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Exciting News from the front lines of the Search!

Hot off the presses, and about to hit the street:

Just back from Seattle where we interviewed Dick Spink and Jim Hayton.

Dick Spink, Jim Hayton, Rich Martini, Mike Harris

You may not have heard of them before, but you're going to be hearing about them in the future. They're about to become household names.

Here's the news story from the KC star: 

What the story does not include - I have eyewitness reports of every moment from the point that plane came down to when it was found by US Marines in Saipan in June of 1944.

Dick is a school teacher, a well respected member of his community who happens to design boats for countries worldwide, who use his unique designs as river and ferry boats.  He's spent a lot of time in the Marshall islands and considers his friends there family. He was intrigued when they started telling him the stories of seeing Earhart's plane come down on a nearby atoll in 1937.

Jim Hayton is an aviation expert who has testified before Congress and the NTSB about plane crashes.  

Having gone to the University of Chicago, his journey and path led him into aviation where he is one expert they consult when there's an accident in the Pacific Northwest.  He also is a fan of the Electra, and purchased three Goodyear Airwheel that fit the Electra way back when he was a kid.  Over the years, he used two on other planes, but still owns one.  The same airwheel as was on Amelia's Electra.

Dick heard the rumors that Earhart had come down in Mili Atoll, a place that he's been to before, and could lead an expedition to.  He went out with his camera, and investigated what he'd heard and knew about Earhart coming down in Mili.
The key difference in Dick's expedition, with respect to Oliver Knagg's trip to Mili in 1983 and Vincent Loomis' trip in 1985 is that Dick went to where the two fishermen actually said they saw her plane come down.

For those familiar with the story - Vincent Loomis book "The Final Story" documents his trip to these islands in 1985 to interview those who saw the plane come down.  And Oliver Knaggs, a journalist from South Africa, went out in 1983 and wrote "Her Last Flight" - both recounting the same stories of locals who claim they saw her plane come down.  They interviewed some of the same people, and footage of their testimony resides in a film vault in Florida.

In "Final Story" Loomis demonstrates how evidence shows she had more fuel on her plane than she actually knew. Evidence shows that on three occassions she "accidentally" flew 200 miles to the north of where she was supposed to go - and her radioman Harry Manning said it was "BECAUSE SHE HAD A TENDENCY TO DRIFT WHILE SHE WAS FLYING THE PLANE."  He mentioned how she had drifted "200 miles" to the north when he flew on the Electra with her. (He was supposed to be on her world flight, but got off after her crash in Hawaii.)  Harry Manning.  If the Electra drifted 200 miles North, she would have enough fuel to make it to the Marshalls.  But the important detail is THAT MANY PEOPLE SAW HER COME DOWN, MANY SAW HER AND THE PLANE AFTER SHE DISAPPEARED.

But Dick followed up on these stories recently, because he knows and loves the people of the Marshalls, and with the help of a local "chief" or "king" of the islands, went out and found a small piece of a plane and brought it back to Seattle to his friend Jim Hayton, the aviation expert.  
And Jim said that it looked like a piece from her plane, could be part of an Electra - but while looking over Dick's footage discovered something that looked more promising.  
The Good Year Airwheel from the Electra

So Dick went back and recovered that piece Jim saw - which Jim identified immediately as being a dust shield that came from between the brake unit and the wheel itself of the Electra.  The size is correct, and as he put it "could only have come from an Electra built identically to her plane." HE RECOGNIZED THE PIECE FROM THE PHOTOGRAPH AND KNEW EXACTLY WHAT IT WAS.

He also explained to me: "The reason it is made of aluminum instead of steel, is that, since it is attached to the magnesium wheel, a steel dust shield would instantly corrode the wheel."

There were no other planes on this island, and no air battles fought overhead or nearby.  So it's the only pieces from an airplane that they could find during their search.

I had the opportunity to access an Electra 10E manual where the piece is clearly identified - as the piece that Jim said that it was. He was correct about the manufacture of the airwheel, and the identity of the piece, both of which are in the manual for the Electra.

Also I got to examine a piece of the actual Electra, that had been retrieved from the plane before it left.  And to my untrained eye, the paint from the original piece Dick found, and the paint from the actual plane looks mighty similar.  Forensic spectrometry could solve that riddle. (The owner of the piece was emphatic in the disbelief she landed in Mili, and is in no way associated with my search for the Electra.  A respected pilot, I won't mention their name with regard to any part of this story, as per their request.)

I'm not posting photos of their find until after they're posted in the media and papers, and I'll leave that to them to license their work in any way they see fit.  Both Dick and Jim are not in the Earhart discovery game, are not treasure hunters, but are experts in their respective fields.  Dick knows a lot about the islands where these parts were found, and Jim knows alot about where on an Electra they would go. 

So.  Where does that leave us?

First, I know there was a "piece of the Electra found" last week - which is reportedly, according to forensic testimony, a piece of a PBY plane that was found on Nikaumaroro and identified 22 years ago by Elgen Long (who spoke with National Geographic and Can Imaging Analysis Solve Mystery of Amelia Earhart's Disappearance?) - that the piece matches a PBY plane exactly.  I'm in awe of those folks' ability to command media attention at every swing of the bat, and wish the same for Dick and Jim, as they've gone a long way and have a great story to tell.)

But this discovery, if verified, will be the linchpin to the story on these pages - that is repeated in the footage to the right of this page, with eyewitness testimony from those who saw her after she came down, saw her incarcerated, saw the plane.


Watch that footage to see that there are eyewitnesses to her coming down in Mili, eyewitnesses to her plane being picked up by a barge and taken to a Japanese ship, eyewitnesses who saw the plane aboard the ship, eyewitnesses who saw her and Fred aboard that ship, eyewitnesses who saw the ship follow a route to Japan.  (Saipan had been part of Japan since 1914, and for purposes of clarity, and common sense, it should be referred to as such, since the Japanese considered it home territory, the way we considered Pearl Harbor home territory. Their Pacific military headquarters were located there as well.)

Her plane was found by US forces on this airfield in June of 1944.  In the foreground is a plane that was burned, but the wings were not destroyted.

At least two eyewitnesses saw Amelia and Fred come ashore in Saipan in 1937, other eyewitnesses saw her on the island from that point forward, and according to the testimony we recently got from eyewitnesses in Saipan, more than one person saw her up until 1944 when the US invaded. 
Fred Noonan's piercing blue eyes were identified by people who saw him aboard a Japanese ship who had never seen the color before.  Amelia and Fred were wounded, they were treated and taken to Japan (Saipan) where the were incarcerated, according to numerous eyewitnesses. (See the footage to the right for some of their accounts).
Eyewitnesses saw the plane in a hangar at the airfield on Saipan before the war, and then during the invasion by the Americans, US Marines reported finding the plane in a hangar in June of 44.  Many people saw it, many we've spoken to and filmed - enough that it doesn't make a lick of sense how or why they would make something like this up.  After all, US Marines aren't prone to making stuff up.  And if they were, we would have heard stories of her on Okinawa, Tawara, or other islands they also fought and died for.

And these US Marines also saw it fly on Saipan in June of 44. 

So that could only mean that her plane had been repaired in the ensuing seven years, and also would account for why the planes that attacked Pearl Harbor had knock off Electra (Pratt & Witney) engines.  And US Marines reported seeing the plane not only at the airfield, but also watched as it was destroyed by US forces for reasons beyond my capacity to understand, or desire to know.

Fred was reportedly executed early on, Amelia was reportedly executed later on.  There were more than one location where islanders claim she was buried - we have a couple of accounts of her death, one who claims she saw her shot, another who claims her father, brother in law of the police chief at that time period, ordered her beheading.  And we have two reports that claim the story of her cremation.  We also have the crematorium on camera.  

Was she buried or cremated?  Again, it's not a piece of the story that's worth pursuing or pinning down.  It's important that Amelia be remembered not for how she died, but for how she lived.  

