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For all have sinned and rebelled against God, deserving eternal torment, but God so demonstrated His love for us in that while we were still sinners, He sacrificed Himself for our salvation.
Jesus = victory

I'm Speaking Out

My Sandbox

Selected Scripture


John 8:32

You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.

America needs to remember this, now more than ever.

Evidences for the Bible




"Defend the Bible? It is like a lion. You open the door and let it defend itself." -Charles Spurgeon

Note: I do not endorse the ministries on these websites. These are here to show simply that there are answers out there that fit perfectly with the Biblical world view. The pages posted I do agree with, this does not mean I agree with the entire site.

My hope is that this will be used by others to keep Wikipedia neutral, and to reach those around them. These are examples that many widely-accepted views are incorrect.

If you have any links/essays/etc. that can aid me in answering Bible-related questions, please send them to and I will take a look at them to see if they are legitimate.

  • The Mysterious Q[1]
  • Evidence for a Young Universe[2]
  • Creation: Where's the proof?[3]
  • Noah's Ark: Fact or False Teaching?[4]
  • Was Luke wrong about the census of Quirinius?[5][6]
  • Did Jesus claim to be God?[7]
  • Did life come from space?[8]
  • Does logic prove God?[9]
  • Did God create in six 24-hour days or undefined periods of time?[10]
  • Where are all the human fossils?[11]
  • Paul's conversion: contradictory accounts?[12]
  • To Jehovah's Witnesses[13]
  • The Materialist Viewpoint of the Bible[14]
  • Do Christian "creationists" reject science?[17]
  • Does homosexuality in animals make it right?[18][19]
  • Evolution: Fact or False Teaching?[20]
  • The Trinity: Fact or False Teaching?[21]
  • The Bible on Slavery[22]
  • The Fused Chromosome: proof of evolution?[23]
  • The Right Bible?[24]
  • Jonah and the Big Fishy[26]
  • How to win a debate on ethics[27]
  • If God is good, why does His creation have death and suffering?[28]
  • Trinity in the Old Testament[29]
  • Evidences for the Bible[31]
  • Jesus: Did He Really Exist?[32]
  • The Bible: Errant, or Inerrant?[33]
  • Other Scriptures?[34]
  • The Johannine Comma[35]
  • Was Jesus born of a virgin?[36]

Wikipedia's One and Only Dragognome



  • Name: Joe
  • Age: 15
  • Hobbies: Theology, politics, government, thinking, burning time
  • Current goals: Get driving permit, keep grades up, witness to anyone and everyone I get the chance

Apostle Joe is a American Wikipedian, notable for the fact that you visited his user page on Sunday, 20 October 2024 at 16:06, among other things.

Yeah, I copied that from Waggers' page. I thought it was cool.

800+This user has made more than 800 contributions to Wikipedia.


Q: Why did you you come to Wikipedia?
A: Well, at first I thought I would only make small contributions, but then I realized the vast amount of people that use Wikipedia, and the amount of information that needs added and corrected almost daily. So I decided to add and contribute to Wikipedia, in religious articles, but also in other ones (such as movies, books, and the like).
Q: Are you a Christian?
A: In case my name doesn't make it obvious, I'm a Christian (for clarity, I'm of Jesus Christ, which is what the name means). I don't have a denomination, for those who would ask (and I have been asked... a lot). I'm of Christ, not of Calvin, or Wesley, etc.
Q: You seriously don't have a denomination?
A: Nope! 1 Corinthians 1:10-15, 3:1-5; Ephesians 4:1-5. Denominations aren't biblical in the slightest.
Q: How would you define "Christian"?
A: A Christian is someone who is a whole-hearted follower of Christ, which means you believe He is Who He says He is, what He says, and how He says it. I take what He says for what it is: truth. I don't add to it, take from it, twist, twirl, or in any way modify it. I take it at face-value, like the Bible says to. Now, that isn't my definition, that's God's. You can even ask Him yourself.
Q: How did you become a Christian?
A: Er... that's a long story. Summed up, I challenged God to prove Himself, and He... did (John 14:21). Heh. That's it in a nutshell.
Q: What do you mean by the word "apostle"? Do you think you're going to be writing the New New Testament or something?
A: No, apostle in Greek means "ambassador of Christ" and "messenger of the Gospel". And that's exactly what I am. So don't get miffed about the name [if you're a Christian], and don't label me as something I'm not. I'm just a simple messenger. That's all an apostle is, and that's all it ever was. Not all the apostles of old even wrote Scripture, so it can't be argued that that is all an apostle is/was.
Q: You're one of those young-earth creationists, aren't you?
A: I'm a Bible-believer. Any Christian has to take what God says is true for what it is, truth. That's how you become a Christian in the first place. Stretching it or adding/taking to/from it, or outright ignoring it means you don't trust what He says. So yes, if you need to add another term to me then young-earth creationist would do.

Another thing is, however, that science actually points to a young earth and a young universe, which supports the Bible immensely.

Q: Where do you get 6,000 years for the age of the earth? That not only sounds like a stretch, it sounds pretty stupid.
A: Well, first-and-foremost there are genealogies in the Bible, which are complete genealogies (there is no reason to believe they aren't, as they go straight down the family line and tell who begot whom). Most scholars today believe that Jesus came 2,000 years after Abraham, and Jesus was walking with us around 2,000 years ago Himself. So there's 4,000 years-- but then, if you add up the ages given in the genealogies from Adam to Abraham, you get approximately another 2,000 years-- 6,000 years in total from now back to Adam. This is my first and most important reason for believing that the earth (and the universe) are extremely young, approximately 6,000 years (not to the dot, because Bible genealogies don't always give days and months with ages-- but then again neither do secular theories).

