Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. Frontier: Creating Parallel SmartAg Systems Certificate Programs for Engineering and Applied Science Graduate StudentsPublished by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan Citation: Journal of the ASABE. 66(5): 1187-1203. (doi: 10.13031/ja.15358) @2023Authors: Thomas Burks, Adam Watson, Quentin Frederick, Kati Migliaccio, Renfu Lu Keywords: Keywords., Course evaluation, Curriculum design, Graduate certificate program, Smart agriculture. Highlights Integration of smart technology into applied agriculture and food production is needed by employers and academic programs. Two graduate certificate programs were designed for broad participation by both engineering and applied science students. One new ‘cornerstone‘ course for each certificate was designed to link concepts of smart agriculture to discipline-specific material. Abstract. Population growth, rapid urbanization, epidemics, political instability, and resource constraints are contributing to disruptions in food supplies, while farm labor shortages, increasing input costs, disease and pest pressure, and federal regulations further reduce food security. The convergence of recent scientific (e.g., genomics) and engineering (e.g., smart sensors, robotics, artificial intelligence) technologies in agriculture have the potential to create more efficient, productive, sustainable, and resilient food systems. Yet, this fusion of agricultural practices with modern, information-based technologies requires a trained workforce that includes engineers, scientists, and production personnel to develop and apply solutions to address critical challenges in agriculture and natural resources. In response to these needs and discussions amongst experts in the field, faculty in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) Department at the University of Florida developed two graduate certificates to provide specialized training for students interested in technical careers in agriculture. The ABE faculty have expertise in the application of innovative technology in agricultural and food systems and are uniquely positioned to develop curricula for broader audiences in engineering and agricultural sciences. These smart agriculture (SmartAg) certificates provide students with a curated sequence of required courses in addition to elective courses in an area of their interest. Students in the Engineered SmartAg Certificate (Eng_SmartAg) design, integrate, and implement hardware and software solutions, while science students in the Applied Methods for SmartAg Systems (App_SmartAg), including operators, managers, and technologists, apply solutions from existing systems and components. This article presents the curriculum and certificate development processes in different stages. We start with motivations, program needs, and highlight key discussions amongst experts in the agricultural engineering field that led to the conceptualization of the certificates. Next, we discuss two new integral courses that were developed for each certificate and describe course objectives, curriculum maps, projects, and key assessments. We then describe the process for certificate program assessment, detailing their program missions, alignment, goals, and student learning outcomes, as well as assessment plans and approaches to course evaluation and program improvement. We summarize feedback provided by students enrolled in the first cohorts of these courses and discuss changes and revisions to facilitate student learning opportunities, improve instructional effectiveness, and strengthen the courses and certificates. Finally, we discuss the early challenges in launching both certificates and future plans to market, advertise, and attract students and professionals from different engineering disciplines and agricultural backgrounds interested in agriculture and food system innovations. "/>Highlights Integration of smart technology into applied agriculture and food production is needed by employers and academic programs. Two graduate certificate programs were designed for broad participation by both engineering and applied science students. One new ‘cornerstone‘ course for each certificate was designed to link concepts of smart agriculture to discipline-specific material. Abstract. Population growth, rapid urbanization, epidemics, political instability, and resource constraints are contributing to disruptions in food supplies, while farm labor shortages, increasing input costs, disease and pest pressure, and federal regulations further reduce food security. The convergence of recent scientific (e.g., genomics) and engineering (e.g., smart sensors, robotics, artificial intelligence) technologies in agriculture have the potential to create more efficient, productive, sustainable, and resilient food systems. Yet, this fusion of agricultural practices with modern, information-based technologies requires a trained workforce that includes engineers, scientists, and production personnel to develop and apply solutions to address critical challenges in agriculture and natural resources. In response to these needs and discussions amongst experts in the field, faculty in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) Department at the University of Florida developed two graduate certificates to provide specialized training for students interested in technical careers in agriculture. The ABE faculty have expertise in the application of innovative technology in agricultural and food systems and are uniquely positioned to develop curricula for broader audiences in engineering and agricultural sciences. These smart agriculture (SmartAg) certificates provide students with a curated sequence of required courses in addition to elective courses in an area of their interest. Students in the Engineered SmartAg Certificate (Eng_SmartAg) design, integrate, and implement hardware and software solutions, while science students in the Applied Methods for SmartAg Systems (App_SmartAg), including operators, managers, and technologists, apply solutions from existing systems and components. This article presents the curriculum and certificate development processes in different stages. We start with motivations, program needs, and highlight key discussions amongst experts in the agricultural engineering field that led to the conceptualization of the certificates. Next, we discuss two new integral courses that were developed for each certificate and describe course objectives, curriculum maps, projects, and key assessments. We then describe the process for certificate program assessment, detailing their program missions, alignment, goals, and student learning outcomes, as well as assessment plans and approaches to course evaluation and program improvement. We summarize feedback provided by students enrolled in the first cohorts of these courses and discuss changes and revisions to facilitate student learning opportunities, improve instructional effectiveness, and strengthen the courses and certificates. Finally, we discuss the early challenges in launching both certificates and future plans to market, advertise, and attract students and professionals from different engineering disciplines and agricultural backgrounds interested in agriculture and food system innovations. (Download PDF) (Export to EndNotes)