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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2

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"Well, well. What brings you here, Potter?"
"Might ask you the same."

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 is a 2011 epic fantasy film in which Harry, Ron and Hermione search for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes in their effort to destroy the Dark Lord as the final battle rages on at Hogwarts.

Directed by David Yates. Written by Steve Kloves, based on the novel by J. K. Rowling.
It All Ends Here.taglines
"You do realize, of course, we can't keep out You-Know-Who indefinitely."
"That doesn't mean we can't delay him. And his name is Voldemort, Filius, you might as well use it; he's going to try to kill you either way."
Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest, and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me.
"Lily? After all this time?"
"Dad, what if I am put in Slytherin?"
"Albus Severus Potter, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was the bravest man I've ever known."

Harry Potter

  • [facing Severus Snape in the Great Hall, coldly] It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster. [The members of the Order of the Phoenix enter the Great Hall] I'm afraid it's quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! Tell them!
  • There's a reason I can hear them…the Horcruxes. I think I've known for a while. And I think you have too.
  • Come on, Tom. Let's finish this the way we started it. Together!
  • Albus Severus Potter, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was the bravest man I've ever known.

Ron Weasley

  • [About Griphook] That little git. Least we've still got Bogrod. [Bogrod gets incinerated by the dragon] That's unfortunate.
  • [After Goyle attempted to kill Hermione with the Killing Curse in the Room of Requirement] That's my girlfriend, you numpties!
  • [about saving Malfoy and Blaise] If we die for them, Harry, I'm gonna KILL YOU!

Hermione Granger

  • [talking about Aberforth] He did save our lives twice. Kept an eye on us in that mirror. [whispers to Harry] That doesn't seem like someone who's given up.

Lord Voldemort

  • [to Nagini, speaking in Parseltongue] The boy has discovered our secret, Nagini. It makes us vulnerable. We must deploy all our forces now to find him. And you, my friend, must stay close.
  • [whispering to all of Hogwarts] I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have one hour.
  • [watching as Hogwarts is protected by spells] They never learn. Such a pity.
  • [whispering to all of Hogwarts] You have fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest, and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me.
  • Harry Potter, the Boy who Lived...come to die. [pause] Avada Kedavra!

Severus Snape

  • [last words, as Harry collects his tears] Take them to the Pensieve. Look at me. You have your mother's eyes. [dies]


  • Ollivander: The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. That much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wandlore.
  • Luna Lovegood: I think it's best if you two talk alone. She's very shy.
  • Lily Potter: [in Snape's memory] Harry, you are so loved, so loved. [Whispering] Harry, Mama loves you. Dada loves you. Harry, be safe. Be strong.
  • Molly Weasley: [in anger towards Bellatrix for trying to hurt Ginny] Not my daughter, YOU BITCH!


Harry: I need to talk to the goblin. [Bill walks the trio upstairs to room where Griphook is resting in a chair] How are you?
Griphook: Alive.
Harry: You probably don't remember that you…
Griphook: That I showed you to your vault the first time you came to Gringotts? Even amongst goblins you're famous, Harry Potter. You buried the elf.
Harry: Yes.
Griphook: And brought me here. You are… a very unusual wizard. How did you come by this sword?
Harry: [looks at the Gryffindor sword] It's complicated. Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in her vault at Gringotts?
Griphook: It's complicated.
Harry: The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. We didn't steal it.
Griphook: There is a sword in Madame Lestrange's vault identical to this one… but it is a fake. It was placed there this past summer.
Harry: And she never suspected it was a fake?
Griphook: The replica is very convincing. Only a goblin would recognize that this is the true sword of Gryffindor.
Hermione: Who is the acquaintance?
Griphook: A Hogwarts professor. As I understand it, he's now headmaster.
Ron: Snape? He put a fake sword in Bellatrix's vault? Why?
Griphook: There are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts.
Harry: And in Madame Lestrange's vault as well?
Griphook: Perhaps.