She died because she was an American. For that alone she deserves to be honored.

So.  These exciting developments have not gone unnoticed by the national media, and from what I understand, will soon, within hours, or days become part of the official revision of this story. 

And we have Dick Spink the school teacher, and Jim Hayton the aviation expert to thank for supplying this amazing, fantastic piece to this overall puzzle.  Thank you!

Stay tuned.



 The latest clips from eyewitnesses who saw Earhart on Saipan, or heard from someone who did.


Latest piece of the electra found?

It's funny how Discovery seems to be a spokesperson for these expeditions to Nikamauroro.  Why is it that only Rosella Lorenzi is the only writer credited with these stories?

And this latest discovery?

That very piece they're claiming was from the Electra was discounted by Electra expert Elgen Long 22 years ago:

March 30th, 1992,

"Long recruited a formidable panel of volunteers: a professor of metals engineering; a structures engineer for Navy patrol aircraft; the owner of two Lockheed 10 airplanes, and the assistant foreman, now retired, of the Lockheed fuselage shop at the time Earhart's plane was built.

The group pored over photographs of the piece. They examined blueprints and engineering orders for repairs to the airplane's underside needed after a takeoff accident ended an earlier Earhart attempt to fly around the world. And the team visited a 1936 Lockheed 10B at Oakland's Western Aerospace Museum.
The associates placed the template over the starboard belly of the airplane. They slid the piece over all other exterior sections of the airplane. Just in case.

"We decided the fragment could have come from anywhere . . . anywhere but Amelia Earhart's airplane," Long says.

The latest article asks for funding for the eleventh expedition.

Actually just read the last paragraph of the article. “Funding is being sought, in part, from individuals who will make a substantial contribution in return for a place on the expedition team,” Gillespie said." 

22 years ago, this piece of the plane was definitely said "not to be from the Electra." 

Experts were consulted, and for the past 24 years (since it was found) it was considered just another piece of junk. 

Question is - where's the rest of the plane? So we're to believe that the plane crashed - but then sank - where he wants to get people to fund his expedition to find it. So this one piece either fell on its way into the water - or magically jumped up onto land.

He's had TEN EXPEDITIONS to this island. ABC funded a couple - one guy sued him over the last one. I wish it was a piece from her plane. Alas, it would mean that over 200 islanders and over a dozen US Marines (that I have on film) were lying. That they didn't see her plane, didn't see her incarcerated on Saipan. That she wasn't executed by the Japanese for being an American when the US launched the invasion of their Headquarters for the war in the Pacific.

That all these islanders who came forward during my trip to Saipan last year - who never have spoken about what they saw, or what their parents saw or what their relatives told them - was untrue. Again - I'd LOVE for this to be her plane. Then it would mean she didn't die the tragic death everyone has told me she died... in their own words.

I'm sorry to say - there's not real evidence that links that piece to her plane - other than saying "it's a patch that she got in Florida." Which is why it was discounted 24 years ago. 

But gee, the article doesn't mention that, now does it? How could the author of this piece have missed that key detail?

Oh well. Stay tuned.


Amelia's Patch Found yet not found!

Hilarious. "If" we can match the patch, means they didn't, could not. Why continue to finance trips if you've already found the patch? Over 200 islanders saw AE and Fred Noonan after she disappeared. They saw the Electra come down, they saw it put on a Japanese ship and they saw it transported to Saipan (part of Japan since 1914). They saw her in prison, they saw her executed. US Marines found the plane June 19, 1944 and watched as US forces destroyed it.  There's no mystery here.  The mystery is how these "photos" become "news"!?! Just listen to the eyewitnesses and judge for yourself (please):

If you want to know what really happened - according to eyewitness reports, watch this clip:

Amelia Earhart on Saipan

Happy Birthday Amelia

The latest clips from eyewitnesses who saw Earhart on Saipan, or heard from someone who did.


A day of remembrance... for Amelia Earhart on July 2, 2014

Today is the day that Amelia disappeared in 1937.

She disappeared from the newspapers, and from the radar - but not from the planet.

And not from our hearts...

For those who'd like to know "What happened?" you've come to the right place.

She may not have found Howland, but she did find land.  In Mili Atoll.  (Oliver Knaggs, a South African author went to Mili and interviewed a number of people, including the Queen of Mili.  They all said they saw her plane come down and land on the beach.)

She was then arrested by the Japanese.  (At the time, the Japanese had mandated these islands, were not supposed to be reinforcing the harbors for war, but they were, in violation of the League of Nations.  Be that as it may, they'd beheaded a British couple the year before for spying.  So when she showed up, they assumed she was a spy - whether or not she actually was one.)

She and Fred Noonan and the plane were taken to Majuro.  (The Electra was put aboard a barge - this report comes from the footage below).  She was then taken to Jaluit - where a number of people saw her, including a young doctor's assistant, who was interviewed a number of times.  And his business partner vouches for his honesty in the footage below.  She was then taken (by ship, possibly to Truk and Kwajalein, I've heard these reports but haven't followed them up yet) to Japan.  

Let me say that again: She was taken to Japan.


Yes.  Japan.  Saipan was part of Japanese territory effectively in 1914, and officially in the 1920's. The headquarters for the Japanese Navy was based in Saipan. (It's estimated 30,000 Japanese soldiers died defending Saipan - once the airfield was taken, the US could bomb Tokyo and refuel).

She was seen entering Saipan by Josephine Blanco (in the footage below) arriving at the Seaplane harbor with Fred Noonan. She was taken to a hospital (son of a nurse interviewed below) where her wounds were attended to. She was then put into the jail on Garapan - spent an indeterminate time in a smaller cell (according to an eyewitness who was incarcerated next to her cell, and down the hall from Noonan) and she was then, at some point transported to a larger cell (across from the Commandant's office.)  She spent a number of years in that cell.

A number of people saw her in the prison, heard she was in the prison, or saw her plane at Aslito. All are referenced in the footage below

The last verifiable sighting of her was in 1944. She was on the back of a truck being guarded by two soldiers.  Two people (eyewitnesses who don't know each other, but both came forward to say they saw her on that same day) in the footage below saw her on that truck in late May or early June of 1944. As one of the eyewitnesses said "I was 12 years old.  I have never seen a caucasian woman in my life.  And here was one wearing man's clothes, her hands tied, with two soldiers guarding her with guns.  It's not something you'd ever forget."  (His brother was an eyewitness as well, and still lives on Saipan).

According to a woman who lives near the jail, her Japanese grandfather told her that the "american female pilot was beheaded and cremated."  An interview with that woman is in the footage below and a visit to the crematorium.

Her plane was found on Aslito airfield on June 19th, 1944.  

How do I know that date? Because the man who decoded the message (footage below) remembered the date, and it matches when they took the airfield. Her plane was in a hangar.  It was seen by numerous GI's (12 so far and counting) and it was then flown "around the field" - witnessed by a number of GI's. The plane was destroyed by US forces (for unknown reasons) a few weeks later - and the man who decoded that order is in the footage below.

He's a US Marine.  So are many  other eyewitnesses.  You think the Marines would make this up?  I suggest walking up to any Marine and suggesting the same to their face.  Not very likely.

Her body was obviously never recovered, but her briefcase, maps and passport was.  The Marine who found those objects is also in the footage below.  It was turned over to the proper authorities. Who have kept this story a secret for all these years.  Why? I don't know. But I don't particularly care - I'm not interested in their mistakes, or their cover up, or their reasons for keeping this woman's death an enduring mystery. I'm just interested in what happened.

So it's wonderful to honor the memory of Amelia Earhart.  But it's really about time to honor her memory with the truth.  

The truth, you see, is the thing that's supposed to set us free.  It's in the good book. It's also carved into the wall of the CIA.  So, hey, how about a little truth?

In honor of Amelia Earhart and her sacrifice for this country (it appears the only reason she was executed because she was an American and the US was on their way to liberate Saipan), I salute her and present this information to everyone to see for themselves.


