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Volume 35, Issue 1January 2024
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Hybrid homomorphic‐asymmetric lightweight cryptosystem for securing smart devices: A review

The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a new concept in information and communication technology, and its structure depends on smart device communications. It was evolving as a significant factor of the Internet and made the interconnection ...

A comparative study of the various cryptosystems was conducted, and the contributions, results and disadvantages were examined. To our knowledge, examinations based on hybrid cryptosystems and lightweight homomorphic algorithms are also being carried out ...

Secure smart city application using webservice model and mayfly optimization‐based lightweight CNN

IoT infrastructures and web services have primarily been deployed in sustainable smart cities and societies. Users are highly attracted to the personalized web services by the IoT infrastructure due to the improved quality of service (QoS) it ...

To propose a novel adaptive optimal lightweight convolutional neural network (AOLCNN) based IoT sustainable smart city environment. A software‐designed network (SDN) controller is responsible for manageability, stability as well as observability thereby ...

Secrecy‐enabled resource allocation in cloud‐assisted IoT networks

Cloud‐assisted IoT networks, (Fog computing) provide computation‐intensive services to the edge devices like the Internet of Things (IoT) with limited resources. One of the urgent challenges in fog‐based IoT networks is how to fulfill the ...

To protect the data transmission in cloud assisted IoT networks we put forwards a physical layer security‐based secrecy‐enabled resource allocation scheme. image image

Massive capacity of novel three‐dimensional OCDMA‐FSO system for next generation of high‐data wireless networks

The present study examines an interesting wireless system known as spectral/temporal/spatial‐optical code division multiple access‐free space optics (OCDMA‐FSO) by integrating the new three‐dimensional successive weight (3D‐SW) code for the ...

This research article examines an interesting wireless system known as spectral/temporal/spatial‐OCDMA‐FSO by integrating the new 3D‐SW code for the incoherent system. The system is proposed to be adopted in future generations of wireless networks in view ...

HTTP header based phishing attack detection using machine learning

In the past, many techniques like blacklisting/whitelisting, third‐party, search engine, visual similarity, heuristic, URL features, and website content were used for anti‐phishing. Search engine‐based, third‐party assisted tools and blacklist/...

The system architecture diagram of phishing detection, where the HTTP header extraction module extracts novel email headers, and ML is used to classify them as legitimate or phishing with high detection accuracy. image image

Open Access
Optimizing UAV computation offloading via MEC with deep deterministic policy gradient

Mobile edge computing (MEC) seems to be highly efficient to process the generated data from IoT devices by providing computational resources locating in close range to network edge. MEC can be promising in reduction of latency and consumption of ...

A deep deterministic policy gradient‐based computation offloading optimization algorithm is proposed for UAV‐assisted MEC systems. MEC reduces latency and energy consumption by offloading computational tasks from IoT devices to nearby edge servers by ...

Flat ball topology basics multi‐transceivers 100 km/2.5 Tbps gigabit‐ethernet PON architecture for energy efficiency in data centers

Existing electronic data sources desire high‐power requisites, in order to obtain a large bandwidth, minimum power dissipation and low latency in networks. In this instance, a gigabit ethernet passive optical network (GEPON) architecture based ...

A dynamic Flat Ball topology‐based GE‐PON architecture with five transceivers having low latency and bandwidth reconfiguration potential to minimize energy consumption using passive devices at data centers, is presented in this paper. This architecture ...

A privacy‐sensitive data identification model in online social networks

Privacy protection in online social networks (OSNs) has received a great deal of attention in recent years. One way of circumventing conventional privacy protection is privacy inference based on data that can be easily obtained in OSNs. Previous ...

A model for privacy‐sensitive data identification is presented, in which the key pieces of data in the form of user attributes and relationships on which the privacy of the target user depends can be determined to facilitate the implementation of privacy ...

Performance analysis of dual‐hop dual‐branch amplify‐and‐forward relaying cooperative diversity system using best‐path selection technique over Nakagami‐m fading channels

One of the promising technologies for achieving virtual diversity gains is cooperative relaying. This study considers a dual‐hop dual‐branch cooperative diversity system with an amplify‐and‐forward mechanism where the hop count here means the ...

A dual‐hop dual‐branch amplify‐and‐forward relaying cooperative diversity system utilizing best‐path selection technique over Nakagami‐m fading channels is proposed. Closed‐form expressions for the average bit error rate and outage probability are ...

