Issue Downloads
State-space Construction of Hybrid Petri Nets with Multiple Stochastic Firings
Hybrid Petri nets have been extended to include general transitions that fire after a randomly distributed amount of time. With a single general one-shot transition the state space and evolution over time can be represented either as a Parametric ...
A Modest Approach to Markov Automata
Markov automata are a compositional modelling formalism with continuous stochastic time, discrete probabilities, and nondeterministic choices. In this article, we present extensions to MODEST, an expressive high-level language with roots in process ...
Transfer Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving: From WiseMove to WiseSim
Reinforcement learning (RL) is an attractive way to implement high-level decision-making policies for autonomous driving, but learning directly from a real vehicle or a high-fidelity simulator is variously infeasible. We therefore consider the problem ...
Doping Tests for Cyber-physical Systems
The software running in embedded or cyber-physical systems is typically of proprietary nature, so users do not know precisely what the systems they own are (in)capable of doing. Most malfunctionings of such systems are not intended by the manufacturer, ...
Replication of Computational Results Report for “Doping Tests for Cyber-Physical Systems”
The article Doping Tests for Cyber-Physical Systems is accompanied by a prototype implementation in Python 2.7. The artifact (i.e., code and observational data) is hosted on a publicly available repository. The article contains comprehensive ...
Falsification of Hybrid Systems Using Adaptive Probabilistic Search
We present and analyse an algorithm that quickly finds falsifying inputs for hybrid systems. Our method is based on a probabilistically directed tree search, whose distribution adapts to consider an increasingly fine-grained discretization of the input ...
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