My second reason is that the earth itself testifies of the fact that it is young. Helium in the atmosphere, the amount of erosion on the continents, Earth's magnetic field, the fact that our sun is in the right stage to support life, the millions of fossils that would've been laid down and produced quickly by the Genesis Flood's immense amounts of water and pressure (giving a much better explanation than slow fossil formation, which has been shown to be false; this also means that it would be pretty unlikely as many fossils as did form, would form, under slow circumstances of millions of years)... the list keeps going. And for anyone who would say that I'm either stupid or ignorant, I've got an IQ of approximately 130 and I've taken courses and read up on both sides of the argument. :)

Q: So you just go by your faith?
A: Let me explain what faith is:
You are in an empty room-- except for a single wooden chair. Now, there are signs all around this chair with various messages on them. The chair also has a single sign on it. Many signs say "Danger: Chair Unstable", and many say "The Chair is Sturdy". You look over the chair, examining the legs and the back and the front to see if it looks like it could support your weight. Then, you read the sign on the chair itself, which plainly reads, "come and sit". You have a choice: believe that the chair will support you, or believe that it won't. Now, if you believe it will, that is all that it is: belief. Belief is easy. But if you sit in the chair, as the sign beckons you to? That is faith. Faith that the chair would hold.
I'm sitting in the chair.
Q: So you don't believe in science?
A: I've been asked this one a lot. The really funny thing, though, is that science actually disregards evolutionary theory completely. Science actually points directly to God, it points to the fact that there must be higher being out there somewhere. But archeology, history, fulfilled prophecies, etc. all point towards the Bible, and the Bible contains scientific facts that people in the time that it was written could've never known naturally. For instance, Jonah 2:6. How would Jonah know that there are mountains at the bottom of the sea without either a) going there or b) being informed by someone who had? Now, as we know, no one had submarines back then. Something to ponder, isn't it?

And yes, I have a lot of userboxes.



I labeled myself as both a WikiDragon and a WikiGnome for multiple reasons:

  • I put myself in the center of a situation or article or behind the scenes of it based on the need at the time
    • I make edits of all sizes
      • I don't usually fix links or codes, as I'm no good with them
        • I like gnomes

I will be making small edits and large edits/additions wherever I see the need. In fact, I'll do pretty much anything I can to help (although I'm not very fluent in the Wikipedia codes as of yet).

Requirements for Debating


I'm not some "blind-faith half-wit" who "doesn't believe in science" (in fact, science plays a major role in my faith). I've looked, and the evidence in science doesn't point to evolutionary theory, but instead directly to God. I'll prove it to you, give me the chance.

If someone would want to debate me, I would ask that they do it on my talk page unless it seems good to them to do it another place. I want to make it clear, however, I don't want to cloud up the talk pages of articles unnecessarily. I will argue with you, mercilessly... but not recklessly.

To-Do List

  • Use my knowledge for the Wikipedian good
    • Master Wikipedian code
      • Add as much useful information as possible wherever I see fit
        • Be bold. Someone give me something to be bold about!

Where I've Been Bold


This is more for myself (so I remember where I primarily worked at in the past) than for other people, but this is also in case people want to award me barnstars. Nah, just kiddin'...

Seriously though. A Dragognome's gotta' eat.



Here are some of my favorite quotes of me and other people. Some are funny, some are philosophical or religious, and some are simply just there. Enjoy.


  • "Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." 1st Corinthians 1:10
  • " . . . keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Ephesians 4:3-6
  • "By perseverance the snail reached the ark." -Charles Spurgeon
  • "They gave our Master a crown of thorns- Why do we hope for a crown of roses?" -Martin Luther
  • "I find funny all the advocates of bringing the denominations together. I find it funny because I know it will never work. Baptists can't come together with Presbyterians, they're two different religions in themselves, professing two different things. They'll never put aside their differences. But if they were to lay down their baptist theology and the Presbyterians were to do the same, and they were to only believe Christ, to throw aside their interpretations and their opinions and to let God speak for Himself; if they would simply throw down their speculations and their pride and ask the question, "God, Who are you?" with a humble heart-- then, and only then, could they come together. Not as baptists and Presbyterians, not as Calvinists and Wesleyans, but as brothers in Christ, united in word, deed, and faith." -Me


  • "I was told the other day by a scientist that if the Earth were 4.5 billion years old, there would be so much helium in the atmosphere that we'd all suffocate upon birth. It's funny, he said, because there's not much helium in the atmosphere. So little, it turns out, that the Earth can't be more than ten thousand years old." -Me
  • "Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born." -Ronald Reagan
  • "Look, guys, I know that you say that Christians can't ever understand atheists. But this thing is, that's not true. I can understand you, I used to be one of you!"-Me
  • "Human action can be modified to some extent but human nature cannot be changed." -President Abraham Lincoln
  • "To the atheists that say Christians don't think logically: I got here by thinking logically!"-Me
  • "The things that will destroy America are peace at any price, prosperity at any cost, safety first instead of duty first, the love of soft living, and the getting-rich-quick theory of life." – Theodore Roosevelt
  • "I tried atheism for a while but my faith just wasn’t strong enough." –Unknown
  • "I AM." –Jesus Christ



I saw someone else do this, so I decided I would, too. If you stop by my page, please sign this. I won't edit any comments, but I will comicify any inappropriate language.



Brilliand: Great guy, and the reason I'm here.

People I'm not necessarily associated with but still want to give honor to


Inigmatus: Founder of Christian Forums, and I'm honored to have met him.


This user needs more userboxes. MORE, I tell you, more!!! Muhahaha!

(ApJ (talk))