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Volume 77, Issue 19October 2018
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On the ensemble of multiscale object-based classifiers for aerial images: a comparative study

Remote sensing images (RSIs) are increasingly used as data source to produce maps used in several applications. Modern sensors launched into space from the end of the 1990s have been producing high spatial resolution RSIs. The use of classification ...

Design of high performance copyright protection watermarking based on lifting wavelet transform and bi empirical mode decomposition

This paper developed new and efficient image watermarking scheme for copyright protection based on Lifting wavelet transform (LWT) and Bi- dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (BEMD). A LWT has been selected because it is fast, less computational ...

RISC: a robust image symmetric cryptosystem

In recent years, AES is known as the excellent choice between the existing symmetric cryptosystems to encrypt binary or text data. However, this standard encryption algorithm is unsuitable for images regarding the particular features of these kinds of ...

A novel retrieval method for remote sensing image based on statistical model

With the increasing number of high-resolution remote sensing (HRRS) image technologies, there is an interest in seeking a way to retrieve images efficiently. In order to describe the images with abundant texture information more concisely and accurately,...

Deep-learning-based face detection using iterative bounding-box regression

Multi-view face detection in open environments is a challenging task due to the diverse variations of face appearances and occlusion. In the task of face detection, localization accuracy is one of the key factors. However, many of the existing methods ...

Salient object detection method using random graph

In this paper, a bottom-up salient object detection method is proposed by modeling image as a random graph. The proposed method starts with portioning input image into superpixels and extracting color and spatial features for each superpixel. Then, a ...

A new image encryption algorithm based on heterogeneous chaotic neural network generator and dna encoding

This paper presents a new combined neural network and chaos based pseudo-random sequence generator and a DNA-rules based chaotic encryption algorithm for secure transmission and storage of images. The proposed scheme uses a new heterogeneous chaotic ...

Robust color image watermarking using invariant quaternion Legendre-Fourier moments

In this paper, a geometrically invariant color image watermarking method using Quaternion Legendre-Fourier moments (QLFMs) is presented. A highly accurate, fast and numerically stable method is proposed to compute the QLFMs in polar coordinates. The ...

A spatiotemporal chaotic image encryption scheme based on self adaptive model and dynamic keystream fetching technique

This paper proposes a block chaotic image encryption algorithm based on self-adaptive and dynamic key stream fetching technique (DKSFT) which makes use of a non-adjacent spatiotemporal chaotic system coupled with Tent-Sine system (NASC-TSS) for the ...

Cross-layer optimization for many-to-one wireless video streaming systems

This paper develops a cross-layer optimization solution for video streaming from multiple sources to a central proxy station over a wireless network. The proposed solution manages the application rates and transmission opportunities of various video ...

Action unit detection in 3D facial videos with application in facial expression retrieval and recognition

This work introduces a new scheme for action unit detection in 3D facial videos. Sets of features that define action unit activation in a robust manner are proposed. These features are computed based on eight detected facial landmarks on each facial ...

Abnormal events' detection in crowded scenes

In this paper, two new methods are developed in order to detect and track unexpected events in scenes. The process of detecting people may face some difficulties due to poor contrast, noise and the small size of the defects. For this purpose,the perfect ...

An entity based multi-direction cooperative deformation algorithm for generating personalized human shape

Personalized human shape plays an important role in system of virtual garment customization. In this paper, a new entity based multi-direction cooperative deformation algorithm (MDCD) is proposed to generate personalized human shape. We primarily ...

Locality constrained encoding of frequency and spatial information for image classification

The bag-of-feature (BoF) model provides a way to construct high-level representation for image classification. Although spatial pyramid matching (SPM) has been incorporated into many of its extensions, these models intrinsically lack the mechanism to ...

View-invariant gait recognition based on kinect skeleton feature

Gait recognition is a popular remote biometric identification technology. Its robustness against view variation is one of the challenges in the field of gait recognition. In this paper, the second-generation Kinect (2G---Kinect) is used as a tool to ...

