We are glad to present, also this year, STAST, the Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust. The workshop, in its 7th edition, is once more time and proudly co-located with the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC).
At its conception, STAST has been thought as a forum for researchers who are interested in security and have 14 the challenge to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of the subject, being them computer scientists venturing in other domains or the vice-versa, other domains' experts interested in steering their research to include security aspects.
Proceeding Downloads
Investigation of the effect of fear and stress on password choice
Background. The current cognitive state, such as cognitive effort and depletion [22], incidental affect or stress may impact the strength of a chosen password unconsciously.
Aim. We investigate the effect of incidental fear and stress on the measured ...
Addressing misconceptions about password security effectively
Nowadays, most users need more passwords than they can handle. Consequently, users have developed a multitude of strategies to cope with this situation. Some of these coping strategies are based on misconceptions about password security. In such cases, ...
A qualitative study on usability and acceptability of Yubico security key
Individual concerns about account takeover and subversion are well-documented. Surveys indicate that concerns for the privacy and security of online accounts are widely shared. Adopting Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is an action that individuals can ...
Making sense of sensors: mobile sensor security awareness and education
Mobile sensors have already proved to be helpful to different aspects of people's everyday lives such as fitness, gaming, navigation, etc. However, illegitimate access to these sensors provides a malicious program running with an exploit path. While the ...
FoxIT: enhancing mobile users' privacy behavior by increasing knowledge and awareness
Albeit offering many benefits, smartphones can pose a severe privacy threat to users. While some users might simply be not aware of privacy issues, others are highly motivated to protect their data, but lack the ability and knowledge to do so. We ...
Towards a comprehensive analytical framework for smart toy privacy practices
Smart toys are becoming increasingly popular with children and parents alike, primarily due to the toys' dynamic nature, superior-interactivity, and apparent educational value. However, as these toys may be Internet-connected, and equipped with various ...
A child recognition system based on image selection patterns
In recent years, a market of games and learning websites and apps for children has grown everywhere in the world. With the increasing development of online services on various devices such as PCs, smartphones and tablets, it is important to recognize ...
Work in progress: Fearful users' privacy intentions: an empirical investigation
Background. While recent research has found that the affect dimension of privacy attitude is fear focused [14], fear is known in psychology literature to be asymmetric to one's self-efficacy [5], that is one's belief in successfully solving a problem. ...