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Volume 52, Issue 2September 2024Current Issue
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SESSION: MAMA 2024 Workshop
Special Issue on The Workshop on MAthematical performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA 2024)

The complexity of computer systems, networks and applications, as well as the advancements in computer technology, continue to grow at a rapid pace. Mathematical analysis, modeling and optimization have been playing, and continue to play, an important ...

Online Conversion with Group Fairness Constraints

In this paper, we initiate the study of an online conversion problem that incorporates group fairness guarantees. This problem aims to distribute a resource with fixed capacity to a sequence of buyers based on their offered prices. Each buyer belongs to ...

Risk-Sensitive Online Algorithms

We study the design of risk-sensitive online algorithms, in which risk measures are used in the competitive analysis of randomized online algorithms.

Timer-based pre-fetching for increasing hazard rates

Caching plays a crucial role in today's networks: keeping popular content close to users reduces latency. Timer-based caching policies (TTL) have long been used to deal with bursts of requests, and their properties are well understood. However, in some ...

Hybrid Priority Queue and its Applications

Priority queues are well understood in queueing theory. However, they are somewhat restrictive in that the low-priority customers suffer far greater waiting times than the highpriority customers. In this short paper, we introduce a novel generalization ...

A Gittins Policy for Optimizing Tail Latency

Service level objectives (SLOs) for queueing systems typically relate to the tail of the system's response time distribution T. The tail is the function mapping a time t to the probability P[T > t]. SLOs typically ask that high percentiles of T are not ...

Transform Analysis of Preemption Overhead in the M/G/1

Preemptive scheduling policies, which allow pausing jobs mid-service, are ubiquitous because they allow important jobs to receive service ahead of unimportant jobs that would otherwise delay their completion. The canonical example is Shortest Remaining ...

Tail Optimality of the Nudge-M Scheduling Algorithm

Recently it was shown that the response time of First-Come- First-Served (FCFS) scheduling can be stochastically and asymptotically improved upon by the Nudge scheduling algorithm in case of light-tailed job size distributions. Such improvements are ...

Bounds on M/G/k Scheduling Under Moderate Load Improving on SRPT-k and Tightening Lower Bounds

A well-designed scheduling policy can significantly improve the performance of a queueing system, without requiring any additional resources. While scheduling is well-understood in the single-server setting, much less is known in the multiserver setting. ...

Simple Policies for Multiresource Job Scheduling

Data center workloads are composed of multiresource jobs requiring a variety of computational resources including CPU cores, memory, disk space, and hardware accelerators. Modern servers can run multiple jobs in parallel, but a set of jobs can only run ...

Optimizing Stochastic Control through State TransitionSeparability and Resource-Utility Exchange

In the realm of stochastic control, particularly in the fields of economics and engineering, Markov Decision Processes (MDP's) are employed to represent various processes ranging from asset management to transportation logistics. Upon closer examination ...

Non-stationary Bandits with Heavy Tail

In this study, we investigate the performance of multi-armed bandit algorithms in environments characterized by heavytailed and non-stationary reward distributions, a setting that deviates from the conventional risk-neutral and sub- Gaussian assumptions.

Pricing for Routing and Flow-Controlin Payment Channel Networks

Blockchains are decentralized digital transaction systems. Most blockchains today suffer from poor transaction throughput, resulting in exorbitant transaction fees and hindering widespread adoption. Layer-two blockchain mechanisms are tools that allow ...

Steady-State Convergence of the Continuous-Time JSQ System with General Distributions in Heavy Traffic

This paper studies the continuous-time join-the-shortestqueue (JSQ) system with general interarrival and service distributions.

On Quantum Algorithms for Efficient Solutions of General Classes of Structured Markov Processes

Multidimensional Markov processes arise in many aspects of the mathematical performance analysis, modeling and optimization of computer systems and networks. Within this context, general classes of structured Markov processes are of particular importance ...

SESSION: TeaPACS 2024 Workshop
Report on the Third International Workshop onTeaching Performance Analysis of Computer Systems 2024

Teaching is one of the most essential activities of academics, and leading knowledge and critical thinking is crucial for a healthy and productive society. However, the context is complex. The last two decades were characterised by an economic crisis ...

Teaching performance analysis: essential skills andlearning outcomes

In the age of machine learning, traditional performance analysis courses face challenges such as declining student interest and increasing competition from courses within the respective study programmes. At the same time, courses must accommodate ...

Why Should I Teach Performance Evaluation to Students in Networking?

In this contribution, we share our view on teaching methodological topics in STEM disciplines and we report our experience on teachning performance evaluation to students in a M.Sc. focused on ICT for Smart Societies. This program aims to equip students ...

How can we Teach Workload Modeling in CS Systems Classes?

In Computer Science curriculum guidelines, topics related to Performance Engineering have typically been listed as small, elective components, if at all. Even less has been said about how and when to teach workload modeling. In this paper, I discuss how ...



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