Baotong Cui
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- Baotong Cui
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- Baotong Cui (38)
- Xuyang Lou (24)
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- Xinjian Huang (2)
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- ISDA '06: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications - Volume 01 (1)
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- research-article
Iterative learning control for hyperbolic distributed parameter systems based on sensor–actuator networks
Jianxiang Zhang
School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Science Guangxi University of Science and Tchnology Liuzhou China
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), School of Internet of Things Engineering Jiangnan University Wuxi China
,Baotong Cui
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), School of Internet of Things Engineering Jiangnan University Wuxi China
,Xuyang Lou
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), School of Internet of Things Engineering Jiangnan University Wuxi China
,Wei Wu
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), School of Internet of Things Engineering Jiangnan University Wuxi China
Asian Journal of Control, Volume 25, Issue 3•May 2023, pp 2074-2084 • paper proposes two kinds of iterative learning control (ILC) schemes for a class of the distributed parameter systems based on sensor–actuator networks which can be described by hyperbolic partial differential equations. A D‐type ILC ...
- 1Citation
MetricsTotal Citations1
- research-article
Distributed H∞ Consensus Filtering for Parabolic Distributed Parameter Systems with Multiple Missing Measurements: A Mobile Sensing Approach
Raquel Caballero-Águila,
Xueming Qian
School of Internet of ThingsWuxi Vocational College of Science and TechnologyWuxi
School of Internet of Things EngineeringJiangnan UniversityWuxi
,Baotong Cui
School of Internet of Things EngineeringJiangnan UniversityWuxi
This paper investigates the distributed H∞ consensus filtering issue for a class of distributed parameter systems with bounded disturbance. In a framework of optimizing performance, a new approach to improving filter performance is proposed by employing ...
- 0Citation
MetricsTotal Citations0
- research-article
Event-generator-based H∞ control of fuzzy distributed parameter systems
Huihui Ji
School of Statistics and Mathematics, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 211815, China
,Baotong Cui
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
School of IoT Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Volume 432, Issue C•Mar 2022, pp 28-49 • paper studies the adaptive event-based H ∞ control problem for a class of T-S fuzzy distributed parameter system with parameter uncertain and actuator faults. To overcome the drawback of the period control scheme, an event-...
- 2Citation
MetricsTotal Citations2
- research-article
Fault diagnosis for semilinear distributed parameter systems with actuator/sensor based on iterative learning control
Jianxiang Zhang
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), School of Internet of Things Engineering Jiangnan University Wuxi 214122 China
,Baotong Cui
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), School of Internet of Things Engineering Jiangnan University Wuxi 214122 China
,Xisheng Dai
School of Electrical and Information Engineering Guangxi University of Science and Technology Liuzhou 545006 China
Asian Journal of Control, Volume 24, Issue 1•January 2022, pp 98-110 • paper focuses on the fault diagnosis problem for a class of semilinear distributed parameter systems with actuator and sensor. To diagnose the actual fault, a fault estimator is designed by using an introduced virtual fault for this system. ...
- 2Citation
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- research-article
A neural dynamic system for solving convex nonlinear optimization problems with hybrid constraints
Xinjian Huang
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China 214122
,Baotong Cui
The School of Internet of Things Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China 214122
Neural Computing and Applications, Volume 31, Issue 10•Oct 2019, pp 6027-6038 • paper proposes a neural network model for solving convex nonlinear optimization problems (CNOP) with equality and inequality constraints, whose equilibrium point coincides with the solution of Karush–Kuhn–Tucker points of the CNOP. Based on ...
- 3Citation
MetricsTotal Citations3
- article
State Estimation of Chaotic Lurie Systems via Communication Channel with Transmission Delay
Juanhui Zheng
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China 214122 and School of IoT Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China 214122
,Baotong Cui
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China 214122 and School of IoT Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China 214122
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Volume 37, Issue 10•October 2018, pp 4568-4583 • this paper, the problem of state estimation for nonlinear Lurie systems is studied subject to only the measurable system outputs. We design the state observer, whose input signals are transmitted via the communication channel for state estimation of ...