Hermione: Are you thinking there's a Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?
Harry: She was terrified when she thought we'd been in there. She kept asking you what else we'd taken. I bet you anything there's a Horcrux in there, another piece of his soul. Let's find it and kill it, and we're one step closer to killing him.
Ron: And what happens if we find it? How are we supposed to destroy it now you've given the sword to Griphook?
Harry: I'm still working on that part.

Harry: Mr. Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions.
Ollivander: Anything, my boy. Anything.
Harry: Would you mind identifying this wand? [gives him Bellatrix's wand for identifying] We need to know if it's safe to use.
Ollivander: Walnut. Dragon heartstring. Twelve and three-quarter inches. Unyie-- Unyielding. This belonged to Bellatrix Lestrange. Treat it carefully.
Harry: And this? [gives him Draco's wand]
Ollivander: Hawthorn. And unicorn hair. Ten inches. Reasonably pliant. This was the wand of Draco Malfoy.
Harry: Was? Is it not still?
Ollivander: Well, perhaps not, if you won it from him. I sense its allegiance has changed.
Harry: You talk about wands as if they have feelings...can think.
Ollivander: The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. That much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wandlore.

Ollivander: He's after you, Mr. Potter. If it's true what you say and he has found the Elder Wand, I'm afraid you really don't stand a chance.
Harry : I suppose I'll have to kill him before he finds me, then.

Hermione: [disguised as Bellatrix] Well? How do I look?
Ron: Hideous.
Harry: [to Griphook] You can give that to Hermione to hold, all right, Griphook? [Griphook puts the Gryffindor sword in Hermione's bag for safekeeping] We're relying on you, Griphook. If you get us past the guards and into the vault, the sword's yours.
[The Trio and Griphook disapparate into Diagon Alley in front of Gringotts]
Death Eater: [addressing Hermione, disguised as Bellatrix] Madam Lestrange.
Hermione: [apprehensively/timidly] Good morning.
Griphook: Good morning? Good morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not some dewey-eyed schoolgirl.
Ron: Hey. Easy.
Griphook: She gives us away, we might as well use that sword to slit our own throats. Understand?
Hermione: No, he's right. I was being stupid.

Harry: He knows. You-Know-Who. He knows we broke into Gringotts, he knows what we took, and he knows we're hunting Horcruxes.
Hermione: How is it you know?
Harry: I saw him.
Hermione: You let him in?! Harry, you can't do that!
Harry: Hermione, I can't always help it! Well, maybe I can, I don't know.
Ron: Never mind; what happened?
Harry: Well, he's angry, and he's scared too. He knows if we find and destroy all the Horcruxes, we'll be able to kill him. I reckon he'll stop at nothing to make sure we don't find the rest. There's more. One of them's at Hogwarts.
Hermione: What? You saw it?
Harry: I saw the castle. And Rowena Ravenclaw. They must have something to do with her. We have to go there, now.
Hermione: What? We can't do that! We've got to plan, we've got to figure it out...
Harry: Hermione, when have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.
Ron: He's right. One problem. Snape's headmaster now; we can't just walk in through the front door.
Harry: Well, we'll go to Hogsmeade, to Honeyduke's. Take the secret passage in the cellar. It's...There's something wrong with him. It's like, you know, in the past, I've always been able to follow his thoughts. And now, everything just feels disconnected.
Ron: Maybe it's the Horcruxes. Maybe he's growing weaker; maybe he's dying.
Harry: No. No, it''s more like he's wounded. If anything, he feels more dangerous.