Eyewitness Reports

The latest clips from eyewitnesses who saw Earhart on Saipan, or heard from someone who did.

Interview with Amelia Earhart

An interview with Amelia Earhart. This is a little mind bending. I supplied some of the questions for this; some of the answers only I know - based on my 20 years of research. (I was hired to work on "Amelia") The question "who was the love of your life?" and "did they burn your plane?" get very unusual answers.  I can only say that key elements I've confirmed via other sources. While Dr. Medhus or the medium have great knowledge about her life and death, whether one "believes" in mediums or the afterlife is beside the point - as "Amelia" says here - "How I died is not important. How I lived is."  (Dr Medhus conducts these interviews with a medium she's been working with for some time via skype - they've been speaking to a number of people via Dr Medhus' son who died some years back, and he helps facilitate the connection; hence the conversational tone.) I helped fix the sound on this interview, as there was a kink in the microphone.


Earhart On Saipan - The Facts

Latest updates:

Recently we spoke to a woman in Hawaii whose father claims that he was aware of Amelia's plane coming down in Mili Atoll. We're in the process of getting an interview with this woman in Hawaii.  That will add to the many interviews we obtained while on Saipan.

To watch excerpts of those interviews, please click on the link that takes you to the youtube video "Earhart On Saipan" - to date we have nearly two dozen new eyewitnesses.  People who actually saw her on Saipan, people whose parents saw her on Saipan, people who claim they saw her on a Japanese ship that took her to Saipan, people who claim their parents saw or heard or had some first hand knowledge of her being on Saipan.

Our premised has always been simple.  Ask people what they saw. Compare their stories.  It's not a matter of conjecture, or a matter of wanting her to be alive somewhere - it's just asking human beings what they saw or heard.  People's memories are faulty - people's memories of what someone said to someone else may also be faulty - but when you take the amount of eyewitnesses, and add that to the fact that they've been saying consistently the same thing for the past 50 years, but no one outside of Saipan seems to want to know about it... you're left with the puzzling fact that despite numerous eyewitnesses, no one wants to believe what it is they've said.

That's why we went to Saipan with a camera and filmed them. So they could speak in their own words and not through the filter of an author.  Let their testimony be what it is.  And when you examine the dozens of cases - they all tell the same story.

1. She came down in Mili Atoll.  Numerous island witnesses (including the father of the woman mentioned above from Mili) talked about, heard about her, or saw her landing the Electra on Mili. She and Fred Noonan were arrested by the Japanese occupying that atoll for being spies and put aboard a Japanese ship.

2. That Japanese ship and the Electra were taken to Majuro, then Jaluit, then Truk, then Japan.

3. People who aren't aware that Saipan was part of Japan and was considered homeland since 1914 - don't understand the previous sentence.

4. While in Saipan (part of Japan) she was in a hospital and looked after while they decided what to do with her and Fred. Saipan was the command post for the Japanese navy.

5. The Electra was taken to Aslito airfield and stored in a hangar.

6. She spent the next 7 years in prison. Fred was executed early on.  She was moved to at least two different cells, one tiny, and the one she spent the bulk of her time in larger but no less difficult - thin roof, in a row of cells that could house about a dozen prisoners at any given time, She was seen here, reported to be here by a few villagers (included in the footage above).

7. Many islanders saw her on the island, or heard of her presence there while she was incarcerated.

8. Sometime in early 1944 two US pilots were shot down over Saipan.  They were arrested and put into prison as well.

9. Around May of 1944 she and the two pilots were taken by truck through the island. She (and the pilots) were seen by at least two eyewitnesses (both on camera, in the interviews above)

10. She was executed.  The two pilots were executed as well, and their bodies were exhumed by a tribunal to see if they'd been tortured. (a matter of public record)

11.  Despite numerous locations where islanders claim she was buried (we've cataloged three cemeteries) we have corroborating testimony that she was beheaded and cremated - considered a more humane and religiously honorable death by the Japanese.

