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MADiMa '22: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management
ACM2022 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
MM '22: The 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia Lisboa Portugal 10 October 2022
24 October 2022

Reflects downloads up to 18 Feb 2025Bibliometrics
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 7th International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management -- MADiMa 2022. After the success of the past MADiMa workshops, we would like to present to you the MADiMa 2022 to be held with the 30th ACM International Conference in Multimedia 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal. For the second time, MADiMa and the International Workshop on Multimedia for Cooking, Eating, and related APPlications (CEA) are organized at the same place. The workshop provides a platform, in which researchers, students, and industry players can meet in order to explore and discuss state of the art in research and technology, to investigate the challenges faced during the design and development of multimedia assisted dietary assessment and management systems, as well as to exchange ideas in future research trends.

The call for papers attracted submissions from Asia, Europe, and the United States. The workshop had in total 11 submissions. A double-blind review process yielded to 10 papers that were accepted in this year's program. The workshop is complemented by three invited speakers: Dr. Arindam Ghosh, from Oviva AG, will present the mediPiatto project, in which an AI-based end-to-end automatic system was developed to estimate the Mediterranean Diet Adherence of users, Oliver Amft, from University of Freiburg, Germany, will discuss about the use of sensors and wearable devices in automated dietary monitoring and technology-based dietary intervention, and George Hadjigeorgiou, co-founder of ZOE, will present his mission to improve the health of millions by moving the world from calorie counting and foods that poison our health to the truth of personalized advice based on how food affects our bodies and health. We believe that using OpenReview together with Microsoft CMT (or a similar tool) will raise the scientific standards and extend the scientific impact of future ACM Multimedia editions.

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SESSION: Invited Talk 1
The Quest towards Automated Dietary Monitoring & Intervention in Free-living

In the first part of this talk, I will review the hunt for sensors that started of the field of automated dietary monitoring (ADM) and continues to play a role in shaping current research. Moreover, I will describe the eyeglasses-based sensors that we ...

SESSION: Oral Paper 1 Session
Real Scale Hungry Networks: Real Scale 3D Reconstruction of a Dish and a Plate using Implicit Function and a Single RGB-D Image

The management of dietary calorie content using information technology has become an essential topic in the multimedia field of research in recent years. Therefore, many researchers and companies are conducting research and developing applications. Many ...

Chewing Detection from Commercial Smart-glasses

Automatic dietary monitoring has progressed significantly during the last years, offering a variety of solutions, both in terms of sensors and algorithms as well as in terms of what aspect or parameters of eating behavior are measured and monitored. ...

Learning Multi-Subset of Classes for Fine-Grained Food Recognition

Food image recognition is a complex computer vision task, because of the large number of fine-grained food classes. Fine-grained recognition tasks focus on learning subtle discriminative details to distinguish similar classes. In this paper, we ...

SESSION: Invited Talk 3
mediPiatto: Using AI to Assess and Improve Mediterranean Diet Adherence

Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of Mediterranean Diet Adherence (MDA) to improved long-term weight loss outcomes, positive effects on cardiovascular health, and decrease in complications among diabetic patients. However, manual ...

SESSION: Oral Paper 2 Session
Text-based Image Editing for Food Images with CLIP

Recently, the large-scale language-image pre-trained model, such as CLIP, has drawn much attention due to its remarkable ability for various tasks, including classification and image synthesis. The combination of CLIP and GAN can be used for text-based ...

Open Access
World Food Atlas for Food Navigation

Food plays a central role in agriculture, public wellness, public health, culinary art, and culture. Food-related data is available in varying formats and with different access levels ranging from private datasets to publicly downloadable data. Every ...

SESSION: Poster Session
SetMealAsYouLike: Sketch-based Set Meal Image Synthesis with Plate Annotations

By using semantic segmentation dataset with pixel-wise annotation for training GANs, image generation from a given mask image drawn by a user is possible. However, regarding mask-based food image synthesis, the existing food segmentation datasets have ...

DepthGrillCam: A Mobile Application for Real-time Eating Action Recording Using RGB-D Images

An automatic meal recording is one of typical applications of image recognition technology. In fact, some mobile apps on meal recording have been released so far. Most of the apps assume that a user takes a meal photo before start eating. However, this ...

Open Access
Simulating Personal Food Consumption Patterns using a Modified Markov Chain

Food image classification serves as the foundation of image-based dietary assessment to predict food categories. Since there are many different food classes in real life, conventional models cannot achieve sufficiently high accuracy. Personalized ...

Open Access
Automatic Classification of High vs. Low Individual Nutrition Literacy Levels from Loyalty Card Data in Switzerland

The increasingly prevalent diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) constitute a modern health pandemic. Higher nutrition literacy (NL) correlates with healthier diets, which in turn has favorable effects on NCDs. Assessing and classifying people's ...

AI-Assisted Food Intake Activity Recognition Using 3D mmWave Radars

The automatic recognition of when and for how long a person is eating a certain food or drinking has applications in telecare, smarthome data monetization, and diet control. Existing food recognition systems either recognize the type of the food, but ...

  • University of Bern
  • University of Catania
  • The University of Electro-Communications
  • University of Catania
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Acceptance Rates

MADiMa '22 Paper Acceptance Rate 9 of 10 submissions, 90%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 16 of 24 submissions, 67%
MADiMa '2210990%
MADiMa '1614750%