[The trio arrive at Aberforth's house in Hogsmeade]
Aberforth: Bloody fools, what were you thinking coming here? Have you any idea of how dangerous it is?
Harry: You're Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother. It's you that I've been seeing in here. You're the one who sent Dobby.
Aberforth: Where have you left him?
Harry: He's dead.
Aberforth: Sorry to hear it. I liked that elf.
Harry: Who gave that to you? The mirror?
Aberforth: Mundungus Fletcher. About a year ago.
Harry: Dung had no right sending it to you. It belongs to...
Aberforth: Sirius. Albus told me. He also told me you'd likely be hacked off if you ever found out that I had it, but ask yourself; "where would you be if I didn't?" [gives the trio some food]
Hermione: Do you hear from the others much? From the Order?
Aberforth: The Order's finished. You-Know-Who's won. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.
Harry: We need to get into Hogwarts, tonight. Dumbledore gave us a job to do.
Aberforth: Did he now? Nice job? Easy?
Harry: We've been hunting Horcruxes. We think the last one's inside the castle, but we'll need your help in getting in.
Aberforth: It's not a job my brother's given you. It's a suicide mission. Do yourself a favor, boy, and go home. Live a little longer.
Harry: Dumbledore trusted me to see this through.
Aberforth: What makes you think you can trust him? What makes you think you can believe anything my brother told you? In all the time you knew him, did he ever mention my name? Did he ever mention hers? [referring to the portrait of Ariana on the wall]
Harry: Why should he...
Aberforth: ...Keep secrets, you tell me?
Harry: I trusted him.
Aberforth: That's a boy's answer. A boy who goes chasing Horcruxes on the word of a man who wouldn't even tell you where to start. You're lying! Not just to me, it doesn't matter, but to yourself as well. That's what a fool does. You don't strike me as a fool, Harry Potter. So, I'll ask you again, there must be a reason.
[After a moment of silence]
Harry: I'm not interested in what happened between you and your brother. I don't care that you've given up. I trusted the man I knew. We need to get into the castle tonight.
Aberforth: [motions toward Ariana’s portrait] You know what to do.
[Ariana's image nods and turns away]

Neville: Right then, so what's the plan, Harry?
Harry: Okay, there's something we need to find, something hidden here in the castle, and it may help us defeat You-Know-Who.
Neville: Right, what is it?
Harry: We don't know.
Dean Thomas: Where is it?
Harry: We don't know that either. I realize that's not much to go on.
Seamus Finnigan: That's nothin’ to go on.

Ginny: [sees Harry] Harry!
Harry: Hi there.
[Awkward pause]
Ron: Six months she hasn't seen me. It’s like I'm Frankie First Year. I'm only her brother...
Seamus Finnigan: She's got lots of those, though. There’s only one Harry.
Ron: Shut up, Seamus.
Neville: [to Ginny] What is it, Ginny?
Ginny: Snape knows. He knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade.
[All of the students stare at the trio disapprovingly]

Professor Snape: [to Hogwarts students] Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you at this hour. It's come to my attention that earlier this evening, Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade. Now, should anyone, student or staff, attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished, in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. Furthermore, any person found to have knowledge of these events...who fails to come forward, will be guilty. If anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening, I invite them to step
[There is a long pause, as the assembled students and professors just stare at the ground in terror. Harry then steps out from the crowd, causing audible gasps from everyone present]
Harry: [coldly] It seems despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster. [Order of Phoenix members enter] And I'm afraid it's quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night! How you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him! [everyone gasps] Tell them!
[McGonagall and Snape fight with their wands as all the students move to either side of the Great Hall. The Carrows fall to the ground as a result of Snape's redirection of McGonagall’s spell and Snape then retreats]
McGonagall: Coward!

