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SECTION: 1 - Regular Papers
Greedy heuristics for the bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem
Article No.: 1, Pages 1.1–1.14

Given a connected, weighted, undirected graph G and a bound D, the bounded diameter minimum spanning tree problem seeks a spanning tree on G of minimum weight among the trees in which no path between two vertices contains more than D edges. In Prim's ...

Finding large stable matchings
Article No.: 2, Pages 1.2–1.30

When ties and incomplete preference lists are permitted in the stable marriage and hospitals/residents problems, stable matchings can have different sizes. The problem of finding a maximum cardinality stable matching in this context is known to be NP-...

Experimental study of geometric t-spanners
Article No.: 3, Pages 1.3–1.39

The construction of t-spanners of a given point set has received a lot of attention, especially from a theoretical perspective. In this article, we experimentally study the performance and quality of the most common construction algorithms for points in ...

GPU-Quicksort: A practical Quicksort algorithm for graphics processors
Article No.: 4, Pages 1.4–1.24

In this article, we describe GPU-Quicksort, an efficient Quicksort algorithm suitable for highly parallel multicore graphics processors. Quicksort has previously been considered an inefficient sorting solution for graphics processors, but we show that ...

Engineering planar separator algorithms
Article No.: 5, Pages 1.5–1.31

We consider classical linear-time planar separator algorithms, determining for a given planar graph a small subset of its nodes whose removal divides the graph into two components of similar size. These algorithms are based on planar separator theorems, ...

Local search starting from an LP solution: Fast and quite good
Article No.: 6, Pages 1.6–1.31

We present and evaluate a specific way to generate good start solutions for local search. The start solution is computed from a certain LP, which is related to the underlying problem. We consider three optimization problems: the directed MAX-CUT problem ...

Reduction rules deliver efficient FPT-algorithms for covering points with lines
Article No.: 7, Pages 1.7–1.26

We present efficient algorithms to solve the Line Cover Problem exactly. In this NP-complete problem, the inputs are n points in the plane and a positive integer k, and we are asked to answer if we can cover these n points with at most k lines. Our ...

Computation in multicriteria matroid optimization
Article No.: 8, Pages 1.8–1.33

Motivated by recent work on algorithmic theory for nonlinear and multicriteria matroid optimization, we have developed algorithms and heuristics aimed at practical solution of large instances of some of these difficult problems. Our methods primarily ...

SECTION: SECTION: 2 - Selected Papers from ALENEX 2008
How much geometry it takes to reconstruct a 2-manifold in R3
Article No.: 2, Pages 2.2–2.17

Known algorithms for reconstructing a 2-manifold from a point sample in R3 are naturally based on decisions/predicates that take the geometry of the point sample into account. Facing the always present problem of round-off errors that easily compromise ...

Geometric algorithms for optimal airspace design and air traffic controller workload balancing
Article No.: 3, Pages 2.3–2.28

The National Airspace System (NAS) is designed to accommodate a large number of flights over North America. For purposes of workload limitations for air traffic controllers, the airspace is partitioned into approximately 600 sectors; each sector is ...

SHARC: Fast and robust unidirectional routing
Article No.: 4, Pages 2.4–2.29

During recent years, impressive speed-up techniques for Dijkstra's have been developed. Unfortunately, the most advanced techniques use bidirectional search, which makes it hard to use them in scenarios where a backward search is prohibited. Even worse, ...

Obtaining optimal k-cardinality trees fast
Article No.: 5, Pages 2.5–2.23

Given an undirected graph G = (V,E) with edge weights and a positive integer number k, the k-cardinality tree problem consists of finding a subtree T of G with exactly k edges and the minimum possible weight. Many algorithms have been proposed to solve ...

Ranking tournaments: Local search and a new algorithm
Article No.: 6, Pages 2.6–2.22

Ranking is a fundamental activity for organizing and, later, understanding data. Advice of the form “a should be ranked before b” is given. If this advice is consistent, and complete, then there is a total ordering on the data and the ranking problem is ...

Shortest-path feasibility algorithms: An experimental evaluation
Article No.: 7, Pages 2.7–2.37

This is an experimental study of algorithms for the shortest-path feasibility problem: Given a directed weighted graph, find a negative cycle or present a short proof that none exists. We study previously known and new algorithms. Our testbed is more ...

SECTION: 3 - Special Issue
Preface to special section of selected papers from WEA 2006
Goal-directed shortest-path queries using precomputed cluster distances
Article No.: 2, Pages 3.2–3.27

We demonstrate how Dijkstra's algorithm for shortest path queries can be accelerated by using precomputed shortest path distances. Our approach allows a completely flexible tradeoff between query time and space consumption for precomputed distances. In ...

Evaluation of online strategies for reordering buffers
Article No.: 3, Pages 3.3–3.14

A sequence of objects that are characterized by their color has to be processed. Their processing order influences how efficiently they can be processed: Each color change between two consecutive objects produces costs. A reordering buffer, which is a ...

Experiments on exact crossing minimization using column generation
Article No.: 4, Pages 3.4–3.18

The crossing number of a graph G is the smallest number of edge crossings in any drawing of G into the plane. Recently, the first branch-and-cut approach for solving the crossing number problem has been presented in Buchheim et al. [2005]. Its major ...

Lists revisited: Cache-conscious STL lists
Article No.: 5, Pages 3.5–3.27

We present three cache-conscious implementations of STL standard compliant lists. Until now, one could either find simple doubly linked list implementations that easily cope with standard strict requirements, or theoretical approaches that do not take ...

Speeding up spatial approximation search in metric spaces
Article No.: 6, Pages 3.6–3.21

Proximity searching consists of retrieving from a database those elements that are similar to a query object. The usual model for proximity searching is a metric space where the distance, which models the proximity, is expensive to compute. An index ...

An experimental investigation of set intersection algorithms for text searching
Article No.: 7, Pages 3.7–3.24

The intersection of large ordered sets is a common problem in the context of the evaluation of boolean queries to a search engine. In this article, we propose several improved algorithms for computing the intersection of sorted arrays, and in particular ...

SECTION: 4 - Regular Papers
Engineering a compressed suffix tree implementation
Article No.: 2, Pages 4.2–4.23

Suffix tree is one of the most important data structures in string algorithms and biological sequence analysis. Unfortunately, when it comes to implementing those algorithms and applying them to real genomic sequences, often the main memory size becomes ...

Algorithms for longer OLED lifetime
Article No.: 3, Pages 4.3–4.17

We consider an optimization problem arising in the design of controllers for OLED displays. Our objective is to minimize the amplitude of the electrical current flowing through the diodes, which has a direct impact on the lifetime of such a display. The ...

Cache-, hash-, and space-efficient bloom filters
Article No.: 4, Pages 4.4–4.18

A Bloom filter is a very compact data structure that supports approximate membership queries on a set, allowing false positives.

We propose several new variants of Bloom filters and replacements with similar functionality. All of them have a better ...

Dynamic trees in practice
Article No.: 5, Pages 4.5–4.23

Dynamic tree data structures maintain forests that change over time through edge insertions and deletions. Besides maintaining connectivity information in logarithmic time, they can support aggregation of information over paths, trees, or both. We ...

Fast minimum-weight double-tree shortcutting for metric TSP: Is the best one good enough?
Article No.: 6, Pages 4.6–4.16

The Metric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classical NP-hard optimization problem. The double-tree shortcutting method for Metric TSP yields an exponentially-sized space of TSP tours, each of which approximates the optimal solution within, at most,...



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