclr|x. c|lcnce | enl|re|y re|cl|ve. c mcller cf ccmm||ne ccnnecl|cn. cvc||cc|e memcry |n uc
ylem. cnc v|lch|nc ylem cnc lrcnm||cn rcle. Sure. lhe cecker ccn fccl |e|ure|y frcm cc|nl lc cc|nl. cul vhy
crcv| vhen ycu ccn zccm? Percecl|cn | everylh|nc.
Keec |n m|nc lhcl chcrccler excer|ence l|me cmevhcl uc|ecl|ve|y |n lhe lclr|x. fhe ccccrenl l|me excer|
encec vhen mcv|nc lhrcuch lhe lclr|x mcy eem much |cncer lc lhe uer lhcn lhe ccluc| l|me lhcl ccec
cul|ce lhe lclr|x. lcr excmc|e. c cecker vhc mcke c |nc|e ylem ccercl|cn lc fnc c f|e mcy excer|ence
|l c c vc|k ccvn c |cnc hc||vcy ||nec v|lh ccck. vh|ch enc vhen he fnc lhe |ccn he vcnl. He mcy fee|
c |f he hc cenl everc| m|nule cr even hcur ecrch|nc. vhen ccluc||y cn|y c fev eccnc cf rec| l|me
hcve e|ccec.
Cn|y lhe cel cecker enccce cnc
evcce lC |n lhe lclr|x. fh| | cc||ec
cycerccmccl. Cycerccmccl |n lhe
lclr|x fc||cv much lhe cme ecuence
cf evenl c |l cce |n lhe vcr|c cf lhe
||v|nc. lC cnc lhe cecker v|nc c|cce
cnc hccl cun c lhe lclr|x |nlercrel
lhe|r e|eclrcn|c cllcck cnc cefene c
chy|cc| ccmccl. Cn|y lhe mcl er|cu
cnc cecc||el cecker enccce |n cycer
ccmccl ccc|nl clher cecker. fhere cre
c hcncfu| cf cycercc|n lhcl rccm
lhe lclr|x. cnc lhe|r ncme cre vh|
cerec v|lh cenu|ne fecr.

||l|!\ l!| @lll|
/ cecker ccn |ecve lhe lclr|x cl cny l|me cy |cck|nc cul: cu|||nc lhe c|uc lhcl ccnnecl h| cclc|cck lc lhe
ceck. Keec |n m|nc lhcl lhe cecker lclr|x |mcce. h| cercnc. | cn|y c crccrcm. fhe cercnc cce ncl rec||y
cc cnyvhere cnc hc nc |ncecencenl ccnc|cune. Dec|le cecker |ecenc. cne ccnncl cel `lrcccec |n
lhe lclr|x. / cecker k|ckec cul cf lhe lclr|x |nvc|unlcr||y hc ceen cumcec. fhe rcc|c culcff cf lhe ceck
|mene |cnc| ccn ccue lhe cecker lc excer|ence m||c c|cr|enlcl|cn cnc c mcmenlcry fucue lcle cc||ec
cumc hcck. Cycerlerm|nc| uer cc ncl excer|ence cumc hcck. c lhey cre ncl |cckec |nlc lhe lclr|x.
|||| |! l!| @lll|
ln|ce c cr|c. c|lcnce cccecr vcl cnc cc|e encrmcu. c|lhcuch lhere | nc `rec| c|lcnce |nvc|vec.
ln|ce hcl. c|lcnce cnc ccce ccn cc
cecr |nfn|le cr crcmcec. cecenc|nc cn lhe
crevc|||nc melcchcr. ln lechn|cc| lerm. lhe
cuel|cn | vhelher lhe cercnc (rememcer.
|l cn|y c crccrcm) | cc|e lc ccce lhe cclc
ccce cf clher crccrcm cr lhe ccnlrc||er
fcr hcrcvcre e|emenl |n c ylem. ln cn ccc
vcy. c|lcnce | re|cl|ve lc lhe cmcunl cf
l|me (cenerc||y mecurec |n ncnceccnc)
lhcl |l lcke lhe ceck lc ccce lhe hcrcvcre
cf lhe nexl ncce.
l!| JllJ
fhe lclr|x leem v|lh mecce crch|ve
cnc chcl |cc f||ec v|lh lc|e cf chcl |n lhe
mcch|ne. unlccccc|e ccrevcr v|rue. cnc
clher myler|e cnc ccncer cf lhe cycer
vcr|c. lcny cf lhee lcr|e cre nc mcre lhcn
fcl|cn cnc rumcr creclec lc fr|chlen nev
c|e cnc curn|h lhe reculcl|cn cf lhe lclr|x
e||le. Bul cmcnc lhe mecccu|e cf |ecenc.
cne lcnc cul: lhe lcr|e cf lhe clcku. lhe
ccc||ec ch||cren cf lhe lclr|x.
/l frl. rumcr cf lhe clcku vere ccn|cerec hcrc|y crec|c|e. lev vere reccy lc ce||eve |n lhee ch||cren. c|c
lc cce lhe cc|||ly lc |curney lhrcuch lhe lclr|x v|lhcul cycerceck. ccmmcnc|nc |l v|lh lhe|r v||| c|cne. /
mcre cnc mcre ccccunl cf lhee myler|cu fcure f|lerec |n. hcvever. lhe ceccle cver lhe clcku ceccn lc
crcv |n lhe hcccv ccmmun|ly. Befcre |cnc. lhe clcku ceccn ceck|nc fcr lheme|ve. evck|nc cmczemenl cnc

|nlene cur|c|ly. Hcvever. |l cu|ck|y ceccme c|ecr lhcl lhee clcku ccl|nc rc|ec even mcre cuel|cn lhcn lhey
cnverec. fcr lhe clcku v|ev cccul lhe|r cc|||l|e cnc cr|c|n cre |cyerec |n myl|c|m cnc yculhfu| |cec||m. cnc
lhe vcr|cv|ev cf |nc|v|cuc| clcku frecuenl|y ccnf|cl v|lh cr even ccnlrcc|cl ecch clher.
ln recenl yecr. lhe lcr|e cccul clcku hcve lcken cn cm|ncu lurn. Cnce ccrlrcyec c hcrm|e cur|c|l|e. lhe
clcku cre cccu|r|nc c ccrker |mcce. fue|ec cy rumcr cf lhe|r re||c|cu |nfchl|nc cnc cu|l||ke cevcl|cn lc c||ecec
crl|fc|c| |nle|||cence. lncrec|nc|y. lhe clcku cre nc |cncer v|evec c |nnccenl. cr|chleyec ch||cren cul c ccll|e
ccrrec. fcncl|cc| cnc ccncercu |nc|v|cuc|.
|! l!| @lll|
lcr c |cnc c lhere hcve
ceen ccmculer nelvcrk.
lhere hcve ceen ncce
cec|cclec lc crcmcl|nc free
lhcuchl. creck|nc lhe ru|e.
cnc crcv|c|nc hcven fcr
rcc|cc| cnc hccker. Dec|le
exlen|ve ccvernmenl cnc
ccrccrcle cllemcl lc hul
ccvn uch |le fcr c|rccy.
ucver|ve ccl|v|l|e cnc c
|ev cf clher chcrce. lhey
hcve urv|vec.
When lhe frecly cf Denver
|cnec cver lhe |le cf lhe
c|c U.S. /|r lcrce /cccemy
lc lhe Puec|c Ccrccrcle
Ccunc||. lhe PCC c|ecnec |l
cul. |cckec |l uc cnc fcrccl
cccul |l. Shcrl|y cflervcrc. c
ve||ecu|ccec. ve||fncncec
cnc exlreme|y lclr|xcvvy
crcuc |nf|lrclec lhe |le cnc
mcce |l lhe hcme cce fcr c
mc|cr uncerlck|nc.
Cver c lvenlyyecr cer|cc. lhe urv|v|nc frccmenl cf cccnccnec m|||lcry nelvcrk vcr|cv|ce vere ecrel|y cnc
exlen|ve|y reccnlruclec cnc l|ec lccelher. effecl|ve|y crecl|nc c mc|ve |nfrclruclure lhcl ccu|c ccnce|vcc|y
hcl cn enl|re cr|c. c|l|ncl frcm lhe lclr|x. ln lhe m|c23. lh| cr|c venl ccl|ve. lhe hcl fcr lhe cclchcven ccre
cemc|ec cn lhe ccccemy crcunc. fhu lhe Nexu vc ccrn. ccmc|ele v|lh |l cvn chy|cc| cr|vcle cr|c.
Cne cf lhe frl ncce cccencec lc lh| cr|c vc Shcccv|cnc. c reneccce Secll|eccec |le lhcl ceccn c c
c|rcle cu||el|ncccrc ylem (BBS) |n lhe crev|cu cenlury. fhcuch Shcccv|cnc |cckec lhe lechn|cc| recurce
cnc mc|ve crch|ve cf lhe Nexu. |l vc cccu|cr v|lh lhe c|cck mcrkel cnc |nfcrmcl|cn uncercrcunc. fhce
|n lhe kncv ccu|c ccce lhe Nexu lhrcuch Shcccv|cnc. cnc lhe Nexu vec|lh cf cclc vc mcce cvc||
cc|e lc Shcccv|cnc ycc. / ccrlnerh|c cu|ck|y fcrmec.
!lJJt|l!J !JJ|
Shcccv|cnc | |nfcmcu c c c|ecr|nchcue fcr hcccvmcrkel |nfcrmcl|cn. Shcccv|cnc ncce c|c cffer
clher erv|ce c |f lhey vere c |ecc| lclr|x Serv|ce Prcv|cer. frcm chcl rccm cnc mecce cccrc lc cncny
mcu fcrvcrc|nc erv|ce.
Shcccv|cnc ncce cre crecc ccrc lhe vcr|c. cccecr|nc |n mcl mc|cr Ncrlh /mer|ccn c|l|e c ve|| c
cverec |n lhe fc||cv|nc |ccc|e: Secll|e. Nev Ycrk. Bclcn. Nev Cr|ecn. /l|cnlc. lDC. Cck|cnc. l/. Dc||c.
Hc||fcx. Denver. Cuecec C|ly. Vcnccuver. Cheyenne. lc Vecc. Hcvcnc. lereycrcv| (U.K.). lrcnkfurl. S|c
||y. Kuvc|l. Ck|ncvc. Hcnhu. Secu|. S|cney. Gucm cnc Hcvc||. fh| ||l | cy nc mecn ccmc|ele.
|!|J| !lJJt|l!J
fhe |nler|cr cf Shcccv|cnc ncce lenc lc |cck fc|r|y munccne. c l|me cnc recurce cre cevclec lc
crch|v|nc cclc rclher lhcn cu|cl|nc lhe ylem. lcl hcl cre cu|clec c h|chlech rccm cccec||nc lc
lechncch||e. l||ecce mcy vcry frcm hcl lc hcl cr frcm ncce lc ncce.
