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Large-scale scene image categorisation with deep learning-based model
Increasing depth of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is a highly promising method of increasing the accuracy of the (CNNs). Increased CNN depth will also result in increased layer count (parameters), leading to a slow backpropagation convergence prone ...
Extracting and searching news articles in web portal news pages
Recently, a large amount of news articles is being created online, and news articles are important resources for understanding social phenomena and trends. Accordingly, a web portal service provides a 'portal news page' that classifies news articles ...
Cursive multilingual characters recognition based on hard geometric features
The cursive nature of Arabic script characters segmentation and recognition has attracted researchers from academia and industry. However, despite several decades of research, still Arabic characters classification accuracy is not up to the mark. This ...
Stego-key-based image steganography scheme using edge detector and modulus function
In this paper, an image steganography scheme is proposed with the intention to enhance the security along with the payload capacity of the cover image. To improve the embedding capacity of the cover image, the hiding process of secret message bits is ...
Performance evaluation of various texture analysis techniques for machine vision-based characterisation of machined surfaces
Machine vision-based inspection of surface quality leverages the principle of surface-texture characterisation, capitalising on image data characteristics. Frequently, surface-texture analysis adopts statistical and filter-based techniques, for this ...
Deep reinforcement learning collision avoidance using policy gradient optimisation and Q-learning
Usage of trust region policy optimisation (TRPO) and proximal policy optimisation (PPO) 'children of policy gradient optimisation method' and deep Q-learning network (DQN) in Lidar-based differential robots are proposed using Turtlebot and OpenAI's ...