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Harvard Oriental Series

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The Harvard Oriental Series is a book series founded in 1891 by Charles Rockwell Lanman and Henry Clarke Warren. Lanman served as its inaugural editor (1891–1934) for the first 37 volumes. Other editors of the series include Walter Eugene Clark (1934–1950, volumes 38–44), Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls (1950–1983, volumes 45–48) and Gary Tubb (1983–1990, volume 49).

Currently in its 93rd volume, the series is edited by Michael Witzel, the Wales Professor of Sanskrit in the Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies at Harvard University, and distributed by the Harvard University Press. A subseries, Harvard Oriental Series Opera Minora, "aims at the swift publication of important materials that cannot be included in the mainly text-oriented Harvard Oriental Series."

Volumes of Main Series

Volume Year Author Title
1 1891 Hendrik Kern The Jataka-Mala
2 1895 Richard Garbe Samkhya-Pravacana-Bhasya
3 1896 Henry Clarke Warren Buddhism in Translations
4 1901 Sten Konow Rajasekhara's Karpuramanjari
5 and 6 1904 Arthur Anthony Macdonell The Bṛhad-devatā attributed to Śaunaka[1][2]
7 and 8 1905 William Dwight Whitney Atharva Veda Samhita
9 1905 Arthur William Ryder Mrcchakatika by Shudraka
10 1906 Maurice Bloomfield A Vedic Concordance
11 1908 Johannes Hertel The Panchatantra of Purnabhadra[3]
12 1912 Johannes Hertel The Panchatantra of Purnabhadra[4]
13 1912 Johannes Hertel The Panchatantra of Purnabhadra[5]
14 1915 Johannes Hertel The Panchatantra (Tantrakhyayika)[6]
15 1912 Carl Cappeller Kiratarjuniya of Bharavi
16 1922 Richard Pischel Sakuntala of Kalidasa
17 1914 James Haughton Woods The Yoga-System of Patanjali
18 and 19 1914 Arthur Berriedale Keith The Veda of the Black Yajus School
20 1916 Maurice Bloomfield Rig-Veda Repetitions
21 1915 Shripad Krishna Belvalkar Rama's Later History or Uttara-Rama-Charita by Bhavabhuti
22 NA Shripad Krishna Belvalkar Rama's Later History, Part 2
23 NA Shripad Krishna Belvalkar Rama's Later History, Part 3
24 1916 Maurice Bloomfield Rig-Veda Repetitions, Parts 2 and 3
25 1920 Arthur Berriedale Keith Rigveda Brahmanas
26 and 27 1926 Franklin Edgerton Vikrama's Adventures
28 and 29 and 30 1921 Eugene Watson Burlingame Buddhist Legends
31 and 32 1925 Arthur Berriedale Keith The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads
33 and 34 and 35 1951 Karl Friedrich Geldner Der Rig-Veda
36 1957 Karl Friedrich Geldner Der Rig-Veda
37 1932 Robert Chalmers Buddha's Teachings
38 and 39 1944 Franklin Edgerton The Bhagavad Gita
40 1951 Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls Navya-Nyāya Logic
41 1950 Henry Clarke Warren & Dharmananda Damodar Kosambi Visuddhimagga of Buddhaghosa
42 1957 D. D. Kosambi and V. V. Gokhale Subhasitaratnakosa by Vidyakara
43 1958 W. Norman Brown Saundaryalahari of Sankaracarya
44 1965 Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls Vidyakara's Subhasitaratnakosa
45 1965 Richard Nelson Frye The Histories of Nishapur
46 1968 Bimal Krishna Matilal Navya-Nyāya Philosophy
47 1968 Hattori Masaaki Dignaga's Pramanasamuccaya
48 1978 David Pingree The Yavanajataka of Sphujidhvaja
49 1990 Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson and M. V. Patwardhan The Dhvanyaloka of Anandavardhana
50 1994 Barend A. van Nooten and Gary Holland Rig Veda
51 1996 Gurinder Singh Mann The Goindval Pothis
52 1997 Madhav Deshpande Saunakiya Caturadhyayika
53 1998 V. Raghavan The Srngaraprakasa of Bhoja, Part 1