A novel statistics for the NWDP: An appropriate fading model for 5G/6G mmWave communications

There are many aspects concerning a new generation of communication systems that most existing channel models cannot address. For instance, the positioning of the transmitter and receiver is such that a large number of specular components are ...

This research paper presents new expressions for the statistics of the TWDP distribution and its extension, the NWDP distribution in terms of Fox's H‐function. The PDF presented for the TWDP distribution is exact, unlike the previous expression, and does ...

Open Access
Securing AI‐based healthcare systems using blockchain technology: A state‐of‐the‐art systematic literature review and future research directions

Healthcare institutions are progressively integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into their operations. The extraordinary potential of AI is restricted by insufficient medical data for AI model training and adversarial attacks wherein ...

The applicability of blockchain properties from protecting and validating datasets, protecting classifiers/algorithms protecting the post‐training environment in AI is detailed in this image. image image

Beamforming and data detection in intelligent reflecting surfaces‐assisted communication using deep learning

In this article, we propose two deep neural network (DNN) architectures for an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)‐assisted network with a single transmitter and multiple receivers. The first DNN is designed to obtain an optimal beamforming ...

We present two deep neural networks (DNN) for an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)‐assisted network with only a few of the total IRS elements to be active, to perform beamforming and signal detection respectively. Our results indicate that a near‐...

Vehicular social aspects in data dissemination of urban critical events with QoS and QoE for supporting emergency response

Critical urban events impact the city agenda, like sustainable urban mobility, safe transportation, and efficient governance, thus leading many times to social disturbance, environmental degradation, and economic and human losses. Such events ...

This paper focuses on social‐based data dissemination in urban vehicular environments to support rapid and adequate public authorities' response to critical events. To this end, we present a QoS/QoE aware solution employing a distributed and robust ...

Computational intelligence techniques for energy efficient routing protocols in wireless sensor networks: A critique

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) play a pivotal role in modern data acquisition systems, but their energy‐efficient operation remains a significant challenge. This work provides a concise overview of the key challenges and proposed solutions ...

This research study is to analyze modern methods and techniques that improve route performance in WSNs in terms of energy efficiency, network life, and latency. The basic working principle in WSNs is communicating among heterogeneous devices and ...

Energy‐efficient UOWC‐RF systems with SLIPT

This letter investigates a two‐hop underwater optical wireless communication‐radio frequency setup consisting of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), a communication buoy, and an onshore data center (ODC). The information transmission between ...

A joint optimization problem is proposed to minimize the total optical energy consumption at the autonomous underwater vehicle by optimally selecting the DC‐bias and the time allocated to the first and second phases subject to the minimum required end‐to‐...

Distributed and multi‐layer hierarchical controller placement in software‐defined satellite‐terrestrial network

Aiming at the controller placement in software‐defined satellite‐terrestrial network, a distributed and multilayer hierarchical controller placement mechanism is proposed to improve the reliability and scalability. First, the metrics of network ...

Aiming at the controller placement in software‐defined satellite‐terrestrial network, a distributed and multilayer hierarchical controller placement mechanism is proposed. It not only obtains high stability and scalability, but also efficiently saves the ...

CSAT‐FRMET: An energy‐efficient hybrid FiWi network‐based 5G model

Hybrid fiber wireless (FiWi) access networks seek to combine the vast amount of bandwidth that is available for optical networks and wireless network mobility; hence, it favors larger bandwidth request but cause the highly nonlinear lagrangian ...

Architecture of proposed energy‐efficient Hybrid FiWi network‐based 5G model. image image

Cloud‐fog assisted human tracing and disaster evacuation framework

Many kinds of natural hazards and man‐made calamities have occurred in recent years, each of which has left a huge number of victims and has been challenging to deal with. The solution is an effective evacuation planning system, which is gaining ...

The significant contributions of the proposed study are:

  1. A novel human tracing and crowd density analysis approach is proposed for disaster evacuation planning.

  2. An effective evacuation strategy is developed for densely inhabited regions.

  3. Mixed‐integer ...

A probably secure biometric‐based authentication and key agreement scheme for Internet of Drones

The Internet of Drones (IoD) is one of the world's most recent and innovative technology. Drones are most prominent IoT (Internet of Things) gadgets and their applications span from commercial to domestic. The sensitive data stored in drones has ...

The main contributions of the article are as follows:

  1. In this article, we have examined the security of Zhang et al.'s work and demonstrated some design flaw in their protocol. Furthermore, their vulnerability against attacks like offline password ...

