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Statue of Demeter

Demeter, the Olympian goddess of the harvest and agriculture, presiding over crops, grains, food, and the fertility of the earth, in the Greek religion.

Quotes about Demeter

  • And Rhea spoke, the Goddess with the soft veil, to Demetra: | "O daughter, come: Jupiter, lord of thunder, is calling thee, | so that thou mayest come among the gods: grant thee honours, he promises. [...] | Persuade yourself, daughter, nor harbor too much indignation | against the son of Cronus, lord of the clouds, and the fruit | Immediately it causes to sprout that keeps mortals alive in life." | He said so; nor was the Goddess of the vague garlands reluctant. | Immediately the fruits sprang from the fertile clods, | And the whole land was covered with flowers and foliage. | And to the sovereign law-givers, before she departed, | to Diocles, of master horses, to Trittòlemo, to Eumòlpo, | to the gallant leader of the people Celèo, she was a teacher | of the venerable rites, he taught everyone to celebrate | pure orgies: it is not permitted to transgress or spy on them, | Nor do you make any chatter: let the voice refrain from the Divas. | Among mortal men, blessed is he who comes to see them; | but he who remained profane, he who did not depart, did not rejoice | the same fate, after death, in the damp darkness. || Now, after she had all disposed herself, the Diva, to Olympus | Again he ascended, among the assembly of the other Immortals. | And here, near Jupiter, lord of lightning, they are | Blessed and honored. Happy above all, the earthling | that these Goddesses of heart diligon: for they send swiftly | to his opulent house, that he may sit on his hearth, | Pluto, who gives great riches to mortal men. (Homer)





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