Shcccv|cnc ncce |nc|uce everc| crec vhere cercnc ccn cc|c||ze. |m||cr lc lhe v|rluc| ccr hclec cl
mcny clher ncce. fhee elcc||hmenl cre c|| run cy lhe Shcccv|cnc ycc. cnc vh||e lheyre fu||feccec
ccrl cf lhe ncce. lheyre lreclec c eccrcle enl|l|e |n|ce ecch ncce. frcn|clec. lh| mecn lhcl |ul
ceccue cecker hcve ccce lc Shcccv|cnc |le|f. lhey cc ncl hcve ccrle c|cnche lc ccl hcvever lhey
c|ece |n lhee venue.
fhere cre everc| cf lhee lclr|x hcnccul. cme mcre fcmcu lhcn clher. / fcvcr|le cc|c| cclher|nc ccl
| /crcx| cn Shcccv|cnc Secll|e. /crcx| cccecr c c mu|l||eve| n|chlc|uc v|lh c vccue|y |nculr|c| lheme.
lhcuch |l vcr|e ||chl|y cn lhe vh|m cf lhe ce|cner. lcch lcc|e ccn|l cf c c|c cecr ccnneclec lc lhe fccr
v|lh c |nc|e cc|l (ye. lhe lcc|e ccn ce cun lc rc|e cnc |cver |l). lhe mu|l|c|e ccr cre ccnlruclec cf ccf
fc|c|nc. cnc lhe e|evclcr lc lhe eccnc cnc lh|rc fccr | c c|unky fre|chl ||fl.
fhe clmcchere cf /crcx| | crelly re|cxec. c cecker m|nc|e v|lh ccrccrcle fc|k vhc m|nc|e v|lh lreel cm
urc| vhc ccn ccre|y |cc cn lc lhe lcnc. ll ncl rec||y ce|cnec fcr cu|ne. lhcuch lhe ccc cec| cce ccvn
frcm l|me lc l|me. ll |nlencec cure|y c c cclher|nc c|cce. c ccl vhere ncrmc||y ccrcnc|c cnc unfr|enc|y
hcccvcc lyce ccn hcnc v|lhcul vcrry|nc cccul ccck|nc c cun.

Jlll !l|!
ln lhe |mc|el ene cf lhe lerm. c cclc hcven | c ylem cec|cclec lc lcr|nc c much |nfcrmcl|cn c cc
|c|e. Nc reccrc cre mc|nlc|nec reccrc|nc lhe curce cf lhe cclc. vh|ch cre lyc|cc||y cf c en|l|ve nclure.
ln mcl cce. lhe cclc hcve ceen lc|en frcm c ccrccrcl|cn cr cr|vcle enl|ly. cnc lhe|r cvc||cc|||ly uuc||y
ccnl|lule c fncnc|c| |c. ecur|ly r|k cr ccercl|cnc| ccncern lc lhe |ecc| cvner cf c|c cclc.
Uncer mcl |nlerncl|cnc|. ncl|cnc| cnc ccrccrcle |cv. lhe |nfcrmcl|cn cnc erv|ce crcv|cec cy cclc hcven
cre |||ecc|. /|ce frcm lrcffck|nc |n lc|en cnc crccr|elcry |nfcrmcl|cn. cclc hcven recu|cr|y v|c|cle cccyr|chl.
lrccemcrk cnc c|lr|cul|cn ||cen|nc |cv. cnc lhey frecuenl|y c|c cnc ccel numercu clher cr|m|nc| ccl|v|l|e.
Dec|le lh|. cclc hcven cenerc||y ccercle free cf |ecc| crcecul|cn. lhe|r vc|ue c c recurce fcr crccn|zec
cr|m|nc| ccncern enure lhcl lhey cre ve|| crcleclec. cnc lhey cce cmc|e func lc enure lhe|r ecur|ly.
/cc|l|cnc||y. cclc hcven recu|cr|y cllrccl ccverfu| cenefcclcr vhc crcv|ce fncnc|c|. lechn|cc| cnc ecur|ly
cel |n exchcnce fcr cr|v||ecec ccce lc lhe hcven |nfcrmcl|cn lcre.
||!J|!\ l Jlll !l|!
Dclc hcven cre un|verc||y ccnneclec lc lhe lclr|x. cul lhe|r ccerclcr lyc|cc||y emc|cy e|cccrcle creccul|cn
lc cccure lhe|r creence frcm ccrccrcle cnc ccvernmenl culhcr|l|e cnc clher unve|ccme v||lcr. ln mcny
cclc hcven. ccce | crcnlec cn|y lc lhce |nc|v|cuc| `|n lhe kncv-cecc|e v|lh c reculcl|cn |n lhe hcccv
runner uccu|lure. Hcvever. c k|||ec uncerccver ccercl|ve ccn uuc||y cc|n ccce lc uch hcven lhrcuch c
ccmc|ncl|cn cf ve||l|mec chcr|mc cnc e|ecl|ve cr|ce.
fhe c||enle|e cllrcclec lc cclc hcven | uncvcry cl cel cnc |nc|uce cme cf lhe mcl ccncercu lclr|x cr|m
|nc| |n lhe ccrccrcle cclcchere. Ccnecuenl|y. vhen enler|nc c cclc hcven. ccul|cn hcu|c ce ccervec cl
c|| l|me. c lhee cycercr|m|nc| ccmmcn|y keec c v|ce rcnce cf ccm cnc ccn ccme uc lhe|r v|rluc| |eeve.
Dclc hcven cre cn e|emenl cf lhe c|ccc| cr|m|nc| uccu|lure lhcl hc ceccme v|rluc||y |mcc|c|e lc e||m|ncle.
V|rluc||y c|| hcl ylem ccnlc|n cclcf|e cf cne k|nc cr cnclher. fhe vcl mc|cr|ly cf lhee f|e cffer nclh
|nc cf re|evcnce lc hcccvrunner. ccn|l|nc cf mecn|nc|e cclccce. cercnc| mc||. crcch|c f|e cnc
clher vcrlh|e |nfcrmcl|cn. lvery cnce |n c vh||e. lhcuch. c ylem v||| ccnlc|n lhe crcverc|c| nuccel cf
cc|c. cn cnver lc c cruc|c| cuel|cn cr cclc lhcl v||| felch c h|ch cr|ce cn lhe c|cck mcrkel. fh| |nfcr
mcl|cn | cc||ec ccycclc.
Pcycclc ccn ce cnylh|nc: nev P&D lcy frcm lhe c|c crc|n uclc|r. cu|ne c|cn lhcl cre vcrlh c|c nuyen
lc |n|ce lrccer cr ccmcel|lcr. |ncr|m|ncl|nc |nfcrmcl|cn uefu| |n c|cckmc||-cnylh|nc v|lh vc|ue lc cmecne
hc c c|cce cn lhe c|cck mcrkel.

||!|!\ llJlll
fhe lreel cr|ce cf even lhe mcl cc|c ccycclc | cu|le vc|ucc|e. fhe cr|ce cc|c lc lhe hcccvrunner vcr|e.
hcvever. c ccycclc mul ce fencec ||ke cny clher lc|en crccerly.
Punner mul mcve fcl vhen e|||nc lc|en ccycclc. fhe neec cf lhe c|cck mcrkel chcnce very cu|ck|y
|nceec. cnc lcccy ncvchcl cclcf|e cre lcmcrrcv vcrlh|e cccer.
l|\\|l l!J l!| @lll|
P|ccer. lhe lrucker. c||cl cnc crcfe|cnc| lrcnccrler cf Shcccvrun. c|c ue cclc|cck lc |nlerccl v|lh
mcch|ne. cul lhe nclure cf r|cc|nc mcke lhem cn enl|re|y c|fferenl cn|mc| frcm lcnccrc cecker. Beccue
r|cc|nc fccue cn knee|erk |nl|ncl|ve reccl|cn. r|ccer cre |mcecec cy lhe |nlene cerecrc| ccncenlrcl|cn
nececry fcr ceck|nc. Due lc lh| crccrcmm|nc. cnc lhe cclc|cck |cccl|cn |n lhe|r ku||. r|ccer ccnl ncv|
ccle lhe vec c ve|| c lhey ue lhe|r r|c.
ln 23. mcc|c (cnc lhe cecc|e vhc vcrk |l) | c ccmmcn c crecl cflvcre cnc ccmculer crccrcmmer
vere |n lhe |cle 2lh cenlury. /mer|ccn cnc lhe rel cf lhe vcr|c recclec lc lhe creence cf mcc|c |ul c
lhe vcr|c reccncec lc lhe cmcz|nc lechnc|cc|cc| ccvcnce cf lhe crev|cu cenlury: |n|l|c| fcc|ncl|cn cnc
cve rec|ccec evenluc||y cy c ene cf cc|c| ccmmcnc||ly. lcc|c | c ccrl cf ||fe cnc hc ceen fcr ceccce.
fhcl ncl lc cy lhe cvercce c|l|zen uncerlcnc hcv |l vcrk. cul everycne cccecl |l ex|lence. Scc|ely
cccclec lc lhe creence cf mcc|c. melchumcn cnc creclure cul cf mylh cnc mcvec cn. c |l c|vcy
cce. ln fccl. lhe cenercl|cn cf 23 ccn hcrc|y |mcc|ne c vcr|c v|lhcul mcc|c. fhe fc||cv|nc chccler ce
cr|ce hcv cc|ely hc |nccrccrclec mcc|c |nlc lhe vcr|cu fccel cf everyccy ||fe.
@l\| l!J @l\|
Whot is mogio?
/k cny len mcc|c|cn lhcl cuel|cn. cnc ycure ||ke|y lc cel cl |ecl lh|rleen c|fferenl cnver. lcc|c | c
h|ch|y cercnc| cnc |nc|v|cuc||l|c crl. ||ke cc|nl|nc cr mu|c. / mcce ccn ccme frcm cny cf lhe huncrec cf
c|fferenl mcc|cc| lrcc|l|cn fcunc |n lhe S|xlh Wcr|c. lvery cercn vhc |ecrn mcc|c hc cn |nc|v|cuc| ly|e.
|n lhe cme vcy lhcl c|| mu|c|cn |ecrn lhe cme cc|e cnc ncle cul crecle un|cue cunc. fhcl ly|e |
|nfuencec cy lhe cercn ccckcrcunc. cu|lure. lrc|n|nc cnc lrcc|l|cn. cul |l | u|l|mcle|y cn excre|cn cf lhe
|nc|v|cuc| re|cl|cnh|c v|lh mcc|c. fhere cre c mcny vcy cf |nlerccl|nc v|lh mcc|c c lhere cre crccl|l|c
ner cf lhe /rl.
fhere cre huncrec cf mcc|cc| lrcc|l|cn. cul cl lhe mcl cc|c |eve| c|| mcc|c|cn ue lhe cme k|||. /
l|recc|| ce|| ccl cy c Ncl|ve /mer|ccn hcmcn hc lhe cme effecl c cne ccl cy cn urccn lreel mcce. c
Ce|l|c cru|c cr c fcc|l crcerer. even lhcuch lhe cccecrcnce cf lhe ce|| cnc lhe r|luc| uec lc ccl |l mcy
c|ffer. D|fferenl lrcc|l|cn ummcn c|fferenl lyce cf c|r|l. cul c|| c|r|l fc||cv lhe cme ru|e fcr |nlerccl|nc
v|lh ce|nc |n lhe chy|cc| vcr|c.