- 2Citation
MetricsTotal Citations2
- research-article
A novel neural network for solving convex quadratic programming problems subject to equality and inequality constraints
Xinjian Huang
School of IoT Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
,Xuyang Lou
School of IoT Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
,Baotong Cui
School of IoT Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China
Neurocomputing, Volume 214, Issue C•November 2016, pp 23-31 • paper proposes a neural network model for solving convex quadratic programming (CQP) problems, whose equilibrium points coincide with Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) points of the CQP problem. Using the equality transformation and Fischer-Burmeister (FB) ...
- 4Citation
MetricsTotal Citations4
- article
Distributed consensus estimation for diffusion systems with missing measurements over sensor networks
Zhengxian Jiang
School of Science, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
,Baotong Cui
School of IoT Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
,Xuyang Lou
School of IoT Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
International Journal of Systems Science, Volume 47, Issue 12•September 2016, pp 2753-2761 • this paper, the problem of distributed consensus estimation with randomly missing measurements is investigated for a diffusion system over the sensor network. A random variable, the probability of which is known a priori, is used to model the ...
- 0Citation
MetricsTotal Citations0
- article
Adaptive Consensus Filters for Second-Order Distributed Parameter Systems Using Sensor Networks
Xuyang Lou
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China 214122 and Computer Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA 95064
,Baotong Cui
Institute of System Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China 214122
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, Volume 34, Issue 9•September 2015, pp 2801-2818 • and estimation of second-order distributed parameter systems are of importance in mechanical systems. In particular, flexible structures can be modeled as second-order distributed parameter systems. This paper investigates adaptive consensus ...
- 2Citation
MetricsTotal Citations2
- Article
Mean square exponential stability of hybrid neural networks with uncertain switching probabilities
Xuyang Lou
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
,Qian Ye
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
,Ke Lou
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
,Baotong Cui
Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry (Ministry of Education), Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
ICIC'12: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications•July 2012, pp 9-17• paper is concerned with the global exponential stability problem for a class of Markovian jumping recurrent neural networks (MJRNNs) with uncertain switching probabilities. The Markovian jumping recurrent neural networks under consideration involve ...
- 0Citation
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- article
A new delay-dependent synchronisation criterion for Lur'e systems with delay feedback control
Jin Xu
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China.
,Huibin Zhu
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China.
,Baotong Cui
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Volume 42, Issue 1•November 2011, pp 73-80 • paper considers the H__ __< small>< sub> synchronisation of a class time-delayed chaotic systems with external disturbance. based on delay-dividing approach, delay-dependent condition is obtained by constructing new lyapunov functional, and one ...
- 0Citation
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- article
Robust stability of uncertain Markovian jump discrete-time recurrent neural networks with time delays
Ming Gao
College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong 266510, China
,Li Sheng
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
,Baotong Cui
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
International Journal of Systems Science, Volume 41, Issue 12•December 2010, pp 1525-1536 • article is concerned with robust stochastic stability for a class of uncertain Markovian jump discrete-time recurrent neural networks (MJDRNNs) with time delays. The uncertainty is assumed to be of the norm-bounded form. By employing the Lyapunov ...
- 0Citation
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- article
Improved exponential stability criteria for uncertain neutral system with nonlinear parameter perturbations
Fang Qiu
Department of Mathematics and Information Science, Binzhou University, Binzhou, PRC 256603
,Bao-Tong Cui
College of Communications and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, PRC 214122
International Journal of Automation and Computing, Volume 7, Issue 4•November 2010, pp 413-418 • paper investigates the problem of robust exponential stability for neutral systems with time-varying delays and nonlinear perturbations. Based on a novel Lyapunov functional approach and linear matrix inequality technique, a new delay-dependent ...
- 1Citation
MetricsTotal Citations1
- article
Passive control of uncertain multiple input-delayed systems using reduction method
Xuyang Lou
School of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, China
,Baotong Cui
School of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, China
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 80, Issue 12•August, 2010, pp 2258-2271 • order to conveniently analyze stability of uncertain multiple input-delayed closed-loop systems and successfully synthesize passive controllers for a general class of uncertain multiple input-delayed systems with disturbance, the so-called reduction ...
