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An experimental investigation on the innate relationship between quality and refactoring
We mined and manually validated over 12,000 refactoring operations.We verified if refactoring occurs on classes having poor quality as indicated by code metrics.We verified whether refactoring occurs on classes affected by bad smells.With very few ...
Behavioral software engineering
Throughout the history of software engineering, the human aspects have repeatedly been recognized as important. Even though research that investigates them has been growing in the past decade, these aspects should be more generally considered.The main ...
The prospects of a quantitative measurement of agility
A quantitative measurement of "agility" with connected CI to the items.A positive result from practitioners on a quantitative agile measurement.Validation tests of internal consistency and construct validity (negative result).New groups of items, but ...
Modeling and verification of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of ambient Self-Adaptive Systems
We propose a model-based approach for the modeling and verification of requirements.We integrate the notion of goal-oriented concepts for the requirements definition of self-adaptive systems.We identify the adaptability features associated with the ...
A UML model-based approach to detect infeasible paths
This research investigates the model based approach to detect infeasible paths.Investigated two patterns and their effects on path infeasibility.Proposed an elegant model-based approach to all infeaspaths for two patterns.Our approach is more effective ...
Entity resolution based EM for integrating heterogeneous distributed probabilistic data
First, we expose the instance of ER with EM algorithm to integrate different models.We apply ER for HDPD to achieve major performance in terms of response time.Matching instance is compared with BFA, Koosh-TND and Packages-TND algorithms.After the ...
A comprehensive modeling framework for role-based access control policies
We present a taxonomy of the various types of role-based access control policies proposed in the literature.We propose the GemRBAC model, a generalized model for RBAC.This model includes all the entities required to define the classified policies.We ...
Service deployment strategies for efficient execution of composite SaaS applications on cloud platform
We propose a graph model for solving the service deployment problem on cloud.Our approach considers both communication costs and execution parallelism.Service deployment is transformed into a typical minimum k-cut problem for solution. Cloud computing ...
An automated approach for noise identification to assist software architecture recovery techniques
We propose an automated methodology for noise detection.We assist SAR approaches to identify classes that obscure the system structure.We do not require a user defined threshold for noise detection.Our approach performs well in both complex and ...
Architectural tactics for cyber-foraging
Cyber-foraging is a technique to extend computing power of mobile devices.We conducted an SLR of architectures for cyber-foraging systems.Common design decisions were codified into architectural tactics for cyber-foraging.Functional tactics are ...
A small world based overlay network for improving dynamic load-balancing
Load-balancing algorithms play a key role in improving the performance of distributed-computing-systems that consist of heterogeneous nodes with different capacities. The performance of load-balancing algorithms and its convergence-rate deteriorate as ...
An empirically-developed framework for Agile transition and adoption
We show how a large-scale empirical study using Grounded Theory has been used to study Agile transition and adoption process.An empirically-developed transition framework to facilitate Agile transformation is proposed.We describe the key structural ...