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From Bank for International Settlements
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A characterisation of financial assets based on their cash-flow structure Downloads
Celestino Girón
A comparison of ECB and IMF indicators for macro-prudential analysis of the financial sector , pp 24-32 Downloads
Anna Maria Agresti, Patrizia Baudino and Paolo Poloni
A conceptual design of "what and how should a proper macro-prudential policy framework be?" A globalistic approach to systemic risk and procuring the data needed Downloads
Murat Cakir
A contribution to developed statistical systems in developing countries - the experience of the Banco de Portugal , pp 429-433 Downloads
Jose Sergio Branco and Filipa Lima
A critical review of the statistics on the size and riskiness of the securitization market: evidence from Italy and other euro-area countries Downloads
Giorgio Nuzzo
A data-driven, risk-based approach to strengthen the fight against money laundering Downloads
Thais Lærkholm Jensen, Alessandro Martinello and Bjarke Mørch Mønsted
A decision-making rule to detect insufficient data quality - an application of statistical learning techniques to the non-performing loans banking data Downloads
Paolo Cimbali, Marco De Leonardis, Alessio Fiume, Barbara La Ganga, Luciana Meoli and Marco Orlandi
A flexible approach to credit statistics: the use of the Portuguese Central Credit Register for statistical compilation , pp 68-73 Downloads
Paula Casimiro
A framework to assess vulnerabilities arising from household indebtedness using microdata , pp 151-168 Downloads
Ramdane Djoudad
A machine learning approach to narrative retrieval in economic news: the case of oil price uncertainty Downloads
Donald Jay Bertulfo
A machine learning approach to outlier detection and imputation of missing data Downloads
Nicola Benatti
A method for estimating 'pass-through activities' in official FDI statistics Downloads
Topias Leino
A micro-powered model of mortgage default risk for full recourse economies, with an application to the case of Chile Downloads
Diego Avanzini, Juan Francisco Martínez and Víctor Pérez
A model data producer: the importance of sound metadata management - Botswana's case , pp 57-64 Downloads
Sabata Legwaila
A multi-layer dynamic network for significant European banking groups Downloads
Annalaura Ianiro and Joerg Reddig
A network analysis of the JGB repo market Downloads
Yasufumi Gemma, Takumi Horikawa and Yujiro Matsui
A new approach to MFI interest rate statistics in Croatia , pp 79-92 Downloads
Ivana Usorac and Igor Jemric
A new indicator for the cost of borrowing in the euro area Downloads
Karine Feraboli, Hanna Häkkinen and Josep Maria Puigvert Gutiérrez
A novel machine learning-based validation workflow for financial market time series Downloads
Magdalena Erdem and Taejin Park
A personal view on big data and policymaking Downloads
Naruki Mori
A perspective on the South African flow of funds compilation - theory and analysis , pp 239-248 Downloads
Barend de Beer, Nonhlanhla Nhlapo and Zeph Nhleko
A probabilistic method for reconstructing the FDI network in search of ultimate hosting economies Downloads
Nadia Accoto, Valerio Astuti and Costanza Catalano
A Research Data and Service Centre (RDSC) at the Deutsche Bundesbank - a draft concept , pp 135-140 Downloads
Ulf von Kalckreuth
A roadmap to the concept of "nationality" in the external sector statistics revision Downloads
Thiago Said Vieira and Fernando Augusto Ferreira Lemos
A robust machine learning approach for credit risk analysis of large loan level datasets using deep learning and extreme gradient boosting Downloads
Anastasios Petropoulos, Vasilis Siakoulis, Evaggelos Stavroulakis and Aristotelis Klamargias
A robust machine learning approach for credit risk analysis of large loan-level datasets using deep learning and extreme gradient boosting Downloads
Anastasios Petropoulos, Vasilis Siakoulis, Evaggelos Stavroulakis and Aristotelis Klamargias
A security-by-security approach to deriving investment fund security transactions dta from stock data , pp 286-291 Downloads
Frank Mayerlen
A snapshot on Bank of Albania communication approach and financial literacy Downloads
Argita Frashëri and Elona Dushku
A survey of housing equity withdrawal and injection in Australia , pp 115-131 Downloads
Carl Schwartz, Tim Hampton, Christine Lewis and David Norman
A timely estimation of local investment trends using administrative data Downloads
Michele Loberto
A typology of captive financial institutions and money lenders (sector S127) in Luxembourg Downloads
Gabriele Di Filippo and Frédéric Pierret
A typology of captive financial institutions in Luxembourg: lessons from a new database Downloads
Gabriele Di Filippo and Frédéric Pierret
Accelerated Data Science, AI and GeoAI for sustainable finance in central banking and supervision Downloads
John Ashley, Jochen Papenbrock and Peter Schwendner
Access to CSI for research purposes Downloads
Matthias Rumpf
Access to financial services in Argentina: a national survey , pp 304-311 Downloads
Gaston Repetto and Andrés Denes
Accountancy records of companies and reporting for the external statistics needs Downloads
Jacek Kocerka and Marcin Dwórznik
Adapting monetary policy to increasing financial inclusion Downloads
James Yetman
Addressing data gaps revealed by the financial crisis: European Central Bank statistics on holdings of securities , pp 141-150 Downloads
Pierre Sola and Francesco Strobbe
Addressing globalisation challenges - Introductory remarks / Statistical challenges posed by globalisation – some remarks from Basel Downloads
Bruno Tissot
Aggregate debt securities statistics: classification by sector, currency, maturity and financial instrument , pp 108-113 Downloads
Kerry Wood
Aggregate macroprudential statistics from micro supervisory data. Conceptual and operational issues Downloads
Gaia Barbic, Stefano Borgioli and Ján Klacso
Alternative indicator of monetary policy stance for Macedonia Downloads
Magdalena Petrovska and Ljupka Georgievska
Alternative measures of liquidity on the Chilean government fixed income market , pp 373-380 Downloads
Nicolas Alvarez Hernandez and Luis Antonio Ahumada
Alternative reconsideration of output growth differential for West African Monetary Zone , pp 106-120 Downloads
Emmanuel Balogun
Alternative tools of trade for central banks and other financial institutions: foreign exchange liquidity options , pp 181-196 Downloads
Gürsu Keles and T Sabri Öncü
An artificial intelligence application for accounting data cleansing Downloads
Pablo Jiménez and Tello Serrano
An assessment of euro area households' missing foreign assets Downloads
Martin Schmitz
An assessment of the existing data collection on financial derivative products Downloads
Hervé Thoumiand
An early estimation of foreign direct investment income in the balance of payments Downloads
Esther López-Espinosa, Luis Molina Sánchez and Helge Schäfer
An ecosystem for statistical communication Downloads
Matthias Rumpf
Page updated 2025-01-30
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