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Estimating tourism statistics with Wikipedia page views
Decision makers depend on socio-economic indicators to shape the world we inhabit. Reports of these indicators are often delayed due to the effort involved in gathering and aggregating the underlying data. Our increasing interactions with large scale ...
DNA: From Search to Observation Revisited
In this paper, we describe extensions to the process model first described in the paper "From Search to Observation" based on additional field interview work. This process model forms part of a triad of perspectives under the banner of a methodology ...
Does Dialectal Variation Matter in Term-Based Feature Selection of Sentiment Analysis?: An Investigation into Multi-dialectal Chinese Microblogs
This paper examines the feature selection procedures of sentiment analysis on a multi-dialectal language. We analyzed a dataset with over 6 million microblogs in China, a multi-dialectal country, deployed sentiment classifier to examine the positive/...
Predicting Political Polarization from Cyberbalkanization: Time series analysis of Facebook pages and Opinion Poll during the Hong Kong Occupy Movement
The purpose of this study is to investigate the temporal association between cyberbalkanization and real life polarization of public opinion during the Hong Kong Occupy Movement in 2014. 1,387 Facebook Pages about Hong Kong during July 1 to December 15, ...
Automatic Identification of Personal Life Events in Twitter
New social media has led to an explosion in personal digital data that encompasses both those expressions of self chosen by the individual as well as reflections of self provided by other, third parties. The resulting Digital Personhood (DP) data is ...
Cross-Social Network Collaborative Recommendation
Online social networks have become an essential part of our daily life, and an increasing number of users are using multiple online social networks simultaneously. We hypothesize that the integration of data from multiple social networks could boost the ...
Spread and Skepticism: Metrics of Propagation on Twitter
Social media has become part of modern news reporting, used by journalists to spread information and find sources, or as a news source by individuals. The quest for prominence and recognition on sites like Twitter can sometimes eclipse accuracy and lead ...
A values and psychological attribute analysis of the Scottish Independence Referendum context in Twitter
Schwartz (Andrew) [1] argues that inter-disciplinary approaches involving computational linguistics and the social sciences are needed to make sense of big data in social networks. The social psychology tool, the Schwartz (Shalom) Values Model [2] is ...
The influence of visual salience on video consumption behavior: A survival analysis approach
In an increasingly competitive media environment, producers of online content need analytics that can predict the success of a video. In recent years the field of visual computation has produced a variety of mathematical models that quantify an image's ...
What do academics ask their online networks?: An analysis of questions posed via Academia.edu
Social networking sites (SNS) aimed at academics have the potential to enhance academic practice through developing an online academic identity and as a portal to further opportunities for collaboration and communication. This paper explores part of the ...
Diversity Analysis of Web Search Results
Are web search results usually dominated by major websites and therefore lacking diversity? In this paper, we aim to answer this question by quantitatively modelling the diversity of search results for popular queries using two diversity measures well-...
Prosopography is Greek for Facebook: The SNAP:DRGN Project
In this paper, we present SNAP:DRGN, a pilot project intended to support Ancient World Linked Open Data through the creation of persistent identifiers for person and person-like entities. We introduce the linked data landscape as it exists with respect ...
The Web Practice of Mathematicians on the Web: An Insight into Significant but Neglected Web Groups
In this paper, we describe the findings from a three-year multi-phased investigation into the Web practice of online mathematics communities. Our results indicate that the equivalent technologies that enable text-input or image-uploads without the need ...
Real-time Social Media Analytics through Semantic Annotation and Linked Open Data
This paper describes an open source framework for analysing large volume social media content, which comprises semantic annotation, Linked Open Data, semantic search, dynamic result aggregation, and information visualisation. In particular, exploratory ...
Webscraping as an Investigation Tool to Identify Potential Human Trafficking Operations in Romania
Information communication technology has enabled criminals to remain distant from the crimes they commit with reduced risk. However, by moving this underground criminal activity online, digital evidence of communication with members of the crime group, ...
Supply and demand of independent UK music artists on the web
As in any dynamic market, supply and demand of music are in a constant state of disequilibrium. Music charts have for many years documented the demand for the most popular music, but a more comprehensive understanding of this market has remained beyond ...
Reddit.com: A census of subreddits
The Social News site reddit.com is composed of thousands of independent user-created subreddits where people use the site's submission and voting features in a variety of ways. This paper offers a brief overview of different types of subreddit and how ...
Social Influencer Analysis with Factorization Machines
How will the reputations of individuals in a social network be influenced by their communities in a quantitative way? This work attempts to observe the collaborative events occurring at individuals involved in a social network to obtain such crucial ...