- 0Citation
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- article
Exponential stability of genetic regulatory networks with random delays
Xuyang Lou
School of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
,Qian Ye
School of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
,Baotong Cui
School of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China
Neurocomputing, Volume 73, Issue 4-6•January, 2010, pp 759-769 • paper on global exponential stability in the mean square sense of genetic regulatory networks (GRNs) is motivated by a practical consideration that different genes have different time delays for transcription and translation, and in some cases, ...
- 13Citation
MetricsTotal Citations13
- article
Global exponential stability analysis of delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with distributed delays [International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 38 (2007) p. 601]
Xuyang Lou
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, P.R. China,CSIRO Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences, University of Adelaide, Urrbrae 5064, Australia
,Baotong Cui
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, P.R. China
International Journal of Systems Science, Volume 40, Issue 7•July 2009, pp 783-785 • this article, we indicate that two proposed sufficient conditions in the paper by X.Y. Lou and B.T. Cui [International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 38 (2007) p. 601] were incorrect in general, which cannot guarantee the existence and global ...
- 0Citation
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- Article
Boundedness and stability for the solutions of impulsive neural networks with time-varying delay
Xuyang Lou
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
,Ruliang Wang
Department of Information Technology, Guangxi Teachers Education University, Nanning, China
,Baotong Cui
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
IJCNN'09: Proceedings of the 2009 international joint conference on Neural Networks•June 2009, pp 1946-1952By employing Lyapunov functions and Razumikhin techniques, we analyze the uniform boundedness and uniform asymptotic stability for a large class of impulsive neural networks with time-varying delay. Some new criteria are obtained to ensure the uniform ...
- 0Citation
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- article
Stabilisation of Cellular Neural Networks with time-varying delays and reaction-diffusion terms
Xuyang Lou
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China; CSIRO Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences, Waite Road, Urrbrae, SA 5064, Australia.
,Baotong Cui
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, China; Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119260, Singapore
International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Volume 6, Issue 1/2•January 2009, pp 5-21 • paper deals with the stabilisation problem of Cellular Neural Networks with time-varying delays and reaction-diffusion terms. By constructing proper Lyapunov functionals with respect to the space variables, the stabilisation conditions of delayed ...
- 0Citation
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- article
Synchronization of neural networks based on parameter identification and via output or state coupling
Xuyang Lou
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, PR China and CSIRO Division of Mathematical and Information Sciences, University of Adelaide, Waite Road, Urrbrae 5064, Australia
,Baotong Cui
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, PR China
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 222, Issue 2•December, 2008, pp 440-457 • neural networks with all the parameters unknown, we focus on the global robust synchronization between two coupled neural networks with time-varying delay that are linearly and unidirectionally coupled. First, we use Lyapunov functionals to ...
- 4Citation
MetricsTotal Citations4
- article
Global exponential stability of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with distributed delays
Bao Tong Cui
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, PR China
,Wei Wu
College of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, 1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214122, PR China
Neurocomputing, Volume 72, Issue 1-3•December, 2008, pp 386-391 • this paper, the globally exponential stability of Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with continuously distributed delays is investigated. New theoretical results are presented in the presence of external stimuli. It is shown that the Cohen-Grossberg ...
- 6Citation
MetricsTotal Citations6
Author Profile Pages
- Description: The Author Profile Page initially collects all the professional information known about authors from the publications record as known by the ACM bibliographic database, the Guide. Coverage of ACM publications is comprehensive from the 1950's. Coverage of other publishers generally starts in the mid 1980's. The Author Profile Page supplies a quick snapshot of an author's contribution to the field and some rudimentary measures of influence upon it. Over time, the contents of the Author Profile page may expand at the direction of the community.
Please see the following 2007 Turing Award winners' profiles as examples: - History: Disambiguation of author names is of course required for precise identification of all the works, and only those works, by a unique individual. Of equal importance to ACM, author name normalization is also one critical prerequisite to building accurate citation and download statistics. For the past several years, ACM has worked to normalize author names, expand reference capture, and gather detailed usage statistics, all intended to provide the community with a robust set of publication metrics. The Author Profile Pages reveal the first result of these efforts.