Design consideration and recent developments in flexible, transparent and wearable antenna technology: A review

The wearable technology and flexible electronics have been convoluted in modern technologies and many of applications especially insensors, biomedical, displays, solar panels, glasses, smart cities, integrated circuits, and wireless body area ...

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Deep learning‐assisted reconfigurable intelligent surface for enhancing 6G mobile networks

This article presents the role of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) using the Multi‐Input Multi‐Output (MIMO) technique as the enabling technology to boost the achievable data rate for mobile networks of the sixth generation (6G). The RIS ...

Using DL‐aided RIS for achievable data rate enhancement. image image

Anomalous vehicle recognition in smart cities using persistent bloom filter: Memory efficient and intelligent monitoring

Globally, there is a rapid and significant change in the distribution of the urban population. Concerning which there is an increase in traffic rule violations in smart cities, resulting in traffic congestion and accidents. Anomalous vehicle ...

This research aims to create an intelligent monitoring system for recognizing anomalous vehicles in smart cities, utilizing memory‐efficient persistent bloom filters. The solution aims to improve road safety by implementing a real‐time, responsive ...

Design and experimental analysis of fractal antennae with ground‐defected structure for expected 6G and 5G mm‐wave communication and wireless applications

This article proposes modified fractal antennae for wideband applications. The proposed antennas have a resonance frequency range of 10–40 GHz. Modified fractal antennae are designed and fabricated with a height of 1.6 mm, substrate width, and ...

This article proposes the modified fractal antennae for wideband applications and has pencil beam properties required for advanced 5G mm‐wave communication. The proposed antennae have multiband, which cover more applications in the n257, n258, n259, n260, ...

Dual intelligent reflecting surfaces aided decode‐and‐forward relaying with wireless power transfer

We consider an energy harvesting (EH)‐based cooperative relaying system, where the relay operates with EH and forwards source data to the destination according to the decode‐and‐forward protocol. Two intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) are ...

A two‐hop dual‐IRS‐aided DF‐relaying scheme with the relay capable of harvesting wireless energy. image image

Adaptive Guided Differential Evolution‐based Slime Mould Algorithm‐based efficient Multi‐objective Task Scheduling for Cloud Computing Environments

In a Cloud Computing (CC) environment, users are charged based on on‐demand resource utilization and expected Quality of Service (QoS). Multi‐Objective‐based Task Scheduling (MOTS) problem formulated for achieving the expected QoS in a CC ...

In this article, Adaptive Guided Differential Evolution‐based Slime Mould Algorithm (AGDESMA) is proposed for dealing with the problem of Multi‐Objective large‐scale TS optimization over the IaaS CC environment. The proposed AGDESMA is formulated with the ...

Towards a software‐defined networking model for consumer‐centric content delivery network for IoT

Every entity must communicate seamlessly in an interconnected network. Personalised delivery of information in an open private network(s) among consumers should be transparent while maintaining privacy. In information‐centric content delivery ...

The research article contributes as follows: The research proposes a consumer‐centric content delivery network model for the IoT environment. The article discusses the available literature on IoT, IoT security, SDN, content delivery, and network ...

RAKSHAM: Responsive approach to Knock‐off scavenging hackers and attack mitigation

With the increasing interconnectivity of devices and systems in the Internet of Things (IoT) landscape, the importance of cybersecurity has grown significantly. This work presents a comprehensive solution that combines deceptive techniques and ...

  1. Increasing interconnectivity in IoT necessitates robust cybersecurity.

  2. Deceptive techniques and AI‐based detection enhance IoT network security.

  3. Deceptive methods (honeypots, deceptive IoT devices, fake traffic) mislead attackers.

  4. Challenges include ...

Dynamic service function chains placement based on parallelized requests in edge computing environment

The advent of Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technology brings flexible traffic engineering to edge computing environments. Online services in NFV are chained as Service Function Chains (SFCs), which consist of ordered sequences of ...

With parallelizing an SFC request, independent VNFs are activated simultaneously and computational acceleration is realized by reducing the SFC length. Basically, any pair of VNFs that do not conflict with traffic can be activated simultaneously. Most ...

ICRB: An improved consensus‐based redactable blockchain considering contextual consistency

Blockchain is a distributed ledger proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto. It has become one of the most important networks for humans in the world. With the rapid development of blockchain technology, an increasing number of criminals are engaging in ...

We proposed an improved consensus‐based redactable blockchain considering contextual consistency. In our scheme, we introduce security deposit into the architecture of blockchain to maintain the contextual consistency. Verifiable Secret Sharing and ...


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