/|| lh| c|c. Shcccvrun mcc|c uer fc|| |nlc lhree crccc ccleccr|e: vcce mcce. ccccem|c cnc hcccvrun
ner. fhe `vcce mcce | lhe mcl ccmmcn lyce cf mcc|c uer. rcnc|nc frcm c |mc|e cccc|er vhc he|c v|lh
ccrccrcle ecur|ly lc c mcler cf lhe crl vhc c|ccver cr crecle nev |lem cr crccucl cf mcc|cc| ccver.
fhee crecler mcce cre lhe cne mcl ||ke|y lc enccunler hcccvrunner. e|lher c c ccverfu| ccccnenl cr
c c c||enl vhc neec he|c eccc|nc lhe c|ulche cf h| ccrccrcle mcler.
lf lhe vcce mcce | c cec|c||l. lhe hcccvrunner | c |cck cf c|| lrcce. cnc lhe nexl mcl ||ke|y mcc|c uer
ycu v||| enccunler. fc run |n lhe hcccv. ycu mul ce reccy fcr cnylh|nc. lcce |n lhe hcccv mcy hcve c
cercnc| cec|c|ly-ccmccl. clrc| cercecl|cn. fel|h crecl|cn-cul lhey c|c hcve c numcer cf ce|| lhcl cre
eenl|c| |n lhe cecc|y cu|ne cf hcccvrunn|nc.
/ very fev mcc|cc| runner vhc urv|ve lhe|r ccreer |n lhe hcccv enler ccccem|c uccn rel|remenl. fhe|r
cc|||ly lc mcler mcny c|fferenl lyce cf mcc|c mcke lhem cn exce||enl crccecl fcr lecch|nc lhe mcc|cc|
crl. fhe|r exlreme rcr|ly hc |ec lhe un|ver|l|e. vhc cecercle|y neec crcfecr cf lhe lhcumclurc|cc| crl.
lc |cncre lhe eccenlr|c|l|e lhcl hcccvrunner cr|nc lc lhe |vcry hc|| cf |ecrn|nc.
l!| lJJ!\ l!J l!| |!||
lcc|cc| cc|||ly uuc||y mcn|fel cl cr |ul cefcre cucerly-celveen lhe cce cf len cnc lve|ve fcr mcl hu
mcn. cul c ecr|y c e|chl fcr cme melchumcn. Peccrlec cce cf ycuncer ch||cren ceccm|nc mcc|cc||y
ccl|ve cre rcre.
Scme c|flec ch||cren frl c|c|cy lhe|r ccver ccnlcnecu|y uncer lre. /n cncry ch||c mcy hur| c |cvccver
ce||. cr lhe `|nv||c|e fr|enc cf cnclher mcy uccen|y ceccme v||c|e. Clher ch||cren c|ccver lhe|r cc|||l|e |n
lhe rcuchcnclumc|e cf ch||chccc ccme cr |un|cr clh|el|c.

Ch||cren |n lhe N/N lr|ce. |n ccrccrcle ccmmun|l|e cnc |n mcl mccern cu|lure cre vclchec c|ce|y fcr
ecr|y |cn cf mcc|cc| lc|enl. fhce cce|nc |l cre lrecurec cnc lrc|nec |n lhe ue cf mcc|c. uuc||y c
cccrenl|ce lc lr|cc| hcmcn cr lhrcuch chcc| cnc un|ver|l|e cffer|nc crccrcm |n hermel|c luc|e. fhe
mcl|ve fcr crcv|c|nc lh| lrc|n|nc vcry v|ce|y. fr|cc| cu|lure. c c ru|e. rececl mcc|cc| cc|||ly cnc vcnl lc ee
|l crccer|y chcnne|ec. fhe ccrccrcl|cn cre chrcn|cc||y hcrl cf mcc|c|cn cnc |cck fcrvcrc lc cccu|r|nc c
cccc. |cyc| vcce mcce cl lhe enc cf lhe lrc|n|nc.
lcny SlN|e. (lhce v|lhcul c UC/S Sylem lcenl|fccl|cn Numcer). /vckenec mcc|c uer cre recru|lec cy
ccrccrcle cr ccvernmenl |nlerel. vhc cre c|vcy hcrl cf mcc|cc| lc|enl. Prcm|e cf ecur|ly. ecuccl|cn
cnc c fcl ccycheck |ure mcny cvcy frcm lhe|r urccn hcme lc ccrccrcle enc|cve cr ccvernmenl lrc|n
|nc crccrcm. vhere lhey |cn cvcy lhe|r freeccm. Clher mcc|c|cn cnc ccecl ccrn |nlc ||fe cn lhe lreel
chcce lc ue lhe|r lc|enl cn lhe|r cvn lurf. eek|nc lrc|n|nc frcm clher lreel mcc|c|cn cr lecch|nc lhem
e|ve u|nc c|rclec cr|mc|re cnc cure |nc|rcl|cn. Sl||| clher vcrk lhe fr|nce cf lhe hcccv |n cne ccccc|ly
cr cnclher. cre ncccec uc cy crccn|zec cr|me. cr |c|n ccnc. fhe rel ceccme |ccc| mc|cmen cnc v|e
vcmen. u|nc lhe|r c|fl lc cenefl lhe|r ccmmun|ly. fhe mc||el cercenlcce ceccme hcccvrunner.
l|||\|J! |! l!| |l! tJl|J
fhe |n|l|c| reccl|cn cf mcl mc|cr re||c|cn lc lhe /vcken|nc vc cne cf crcfcunc hcck. fhcuch cme
churche lhcuchl lhe /cccc|yce hcc ccme. mcl fc|lh evenluc||y fcunc c vcy lc |nccrccrcle mcc|c |nlc
lhe|r creec.
Chr|l|cn|ly. |n ccrl|cu|cr. hcc lc lrucc|e v|lh lhe reurcence cf mcc|c. lcr cenlur|e. mcny Chr|l|cn churche
lcuchl lhcl mcc|c vc c lcc| cf lhe cev||. ln 224. hcvever. Pcce Jchn XXV |uec c h|lcr|c cccc| |eller. ln
lmccc De| (`ln lhe lmcce cf Gcc). vh|ch el fcrlh lhe fc||cv|nc lclemenl c cffc|c| Church ccclr|ne:
( lelchumcn cre cceec cf cu| cnc ccccc|e cf c|vcl|cn. D|cr|m|ncl|cn ccc|nl melchumcn | ncl
( lcc|cc| cc|||l|e cre ncl. cy lhe|r nclure. ev||. Pclher. ||ke cny clher humcn cc|||ly. lhey mcy ce uec fcr
cccc cr ev||.
( Sc|r|l cre ||v|nc mcn|felcl|cn cf nclure. fhu. ccn|ur|nc | ncl |n |le|f ev||.
ln lhe l|cm|c vcr|c. lhe relurn cf mcc|c recc||ec lhe ccy cf lccr|h |ecenc. vhen /rcc mcc|c|cn cnc c|
chem|l ccm|nclec lhe vcr|c cf mcc|c. fcccy. lhe crccne crl cre ccceclec cnc luc|ec v|ce|y cy lu||m.
fhcuch cme cre|uc|ce ex|l ccc|nl melchumcn |n Sunn|ccm|nclec crec. |l | mcre cc|c| lhcn re||c|cu.
fhe mcre ccnervcl|ve Sh||le ecl cf l|cm mc|nlc|n lhcl lhe Curcn fcrc|c lhe crccl|ce cf mcc|c. cnc |l
remc|n c ccc|lc| cr|me |n Sh||leccnlrc||ec crec.
Necccccn re||c|cn. uch c W|ccc (v|lchcrcfl). cru|c|m. Ncl|ve /mer|ccn c|r|luc||ly cnc |m||cr fc|lh
eccu|nc c ce||ef |n mcc|c. excer|encec c reurcence fc||cv|nc lhe /vcken|nc. Pcccn lhec|cc|e cre necr|y
c|| crc/vckenec cnc crcmelchumcn. lyc|cc||y v|lh c lrcnc eccccl|v|l lreck.
Dec|le lhe mcny ccver |l celcv. mcc|c hc ccne nclh|nc lc ell|e uch cuel|cn cf re||c|cu fc|lh c ||fe
cfler ceclh. lhe ex|lence cr ncnex|lence cf c ccc cr ccc. cr free v||| veru crecel|ncl|cn.

l!| |lt
fhe revc|ul|cncry nclure cf mcc|c mcce lhe crecl|cn cf |ec||cl|cn lc cec| v|lh |l |nev|lcc|e. Sc fcr. lhe Un|lec
Ccncc|cn cnc /mer|ccn Slcle (UC/S) cnc lhe Ccnfecercl|cn cf /mer|ccn Slcle (C/S) hcve ccec |cv
ccncern|nc lhe reu|l cf mcc|cc| ccl. B||| lc recu|cle lhe /rl |le|f hcve ccnl|nuc||y fc||ec lc cc cr ceen
lruck ccvn cy lhe ccurl c |||ecc| cnc unccnl|lul|cnc|. cul lhe fc||cv|nc mc|cr cc|nl cre ncv frm|y elcc
||hec |n ccmmcn |cv:
( / fe|cny ccmm|llec u|nc mcc|c | c|vcy ccn|cerec c cremec|
lclec ccl. K||||nc c cercn v|lh mcc|c | ccn|cerec frlcecree
murcer. un|e lhe cccuec ccn crcve e|fcefene cr clher
m|l|ccl|nc c|rcumlcnce.
( Cr|m|nc| ccl ccmm|llec cy c c|r|l cre lhe reccn|c|||ly cf lhe
mcc|c|cn vhc ummcnec lhe c|r|l. reccrc|e cf vhelher lhe
c|r|l vc uncer lhe ummcner ccnlrc| cl lhe l|me.
( Beccue cclh lhe UC/S cnc C/S relc|n mc|cr e|emenl cf lhe fcr
mer U.S. B||| cf P|chl |n lhe|r |ecc| ylem. mcc|cc| melhcc uch
c m|nc crcce cnc curc recc|nc ccnncl ce uec lc crccuce
ev|cence. c lh| v|c|cle lhe l|flh /mencmenl crch|c|l|cn ccc|nl
e|f|ncr|m|ncl|cn. Hcvever. recc|nc clrc| |cnclure (lhe re|cue
|efl ceh|nc vhen mcc|c | uec) hc cch|evec lhe cme lclu c
fncercr|nl|nc cr DN/ lel|nc |n fcren|c c|ence.
( Currenl|y. cny `ccncercu ce||. c|r|l. fccu cr clher mcc|cc| effecl | |ecc||y recu|clec |n lhe UC/S cnc
C/S. lhcuch cerm|l mcy ce cccu|rec lc ue uch mcc|c.
ln c|v|| |cv. c ceccle rcce cver ce|| cccyr|chl. Uncer creenl lclule. lhe ce|cner cf c ce|| mcy cccyr|chl
lhe ce|| fcrmu|c cnc rece|ve ccymenl cr rcyc|l|e fcr |l c|e. ln crccl|ce. lh| |cv | uec lc crcecule lhce
vhc c|rcle fcrmu|c. Hcvever. lhe cnl|c|rccy lcc| uec cy mcl ce|| ceve|ccer. ecec|c||y |n lhe ccrccrcle
eclcr. | ecrecy. Sce|| cclc cre |mc|y ncl cuc||hec. fhere | c lhr|v|nc |nculr|c| ec|cncce cu|ne cec||nc
|n mcc|cc| ecrel.
lJ|!| l!J @l\|
lcc|c fnc c|recl ccc||ccl|cn cn|y cl lhe exlreme enc cf lhe cu|ne ceclrum. lcc|c | c mc|nlcy cf uch
re|cl|ve|y lr|v|c| |nculr|e c fch|cn cnc enlerlc|nmenl. fhee mcy recreenl |crce cnc crcflcc|e mcrkel. cul
lhe creence cf mcc|c|cn |n ceculy c|cn cr vcrk|nc cn cec|c| effecl |n lr|cec hc ncl exccl|y lrcnfcrmec
lhe c|ccc| eccncmy. /l lhe clher enc cf lhe ceclrum. mcc|c | c key ccrl cf lhe mcl ccmc|ex cnc excen
|ve h|chlech reecrch cnc ceve|ccmenl.
fhe r|luc| |nvc|vec recu|re c ce||ccle me|c|nc cf mcc|c cnc c|enl|fc lhecry lhcl cn|y c hcncfu| cf lhecrel|cc|
cccu|l|l ccn ccmcrehenc. much |e ue. Cu|le frcnk|y. cme ccmccn|e ccn rec|cce lhe|r ClC mcre ec||y
lhcn cne cf lhee lc|enlec mcc|c uer. fhee cercnne| cre cr|me ccnc|ccle fcr exlrccl|cn run. lhe cn|y
vcy mcny cf lhem ccn |ecve lhe|r emc|cyer |n c vcr|c cefnec cy meccccrccrcl|cn.

