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The Specialist

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The Specialist is a 1994 American action film about a former CIA operative turned hit man, an old colleague out to kill him, and a woman seeking revenge for her murdered parents.

Directed by Luis Llosa. Written by Alexandra Seroes, partly based on The Specialist book series by John Shirley.
Killing is his profession. Revenge is her goal. Together they take on the battle against the underworld of Miami.taglines

Ned Trent

  • [blocks off old couple trying to get on elevator with him and his goons] Where are you going? Hey, use the stairs, this one's full. Get outta here! [notices the old man's brightly colored shirt] Get a new shirt.


[outside a Miami night club, Ray Quick sees Tomas Leon romancing May Munro/Adrian Hastings. Tomas notices him looking at them as he passes by]
Tomas Leon: Hey, you! [Ray looks around] Yeah, I'm talking to you. You think you know me? I asked you a question. You think you know me? 'Cause the way you're looking at me, we must be old friends. Where did we meet?
Ray Quick: Nowhere.
Tomas: [grabs Ray] Nowhere. You like the bitch? Huh? [Ray starts to walks away but Tomas grabs him] Maybe you like me.
Ray: No, I don't like you.
Tomas: Then don't stare so hard. Somebody could... [pulls out switchblade] put something in your eye.

[At the Miami PD bomb squad office, Ned Trent is frustrated at the police's stonewalling of full cooperation with him, and notices a workbench]
Ned Trent: This is, uh... Shouldn't this be in the lock-up? I mean, I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. You guys are the experts. Maybe you don't need me. I mean, like what is this? This is... [smells] This is Semtex. Am I right? Plastique, correct? Plastic explosive. Am I right? You're the expert. This could blow up this whole area, and if this area goes... the whole building could go up. [starts assembling a bomb] Am I right? I don't know. Maybe if I put this in here... What else do we have here? This is a plunger detonator, right? And that's a little mini-receiver. This looks like American circuitry to me. Call me a patriot, but American craftsmanship is the greatest. Watch. Here we go. Let's see. Perfect fit, first time, every time. Screw it on. One little twist. And, voila. A perfect receiver bomb. Which of course is absolutely worthless without a ... transmitter, but hey [activates console] Twenty seconds, and we're hot. [puts plunger detonator to bomb package offers bomb to officer] Okay, now deactivate it, you sanctimonious prick!
Officer: Cut that shit Trent!
Ned: Oh yeah? Huh?
Officer: Okay, you made your point, all right?
Ned: Have I? Huh?
Officer: That's enough!
Ned: What do you mean that's enough? You think I give a sh*t if this whole fucking block goes up?! I don't! You've had enough. Is that what you're saying? [tosses bomb at officer]
Officer: Yes, that's what I'm saying. Enough is enough! I can't do it.
Ned: [reads clock] Twelve.
Officer: What the hell, are you crazy or something? [gives detonator back to Trent, but the clock still ticks down]
Ned: I'm the craziest person you'll ever meet in your life. Six. Five. Four. Three.
Officer: Please!
Ned: [turns off bomb] Now, here's a tip you take care of the shit work. And leave the fox at the party to me. Okay? We on the same page? Ace?

[At a poolside resort, Ray switches a cup and saucer with his own set to kill Tomas, but is surprised to see May enter Tomas' room]
Tomas Leon: [to May] Just a second. [picks up cup for a drink]
May Munro/Adrian Hastings: May Munro. [Tomas looks at her for a second before the bomb blows up in his face]

[Ray responds to another BBS message board ad's number but something is not right with the response]
Ray Quick: Who is this?
Woman: She's okay. She wants to meet you.
Ray: No, I don't think so. Put Trent on the line.
Woman: What did you say?
Ray: Trent. He's standing next to you. I want to talk to him. Put him on the line! [woman puts down her headset and Ray's voice booms inside the police surveillance room] Ned, can you hear me? Talk to me. Talk to me, Ned. Your playmates know what kind of man you are? Why the Agency fired you? That killing people was like jerking off for you? Watching those bloody bodies going though the air gets you off. [as Trent nudges an officer to run a trace] Talk to me. When you crawl into your hole at night alone... and you are alone, aren't you? Tell me what burns you the most. Losing your job as a CIA attack dog... or knowing that I turned you in and I'm still alive? Talk to me! You'll sell your service to the highest bidder! You stinking maggot!
Ned Trent: Fuck you, Ray! FUCK YOU!!! You killed! Your bombs! How many? 10, 50, 100, before you lost count? It was your bombs on the bridge in Bogota! Your bomb in the cabana! But you're getting sloppy, Ray. You broke your famous code, didn't you? You killed an innocent bystander, Ray and it's just is eating you up inside, isn't it? You were always too fucking sensitive, but guess what? I'm coming Ray. I'm coming to take all the pain away. I'm gonna fucking cut it right out of you, and I'm gonna close your heart in my hand. I'm right behind you and I know you. I know you!
Ray: You've got no mercy. You got no fucking loyalty. And you got no code.
Ned: Listen to me, you son of a bitch-
Ray: [looks at watch] All right Time's up, 58 seconds. [hangs up]
Ned: Ray? Ray! [tries recorder] Goddamn it! Son of a bitch! [pries out and throws down tape reel] I'll fucking kill you! I'll vaporize your ass! [everybody in the room looks at him] What're you looking at? Turn around! Nobody... says a word. [to tech] Tell me that you got a trace. Just tell me.

[at the Leon family villa, Joe Leon reads a newspaper with the deaths of Ray, May, and Ned on the front page]
Joe Leon: [looks up] Thank you. You're a kind God. Thank you. [folds newspaper and opens packet to see a locket. He sees a picture of a young May Munro and her parents, as countdown clock sounds. Shocked, he looks up again] You bastarda- [bomb blows up]
[outside the house, May walks to Ray in his car]
Ray Quick: How you feeling?
May: Better. [they drive off]


  • Killing is his profession. Revenge is her goal. Together they take on the battle against the underworld of Miami.
  • The government taught him to kill. Now he's using his skills to help a woman seek revenge against the Miami underworld.


  • Sharon Stone - May Munro / Adrian Hastings
    • Brittany Paige Bouck - Young May Munro
  • Sergio Doré Jr. - Bill, The Strong Arm
  • Chase Randolph - Stan Munro
  • Jeana Bell - Alice Munro
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