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Volume 45, Issue 12Dec. 2023
  • IEEE Computer Society
  • 1730 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC
  • United States
Reflects downloads up to 02 Oct 2024Bibliometrics
A Parametrical Model for Instance-Dependent Label Noise

In label-noise learning, estimating the <italic>transition matrix</italic> is a hot topic as the matrix plays an important role in building <italic>statistically consistent classifiers</italic>. Traditionally, the transition from clean labels to noisy ...

Open Access
A Survey of Vectorization Methods in Topological Data Analysis

Attempts to incorporate topological information in supervised learning tasks have resulted in the creation of several techniques for vectorizing persistent homology barcodes. In this paper, we study thirteen such methods. Besides describing an ...

Action Recognition and Benchmark Using Event Cameras

Recent years have witnessed remarkable achievements in video-based action recognition. Apart from traditional frame-based cameras, event cameras are bio-inspired vision sensors that only record pixel-wise brightness changes rather than the brightness ...

ActiveZero++: Mixed Domain Learning Stereo and Confidence-Based Depth Completion With Zero Annotation

Learning-based stereo methods usually require a large scale dataset with depth, however obtaining accurate depth in the real domain is difficult, but groundtruth depth is readily available in the simulation domain. In this article we propose a new ...

AdaPoinTr: Diverse Point Cloud Completion With Adaptive Geometry-Aware Transformers

In this paper, we propose a Transformer encoder-decoder architecture, called PoinTr, which reformulates point cloud completion as a set-to-set translation problem and employs a geometry-aware block to model local geometric relationships explicitly. The ...

Open Access
Adversarial Data Augmentation for HMM-Based Anomaly Detection

In this work, we concentrate on the detection of anomalous behaviors in systems operating in the physical world and for which it is usually not possible to have a complete set of all possible anomalies in advance. We present a data augmentation and ...

Attribute-Guided Collaborative Learning for Partial Person Re-Identification

Partial person re-identification (ReID) aims to solve the problem of image spatial misalignment due to occlusions or out-of-views. Despite significant progress through the introduction of additional information, such as human pose landmarks, mask maps, ...

AUC-Oriented Domain Adaptation: From Theory to Algorithm

The Area Under the ROC curve (AUC) is a crucial metric for machine learning, which is often a reasonable choice for applications like disease prediction and fraud detection where the datasets often exhibit a long-tail nature. However, most of the existing ...

Background-Aware Classification Activation Map for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

Weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) relaxes the requirement of dense annotations for object localization by using image-level annotation to supervise the learning process. However, most WSOL methods only focus on forcing the object classifier to ...

<italic>Bailando</italic>++: 3D Dance GPT With Choreographic Memory

Our proposed music-to-dance framework, <italic>Bailando</italic>++, addresses the challenges of driving 3D characters to dance in a way that follows the constraints of choreography norms and maintains temporal coherency with different music genres. <...

CALDA: Improving Multi-Source Time Series Domain Adaptation With Contrastive Adversarial Learning

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) provides a strategy for improving machine learning performance in data-rich (target) domains where ground truth labels are inaccessible but can be found in related (source) domains. In cases where meta-domain ...

Coarse-to-Fine Multi-Scene Pose Regression With Transformers

Absolute camera pose regressors estimate the position and orientation of a camera given the captured image alone. Typically, a convolutional backbone with a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) head is trained using images and pose labels to embed a single ...

Open Access
Compositional Semantic Mix for Domain Adaptation in Point Cloud Segmentation

Deep-learning models for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation exhibit limited generalization capabilities when trained and tested on data captured with different sensors or in varying environments due to domain shift. Domain adaptation methods can be ...

Open Access
Comprehensive Vulnerability Evaluation of Face Recognition Systems to Template Inversion Attacks via 3D Face Reconstruction

In this article, we comprehensively evaluate the vulnerability of state-of-the-art face recognition systems to template inversion attacks using 3D face reconstruction. We propose a new method (called GaFaR) to reconstruct 3D faces from facial templates ...

Correlation Recurrent Units: A Novel Neural Architecture for Improving the Predictive Performance of Time-Series Data

Time-series forecasting (TSF) is a traditional problem in the field of artificial intelligence, and models such as recurrent neural network, long short-term memory, and gate recurrent units have contributed to improving its predictive accuracy. ...