Twitter as a Political Network: Predicting the Following and Unfollowing Behavior of German Politicians
It has widely been observed that many public figures and in particular politicians use Twitter as a medium for communication with their fans or followers. However, Twitter is also used by public figures for communication among themselves, allowing ...
Quotes in forum.rpg.net
We analyse the usage of quotes in forum.rpg.net, the largest online forum on tabletop roleplaying games. Quote usage appears pervasive and surprisingly consistent over time and users; it seems to have a role in aiding intra-thread navigation; and it ...
Infowar on the Web: When the Caliphate goes Online
The Middle-East has witnessed a tremendous increase in Information Warfare Operations on the Web in the last two years. The strategy developed by the ISIS group to increase visibility and reach takes advantage of various core competencies of digital ...
Linguistic influence patterns within the global network of Wikipedia language editions
The Internet is highly multilingual, and its content is created, shared, debated and shaped within many different language-speaking communities. These communities do not exist in isolation, but communicate and influence each other's interests, just as ...
Tweet if you will: the real question is, who do you influence?
Large numbers of today's businesses use social media in advertising. There is a belief in a great opportunity, even if return on investment is difficult to quantify. To fill this gap we consider a cross-media-platform-analysis across Facebook, Twitter ...
Digitizing »Digital Methods« The Journey of a Research Domain from a Book into the Semantic Web
This paper introduces an approach to classification and formalization of interdisciplinary social research with the web. The research project built upon an initial arraying work of Richard Rogers that introduced digital methods as a new form of research ...
Exploring Long Running News Stories using Wikipedia
A significant portion of today's news articles are part of long running stories. To better understand the context of these stories journalists, social scientists and other scholars use news collections to find temporal and topical insights. However ...
Abstractions, Expressions and Online Collectives
Groups of people or collectives, possess a number of interesting properties even in the online world. While there are associated with positive connotations like "The Wisdom of the Crowd," not all collectives are wise. In this paper, we analyze ...
Prediction of Malware Propagation and Links within Communities in Social Media Based Events
This paper is aimed at studying malware propagation on social media and community link prediction. Twitter is taken as the social media platform and data is collected using Twitter4j and MongoDB. A high interaction client honeypot is used to classify ...
Towards Real-time Lifetime Prediction of Information Diffusion
In this paper, we provide the first steps towards real-time, large-scale prediction of the lifetime of information diffusion processes.
Crowdsourcing ground truth for Question Answering using CrowdTruth
Gathering training and evaluation data for open domain tasks, such as general question answering, is a challenging task. Typically, ground truth data is provided by human expert annotators, however, in an open domain experts are difficult to define. ...
TweetSense: Context Recovery for Orphan Tweets by Exploiting Social Signals in Twitter
As the popularity of Twitter, and the volume of tweets increased dramatically, hashtags have naturally evolved to become a de facto context providing/categorizing mechanism on Twitter. Despite their wide-spread adoption, fueled in part by hashtag ...
Men eat on Mars, Women on Venus?: An Empirical Study of Food-Images
Culinary preferences contribute significantly to the sense of ourself [2]. While gender, race, sexuality and ethnicity describe our "major identity", preferences in music, style and food define our "minor identity". However, we find that only certain ...
'Digital Wildfires': a challenge to the governance of social media?
- Helena Webb,
- Marina Jirotka,
- Bernd Carsten Stahl,
- William Housley,
- Adam Edwards,
- Matthew Williams,
- Rob Procter,
- Omer Rana,
- Pete Burnap
The increasing popularity of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr has been accompanied by concerns over the growing prevalence of 'harmful' online interactions. The term 'digital wildfire' has been coined to ...
Wikipedia Page View Reflects Web Search Trend
The frequency of a web search keyword generally reflects the degree of public interest in a particular subject matter. Search logs are therefore useful resources for trend analysis. However, access to search logs is typically restricted to search engine ...
Observing Social Web for Smog Disaster Forecasting
Smog disasters are greatly affected by social activities such as driving. In this poster, we observe social web to enhance smog disaster forecasting. Different kinds of social indicators are measured from social web data with a social web data ...
On Publication Usage in a Social Bookmarking System
Scholarly success is traditionally measured in terms of citations to publications. With the advent of publication management and digital libraries on the web, scholarly usage data has become a target of investigation and new impact metrics computed on ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the ACM Web Science Conference
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
Websci Companion '24 | 58 | 27 | 47% |
WebSci '19 | 130 | 41 | 32% |
WebSci '19 | 130 | 41 | 32% |
WebSci '18 | 113 | 30 | 27% |
WebSci '17 | 85 | 30 | 35% |
WebSci '16 | 70 | 13 | 19% |
WebSci '14 | 144 | 29 | 20% |
WebSci '11 | 203 | 34 | 17% |
Overall | 933 | 245 | 26% |