“About darn time!”
That was the thought most of the Rescue Rangers had when they witnessed the spectacle in front of them: Chip, their unofficial leader, and Gadget, their lovely inventor and technical expert, were exchanging a deep kiss.
It was a long awaited thing, the two had been exchanging hidden looks and not-so-subtly flirting for quite some time, especially after all obstacles to the start of a relationship disappeared.
Monterey, who took the role of a father figure to Gadget after her real one died, already gave them his blessing. Dale, who also tried to woo the mousette, had instead started dating Foxglove, who then joined the group, Tammy, who recently started inquiring about joining the Rangers, seemed to having gotten over her crush on her beloved ‘Chipper’, and even Zipper gave the two his thumbs up.
And yet the two lovebirds seemed to never find the right occasion to finally admit their feelings to each other. That is until today. It took Gadget almost drowning in the water near the coast during a mission, and Chip almost crashing on the rocks and then having to perform CPR on her, to finally go past their insecurities and confess their mutual love, sealing it with a long and passionate kiss, between the cheers of their teammates.
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