An Optimized Halftone Visual Cryptography Scheme Using Error Diffusion

Halftone Visual Cryptography (HVC) is an encryption technique that encodes the secret image into halftone images in order to produce secure meaningful shares. Many methods have been proposed for developing HVC to protect the security of the images. Yet, ...

VRheab: a fully immersive motor rehabilitation system based on recurrent neural network

In this paper, a fully immersive serious game system that combines two Natural User Interfaces (NUIs) and a Head Mounted Display (HMD) to provide an interactive Virtual Environment (VE) for patient rehabilitation is proposed. Patients' data are acquired ...

Improved frame-by-frame object pose tracking in complex environments

Pose tracking is an important task in Augmented Reality (AR), interactive systems, and robotic systems. The frame-by-frame pose tracking that is effective in many cases still faces challenges in complex environments such as occlusions, illumination ...

Experimental evaluation of haptic data communication with prediction

The transmission of haptic data is relatively challenging in multimedia communication. In this research study, the methods are presented for exploiting the properties of human haptic perception for data reduction of haptic data transmission. Packet-...

A semi-feature learning approach for tampered region localization across multi-format images

In multimedia security, it is an important task to localize the tampered image regions. In this work, deep learning is used to solve this problem and the approach can be applied to multi-format images. Concretely, we use Stack Autoencoder to obtain the ...

A new reduced-reference image quality assessment based on the SVD signal projection

A new image quality metric is proposed in this paper based on the degradation of structural information. It uses the singular value decomposition (SVD) as a structural projection tool called SVD-based reduced-reference image quality evaluator (SBR-IQE). ...

Exploring the effectiveness of an augmented reality dressing room

In this paper, we describe our experience with the design of an augmented reality dressing room in which 3D models of a dress are overlaid with a color image from a camera to provide the function of a sort of virtual mirror. In such a way, the customer ...

Robust object tracking via superpixels and keypoints

Most of the part-based methods just use the initial appearance model and feature information of the object. When the object is affected by occlusion, deformation and illumination factors, these methods can not be stable to the tracking object. In this ...

Adaptive variable order polynomial based digital zoom of images

Digital zoom is widely used in daily life from zooming a captured image to navigating through live maps. The applications are simple but application domains benefit large number of users. This manuscript proposes a novel approach to escalate zoom limits ...

Generating panoramic unfolded image from borehole video acquired through APBT

In geological engineering, geological structure detection is crucial to the engineering design and implementation. One of the most commonly used method is to acquire the borehole videos by Axial View Panoramic Borehole Televiewer (APBT). However this ...

A multilayer backpropagation saliency detection algorithm and its applications

Saliency detection is an active topic in the multimedia field. Most previous works on saliency detection focus on 2D images. However, these methods are not robust against complex scenes which contain multiple objects or complex backgrounds. Recently, ...

Online multi-object tracking: multiple instance based target appearance model

The online target specific feature based state estimation method has proved its applicability in video-based multiple objects tracking. This paper proposes a multi-modal tracking approach by coupling a distance based tracker with an appearance based ...

Image encryption based on modified Henon map using hybrid chaotic shift transform

In this paper, a new two dimensional modified Henon map (2D-MHM) which is derived from Henon map is proposed. Its chaotic performance is analyzed through bifurcation diagram, Lyapunov exponent spectrum and Lyapunov dimension. The map has broad chaotic ...

A relative 3D scan and construction for face using meshing algorithm

Three-dimensional object construction has seen a great deal of activity in the past decade, as has been pointed out in recent surveys, with the advancement of technology and easy availability of the depth sensors the 3D scanning technology has taken ...

Sudoku-based secret sharing approach with cheater prevention using QR code

QR codes as public patent are widely used to acquire the information in various fields. However, the characteristic of its public readability hinders its usage for delivering private messages. To overcome this weakness, we propose a Sudoku-based secret ...


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