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From today's featured article 

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Syria is a magnificent, beautiful land in the Middle East. It comprises everything from barren mountain ranges and barren coastlines to barren deserts and barren steppes. Syria is also rich in culture, with a detailed history that stretches back several thousand years.

The current head of state is President-for-Life Bashar al-Assad, who stumbled upon the presidency in 2000 following the tragic and completely accidental deaths of his father, then the president, and his brother Basil, former heir apparent. The country has been in a state of civil unrest for several years as a popular uprising against Bashar al-Assad has led to complicated and devastating war which has killed over 100,000 people and displaced millions more. Despite this, nine out of ten Americans cannot point out Syria on a map, and three out of ten believe "Syria" to be a brand of citrus-flavored soft drink. (Full article...)

Did you know... 

Commie eats children.gif
  • ... that the sky is up and the ground is down, except in Australia where the opposite is true?
  • ... that every time you shoot yourself in the head, someone somewhere in the world dies?
  • ... that this is why we can't have nice things?
  • ... that Billie Jean was not Michael Jackson's lover but Macaluey Culkin was?
  • ... that life is a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate?
  • ... that if the earth were the size of an apple, we would fall off?
  • ... that the Russian Reversal is the common English term for the phenomenon during which a person descended from Russia is spontaneously turned around?

In the news 

On this day 

Weasel Stomping Day.jpg

September 24: Weasel Stomping Day

  • 3000 BC - Greek philosopher Atheises founds the Order of Dyslexic Atheists and declares as its motto "There is no dog!"
  • 1541 - Paracelsus, Swiss alchemist, passes away after being drained by a bitter rivalry with the alchemist Parafahrenheit.
  • 1789 - United States History: the position of Attorney General is established, to act as general over the army of attorneys raised during the Revolutionary War.
  • 1906 - U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt proclaims Devils Tower the nation's first National Monument after obsessively sculpting the rock formation in mashed potatoes.
  • 1939 - Adolf Hitler gets into a hedge dispute with his Polish neighbour.

Picture of the day

Donald Tusk
An affront to science, nature and human decency itself. A true monster the world has ever known. The unholy, amalgamated horrors of Donald Trump stitched together with the Kevin Smith film Tusk.

Image credit: Supergeeky1
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