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Reflects downloads up to 14 Dec 2024Bibliometrics
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Solving difficult instances of Boolean satisfiability in the presence of symmetry

Research in algorithms for Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and their implementations (Goldberg and Novikov, 2002), (Moskewicz et al., 2001), (Silva and Sakallah, 1999) has recently outpaced benchmarking efforts. Most of the classic DIMACS benchmarks (ftp:...

Modular verification of timed circuits using automatic abstraction

The major barrier that prevents the application of formal verification to large designs is state explosion. This paper presents a new approach for verification of timed circuits using automatic abstraction. This approach partitions the design into ...

Application of symbolic computer algebra in high-level data-flow synthesis

The growing market of multimedia applications has required the development of complex application-specified integrated circuits with significant data-path portions. Unfortunately, most high-level synthesis tools and methods cannot automatically ...

A fast algorithm for OR-AND-OR synthesis

Design methods for OR-AND-OR three-level networks are useful for exploiting the flexibility of logic blocks in many complex programmable logic devices. This paper presents T RIMIN, a fast heuristic algorithm for designing OR-AND-OR networks from sum-of-...

Technology-portable analytical model for DSM CMOS inverter transition-time estimation

In this paper, we propose a new analytical model to estimate the transition time of CMOS inverters, taking into account the main effects of deep submicron (DSM) such as velocity saturation and mobility degradation. The relationship between the input and ...

Probabilistic analysis of interconnect coupling noise

Noise simulators and noise avoidance tools are playing an increasingly critical role in the design of deep submicron circuits. However, noise estimates produced by these simulators are often very pessimistic. For large, high-performance industrial ICs, ...

Rigorous integration of semiconductor process and device simulators

We deal with problems arising in the coupling of process and device simulators. It is analyzed what kind of data and algorithms such simulations are based on. An overview of existing technology computer-aided design data models is given. A generic ...

Analysis and compact behavioral modeling of nonlinear distortion in analog communication circuits

The design of analog front-ends of digital telecommunication transceivers requires mixed-signal simulations at the architectural level. The nonlinear nature of the analog front-end blocks is a complication for their modeling at the architectural level, ...

Efficient mixed-domain analysis of electrostatic MEMS

We present efficient computational methods for scattered point and meshless analysis of electrostatic microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Electrostatic MEM devices are governed by coupled mechanical and electrostatic energy domains. A self-consistent ...

Statistical timing analysis using bounds and selective enumeration

The growing impact of within-die process variation has created the need for statistical timing analysis, where gate delays are modeled as random variables. Statistical timing analysis has traditionally suffered from exponential run time complexity with ...

Timing analysis with crosstalk is a fixpoint on a complete lattice

Increasing delay variation due to capacitive and inductive crosstalk has a dramatic impact on deep submicron technologies. It is now impossible to exclude crosstalk from timing analysis. However, timing analysis with crosstalk is a mutual dependence ...

Static timing analysis for level-clocked circuits in the presence of crosstalk

Static timing analysis is instrumental in efficiently verifying a design's temporal behavior to ensure correct functionality at the required frequency. This paper addresses static timing analysis in the presence of crosstalk for circuits containing ...

Local watermarks: methodology and application to behavioral synthesis

Recently, the electronic design automation industry has adopted the intellectual property (IP) business model as a dominant system-on-chip development platform. Since copyright fraud has been recognized as the most devastating obstruction to this model, ...

A simulation framework for energy-consumption analysis of OS-driven embedded applications

Energy consumption has become a major focus in the design of embedded systems (e.g., mobile computing and wireless communication devices). In particular, a shift of emphasis from hardware-oriented low-energy design techniques to energy-efficient ...


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