- Normalization: ACM uses normalization algorithms to weigh several types of evidence for merging and splitting names.
These include:- co-authors: if we have two names and cannot disambiguate them based on name alone, then we see if they have a co-author in common. If so, this weighs towards the two names being the same person.
- affiliations: names in common with same affiliation weighs toward the two names being the same person.
- publication title: names in common whose works are published in same journal weighs toward the two names being the same person.
- keywords: names in common whose works address the same subject matter as determined from title and keywords, weigh toward being the same person.
The more conservative the merging algorithms, the more bits of evidence are required before a merge is made, resulting in greater precision but lower recall of works for a given Author Profile. Many bibliographic records have only author initials. Many names lack affiliations. With very common family names, typical in Asia, more liberal algorithms result in mistaken merges.
Automatic normalization of author names is not exact. Hence it is clear that manual intervention based on human knowledge is required to perfect algorithmic results. ACM is meeting this challenge, continuing to work to improve the automated merges by tweaking the weighting of the evidence in light of experience.
- Bibliometrics: In 1926, Alfred Lotka formulated his power law (known as Lotka's Law) describing the frequency of publication by authors in a given field. According to this bibliometric law of scientific productivity, only a very small percentage (~6%) of authors in a field will produce more than 10 articles while the majority (perhaps 60%) will have but a single article published. With ACM's first cut at author name normalization in place, the distribution of our authors with 1, 2, 3..n publications does not match Lotka's Law precisely, but neither is the distribution curve far off. For a definition of ACM's first set of publication statistics, see Bibliometrics
- Future Direction:
The initial release of the Author Edit Screen is open to anyone in the community with an ACM account, but it is limited to personal information. An author's photograph, a Home Page URL, and an email may be added, deleted or edited. Changes are reviewed before they are made available on the live site.
ACM will expand this edit facility to accommodate more types of data and facilitate ease of community participation with appropriate safeguards. In particular, authors or members of the community will be able to indicate works in their profile that do not belong there and merge others that do belong but are currently missing.
A direct search interface for Author Profiles will be built.
An institutional view of works emerging from their faculty and researchers will be provided along with a relevant set of metrics.
It is possible, too, that the Author Profile page may evolve to allow interested authors to upload unpublished professional materials to an area available for search and free educational use, but distinct from the ACM Digital Library proper. It is hard to predict what shape such an area for user-generated content may take, but it carries interesting potential for input from the community.
The ACM DL is a comprehensive repository of publications from the entire field of computing.
It is ACM's intention to make the derivation of any publication statistics it generates clear to the user.
- Average citations per article = The total Citation Count divided by the total Publication Count.
- Citation Count = cumulative total number of times all authored works by this author were cited by other works within ACM's bibliographic database. Almost all reference lists in articles published by ACM have been captured. References lists from other publishers are less well-represented in the database. Unresolved references are not included in the Citation Count. The Citation Count is citations TO any type of work, but the references counted are only FROM journal and proceedings articles. Reference lists from books, dissertations, and technical reports have not generally been captured in the database. (Citation Counts for individual works are displayed with the individual record listed on the Author Page.)
- Publication Count = all works of any genre within the universe of ACM's bibliographic database of computing literature of which this person was an author. Works where the person has role as editor, advisor, chair, etc. are listed on the page but are not part of the Publication Count.
- Publication Years = the span from the earliest year of publication on a work by this author to the most recent year of publication of a work by this author captured within the ACM bibliographic database of computing literature (The ACM Guide to Computing Literature, also known as "the Guide".
- Available for download = the total number of works by this author whose full texts may be downloaded from an ACM full-text article server. Downloads from external full-text sources linked to from within the ACM bibliographic space are not counted as 'available for download'.
- Average downloads per article = The total number of cumulative downloads divided by the number of articles (including multimedia objects) available for download from ACM's servers.