Pansy Parkinson: [after a long silence] What are you waiting for? Someone grab him!
[Ginny, Hermione and the others walk up to protect Harry.]
Argus Filch: [running in with Mrs. Norris; yelling] Students out of bed! STUDENTS OUT OF BED! Students in the corridor!
McGonagall: [snapping] They're supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!
Argus Filch: Oh. Sorry, ma'am.
McGonagall: As it happens, Mr. Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you, please, to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin House from the Hall! [motions with her wand]
Argus Filch: Exactly where is it I'll be leading ‘em to, ma'am?
McGonagall: The dungeons would do.
[The other students cheer wildly]
McGonagall: I presume you have a reason for returning, Potter. What is it you need?
Harry: Time, Professor. As much as you can get me.
McGonagall: Do what you have to do. I'll secure the castle. [as Harry turns to leave] And Potter, [smiles] it's good to see you.
Harry: It’s good to see you, too, Professor. [leaves]
McGonagall: [to Neville] Hold the fort, Neville.
Neville: Let me get this straight, Professor. [grabs her arm] You're actually giving us permission to do this?
McGonagall: That is correct, Longbottom.
Neville: To blow it up? Boom?
McGonagall: BOOM!
Neville: [laughing] Wicked. But how on earth are we gonna do that?
McGonagall: Why don't you confer with Mr. Finnigan? As I recall, he has a particular proclivity for pyrotechnics.
Seamus Finnigan: [nodding] I can bring it down.
McGonagall: That's the spirit. Off you go.
[They leave]
Filius Flitwick: You do realize, of course, we can't keep out You-Know-Who indefinitely.
McGonagall: That doesn't mean we can't delay him. And his name is Voldemort, Filius, you might as well use it; he's going to try to kill you either way. [turns to the armored statues, raising her wand] Piertotum Locomotor! [the statues come to life and leave to guard the castle] Hogwarts is threatened! Man the boundaries, protect us! Do your duty to our school! [to Molly, excited] I've always wanted to use that spell!

Lupin: It is the quality of one's convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.
Shacklebolt: Who said that?
Lupin: Me.

George: You okay, Freddie?
Fred: Yeah.
George: Me too.

Luna: Harry, wait, I need to talk to you.
Harry: I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment, Luna.
Luna: You won't find it where you're going, you're wasting your time.
Harry: We'll talk later, okay, Luna?
Luna: Harry!
Harry: Um, later.
Luna: [shouting] Harry Potter! You listen to me right now! [calmer] Don't you remember what Cho said about Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem? There's not a person alive who's seen it. It's obvious, isn't it? We have to talk to someone who's dead.

Harry: You're the Grey Lady. The Ghost of Ravenclaw Tower.
Helena Ravenclaw: I do not answer to that name.
Harry: No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's Helena, isn't it? Helena Ravenclaw. Rowena's daughter.
Helena Ravenclaw: Are you a friend of Luna's?
Harry: Yes. And she thought you might be able to help me.
Helena Ravenclaw: You seek my mother's diadem.
Harry: Yes. That's right.
Helena Ravenclaw: Luna is kind, unlike so many of the others. But she was wrong. I cannot help you.
Harry: Wait! Please! I want to destroy it. [pause] That's what you want too, isn't it, Helena? You want it destroyed.
Helena Ravenclaw: Another swore to destroy it many years ago...a strange boy with a strange name.
Harry: Tom Riddle.
Helena Ravenclaw: But he lied.
Harry: He lied to many people.
Helena Ravenclaw: I know what he's done! I know who he is! HE DEFILED IT WITH DARK MAGIC!
[After a moment of silence]
Harry: I can destroy it once and for all. But only if you tell me where he hid it. You do know where he hid it, don't you, Helena? You just have to tell me. Please.
Helena Ravenclaw: [floats around Harry, and sees his scar, as she says this] Strange. You remind me of him a bit. It's here, in the castle, in the place where everything is hidden. If you have to ask, you will never know. If you know, you need only ask. [floats away]
Harry Potter: Thank you.

Malfoy: [points his wand at Harry as he finds the lost diadem of Ravenclaw] Well, well. What brings you here, Potter?
Harry: Might ask you the same.
Malfoy: You have something of mine. I'd like it back.
Harry: [Pointing to the wand in Malfoy's hand] Well, what's wrong with the one you have?
Malfoy: It's my mother's, it's powerful but it's... not the same. It doesn't quite...understand. You know what I mean?
Harry: Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix? You knew it was me. But you didn't say anything.
Goyle: C'mon Draco, don't be a prat, do it.
Hermione: [appearing] Expelliarmus! [fires a disarming charm at Draco]
Goyle: Avada Kedavra!
Hermione: Stupefy!
Ron: [Enraged that Goyle tried to kill Hermione] 'Aah! That’s my girlfriend, you numpties!