54 NA NA The Srngaraprakasa of Bhoja, Part 2
55 1998 Gregory G. Maskarinec Nepalese Shaman Oral Texts, I
56 1999 Edward C. Dimock Jr. Caitanya Caritamrta of Krsnadasa Kaviraja
57 Example B. R. Sharma The Samaveda Samhita, Volume 1
58 NA B. R. Sharma The Samaveda Samhita, Volume 2
59 NA B. R. Sharma The Samaveda Samhita, Volume 3
60 2002 Olle Qvarnström The Yogasastra of Hemacandra
61 2002 Madhav Deshpande Saunakiya Atharvaveda
62 2003 Iravatham Mahadevan Early Tamil Epigraphy
63 2003 Karl Friedrich Geldner Rig-Veda
64 2008 Kurtis R. Schaeffer and Leonard van der Kuijp An Early Tibetan Survey of Buddhist Literature
65 2004 Michael Witzel Katha Aranyaka
66 2008 Marco Franceschini A New Vedic Concordance
67 2007 Todd T. Lewis and Subarna Man Tuladhar Sugatasaurabha by Chittadhar Hridaya
68 2008 Gregory G. Maskarinec Nepalese Shaman Oral Texts, II
69 2008 Karen H. Ebert and Martin Gaenszle Rai Mythology
70 2008 Malcolm David Eckel Bhaviveka and His Buddhist Opponents
71 2008 Lawrence J. McCrea The Teleology of Poetics in Medieval Kashmir
72 2010 Dragomir Dimitrov The Bhaiksuki Manuscript of the Candralamkara
73 2009 Patrick Olivelle Vishnu Smriti
74 2012 Lorenz G. Löffler Ethnographic Notes on the Mru and Khumi of the Chittagong and Arakan Hill Tracts: A Contribution to our Knowledge of South and Southeast Asian Indigenous Peoples mainly based on field research in the Southern Chittagong Hill Tracts
75 2013 Ulrich Timme Kragh The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet
76 2013 Jeanne Hein and V.S. Rajam The Earliest Missionary Grammar of Tamil: Fr. Henriques' Arte da Lingua Malabar: Translation, History, and Analysis
77 2015 David Brick Brahmanical Theories of the Gift: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Dānakānda of the Krtyakalpataru
78 2015 Olle Qvarnström Bhāviveka on Sāmkhya and Vedānta: The Sāmkhya and Vedānta Chapters of the Madhyamakahrdayakārikā and Tarkajvālā
79 2015 Tarun Chhabra The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology
80 2015 Georg Buddruss and Almuth Degener Materialien zur Prasun-Sprache des Afghanischen Hindukusch, Teil I: Texte und Glossar
81 2016 Jonathan A. Silk Materials Toward the Study of Vasubandhu’s Viṁśikā (I): Sanskrit and Tibetan Critical Editions of the Verses and Autocommentary; An English Translation and Annotations
82 2016 Maho Iuchi An Early Text on the History of Rwa sgreng Monastery: The Rgyal ba’i dben gnas rwa sgreng gi bshad pa nyi ma’i ’od zer of ’Brom Shes rab me lce
83 2016 John Stratton Hawley Into Sūr’s Ocean: Poetry, Context, and Commentary
84 2016 Buddruss, Georg and Degener, Almuth Materialien zur Prasun-Sprache des Afghanischen Hindukusch, Teil II: Grammatik
85 2018 Kṣemendra, Sahaja Bhaṭṭa, and Michael Witzel Lokaprakāśa by Kṣemendra with the commentary of Sahaja Bhaṭṭa, Volume 1
86 and 87 2018 Simon Strickland Materials for the Study of Gurung Pe, volumes I-II
88 2019 Jana Fortier A Comparative Dictionary of Raute and Rawat: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Central Himalayas
89 2018 Arthur McKeown Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra (c. 1335–1426) and the End of Late Indian Buddhism
90 2018 Kṣemendra, Sahaja Bhaṭṭa, and Michael Witzel Lokaprakāśa by Kṣemendra with the commentary of Sahaja Bhaṭṭa, Volume 2
91 2019 Howard Resnick Vaikhānasa-mantra-praśna V-VIII : (Daivikacatuṣṭayam)
92 2018 Michael Witzel The Two Oldest Veda Manuscripts: Facsimile Edition of Vājasaneyi Saṃhitā 1–20 (Saṃhitā- and Padapāṭha) from Nepal and Western Tibet (c. 1150 CE)
93 2018 Martin Gaenszle Ritual Speech in the Himalayas: Oral Texts and Their Contexts