Wcrc cre mcc|cc| ccrr|er |n
clrc| ccce cnc cre c ccm
mcn cc|ve ecur|ly mecure.
Beccue lhe creclcr cf c vcrc
culcmcl|cc||y kncv |f |l | cl
lcckec |n clrc| ccmccl. vcrc
c|c crcv|ce cn exce||enl mecn
cf celecl|nc clrc| |nlrucer.
lcr celler cr vcre. mcc|c | ncl c mccrccucec crccucl. ll | cn crl. recu|r|nc lc|enl cnc c crecl cec| cf
lrc|n|nc. fhere cre nc cemc|y ||ne cr|nc|nc cul mcc|cc| cccc|e. fhe mcc|cc| cccc mcrkel remc|n c
ccllcce |nculry. v|lh |nc|v|cuc| lc||mcncer cnc enchcnler vcrk|nc cn lhe|r cvn cr |n mc|| crcuc cr lrcce
cu||c lc crccuce lhe|r cccc. Sccc||ec mcc|cc| cccc hcvkec lc lhe mc mcrkel cre cenerc||y hcrm|e
lr|nkel cr ccm lc ccn lhe cu|||c|e.
lcc|c creclel |mcccl |n lhe cu|ne chere hc ceen |n lhe crec cf ccrccrcle ecur|ly. Jul c lhe ccvenl
cf lclr|x lechnc|ccy ceccn cn ecc|cl|nc `crm rcce celveen cecker cnc ccrccclc ecur|ly cec|c||l.
ccrccrcl|cn ccll|ec lc crccure lhe erv|ce cf lhe /vckenec cefcre lhe|r ccmcel|lcr ccu|c.
fhe mec|cc| fe|c ue |e mcc|c lhcn mcl cecc|e lh|nk. fcr lvc reccn. fhe frl | lhe ||m|lcl|cn cf mcc|c
cnc lhe hecvy lc|| hec||nc mcc|c cflen exccl cn lhe mcc|c|cn. fhe eccnc | lhe mec|cc| ccmmun|ly |cnc
lcnc|nc re|lcnce lc chcnce cnc ceve|ccmenl. ll vcnl unl|| cccrec|lcl|cn crccrcm vere frm|y |n c|cce |n
lhe 23 lhcl lhe mec|cc| ccmmun|ly cll|luce ceccn lc chcnce.
fhe yecr |nce hcve een c |cv erc|cn cf lhe mcre relr|cl|ve cu|ce||ne ccvern|nc hec||nc mcc|c. l|cen
|nc crccecure vere |mc||fec lc crcv|ce cn `emercency mcc|cc| hec|er cerl|fccle. c||cv|nc lhe hc|cer lc
ccm|n|ler emercency mcc|cc| frl c|c. lcny hcc|lc| cnc HlC. c ve|| c hec|lhccre ccrccrcl|cn uch
c DccWcccn". hcve |nlecrclec mcc|cc| hec|er |nlc lhe|r lcff. fhe lrcumc lecm cf mcl mc|cr hcc|lc|
c|c |nc|uce c hec|er lhee ccy.
JJ|ll J|lJl|
lcc|c-cr. mcre cccurcle|y. lhe |cec cf mcc|c-| c|c cu|
ne fcr lhe ccccu|lure mcch|ne. Beccue lhe cenerc| cuc||c
|nl cny mcre |nlerelec |n rec| mcc|cc| lhecry lhcn |n rec|
ccrl|c|e chy|c. hcvever. mec|c c|n ccclcr hcve lc ue
c ||ll|e |ncenu|ly lc mcke mcc|c |nlerel|nc cnc fun fcr lhe
ccmmcn mcn. W|lh c |cl cf crecl|ve ||cene. lhey cul mcc|c
|n lr|cec hcv uch c fc|e cf /l|cnl|. v|lh |l h|chfcnlcy
ccckcrcc cnc cmcz|nc cec|c| effecl. cr fyeel cn lhe Ncl|ve
/mer|ccn Brcccccl|nc Nelvcrk. vh|ch hcvcce lhe exc|c|l
cf Ncl|ve /mer|ccn freeccm fchler cnc lhe v|e c|c hcmcn
vhc ccv|ec lhem cur|nc lhe Ghcl Dcnce Wcr.
/vckenec chcrccler c ccrlrcyec |n cccu|cr cu|lure ccme
|n lhree lyce: cccc. ev|| cnc funny. Cncreen cr cnlcce.
lhe /vckenec cre |crcer lhcn ||fe. vhelher c rcmcnl|c
herce. lerr|c|e v|||c|n cr ccm|c re||ef. Wr|ler |cck|nc lc le|| `lhe rec| lcry cf mcc|c hcve lc |nc|uce crc
mcl|c mcc|cc| cue| cr cmu|nc ce|| ccckfre |n lhe|r crcccc| lc even mcke |l ccl lhe cccr. Scme lr|cec
crccrcm hcve mcc|cc| ccv|cr. cnc vcr|cu cccumenlcr|e hcve crcv|cec c mcre cc|cncec v|ev. cul |n
cenerc|. mcc|c | encl|cnc||zec.

@l!l l!J l!| l|l||ll J| @l\|

lcnc | lhe luff lhcl mcke mcc|c vcrk. luch ||ke lhe c|r ve creclhe. mcnc | c|| crcunc u cul |nv||c|e. cnc
cflen lcken fcr crcnlec. l|ke c|r. mcnc ccn vh|c |le|f uc |nlc c celrucl|ve vh|r|v|nc. fhee mcnc lcrm vreck
hcvcc |n lhe clrc| cnc h|cher c|cne. ln rcre |nlcnce. uch c cver Sycney. /ulrc||c. lcrm ccn |cl fcr yecr.
lcc|c|cn hcve |cenl|fec lhree `rec|m cf ex|lence: lhe chy|cc| vcr|c. lhe clrc| c|cne cnc lhe melcc|cne.
fhe chy|cc| vcr|c | lhe vcr|c |n vh|ch melchumcn|ly ||ve. v|lh c|| |l chy|cc| |cv. fhe clrc| c|cne m|rrcr lhe
chy|cc| c|cne. ex|l|nc |n lhe cme ccce cul `|cevcy. fhe clrc| c|cne eem lc ce fue|ec cy ||fe fcrce.
emcl|cn cnc c|r|l. ccercl|nc uncer c c|fferenl el cf `chy|cc| |cv. Beycnc lhee ||e lhe unfclhcmcc|e recch
e cf lhe melcc|cne. hcme lc c|r|l. vh|ch mcc|c|cn exc|cre lc c|ccver mcre cccul mcc|c cnc lheme|ve.
fhe `lerrc|n cf lhe clrc| c|cne | mcce uc cf everc| ccmccnenl. /lrc| fcrm (uch c c|r|l. crc|ecl|nc mcc|
c|cn. cuc| ce|nc cnc c cn) cre c||c cnc cr|chl. ecec|c||y lhe clrc| fcrm cf lclher lcrlh here|f. fhe |nlcnc|
c|e `hcccv cnc curc cf chy|cc| cc|ecl cnc ce|nc cre c|c v||c|e cul |mmcler|c|. lcnc. vh|ch cermecle
lhe clrc| c|cne (c ve|| c lhe clher rec|m). | |nv||c|e yel everyvhere.
Jt|l |l|
ln cme c|cce. c h|ch ccncenlrcl|cn cf mcnc he|c mcc|c rclher lhcn h|ncer |l. fhee c|cce cre kncvn
c ccver |le cnc mcnc||ne. lcl ccver |le cre cu|le mc||: h|ccen ccve. crcllce. lcver. mcunlc|n.
cecche. ve||. crcrccc cnc c||ff. Nc cne kncv hcv cr vhy ccver |le ccme |nlc ex|lence. vhelher lhey
cre refecl|nc c ccl evenl cr recreenl|nc cme crl cf nclurc| effecl. When lhey c|ccver c ccver |le. mcc|
c|cn. c|r|l cnc clher /vckenec creclure ferce|y cucrc |l lc keec |l frcm ce|nc cecc||ec cr celrcyec.
lcnc||ne cccecr c myl|cc| ||ne cf enercy. r|cccn cf mcc|cc| ccver lhcl cr|crc c rec|cn. fhey cre fc|r|y
rcre. lhcuch lhey cccecr |n c|| ccrl cf lhe vcr|c. Cflen lhey ccnnecl ccver |le. ccl|nc c c crl cf mcnc
c|ce||ne. fhey cre kncvn cy mcny ncme: |ey ||ne |n lurcce. fenc |unc |n Ch|nc. cnc||ne cnc crecm cclh
cnc mcre. l|ke clher ccver |le. mcnc||ne cre ve|| cucrcec cy mcc|c|cn. ll | rumcrec lhcl cme |n|l|cle
hcve ceve|ccec melcmcc|cc| lechn|cue fcr mcn|cu|cl|nc mcnc||ne.
Pcver |le cnc mcnc||ne vcx cnc vcne cver l|me. lcnc||ne hcve c|c ceen kncvn lc cr|fl. chcnc|nc
c|recl|cn cr even ccnlcnecu|y fcc|nc cul cr cccecr|nc.
@l!l Jl\|
lcnc urce cre ||ke |nv||c|e lcrm cf mcc|cc| enercy. Pcrer cnc |nfn|le|y mcre vc|cl||e lhcn lhe lcnccrc
ccckcrcunc ccunl cf mcnc. mcnc urce ccn ccue lhe effecl cf mcc|c lc h|fl uncrec|clcc|y. lcnc urce
eem lc cccur uncer cerlc|n ccnc|l|cn uch c clrc|cc|cc| ccn|uncl|cn. cul c fcr nc cne hc ceen cc|e lc
crec|cl lhe fcrmcl|cn. |cccl|cn cr |nlen|ly cf c mcnc urce. fhey ccn cccur cnyvhere. cl cny l|me.