12. We've filmed the crematorium where she was reportedly cremated and have an interview with a woman who lived next to the prison whose Japanese grandfather told her the truth about the "American femal pilot."

13. A Japanese veteran told a Saipanese villager in 1995 that he was one of those assigned to behead and cremate her.

14. Her plane was found in June of 1944 by US Marines. (We have 6 eyewitnesses so far). The plane was guarded by US forces until a decision came to destroy it. It was flown once around the airfield. (6 eyewitnesses) It was then taken to the south end of the field and burned. (3 eyewitnesses). Her briefcase was found and given to military intelligence (two eyewitnesses).

15. Her death and the finding of the plane was covered up by the military.  Why is not yet known.  Perhaps to "protect her reputation" as was reported in 1945 to Eleanor Roosevelt (public record), perhaps because she was a "spy" in the vein that Julia Child spied for FDR as a favor - but we have no evidence as to why these details occurred in the fashion they did. To speculate is only that - and we based our research on eyewitness reports.

16. If her plane was destroyed in 1944 as reported, burned on the airfield, because of its unique craftmanship, with a proper survey team (which we have the permits for) the plane, or a piece of it could be found on that airfield.  We are still actively trying to recover a piece of the plane from that field.  There are other artifacts that have been reported; a ring she gave an islander (we've tracked the location to a house leveled by hurricane) her flight jacket, the briefcase, a book of photographs found on Saipan during the war and turned over to Marine intelligence (one eyewitness) or even reports of her passport from the briefcase still in existence.

17.  As a wise person said to us; "it's not important how Amelia Earhart died. It's important how she lived." We are not trying to prove anything to anyone - we are just trying to document the truth of what really happened.  It would be wonderful if her plane was found elsewhere - it would mean that all of these people, the US Marines included, would have been inaccurate, wrong, deluded or making things up.  However, in our humble experience with Marines (team leader Mike Harris is one) we tend to shy away from calling Marines liars.  For our own health and safety.

We made this trip to find out the truth of what happened to Amelia Earhart. We happen to agree that the truth can set people free.  That for whatever reason she was executed for being a spy - whether she was or not a spy, she was executed as one - deserves to be known to honor her memory and her legacy.

These are the facts surrounding Amelia Earhart's final years, final days.  She sacrificed everything - but she is still a beacon for what one person could do, she is still a hero for what she accomplished in her short and amazing life.  And as a spiritual matter, she lives on in our hearts to inspire others around the world as a result of her life story. 
This webpage examines the eyewitness accounts and other evidence that shows Amelia and Fred were arrested and taken to Saipan. There were over 200 individuals who claimed they saw her, this site examines who they were, and what they heard or saw. It includes details of evidence the Electra was found on Saipan, interviews with people who saw her and the Electra before and after they were taken to Saipan. Interviews with over two dozen Saipanese who claim they saw her there and over a dozen US Marines who claim they found the Electra, her passport, briefcase and other details.



Eyewitness Accounts: Published


Pg 40. “Glancing out on the runway ramp.. an area not the main part of Aslito Field, but an extended arm of the airstrip at the southwest corner… Near an embankment was (AE’s plane). (LATER) .. a muffled explosion at Aslito Field erupted into a large flash fire… I crouched and crawled toward the airfield. When I could see what was burning, I was aghast! The twin engine plane was engulfed in flames! I could not see anyone by the light of the fire… in July 1944.”


Goerner gathers dozens of eyewitnesses to Earhart’s incarceration and second hand info about her execution.


Amelia reveals she did not know Morse code (and neither did Fred Noonan)



South African journalist gathers numerous eyewitnesses at Mili, Majuro and Jaluit. There is footage of these interviews, but it exists somewhere in Miami – still trying to locate the negative.


Elgen shows how the original plan devised by radio man Harry Manning was adhered to by the Coast Guard Itasca – they didn’t know Manning got off the plane in Hawaii and wasn’t on the electra. So 90% of all their communication was in Morse code – something neither AE or FN knew.


