Recovery strategies for parsing extragrammatical language
Practical natural language interfaces must exhibit robust behaviour in the presence of extragrammatical user input. This paper classifies different types of grammatical deviations and related phenomena at the lexical, sentential and dialogue levels and ...
Parse fitting and prose fixing: getting a hold on ill-formedness
Processing syntactically ill-formed language is an important mission of the EPISTLE system, Ill-formed input is treated by this system in various ways. Misspellings are highlighted by a standard spelling checker; syntactic errors are detected and ...
Meta-rules as a basis for processing ill-formed input
If natural language processing systems are ever to achieve natural, cooperative behavior, they must be able to process input that is ill-formed lexically, syntactically, semantically, or pragmatically. Systems must be able to partially understand, or at ...
Preference semantics, ill-formedness, and metaphor
This paper is about the relationships between Preference Semantics (PS) and ill-formedness, and between Preference Semantics and metaphor. Two types of "preference", declarative and procedural, are distinguished. The PS framework is examined with ...
The NOMAD system: expectation-based detection and correction of errors during understanding of syntactically and semantically ill-formed text
Most large text-understanding systems have been designed under the assumption that the input text will be in reasonably "neat" form (for example, newspaper stories and other edited texts). However, a great deal of natural language text (for example, ...
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