Pius Thicknesse: [concerned] My Lord?
Voldemort: [annoyed and enraged] Avada Kedavra! [kills Thicknesse]
Lucius: My Lord, might it be less...Might it not be more prudent to call off this attack? Simply seek the boy yourself?
Voldemort: I do not need to seek the boy. Before the night is out, he will come to me! Do you understand?! [slaps his face] Look at me! How can you live with yourself, Lucius?
Lucius: I...I don't know.
Voldemort: Go and find Severus. Bring him to me.

[Snape and Voldemort are inside the boathouse]
Snape: You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord, in the last few hours alone.
Voldemort: No. No, I am extraordinary, but the wand...resists me.
[the trio are now outside the boathouse crouched down, listening]
Snape: There is no wand more powerful, Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight, when the boy comes, it will not fail you, I am sure of it. It answers to you, and you only.
Voldemort: Does it?
Snape: My Lord...
Voldemort: The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus. Surely, you must know. Where does its true loyalty lie?
Snape: With you, of course, my Lord.
Voldemort: The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus, but only I can live...forever.
Snape: My Lord...
[Voldemort slashes and cuts Snape's throat with the wand; blood spills; Snape falls against the window]
Voldemort: Nagini, kill. [Nagini repeatedly bites Snape, mortally wounding him]

[Harry is viewing Snape's memories in the Pensieve in Dumbledore’s office]
Snape: It will contain the curse to your hand for the time being. It will spread, Albus.
Dumbledore: How long?
Snape: Maybe a year. [turns to leave]
Dumbledore: [stops him] Don't ignore me, Severus. We both know Lord Voldemort has ordered the Malfoy boy to murder me. But should he fail, one should presume that the Dark Lord would turn to you. You must be the one to kill me, Severus. It is the only way. Only then will the Dark Lord trust you completely. [we see Dumbledore being "killed" by Snape, as shown in Half-Blood Prince] There will come a time when Harry Potter must be told something, but you must wait until Lord Voldemort is at his most vulnerable.
Snape: Must be told what?
[As Dumbledore speaks, we see a worried Snape running inside the Potter home]
Dumbledore: On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry, and Lily Potter cast herself between them, the curse rebounded. When that happened, a part of Voldemort's soul latched itself onto the only living thing that it could find: Harry himself. There is a reason Harry can speak with snakes. There is a reason he can look into Voldemort's mind. A part of Voldemort lives inside him.
Snape: So, when the time comes...the boy must die?
Dumbledore: Yes...yes...he must die.
[We see Snape arrive in Harry's bedroom and collapsing in horror at the sight of Lily's dead body]
Snape: You've kept him alive so he can die at the proper moment. You've been raising him like a pig for slaughter!
Dumbledore: Don't tell me now that you've grown to care for the boy.
Snape: Expecto Patronum! [casts a deer Patronus, the same one that helped Harry find the Sword of Gryffindor in Part 1]
Dumbledore: [realizing] Lily? [a crying Snape is shown holding Lily's body] After all this time?
Snape: Always. So, when the time comes...the boy must die?
Dumbledore: Yes, he must die. And Voldemort himself must do it. That is essential.
[Memory ends]

Harry: [Walking into a clearing in the Forest, Harry pulls the Snitch from his pocket] I'm ready to die. [He kisses it, and it opens to reveal a small black stone] The Resurrection Stone...
[his parents' , Sirius's, and Remus' spirits appear in the clearing]
Lily: You've been so brave, sweetheart.
Harry: Why are you here, all of you?
Lily: We never left.
Harry: Does it hurt, dying?
Sirius: Quicker than falling asleep.
James: You're nearly there, son.
Harry: I'm sorry. I never wanted any of you to die for me. And Remus, your son...
Lupin: Others will tell him what his mother and father died for. One day, he'll understand.
Harry: You'll stay with me?
James: Until the end.
Harry: And he won't be able to see you?
Sirius: No. [points to Harry's heart] We're here, you see.
Harry: Stay close to me.
Lily: 'Always.