PG 32. Robert Sosbe, 1st battalion 20th Marines, 4th marine division) Sosbe said he saw the Electra before and during its destruction) “on or about D+5 after our infantry had captured Alsito, the night before, then were driven off, only to capture it again, our Co was called up to fill a gap between our infantry and the 27th Army infantry. The trucks carrying us stopped off the opposite side of the runway from the hangars and tower about 3 to 5 hundred yds. This two engine airplane was pulled from the hangar to off the runway where it was engulfed in flames from one end to the other. I can still remember exactly the way it burned, how the frame and ribs because it was visible. It was about half dark. It burned approximately 15-30 minutes.”

Same page: a letter from Earskine Nabers: “I am seeking Marines who were placed on duty at Aslito to guard a padlocked hangar containing AE’s plane. The hangar was not one of those located along the runway. It was located near what may have been a Japanese administration building, and an unfinished hangar at the tarmac, in the southwest corner of the airfield.

The follow up letter (pg 33)

…”we had to get Col. Clarence R Wallace to sign all the messages that came through the message center.) Hq 8th moved back to bivouac area. I was dropped off at the Hangar for guard duty at the main road that went by west side of hangar. The road that went out to hangar, I was placed on the right side, just as it left the main road….

Pg 34 The best I can recall the plane was pulled on the field by a jeep.. the plane was facing north after the plane was parked and jeep moved. A plane came over real low and on the next pass he strafed the plane and it went up in a huge fireball. (We were sitting on the west side of the airfield about one hundred yards from the plane. We were on higher ground. As far as I remember, the (men) that pulled the plane on the field and us guys from H & S 8th were the only ones there.”

Pg 36 Marine Capt Earl Ford of Fallbrook, CA, artillery master sgt with 2nd Marines. Interview 6-7-88 by Paul Cook. “The aircraft was about 100 yards (from me) maybe less. We all saw it. No way we could miss it. A civilian twin engine. No way it was military. American aircraft in civil registration… some officers were saying it was Amelia’s… it had only two windows on the side, back here.”

Arthur Nash, Air Corps Corps, P47 group on Aslito. Claims he saw the plane on July 4, 1944 (book says 1945, must be a misprint based on following) pg 40:

“After landing on Isley.. at 2:30 pm, Japanese soldiers were running around the airstrip, one killed himself in the cockpit of a P47D with a grenade…” I slept fairly well (in the hangar) and (in the morning) wandered over to a large hole in the hangar wall facing the other hangar. The hangar floor and the area between the hangars was littered with debris, displace with siding from the hangars, maybe 65 yards apart, but close enough to get a good look at a familiar aircraft outside the other hangar. My eyesight was acute and what I saw was Amelia Earhart’s airplane!... the next morning I went over to see it but it was gone.”

Jerrell Chatham, 1st platoon, I company, 3rd regiment, 2nd marine deivions: “I was driving trucks .. on Saipan… when we went ashore I saw the hangar where Amelia Earhart’s plane was stored, I also saw the plane in the air. They told us not to go close to the airplane hangar and we did not…”

Pg 44: Howard Ferris, US Marines: “Sent to Saipan for guard dutey… an old hangar structure at end of a runway. This hangar was not large,.. small trees in front of big doors.. (then he recounts the same Marine argument that Devine and Nabers recount – where some Navy brass attempted to get in, but a Marine (Nabers) refused them entry.)” Howard was not present at the fire, but one of his buddies was. The buddy said a truck arrived with many gas cans and the guards saturated the entire hangar.. and it burned totally.

Pg 50 Robert Sowash, 23rd regiment 4th Marines Division: “I saw a plane in a building that was not a military plane.. I remember other Marines saying it was the same as Earhart’s. Later the place was cordoned off..”

Pete Leblanc, 121st Naval CB’s, 4th Marine division: “some of our guys were sneaking over towards the airfield to try and see (AE’s plane). We heard there were guards there. Then it was burned up later.”


Over 200 eyewitnesses as gathered by all the different authors with the various reports of her landing on Mili, being brought to Jaluit and incarcerated in Garapan prison.