- Downloads (cumulative) = The cumulative number of times all works by this author have been downloaded from an ACM full-text article server since the downloads were first counted in May 2003. The counts displayed are updated monthly and are therefore 0-31 days behind the current date. Robotic activity is scrubbed from the download statistics.
- Downloads (12 months) = The cumulative number of times all works by this author have been downloaded from an ACM full-text article server over the last 12-month period for which statistics are available. The counts displayed are usually 1-2 weeks behind the current date. (12-month download counts for individual works are displayed with the individual record.)
- Downloads (6 weeks) = The cumulative number of times all works by this author have been downloaded from an ACM full-text article server over the last 6-week period for which statistics are available. The counts displayed are usually 1-2 weeks behind the current date. (6-week download counts for individual works are displayed with the individual record.)
ACM Author-Izer Service
Summary Description
ACM Author-Izer is a unique service that enables ACM authors to generate and post links on both their homepage and institutional repository for visitors to download the definitive version of their articles from the ACM Digital Library at no charge.
Downloads from these sites are captured in official ACM statistics, improving the accuracy of usage and impact measurements. Consistently linking to definitive version of ACM articles should reduce user confusion over article versioning.
ACM Author-Izer also extends ACM’s reputation as an innovative “Green Path” publisher, making ACM one of the first publishers of scholarly works to offer this model to its authors.
To access ACM Author-Izer, authors need to establish a free ACM web account. Should authors change institutions or sites, they can utilize the new ACM service to disable old links and re-authorize new links for free downloads from a different site.
How ACM Author-Izer Works
Authors may post ACM Author-Izer links in their own bibliographies maintained on their website and their own institution’s repository. The links take visitors to your page directly to the definitive version of individual articles inside the ACM Digital Library to download these articles for free.
The Service can be applied to all the articles you have ever published with ACM.
Depending on your previous activities within the ACM DL, you may need to take up to three steps to use ACM Author-Izer.
For authors who do not have a free ACM Web Account:
- Go to the ACM DL and click SIGN UP. Once your account is established, proceed to next step.
For authors who have an ACM web account, but have not edited their ACM Author Profile page:
- Sign in to your ACM web account and go to your Author Profile page. Click "Add personal information" and add photograph, homepage address, etc. Click ADD AUTHOR INFORMATION to submit change. Once you receive email notification that your changes were accepted, you may utilize ACM Author-izer.
For authors who have an account and have already edited their Profile Page:
- Sign in to your ACM web account, go to your Author Profile page in the Digital Library, look for the ACM Author-izer link below each ACM published article, and begin the authorization process. If you have published many ACM articles, you may find a batch Authorization process useful. It is labeled: "Export as: ACM Author-Izer Service"
ACM Author-Izer also provides code snippets for authors to display download and citation statistics for each “authorized” article on their personal pages. Downloads from these pages are captured in official ACM statistics, improving the accuracy of usage and impact measurements. Consistently linking to the definitive version of ACM articles should reduce user confusion over article versioning.
Note: You still retain the right to post your author-prepared preprint versions on your home pages and in your institutional repositories with DOI pointers to the definitive version permanently maintained in the ACM Digital Library. But any download of your preprint versions will not be counted in ACM usage statistics. If you use these AUTHOR-IZER links instead, usage by visitors to your page will be recorded in the ACM Digital Library and displayed on your page.
- Q. What is ACM Author-Izer?
A. ACM Author-Izer is a unique, link-based, self-archiving service that enables ACM authors to generate and post links on either their home page or institutional repository for visitors to download the definitive version of their articles for free.
- Q. What articles are eligible for ACM Author-Izer?
- A. ACM Author-Izer can be applied to all the articles authors have ever published with ACM. It is also available to authors who will have articles published in ACM publications in the future.
- Q. Are there any restrictions on authors to use this service?
- A. No. An author does not need to subscribe to the ACM Digital Library nor even be a member of ACM.
- Q. What are the requirements to use this service?
- A. To access ACM Author-Izer, authors need to have a free ACM web account, must have an ACM Author Profile page in the Digital Library, and must take ownership of their Author Profile page.
