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AMazing TD Tower Defense

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Johan Kruger
660 KB
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AMazing TD Tower Defense Juego de Java

Here is a free touch screeen tower defence game that Ive been developing for a while.
It has only been tested on a Nokia 5800 XM so I dont know if it works on any other S60v5 phones.
This is just a beta version, the game needs some more balancing and the graphics can be improved.
Please let me know of any bugs youll find. Anyway, I hope youll like it.

Known bugs in v0.91.54
1) LaserTower is bugged, avoid upgrading it higher than level 2. EDIT 2010-03-20: This bug has been fixed in v0.96.32

2010-03-20 New version v0.96.32
Here is a new version of the game. The LaserTower bug has been fixed and there are many new features.
The graphics have been improved thanks to Zuut.
This is still a beta version.

Change log v0.96.32
* 4 New Towers: MoneyTower, SniperTower, DetectorTower, TrackingTower (total 10 now).
* 5 New levels (total 13 now, including bonus).
* See info on placed towers.
* More level info (like wavenumber & time to next wave).
* Killed enemies can spawn bonus gold coins.
* Background menu graphics.
* Improved tower graphics, that change when you upgrade.
* Improved most monster graphics.
* Fixed laser level 3+ that teleported enemies to up-left corner & froze game.
* Rebalanced most of the towers.
* More time until first wave is released
* Increased minimum wave bonus.
* Reduced battery drain while game is paused.
* And more

Known bugs in v0.96.32
1) Confirmed: Some enemies in level 5 escape from the path and continues until they go out of the screen making it impossible to continue on that level. (Reported by vjivkov)
2) Confirmed: When answering an incomming call using the green button during gameplay the is not paused. (Reported by angelkiller in v0.96.32)
3) Reported: ForceField Tower upgrade 8 is free. (Reported by torrez 2.5)

2010-05-18 New version v0.98.97
This version includes bigger towers, visual improvements and its now easier to position the towers in the game.

Change log v0.98.97:
* Fixed: Spark enemies going outside level (bug 1 in v0.96.32).
* Fixed: After last tower upgrade level the menu now shows Max upgraded.
* New: Towers are now 50% bigger.
* New: Indication of valid position when building towers.
* New: Indication of slow down, stun and poison spell on enemies.
* New: Tower position can be adjusted using arrow buttons before finalizing the position by pressing on the tower. This can be turned off by setting the Tower adj option to Off.
* New: Possibility to reset all high scores in the options screen.
* New: Level 14.
* New: Cool level backgrounds thanks to Zuut.
* New: Bonus levels are now indicated by stars on the levels map screen.
* New: Healthbar changes color according to how many health points the enemy has left.
- Green < 50
- Lime < 100
- Yellow < 200
- Orange < 500
- Red < 1000
- Pink < 2000 Purple >= 2000
* New: Send now-button for releasing next enemy wave earlier.
* Changed: Much nicer menu buttons.
* Changed: Removed grid.
* Changed: Wave 20 in Level 4 was too hard.
* Changed: Increased time between waves to 20s (30s to first wave).
* Changed: All towers have 7 upgrade levels instead of 8.
* Changed: Some enemies are more resistant to bullets from specific towers.
* Changed: Now clicking a tower shows its radious, clicking again shows the popup menu.
* Changed: After upgrading a tower, now the popup menu remains visible.
* Changed: Renamed towers:
- LaserTower -> Pulsed Laser
- RapidTower -> Chaingun
- ArrowTower -> Autobow
- BombTower -> Mortar
- TrackingTower -> Tracking Laser
* Changed: Tower balancing:
- Chaingun more powerful.
- ForceField more powerful.
- SniperTower weaker.

Known bugs in v0.98.97
1) Confirmed: When answering an incomming call using the green button during gameplay the is not paused. (Reported by angelkiller in v0.96.32)

Suggestions Updated 2010-04-17
Below is a list of suggested game improvements from users in this forum. It has been compiled by Zuut with some adjustments by me (Xtream ).
NOTE: These are only suggestions and there is no guarantee they will be implemented. The point of the list is to avoid posting suggestions/issues that are already known.


*Levels that are too hard: 9 (wave 2), 11, 12.
*Towers that are not good enough: Tracking, Slow, Bomb, Rapid & Forcefield.
*SlowTower: Improve last 2 upgrades.
*Upgraded towers are not good enough.
*Longer time between waves (5s=>10s).
*Level4 too much money initially.


*Reset all high scores.
*Difficulty Easy, Normal, Hard.
*Classic graphics.
*Not show full health b

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