|l!| J| ||l|!|
fhere cre rec|m ceycnc lhe clrc| c|cne. c|cce kncvn cn|y lc |n|l|cle. vhc c|cne cmcnc melchumcn|ly hcve
lhe ccver lc lrcve| lc lhem. fhee c|cce cre lhe melcc|cne. cflen cc||ec lhe `h|cher. `|nner cr `culer c|cne
cf clrc| ccce. cecenc|nc cn vhcm ycu lc|k lc. ln lrulh. nc lhreec|men|cnc| reference ccn cc|nl lcvcrc lhe
melcc|cne. fhey cre cmevhere cul|ce lhe chy|cc| vcr|c c|lccelher.
fhere cre cn |nfn|le numcer cf melcc|cne. ll | kncvn lhcl fcur melcc|cne ccrreccnc lc lhe hermel|c e|emenl
cf ecrlh. c|r. fre cnc vcler. lcur clher ccrreccnc lc lhe c|ce cf nclurc| ccmc|n |n hcmcn|m: lhe rec|m cf
mcn. lhe vcler. lhe ky cnc lhe |cnc. lcc|c|cn mcy lrcve| lc cny melcc|cne. reccrc|e cf lhe|r lrcc|l|cn: hc
mcn ccn v||l lhe lelcc|cne cf l|re cnc mcce ccn lrcve| lc lhe lelcc|cne cf lcn. |f lhey fnc c neec.
l!| Jt||||l J! l!| l!l|!J|J
fc cec|n cn clrc| cuel. c chcrccler mul clrc||y crc|ecl lc c melcc|cne. ln|l|cle cc|e lc ue clrc| crc
|ecl|cn ccn cc c cn lhe|r cvn. lvery clrc| cuel cec|n |n lhe cme vcy: v|lh lhe cuelcr fccl|nc |n lhe
ccrk vc|c vhere lhe Dve||er cn lhe fhrehc|c ||ve.
fhe Dve||er cucrc lhe melcc|cne. Scme lrcc|l|cn cy lhe Dve||er recreenl lhe lrcve|er hcccv. cr ccrk
|ce. vh||e clher ce||eve |l hc cclec c c ccverfu| c|r|l cucrc|cn cf lhe ccle celveen vcr|c |nce l|me |m
memcr|c|. Whclever lhe cce. lhe Dve||er c|vcy recu|re c lel cefcre c lrcve|er ccn enler lhe melcc|cne.
fhe Dve||er hc nc el fcrm. vcry|nc |n cccecrcnce cnc cll|luce frcm meel|nc lc meel|nc. Generc||y. lhe
Dve||er cu|e | cmehcv re|evcnl lc lhe cuel cr lhe cuelcr. /n enemy. c |cvec cne cr c cececec
ccmrcce cre c|| cc|c|e fcrm. c | cn cccecrcnce lhcl fcrehcccv lh|nc lc ccme.
fhe Dve||er c|c kncv everylh|nc cccul cn clrc| lrcve|er: every cr|me. ecrel. c||c. numcerec ccnk cc
ccunl. everylh|nc.
ll!!|J @l\|
fhere cre cme lh|nc lhcl mcc|c |ul ccnl cc. fhe fc||cv|nc cre ccnnec frcm lhe Shcccvrun un|vere:
( Br|nc|nc ccck lhe cecc
( fe|eccrl|nc
( Genel|cc||y chcnc|nc c melchumcn rcce cr ex
( `Cur|nc melchumcn|ly
( f|me lrcve|

l|!J| |||
!lJJtlJ! l|l|| \|Jlll
T4lh Amendmenl..UC/S ccnl|lul|cnc| cmencmenl cf 23 vh|ch elcc||hec lhe Sylem lcenl|fccl|cn
Numcer (SlN) cnc recu|re c|| c|l|zen lc rec|ler. /nycne ncl cce|nc c SlN | ce|cnclec c `crcccl|cn
cry c|l|zen v|lh hcrc|y curlc||ec r|chl.
2X5../mcz|nc|y lrcnc Bfl ch|c lhcl c|recl effecl lhe uer cccy.
3-D..fhree D|mmen|cnc|
45 HeIIhounds..Gcnc |n Secll|e lelrcc|ex.
AbroxIs../ v|rluc| c|uc |n lhe lclr|x. cccu|cr v|lh hcccvrunner.
Aden../ crecler crcccn.
AgrIcorp../ ccrccrcl|cn cec|c||z|nc |n ccr|cu|lurc| cccc cnc crccucl.
Ahleno lrIbe..Ncl|ve /mer|ccn lr|ce.
AIomoIs../ crecler crcccn.
AIgonkIon-MonIlou OouncII (AMO)..Cne cf lhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn cf Ncrlh /mer|cc.
AmozonIo..fhe Sculh /mer|ccn ncl|cn nclcc|y ru|ec cy Huc|cc. c crecler crcccn.
AmerIndIons..Pecc|e |nc|cencu lc Ncrlh /mer|cc.
AncIenls../ Secll|e lelrcc|ex ccnc.
ArcoIogy../ mc|ve ccrccrcle cvnec enc|cec ccmc|ex lhcl hcue lhe emc|cyee cnc lhe|r fcm|||e cnc
c|| lhe cc|c| cmen|l|e c ve|| c lhe ccrccrcl|cn rec|cnc| HC
Ares lnduslrIes../ meccccrc lhcl cec|c||ze |n vecccn cnc ccce exc|crcl|cn
Ares MocrolechnoIogy..lcrmer ncme fcr /re |nculr|e
Ares Predolor hondgun../ cccu|cr lreel vecccn.
ArIeesh../ crecler crcccn.
Armonle../ 2Tl fch|cn ce|cner.
Arl (of mogIc)..ferm uec cy cme mcc|c crccl|cner vhen referenc|nc lhe ue cf mcc|c.
ArlIhcIoI InleIIIgence (Al)..lcch|ne creclec lhcl ccn |ncecencenl|y reccn cnc ccl uccn reccnec cec||cn.
ArlIhcIoI 5ensory lnduclIon 5yslem (A5l5I)..fhe revc|ul|cncry cflvcre lhcl c||cv lclr|x uer lc cerc|eve
lclr|x ue c c fu||y encry excer|ence.
AslroI pIone..Cne cf lhe kncvn c|cne cf ex|lence ccceec cy mcc|cc| creclure cnc mcc|c uer.
Alhobosko..fhe mc|cr lr|ce cf lhe ncl|cn cf lhe /lhccckcn ccunc||
Alhoboskon OouncII..Cne cf lhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn cf Ncrlh /mer|cc
AuslroIIo ond New IeoIond AIIIed OonfederolIon (ANIAO)..fhe muluc| cefene crcuc cf lhe ncmec ncl|cn
Aulo-IoodIng sholgun..Shclcun ul|||z|nc mcch|necun lechnc|ccy
Awokened, AwokenIng..ferm lc cecr|ce lhe recccecrence cf mcc|c |n lhe vcr|c
AyoloIIoh../ mu||m hc|y |eccer. fhe lerm fcr lhe |eccer cf lrcn
AzlechnoIogy../// |eve| meccccrc. Cne cf lhe `c|c len fhey cec|c||ze |n mcc|cc| lechnc|ccy.
AzlIon..fhe Cenlrc| cnc Sculh /mer|ccn ncl|cn lhcl exlenc frcm culhern fexc lc lhe Ncrlhern cccl cf
Sculh /mer|cc
oIkonIzed..fc ce c|v|ce frcm c crecler vhc|e |nlc mc||er crcuc cf |nc|v|cuc||y |eer ccver. Bcnn|ckcurn.
Pccerl l|cne| Bcnn|ckcurn../ hcccvrunner cf Ce|l|c cecenl.
eelIes (ILs)../ |cnc ncme fcr lhe ccc|cl|ve encry cn|y /SlSf. (|mene). ch|c
eller-Ihon-LIfe (IL).. fhe ccc|cl|ve encry cn|y /SlSf. (|mene). ch|c
Ig Ien..S|cnc lerm fcr lhe len mcl ccverfu| meccccrc
IgIo fomIIy..lcfc cr|me fcm||y cf lhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex
Io-ImpIonl../ ccc||y |mc|cnl lhcl funcl|cn c c melchumcn crccn.
Iowore..llem lhcl cre cr ue c|c|mc|cnl
Iock ops..Secrel. ||||c|l ccercl|cn crccn|zec cy ccrccrcl|cn cr ncl|cn.
Iood mogIc..lcc|c lhcl ue c|ccc c c cenlrc| ccmccnenl
Iood MounloIn oys..Secll|e ccnc
Iood PuppIes..Secll|e ccnc
ody MoII../ relc|| crec |n lhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex lhcl cec|c||ze |n c|cvcre cnc c|c|mc|cnl.
odywore..fechnc|ccy lhcl | ce|cnec lc ce |nccrccrclec cy c melchumcn cccy.
one IocIng../rl|fc|c||y lrenclhen|nc melchumcn ccne v|lh urc|cc||y lechn|cue.
reoslpIole../ c|ece cf crmcr lhcl ccver lhe chel cnc ccccmen cnc cflen lhe enl|re ccck.
uIIel lroIn../ lrcn|l lrc|n lhcl mcve cl necr ucercn|c ceec
urnoul..fc cverue |nlr|n|c mcc|c lc uch c cecree lc celrcy lhe ccccc|||ly cf nclurc||y u|nc mcc|c.
ushIdo..fhe ccce cf hcncr cf feucc| Jcccn cnc cec|fcc||y lhe|r kn|chl. cc||ec cmurc|
OoIIfornIo Free 5lole..Ncrlh /mer|ccn ncl|cn lhcl enccmcce ccrl cf lhe fcmer US/ lcle cf Cc||fcrn|c
OoploIn Ohoos..Pccu|cr Sylem Ccerclcr fcr lhe |||ecc| lclr|x cr|c. Shcccv|cnc
OorIbbeon Leogue../ |cce cc||lcc| cc||ecl|cn cf Ccr|ccecn |cnc lcle cnc culhern l|cr|cc
Ooscode Orow|ce cf lhe Sc||hSh|che Ccunc|| lhcl ccnlrc| Vcnccuver
Ooscode Ork lrIbe.. fr|ce cf lhe Sc||hSh|che Ccunc|| lhcl | reculec lc |nvc|vec |n mucc||nc.
ODI-T../n ecr|y lclr|x cycerceck
OeIedyr../ crecler crcccn
OhIbo Prefeclure../ cc||l|cc| rec|cn. much ||ke c ccunly. |n fckyc. Jcccn
OIub Penumbro../ cccu|cr ccvnlcvn c|uc |n lhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex
OommIIne../ fcerccl|c ccmmun|ccl|cn ||ne
OonfederolIon of AmerIcon 5loles (OA5)../ ncl|cn |n Ncrlh /mer|cc lhcl |cc|ey ccrcer lhe fcrmer rec|cn
cf lhe Tlh cenlury Ccnfecercle Slcle cf /mer|cc.
Oorp dolo (n.), corp-dolo (odi.)..Vc|ucc|e cclc creclec cnc lcrec cy ccrccrcl|cn. /|c cc||ec `ccycclc
Oorporole Oourl..Juc|c|c| cccy lhcl recu|cle lhe meccccrccrcl|cn. cnc lhu |nfuence mcl cf lhe
cc||l|cc| cc||c|e cn lcrlh
Oorporole scrIp, corpscrIp..lcney lhcl | |uec cy meccccrccrcl|cn lhcl ccn cn|y ce uec cn lhcl
ccrccrl|cn crccerly
OouncII lsIond..lcrmer|y lercer l|cnc |n lcke Wch|nclcn. S|le cf lhe N/N emccy lc UC/S
OouncII of Denver..Pu||nc ccunc|| cf lhe Denver lrecly zcne
OouncII of PrInces..Pu||nc Ccunc|| cf lhe ncl|cn cff|r fc|rnc|re
Orosh of '29..Wcr|c v|ce ccmculer cr|c crch |n 22
Orosh Ione../rec |n Pecmcnc. W/ lhcl | lhe unrecc|rec |le cf c c|cne crch
Orosh, lhe..See `Crch cf `2
OredslIck../ crylc||ne c|cl|c cclc lcrcce cev|ce lhcl erve c e|eclrcn|c mcney cnc ccn c|c erve c
cercnc| |cenl|fccl|cn
OredslIck reoder..l|eclrcn|c cev|ce lhcl ccn recc lhe |nfcrmcl|cn cn c crecl|ck.
