IFC Bulletins chapters
From Bank for International Settlements Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Martin Fessler (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Using news sentiment for economic forecasting: a Malaysian case study
- Eilyn Chong, Chiung Ching Ho, Zhong Fei Ong and Hong H Ong
- Using non-traditional point of interest data as merchant survey sample frames
- Angelika Welte, Joy Wu and Marcel Voia
- Using online property advertisements data as a proxy for property market indicators
- Kumala Kristiawardani and Irfan Sampe
- Using registers as the basis to statistical production - linking issues and potential bottlenecks , pp 46-50
- Jaanus Kroon and Ain Paas
- Using the balance sheet approach in surveillance: framework, data sources, and data availability , pp 7-44
- Johan Mathisen and Anthony Pellechio
- Using the press as a real-time economic confidence indicator
- Juan Pablo Cova, Hugo Peralta V and María del Pilar Cruz N
- Using trade repository data for systemic risk monitoring , pp 190-191
- Erik Heitfield
- Using twitter data to measure inflation perception
- Julien Denes, Ariane Lestrade and Lou Richardet
- Utility and confidentiality assessment of synthetic company data
- Eugenia Koblents Lapteva
- Valuation of debt instruments , pp 118-130
- Csaba Ilyes and Laszlo Lakatos
- Views from the ground: remarks on the BPM6 adoption
- Livio Santos do Leite Ribeiro
- Wealth inequality and COVID-19 in the U.S.: evidence from the distributional financial accounts
- Mike Batty, Ella Deeken, Elizabeth Holmquist and Alice Henriques Volz
- Web scraping as a detection tool in identifying Indonesian cross-border digital trade actors
- Aditya Wisnugraha Sugiyarto, Marlina Novita Uligoma, Hasudungan Paulanka Siburian, Dwi Cahyo Ardianto, Novi Ajeng Salehah and Detasya Avri Magfira
- Weighted Average Relative Price (WARP) , pp 340-350
- Charles Thomas and Jaime Marquez
- What 'special purposes' make Ireland attractive for debt funding by international banks?
- Brian Golden and Eduardo Maqui
- What can household surveys tell us? The Bank of Italy's experience
- Claudia Biancotti
- What can we learn from the new measures of bank services in national accounts? The case of the US , pp 116-123
- Dennis Fixler, Marshall Reinsdorf and George Smith
- What drives shadow banking? A dynamic panel evidence
- SungJun Kim
- What have we learnt from the global financial crisis? , pp 382-386
- Dennis Trewin
- What is 'commercial property'?
- Jens Mehrhoff
- What is financial inclusion and how to stimulate this in the Netherlands?
- Michiel van Doeveren
- What shall we do with pass-through? DNB's experiences with special financial institutions
- Jurriaan Eggelte, Melle Bijlsma and Krit Carlier
- What should be the optimal financial structure of the FDI inflows to Poland in stimulating growth processes?
- Aneta Kosztowniak
- What value added in the trade balances of euro area financial centres?
- Virginia Di Nino and Anna Ekstam
- Where are the hidden securities in external statistics?
- Jorge Diz Dias, João Falcão Silva, Fausto Pastoris, Mykola Ryzhenkov and Martin Schmitz
- Where is the real impact of foreign direct investment? The case of the Portuguese outward foreign direct investment
- Carlos Figueira
- Which countries own/control your supply chain?
- Dennis Dahlmans, Khee Fung Wong, Oscar Lemmers, Tom Notten and Leen Prenen
- Which households are really financially distressed: how micro data could inform the macroprudential policy
- Piotr Banbula, Arkadiusz Kotula, Joanna Gabriela Przeworska and Paweł Strzelecki
- Which value added can a securities database platform provide to a central bank? , pp 24-27
- Frank Mayerlen
- Who holds banks’ debt securities? Statistical methods for allocation by holders
- Meng He and Zuzana Filkova
- Who stands behind European FDI investors? A novel characterisation of pass-through within the EU
- Carles Gómez-Llabrés, Fausto Pastoris and Martin Schmitz
- Why should inequality researchers care about the rich? , pp 421-427
- Daniel Waldenström
- Workers' remittances in the Spanish Balance of Payments , pp 24-53
- Eduardo Rodriguez Tenes
- Working together: how good relationships with providers can improve the quality of official statistics , pp 348-352
- Rochelle Barrow
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