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History or History/Social Science major

Outstanding Young Alum: Ral Obioha ’08 - Lawyer
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Outstanding Young Alum: Ral Obioha ’08 - Lawyer

Obioha was awarded a merit scholarship to Howard University School of Law. She founded a private law firm in Houston, Texas, where she represents clients seeking permanent residency and citizenship in the U.S.

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Boldly challenging yourself to understand history – where we have been as a culture and a country – can help you change the future and advocate for a better world. 

At EMU, studying history is about more than just learning dates and events. Rather, it is an exploration of how people lived in particular times and places – in both national and global contexts.

Marketable foreign language skills, eye-opening intercultural experiences, and resume-building internships at the Washington Community Scholars' Center will give you real-world understanding and first-hand knowledge about how politics, culture and language shape history.  

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Career Options

History graduates are equipped with key transferable skills that employers desire: research, synthesis, analysis, and clear written and oral communication.

The above data was drawn from ONet and is intended for informational purposes only.

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Degree Requirements

History Major

A major consists of 33 SH including:

  • HIST 101 US History I: Race and Reason (to 1860) - 2  
  • HIST 102 US History II: Mechanization and Modernization (1860-1918) - 2  
  • HIST 103 US History III: Power and Paradox (1918-present) - 2  
  • HIST 121 Global Past I: Civilization (to 1400) - 2  
  • HIST 122 Global Past II: Modernization (post-1400) - 2  
  • HIST 123-126 Global Past III: Comparative Themes - 2  
  • HUM 200 Foundations of Humanities - 2  
  • HUM 490 Seminar in Humanities - 4  
  • Additional HIST, HUM, OR CCHIS courses - 15

Majors are strongly encouraged to divide their courses among various regions and periods. In addition, majors contemplating graduate study in history are advised to acquire a high level of proficiency in at least one foreign language. It is also strongly suggested that majors do both a semester long intercultural and the WCSC program.

History and Social Science

This interdepartmental major of 42-43 SH consists of the following:

United States History (6 SH)

Choose 6 SH from the following courses:

  • HIST 101 US History I: Race and Reason (to 1860) - 2  
  • HIST 102 US History II: Mechanization and Modernization (1860-1918) - 2  
  • HIST 103 US History III: Power and Paradox (1918-present) - 2  
  • *HIST 222 African American History - 3  
  •  *HIST 312 19th Century America - 3  
  • *HIST 321 Modernizing America - 3  
  • *HIST 411 History of Recent America - 4  

(Students pursuing teacher licensure are required to take HIST 101, 102, and 103, and are strongly encouraged to take additional US history courses.)

European and World History (6 SH)

Choose 6 SH from the following courses:

  • HIST 121 Global Past I: Civilization (to 1400) - 2  
  • HIST 122 Global Past II: Modernization (post-1400) - 2  
  • HIST 123-126 Global Past III: Comparative Themes - 2  
  • *HIST 231 Medieval Europe - 3  
  • *HIST 362 Renaissance and Reformation - 3  
  • *HIST 391 Birth of Modernity in Europe - 3  
  • *HIST 461 Modern Europe- 3  

(Students pursuing teacher licensure are required to take HIST 121, 122, and 123-126 and are strongly encouraged to take additional European history courses.)

Area Studies (3 SH)

Choose one of the following courses:

  • *HIST 251 History of Africa - 3  
  • *HIST 432 History of the Middle East - 3  
  • *PPX 371 Peace and Security in East Asia - 3 (may count for Area Studies or Political Science, not both)  
  • CCHIS from an international cross-cultural experience - 3 

Historiography (6 SH)

  • HUM 200 Foundations of Humanities - 2  
  • HUM 490 Seminar in Humanities - 4  

Political Science (9-10 SH)

  • POL 111 Comparative Politics - 2  
  • POL 112 American Politics - 2  
  • POL 113 International Relations - 2  

Choose one of the following courses:

  • *POL 230 International Norms and Institutions - 3  
  • *POL 250 Law, Justice and the Local Context - 3  
  • *PPX 371 Peace and Security in East Asia - 3 (may count for Area Studies or Political Science, not both)  
  • *PPX 401 Human Rights and Dignity - 4  
  • *PPX 421 Genocide in the 20th Century - 4  
  • *PPX 431 Political Reconciliation - 4  

Economics (3 SH)

  • ECON 201 Survey of Economics - 3  

Geography (3 SH)

  • GEOG 231 Cultural Geography - 3  

Social Science (6 SH)

Choose two of the following courses:

  • PSYC 101 General Psychology - 3  
  • PSYC 202 Developmental Psychology - 3  
  • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology - 3  

(Students pursuing teacher licensure must take PSYC 202 and SOC 101.)

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