Editorial Board
Distributed and adaptive resource management in Cloud-assisted Cognitive Radio Vehicular Networks with hard reliability guarantees
In this contribution, we design and test the performance of a distributed and adaptive resource management controller, which allows the optimal exploitation of Cognitive Radio and soft-input/soft-output data fusion in Vehicular Access Networks. The ...
The answer is rolling on wheels
Automobile manufacturers are delivering a new generation of connected vehicles with in-cabin Wi-Fi devices, enabling advances in a wide range of in-vehicle communications and infotainment capabilities. The communication performance is a key factor ...
Distributed spatial reuse distance control for basic safety messages in SDMA-based VANETs
The periodic generation and transmission of basic safety messages (BSM) place a heavy burden on the load of a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), where there also remain multiple packet collisions undetected due to the hidden terminals. In this paper, we ...
Autonomous real time route guidance in inter-vehicular communication urban networks
This paper presents an inter-vehicular communication (IVC)-based algorithm for real-time route guidance in urban traffic networks. The algorithm enables communication between searcher vehicle and candidate vehicles whose origin node matches the ...
Irresponsible AODV routing
Broadcasting is a common transmission strategy used by several ad-hoc routing protocols in order to solve many issues, such as finding a route to a new host or sending control messages to all nodes in the network. Flooding is the simplest technique to ...