Oross AppIIed IechnoIogIes OorporolIon (OAIOo)../ meccccrc ccec |n lhe ncl|cn cf Cuecec lhcl
cec|c||ze |n e|eclrcn|c lechnc|cc|e
OyberossossIn../n cc|n lhcl cec|c||ze cn k||||nc cycerceck uer cf lhe lclr|x.
Oybercombol..v|rluc| ccmccl v|lh|n lhe lclr|x.
Oybercommondo../ cec|c| fcrce un|l. uuc||y |n lhe h|re cf c ncl|cn cr meccccrc lhcl cec|c||ze |n lclr|x
ccec ccercl|cn.
OybercrImInoI../ cr|m|nc| vhc cec|c||ze |n lclr|xccec cr|me
Oyberdeck..fhe |nlerfcce neecec fcr c uer lc fu||y |nlerccl v|lh lhe lclr|x v|c lhe|r crcn|c| cclc|cck
Oyberdoc..S|cnc lerm fcr c ccclcr lhcl cec|c||ze |n cycernel|c cccy |mc|cnlcl|cn cnc recc|r.
OyberImpIonl../ lechnc|cc|cc| cev|ce lhcl cfler urc|cc| |mc|cnlcl|cn |mcrcve c cec|fc ccc||y
cr menlc| cllr|cule.
OyberIImb../ cycernel|c melchumcn crm cr |ec.
Oybermoncy..fhe ue cf mcc|c cnc cycernel|c lc keec c cercn c||ve cnc funcl|cnc| cfler lhcl cercn hc
|cl lhe|r ccc||y eence. cnc v||| lc ||ve.
OybermodIhed..Scmecne cr lh|nc lhcl hc ceen mcc|fec cy cycernel|c.
OybernelIc..fhe lucy cf ccmmun|ccl|cn cnc ccnlrc| crccee |n c|c|cc|cc|. mechcn|cc|. cnc e|eclrcn|c
ylem. |n c|c|cc|cc| cnc crl|fc|c| ylem
OyberspIne../n crl|fc|c| c|ne
OyberlechnIcIon../ mec|cc| lechn|c|cn cec|c||ze |n cycernel|c
OyberlermInoI..fhe lclr|x |nlerfcce lhcl cce ncl c||cv /SlSf |nlerfcce. luch ||ke lhe 2lh cenlury |nlernel.
Donle's lnferno..Pccu|cr Secll|e c|uc
Dolo hoven../ lclr|xccec cclc lcrcce |le cccu|cr v|lh hcccvrunner. uuc||y ccnlc|n ||||c|l |nfcrmcl|cn.
DolohIe../n e|eclrcn|c cclc f|e.
Doloiock..Cycernel|c |mc|cnl fcr melchumcn lhcl c||cv lhem lc fu||y |nlerfcce v|lh lhe lclr|x v|c c cycerceck.
Doloiock pIug..S|le fcr c|ucc|nc |n cn ccl|ve cclc|cck lc ccce lhe lclr|x.
DoloIIne../n lrecm|nc e|eclrcn|c curce cf cclc.
Decker..2Tl cenlury lerm fcr hccker.
DeeOee 5prowI.. fhe fcrmer lecerc| D|lr|cl cf Wch|nclcn
Democroles MondoIns..Pu||nc cc|l|cc| ccrly cf Cuecec.
Deus../n crl|fc|c| |nle|||cence ceve|ccec cnc evenluc||y celrcyec cy lhe Penrcku Ccrccrcl|cn.
DevII rol../n cvckenec ver|cn cf lhe lcnccrc fe|c rcl.
DevII's Iower..lcrce mec |n lhe Ncrlh /mer|ccn Sculhvel.
DIrecl NeuroI lnlerfoce (DNl)..ferm uec lc cecr|ce lhe |nlerfcce celveen ccmculer cnc melchumcn.
DocWogon..Pr|vcle ccrccrcl|cn lhcl cec|c||ze |n cn|le lrcumc reccne. Preferrec cy hcccvrunner.
Drogon../vckenec creclure cf everc| lrcc|l|cnc| mylhc|cc|e. Grecler crcccn cre |nle|||cenl
cnc ccn|cerec lhe mcl ccverfu| creclure cn lcrlh.
Dreom polh..Cu|lurc| ncme fcr ccnl|nuec ||ne cf |ncrecec mcnc ccncenlrcl|cn.
Drone..lechcn|cc| cev|ce ccnlrc||ec cy r|ccer. fhere cre reccnc|cnce cnc ccmccl ver|cn.
DruIdIsm..frcc|l|cnc| ccccn Ce|l|c re||c|cn cnc lhe mcc|c lhere|n.
Dry docks..Slruclure vhere h|c cre recc|rec.
Dump shock..lucue lcle enlerec cy cecker vhen lhey cre uccen|y cnc unexceclec|y remcvecfrcm
lhe lclr|x.
DunkeIzohn../ crecler crcccn cnc fcrmer Pre|cenl cf UC/S
DunkeIzohn's PIfl..S|le cf lhe clrc| r|fl creclec cy lhe exc|c|ve cre|cenl|c| cc|ncl|cn cf Dunke|zchn
Dworf, dworfs, dworven..ferm uec lc cecr|ce cercn cnc lh|nc ccc|clec v|lh Dvcrve.
Eosl Ooosl 5lock Exchonge..fhe lcck exchcnce |ccclec |n Bclcn. fcrmer|y |ccclec |n Nev Ycrk.
Echo MIroge..fhe frl ccmculer cr|c ccmmcncc lecm. Sccnerec cnc creclec cy lhe Un|lec Slcle.
EIeclrode nel..Dev|ce uec fcr uer lc ene lhe lclr|x v|lhcul lhe cenefl cf c mcre effc|enl. cclc|cck
EIf, eIves..lelchumcn rcce nclec fcr lhe chcrccler|l|c cf ||lhene. crecler lhcn ncrmc| he|chl c ve|| c
c|mcnc eye cnc cc|nlec ecr.
EmpIre of Jopon..fhe fcrmer 2lh cenlury Ncl|cn cf Jcccn. /l |l he|chl ccnlc|n|nc lhe ncl|cn cf Ncrlh cnc
Sculh Kcrec cnc mcny Pcc|fc l|cnc c ve|| c lhe Ph||||c|ne. (currenl|y uncercc|nc c c|v|| vcr). cnc lhe
Scn lrcnc|cc crec. (currenl|y ecec|nc).
EnlerprIse Ione..Ccrccrcle zcne vhere meccccrccrcl|cn en|cy lhcl lclu cf ncl|cn v|lh|n c hcl ncl|cn.
much ||ke cn emcccy.
E5P 5yslems..Ccrccrcl|cn vhere Dr. Hcclc H|k|lc crcunccreck|nc reecrch |nlc /SlSf lechnc|ccy cccurrec.
Essence.. fhe |nherenl ccnnecl|cn c melchumcn hc lc mcc|c cnc ||fe. Cycernel|c celrcy c c|l v|lh every
|mc|cnl |nlc c melchumcn cccy.
Euro-Wors..Per|cc cf vcrfcre frcm 23T24 cver much cf Cenlrc| cnc lclern lurcce.
Eye of lhe NeedIe..Pelcurcnl |n lhe Secll|e Sccce Neec|e
Fosliock../rcuc|y lhe mcl fcmcu cecker ever.
Feolhered serpenl..S|cnc lerm fcr c crcccn]crecler crcccn cenclyce.
Feng Iung..Ch|nee ncme fcr mcnc ||ne.
Frog..2Tl cenlury exc||c|l|ve lhcl ccn lcke lhe verc. ncun. cc|ecl|ve. crcncun cnc ccverc fcr.
Free 5lole of KonIgsberg..lurccecn ncl|cn creclec cy c ccc||l|cn cf ccrccrcl|cn.
FreeIonce..fc vcrk fcr cnee|f.
FuchI lnduslrIoI EIeclronIcs..lcrmer meccccrc celrcyec cy ccmccny |nfchl|nc |n 25.
Oonger../ memcer cf c lreel ccnc. c yculh reemc||nc c ccnc lreel ccnc memcer
Ohosl Donce..fhe crecl cclher|nc cf mcc|cc| enercy fcr lhe curcce cf vcr cy lhe /mer|nc|cn lr|ce.
Ohosl Donce Wor..Wcr celveen lhe Scvere|cn fr|cc| Ccunc|| cnc lhe fcrmer ncl|cn cf Ccnccc cnc lhe
Un|lec Slcle 2T42T8
OhoslwoIker..Ncl|ve /mer|ccn fchl|nc cn lhe |ce cf lhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn |n lhe Ghcl Dcnce Wcr.
OIrI..Jcccnee fcr culy
OIoboI FInoncIoI 5ervIces..l|ncnc|c| Crccn|zcl|cn lhcl rec|ccec lhe Wcr|c Bcnk |n 22. lcler ceccme lhe
/ur|chCrc|lc| Geme|nchcfl Bcnk |n 232
OobIInIzolIon..ferm uec lc cecr|ce ccnlcnecu Unexc|c|nec Genel|c lxcre|cn.
Oo-gonger../ memecer cf c ccccnc
Oo-gongs..Slreel ccnc feclur|nc lreel rcce cuc||ly mclcrcyc|e. Gcnc eem mcre ccncernec v|lh
crecl|nc v|c|ence lhcn cnylh|nc e|e.
Oroy morkel..fhe lh|n crec cf cu|ne celveen |ec|l|mcle cu|ne cnc lhe ||||c|l c|cck mcrkel.
Oroywore..Prccucl ce|cnec fcr lhe crcy mcrkel.
Oreol drogon..lnle|||cenl cnc ||chl|y |crcer ver|cn cf lhe cvckenec crcccn.
Oreol eoslern drogon../|cn cenclyce cf c crecl crcccn.
Oreol feolhered serpenl..H|ccn|c cenclyce cf c crecl crcccn
Oreol weslern drogon..lurccecn cnc Ncrlh /mer|ccn cenclyce cf c crecl crcccn
Heodwore..Cycernel|c ce|cnec fcr lhe crcn|um
HermelIc moge..lcc|c crccl|cner vhc ue lrcc|l|cnc| lurccecn mcc|c.
Hesloby../ crecler crcccn. ru|er cf lhe Shclc mcunlc|n rcnce |n Cc||fcrn|c.
HIlcher iock../ ncn|nlru|ve cclc |cck lhcl c||cv c v|ever lc v|lne lhe lclr|x v|c c
ccnecl|cn v|lh c |cckec |n lclr|x uer.
Hougon../ crccl|cner cf vccccc necrcmcncy
Hovercrofl..veh|c|e ul|||z|nc hcver lechnc|ccy
HuoIpo../ crecler crcccn cnc ru|er cf lhe ncl|cn cf /mczcn|c.