- Q. What is an ACM Author Profile Page?
- A. The Author Profile Page initially collects all the professional information known about authors from the publications record as known by the ACM Digital Library. The Author Profile Page supplies a quick snapshot of an author's contribution to the field and some rudimentary measures of influence upon it. Over time, the contents of the Author Profile page may expand at the direction of the community. Please visit the ACM Author Profile documentation page for more background information on these pages.
- Q. How do I find my Author Profile page and take ownership?
- A. You will need to take the following steps:
- Create a free ACM Web Account
- Sign-In to the ACM Digital Library
- Find your Author Profile Page by searching the ACM Digital Library for your name
- Find the result you authored (where your author name is a clickable link)
- Click on your name to go to the Author Profile Page
- Click the "Add Personal Information" link on the Author Profile Page
- Wait for ACM review and approval; generally less than 24 hours
- Q. Why does my photo not appear?
- A. Make sure that the image you submit is in .jpg or .gif format and that the file name does not contain special characters
- Q. What if I cannot find the Add Personal Information function on my author page?
- A. The ACM account linked to your profile page is different than the one you are logged into. Please logout and login to the account associated with your Author Profile Page.
- Q. What happens if an author changes the location of his bibliography or moves to a new institution?
- A. Should authors change institutions or sites, they can utilize ACM Author-Izer to disable old links and re-authorize new links for free downloads from a new location.
- Q. What happens if an author provides a URL that redirects to the author’s personal bibliography page?
- A. The service will not provide a free download from the ACM Digital Library. Instead the person who uses that link will simply go to the Citation Page for that article in the ACM Digital Library where the article may be accessed under the usual subscription rules.
However, if the author provides the target page URL, any link that redirects to that target page will enable a free download from the Service.
- Q. What happens if the author’s bibliography lives on a page with several aliases?
- A. Only one alias will work, whichever one is registered as the page containing the author’s bibliography. ACM has no technical solution to this problem at this time.
- Q. Why should authors use ACM Author-Izer?
- A. ACM Author-Izer lets visitors to authors’ personal home pages download articles for no charge from the ACM Digital Library. It allows authors to dynamically display real-time download and citation statistics for each “authorized” article on their personal site.
- Q. Does ACM Author-Izer provide benefits for authors?
- A. Downloads of definitive articles via Author-Izer links on the authors’ personal web page are captured in official ACM statistics to more accurately reflect usage and impact measurements.
Authors who do not use ACM Author-Izer links will not have downloads from their local, personal bibliographies counted. They do, however, retain the existing right to post author-prepared preprint versions on their home pages or institutional repositories with DOI pointers to the definitive version permanently maintained in the ACM Digital Library.
- Q. How does ACM Author-Izer benefit the computing community?
- A. ACM Author-Izer expands the visibility and dissemination of the definitive version of ACM articles. It is based on ACM’s strong belief that the computing community should have the widest possible access to the definitive versions of scholarly literature. By linking authors’ personal bibliography with the ACM Digital Library, user confusion over article versioning should be reduced over time.
In making ACM Author-Izer a free service to both authors and visitors to their websites, ACM is emphasizing its continuing commitment to the interests of its authors and to the computing community in ways that are consistent with its existing subscription-based access model.
- Q. Why can’t I find my most recent publication in my ACM Author Profile Page?
- A. There is a time delay between publication and the process which associates that publication with an Author Profile Page. Right now, that process usually takes 4-8 weeks.
- Q. How does ACM Author-Izer expand ACM’s “Green Path” Access Policies?
- A. ACM Author-Izer extends the rights and permissions that authors retain even after copyright transfer to ACM, which has been among the “greenest” publishers. ACM enables its author community to retain a wide range of rights related to copyright and reuse of materials. They include:
- Posting rights that ensure free access to their work outside the ACM Digital Library and print publications
- Rights to reuse any portion of their work in new works that they may create
- Copyright to artistic images in ACM’s graphics-oriented publications that authors may want to exploit in commercial contexts
- All patent rights, which remain with the original owner