Software engineering and 12 prominent sub‐areas: Comprehensive bibliometric assessment on 13 years (2007–2019)
Software Engineering (SE) as a field has grown significantly in terms of the research publications in the last few years. Criterion‐based assessment of research performance of scholars, countries along with collaboration networks and links among ...
An in‐depth study of the effects of methods on the dataset selection of public development projects
Public development projects (PDPs) and documented public development projects (DPDPs) are two types of projects that can provide valuable information on how developers and users participate in OSS projects. However, it is hard for researchers to ...
Value‐oriented quality metrics in software development: Practical relevance from a software engineering perspective
When following the principles of value‐based software engineering, business, customer satisfaction, and engineering considerations need to be balanced to develop and operate the software so that it satisfies the different stakeholders' ...
An empirical study on the effectiveness of data resampling approaches for cross‐project software defect prediction
Cross‐project defect prediction (CPDP), where data from different software projects are used to predict defects, has been proposed as a way to provide data for software projects that lack historical data. Evaluations of CPDP models using the ...
A cross‐project defect prediction method based on multi‐adaptation and nuclear norm
Cross‐project defect prediction (CPDP) is an important research direction in software defect prediction. Traditional CPDP methods based on hand‐crafted features ignore the semantic information in the source code. Existing CPDP methods based on the ...
New non‐homogeneous Poisson process software reliability model based on a 3‐parameter S‐shaped function
Software reliability modelling is the mathematical technique used to evaluate the reliability of a software system. The non‐homogeneous Poisson process is a prominent approach in this field. More than half of the models in this group are based on ...
Conformance evaluation of the top‐100 Ethereum token smart contracts with Ethereum Request for Comment‐20 functional specifications
This study is an attempt to evaluate the compliance problem regarding the current status of the establishment of agreed‐upon interfaces for tokens, which are the most important type of applications of the Ethereum blockchain. The authors analysed ...