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Reflects downloads up to 28 Nov 2024Bibliometrics
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On the vertex stability numbers of graphs

For an arbitrary invariant ρ ( G ) of a graph G the ρ-vertex stability number vs ρ ( G ) (ρ-edge stability number es ρ ( G )) is the minimum number of vertices (edges) whose removal results in a graph H ⊆ G with ρ ( H ) ≠ ρ ( G ). If such a ...

Fast winning strategies for Staller in the Maker–Breaker domination game

The Maker–Breaker domination game is played on a graph G by two players, called Dominator and Staller, who alternately choose a vertex that has not been played so far. Dominator wins the game if his moves form a dominating set. Staller wins if ...

On two conjectures concerning spanning tree edge dependences of graphs

Let τ ( G ) and τ G ( e ) be the number of spanning trees of a connected graph G and the number of spanning trees of G containing edge e. The ratio d G ( e ) = τ G ( e ) / τ ( G ) is called the spanning tree edge density, or simply density, of e. ...

Geodesic property of greedy algorithms for optimization problems on jump systems and delta-matroids

The concept of jump system, introduced by Bouchet and Cunningham (1995), is a set of integer points satisfying a certain exchange property. We consider the minimization of a separable convex function on a jump system. It is known that the problem ...

Partitioning of a graph into induced subgraphs not containing prescribed cliques

Let K p be a complete graph of order p ≥ 2. A K p-free k-coloring of a graph H is a partition of V ( H ) into V 1 , V 2 … , V k such that H [ V i ] does not contain K p for each i ≤ k. In 1977 Borodin and Kostochka conjectured that any graph H ...

Gallai–Ramsey numbers for 3-uniform rainbow Berge triangles and monochromatic linear paths or cycles

Given two non-empty t-uniform hypergraphs G ( t ) , H ( t ) and a positive integer k, the hypergraph Gallai–Ramsey number gr k G ( t ) : H ( t ) is defined as the minimum positive integer N such that for all n ≥ N, every k-hyperedge-coloring of t-...

Counting spanning trees of (1, N)-periodic graphs

Let N ≥ 2 be an integer, a (1, N)-periodic graph G is a periodic graph whose vertices can be partitioned into two sets V 1 = { v ∣ σ ( v ) = v } and V 2 = { v ∣ σ i ( v ) ≠ v for any 1 < i < N }, where σ is an automorphism with order N of G. The ...

Bounds on the defect of an octahedron in a rational lattice

Consider an arbitrary n-dimensional lattice Λ such that Z n ⊂ Λ ⊂ Q n. Such lattices are called rational and can always be obtained by adding m ≤ n rational vectors to Z n. The defect d ( E , Λ ) of the standard basis E of Z n (n unit vectors ...

Some relations between the irreducible polynomials over a finite field and its quadratic extension

In this paper, we establish some relations between irreducible polynomials over a finite field F q and its quadratic extension F q 2. First we consider a relation between the numbers of irreducible polynomials of a fixed degree over F q and F q 2,...

Non-overlapping descents and ascents in stack-sortable permutations

The Eulerian polynomials A n ( x ) give the distribution of descents over permutations. It is also known that the distribution of descents over stack-sortable permutations (i.e. permutations sortable by a certain algorithm whose internal storage ...

On strong edge-coloring of graphs with maximum degree 5

A strong edge-coloring of a graph G is a proper edge-coloring such that any two edges with distance at most 2 receive different colors. The strong chromatic index of G, denoted by χ s ′ ( G ), is the least possible number of colors in a strong ...

Coloring (P 5, kite)-free graphs with small cliques

Let P n and K n denote the induced path and complete graph on n vertices, respectively. The kite is the graph obtained from a P 4 by adding a vertex and making it adjacent to all vertices in the P 4 except one vertex with degree 1. A graph is (P ...

    Various matching keys for asymmetric topology encryption

    With the fast development of quantum computer technology, one has to focus on the security of information running in real networks. Topological coding is a technology of basic topological structure, number theory and algebra has potential ...

    Some results on the Wiener index related to the Šoltés problem of graphs

    The Wiener index, W ( G ), of a connected graph G is the sum of distances between its vertices. In 2021, Akhmejanova et al. posed the problem of finding graphs G with large R m ( G ) = | { v ∈ V ( G ) ∣ W ( G ) − W ( G − v ) = m ∈ Z } | / | V ( G ...

    Vertex-critical ( P 3 + ℓ P 1 )-free and vertex-critical (gem, co-gem)-free graphs

    A graph G is k-vertex-critical if χ ( G ) = k but χ ( G − v ) < k for all v ∈ V ( G ) where χ ( G ) denotes the chromatic number of G. We show that there are only finitely many k-vertex-critical ( P 3 + ℓ P 1 )-free graphs for all k ≥ 1 and all ℓ ...

    Diclique digraphs

    Given a digraph D, a diclique is a maximal pair of vertex sets ( X , Y ) satisfying x ∈ X , y ∈ Y ⟹ x → y. The diclique digraph of D, K ⃗ ( D ), has the dicliques of D as vertices two of them being adjacent, ( X , Y ) → ( X ′ , Y ′ ), if and only ...

    Combinatorial approach of unified Apostol-type polynomials using α-distanced words

    We introduce and enumerate weighted α-distanced words. We show their connection to the unified Apostol-type polynomials and provide combinatorial proofs of certain identities.

    Special Issue Paper: Graph Theory with Applications; Edited by Shenggui Zhang; Xiaoyan(X.) Zhang; Yongtang Shi
    A note on rainbow-free colorings of uniform hypergraphs

    A rainbow-free coloring of a k-uniform hypergraph H is a vertex-coloring which uses k colors but with the property that no edge of H attains all colors. Koerkamp and Z̆ivný showed that p = ( k − 1 ) ( log n ) / n is the threshold function for the ...

    On the star of the family of independent sets in a graph

    A family of sets is called a star if there exists an element (a center) in each of its sets. Given a graph G and an integer r ⩾ 1 , let I r ( G ) be the family of independent sets of size r of G . A star S of I r ( G ) is maximum if no star of I ...

    The greatest values for atom-bond sum-connectivity index of graphs with given parameters

    The atom-bond sum-connectivity index (A B S index) of a graph G = ( V , E ) is defined as A B S ( G ) = ∑ ξ ζ ∈ E ( G ) d ξ + d ζ − 2 d ξ + d ζ , where d ξ represents the degree of vertex ξ ∈ V. By using A B S index, the heat of formation of ...


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