Humon-Melohumon VompIrIc VIrus (HMHVV)..V|ru vh|ch ccue vcmc|r|m.
lIIegoI-occess iockpoInl../n unrec|lerec lclr|x |cck cc|nl.
ln lmogo DeI..ferm mecn|nc `ln Gcc lmcce.
lnlrusIon Oounlermeosures (lO)..Secur|ly mecure ul|||zec |n lhe mclr|x cy ccrccrcl|cn cnc ncl|cn.
lrenIs..fhe c|c|e c|l|zen cf f|r fc|rnc|re.
Jock.. cc|nl cf enlry lc lhe lclr|x fcr c uer.
Jock In, iock oul (v.)..fc enler cnc |ecve lhe lclr|x.
Jommer..Ul|||ly lcc| uec cy r|ccer.
Joponese lmperIoI 5lole..See lmc|re cf Jcccn.
KochIno 5ocIely..Secrel Crccz|zcl|cn lhcl | rumcrec lc ccnlrc| lhe Ule Ncl|cn
Kolono../ lyce cf Jcccnee vcrc. leclurec vecccn cf lhe cmurc| cf feucc| Jcccn.
KnIghl Erronl 5ecurIly..Secur|ly uc|cercry cf /re lnculr|e cnc r|vc| cf lcne Slcr.
Koreon OonhIcl..fhe Jcccnee lckecver cf Kcrec.
Krewes..Crec|e ncme cf crccn|zec cr|me ccnc.
Logronge PoInls..fhe crcv|lcl|cnc||y neulrc| cc|nl creclec cy lhe cc|cnce cf lhe mccn cnc lcrlh muluc|
crcv|lcl|cnc| cu||
Ley IIne../nclher eurccecn ncme fcr mcnc ||ne.
Lofwyr..Grecler Drcccn cnc c|e cvner cf ScecerKrucc Hecvy lnculr|e.
Lone EogIe IncIdenl..lnc|cenl |n 2 vhen c crcuc cf /mer|nc|cn cuerr||c lcck ccnlrc| cf c U.S. m|||e ||c.
Lone 5lor 5ecurIly OorporolIon..Wcr|c |crcel cr|vcle ecur|ly ccmccny.
Low-IIghl goggIes..Gccc|e lhcl encc|e c cercn lc ee |n |cv||chl.
Low-IIghl vIsIon..fhe |nherenl nclurc| cc|||ly lc ee |n |cv||chl.
Lung..Grecler crcccn cf /|cn cenclyce.
Moge..Prccl|cner cf mcc|c.
Mokoh|cc| crcuc cf lhe Sc||hSh|che ncl|cn.
Mono..fhe mcc|cc| enercy lhcl re|ce |n c|| ||v|nc lh|nc.
Mono slorm../lrc||y ccec lcrm cf mcnc enercy lhcl ccn v|c|enl|y effecl lhe cr|me mcler|c| c|cne.
Mono surge../ uccen ucv|nc |n lhe mcnc ccncenlrcl|cn cf cn crec.
MonoIIne../ ceccrcch|c ||ne cf ccncenlrclec mcnc enercy.
Mosoru..Grecler crcccn |ecc||nc lhe Ph||||c|nc revc|ul|cn v lhe lmc|re cf Jcccn.
Mossochusells lnslIlule of IechnoIogy ond Ihoumolurgy..fhe fcrmer llf un|ver|ly.
MolrIx..fhe vcr|c v|ce ccmculer cr|c lhcl |crce|y ccnlrc| c|| ccmmun|ccl|cn. fncnce cnc cclc.
MolrIx 5ervIce ProvIder../. (uuc||y). fcr crcfl crcuc lhcl crcv|ce ccce lc lhe lclr|x.
MolrIx Worbond..lclr|x ccmmcncc lecm cf lhe S|cux ncl|cn.
MolrIxwore..Cycernel|c |mc|cnl cnc cccy crccucl |nlencec fcr lclr|x |nlerfcce.
MedkIl../ mec|cc| k|l
Medwore..Prccucl]|mc|cnl |nlencec fcr mec|cc| ue.
MerIyns../ Secll|e lelrcc|ex ccec ccnc.
Melohumon, melohumonIly..ferm uec lc cefne lhe humcnc|c rcce cf lhe 2Tl cenlury.
MelomogIcoI..Nclurc||y cccur|nc cc|||l|e |n cvckenec creclure cnc melchumcn.
Melo-nolIon..Ncl|cn creclec cnc ccvernec cy lhe melchumcn rcce.
MelopIone(s)../n |nfn|le numcer cf exlrcc|cncr ex|lence frcm ecrlh|y e|emenl. (fre. vcler. elc). lc humcn
ccncecl. (cncer. ccne)
MelopIone of FIre..lxlrcc|cncr c|men|cn ccce|c|e lc excerl mcc|c crccl|cner cnc ncl|ve melccreclure
Melolype..fhe /vckenec cr mcc|cc| ver|cn cf fcrc cnc fcunc
lelropIex, 'pIex../ ccnl|cucu urccn cenler. feclur|nc T cr mcre mc|cr c|l|e
MIcron..c melr|c un|l cf |enclh ecuc| lc cne m||||cnlh cf c meler
MIcro-oplIcoI processors..crccecr uec |n cycernel|c eye
MIddIemon../ cercn vhc fcc|||lcle cec|mck|nc. cclh |ec|mcle cnc ||||c|le.
MIndbender..S|cnc lerm fcr Bfl ch|c.
MIlsuhomo Oompuler IechnoIogy../ meccccrc cec|c||z|nc |n c|| ccmculer ue.
Moio-mon, moio-men..S|cnc lerm fcr c mcc|c uer.
Mr. Johnson, Johnson../n ccenl cr cercn vhc fcc|||lcle cec|mck|nc celveen hcccvrunner cnc lhe|r c||enl.
Ml. 5hoslo..lcunlc|n |n Ncrlhern Cc||fcrn|c cnc |c|r cf Helccy. c crecler crcccn.
MuioiI..c crecler crcccn kncvn c lhe `Pc|n Cueen cf /fr|cc. | c crecl feclherec ercenl v|lh c |c|r necr
lhe Ccce cf Gccc Hcce
Myomer, myomers.. /rl|fc|c| muc|e creclec cf vcr|cu cc|ymer cnc clher ynlhel|c mcler|c|.
NonomochIne..lcch|ne lhcl | creclec v|lh ncnclechnc|ccy
Nonosecond uyoul..fhe fcmcu lcck cuycul cf 233 Cf /re lccrclechnc|ccy cy Dcm|en Kn|chl
Nonolech..fechnc|ccy |nccrccrcle m|crcc|c|ccy cnc e|eclrcn|c lc crecle l|ny c|c|cc|c mcch|ne lhcl ccn
ccrry cul crccrcmec lck v|lh|n c c|c|cc|c hcl.
Norcoiecl../ lyce cf cruc ccm|n|ler lhcl ue ccmcreec cre lc `hccl lhe cruc |nlc lhe rec|c|enl.
NolIve AmerIcon NolIons (NAN)..fhe cc||ecl|cn cf Ncrlh /merccn ncl|cn lhcl vere fcrmec cy lhe
v|clcr|cu /mer|nc|cn Scver|cn fr|cc| Ccunc||
Nepeon Acl..Ccncc|cn ccl cf 2 lhcl |ecc||zec fcrcec |nlernmenl cf /mer|nc|cn
Nexus..fhe cn|y vcr|c v|ce ||||c|l ccmculer cr|c .
NIghl of Poge..lcccre cf huncrec cf melchumcn |n Secll|e |n 23
Norlh AmerIcon lndIon Wor..Wcr cf Ncl|ve /mer|ccn. (vh|ch lhey vcn). |n Ncrlh /mer|cc frcm 2T22T8
Novolech lncorporoled..leccccrc lhcl vc creclec cul cf lhe che cf luch| lnccrccrclec.
Nuyen..fhe vcr|c v|ce mcnelcry un|l cf lhe 2Tl cenlury.
OperolIon PecIprocIly..l|||lcry ccercl|cn cncl|cnec cy lhe Ccrccrcle Ccurl ccc|nl lhe ncl|cn cf /lz|cn |n 248.
Ork 0nderground..Uncercrcunc ne|chccrhccc cf lhe Secll|e melrcc|ex ccm|nclec cy crk cnc lrc||.
Ork, orks.. Hcmc cc|en rcculu. cre much lcucher. lrcncer cnc |e chcr|mcl|c lhcn humcn. fhey c|c
eem cn cvercce lc ce |e ccule. cr |nle|||cenl. lhcn humcn. fhey hcve |cv||chl v||cn
l|/|cc| crcuc ccm|nclec cy creleen ch||cren vhcm hcve ceen rumcrec lc ce cc|e lc ccce lhe
lclr|x v|lhcul neec cf lechnc|ccy.
Oyobun..Jcccnee ncme fcr c cc
Porocreolure../n cvckenec cn|mc|.
Poydolo..fhe lerm lc c|c|fy cclc lc|en frcm lhe lclr|x fcr crcfl.
PoIIcIub..Pcc|l. humcn cn|y crccn|zcl|cn.
Power sIle..S|le cf h|ch mcnc ccncenlrcl|cn.
ProbolIonory cIlIzen.. /nycne ncl cce|nc c SlN |n UC/S cnc mcny clher ncl|cn
PuebIo Oorporole OouncII (POO)..Ncl|cn |n lhe Ncrlh /mer|ccn Sculhvel cnc N/N memcer.
PuebIo OrId..fhe lclr|x cr|c creclec cnc run cy lhe PCC cnc ccn|cerec lhe vcr|cmcl cch|l|cclec
ccmculer cr|c.
Ou'ron..fhe lu||m hc|y ccck
Pedmond orrens..fhe curnl cul cnc ccre|y cccu|clec remc|n cf Pecmcnc. Wch|nclcn.
Pe-educolIon ond PeIocolIon Acl..(2) US ccl lhcl c||cvec lhe fcrcec |nlernmenl cf /mer|nc|cn.
Penroku ArcoIogy../rcc|ccy cf lhe Penrcku ccrccrcl|cn |n Secll|e.
Penroku OorporolIon../ meccccrcc cec|c||z|nc |n mclr|xvcre cnc ccmculer lechnc|ccy.
PhIne-Phur MegopIex..fhe Ccrccrcle Hecccucrler cf ScecerKrucc cnc lhe |c|r cf lcfvyr
Phonobwy..Grecler velern crcccn cf Wc|e kncvn lc ce c vcrcc|cu crl cc||eclcr.
PIgger../ cercn vhc ue c cec|c||zec crcn|c| |mc|cnl. (veh|cc| ccnlrc| r|c). lc c||cl veh|c|e.
Punner../nclher lerm fcr hcccvrunner
Pyumyo../ crecler /|cn crcccn vhc | lhe hcccv ccver ceh|nc mcny Jcccnee ccrccrcl|cn.
5oeder-Krupp Heovy lnduslrIes..Germcn ccec meccccrc cvnec cy lhe crecler crcccn lcvvyr.
KeIiI 5oIlo, proleclorole generoI, OF5..Pece|||cu Jcccnee cenerc| cnc c|clclcr cf lhe Cc||fcrn|c Prcleclcrcle.
5oIorymon..fhe lerm fcr lhe ccrccrcle `everymcn cf Shcccvrun cc|ely.
5oIIsh lrIbe..Dcm|ncnl /mer|nc|cn lr|ce cf lhe Sc||hSh|che Ccunc||. c ncl|cn |n Ncrlh /mer|cc.
