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Pricing Aligned with Productivity

No profit from slow builds
No profit from slow builds
We charge zero-margin on compute. Compute costs are passed directly to the customer. That means we invest heavily in making your builds faster, because that makes users happy.
More effective build minutes
More effective build minutes
Earthly Cloud's automatic caching and parallelism makes builds 2-20X faster than on traditional CI/CD platforms. You don’t need as many build minutes for the same work.
Build minutes for everyone
Build minutes for everyone
Unlike other vendors, our included minutes scale with team size. They are designed to handle most workloads so customers don’t even have to think about additional build minutes.
Productivity is our value-add
Productivity is our value-add
Earthly Cloud's value-add is developer productivity. In a team of 30, a 2.8X speed boost to CI/CD means 2 FTEs worth of time saved.
Earthly Cloud Pricing




Monthly Annual
Team size
1 user
Free Plan
For hobby projects
$ 0
per month
For hobby projects
6,000 minutes/month
Get Started Free
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Up to 3 users
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Log Sharing
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XS and S satellites
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8 days cache retention
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x86 & arm64 satellites
For small projects
$ 9.17
per user/month
10,000 minutes/month
2,000 per user
Sign Up
Everything in Free plus:
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Up to 5 users
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XS, S, and M satellites
For small teams
$ 29.17
per user/month
20,000 minutes/month
3,000 per user
Sign Up
Everything in Starter plus:
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Up to 15 users
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XS to XL satellites
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14 day cache retention
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Static originating IP address
For large teams
$ 49.17
per user/month
50,000 minutes/month
4,000 per user
Sign Up
Everything in Pro plus:
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Up to 50 users
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XS to 3XL satellites
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21 day cache retention
Contact us if you are interested in our Enterprise plan.
Contact Us
Everything in Team plus:
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Fully managed, single-tenant satellite fleet
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Unlimited users
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XS to 3XL satellites
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Unlimited log retention
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Dedicated IP address
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Single sign-on
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AWS Marketplace billing
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Coming soon Secrets integrations
Compute Pricing
We include a generous number of minutes with every plan that we offer.
However, if you exceed the included minutes, overages will be charged according to our low-cost, zero-margin pricing below.
AWS t3.small / t4g.small
2 vCPUs | 2 GB RAM
16 GB cache disk
$0.0011 per min.
1X 6,000 min included = 6,000 min on xsmall
AWS t3.medium / t4g.medium
2 vCPUs | 4 GB RAM
32 GB cache disk
$0.0021 per min.
2X 6,000 min included = 3,000 min on small
AWS t3.large / t4g.large
2 vCPUs | 8 GB RAM
65 GB cache disk
$0.0042 per min.
4X 6,000 min included = 1,500 min on medium
AWS t3.xlarge / t4g.xlarge
4 vCPUs | 16 GB RAM
130 GB cache disk
$0.0084 per min.
8X 6,000 min included = 750 min on large
AWS t3.2xlarge / t4g.2xlarge
8 vCPUs | 32 GB RAM
260 GB cache disk
$0.0168 per min.
16X 6,000 min included = 375 min on xlarge
AWS m7i.4xlarge / m7g.4xlarge
16 vCPUs | 64 GB RAM
500 GB cache disk
$0.0376 per min.
36X 6,000 min included = 166.66 min on 2xlarge
AWS m7i.8xlarge / m7g.8xlarge
32 vCPUs | 128 GB RAM
1,000 GB cache disk
$0.0751 per min.
71X 6,000 min included = 84.5 min on 3xlarge
Frequently Asked Questions
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How are users tracked?
The number of users is tracked by monitoring who triggered a Satellite build at least three times during a month. Builds may be triggered either directly by the user in their terminal, or indirectly by pushing code to a repository, and that push being picked up by a CI that uses Earthly Satellites to perform the build. In the latter case, the triggering user is inferred via commit metadata. The triggering user does not have to be a user registered with Earthly. In some cases, if the triggering user cannot be inferred from commit metadata, then the user logged into Earthly CLI in the CI run is used as the triggering user. At the end of a billing cycle, if the number of paid users is greater than the number of actual users, the difference is refunded to the customer in the form of a statement credit. If you would like to estimate the number of users that a project has according to how we track users, please check out the target.
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What is zero-margin compute?
Zero-margin compute is a pricing model where the cost of compute is passed on directly to the user, without any profit-generating margin. This allows us, the vendor, to better align our incentives with the end user. Slow builds should not mean more profit for us.
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How much does compute cost
The cost of compute is based on the AWS rack price for the instances that are used underneath, plus the cost of cache storage and the cost of network ingress/egress incurred. All of these costs are packaged as an all-inclusive per-minute cost and is then passed on directly to the user, without any profit-generating margin.
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What is a standard Earthly build minute?
A standard Earthly Build Minute is defined as one (1) minute of build execution on an xsmall x86 or arm64 instance. The multiplier is 2x, 4x, 8x, and 16x for small, medium, large, and xlarge instances respectively – e.g. one (1) minute of build execution on a medium instance is equal to four (4) Earthly Build Minutes.
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What are Satellites?
Satellites are single-tenant remote build runners managed by the Earthly team. Satellites are used as remote executors in development workflows and with other CI tools. Common use cases for using Satellites include:
  • Using satellites on top of a traditional CI, in order to take advantage of the Earthly caching and parallelization capabilities.
  • Using satellites in local development workflows in order to share compute and cache with colleagues.
  • Using satellites in order to execute x86 builds on ARM (or Apple Silicon) machines, or vice-versa.
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How is my usage of Satellites tracked?
The usage of Satellites is tracked by monitoring each satellite for active builds. If there are no active builds, the satellite goes to sleep automatically. When a satellite is asleep, it is not billed for compute. When a build is started, the satellite is woken up automatically, and billing for compute resumes.
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How many satellites do I need?
The number of satellites you need depends on the workload they need to handle. For maximum performance, you can create a different satellite for each CI pipeline. This may be overkill for some setups though, where CI pipelines are small. The best method to determine the number of satellites you need is to start with one or two and add more as needed. Earthly prints information on build startup about how loaded the Satellite is currently. This can be used as a guide to determine if more Satellites are needed.
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Can I use the Pro or Team tiers if I have a small team?
Yes, you can use the Pro and Team tiers for teams of any size.