CycleMLP: A MLP-Like Architecture for Dense Visual Predictions

This article presents a simple yet effective multilayer perceptron (MLP) architecture, namely CycleMLP, which is a versatile neural backbone network capable of solving various tasks of dense visual predictions such as object detection, segmentation, and ...

Digging Into Uncertainty-Based Pseudo-Label for Robust Stereo Matching

Due to the domain differences and unbalanced disparity distribution across multiple datasets, current stereo matching approaches are commonly limited to a specific dataset and generalize poorly to others. Such domain shift issue is usually addressed by ...

Discrete and Balanced Spectral Clustering With Scalability

Spectral Clustering (SC) has been the main subject of intensive research due to its remarkable clustering performance. Despite its successes, most existing SC methods suffer from several critical issues. First, they typically involve two independent ...

Distributionally Robust Memory Evolution With Generalized Divergence for Continual Learning

Continual learning (CL) aims to learn a non-stationary data distribution and not forget previous knowledge. The effectiveness of existing approaches that rely on memory replay can decrease over time as the model tends to overfit the stored examples. As a ...

Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Balancing Between Self-Training and Adversarial Learning

Deep learning based object detectors struggle generalizing to a new target domain bearing significant variations in object and background. Most current methods align domains by using image or instance-level adversarial feature alignment. This often ...

DPCN++: Differentiable Phase Correlation Network for Versatile Pose Registration

Pose registration is critical in vision and robotics. This article focuses on the challenging task of initialization-free pose registration up to 7DoF for homogeneous and heterogeneous measurements. While recent learning-based methods show promise using ...

DreamStone: Image as a Stepping Stone for Text-Guided 3D Shape Generation

This paper presents a new text-guided 3D shape generation approach DreamStone that uses images as a stepping stone to bridge the gap between the text and shape modalities for generating 3D shapes without requiring paired text and 3D data. The core of our ...

Dynamic Keypoint Detection Network for Image Matching

Establishing effective correspondences between a pair of images is difficult due to real-world challenges such as illumination, viewpoint and scale variations. Modern detector-based methods typically learn fixed detectors from a given dataset, which is ...

Dynamic Loss for Robust Learning

Label noise and class imbalance are common challenges encountered in real-world datasets. Existing approaches for robust learning often focus on addressing either label noise or class imbalance individually, resulting in suboptimal performance when both ...

Edge Guided GANs With Multi-Scale Contrastive Learning for Semantic Image Synthesis

We propose a novel <underline>e</underline>dge guided <underline>g</underline>enerative <underline>a</underline>dversarial <underline>n</underline>etwork with <underline>c</underline>ontrastive learning (ECGAN) for the challenging semantic image synthesis ...

Efficient Federated Learning Via Local Adaptive Amended Optimizer With Linear Speedup

Adaptive optimization has achieved notable success for distributed learning while extending adaptive optimizer to federated Learning (FL) suffers from severe inefficiency, including (i) rugged convergence due to inaccurate gradient estimation in global ...

Efficient Spatially Sparse Inference for Conditional GANs and Diffusion Models

During image editing, existing deep generative models tend to re-synthesize the entire output from scratch, including the unedited regions. This leads to a significant waste of computation, especially for minor editing operations. In this work, we present ...

End-to-End One-Shot Human Parsing

Previous human parsing methods are limited to parsing humans into pre-defined classes, which is inflexible for practical fashion applications that often have new fashion item classes. In this paper, we define a novel one-shot human parsing (OSHP) task ...

Evaluating the Generalization Ability of Super-Resolution Networks

Performance and generalization ability are two important aspects to evaluate the deep learning models. However, research on the generalization ability of Super-Resolution (SR) networks is currently absent. Assessing the generalization ability of deep ...

Evolving Domain Generalization via Latent Structure-Aware Sequential Autoencoder

Domain generalization (DG) refers to the problem of generalizing machine learning systems to out-of-distribution (OOD) data with knowledge learned from several provided source domains. Most prior works confine themselves to stationary and discrete ...


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