5oIIsh-5hIdhe OouncII (55O).. Ncl|cn |n Ncrlh /mer|cc. ccm|nclec cy /mer|nc|cn cnc e|ve.
5olcheI of FIome..lcc|cc| lc||mcn uec |n ccmccl.
5colsprowI.. lhe hecv||y urccn|zec vclh cf |cnc celveen G|cccv cnc lc|ncurch. Sccl|cnc
5moke grenode..lxc|c|ve cev|ce lhcl re|ece c c||nc|nc cmcunl cf mcke.
5ongIIne../ccr|c|nc| ncme fcr c mcnc ||ne.
5ony Oybersyslems..Scny cycervcre c|v||cn
5ouI polch..Vcr|el|e cf hcrl mc|e fcc|c| hc|r crcvlh celveen |cver ||c cnc ch|n
5overeIgn AmerIcon lndIon Movemenl..lcr|y 2Tl cenlury /mer|nc|cn cuer|||c crcuc lhcl | cflen c|cmec fcr
Ncrlh /mer|ccn vcr cf 2T22T8
5overeIgn IrIboI OouncII (5IO)..Gcvern|nc ccunc|| cf lhe /mer|nc|cn ecerl|l cur|nc lhe Ncrlh /mer|ccn
vcr cf 2T22T8
5oyoko..Shcccv ccver crcuc v|lh|n lhe PCC
5pocepIone..P|cne ccccc|e cf creck|nc free cf lcrlh crcv|ly |nlc crc|l.
5peII(s)..lcc|c fcrmu|ce lhcl cre uec cy mcny mcc|c uer cnc uuc||y reccrcec.
5perenlhIeI..fhe e|v|h |cncucce
5pIkes, Ihe../ cc||c|uc |n lhe Slcll|e lelrcc|ex
5pIn doclor..Puc||c re|cl|cn crcfe|cnc| vhce |cc |l | lc |mcrcve mec|c lcr|e fcr lhe cccc cf lhe|r c||enl.
5prowI..fhe vcl lrelche cf uclcnccrc urccn ccmmunl|e.
5lImkIl..Dermc| l|mu|cnl |nlencec fcr mec|cc| ue.
5lreel somuroI..S|cnc lerm fcr hcccvrunner vhc cec|c||ze |n ccmccl cnc chy|cc| ceruc|cn.
5un Donce../nnuc| mcc|cc| ceremcny cf lhe lckclc S|cux
5unnI MusIIm..lcrcel ecl cf lhe l|cm|c fc|lh.
5ysop..Pccu|cr ccrcnym fcr c ylem ccerclcr cf c ccmculer nelvcrk cr cr|c.
5yslem lndenlIhcolIon Number (5lN)..fhe ncl|cnc| c|l|zen |cenl|fccl|cn ylem |nl|lulec |n lhe UC/S cnc
cccclec cy mcl mccern ncl|cn.
IoIes of AlIonlIs../ cccu|cr UC/S lr|cec hcv.
IoIIsIeggIng..fhe |||ecc| cc||ecl|cn cnc mucc||nc cf mcc|cc| lc||mcn cnc crl|fccl.
Ion IIen../ |eve| meccccrc ccec |n Ch|nc v|lh nc cec|fc cec|c||zcl|cn cr emchc|.
I-bIrd..S|cnc lerm fcr lhe cccu|cr vcr|cl|cn cf lhe fhuncerc|rc he||cccler cnc |l c||cl.
Iehron..lcrmer ccc|lc| cf fehrcn celrcyec cy lhe crecler crcccn /cen.
IeIeslroIn lnduslrIes../ |eve| meccccrc |n lhe ncl|cn cf f|r fc|rc|re cec|c||z|nc |n hecvy |nculry.
IenochlIlIon..Ccc|lc| cf /lz|cn
IhermogrophIc vIsIon..fhe cc|||ly lc ee lhe |nfrcrec ||chl ceclrum.
IhIrd-lIer corp../nclher ncme fcr / |ever meccccrc.
IhrIII gong../ lreel ccnc vhce c|e curcce | v|c|ence fcr enlerlc|nmenl.
IIr IoIrngIre..l|ven ncl|cn cn lhe Ncrlh Welern cccl cf Ncrlh /mer|cc.
IoxIc shomon..lcc|c uer vhc cec|c||ze |n lhe mcc|cc| ue cf lcx|c uclcnce. Uuc||y
cncrch|c cercnc||l|e.
Ironcer../ |cnc lerm fcr Bfl ch|c
Irons-PoIor AIeul nolIon..fhe ncl|cn lhcl | ccnl|cucu frcm Ncrlh /mer|cc lc /|c c|cnc lhe cc|cr rec|cn cf
lhe vcr|c cnc enccmcc|n lhe |ce ccc.
Ironsys OorporolIon..// |eve| meccccrc cec|c||z|nc |n ccmmun|ccl|cn cnc cycer||mc.
Ironsys Neuronel../nclher ncme fcr lhe frcny Ccrccrcl|cn.
Ireoly of Denver..frecly cf 2T8 lhcl crcnlec lhe Scvere|cn fr|cc| Ccunc|| r|chl lc mcl cf Welern Ncrlh
/mer|cc lhcl creclec lhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn cul cf Ccnccc cnc lhe Un|lec Slcle.
Ireoly of PIchmond..frecly cf 234 lhcl creclec lhe Ccnfecercl|cn cf /mer|ccn Slcle cul cf UC/S
IrIod..fhe ncme fcr c Ch|nee crccn|zec cr|me ccnc.
IrIdeo..fhe ncme fcr lhe ceucc lhree c|men|cnc| v|cec lhcl ncv ccm|ncle f|m cnc hcme.
IrIdeo pIrole../ nev reccrler lhcl ue c c|rcle ccmmun|ccl|cn |cnc| lc enc lhe|r mecce lc lr|cec v|ever
IroII, lroIIs..Hcmc cc|en |ncenl|. fhey cre c |cl lcucher. |cver. lrcncer. |e chcr|mcl|c. |e ccule cnc
|e v|||fu| lhcn humcn. fhey hcve lhermccrcch|c v||cn. |cnc crm lhcl c|ve lhem cn ccvcnlcce |n hcnc
lchcnc ccmccl. cnc exlreme|y lcuch k|n v|lh ccny cecc|l lhcl mcke lhem mcre re|lcnl lc ccmcce.
Irue AmerIcon|cr cc||l|cc| ccrly |n lhe C/S
IsImshIon..lcc|l ncl|cn cn lhe Ncrlh Welern cccl cf Ncrlh /mer|cc.
IukwIIo VIpers..Gcnc |n lhe Secll|e lelrcc|ex.
Iyeel..Pccu|cr hcme lr|cec crccrcm |n lhe S|cux Ncl|cn
0nexpIoIned OenelIc ExpressIon (0OE)..Ncme cf lhe c|rlh cf melchumcn ch||cren lc humcn ccrenl.
0nIled OonodIon ond AmerIcon 5loles (0OA5)..fhe fcrmer ncl|cn cf Ccnccc cnc lhe Un|lec Slcle m|nu
lhe N/N cnc C/S.
0nIversoI MolrIx 5londords (0M5)..G|ccc| lcnccrc fcr lhe lclr|x. vh|ch cre |cce|y enfcrcec cy lhe vcr|c
ncl|cn cnc meccccrc.
0nIversoI OmnIlech..// |eve| meccccrc. lhcl | cl lhe fcrefrcnl cf mec|cc| lechnc|ccy cnc erv|ce
0nIversIly of Oheyenne..Cne cf lhe lcc un|ver|l|e |n lhe vcr|c. Scec|c||ze |n lechnc|cc|c reecrch.
0le NolIon..fhe Ncl|ve /mer|ccn Ncl|cn |n Sculh Welern Ncrlh /mer|ccn.
VompIre..fhe lerm fcr cmecne vhc hc ceccme |nfeclec v|lh lhe Humcnlelchumcn Vcmc|r|c V|ru. (HlHVV)
VehIcIe conlroI rIg..fhe cccy |mc|cnl nececry fcr r|ccer lc hcve lhe v|cerec| ccnlrc| cf lhe|r veh|c|e
VIbro bIode sword../ mccern vcrc. v|lh c v|crcl|nc ecce ccccc|e cf cull|nc lhrcuch c|| cul lhe
lcuchel mcler|c|.
VIdphone..Phcne v|lh c v|cec creen.
VIdscreen../nclher ncme fcr c v|cec creen
VIroIIy lnduced IoxIc AIIergy 5yndrome (VlIA5)..fhe cevclcl|nc v|ru lhcl rencer humcn & melchumcn
c||erc|c lc mcl uclcnce. fhe frl vcve k|||ec 25 cf lhe c|ccc| cccu|cce
VIrluoI ofhce../ cu|ne cffce cn lhe lclr|x.
VIrluoI 5lock Exchonge..fhe Jcccnee lcck exchcnce.
Voodoo..fhe lrcc|cnc| mcc|c cf Hc|l|.
WokozoshI..fhe hcrlvcrc cf feucc| Jcccn. Pcrlnerec v|lh lhe kclcnc. lhe vckczch| | lhe lrcc|l|cnc|
ymcc| cf lhe cmurc|.
WorpdrIve 5yslems../ |eve meccccrc ccec |n lhe Denver.
Wolodo cIon..Ccnlrc|||nc fcm||y cf lhe Jcccnee Yckuzc. lhe Jcccnee crccn|zec cr|me crcuc.
Wolergole holeI..lcmcu hcle| |n lhe DeeCee. |le cf Pre|cenl Dunke|zchn cc|ncl|cn cnc ucecuenl
clrc| r|fl.
WIcco..Pcccn fc|lh fccu|nc cn nclure cnc c hcrmcn|cu re|cl|cnh|c v|lh |l.
WIIdcols..Scec|c| lcrce cf lhe S|cux Ncl|cn. Ccn|cerec cne cf lhe vcr|c cel Sl crcuc.
WuxIng..Cne cf lhe /// |eve| meccccrc. Cne cf lhe `c|c len Bcec |n Ch|nc cnc S|cer|c
Wyrm IoIk..lcrmer lc|k hcv lc lhe crecler crcccn Dunke|zchn.
YokoshImo..// |eve| meccccrc. ccec |n lhe lmc|re cf Jcccn
Yokuzo..fhe Jcccnee crccn|zec cr|me crcuc.
Yomolelsu../// meccccrc. cne cf lhe `c|c len fcrmer|y ccec |n Jcccn ncv ccec |n lhe free lrcce c|ly cf
V|cc|vclck. Pu|c
Yucolon..fhe velern cen|nu|c cf lhe lex|ccn cccl. S|le cf c c|v|| vcr v|lh|n /lz|cn.
Ielo-lmpOhem..// |eve| meccccrc ccec |n lhe Germcn /|||cnce.
IurIch-OrbIloI OemeInschofl onk..Sv| ccec fncce crcuc vh|ch rec|ccec lhe Wcr|c Bcnk |n 22 c
G|ccc| l|ncnc|c| Serv|ce. Pencmec /CGB vhen mcvec lc lhe /ur|chCrc|lc| Hcc|lcl |n 23233
IurIch-OrbIloI HobIlol..fhe /re lnculr|e cvnec ncme fcr lhe lhe fcrmer `lreeccm ccce lcl|cn.

También podría gustarte