Volumes of Opera Minora subseries

Volume Year Author Title
1 1996 edited by Enrica Garzilli Translating, Translations, Translators : From India to the West
2 1997 edited by Michael Witzel Inside the Texts, Beyond the Texts : New Approaches to the Study of the Vedas : Proceedings of the International Vedic Workshop, Harvard University, June 1989
3 1999 edited by Johannes Bronkhorst and Madhav M. Deshpande Aryan and Non-Aryan in South Asia : Evidence, Interpretation, and Ideology : Proceedings of the International Seminar on Aryan and Non-Aryan in South Asia, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 25–27 October 1996
4 2002 Alexander Lubotsky Atharaveda-paippalada, Kanda Five : Text, Translation, Commentary
5 2007 Mohan Prasad Khanal and Theodore Riccardi, Jr. Archaeological Excavations in the Kathmandu Valley : a Report on the 1984–85 and 1988-89 Seasons at Dumakhal
6 2010 Carlos A. Lopez Atharvaveda-paippalada : Kāṇḍas Thirteen and Fourteen
7 2011 Toshiki Osada and Michael Witzel Cultural Relations Between the Indus and the Iranian Plateau During the Third Millennium BCE : Indus Project, Research Institute for Humanities and Nature, June 7–8, 2008
8 2012 Toshiki Osada Language Atlas of South Asia : Indus Project, Research Institute for Humanities and Nature, Kyoto
9 2016 edited by Jan E. M. Houben, Julieta Rotaru & Michael Witzel Vedic Śākhās : Past, Present, Future : Proceeding of the Fifth International Vedic Workshop, Bucharest 2011
10 [volume 10 not yet published]
11 2019 Nawaraj Chaulagain Hindu Kingship Rituals: Power Relation and Historical Evolution
12 2020 Amruta Chintaman Natu Georg Bühler's Contribution to Indology

See also



  1. ^ Arthur Anthony Macdonell (1904). Charles Rockwell Lanman (ed.). The Bṛhad-devatā attributed to Śaunaka: A Summary of the Deities and Myths of the Rig-Veda: Critically edited in the original Sanskrit with an introduction and seven appendices, and translated into English with critical and illustrative notes: Part I: Introduction and Text and Appendices. Harvard Oriental Series. Vol. V. Harvard University. [1]
  2. ^ Arthur Anthony Macdonell (1904). Charles Rockwell Lanman (ed.). The Bṛhad-devatā attributed to Śaunaka: A Summary of the Deities and Myths of the Rig-Veda: Critically edited in the original Sanskrit with an introduction and seven appendices, and translated into English with critical and illustrative notes: Part II: Translation and Notes. Harvard Oriental Series. Vol. V. Harvard University.
  3. ^ Hertel, Johannes (1908), The Panchatantra: a collection of ancient Hindu tales, in the recension called Panchakhyanaka, and dated 1199 A.D., of the Jaina monk, Pūrṇabhadra, critically edited in the original Sanskrit (in Nâgarî letters, and, for the sake of beginners, with word-division), Harvard Oriental Series Volume 11 [2] [3] [4]
  4. ^ Hertel, Johannes (1912), The Panchatantra-text of Pūrṇabhadra : critical introduction and list of variants, Harvard Oriental Series Volume 12 [5] [6]
  5. ^ Hertel, Johannes (1912), The Panchatantra-text of Pūrṇabhadra and its relation to texts of allied recensions as shown in parallel specimens, Harvard Oriental Series Volume 13
  6. ^ Hertel, Johannes (1915), The Panchatantra: a collection of ancient Hindu tales in its oldest recension, the Kashmirian, entitled Tantrakhyayika, Harvard Oriental Series Volume 14 [7]