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From the new ACM president
I thank all of you who recently sent along good wishes upon my election to ACM president. Many also asked "What do you want to accomplish during your presidency?"
Inside the great wall
The Communications Web site, http://cacm.acm.org, features more than a dozen bloggers in the BLOG@CACM community. In each issue of Communications, we'll publish selected posts or excerpts.
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Reinforcement renaissance
The power of deep neural networks has sparked renewed interest in reinforcement learning, with applications to games, robotics, and beyond.
Open source software no longer optional
Open development and sharing of software gained widespread acceptance 15 years ago, and the practice is accelerating.
Smartphone apps for social good
Mobile apps make it easier, faster, and cheaper to create massive impact on social causes ranging from world hunger to domestic violence.
Computer security is broken: can better hardware help fix it?
Computer security problems have far exceeded the limits of the human brain. What can we do about it?
From computational thinking to computational participation in K--12 education
Seeking to reframe computational thinking as computational participation.
Chilling the messenger
Keeping ego out of software-design review.
Teamwork in computing research
Considering the benefits and downsides of collaborative research.
Debugging distributed systems
ShiViz is a new distributed system debugging visualization tool.
The singular success of SQL
SQL has a brilliant future as a major figure in the pantheon of data representations.
The hidden dividends of microservices
Microservices aren't for every company, and the journey isn't easy.
Smart cities: concepts, architectures, research opportunities
The aim is to improve cities' management of natural and municipal resources and in turn the quality of life of their citizens.
Adaptive computation: the multidisciplinary legacy of John H. Holland
John H. Holland's general theories of adaptive processes apply across biological, cognitive, social, and computational systems.
Skills for success at different stages of an IT professional's career
The skills and knowledge that earn promotions are not always enough to ensure success in the new position.
Computational biology in the 21st century: scaling with compressive algorithms
Algorithmic advances take advantage of the structure of massive biological data landscape.
Future Tense: Gut Feelings
From the intersection of computational science and technological speculation, with boundaries limited only by our ability to imagine what could be.
Even a little genetic engineering can render us too comfortable for our own good.