Dimensions of Object-Oriented Modeling
The problem-solving power of object-oriented and logic programming is discussed in terms of the dimensions of encapsulation, distribution concurrency, and reactiveness. Encapsulation and reactiveness are essential dimensions of object orientation; they ...
Object-Oriented and Conventional Analysis and Design Methodologies
Three object-oriented analysis methodologies and three object-oriented design methodologies are reviewed and compared to one another. The authors' intent is to answer the question of whether emerging object-oriented analysis and design methodologies ...
Applying "Design by Contract"
Methodological guidelines for object-oriented software construction that improve the reliability of the resulting software systems are presented. It is shown that the object-oriented techniques rely on the theory of design by contract, which underlies ...
Object, Message, and Performance: How they Coexist in Self
The Self programming language, which distills object-oriented computation down to a simple story based on copying prototypes to create objects, inheriting from objects to share their contents, and passing messages to invoke methods, is discussed. It is ...
An Object-Oriented Real-Time Programming Language
The real-time object model, an extended object-oriented model for describing real-time systems, is described. The design and implementation of RTC++, a programming language that extends C++ on the basis of the real-time object model, are discussed. The ...
Architecture of an Open Object-Oriented Database Management System
The architecture of the open object-oriented database (OODB) management system, its requirements, and its computational model, which builds database functionality as an extensible collection of transparent extensions to existing programming languages, ...
Application Graphics Modeling Support Through Object Orientation
The Graphical Application Modeling Support system (Grams), a three-dimensional graphics system that raises the abstraction level at which the application programmer and the end user interact with the system in the image-generation process, is described. ...