Average-case results on heapsort
A new algorithm for rearranging a heap is presented and analysed in the average case. The average case upper bound for deleting the maximum element of a random heap is improved, and is shown to be less than [logn]+0.299+M(n) comparisons, *) whereM(...
Generating and counting triangular systems
Lunnon has defined a triangularp-mino as an edge-connected configuration ofp cells from the triangle plane grid with vertices of degree 6. A triangular system is a triangularp-mino without any holes. On the other hand we can say that a triangular ...
Array processing machines: An abstract model
We present a new model of parallel computation called the “array processing machine” or APM (for short). The APM was designed to closely model the architecture of existing vector- and array processors, and to provide a suitable unifying framework ...
A generalized, one-way, stackless quicksort
This note generalizes the one-way, stackless quicksort of Huang and Knuth to work for any type of sort key. It thus proves that quicksort can run with minimal space inO(N logN) average time.
A ℤ-Simplex Algorithm with partial updates
The Simplex primal and dual methods, for the solution of$$\max \left\{ {c^T x:Ax = b, x \geqslant 0} \right\},$$ were presented previously in terms of certain bases ℤ and$$\mathbb{Y}$$ ofN(A) andR(A T ) respectively. In these implementations, called ...
The order ofB-convergence of algebraically stable Runge-Kutta methods
In a previous paper it was shown that for a class of semi-linear problems many high order Runge-Kutta methods have order of optimalB-convergence one higher than the stage order. In this paper we show that for the more general class of nonlinear ...
Convergence of Gauss type product formulas for the evaluation of two-dimensional Cauchy principal value integrals
The authors consider product rules of Gauss type for the numerical approximation of certain two-dimensional Cauchy principal value integrals with respect to generalized smooth Jacobi weight functions.
Convergence results for these rules are given, ...
On the error term of the filon quadrature formulae
Errors are noted and corrected in existing descriptions of the local error terms in the Filon quadrature formulae. Expressions are established valid for all values ofθ=qh whereh is the step length andq the angular frequency of the fundamental ...
Sharp bounds for the partition function of integer sequences
By means of a new criterion for higher multiplicities of additive representations of integers as sums of distinct terms of a fixed integer sequence sharp bounds are determined for the partition function of many sequences with the aid of a ...
On some iteration functions for the simultaneous computation of multiple complex polynomial zeros
Second order methods for simultaneous approximation of multiple complex zeros of a polynomial are presented. Convergence analysis of new iteration formulas and an efficient criterion for the choice of the appropriate value of a root are discussed. ...
A 0-stable linear multistep formulas of theα-type
Theα-type linear multistep formulas are a generalization of the Adams-type formulas. This paper is concerned with completely characterizing theA 0-stability of thek-step, orderk α-type formulas. Specifically, all such formulas of orders 4 or less ...