[After Voldemort "kills" Harry in the forest, he is left in limbo and meets Dumbledore in what looks like King’s Cross Station]
Dumbledore: Harry, you wonderful boy. You brave man. Let us walk.
Harry: Professor, what is that?
[A creature that looks like a much smaller version of Voldemort is in the fetal position under a bench]
Dumbledore: Something beyond either of our help. A part of Voldemort, sent here to die.
Harry: And exactly where are we?
Dumbledore: I was going to ask you that. Where would you say that we are?
Harry: Well, it looks like King's Cross Station, only cleaner, and without all the trains.
Dumbledore: King's Cross, is that right? This is, as they say, your party. I expect you now realize that you and Voldemort have been connected by something other than fate, since that night in Godric's Hollow all those years ago.
Harry: So it's true then, isn't it, Sir? A part of him lives in me, doesn't it?
Dumbledore: Did. It was just destroyed many moments ago by none other than Voldemort himself. You were the Horcrux he never meant to make, Harry.
[They sit on a bench]
Harry: I have to go back, haven't I?
Dumbledore: Oh, that's up to you.
Harry: I have a choice?
Dumbledore: Oh, yes. We're in King's Cross, you say? I think if you so desired, you'd be able to board a train.
Harry: And where would it take me?
Dumbledore: [chuckles] On.
[Dumbledore begins walking away]
Harry: Voldemort has the Elder Wand.
Dumbledore: True.
Harry: And the snake's still alive.
Dumbledore: Yes.
Harry: And I've nothing to kill it with.
Dumbledore: [walks back to Harry] Help will always be given at Hogwarts, Harry, to those who ask for it. I've always prized myself on my ability to turn a phrase. "Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it." But I would, in this case, amend my original statement to this: "Help would always be given at Hogwarts to those who deserve it." Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living. And above all, those who live without love.
Harry: Professor, my mother's Patronus was a doe, wasn't it? It's the same as Professor Snape's. It's curious, don't you think?
Dumbledore: Actually, if I think about it, it doesn't seem curious at all. I'll be going now, Harry. [turns to leave]
Harry: Professor? Is this all real? Or is it just happening inside my head?
Dumbledore: Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry. Why should that mean that it's not real? [he fades into the light]
Harry: Professor, what shall I do? Professor?
[Back in the forest, Voldemort wakes up after the sixth Horcrux was destroyed]
Bellatrix: My Lord? My Lord?
Voldemort: I don't want your help!
Bellatrix: [to Narcissa] The boy... is he dead?
Narcissa: [leaning into Harry, her eyes widen as she feels his heart still beating] Is he alive? Draco, is he alive? [Harry nods, then she stands and faces Voldemort with one lie] Dead.

