The January 2019 issue
2019 is a special year for SIGCOMM as your SIG will celebrate its 50th birthday at SIGCOMM'19 in August. During the last half century, the networking field has evolved a lot and SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR) contributed to this evolution ...
Parametrized complexity of virtual network embeddings: dynamic & linear programming approximations
This paper makes the case for a parametrized complexity approach to tackle the fundamental but notoriously hard Virtual Network Embedding Problem. In particular, we show that the structure of the to-be-embedded virtual network requests can be exploited ...
Network telemetry: towards a top-down approach
Network telemetry is about understanding what is happening in the current network. It serves as the basis for making a variety of management decisions for improving the performance, availability, security, and efficiency of networks. However, it is ...
Thoughts on load distribution and the role of programmable switches
The trend towards powerfully programmable network switching hardware has led to much discussion of the exciting new ways in which it can be used. In this paper, we take a step back, and examine how it should be used.
The Dagstuhl beginners guide to reproducibility for experimental networking research
- Vaibhav Bajpai,
- Anna Brunstrom,
- Anja Feldmann,
- Wolfgang Kellerer,
- Aiko Pras,
- Henning Schulzrinne,
- Georgios Smaragdakis,
- Matthias Wählisch,
- Klaus Wehrle
Reproducibility is one of the key characteristics of good science, but hard to achieve for experimental disciplines like Internet measurements and networked systems. This guide provides advice to researchers, particularly those new to the field, on ...
Open collaborative hyperpapers: a call to action
Drawing on discussions at various venues, we envision a publishing ecosystem for Internet science, supporting publications that are self-contained, interactive, multi-level, open, and collaborative. These publications, which we dub hyperpapers, not only ...