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Volume 24, Issue 2May 1995
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A critique of ANSI SQL isolation levels

ANSI SQL-92 [MS, ANSI] defines Isolation Levels in terms of phenomena: Dirty Reads, Non-Repeatable Reads, and Phantoms. This paper shows that these phenomena and the ANSI SQL definitions fail to properly characterize several popular isolation levels, ...

Recovery protocols for shared memory database systems

Significant performance advantages can be gained by implementing a database system on a cache-coherent shared memory multiprocessor. However, problems arise when failures occur. A single node (where a node refers to a processor/memory pair) crash may ...

Efficient optimistic concurrency control using loosely synchronized clocks

This paper describes an efficient optimistic concurrency control scheme for use in distributed database systems in which objects are cached and manipulated at client machines while persistent storage and transactional support are provided by servers. ...

The LyriC language: querying constraint objects

We propose a novel data model and its language for querying object-oriented databases where objects may hold spatial, temporal or constraint data, conceptually represented by linear equality and inequality constraints. The proposed LyriC language is ...

Towards an effective calculus for object query languages

We define a standard of effectiveness for a database calculus relative to a query language. Effectiveness judges suitability to serve as a processing framework for the query language, and comprises aspects of coverage, manipulability and efficient ...

OFL: a functional execution model for object query languages

We present a functional paradigm for querying efficiently abstract collections of complex objects. Abstract collections are used to model class extents, multivalued attributes as well as indexes or hashing tables. Our paradigm includes a functional ...

Nearest neighbor queries

A frequently encountered type of query in Geographic Information Systems is to find the k nearest neighbor objects to a given point in space. Processing such queries requires substantially different search algorithms than those for location or range ...

A general solution of the n-dimensional B-tree problem

We present a generic solution to a problem which lies at the heart of the unpredictable worst-case performance characteristics of a wide class of multi-dimensional index designs: those which employ a recursive partitioning of the data space. We then ...

Topological relations in the world of minimum bounding rectangles: a study with R-trees

Recent developments in spatial relations have led to their use in numerous applications involving spatial databases. This paper is concerned with the retrieval of topological relations in Minimum Bounding Rectangle-based data structures. We study the ...

Adaptive parallel aggregation algorithms

Aggregation and duplicate removal are common in SQL queries. However, in the parallel query processing literature, aggregate processing has received surprisingly little attention; furthermore, for each of the traditional parallel aggregation algorithms, ...

Parallel evaluation of multi-join queries

A number of execution strategies for parallel evaluation of multi-join queries have been proposed in the literature; their performance was evaluated by simulation. In this paper we give a comparative performance evaluation of four execution strategies ...

The merge/purge problem for large databases

Many commercial organizations routinely gather large numbers of databases for various marketing and business analysis functions. The task is to correlate information from different databases by identifying distinct individuals that appear in a number of ...

OODB indexing by class-division

Indexing a class hierarchy, in order to efficiently search or update the objects of a class according to a (range of) value(s) of an attribute, impacts OODB performance heavily. For this indexing problem, most systems use the class hierarchy index (CH) ...

The handwritten trie: indexing electronic ink

The emergence of the pen as the main interface device for personal digital assistants and pen-computers has made handwritten text, and more generally ink, a first-class object. As for any other type of data, the need of retrieval is a prevailing one. ...

FastMap: a fast algorithm for indexing, data-mining and visualization of traditional and multimedia datasets

A very promising idea for fast searching in traditional and multimedia databases is to map objects into points in k-d space, using k feature-extraction functions, provided by a domain expert [25]. Thus, we can subsequently use highly fine-tuned spatial ...

An effective hash-based algorithm for mining association rules

In this paper, we examine the issue of mining association rules among items in a large database of sales transactions. The mining of association rules can be mapped into the problem of discovering large itemsets where a large itemset is a group of items ...

Implementing crash recovery in QuickStore: a performance study

Implementing crash recovery in an Object-Oriented Database System (OODBMS) raises several challenging issues for performance that are not present in traditional DBMSs. These performance concerns result both from significant architectural differences ...

Broadcast disks: data management for asymmetric communication environments

This paper proposes the use of repetitive broadcast as a way of augmenting the memory hierarchy of clients in an asymmetric communication environment. We describe a new technique called "Broadcast Disks" for structuring the broadcast in a way that ...

Adapting materialized views after redefinitions

We consider a variant of the view maintenance problem: How does one keep a materialized view up-to-date when the view definition itself changes? Can one do better than recomputing the view from the base relations? Traditional view maintenance tries to ...

Enhancing database correctness: a statistical approach

In this paper, we introduce a new type of integrity constraint, which we call a statistical constraint, and discuss its applicability to enhancing database correctness. Statistical constraints manifest embedded relationships among current attribute ...

Balancing histogram optimality and practicality for query result size estimation

Many current database systems use histograms to approximate the frequency distribution of values in the attributes of relations and based on them estimate query result sizes and access plan costs. In choosing among the various histograms, one has to ...

Applying update streams in a soft real-time database system

Many papers have examined how to efficiently export a materialized view but to our knowledge none have studied how to efficiently import one. To import a view, i.e., to install a stream of updates, a real-time database system must process new updates in ...

Semantic assumptions and query evaluation in temporal databases

When querying a temporal database, a user often makes certain semantic assumptions on stored temporal data. This paper formalizes and studies two types of semantic assumptions: point-based and interval-based. The point-based assumptions include those ...

Temporal conditions and integrity constraints in active database systems

In this paper, we present a unified formalism, based on Past Temporal Logic, for specifying conditions and events in the rules for active database system. This language permits specification of many time varying properties of database systems. It also ...

Dynamic resource brokering for multi-user query execution

We propose a new framework for resource allocation based on concepts from microeconomics. Specifically, we address the difficult problem of managing resources in a multiple-query environment composed of queries with widely varying resource requirements. ...

Reducing multidatabase query response time by tree balancing

Execution of multidatabase queries differs from that of traditional queries in that sort merge and hash joins are more often favored, as nested loop join requires repeated accesses to external data sources. As a consequence, left deep join trees ...

Hypergraph based reorderings of outer join queries with complex predicates

Complex queries containing outer joins are, for the most part, executed by commercial DBMS products in an "as written" manner. Only a very few reorderings of the operations are considered and the benefits of considering comprehensive reordering schemes ...

View maintenance in a warehousing environment

A warehouse is a repository of integrated information drawn from remote data sources. Since a warehouse effectively implements materialized views, we must maintain the views as the data sources are updated. This view maintenance problem differs from the ...

Incremental maintenance of views with duplicates

We study the problem of efficient maintenance of materialized views that may contain duplicates. This problem is particularly important when queries against such views involve aggregate functions, which need duplicates to produce correct results. Unlike ...

Efficient maintenance of materialized mediated views

Integrating data and knowledge from multiple heterogeneous sources -- like databases, knowledge bases or specific software packages -- is often required for answering certain queries. Recently, a powerful framework for defining mediated views spanning ...


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