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Welcome to the First International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering (SEmotion 2016), collocated with ICSE 2016.
SEmotion 2016 addresses the opportunities and challenges of combining affective computing studies with research on human aspects in software engineering. On the one hand, we aim at investigating the impact of affective states (emotions, moods, attitudes, personality traits, etc.) on individual and group performance, commitment, and collaboration in software engineering. On the other hand, we aim at fostering discussion on issues posed by exploiting affective computing as a new method for empirical software engineering.
Leveraging emotion awareness in software engineering could enhance the development performance, the quality of software, the mood regulation within a project team, and lead to fruitful interactions with all stakeholders involved in the software engineering domain. Recent research has shown a significant impact of human affect on work performance and on team collaboration. This also applies for software engineering that involves people in a broad range of activities, where personality traits, moods, and emotions play a crucial role. For successful software engineering projects, stakeholders often need to experience positive affect (such as trust, appreciation, or positive feelings associated to rewarding), to agree on display rules for emotions and moods, and to hold mutual commitment to the project goals. Furthermore, personality traits, moods, and emotions contribute to the affective climate of a project or an organization, since affective states are constantly experienced and communicated through direct or computer-mediated interactions.
SEmotion naturally reflects a recent emerging trend to study the role of human affect in software engineering. Contributions on this topic have been presented and discussed in diverse conferences and workshops due to a lack of a dedicated forum. With this first edition of SEmotion, we aim at creating an international, sustainable forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the role of affect in software engineering to meet, present, and discuss their work-in-progress.
Proceeding Downloads
Fun with software developers and biometrics: invited talk
The use of low-cost, widely available, biometric sensors has skyrocketed over the past few years, enabling anyone to measure how their physiological signals change as they go about their daily lives. We use these sensors to understand software ...
Affective trust as a predictor of successful collaboration in distributed software projects
Building trust among remote developers is challenging because trust typically grows through close face-to-face interaction. In this paper, we present the preparatory design of an empirical study aimed to assess whether affective trust, established ...
Outcomes of emotional content from agile team forum posts
Social media and discussion centric collaborative tools have become an integral part of software development team communication. Accessible by mobile apps and alongside development tools, these tools provide a medium for conversation and enable teams to ...
Understanding question quality through affective aspect in Q&A site
Ever since the Internet has become widely available, question and answer sites have been used as a knowledge sharing service. Users ask the community about how to solve problems, hoping that there will be someone to provide a solution. However, not ...
Cognitive-affective modelling approach in tutoring system
This paper describes an investigation centered around modeling students' cognitive-affective factors while learning mathematics with an Intelligent Tutoring System. The proposal focuses on the identification of intrinsic and extrinsic factors exhibited ...
Psychophysiological observing and analysis tool for user experience
Studies related to the analysis of psychophysiological responses have become increasingly relevant in HCI. However, the available tools lack systematic and extensive analyses that cover the complexity and asymmetry of psychophysiological sensors, and ...
Towards an emotionally aware development environment: invited talk
The paper takes a position on enhancing existing development environments to support awareness of developer affect. To realize this, the environment needs to implicitly interface with biometric devices such as an eye tracker. Such development ...
Hands-on sensors 101: invited session
This will be a one hour long practicum where attendees, guided by experts, will try out biometric sensors and equipment, including eye trackers, electrodermal activity sensors, and heart rate monitors. Attendees will write code to collect data from a ...
- Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering