Modulation of hippocampal rhythms by subthreshold electric fields and network topology
Theta (4---12 Hz) and gamma (30---80 Hz) rhythms are considered important for cortical and hippocampal function. Although several neuron types are implicated in rhythmogenesis, the exact cellular mechanisms remain unknown. Subthreshold electric fields ...
Estimating summary statistics in the spike-train space
Estimating sample averages and sample variability is important in analyzing neural spike trains data in computational neuroscience. Current approaches have focused on advancing the use of parametric or semiparametric probability models of the underlying ...
Testing for significance of phase synchronisation dynamics in the EEG
A number of tests exist to check for statistical significance of phase synchronisation within the Electroencephalogram (EEG); however, the majority suffer from a lack of generality and applicability. They may also fail to account for temporal dynamics ...
Dynamics of spiking neurons: between homogeneity and synchrony
Randomly connected networks of neurons driven by Poisson inputs are often assumed to produce "homogeneous" dynamics, characterized by largely independent firing and approximable by diffusion processes. At the same time, it is well known that such ...
Reciprocal inhibition and slow calcium decay in perigeniculate interneurons explain changes of spontaneous firing of thalamic cells caused by cortical inactivation
The role of cortical feedback in the thalamocortical processing loop has been extensively investigated over the last decades. With an exception of several cases, these searches focused on the cortical feedback exerted onto thalamo-cortical relay (TC) ...
The spatial pattern of light determines the kinetics and modulates backpropagation of optogenetic action potentials
- Nir Grossman,
- Vasiliki Simiaki,
- Claire Martinet,
- Christofer Toumazou,
- Simon R. Schultz,
- Konstantin Nikolic
Optogenetics offers an unprecedented ability to spatially target neuronal stimulations. This study investigated via simulation, for the first time, how the spatial pattern of excitation affects the response of channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) expressing ...
Astrocyte- neuron interaction as a mechanism responsible for generation of neural synchrony: a study based on modeling and experiments
Neural synchronization is considered as an important mechanism for information processing. In addition, based on recent neurophysiologic findings, it is believed that astrocytes regulate the synaptic transmission of neuronal networks. Therefore, the ...
Stimulus features, resetting curves, and the dependence on adaptation
We derive a formula that relates the spike-triggered covariance (STC) to the phase resetting curve (PRC) of a neural oscillator. We use this to show how changes in the shape of the PRC alter the sensitivity of the neuron to different stimulus features, ...
A fast model of voltage-dependent NMDA receptors
NMDA receptors are among the crucial elements of central nervous system models. Recent studies show that both conductance and kinetics of these receptors are changing voltage-dependently in some parts of the brain. Therefore, several models have been ...
The "Lillie Transition": models of the onset of saltatory conduction in myelinating axons
Almost 90 years ago, Lillie reported that rapid saltatory conduction arose in an iron wire model of nerve impulse propagation when he covered the wire with insulating sections of glass tubing equivalent to myelinated internodes. This led to his ...