Ginny: Who is that Hagrid's carrying? Neville, who is it?
Voldemort: Harry Potter... is dead!
Ginny: No! NO!!
Voldemort: Silence! [fires a spell towards Ginny, causing her to back down] Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead. [to Hogwarts' assembled] From this day forth, you put your faith... in me. [to Death Eaters] Harry Potter is dead! [he and his Death Eaters laugh] And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us... or die.
Lucius: Draco! Draco.
Narcissa: Draco, come.
[Reluctantly, Draco walks over to Voldemort, who hugs him]
Voldemort: Well done, Draco. Well done. [Draco walks to his parents. Neville comes forward] Well, I must say, I hoped for better. [Death Eaters laugh] And who might you be, young man?
Neville: Neville Longbottom.
[Death Eaters laugh]
Bellatrix: Ha-ha!
Voldemort: Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks--
Neville: I'd like to say somethin’.
Voldemort: [makes a fist, but then lowers it] Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say.
Neville: It doesn't matter that Harry's gone.
Seamus: Stand down, Neville.
Neville: People die every day. Friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, in here. [gestures to his heart] So's Fred, and Remus, Tonks... all of them. They didn't die in vain. [to Voldemort, who laughs evily] But you will, 'cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us! It's not over!
[He draws the Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat]. Harry's eyes open, he flings out of Hagrid's arms, and pulls out his wand, to Voldemort's utter and complete shock]
Harry: Confringo!
[He fires a spell at Voldemort's snake, Nagini, but it reflects onto the Death Eaters. As Harry begins to run, Voldemort, now enraged, fires several curses at Harry. As he does, some of his Death Eaters begin to disapparate]
Bellatrix: [last words] No! No, come back! Lucius! Come back! Come back and fight!
[Some Death Eaters continue to leave, but many stay behind to join Voldemort, who is about to charge the castle]
Harry: [to Ron, Hermione, and Neville] I'll lure him into the castle! We have to kill the snake!

[During Harry and Voldemort's final duel]
Harry: You were right. When you told Professor Snape that wand was failing you, It will always fail you.
Lord Voldemort: [last and final words] I killed Snape!
Harry: But what if the Wand never belonged to Snape? What if its allegiance was always to someone else? Come on, Tom. Let's finish this the way we started it: TOGETHER! [throws himself and Voldemort off the roof]

[Harry, Ron and Hermione are walking on the damaged Viaduct after Voldemort's death]
Hermione: Why didn't it work for him? The Elder Wand?
Harry: It answered to somebody else. When he killed Snape, he thought the Wand would become his, but the thing is, the Wand never belonged to Snape. It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night at the Astronomy Tower. From that moment on, the Wand answered to him, until... the other night, when I disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor.
Ron: So that means...
Harry: It's mine.
Ron: What should we do with it?
Hermione: "We"?
Ron: I'm just saying, that's the Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in the world. With that, we'd be invincible.
[Harry, after thinking for a moment, breaks the Wand in two, and throws it off the viaduct]

[Last lines]
Albus Severus Potter: Dad, what if I am put in Slytherin?
Harry: Albus Severus Potter, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin, and he was the bravest man I've ever known.
Albus Severus Potter: But just say that I am.
Harry: Then Slytherin House will have gained a wonderful, young wizard. But, listen, if it really means that much to you, you can choose Gryffindor. The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account.
Albus Severus Potter: Really?
Harry: Really. [train whistle blows] Ready?
Albus Severus Potter: Ready.

Deleted Scenes

Pansy Parkinson: [after a long silence] What are you waiting for? Someone grab him!
[Ginny, Hermione and the others walk up to protect Harry.]
Argus Filch: [running in with Mrs. Norris; yelling] Students out of bed! STUDENTS OUT OF BED! Students in the corridor!
McGonagall: [snapping] They're supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!
Argus Filch: Oh. Sorry, ma'am.
McGonagall: As it happens, Mr. Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you, please, to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin House from the Hall! [motions with her wand]
Argus Filch: Exactly where is it I'll be leading ‘em to, ma'am?
McGonagall: The dungeons would do.
[The other students cheer wildly]
[Filch has locked the Slytherins in the dungeons]
Filch: [to the Slytherins] Nighty night. [he turns around and walks away]
Pansy Parkinson: Let us out of here, you filthy Squib!
[an explosion is heard; Filch stops and slowly turns around to see that the Slytherins have broken out of the cell and are running towards him screaming in delight]


  • It all ends.
  • It all ends here.
  • Nowhere is safe.
  • The last enemy is death.
  • Join me and confront your fate.
  • Always.


Harry Potter  (book series, film series) by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone book film
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book film
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book film
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book film
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix book film
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince book film
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book films part 1 and part 2
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play
last words in Harry Potter media books films games
Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them book film
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald film
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore film