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A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner!

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A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner! (or simply known as A Fairly Odd Movie) is a 2011 television film based on the animated series The Fairly OddParents.


[First lines of the movie]
Wanda: He's so cute when he sleeps!
Cosmo: Our little angel!
Wanda: Shh, don't wake him up!
Both: Happy birthday, Timmy!
Timmy: Wanda, Cosmo? What are you guys, crazy?
Wanda: You're a grown man still wearing horsey pajamas and you're asking us if we're crazy?
Cosmo: Crazy with excitement!
Cosmo & Wanda: Happy 23rd Birthday, Timmy Turner!

Timmy: Yep, my birthdays just keep getting better every year, thanks to you guys!
Wanda: Don't we always have the best time?
Cosmo: I can't tell time!
Jorgen: [suddenly enters the room in a flash of lightning and a puff of smoke] Timmy Turner, this is the last birthday party you and your fairies will ever have together! [gives Timmy a present] By the way, happy birthday.
Timmy: [opening his present] Da Rules?
Jorgen: Yes! And look at this, right here! Page 14-38, paragraph 3, subsection D!
Timmy: [reading] "A godchild loses his fairies when he grows up..." Not me.
Cosmo and Wanda: Yay!
Timmy: "...He leaves home..." Not me.
Cosmo and Wanda: Yeah!
Timmy: "...Or experiences life's true magic - love." [Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof gasp]
Jorgen: Well…?
Timmy: Again, not me. The only girl I've ever kissed was Tootie, it was 13 years ago. It was forced upon me, and I did not enjoy it.
Cosmo: Look out!
[A thought balloon of young Tootie making a kissy face appears beside Timmy's head; Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, and Jorgen all grimace at it]
Timmy: Anyway, she moved away and no one ever saw her again. So, love… not even an issue.
Wanda: True! According to Timmy's Love Meter, he's not in love!
Jorgen: This is not a game! The longer you keep Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof, the more you put them in danger of being exposed or captured!
Timmy: Like I said, not an issue! Relax! Have some cake.
Jorgen: Keep your cake for the inevitable fairy-go-bye-bye party. I will find a way. I will make you grow up! I am Jorgen, the most powerful fairy ever! [disappears]
Cosmo: Can I have some cake?

Timmy: [regarding his parents' birthday gifts for him] The want ads?
Mr. Turner: [gasps] Really? Ooh! They need unskilled workers at that new dynamite factory! Sounds exciting and dangerous!

Vicky: Well, look who it is trashing my daycare center - the biggest twerp in Dimmsdale, Timmy Turner.
Timmy: Yeecch. Icky Vicky. [kids giggle] Still molding young minds, I see.
[The kids start shaking their squirtable cheese containers]
Vicky: Don't you shake your ba-bas at me! It's not snack time till I say it's snack time!
Timmy: And nothing enhances snacktime like moldy rotten string cheese in your ba-bas, huh kids?
[The kids start squirting their string cheese at Vicky]
Vicky: Aaaaahhh! Aaaaahhh! This isn't over, Timmy Turner!

Crocker: Riddle me this, class! How does a 23-year-old man still manage to stay in the 5th grade all these years? How'd he do it? How is it even possible, hmmm?
Katie: Oh, boy, here we go.
Crocker: Yes! [snaps fingers] Now, I remember! He has... [children gasp and cover their ears; spasm] ...FAIRY GODPARENTS, FAIRY GODPARENTS, FAIRY GODPARENTS!! Ohh...
Timmy: Well, I've been in this class for 13 years. How come no one's ever seen these fairy godparents?
Crocker: Oh, they will, Turner. See, I know you're remaining childlike in order to keep your FAIRIES! But I'll play along with your game, 'cause soon I will catch them. And then, it will be I, Mr. Denzel Crocker, who will be making the wishes around here! [the students stare at him] Heh. Go on... make a wish. I dare you.
Timmy: Okay. [Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof appear as the badges on Timmy's backpack] I wish you had the atomic runs.
Crocker: [makes uncomfortable noises] Oooh. I need to use the restroom. Silent study until I return! Enjoy this one, Turner... because it will be your last.

Katie: Best day ever! Crocker has diarrhea.
Ravi: And school has let out early due to impending tornadoes...
Howie: ...When it's totally sunny out! Crazy, huh, Mouse?
Timmy: Crazy? If gettin' out of school early on my birthday and having more time to be a kid is crazy, well then people, slap me in a straight jacket!

Cosmo: We're so proud of you, Timmy!
Wanda: We'll always be together.
Timmy: You got that right! There's nothing in this world that I'd ever give you guys up for.
[Suddenly, Timmy sees a girl walking by and is so lovestruck by her that he doesn't see where he's going and collides with a mailbox, falling off his bike.]
Cosmo: Timmy, are you okay?!
Timmy: Yeah.
Cosmo: Good, then can we do it again? It was fun!

Hugh J. Magnate Jr.: Ladies and gentlemen, ever since Daddy slapped a shovel in my little hand, I have been looking for fuel to run our everyday lives, and so, when my high-tech thermal satellites detected a massive untapped combustible resource field under the city, I decided to come here to Dummsdale and... see for myself. [laughs]
Janice: Dimmsdale.
Magnate: What?
Janice: Dimmsdale.
Magnate: Well, whatever. Dim, Dumm, what difference does it make? By the time I'm done with the place, you're gonna want to change its name to Stinking-Richdale!

Chester: Look who it is - Mr. Never Grew Up, Timmy Turner.
A.J.: He's checkin' us out!
Chester: Just like the ladies.
[Two girls nearby groan at them.]
A.J.: Yeah, that's right, Timmy T. Looks like A.J.'s all grown up and stylin' in a brand-new argyle sweater.
Chester: And me, professional security expert, fighting crime with my smarty melon and multiple keys on a retractable wire! [bites into his sandwich, causing ketchup to spill on A.J.'s sweater] He's just jealous.

Wanda: Timmy's staring at that girl!
Cosmo: I'll give him a slushee! [makes a slushee appear in Timmy's hand] See? It worked! [Timmy starts sipping the slushee and continues staring at Tootie] Oh wait, he's still staring.
Tootie: There's nothing wrong with the old Dimmsdale! And there's nothing wrong with the Dimmsdale Dogwood...
[Magnate snaps his fingers and his two goons start chasing Tootie. Timmy watches as she flips over a police line barrier and rushes towards the Dogwood tree.]
Timmy: Nice move!
Tootie: [as she chains herself to the tree] ...The tree I grew up with and climbed in this very park!
Magnate: Listen, Sister Suzie Saffron Wheat-Grassgulper, whatever your tree-hugging name is. You don't wanna mess around with Hugh J. Magnate Jr. So why don't you just toddle off to your yurt or wherever home is.
Tootie: This is home. I was raised right here in Dimmsdale! And the name's not "Saffron Sippin' Wheat-Grass Gurglin'" anything, it's Tootie!
[Timmy does a spit take, and Cosmo and Wanda's eyes pop]
Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda: Tootie!?
Cosmo: Here it comes again!
[A thought balloon of young Tootie giggling appears beside Timmy's head]
Magnate: I suggest you move your conifer-kissing keister, missy.
Tootie: Not gonna happen. Not if you're gonna knock down this tree.
Magnate: Well, have it your way. Boys! Tear down this tree.
Timmy: She is awesome!
Cosmo and Wanda: Awesome?!

Timmy: Hey, you can't tear down that tree with a girl chained to it!
Magnate: Don't get your knickers in a bunch, pimple-monkey! She'll move. They always do. [Janice glares at him] Well, they usually do.

Timmy: Tootie? Wow, I-I-I-I gotta tell ya, that was incredible!
Tootie: Timmy Turner. [giggles] Look at you! You haven't changed a bit. Not even a little.
Timmy: Where have you been?
Tootie: Oh, you know, just traveling the world, making a difference, and trying to help helpless creatures. What have you been up to?
Timmy: Oh, uh… I'm still in school.
Tootie: Wow, an educated man, and look at this. You show up, and all these amazing things happen. It's like magic!
Timmy: M-magic? [Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof whistle innocently] No, no no. Me? No magic. No, not here. You kidding? Come on, no, no, no, no.
Tootie: Well, it's great to see you.
[They share a hug. Cosmo and Wanda notice the Love Meter is rising, gasp, and cover Poof's eyes. Timmy then suddenly pulls out of the embrace.]
Timmy: Daah! Aah. Aah.
Tootie: What's the matter?
Timmy: Uh, uh, sunburn on my back. No hugs till it heals, doctor said. Gotta go! [leaves]
Cosmo: He is so smooth.

Magnate: [answering his cell phone] What?
Crocker: [speaking on the other line in a deep voice] I hear your perfect plan just got un-perfect. If you want answers, meet me tonight, 8-ish, in the Alley, corner of Hall and Oates.
Crocker's mother: Denzel, who are you talking to?
Crocker: [in his regular voice] Quiet, mother! I'm on the phone using my voice disguiser!
Crocker's mother: But your mac and cheese is ready!
Crocker: Oh, boy! Mac and-- [deep voice] I mean, uh, come alone.

Wanda: Timmy, what's the matter, sad that your birthday's over?
Timmy: I think I need to go to the doctor. My stomach's all in knots, and my heart is racing.
Cosmo: [turns into a doctor] Dr. Cosmo in the hizzouse! Ahh, no fever. [putting on a glove] Time for a full exam!
Wanda: You've been acting sick since you saw Tootie in the park yesterday.
Timmy: Sick? No, I just have a cold or something. Still, she's so brave, so sure of herself.
Wanda: [looks at the Love Meter] Oh, no! You're falling in love with Tootie! That means you're growing up and you'll lose us forever!
Timmy: Uh-oh!
Cosmo: It also means I don't get to use the glove, doesn't it?

Tootie: It was nice meeting you! [leaves]
Mrs. Turner: No! Wait!
Mr. Turner: Wait! Don't go! Wait! Don't! Please! Stay!
Mrs. Turner: Please! Our vacation's already paid for!
Mr. Turner: We'll give you money!
Mrs. Turner: Livestock!
Mr. Turner: Raisins!

Wanda: Cosmo, we got to stop Tootie before she breaks up our family!
Cosmo: For once, I agree with your shrill, commanding, and authoritative voice! [Wanda glares at him] I mean, I love you!

Cosmo: Hey, Timmy. Let's do something really, really fun!
Poof: Pooh-pooh-poof!
Wanda: Yeah! Super fun!
Cosmo: Like shave Crocker, turn your dad into a woman... [Wanda and Poof look at him oddly] ...Turn Wanda into a woman. [Wanda glares at him] I mean, you're the wind beneath my wings!

Tootie: You know what I wish for?
Timmy: No.
Tootie: I wish that we could help rebuild the park around the Dimmsdale Dogwood. You know, the way it used to be when we were kids.
Timmy: Wow. Nice wish. I mean, 'cause it's not a wish for yourself. You don't really hear wishes like that everyday.

[Cosmo and Wanda transform themselves into humans]
Wanda: Oh my gosh, we're humans! And look! I've got legs... that need to be shaved. Ewwww.
Cosmo: Woo, and I've got underarm hair! I'm definitely not shaving that.

Cosmo: Good evening, everyone. We're your perfectly normal not-magic-fairy human waiters with unbelievably super-hairy legs and underarms!

Timmy: What are you guys doing? And what have you done to yourselves?
Cosmo: We're waiters! 'Course, it's just a stepping stone on our path to becoming actors. STELLA!!

Katie: Hey, Timmy, we were gonna go get ice cream. Wanna come?
Timmy: No thanks. I'm good, surprisingly.
Howie: But you always want ice cream!
Ravi: How about you wanna not come but give us some money for ice cream? [Timmy tosses him some money] He's totally distracted, which means we can keep the change!

Howie: Check it out!
Katie: They got Tootie!
Ravi: And I got tooty-fruity with hot fudge. I mean, we have to help her!
Howie: Let's get Timmy. [kids run]
Tootie: You?
Magnate: Ironic, isn't it? Someone who cares so much about helping this little creature got betrayed by a helplessing creature. [Magnate and bunny makes an evil laugh]
Wanda: Magnate's got Tootie! Hooray!
Cosmo: Yay! [Poof stares at them angrily]
Wanda: Well, I mean it's good that she gets to ride in a limo, right?
Cosmo: Yah. This means that we can always be with Timmy and things never have to change, right? [Poof stares at them more angry than before]
Wanda: Poof's intense stare of guilt is right, Cosmo. Here we are wanting Poof to grow up and we're keeping Timmy from doing the same thing.
Cosmo: You're right, Wanda. We have to do what's best for Timmy! [Poof grins]
Wanda: Aww. I'm proud of us, Cosmo. And thanks for staring such sense into us, Poof. [Poof glides to Cosmo and Wanda] Let's tell Timmy and save Tootie!
Crocker: Don't worry, little FAIRIES! [He sucks Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof into a device]
Cosmo, Wanda and Poof: AHHHHH!
Crocker: Thanks to my Atomic Fairy Incarcerator, I'll show Timmy Turner that I now have possession of his [spazzes] FAIRY... GODPARENTS!
Howie: Timmy, are you ok?
Timmy: What is it?
Howie: Tootie got kidnapped by a bunny in Magnate's limo.
Ravi: And there is no change. The ice cream came to exactly $20.
Timmy: Tootie's in trouble? Well, then I guess I wish she was right here back next to me. [kids stare at each other confused] I wish she was right back here next to me. (What's going on?)
Katie: I think something's wrong with Timmy's brain.
Timmy: [looks at backpack; the buttons CW&P were on read "HELP US, TIMMY!"] Mangnate just doesn't have Tootie. He's got... [runs off]

Vicky: Hey, twerp! Thought you might like a slice of my faceplant pizza!

Magnate: Any last words before I blast you out of existence?
Timmy: Uh, yes. I should have done this a long time ago. It's time for me to grow up!
Poof: Huh?
Timmy: I love you, guys.
Cosmo and Wanda: We love you too.
Magnate: I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. Time's up! [pushes his wish button and prepares to blast them]
Cosmo, Wanda and Poof: [getting shocked] Aaaaaaah!
Timmy: [embraces Tootie] I love you, Tootie!
[Timmy kisses Tootie passionately. As he does so, CW&P are revived and Magnate's power fades away.]
Poof: Huh?
Cosmo: [as he, Wanda, and Poof begin to fade away] What's happening?
Wanda: [looks at the Love Meter, which now displays "In Love" and is rapidly beeping] Cosmo, he's saving us!

Cosmo: [as he, Wanda, and Poof fade away] Don't forget to feed the dog!
Wanda: Cosmo, he doesn't have a dog!
Cosmo: Well, if you get one, don't forget to feed it!
Timmy: I'm gonna miss you guys forever!
Cosmo and Wanda: Goodbye, Timmy!

Tootie: Not bad, Turner. You saved my tree and stole my heart.
Timmy: It's amazing what you can do when you're grown up, huh?
Tootie: I can't believe it. All these years, you had fairy godparents and couldn't tell anyone. [giggles] That's pretty amazing.
Timmy: Ya, it really was. They were my best friends too. I-I just wish I could see them again.

Timmy: Cool your jets, Jorgen, okay? I already gave up Cosmo and Wanda, and I'm a full-fledged adult now. Tomorrow, I'm even buying deodorant.

Wanda: Isn't this great, Cosmo? After all these years, Timmy and Tootie finally ended up together!
Cosmo: I give them 2 weeks tops!

Timmy: Hey, I think Poof is trying to say something!
Cosmo and Wanda: Finally! His first words!
Rico: I got it. That hits the spot.
Poof (Randy Jackson voice): Yo, man. This gonna be so cool, man. We're going to be bumpin', man. Tryin' to help the boys out. You know how we do it. You feel me, dawg?
[Record scratches and plays]
Wanda: Uh... that's gonna take some getting used to.

[Timmy's parents sit at what seems like a beach laughing]
Mr. Turner: Finally we're on vacation.
Mrs. Turner: Oh, who says you need to vacation in paradise? With Timmy gone...
Timmy's parents: ...This is paradise!
Crocker: [falls from the sky] Ahhhh! Everything ends at Turner's.
Mr. Turner: That's the worst waiter we ever had.

