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Project: 2016-1-HR01-KA203-022180


FEIS 2018 - Proceedings

10 - 11 September 2018, Pisa

Please, use following link to access FEIS 2018 e-Proceedings

European Summer School on Information Science 2018

1-6 July, 2018 – Graz, Austria

The European Summer School on Information Science (ESSIS) is an intensive one week teaching event for BA students who want to enrol in a MA program in information science. The lectures for core areas in LIS will enable students to close their knowledge gaps and to prepare better for MA programs. One week of ESSIS will bring you 2 ECTS. If you would like to continue to work with one of our teachers in order to improve your knowledge about the Information Science field after the ESSIS you can earn up to 3 more ECTS, depending on your activities.
Program: The courses of ESSIS will cover the four following areas:

  • Advances in Information Science
  • Research Methodology in Information Science
  • Information Seeking and Retrieval
  • Evaluation of Information Services

In the mornings, there will be interactive lectures and in the afternoons, students will work on group assignments. In adddition, a social program will allow you to experience Graz and its surroundings.
EINFOSE Project Group (funded by the EU under the Erasmus+ program) lead by Professor Christian Schloegl, University of Graz.
Project EINFOSE: Information Science Education: Encouraging mobility and learning outcomes harmonization (Coordinator: Professor Tatjana Aparac Jelušic)

Multiplier Event 4

12 – 13 April, 2018

Workshop on Policy Recommendations for the h+Harmonization of the Entry Requirements and Learning Outcomes in (Library and) Information Science Department of Librarianship, Information Science and Book Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Multiplier Event 3

19 – 20 October 2017

Workshop on Didactic Methodology Swedish School of Library and Information Science, University of Borås, Sweden

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Multiplier Event 2

30 November – 1 December, 2017

Workshop on the Development and Application of Evaluation Criteria Faculty of Library and Information Science, University of Barcelona

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Multiplier Event 1

April 21 – 22, 2017

Workshop on the funcionality of the EINFOSE Platform and OERs Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Osijek, Croatia

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EINFOSE: Workshop – Multiplier event, Barcelona, 29 and 30 June 2017

Jun 21st, 2017

Workshop programme and registration form can be found on Multiplier Event - E2 page

Workshop on the funcionality of the EINFOSE Platform and OERs - Programme

Apr 18th, 2017

Workshop programme can be found on Multiplier Event - E1 page

Workshop on the funcionality of the EINFOSE Platform and OERs

Dec 15th, 2017

On December 9, 2016 the Croatian Agency for Mobility and EU Projects organized a workshop in Zagreb for all those who showed interest in submitting their proposals in the following 2017 Erasmus plus Call. Professor Aparac-Jelušić was invited to talk about the experience of the EINFOSE team activities that lead to the successful submission of the proposal and its acceptance with high grades. The project was chosen to be presented to Workshop participants as an example of a well elaborated proposal. During the presentation, prof. Aparac-Jelušić shed light upon the collaboration between project partners, their experience, decision about the main topic and expected outcomes and distribution of duties among partners. She also stressed the importance of chosen EU priorities for the project and how these were planned to be incorporated in the aims and goals of EINFOSE project.

European Summer School on Information Science 2017

Nov 28th, 2016

August 28th – September 1st 2017 in Burg Katlenburg (Germany) 
Interested in Information Science? You want to enjoy a unique learning experience in an international group at a historic location? You want to learn about basic information science? You want to enrol in a MA program in LIS and come from another discipline or want to enrol in another university? You want to receive a student grant for participation?
The European Summer School on Information Science (ESSIS) is an intensive one week teaching event for BA students who want to enrol in a MA program in information science. The lectures for core areas in LIS will enable students to close their knowledge gaps and to prepare better for MA programs. You will meet students and professors from other countries and other schools of Information Science. Enjoy networking and studying with many other students.

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Report of the of the Kick-off meeting

Nov 28th, 2016

The Kick-off meeting was held in Osijek on November 4 and 5, 2016 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

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Presentation of EINFOSE project at ASIS&T Annual Conference in Copengahen, Denmark

Nov 28th, 2016

Monday, October 17, 17:30 – 19:00 – ASIS&T Education and Professional Advancement Committee (EPAC) annual meeting
T. Aparac-Jelusic presented EINFOSE project to the members of the EPAC on a closed session. The goal was to introduce the purpose and planned activities related to project's intellectual outcomes to the members of EPAC and to invite them to disseminate information among ASIS&T members who might be interested to take part at the final project's event in Pisa, September 2018.
Monday, October 17, 20:00 – 21:30 ASIS&T European Chapter meeting
T. Aparac-Jelusic, T. Mandl and C. Womser-Hacker distributed a short information (leflet) about EINFOSE project to the members of the European chapter and ask them to inform other members at European HEIs that offer programs in Information Science about the project's goals and expected outcomes.
Tuesday, Ocotber 18, whole morning – ASIS&T European Chapter Table – exposed leaflet to interested colleagues
ASIST/ALISE workshop on LIS accreditation program attended by M. Žumer and T. Aparac-Jelušić.

Agencija zs mobilnosti i programe EU
Filozofski fakultet Osijek


  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Jägerova 9, 31000 Osijek

This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This publication [communication] reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.